lullroabs 1 s aaat.a.a tiscclianxoKs. isccllititcons. istcUantOtts. ' iftattufacturtrs.',; . 1 .v ; FEimixa StockJ The nensohfor fatten Ins ".took Is nt linnd, and beeves and swine ara bolng fattened preparatory to slaughter. It is n-vv!y roncodetl'tlmt the most eeomiiiiicat mode of feeding grains or toots ist'i Hrst fte.nii them or cook them. A bushel of corn, turnips or potatoes, will bo improved 100 per cent, by steaming, and the caltlo will relish it mueli better, and thrivo mueh faster upon it. Turnips, which are very abundant this season, are fed iu larn;e quantities to cows and fattening steers. A liberal ration of turnips euth day fed to a steer greatly improves the qua lity of tliB beef. In iactall root crops are valuable for feeding purposes, and it is sur prising that farmers do not find it ns much to their interest to raise a crop of uiriigcl wurzels. lugar-hecls, ruta-bagaa, as they do of potatoes, turnips, or corn. A few carrots fed each day to milch cows, in con nection witli their other feed, greatly im proves the quality of the milk, and the but ter produced llicivfrjm partakes of a rich, poiden color. Pumpkins are excellent ferd for cows, but farmers should bo caro ful to rnmovo all seeds, w hich are power fully diuretic, and have the ('Meet to great ly diminish the quantity of miik. Grapes ox Trees. -Wo see this old sub ject revived ngalu. Vc have an account from an horticultural periodical, iu which a correspondent says that some years ngo ho allowed an Isabella grape vino to run up into a tree, which stood in an angle near the house, where it did not have more than three or lour hours of morning miii, yet the grapes ripened perfectly and the vine was very productive, &:. If such were the case, why not go on with that way of rais ing grapes ? livery firmer or n person with a garden has a tree that he could run a vine on, and ought to know so important - fact, if fact it is. l'nit we advise I hem not cr anu ir,h,.v wish to good grapes, fruit, nnd poorer n'mi'ilv, every year liiirli 80011 become entirely wort ln.v.A smafler cause it "v.-Hs" RV8U';:'tl in l!lis way, just iiU n;i! it fruhed well l,kt year if,',',.1 "-cp" I fin 11 bull ic t... i ...i. .1 ... . ".'.':"ir. . , " "n:l1 ""cspocleil. Tlieio ?n,,.i! ,i y y wero much smaller than the tliors nnd had lost much of toe.r natural flavor. Indeed, wea-ard-P'l U' 'in as wonhk-t.s.(hri,,H(urn -j:c. IfiK KiicT way to Kiini- Potatoi:?. 1 otatoes s.iould always l)c kept in the dark tobetu.d this but many others livin-in towns n,id e,iits nhonhl know that potatoes W. to the light for n (bv only, ha e t uar llavor injured; and the longer they are exposed, tho worse they are. Xevcr use a greenish potato, as .m-1, tuliora are unlit for luiinan loo 1. Win n Iris!, potatoes are removed from the cellar, they should always ,e spread mat!,!,, Pn iif il -. j cool buddmg irtheaparimentisnot da k j tile potatoes should iu: ...v,..-,.-l i... ... ' (..,.l,..'..l... II .. 1,1 MIHS, y i--uu;(o lMU jliinr. U IS ,'ood inaelie niso to cover tlioin with on if. I ii.. t- nil. - . elean slran- or 7 , .' i "u "mry ilone to potatoes bv e 'iSr , 1 1 r !U' C:ll''U;'1 ,l'0", a 1,111 k '; 11 0 cl'"'f.'Vns":i why Uicrc i.suel. a mi.uis:il comp.auit of poor potatoes in toe spr;,,, nni, d tU(t'f of i ., .'VC1'y "",,t1'vopeablc8 that grow iu Wh'e V!.. 1,,,,i:.,a Ykr .l-t...r..t. mature in the. liul,t wni ?! 1 ,iu"s wi"L'' faetorily, and develop a m 'ru l!,""!'' S:';.is vor, if they are stored in a light room. D.i."r Taki: a Nkwsi of oii.-.t reUivn'O'T Vo ..pi; A friend a ei'ibo- (, .., cnureli stejiped into I, ..-. A UIi f0,,4 tic njistivrs of tlio .. . scru'.iliin. "Whero have you been?" asked tlio scnibbcr. "At. elinrcli.-' . "Not to-day were you ?" "I n to clmreli every Sabbath. Rut vvhv are von senilibiii'; "r"' 'Is this Sunday V" Wall I never! I didn't know! lKie, Sal, clean tin the Hour. I ij'.d John that!" Tiiini's heiii'4 hastily nrranr;ed the iniin tentional violator of the Sabbath sat dow n. "What was the Mihjecl of the discourse." "lie spoke, of the lilcs.Mni:8 of caee and Mihtini; effects of war ; he referred to tho var in Kiii-opo, Mini til.; lives lost and the miTies ran'-ed hy it." "War in Euro;'..-! Did I Cv. r ! A War! Who's tijjluiiii" V "Eranen and (ietmany." "I.a Hie ! It's too bad ! Ilvn 's Snndav, and I didn't know it ; here's war in Europe, an 1 I didn't know it 1 And all because," hero she lcaiii 1 towards her visitor end v binper. il 'v(,,',,i il:,'t (''if t'ic j'.ir.'" "A io c iiinuon eonipkiint," t, ail the vis itor i,.s he c.inu away. Mrs. I'i'.NDi.i.rox hain'.'f.aid in one of Ins i s iphoinoiie sp.mln s, that it was an ap 1'iiiiiiiit Ii t that there wasn't ni"iiry en oi!.:h in tlio country by f lOti.OiiO.tiuil, lo ay tho t ixcs of iia'lion an. I Slut, s, if tin; i.rjop'c Ht re ii .pihvd to pay tli,.m all in on ) l:iy ; s. n iior M wton n p'.i. s us fol lows iu ! is Cincinnati speech : "Will, low that is u tiMiiu .it thought ; an. I it is al to an app.t.l.iiL,' fact thai if the,! were rv.pmvil t ual in one d iv nil tlu v n .w eat in tlio c uMse ,.l u year, they would inevita bly bur '.." A ilr.niUi n f, nv witli fi l,ov of ni:tti In a In Inn poi i; Mns..-.iti.ii-, I. lay .l .rtii on t!u- (,i,l. -.v-ilk in t be t -t !ii r day, to enjoy u iiiii t'-iZ.-. Willie rol.iu "it r in Ii lis S.i l l 1!; , In- hiiii!i t in.ilelu-S tool; Inc. A wuk.-nin. the nil- Mi-'.U'io'islv. sun !l I',. Inn l ine; 1). loist'.li,-, 1111, 1 Jiei tc I ; in li- ! 11 ft 1 1 ,t, ,1, "lllst i,s 1 Utr l Ii !.- y." "LA Vt ti 1 1 1 :i 1 1 -1 lo oil-.. m.. ...... . c ,1 "... . ii i-iii to III ) lit i '.. .-" I f ,, ,1 11 in..' I , r I . ,. t.T..I ' ! I'1 i J it tk '.'" " W.Oi till- fi '-V..,,.- s '. Will ki 111, 1 it, , ili.iiu,-: 1,.. ,,, .... , ' 111 fists iii i.i:,n.s." "o:,, i,,,, u,,,,;., ;'.x; ill, .I.C I Hill I. Ill, I IILllllllU, -,( :ulf y,, i- tu ;;tit) liiiii u 1 it.o 1 .r Jh u i r.uiee.'' A witty clergyman, n.-e i,!i, l v;i-i (,!, li;'''i;'t.iie,- l.v I lie ,.i:io ' Ci.i.b, i t rtitii ; 1 i..irt km, w ton. Or "Mv 1 ti ¬ n.inif iu t i,n,"i, inn , 11. 1, 11 11b nit I, ill . .li, s ii,,.isl.. ' i-. . , . I ', in Ml, . Ml'l the "" , .', 'V "' 11 it tu i 11 i n 1 ill I Hot , :': ,., I,,'i 4 A 'l ll' W.'l'l'll, u I. II . . . . s., miuu nruiiio a I lllll tl 1. ... in .; o I 1, 10. ,il . r i, .,,, . 1 ' 1 "' I '(I'll. -It. ..I,. st.i.Hei. 1,1 I. ll vvui,.,,,-,,,.,.! l.o ,.l u, 1, )(,i,i loo j.:is 1 ...-, "A, il ,-i,.,l n,, ,, u.nlu. -lfl "ll ll ti I o tl, i.l!,.' An lil.ln.i.m, lioll, i,,,' ,y j .u, IMI'i '.u 1 .. kin ,, i,,;,,, l It. little. Sol U4-Ji H, iU I 'I I III III . w I le I , ' - -- M. 1, .111 . .sr.. - i.i. 1 ... ... Mil. il.4 An' u nr 1.1 .,., , I 1 i 1 11,11, ,1 : l .llll, III I .llll, ), I tf i'iiln 111,1 1,,,,,-hi ! A Jouini Uiui,,, . .,.H:itKri .1 win, ... . ... i...u .u .1 ,,, .. WH .i l.l,,. ut.,)t. i ,,,,,.,, , U . .1,.,. ,rH1.. , j , ,,,1.' ' '4.i.-m l..t,..iuM,iiU,,.i.u.., .' ' I'fMIKn .h, ...... ,, Ill . . uLi r, - ' M 1 ! "lt'l"l.,.lli! ,U,,, lin.Ln II., .'. II.H all 1,1) .j,,.. ,,. Nnre Cure Tor Totter. rpttE Subscriber, resident of Seven Points, An JL gnt township, Northumberland County, I'll., hns n sure euro for Tetter, which ho oilers to those nttllctcrt with till! nnnnylntf disease, lis wn. troubled with It for elirht yini's, nnd nothing would cure It until hp obtained this remedy. It hns been tried In n number of cnaea, to Ms know IcdRe, (one case of 25 years standing) withcntlre success. Upon receipt of f 1 00, ho will tend ft box of the medicine, nnd directions to uso'lt, orO boxci for (6. free of postiiRe. WILLIAM RAKKR, Amrncta P. O., Korlh'd Co., Ta. An-tw-t 13, 1871-7m. ' KEwllIEAT Nil O 1. rrTITF. nndersijnied respectfully Informs the cltl .1. reus of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have opened ft MEAT SHOP, In Pcwni t biiildina.on the north side of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of the best of liccf, Pork, Mutton, &e., at wholesale or retail, at I ho lowc-t prices and of the first quality . A wairon will be run to supply customers every moriiinir, (except Sunday.) " The best of meat w ilt found at i heir shop, (lira ax n call and satisfy your selves. RI-.ITEW & UOWKR. Oct. Ifith 180!!. tf. P on SALS ! "STtGllTV acres of improved land In the best. A J section of Southern Michigan, within live miles of the town of "Three Itivers," in M. Jo sej.h county, within two miles of the llallroad t-t:iton, good liulldinss, out houses, large or chard. Foil, rich sandy loam, -school houses nnd eliurelis within sit;lit title liidisputnble, ten acres are in wheat, thn lemainih r In clover sod. A span of horses, entile, lings, tiain and funnim; nleiisils, itc, will be sold Willi this property. Price ftO per acre, $;!,000 In c:sli, the balance in time payments of f.VKi. Apply to WM. A. SIASsEK, Tlnco Uivcrs, Mich, or, 11. B. M ASoEK. Sunbuiy, Pa. Sinibury, March 11, 171. Merchant Tailoring. J. M. IMISTIAST, In the Post Oilicc. HiiiliHntr, opposite tlie Dei'ot, (up stairs.) that ... SUXnUKY, PKXX'A, fnitaicnt ot '-temls and the public generally, V.stiiiK1!- Inrge and Miried is wiilch will he ii,..., ".' , Mylcs. m,d warranted V. . "r,Rr '" lie, (iciiHciuen in want or fashionable Mtcd to call and examine his stock. tuiiins S'liriT1" ,,l'i,t,ll-1,,I.v rllt "'ado Hl'X NO RISK. ,Y f,,,r",l' "10 "'""' st.vlc of Improvo.l yoke nnd sack shirt with entirely new shape ' .in n perfe.-t fittin- shirt. It is the be.tnio.l,. nra.liir, -ver o:i;,v.l to the trade i Hie and laney shii n,;it. ,., order. 1....C,:n J.M.l...fiTUN. .Inn R Vifrmm r . . - . - - - ki- iwu WAJ'JT TO SE2i the Inrge-t nssoitinent of Millinery Groods ! ever bi(i.;!:t ft,i5 , ia(.,,i 0 ,Q j Miss L. SMsSer, Market $mv N5 .iiS IJY, BA., ' ' i Where are arrayed la nil tlicirdiilcrent varieties ! xall iiiillinory Goods i hHw.';'"'"'01'11"1."" J"st '"'"'Kl'l ffom Philadcl- ! cn?i.l:.,'v.?,1::'.?'nJ,':'Ft ''"""I'l.'ted Is nilcd will, ,, ! ino.i ii airiiiflPent i U-i.nv .,r (.on. on c;:liil,itio- . . prices. "' 1 ' '0Wl'ft EVEItY IiI.I OP iooa.s iiniully Kcil in a .Mllllneiy c-tabiishinent can be hail at her store. The be'ft iu tho Phiildeiphia markets Were solicit .'d. Itivuiiio a call und bo convinced. SilSS L. SHISSLEU. SiiMbiiry, Seplcmbcr 23, ltTl. Clock & Watch FJcpaircr. l VtftiT, In D-wart's UlocU, :hr v doors we.'t of the Cen tral llot.l, Market Suture. GL'Ni'.UnV, PA., Rcspoctf.illy infttrai t tlio eil :.o"..i of Sunluiiy and vicinity, that lie is prcjvtrcd to repair Clocks and Watrhi s iu nil brain he, also tinM and Silver. n ale ol ail description. Having had foity experience In the luiid ncss In tills country, he Hitters liiinsclf I'l .t lu) can tive general t-alisfaetion. All work yuarantce.l Custom rfn-.-if':llv so lieited. Jim IT. I'.Tt.-tf. MACkil.YE S!I1 A'i I:. I OSMliCY. tiEO. 1:0111;J5AC1I & SON.5, S.aatnir.v, IVan'ii, INTOl'M the public that tliev are irenreii lo do all hinds of CAisTlN'tlS, nnd li.iviiiu' . I a new Machine Shop iu e.mneetlon witii their Foundry, an, I have .-applied iln mielves with New Lathes, l'lau..cj and lioran; Macliiiifs, with the lalest Improveiiicnts. Willi the aid of skillful no chanii s, they are enabled to execute all orders of new wokk on i;r.iTi:iN-., that may he i;hcu tliem, In a sati-lactorv man. Jr:::M to unit nuy f-'love. IIIOX Itil.tMX.s, r eliunlits cr oilier tuiiM-invr-. f all sizes. HUAmS CASTJXti.s, ,'cc. ii)i; liiiAVE Y A t ; 1 Uiio; v""lJ Pot! YAIlIis AT KlMDl'N'l I S, C, Ai". tee Pi. 1 1 already celel.rat.d Cur their peiloiity, have been still f'niher iiuproved, and 1 wi.l iilw.iv. lie ki .I mi li.cid. i A?-,., Tiit.rsiiiMs MAcrnxrs. Paiibury, M iv ,., l. , Tin: i.t:;;r.i)ir.xrs that COMPOS.'-: KO.-'ADM 1 1 , i'itlili d on i-iet v p it k.ii;-, lliere '' il i 1 i"fi soi-n-t i ,i ou'luii, enl.s, ,j iei.ll riiY;ifi.v.Ys ru-rr.'.c!: it Itii cerljiii cnio lor JVrnl'uli, .syplnli in nil 1 1 a I iiu., Khruiiu lion, Iiim.kcs, l.ivir t 0111- lihlll.l 1 11 J tl dlu-s.iS of Iiu 11 llMt, c::s i:ttl-; c? ill do inuro food tl an ti 11 I nil !,- ttl I Lo t'-ariip vt' ,s-ar-aj i.-. !; . THE UMilG.NtO PHVilClAnJ I, .1 . 11 - 1 e ..... .1.. 1.. ; .11.. . I., i j Sis ''''' ,!' ' '' 'i iimi " "" 1 ' I 1 1 " ''' ' 11 --!- Aiurl.u !"l T '' I t '.11, -t lU'.i.m i.. llll K , . I. i. i a t ii i ss, i i v, ,li.l J S. w,s ci t.i l....'v l.iil'l. :.o,.i4 '. 4 ft l l (11 ., i m . I A U ftiJIH.Mt, liiu.., S f. iustD A!.'D):ri:o::LiU hx I. k ill S, II m.S-,, 4l burr, I tl. u ;ri ii. i k. , h 1 V U i i i , . ,t t ,, , H H ll I . I , .. l IHUl I iV I ',!.' i L l I, I'll- M I I. ., At ..-., 1,.., Iuiu, 'lit b. -in. o A A ' T 1 p.,,1 lb 1 Otic ! kill fc, ,11. W " ' ' " I . I . M' "'.. I -ll . 14. . 4 I.. . ...-.4 . , 4 I .. .I'.-'i I- . u ., l,i ,,,, l., 1 l !' I,. . I ,. ..i p.. d .0 i"'.; l... 1 au ' t I . . I, u . - . 4 jv .. u, I..W..I . I h i.. 1. ia .1 1 lp ,i H-, p, )i r-. is,,. 4 . I llM.1,,1.., I, lila, I .......... Mk- ?uili AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, has just received and. opened A MAMMOTH STOCK OF CiOODN, which he has SELECTED WITH GUEAT CARE nnd offers to the Public at the very LOWEST CASH FE18CEG. Minhcd n reputation for low ' nnd 'AIB 3D E -A. L 1 3j to nil, win endeavor to maintain that position. COME ONE A ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST PRICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful forth," larrr amount of p.itronairo heretol'nrc bestow oil iii-iii me, I wlil endeiver by furnishing the liest iroti l at tlie liwesl prices lo merit a continuance of the same. 11. y. FKILIXG. April lo, 1STI. i:.ytz:aos.iixa:iy. s I O . i' .l.ilj 1 20 bays c:; T"::.-2.. ."J OVi'iHS.Y A V JI -'.:,TH. li'EiJi i". :.r::i c;::?. Ten AvriiK-Ax CrwiMi Mir.;: to. lu.c coiicliid" I to oiler their whole iMock of .Sc;.. ,'i.r and widely-known machines, upon the above uaparaleiel lei.ns, I i even body, eMivwlure, ' wh have, or cm liad Use bn- a real y eood Sew- ihl: Machine. 1-er lhau the ebi a" -1. 1. very one is welcome to u month s fi at I betr own honie. trl.i: 1 The bet. and only I rue guarantee of its quality, ; is a 111011I ti', fi ee 1 1 I The obj -et ol ' jiviiie; a free trial Is lo i-bowyo:i how (bin, I our Machine is. ' 'I his Is the sl"ip!e-t and mivt certain way t.i CDllMiiee Vo.l our .Macluuc la JIKt what Vu , Want. The Peer, t of safety Is In ore liioilh's trial. No one puis w.tli ilie Machine, iitler tiial. All pay for and keep it. liny 110 until you have found It n !oo,l one, easy to Uuni. c isv to in.inae. e.-i.-v lo wm k. : e i-.v t'. keep in order, perfect in ineeluuisui, perfect in 'coiit 1 iic lioii, siiiipie, reliable, mil : s.iiir.faei'iiy. Any company lm will re u e ,.,i ; this r.iu cainit I have n (oodii ew in Maehiin. ' 11- mils. liny only when yon know the nmchi i ! - s nn ink; mi liour tt) g. t ready to do a minutes wm k. " liny ou'y when you fin I n Machine that Is r, .1 ly In a i.r.nule to do any kind of work and is . tiluays r r!y, a. id !ieioiit of onler. j A ui'iKtli". answers nil i(i,-stl)us, solves ; nil doubt all iiil-i.,ke, nod Is he o i y sale way lo i;el J our lllouej 3 "A in tb. Try It. You j c.iloii.l In.e. j Win.- fur our Conlldeiitial t'irculars nnd lllus. iliai. l I'.ii.ipli:,-!, en,, ilniiu; lull paitie'il us, wl.ieii we u.ll send you by r. t ii i ii i.t' mail lien, v. llll CM III pie. i, I' heii il,'.', I lu, I I! J i, j0 r I. And r Itli-llih-'l', III it wc sell inn t.,J M.,i liiiie iil.K- l -l. it-. I 'i in l ..ei C ,'l-e lb. al a biw piit e, l. mi ,-li.iin,ilii.iiy f,,vol. is id p.tyii.ei t, an. njmii iliiiiowii iner- l."si;itit ,ee ,1 mi ,,, aru Illlt-I-I l llll .. .HI ., fc I, ,, . S, , liM ( le t, no b, liia no t" '" tt: I ..ll III ko.l. IliatO'-ll V Hl.l lllo. i, ll-t 11,1, ,, i, l,, ,.,!,,. , i ' ..'!, in In 1 ) i.ii o . iic ll. An I ll , a M 'lb. r, oil is h ill . le.iv yi,u ,;, ,i, uno I e ni I U iii piou l. 'On) eoiiip.ii y l.,l,i! I li-l. in e ,. (Si. o (I,, ..., ,, ,1,',. , Win It llul ii ud l! ill . ml, Iii. ii i v anniii ,-y I" h i t ' 'tl !i tl,- I lie V. I V II - ol I'll .1 eii. ie. I i. oil v ! in til A .;, el ( W ,1.1' I t i. 1 1 u l i, It'. L.tell Hie to e. i.i.i I'. .illl., I-. Ili.ilu llll'l lellt.ib,. I.U- for I'.ul.i -ii-, 1 1 it !. a. bh, .. i AMI N l M IU:r,i., I nr. Jidiii .in. I N.I...UI Mi. ,1. K u V.tiL O.I. II, sT.- j,.,,, l'Altr.I I'OU BALK. ' nilr! u . i 1 t ti'- ei '.' 4 a. II IUIJ4 I.O. 1 Inn I of I ,n, I I '"I tl. " li- 1 I" I 'I' Ll O', 1 t ' I ll J t i lie 1 w.Hi u 1 1 ..el.i, III. 111 14 b. in t I. .11. 1, I n , . ,,, ' -t ,1 "ll I II .11', . ,. I lb 1.0,4 l inn, i b . . I 1,1 li, .1 lb. I. .1 Oil I lllll, .. It 1,. I 4 . 1, 1 Ibu , 4 l ,, , I I, I I . I .1 ,, I i ,,., ,,, .1 iv 1 ,. ,, im,( M, ... . ) . 11 ....I.. I,.., L..U . I ... , U l ! I , 1... d) Ill . II., II '. It 1,1 I., I f.. i,.. a ,, j-i,ny 1 '4 .,1.,. , , u 1 , 11, 1 , 1 i.Oi.u'. l-l .. - I . 1 a ' .1 ' . 1 1 1 . 1.1 I . I , .... ' I'.. I I I..,, I, l uliii kli.4 u ,,u a Uiui .j i s 1 .1 1 1 1 it ' i-l. a'.'i .. v.'uisi a. i. u ii.v ti ,u. 1 IW M.ala I1.1 ..iw . Jal l .ll.o.. ,1 l,- , j u ' '-.'. . I I, v. . I I . .. 4 lUMl I 1.1 Wil l Ual 1. klallir, fating, Kuilb 4 t it, t' PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS NIIOEN Matinfactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN WILYER, Kprnoe Street. Suubury, I'cnn'o, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises the very best lu market. Ills long exper ience In the business has won for . him a reputation for making Urst class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS MTUIl'TLY CASH. The prices of repairing arc nlso reduced. JOHN YVILVEK. Sunhnry, March 4, 1871. MI I.I.I iVl'.ivY CiiOOnM (ii:'t:itALLY. NEW STYLES OF EONXETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, Ac. Mourning nnd I3rill IIutM and Itounctw. Full line of Motirninir Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. 8asu r.lbbons. Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c, Ac. FANCV GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSI.KK. South Fourth St., below the Kailrond, Burbury. April Sa, 1H71. NTEUEOM 'Ol'EN, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIir.OMOS, FRAMES. V.. A II. T. AXTIKWV A CO., 5!tl lironilnii), .Yew York. Invite the attention of tho Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above u'oods, oi their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTEIIN SLIDES -ApOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF VOSE'fE. E. & II. T. .M'lIONY & CO., 5ei Uroailwny, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPORT"18 AN" M.VM FACTl llfltS OF I'jitosjrnp'ile Materials!. tnwlwtl'..lEU-!y- ro''ill:T MAYOR CEMETERY' COMIMXY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on au eminence nlvuit onn-fonrtli of h niiie cat of Sunbuiy. Tlio lu c rinse of population of Sunbuiy, and conse adviin e lu the ratio of mortality, as well a" the limi.fd facilities for the interment of iiioso who lce I'nifjht life's battle, hum suiruvstcil tho orMiiizatifiii of the above named ooinpanv. I'ian of LVmcfry may be sn nt the ollico of J. A. ( al;i, Ksq., or l.Ioyd T. liohibueh. Price of lots l iom 5 to 815, nceoi dinc; to loca tion. lieeds will be executed for lots sold. LI.OVD T. KOHHBAC1I, Sec'v. May lit, is-, I'CCICES IEIICEI j AT THE, Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store OF Ei.a mii.l::k. In C. B. Smith's Pioom, i"en street, oue doo of the Post Office, NORTnOIBEKLAXn, PENN'A. For Eliuira Hoots, iro to Ell Miller's l!i...l m,,l "l" S!:r'"- TUy lire sold, llcst t'aif at Hi. i ..I i inn .i , no nuois, go 10 i-..i .Miner p, onlv ?'. to til per pair. For limits, Shoes mi 1 Ci:i Iters, nt lowest possi ble juices, L'o lo K i Miller's, on Queen f-treet. For a! k'ads oftiuin lioots au.l .fhoes, call nt Eli Miller's. ! or I. ".'lie-' flnni Over-hoes, sec Hue nssort- nient nt lei Meier For all I 'm Is of Children's Shoes, 1:0 nnd ex- amine 'i'!er s Inrire nssortiiiei.t. For nnyihint; in the Hoot and Shoe line, call an 1 e-ciiinine Eo Miller's slock before pui-ehasini; eb-cwherc if you wi.-h to get llr.-t-class, at tho low, si p.nces. Jan. 7, 'Tl-Sep. 3, '70.-ly. VINEG-AE BITTERS 4 Kun Jrcd3 of Thousauda hi? 13 o r a t'iMony to thrlr Wonilcr 1 Curult u EE s : 9 as? TITEY AltE KOT A VILR 3 2 i FANCY D R I ll K . 1 8 livioi f Poor l; uir, H hi-fci ) , i roi.. Criiilln I. .1 i.i .eso l.i.,uer i ctt :oml,r leed or.l ticl i:u 1 t.i limine llu l.llll, llill, d ""ieii. is,"" ApHUi- in," I.iaiuri-rr," c. ti.ut liod ll.o I piltr cn to ilruuk-iiuin eid rut.i, bat urc a tiuj Mt.belae, n ai!o t. i,l.i l..u ut.o l.iiuiiid'.uef tuUf ,ri.i, Irrc fmai nil Ali elietli- s-llimiliaiia. tie Um u:;:av iii.ti;i:i I'tmi i;.it nnd a i.u e :JVI1 1 JttM ll'l.Hu pcri-cct l.e.iuvai r :U la-. ICrutur c ( t..j tj-t.i. r...rjln i.V all o;J.uicl.4 u iitltr n, tnrtiii-i: .u 1 1 ..1 la h Uiultl.y louiliLt-a. He p. rantul.j IIulo luituni icooruli toi.uc- ttoll tll.ll I'i'lliL.ll b.flK UIIW, il. $110 no fc.isuf raa l-u-uraMo cjo, ijptiUtd tin liuim trj n.i ilcirojid ty nlneral ji i-n of oilier n.eans, a :J thu t.i. I urau J lij.n. ; 1..0 po.i.i 1 r. . s..-. I'nr Jiiiliimnoiteir nnd t kiol.t :hu:cn. II. iu nuil ;.iul, lij rii.-i,;.., r linl.a.-s:isn, l..lliu, l:en:in 1,1 uud li ieruliUm i--.". ilfciti.ii ike l.b.ui, l.lvtr, KIUdpi. xI Hi)lr, l .tiu l.luna lug lova inwi iuxtis! t'.;. haib l.lfcv'i.111 1.10 liiutiii I lit!, ,1 Ulna,), i. t;, I. ,;. ...r..!y t 4inu.fciiu.i. m 11- Hki im lniuu, HVfUMA VU IVDHlEnTION. lbud a, I.,-, I', t - i. t lMu if IU-- . r. , l-l ll.g, I UI.L., 'i .fcl,.M vt tfd ""' i-'iir 1 tucmiltii i btuwa, ti, I..I..J M.,u,,, i. ., a,... I',,,,,,,, eH, ll.t.U,u.l.liiu ul ll.11 l ui g., -a lu 1. J lliti I. Um a1.1l a l,uuiirt-4 fcU.,,- 14.,0 S. i..; l ,l- a, afv Hi ) u.,..i .ul 111. 1 i.i.n.iif l' . .ia. it-fc til..i. at li ifcil .iifciuUla Ilia l.,r. 1- ' ' '41 kmillltlili L4lk(ll:iiuiu!lilli!imlf 4 -i. ..t, l i ilii.!bj i.u 1 ioa t nil imiHiru,,,, ,.4 la-, a. tin it.-., l.r. aL j , t, u I nil xltlM )l"Anl . I .upll-u., t.l.,.fu!l I In 1.. bi.,1, fc..a.j,fc4., I ui.,.n. I fc.iii.,. I'u.ia.t . l4iu!u, l.l i , ,u... k. 14 ad, 1),1.,. 1w "''" ""''s l l.i-ului ai'wi.ii . 1 n.u t fcn,, 11-i.i.uia b4 Itu.fc... 1 lliuillm, il fcUslriol habie ir 1 l-- I ilU borfc.l. u'i ( J.Llul H...-1.I - ' lit" I 11. 1 if Itu m; l' 11. ra. I 1,. I. in- 1 . Stvll Cm si U ,11, lu,,, i.v .,u 4,i44, t, v, a-iatl. j toil, 1 1 t i-aj. u.j 1nu4 hjbj i,u., r ,m t. t ,,, U. (.slo.s. t I.M.a, lL,.a. b IU- .s.i, I . I ,ui, l, 11 1.4 us 1 1 , ..i., 11 . i,a ) . ii vt-tiu. 1 '4 a -4 n ....... li 1. mi .. n u ni. li, d), i 1 .1.1 ,. i, jv.i 104 at. . ;., 1., ,-w a .tl l. k lilku li. ...I.t.i a 1.; 1 .11. v. '-. I'lrtM itaiitiitHI liitaiaglatk j.Ui.., ... a.-l) l.witaak.l, a- J , . .!..-. a..:.-.. Iu4l,i...i,4 Jv sll a... luliuiMI, lis. nisi,,- avuu4 a ,iu, 1 1-1.4 1. Iai ia--a- t aa,rt.i,, I . , a-J l,.k. J. 4ti.aH, 1 1 .,uiw i. a), Miai,iii t it., Jos. .ia.. aa4 t.. A. la. r,.-i-,, M iHlai. . i...t, . I-.OIU uir 4,11, iifiuutsi au leaanu ''l. I I Kill au I .ni.. miiai 1 V U..I.I k liaiNt a 1'Ma.i.ii 'a. I'M. i. .. ii.-fc.-l -e r fa 'iWHAT AHC THEV? s?d W tf ... If! P.So ------V.-i xr:-- - Z''t V V TITEY AltE KOT A VILR 1 f I M .1 (Ui t, W. 4 Diaai.i'i u4 Hi,. I t.J . Us Ua I l. -s J. M. FUUN1TUHE STORE, In Mnaonlc Hnll Btilldins, Tlilrd Slrorl. nrnr tho Post Offlff, st'xnrnY, pa. B. 1 UAUDENDUSH now offers to the public selected anil tnndo with prcnt enre, nnd with a view to please, tho wants of bis numerous customers. Itis stock Is new nnd of the latest styles. rARLOU SUITS, . PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Wnluut or Kosowood of the tlnost pntierns innde. ' kiii: noAitnis, In Ouk or Wuluot, nnd Dining Room Furnlturo of nil kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND TLATE8, Mnttrcsscs, Pillows, Holsters, Window Shades nnd fixtures. xj3srDErT-A.Kiisro. Special iiltciiiiou Is paid to this department by if. I. Roberts who lins hd n number of year's CNpeficncc In tho city. Collins of every descrip tion ntnl sizes, constantly kept on band. Also, Fisk's Mctnlic Burial Cases. Plirouds nnd Un dertakers' mntcrinls of nil kinds. Li?" Persounl iittoniluncc to fuucr.ils. Rcnieinber, the l.isonie Hull Buildings, on Third street, Sunbnrv, la. II. L. K.VUDF.XBl'SII. Sunbury, July 15, 1871. Al I'MMVU iM I I.I.N. Tlilrd Street, ndiolninir Philn. it Krie H. R two fctpiui-es .North oi the Central Hotel, SUMil llY, PA. IRA T. UlEMEXT, IS prcpnred to furnish every d 'scriptlon oflura ber l-C'iuired by thu demands of the public. llavinu nil the latest improved machinery for manufaeturiinr Limber, he Is now ready to till or ders sal' iill kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS .MOt'LUlNGS, YE RANI) AS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrow 1 Work. Turn Ins of every description promptly executed. Also, A t.AKGR ASS011TMI-.NT OF RILL LUMHER. HEMLOCK und PINE. Also, Shinjjlcs, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, nnd shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. Ill A T. CLEMENT. leclll-QS;ly STOVE A TIX i:T.I5I.I'JIJir,XT. MARKET STREET, SLNlilliV, PA. ALFRED KRAUSK, I'l-opik-lor. 8t;ceEssoiiTti m,iu a c.i:s-r.ii:ii. J nA VIG purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respect ful ly inform the public that lie now litis on hand u hil'iie assort incut ol COO K I X G S T O YES, Spcer's Cook Anti-Dust, Re -eletor or IL-,.,Mi,u Top, Coiiibhiatinn, Siu;i:iehann:i nntl olliei, w hieh nre so nrianire l us to be used f,,r Coal or noon, aim are v, ai lanlt il to perform satisfactori ly or no mile. III.A I l.Rj of all kinds put up to beat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES or iiitit-rent kin U at very low prices. Tinware of Every losi rilioii Lepl constantly on hand, lioolln:: and Spouting mm i ne in-si inaici uu, none in snort none. KI.l'AIIil.Nli intend, d to with dispatch. Coul f)il ai d Lamps coiistaiuly on liand. Japan ware of n i:.-c.n,l... Stoiv uppo'sits Conlev's h.'.rdware store, dive me a call. A. KRAl'SE. .iplil-ly TI.flE IS MOSUV M ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by me w il be 'rimiinid ready for use, "WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, ii y tub YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, ' " . which I have tho exclusive rlirht to UB in ilnrmrv nun vicliiuy. Save moiiey, lime nnd labor, by huvlai; of .. I'EItKKE 1.I;IITM.1C, Dealer ill Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Muidr, Are., ,ve., c. Sunday School SUPPLIES mad.i n speciality. Itluuli, Moiiioriiiiitiuu A- Iunh liuoLw In endless variety, Just received. HOOK UINDIS'O done to order. Persons will save ch-iisu by leaving their orders for bindine Willi me. ru n m: i ieamis of nil sizes, cut li oin tie .Moiildinirat very low rales. OVAL A: SQUARE FRAMES iilwnvs on hand. AI.Rir.MS. URACKKTS, GOLU PEN', tSii:, tit'., e. A lari'i. mid well aelii ied lo k of To.vaalway on baud. Auytlilni; not on liand pro'iiiptiy i.'i deivd. Uaii;iiiiia for cah. 1'ull ut N. FFIIRKE LliillTNFR'S liot.k More, Sliii of Volcy a (iold I'm, Mariiel S.iunre, Sur biirv, Pa. buuliury, August Oiii, j s7i. J. alt lltuv. J. M ai wikl ll. W M. II. IU. At H MURRAY & CO., Wholc.ilo Dealt I. In MACHINERY AND BURNING OllicD mi 1 h, M, Hi.iiluiu-rv, OILS, I'riuliuK, Hruiitiun ttu.l MttuUlu lli:iC HH.H, Ar.. lr. 'I'lio i'eli lnuleil t'orry Kerosene II1.rn.11s; Of! ulaa). ui liaiiil. II 11 1114 11 l.o upeiu , 4 COAL YAIM), Ul-J 'H-4lt.a t I t..ty ul .U..ii Huiu.-.nuJ III htv r, ttinl OOAI. ,l:A U ! b.. lua lo,- J a,4 i 4il It. I04.I. lilt .1 uu llu, ,.,. ; I bill w ul U. po.iuii j i,t,4, ' Ml UIIAV k itl. li. aV.uU H,n4 ,m tuiiliui;, tr . ;- .'.-.:-..,i-1v .X w"f ' ' ';V'-r -I 4. .V '.'v '.''v t i, J v. .$? " Sunbury Cattlo Insurance . ompany. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR TUB YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, t5a.?ir,(0 Amount of Premium Notes In force, ill,'Ji:i,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount lonr.ed nt interest, 13000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, 11000,00 Amount due from A (rents, fHOO,05 Amount duo from other sources, 7-'tl,00 Avuilablo Capital, 39,aBU,U5 IiiMure your C'uttlo. XNSURE with n responsible nnd perfectly re- JL liable Company. Insure where your losses will bo mild nromptly. I bo paid p THIS IS A .MltUAli rtKTl tt. TI E COM- PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, yon nre sum of beintf paid promptly for ull losses, if insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nre less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by nil kinds of nccldents by dentb, (excepting In eases of epidemics,) by theft, cce., Ate. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtaiu your money In case of loss. Xeurly 3,000 ail on Cow nlono Nliiec Organization. Look nt the list of Losses pnld on Cowb olonc by this Coinpnny. M ITentilnjfPr, Sunbury, Pa D llilircrt, Norlhumberlund (ienrire Eckert, " S Ii Dodi-e, " Charh-s BolI-k, Mt Canncl F.subeus Sip:lc, " Catharine Wnimcr, Watsontown tienrne Heir, Northuinberlaiid laeob Suvder, Sunbury J W Bassler, " Minor Cady, Dewart Catharine Mnrtz, Siiatnoklii Francis Ilueher, Sunbury Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh Joseph Deppen, Mt Ciinnel Matthias Seholly, " Francis MeCurty, " Maria K ra mer, Wat son town Jorph Nicely, Jr., Dewart J .t R C QuiirirlP, Pine, Clinton cr R Rainairc, Slieniindoiih, Scliue;lkill co.. J S Tliurp, Shamokin Thomas Wardiops. Mt Carini-1 N A Loudenslaner, llcrndon, ....$.".3 SO 40 :io o , 40 -Ill r,o t'llii .10 ;o 40 , KO .10 .10 40 .10 45 40 40 40 40 45 40 40 '.kill co .10 " to " 40 HO 40 -10 ::o .ki 40 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry. O L Reairali, SlicuiiiulOuli, ieiill Jacob Slime, " " Jacob Stoltz, " ' I II Bower, ITcrndon, (ieo B l.ahr. (ieoru'etown John H Ossman, sinnbury W li Wallace, Northumberland II S Orahain, " Rebecca Koble, Oeoriri'town i'liilip Wintcrstcin, Walsoatown.... ( S Low. Lime Rhine. Columbia co ...40 Lewis Osteihaut. Laurel Run, Laz-rnc co Mary , I Mine, Northumberland .40 ,.40 11 r Krohu, Sunbury ... Andrew Ilealv, Oiranb ...40 villi:, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick I'ure.-on, Mt Caiinel Ill, Martin Delancv, Shcnnndo'ih c'tv I I. John Dane,, s.l.-iylk'!l co lo, Ant bony Vcl-aiihlm, liii .irilsville -in, Ll.-iyiiian S li.iy, .Malianoy Plane -i-i, R Johnson, R iven Run -Id, David Itaiieli -r, Berwick J I) Foeht, Potlsville lid, Erastus Sober, Point twp 'Jo, A Llppencolt. Watsontown -lit, Maria Kramer, Watson'n,2d loss pd last sum, -ID, I P Llppencott, Watsontown -In, R S Aiiiiiierman, Suydei-ttiwn -II, Nathan liloss. Bel wick, Columliia co J tV C ii l.'iii'.'le.l'ine Sta'n Clinton c lid loss,-lii, Charles W llazzard, Rupert, Columbia Co.. .-40, John Foirieuian, Watsontowu 1", Patrick Hester, Mt Carnal -to, . Thomas Metz, i'axinos Ml, li MeCloskv, Lock Haven Ibl, HON. A. JORDAN, rre.iident. C. A. I'.F.IMENSNYDLR, P.c'y, Suiil.aiy. PI RECTORS : Fx-C.ov. James Pollock, lion. C. J. Rnnicr, Solomon Stroh, Win. lirin lie, Soloiiien Ship--. John A. Shitflcr, Dr. D. T. Kn bs, lir. David Wiil.lroii. March 11, 1S71. ly. .Northern 'rnlrtil Itj:llw::y. SUMMER A R U A N ( i E M E N T. f 1 nna niicr August 0, 15,1, trains will run 11 as follows NORTHWARD. Nia' ir i Express nriives ut Sunbury nt 12 . !, p. m. arrives at Niagara Falls al -;.-Jo, a. m. Hullalo Expre.K Hirivesat Smibnrv at -1.1') n. 111., arrive at Wiiliuni.port at 1.15 Efmlr;i at 9. in a. 111., Canaiitlaimia 12.10 p. in. Mail arrives at Sunbnrv at 4.80 p. m., arrive at bliamspoit ti.u'J and I'.liulni 10.35 p. ni. FiotLiu- arrives at Sunbury ul ti. -1 5 p. m.. arrive nt illluiii-inv' M.l.-, 11. :m. Erie .Mail uriives i.l S,.iibii:y at 2.00, u. m. SOUTHWARD. liur.ilo Express leaves Sioiiuirv at 4 .10 a. m.. arrive at Hai rioburg 7.i'.'ni. m., llaltiuioi-u 10.4'i 11. in. ! Express Mail leaves Sunbnrv, 11.45 a. in., ar rive at Ilarrisbuiir 1.40 n. in. Erie Express leaves t,.nbury at S..15 a. ill., ar rive ut Iiariisbure; 11.05 11. 111.. Ib ltii ii r 1 nil til. , I.eavt iSiniburv at 1.10 a. m.. nnive at. Um rin. burif 8.35 a. 111. t-iinbiliy Accomodalioii leave Sunbury nt .1.45 Ul., ariives at Hai ri-buri; i; s.ii'.l p. m. SHAMOKIN' DIVISION. EAH1W .inn. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., urrlve at Ehainn. kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Canncl 11.40 p. m. J.c.ive Minbuiy (Aeeoiniiio.l:.tiiin. 1 at 11.50 a. 111., iti'livc al Miatiinkin 1.( 0 p. lu. a rniwiiin. Leave Mt. Carnitl at 7.00 n. m., Shamokin 7.40 a. in., nrrive al Sunbui)- 9..',:, m. Lean- Shamokin ( Aee..iii:iio,lati ui,) at i i't p. III., arrive at Sunbiii 1 4. 11,1 p. 111. Kxpresa Icavei dailv l.e.iv'.n on Suudav, ruiiK Ni'itli only to Wiir..iiiisport. Ail i.tbt r liaino have d.iilv, ruce) t Sundavs. A. R. KifKR. ' K:. S. Voimi', tii n'l. Sup't., (ieii'l Pas-en'r Ai;'l., llairlsbiiri,-, Pa. lialiiiiore, Md. I'ultil, Oils. Ac. , rt'l.L flock of OiU eoiuptisii'i; Llnaeed U. . Oil, C11.1l Oil, I'i-h Oil, a,i,i l.iibili-alilli; Oil for Hiiyinca and .Machinery, Vai ni.-lie, til.iss, itwnya ull hand, ul low priee at coM.r.y .v ( 's. j To tho Coiiimwnily at Large! t iiAMii: at uir. "RSCUIaATQR," j I have llit4 d.,y plll,b.lM..l the tliloe f.Mk, 1 v Llil-iua liviiin- i.r Hi,, u, -u r li,."i, Huh-, Trunk, Leather mi l r indJinr'Sloic, ,, J. s. Allaile, Ulld Will iniilillll H'e In:-1 it s, ,, ii, ,,,.. M i,l Itali.ui, com, r 1 . ' , lion (f r.uil, MaUKI-M' Sl-UKKT, M Mil IU, 'A. 1 When liniio; c.l.,bli,., iirrait..e.ii,i. ,,), lilt- If.idliii; liner, of I l,e eoliiiln. I I-...- .iippliin- ll..- niaikrt kith ,-U.a '..1 u L ! ol I'l.ib.isb. d r. piiliiii.,11 orduriibilliv and Uui-b ul pii.v. 1l1.1i um. 1 , iHi p..piil aii'iy. . ,,t.! 11 n nni i.u 11111I1. ia u. ii,niii,, ol Mi.m- lu.ikcia m il' Mai. lor Ui.11,1,1 1.1 nn, . 0111 i-.ln.iu-i- i. aolicile,!. .,...'.,.1. J.,. ( j I I I I III aj. T MACK A HA, lU'CK A; ( 0., l I l.-Kllil 111 mim.i.v, ii:iii:ij.i. A 'lll.U K.VIi.V, vi t st i 11 tit i, 114 i VSUMi ui;s, IUU).Z.S,aV..,tV..,l I ItMiklrllcra, IVmUiuU, liraikfl. "a tar., OUl4 lkkitrull) Ik. I. k klUkll,.,, wf j,, It... 1. 1., nni .Lkl ..iiu,t. M, 1 1 i ' Wrltlia klrtrl. 4.1 ..,, 'mkr- aLocUawauna and Itlooiuvburg Rail roail. BUMMER ABRAN0EMENT OF FASSCNGEIt TRAINS. ' Monday, Jnly 17, 1871. SOUTHWARD. LcnTo. lA.M.'P.M.IA.M.lP.M.iPM. -I. Scranton, Bellevuc, Tnylorvllle, Lackawanna, Pittston, WeBt Pittston, Wyomiug, Mnltby, Kingston, & st. W.-Burre ) c'rs Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nnntlcoke, Hunlock's, Shickshliinv, Hick's Ferry, Bench Havcu, Berwick, Brlnr Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomrburg, Ru)icit, Catawissn, Danville, Chulnsky, 8 45! fl 60 8 571 7 06 7 14 7 19 7 S7 1 45 10 05! B Wl! 4 00 55 4 4 10 171 10 s;o 02 11 4 4 3 11 10 55; ilO 40! a si 10 47 19 24 81 4 4 80 4 7 40; 2 83 ll 00! ei 4 nr. 8 (10 5 0( 8 05 5 0: 7 SO 8 00 8 07 8 2a; 8 S61 8 48 8 so; 8 57 j 9 07; 0 141 0 10; 9 20; 9 till 9 .11 9 Sill 9 40! 8 m 8 Soj 8 09; 0 iii 3 67l i amcron, 10 08 North'd, (arrive.) 10 20i 4 03i NORTHWARD. Leave. 1 A.M. P.M. Nortliuuibcrland, Cumeron, Chulasky, Danville, Catawissn, Rupert, BlootiiEburg, Espy, Lime Ride;e, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferrv, Shickshinny, Hunlock's, Nanticoke, Plymouth, . Plymouth June., Kingston, it j st. W.-llarro ) c'rs Maltby, Wyomincr, West Pitttlon, Pirtston, Lucknwaunn, Taylorville, Iblievue, Scranton, (arrive) T)AVID T. Bul'ND, Uip't. ISciuliuK RnilrcnsJ. S U M MER A R R A N (i E M E N T. Mondaii,Moi loth, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ei North-West for Philadelphia. N. Y.. R a Inir, Pottsville. Tatniioua. Asli'an t. v Lebanon,, East. 111, Fplirata, Lit. 1 Lancaster, Col uubia. Ac., Ac : Tni:i leave liari isnurit for N v Y -rV. as f. : low.- : At li. ii), S.10, a. 1,1. an 1 p. u,.. ! nceting with similar trains 0:1 ,'.: tVtn:-iv;'.i. ; Ralli-oad, nn l arriving at New York iit io.n.'i j m., li.,111, ni.d Ibiitl p 111. respcciiveiv. Sh ) i ! Cars uceoi.pany the 2.40 a. 111., li-a'ii will, j rhi'mre. I Rt t'linine; : Leave New York ,it it.Oil a. j 12."l noon nnd 5.00 p. m., l'!iilH..-ipM,4 .it 7.; 8.30 n. m. nnd 8.30 p. m. j Scpirij Car.i a-i , . pany tits 5.00 p. m. train from New York r.i i out ebanirc. ; Harrishurir for Reii'lin:r. Pollsvil'e. 'I J "iii'liiu, Minersviile, Alili'.nd, Sh.:in,'!. Allebtown and I'iiiladeiplra ;,(. tt. b) a. r , 2.110 end 4.05 p. in., stnppm:; at I,, bs,,,,;, h j principal way i-tntions 1 the 4.' 5 p. 1.1., r I cnniieciiii'i for Pliiisdelpliia, poif .v; s p-i 1 I luiiibia oniy. For Polt.siiile, ivi's,:) , lv , and Auburn, via Se.'mvlkili an 1 !s,i..c i..i,"i; . Railroad, leave Hai risbiiri; :,t 3.40 p. in'. F.11M Pennsylvania Itniii u -. i t-::-;,s !;.aV ;.. J lue; for Allentown, Eastou ai:.- , Yoik iit l.: j 10.80 n. 111., and 4.03 p. in. Leti-ruin- l,'i , New York nt 9.00 11. m l:J.:ij n,,,,,, (ll1 ,1 p. 1:1. nnd Allentown at 7.0 a. m. l'.'.'.j 1,0, -.15, 4 25 nn i 8.85 p. m. 'ay Passcnirer Tra.'n le.-.ves Phil i l -'pi.iu 7.30 a. in.. coniicctiniT wit Ii siniil::r tr.iiii om E-i lV'ima. Railroad, retiirniiii; iroia Leudiii"-nt li. p. i:i., stopping at nil ttati.nis. Leave Potlsville nt 9.0J n. m. ., 1 ) 111. Ib-rndoi) nt 10.00 11. m., t;;.:.iiii.';I', -t .I'i.t.i- 0.1.1 . 111. 1 Ashland nt 7.15 n. in. ;'""" """"") vj'y ui i..n a. 1:1. and i.:.o j, OV t It V lit 7.51 a. 10. n, I l-iii 1 ..,,i., iiii in. n.u.i a. i). n,,, -. i, m , Pliii ulfli'liia. New York.Rcadin.r, llarri-b n .. Leave l'ottsville via is.-l.uv,: ! ,,.i . i . 1 , hanna Railroad nt 8.15 11. 1:1. ,r 1 '.in 'is!, m , 11.45 11.111., lor Pine tirnve iv '1 1 o.-ii, :, t . ne.ii.iiiii .lecoiniiiCKlatiiMi i noa I-iv,.-i p,,il villc at 5.40 a. in., pnss.-s -. V-.-- t 7 0 c ' iin ivinirat Pliilaileli'hia at l-j.-'-.l a. 111., r, i, u" y.ivi ? i'liiladeliihia at 5.15 p. in., p. i s;,,. ; ... iii'r at 7.55 p.m. arriving at I', HsvilVat 9.4.1 IVitt-town Aeconitni'dali -a 'I ,'.oii leaves 1 , ' toM at fi.eU .1. 111., retllll,..:'' 1 .11, s I'M' ,,1 -.'' at 4.80 p. m. -aii. Coluiebia Raiiroad Trains leave R.-iJei" 1. U)ii. :n. , nn.t (i.15 p. m. for Lphraia, i.h Lam-a t, r. Columbia, 1 ' 1 j l 11 si. .Illl-M ual lloail Train !..,. r. , ' 1 Juiictiou : .17. O.l'.la. in., at K.1,0 ...,1 k .... Ret:ir,iint-,ene Sehwenksville at (',"30 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. cn'med;: ." w'i trains on Keadin.? Kail P. ,., ' " inn. 1 ill Ml,,!., I'oli t.Tot.kd.ile Railroad Ti nt 9.40a. 111.. l.M.ind 0.45 i:n; leave I',-.-;-;,,, m., ieti:rni:i' 1. ... Ml. t icasant at 7.00 and 11. J-, a. m., and 8. 00 trains on Kcadu in., roneiclin : Railroad. with Hllli!; I liester Valley Railroad Train., leave hrid . poll at h.110 ,,. ,., a.05ai,. 5.; ,,. ,. r,.,llri,; ; leave, llowniimton t, l-'.:5,'o , ..s. p. 111. connecting with simlicr truti.s on R, ,. , lii Railroad. I f,,"1:,il-v ! I-f-lVu Nl V-.rk at 5.00 p. ,, ! 1 hiladclphw ut S.uo a. in. an 1 :..-. p i (, J s.Oii a. 111. train running o.,.v to "i.! , i Potlsville ni N.uua.m., leaie 1 1 .1 r. ,!.,. " ' 40 111., and U'.OO p. in. j have .111, ..!,,., ut' .,, H.j., p. in. , leave Re.idin,. ... ,, p. in. lor llairisburi:, nt I. -.' a. 111. b r V I loik, al T.-'Oa. 111. for Ailinti.wu a:i. nt tl i,l ' in. and 4.15 p. m. f,,r plii:,,.i, ,' 011. mutation, Mileap., , :, ; ,, .., ; r.eiirsioii iu kits, 10 and bt llllced Mtes. I ltiiirtr.iiro checked Ihroneli t IPlti" Uilowed each Pasnen.- r. a a.; p ,i.t a! 1 l'-'i Poliiliia Y.. J. ll. Wi uiTTK N", At. Si. t. ,v l!i.. ,.i, 1'hUutlolplilu uud Y.tif ttniii ;;il. Sl'MMLR TMli: TAllI.L. n and lifter Moiiduv, Aiii-n-t Triiiu on lb,. PliiladulpUia 1. run aa foliowa 1 WKS1 WAlill Mall Train leaven I'liib, i.,.1, hiiubuiv, " " urmt Lrie, ' Llie Kxprf.a teav.a Philadelphia, " " " Sllllbllll, , " " an 1.1 F,ie, " l.lliilm Mull le.ivea Pliib,,. ! I.i 1 Sun' 1 . .. ,.. .-111 1 , 1 . "l l.o.k II ,, ii I'lMl.i In Kllple.a haven u t, I. . 1 i 1 Tib, Lai. :t. c id w T.l'i p S.O'l 11 !. ;.o p j.;.o p ll.O I l I'.'. I 1 7..-.1) 4 1. I... 1 I 1 , 11 , . .. "rl t W ibi ,11 .1 -.M !....!. Man ii,,a h " uir in Lo, -i, 11 .,, ,, K.fUVAKH. M-.I. liulu lev.. Kin-, "t. 00 j 1 11 I J : uitliirv l Pliil.,l, I.i. '"-'Via Kiie, ' It I' pn 1 "illituuir, 1 , ,. . n m I', o i.,- ., ,. " ",,,, II ,,1 . . "' l'1'il...l. I I,:, H' ul. I ,. I,'.i. ', H.l O , 1 111 . I I 4 II I II H.t lei, a I .im k II M , I.. . , . at IM ,1 '! '" ":"" A l. . U U ... 1 . 1 4 I. I I '.'V''!'..,.i4i.';;..J ' " " I Ira .... . . , r I.. It. . I 1 1 11 I k 1 - ....i,nl(i(, -'k ku4A ,.ktt,u, u. U u' ' 1 k.lli It, 4'f'U.U.ikl ll I I, k..l "i-.i 1 .ol 11 . ' . 7 . . -. ' .iv ..I.. u.u,.i..,..:. 1 -.' v " " -I I , 1.01,4 Wall .,,4 Ua "' l.k4.1l.,k -1 H no . 1 ' " ' ' at niiiuM..,.,,, w, u : 1 1 10 25j 6 10 5 7 5 Si 10 50 n 40 I 00 0 05 11 14! c ml I C 17 ! 0 24; j 11 SO i 6 41! 11 431 0 4S A.M. I fi ,15 13 00 ! 7 09 7 :;o I 7 24 7 45 PS IP. M.I 7 81 8 OH 12 26 7 41 j S 15 P.M.: .1 j 8 20 .12 34( 7 Sl( 6 S0 2 r,f, .1 ' I I 8 41' 2 4:; 5 : ;12 43, S CG, H 45 2 4K Z I ! 8 13, S ,1:J a 54 U 12 52; H IS !l tu a r,y r, 8 2S 0 14 3 I,", li 8 ill! 9 L5 3 lb i 8 4'3 9 ;i2 :i !.:; ti 1 14' 8 -IS 9 41) ii !! li ; 05 1!? E'J ijr : 4'- 47 M 4 t .1 a-4 4 - ..a'