Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 11, 1871, Image 3

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    iimtarg mcritan.
SUNBURY, NOV. 11, 1871.
Railroad Time Tbln.
K. C. R. W. East. P. G. R. R. West.
Buffalo Ex l'vo 4:10 B m Krlo Mull, I've 8:05 a m
Erie " " 8:S5 " I Bnfliilo Ex. " 4:18
ElmlraMnll " 11:45 " ElmlrnMull " 13:45 pm
Erie " " 1:05 " Lock H. Ac." 4:85"
Sunbury Ac." 5:49 p m, Erie Ex. " 0:50 '
Sunbury at 11:50 a ru! At Sunbury 8:45 am
" 4:40 p m " 4:00 pm
D. n. ft W. R. R.
Leave Sunbury 5:55 a. m., 4:35 and i60 p. m.
Arr. at Sunbury 10:00 a til, 0:20 nnd 8:40 p m.
Accident Insnrnnce Tickets can be had of J.
Jhlpmnn, Ticket Aireut at tho Depot.
tfocal Affairs.
Sewino MACtimns.-MUs Caroline Hull us Is
(lie ugcut for the snle of tlio three best Sewing
Machine. In existence, viz i "The Improved
Mntrer," "Orovcr Baker" and "Domestic,"
vhicli arc constantly on tiand and sold a; rea
tonuble prices. Call and see them. OlDce ou
tturkcl street, cnt of the railroad.
Dedication. Tho Lutheran and Reformed
"Ihurch near Suydertown, will be dedicated on
luudoy the 10th Inst. There will be a dinner
icrvcd, and every attention paid to strangers,
iliulstcrs are cordially invited to attend.
A handsome solid silver tea sett Is to be pro
'cnted to his Honor Judge Jordan by tho mom
crs of the Bar, on Saturday tho 18th Inst. It Is
xpectcd that a geucri 1 reunion of the members
ftheHir, In the District over which the Judge
resided, will ttikc plnco. Hon. J. TV. Comly,
.'ill make the presentation speech, and a most
lensunt time may be expected.
We call attention to the advertisement dcscrlp
ve of the "Sunny Sld.r tire place beater, aud
s treat superiority over others.
Pnii.ip Philips, the sncrcd songster, gave a
meert In the M. E. Church in this place, on
Vcdnesiltiy evculng last, for the benefit of church
nrposes. Tho audienco was select, aud were
leaned with the pcrforinnnce.
An Ehroh. The gentleman's name who was
ribbed in this place lust week is John Emerlek
nl not West as we were informed and stated
ist week. One of the robbers named White' was
rrested at ITarrlsburg on the day following, and
roiigbt to Sunbury by I. Rossler, Esq., special
etvcllve, to be trleJ at Court.
Qi'Enii Postage Matter. On Monday last our
orihy Post Master was taken somewhat by sur
rise, on examining hi letter box, by Sliding a
n I), ix containing a gum plate with an artificial
with attached. There beliiif no direction where
to whom the box was to go, It remalus as
ad postage matter In the ofiice until further no
e Tram the parties who deposited the article.
It would be well fur the citizens of our neigh
iring towns, who arc without a tire drpartuieut,
real thi advertisement of the Oood Intent
,ip Company, of Sunbury, Pa., found in nn
!ier colnmi'..
Wh refer our rjiidcr. to tho advertisement
'.tdcl "To l'.itumlnous Coal Miners and Opern
is." A good opportunity to hand In proposals
procure good contracts.
Rveki.t's Hotel. We publish In nuother part
' this paper the card of Byerly's Hotel in Lower
ahinoy, to which we refer our readers. This
del is one of the best country hotels In this
etion of the country. Drovers and others pas
nir through to Tottsvllle and Philadelphia, will
n l it pleasant, with ample accommodation lor
ian or beast.
Injliied. An aged man named Mcriec, from
ic upper cud of the county, intending Court,
retime Intoxicated on Wednesday cvenlrg lust,
l passing down Third street, fell upon the pave
i cut ami was seriously Injured about the head.
.' 1 was taken to the Washington House und
"lical uid suiiinioner
Tun large Mock of buiUUiit'S, on the comer of
t an 1 Market streets, erected by Moore and
l.'sluger. are completed, and the debris, usually
ft a Per huiiding, lias beeu removed, and Mar
el street, hi that locality, presents a neat up
arauee thanks to Ira T. Clement, Esq.
The handsome residence, lately erected by N. F.
Wittier, K-n-, on Arch t., In this place, h s
en sold totvnlonion Mallek, Es., for fC,8'J0. It
one of the most complete residences lu the bo
ugh. Oi'R public markets, though recently cstablish-
d, have proved a completo success. We lcnru
rom Mr. (iray, the clerk of the Markets, that
ne hundred and uluetecn stands have been taken,
ml that the highest number of individuals at
euding market at one time, was seventy three.
We stop the press to announce that fires occ
urred ac Duuvillc, Muncy, Trcvortou, and Oor
nn, ou Thursday night. We have no particulars
f their extent or origin.
Also, that a Sheriff from Maryland arrested
lie notorious Pat Hester, at Locust Cap, this
Viiday) morning, for horse stcullng. The Mol
, M agulrcs nru In grief.
Imi oiitant Case Dcciued. Iu 1806 aud 186',
'i Towu Council of IhU borough laid some 13000
.mill of pavement for those who did ut luy
'illilu the tluie prescribed by a lloiougli Ord-
uue, with "0 per cent added a cost. This gave
i-e In a dispute belwccu some of the cltliens
. h. the Council bad right to do so or uol.
' wo of the caws were I rled in our Court of Com
uou Pleas uhoiil a year hk, were decided
a favor of the Borough, Oue of ihem wu lukou
0 (he biipreme Court us a teal cut, vis i The Ho-
ni;;h o hunbury vs M. Wllvert. The Supreme
'"in t iu ulMi inlug the Judgment of the Court bo
.1, overruled tuny point ou which the ease will
irricd up. One of the points on which the cuso
us laki'ii up was that the bill uf parlleulurs m-
...... .... ' '"" ,,ie I'1'1 " recorded The
'ourl decided that the ul'1 l'Uulars ucd uol
e ruconled but flllng the tarns t
PiMkrr Bona Kol ku. The K-kel toru freut
tlr. Euiirleh's ou Wednesday nig lit
if l.t.l .t W, luu foliUJ Iu goiu;f floui the do
,h,i to llimuheller's b-aul, ut luund Iu lbs les
bouse ulUehi d. to lh tU- ss House, ou WudiiM-
diy uioruln li.l. Wheu found ll eouulnej the
Ilia It UKioit.d evk, ahlell s sudorsed.
1 u 1 .. L .. it . I. u... Iiiiil, J ma
Hum- dl.ilul) l-i the -iuh r olUeeis. ll Is tu( pos
4 ll.u tlilewt I14I ('mi lulu lbs U Uous to l
su.lus ll sud lt.ll it tb ie.
Aoiuxsi i,u 4 Vlutii ioi s I'.m tt. Ou I
lUuisl.s of l-t Ink lou botsii ..C"U r-iu-
tils. Wiu. kbdilill-l, W.
U i.i.sliMl.14 ltoci auJ 4 lo num. 4 h ci-'u, ss
I iu into t fciussiiiif uu lbs flouj 4. A Usdui4
II It , boot usta su4 ton I u.l.-s tills si4 kf
ll,in. ton, ty uu ii.t.-M l.uu i-1 lisit. It
Sill,. b I I.S t1,.4 i lUu SHIUS Utts04 IU4 ,
mi.J iiui st Is, vis su. t.4)liy tUtst'dlsUs-l. ,
1 lis utrusiuts t)si- tttieu U.i lUu suplos u4
01I10 Is o titu I14. W. but ll-s( nil uiliittis- I
lou, sstskui stius tu)..i. Uls. Iium4ii4i '
4, Imim a 4 tu -l s.u"ks si. 4 u4 tsiwsut
Ht it Iks t lw is, U IV tl.s Klltt4 Ulilll I US
. ..u sl..-u4 u l4 to ull s.O.i liuus
t i.l MI I S4S14IUI.4 SUU.S lo)sllv U.'Ul llS)
t-s I I.IS , losso.i Is si th l-'l Sw4 ul kt
sill. sWsj. V sul I'slsi t,l 4 ls S.S4
..., I!.. mi 1-s. l nul l M t ) lbs
V. 8. Maitj. Proposals will Ureoelredat tho
Contract Office of the Poet Office Department,
Washington City, until 8 o'clock, p. in., of March
1, 1373, for conveying the malls of the United
Btates rrora July L, 1879 to June 80, 1870, In this
Plato. The routes and Schedules advertised In
this county are as follows
2071 From County Line to Dnlmntln, 8M miles
nd back, once a week, by n schedulo of
departure and arrivals satisfactory to tbe
postmaster at county line.
Proposals Invited for twice a week service.
S073 From Dalmntla, by nickory Corners, to
Pillow, 6 miles and back, three time a
Leave Dalmatla Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 4 p. m. -Arrive
at Pillow by 5 p. m.
Leave Pillow Tuesday, Tbursduy, and
Saturday at 1 p iu.
Arrive at Dalmatla by 8 p. m.
S073 From Ilcrndon by TJrbnno, Kllngerstown,
Rough and Ready, and Hcpler, to Upper
Muhnntongo, 123 miles and back, ouce a
Leave ncrndon Saturday nt 8 ft. m. j
Arrlvo at Upper Mahantongo by 4 p. m
Leave Upper Mahantongo Friday nt 8
. m
Arrive at Herudon by 4 p. m.
2C74 From nerndon, by Malmnoy, Rcbuck's,
Green Brier, Line Mountain, Upper Ma
bautongo and Berry, to Gordou, 33 miles
and back, twice a week.
Leave llerndon Monday aud Friday at 6
a. m. i
Arrlvo at Gordon by 4 p. in.
Leave Gordou Tuesday find Saturday at
0 a. m. i
Arrive at Hemdon by 4 p. u
Proposals Invited for three times a week
SC75 From Sunbury to Augusta, 5 miles aud
back, twlco a week.
Leave Sunbury Wednesday and Saturday
at 10 a. m. )
Arrive at Augusta by 11.30 a. m.
Leave Augusta, M'eduesduy and Satur
day at 7.80 a. ni.
Arrive at Sunbury by 0 a. m.
2070 From Northumberland, by Wlntleld, to
New Berlin, 13 miles aud back, six times
a week.
Leave Northumberland dally, except
Sunday, at 5.15 p. m.
Arrive at New Berliu by 8.15 p. m. )
Leave New Berlin dally, except Sunday
at O.SO a. m.;
Arrive at Northumberland by C.30 a. m.j
3077 From Milieu to Llmestonevillc, 0',' miles
and back, three times a week, by a sche
dule of departures and arrivals satisfac
tory to the postmaster at Llmestonevillc,
and making close conuccllon with mull
Proposals Invited for six times a week
2078 From Milton, by West Milton, to New Co-
lunibla, 2'. J miles and buck, six times a
Leave Miltou dally, except Suuduy, at 5.
30 p. in. ;
Arrive at New Columbia by 0.30 p. m. j
Leave New Columbia dully, except Sun
day, at 3 p. m. ;
Arrive at Milton by 4 p.m.
2079 From Wutsoutown. by McEwcnsvlllo and
Turbotville, to Comly, ,' miles und
liacV, six times a week to Turbotville,
(...' miles,) und twice week tho resi
due. Leave Wutsoutown daily, Sunday, at 9
Arrive at Turbotville by 10.30 a. m. j
Leave Turbotville, except Sunday, at 7
a. in. ;
Arrive nt Wutsoutown by 8.30 a. m. t
Leave Turbotville Wednesday aud Satur
day at 10.30 a. in.)
Arrive al Comly by U.S0 a. m. ;
Leave Couily Wednesday uud Saturday
ut 13 in. ;
Arrive ut Turbotville by I p. m.
Wm. II. Miller bus the exclusive sale of
Walker's Patent Saddle scam Boots, go tec them.
List of Letters, remaining In Sunbury P. O.,
Nov. 1, 1871. Mrs. Alice Ash, Thomas Arlsine,
(ieortre. Bagley, Miss Minnie Brandon, Marion
lieekwith, Miss Annie Brikhold, Ami Iu llixler,
Jesse Beard, Esq., Emma V. Ilillmiin, Annie
Bidlespaeh, John II. Burns, Edward Bruer, P.
E. Brown. Charles Clifford, Francis Conrad, Je
remiah Cooper, Alex'r Cuniiuings, Becky Camp
bell, Thos. W. O. Cornell, (foreign) John Mclle
viit 3, J. W. liflil, James Fundi, J. 11. Finley
& Co., John Fiuleysou, Johu Kindleyson, Ida
(iuntlier, J. A. Holl'inaii, Ellio Hailz, Jacob T.
Kepner, Franklin T. Hull'. J. Jaeoliy, Rubeu
Koin, Jacob Knebel, D. Kline, Emma Kline, Cy
rus B. KHne, Mrs. Lillle J. Kills, Samuel Lautz,
Henry Lester, William II. Lenlg, John Lereh,
Esq., Lwlilth or Lebn, D. E. Lumley, John I.ud
wig, E. V. Mucormic, Isaac Marvin, Christ Ml
near, Jacob Miller, Flunk Miller, Mrs. Harvey
Murrison, Win. Apnian, Valentine Parulamv, .
Pearl, J. M. C. Uaueh, Esq., Ira F. Ueiiu, W. J.
Keed, Frank tilapletoii, Stone, manul'aeturer of
threshing machines, Lueinda Hehenck, U. (.
Stelvau, Kinina E. Tracy, Huldali L'nger, J. M.
I'uger, T. O. Vunallen, 'I.E. Vaiialliu iVCo.,
James Wallace, C. Wullace, A. J. Warlield, S.
Weaver, Levlna Wilier, W. 11. Wilson, J. Mark
ley Wilson, Joseph McWililums, civil Engineer,
Lizzie Wolverlou.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Fhylinu'b Mammotu Cash 6torb It still tell
ing as cheap at ever.
Frylinu bus received New Goods which he has
selected with care.
Fuylinu has the reputation uf telling the belt
Goods at the lowest prices.
Fhylino wlU not be undersold. Call and see
his black aud colored Alpacas, Freueh Merluot
and other seasonable Druss Goods.
Fuylinu Is determined to lualulaiu the reputa
tion of the Mammoth. Fr) Hug's Goods ulways
give tallsfuctlou.
An Auheeaulb Cuanui. It lll be nollced in
the Court prueeediuga III lhl Issue, that the etlKil
uul rases Were nil disiuM:d of by Wednesday
noon, while at former courts It required a full
wevk. The lax payi rs will uo doubt be glud to
rind that the. laic election inadu a wonderful
vhaugu In this respect, us but lew raws from the
rout regiou wen- relumed, some tidily ea s hav
ing teeu sell lid since Hie elwllou, Mho did not
trust m come In Court. At former com is the
call uder was full of n lly eases floiil lliul ivgiou
uhleh were frequcully disposed of by putting lliv
costs ou the cuuiilv t U ho-t thai Hie n-sull
1 of the tie- '.llU wi imisiliei ilecl of relivviuKlhe
taxpavwis uf Ibis upruso lu lbs fuium.
Us. Jon K. Clsmkkt was tworu la at lb
uei-rssur uf JereiuluU Mildsr, Esq., iu lbs nittce
uf t Attorney, u Moi.Ua lust, aud already
lake bold uf lu Uusiuess of I ouiis with u
saioc-lUiss Dial sliuiss H14I ke uiuksat'upa
ble ulllecr. Mr. kuydvr utlist allsi sis )! uf
fuilhlul srk lu ulM'lmi(S uf His tluMu to Ilia
1 1 ,,iniou.ullU, Willi bou-s- ud WluJI luvllutf
J from lbs uieiuburt ul lbs li.l, Ills sl ssoril.
iu tu lb. sailous l ouils Uailug bis Uiui, will,
uii doubt, git w bliu silOI'io-O pi at Ike iu lbs (u
Wu, II. Mm Ital siviusit sal w( Vrutusu
IjiJIis Hboes.
lus Ameilesa su4 lultsa it
Im ouu4 al lbs uubuiy lusis s )si4 ul sir. to .
U- luiib..ii, bub bs t 1-41.4 In iui-U lu
auy slyls to nil lU"s lu 4i.l uf
loiub totiss, m-iuuuisuls, Io(Im14 ll
4il, s Ibis tut) Im b-4 at ai pits.., u4 lbs
oikiU4Ubip Ka4i4Ulss4 B.4 sw us. si.os4
S) bSIS. t 4l U4 SS4I, i-H-SMU llM t 04I I llustMl,
S4UU4I), 4.
Al Wiu. II. Willi's ois . (( t Tip Tou
Ituut (u 4 fcO.
I MS SSSMIISMU ul tauuUs at lis t sssj Stui
ul M. f. Vt.iu.-i U 4iiusj lb it-utluu ul ail
bU U S tltst MUt,U-llSIM4,t. ll I I k" Bksl
ll ku4S Ul tlUt, llliMISl, l44SSfc,,S ,
S4 SHI t4 l IU IS4I Ui4Vl lll-SS 4 llUl l
S-auilU " "SIS "I IkssM lSS
Reported by A. N. Brick, Esq.
Coart Prossdlniti.
Bunbiirt, Not. ft, 1871.
Court opened at 10 o'clock. Judges Jordan,
and Bblpmaa and Nicely on the bench. The
Coart House was crowded with people, and a
goodly attendance of the bar a on hand. The
Hou. A. Jordan's charge was made to the Grand
Jury, and Is as follows. It was received with
marked attention and feeling. In Itself, It Is
eloquent and elegant. The Judge rctlrct with
dignity and respect. ITe Is loved by nil, and by
none more than by tho members of the bar, who
have long been treated with kindness and Impar
tiality, and especially Is his kindness or heart to
the younger members of the bar highly apprecia
ted. The presentation of a solid sliver tea t
will take place nt his Ilouor's residence early
next week ; a meeting or tho attorneys this week
will decide the programme. The chnrgo of
Judge Jordan's Is as follows :
Gentlemen i
Half a century of mv life hns boon snr-nl nt
the bar and on the bench.
" r
rortno msi twenty
years I havo hold the honorable nnd Important
position of President Judge of tho eighth Judicial
District, an office conferred on mc first, by the
people of the counties of Contre, Clinton, Lycom-
lug and Northumberland these counties then
comprising the eighth dlstilot, nnd afterward
when the district was changed by legislation, by
the people of Lycoming, Montour and Northum
berland. My terra of offled, as you know, will
expire on tho first day of next month, and this
Is tho last opportunity I will have of publicly ex
pressing my gratitude 1 0 the people or the COitn.
ty, for their support and uniform kindness. They
will be grntcfuly ronicmbcred by mc during tho few
years I may bo permitted lo live, and hope my suc
cessor will enjoy as large a share of their kind
ness as I have. My labors havo been tendered
more pleasant by the willingness of the people
to bear with my frailties, an d by the gcntlemnn-
ly, kind and courteous couduct of tho members
of the bar, not only of the county but of the dis
trict, as It was, and Is now. In my retirement,
their kindness, their readiness at nil times to
promote my comfort nud consult my convenience
will be among tho pleasant recollections or the
past, and solace mc as I pass on to the end or my
earthly pilgrimage. To merit and secure the
confidence or my fellow cltliens hns becu ono of
the objects of my ambition ; If I have succeeded,
I am thankful. Without enjoying the conlldeucu
nud esteem of my rellow citizens, whatever else
I might possess, life would be deprived of one of
its principal Ingredients or hupplncss. In en
deavoring to secure their confidence and esteem
I havo not forgotten that there are higher and
holler aspirations which 6hould lnuucuce me.
While I sat In Judgment upon my fellow nun I
did not forget that I was to be Judged.
Every member of this bar Is my Junior In years,
aud lu the length of time they have practiced
law. Some or them I have known from early
childhood, some of them read law In my ollleo
and under my direction, and it is a great plea
sure to 1110. that they occupy honorable positions
at the bar, and that one or them bus been chosen
by the pcoplo or the district ns if y successor. If
be wishes to make the position a pleasant one, a !
faithful administration or the la ws, holding the ,
scales or Justice with an Impartial and steady j
hand, aud kindness to the niembi-rs uf the bur, j
cs pcclully to the younger membirs, w ill greatly
coutrlbuteto make llso. Young men wlie:; they ci
lerjon the practice of the law Ut'Cil CllCOi;r.igement
from the If this be w'.tliliel ', uu 1 they are
treated with harshness, years are sometimes ne
cessary to enable them to overcome this treat
Before the adoption of the present Constitution
In eighteen hundred und thirty-eight, Judges wcro j
appointed by the Governor, and were commis
sioned for life, If they so long behaved well. Tho
genius or our government seemed lo be opposed
to this system 1 the people desired a change, uud
ll was made. Whether the change was u judi
cious one, It is not now necessary and proper to
Inquire. Iu this country and in this Stale, the
pcoplo ure the sovereigns. Olllcers arc but their
servants, chosen to perform duties, which, as a
muss, they could not.
Whatever of good may or has resulted rrom
thu election or Judges, Clerks or the Courts,
Registers and Recorders, &c, the frequency or
elections docs not tend to Improve the morals or
the people. A highly excited state or party reel
ing Is kept up, causing unpleasant discussions
and bitter denunciations, alienation of friends,
and the dcslructlou of friendly and social Inter- ;
course. Measures arc often resorted to by can-
didates for olllce, to secure their election, tin t
are dishonorable, Injurious uud disgraceful. !
Character Is unjustly assailed, and tho lougnoof !
the slanderer Is busy iu sullying the reputation j
or men, who before were esteemed us amongst ,
the purest aud the best. Too great cure cannot
be tuken lu thu selection or men to fill the vail- :
oils high nnd Important olllees under the Cotistl- I
tutlou uud laws of the United rAtatet and the
several Btates iu tho Union especially Is this J
true at respects the Judiciary. A corrupt Court
Is a most duiicerous tribunal. If we have uot 1
felt it, F.ugluud has. in a competent, faithful ;
aud upright Court, und a Jury composed of
twelve men selected for their Illness uu I Impar
tiality, who cannot be Induced by poliilcul, re
ligious or any other consideration to violate the
solemn obligations of their oaths, there Is safety
aud prolcctiou lo life, liberty, proiny und repu
tallon. The welfare or the community, lu a good de
gree, depend ou the iiiteli.igeuee nud Integrity or
the Court on tho correct Interpretation or the
laws, aud their faithful uriiuluUtrutlon. The
luw it not a system of oppression, but one found
ed ou Hie soundest r en sou adapted to thu aunts
aud ucccssllks of man, uud Mlthoul which
peace uud order could uul be preserved, aud life,
uud properly, uud churuclcr could Uol be pro
I eUd. Tbe Law, us wo havo ll aud administer
It, bus received the sa union or many of tho
grcutfsl men that cur lived 1 men uf Iho pro
fouudesl knowledge, lowering Intellect, uud en
larged, correct and mailed views.
Tho country is tilled ilh violence with luuu
ready uud willing lo K-isvtiulo crimes of tho dyo, muu who are loo lo woik, but
wicked enough lo shed lunmenl blood, Ilia build
liii un I lob, to obtain liuiucy. Most of the tiles
by Willi ll t'llius uud towns b.ivo beuu dclro)e,
MUU reduced flout Wealth lo poverty,
wuul, aud suite 1 in; lu various forms vuUIU.I
lhouauU of Inuoceiil uu u, woiuiu aud i hlldiiu,
aud eauslug lbs death uf luauy bundled", elii
probably lb wuik uf tb.ssi liked llieu. llf
funk is N(uiiisl tho laws should bo ploccutcd
lib Ulligeiico nud puuUhid ilii sivetliy.
Wllbiu tbe la-l iweul) ) lluio bat Utu a
Vviy (jival luireaso lu judleUI buslu In ibis
di-lrnl, and ll ill pmlkibly liuroaso lib Ibo
lucruasttuf ipuUllou Ibo laitber vilopm, m,
uf ibo vuutili)', aud Ibo sspjuilou uf busluuss uf
i klud. W vau b-idl) anlli Ip.ils llu el.41,' s
lll4l s ll I t4ks pUi-o itbiu lb best liul )i4is.
Out muuli t, hum ibe.plend lib I4lln-a Is
Ut Inns Will l lliul. 1 UJ 41,4 Uldu. 'I bo fUlllllte.
fi'l liassl, au4 Ibo Ii4iis4il4ltuu ul Ibo pluj4i Is
j uf Ibo tuuiilif , ImIus uiuiivii4, Mill tu.gu1.41
Sb4 tiluiuUU lb lolul sud ol lu
' sim so Ibo 4stuou4 '""I ''""i O"1! oil
I klu4s uf 1' M- suuuti) tu Ibo 114
Is tu blsss.4 041 WOO SU ol.ob44bl It) SIVl
Iblbs 1st sulk b is lib f.-ioj uf ot, Ibo
4iUHtb4 U sOf (,lsb4 u S4 44l
I 'lll, b4 Ul wllkU.4 44 I 4lU!. 4l t'tsl4l.SI.
bo Vi4SUV0 U Ultf lullij ul MutslbUssbl au4
bauusial lo4Ull i,4 (ittolbssx lo kit Ibluutfb
Ul tbO SllOltO tu44, 0u4 "l pi'-Ju- ISt-44-
luS oio buf Ibst n sbske lu Ib.n Iu4u44
ttUfc sts4 b'u4 u ilMutujtst u4 stsi lulu, w
t4Stttostl t bst lsjb.,s Ism to-Usiob-o Sol
tural rights of man. Already Europo feels the
throes of expiring despotism. . To preserve our
liberty and altiiiu a still higher and more envia
ble position than wo even now enjoy, corruption
In every department of our government must lie
frowned down t our ofBcers must be faithful nnd
honest In tho dlclmrgo of their ofllclat duties,
and our citizens virtuous.
- And now, gentlemen, lu closing my address,
the Inst I shall deliver to a Grand Jury, boar
with me' while I remind you of the Important po
sition you now occupy, and tho oath you hnvo
Just taken, which requires you to make diligent
inquiry Into tho charges Hint will bo brought be
fore1 you, nnd to make true presentments of the
same to the Court. Fear, favor, nffectlon, jtaln,
reward or any hope thereof will not excuse tho
violation of your obligation, If the evidence
brought b -foro yon, satisfies yon that the Indi
vidual charged with crime Is probably guilty, you
should return tho Indictment, "True Bill." If
the evidence does not sullsrv inn. Hint 11. n
. kiisa ! ,,rr.iinv.u. ..iu.. 1 . ..
piuiu.tiiiiuuilKlll III lie (Mil OU
1 nls trial, return the Indictment, 'Ignoramus,"
or not a true BUI. Yon do not determine his
guilt or Innocence that Is tho provlnco of tho
Trnverso Jury. They hear evidence, for and
sgalust the prisoner. Yon hear only the evidence
adduced by the Commonwealth, ll Is your duty,
In cases or misdemeanor, ir you do not find the
Indictment a true bill, to determine who Is to pay
the costs, the prosecutor or tho county. If von
find that the prosecutor Is to pay the costs, yon
must nnmo him In your return. You cannot
Imposo costs upon a defendant, or devlde them
between the prosecutor nnd defendant. If the
Indictment charges the net to have been dono
feloniously, nnd you Ignore the Indictment, you
ncod not mako any return us to tho costs. Tito
county Is Untile In all cases of felony. Not leas
tliau twolve of your number, can find nn Indict
ment a "True Bill.
When you arc again called to sit ns Grand
Jurors, you will bo charged by another Judge.
The chnrgo will be dillerent from mine t tlic oath
you will take, will be tho same, and your duties
and rcsponsibiHHos the same.
After the delW,.tv ()ftll(. Judge's charge, Asso
ciuto Judge Nice!) tok tl0 (.lla,r whe , r(,.
lowing resolutions v,.re 0,r .ini , ,m
nnlniously by the mcnilrs f ,, ,,ir .
Jtmlretl, That His lloni., j,,,!,,,! .Tor.t, ,..
faithfully nnd Inii-aillallv exc I V ..? .... ? ' ',' ...l
his olllce In our midst, for the uik, t " '2
that his uniform kindness nnd cou,tBV',;, ' ,;.
hers of the bar have won lor him o,i ",.,';
esteem nnd regard that we part win, i,!,' ,w
President Judge with the deepest regro,.' ,
that our warmest sviupathles and highest r.J, .,
will follow him In Ills redrement. 11
.-liiif .VstiJenf, That this resolution bo pulillsi,.
ed with tho chaige in all the papers In the lh
rlet. f!en. Clement was sworn In ns the successor of
Mr. Snyder lu tho olllce of Dlstilit Attorney.
Mr. &y,ler retires after six wire of ruiUiful
service to ti,. Conimmiwcalth with the gooo. Uvl
Ing nnd kindly wlsiu-s of tho bar. Mr. Clcnieia
takes hold of th business nf tue Courts In which
he will olllelate with case and ability.
On motion of S. B. Bver, the Court appointed
Joseph Groves to till the ofllco of Constable of
Cameron township.
Coal, vs Mary Heglns. Assnull and battery.
Bound over to next term.
Ou the report of reviewers of a road In Upper
Augusta township, exceptions were tlh-d.
Com. vs John Hays. Surety of tha peace.
Complaint beam, iiii'l defendant directed to pay
costs nnd give Oau iw ..i Ivdiavlour.
In the cusrs of the Coin, vs Joseph llaelici, the
Defeudunt was brought Into Court on a Hem-li
Warrant, and directed to give ball for his 1 1 tit I
nt rc-e;it Sessions. Uuchcr was In die lid on
fl,lir bllu llt Sessions for selling liquor to
minors, selling the same on Sunday, keciug a
gambling house, uud for selling m ilt llipior
w ithout license.
Com. 'vs Jos. F. Kirby. Desertion. In this
case Kli by enmo Into Court and sworn that his
most ltiiporlunl wliii. ns s'uk 1111 1 tillable to
come Into Court. On this meouiit the ca-e was
continued, and Ih Defendant bound over lit f.VW,
lo next Term.
Coin, vs (ieo. Blankshy. Euicty of Iho Pear?.
Prosecutor, John K. Katliliun. Heard ut lasl
Sessions. Pro ee ltor to pay costs of prosecution.
A. N. Hr'.ce, Attorney for Defendant usked for a
rule to show caii-o why Der.-ndunt's witnesses
should not bo paid by prosecutor. Itispmpir
to say in this case Hint Mr. Ui.tbbuu acied lu
gooil faith in having Mr. lllatikby nrrcste i for
taakluir threats, itlanksby wa foiiu.1 Innocent, !
nud was brought Into Court oil the statement of ;
a man by lite name of fMiiIck, who was either 1
mistaken, or ut fault In accusing Mr. i!ank.-by.
TrrsnAY, Nov. 7, lisl. t
Com. vs Jos. Dieher. As.-uult und battery.
On the SOt It of September last Cli ieb r.lsciy, Hie
prosecutor, was lu at Joseph liurhcr's beer sa
loon, in 8unbnry. A dispuiis arose its to Eisely's
citizenship, when llaeher olfered to bet IS that
Eisoly was uot a The money was put
up, and thu hitler went for his papers. When
he returned lluclu-r threw out t but refused to
give up the whole amount. Words passe I, and
Joseph grubbed I'lilcli by the throat, threw liltu
down, Oec. Uuchcr Wus arrested uul tried and
Com. vs Jos.41.icber. The prosecution against
Joseph Tor the charge uuincrutcl ntiove wt-ro
brought up, nud ho plead guilty. Thu court
sentenced him to pay a Hue or 1 73 und costs ol
Com. vs Charles White. Kohlicry. This Is
one or thu three young nun cliuiged with Knock
ing dou Mr. Johu Kitu rlek, luSuiihuiy reeeul'y.
The other 10 escaped, liraiid Jury rctnined a
true Hill, but Iho prosecutor having gone away,
the ease was uol tried. An attempt was made 1
to have a Huffs o-unouf entered, but It wa not
agreed lo by Hie Court, and defend ml was re
manded lo J ill till next l.-rtti.
lu the c.ts.i or Com. V Joseph llaeher for as
iuult uud battery, bu was sentenced to pay a line
of flu and coeis ul prosecution.
Com. vs Thomas Union. Assnull uul bat
tery, TlUtibill. Plead guilty. Ibis man bat
beeu a soliieo of tenor to the fc""d people of tho
coal ri'ulotl. Il l has been down ou llieu who are
dcBiguntodu "lllacklegt." Tlie.c. 'blaikteg.' ,0.
lullotl ulo tboso vt li ) ebiaiso simply in gut,, hoi k
for bum lin y please wllboul li I or bluli..ueu
ou Ibo p. ul uf any uuu or suy 011; mil' " , 4114
Is Ibis u4 light I 'I'bt. tieioudaiil Ma. suiileuetd
In poy Hutf of IID Olid Ibo coals of piuseeiitlou,
olid uu leigo u Imj iltouiiu ol III lou.iiy J ill for
sis issuks.
Cum. s Tbuiitac p..nii.iu,i!Lis IIium.-Coiii.
".uudaig ft limy. This is una uf the (ailnsui
litl.d s-uioi lliuo asio I"' having pill lu Ibo
l lies k Inlaid lu I akeloou uu I I au.b n lain, I lick
A Co , ol SoiihuniUiloii-l Uauk. Ilu 04s t'4l-
I, sud uol upis-aiiii,', bis b ill Ssi foiitii.,1.
l oin, vs VI41) Mull. - uuly of I'ej.u.
live, oltoul Ibo Vf juiJI III 1 sou.euiieie. rl.o 1.
said In to lioubbsuiui', out lu b-i 4 '! ttb-u
tb kit, up 4 lu In b l btl.l.hoi L...4. u lb,,
laso sbo s.i uuu4 ta uo H t- ll y uf , oiu 4 lu
Uilslib..'s l.o4e, Ul. I. II, OL4 lbl.ltnl'14 lu
km Ifi 0 t4 b'l Uvo tbiidiou, ku I-, l4ia 4.144
lbs buuse, A-, tvluj bi4bl Kol-l), s.l.Ui.i.4
lu ss) Ibo otssl., u4 (0 ball o g-H4 Wl..
l-OU. IS I'tHJ II I4S- - U4I it 1- flOO bill,
t u..iiu4t4 l-s btst Isim.
lu.u V Dauviils, ll .sl.los) A V, 4lk ,1.411s II
tt SS'S'.H 4 Utl S.'K-t IbO (4l Usllli.44
I a. 4B o.ttikli.4 u li.) tb4iu lo o-'l uiuso-o a
l-ls. as,-. 4 I-S4-I lul lt4M luOO.blp. t
UOl I .I.Ut I b. t I 4 t tl-S Ul II VS. I,
t, u4 ,L, lb saiK, a . to. lb
Is) lb U4t.u..i.l ut 4 UisXs lb Hist -1 1 1
t It 1 at u 144111 sVistlsost, s)vttt vl tst
touco to be'glvon to Vice President of Company
thirty days prior to said return duy.
Com. vs Blrt Blair. Larceny. Bill Ignored.
This young man was accused or taking chestnuts
nt Henry Hopp's hotel In Pnrdytown, from a
buggy. It was a mistake It teems.
Com. vs Wm. F. Wultmnn. Forgery. Truo
hill. Tho defendant was employed by a tobacco
firm lu Sunbury, F. Kern & Co., to travel nud
sell Tor tho house. It appears he got nbovo his
business, and forged a cheek oil tho llrmjl'or ?M.
Ho was trlod, found guilty, and sentenced to tho
Eastern rcnllcutlury for eighteen months. His
wife nnd children have been left destitute, uud a
charge upon the Overseers.
Com. vs John Conklln. Misdemeanor 1 dn.
stmylmr leaves lu an account book. M.J.I), :
Withlni,loii, 1 nxeciiloi'. Mr. Wellington nud !
Couklin were lu partnership ill Nortliunibeil ,nil .
In the oil huMiuMs. The all liis of the firm were I
wound up ratln-r uaeerlnioi lonsly, nnd their set
tlement did not seem satisfactory, Mr, Cunklln
was licensed ir taMn'r iidvatitngd by tearing out
1111 account from the I-10I; between the parties,
prejudicing Mr. Within ,-ton t the amount of over
3(W. The hitter testill. d lo the facts lu tho
case, when n young 111..11 who had been clerk for
Hie firm, was placed upon Urn eland and staled i
that he hud cut tho pages out or the book on his j
own res; onshiliy, nd without !ho knowledge at 1
the. time or either of the paitners. This, or I
course, relieved .Mr. Conklln of crluilnaii! V In the
nmitcr, and tho cue ended with the prosc-mlor
to pay the co. t.i.
WrnvnsriAv, Nov. S, 1S71.
The business or the (Juarter Sessions bavin"
been concluded, thu Court ailjouined ut about
10 o cock unt il Thursday morning al 8' o'clock,
when the civil list will lie taken up.
The criminal business ul this term Is quite re- I
duced I mm the coal region. I am told thatutiout '
thirty cases were settled previous to the opcnln.r '
ol the Court, in consequence of the result ot thu i
l H Vl ion.
We arc pleased to sec the largo amount of bu
siness doing at the Drug Storo or Dr. Moody un
der the muiingcinent or Mr. Ilunlln. His com
plete proficiency lu his profession, and his gentle
manly ad dress, will Insure success wherever he Is
employed. May bis stay bu long among ua. ron Oyster. The largest,
longest, fattest, best tasted oysters In Suiihurv.
arc to be found nt the Reese llnuso under the ma
nagement of Lieut. Win. Reese and hulv. well.
known caterers, which arc served up In the tno',
approved style. TuinHlcs are also sunv.'.V deiii
the same quality of oysters In.ny's eating saloon
ed, ut the lowest rU siip-rlnteude 1 by Mrs. j
" ""'..nose fame for catering for the ladles Is j
widely known. Everybody Is invited to call und j
satisfy themselves as lo the correctness of the
statements nbovo. made, und they will find the j
Lieutenant an 1 his lady always ready to attend j
to their wants. J
At Win. II. Miller's you can get a whole Leu- ,
thvr V.o.,t, Front an.'. Hack and Back lap Sole, nt
Three Do,v,rs mid Twenty the cents. j
Business Nctl'.cs.
r-li)Vr;. -Three sei-on 1 hand heaters and
i toves, nearly as good us new for salu nl half '
price. F.nnulre at thl.i ollli-.-. j
Wm. II. Mil.i.r.11 has just received a line a?rort
ineut nl Truu'.is and Valiees.
l'.i.Miit.v li-Mil and 1-liie-s of nil ilercil; ttons r.t ;
Win. H. Miller's. i
Foil Ssi.R iu !::;vr.-A dcslrab'o proprty on
r'prm-.. street, Suiilmry, I'a.; 11 Hon; V. uii si veil 1
looms mi I it In ,r conveiili ueer. lniHie of A. N. j
Ilrlce, l'.s,. j
Tub largest variety uf Hats ever kept In Sun
bury, are now to be found lit S. Faust's Hat .
More, on Market U ire, near the Court House,
All the very latest city styles can bo had there at ;
prices to suit the times. ,
r::ii.iMi Ott at '.i.-.t. Owing to the falling ;
health of one !' our firm, we h ive determined to
p'.ore out our Kl.nslve b! ;k of (loo It: ul Co-I. I
Don't flit to call and . ecure bargain", us we ue-
I tu ally menu business, and will sell at and below
cost for cash, nil goo.lj now In our More. i
N. t. We will give parlies who may wili til
enter In tho IhihIu.-.-s a good chance to buy liie
entire stock on reasonable term.
.v.iHUti: im DissiNtir.i:. 1
:i W;frl;tr;.-;;-
Ureal Social llvtis and
w.ll. Mai I'tage, and ruin
for Vomer Men. n-.i
1 s, v li;e!i Intel fern
b ii.pine-e uf 1I1011-
il. '' for - hi. t.i rliirf
d dil.ii'la!.-.!. I
of i-h ime.
llie s-iinl. w'.tti s'li-e mean-. 01'
and I" '. :t -1 1: I , decease. I n
in srt;-.'ed lett.-r cnvelooes, fr
Niulli i
, llo'.ail A-
iatiin, No,
I'liila.b ipliia. 1'
r. f . v-
- s,
js it
61 Q 2
t- Li f
n r n -.
9 -
- 0
si 3
4 t
si 4. V a n
- S 3 - c a -r
o t. . m . v n
to -nil', si rri:ui4.
The Kev. William 11. Noll . 11, while.
residing I
in 1
Col Us, !
Ill llrazil a a nils
lull I of ine lh lues 1
slutiai v, Uiscovi-u-1
1 i.-iiu ly lor I us
N Itol'l I A, rillt 'i llll' VI, Col l, .is.
AsVIIU V, MI N i ll t HI tl I t KM s-,.
i-dv bu. cured iiivsell' alter ull t ill -
This rein- '
llU I tailed. ,
Wishing lii b. li. ill the sud', 1 ing. 1 will nnd
the eci tt for prep ll'lng III. I ll-ll' .' l ol- lellled) to
till alto d. sir.-11 t i;i:i'. uf t II MjiiH.
I',ea-e send ou e.iVeou', vt ll li voiirniiui .ml
ad liess 011 11 , VI lie- ,
11. v. WILLIAM II. NmII I 'V,
cm iins .tu v ,
Oct. 14, ItJI.- lv, Stw t.nik t ill
Ai I' II 'oi I
Not. j, it; i
I. ikt ., uud
i.. i., 1 1 I II I'll ill I oil lit V , ml T i n sd. IV,
r U II Ull SK. vvtiii i f In. Wiiu.i'iii
I. , lighter 1. 1 Mr. John We.ilei, ol
tills .l.,ee, Bt
.1 llliotll alt yeois.
In Kit.
I lie, I IV 111 lailllllf lul, III V.
J At Oil M Ull IN, 114. .! bout ..,.
i'VLirlitt VvfciJ
luubur) f.rstlu A 1'iudu.ii tlurlsvl,
lounl.. ttli issi I bl Ull 4,,, i.
I bob ti Wblli- tt be it
It. 1 Aiul.ti, Vt .ul. r
I oil,
n.iis, 1 . j ii.s. i
l. t Viol. I, '. II. Ul, H I IS. 4
" b4inl
I oiu til 4I, r I l ,
I'.i'iel Hull U III . ...
I t't. u , ...
Utnt-lii-. I 11.. 1. lb
bo. 4.4 M-ilon ..
I 400 in
I I.H 4t ll k .e I t.t. l lit
" ll't-tl " .
I -I '
I.t.fc k...
V.I4I-I.. Iuiul ., 1. 1 L.l
''S1J 4 " "
!..... "
It. 41. -, " 1,4 , 1 1
ll u..i., ' '
!'. lutti ti'-, p. 1
tl l
. I
. II
I I-'
I w
-H ,
Market Ntrcct, Nuubnry, I'a.
It Is useless to ennmcrnte every kind or article
In his Store, hut among tho lcndhur items may
be set down tho followiugi
Iron, St col, Lead,
8calus, Bteelyards, Grindstones,
Nails or all kinds and sizes,
Vices, Saw., Planes,
Sieves, Chains, Axes,
Brass nnd Iron Kettles,
Shovels, lines. Forks,
Spade. Rakes, Hatchet,
f'urpenter and Blacksmith Boring M tchliies,
Cellar Grate., Drawing Knives,
Stone Sledges, Flu-trrcrs' Trowel,
Masons' Hammers nud Trnwc's,
Hand Dinner Hells, and largo cast Iron Bells for
School Houses nnd Fanners' Dinnur
Carreiiters' Bench Screws,
Pof-ito Folks for digging potatoes,
Looklmr Glasses. Twine, Ropes,
Knives and Forks, Spoon. Tacks,
Mule and Horse Shoes mid Nails,
Hummers, Auuni. Chisels,
Lanterns, Oil Cloth. Brooms,
locks 01 an description, t oikc Mills,
Bits and Braces,
t arrlagc Bolts or all kind, Pah-t nnd Vt'M
Brushes, Bucket,
Oils), VitriiiNlicM. J up mi, florin Ash, Washing Soda,
r.UVr.S OF AM, HISIs. fll or Div,
I'nrll-Cnlnrs of all kinds,
and other WooiI;iu-Warc of all kinds and very
cheap. Htty-Fork Pulleys,
Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level tllnssrs,
Flics, Hinges, ' Coal oil,
Hems, Onnlis, Screw.:,
Siiddlery and Kline Findings,
Biiggv Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears,
Shot, 'isi nml lo,t'lcr,
nnd a great variety of other article. Anv thing
uanie.i and not on hand, will be ordered al oiicj, i
riiunury, Aug. V.I, 1ST I.
r-s .. ,4
S, l Cor, m a mi sis.
Now have tho most Com
plete and Handsomest
Clothing for Gentlemen's,
Youths', Boys', and Chil
dren's Fall and Winter
Wear over manufactured
"by any establishment in
this country.
The Stylos are the Very
the Ecst
trw li
sit LLC i bkWAAWlJ IASW ..'
The Make is Superior, and
the Prices are tho Lo ve
rged for the
same class Gccd
vited to visit Oal
si 1", SI A i M All A sw 9 a
the various Designs and
Qualities, incjiilre Frices,
an J, if you. see any article
you like, te snake a Pur
chases. srPo3itc Attention always
Children's 3
" I1, 1v Yf
on tho First Floor.
ear Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods of Every Dsscrip
tion. srThc Largest and most
Thoroughly Organized
Custom Department in
Philadelphia, with a
-Magnificent Stool: of Picco
Goods to Hake to Order.
ITo Cottcn-Mis3a Goods
Samples, with Easy
Hules for Self-Measurement,
sent by mail t:
any address on apph
t 1
Iii lirjt.t Kctlirg Es::j ia Ar-;:!:i,
a E, Cor. Cih & MAfiSET CT3.
Wintei1 Immediately.
lu.otm Vru Mm Uttsiit-u
. I H l,e . ill ill .1
k of l'Ulll'4 I, ott .-'
1. 1. I ..r ln-4 1 -
Ittol If II I t I' I II SI I '
.1. I lo I .0 I
11 I s.iu 41 the l ill, in,, til I
NollU-.i'l1-' . ' .1. I, .1 I I ..u I
I stvlv rul4 r milts!
III lU4 ll) III kj"
dl . fi It I f I l b l.l I.,) I,....
: I tul I kit,
I'-1. ';, 7.
i'H!l I. I. I .
. I ) y tin lb il I , t
I. .Ill I
I f t I
i'J U.4 I. ..I 111 I l.l It 11 tt oil I i
I ' t,Ul ,4.t l l I it l4l. I. ('. ... I ., ,
lt."l . .. 1 1 - .l i-l I..I-I,, I-" I I ll.e j
4. .1 11. ..1 " 1 1. Uu- ,1, ie ., km.,
t. L I . .1 I ..t I 4. . .. 1 , '. ..-... '. ,
I'. I'. , 41.4 S4-S) I 4. I IU,
II I M 4 I j I, , I 4I. 0t4i I 1 I
I '.I toll el '.St t I. ., 4 1 . 0 lb . I U si
. .4 in. I ". 4 . 1 1 1 in- it 4- ... I'i,
l.l. bl ILt II .11, Lo l, -s' UU.
4l -.,), J. ) k . I.
I .
4 II -. 4. 1.4 4fll
l.x-tl l 4 I'l ll. I t '
4 I" 44 . ..
y wio'ii-it.
No. 002 Chcatnut Etroot, Philadelphia,
sre now In reccpt or their
embracing a superb itoek or
r.uti Ritoxzr.Ni
v!',0fx?':TMn "ANTE'. ORNAMENTS!
ttoIM MiSvor Vnro!
tnstcfully arranged In cases lor
also a splendid ai sortincnt of
o. t. 11. is; 1.
uivn iH vA.vri:j l osi
Or I'h:isifi 1 t.oiKifiu l.lii'.
j By I). J. KIR WAX, the well-known Journalist.
Vcrj I.iiri;pi ('oiuiiiIsjIohh i,ts,i.
Till book Ih (i very beutttlful ortuvo of cm
piic, ciulivllitltcd wlih anil cniftuvliu, nml a
tlnely executed nuip ol' Londim, tlei-iijnrd mid
executed cXpiCMi.y for this wnrk bv eniini-ur
nrllflK. H contuin u full, urr.i plile, uiui t r in 1 1 f'i
Mnlcnient oftlm Siijht; S,:a; t.:, nii-l Sensutliw, .!
tliei-n-tit Mctrcipoiiii of the world, which i-ont -ii! i
n populutlon of over
Ill.-fory, Ili.uT.ip!r, liouiuuce, nnd Advi n.-.iM
lire combined in Uii volunie, inuKin it it work
of intense into'cxt lo nil.
Circular. Venus, i., Ith fii". . V ',',''!, ,
ent ir"'" ni.plicitii -'"'lt I'hliii'.flphbi.
1,1-JJ-AII.I. -. -- - -
70 AIM'II J'jrs:i-.KT,
Ml Idle of the JUock, lu lwcen Ttll und Hth Sik.,
hoiitli al-le,
Ir.ipcrter, Yauiif.i'aincr und Deulcr In nil kind
und qiui'tly of
l'or I.udien' mi I C'hildrctrn Woiir.
ll ivl'i" lu:poilcd n very lurtre und hplenilid u
(.oitinciit of ull the ditreicnt hinds nl 1-uik I rom
ii.vt lei.i.l. iii Kurotie. nnd huvu h id tln in
up bv the inorl hUllllnl workmen, would vespccl-f,tl!v"lnvii-
Ihf leitdi i-.s of thlr. puper to cull nnd
cM-imluc hl Inr.'c nnd very beniililiil nsnutineiit
of l'tincv I'm'., for Liulii ' nnd t lnldre i. . i
detenuiiied to -ell nt us low price u liny oluer Hons,, lu thi lity. All 1-iiik vv.u-
. I v., ml.ivwi.iltlll oil to I fleet eill 'S.
713 Arch r-treet Till1 1 Iclphiu.
! Oct. SK, ISTl.-Iini.
i wwv Bi. i.''A-frr.K.
! IIH .orlJi MiTtoiitl Nt.,'or.i'lrrj,
I An nfsnitinciilo, Wnlches, Jewelry, Silver mi l
i Pl it-d Witre com -tnntly on lnind.
Keti ilriiiL' or Walcltei nnd .lewclry pronipt.y l.prlll.ttMj;Iy.
It i;i'j'wo-vu;;'',,,t;',,',,',v''iit'i,J tbaM
I - Vii'l'i'f cull on or ml If: s.
Voder Al'VolVftton,
: V Sun'i'.irv. I' ..
is IJn t.tiNt, 5ttw Itf Nfcri't!.
I I'-tli. I -'toil, n nee.- edition oi lvt.
.'In ii'uK.
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dil.v I by s.-ll-iii'liilLeiic- or i u.ii iMia v.
i-it i'ricc, in :t t-etile 1 i nveiope, rn'v II i-e: t.
'I lu celeb rut e-l ii ill hor. in I Ms u liii'tt able - -a y,
clearly ileinoitt t I't.tcn IVotii n tltiity yeui'. ' i:e-t,-i'--s
M 1 1 i,r.i lice, lit ,111, e'4:tl,ini.iiie- conteiji.eitec-i
i' '' m-I i -aliit-1- may be radie.illv cur d wltho'd Ih-
ll inu'el ;m- 11-1- oi' inlet II -.1 1 lite licb.e U' I lie ,, ;e i.
Ciliioit id' t'n- l.nife ; pollill-t.r o'lt a Mo h of euro
at once - ittiple. . it. tin, and t t'.-i-t.;.il, l.y rie.ip
oi" which tvery s'.ill'eivr, t:o tnaltef h,-. enii-il'illo-i
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S. nt an b f a plain envelop. . lo ar y ad
dec. , p.. (paid on sti eeij I o:' ii c.-t.t.i, i ;'.v,i
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