Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 25, 1871, Image 2
vY x J Editor. E. WILVERT. " SUNr.UUY, NOVEMnEIl 2.Cl3"l- Nearly every Tanntmny lender of Now York ci'y 1ms liail his name associated w'.th smie Savings, State, or National Bank in that city. Men whoso knowledge of I'.nnuc was ns limited ns their ticquain Uuec Willi integrity, boldly assumed the tiuiifivrientof finaneial Institutions which (,:y the ;;realeol expertcuco and attention VmM eantml successfully, with the down fall of the Ring these, banks were terribly sh ikon, and already some have failed while several moro will probably follow. I'at. IlETEn. The Democrat of last week, referring to the arrest of this renown ed leader of the "Ring Democracy" of this county, Rpenks of him as the "Sunhm-y AmerLxoi'K candidate for ShcrilV." This is not only ungrateful, but decidedly cool on the part of Pat's quondam friend and sup porter.' Does the Democrat expect ti es cape tlio effects of former associations with 1'rtt, by practicing the uld dodge of "stop thief-' bv aUeinntinsr to turn hint over to the tender mercies of the Republicans. In- graliluite is a ba?e crime. Do not cast off j our friends wheTitn trouble, ot when they have "outlived their usefulness." I'at is just as good now, nud you know it, morally and politically, ns ho was three years since, when ho was t he great Mogul of tlio Dem ocratic party, nnd did nil the dirty work that wns required, for a consideration, namely the Sheriff's olliee. If you cannot keep your promise, don't add insult to in " -f"nde. This Russian in.i... . ,', . , , i.i. tt i T Vv". Alexia has arrived at last. lie landed (it tne Kf New York on the 20th While on his vlnit to the United Slates, lie will bo sub jected to fashionable circles of largo cities, and will scarcely get to see or hear the genuine royalty of this nation tlio men who made it great by their genius nnd en terprise, and the women who ndorn it with their domestic virtues, thrift and beauty. He will scarcely hnva an opportunity to see any other people but those who belong to the shoddy aristocracy, who nre purse proud ignorant and arrogant. Rings are having- a hard light in all puis of the country, in municipal, Stale and national alliiirs. There, is no mistak ing the signs of the times ou this subject. Everywhere people are opening their eyes to I'm fact that unless they tako a larger interest in politics, demanding and com manding what they want to preserve purity of action and honesty of purpose in public n flairs, iiuam will become too otrong for tlio people, and where turn lmpricns the people will not be allowed a voice in tlio govern ment. "With Constitutional reform and the uprising of the people against rings, we expect to see the most wondcrfull re.j'js tion in polities in the next two vy, .. ' ' . , ,i , . , Kepuuliean yet been accom:)'N'-' 1 , It is, perhaps, rather late lor England l extend any practical benefit to our people on account of Slavery having been original ly planted hero by Englishmen ; but certain ivligiou.i leaders, to atone for EnglamVs fehiire in iu'.lieiiiig upon us that "sum of all villainies," propose to send inissionurics to the rreedmen of Hie South. It is now too Inte to expiate a, but this genera tiou is dUp'ised to ncqult England of ull responsibility for American Slavery. Ocit neighbor of tho Democrat, since the late election, apppnr to give Pat Ulster the cold Why is it neighbor that I'at was a good enough Irishman after the lute primary election in your estimation and now you 'wish to "shelve" him ns a e;r., lidato for Sheriff? Is it because he could not bring in the same returns nt the October election that were sent in at the Democratic primary election? Tmc Democrats are a queer set of fellows. The Harrisburg J'Mriot abuses (iov. Geary bee iu3l' ho refuiad i ) tppoint n l)i mtxr.d rrethonoiaiy of Columbia county to the vacancy caused by tha death of the late t!eii. Eut. When has a IVihocratie Go vernor or lYesidjnl appointed u politieial "pponert to olliee, that sueli "generosity" should be expected from Republicans ? Tmk tax-payers of Northumberland cuiiniy are ani. nis to know whether it U customary for tint .Sheriil' to employ criini n. lis scntimerd to lie laininhed by being con limd in the county Jail, to do bis hUVe work nnd do errands generally about town, nud he charge iluir hoard to.lhe Commis sioners. Perhaps our neighbor nfiho Ihmo. ; if might uV.ig'oten l!i in on I he hubj et. Till". Lrgu Machine Shop nud I'ouii lry at CoiuieliLi Pa., owned by W. (i. Case, i'Nipj was destroyed by lire on WcdneMlay last. The hi is itiinut' d at about 10, trod. Insuiaut'u !I,0IM. The building Ui'e supposed to have caught from c.'fi in s. I Tui:i:t: no (pk.tiou t'.eil the ( !i .ler i iiul.Nvw York it' tea in it. A givnl many c ues ii:u appeared oil thckleaiuer I'r.iuk liu, lying at (lu traiitiue, a l ir.i umuh- r of v Inch pr ived lliial. nor have the cu. l. i u I onllued I i tin i i ho were att u kid with iiiv.i ! d'.irin llm vy.igi. The A.'.niii' ''i f itiui!ti ill.' exiiteiiee of the dii':iu uud .iy : It rn.eiluk iio ' il'aiiiilol in in, r itin tlikeasit broiiglit ly tho .l. aioer r'ruuklin i.ii Ntiur.liy, iin, n nv i xti udlli miiioiijj le-r pn.ix n rt nt ii'irauiiiie, i i r u leu Ihu tpeiee iitlielioii kuoMli it A 4l'e ilioUia. li u it i cert iiuly 4 vuuleiit lol'iiMif eli il. r.i, tt 1. 1 1 M i ni i IhioI Ihu lunsl waU'ltliil I'.im of Ihu ipi ir iidioo olll f 19 p liolu ;.ri:iiUn. in Majoii i. . II. Nkvim, foriinrly of Cmulu ihuel county, sil l until hieuppolitl loellt, I hlul of till) lliltel.ill of ila i.lJ llnl i; tsoi lauree iu iIm horuul the U i.ur ll llm I re.isili y, W4 lust r. k HiHinU.i Vi!i.M Agvutui I'lnUdi Ipli4 nt U' of M ij r A. It. I hIIioiiu, ftsiiicd, ill ..r Suvni 4i mi i ill-. r :u tl." Il i" t". it iniit iImi ur. sii'l r cm in iiLJ . It. la ) ..lll'ili ty fUJlu. i .ii.i tu i.nd s .11 1 1. . li"i uu4 ( .. .1 .ll . l . li t I 4 II. B. MASSES, An I'urncut Word to Thome or onr Nubacrlbcra who have failed to Pay up. inOSE WHO OWE V NOTHING SEED HOT READ THIS IT IS NOT INTENDED FOR TJIKM. "Wo hope, however, that every subscri ber, who has not settled with us, will read what follows and take ndvnr.Uige of the suggestions : We do not desire to dun you, nnd yet, for the life of us, wedonotsee how we can avoid it. You fail to pay nnd wo need our moitey badly. If thcra were only ono, or two, or n dozen, or even a hundred of you, wo might very readily stand it, but when vnn nru told tlint out, of the 1000 bona fide subscribers oil our list, not ono half of the number have paid up for the year 18(1, vou becin to see that it licurrs np an aggre gate that will run our establishment tour or iivu months, llut independent of the inconvenienco we sustain, in not having our money nud in being obliged to make our creditors wait, it is only additional ex- ni-iisn unnn vou.? And holt) wo desiro to say that there is no man in Huntingdon county so poor that ho cannot take and pay two dollars a venr for his county paper. Where Is tho man, wo ask, who cannot save one dollar, in six months, for a newspaper? Aud as to the relativo influence of the iiGWHiinner. it is next to tlio liiblo ; the latter teaches tho way to Heaven, while tho former teaches the way ol tlio w ono. huh no one can exnect to make much headway, either hero or hereafter without a pretty nc.cur.ila knowledge of both. Rut this is a Tim rich man inst as frequent ly fails to pay ns the poor man. Why V liiwnilRi. llfl ((illKiilcl'S tWO dollar1 a mere triile, nnd, we suppose, thinks we regard it in tho same light. W e nngni were ii uoi for Mm fremicnt duns that are thrust at us. Mot remember Mm ocean is niado up of mprn tinn renins of sand. 13ut outside of our needy circumstances we would like to get our subscription business to ns near a cash basis as possible. We can't havo a very good opinion of the subscriber who nllo'ws bin subscription to run for years without making nn effort to pay up, and before any of our subscribers havo time to run up bills we want them to pay up nnd keep pa ul up." M w .,,. t)ic nbovc r.., i i1C! Huntingdon Joiuvidf, and can cuou-ar every and adopt it as our own. What U the ex perience of the Journal is the experience on 1 , . , I nearly every country primer, ju iimiiiii.ii to the money due us on subscription, there is considerable duo us for job work nnd advertising which wo greatly need. We are sending out bills to nil who owe us, nnd hope they will be promptly responded to. It is our intention to make improvements on the paper, but unless wo get what is duo us we will he limbic to do so. In order to make fiirlhcijitnprovenicnts in the Ameri can, we must have money, nnd we trust that our friends throughout the county will lend us aid by making exertions to circulate the nancr still more extensively nmoni ",eir neighbors, nnd continue to sen-l us lists of j . ., T. i -i .,11,7 Mm .iiiiii. new subscribers. It deadly the tluap I est paper in the county, being only Srl.oJ j per nnnuni. The price is so low that every : family in the count v can afford to tako a . ri?.. . . l ( copy. Ed. Asierican.1 . I ,. 7 -'feriuA IMa- I he JUuctnfr,,,,, Oo.)uly SUepUi. j:;ff f Dauphin t'ouulj The C'or- tiiieuiea.Miicd. The of Ihe-Spivnic Court has at Inst been carried iuto'cil'ect. The muuia mi3 issued last week by that nugust body, Bit ! inir in Pittsburg, afier n lapse of more than four werks, anJ which onr president judge in this district would have issued in less than that many hours, was .received here yesterday morninir, and at once placed in the hands of .Sheriff Heikcl, who placed it in the care ol his deputy, Mr. I mil;, l with orders to execute the same immediate ly. Mr. Funk, ever ready to attend to important business, started nt once in search of the heroic John Enmiimicr, the conscientious Democratic return judgo ofj Cumberland county. He found lu,:i at ! Carlisle, and nt once acquainted him with I tho nature of his busiiiis the execution j of the iintnilmuus entrusted to him. Km ininger promised, without hesitation, that he. would nigh Hi? proper certilieates of Mr. Weakly 's election, and before Mr. Funk lell Mm papers had been duly executed, nud Mr. Weakly will tako his seat wi'hout I trouble. Thus eildetll the liiwt elmpUr of 'treating the election as if it hud not l'en ield." 11 trritburg Tdcjruiili uj Xv. i held. The Hon. Wendell Phillips, in his recent ; lecture in Honton, gravity announced that ; tho I'uited Nl.tfs had not had it lirst-cl'isi man fur l'r.-nideiit in fnrtv years." While j the people may he stanim uud horrified by tins li'iriolo tinnouilciMiieut, lew ot them will fail to remember in tho wuuo connec tion, that in Mr. Philips' opinion there is only one lii'st-clsss man now living, nnd during the pant forty years there has lived only ono who was lit to be President of the I'nitc d .Sales, and that one iu Wendell l'!iili s. And now the "Hadiea''' are smashing the Constitution all to piercs again, just nn llu'y did when slavery wan abolished ! Some enterprising iVinncrtilic papers are already raising tlio cry that it is "uneonsti lutional" to abolish poylainy in I'lah, and lin y have just been rc-iuforci d hy N'ietoria Wooilliull and Theodore Tilton. The for- iner evidently has just eause to deprecate I the eiiloreeuieiit of the laws, for if i' is un lawful for one man to live with several wives in I'tah, it is undoubtedly just us I utilaiv I'ul for several men to live with one 1 wife iu New York. j Th -return railroad excursion from Ne ! linsrove to Ibis place cauiuoit on Weil lies j day last, and allhoiih tlui day wa tin- pli nt our Snyder county fiinnls teemed to i' n joy the trip. The S. linsgrove and Middlcliiirg bauds wero along, and the l.ewiton were also out, so we had quite uiuti.u al t'litei taiuuieiit. About '.'.Vl were on the train, it majority of whom took din ner at tlio National. 'J'lui Sunbury aud I-ciukIomii It uh o.ul U now fully prepared for trade and tr.ivil, under Ihu prudent uiuiiaueiiif ut of Siipt, lirowii we lo-k for a gou.i li.tre ul hitli. J.iuuUiuU (inxtttt. liKUiAMI. OK II ASMIIAI.. I II K Kl.NU i I'll AN I. - 1 ho IW.lIunJ mmei t ; (hi s.nui.luv lul. the lone ot llitiiuilml, ihu l.t - i N i.Ii, ml w lio died ulel wueliiii lnj ii. or i eiiireviiU). line count) ,u may, l oi, ere t.lU II Ul Ulld .lilH i to l hle.lo, hy Mr. II. W. li .jd, Moduli Column, llaiv In Is- llll'.ki'd Up, pUl lom lU r Hll'i till lip) II it It llliill klUU'tl III llli il IIIUM'UUI, It If. ipimd I'lir tin e ii.i Imim iiu4 tt eujar io;lu'.i4 lu toiil iln Ihu U'lite. Ilulti r Hlld I II.;. -o uru Ithuoel illd lot bin ttllli I' ! of I'imkI. I'ily U4i, tie) urn null nioiu Mini liiulili) : liiituu tii 'idi II tlV ll' I'l liber IMU"! ludli ttlolt Mini d)' I I'ul ' pUl Jllll ' I'l. la, lull l i ili.iy Ud, mil l' lllu U'tll Ul III. tiouLiU . II ,ln 4i.u rtj.Mii) In t. f 4i ; kil l I il i'4ii) r j'4i vi . iiiL puiu In H' llml. I 4, l.f .id.' T l tlx "UlMUlj. i . I't.u hi it.v i. m. i. u or tji' t IUi ii i...ii ... i ...i., ui . , i i.J 'ni ,i' isin.s r I. i.m hut ins1 ,u xlji.u I Im iui ul. A nUli IlO.tSTKU ALIVE. A FEARFUL TRAGEDY AT LINN, MASS. A Itnsbaitd Charged with Throwing Kerosene Over Ilia Wine aud Then Welling Heron Eire. Boston. Nov. 18. One of tho most bru tal nnd Inhuman tragedies which ever hor riflwl any community was enacted at Lynn last ntglit, nnd is to-day tlio' lending topic of conversation in that city. The actors were a man named John G. Clinton, about fortv-three rears of nsic, a bnrber by trade, and his wife, who wns made tho victim of treatment that could only be expected Irom a liend, she having been shockingly beaten nnd then literally ronstcd to death. Tlio scene or the atiair wns on iiowara street, in one of the small wooden houses whicli aro set nack trom tne street, ana accessible by mentis of narrow alleyways from tho street. Tlio parties lived in the rear tf No. 3:1, the family consisting of Clintoa, his wife and four boys, ranging in ago from threo to scventoeu years. About half-past eight o'clock last evening two women, named , Margaret Brown and Charlotte Mortdyfwho lived almost directly in front of Cliutou's house, had their atten tion called to the latter by the sound of heavy blows,8crcaming and groaning which proceeded from it. As the sounds increased tho two women wcut out and listened beneath tho windows, but tho sounds suddenly censed and all was quiet. They then returned to their houses, but in about fifteen minutes were again dis turbed by tho samo noises, which they again sought to traco out as before, but the sounds ceased ns they had previouslydone. After this everything remained quiet until about ten minutes mist 0 o'clock, when the samo women discovered that tho house was on fire inside. An alarm wns nt once rais ed, nnd threo tne.u. named David Ioe, rrelinghuyscn Moody nnd Frederick Wnl ton. rushed Into tho houso with buckets. On enter'uv' tliev fouud that thero was fire on n table In the front room, also in nn cnlrv way which led up stairs, and a pile in tho middle of tlio lloor, consisting of what appeared to bo a bundle of clothing, was also burning. On examining the latter it was found to lie the body of Mrs. Clinton, horrible bruised nnd burned in a moot sickening manner. The clothing was al most entirely burned from tho bxly, which scorched nnd roasted, ine names wcrc l,ut.,0lV 7iJ.l1 some difficulty report is that while u.,. - WI. eni One in srr- to t!Xtin,v,jsh 1 1 10 lire the iiuui -rit!ni threw up one of her arms and breathed per ceptibly, but another, nnd probably tho correct stiry, is that life had left tho body when it was discovered. About three feel from the head of the i victim lay the fragments of a kerosene lamp, winch had been borrowed irom a neiguuor ir: : ar. rr " . 7 .i.t - i a it.. : fi.v M:-s1,r.l IV, m.iti.nJ iwo officers went nt onei! to tho nlaco canton was standing over the booV Jl h's wife, doing nothing, but apt""tnnS considerably allcctcd. Ho wn .uTcsted, taken to the station hotisj and locked up. One of the sons, named ! rank, a lad ten years of age, who was first to enter tlio house says that he had been ottending an t, t , ,lt nnd ,m( rLrlum. r(l h()ni0 justn8i,e :ru Was discovered, ne went into the house and saw his mother burning on the tloor. Recollecting that his "t tie brother was probably upstairs abed ho rushed un and inet hifui-r coming dun. Ho found his broth'""' tok '"" down lairs into a -vooriiig house. I is ...ii us iiio llames had been extin I guished Coroner J. G. Pinkhnm was called j in, nud he ordered tho body of the woman I to be carried to tho police station, which wns iiiiuieJialely done Tim Coroner then summoned a jury, who viewed the body and then adjourned. The corpse presented a sickening sight. There were marks of violence on the head, consisting of two or three cuts, looking as though they had been made with some 'dull instrument. On tho breast wero also wounds which appeared to have b' u caus ed by something besides tho llanicN. The features were rendered unrecognizable, nnd tho hair was burned close to the head, leaving the skull bare and horrible crisped and biaek, the Mesh dropping from the bunds, nriiiH nnd body, rendering it a sight which could not be. beheld without a shud- ilol' nt. til:, nii-l'iil iitiMf (v iif llm ft'Miir. nnl tii.,i imiii.i f.vpfiiti. ' The husband ar.d prisoner has said very little, but told a biielbtory. It ixsnposed that he was in bed up otaiis about uine o'cloc'yiil being quiet, when bin lililu boy came i'UmIi- ' oil ami toio nun the house was on tire. lie went down and found his wife lying o the lloor in the condition in which s'.io wn found by the three men. The belief that the man is guilly is al most universal. One theory of tho alliiir is Unit, he had some diliicully witli his wife. during which he threw the kerosene lamp ! at tier, sinking tier on tlio hrcast ami in dicting the wounds relcrrcd to ; that the oil seiillu'cd over her clothing and the flames wero inhaled by the victim. Other people (irmly believe that the monster killed her by blows, and then ! actually set lire to the body, leaving it burn, j His previous character had been rather bad. He has been known iu Lynn for up wards of twenty years, though uot con stantly u resident, and during that timo for the past two or three years ho has carried on Ihu business a barber, at the Kai'road House, on Market street, nud has been known us it man much given to drink ing aud of exceedingly bad temper. There has frcrjuciitly been trouble be tween hint und his wile, partly caused by by the fact that the latter was possessed of boiuii property which he could not have I lie control of. The ollleers have liceti fretucut ly called into his house to uuell disturban ces, and Clinton lias been before the police court mi one or two occasions lately. Coro ner Pitiklmui is to make a full investiga tion of the alliiir. I'curlul Dcxlriicliou of Lire. 3U0 1.1 VM UisT HY a Tvrnoox. StlAXiiiiAi, Oct. 12. via Sail I'ruucisco. Nov. Id. Morn than ;too lives were lout at Macao during tho Typhoon of S'ptuiiihcr'J. Mii.isu.-r liw hits leiurned to l'i king. The Corel i-XH-ilitioii see in to hitvo bctu yivi il up. The ruin continue i. the North. With in the Inst ten d.iys. tl.u Hater h is been higher lliaiiklMiiy pre vimi date. Tftiuly thousand kipuru iiiilee of territory weru in undated, and l.txa) s oiilo wero drowned in New Chiang. Consul Suwunl hiis lelorii. d Iiuui Ida vinil to ihu .Sol ill. 'I'lio troti Me. in ihu S mill, ironing out of th.i Mull -Nit'. Ull l Uinois, hits kilbaldcil. I'lilitical Iroublee mo bruttiiiif In the piovini'4) of lluiiiiu. slid K loiiutil.iblu iu unci lion i iiiiiiiiui m. Johll M.iulmill, Ihu (Uiliklll Ul MuuikIiuI, iliwd on tliu Dili iiit. lUrwu ltl lioi u ha klaiU il Iu kpuu tliu v llelii.i lltolliltikl o I hilm, '11 b'llk of ihu liu li.iv sriiitil, sml h liu I- ill k. III. d. Iiiim lu U vU l J. I4IICK IU Mil UlltOw. Hi k Ik lilT.U, Slid 1 1. il unit' HI nop u I 1 1 nil t loo i ! (sou.) l.iir, ,a IH4I ki I I r 11 Iris Umi si'lliu, Slid likiiuhle II ll U. 4 i(iWM (Of l ...Ik I I all lUtll,lk. r uiir al.i-e 1.4 kiU J . r ' iw uik, Mud lour SID Hi Hi I 1 Wi, ir l kki-i'tiutui iik iu l4tiy. I'4 , uni ihu uikcuivry i,f 4 i..U uil kiiik.'. ItlHI'M IrCEftiUS! MURDER IN 41 YDE PARK. From the Scranton Republican, Not. 18. A most sanguinary a (lair took place In Hyde Park yesterday afternoon at half past four o'clock, In n saloon on Itfnin street, nearly opposite the postoffice. Tho saloon In which tlio affair occurred Is called the Xfnehnnirk' ITniiiin. nn I U knnt bv a man named D. 11. Evans. It is one of thoBO low grog shops 'where tho roughs resort, after ilieir day's labor, to Bpend any surplus left of their month's winen. W lion wo got to tho scena of tho nffray we found nn excited crowd gathered around the door, and evidences of the bloody deed that had been done, on every hand. Mood, blood, wns seen on every sido ; the door steps were slippery with the sanguinary tlood, and the door iramo was an uespaier ed with it. Tho saloon was crowded. 15o hind the bar a woman sat. screaming. In front of tho counter, and with his head leaning upon it, was the saloon keeper, In a. woful state of contrition and remorse, perhaps produced by reflecting on his part in the deed of blood. There wore in tho saloon at the time of tho occurrence live individuals, D. 11, Evans, tho saloon kepcr, John Loucks, Ned Sharnc. John Evans, the murderer, and Reniamin Hushes, his victim. From John Loucks. who was nn eye-witness of the whole affair, we cot an intelligent state. ment. Ho says that Rcnjnmin lluhcs is a mines and lives in Wilkesbarrc. lie was formerly a resident of Hyde Park, and had como up yesterday to see some of his old acquaintances, among whom wns John Evans. Tho parties named were in the sa loon together, nnd wero nil drunk. Evans and Hughes were sitting at one of the tables, and hnd several driuks. A disagreement took place ns to who should pay for some of the drinks, and some sharp words passed which tinally resulted in Hughes knocking John Evans down. Loucks remonstrated wilb Himhes for doincr so, saving that Evans was an old man, but Hughes knock ed him down again. Evans then told Hughes that ho would stab him if ho did so again. Hughes desisted, and moved away from Evans to a chair at tho end of tho bar, but after a moment's silence Evans put his hand in his vest pocket, drew there from a knife, nnd taking it in his left hand, went up to Hughes ns he sat on the chair, nud stabbed him in the throat. The wound is about two inches in length, nnd extends from the median line of tho throat back wards and upwards, coining in contact ith the carotid artery, which was severed. Tho moment tho stab was given the man fell from his oont and the blood rushed fronio tim wound in a torrent. Recovering his strength, however, he ran to the door, opened it, gained tho sidewalk nnd ran dowu the street until oMiosito Dr. Gibbs' olliee, where ho fell. Some person who saw p.? ;.. shouted poiiCe, aa w. i "cmg near uy, ran to arrcsp the man. As ! soon as he saw the nature of the occurrence, honiadofor the saloon, whero he found John Evans making a desperate effort to cut his own throat while several women tried to prevent him. The knife was wrenched irom him before he could do any thing more than to intlict a tlesh wound in the side of his neck. The knife is a regular jack-knife, having a blado about threo in ches in length, very sharp, nnd. wiM, a spriug in the back of it to prevent its shut ting except nt the oplh" ,"r owner. Evans was taken Jw-a-ic Alderman Jones, who coinm"'"'1. h"11 Wilkesbarrc jail. H ni.n. ivus carried into the saloon, and several doctors waited on him, who pro nounced death inevitable. Hughes is about thirty-two years of nge, nnd is unmarried. Evans is about forty-live i.nd has a wife and childrcu iu Wales. While sioiiiir with I the officer to tho depot, Evans n nnifested ' tho deepest contrition, and said that i Hughes was his best friend. Thus rum has given tho L'rave another victim, and per ; hups another soul to perdition. exc irr.Mr.TiT at iiviji: imku, pa A Porf foil oTtlto t'U j- K!Uiiit into a ?llim llanj lluildiiiKH l)niiiaed. Sen anton, Pa., Nov. Id. Hyde Park has imain been visited by one of those catas trophes peculiar to mining regions. About 3 o'clock this morning the citizens of that portion of our city lying south of Main street and in tho neighborhood of Scranton I avenue were startled from their slumbers noise, aud a I hy a rumbling, crushing tretiiblini; of tho earth and tin 11- buildinss. ns if by 1111 earthquake. So violent wero the shocks nnd so loud tliu noise that they lied teiror-strieketi from their dwellings. After the first paroxysm of fright had passed the cause of the lerr.Vc alarm be came apparent. The mines of the lirst vein of the Oxford shall had given way, causing tho earth to settle some two feel, and form ing great cracks iu the surface. The area of ground, which is thickly covered by buildings nud handsome dwellings, is about 2U acres, extending from Main street, at a point west of the Welsh Ciilvinislie Church running liiugonally northeast to Chesnut street. This boundary of the fall is mark ed hy a crack which varies in width and depth. The crack passing through the front yard of the Welsh Calviuistic Church goes (hroiieh the duelling and store of Mr. Thomas Phillips, Herman's Hotel, and the adjoining property, breaking their walls and rockiiiit the buildings from cellar to garret. Crossing Scranton avenue, it crosses the corner of Fellow's Hall building, breaking open the foundation walls nud causing a large opening iu the brick wall, nud in liict injuring the entire building. From this point it runs In an easterly directum, through the roperty of lr. Heath, lluuicl Howell, 1. T. Richards, Koipiiro Snyder, and others to Chesnut street ; tiieneo diagonally to Scranton avenue, where trucks of the fall are ht. Hat the effects of the full are still visibln iu the settling of the earth about Mr. Herman's residence uud other dwellings bet ween thin point and the place ii 0111 which we lirst started. In all the buildings, and particularly those of Messrs. Phillips, ltiehiirds, Howell, mid the hotel and Fallow's. Hall, ntu the destructive elleels of this di.Hkler most clearly visible, as hardly any part of them re mains uninjured. Wullk and ceilings, broken limns, sunken w billows, broken u.unscotiug lorn liMikv, while cisterns, wells, and cellui! have literally lost their bottom!, causing u destruction ol property umoiiuiiuj; in t IJ,- INN). There wire three distinct kills. kk, cuch one loud enough to arouse everybody, t it tt lew IllitlUtck Main kllcel Vial crowded with men, women, uud children, who were L-ruully liiuhU'lied. When the resilience of Mr. I. T. Uiili.iids u kliakeu. Ihu 1'mnily Mcru compi lltd iu iti-u iu mdur in 14V11 tin ir live so grunt Will the di klrui lloli llml tlio Imuki uiu.l U) rcbiuli. 't'hii IKiui.iu! Iluuku U ku budly dttiiiiiugi 4 thill II must U loi n 'doviu. 'ihu h1 oilieu ha i sunk kolliu Uli'hUxU illcluk. hIIiI kllll I'olitlliui k Mllhui, A Uiu lUltiu iu Ihu kill lull of U lluwi'l 4k pieievd, Mild le lluW dry. la nn I, uol 11 diop of uuii-r mu Ui hid iu suy vikU ru in suy (Milnflhu ii. lured por tion 'I liu IiuiUh of J. II. Mlll.poU.dl, Uilluui t'ruo, Jinl u V, li. WmiJ, i. Iv4ie, iuJ Mr. Akliby iu ' bdly diiiiiiiJ. 'I ff l.iiikiii I IU minus n-t- lilll iioUll.lit.ll liu .e Ulo tlui tUllUlS but isl riklw U IS 1 iplulllil.y uuinjurvd. I lis ll II I kl.Ull u ..iuu l lulUi. Ullu ut tliu II) 4 l'lk, 4U i U Ihu lullllf il( llrtl l4Sfu, -A.k44llUI SU. WlkUilU ( o4iiJ.4U, heUIIJ Ijm.14 iUlill4Sv4 try llo-UI In 1808, from Selden, Scranton ft Co. The vein which caused such a terrible scare this morning is known ns tho Diamond vein, nnd has not been worked by the Dolawnre, Enckawanna and western uompany. un that ground Jjicv claim that no .damages will be paid, and if the losers will insist,' the former owners must Dear tne Drum, rue fall which occurred some four years ago in another portion of Ilydo Park, at which timo so mucn damage was uono, wns not, near so disastrous in its results. T. 1'. Tribune. ARRIVAL OF THE URAXD DIKE ALEXIS. IntcniicdIIonr. New York, Nov. 20. The announcement yesterday morning of tlio safe arrival of the lightship of the Russian frigate hvetland, with tho Wrnnd Duke Alexis on board, created great ex citement i and a general feeling of Joy throughout tho city. It served at once to dispel tho fears for Ills safety entertained by some, and' to communicate to our citi zens tho welcome news that tne long ex pected imperial visitor had come. The de tnv if hi nrnvnl bevond the anticipated tirao has heightened tho excitement con- cerninc his visit to America, and will un doubteillv tend to increase tho enthusiasm with which ho w ill be greeted after ho hns landed on our shore. It Is expected tho Grand Duko will bo landed iu tho city about two o'clock this afternoon, when tho military will bo in readiness to the Clarendon hotel. City hall. Grace Church and other prominent buildings will bo appropriately dressed with bunting, and as his imperial highnoBS pnss es up Broadway, tho Trinity Church bells will chime the Russian national hymn. The Clarendon House alone will display the imperial flag of Russia. The Russian squadron left Cronstadt on the 21st of August, sailing for Falmouth, England, where they arrived on tho Oth of September, ilero tney wero aeiaycu some timo by taking in fresh provisions, and on tho 20th of September thoy Bailed for Ma deira, where tlio licet dropped anchor on tho 5th of October. Hero tho Grand Duke spent five days, when they weighed anchor for New York. The Svetland left Madeira on the 10th itiBt., in company with the llogatiro and Abreck. On tho third day out tho Abreck wns signnlled and directed to rendezvous at New York, the Svetland taking a soutli weiitnrlv course to mccl'?tho trade winds. Everything went along well until tho 5th of November, when they experienced a gale in whicli tho Rogatiro carried nwny her forctop gallant masC. On the Cth the Svotland nnd llocatiro lost sicht of each other, tho Svetland experiencing very heavy weather until tho 18th, when they were able to make a lunnr observation and found they wcrc in the latiludo of Capo May, when thev mndo direct for New York. The vessel was under sail a great portion of the time, having run short of coal. Early to-morrow morning tlio Grand Duko will proceed to Washington, accom panied by tlio diplomatic representative of Russia and suite. This visit will not ex tend over twenty-four hours. It is to be undertaken inw-ely for the purpose of being presented to the President, Cabinet, and fmviijn ministers, who will welcome him in a body to the White House. Ho will re turn to New York about Thursday evening. IIiinbRiKl-N Liability for Wife' Kill. An action was decided in Philadelphia on Wednesday, by Judge Thayer, iu favor of n husband who had been sued by u dry f;oods firm for the account of a bill tun up iy his wife. Defence set up that defendant furnished his wife will) nn uniple supply of necessaries. In the course oi his charge Judge Thayer said : "It is a false and fool ish notion ibr tradespeople tocntertuin that a husband is bound to pay nil bills con tracted by his wife. No such monstrous doctrine is allowed iu I lie law. Tradesmen must ascertain the facts and the true rela tions of man nnd wife before allowing the latter to run up bills whicli he is to bo look ed to to pay." Commenting upon this ex position of law, whicli ought to be more fa miliar than it is, tho Philadelphia Jterord thinks Hint whcn'trndcspcoplc come to dis tinctly understand it, "a very sensible step wilMiavo been', accomplished towards re form in the wanton extravagance and 1 uiti ous folly whicli, under the meretricious im pulse of the stuped despot called 'fashion,' s wastes the substance, mars the manners, deforms thejiersons, degrades tho .morals and wrecks the happiness of myriad house holds nnd individuals, not only iu this com munity, out throughout the country.".. j Hi Arrival. iutViihii:stoii. Washington, Nov. 22. The Grand Duke Alexis an ived at an early hour this evening. An, 'immense' crowd assembled about the depot to welcome him. Kll'orts were made to make his arrival us private as possible, but without avail. Duke Alexis was immediately hurried into a private carringo aud driven to Minister Cittacazy's residence, which has been lit tcd up iu a superb maimer for him. The grand duko will be presented to tho President to-morrow. The steamboat Cttu jf Ac 10 Landon, which left Huvt York on Tuesday eveniu. on,hcr regular trip toNorwhich, was burn ed to the water's cdjjc in Thames river, just above Allyu's l'oiut and below Norwbich, 011 NYedcusday uioruini;. M10 was lilteil with freight, and was vuluod at 17o,U0t, aud insured for jfl25,UOU. hhe is said; to have been iu good trim, having been lately reliltcd. Her crow numbered thirty men iu ull, some of whom perished. The vessel reported to bo a total loss. Appointment ok Marshal. The President lias appointed James X. Kerns, q., of Philadelphia, I'uited States Mar shal for the Kasteru District of l'ennsvlva 11 in in place of ticu. tSregory, deceased. TilK l'rckident lias appointed Colonel lloiiitio (i. Nickel, collector ot internal re venue for the Fourth I'eniis) Ivniiia liis it ii t, 1'. iision Al'ciiI ut rhiladeliliiit, vice 1'urla-s, Uilioved. l'f.siDKN T tiltAS T ha appointed lieorj.'!) II. Ituker, of riliUdehihiil, in be MllliMi r ul t'oiislmliiiople. Mr. linker is uol oulv ouu of the oriiiiiiieiit! of American litera ture, hill 0110 of the mokl dtkcrvin Itepub liciui! iu IVniii) Ivaiiia. 'ir- m:tti.i: I P 7 1 Mil-', uu.lei.lyiitd luiiby li'i Ui.lii! Dial li 1 . 1 hvlug i.iil Lu.iih.i, aud ull ItiuMi un inn hull oil Nolo ul Uunk mi'ouul, il sal viuls by .tun. 4 up tUiir ueeuuuts uu or bclur Uu li ul Jiiiumy mil. JnllS WILVMl. kuubmy, Nu. 5, 7l -II. UliiiiMlMiiM) (!l Ninra mm4 K411I1JU1 IimI aud l.uiulM-r ( niuiNiuf Hill lr44lllit 1UMI till Ilu4l4.bul I , li I , I tUnr uIUm, Iu4 tUn mli'iutf a 1.. I ul i.mI iu lb .Lull kl Ibiil Uiliu. k.l It.uu In, u u lbs ! in I m( ul llw l l u)4i ') lb! I'ltpklUy J lb f-4'Ul Uulllil 'l4U bd .Hi4l I. Iiuui UU IJ 1uU tubs (. I 04. Uu kutlu I14 U lk pi,iuU, t'l.M iil ua UinUut II. 'i.1ii4, kl k.uou. f"4 linn., kil-lii. V-i. bi.Ju.i, 1i,yi, ku. lU M .14.-1 ki-l, fU.iub44. tl, l'i 44 ibbcrtiscnunts. NOTIt'K y Of .Amendment to dirter f In corporation. Tho" followlne Amendment to the Charter ot tho 8 unhurt Mniual Bnvlng Fund nnd Building Association wore proscmcd to the uoort or com mon Pleae of Northumberland conntv. at Novem ber Term, A. D., 1871, filed end approved by the Court, and directed to be advertised In accord ance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved the any or October, A. D.. 1870. Artlclo 0, of Constitution Is changed by striking bat the words, "Eighteen Directors," and Insert ing In lien thercot tne words, "Ten Directors i" and In snmo Article of the Constitution Inserting tho words, " 1 lie election annually or a Solici tor." and also, "that officers of this Association slinll be eligible to the position of Director." Article 8, Section 8, of the By-Laws Is changed to rend, "ftlx Directors shall constitute a quorum after January, 1873, to transact business," and also, "tnnt at too regmnr meoung in .mnuurj, 1872. Ten Directors bo elected by the stockhotd. crs of said Assoolntlon, Sre of whom shall serve for two vears and the remaining live for ono year, and Mint for every year thereafter five Directors be elected to serve for two years. Approved by the .Court the Htb day or.Jovcm bcr, A. D., 1871. . WM. D. HAUPT, 1 rot lion otury. lS7l.-8t. Sunhnry, Nov. 25, Oltril AXN' COURT N.4I.E. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Ilie 2 31 tiny ofOeeember, lW71,t one o'clock, P. M., the following real estate, lato the cstnto of Richard D. Jones, deceased, to wit i All that certain lot or pleco of ground sltunte on tho corner of Third and King streets. In the bo- roneh of Northumberland, known as lot No. 67, on tho plan of said borough, containing 00 feet In front on King street, and 240 feet In depth to Sheets'! nllcv. Terms of sale 20 per cent, cash on day of sale, one-third of the clear proceed of the sale to remain a charge npon the lot of ground as the Widow's Dower, tlio reminder to be paid on the first day of April next, all to bo secured by bonds and Mortgage. ELIZABETH JONF.S, Administratrix. NICHOLAS WENK, Nov. 25, '71.-4t. Administrator. onrn xs' coi'bt nai.e. IN pursuance ol' uu alius order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he ex posed to l'ubllc Sale, on the, on TiieM tlii), Derembi-r lUlli, IS71, the follow ing property, to wit : All thut certain piece or parcel of land situate hi Lower Mahalioy township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded anil described ns I' wit: Beginning nt a stone thence by lnndsof Win. Botx and Klias Weaver, north Ti dc. east, 05 perches to a stone, thence south D'j (leg. cast, 17 perches to stone, tiieneo south 37'j deg. cast, 33 8 10s perches to a sionc, thence north 83'$ dcr. " cast, 25 perches to a stone, tiieneo hy luiiils of Philip lleckert, south 10 dep. east, 145 0-10 perches to a stone, thenci! by lands of John Dcp pen nnd Win. lli'liuek, south 70deg west, 33 perches to n stone, thence by samo lands, south 1;4 dug. west, 21 8-IU3 perches to a stone, north l'desr. "cast, U 2-10 perches to stones, tlience Couth 70ni' deg. we-t, IU 8-1(1 perches to a stone, thence by IuiuIm oC Kiln Wltmer, north Vi tl-ir. east, 135 perches ton pluc, tlience north 50 1 a lies, west, 70 7-10 perches to a stone, thence north 2 dec. cast, IK perches to the place of be ginning, containing Ul acres 124 perches, strict measure, together with appurtenances, whereon Is erected 11 Dwelling House, Burn, and other outbuildings, all 111 good condition. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said dav, when the conditions will bo inado known by AXDP.KW IHTTY, Administrator. Tor further particulars apply J. K. DAVIS, Jit.. Attorney at Law, Bjinhury. THE MOUKL MAGAZIXE OF AMEICA. The Large! In Form, the Largest In Circulation, and Ihu only original FAKEIIOX MAUAIIWK, DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY Contains Original Stories, New Music, House hold Matters, (enerul and Artistic Literature, : and the onlv Uellablu Fashions, with Full bize Pattern!. Ve.uiv, imlv 3.00, with the i'plendid (iii'iiino, "Isn"t him PiiCTTV," size, 13x17, worth S.OO, sent jinsl tree to each subscribe! t r, the lnrgu and EU-aai-.tChroino, after Jkkomf. Thomp son, Hiawatha's Wooing, si.e, 15x25, price,, fur ?1.00 extra, or Unlll Chromos with the Magazine, fur S5.0U pot free. Adilress W. JKNNINtiS DICMOUKST, 808 Itroadway New Yoik. A Fplendid ofT. r to our tSiibicrlbera : We w ill sen 1 l he above Popular ami Valuable Magazine, for one year itli the Splendid is. no Cliromo, to-. gelher with onr paper for only 1 4 00, or for i'l. 00 extra, Hiawatha's Wooing, or lor 45. 1)0 we will send Demurest' Monthly tor one yftir, limb ChroiuiiF, and the Amciiican, fur only iti.oO. This Is a splendid chance t secure the bei-t Magaiine, Klcgaut t hronins, nud Aii:i:ican fur nearly half the value, t-end I he uinuunt In lliis nlllee. 101 1 tlie M.igaziiio and Cliroinos will be promptly forwarded. Nov. 25, 1.N71. 111 IlJ.tC NAI.K MILL PE,OP3STY. rpilF. undorslgnei will oi'.'er ut Public Sale, on JL Tluirsitlii). IJoei'inbor 1 ltd, IH7I, at 10 o'cluek, A. M., 011 tiie premises, all that certain valuable MILL rnoPERTV, sltuaic In I'pper Augusta tow.i-liip. Northum bciiuud county, adjoining liini of widow Smith, Samuel Moor and Wiill ini Weltzel, containing twenty-three acres of laud, whereon is creeled a t tune'Mill, thirty by forty feet, three and 11-lialf stories high, four run of stone in good running order, and is located one mi l a-leilf miles east of Sunbury, ono of the best neirUets Iu the State, on little Shamokln Creek, one of the best water powers in this section of country. Also, a two and one-half stories brick resi dence on the same, twenty by forty feel, with 11 kitchen of twenty-live by eighteen feet j and also another two and a-half stors house twenty-live by tlftecn feet, a good barn forty-live by twenty llvu feet, with a wagon .lied twenty-live by thir teen feet. Also another wagon shed twenty-live by sixleeu feet, with other good outbuildings, and ait excellent su ing of running water in the cellar of the mill, uud 11 good well of water at the house. Also an excellent youii(j apple orchard of the choicest of fruit. Tci ui aud condition of sale will be made kiiuwu on mild day of sale hy t IIAKI.F.8 HAAS. HKSKY F. HAAS. Nov. 18, lN71.-4t. riillud-ltlilu u uil F.rle ltnllrouil. W1NTF.U Tl M K TAULIC. On und after Monday, November 111, Mil, the Truiiu on the i'liiladclphiu & Kilo Kali Kouil will ruu u I'ollou . 1 WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, 0 '0 p m huiibuiy, I'.'.S.'i a 11 " " air ul Ftie, S.S11 p 11 Erie Express leave. Philadelphia, IVi.lHl p m " Siinbiiiy, U..VI p 111 " an ut Kile, 7.10 u 111 Kliulra Mall leave. Pblladeli l.l.i, T..VI a Iu " Miiilnuy, p in " " air ul Luck Haven, T..V ji m Niagara Kipic.. liuhidi Iplila, 415 a III ' Hiiubmy, p m ifrr at Wiltidin.poH, K M p 111 Accoimiludulloii leaves Huobuty, I I) a III mi ul Uciiuko, 10 10! 111 EASTWARD. Mali Tmlu Unvei Kiki, 1 1 .35 a lu nunliUiy, IH.I5 a lit " an ki Kliiikd.iphi, U.lMinui Kllu Klple.s halt, tile, M.lkJ p in fcuutiuiy, W ui krr l I'klUdclpki, ( W Kluiiik M..II liui l.o-k iUi.u, 1- ui " B tllll. 41), I I. Ull k IU nil kl I' el. Il'lll.l. '1 p III Huli.ilu Kl'M it ar. VililUiu.puit, I J. I i 4 ul kuubuiy, I VI lu ' kir at I'luUd. l'Uu, t 'ki 4 iu Aci'ouiuiudiilkiii Ittiu lUiiuiu, I J..5 p ui ' air at kuulial), i o-l p lu Mail K i.l iMUiuv.1. il aud i.t at t.Hk wilb I.. W. . U. VI kud kl lull) aui (iiuuluM ilk lilt I i. k ku4 iiu!lvu It. II. W. M ill Wu.1 null imI Ihhiu4 lislu. uu I.. A U. k. It M . aud kl t 'i kud III 111. ISUU till I I4sk ku4 AiUk.ui U U. II . Iall4ksi. ..uu(l llului Hill lx IUU .itt (i.aa M IIII.IU.U.MI ui kiu t l..., ku4 .4l, lu VI U Uiu.psl ou tluillk Ui. M k. A. Ul ID VI I, L.m'I (I II U Uuum 4 U.n.r hM k'l '--! I SI.4 fi III! kt FIIIK CNGIKK FOtt SALE. A GOOD hand suction Fire Engine Is offered for sal by the Good Intent Company of Hunbnty, la. This engine took t lie Urel premlnm at tne Northumberland conoiy rnirwncn nem at Milton, over all other hand engines who com peted for the prize. or particulars address William l. urccnongii, Esq., Treasurer, or the undersigned. EML WILVUKT, l'rert. Bnnbnry, Nov. 11, 1871.-3t. 1 "" : r- PAY CP. ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to J, II. Engel on Book account or Note, wilt please make settlement and pay between this and the first dy of December next, nnd save eost, as aftef that date tho books and notes will be placed Id the hands of a Justice for collection. J. II. ENGEL. . Butibnry, Nov. 11, I871.-3t. w Beef ! Beef! THE undersigned Is prepared to furnish the citizens of Bunbury nnd vicinity with, tho choicest Bcf and Pork In Market, cither at Wholesale or Retail. Families will be sunnlletVbv tha onarter or side, or smaller quantities at thp most reasona ble rates. ConAuntly on ttnnd the choicest cuts of Beof, Pork, Mutton nnd Veal, also Sausages, Belognas. &c. Apply nt tho Meat House, Bomh Third street, in Moore & Dlsslngcr's Row, Sunbury. On market days the best of meat is served to customers at the meat stand, corner, of Market and Third streets, when the celebrated Brosious' laausiigcs Can be had, long known ni the best in marKui. HENRY KVTAGF.LY. N. B. Persona having fat hosrs or beeves for sale can procure the hlgest market price by ap plication nt the above establishment. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1871. CHICAQO . . AND NORTHWESTERN Kl'FFEREKS. Committee on "Trades" nnd "Interests" not otherwise provided for, and on "One Iuj' Income." Appointed by His Honor, the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia. Chairman, GEOUGE II. STUART, Jit. MuJ.-Gcn. Gno. G. Meamc, den. ItonF.itT Pat tkrson, John Welsh, 8. t W. Welsh, Geo. H. Sti aht, Ju., Peteii B. Simons. C. STt Aiir Pattkiison, Kenk Ginxor, Nelson F. Evans, Wm. F. Miskkv, Ed. K. HUTCiiiNS, M. D., L. MoNTOOMEitY Honii, President Keystone Bank, Thomas Kenneiiy, Pres. Spring Garden Bank, Col. Thomas A. Scott, Pennsylvania Ccutrul H. K., Dcncan M. Mitciieson, James Ross Snow- 1IF.S, 8AMI EI. G. TUOMI'SON, KtClIAHD Y. COOK, Wm. G. Ckow j:!.!,. L. Montoomkky Bond, Trcusurer. Ill" scan M. Mitciieson, Secretary. Otllce of the Committee, No. C'.'S Walnut Street, Piin.AUia.i'iiiA, Oct. 27, 1ST1. Dear Sir : The object of the nppointmnnt of the foregoing committee Is to secure contributions for the atllieted and sull'ering poor ef Chicago from ull those of our citizens who h ive not yet been called upon to give to the relief of our sister city, and who do not belong to professions or 1 1 mil's, for the canvassing of which committees have been alreuly appointed. The terrible etlects of liu overwhelming ealas trophe which hns mined and rendered lioucTess so many lens of thousands of our fellow country men, just nt the commencement of w inter, can only be mitigated by the prompt nnd libeial do nations of all classes of our people. Ki How Citi zens, Manufacturers, Mechanics timl Tradesmen of tho City of Brotherly Love ! give of your abundance 'and to the best of your nhility for the relief of the fullering men, women nui "children of Chicago, or the Northwest, and you will ui ver regret the money vou thus contribute. I IN CAN St.' MITCHESOX, Secretary. Olliee. No. Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Hours 10 to 'i. the Chicago nun. To give some Idea of the distress existing con sequent thereupon, we giva the l.illoninij brief uud comprehensive extract : (from the JVVw IV JkrM.) v Women and chi.i:cn are go'.ng rov.nd, seeking something to satisfy their hunger, which there is nothing to supply. No one has provi sion or money. What provisions tli re were iu the city are now burned or eaten. A lew people have enough for a day or two not longer. Pro visions nre arriving, but aro distributed as Cist as possible. Twenty ilea I bodies have be. !i taken to the station on the North side. At pre sent it is impossible to know who they nre. As night comes on, the want of fa 4 'n keenly felt. There are few candles in Hie cdy, ami no water oieept what is taken from the Lake. Great tears of thieves arc felt on the We-t sid ; and General Slii-rldan is .till calling for troops from dilVerent posts to keep order. All business nnd work is suspended, and every one is occupied in procur ing something to eat, anX places of shelter. Tho sintering on the North side are heart rending. Fifty thousand men, women an 1 children aro huddled together like so many animals. Seven teen thousand Hermans an l Irish tire praying for relief. Helpless children are asking for bread from hea it broken parents, who know not which way to turn, nor to do, exee t to await supplies n liich niusl he slow in coining, ns there is pail of the burnt district where it is almost impossible to travel, patients who had been removed fiom beds of sickness to save lives, which were nearly spent, were all exposed to the rain liiFt night and the cold raw winds to-day. Several deaths have occurred nt Lincoln Park. Another night must be spent in the Lincoln Park and the brick Ileitis of Iiivision street, and yet another. Trains and extra uie loaded to their fullest capacity, taking people away, who In many Instance have no place to go to, but yet cannot stay here, and each train leaves live times its many passengers as it lakes away. The "Evening Journal'' got out half a hlieet to-night, and other papers will fol low to-morrow . When sending subcrlpiious please write names plainly so licit liny can be correctly acknowledged. Foiim or Si usi uieriuNs. P111l.Anm.r111 1, 11471. L. MllNTIlOMKIlY UONII, I.S.I., President of the "Key-lime Bank," No. lli'.'ll Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Dear Sir : Her in please llnd (lur Siib.erlpllon for - t 00 "One day ! income from our Em ployees, .... Total. t 00 please acknowledge lu the en-ja- which pert. Very respectfully, .Name. . Addle.!. l'i cast) draw Cheek, lu the order of the Trr.t.ur er. Klmse iiidoiM'tuei.l Will lie a receipt in ad dition lu Ihu "uckuuMi. diin iil." Suli.eilplluii. nl-u ree ived f. r iniCererk by tint evieu.ive lire, in Mielil;.iu, Mi.un .ot.i nud i. coli.iu, by k llli II lilllidl e.t. ot nine, ut ti.l'e-t ulld 'l all 10 mid Unity llliage. Ui iv d .l.)ed. Wie li .eliding .ub.eri'liou toj- ll.rni, ;1. ;,.e u .l.ile, other i.e I hey mil be ereu.U 1 I.. Hie I bieagu .ullerers. ki11b.1rlpll.111s received from noii-re.ldi n of I'lill.idi Iphl.l u well u. chum.. Firm., 111 inuf n un lug i.t.ibli hiusui., r.ill, eisil, 1 1 011 hikI oile r ointpanii s ( uidpil lalu iilikriui), tu ami rut ul Ilie 1 il, .1.....: I fill 111 w II il ..lid ill lluir .ali.ei ipuoli., all. I 11' ... tll.lUUIale k molt'llllllt I. Illolii; Ilieir i.l. Ink .l .i-ur "one dl '. iliii'Ul. kllluiiil u ntu. .i b.- r.i!i . Usiu ul I01111..U) Uol. !i 1 I... IS i.iiu luillie. .liuulil bu hinie 1 in o ll. I vil li r ul Uu lu 1 In. I b ulk, lei I, a .1 e'l I lo te l.itu Iiuui, or In llm 'tl. 1. alii, I.. VlilN lull Ill II V In iS I', 1 " , I'ii.i 1 1 I ul 1'ikii.u.iw llatik, No. I .01 lu.iuul I'll, a b I.ia Sol It, sll. ul. kurs i ure lur Irllrr, 'I IIK Ills I, 4' l III. I I.I A. I . l t'.ii.i., lu ll. KU.I.I lokli.blp, o II. 'Uu Uil 11. I I 0..1 I'U , hat k .Ulv rl.ltfl.'l till I, l.u wil l In lli.uv allli.l.'l tlo. j le. .-a. II.. i.,i,l. 1 kill. II 1.1 .1.1 I...... ai. I u .11. I imu il ui. 1. 1 ba ..'a 1 t I 1 11. Il ha. k- . U II U 'lu k UuiiiIm I I ... Ul ku.. I. .1.'. , I "U- ...... ,. '.I . . I . .1.1 1 1. ! I u ik IUIII . 1., .. ... I -N I... i, I i'l I I.', U. U 1 , U l 1..! ul Ik. I.IMll. .u. , 41.4 J.l.-l.' U l- Us II, ul l kv. 1x4 I ., lis. ul .l V, Ii I . I'l Ii Ik 1 II, 4 .j ..l. I , S . , . 14 -.1 I ', I 1 1 I .a