Miscellaneous. (uilrcabs. Siuorcilnitfons. lauufitdurcrs. , j i9CcII;tncoii3. xx. iscclluncons. (From Wood's Mngnr.lne.) MiNrrc Hull (ivo pounds of lonii niul juicy beef, until tender, nnd wliilc lulling, keep tlnscly covered ; when cool chop very flue. Chop well, threo pounds of lilco beef suet ; seed three pounds of raisins, nud clinp ; three pounds of wcll woshed and dried currants, two pounds of citron cut Into thin slices ; pro to tho rind of six fresh lemons; two tnble.-spooiifuls of cinnamon; four pood sized nut mops grat ed ; odd lea spoonful ground white Ringer ) one tenspoonful of salt ; chop finely four teen good slwd pippins ; mix these, well to gether, Hiid if necessary use more npples ; put in a stono pot ; cover it with good French brandy Rnd wino ; this must be kept in a cool, dry place, and improves by keeping ; a little good cider is quite nn iin-provemeiitj-nddcd just before it is bnked. Mince Pins Xo. 2. Three pounds of tender lean beef, one pound of suet, two pounds of chopped apples, two of raisins, two of currants, one of citron, two and one half of sugar, a gill of molasses, of rose wa ter, tho juice of two lemons, tho saino of oranpes,'(icel of latter chopped line and ndded) and one pint of brandy ; cloves, nll Bpiee, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, ite., nc ccjrdiiig to taste. Add cider previous to baking, r - - Maine Mince Pie. One bowl of chop ped meat ; one bowl of chopped suet ; one bowl of chopped raisins ; one bowl of eider ; one bowl of sugar; two bowls of chopped npples; one-half bowl of molasses; three lemons; spice to taste. Mrs. Millard. liicii Oyster Pie. Strain oil" the liquor from tho oysters, nnd put it on to boil, with some butter, mace, nutmeg, pepper and salt. Just as it boils, stir in a thick ening of milk and flour, put in the oysters nnd stir until they are sufficiently slewed, thru take them oil, and put in the yolks of two eggs, well beaten (do not put this in whilu it is boiling, or it will curdle.) Line, a dish, not very deep, with pull' paste ; fill it with white unglazed paper or u napkin, to keep tho top paste from falling iu ; put on top paste and bake. When done, ic inovo the top crust carefully, and take out the. paper or napkin, and pour in tho oys ters. Send it hot to table. Oyster. Sorr. Take two quarts of wa ter, or the liquor of boiled fowls ; put iu it three pints of oysters ; salt and pepper to your taste, one tablespoonful of butter rub Vcd in the tame of Ilmtr. l!eat the yolks of four eggs, and mix them with one pint of sweet milk and the oyster liquor (previous ly straining it) and add to the soup. Let it cook a few moment:; ; then pour in a soup tureen with a few slices of toasted bread (well buttered) and serve hot. Nothing will so detract from the quality of sonp as to servo it lukewarm. Pcmpkin Pie.- Cut the pumpkin into small slices, taking out the seed, and stew it over a moderate! fire, with just sufficient water to keep it from burning at the bot tom of tho pot. When stewed soft, turn oil' tho water, and let it stand over a slow fire for fifteen or twenty minutes, taking care that it docs not burn ; then remove it from the lire, strain it through u colander when cool. If you wish the pie very rich, to a quart of the strained pumpkin, put two quarts of milk and ten eggs ; if plain, use a quart only of milk to one of the pumpkin, and threu or four eggs ; add sugur, salt, and ginger, to the taste. Pake as soon as tilled. Baked Indian I'cddixci. Scald one quart of milk, add seven taMcspoonf'uls of Indian meal, molasses, and sugar to suit the taste, one P'ospoonl'iil of cinnamon and ginger, one-half a nutmeg, salt, slir tho meal in cold miik, then add to the scalded milk. Lake in an hour or niore. M. n. 1". Pressed (! hates. There is no trouble in keeping grapes through tho winter as fi2sh as when they are first gathered. In seasons when other fruit is scarce no great er luxury can be enjoyed than a dish of fresh grapes iu winter. In gathering grapes for keeping fresh, they should be allowed to lian-j on the vines until they are fully ripe, nnd then gathered with earo to avoid bruising. Tho fairest bunches should bo chosen to put away, and with a pair of binall scissors all defective or bruised grapes should bo cut oil. They should then be pinecd in boxes well-ventilated, and re main for a few days, when they should be packud in boxes holding six or eight pounds t-.u-h, lirst fcpriuUling the bottom with n l i er of m UiKgany saw-dust, or, w hat is bett-T, turning-chips, then a layer of grapes, and then saw-dust alternately to the tnp. It is not important, that the box be tight ; it is better that it should not be. These should he put iu the coolest place in the house, where the air is dry. Why Xi v. Svvt.vv U ei.1 'iiiintrj'. It ni:iy interest many to know what ;:ive li'illi to biieli jnkis (it tlio expense nf New .) -rsuy us the iollo'.v ' tiiir, wliieli wo liiul hi an cxi.'haiio. 'Plui pniiios.il to make f.ir-. ijii horn per s;lis elio'iblc! fur t'.ie pn.s!(loi:ii:;l chair, we i.ml' rsie.iiil, is advnealeil with the vii '.v tli.it tin' p.-oph joy tho piivih of .NeW J,lhey hlliilltJ III e iiecil'ileil In the I::lt ; Vc born. ' '1'he iir!'.;i:i if tlu alh;-l ins to New .h r bey as a I'.rri.'ii eoiiiitry i. sai.l to u,: as ! lows; A!'l,f llai .1 iwii'.ill d" the 1'iii.t S;l p.ileoii, l.l hrolhi r .1 i-eph, v, lio had hoeii l-"m id' I'j'al.l, itllil hiu Ili-phcW, l'liliee Ma.ui, son id the Kiie; of liily, s iii"hl ri 'no iu this cotiulry, aiel brought luneli wealth i!h t'.ieiii. JoNepli llnluilai 1. , 1-ilu ,1 to hu'.!J u pill.lli.il I'eft'.tU'liei! lit IV, hut ilM li"t di biro to l i euiiio ii citizen, as he h'i i ! to i'i tin ii to Europe. To i ualih hint in an ulu It to la'hl I'ee.l i it ilu lopiiii il u; .eei.il mini' J..vil,iliii'e. lie tri ! I i t'i I Hint .;i -i-.i lor hi- biiit litin t.i i'eral M il 'l, but fail 'il, lie WS Itujeli tlnlrio i'i!, iM-i.i.i!iv I eaaa.t 1 nn I ..mil i lui i'i. A ': r Ih'ii In.- iippl'u i to lie' New .L I - y l.t. i.-Viliie, m liieli Lily -mil 'I In. Ill hi. n aii I Myral ll.e p.tvilf'e ol iiliri 11 i 4n- I. in. I. '1'iu'V h.ai hi ii ti e I at ii J ti low n, ril'.'l he'll ii. tailleeat i! .v. I!hi ", i. a-1 litti il (In-Ill liji ill tin- l.i ml ii. -!l,' li. .i.i.,. I. I;. no p liiiliii.:-,, l ilii iry, ,Ve., vwicp.il.i and k liet' 'I Willi i are, an I tin: :;i''Un l. I.i i I i nl w h It i .iji.Uil.i lame, Jo. pll Jl ili.tpatto' r i., i.ro wiii I' ll 1 1 1 1 i.i I.i I .it A i.h 1 1 .i. 'J In n i ii.! m n! o. I M'.l .! :l i..i li'.tll p il l to l!i enaali , nn I w iv i.lv. ,. , i 1 1 1 .((.-il nun t li. II ...- i. iuli..i Willi lii'.ii A, iiii-l raV" n I ' 1 it In., , In t i lll..t r ,, 1 1..' i. 1 1 l" . 11. '1 In- l ! 1 1, 0, .ut. I.i,...t lhat he h.nl ..p- I ll ii I , I. I i I i,.,j.. y , ..ml It, .1 .e I.. I it to L. 11 I'i n.l 1 a j.illv , . i. u -I, , Ii. ii ii v. I . i l it. , ll ,i li., I ..I i, law il till liiui I i i!u uiin.t 4 t I.i ,,, I , , a ; ull-l t i luil.t up lor their lam iii.i j.i.,,11, i.uUl l.la.i) li.uat .).. ) in u . i ll lining 4 1.1 it oil li.ij i'i I Ii I tin U 111,1 i'i "pll4 In I-..; iii lii in., t Iu y vmij i,i!l,i ri. in t uu I I ... ii i "-ii tin ii, 1 1 a. til, lUit Hi. u I411I. liiiili 1 I 11 1 1 ii , u ihu .ii lu y in o I -t i...ll.n,4 by l, 11 ..llai .J 1. 011 i 1 llU a .Molt t! 1 1. u 1 I ll.' I 1111 ' I- lU'ir li," J'li,;W U 'i' J I 1 J, . i) Um.ii, 1.4 l ..ill. il ii liu.n.i tl'iO III llleOlh.l U , ii b i,.ai 11 1 4. . 1 I t , a 1 :.t 11 i.( tl.v Ku-i4li-iii. Ji ii.( 11 Jui.ii ll.J lij l ( j.ul 1 I, .11, '4. t4 U." , ... ill ' I HO I il, lilllt) tl i i luul4 l I'luiw 1 Ki"!" , m tt.i '''! Merchant Tailoring. J. KONTIAIV, tn tho Post Ol.'.co liulUllnir, opposite the Depot, (up stall-it,) SUNHUllY, PKNN'A, Informs liU friends and tho public generally, Hint ho linn Just opened a lurgo nud Miiit-d as sortment of Cloilin, 'u?ilnicrcs, Vesting, Ac, which will bo mndo up to order In the latest styles, nnd wnrruntcd to (It. Gentlemen Iu want of fuslilontiblo suits mo vlted to call nud cxninino his stock. 8I1IRT8 scientifically nud practically cut and made measure. RUN NO RISK. Wo furnish tho nbove styles of Improved yoke and snck shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee n perfect tilling shirt. It Is the best model of a shirt ever offered to the trade. Fine nnd fancy shirts made to order. J. M. IIOSTIAN. Juno 11, lsri.-Cm F YOU VAWT TO EE the largest assortment of Millinery Goods ever brought to this place, go to nn T CUiumlr.n IVTmiV ill) JU. kWlfiuIW. UIUlJlUl I Where arc nrrnved In nil their dHVerrtit varieties Fall Millinery Goods; of every description Jai-t brought from Philadel phia ami are now open. The new Iioom .put completed Is tilled with an endless variety. A inosi lnairnilicent display of Guilds on exhibition, and sold at thu lowest prices. i:vi:ky ksxi) or :osh usually kept in a Millinery establishment can be had at' her store. Tho butt In tho l'hilide'.phia markets were solicited. Ciivcmc a call and bo convinced. MISS L. SIIISSLER. P'.r.ib'iry, September 23, 1ST1. C.cck & Watch Slepairer. I". VOUT, In Dcwart's Week, three doors west of tho Cen tral Hotel, Market iiipiure, SlTXUUtY, PA., Respect fully Informs the citizens of Sanbnry nnd vicinity, that he is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches iu nil branches, also Gold and Silver Ware of all descriptions. Having had forty years experience in the hni!-ne.-s in lids country," ho Halters himself that lie can give ircueral satisfaction. All work guaranteed Ca.stom respect fnllv so llcited. June 17, lS71.-tr. HAl'gEI.-VK K1I4I A3il IUO. Forxintv. GEO. KOIIUNACII & SOX!, Kuubisry, I'eiisi'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared 10 io all kinds of CASTINGS, and havim; added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New 1. allies riuulng and lSorlng Machines, with the luttv-t iniprovcments. Willi the aid of skillful mi elian'es, they are enabled to execute all orders of nkw work on impairing, the.t may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. iii'iife to Milt miy Move. IKON COLUMNS, for churchcu or other build in;;, of all sines. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Gmarafsutnl Jnvi Faacinn l'Oil (.HAVE YARD LOTS j .- VB11ANUAKS, For. YAttl!5 AT IMIMDENCES, it'., AC. The PLOWS, already CL-kbrated for their su periority, have been btill further Improved, and will iilwuvu be kept on ha'id. Also. TIlliKSIUNG MACHINES. Sunbury, May 20, Pill. TllK I.ORF.DIKT3 THAT COMPOSE UOSADA1.I3 are puMislicd tn every pacUago. there- toro it is not 11 secret p.cp.im'.um, icouscfpieiitly PHYSICIANS PKESf KIEE IT It is a certain euro lor flerol'nla, Hyphilij in nil its t'lirms, llliouuid lism, tikin Disease', Liver Coin piniiit and nil iIim-ihs of tho lllood. will do inoro j-oihI than ten bottles of 1 lw riyrupa of amiparilla. THS UHCCilSiaNED F HVSISIAK3 Ir.veie c.l "os:nl-i!isi . tlieirprncla o Li;i!or.e il us u reiiabl') A f-j and Lluod l'urilier. Tn. T. f. ITflK.rf i;.,!t::i. lor taa ii:.t llirru vuars and t.ielv Altcrativo J.llJVKiX, V. v.'.Mi !t. ' O. P.WNi t.I.V, " S. KAIUIS, i.i Nidi. vRlo, MlCA'-.TIIA, Co'a.aibii, ;o:.::s, i:.'..;i corah, n. v. T A TTI T-VnriTl .-i-PTl T5TT ;. I!. 1 HKNt H ii il.N'-i, YM lliver, y. Vv,asii;TH,.'.ii'L'..ii, Mi. h. A. V. V ill i.i .H . Lima, Ohio. II II M I., I.iian. ul. in. I'ilA'. l.N i. l'0.,(.,.i,l(.'..slllc, V. SAM'I.. li. iUVAZM-S, .Murliee lu.Te.in. Our sii.-o will lint nll-iw of nny ex. tin'.,-l'n i'iji ks in i.'i.iiiiii in tlio il.l-ii-li-l lli.Kudali. Ti. the 1.1 i'i I ie,: I Ii lull u f L'U.il aliU u n ) lllul .. ti ,i t miih 11LT 1., any Uii'V halo i er ilit-i 1:1 lh lr. . 1.1. 1 111 1 i ilisi-used . eiu nail In Un-!l!n t' .l we say Iry . H'i'. . i-il w, nud tai ill tu rualurk' .1 iu 1.. ai'.a 1 Uniiilalii Is tulil t y all Ihui'r.slii, liiico Sl.'O per buitl.i. Alien-is i 13. CLIltitriS U C3. .Wiiie'a. luring i .'..i..', U.iliniiifts, Vd. ISI.-Ij. ii'tt.-ru irnlrul ltiilluy. rl'MMK.U AlUUN.ir.V.ENT. ami urter Aut;url ii, 171, Irabu will ruii MHI'lllWARD. Ni.i . I pi'-i mriv. ul biiiibiiiy ut I'M I, p. in. a i n w . ul N ujnr i I ul I J '.il, a. in, 11 iii.ii.i . v i i.- iiiiiiai r mil nr., nl . I el a. la., mi le ut Vi'i liuiiikpinl ul V-ailin ill 'J 10 u. 1. 1., I an mil I tin D. 10 p. in. ;i t v, l il l-.ililiu. y nl i '.ij p. in., arilv ; . i n . i.ia i. a i U.aoui.a tllniir.i Ilia. 't p. lit. I I. in.- ii.n.i. nl tin. I. in) ul O il p, in., 1 I ,i 1 1 1 1 1 ;mh I h 11 p. la. .... a .i) iiifiii-, ni huniiaiy ul a.lKt, u. i.i. but j :iv..i;i. I; a. In I' i Hi I. at. .Sin, lii. i v ill i PI u III. ,1 II . Ill-lull;.; 1.1 'i il, in., ; .'lilll. l I. M ,il !(;. . t H 11,1,11,1, 11. i'i .11 II II . i. 1 1 I. I'I p. III. j a. in , ui - i 1 . ni.,, i .i v i b in 1 1, u i i.l ll 11 ..ii Juif II.O& p. III., ll i I .4. 111., til - hi. i. .i. I.yj I i '.'-.,1.1 I ) . I I . I J .1. III., ll .' V nt 1 1 41 1 i" . I - l.l. ..y A. nn... I .i i. ii I. .i-i'. I- ii.l.ii, y at il. li,., mi e .il I in i 1.1114 al .; j. Ui, tll.'iMiiKIS i'i V iRi'i'.. ti.l M U K- I jVlf CU..I.UI) ill 4 'l . IU , Hll tV 111 h..ll,l kU U 'fi V- ui', Mi. Mil... I b ' p- 1.1. .l .1 . ( .ill' U. ) IV illilliK 1..1 -. 1 1 .1 II I.J . in , il, v ut CUj.ii.-I.IU I uu (' 1 1. HKIUllli. 1 I . . I! III. I win.. I ul I 1 J . I.I. H...I.1..L Oil A l i !i'ih!i- i i i.i A r;;;i! I . 1 :!. J. I. 1 . a'A t;. v. .11 - -.-J;-r i tj . III., ul l ut i'i.tui I ' .. I.l. . 1 si it, (An un.!. luiiuii, ; ! 4 i ' I' . . .1 ft I. I.l I.l I i ) J.. Ill, m li.li. I , , , .i j . .... . .. r ...I ) , IWl. l ' I H .1 irfi... J 4t . ,11. 1 ti ,1.., ...I, a .i,. 1 . 1 1 -in U), I . . , I ,.. U I , 4.' 1. 1 u 1 '1 , I 1. 1 I-,. u' A, I , I. I I . b .... .1., l 1 AT THE MAMMOTH STOUE, lias Just received mid opened A MAMMOTH HTOCEi OF CiOOSM, which he hns SELECTED WITH CHEAT CAKE nnd olfers to the Public at the Very LOWEST CASJS PREOES. Havim ; established a reputation for low prices and JTJTTl DEALI3STG to all, will ei.de vvor to maintain that position COME OXE & ALL & EXAMINE THE L ARCi EST STOCK, EEST ASSORTMENT & I LOWEST l'UICES IN THE COUNTRY, Tleinhfal fi r tho lar're nnionut of patronatre stowed upon me, 1 will ciul'-aver by .retofore I fiirui.'iiing the b;-,l gnmls at Hie luwcsl niees 10 incut a coatinuaaee ol Uic sane II. Y. FRILlNCi. i April 15, 1S71. "VT OT1CE Is hereby eiven th it flppi'n al inn will lN be inaile al this nest si.-lV.i (.I'7-) of lll Li'i:l-iiiliiiv 01'tlie r-lule of Pennsylvania for Hie inc'i.pui'atinn of a bank, under Ihu name, stylo 1tr.1l lille of "Tin' Mml'tiry Dime S.iviu-s Rank," to be located alainbury, N01 thumb.-rlaii I coun ty. Pa., wit ii such I'liwcrs and privile I'.vs, un.l tin- siieli iibj.-els as are usuallj granted tuiinli- t m ion of like clinraeler with a eapiial of f .Jn.oUO, j and with (he power of Increasing Hie ninie, by a I vol-! ol'lhe st iekhiilili-i's, lo t ;0il,0ui.l. I Sunbiiry, July 10, In',1. ; SPKlNfi AND SUMMER. 4'i.oxzs axi ms;imi:ki:k! i TRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of cverv grade, Just opened at I '.10 I MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP 1'JICN. J. XTT, ueeessor to J. O. Reel', Fourth t-llivt, below I Mark-t, j Sl'NiH ItY, l'ENN'A. j (ieiitleineii who deiro fashlonablo clothing ' made loonl.-r, will call lit the above place and 1 examine the well u leeled slock, and have llieir 1 sun niinie up in the Inlesl st vie. Call and bo TIlnS. (i. Nu'i'i'. , 1 nnviuee.l. I May 0,171 Ml J.I.IMIKV AXI 1AXC Y sioui:. MISS L. AVE1SER, j Market Slrei t, one door Wijhl of Ueailiail'a eou- ( fectlonery stine, j SUN1IURV, VA., j lias n p, ned her t'prliii; and Summer tm U of , .tlillliK-ry mill l iinry (Ik, , HATS AND HON NETS. j The l.ile.l Hlvli .nl' 1 li. Tlllillnllis, Kl'oliell , iiiel Ann lii all t-'lowers, l.aec, 1UI,Ihiu, bal k limps, Clllllulla, l oilllln, I'lIlN, JuUVllI llioVii, I ami 11 III 10 11 Uly of ullirr nilieh s, In 11.11 ui 1 1 iuii viiili ihu Mililucry biuluttn, ho 1 1 al l ie 11 u llio I DRESS M A KINO AND l'lTTINO, ! In all ll. In .1 in lie. . 1 (-In- U 11U0 ni nt for the a!u of It.umi y, t'eull ,. , F flli'l I'lllliTIU. 1 The laillc of Hiiiiliury mnl vicinity mc cui. dhilly Inviled lo mil und i-kJinlno lur tpicuild .lurk. M iy I I, IU I. lu.rvs ; dm. MMUKti AND SL'MMEU KTYMA IIUW UVU Ml .Ml.t Hill'. IU.4 li'N MKUti:, M ul.il H.,uiii, bl'Mll, KV, I'l iiii'ii., I HII-'m' UK.Io (.oiiIm. X I'M1A1.TV. I'll -. Tiuuuiluba, 1 niiiiui Ii in ., S.iii.iu , .V. . I., i.u' I . .Il.u., Si. t lu., lUll U'nv, H.Ui I'.l -1 i.i. 1. umt lilmm, I'li luintiy, Tothl Biip., II ill lli '.jlu- .l i inln, lie. Au lilllUtiuU l lid n b 4 l all I i 14H un I ., eulu Iai ijulll.. A pi it ,11, I III. u mi i r .ium'. t iinn mi 1. 1... n. .1 1. . 1 u... ) i..i..ii.iiu 1 iii 1 4. 1.. ll i5..i.l.ul) ul.4 III i..il Itlal I I.l f I- . l 111 ii.v.1 4 m: M'Mini' I.i Ik bull .hih ill tin. biiiin .1 !e nf HjiWiI fn,utih.t I u w 4il llirfin llw I ll uu i. Ii,l. UI . .. l lM i.Ui. "ll'l "I U.l nl li.f, I'uii. , W .11. u, . , ui u l..ai ii.it ui 1 . 4ii, ul I In iu. .1 pin.. .4 l U- kml iuu U) . A t,li I-. lull i. .l l...'U4V l. If 1.1.11,1., ( 1 . I i .ii ( ll.1l.11l i. I1.1.I il I uu4 ullU.il l..-l,. Iillv i awli iiiik.iiiIi I r - .. hr l-'ivwil. 11 I I'-li, v I II PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A MIOEM Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOIIX UILVEIl, Spruce Street, Sunbury, I'cnu'n, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very best In market. Ills loii exper ience in the business has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to nny city mnuufucture. All work warranted. Ti:iSM!S NTHICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing are nlso reduced. JOHN WILVEU. Snnbury, March 4, 1871. MII.I.INi:KY;01.SGF.Xr.ItAI-I.Y. NEW STYLES OF KONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Moiit'tiiiiK and Itrlilnl Hat and Itonuet. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. 8ash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac. FANC Y GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOS9LEU. South Fourth St., below the Huilroad, Surbury. April 1871. STi;iu:)Ntoi'i:s, VIF.WS, ALBUMS, CIIR0M08, FRAMES. II. A II. T. ANT!IO V A CO., 501 Itromlvt ny, New Vork, Invite the attention of the Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above yoods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and liltAlHlOSCOPES. nfav views of vosemite. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., f,!ll Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, UirOIiTERS AND VAM'FACTl ltlinS OF Iliolo;ji'uiliic .lCutoriiilM. March 4lh, 1S71. ly. I'OKI'PRET 1IIAXOK CICMKTKItY TOSIIMXY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on un eminence about one-fourth of n mile cat of Sinibury. The in crease of the population of Snnbury, nnd conse quent advance in the ratio of mortality, as well 11s the limited facilities for the Interment of those I who have fought life's battle, have suggested the ; organization of the above named company. Plan of (Vin acrv may be seen at the office of i J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohibaeh. I Price of lots from $5 to S15, according to loca ' Hon. ! Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHRUACH, Sec'y j May 13, lS71.-tf. j I'SJUC'ES 151'.!) It' F.I) I AT TUB ! Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store i or I F.LI MILLER, ! In C. 1j. Smith's Room, Queen Street, one doo ! East of tho Post Otllce, J NOUTHUMIIERLAND, PENN'A. I For Elmlra Hoots, go to Ell Miller's Root nnd . Shoe Wore. They are sold, best Calf at Sli. i For French Cull' Hoots, 'o to Ell Miller's, onlv I ?'J to HI per pair. I For Roots, Shoes and Gaiters, at lowest possl- ble pi ices, s;o to Kll Miller's, on Queen Street., i Fur all kinds of Gum Ryots uud Shoes, call at ! Ell Miller's. J For Ladies' (i 11111 Overshoes, sec fine Assort ment at Ell Millers. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, jxo nud ex amine I'll Miller's large assortment. I For auylhaai; in the Hoot and Shoe line, call ai d examine Eli Miller's stock before purchasing : elsewhere if you wioh to get Ulst-cluss, at the 1 lowi st price. I Jan. 7, '71-fep.S ,'70.-1y. A SftEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY I VINEGAR BITTERS ! 'ic:. Er.ndred3 cf Thousands S ti L?ar t-'STlinony te Hi -!r Woiuler- llll CUl'llliVC LUii-iS. THKY AliE SOt A VII.R FANCY DRINK. Jj....jiC I'd 11 1- 1! 11111, Whisker, t'ruui Hiiii lm linj lUi'iniii l.li;MornCwcl,.r.i!,ai:lceJ mnl kVi-wct-1: il 11 ilcynJt.ia uto, tullvj ' TnulLii," ' Appt-Ur 1: ," " i LiUutrs," c, tut Ittil lie llpidur iu tu i r.-inltcvrii s tml rr.l.i. bul ni r. Ii'uo Mcdiclim, u:nCo f.-on. Hit Mullvii lloouaiid liviliitt Culirurula, irco 1 1-1.1:1 i ll Aleutiellii Kiltuulaiiiu. 'il.oyiuu 1:0 liieiiAV iii.ooi) i'i nil 1v.11 nmi A ill :?. C11I1M1 rKI.C'!l'l.Ba.i.rUc'l lltaumlur .id lav'.twi.uuir tf Bjitcia, ootrjii is on' nil hmuiio;m i.:r.iur uii rcLlrlu,i lliu llnod u k lunllliyi-umlit.uu. yopouua iuuluLo ilic&u l'liturii tioioruiiit' tui.ircc lloii uud i-cii:u!uli.i3 uiiri.ll, 11.0 v.lUbo i.v:ifuro.i lurunil lo co, I'rmklcd t:.o buut'i lto i.ut diM.iniyi'4 ly lulnurl jn-lsva or ctlicr 1:11 am1, ueil lliu :Ul br;:i.iij wakiiil li)ui-i!t!.o j v:-'. i l r dir. I'iiv li .liinimiilc.iy nutl Cliioula i;fccuuiii lb m nud lioul, D) H'1'pi.lii, tip luiliiii'Niluu, lliliiuia, lleiiiillt-nl mnl luli-i Willi 111 I'l'M-m lllet uxx I liio liloutlk li. IUdiii, nud l.luilJii. U.ii.0 l.liima Uw liciu e.i-.i vni.i. lul. l uib Dlucunta i-ro turned ty Vlllnlid I lll'j4, wl..t!i ia lii-ucrulljf 1 Mduc4 ky i!vruniiiuvl ! n'liii, lliiic.ilvr Uiiiiiua. 1IVS"1.1'I. IU IMIIGEHTIOX, Ilcs.l ' sulii', I nl . In 1:10 bl.oulJom, luui L, 1 u,lili.. 1 1 ll.ii ' l .x l, iu.-.. un, uur I fucullim if Un tli.iiinili, ' J 1. 1 . . 1 1 1 Il.u .M..uih, Uilluu Aiuilif, l ul.a.ll a I tl 1 . .. t, l.i'.u.u atluii vl Il.u Uuit, l'mululliJ I t u.ii. i lliu I. Iiiuiya, Mil liuudrud vtluii 4 Llul l l UU.Uii. lllV I'll, 'l 11 t i' 1'I4.''IS, I'i y iuviiri.ia lliu iuu.4.i'li ni.il iiuiiilt Ilia lur. (ikil.. vi li. I luairla, uUlili Kiiibrilitiiui.fiiiiiiiuiill.il ibai'l l i i;,.u.-;u ikiiUouUu' ml lu.j.uf uitj, a4 I. .11 uiUu Ui.w lilu a.. 4 ii;or 1-j lliu U.iU uau. I JU HHIN Idl'ttstH. l.i uHii.u,1ll.r, Call 1 Utfliili, UluUtlK, l liuU, 4 IU. I ii.lUllB, lll llll, I kiuiil.ii, bii o Wutu.a, UaM II inl. "ia t)ta, Li )!;. U, lull, liuru, .kuIi.ii1uiji ul ll. kiU, lluuiKta UU4 ja.u-4 ul U.a ualtl, ul l.al-r kJHW ui lialwu, kig liUl.lly Ui J 1)1 auj caill .4 uui i-l IU i..ui U, 1 7 I .u u-m.f lliw U l.ift. l'.-u t-uul U iu a iwrf ul'l vav .!, ll.u iw.l ;i.vrvi!..lua ul Vx.l uililu uUi-kl, s Hiding IUj n .'ut plu4 uil f vlUa I I. - Jilllh tin 1. I.i u u.iuuU e. I luili I tuu. Iiua ui a..f 1 it uka yua SuJ n uu.ni.i'.4 4 li-l.- U lUi itiui ul.ia II t.a ii u I -ul, ..4 , K.IU-r aid Un ;intlil. iu: IU bWu4 Uu- .wl U'. kwullU 14 Ifcu ilului IU. il ' . JIN, riU.-iuM l 11 kill a, K.kiiituU l)4lnwl , U..UJ MiuumiIU. aa Hu4illy ilia-Uuy. ,1 .4.,l'l Iu4 Ull liKauliulM, lot i.lv4ly t-4 ttitui-i ai'.uj m a-ula, yiu.4.4 U l-i i. p -4i ull.,l.wlM.aa, I i.-a a-4 I a-a. 4. Watkl.il, fluurklbf. U. I- t'ulHJtl !!., l.uuUa afc4 U. a at la, kaa fnaala.a. ial a4 at a4 ai Caam kaiv.1, a h. IIThjuU HI lii UUlliuUI. 4U Uklll-Ua. O' 1. 1 III 111 kli4 t'.iU. gauslal aaa-Hl. latua l Umttl likMiU.M . l'W. 1 ll Im VI at U.mIujh' luf Uabilftll Diaat I ggfi WHAT ARE THEY ? 'r ? 123 lr !v?t ? s ? OJ: S THKY AliE yot A VII.R 8 li a FUUN1TUUE STOKE, In Masonic Hall Buildings, Third Street, near the Post Oltlce, Kl'MlUUYf I'A. B. L. RAUDENDUSH now offers to tlio public selected nnd mndo with great onro, nnd with a view to plcnso tho wnnts of his numerous customers. Ills stock Is new nnd of the latest styles. PARLOR SUITS, PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Uosewood of tho finest patterns inndc. MIK ICO.I(lS, lu Oak or Walnut, nnd Pining Room Furnlturo of nil kinds. LOOKING CLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, 1'lllows, Holsters, Window Shades nnd fixtures. TJITIDEnTuA.K:iISrC3-. Special nttenilon Is paid to this department by W. P. Itoberts who has had n number of years experience In the. city. Collins of every descrip tion and sizes, constantly kept on hand. Also, Fisk's Metalle Burial Cases. Shrouds nnd Un dertakers' materials of nil kinds. t ij " Personal nttcui'auco to funerals.' Remember, the Masonic Hall Buildings, on Third street, Sunburv, Pa. It. L. RAVDF.NBUS1I. Snnbury, July 15, 1871. MII.I.IXKKY. SPRING STYLEsIFaTS, IJONNETS, E LOWERS, FRAMES, ETC. Mourning nnd Bridal lints nnd Bonnets. Sash Riiiiioxs, Feathkus, Flowers, LncjL'S and Triininings of every variety. Full line of MOURNING VEILS AND CRAPE Notions, a full assortment. Gentlemen's (iloves, Handkerchiefs, .Vc. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. MISS I,. SIBlK.HI.F.lt, MARKET SQUARE, SUN EUR Y, PA. April 2-', 1S71. MM It Kit AXI I'LAXIXG Third Street, ndjolninu' I'hila. ,t Kile R. R., two Sipiares North of t he Cent nil Hotel, 6VNBUKY, VA. IRA T. 'CLEMENT, "I S prepared to furnish cverv description of luin- X ber rc'iuired by the demands of the public. Having all tho latest Improved machinery for manufaeturiii!; Limber, he is now ready to till or ders uf all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, 'SAsfll, BLINDS MuULDlNtJS, VE RANDAS, BltAC'KKTtf, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn in; of every description promptly executed. Also, A 1.A11C1E ASSOllTMKNT OP P, I L L L U M 1) E R . I1F.MI.OCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. ' . 1KA T. C LEMENT. dcel'.l-tiSily STOVK & TIX KOTAlSliINUNKXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBL'RY, VA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor, st cc'Ksson to smith ft or.N'rnrit.J nAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuse would respect ful ly inlorm tint public that he now has on hand a large assortment of C O O K I N (i S T O V E S , Speer's Con'.; Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, ('oiiibina'.iou, Susipieliaiina nud others, which are so arranged as 10 be used for t.'oal or Wood, nud are w arranted to perforin ati.-l'aetoi i ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up lo heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tlnwitre ol" Kiery IH'NcripMou kept constantly on hand. Hoofing and Spouting with Hielii'-a material, done at short notice. KEPAIR1NU intended tn with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly nn hand. Japan ware of a l . A. ml... Slore opposite C'onley's hardware store. Give mo a call. A.'KRAL'SE. apl'-M-ly TUin I J10.KY ! ! . A LL Wall Paper nud Border, sold by me w ll A. be trimmed ready lor use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, nv TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER. . r v. ' ;? T ;'.:.v.v.;;..:v .. ) ' ' , " v'V v .';.Hl. i j . . ' L. - . ' J' ll m ' ' ci .:' -A y'i.. ii'iji whleh I have the cxcliuha rLUt to um iu uliiiurv nud leliiity. tt.ive iiiiuicv, 1 1 ihu mnl labor, I'V liuilin; of ., t t:ititi:i: i.itnnxi u. lkrnUr lu llimk, builoiu-ry, Wall Pupcr, Mu.le, Ac, A:c, Ac. Hiuiduy 81I11H1I hl'I'l'I IHS 111.1 1,- u .piii.iiuy. llUuk, l-iuoruiiaiiiii A 1'M.mm II00L1 III i-iidb-sa variety, Jnl rcci-lvcd. ItiinK HI ND1 Ml done lu order. IVr.ona w 111 kiivu vxpciiau by li-uvtii); their ordria for I linllnu Willi uig, 114 l i lt : I Hi'lHH of all kla-a, rut I111111 lie Moublniu ul vciy ln run s. OV.U. A Hjl Alii: i HAM r S Ua) uu liKUil. ai.hl'ms, nu.v(nu:TS tiin.u vv.s Ai'., Ai'. A l.ireu u4 Hull au'Ucti 4 aln. k ( Tuauluy uu b.unl. AiiiIiii u.'l nn li.ui. I lylwlinll) ul deiid. Baliilua tor eu.l. t all .it n, rrmti'v: i iiiin vrifK ti.Hili More, Hi. 11 u f 'nl. ) lwl.1 V u, kluihtt avnra, km mo . 1 4. tiunbuiy, Aun-l ci ii, in j. kil l It I It lUII.ti VHI. 'I IIK uu. I i.ln.4 bvli' biiithl ihu mill Im a ul lllaallitfil latlol. auiilil I11I..H1I tuu puli, HI llwl iia U Una) ,md In Jo ml kln-W i'i rvV Ml It II 1.1. IIUIII4. oi Will I, ai.4 Wi.1l.. a l-i ui., al kllnur kulli . MalalNaMVMl) 4 lfH4-lUala), ,f I kill a. lil!4i IUHMI ASD l.MW hi I I ..u.l nu.lil) f.-U Uli li.Oaii l.J 1 1 a4 all ui I.. I I u, 11.4 un.!' 4 uu I iiu.I.isi. - 4- I14 4 i. . 1 i".,iiinii uu. ,ii,("iii...I " -Ti'lT; ay'.. "V t .4 1 Sunbury Cattle Insurance ompany. . THIRD ANNUAL BTATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Vollclcs, 713. Amount of Property Insured, $53,815,00 Amount of Vremlum Notes in force, 4U4,U13,OU CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned nt interest, 115000,00 Amount in Treasurer's bands, f 1000,00 Amount duo from Agents, f 1)00,115 Amount duo from oilier sources, f 7'JU,00 Available Capital, 39,30,05 Iiinurc )onr Oil lie. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly rc lmblo Company. Insuro whero your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Companies, you nre sure of being paid prompt ly for nil losses, If insured In this ( oinpanv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN T1IOSK OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, cVc, Ac. We pay prompt ly. No red "tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of loss. Xenrly 3,000 pnlil on Cows alone Mure Organization. Look nt tho list of Losses paid 011 Cows alone by this Company. M Henniiiger, Sunbury, Pa ?"H 1) Hilgert, Northumberland fiO Georue Eckcrt, " 40 8 B Dodge, " 30 Charles Bollck, Mt Cannel 110 Ksnbens Sipilc, " 40 Catharine Wagner, Wntsontown 40 George Heir, Northumberland .r0 Jacob Snvder, Sunbury ;".!U3 J W P.iss'lcr, " 50 Minor duly, Dcwart CO Catharine Martz, Shaniokin 40 Francis Biicher, Sunbury 30 Samuel 11 Price, Upper Lehigh -r,0 Joseph Deppcn, Mt Caruicl 50 Matthins Seliolly, ' 40 Francis McCarty, " ftO Maria Krainer, Wntsontown 45 Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40 J R C IJuiggle, Pine, Clinton co 40 R Raimmc, Shcnuinlonh, Scliuglkill co 40 J S Tlmrp, Shamokiii 40 Tliomas Wardrops, MlCariuel 45 N A l.ondcnslager, Hcriiilon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 G L Rcag.in, Shenandoah, Sehuylklll co 50 Jacob Shine, ' " 10 Jacob Stoltz, " . " 40 D H Bower, ITerudon, .'. 30 Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossmaii, s-iinhmy 40 W II Wallace, Northuniberlaiid 30 II S Graham, " 50 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstcln, Watsontown 40 G 6 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40 Lewis OMefhaut, Laurel Run, Luzerne co.,.40 Mary J lline. Northuinberland 40 B F Krohn, Snnbury 40 Andrew llcaly, Giiiirdsville, Sehujlklll co.. 40, Patrick Furgcson, Mt Cannel 411, Martin Dclaney, Shenandoah city I t, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsville 40, Llayman S Hay, Mahaiioy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Baucher, Berwick "1, J 1) Foeht, Pottsvlllc 30, F.rastus Sober, Point twp Un, A Lippencolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Wutson'n,:.' I loss pd last suni,40, I P Llppcucott, Watsontown 40, R S Aninicrinan, Snydci tow n 'JO, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 'J7, J C 11 Q niggle, Pino Sta'n Ciinton e Sd loss,40, (,'harles W llar.zard, Ruiiert, Colunibia co...40, John Foglcinan, Watsontown 40, Patrick IWcr, Mt Cannel 40, Thomas Metis. Paxinos 30, R McClosky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. REIMENSN YDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : F.x-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. limner, Solomon Stroll, Win. Uiimlle, Soloniaii Shipe, John A. Shisslcr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Wiildron. March 11, 1S71. ly. FOR SALE! TjIGHTY acres of Improved land In the I est JjJ section of Southern Michigan, within live miles of the town of Three P.ivers," in !;t. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad Malinn, 'jood buildinirs, out Inmses, lare or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, selmol houses, and chiirelis within sin'lit lille indisputable, ten acres are lu wheat, llio remainder in clover sod. t span ol horses, cattle, hoi;s, urnin and tarinini; utensils, Ac., will be .sold Willi this property. Price J70 per acre, S-li.OOu in ca-li, the balance In time payments ol K00. App.y to l.I. A. .MALiM.ll, I tine liiveis, .Mich. II. li. MASEEH Sunburv, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 18?l. AM) Si SJUlK MIIJ.INKUV AND FANCY' HOODS. MISS Kl.1ZAliP.Tll I.AZAP.t'tf, In DcWiirt's lliilldlnir. Market Sinmrc, STNlirP, Y, PA., where will lie found 11 new supply of '.;oods, con- UstinKot .Millinery and ranry Goods, HATS AND UoNN'ETr, TI1IMMKI) AND L N- . Till. i Mil). A.so, I'illl.DUIiN'S HATS, for girlk and tioys. Flnivrrs of the latest and hanilsnincal eiylcn. Sash liihbous, plain and lli;iircd. I.adic's 8penccrs, l.aee I'olais, l.inen l olars. and Cull's lor 1. ailles ami I hildrcii, I rochet collars. NccUlics for Ludies and Gent's latest styles, 1 Silk Sack LiHips, a supci ior ai tieb?. G loves 1 liieludhn; Kids, and Ladies' llui k.-kln gloves. i llamlkercliicti.. ' All kinds ul t iliuiulnpi. j Embroidery Patterns. HoMcry for Ladies, I Gi nl'a uud I'lii'idreu. Ni4 'ipiu and phpie i li'iuniiitit;a. TRIMMING Ml. KM, Chignons, Zephyrs and Yams, and a general ' varietv of Notlniia. I Thankful for past p:itionne;e, hu hopes that the ipialilv of lur oi,l ill un lit a cuiiliiniiiui' ol the same. Kl.IZAUK'l U I.AZAUl'S. April 20, 1S7I. ruin.H, on. At. Vl'l.L stm-k of Oils CiinipiUlni LhnuH-d 2 m. Oil, Coal UU, Klah Oil, nnd Lulu h aling Oil lur EiikIucs uii'l Muehiueiy, Vaiu'lics, lilu, alwaya 011 liitud, ul low pilci a i.l CliM.KY A- CD'S. To tho Community nt Large! CHANGE AT T 1 1 K "nECULATOn," I biivn lliis day pnii b. i-i'd 1 1 1 r 1. lit 11 o tiH k, Komi "01 "'l llvluiea ol I lie lb uulittnr liiul, Mine, Trunk, Leather nud V iu.llii:; Mure, of J. S, Ancle, uud Mill coiiliuuo llm bii.1111 si nl Ila pio kuul IuluIUiu, 1 1 ii in r hkiiii, ll.iupl'a lion I'luul, MAUKKT SlULtT, M'NUl 'MY, I'A. Win 11 li iuii.' i .l ilill-ki l illr,n.i;i iiii nn allll lliu Uadiiiu iii.iiiiil.ieluiuia nl lliu country, I pnt pi ii plun, I be I11.11 Lit unit a eliiua of aink nl vi lli. lli. I 1. pnl. ill. .11 lur Jiii.tl. lliu aud luii.il, al pilein lliil mn l i-liibii k. pill. 11 i y . A ! tl. illy alii Ul IiihiI lu Iba lumnlili i, nl hlnw Ui.it.iia lii.ili 1 uiia lul Utaiiiiluiluilu. ) 0111 1 .iln.l. i.' la null. Hi I, N. '. LIGHT Mil inbu'v, J in. si, it;i, 1 1 i l l lll k. ll THAI KAllA, lll'C'K (U, l'l 1 u.,.ull I H MlKF.Y, MKIIKIU. ,MIAi'K lt, UlUIH It 11 tu HO li I I M l HLS. UlioXt-V, Ac, M ., I biauUvllor. ruU4nU, llratrtttlw, It'., (Al., 'Ul4 VK.iUll Illl'tD ll" all. ll(U ll, t,t (111- ll.a.t la wul il M'u twilui,.!il. WIU'lMtlK 1MI until. tl I ...iiiiilk, ? I tttaiuul iirl. U IM Mi lttV, "I I Ml I'M UK I ul 1 I . In Im I.iirkawaunn and nioouinburg Itall roatl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PA88ENOER TRAINS. Monday, July 17, 1971. SOUTHWARD. Lenvo. 1A.M. P.M.i A.M.'V. M. r M. Scrnnton, Hellevuc, Tnylorvillc, Lneltawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mallby, Kingston, A j st. W.-Barro j c'rs Vlymouth June., l'lynioutli, Nunticoko, llunlock's, Shickshluny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Bloomsbiirj.", Rupert, Catawissn, Danville, Clnihisky, 6 45, 1 45 10 OS 0 50; 4 00 0 50 1 65i 4 05 6 ft": 7 05! 7 141 7 m 7 271 10 17 10 20 2 11.10 35 10 40 8 21 10 47 7 02 4 13 7 11; 4-29 1 ia 4 30 4 85 4 4'J 4 47 4 55 7 24' 7 81' 7 30j 7 811 8 001 8 05 8 20 10 52 7 40 2 83 ll 00 00 05 7 501 8 Oil 8 071 8 22' 8 an! 8 4.V 8 50 8 57' 0 07 ll Hi 0 19 9 20' 0 31 1 0 511 U 511 1 3 40i 8 30 8 45 3 08j 3 27! 3 84 3 51 v nincron, 10 03 North d, (arrive.) 10 20 i 4 52 NORTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M..P.M.' Northumberland, Cameron, Chulnskv, Danville', Catawissn, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach lfnvcn, Hick's Ferry, Shlckfclilnny, llunlock's," Nnnllcoke, l'lynioutli, Plymouth June, Kingston, & t st. AV.-Barro J c"rs Mallby, Wyoming, Wer. r'itli-Gtll. Piitsion, Lackawanna, Tnylorvillc, lleilcvue, 10 25 5 10 0 vi. 6 81 10 50 5 40i I 0 00 0 051 11 14' 0 12 Scrniiton, (arrive); DAVID T. BOUND, Siq It ending Kailrcud. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Mnmhti,' Muij 15i, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North mi l North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., li, a. inir, Pottsvillc, Tnmiupia, Ashland, Sha.iinkin, Lebanon, Allentowu, Enston, Ephraia, Lit;., : iaiiensu-i, oiiiiunia, ixe., ,vc. j Trains leave llarrlsburi; for New York, an fnl- i lows: At 2.40, s.lo, a. 111. and 2.00 p. in., I ncctiiur with similar trains on ihe Pcnnsylvani.i i Railroad, nnd nrrlvlnir at New York at i'.U'."i a. iu., 8.50, nnd U.oO p in. respectively. f-'Uepl-iu J Cars nceoinpaiiy the 2.40 a. 111., train without I clianse. I lleturniuir : Leave New York lit (l.C'l .1. m., I 12.80 noou nnd 5.00 J). 111., Pliiladelphia at 7.10, 1 B.80 a. lii. and 8.80 p. 111. j Sleeping; Cars icenm j puny the 5.00 p. 111. train from New York with , out chaiiL'e. i Leave llanlflunir for Rcndine:, I'ottsvllle, Ta- ma.iia, Mincrsviile, Ashland, IShaiimkin, I Aiicnlown and l'liiladelidiia nt 8.10 n. m., J 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., stoppine; at Lebanon and , principal way stations; ilie 4.05 p. 111. . train ! ciiiueetini; for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllc and lu I lunibia only. For Pottsvlllc, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill 1111. 1 iiisipieli.iumi Rnilioad, leave Harrisliurj; nt 8.40 p. 111. j East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Heinl ) lug for Allentowu, Huston and New York til -1.82, ; 10.80 11. 1:1., and 4.05 p. ill. Rettiriiiiu;, leave New York nt 0. JO n. in., 12.80 noon and 5.00 p. 111. and Allentowu ut 7.20 a. in. 12.1:5 noun, 2.15, 4 25 and 8.85 p. 111. i Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt ' 7.80 a. m.. coniicctiint with similar train 011 l-.a-t lVnnn. Railroad, returnlm: from lieailini; ;.t 0.20 I p. m., slnppinir at all bullions, i Leave Polli-vilie at tl.00 a. m. and 2.8.) p. m. I til luU'ii ut 10.00 a. 111., Shainnkiu ut .'i.-IOand 11.15 a. 111. i Ashhuii'. at 7.05 a. m mid 12.18 noon; Mahanny City nl 7.51 a. m. and 1.2') p. -n. ' T;iiiiaiiia at S.85 11. in. and 2.1.1 p. 111. for Philadelphia, New Yoik.Hciu'.imr, I lanii-liiinr.Ac. Leave Poiisville via Sc'nuylkill and S.i. ii'.ie hauiia Railroad at 8.15 u. m.Vor llarristnirj;, anil 1 i.i-i a. 111., nn- l ine vne anil 1 remout. liendine: Acciuuicudatioii Train leaves PottB viileal 5.40 a. 111., pas.-es lieadim; at 7.80 a.. HI. niiiviii'.; nt I'lill.id.'lphiai'.t 10.20 a. in., returnlni; leaves Philadelphia ul 5.15 p. in., passins lteud in): nt 7.i5p.ni.ari ivti!i; nt Pottsvlllc al 11.40 p.m. Poll-town AccoinnioOatinii Train Icavua PottB town nl ll.;;j a. in., icliiinin leaves Pliihulelphki nt 4.80 p. 111. Colunibia l.'aiiioad Trains have P.eadlni; nt 7.20 a. 111., and 6.15 ji. 1,1. l,r Lnhnaa, Litiz, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. Pci kioineu Kail Road Trains leave Pi rklomen Junction m 7.17, 0.05 a. 111.. ut 8.00 and O.OOp. 111. Ri linnini;,leae Scliwcnkavillc ut ll.80,S.ll)a, in., 12.50 noon ami -1.45 p. 111. connecting with similar trains on lieadim; Riil U. .i,l. Colcbrnokdalc Railroad Train leave Pntlstow n nt 0.40a. ui., l.lSand 0.45 p. in., returnlm; leave Ml. I'leasaiitat7.00nnd 11.25 a. m and S.uo p. m., coiiiuiting with similar trains on Reading Railron I. Chester Valley ltallnvid Triilns Icavo rlrlduv port nt S.80 11. in., 2.U5iind 5.83 p. m. ritiirnli.,;, leave DownniKton lit 11.40 a. in., 12.45 mum and 5.25 p. m. conneclina with similar trains 011 Ke.id- 1111; liainoail I'n Sundays I Leave New York at 5.00 p. Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. m., 1 m t. 111.. IlllO 8.00 a. 111. inuu ruiiuini; only to Readink';) leave l,oltsillcal 8.UO11.111., leave llarrUhtii'if, 3.40a. 111., and 2.00 p. in. ; leave Allentowu at 4.25 and 8.85 p. m. 1 leave Hcndlni; at 7.15 a. m. nud 0.50 p. in. for lliirilr-bint;, at 4.83 a. 111. I'm- New York, ul 7.30 u. 111. for Allentowu and ut 0.1 1 u. in. uud 4.15 p. in. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, S. hi'ol and Etc lll'simi rl'lek.. In , mil fiAin nil ,...li.i. -,t j ,mv(l rates. HuKi;ai;e checked throut'ti t 10O Poiiu l, Paa gutt allowed each P.ism liter. i. K. WOOTTEV, AL8upt. A Kim. Macli'iy. rtilladeliliiia nud I'.tW Itnilroail. BUMMER TIME TAlll.i!. On nud fir Miiliil.-yr,' Ainru.l Till, IM!, lb Ti'iihu on the i'hlladalpUla At tile I'.ui; H. id will iuu ua lulluuk 1 WESTWARD. Mail Train leave Philadelphia, l-tinibuiy, ' " arrulEiie, Erie Eip.-e Imwa I'lnhid, Iphla, " ' " huiibury, " an at Kile, KI111I1.1 Mall li-.u,. I'lill.i,l,lpl.i.i, " ' " euiibuiy, " urr ul Lock ILmu, llllll'.llil Kkplcaa leuvca billibUI, " mi ul Wlltlalii-.l, II. ild Kaiile Mail liavva Wllluuup.. I, uir ul Lui ll lUlin. H Asl IV AUD. M ill i i'ulu b.Ava Kile, 7. 1" p 111 V.l'.'i lr ! Oil p 11 I .' to p m li..'ij p 111 7 to a in V lui a 1,1 I . '.45 p in J.'iO p 1,1 4 I 1.1 1.1 t.' 5 .1 1 lii 11 in UA o p In II no a 1 1.1 0 4 a 1 .:!' a 1 ll I 1.. k. Vl 4 n 1' iti p .1 s in ii l; M - , .! .'ill I I. 2 iati a 1 4 on 4 1 1 1 ., 1, 1 II. i.i ' fruuliuiy, " Mir al I'luU.Klj Li., KiU K-M Ii'ioii Kiic, " dinilmiy, " " air ul I'uila l.ipuij, Hi, ill. I M ,1) l,.u l.ik Ihlvli, ' " Mliilnii), " ail kl I'l.il.i I. :plilu. lie lUlu Ik I iv-a u W liiuui-.,l, " kuubui), " " ailul I'hlta l. Ipliu, ll.lll K.i.te Mull 1.4... I.-W lUlu., ' ' un ..I tt i.liaia.i' ... 1. 1 ! I ' I tl til K id 1. iiui.l. tu't aud ail l I ii. a 1 I.. . A l ll. 11 . 141.4 ul I. .11) . Uli I'll Iii. a n.l Ad. Lii. nl K 11 .. I I. VI4II ll .l Willi a,, I Uu4i.4 tiai. . , , I . a. ii. tl. au. all. .11 1 a. 4 In t 1. h ..u4 t ..'....) U U. Vl. VI til. II I.. . 1411. .... .,l, 14 ,i i i..l. ua I , . 4ii I U rn U W . au I a I oil) a ill, 11. I , au4 . ll a . A-.vuiu.wauIU'm lt4 al I' . I u a .1 . I 'I ..I . u ll li .ii an I a . -1 k il Ii al I uu) a 1.. I li...,l. u and II. t .... I t il . 0 17 0 24 1 I 0 84 I 111 80! 6 4l! I .11 43. 6 48 A.M.! I I 0 55 ' j 1 2 00 7 00' 7 so; I 7 24 7 45 I'M. 'P.M. 7 81 8 00! ; 112 20 7 41 8 15 P.M.: 5 10 i I 8 20 , 5 13 ' 13 84 7 51 8 80 2 83' 5 25 i 'fl 4o! 3 43 ' 5 85 12 43, 8 00 8 45, 3 4S' r, 40 I 8 13' H 52; 2 54 5 4 7 12 52 8 IS 0 C4 2 Ml 5 t2 8 2S 14. 8 07 0 t!0 8 8(1. II 25'. 3 Hi 0 111 8 42 0 32 3 (1 17 1 14 8 48 tl 40 3 ill! 0 25 I .1.1.4 VI .U ... I ll-ilulu k I-L 1.-. .. .... ik.i.u.,a.u at VV niui.8l uW I . ll ll . lulLawa wa.u,ul liaiuttki l Ui l.li Ii. 1.. ll l,.,..i...l. .l .-a It.ia t-kkM, al4 a..l, H ,l,i4i..i .1 4.. tuna U ..1 u u H 11 im is I U 4) I al U. ulj Ui-4 "H kl.kil M , ..Uu U-) I t 'il m I ntuii. I