Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 04, 1871, Image 1
1HE SUNBURY AMERICAN. is runusincD evert Saturday bt EM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor, Moore A Disshtfrcr'i Building, Market Square, At 91.50 In AlTnee. II not paid within 6 Months $3. Subicriptiont taken Jbr Im than tit Monlht. CoTOKiTFn with this stnhllshmoiit Is an cxtcn sIvsNKW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and Taney type eqnal to nny establishment In the inlsrior 01 1110 cmic, lor wnirnmnpiiiroii go of the public Is respectfully solicited. irofcssionul. WHI. J. WOI.VEIlTOtf, Attorney a Law, offleo, door No. 5, and floor, Hu list's Block, near Miller's Shoe Store, Bunbury, Pu. Ma rchjWth, 1 871 . 1 1 y. Sit. nOVCK, Attorney nt Law. Nos. 3 and 8, Soeond Floor Brlght's Building, Bunbury, Pu. Professional buslnoss attended to,ln tlieconrls of Northumberland and adjoining cour.tlos. Claims nroniptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In the German language. March 35th, 1871. ly. JEREMIAH NSVDF.R, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pu. All professional busi ness Intrusted to his caro will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining counties. Can be consulted both' in English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Auir.30,1870.-ly. , J NO. A. WII.N4M, ATTORN KY AT LAW, No. 144 Fouktii Avbmvm, Notary Public, Pittsburg. Ta. Jan. 15,1870. ly. JO. MAKK I.E A CO, Market Street, 8UMBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Hooks, Dairies, Ac. SIN WOI.VEKTON, Attorney nt Law. Market Square, SUNBURY.VA. Profession al business In this and adjoining couutlet prompt .y attended to. D1C. A. It. N A VI DUE, respectfully an nmmccs himself us Pliyslelun and Purireoii to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Falrmount Hotel, where ho can bo consulted at all hours when not professionally ongngid. apl34-ly GW. .HKI.Elt, Attorney at Law, north side of Public Square, one .door cast of the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. septLVOU CA. lti:iMEXNXYIEK, Attorney at Law, SUNI1UKY, PA. All business en trusted to bis caro attended to promptly and with diligence iipl:i7-C7 JXO. KAY OLE JI EXT, Attorney at Law, SUNHUKY, PA. Collections and all pro-fessloi-ul iMihliioss promptly attended to. inchtil-OO c. J. lmrxnit. I., ii. BKI'XEK A KANE, Attomevs and Coun sellors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. OlhVe on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E. Railroad Depot, in the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections und ull profess ional biihlness promptly attended to in Northum berland and adjoining counties. nplHI-li'.l nil. MAKK Ell, Attorney at Law, 8UN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In the eoMiities of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apll J-litt '. M. ItOCKUFKM.lMt. I,I.()YIT. ltollltll.tcll. Ko ur.i ri.i.r.n v isotiim icii. Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. I It' ll ce in Iliiupt's new builuiug, second floor. En trance, on Market Square. Jan4 AX. ItJIK.'E, Attorney at Law, Siiuburv, Pa. Olllea in Masonic Hall Hiiilding. t 'o'.lectioiis of cluiins, writing.!, and all kinds of lei;al business alt ended to c.irefullv and Willi dispatch. II April S, JS71. ly. t)St. J. r. CANLOW, Olllne nnd liesli'.e-.ce. Wulnut Street, between Tliird and Fourth street)-, 8 U N B U R Y , P E N N ' A . All forms of Dli-eiiscs of the K.yes will be treat ed or npi rated upon. such as Strabismus, (Crois Hyes,) Cataract, (Blindness,) and all other di seases relating to Surgery, us Talipes, (Club or Heel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, &c. Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Sunbury, May i:J, 1S71. hishtcas partis. . AXTHKACITK COAL!. i -TTALENTIXE 1HETK, Wholes . V f Retail dealer In every variety of and I ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and tilled promptly. feblS-71. W. S. K1IOA11S. 1. IMCKElt HAAS. WHi UIIOADS Jt CO., 1 IIKTAII. OliAI.EllS or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Orncs wtTU Haas, Faop.i.t t Co., Orders left at ScasholU A Bro's.,ofIlce Market truct, will receive prompt attention. Country iistom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 187J1. tf. COACIIMAKEKN. WE are selling Rims, Pn-kci, Hubs. Springs, Canvuss, Bolts, Cllpo, A i'-t. xr., very Large StiK-k at A'OyLf.X Si CO. Sunbnry. March nn, 180!).''1 COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., SbipiH-rs and Wholesaleaud Retail Dealers ill WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (l.OWEH WUAI1F.) ' tfSole Ageuts, wcstwanl, at the celebrated lleury Clay Coal. JanliMlU EXCHANGE LIVERY. J. M. UAHTIIOLOMKW, IKOi'RiETvrrff' FOTRTIl STREET, ABOVE MARKET, ; Nuubury I'n. ' rilllE best of riding and driving horse, always Order, left at the Central Hotel, for Til.lcles. Will receive prompt .lUciillou. Nov. ft, 1S70. OENT1NTKY. (JKOHliK M. H E.VN, ill i'iiiijwon' HuililiiKj, Miirktt Square,, SuMirur Pa., 1 1 ireiared to do all kinds of work iwrtalulns-1 .1 to lkntlstrr. lie keen, coii.taiitlv ou hud ' I of i Jlh. aud oilier Denul ' Icli he will be abl, la soluel, uf I.U u.i.h.m. I He keeps constantly ou baud a lurtiA us.ortiueiu Uiuleriiil, from wlilcli and nuil tho aunt, of his ru.lomvrs, All work w.tiraiilid lo lvesatUl4ctlon,or els the un.iicy reluiidi'd. 1 Ii- eiy Ih( Mouth u.U aud Tout!) Powdur Well ou b.utd. ili rel. uncos hi Iba HUlucrous patrons fur wli.mi be lu sioikvd Ut lbs ll Iwulw yuara. bunbury, April 'Jt, lll. NEW IUU Y.HI. rpilE Unl. r.lnued Inn 1 114 lonm-.l -d tbs Coal i I 1. inc.. mil, his evuai.its H.OCH ,UU I N lia lc, I, pivmrel In supply families H (lit vi:uv iiinr or oil, IIE II OII C tMII. Kk'tf, aud Nut, coii.Uully ua baud. Uralu Ukt-K luSt'lt4)IK u(t' J. H. ( ADWAlLADKlt. kuubury, Jan. 1 110. 11. HAKKHVI HAKtUV I ! UAKVuv il ! LKl i 4KII iM.VHtlll, It at ta pnu I rW ua Fiol lru urm las lu!l44 ' r't at Soiiii,uiiIk.. Iu I, out U pr,i4le I 14 1Ur11i.l1 IU rkiiiif N viilm.utwiLui ui b.inloiiy sltli sl kiu4 uf ti4 ku4 I -'to, 11,1 sj liiM'VV DUrl'. , ,, MILiv I- lit A 1, bbtUi k 4 K KD U II K t hi II, an I 4 fi'l llus bl MSi iAkf., I4 ttau., H.H aJ 1 M. It. ,44 and t ak aiUW4 Ul liMIIIIl l.K M.I!, I'.'Ui, W4llai,, As , 1 1. lilt, bl 1 t I -nt U.Hi. ul Im C.ilu.i U -i.Wl, I'M Hliltl lvj(s ) t, Ui-o tu glf Kiut.ilK W In. uriM.H) b. I.I l.'IS 1 ll I. l -( ''lli. I) . . 'I. I. b t . U I, i. Ull II sunbuby IMtalillsilietl In IK AO. 1 riUCE ftl 00 IX ADVANCE. ) potcls ttnti Ijtstanranfs. LA 11 Ell It E IIOISE, Broad nnd Chest nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER. WORTH. Proprietor. Terms per day, 3.60. April 15, 1871. ly TTNION HOTEL., THC8. FOULD8, 8r., IJ Proprietor. Shamokln Street, Trcvorton, Northnmbcrlnnd county, Pa. The tnblo is sup plied with tho best the market affords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers. Jnn.21,'71 F. BVEK1.T. O. IIOWER. UNION IIOl'NE," LYKENS, DAUriUN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYEULY A BOWER, Proprietor. The tnble Is supplied with the best the market a minis. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. NATIONAL IjAVER 1IEER NALOON, 011 TIIIHD STHRRT, SEAK THE DEPOT, BUNBURY, PA. TOSEPll BACHER Informs the citizen of Sun tt bury nnd tho public generally, that ha has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nbovo place. Tho best Of Lager Beer, nnd Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, Sc., constantly scrv cd up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station or the. N. C. R. W. Choice wines nnd cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with tho best tho market affords. Good stabling and uttcntive ostlers. ALLECillENY IIOTJNE, Col. CIIAS. KLECKNER, Paoprletor, Nos. 813 and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, (3 per day. lie respectfully solicits your patronage. WANIIINUTON HOI ME, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunbury, Pa. May-'8,'70. HOTEL A R ENT A I' It A NT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sanbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at nil hours, at short notice. The best H Liquors at the Bar. Tho Table Is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patranage solicited. Hl'MMEL'N ItESTAI'It ANT, LOU IS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of tlio public, Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best icfresbmeiits, nnd fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. "I EENK IIOl'KE, Third Street, at the XX depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wt. Rkkse, pro prietor. Warm meals served tip at ull hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served In every style. Tlio best of wines and liquors at the Bar. t-tfFamlllcs will bo supplied with oysters done up lu any fctyle, by leaving orders lit tho Bar. Nov.5,'70-ly. J. V A L 15 H ' S WINTER C.AROEN ANI HOTEL A'wr. 7-'0, 733, 734 .t 727 Vim St., PHILADELPHIA. W I N T E It aITd E N II O T E L, (on the Rt itoritAN Centrally located, connecting with ull the City Passenger Railwav Cars, from all tho Depots in the City. Excellent AcromiuodutlouN Tor Tra veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening in the Hummer and Winter Garden. $5" Orchestrion Concert Eviry Afternoon.jgt FINE I.AIHKS' HKSTAl'IIANT THE DUST or HRFIIRKIIMESTS SI'.IIVKO. Olllco of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery. .Tune 4, 1S70.-1y. LIQlMMt N T O It E I CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opiubito the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the ntteiition of Retailers mid others, that he has on hand, uud will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Braudiusi Coguiue, Cherry, Giuirer, lloehelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-lUtlllcd, Monn gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wines: Champagne Wlue, Sherry, Port uud Claret. Crab Cider, ChamiMigne Cider, X. X. Rum, Brown Stout and Seoteb Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Am nil others Liquors which can be found iu the city markets, which will lie sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS Lliud MOTTLES, always on hand. urucrs-promptly nueuuuo m, ana public putrouuge respectfully solicited C NEFF. Sunbury, July 3, 1809. ly. JACOB SUirMAM.' THOMI'SON DRIlll. Eire, Lifts aud Accident INSURANCE AC N Y or KIII1MIAN A 1ERR, MAUKKT STKKET, SUNUUUV, l'A. COMPANIES KEPRF.SE.NTF.I). American, PUllucWloUlu, . J.nlcrprUe, Assets, J,7S3,.'.S0 Miiuhallau, New York, l,:n;s,o.ii N. Anirriean Mti,.'.70 Lorillard, Youkers & N. York " iiu., ...... J,(',Mi,i;i'j K8J.1K0 ?."al,UKi H, INNI,IMI4J A,.Vll,tMKI 4,.Mii,:mis '.'..Mt.JIO I, rt-'T,uio l,Ml,lo7 W.'-.I.KH) n.Mk'i.'j'.'-i U.'..i,isi Jain, -.Ml T,auu,uuu liUH-rlal, Loudon, Lycoming, Mum y, f.,UMkliM.' I'I'l.ladelphis, !."""" ' "r . i '!' ' "'r' Trawlers, ILirilurJ, falinei. Ins. Co., Yolk, . tJrllUli ,V MuiPHiilile N01111111 ne, Sw Yoik, Cuia it'll, Nora ieb, Near EugUud Life, J- W. WAsillNtj-roN's" t.ltMI 111 Kit I II IsllOI. Yfs old Mruiaut'Ul .Uoa uf lb luwu. W dei'llnu I lie lioi.i, l.ui ui iu t.tiuu tuna rou.hler 1I14I llm mlijbiy limb iu.i' ai biy poku ailbuui iU4iilltiing u uutuiniuii.i. bio autounl uf tauily ami ambiliou. Ju.i tamiy )-.ii 11 u - I hfguu my lufwf lu Ibi W.ilf n.y lili lliiiu hiiI, b'ttii ts4 lli Moor of our .bop day IUr day, and aiunl alltr ulkhi, aud apiUd Ibo .baip bluu (luauilu IcI.kiiJ all bin lapa vt liiita mil.i.i' . J l.y L0 intblj l!.. i,( ttlful vil hate I ,U. I ii'. ill) rwi). body la Im touuny (lu iuiuwu iiUuci aud o uLlbK Ilia publlu lulu. . I b'lwlu pulilU ly eauouni i i tiiir psiiou. uM aud aea ibt hi luiily in lui lU.iu all U4i tl.iv budii4 Ib.iu.au4 luwu. ut ui.ii, . I uua abiu uu .iM, )uU m l"4 U Hi liiut-lui-si la), uaa (. wlk, li,ituiu or luiu.uu, t't.bai )m, ball ml tuu, lwiui you, aki.k.r u -ia, u .iluu, urnili aud ' lal. Hit kaU 4lt a'lula,' .kill, IM IU "al.l' l-ll 1 o aU laUMt l)lu u tul4 Ik (uMutu.i. k uik IKI.U4MI, k4 lu auik. ' iua'l nt M Mil .bop tu yt .bawd ou b La... uf aWi4 . Umsw . 14 m avll . 14 b Vm M , Auwl4 Ul, 4 baw, 1 ii im Jvmaa t 1 Kiwi lb II... bw4 la bal.4. ( f abww i4, im ataikA sliui. IK I, t0. nl tl a, l ftt itullbtbUtu!!!),..,.', l X linuti . j.A) SUNBURY, PA., BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL J-JR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered tne most certain, spocdy, pleasant and oiieciuni rcmeny in the world lor nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Auccunns or lUdncys and bladder, involitti tary Discharges, Impotcncv, (icncral Dcbill ly, Nervousness, Dvspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dlseuso of tho Head, Throat, Noso or Skin, Affections of Liver. L 11 11 its. Stomach or Bowels these terriblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret nnd solltnry practices moro fatal to tholr victims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners or Ulysses, bllgntlng tuelr mml brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering murrliige, c, Impos sible. tOUNG MEN especially, who havo become the victims of Soil tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of young men of tho most exalted talents nnd brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with thu thunders of eloquence or waked to ccslacy the living lyre, may call with full cantldciicc. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreutlve Power lmpotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpltulion, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself under tho care of Dr. J. nay religiously confide In his honor ns 11 gentle man, aud confidently rely uoon his skill as a Pliv. sieiiin. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage imjiosslble is the penalty paid by tlio victims of Improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful cnnscqcnccs that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by'tbose falling Into improper habits than by the prudent I Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy oflspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body nnd mind arise. Tho system becomes de ranged, the Physical nnd Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrcntlvo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay ami Death. A CURE WARRANTED tN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month niter mouth, taking poisonous and injurious compound, should apply Immcdlatclv. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United btutes, uud tlio greater part of whose Ho has been spent lu tlicltOHpltuls of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has cltcctcd some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known j many troubled with ring ing in I lie Head nnd ears wueu asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cm cd immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull those who have inlurcd themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body aud mind. iiuUttinir them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. J HBSti are some of the sad and melancholy cll'ects produced by early habits of youth, viz: t cakness or the Hack uud Limbs, Pains iu the Back and Head, Dimness of Sii:ht, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, .ervous Jrrilaiillity, Derangement ol UiL'o-uve 1- mictions, tieuural Debility, Sviiiptoms ol Con sumption, ,v.c. .MENTALLY I lie ICIlNUl CllectS Oil tlio Hlilld are much to lie dreaded Loss of Memory, Con tusion or ideas, Depression ot spirits, Kvil Korcbodlnirs, Aversion to Society, Bell-Pint rust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, ..Vc., lire some of the evils produced. 1 iioi SAMiij or persons of all ages can now JuiIl'O what Is the cause of their declining health, losing tlielr vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular uppc.irtinco about the eyes, cough and symptoms ot consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil coniiuuloiis, oral school, the cll'ects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, reiub-rs nmninge impos sible, uud destroys both liiiud uud body, should apply Immediately. What 11 pity that n young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from ull prospects and enjoyments of life, by tlio consequence of dcvlatini: from tlio path of nature and Indulging lu a certain secret habit . Such persons mi st, before contemplating fti.MUUAUE, reflect that a sound mind and body uro tho most necessary lequlsitcs to promote conuiiUial happi ness. Indeed without those, the journey through life becomes 11 weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to tho view ; the mind becomes shadowed w ith despair and tilled with the melan choly rcllectlon, that the happlnsts of another becomes bligbted with ourown. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mUgiildc4 and imprudent votary of pleasure finds Mint he has Imbibed tho seeds of Ibis painful disease, it loo often happens that an lll-tluud sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, fruiu education uud reH.-cluhilily, cuu tilone befriend him, delaying till llio cmisiiiuiioiiut symptoms of this horrid disease make their upicuraiiec, such us ulcerated .ore lluoiit, diseased nose, iioctuiul pains In thu head und limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, node ou the shlu bones uud arms, blotches on the bend, face ami extremities, pro gressing witb frightful rupidity, till 11 1 last the palate of the iiloulli or the hone of Ihu uoae lull in, and Ike victim of Ibis uwfill dUca.e become a horrid object of commiseration, tlil death put a ihtIimI to hi dreadful sulferiiig, by sending him lo " that Undiscovered Country from whence 110 traveller returns." It I a uichiiicboly fact that IIioukiuiU DIE victim to this terriblo disease, through billing Into I ho baud of Jguoraul or unskuiliil I'lib 'I KNHKRrt, a lio, by lb u.o uf that deadly Pol- toll, Mercury, Ac., destroy the euiiatiluiioii, uud iucaimblu of curing, keep Ilia uubuppy sullcrvr month after uioiilb taking llu li uomou. or In jurious compound, and Instead of Ik In.' rclni ed lu u relic si of Life Vigor and llapplnra, lu des tsilr bava bliu a lib rulued Health lo nb ou r In du.tpiiiiliucMl. 'lo sucli, Ibereloru, Dr. Johnston pledges him. clf 1,1 prc.civ iba luiwl lutuilabla a-eeicry, uud fioni bi rtluu.lwi piucliea uud utiMivulhui in the greul llu.pilul ol Euroiw, aud ibu lirt In till, country, vU 1 Kuglaud, f ruuee, Philadelphia and ilM-alicre, U viuiblrd to otk r Ibu moal e.-r-lain, .Jy and riuij) lu llm a 01 14 lor ull uiovum'S ol tiupiudeuiu. 1U. J.illSsrtiS, omt'K, SO. T, . fKkDf ltll H HI IlKKT, ttAttiMoaa, M. i. laid bu4 .14. from , Id aJuTr ril,"Hi,,uUv,UM4U" , tf- So" loiter. l.Uvt4 Uale- .14 ... I 1 louialuiiiK a .lamp lu b u.wl ou Ibu I-p y. I'. I- i ii ailiing .buui4 .tal a, and wud a i.iou ul adtlillwiutul duMiUiliiii syiuptMia. . IbMa w ittatiy I'uUiy, K.uiua an I notiblM liuiuUi a4ikiili,lua' lUu.n.. u.,,.. ...a...a .111. M...I ..T... 11... 1 . ol all Uj buloiluuiiUly fail lulu'b li IUU, ir, wmiu.llMI aucui. 11 iwhmiji I I .4) u (-. tally lu lbu uar..aalulu4 auk bi i. pula lluu Ibal bi I u4miIUi baug lu kt ulbi. ut IU4um.-is sis). I KslMlUsKUKS T ur IKK fttrai. Iku kusay lkoitsa4s iui4al tkt, t .1 ut, lu.ui, ).i srt-i Mti, sa4 Iimi ituiu.i.'M. .u iM.il4Ut l'ialUMS OmI.siii.4 l.) in iaum.4 If iba ll'l..ll.. ul lit lutia s lll4 ! Shi sS'lu UM. . U- .,:..k , U.l L. .. 1. 1. d ml. im, ul il,,i ,. i au4 i is a ..Oi.ui.i .... i.j lb- . t.4 l..a 4ms 4l.) tyiti, ivkiws i i, n - i SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1871. elect jjWirj). DO YOU THINK IT A HINT Do you think It n sin In the gloaming To sit near a ncat tlttltig t'ress, With tho daintiest of maidens within it, And lily-white lingers to press f Or soaiy "to lift a stray ringlet That floats over a bosom of snow, Or to peep Into eyes that arc glancing From darkly fringed eyelids below I Or to see J list beyond whero she's sitting A something you ought to repair, And pass your arm round her and tlx it, And then to forirct your arm there) Or. Just iu n lit of abstraction, 'I n tell her there's something you miss, And while she is helping you to dud it To steal from her mouth a sweet kiss t And ns she's reproving yon mildly, Yon draw In your arm rather tight, And tell her you are sorry you did it, If she does not think It quite right And then In your penitent moment You sny that to you it Is plain You ought, ns a matter of honor, To give her tho kiss buck ngnlu. . Yet how to do so Is the puzzle, For) In viewing the tnnltcr o'er, If I give back tho kiss I have stolen, She mlirht say I'd taken one more! 0 1 I'm sadly perplexed and confouuded, X want to be Just and polite I Can't you think that 'tweru to coax her To give me to kissing the right f I'm nfrald I'vo committed n blnndcr, And acted somewhat like a dunce 1 think I must get up my courage, And ask her to wed me at once. I've done it nnd she has consented What u fortunate mun I hare been I And now you may keep your opinion I don't think I've committed a sin. SttSfcII;i1K0U5. NTRICKKN CHICAGO. Graphic riefuret of the IHttetn and SufTeriwj in I'hieaio the Money anil 1'roritiout are Jtittribntetl. Jliss riicbc Cousins, known ns tho "fe- mnlo lawyer," writes utt intcrcstitif; letter from C'liieuoo to tlio St. Louis llcjiitblicun, ftom which wc ttiku tliu following passa ges : Think of the families scnaratcil bv this liery lietul many had to rush 111 their night clothes out in tho open nir nnd run with nil their strength to places of safety, nnd pernnp8 uo iniiiieuiately driven away by tlio Humes from thence fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, children till separated some finding their graves in tlio cold waters of Jnko Michigan, smno burned, some (hiding safety oii the barren prairies miles from home, none knowing whero tho lost ones were ; and you can faintly imagine tho awful horror of the calamity, and the suspense of these families many of whom nro titill hunting their loved ones without success ; many destined nlas ! never to meet again on earth. Can human lan guage even describe it V Then the sick and dying, women iu confincmcut, mini y giving birth to-child rt 11 along the bleak shores of Jako Jlichigan, and no eye savo (iod'rt to witness. I am told by physicians here that us many as live hundred cases of premature birth have been reported, nud the many helpless mothers who cttvo birth to children along the lake can bu number- j aspect to tho cheerless ruins. But the He ed by scores. 1 can only weep as I hear 1 lief Society understand this thing better Hits terrible tale. One, told tne last night. is almost too much tor human heart to bear. The daughter-in-law of a clergyman gave birth to a child along tl.c shore, and separated from the family, and neither mouier nor ciuid iiavo oeen loiiinl. An other a lady in the Sherman House- was carried out into tlio arms of her husband, the new-born babe clasiied to her breast. and both died in the father's arms before reaching a place of safety. Thu poor man, crazed with grief, was last seen along the lake, with his dead across his shoulder. Again 1 heard of a line looking woman in a night dress being seen wandering along tlio lake shore with twin babes, all ol whom have tlied without recognition, and been liutled by tlio city These are but a few among the mativ awful horrors of that night. The people of Chicago are well nigh bereft of reason, and 1 am only stir- prised that I hoy can think aud act with auy intelligence at all Hero are these people, accustomed to nil the rclincmctits and delicacies of life, with out clothing, without proper food (for our supiH-r was beans and bread), too proud to ask assistance, sensitive lo tho last degree, shrinking front public notice, Bull'ering far moro limn tho lower classes, aud utterly prostrated by this blow, and God, 1 be lieve, has directed mo to-night to help them. My to-morrow's set of sun they shall nt least havo a full larder. Jty day break 1 was up nud dressed, nud iu a short time 1 learned that thu houses all over this iart of tho city Michigan, Wabash, lu iliaua ami l'rairie avenues were tilled with this same class of people, many of them sick and burned, and their physicians un able to lircscribo for them, becauso they had neither medicines nor stimulants, uud could not get them. We drovo lo General I lardic's ouarteis. where tho provisions clothing uro received; and 1 endeavored to tind our St. liuis ! supplies, bui could learn nothing uf ihein. ship with tho Indians, uud to bo useful to Our boxes consigned to Mrs. D. aud my lh( in by introducing among them tho arts keif were also lost, and I was obliged to ! of civilization. tuko what I could get. tieneral ilardio j Thu chief heard hi ut out and llieu said : has very kindly yiveii mo full liberty to "Brother, you ak iniith aud you pro take auy and all supplies that 1 may need, , miau much. What pledgu can ymi give of but it it iniuu-nso labor. , your faith V Tim white mini's word may I havo to run from one end of tho ware- bo good to tho white man, yet it is wind boil-Mi to thu oilier; get a man laulod up uud follow him out to tho wagon, and ilt.-ii Mr. tiule. a iiieiulx-r ol thu board, whou in y i-ocurt, watches tho wagon, lest he too drive oil'. Al'l. r wu uic loaded wo havo to diivu behind the tenuis and watch each un load, lu order to prevent them li'i'lll being St.. U ii. Our 1'iilli in liuuiaii nature at llrl was so great thai we iili iwed lliilll to take direclloii uud drive ulnit; to a desiguuted point; but wu nev.r heard 1'r.uu iluiiiul'- U aillils. Hil l iloiltdii a 110 lliii 11 iun cotu.-rKr.Hvry Ui-uWUli.-.l by tm-uii. '!r I'-H'""-';:,';- "IK ' Ht III.. Vt'" ll"U.J Ul'o ull V ry kill. I Ull4 ulill lllg. till UiLir I1.1I0U lll'o lull. Tin y 1110 ulfli. it 1 klPa k iloUU Itll'l ll I'il out Hu so liilbil.t- Llo nniiioialit. li atninu Ly tlio 1 . .1. .. .. ,...,1. . - " ( 1 1. ir. I it's tupiily of troop is ll- imud, uud wu havo In. il i vain lo gi-l an ist'ullnl' Ikii.ihlu l.oiiesly to l.iko i liaise. If had uoilie uraiiUiili.'ii - an of C..H.U item a. el ) tU .n.ilie i.l.os tUi ll as lle I Hului.aH .1. i.iu Um.I ol at rou'-l loita aioiki I h. lo III. out tin In- I US. Jo) il .ill sl...Ull.'ll. 'I I.U t III. Hill, ill d. k..llu. Ml 4 I I In- Hull. k il. Ii oliii nf all ihu d. Ui. n..ii..i. if..ui f,.iii,:n nus lUi Was u I is i a.ok.i.. Miilnul fiuiusioii, i'Unf l.ioul.t llu II Sli . ,.i.) 4..-J !. I..' U 141 H ill til. lO i lit-ii ui Us- lluu su J.ia Mini 1 bulii 1 La tUi,v lldisa ;,iu.i.a f, ,,n AMEB Cincinnati ; their warehouse is under their own supervision, iwerything is nrranded in order clothing, provisions, tie. just wnoro tney can my tncir nanus on them, nnd when they wsnt nnything they know whero it is ; nnd if a team is wanted, they enpturo nnything within reach, station their police with it, nnd it arrives nil safe at its designated point. That is what I call having n head. I would havo given al most nny nmount of money to havo had this systematized arrangement on Thurs day, so that I could have renehed some very sick people with stiuiulntits, etc., im mediately. . Tho lower classes nro nnd will bo amply provided for ; but the sull'ering is nnd will be among the belter class of people. They will not stnto their needs publicly, nnd for them is needed a generous supply of good clothing. Wo want especially women's nnd children's and babies' undergarments, sheets pillow-cases, nnd good palatable food. Last night a gentleman came into the houso whero I was staying, asking for n loan of some provisions for his family, twelve in number, a man who a few days ngo could count his money by tho thou sands ; ho knew nothing of my presence there. 1 came forward, nnd nftcr listening to his story from nnother room and asked him if ho would accept somo funds which I had nt my disposal from St. Louis. Ho hesitated n moment, and then bursting in tears said : "Good God I never thought I should coma to this, nceeptiug clinrily nt tho hands of strangers." I said : "I beg you not to call it charity ; it is a free-will oll'cring from your brothers to sufli-ring hu manity ; take it, nnd 1 only wish it wns live times tlio nmount." I took his nddrecs. and to-morrow his barn shall be filled with supplies for some time to come. Mrs. Joseph Mcdill, of the Tribune, ran out to mo as I passed ou Thursday morn ing, nnd said that m Iter liouso were live persons, the members of some of the best families in Chicago, who had been trying since Tuesday to get out of town ; they had passes, but must have some money for their present necessities. I have been trying nil day to borrow ten dollars for them, but can't get it. At last I got it and gave it to her without hesitation, nnd she has since told me that never did niouey prove such a godsend as that ten dollars. DItONES IN t IIICAOO. From the Chicago Tribune of October 21st. To nvoid imposition, and the danger of bestowing charity upon unworthy people, will be a matter of extreme dilliculty. At nearly every church in tho. west division yesterday great, lazy, able-bodied hulks of men were sitting and lounging about the churches, smoking their pipes, and wailing for their turn to be helped. These do-nothings arc takiug the btvad out of the mouths of deserving, suffering women nnd children. There is work enough for these men lodo ofsiiinc sort, and no relief should be allbrded them whatever, until they show they can get nothing to do. theso va gabonds once know there is no help for them except iu honest labor, nnd they will go to work nnd swell tho ranks of thu Tin kettlo I'rigade, whose processions at morn ing and evening from the Ea.-t side to thu West bide, nnd from tho North sidu to the 1 South side. L'ivo a cheerful, eni-nir.-aoino ' than we do. Thev are wecdins out the vagabonds with systematic rapidity. The Indian ChicC The following story is old, but literallv 1 true, and was first published in a lectuie delivered Uy in. i racy, i.sq., I tica, on the early history of Oneida county : One of the lirst settlers in Western Xew York was Judge W , who established himself ul Whitcstowu, about four miles from i; tica. Hi: brought his family with him, among whom was a widowed daugh ter with an only child a boy about four years old. You will recollect, the country around was an unbroken forest, and this was the domain of the savage tribes. Judge W saw tho necessity, of keeping on good terms with tlio Indians, ! for as ho was nearly alone, he was coin- plelely nt their mercy. Accordingly he took every opportunity to ussuto the in of his kindly feelings, and to secure their good will iu return. Several of the chiefs came to see him, and nil appeared pacilie. But there was one thing that troubled him ; an aged t hief of the Oneida tribe, und one of great influence, who resided at a distance of a dozen miles, had not yet been to see him, nor could ho ascertain the feelings of the Sachem in rcsicct to his settlement iu that region. At last he sent him a message and the uuwcr was that the chief would visit him ou the morrow. True to his ttppoiutmeut, tho Sachem came; Judgo Vt received him with marks of respect, aiul introduced his wife. his daughter aud little boy. Tho inter view that followed was interesting, 1'pon its result the Judge was convinced his secu rity might depend, and therefore exceed ingly anxious lo make a favorable impres sion upon tho distinguished chief, He ex- pleased Ins deairu to settle in the country, to live ou terma of amity and good fellow when spoken to the Indian." 1 -id ! "i have put my life iu your hand llio Judge ; "i not that an evidence o! my good iuteiitioli V 1 havo plaoed eolilidi-iieii . iu tho Indian and will not believe llial he will abu-Hi or iM-tiiiy (ho irusl that is thus ( rt-poM-t). " "So III tl' ll is well," replied the ( lib f, "the Indian ui'.l rtpay i-oulideiKv with conii- ' deiiev ; if )ou Mill trust hint ho will trust J you. li t tli boy go with mo to my wig-Maiii- I Mill bring him back iu lluvo duys uith my answer I" j (fan urrow had pleres-l Ihu Ikoiu of the j lll.ilhil', slioiollKI m4 IllVO bit decla-r : di us vi. nl lu Iter U.ail, us llui In-' diitii inn. In this pnnms.,1. M io spi.UM lor ' Maid, nnd ruiiniiiLi in thu Iki.v. (tho sliHs) ulllo sidu id' llio H.U luUI, ..klili( III In I.U u Willi lik-Used Hon. luf ail'l S'loHlulloll, ' shu i i.elKl'. liliil lu her anus, and. pit i illg llllll l I ll. Um..)OI, M4 aU.ul to it) ll.llll thu room. A kIooiii) and ouiin.ius Iiomii euiuii ov.r llm Kiihsiu'a hi oar, but I at Jul ii.. I i aU. But not s i Mith Ju l jo V - - llu kiu-oy thai llu. o it ol ll 11 vliUl I'liw, Ihu lit. a 1. 1 Uis lumii), d. (Hii.h.J nu d. isiuii ui IU' MO. hk, ""t-ty. uy. my .1 uu-l.i. r," hu sud. ' Bum,' L-u U.u l- jf, I U t. .u. IU U lJ llOMU I I troU Ili4. l.l III.-. I II..I.I I .4 Hk 4 ! r "I I it h' tl llul. Liy ' lul I. I.a i...lisi,li H .iil.iif. i.w mil uii Cm , New Kerleis, Vol. S. No. . Old fcorlesi, Vol.l,No. 50. over him ! ITo will bo ns safe in tho Sa chem's wigwnm ns beneath our own roof." Tho ngouized mother hesitated for a mo ment; sno then slowly relurned, placing tho boy on tho kneo of the chief, nnd kneel ing nt nis feet, burst It, to n flood of tears. The gloom pnssed from the .Sachem's brow, but ho said not a word. Ho aroso nnd de parted. I shall not attempt to describe the ngony of tho mother for tho ensuing thrco (lays. Sho wns ngitatod by conteudinij hopes aud fears. In tho night shcnwolco from siren, seem ing to henr tho screams of tho child calling .1 f 1 1 -r . . 1 I ' " tiiu Litiiiitiil ltd till IIISIHIIL on its mother for help. But tho time wore until the smoke clears uwny. liroil nuick slowly nwny-nnd tho third day came. ly a dish hot, putting n tiny piece of ftlnvclo ilul llm. linnra imia Tim 1.... 1 - , . J 1 "- " How slowly did the hours vmss. The 1110111 ing waned away, noon arrived yet tho !Sa chciu enmc not. There wns yet n doom over tho wholo household. Tho mother was nolo nnd silent. Judgo W wnlkod tho floor to nnd fro, going every two min utes to tho door, nnd looking through tho opening in tho forest towards the ISachem's nbode. At Inst, ns tho rays of tho setting sun wcro thrown upon tlw tops of the trees nround, the eagles of tho chief were seen dancing above the bushes in tho distance. lie advanced rapidly nnd the litllo boy : ",u ''" uo nor. nnu cienr, tno rnbbit, wns nt his Bide. He wns irnily ntlired ns a i ur,,c(1 often. When browned nnd tender, young chief his feet being dressed in moc- 1,lV ul,on R very hot dish, pcpiwr nud salt casins, a lino beaver skin on his shoulders, "nd uutr profusely, turning tho rabbit and the eaglo feathers were stuck in his 1 ovt;1' n"d ovcr to 8onk ul the melted but hair. He was in excellent spirits, nnd so C"Ver over nnd set in tho oven for proud was he of his honors that ho seemed ,lvo minutes, nnd heat in a tin cup two two inches taller than ho wns before. Ho , tablespoonlula of vinegar, seasoned with was soon in his mother's arms. In that ' "0. of nndo mustard. Anoint tho hot brief minute she seemed to pass from death uu't well with this, cover and send to tho to life. It was a Imppy meeting too hap- t ta furnished with erisjK-d parsley, py for mo to describe. "Tho whito man I ,. f nu odo,r of this barbecue is most appe- has conquered!" said the Sachem, "hereaf- ! tlzln!?i nnJ tllc tto not a whit inferior, ter let us bo friends. You have trusted nu OMicr.ETTE.Twelvo oysters if Indian, he will repay you with conlidenco lar'-o: double the nnnniiiv ..r .,.Tn -A- nnd friendship." lie wns ns good as Ins word, and Judgo W- lived for many years iu peace with the Indian tribes, and succeeded in laying the foundation of a flourishing aud prosperous community. " A Klmrjt Answer. tnonr the tricks resorted to bv tlio Do- mocrats at the late election, was a circtt- tar addressed to soldiers throughout the Stale calling their attention to a resolution adopted nt the llairisburg Demoeralic Convention in May last relating to bottn - ties, claiming peculiar regard for the sol- dier, and charging injustice upon "thu Ba- dicals" iu this particular. Accompanying this circular was a printed note from (Jen. McCandless enclosing 'weasel-heads," and reading as follows : riHLADKLiHiA, Oct. 2, 1871. ' i . r i. .. :.. . .. i r r.... nior comradeship in tl.c Arm v. I have the .enclose a few shps. at.d earnestly Vrvoe and persona I. allueueo at rv rulv vours i ..,'.. p.... . .!., ii.. I1.I1IOI l' I UIU:il'.-0 t ,Y Olll'3, ...... i:..LLIUObljr reiiuest y tho cumin Ono of these aP.'ectionate little epistles, with accompanying documents, was ad-1 dressed to Mr. Harris Hoover, ofCurwins ville, Clearlleld county. The letter did I not reach Curwinsvillo until the election J was over, and was forwarded by tho l'ost- ; muster to this city, whero Mr. Hoover is ! sojourning for the present in the transsac- j lion of some business. Willi a true sol dierly sense of honor, Mr. Hoover iudig- ' nattily returned the missive, so insulting to ( his intelligence and patriotism, loCol. Mc' Cundless, with tho subjoined scathing re-' buko : ; CuitwEx.sviLf.r:, Clkakfikmi Co., Va. October -JUth, 1871. Gen. 1 f('(n(l!l's. Ih-arSir: I; herewith return the "slips" you were kind enough to send me in your liivor of the 'Jil 1 inst. They came too late for use ; but had they arrived "on time," it is not certain 1 i would have used them ns requested. ' Not having had the honor of your nc- . quaintaticu during the times that tried men's s ails (aud bodies), 1 fail to appro-; cia to the appeal made to me to vote the Do- moeratie ticket fioni personal considera-. lions. That you may havo been a brave. soldier I litn'c no reason to doubt. But i when you ask me to vote for you on a Vc- j hHicnttic iiitt"rm. you muni take ll lor granted that I have lost iiiy'iucmory, and am last approaching lunacy. 1 enlisted in the service iu June, 'til, nnd r .. f i: I 1 .. - .11:. . ior lour years mil niy iiuiy vu a simiicr should) without reference lo 6iinf. If I tho I'nion was saved, 1 was paid.' Hut the experience of those four years is witcd ' into n.i minion. I have iioMorgo" ten that all through that dark nnd bloody strugglo ' for the life of the nation, it was tho Ik ino-1 cratic party who mourned over I'tiion vie- ' lories; who rejoiced al om- def.-nts ; who! opposed our being paid and clothed ; who oppohc.l the draft to till our deeim-ited i-iiiiba vein, itiiii.!i-iil tin. Valiiiriiil criMlit i who voted "tho war a failure ;" who call 1 .... I .... . : 1 ed the soldiers "murderers," "cutthroats," "thieves," "Lincoln hirelings," ,Ve., Ac. ; who voted to disfiauchino the soldiers of l'a. ; who insulted soldiers' widows and orphans; who cxhaulcd the ingenuity of tho Archlicud hiiUM-lf to break up the I'liion. But when they failed, nud the I'tiion was i-stahlihhed iu spite of ihein, they, wilh appalling impudence, jiiuiH-d Uhiii tho car of progress, grasped at ihu reins of government, aud wilh an audacity thai would niako lu ll blush with const ienco impotence, as'. wiihVj-K to gel up and ride with them 1 Thank you, tieneral, wo de cline I - By a Ik tiiocrultc Man holders' re bellion 1 lost health, ktreliglh, fi ieuds, pro- ' h iI v. ami all lint Hie, reason nnd honor, and its lung us theso are tell me, it is imt liL. lv 1 will volu the 1 K lom i.ilie tick- It. When pi niileiieo and dikcaKO run lint tln.iii.'li my body; uh.-u ruuiuo rolucis my iVaiuo i tho Aiidersnuvtllii standard of ntteiiu item ; Ia n t.- r .Ii i. up my blood, nud reaioii d.-seits ht i1, (Inn I will drop you a lino, and UWo )otii' pr.p.iiioii uii.l. r coiii.i.1. rutiiiu. Very nspet ttuliy your Vt n-rv'l, II. lluo I II. Ul Seig'l Co. I'lt llV. l"; Vols. hmkn UiI'I.I liK l r WM' U'l in.- It is a g'. nl iiii.i.ike in li-m ilo I k.-t p a uiiu l.i.l) 'a lnuo and il, . oli .1 mil) to Ihu f .ilii..i.hlu lil.r.iluio . tie- !.jy. II). ill U..lli quilllvb.r l-U 1 his 1 1 ii 11.11, )i.u iniint giyi lu i' s um tiling In 1 .4 1 k aUiol , jjivo lu r fdut .ll.i lu llio a. Mi.ilil mi l Us li;iii"piiiu e wul. I '14.1 liel lo r -id llu; IU M sp.t I S4U.I Is cino M.ili thu punui 1 1 ii.uui an. I l'iipo, lui-iil ill our ui . 1 1 :tt.i y 1 I xi'tu imp . I Hi ; l-ut the vi.'il.l is il. ...I ; ug h.itu Ii' lli'ii lo il-i ih t liu ll.oulils Ull I .'HI clu Ills .l..i:i' I li f 1 1 ho pit s. ill M o Id i I I lll.'S M li lt ll Is Itlld OH- iiiotu ll t'. ifiiiiou. 1st I., r 1,410 an in I. II. . 1. 1 t',4.. I mid imt ulil.i Ii s.t.l.iui toll 1 1 I ,l. ! Sn ill '1. 11 4 It I If III' Ill l. iii'i 1, su I i.ii ji'iot I u; . v 1 - on ot il out 1 1 sii. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or thont 1 00 Words, itinlcf Stjunrr t Soj 9 So,"' ru-ft 48i Vc ol fcclil'f i-.l One week 1.00 a.CO. O.otl fi.00 8.00 15.011 Two WCCks I.MX' J.00 8.60: 4.00 8.001 1.00 18.00 Thrco " 8.00; 8.00: 4.50. 6.00' 0.00 IS.O'rtfO.M Four a.. 4.60' A.5d. 0.00 I0.n015.0tii.f,tl Flvo 2.T 5.00! O.M) 7.IH)l!.UB 17.00 JS.t O Six X.Otl 6.75 .7.60 D,(M lil.00 l8.Of127.MI Tiomo's -3.S.V 7.60: 8.60' 0.00 15.00 'M.OO Three" l.5u! 8.00 .50 lO.lKiUO.OO'.'S.otMU.lil. 81 " 6.OO: D.OOl 1.00 ,'J. 00 '.'S.00 Sf,.t;(lfK).(. Nine " iO.Oli lO.OOi I a.001 5.00 M.W1 45.00 76.10 Olio Vcnr ,8.0t)!ia.Ou'l5.0Ua0.004O.0Oti0.t0 flbU 'rom the Ltu'y't J-'ritntl. r.itOiLEU Oystkiis. Choose largo liit oysters ; wipe them very dry ; sprinkle sail nud cnyonno popjier upon them, nnd broil upon 0110 of the small gridirons sold for that purpose. You can dredge tho oyster with Hour if you wish to have it brown, and somo fancy tho juices nro better kept in this way. Others dislike tho crut thus formed, llulter the gridiron well, nnd let your II ro bo hot nnd clear. If 1 drip, withdraw tho pridiron for nn instant butler, uot larger than a Den. uoou each oyster. lUnnKcriu) lUrjWT.-Clcaii nnd wash tho rabbit, which must bo plump nnd young, and hnving opened it nil the wny ou the other side, lay it flat, with a small plate or snuccs to keep it down in salted water for half nn hour. Wipe dry nnd broil whole, with tho execution i.f llm bnn.l wluin you have gashed across the back-bono ln Q'ut or ten places, that tho bent may I Pc,"!tratc this, the thickest part. Your 8ix t.KgSt one cup milk, one tahlesnoonful butter, chopped parslev, salt and pepper Chop the oysters vcrv finelv. B at tin. yelks and whites of the eggs sepaialely a for nice cake the white until ii stands iu a heap. I'ut three tablesnoonfuls of butter j m a frying-pan, and heat while you are mixing the omelette. Stir the milk into a deep dish with the velk and season. Xh-i. ! put ' the chopped oysters, beating vigor- i oubij- as you aim ihein gradually. When ' they are thoroughly incorporated pour in the spoonful of inelled butler ; linally, whip , in the whites lightly and with as few strokes ns possiBle. If the butler is hot 'd it ought to he, that the omelette may "ot stand uncooked put tho mixture into : the pan. Do not slir it, but wlieu it begins , to stilli-n "to set," iu culinary phrase slip a broad-bladed, round-pointed dinner- i knife nround the sides and cautiously tin- lill I III! I.. I I... III.. I a .... 1 V. ".I V? . A sihmi a tho centre is latrJy et - mill uui una It not (11811. J.l boU , 1 7!, -pan wlljdl lnust bc' turl!uJ .y,,!1- JJ tcrotisly This brings tho browned side of delicious ntid easily made. tumorous. am .ioiu 'riiK Wii.iiKiTr"" So many people are visiting the Shakers nnd telling what they saw there, that we know our readers will L i pleased to read again Artemus Ward's visit in the same direction. Artemus tells tho story of his visit as follons. "Mr. Shaker," sed I. "you see before you a Babe in the Woods, so to speak, and he axes a shelter of you." "Yuy," sed the Shaker, and he led tho way into tho house, another bein sent to put my horse and wagon under kiver. A Kiilum female, lookiu somewhat liko a last year's bean-pole stuck into a long meal-bag, cum in and axed tne was I 'a thirst uud did 1 hunger ? To which I as serted, "a few." She went orf, and 1 en deavored to tqieti a conversation with tho old man. "Klder, I sped ?" Bed I. "Yay," he said. "Health's good, I reckon ?" "Yay." "What's the wages of a Klder, when he understands his bizne.-,s or do you devote ' yo'ir sarvices gralooiiious V" I r a' ... j 'Stormy ni-Iit, dir." 1 "1 HV." '- 'll lllu Umn continues thetv'U bo a mess underloot, hay V "ny." , ? olIensant when there's a mess midcitooW" 11 1 may bo so bold, k'nd sir, what's price ot that Kcooler kind wesket you wear tnehldin trimiiiins (" " "'" "1 piiwscd a mint, and then, thiukln t..l i... i'.. ...... 1 .. . u ...:ii. i.: , . . . .. i ii nu i.niaiius .inn nun aiiu see now mat would go, 1 blapt him ou the shoulder, hurst into a hearty la if, and told him that as a yayer he had no liviu ekel. He' jumped up as if biliu water had lieen sipiirled into bis ears, groaned, rolled his cch up lords the seliu, and sed : ' "Vou're a man of sin !" 1 He then walkt out of tho room. I Directly thar cum iu two young SUa- kerehM , us putty aud slick lookiu gals as I ever nu t. ll is tmo they was divst in nieal-baga like the old one I'd mi l previa ly. and llu tr shinv, silky hair m iu hid from sight by lung whilu caps, aich as 1 sposo h male Josts wear ; hut their eyes sparkled like diamonds, Iheir clicks was hko loses, aud they was charmiu t-utilf to niako a 1 man throw stuns at his grandmother, ii t tin y axed him lo. They eoiiiiiu-iiit clear ing 1iA.1V tho dishes, ciislin shy laiie.-s at I I in all Hie tiine, 1 got excited. I liirgoi IU l.y June in my rapier, uud n I ; "My pivliy dials, h ivv air y.ui 'f "We air well." th. V suluiiily s.-.l. "W h.-ro is Ihe old man '!'' said 1 in a soft Voice. "Uf ivhuut d 1st thiii sis-.ik llrolh.-r , I'll tt. V" "I 1111 an ll. it ci) and I. live cii-ih . calls me a man of sin. Miuiililu'i wnudei ll his lit I.IU M.lsli'l I lull." "lie has r.l I..I." "Will, my putty d ais," s,-4 I, "lit", have smno I ull. I.. Is pl.iy pu iu h. linn. r. Whul s-iy ).hi i" "Air )'iil 11 h.iki 1," I In-1 Hki d. "VI i ll ley piiliv il. i.s, I'l tr piuud - 1111 lit 11 l"iig M.Lil )ii, ) M.IS Uli l.ko ) 'U i-.i..up 1 il As il is, t 401 4 ' luk. r pioli ui ritcd mv but il lb j.iu ' in. p. ' ii)." 1 1.. , u its lull of In. 1. I a- td llutt ul llisl mil) Ih ) M4s 14 lliliti skill). I 14MI 'tin J u-s III llm tiliwr, 14 1 Si4th ll'.u ...l 4lld MU 1.4 I 4 IO.O', k I 'HI '('Hi I I'. , .01..'. i H4 4. iti tii liquid i I.. 41. V) I.. 11 Mt- til n. t up, I ; ' At I llH) 'I' II'. 1 t ' t 1 I.4IU ll 1 i l l. , II !, 1. I , .1 I I I III.. III '. , j ui... r " ' I I . ' I In- I I Sll I I ) I) 1. 1