NitMliy at HocIioMor. WHAT TIIR CONFEDF.IUT X ROADS EX roSTMASTEU PAW AT TUB TAMMANY Statu coventiox. From tht Tolftln ftltuU. CunfcHrit X Rnmlt, . (Wich Is in tlio Sin to or Kentucky,) CMubcr, 14, 1871. I nm In llio unrn nnd jailer leaf, find Iicv soen much of politics, but never in my lifu did 1 ever see a eonven.iliun so beautifully managed ca llio lute IX-mocmlic Conven sliun at Ifoclieater, Xoo York. I was there by Kpeshol invilashun uv my old friend Dennis O'SluiuglincBsy, uv the sixth Ward, Noo York, who, since 1 left llio Harp uv Erin Sloon, has improved wonderfully in a worldly pint of view. He was then a liort enrrier by profession, nnd a repealer by practice. Ho attracted the attention uv Mr, Tweed by his zeal in votin nnd his bravery in knockin down upposishen voters, and wus of courao rcwaidcd. Ho is now Assistant Inspeeler uv Musket Triggers uv the Ninth lteimuntal Ainory, nt a salary of H'.WO per month, rkool Inspector in the Sixth ward, nt n salary of 5:400 per month, nnd Thirty-second Assistant Law Adviser to the commission for condemning private properly, lor streets and sieh, at a salary uv three thousand dollars per year, besides which he lies a tenth interest in llio con tract for keepin the glass in repair of the two back winders uv two Armories, out uv which he made $10,000 in the lirst six months. He wus In Iicv bed the. cmtrack for the two front winders in addition, but the raid the pecplc made on the King bust ed that. He he., however, invested large ly in city lots, nnd wears kid gloves and a diamond cz a pertclistono. Dennis said that cftho infernal Amerikeiis nnd Hermans kin lie beat down nnd the control uv Xoo York left with I he Irish, where it belongs, he will be tolerably well oil" in a year or two. Dennis beiu uv consequence in tho party wuz, uv course, in the private counsels uv tho managers uv the !t:iio Conveiishnn. lie nnd Tweed, Sweeny, Mayor Hall, Key set1, (inrwin, and the entire convocashen was nt Kochesler, though nobody knows it. They went hi a Fpcsliel private car, nnd lied private rooms at the Osborne House, with a private wire runnin directly to the hall into wich the Convenshun was held. It wus! the most impressive scene I ever witucsst ; one wich these old eyes will pro bably never look into agin. 'flier in an csy chair sot one man directin the deliber ashuns uv a convenshuii uv the grate Stait uv Xoo Yorkc wun brano thinkin fur a thousand. He directed the Conwenshun to chcre wen Seymour's naymc wuz announst i'Z a delegate, and thay cheered he derect nd cm to reject the Tammany delegashun from tho city, nnd they wuz rejected he directed em to do everything that wuz don and they did it. "My great sir,"' sed I, in astonishment at tho power he wielded, 'why don't you go over to tho hall and direct tho Conwen shun ?" "My gentle Sir," retorted he, with a bland smile, cz he dictated a message di rectin u v tho Convenshim to chere when the rejection of tho Tammany delegates wns aiinounFt, "my dear Sir, 1 am there ! There's a hundred uv my throtes a shout in this minit there's a hundred uv my hats a oin up to tho selin this minit there's two hundred uv my hands a clap pin vociferously at this minit. Ther's a grate many of mo in that hall." After the adjournment of the Convcn 8hun for dinner, the C'heivman uv the Committee on Resolutions came into the room to submit tho rcsolooshuns they had prcpaired, that thay mile be shoor thay wild meet Mr. Tweed's ideas. Tho grato man red cm attentively nnd handed uv em back. "Thay won't du," sed he sententiously. "In what respek are they falty " asked the Chcermau, obseqiously. "Woodent it be well enough," sed Tweed with a smilo more bland than the lirst, "woodent it bo well cnu(V to put in a reso looshen deuounccn cuiTupshun, in general turms of corso, specityin partikelarly, how ever, tho spcshel currupshun uv the Xnsh nel (iuverment, and that uv Stalls witch is under KadiUal cuiilrol?" The sublimity uv sich a suggestion com i:i t' Tweed struck the Chcermau all uv a hrep. "Certainly I will, cf you wish it," sed he, but I sposed that is, my idea wuz in a general way, yoo know, that tho least sed nb:)Ul cornipshuu, in view uv well, I am jist now holding a place wich pays suintliin like ten thousand but never mind it shall be done." "Then agin," sed Tweed, smiliu slid blander, nnd with tho faintest sejestion uv a wink in his left eye, "1 wood sijcxt that you pledge the Dimekr.itik party to a liunest uml ekono.nikal expi nditur uv tho funds !" TheCheivmau turned pale with surprUe, but he coincided. Everybody coincides with Tweed. "And, while you arc at it," continued the grate ('hicl'tian, "you had better put in a resolooshen deiiounein tho protli-aey uv the management uv matters in N'.io Yourk city, but nvikin it, mind you, i. the legiti mato result of limliknl legilashun lore yeers ago. Draw up this ret.olooshen so as to make it plane that it's me yuro a driven at, without exactly uamin me." "Why, what shall we " "Don't, goon, my friend," sed Tweed. tnuUm a smile which I'ur blanduis excelled llie most drlishiis .hum moruin, "its much better to hev the eorrupshen denoutlMt by us than by the eiiemv, partiki lerly cz we know mote deliuitely uhmit it. And 1 wood Hcjext that yo.i hev a ritoilooslicll, bolilly chiillengen a i''uii;i:iris'ii b.'tweeu the Ifo imblikiu and lhiiinrriilii: administrations uv the St, lit nnd city ( ioverutneiiU, and (hero he smile. I with a Llunduci-n ivicli was heave lily, cz ho lingered a most gigantic di.'imiiud, on the liuic lin jer of his lilt hand nn 1 kipiH'd a glass of champagne) any little thing wich you kin throw in z tho "ncci -aity uv a ivuipi ti the simplicity uv our I'miUM f.ithcrs wo, i, be well." The I 'In muni wns I hi aitceled to a.iy a wurd, but hi- made the uccconarv li'dr. u:wl castiu :i I. ok uv tituiii.liiiieiit iii llio guile uv hix chccl', who :il tlicro smiliu blandly, retired liviii the pr nee. Hut the yrii In man's wink wim not jet done, lie promptly liiiynilX i wry promi nent Hiiiitlritiu editor and pulitisluiti in the Stait to deU'iUll hiill ill llio lillti rest tellllH, Hlld then liilill the ( 'nil 1 1 III ii m who In nominate nnl what il" In d", went home. There U a gle?il:u i.nd II iTMIldcnr in this 111:111 Vt it'll I t in1! au!l''n. ,ly lidliliie. Koine mi l Wo, i Ik' K' plil't il tip Willi the .o- h, u uv (in' IWi Illy live lidllioliB Midi liu hex lu.iic k In iiinlal upon llll iliiuc UM III by I lie ImiIv ll.l. U'li a li it'll liu made 11, tut liu'. an a itli l'c. d. 'J hi re iiiu'l ho V .Mil hImiiI him. s.i I .ii t l.o 1 1, i Ihu I'liUllt'l UV llm p.irly, lie du' CiilO II It III HheSh. rim la pulil.ily rei jii;. d or ll'.t. i i he Ii liiMlkl to Inu il I hn Hi, j ,i my il. tutu iIiuii iii i U iii il. nun, 1.11,1, uii uv Iiik, Very K"li diiiouiiiu inc. I hm 1,1,11,4 II. i Itiu't Ihu hid Iiiii tiltn 1 1 gi I t.ll. III lliimplid our Ihu llc.i I Uuly i, ,. vl,lll.l.l II. , I j, k U 4ui pull 1 1, , Uhllld IllUtUiUill l lo m.llllil4t4 uu, pllpll ill III, III II. 1 Mill'l Uifxlll (ii k I !! V4I.II) l,tl,d ill U 4)f toV llie ; ail hm. llt hi.j.i,, ',,- ,t )lr, I in it MlK. r lc 4) I t I i Ihu miI I i tan) put ii.!. m.. I Cm (.,,ii, 4i, nUu 'tin loiuiur ihu l'ii 1. 1.. i, I " 'I hell I 4 Ml III 4, ,4 4, m,tl ihu A iii4 1 1 4 .4 hh,1. .4j. Mod I mut rM I-. III H I.!, f W l4 . I llt k HI HC , It, I 111 l, .J M III (III, I U; ,4i4'U I, Ul .til 4 1 I 4 111 1.4 ll.c . il .Ul.H. I 414.) M l U (I v 4 I I Ui.ll. i 1.4 II.IUIM., 4 I, U is greater than tho throno itself. And what a glorious prospek 0icns to lis I Think nv a Domokralic President in 1873, with Tweed behind him I Think uv Tweed makin collectors, nnd assessors, and post masters, nnd all uv cm beiu responsible solely to him I Ef ho hez made uv himself tho revenues uv one city, what will ho du wen he lice tho nnshen lu bleed I 1 shel to wunst kullivato ploasant rela shens with Tweed. l'KTKOLUCM V. NAHI1Y, T. M. (Wich wuz rostmnstcr.) StisccII anfous. SI'.W MEAT KlIOl. riIIE iinilcv-lu'iicd respectfully Informs tlieoitl A. r.oim of Suiiliiiiy inul vicinity i Hint they have ojiened il MEAT SHOP, In Dewarl's lmll(ling,on tho north side of Market Sti:irc, t wo doors from the railroad, were they will kin-p n constant supply of Hie best of Href, Pork, Million, ic., nt wliolusnlnnr ret nil, nt tho lmvcKt. prices and of tlio lirst quality . A wagon will lie run to supply customers every mnrnimr. (except Sundays.) The tient of meat will found nt their shop, (iive as n call and satisfy your selves. KEFFEW & HOWEll. Oct. loin lsox tr. FOR SALE ! ITKillTV acres of Improved land In the beBl 1 section of Southern Michigan, within live miles of tlio town of "Three Kivers," In ft. Jo seph county, within two miles of tho Kailrond Nation, uo'od buildings, out houses, largo or chard, soil, rich uanily loam, school houses nnd eliurclis williln siuiit title indisputable, ten acres are In wheat, the remainder In clover sod. A span of horses, cat tic, hogs, iriain and farming utensil, c., will be sold with this property. I'rlce 70 per ncre, 3,0011 in cash, tho balanee in time payment of ?.HHl. App'.v to ' W.M. A. MASiiEIt, Three Rivers, Mich, or, Tl. B. MASPER, Sunbarv, Ta. Sanbury, Marelll.JSil. Merchant Tailoring. J. M. IIOKTIAX, In Hie Post Olllcc Pulldinir, opposite tlio Depot, (up stairs, ) SUVnUKY. l'KVN'A. Informs his friends nnd the public generally, i that ho lias jut-t opened n laro nnd Miried lis- Hoitmeiit of ClotSia, usMiincrcf, VosJIurm, Ac, which will he. made up to order In the latest styles, nnd warranted to lit. (icntlcmen in want of fashionable suits are vited to call nud examine tils stock. sunns scientifically nnd practically cut nnd mado measure. nuN no nisK. We furnish the above styles of Improved yoke : nnd suck shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, ! and guarantee u perfect till mil' shirt. It is the best model of a shirt ever ull'ercd lo the trade. Fine nnd fancy hhirU made to order. J. M. BOSTIAX. June , ISTl.-Cin IF YOU WANT TO SEE the largest assoitmcnt Millinery Goods ever brought to this jiace, go to Miss L. Sliissler, Met Spare, Nl .Mtl nv, IA., Where are nrrayed In nil their dill'ereiit varieties Fall Millinery Goods of every description just brought from Philadel phia and nro now open. Tho new Koom just completed is tilled with nn endless variety. A most maniiilieent display of (iooils on exhibition, nud sold at tho lowest prices. EVEKY IilM) OF UUWDK usuallv kept in il Milllnerv establishment can bo had lit her store. The best in the liiilidelphin markets were solicited, (iive me n call and be convinced. MISS L. SniSSl.EK. Sutibiiry, September 23, 1S71. Clock & Vatch Repairer. VOCiT, III DcwaiVs lllocli, three doors west of tho Cen tral Hotel, Market Square, SCNUl'KY, PA., Ilcspectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that bo is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches in all branches, also (iold nud Silver Ware of nil descriptions. llaTiiiif had forty years experience in tho busi ness in this country, he tera himself that ho can kivo general salUt'actiou. All work guaranteed Custom respectfully so licitid. June 17, IHTl.-tf. MACII1M: Mil)!' AM) IltO.V lOlMIUY. GEO. IIOHIUJACII & SONS, Kunhiii-j, I'cuu'n, 1NFOKM the public that tiny are prepareilio do all Kinds ul CASTlNliS, and liaviiiu; ald'd a new Machiiio bliop lu cinoiectlou with tiifir Foundry, uml have ciiilied themives Willi New 1. utiles, liuuini; and lioriut; Machines, villi the latet inipniveiiients. With the aid of skillful mi ehanicb, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WOKK Oil IlF.PAir.lNf:, that may I.e. jrivi-ii llieiu, in n eali.-l'aetory man lier. rtil'M lo Ntiit il n J Stove. I HON I'Ol.l'MNS, for churclics or oilier build ing's, of nil lillANS CASTINGS, 4V:e. Ornaraonial Iron Feucins roll VAU1) I.OLSi VERANDAHS, KOIt YAltlH AT UKslUHM'KS .11',, 4C. The I'l.llWS, iilrea ly celcbraied fur their su periority, have been Mill furtlier improved, and will ulw.ivs be kept on h.ttnl. Aiso, TllllEflllMl MAC1IINF.S. Siiiibiny. May 1S71. Tin: i;;i!:iiE.T3 that COMPOSE IIOSADA1.IS are piil.lirhed on every put Injjii, tin re lorn it is wit u mx-ii I piep.ilu'.iull, euiiau-qiii-iitty IUVSUHNS I'KESCKIBK IT It i ii (irUln rum lr Hjroliils, S) plhln in nil it Ii ruis, Itlieuiiit turn, hkiu liiM-utrs, l.ivor Cuiu I'Uii.l uud all diataius of llm llluud. o:.s ziznz cr i.:3A3al23 Will du llliil (,'uuil thtll It'll boll In u' Ihu H) rups ul' ri4rwidnll. THE UNi:nIQN0 PHVSICIANi. iuVi; UM U ltu4llill,S ill their pr4l'lll'l .I'.ir lliu ) :! Hire yi-Ji. mid I niy niduitu it (il.alilu AlUilalnv a i.J l: I'unlior. 'till T i1 i l'i,ll,.t H4I1011 I. 'nn t j irnv kIx. I'H II. W . I A lilt ' 'mi ii miMi i.v. UM i kl-.ykks, kI SukulwiilU, I k .tul j U. il.l AUTIU, UluMbu, k r I'M A U N'.IU.M, Muvwli, N I1. V6L) AND ENDORSED BY r' vt kMl lll, Jki- ii, alt. k A I U III I I I U, l ilu. I.LM W II II I , I ,..,l,U,M. 1 U ,1 I S It t 11 , ,..,J 4WHIU, V. kAUl I. U. I AMi,, Unili. IUi,l ...w. Iiui ill iu.1 liwi f ,4. y It.U 1 .4.-4fe, tH It. .14.. W lb . . I ... 4- t4..ill.. I .11,4 UJ, , '4i ... . kM.l.44 I l44 I I- i..iu..'ii...ii..i 4,..4 1, IL ,4..4t... bf 4 . h ... 4 U. l .1.4 14 lla M1. U l . M( I k ... ..,. ,4.4 kw i.l 141 l.A. t ,1. ) S 4. '! k-U t, J lu , lUi, i4. i .gr.i U'l. A--..- I ti. cit'uTj I KuMKnullwuii. ROSAMLIS O D )- 1 il. I I 1; Miscellaneous. ;iiii.ixu AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, lina J tint received and opened ,1 MAMMOTH NTOCK OF UOOUS, wlili li lie tins SELECTED 11727 (111 EAT CAliE and oflVrs to Hie Public nt the Very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Having established n reputation for low prices nud DEALING to nil, will endeavor to maintain that position COME ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LAIM-i EST STOCK, BEST ASSOHTMENT & LOWEST riUCES IX THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the lar-je amount of patronnixe heretofore bestowed upon me, I will eudeaver by filinishini: the best i;omls at the lowest prices lo merit n continuance of the naino. 11. V. FRILING. April 15, 1871. EVriMOUOIXAKY. $10 ori"i:it ?io 30 I.YS OX MONTH LY I'.VYM EXTH. iMtin: iti.iM c t:i. Till! Ami:hhm Sr.wiNo Maciiinr Co. have eoncludid to otl'er tlnir whole Block of Stijinior and widely-known machines, upon the nbove uiiparahied terms, to everybody, everywhere, who have, or can linJ use for a really Kood Bcw ini; Machine, chcipi r than the cheapest. Every one Is welcome to a mouth's freo trial at their own home. The best, and only true guarantee of Its quality, is a mouth's free trial. The otijcct of irlvlnir a free trial Is to show you how Good our Machine Is. This is the si'Mplest uud lltn-t certain Wny lo convince you that our Machine is just what you waul. Tho Secret of safety Is lu one mouth's trial. No one parts w ith the Machine utter trial. All pay for uud keep il. iluy no machine until you have found It a e;ood one, cu.-y lo learn, easy In manage, easy to w ork, easy lo keep In order, perfect in mechanism, perfect in construction, simple, reliable, ninl . ilisfaclory. Any company who will refuse you t his much cuuiiul have us H""d 11 Si-v. lii Muebint us ours. Hay only when you know the machine dors not lake un hour lo gi-l ready lo do a minutes woik. Buy only when yo u Uud a Machine thai is ready lu 11 niiiiiile ludo any kind of work uud is always ready, and i:everout of order. A iiioiilir. trial answers all qui alious, sohes all doubts, pivvc nl all mi.-takes, a'ld is the only afu way lnct your moneys woilli. Try It. You cannot lotc. Write fur our Circulars and Illus trated I' ( taluini; full parliciilars, which we will scml you l,y rt t urn of mull free, Willi B.uuplcs of hi-w'liiL', you can Judc lor yourself. And rciiiciiiU r, Ihut we sell uur khh1 M.uhlucut it low price, up., 11 1'Mraordliiary favor able lei ins of I a uit-iit , und lipott Hull ow n lui r- I Don't li.'.ilale li.eabsu you are uueeilulu whether Wulit u rH'Winif .Martiiut; or liol, 110 be- vit ir oii liatu one of another kind. Try it good one, Ilu y me ulw.iys u.i tiil, uml will make j 11111111) for you, or help you In sus II. And if j Juil have uliolh,r,oiu will show )i,u thai lb Jons ! you li.ive could bii lliipioied. '1 lie' .laks ! I In i v K 4. 1 -li 111 o ilu ii Itii.nii.. mi tin, im ru ; Ui ol Ihi, Womb t I'u I uud r ili.ioiilluui y hi iiik I -M.iiiilue. t'ouiily llii;hl. tlv,u imi In Kiukl Mm ul Ai-cuU. CuntruMcr., I11.1I0 uud li uiiile, ) w.,iili. 1 vi r) w In in. I Wule for l'.nliruUr, mul ml Inn 1 AVimiris it At ill N K Co,, I'ur. Joint sud Suju klrnl. Nik Vmk. Hit. II, 171.-1 )cur. FA KM FOU SALE. 'pilK umb r. It: Hid ti4l,ijr lurtjrr Irurl of Ian 4 1 I u ir 'Ml m nm ) lli.iu run Imi towily t'ulti. t .nd Iii una I41111, l.lji'ly U 1,4,4 lu liu. kluK, ullifs . mIssImiiiI uuu iI welts, t uibiitviiiu lbs w bul u( t lis old Pn .imM I4IUI, logiibvt Willi (Mil nt li iiul.liu I411.1. I U41 1,41 III 4l 4, H4MI4J.'. III Hill 4l tllttltj fo .alu, 414 U 4i It'. I It lUul fiH H4llllUlU4 p4l. ....... lu Lo4 ul IUv istil i,4it4. My uwu 4i. il' 1.1,4 l-tt Ui (M.l U H4S.I.I 1)4 l"4l t U ll JT d'.iiv ujw 14 , It,. 14 414 11,1. 1 4''u (41141, I, il I Li. tl.UUlf 14 I . I) IM4ki4l 111 UI4IU4I f 1414, 4l lit II. , I'll I..'. U Sll-lt 4ll4i.. 1 4.4 tt ll.l.l.-l. 1 1 t, . O S .... 4 -I ! l I..U I. I , ., . Lli.J U"4i 4 l-H.I Hi 'I I .'l44 14 11.4 4,44,4.4 till wt tjwa) 4t.. t I. 41.4 4 t,.4l,4l4 l-l llllil 4.II4.V III U4 4l4f. S it lit l l4l, . ,IMt. I.44.....I.I4. 14 141 IU 4!.lt It. .1I4 4, 4.1 4 .114, V II I I 4 M I.. Hisliit. J-)U 1 tl4,4t, kviili 4 l , 14 S)lisccIIanf0it9. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A NIIOEN Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN UII.VER, Nprtice Street, Hnnbur1, I'onn'a, la constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very best In market, lllslonir exper ience in the business tins won for him a reputation fur making first class work equal to nny city manufacture. All work warranted. Tr.ltMSNTKICTI.Y CASH. The prices of repairing nre nlso reduced. JOHN WILVEU. Simbnry, Mnrcli 4, 1871. MI LI.IXEK Y UOODN UEXEIt ALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning and liridal Hats and llonnctn. Full lino of Mournine Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, ,te., &c. FANC y GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOBBLER. South Fourth 8t., below the Railroad, Bur bury. April S3, mi. NTEItEOKi'Ol'EN, VIEWS. ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. AXTIIOXY A CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of tho Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above uoods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF VOSEMITE. E. it II. T. ANTHONY it CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMl'OHTEnS AND MANI FACTIHEIIS OP Photographic Materials). March 4th, 1871. ly. TOMI'FKET MAXOK CEMETEKY COMIMXY. ThU company is now prepared to sell lots lu the new Cuinctcry, located on nn eminence about one-fourth of a mile cast of Sunbury. Tho In crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd conse quent advance in tho ratio of mortality, ns well as the limited facilities for tlio interment of those who have fought life's battle, have siiL'trestcd the organization of the above named company. l'lan of Cemetery may be seen nt tho olllcc of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrhach. Price of lots from $5 to $15, according to loca tion. Deeds will. bo executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROIIRBACII, Scc'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. l'ltlt'EM KEIL'CE AT TUB Mammoth Hoot & Shoo Store or ELI MILLER, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, 0110 doo East of tho Post Otlicc, NORTH UM BERLAN D, PENN'A . For Elmirn Roots, go to Ell Miller's Boot and Shoe Store. They uru sold, Best Calf at ft!. For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller's, ouly t'J to HI per pair. For Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, at lowest possi ble prices, tro to Ell Miller's, nn (Jueeii Btreet. For nil kinds oftiiim Boots and Shoes, call at Ell Miller's. For Ladies' Gum Overshoes, see flue assort ment nt Ell Millers. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, go and ex amine Eli Miller's largo assortment. For niiythlng in tho Boot und Shoo line, call anil examine Ell Miller's stuck liefore Tiurclnmliur j elsewhere if you wish to get Urst-class, at the I lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep. 3, '70.-1y. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S UPOSNIA VINEGAR BITTEES Hundreds of Thousands Dear testimony U tliolr Wonder ful Curntivo ElfccU. o o S 12 S g U WHAT ARC THEY? "JI FANCY DRINK, fl Miulucf I'oor Hum, WUUkejr, 1'ruol tsplrlta ml Itvliis.i l.luuurn ilurli t,licil si.tlswei.t-cn.-l tn llotse tlu tuiilc, C.HcJ 14 l oultv,111 Appct. in," Ucaiureni,1 llitt leait tie tlp Ur cn to l:-uuKLUneM snj rut j, but arc a Irna Ucillrlne, niaild from tiiu Nttlva Iluotti sna llerbi cf Califucta, free lii.m all Aliobullu Ktlitiulaiils. Tbcr sm Ilia tilt EAT II I.OO ! l'L ltll IClt nnd A l lTi: CilVINd rUIMll'I Kutirrrrt ltcnuvutur si.d lavlKiirslurof tin by.tcni, esrry iun oU sll iujImjuous umur miU rvblorliii tlm Itm J lu s IhlIII.jt ci Dititlcn, pt-iMiD can luko IticM LUIers cccorUu.4; lu irvc- tlu an J romalu Iiuik nnwiil. Kllltf will lis flvi.ii.'oruii Inrurtllncme, roUW t!io bunps aril nut tlutuoycil bjr laluerul putiua or eUicr lauai.i. 01.J llm vitul trkiii. wanUil bo uuj llio (ulnt vf ruiiblr. j far lnMnniiiibKirtr nud Chroula Itheuuia lam uud tiaul,, r laiiluo.lluu, liilluua, UvHililrul mut lalvriatlicul t-vteia lllsaKaca ul ika liiautl, l.Ucr, Kltluoa, nil lllndilvr, Hits titllara) l beau luoak uucna lut. tomb Dlatruaaa uv cuiuttl Ijr Vlllulid llluvd, wiiitii k.aruwal!r Tviliuil .j ttirsuiuicul of iba l)lr4la Orsaas. l)k'.fiIA tU IM)U.thTIOX, Ura4 diu, I'aiii :i lUtf SliuulUoia, luugU, '414,1. ti.HM i f 11.4 t-i.a-, tinii.ui'M, aur LrnrlaUuna if ilia rloiuarh, 1 ul U.U 1. 1 H.a tluuik, U.Uuua AiUcU, I slplialli tf 11. iUml, I. Cuuu aUus of tl4i .uai, 'iu lu Uhi Psiui.a 4.f llm kklwya, an4 a tuiwlii4 otliaf (.i.ulul u, art lua 1 U4prtE44.f i)p4. lu ) luu.siaui Uui kunuacb auU auaialaU Ika U t p! bus tin, kick rutwlar Ibaiti of uu4jual44 Kl4iyi'i clai.tii4 ika bluu4 tf all iu..umLi, ai.4 lu. 14.1IUS u"" li'" to. 4 ilS" lu tka aliota i).Uia. fUatHalN UlaK4k,truaU4.i4ST.u.t.SaU I.U 1414,, HluUb4a,k4iU, l-l U. I u.l4U.,lvll. I k bt4U4U. Im. OII44., c14 llt-a, tura l-jrca, tlw, luk( timd, -iMH444ik4ioua ff Ika till., Il.uuwe 4Hi luvt4 of lUi Lkia, ol kai n kaaw 01 aiu(, Ma IIUKlIf ilt 4k .4tailL4 out uf IUf4U4ul4lS sWt I.4U4 kjr Ika ua of ikvaa Uiliaia. loa Uilla lit Sak caaoa a III aoktWva liu HUM UAItititlvka ol Ik. If wali ok oat. lua44a Ik Uiaio4 kioo4 akauavrf o ( .4 hi iK.pklUUa kll.ll44 Ikioaak UwaLUkkl'liookH, I IS. Uoka of axtoai ikoju k) ak a l-a to 4 M ola4i4u4 5? 4 u a. B c " W iff iiil v&r !S U 1 rl au 11 1. v if ir 4. 1 1 1 Ja. v 1 1 a w4 I a4 4kM44 U Ika 4W aWaiM II tbisuM, I a4ol kMlums allW4 okM. a44 b bWo4 oi a4U u.a k.aiik of ika MMto. auikvu-.a. f,H-4oi44i MUMaJa, lutinwj la ; ti kaal aaiof Ikoaaaaila.ia t4ooloin a)sH". kl tl 1.0. vi, 4 to toll ailaoUuiM, Iu4 aai.fllf k out OJt4 4. k bMUla. -404. 4 (a pmoi la.. (a4a 4))tl4.,t,mt4. ti.o.k a4 koaia'i i. W4tU,U, 4H14 4W U .. kl.lKJkli 4 to, ti44ia aa.4 Ut, limit, .-i 1 144044., I ai. I 4 ta 44 as koaitoi.ioa 44., ka I wl itrtMkU kr 44-4, KUtkUll 4k H4t.i.l4 Oil. (Mi II au4 .il, (ti.41 al aa4Ml-a-44.1 ki 4) ItMian'f ' a'44. (Ullill .i4 4 l4,,.i' Iu4 U kta I, .41.4a I -ol s' '- ! ' ititttfacturtrs. FUUNITU11E STORE, In Masonic Hall Buildings, Third Ntrert. nonr I lip Vont Ofllcc, NL'NIllTKV, 1A. B. L. RAUDENBUSH now otrers lo tho piihllo selected and made with (rrcnt care, nnd with a view to please tho wants of his numerous customers. Ills stock Is new nnd of llio latest styles. rAW)U SUITS, PAIILOU AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of tho finest patterns mado. KIDK no.iitns, In Oak or Walnut, and Dining Room Furniture of all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, MattrcsEcs, Pillows, Bolsters, Window Shades and fixtures. Special nttemion Is paid to this department by W. P. Roberts who has had a number of vears expcficnco in tho city. Collins of every descrip tion nnd sizes, constantly kept on hand. Also, Fisk's Metnlic Burial Cases. Shrouds nnd Un dertakers' materials of all kinds. 17" Personal attcniinueo to funerals. Remember, tlio Masonic Hull Buildings, 011 Third street, Siinhurv, Pa. B. L. RAUDENBUSH. Sunbury, July 15, 1871. M M Itiat AND I'LAMXCl ItHLLN. Third Street, adjoin in it Phlla. & Eric R. It., two Sipiurcs North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Huvinn till the latest Improved machinery for inninil'nctiiriiig Limber, lie is now ready to 1111 or ders tufall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd nil kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Tuni iiiC of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.A1IGR ASSORTMENT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK uud PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shlpjied bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deel-GS:1y NTOYK A TIN F.STAHLIMI.ttKXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sl'CCESSOIl TO SMITH GF.NT1IKH. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the public that he now litis 011 hand 11 large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which ure so arranged us to be used for Coal or Wood, and arc warranted to perforin satisfactori ly or no snlc. HEATERS of till kinds put up lo lieatoucor more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'ereiit kinds ut very low prices. Tiuwitre or Every nesorlptlon kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware ofn IU.111I.4. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give 1110 11 call. A.' KRAUSE. apllU-ly TIMK IS 1MOXEY ! I ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by me wil be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, nv TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, .i w hlch I have the exclusive riL'ht to use iu unijiirv and vicinity, tiavo moiiey, timo nnd labor, by buying of FKititi:.: i.iciii, Dealer In Hooks, Htntloncry, Wall Paper, Music, tVe., tVe.,' tie. Sunday rVltool tl'PPLIK8 made u speciality. IllaiiU, Moiiiorumltiui A 1uhm llooki ill cinllcas Vaiiely, Jilsl received. HOOK HINDI Ml done to order. Persons will save rxciise by leaving their orders for binding ulili inc. riCTI'KK Flt.lttr.N of nil sizes, cut Iriim lie Moulding at very low rales. OVAL .v. blCAItK FllAMKti always nn baud. ALBUMS, lUtAC'KKTS, (i(ff,l) VEXS, &c, &c.t tie. A lari;e aiul well selected stock of Toysalway mi bund. Anything mil nil liituil pmiuplly ul dered. lliirk'uiiia lur rash. Cull at N. FERI1EK LlCillTNER'8 litmk rllore, Sinn nf Foley a (iold l'eu, Market biiuare, Bur bury, I'u. huubiiry, Aiik'ii'l tilli, iTl. M, MIUUAV. t. kLllkUkKK. . II. lil.Al k. MURRAY & CO., WUoliaalo Uciilcrs lu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, OUIiti ami b. hii tilalluuery, lrlullMK, Hmppluif u4 MmuIIIm PAPERS, IMI'I H Ut.H, Ar., At. Tlut Curry Kcroseno lluriilii; Oil always u kaatl. Haling klati u:ut;d 4 ; fetes Sis V'JV-vsJL df W (JOAL ya.:ii:d. as ara pupaud Idaupply al akHl kUUc, aud si lbs luavai l.ilva, MCI,. hTOVK, Ulnl OO.A.I4 la ail kkii ai. a .Um4 t us 4 sail. ItiiMla kl al uuf oill.a a 44. Uavik IkHtl M , ill k ytutuyHf klloj. Ml illl VV 4 (tl. n. 04 M4la 1bn4 kHl.,1, kaobul), 'a. U, 4 l I $i8CtIlitncous. Sunbury Cattle Insurance ompany. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY lsl, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, .13,81.t,0O Amount of Premium Notes In force, (34,213,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount lonr.ed ot Interest, f3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hnnds, (1000,110 Amount due from Agents, (:K)0,tl5 Amount dun from other sources, (7Jfl,00 Available Capital, (39,311,1)5 Innnrc jonr C'attlo. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly rc liablo Company. Insure whero your losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, you arc sure of bcliiir paid promptly for all losses, if insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OK ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, and our Charter is Porpetiinl. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (cxeeptinir In cases of epidemics,) by theft, t&e.. tStc. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money iu case of loss. Nearly fl.l.OOO paid 011 Cows alouo siinrc OrKiuiizittioii. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M Ilennlncer, Siinhurv, Pa (33 D llilitcrt, Northumberland 50 Oconto Eekcrt, " 40 8 Ii Dodpe, HO Charles linlick, Mt Cnrmcl 30 Esubeiis Sipplo, " 40 Ciilhiirino Wii(rner, Wntsontowu 40 (icorRC Heir, Northumberland - 50 Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 3333 J W R.isslor, ' 50 Minor Cndy, Dewnrt CO Catharine Mnrtr., Slmmokin 40 rrancts Bitciicr, Bunliury MO Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh U Joseph Deppen, Mt Cnrmcl 50 Matthias Schollv, " 40 Francis McCurty, " 50 Marin Kramer, Walsontown 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40 J & R C Qiilirirlc, Clinton co 40 R Unmnpc, Shenandoah, Schuglklll co .40 J 8 Tliarp, Sbnmokln 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Caruiel 45 N A Loudenslngcr, llcrndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 () L Ron nan. Shenandoah, SchuvlUi'il co 50 Jacob Shine, " " 10 Jacob Stolt., " " 40 D II Bower, Iteration, 30 (ico B Lahr, (ieortretown 40 John II Ossmiin, Sunbury 40 W it Wallace, Northumberland 30 II 8 Graham, " 50 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstcln, Watsoutown 40 G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia eo 40 Lewis Ostcrhniit, Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40 Mn i v J lline, Northumberland 40 B F Krohn, Snubiiry 40 Andrew Ilealy, Girardsville, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Furccson, Mt Cnrinel 40, Martin Delancy, Bhennndoali city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLniii:hlin, Uirurdsvillc 41), Llnymnn S Hay, Mabanoy Plane 4'), R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Handier, Berwick "7, J D Focht, Pottsvillc "0, Erastus Sober, Point twp '2o, A Lippcncott, Watsoutown 40, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,2d loss pd last sum,40, I P Lippcncott, Watsoutown 41), R S Animcrman, Snydertown 20, Nathan Blnss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J iv. C R Quiiri;le,Pine Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,4ll, (iiarles W llar.zard, Rupert, Columbia CO...40, John Fotrleman, Watsoutown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Caruiel 40, Thomas Mctz, Paxinos 30, R MeCloskv, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Hniner, Solomon Stroll, Wm. Hrindlc. Suloman Shlpe, John A. Shlssler, Dr. I). T. Krebs, Dr. David YViildron. March 11, 1871. ly. Xorflicru Criilral Itnllwu'. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after August 6, 1S71, trains will run us follows : NORTHWARD. Niagara Express arrives nt Sunbury ut 12.40, p. m. arrives at Niagara Fulls at 12.20, a. in. Hull. ilo Express airivcsat Sunbury at 4.10 11. m., arrive at Williainsport at 4.45 Elmlra at 0.10 a. 111., Canaiidaigiia 12.10 p. 111. Mail arrives at Sunbury at 4.30 p. in., arrive at Wiiliamsport G.30 ami Elmirn 10.35 p. in. Fast Liu arrives at Sunbury at G.45 p. 111., arrive at Wiiliamsport 8.15 p. la. Eric Mail arrives at Sunbury at 2.00, n. 111. BOUTI1WARD. Buffalo Express lcnves.8unhury at 4.10 n. 111., arrive nt Harrisburg 7.U5 a. in., Baltimore 10.40 a. 111. Express Mail leaves Sunbury, 11.45 n. m., ar rive at Harrisburg 1.40 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunh.iry nt 8.55 a. in., ar rive at Harrisburg 11.05 p. til., Baltimore 1.00 p. m. LcuveSiinbury nt 1.10 a. in., nrrive ut Harris burg 3.35 11. 111. Sunbury Accomodation leaves Sunbury ut 5.45 p. in., arrives at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. 111. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. KVSTWAltll. Leave Sunburv at 4.40 p. 111., arrive at Sham'o kin 5.50 p. 111., Mt. Caruiel 0.40 p. 111. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) ut 11.50 a. in., arrive at Shumoklu 1.00 p. 111. , westwakk. , Leave Mt. Cartnel at 7.00 a. m., Shamoklu 7.40 11. 111., arrive ut Sunbury U.55 a. 111. Leave Shamoi.iii (Accommodation,) ut 3.45 p. m., arrive at Siiuhmy 4.1RI p. 111. Express leaves ilaily leaving on Sunday, runs North only to WilllHiiispoit. Ail oilier I rain, leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. FlsKK. En. S. Yoi no, Gen'l. Snp't., Geu'l Pas-en'r Ag't., Harri.-burg, Pa. Balimore, Md. 1'MlutH, Oil, dr. A FULL stock of Oils comprising I.lnsced Oil, C011I Oil, Kisli Oil, and l.ubriiiitiiig Oil fur Engines and Machinery, Yiiruiahes, Glaas, ulwiiya 011 luiiiil, ut low prices at CON LEY Si CO'B. To tlio Community at Large! CHANGE AT THE "REGULATOR." I have llils day purchased I be entire slock, l'imiiI will uud Itvliuca of the ItiL'iiliitor Hoot. Mi.H', Tiunk, leather nud Fiudliig More, of J. S.J Angle, ami will coulluua the bualiii'M ut lis pre acnl liM-tilluii, em Her nmin, llnupl's Iron r'runt, MAItKKT SlIlKKT, SlMIl UV, 1'A' When liavlui; r.lubli.hetl arniiigeiuciils villi the leading iiiaiiuluilurcra uf the country, I prtk. ptiae supplying Iba market Willi a liuas ol a ink; iife.lablialit'd ii'pulaiitiu fur durubilliy uud tiuUli, ul prices iiiiiat t l.i 1 111 mpuluriiy. A si. riiilty will Imi uiuda lu llm luiiil.lilng ofkliuu. u.ikra iiiulurluls lur uuinufntiuiiug. Vour puliuuuiie la suJleiltil. N. f. I.IGIITNEK. Biioburr, Juil. VI, 171. v 1 IW 1 1 li t KI N. T1IACKAUA, IllTK k CO., 1 fcl t I IbaMIIlM IO MlhKKV, MKItltll.I. k THAI KAMA, HAkl VAl il UKU4 i ii. nvri'nw, iuuixzi-ix, jlc, ., 1 I bM!atlrs), rrtlalMMla), llrarlsvls), iVaa A V., awuM np4.fullji luiKa Ika alUulkai ul par- tkaaaas la) awl S44kaal aaiiuKUI. Hili'l.rttl.K AMI UMia titaUiMiVlk, lid t ItralMMl Mrorl. I U IM fit InHV.i'i, 4o iKfi Akll oUtl K Ibtl I a, 14 It. I. ailroubs. Lackawanna and llloomsburf Kail ronl. t 8UMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mondnv, July 17, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P. M. A.M. P. M.P M. Scrnnton, A 4.S1 45 Bellevue, 6 50' i Taylorville, 0 67 Lackawanna, 7 05; ' Pittston, 7 14: 3 11 West Plttston, 7 lllj Wyoming, 1 87, 3 81 Maltby, I Kingston, ) st. . .! 1 W.-Uarro Jc'rs ' 40j 8 33, Plymouth June., Plymouth, 7 B01 3 40 Nanticoke, 8 00 1 llitnlock's, 8 07 Shlckshlnnv, 8 82 3 OS1 Hick's Ferry, 8 80 I Bench Haven, 8 481 3 27 Berwick, 8 50 8 B4 Briar Creek, 8 67i Lime Ridge, 0 07 Espy, 0 14: Rloomnburg, 0 19; Rupert, V '.'0 3 67! Cntuwissa, 9 Uli Danville, 9 51 1 Chulnsky, I 9 fitf Cameron, 10 03! North'd, (arrive.) 10 20l 4 52; NORTHWARD. 10 05j !l0 17' 6 50 0 55 7 02 7 11 7 19 7 84 4 00 4 05 4 12 4 83 4 80 4 85 4 43 '10 20' 10 85 : 10 40 10 47 10 52 7 81 7 86 4 47 7 51 ! 4 55 8 001 5 00 8 05; 5 05 ioo! 8 80! 8 30 8 451 Leave. 1 A.M. P. M. Northumberland, 10 25 Cameron, I 5 10 5 27 5 ill 5 40 8 00 Chulnsky, Danville, Cntuwissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Bench Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shlekshlnny, Hunlock's, Naiillcokc, Plvmoiith, 10 CO 0 ()5 0 12 0 17 8 841 0 84' . fl 41, 6 48 A.M. 0 55 n 14 1 ill 30 ,11 43. ! i 13 00; P. M. 18 liO 7 (! 7 84 7 31 7 41 7 30' 7 45; 8 (Hi 1 PM. 8 15 P.M.1 5 10 8 20 , 5 15 Plymouth June I Kiuirston, it W.-Burre Mnltbv. l .' 12 jcrs 34( 7 51 8 30 3 83 5 25 8 40 8 45 8 52 9 04 0 14 9 25 tt 32 8 43 5 35 5 40 5 47 5 62 0 00 6 10 Wyoming, Werl Pittslon, PUtston, Lacknwaiina, 12 4:! 1 12 52. 8 00 8 13 8 18 8 2S 8 30 8 42 2 48 2 54 2 Ml 3 07 3 1 laylorville, Helicvuc, Sera 11 ton, (arrive) 3 23 fi 17 1 14 8 48 40 3 80 0 DAVID T. BOUND, Snp't. ItPUfiing Kuilroiu!. SUM MER ARRANGEMENT. Mnmhvi,'MiHj 15th, 1S71. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read ing, Pottsvillc, Tamaipiu, Ashland, Slianinkin, Lebanon, Allentown, Euston, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Coliiinbia, e., Ac. Trains leave llanirhiirg fur New York, as fol lows 1 At 2.40, 8.10, n. 111. and 2 00 p. 111., run. ucfting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arriving nt New York at io.Oo a. m., 3.50, and !).3u p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 8.40 .11. in., train without change. Returning: Leave New York nt 0..10 n. m., 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. m. and 8.30 p. tn. ; Sleeping Cars accuni pnny the 5.00 p. 111. irai:i from New York with out chaiiL'e. Leave Harrisburg fur Reading. Pottsvillc, Ti matiia, Mincrsville, Aihlaii.l, Shimukln, Allentown und Phi'adclpliia at 8.10 n. in., 2.00 ond 4.05 p. 111., Mui ping ,u Lebanon , princiinl way statiuni. ; the 4.05 p. in., train connecting fur Philadelphia, Puttsville nnd Co lumbia only. For Pottsvillc, fct,uvlki!l Haven i nnd Auburn, via Schuvlkill an I Snsiuehannit 1 Railroad, leave Harrisburg nt 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Ilailruatl trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Euston uml New York at 4.32, 10.30 n. m., nnd 4.05 p. m. Returning, leavu New York nt 9.00 h. 111., 12.30 noon mid 5.00 p. 111. and Allentown at 7.80 a. 111. 18.85 noon. 8.15, 4 25 and 8.35 p. 111. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 n. 111., eonnectim: with similar train on East Peniia. Railroad, returning from Reading at G.80 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leave Potlsi ille ut 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. in. Heriidon nt 10.00 a. 111., Shamukiii at 5.40 and 11.15 n. m. j Ashland tit 7.05 a. in., nud 12.411 noon; Mabanoy City ut 7.51 a. 111. uud 1.20 p. :n. Tamaiua ut 8.35 11. in. and 2.10 p. 111. fur Philadelphia, New Yuik,Kcar!ing, llari isburg.itc. Leave Pottsville via Schuvlkill und Susipie hiiiiim Railroad at 8.15 n. 111. "fur Harrisburg, uml II. 45 a. 111., for Pine Grove and Treinont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts villc ut 5.) a. 111., pusses Reading Ht 7.30 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia ut 10.80 11. in., returning leaves Philadelphia ut 5.15)1. m., passing Read? lug ut 7.55 p.m. urriving at Pottsville ut 11.40 p.m. Pottstown Accoininoilntiuii Train leaves Potts town at 6.30 a. 111., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. 111. ,v w Coluiehi.-i Raiiroud Trains leuvo Reading at 7.20 11. in., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephruta, Litli , Lancaster. Columbia. Ve. f Perkiomen Rail Rund Trains leave Perklometi J iiiu tnin al 7. 1 7, U.05u. 111., ut 3.00 nud 6.00 p. ui. Retiirning.teave Sehwciiksville ul 6.30,8.10 a. tn., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. 111. connecting with similar trains 011 Reading Kail Road. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 9.40 a. 111., l.lSund 0.45 p. 111., returning leavt Mt. Pleasant al 7.00 and 11.25 a. 111., und 3.00 p. in., connettliig with similar trains on Kendinu Railroad. Chester Vulley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port ul 8.80 u. 111., 8.05und 5.32 p. in. returning leave Downlugton at C.4Ui. in., 12.45 noon un. 5.25 p. nt connecting with similar trains on Read lug Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York ut 5.00 p. 111. Philadelphia ut 8.00 u. 111. uud 3.15 p. in., (liu 8.00 a. 111. tram running only to Reading;) lcuvi Pottsvillc ut 8.00 a. 111., leave' Harrisburg, 2.40a III. , and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentown at 4.25 nm 8.85 p. Ill, 1 leave Reading lit 7.15 u. 111. uud 9.5i p. III. for llarrinaurg, at 4.38 a. 111. for New York, at 7.20 a. tn. for Allentowu and ut 0.10 u 111. and 4.15 p. 111. fur Philuiki'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School am Excursion Tickets, lo uud from all points ut re dueed rules. Bngguge checked through 1 100 Pounds Bag allowed ruch Pusnenger. J. E. WOOTTEX, J .A?''tl 'l1'1 K"- Macli'ry. l'biladrlhia autl Erio Itailroud. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, August 7th, 171, tl Train on the Philadelphia ik Kile Rail Koad wi ruu us follows i WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Pliiludi lpliiu, 7.10 p i " " Sunbury, 8.U5 a 4 " arr ul Erie, ' y.:io p Krle Express ieuvca Plilladtipbl.t, 18. 31 p " Sunburv, p " an at Erie, ' 7.40 a Elinlru Mall leaves liiil.idiiphia, v.lsl a Sunbury, IJ.4.1 p " urr at Lock II. Hen, 7.50 p Buffalo Expieas leaves Miuliiiiy, 4.1, a " 11 arr at Williaiiiamrl, U.55 u Buld Ku(ll Mull luives S llll.uiiKirl, Ifi u ' arr ul Lock lluveii, u.00 p E&rVAUI). Mali Tialii leu Vta Kile, 11.31 a " ' " Mil, 1. 111 y, 1. 00 a " " urrul liiUii.l. li hU, i.jOj Krle Fi'rte. U.iWa 1'rle, U ml p kuiilmry, h..Vl a w " arr al I'liilddi ii 1.1a, p EI111I14 Mail lauita l.utk liaiiu, k.oil a " ' ' kiinbuiy, 11.10 a " " arr ut liul.i.l- !pblu, 5 ; p VuHitlil Ctplraa Uiiira W l!li.iiiiul, 2 05 a 11 kuubiiy, 4ua " air ul PuiUib iphi.i, ll.o.'i a Buld Eu.l M ill Ivaiioa l.ut k lUitu, II 15 a air as W ullauuuil, I J lo p Mall C.ul I'utiiixla u.l kud al 1 liu a L. k. A M. k. II. 'I uud al l, jiy au I lnuitu Ilk nil I iik au4 Aii.tfLm" H. II. IV. M ill Mul aliU ! iiuuad lialna am I., a) M. . H. V . lid al I on and i tuiU4H4 Willi lla.kaa.1 A.l.iibti.) II. 11. W. Mnim .l,,.,uu..i.i.iiuu 4t.l a 1.4 ai.l a llulua 1-41 I., a. a 11. 1 il. a. It W, 4. ill V a 4,. I .1 I oil' aali II I . .i.J V It It. IS . iia Aii4iiiiii1.iIi.'u t l l"ii mil a al I ! I li 4.14.1 1 .4i a ilk I. I . abj U U t.iuoia II il an t 41 r 4.i.4. u..ka tl mi,.,Ii u .1 i.u .1 1. 1 vi I .lU S I , II. V . .a... ..a .i.ti li.u.a ai.l U ia U i;.. .u. (.. I 1. 41 I n. iini, aii I a 4a ll W4 1 U.l. S M II i wi . ii 11 im is t 4, 1 1