Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 18, 1871, Image 2

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    9 S
Sunburn American
Our mlRhbor of the DnwrntHiM per
main in his deception, nml in hisY'tidravors
to misVad his rundcrs. Ho Is crc.ilins the
impression Hint they ure ignorant and do
not know bettor, and necessarily believe
.cverytliin lie may publish. Although re
buked at tho Into election for bis course, he
is not satisfied, but continues to nil his pa
prr weekly with squibs, which he knows
are fabrications. What his Intentions are,
' no outs is able to tell. It is certain that
more than two thirds of .his readers are
aware of their fabrication, and are more cn
liglTU'iicd on those subject than tho editor
himself. There certainly must bu a screw
loose somewhere, or ho would not publish,
in an enlightened community, a paper
which exceeds those of the Southern Slates
for its abuse of tho officials who are so suc
ctnifully carrying on our govern inent. We
publish a few paragraphs from that paper
to show what empty fabrications he resorts
to In order to make capital, and all, too, in
the face of tho rebuke ho received nt tho
late election :
"Down South. Tho people can under
stand what martiil law, military elections,
and Ku Klux means in the South when
tlmy know that South Carolina hits been
robbed of thirty millions of money, and
that North Carolina is uo better oil'. This
is carpet-bag, loyal goveruincut with a ven
geance. No wonder Forney, Grant and
the leading thieves at Washington do so
it lia'VA'UVA&rvr over Southern disloyalty ;
wora,oiTJ;nn8C'eHl"","";e i ... .
If Forney and Gfi?inine1 ,n -hove,
nny one suppose that tl?o"ei!?JOTC"t d,H'
would let tlicni go unpunished, particuiir'
ly after their friends, Messrs. Twoed, Con-
m.lly nud Tat Hester are about getting
their deserts.
Fred. G n ant, an officer of the Army,
but for several months employed by the
l'.idlle roaJ as engineer, is about to sail
for Europe in a man-of-war. Taxpayers
would liko to know whether his salary goes
on all the time."
If Mr. Grant is employed by the gov
ernment, he undoubtedly will receive his
pay the same as any other officer, which
they are cutilled to. As the editor of the
Democrat is just now rampant because the
county officers do not give him something,
"jut for party's sake," we advise him to
make application nt once for a situntiou
under the government, nnd as he is will ng
others should labor gratuitously we have
no doubt ho would do the same, and thus
readily get a situation.
i,"w w'0 l'llarR day and expenses is what
" S )Ut h Unr u:;r.o .,.,...... ..... r.. !..
nt for
war" ",ul witnesses ill t
til.. 1.-.. Tn
war. -ihi.
If neroes aie entitled to in.y t,w. j,,,
should havo it. Wo are certain the ci
oi'the Democrat wouldn't leave a witness fee
4if twenty-live cents staud over
without looking after it. Whetiur' jlc
niukes a difference between Civil rgCs nud
T. . ....
jk.i mux casts u mo u.i.v... to say, but
the indications nre that ho is favorably dis
posi'd to the latter.
"Tiik recent decision of Judge Pearson
in tha Lvuus case docs not gi ve satisfaction."
Of course it would not give satisfaction
to our neighbor. To see Tweed, Connelly
& C')., and Pat Hester punished for their
crimes, after being convicted by the s.imu
laws that exonerate Evans, is eetti'iuly a
bitter pill fyr our neighbor. If the laws
nre enforced much longer on such charac
ters as Tweed, Connelly and Hester, our
neighbor will be left without friends, and
we don't wonder thai such cases as Evans'
do not give him satisfaction.
"Nrw York. Tho Radicals have pro
bably carried New York by a small major
ity. When wo consider the vast numbers
of negroes in that State who came up to tho
poll iliiri ytar for the first time in forco we
need only wonder that their maiorilv is so
ill. This negro vote will, ns a matter
of course, lose tliein twice thu number it I
pives in a iew years, probably by next year
it will drive enough white nu n to the Dem
ocrats to wipe out tho gain it gives. Tho
cry of Tammany also done something in
thu way of hc!piuj the Radical on to suc
cess. "
Our neighbor when ho wrote the above
certainly know that negroes always had a
vote in thut State, and thut there was but
little change in that respect, but then ir ho
would not mako au excuse of that kiud his
friends of tho "Tammany Ring" would uot
be defended, nnd that is a considerable
pock In our neighbor's goggles.
"Give U tiik PicmiiM.The artists
or thu Harper IWhem, who havo been
pleluriiig out the Tuiumany leader in ev
ery conceivable wUy, are badly needud in
IVnuHylvaiiin. Tho Council of I'hiladel
j.hiu could give tin in leudy einployu-ut
hr mouths, uud Evan, Geary & Co.,
would alto look well on paper."
The ubove jwragraph shows that the c-d-hut
of the ArtrKvt lad hi feetiug hurt
lyllurptT& lifilier by "picturing out
tliu Tammany leader." What a pity that
oar neighbor's frlc ud should bo abucd
ufu r robbing the citizens of New York
t y out of millions, and thru sending their
iii.'cl.U hire to Ull the people of this touu
i l . L.oi il, iy .U-HcU u
g ivun our couiiiy HttUir. li must lave
i iiaUil a soru In our neighbors bivul that
ran sturou be healed, Uu niUr woikluj
so luotMuiuly Cr tho Tammany Uad.-r"
and ilht (,f ,is t-.iumy i.j rebuk
b in l- r it.
' I'iUm Mrus ill 1'lUil.iir.i il,.. i..
, ----- ... w .., i, J,
HIHIUtlut It.ike till I IIHI. MllJ I.. .!,.!..'.
O'lr neighbor, ua doubt, conshh i il
"tiiuu.-u" i l.i. l lirani liol, not i..k lU
sii .ll jio, n,4 lU b)lt.1(r Uu(
rouuiy, ,,,4 Uk
hl liuu l Ku(
' ''' slur ink, lUy
...... , .i j i ,) ;u4 m i4 , 'l
SlK'MH Sli4kl.IIM.Ml ul (U 4lUf L, l UmJ.
n t t Cm 1 iHi.,4iy Uuij ii4 Ku KIum.
fix ! ouM M l.,Huw
Ht..v. ai.. U.UM.SU4 Ijy l i.Hj,,,..
'"- ot lis lU)
made to sufler for it. The fact is our neigh
bor does not liko to set) the government pun
ish rogues without distinction of party, and
there is where tho shoe pinches.
Senator Cameron lm long expressed
a desire to visit tho Oil Regions of this
State, and received many invitations to do
so. The TituKi-itie Herald says that the
request has at last taken a public form nnd
is so general nnd spontaneous that Senator
Cameron has signified his intention to come
at an early day.
It is possible that Senator Cameron may
time his visit so as to afford the Duko
Alexis on opportunity to visit tho Oil Re
gion. As representative of this Govern
ment to the Court of St. Petersburg under
the Lincoln administration, and ns the
present bend of tho Committee on Foreign
Relations in the Senate, it is rcasonablo to
suppose, that Senator Cameron will feel It
incumbent on him to extend some personal
civilities to the royal visitor, which may
result in bringing them both to this region
in company. Senator Cameron has a
.strong hold ou tho Republican party In
this Slate for his early nnd persistent nd
vocaey of Mic emancipation policy in the
first stages of tho war, wheu, there wero
few "if any statesmen and generals to second
his efforts and wishes ; and further, for his
championship of the Protection system or
the rights of American, labor in contradis
tinction to the Interests of foreign capital
ists. The Senator will receive a cordial
welcome in the oil region, by reason of his
eminent and varied services in the councils
of the country, during the most trying
period of its history.
The result of tho election in New York
seems to havo fully restored confidence aud
iu ivQ given afresh impulse to business
operations. Ti,e Sun says : "One of the
" n.r is'to'uc SiIl'cl9 of lW overthrow of the
wait,... . n Yttc finaiiciaV unovaney
business. Not ouy a.,, (.ri-difvy. phase of
and Statv, but that of the Lin. I,'.,1. Jt.ity
strengthened by the enforced (light ot u
robbers from the metropolitan till. Wall
street rejoices, i no commercial ceutres aw
elated, tvery man who owns n house and
lot on tho island of New York lieliovcs that
it is worth more to-day than it was before
the election, lax-pavers feel that an in
tolerable burden has been lilted from their
shoulders, and honest men are everywhere
inspired with renewed hope.
"Tho result of this new state of things is
already beginning to tell on nil the great
miancui interests, .transactions in real
estate are begincing to revive. Money is
becoming easier and more plentiful. The
fetters which general distrust and despon
dency had fastened on the credit and the
business of New York have been stricken
olfat a blow, and the city seems ready to
enter upon a new career of prosperity, with
the energy and elasticity which nothing but
a well-founded conlideuce in tho iutegrity
of the people can inspire."
We ngree with our cotemppjeary of ths-
Ilarrisburg St'ttc Journal, that tho ease
with ,vhich official robbers stove off prosc-
I eu',.,n nud psimpo conviction, and the ten
derness with which great thieves are treat
ed, necause they' were respectable before
their crimes were exposed, is working a
fearful evil in society. Embezzlement like
that of Yerkes in Philadelphia, nud trans
actions liko those of the Philadelphia city
treasurer, nre influences which will debase
all kinds of business, encourage evil every
where, nnd dignify crime in nil shapes.
We must stop convicting little rascals and
take giants of crimes by the throat, or our
jurisprudence will becomo a contemptible
Tiik Diocesan Convention of Central
Pennsylvania, which met at Harrisburg
last week, received an endowment of 41,
000 for tho Episcopate, and resolved to in
crease it to $75,000. Bishop Steven hav
ing been elected to connect himself with
the Diocese of Pennsylvania, Rev. Dr.
Do Wolf Howe, of Philadelphia, was chosen
Hishop of the new Diocese. Dr. Howe bus
beon rector of St. Luke's church, Thir
teenth and Spruce streets, for nearly a
quarter of a century. Ho is about fifty
years of age, moderate in his opinions, a
Z'-nloiH ch.urchinau and highly esteemed by
his constituency. !
Major Hodoe, who recently stole sev. hundred thousand dollais from the
Treasury of tho United States, was nrrcr.
ted by the order of the present Republican
administration, was convicted us a defaul
ter and without delay was sentenced to the
penitentiary fur a term of years. "Ross"
Tweed, who stole over 80,000,000, of the
people's money in New York, and who is
now charged with enough of crime to send
him to prisou for morethau the remainder
of hi natural life, ha been elected by thu
Democrats to fill a high position. It would
be well to ic-mind Icmocmts of these facts
when they prate about corruption and dis
honesty in tlie Republican party.
Thu Grand Duke had not arrived at
New York on Wcduesduy, aud the good
people of Gotham are growing weary of
waiting. Every thiug ha long since been
prepared for hi reception, and if he should
not turn up toou fit- cxriliuei.t might die
sway, aud he tuny meet with a cold recep
tion, if uot a cold dinner.
Tun Mmixiuf i silt ut concerning Iho
election of the great Tumiuuiiy ihief.
IVnd, to the Hutu brunt by the New
V"ik Iv-ium-racy. Are you glad or sorry.
fl to I a iioblo ihaiico for that UttU 'J'tsm
rUt lo exhibit him ll'oiu u inoie.
We liiiru thut tho mo Utwi-ii thu
I'hil.idulphiii and r-ilv, and Iho l'ului.i
Itailioad tnuiiauU, srUtd Utoi UV
huprvMw Ciuit. at I'litsbuijj, i k Ufi
i.isi, vi tiicidiil tine U.iy last unk in
fuvor of thu t'4Ul4 loiiiiu)'. Thu
ilijutiilloti i4iiU-4 by Judu tlmiMu4
s-iiiio tult hiis diilvt'd, and lite
('4i4iasa 1HI Kil Uuw trt Iho liaik ol
Ihu i'lnUtklphia au4 Kiio. Mith -ut any
itiru.liii. tkMpl obsi ivotsui li ruU
sua KjiwUWun t itMty b loiw.d upou
Kllnf u4it VIUM.I14 at t4u.
- - - w
li.iktntor tviy b4spHi UU4 II 'M A.
l, ( d,ol I'olUI viKilily, i siUiiul 111.
mI U iu Ihojudti-Uldisllittol liut s
sul M 'i.ltto''f f 'Oiiiut, in tlt p4. t(
Julian ls, uiiuU4 ti H-s I'Usl.Ubl uf il liis'.IWl St U UUl ikii-
Mr. tittisu4 ih Uu ktbftt.jf
fi.iiM 'li;4 ai4 i'wiui vuiiMut, axd
uubiutuusly kM.iMiMwatU ty Mm U U
ha- ! Uf'iUMi).
II n morn of hln liitolct! Flight.
Although Mr. Tweed has denied thatl.e
intends to resign his position ns Commis
sioner of Public Works, and strenuously
asserted his intention of taking his seat in
the Senate, the belief is general that he
will resign if the flight for which ho is be
lieved to be making preparations docs not
occur prematurely. On Saturday a gentle-
mnn,wno lias every means or obtaining trust
worthy information in regard to tlie rinjj
movements, said to n Tribune reporter : "I
am not nt liberty lo give you nny author
ity, but 1 know tlint Tweed win resign ins
position in a few days. 1 tell you tins.
knowing that it is correct." This was in
dorsed by a prominent member of the Tam
many society. Ou several occasions, last
week. Sheriff Brcnnnn, who is supposed to
know much more of tho inner working of
the Tammany King than ho chooses to di
vulge, prophesied startling developments,
and one of tli.'so is thought to lie Mr.
Tweed's lliirlit. nt nn enilv dav. Charles
O'Conor entertains n very decided npiniou
that Air. Tweed having, without disguise,
prepared to leave this city for a forvluu
land, will soon put his plans in practice
and go. Mr. O'Conor bases his belief, in a
large degree, on the fact that Mr. Tweed
is doini! hint what men who intend to run
awav usually do that is, they take all
they can with them. The bail of 81.000.
00 Mr. O'Conor does not deem sufficient
to prevent Mr. Tweed from fleeing from
justice, and he has little confidence in the
officers whose duty it will be to arrest him
in any attempt he may make to leave tho
Frightful I.oaa ofEtfc Insurrection
at Mchirnz mill Tiibrl
A letter dated Teheran, August 7, in the
Cologne Gazelle, states that chylera, pesti
lence, famine, nnd bad government make
the si tun lion in Persia more horrible from
dav to day. Of the 120,000 inhabitants of
Meschad. tho capital of Khornsnn. two-
thirds perished from hunger and disease in
llie course oi iuiy last, wuiiu me niiiuiiiiu
third tied, nnd were mostly captured by
. f t i , . . . . i i . .1..
roving troops ot Turkomans and Atgiians.
nnd led into slavery. At Schiraz and
T.ibris insurrections have broken out. The
cholera declared itself at the latter place
;iiimviii ui:vutivu noun iifc tiiiu
yhieh suffered nlso terribly from
.'.'.'"..r.V'l. on the Turkish fn
rv'ueii 8Ullered also terribly trom an inun-
1 Oilltlfi. ,. rt, ', . n .
Sini..i.:.f.",. me AuiKisu iniuiiii Ml
a 'ri,i i.,i..K-i'"f pestilence have accur-
ing that a petition to the Slmli" wiiuV.?""
main witl.outanswer, nddrcssed themselves
to the foreign representatives, who declined
to intervene. When, at the becinning of
August, the Shah returned to his capital,
hu was received before the gates by thou
sands of howling women, who were after
wards dispersed by the police. The Slinh
took up his residence in n neighboring
castle, nnd issued a decree ordering the
sale fif bread at a nominal price. No bread
came forth, and the Shah then ordered, ns
remedial measures, to put into iiains the
vizier of the tvn, to sli 'ien the belly of
the ciwer baker, and to put several other
bakers in their ovens. The entente was
thereby put down, but not the prevailing
misery, and a terrible catastrophe is expec
ted. THE POPK.
Ilia Reqneat Tor Aaylnni-Chntenn
Pua Designated.
Taius. Nov. 13. It has transpired that
the pope a short timo nco dopilt,l to quit
Hnmo i' ..nniouinieiUi'd his decision to
President Thiers, requesting that an asvlum
lie provided for him within French territory
Thiers replied, offering him n residence n't
Chateau Pau, but the Pope has not yet
signified his acceptance. The Castle of
Pau is situated in tho Department of tho
Lower Pyrenees, on thn Gave do Pau river.
home, ..Nov. 13. The announced in
tention of the Pope to leave the city, ns ex
pressed in his recent communication to
Thiers, in which he nks the privilege of an
asvlum from France, has caused consider
able comment in ecclesiastical circles here.
It cannot bo ascertained with what de
gree of favor or apprehension tlie action of J
the Molv Father in (his important matter
is viewed by the lusher dignitaries of the
Church, but it is considered extremely j
doubtful whether his Holiness will carry
his purpose of leaving Rome into effect. It
js even considered possible that he may be
int'itic need bv his counsellors to adopt an
entirely different course of r.ctiou.
The Wickedest City. TIioko who
think Chicago was destroyed of God for its
wiekeduefs. will find it difficult to account
for the escape of New York city. A city
t lint originates the "wickedest man:" is
guilty of tlie largest frauds ; makes the bal
lot a farce ; supports debauchery in cildded
palaces ; gives a living lo 100,000 rum
sellers ; spend 70.01)0.000 yearly for
strong drinks ; $7,000,000 for public amuse
ment ; with over half its population for
eisin. and representing fifty different nation
alities, if such n city is not the wickedest,
it must at least lack not a little of being
strictly pious.
According to the Mayor's estimates tho
local taxes are $-2.'1.300,0O0 ; Federal taxes,
S.IO.Ot 10,000. Also, that 2.000.000 gallons
of foreign spirits. 400.000 gallons of fer
mented liipioraiid 50.000 doz-n of cham
pagne nre consumed. The bare tax on
these amounts to -MK).(MKJ. The police
arrests last yenr wero 7".0i2. of which 34.
ttOO wero for intoxication and disonh rly
conduit; 14I.7SU mtsouh were accommo
dated with lodgings at the police station ;
S.K40 is the average number of imthoiik
continually in prisons, atyluiu hospitals,
luroiiTANT Arctic Discoveries.
Hie. following dated Ot toiler Dili is a trans
lation of information rucelved ut the Navy
dewirtiueiit from Dr. A. Peiermaii. of
got hn : "The telegram dated OvtoU-r 3d,
li 1. which announces the return of Can-
tain Wcyprecht aud l.U uU unlit Payer, of
tho Ausiriau army, slate that in the
mouth of September uud .n sea was
toiinU IV0111 4 J degrees to 00 degree east of
Greeiiwich to the nortlmard ot 7H thxiec
north, latitude. The iiorilariiiuokl point
reached wit 70 decrees north. 011 the
meridian 4H degrees east. Here found
the iiiosi litvoiuble slate of ice toward the
North l'olc, with proluthly connected with
the 01 u sea, imiih o NU ria, toward the
east. 1 hi upiM-iti to Ut iho luotl favora
ble loutu toward thu N 01 ill i'ulc." Jlr,
I'tUiiuaii ri.uiuiL: -"'i'liu Ut uirl of tin
Ullegr.iiu 1 isuiiot iiudcisUiid ; but I have
reason in ms.uiiio ihut ('uiiiaiul, ahith aa
diacoveix d hist V ar by iho Count 'a il and
TIicimwi 'uii Ih'uuhir.tsleiidssiiuihaitrd
In 7H hg. U mill, S'ouh. 'j hu I'uvnu
and WoprrrhtrsiMdiiiou W4 umdo Iu a
sum II k4iiiiiS viil aud at their vau
mm .
XoiiTiii wurutAsu CotKrv Coil
I'll US. '1'ho BOCUIil of iM)Uhiid lioiu
MoiiitumUiUiid Cituuiy lor ikiolsr i
I i'Jt'iJ I "ll. l. l.f b t'4S4W )outv.
tons, a.-uiusl liiiM lor Ut., foM,
auU H'jnu l In 4itt4i U.llo List tear
(iiu I i-.Ur, o), 'k.j0.i i,,!,,, nu4 lr
l Ik 4MuI4 lY.i tous. U Mill U' vU.iid
our I'Kl' it4tlitd) kit. t did oii uolllou
t-)n Ibis smi4i, and slioglj ihu H1114IU.114
IHU llll .1 . 1 t ..I ll.M ..U. l 1.1 Mil I. .l.U ..... .
Ii jlilpimuls 1 1 "in borM'inily U.f ili
4uriu fo 4i4 ti l II gi4Ul
s)i -IH. SJ .S aini.
Itev. Henry Ward needier on Pol
Heecher delivered a strong sermon nn
Sunday on tho "Purity of tho Ballot." lie
said the greatest of nil dnngcr was the in
difference of educated men to the ballot,
and there was more (lunger now from gl-
gnnlic money corporations than there was
from slavery.
The promiscuous hanging ot men to lamp
posts will uot correct the evil. Reforma
tion must commence in the church, in the
schools. In tho household. Wo must re
deem the ballot, or there is no use of talk
ing or rciormntion. Ho believed promi
nent men of both parties havu conspired to
make the oallot Venial. The civil service
f the nation is a standing threat against
the liberty of tho nation. Tho custom
house is a bribery shop, nnd it these vast
places arc to be put np for sale this govern
ment cannot lona exist. Conscience must
be applied to politics, and the pulpit must
teach the conscience of the people. To be
ttood Christians people must bo good citi
zens. Self governo'cul Is uot n failure ; wo
must not nive wav to cowardice. The ex
periment must be" fought out. Self govern
ment must not fail, nnd by the help nf God
it shall not tail. There wero several out
bursts of applause during the sermon.
ItlormoiilNui In New York.
Elder Lindslev. of Uiah, In a sermon nt
Williamsbura. on Suudav last, referring to
the prosecution of tho Mormons, made use
of the following words: "Wo nre God's
chosen people. , Do is working. A few
weeks ngo Chicago was destroyed. This is
but a drop of water to what will soon haj
pen. Wo were driven from that State nud
God said they should not live there."
The amount contributed to dato by the
citizens of shamokin and vicinity for the
relief of tho north western sufferers, is
?1297 $747 in money and $-V0 in clothing.
There are still some subscriptions to come
in from the collieries, which will swell this
nlrendy handsome sum considerably. This
is independent of the fund raised by the
employees of Shamokin Di v. and a couple
of church collections, amounting to 8301,
00. Shamokin is certainly doinj; her whole
duty in this matter. Shamvk in Herald.
Owing to the high ratrs of insurance on
grain atChicago, the w.trehouso proprietors
have determined, instead of iuBuring, to
ndopt precautions ngninst fire. Eacli is to
have a steam tire engine at his warehouse,
the whole number to be called out if ncces-
nrv. Knch warehouse is also to havo a
steam luimn connected with pipes radiat
Hi2 throughout the building, for use iu case
ol lire.
The Wkstern Cohn Crop. The corn
crop of the West, the present season, has
proved tho best harvested for the past
livo venrs. In manv nortious nt ludiaua.
Iowa, Missouri. Ncbiaska and Minnessota
corn is offered in tie cribs at from ten to
(ifi.uni ocni n bushel. In Illinois and
Kentucky the yield has been bevond all
precedent. Tho wheat crop has also been
very large.
The Chicago relief committee rrport that
they have received over 82,000,000 for the
sufierers by the great Are, and that S3,.r00,
000 is tlie total amount subscribed. It is
proposed to use something more than one-
third or this to provide buildings for the
shelter of houseless, leaving ovor two mil
lion dollars fur sopplt Ing food and clothing
during tho winter to the destitute.
Smart Woman. Over in Jersey, the
other evening, a womau went before a jus
tice, nud made complaint that her husband
had beaten her, nnd he was arrested nnd
locked up over night. Wheu he got out
next morning ho went home to innuire the
cause of such treatment nud found that bis
"Irau" had eloped with another man.
The Committee of Philadelphia Councils
appointed to investigate tlie accounts of
tlie city 1 reasurcr, report a dehciency of
!3.'J3,048 50 in cash, and SI 15,000 in tho
loan accounts. Resolutions have been
adopted to suspend tho Treasurer aud elect
successor, and auth jnzinc tho City
Solicitor to bring suit n'aiust Marcv
Ireaurcr), Yerkes (lirukcr), and others.
Accidentally Shot recently Mr.
Reish nr.d son, of White Deer Mills, went
out to the mill pond to shoot ducks. Tho
son, nged nbout rJ. in company with an
other boy named Miller, wero on one side
of the pond together, w hen Millers gun dis
charged, aud Ueis was killed. MiMUbury
Tub great lease of "Tho United Com
panies of N'ew Jersey" to the Pennsylvania
Central Railroad Company was etlecled on
Saturday by the at-sent of'lhe Philadelphia
and Trent' m Railroad, one of the United
Companies, without whose concurrence the
lease could not have becii secured.
France is tho usual scene of a terrible
mining disaster, an eNplobion of tire-damp
in a coal mine near t. Klieuuts haviuii
caused tho death ol cert iinly twenty-two
persiiiiH, and thirty mure workmen remain
yet iu thu pit. Tne mines are largo and
important, audit isfurprisiui; that no more
lives were involved 111 tlie catastrophe.
Rears are bold nnd destructive in Muf-
tlin county.
Nevada desires to supply tho whole world
with salt.
All thu iron works of lluutiuudou have
stopped opcratious.
Mining wu never so Generally carried
ou in Nevada as uowi.
Two Indiana workwomen havo fallen
heir to thu trilling sum of HJ,0UU,00J.
Thu hlidiu scale system of waues has
I ice 11 aduptcd in tho iron districts of North
bui; laud.
Forty thousand sheep nre said to have
la-rikhed by Ihu lulu aud storm iu Loa An-
tjeli . C'al.
Protracted meetlui; are now In success
ful! progrck iu thu Evangelical churches
ol PollavilU).
It i estimated that three hundred thou
sand hog will bu mtkud at liuiivillo tin
can.ui. U:ing sixty ihuuuud uioro than
la 1 tear.
The Wakhburu are a utot remarkuble
fumily. Tw i of lliciil were t U cU-d liovn u
or but weik'ouu iu Makkachukcits, aud
uuu iu Wlacolikiu.
KX'L'iHigrtiMiiiau Ktokt-s, if Tuiuaskce,
ha been aiien-d at Wa.liiiiijtiiii 011 the
cnargu ut Uihaudiug 1I10 uovuruiueul
lUr'lUll 111!.' 'llkillt lUkillt M.
lliu k Mtrliiaut of Agricultur) at
Washiuiiuiu kUu tbitt thu Miiiii rron
tin iar is im iih ait avurugu
Imh uot 'jicii thu pupuUi judiiuelit.
(loo of l'hiijo' ondmii thildreu, a buy
alxiul trll )tt old, anlvt'4 Iu lA'baunU U iu u.iu J Im liltlv It lluw,
ba Ucu ad.ipud by Utiiily iu North
tit u. Kdtiar m. Cirt'gory, L'. (i. Mushal
for r.4utu rviu)UMi4, dn-d, iu I'lou
di ii'b is, uu '1 uily k( Ut . iu tU
tyiiiu )iar ul hi IU tu Ui.a duitu
KUikt4 OM aa 4iiir duiiurf ila i
Uu tuuJv amiiiliiri, a l4iuiiy iumi4
I'sisr sui P'uuJ MiaiOi ikJ in iitt-ir ium.
iwr li ui) kiiIm. u4. 'I u feiuiiy i-Hi.
t4 cf Mr. aud Mi. ris, swit aut law
dsuvbui. I tui mm JvikM aia autatiaa,
A traveling humbug wni arrested In
Bolinscrove, on Saturday night, in the garb
of a female, but upon investigation was
found to be a mnn, nrincd with a loaded
s'x shooter. We have not learned what
disposition was made of the party
Have yon a severe wrench or sprain 1
Have you rheumatism in nny form r Have
you stiff nock, or bunches caused by rheu
matic pains ? If so, Johnson's Anodyne
Liniment Is ft specific remedy, and is also
the best pain killer in the world.
We often seo a large stock of cattle which
do not seem to thrive, and come out
"spring poor," all for want of something
to start them in the right direction. One
dollars worth of Sheridan's Cavalry Condi
tion Powders, iven to such a stock occa
sionally during the winter, would be worth
more than an extra half ton of hay.
rnriP nnili-mtffned will offer at Public 8.lo. on
1. Thnradajr, December 14th, 1871,
nt 10 o'cliirK, A. .M., on ine premises, an umi
certain valuable
attnnte In Upper Anensta township, Northnm-
herlanrt couutv. ncUoliuns lnni 01 widow ainan.
Samuel Moor and William Wollsel, containing
twentv lluee ncre or land, whereon U erected a
8one Mill, thirty by rorty reet, three and a-hnll
Ktnrlca blvrh, four run of stone In good runnlntr
order, and is located one and a-lmlf miles eat of
Sunbnry, one of the beet markets Iu tlie State,
on little Shamokin Creek, on of the best Water
powers In thl section or country.
Ateo, a two and one-half stories brick resi
dence on the same, twenty by forty feet, with a
kitchen of twenty-five by eighteen reet i and also
another two and n-hnlf stars house twenty-live
by ilfteen fun, a good barn rorly-tlve by twenty
five feet, with a wagon shed twenty-five by thir
teen feet. Also another wagon shed twenty-live
by sixteen feet, with other jrood outbuildings, and
nn excellent spring of runnlntr wotcr Iu the cellar
of the mill, and a pood well of water at the
house. Also nn excellent young apple orchard of
the choicest of fruit.
Terms nnd conditions of sale will be made
known on said day of sale by
Not. 18, 18Tl.-4t.
Committee on "Trades" and "Interests"
otherwise provided for, and on
'One Day's Income."
Appointed by Ills Honor, the Mayor of the City
of Philadelphia.
Chairman, GEORGE II. STUART, Js.
Muj.-Gen. Geo. G. Meads, Gen. Robert Pat
tehson, Joh Welsh, S. A W. Welsh, Geo.
II. Stcakt, Jr., Pet eh B. Simons. C. Stuart
Pattekson, Rene Gcilloc, Nelsom F. Etas,
Wm. F. Misket, Ed. R. Hctciiins. M. )., L. Bono, Preshleut Kcyntone liunk,
Thomas Kennedy, Pres. Spring Gulden Bank,
Col. Thomas A. Scott, Pennsylvania Central It.
R., Duncan M. Mitciieson, Jambs Ross Snow,
den, Samuel G. Tuommon, Kicuakd Y. Cook,
Wm. U. Ckowei.l.
L. Mo-"Toomert Bond, Treasurer.
DrriCAN M. itiTciiESON, Secretary.
Office of the Committee, No. 623 Walnut Street,
Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1671.
Dr Sir : Tlie object of the appointment of
the foregoing committee is to secure contributions
for the titHictud and sutli-rlng poor of Chicago
nom an 1 nose 01 our citizens who have not yet
been culled upon to give to the relief of our sister
city, and who do not belong to professions or
trailes, for the canvassing of which committees
have been aire uly iiiiiiiU'l.
Tho terrible ctleela of the overwhelming catas
trophe which has ruined nnd rendered houseless
so many tuns of thousands of our fellow country
men, Just nt the commencement of winter, can
only bu mitigated by the prompt uud liberal do
nations of all classes of our people. Fellow Citi
zens, Manufacturers, Mechanics uud Tradesmen
of the City of Brotherly l.ove I give of your
abundance nud to tho best of your ability for the
relief of the sutrering men, women mid "children
of Chicago, or the Northwest, and you will never
r-ijfret Ihe moncv von thus contribute.
Office, No. CJ3 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Hour 10 to 3.
To give some idea of the distress existing con
sequent thereupon, we give the foltowiu;r brief
aud comprehensive extract
From tin Xex York Herald.)
Womeu and children are going round.
seeking something to sutisfy their hunger, which
there is nothing to supply. No one has provi
sion or money. Vt bat provisions there were in
the city are uow burned or entcii. A few peoplu
have t'uougu for a day or two not longer. Pro
visions nre arriving, but lire distributed us fust
as possible. Twenty dead bodies have been
takeu to the station on the North side. At pre
sent it Is Impossible to know who they are. As
night comes on, the want of gas Is keenly felt.
There ure few candles iu the city, and 110 water
except what Is taken from the Lake. Great fears
of thieves ore felt on the West side, 1 and General
Slieilduu Is .till calling for troops from diirerent
posts to keep order. All business nnd work Is
suspended, uud every one Is occupied In procur
ing something to eat, and places of shelter. Tlie
sullV-rlng on the North side are heart rending.
Kilt v thousand men, womeu and children are
huddled together like so many animals. Seven
teeu thousand Germans and Irish are praying
for relief. Helpless ehildreu ure asking for bread
from heart broken parents, who know not which
way to turn, uor to do, except to await supplies
which must be slow in coming, as there Is part
of I lie burnt district where it is uhnet Impossible
to travel. Patient who hud been removed from
beits of sickness to save lives, which were nearly
sieul, were alt exposed to the r.itu last night and
the cold raw winds to-day. Several deaths have
occurred at Lincoln Park. Another night must
be spent in the Lincoln Park uiul the brick fields
of tiivisios) street, aud yet another. Trulu uud
extras uie loaded to their fullest capacity, luklug
people away, who la many instance have no
pluee to go lo, but yet cuunot stay here, and each
train leaves live times as many passengers as II
luke away. The "Evening Journal" got out
half a fcnel to-night, aud other paper will fol
low to-niorro.
When sending subwrlptlons pleas write names
plululy so thut they cau be correctly
uekuo lediard.
Foau or Si aacairTioM.
PUILADBLruiA, 171. j
L. Montoomt Uond, Esq., j
President of ins "Keystone Bunk," No. I
MM Chestnut ure. , Philadelphia, :
Ifcur Sir i Herein pleas Bud i
Our Hul.erlllou for . . I OU :
"One day' iueoiiis" from our Em
ployees, . . . . 1
Total, 9 uu j
which pleas ekuowlelg iu lh Ne spa
pen. r j
Vsiy rMiwrtfully,
Nn. !
AJJmss. :
Pieas draw ('hacks lo lh order of lbs Treasur
rr, isIiim iu.kirKiueul kill Im a f.i)t u ii
ditlou lo lb "uekuuitidaiuutit."
Su!nl!U.ut also rwxlvwl for tuuVicii by lh
tunsits Hi,s Iu MuLigtu, Miuiikkuu eud Wu
c-misoi, by is t.1. la kuudicds ui dolus of fois.1 aud
piuiiik aud lliiny IiUkm awn 4Woyk4. Wbcu
Muding r Ihcui, pluas so Sislu,
uOishsIm this mil b nwjiu4 to luklulugu
Saiwt il4lob lixolvsd fiuta Sua Hldll ol
Pl.ii.4. i Uu as well taikvus.
I li ins, i4ku(.'ti!' k-i ibllyliiusiils, tail.
Iwii "l. Ilutt kil l US lwut (44 prt
l tuikwos), U u wu til ttek sUf, (Uuitld
ImtkkUlt kt-ud it, ikiu kubkMi4lutk, i4 4
luauKuikt suolsUiiiU kiMotjj l.s,
U k.s J "ui a)' lM, aakiMSl 4it.4
la 1st ksdt w Iwiumi. kaia4 b Ik ..,
t'lsi lU'ituts kkiMild Sa ktuikj U la u (ak
Ul ut H Mmmi tk,kh, i ,iUi.4 u
.! lUsut, M Is It, 1 lMSUW, L. ki 0JS
tas a i kusii. sM , fi4vi s-i u. a.
a.u, kg. 14 ImssUwI tK44. ftUsts I
(eta miltttlstmtnts.
A GOOD hand tuctlon FI10 Engine U. offered
il. for sale by Hi Qood Intent Company of
junbnrr, Pa. Thisdnctnc look the firet premium
it 111 Northumlierlnnd count; Fair when held at
Mllion, over nil other hand engine who com
lifted Tor tho prize.
For particular address M'llllain I. Oreenongh,
Esq., Treasurer, or the nnitrmlprned.
Bunbnry, Not. 11, 1871.-st.
To Bltomlnona Coal Miner ad
' Operators.
THE Karthnn Coal and Lumber Company
will rcecelve proposn Is till December 1, 1871.
nt their ofllce, for the mining and delivering of
their coal In the shutcs at their mines near Reno
to, Pa., or for the mining of the coal at a royalty-
The capacity of the ireent openings plane
and fthutus is from 600 to 7U(rtons per day.
Those wishing to view the premises, please
call on William D. Poilard, at Reuovo. For
terms, address James Brnducr, Treasurer, No.
10 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
Not. 11, 1871.-31.
ALL perKons knowing themselves Indebted to
J. li. Engel on Bunk account or Note, will
plcaso make settlement aid pay between this
nnd the first day of Dceenber next, nnd save
cost, as after that dnt the books nnd notes will
be placed in the hands of a Justice Tor collection
J. 11. ENGEL.
Sunbury, Not. 11, 1871.-.
TOSIAFI BYERLY, Proiirietor, Lower Muha
tl noy township, Nnrthuinherlnnd county, Pa.;
on tne rond leiidinpr from Ueorgetown to Lnlon
town, Smith Inn. Trevorton Puttsvllle. &c.
1 ue rnoicest f.upors una pirnrs nt the Dnr.
The tables are provided Willi tne best or the sea
son. Stabling large and well suited for drovers,
wltn pood ostlers.
Every attention pcld to make guests com fort a
Not. U, 187t.-ly
Beef! Beef!
THE undersigned Is prepared to furnish the
citizen or Suitmry nnd vicinity with the
choicest Beef and Pork in Market, cither at
Wholesale or Retail,
Families will be inpplicd by the quarter or
side, or smaller quantities at the most reasona
ble rates.
Constantly on hand the choicest cuts of Beer,
Pork, Mutton uud Veal. also Sausages, Bclognns.
etc. Apply at the Meat House, South Third
street, in Moore St DisMngcr's Row, Sunbury.
On market days the best of meat Is served to
customers nt the meat stand, coruer of Market
and Third streets, when the celebrated Broslous'
sausage can be had, long known us the best in
N. B. Persons having fat hogs or beeves for
sole can procure the bigest market price by ap
plication at the ubove establishment.
Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1871.
timohb. First premium for Fire place Heaters
awarded the Sunnysidc.
Advantages of the 8nnnyslde :
1. It Is so constructed that one-tlilr.l more of
the radiating surface extends Into the room, giv
ing that much more additional heal without ex
tra fuel.
2. It is the only IIot-Alr Firc-pluce Heater In
the market. Like the regular built eellar beater,
it loses no heat, but coullnes It all to its legili
purposcs. 3. The fuel magazine is double the usual size,
extending from the lire-box to the top of the
stove, with capacity for lwenty-1'our hours' sup
ply of coal.
4. The patent double cover for coal magazine
consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas into
the room, nnd makes it impossible for any puf
fings or explosions to occur. This is an advant
age possessed by uo other llro-pluce stove in the
5. There arc three nlr ceambcrs, wharelu n
bvisk circulation Is kept up, drawing the cold air
in ttio room through heated flues Into a large
hot-air reservoir, nt the back of the stovo.
I). No side pipes are used, ns the air is heated
In n re-ervoir having double radiating Hues uud
double back, supplying large quantities of hot
air without waste of hunt or fuel.
7. The SiNsvsinE utilizes tho waste heat so
thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining
room ou (lie first, betide heating tfco rooms in
second uud third stories.
8. A damper on top of the stove, connected
with tho hot air flues, controls thu quantity of
hot air required for the uso of cither the upper
or lower rooms. All oilier tire-place stoves arc
very inconvenient iu tlds respect.
U. Tho (irate Is scU'-6caling, and uo dust can
escape while slinking It.
II. B. MASSEn, Ageut.
Nov. u, 1S71.
WOULD respectfully announce t the citi
zens of Suubury nud surrounding country.
that he is prepared to manufacture all styles of
'HrriMfjeM, UuggieM, Ac,
at his uc'V shop on cast Market street. He will
furnish every description of Wagous, both
1?l.yin and Fancy.
In short, will mukc everything III his Hue from a
llrst-class carriage ton wheelbarrow, win united
lo be made of the be-t and most durubln materi
als, and by tho most experienced workmen. All
work sent out from his cstublishmeul will be
found reliable In every particular.
The patronage ot the public is solicited.
Sunbury, Not. 4, '7t.-ly.
' tlfrW n;;n ut
Market Square, SUNBURY, Penn'u.,
Silk Popllus, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries,
Notions, tV-e.
iienis- coiiur. Neck-tle, Half-hose, Hundker.
clilels and Gloves.
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes.Comb,
Au Invitation 1 exteuded to all to cull aud se
cure bargains.
Nov. 4, 1471.
of every grade, Ju.t opened ut the
or TIION. .. .NOTT,
Ou Third ftroet, in Miller's Mock, opposite tut
Moor X Dissluger Buildings,
The imwt fushloiiiikl clothing made lo order
from every variety of g.HxU.
Mulls or ull ir uud p ui lbs tboriMl no
lle, from the bi Mlu-tiai stock la Nw Yuik
ud Philadelphia.
Cull uud be couvlsotd.
Nov. i, 171.
Eall m4 Mistier U .
Mlv 1. WKlSEIi,
Market fcUisct, mis d.-oi - of lici bait's turn
fictions!) store,
MNHl'UV, I'A.,
1 1 pcurd Iter stink ut
ntlllMrrjf stt4 rsmajr tsaxMla,
Tb UlaM Mflx uf tirs Trimmings, fnuvh
u4 .tiueiwuii Sluaxs, kttbouut, k(
I.S'IJ, I k!(.4i, t uiUia, l ulls, Juvtku Ulusr,
Slid Ul 1 41 14 uf iIm ullUU.
Milk uu lk
l'Ulv1 MARINO AMI) milKU,
la eii as Uui it.
i U 1m t(k M is ' w KiatMt, h.-ut A
I w fallslv.
Tk UJum tof Bis.11 t4 uutt (,
jwu, a.suiwmt 4 ,iua aj H aaa
. 4, ll.
To Debilitated Persons,
To Dyspeptics,
To Sufierers from Liver Complaint, .
To those having bo Appetite,
To those with Uroken Down Constitu
To .Nervous Tcople,
To Children WsBtina Awar.
To any with Debilitated Digestive Organs,
ur trujjermg tcttft any of the following
Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver
or Stomach,
nch a Con-
stlpatlnn, Inward
Piles, Fullness or
Blood to the Head, Acid
ity of the Stomach, Nausea,
, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,
Fullness or Weight In tho Stom
ach, Sonr Eructation. fcinklng or
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stom
ach, Swimming of the Head, Hur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Flutter
ing at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat
ing Sensations, when in a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the
Bight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficien
cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
aud Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest,
Limbs, Ac, Budden flushes of Heat,
Burning in the Flesh Constant Im
agining of Evil, and Great De
pression of Spirits.
Iloofland's German .Utters.
A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind.
Is different from all others. It is composed of
the pure Juices, or Vital Pbincii-lr or Roots,
IIehbs and Barks, (or ns medicinally termed Ex
tracts,) the worthless or inert portions of the in
gredients not being used. There foro In nne bot
tle of this Bitters there is contained i s much me
dical virtue as will be found In several gallons of
ordinary mixtures. The Roots, Vc., used In this
Bitters are grown In Germany, their vital princi
ples extracted ic that country by a scientific Che
mist, and forwarded to the manufactory In this
city, where they ore compounded and bottled.
Containing no spir.tuous Ingredients, this Hitter
Is free from tho objections nrged against all oth
er : no desiro for stimulants can he Induced
from their use ; they cannot mako drunkards,
and cannot, under any circumstances, have any
but a beneficial effect.
Was componnded for those not inclined to ex
treme bitters, and Is Intended fur use in cases
when some alcoholic stimulant is required In co -nection
with the tonic properties of the Bitters.
Each bottle of tho Tonic contains one bottln of
the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ
RUM, and flavored in such a manner that the ex
treme bitterness of the blltera is overcome, form
ing a preparation highly Agreeable and pleasant
to the palate, and containing the medicinal vir
tues or the Bitters. The price of tlie Tonic Is ft.
50 per Bottle, which many persons think too
high. They must take into consideration that
the stimulant used Is guaranteed to he of a pure
quality. A poor article could he furnished ut a
cheaper price, but Is it not belter to pay a little
more and nave a goon article f A medicinal pre
paration should contain none but the best ingre
dients t and they who expect to obtain a cheap
compound, nnd be benellttcd by it will most cer
tainly be cheated.
Ilooflund'a dierinan Bitlcrs, or
LAND'S rodophyllin Till,
will cure you. They arc the Greatest
BLOOD PURIFIERS known to the Medlcnl
world, and will eradicate diseases arising from
Impure blood. Debility of the Disgestlvc Organs,
or Diseased Liver, Iu a shorter time thau nny
other known rcmcdius.
wlio vocld ask foil mohr dignified and
Sthoxgfh Testimony !
Hon. Gkorgb W. Wo idwakp, formerly Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
nt present Member of Cougrcss from Pennsyl
vania writes t
Philadelphia, March lCth, ISC,'.
1 And "Hoofland's German Bitters" Is a good
tonic, useful In diseases of llie digestive organs,
and of great benelit in cuses of debility, and
want of nervous action in tlie svstein. Yours,
truly, GEO. W. WoODWAtvD.
lion. James Tuompsom, Chief Justice of the Su
premo Court of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, April 2S, ISO".
I consider "Hoofland's German Bitters" n val
uable medicine In case of attacks ot Iudlgctiou
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience of it.
llou. Grohor Siiauswood, Jiutice of the Su
preme Court ol Pennsylvania.
PuiLADLLl-niA, June 1, 1SC3.
I have fonnd by experlcuee that "Iloofland's
German Bitters" is a very good ionic, relieving
dyspeptic symptoms almost dbvctlv.
Hon. Wm. F. Itorin. .Mayor of the City of Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 22, ISTO.
I have used "lloofland' German Bitters mid
Tonic" iu my family durlug the past year, and
can recommend as nn excellent t'oulr, Im
parting tono and vigor to tit" system. Their use
has beeu productive of decidedly beneticinl ef
fects. WM. F, ROGERS.
Hon. Jnmtt .V. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Williams-
rirt, Pa.
take great pleasure In recommending "hoof
land's Geiman Tonic" to nny one who may he
alllicted with Dyspepsia. 1 'had the Dyspepsia
so badly it was impossible to keep any food on
my stomach, and I became so weak us not to be
able to walk half u uiilc. Two bottles etl'. cto.t a
perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD.
Will Cure every Case of
or Wnstiiijr nway of tho Body.
Are the medielues yon require lo purity the
Blood, excite llie torpid Liver to healihv action,
aud to euuble you to pus tafely Uirouch uuy
hurdhlv or exposure.
PO D OP II y LLl X ,
or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills a
Dose. The most Powerful, )el luuoccul Culhur
llc kaowu.
Il is not secessary lo lake a handful of these
Pills to lirodum the desired ttf.vl o of llieui
el quielly uud hji fully, i lruiislug Ihu Liver,
floiucb and itowels of ull Impui III... Ihu
priiiciiu Ingre.lleiu Is Podophyllli,, or llie Alm
holie tilr.o i or Muiidiuke, hh h Is bv uiauy
llllles mors pouerful, acting uud searehlng lhau
Ihu Muudrulis ilseif. Its ui llou I. Us.0
the Ll'r, rlruuliiK It sNdily Iroiu ull oluinie
lious, with all lb .r of Mmroiy, ) ul iM
Iioiii the liijurio i,uiu slUtbsd to ihu u. ..f
Ihut lulueiul.
for ull dlwan-s, Iu which (he us of catlur.
lie U lu.ln.l.d, (Use pi I. will 10 rmlru sails
Im la.u Iu eiy case. 1 lay nuti (M.
Iu rsc of l.nn I umeiuiul, 1'i-p. p.i , uJe.
Iniui eiwllteurss, iir. tl. -Spud's l,uiin..u li t
Ul r louii should br used iu ronu.-. tioii .lb
lh Pills. Il. il. bill... ..i Jo-
uw i"il Ills S. -ll'lll. lin bill, la ur l.'Ulll
LuilSi lh Hloul, lru. itiu-us lbs Ntrtis, l.u
ihss lb .ir, uud flies .lnu.lti, suiit) n
burp your ttowrls aiilisisiih i. I'll , and
ton uplbssciu WU. liiiliisor .l.-, aul ua
wll4s iU I. lain tit' I" '.J, I I .! ..II ...!.
K'H'llusi ibai ii is u lii it i t AMI a i.ik
MAS tUiusalt lat ma so U"iwni.) um I su4
'! I ln.ui.iu. u l. 4 i I do i. I .ii.
liiu(l(U4 In lulu )! tt Is Is sill.ii. i
lkl Is Ins sir Is Jt us .sl, u... u.. Sa
uS o. St uu U. 1 Uis H. iu. .li., i,
ba it b (it ui.s I ant .w am,, Li-., a 'ii-s-li.
Hin f lUM If II l.fHi r. .1 m LI.
M MHIHIk all'hfc, 4 AM. II SI..
Illll Sl'M flll. - '
i II . U CVASa, l',..,.,ui
fufllias t . U Jt'ksolil Iu. Uhi kii.1.
! si ui ai t ijj.j.wi. atuieAtwioi. 4
Msl . Ik., It IH1