Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 28, 1871, Image 3

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    knlmtjy American.
SUNBURY, OCT, 28, 1871.
Kailrod Time Tablet.
N. C. R. W. East. P. K. R- R. Wsst.
Huffnlo Ex I've 4:10 m'Krlfl Mnll, I've 2:05 a m
Erie ' ' 8:R " Buffalo Kx. " 4;1 ' .
ElmtmMall " llt4! " ElmlrnMnll" !2:m
Erio " " liOT " ! Lock 11. Ac." 4:85"
Banbury Ae." 8:45 p m, Erie Ex. " 0:50 "
Sunbnrynt 11:50 a m At Sunhury :45w
4:40 p m " 4:00 pm
D. II. W. R. R.
Leave Snnbury 5:55 n. m., 4:85 and :!W p. m.
Arr. at Buubury 10:00 a m, 6iS0 nnd 8:40 p m.
Accident Insurance Tickets enn bo hod of J.
Shlpman, Tlckut Agent at the Depot.
focal Affairs.
Bbwino Machines.-MIs CbcoIIiio Dnllus Is
tho ngeut for tho snlo of the tlircc best 8ewlnf
Miiclilues In exlstcnco, vltl "Tho Improved
Blngcr," "Grovor & Baker" and "Domestic,''
which are constantly on hand and sold n rca
sonablo prices. Cull nnd seo them. Offl:o on
Market street, oast of tho railroad.
Stoves. Three second hand heaters and
stoves, nenrly as good as new Tor salo at half
price Enquire at this ofllce.
For Bai.r on Rest. A dcslrablo property on
Spruce street. Snnbury, Pa., a House with seven
rooms and other conveniences. Inqnre of A. N.
Mrlce, Esq.
Wanted. An active boy, about 10 years old,
at the Mineral R. R., nnd Mining Company's
ofllco, ou Third street, ndjolnlug Fry's Hall.
One who can mnke himself generally useful will
And a good situation.
JruoE KocKEFF.i.i.Eit will hold his first term of
Court In this county, hi January next.
ruu.ip Pmt.irs, the popular author nnd singer,
-will give an evening of Saerel Soug nt the M. E.
church, In this place, on Wednesday, the 8th of
November. Smith's American Organ will be
used. Net proceeds for christian purposes.
Tickets, 50 cents ; Children, 25 cents. Those
purchasing tickets previous to tho day of the
ringing will be furnished with Reserved Bouts
without extra charge. St.
Wit. u Fowls. During the past week Immense
number of wild ducks nnd gecso have passed
over Sunbury, on their way to winter quarters
In Southern bays and livers, and wo hear that
several of our sportsmen have been successful
in baling qulto n number. This exodus cer
tainly means approaching cold weather.
We arc happy to state, that the Rev. 8. J. Mil
liken, Pastor of the Presbyterian church, nt this
place, has recovered from his lute illness while
on a visit to his friends in lilulr county, nnd has
returned tn Ills charge on Thursday last. IIo
resumes his labors by holding service In his
church to-morrow (Sunday), at 10,'j o'clock, A.
m., ar.d also in the evening.
Bum Tom. The citir.cns of tills pi ice had
the pleasure of listening to the greatest musical
,r.tglly of tho aye, Blind Tom, on Tin s 'ay
evening lust. Tho hall was fllleltolts utmost
apai'ity. The performances on the llano were
inly wonderful, Jund gavo general satisfaction.
Oi k Ui'ii.niKO Associations. Tho regular
nnnlhly meeting of the Fori Augusta Building
Association w.ishuldon Thursday avclng last,
'he old Sunbury Mutual Association will hold
U monthly inc. ting this (Friday) evening.
Shot in tub Hand. On Thursday morning
ist, a son of C. I). Wharton, and nged about 14
ears, shot himself in the right hand by the necl
ulal discharge of a pistol, which he was hund
ug unbeknown to the family. This Is another
arniug to boys carrying fire nrms without tho
uowledge of their parents.
Aid fob tiik Chicago Sii-kuurhs. A collce
ou was taken up in St. Matthew's (Episcopal)
hurcli, of Banbury, on Sunday lust, for the
incut of tho homeless sutlcrcrs by the great fire
. Chicago. Fifty dollars were collected, mid
lly forwarded to tho Mayor of Chicago.
Moim Saw Mills. Wo team that parties ure
'gotlatlng for ground In Sunbury, on which to
i lid two large saw mills next season. We ccr
luly hope It is correct, uud wish them success
procuring sites for their mills.
An alarm of fire was given on Monday evening
iouL 7 o'clock, caused by a brilliant light over
e eastern part of Uic Borough from tho burn
g hills along Shainoklii creek. The steam Are
glue was promptly brought out ready for ac
n, but finding the fire to bo nt some dlstauce
I of town, tho vompauy did not proceed fur
r than Market street.
H'H neighbor of the Jhniotrat says that be
ercd forty-two ucw mimes ou bu suhscriptlou
. wllhlu three weeks aud lost but one. Neigh.
', will you please slate whether the new sub.
Ibers belong to the list iu the bluck book,
leh was to be kept to uoto down the uaiucs of
the Democrats who refused to vote for the
'Udulent ticket. If so, there Is a prospect of
ue eight hundred more of the saiuo kind.
won into OrricK. Amos Vasllue, Esq.,
i duly sworu mid Installed luto the office of
inly Commissioner last week. Yo piesum
t the first hu.luus of the uew board of Com.
hloners will be to appolut a clerk, who will
ihclr, be competent to attcud to the
les of the otllce.
notice that our old friend Kllus Brusioiu,
vcieruu butehsr of this place, Is ocrupylug
urket st.iu t In front of our otllce, dealing out
il customer some of the ch.dco.l beef lit
Wet. Ou Sulurduy last, we uullced Some of
liuesl beef in bU table Ihut has beeu offered
citlacit fur a lung lime. Ills sausage and
Uu. looked ntml leuiiug. Having the
luilou fur in. i ii y ears of making the mot
table, he is delort) lucd, sluoe the
ki t U i.taMbhed, to ool all LU putt efforts
xu hi vu.luiuer.
u ra tu Mn'uu.t at vriaaa. A uuui
j( uur Itdies, prominent auioiig ahum
cj Mrs. Witt, I. tirueuou.h, have, for scve.
ays hI, Itvt-u soliciting aid from our illi-
for the b. u- iil of tutf u Unci .by I Us lata
Units eoiiUu.ralluu tit lb Intel iur of U ii LI.
TU.y Ua lwa Very .itcofitl tit
s, aa. have obubwd tuii a liUt.l supply
kill Ul tuihiuk', SUItdllU (of UVU, Muutva
'lilidua, bu-Ucs ol'Ululug dutialkuu. of
), all of ul' b duly futa.idvd L K(
to 1' ii. .11, Mi. lt., Iiom UU Is iLj
ltuutiMlu,ii)i Jotiil.uU4 lii lite awUji suf.
i. 1 IB 4uutlv4 flolM uubiiiy, !, ill
alu tt.u sullcilti uf UlVS UUIuUsI ol tltuse
uiilmtuu tiu, vim Iwie Urt tlwif all ljf
o .-l Ji4ituu Un, a4 mii Udu i in
i ' I (U bluxl iaU fu tUt.1 kluj iltwiu
'4. b' su4iilti4 huwjulijr. Amuuf las
u.t uf il.4l.U4 tut, ! H nail,
... ul po, 14 ihii, VI p4i. ul uiug(
UJ ' 4 1 , sw4 wiwm i4h
ul swill. 4 s4iii smUtitM fut Im i.
jiiii ol U UmJf.
A Happt KatJNtow. We are much gratified at
the manner In which the result of the late elec
tion Is taken by both political parties In this
county. No demonstrations or Joy are Indulged
In except In ft private way, In which nolgbbore
and Mends go together to congratulate each oth
er. Such rejoicings are principally over the vic
tory of right over fraud and corruption, aud all
honorable men of both parties Join to celebrate
an event which will long b remembered In the
political history of the county the rescue from
the hands 61 designing demagogues of tho offices,
which will In the future be filled by men of poli
tical and moral Intcgilty. One of these happy
meetings occurred on Friday Inst, at the residence
of our highly esteemed friend Jucob Scnslmltx,
Esq., of Upper AagnsVa township. Mr. oens
holtx hns long been known throughout tho coun
ty as a staunch Republican, as well as the bosom
Wend of his honor Judge Jordan. The result
of tho Into election In electing Win. M. Rocke
feller, Esq., to tho President Judgshlp, (tho per
sonal frlcad or both himself and Judge Jordan,)
to give proper expression or his reelings, ho ex
tended an Invltntlon to his friends to pnrtaVe or
a dinner nt his residence. About 10 o'clock tho
guests arrived, nnd as buggy after buggy camo
In rront or his door, they wore most liospltnbly
received by Mr. Seasbolti, his Inestimable lady,
nnd his sous and daughters, who are too well
known throughout the eoanty tor their generous
hospitality, on all occasions, to need any further
comment. Tho Squire's venerable countennnco
assumed a degico or happy expression as proba
bly It had ncvor done before. The mingling In
cordial friendship of his Wends, though political
ly at variance In honest sentiment ror years, mu
tually rejoicing In common with hlmscir over the
viinqulshment or partlKan dishonesty, nd indi
vidual chicanery, was trill'y an event to bo
remembered during the balance, of hi life.
Such lifo-long Democrats as the Hon. A. Jordan,
Hon. Wm. L. Dewnrt, Geo.W. Zelgier, Esq.,
Geo. III1I, Esq., Ex-Sheriff D.'Bocklcy, Dr. R. II.
Awl and others, nnd among tho Republicans
Hon. J. B Packer, Hon. W. M. Rockefeller, Jos.
Bird, Esq., dipt. C. J. Bruner; Dr. J. B. Mnsscr
and others, who have been political antagonists,
uniting uon a common platform to war against
the corrupt Influence of politicians, who were
alining nt position for which they wore wholly
unqualified, was an event that probably never
beforo occurred In the political hlBtory or North
umberland county.
Tho Squire's residence was thrown open to his
guests, who nppcarcd at onec to enter Into tho
pleasant employment or making each other hap
py. About 2 o'clock dinner was announced, aud
tho party surrounded the rostlvo board, which
was ladened profusely with all the luxuries of tho
sea sou, nnd after a blessing, offered by his honor
Judge Jordan, to Him who rules over all, for His
bountiful supply, the guests done ample Justice
to the many choice meats set before them.
After dinner tho Hon. Win, L. Dewnrt offered
a toast to the host and hostess, which was re
sponded to by Mr. Seasholtz, who said that bo
was overjoyed to have his friends honor hhn with
their presence on this festive occasion, and that
he united with them In their expression of regret
Hint the term of office of his friend Judge Jordan
was so near at hand, but rejoiced that his place
would be filled by one In every way worthy ; that
he had been on tho most Intimate terms with his
Honor for over It (ty years, and that during that
time they had been connected by business rcla.
tions, and he always found him to boa mnn who
was honorable In every way, which was the cause
of b's elevation In life. That he remembered well
the time when he struggled through hardships to
maintain himself by tho practice of tho law, nud
that he felt proud that he bad assisted hi m, step
by step until he readied the pinnacle of his pro
fession, the law. Now, that ho was about to re
tire, he had also the gratification of knowing that
his successor would net honorably, and follow
the footsteps of his predecessor, no thcu ap
pealed to the young mm of the legal profession
present, to take for their guide the example set
them by those who had becu exulted to so high a
position in their profession, so they too might
gain that confidence and esteem which the gen
tlcmen referred to had gained.
Ills Honor, Judgo Jordan, was then called
upon, who rejoiced to say that upon his retire
ment from the office of President Judge, he was
much gratified to know that his place would be
filled by one who had been his pupil, and whose
life and character was Irreproachable. He had
watched his career from boyhood, and was proud
to know that the peoplo had elevated him to that
position, which ho was able to fill with honor and
success, lie then referred to his start iu lire,
nud the hard struggles through which he passed
In his early career as a lawyer, and that he bad
always found a steadfast friend In Mr. Seasholtz
upon whom he could always rely. That during
his term of twenty years as Presldeut Judge, he
endeavored to fulfill his duty honorably nud Im
partially thut if he had erred, he asked fliin who
presides above to forgive. That during all that
long period of years he never allowed partisan
reelings to overcome his better Judgment, and he
endeavored to ineto out Justice alike to rich and
poor, regardless or religion or politics. Now
that he hud come to thut stage or lire allotted to
man, over three score aud ten, when it becomes
uccessary to u&sffu his place to others, be rejolc.
ed that his desk would be occupied by oue whom
he knew would act us ably as hlmscir, and thut
as his cornet with his friends was shortening aud
about to close, it would bo but a little while ere
he would leave them.
Some happy remarks were theu made by Judge
Rockefeller, lion. Wm. L. Jfewart, lion J. B.
Packer and Geo. Hill, Esq., and after spending
some time with the Squire aud his family, tho
guests bade them adieu, aud left fur their homes
with the hope of soon having another such a hap
py reunlou.
A Boom. Messrs. Krlllng, Uowen A Eugul
are movlug for the permanent establishment of
a Boom Couipauy to Improve the old boom pro
perly owued by luem Iu the West Branch, a short
tiuuuee above Northumberland, We are Iu.
formed thut but little slock Is lakuu Iu Ibis nlaee.
but that several heavy lumber Arm of WlllWni.
sport have arranged to take bold of Ibe mailer
aud make It a fixed fuel. The advantages of u
boom at the poJul dwiguulud, ettuuol but be of
great twuuill to the luuibcriug business In Ibis
uelgbborboutl, aud will prove a food ItiVMlnieu!
la ike slot k solders of the eompauy.
Rai.isr or Cmnou. W are happy lit aot
thai eoutldcruble of au amount of tuouejp has
bet-it forwarded b) the vllUeu of Ibis borough.
Churches, aVerel aWWtlue aud Individual ba
Klru fieoly. Tee employe uf lb dtfflircul
rullrouj shops aud railroad uiployve along lb
llu uf lb dinVrcul railroads eualieiug Iter ut
ubscrlU-4 a days' gs, aa4 clli-a lit vry
luu aud tillcg suWilUug finely to raU
a fuu4 for lb relief uf the sunVreu fruui lb Ul
suuttagruliuli lit lb W vi,
ftvtl Ae tiaf. -Mr. Jot tjlerly, aa olj
aud highly uj elibMii of Ibis U-, abll
aasUtlug tu 4imuIUH a buiu Iu tu aiieei autr
lb Lmbciaw tbitieb, aa sum by a Warn au4
Mull, iujurej, an thai Is dlwi lb el Ju;.
Tnaa U hum Hulk ik aViUtu la lb Mlu.
lag iwmIi trf hiiitug iMMki una ilt
lb! 14 biob loolub Mb Vug-
Waif U4 ay kilt ! lb twit,' m,,,
ullUlu'go !. Itul 14 j-ui tu tu thai
lb bwy U Mgt If Ik, to yf fuuug toaa
bu swli but 4 all lb 4 giltibs up I
go uti iui4jr b'gbl.
Snaiuvr Salbs. The Bhcrlff of Northumber
land connty advertise the following property
for sale on the 4th of November, at oue o'clock,
at the Court House, Bunbury
Three lot of ground In' the Borongh or Nor
thumberland, the property of William Wilson.
A frnmo dwelling house In Chamberlain' ad
dition to the Borougt of Milton, the property of
Ditnlcl Stager.
A two-story dwelling house lnllie Borough of
Mt. Carmct, the property or Reuben Kline.
A two-story house, with storojroom, In Cuke's
addition to Bunbury, the property or Michael
Four acre or land sit unto In Lower Augusta
township, the property or Geo. W. McCnrty.
A honse and lot tn the Borough of Riverside,
the property of Isaac Farley.
A house and lot In the Borough of Mt. Cnrmcl,
tho jiropcrty of David Haas.
A lot of ground In Cake's addition to Sunbury,
the property of John Jones.
A lot or ground In tho Borough or Bunbury,
whereon are erected a brick house and store
room, and two rrnmo dwelling houses, tho pro
perty of Henry Peter.
tJcven lots of ground In the Borongh or Shnnio-
Wn, the property or Elijah Hummer.
The surrucc right to a lot or ground In Mt.
Curmel Borongh, whereon Is erected a two-story
frumo house and kitchen, the property of Tho.
A lot of ground In the Borongh of Turbutvlllc,
whereon I erected a wagon-maker shop, nnd
mlth shop, the property of Adam Strousc.
Two lot of ground in tho Borough of Snn
bury, on which are erected dwelling houses, tho
property of Anthony Lenser.
A piece of land eltnate In Lower Adgnsta
township, containing one acre and 40 perches,
whereon Is erected a dwelling house nnd out
buildings, the property of Henry 8. Culp.
A lot of ground in tho Borough or Bunbury,
whereon Is erected a two-story dwelling house,
tho property or David Druekcmlller.
Four lots In Cake' addition to Buubury, the
property or Joseph Conrad.
A fill line or Ladles' Misses' nnd Child' Mo
rocco Shoes to bo bad at Gibson A Furmau's
Boot, Shoe &, Trunk Store.
Energy. Iu the world opinion success is
considers . tho test or ability, and to him who
achieves it the honors or the general public nro
showered nnd with a lavish hand. But few
reach the desired goal In the race or difficulties
that constantly beset tiiu business man, but still
less are the number when encumbered with seri
ous disasters superadded to the incidental dis
couragements. Among the latter, who arc pre
eminently an example, stand the firm or Messrs.
J. E. Caldwell A Co., Jeweler, 903 Chestnut St.,
PhU'n. Serious conflagration In tho winter or
1809, swept away In a few hours the realization
of years of labor, thought, and care. With a
courugo thut roso iu direct proportiou to the dif
ficulties to be surmounted, they resolved to again
tempt their fortunes, and with tho resolve came
naturally that elasticity of Industry that begets
a triumph. Tho sympathy or a fccllns public
was with them, nud their Wends, by klud words
unu mora suusiaiuiui toKcns, uiu tlicm God-
speed. Tho result Is before us. Ou the great j
thoroughfare of onr beautiful city, among tho I
palaces of Industrial art, none exhibit greater
tokens of prosperity than cuu he perceived Iu i
their superb c.tabllshmciit. Articles or vcrtu
from alt parts of the civilized world crowd their
cases nnd shelves. 811 ver ware or most exqulslto
patterns, p.nd for every purpose, for the table
and tho toilet, are hero in profusion. The tastes
of amateurs in rare gems cau ba thoroughly sat
isfied, for tho complement cover every conceiva
ble ruiige or quality uud price. A much atten
tion ha been or lute directed to Imported rancy
goods. Messrs. Caldwell A Co. have taken pnms
In their selectiou or this class or ware, and pre
sent lu their stock some or the choicest of Vlenua
goods. They ure In Russia leather, gilt bronze,
cut glassware, &c, &c. The taste lu real bronze
has Improved so rapidly within tho past few
years, thut tho supply could hardly keep pace
with the demand. In those goods this house
possess a beautiful assortment, well worth an
examination. Upon a recent visit, beside tho
Innumerable beauties that called forth our ad
mlratlen, we were shown tho new Coramandel
ware, splendidly mounted lu gold, ono of the first
Importations Into this country. Want or space
shortens our notes ou this thriving and deserving
firm, aud wo must conclude by wishing them uli
the prosperity they so eminently deserve.
NoHTiii-Miu'Ri.AND A ii F. ail Wo think Nor
thumberland county Is entitled to the premium
on crops In oue season. In tho upper cud, where
the hail storm made much havoc, Mr. John
Tweed raised two crop of apples, and nnw, here
iu Mlllon, we have the lecond crop of potatoes
for this season raised on the same ground, by
Mr. Euos Tilden. The second crop of potatoes
are a large a usual, measuring from 0 to 10
inches lu circumference, and or excellent quality.
Tho first crop raised was composed or the Eurly
Rose variety. The second crop was comiiosod or
Eurly Rose and the ordiuary varieties, all dolug
equally well. Mr. Tilden deserve a premium,
surely. Jilfoiiiait.
A BrRt cure for Corns by buying your Boots
and Shoes at Gibson ct Furmnii's, 87 Muiket St.
Tub Graduating Class or Princeton Colleg0
each year have a custom or planting, ou class
day, the 24lu or Juue, a vine or Ivy lu the college
grounds with Imposing ceremonies and orutious.
It is left to grow a a remembraneo or the clas
and Is planted on the day Hint the roll of the
rlus I culled for the last time. We learn with
grullfylug pleasar that our young friend aud
neighbor, Mr. Lewi Dewart, son or the Hon.
W. L. ltewart, of till plaea, boa been selected
by bit rluss mate or the senior class to deliver
the Ivy orullou on the approaching occasiou.
W coiigrululut the class upon their selectiou as
we foul emiadeiil Mr. Puwurt will fully meet
their expectations.
Dramatic PaiiruMMAMces. Marston dt Stone'
Drauialbi Alliance gar two of their lulerestlng
tuUrtltuulei,i lu b Oprr Uouse, at Ibis place,
ou Wednesday uud Thursday cveulug. Tbtt
hall was full ou both ulghu, aud lu. porfor
Itiuuce elicited giaul appUuse throughout. Ou
lb lrl ulghl, 'Fuuchou, iba CrUkel," was
played, lu whh b Amy Sluua assumed the prlii
clwl churaeler, a till b wu proualed lu escul.
Uulklyl. Tbu balauc of lb characiei r
alsu well repfeseutud, making Ih tmlrit.ilmuelil
very luUriwitug. lu Thursday cttulug lb
beautiful Dtuuia, lu lira acts, ullllcj "Pearl uf
Unu), or, a Mother' Prayer," wa pciloiiuud.
Tbe iblblikMit, beUlt ulvrtaUlug, were uf
a highly ulilvalc4 lllurury uW, and acre en
acted lu feiuurkully natural U, nbhb, a
fur a a ru kara, gat suiUfu. tl.wi. U
Must asMtbU Iblug al4 tu Mutb sueta euir
UlltuiMil Mill a feller sueios, U a eupailou
ball, Hb guwl stag ewj oury, W bupv uur
ttiuMy4 ttutm ill u) Mlu Iba tiampla uf
oii ul uur Htigbbuilug uu, u4 Im)uuu
eiilwi suilabl lu all ItiMlbf blbUUfc4.
iuUlwl lot euiusruujui a ui a ItMiiutiluu my i bue U 4u at IbU lUoa,
tiu4 a fc-.l-a (iui at Wuiuubr
Hiuau' Oub Hull.
lui kstii ikbat at kuw baw al lb trflUa
uf lb N, V. V W. l u, at Ibi pi. lukk.
Mtubd, , au4 Kluiu. fuM Iui bli 4uys Ituta
aVste u bxue, al III W M lb lwuu iia,
I.lnt ol Juror.
NOVKMnEn TERM, 1871. orand jurors.
I John Rlirncy, Coal
3 Henry Hllc, Mt. Cnrmcl borough
8 James 11. Bhnltz, Rush
4 Ruben Wvnn, Bunbury
5 Chnrles kohler, Upper Mahnnny
0 Wm. H. Metier, Rush
7 Thomas Hoover, Shnmokm.
J Jeremiah Rnup, Milton,
tf John Tents, Sliamokln
10 Andrew Tlnbrook, Lewis
11 gain no! Bnrkcnblne, Northumberland
13 Peter Welkcl, Cameron
13 John Clark, Jr., Sunbury
14 Dnulcl Noccker, Watsontown
15 Jacob Sharp, Mt. Carmcl
16 Georgo W Strluo, Milton
17 Patrick Miihnn. Shamokln bor
18 Ellas Shaffer, Turbiit
19 Daniel H Perslng, Shamokln
20 Joseph M Paul, Chllllsqiiaqiio ,
i!l Duncan Campbell, Rush
23 William 11 Cool, Chllllsquaqua
23 Israel Bnriiliigcr, Shamokln
24 Robert Dntcsinnn, Milton
1 Christian Snyder, Lower Mahnnny
3 Mahlnn McUgur, Delaware
8 Solomon Folk, Upper Mahuuoy
4 Jacob Wcike, Delaware
fi Edward Burke, Northumberland
0 Jacob Shankweiller, Shnmokin bor
7 Samuel Oberdorf, Upper Augusta
8 ifosiah Swartz, Jordan
0 Joseph Ansrstadt, Milton
10 Jacob A Kauffmnn, Zerbo
II William Deal, Point
13 Reuben Lawull, McEwensvIllc,
13 William Evert, Shamokln
14 William Conner, Wutsontown
15 Adam Lenker, Lower. Muhanoy,
10 John Sehrnder, Zerbo
17 Solomon Neldick, Lower Augusta,
18 Jacob Brlirht, Sunbury
Ifl George Weaver, Zerbe
20 William Klase, Shamokln bor.
21 BenJ. Lake . " "
23 Barnard Adams, .Washington,
23 Lorenzo Metier, Rush
24 Abraham Kissinger, Turbut
25 James Benrd, Sunbury
2ft Alvin D Huiihes, Rush :
27 Georire W Stroh, Upiier Amriista
9S Willirm McWllllums, Shiunokiu
21) C 11 Smith, Shamokln W
80 Peter Wort, Lower Mahanoy
81 Daniel Ciihris, Delaware
85 Wm B Guile, Rush
33 Ferdinand Rhoads, Coal
84 John Buyers, Upper August.i
35 Jacob R Kauffinan, Upper Mahanoy
80 Henry J Renn, Zerbo. '
37 Sampson Smith, Delaware
88 Joseph Hcmmlngcr, Shnmokin bor.
39 Cluis. Koch, Till lint
40 Charles Giillck, Northumberland
41 John Krlck, Shamokln
43 Isaac Kmerlck, Lower Mahanoy
43 Joseph R Bright, Milton
44 Samuel Weaver, Sunbury
45 Sanies O Glflln, Chillisqnaqiio
40 Amnndus S Miller, Shamokiu tp.
47 Isaac B Trcssler, Jackson
48 Charles Milliard, Tin nut
For tho Second Week, commencing Mouday,
November 13, !871.
1 Michael Diirney, Jr., Zerbe
3 Nmthiin Hcuiiiiigcr, Csmerou
3 Daniel llohncr,
4 Frederick Hilcman, Delaware
6 J. C. McWilliams, Chlllisquaquo
0 Anthony Guluspic, Coal
7 Samuel tiilirer, Shnmokin
8 John .McDonald, Ml. Curmel
!i John Eyt-ter, Delaware
10 Charles' B Bovcr, Cameron
11 John Hotlii. Turbut
13 Henry Gosslcr, Northumberland
13 Isaac iloilmnn, Kuril,
14 William Dunn, Delaware,
15 Chnrles W Eckm n, Upper Augusta
10 Ellas Boyer, Jr., Lower Mahanoy
17 Geoige Oyster, Sunbury
18 Daniel Barron, Shamokln
19 Acqnilln Booth, Shamokln bor.
20 Isaac Buyer, Lower Mahanoy
21 Henry Il'aden, Shnmokin
23 Wm. W Horning, Lower Augusta
23 Geoise Spatz, Lower Maiianoy
24 James Keed. Rush,
25 Georire Seller, Lower Augusta
23 Allen Hopper, Bunbury
27 Daniel Carl, Turbut
28 Jacob Gonsei t, rJliamokin
29 I -mac S Zartman, Jackson
30 Thomas Welsh, .Mt. Carmcl bar
81 Jeremiah Cntp, Upper AngiiMa
33 Hiram Malick, Lowei do
83 Rcnlamln Adams, Shnmokin
34 Kllsha K Heller. Upper Augusta
35 John Punhiim, Northumberland
30 Peter Reeser, Zerbe.
Trinl I.Kt Tor tlic tVook 1'oinnicuc
lns Tliurisfluj', Kdvcuibcr 0, 1H71.
1 Joint Gunning vs Mary Guniihig.
3 John Bnmfnrd vs George Reefer.
8 Patrick Boyle vs John llaas Si Co.
4 Ed T Dru'mhcller. ndm'r of Joseph Smith,
dee'd, vs L T Rohrbach, adiu'r of Jacob
Rohrhach. dee.
5 John W. Filling Son vs Sain'l Staley .fc
Lydin Staley his wife, owner or reputed own
er, and John Sissaman, contractor.
0 Jacob B Getter vs Countv of Noith'd.
7 J .is H MclCce, I'.ob't MeKec, Jr., vs Robert
8 William Conrad vs John Foy, Adm cum tes
tatum, annexlo of Daniel Conrad, dee.
0 D J Cntliam, J D Council, vs'l ll. ckley,
Franklin Clark, Jos Clark, lliruui T tirav
.S: Ira T Clement.
10 S if Rowley vs C F Huff".
11 The Henry Clay Coal Company vs Grant &
13 Samuel Whitman vs Frederic Krebs.
13 James ltourke vs The Knlcrprise Coul Com
pany, el al.
14 Nicholas Cur ran vs Same.
15 Catharine Dand vs Same.
NOVEMBER 13. 1871.
1 J 1) Dieffenderfer vs George Zicgler, owner or
reputed owner, and f .11 Koftcr, contractor.
i Herman Snvder vs John II Conrad.
3 Catharine Reed ct al vs The Catawlssa R R
4 Alice E Brown, udmlnUtrutrlx, vs Joseph W
5 1 M Cake vs J W Cuke.
6 Post, SuiUh it Co., vs Hammer A Co.
7 Geo. Troxel ul ul vs Dau'l Buckley, hh'n
8 Joliu Younht, Endorsee, vs Uuae J Sober.
V Robert Grahuin vs 8 P Wolvertou, udui'r of
II Hellas, dive.
10 William Lew is vs Jume Mulone.
11 Joseph Alln r tV (k)., ra Terrence (Jiiinn.
13 B I Slnvmaker' use. vs Jeremiah Savidgu.
13 I'eler Duuklu vs 11 E Sht'lleiilergcr.
14 F Zimiuermun el al., v V Klase.
15 F Zimmerman et ul vs Daniel W Sampscl.
Itl l.andls I) lluklian vs Samuel and I. Villa Stahly
17 William 1 Greciionith vs The Fulton Ciml Co,
The Escel.ior Coal Mining Cv, Tho F.nler
prlae Coal Co, Johu. 11 Doiiiy uud Johu II
Gable. '
18 Klisa Hopler vs Meholas Hiieher.
19 I. J Wrii-l.t el al vs Amelia Klelil.
30 William Mllcli. ll vs William 6 Snyder.
21 Same vs Mary C Snyder.
23 Aarou Kelier vs Johu K rock.
23 II P Slh'Mer Vs Tho. Wilson et ul
4 t hus P llelfi lutein vs Daniel S hogur.
US James M alone v David Hlarlek.
M Johu MeCleery, adm. uf Wm MeCleery, dec,
el ul vs Philips Jc Uaker.
H7 Saml' II Bii.h, C J Miller aud Jaiuu M Trcx.
ler V Johu M BarlUuloius
2 dinger k Co. t llolei If Uuffy.
24 N.igle .V Oweu V I P Buyer.
30 Wm P Wlihlugtuti ElUibelh Curtis, lfu,
et al.
31 Kilus I'ersuu Ariiislroug ib Arliuau.
b4 Kllas t'viauu vs J P Ariu.lion.
4 Joseph M I r w lit t tllutiit aiin.-r.
b Joint VVuliu, KulotM'e v Witt Kuauau,
! S.iKle, lliuuu A Ir.akUtt'h s Billu. or, Nag'
A l u.
brilixii tH TAT tW. Owing i I ha falling
biMtllh of tut of our Ins, w have dulermliiud In
CloM UUl OUr FklCUaiVU Mul uf tiukls u Co.' I.
Iuu'l full In full aud saritru bAigalu, a a ae
luisily utouu buslkea, aud Hill sell al aud buluw
iu.1 (or t ush, all gouds so lu uur Mi
S. B - V was at gl pHiiU hu may aUb lu
culer lulUu busluua a guud cbaue I A buy llt
lilli stuib uU reasuuahlu leiiu.
UtMiUtC ItlaaUtiKH.
Tua buiibuty au4 LsaUluau Kulliuad i
ptutMbl) Im Wul.U.4 as fa I a U)iug lb iuli U
mil, u i ty b ium oar r4i alll paiauu
tin p-tiugrupb. uwituU4Mt Itiuau, lu Iba
la of 4ibui.b I-U4 diltikuUu tbut wui4
buls 41mvIjiu4 tuuat an a, ttsenuui all ub
.w.l , aa4 Ul, bo, uuti in H l tutu
tuui4.i. tbiuueb ! will ma i a k
aajs, a4 fitbu iki ai( iMipaU U a4
fiuui lb tvul i( va - L,uu'l.
100,000 (iOLD COIN will be distribu
ted as prlzos. October 80th, 1871, by the 8tockton,
California, Grand Gift lonceit, In Aid or the
German nnd French Bnnltnry Fund. 1541 prlzos,
varying from 20 to 130,000, gold cola. TlcllcM
3 currency. For sale by
V.4 Third St., Sunbury, Pa.
Great Inducements at Gibson fc Fnrninn's
Boot, Shoe nnd Trunk Btoro. Larircst stork sold
nt the lowest cash prlccst Go nnd sec
Lower than ever Oak Hall prices this Fall.
A sight worth seeing Wuuamukcrit Brown's
Oal nail.
Who can doubt tho reliability of Insurance
done nt tho agency of Shipmnn & Dcrr, corner of
8d nnd Mnrltet streets, Bunbury, Pa., they hav
ing received notices from the following compa
nies of the amount or losses sustained nt the Into
Chicago fire t
Franklin, Philadelphia, loss will not exceed
1500,000, capital unimpaired, nnd a larger sur
plus than that or any other company hi the coun
try. Insurance Company or North Amcrlcn, I'liila-,
will loose about hair million, leaving assets over
Hanover Flro Insurance Co , New York, losses
will not exceed 235,000, lenv ng .)25,00O cash
nssets, Oct. 13th, 1871.
North American Flro Insurance Company, New
Tork, loss about 250,000.
Hartford Flro Insurance Co-, Hartford. Conn.,
losses will not exceed $1,200,000, leaving a capital
unimpaired, nnd assets nmountiiig to over One
Mlllon Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Yonkcrs A New York Fire Insurance Co., N.
Y. "Less than $300,000 will pny our losses."
J. C. Montoomerv, Supt. Agencies.
The Travellers' Life & General Accident Ins.
Co., Hartford, arc now adjusting their losses, and
will pay promptly all claims ciiher for death or
Indemnity, having had un Insurance of $1000 on
the life of each fireman In the city of Chicago.
Farmers' Mutual Flro Ins. Co., of York Pa.,
no loss. Call upon Shipmnn & Dcrr, and be In
sured In reliable Compnn'es.
3,000,000 worth of clothing old ftnniinlly by
A Collection or money was lately taken up
among the employees or the Northern Central
Railway Company, lor the rellcr or the Chicago
sufferers. Tho following was received in re
sponse to despatch to tho Mnpor of Chicago, bv
E. L. Dubarry, notifying him to draw ou him for
900.00, Oct. 19th.
To E. L. Dubarry, Assist. Sup t N. C. R. W.
Heaven bless your employees. Will draw It on
the order of tho Chicago relief nnd Aid Society.
F. B. MA30N, Mayor.
The Companif.s represented by L. M. Yodcr,
have srood the test ut Chicago. They were the
first to pay losses. They pay lOOocnts for every
dolliiy of their losses. If you have any property
to insure go to Yodcr.
Wc ask fair rates for security against loss by
fire, nnd will pay all claims promptly.
L. M. Youlii, Ins. Ag't, Sunbury, Pa.
Another Fire Engine. A movement
U being mado by our citizens to purchase an
other Stenm Fire Engine, to be owned and con
trolled by an Independent company. It Is to be In
catej lu tho East Ward. This movement Is to he
commended, nnd we wisli the projectors success,
for a good lire department Is what Is needed In a
progressive town like ours, and Willi a steamer
In both wards, Sunbury will bo equal with any
of her neighbors to protect her property from ile
struetion by Ure.
For hand-made French calf sewed B.)ots, go
to Gibson & Furmau's.
Owing to the heavy losses sustained !y the
Lycon 1 ig Fire Insurance Company, by the great
lire at Chicago, tho Board of Directors nu t on
Thursday last, and ordered an extra assessment
to bo made ou tho premium notes, of 12 per.
UllhinosH Notices.
Oru friend Thomas G. Nott, merchat tailor,
opposite our ctllee, we notice is again receiving
a new supply of goods, such ns cloths, e.issi
meres, vesting, and gentlemens furnishing goods
generally. He is ulso establishing a trade in the
shirt business, which will bo made up to order,
lu tho latest style, and intends beeping a full
supply, so Unit a gentleman can procure a tho
rough out lit at his rstaiillshmi nt. Ail who
know him will agree with us that ho Is the pro
per person to make u move In that direction as
he is fully competent, nnd will have the best lu
LAKiKs'and Children' Fancy Furs, nt John
Furelra' Popular Fur Emorlum, 718 Arch St.,
Philadelphia. Hi stock of Fancy Furs for
Ladies' uud Children Is very large, aud nouo can
fail to bo suited.
Goinu. The largo lot or Boots A Shoes, ono
hundred cases of (ium Shoes, are being rapidly
sold at the Excelsior Boot A: Shoe store of W. II.
Miller. They are the lluest lot ever exhibited in
Sunbury, uud all who avail themselves ol the op
portunity to purchase now will bu fortunate,
Di iiino the late Fair, 8. Faust Hats appealed
to please everybody Judging fiom the number of
pcrous calling in to supply themselves uilhn
stylUh tile. He has still some more li It.
A l.vitoE Lot or Boots ami Siu:s. Every
body 1 culling at F'.l Miller's Boot and Shoe
Store, ou (jueeu street, Northumberland, to sue
the large assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gum
Shoe. Fifty eases have Just been opened. All
ure suited by calling and examining l,U lot k.
The pliees are low, suiting both poor and rich.
Special Notices.
Ou Marriage. Fsn)s for Young Men, on
Great Social Evils and Abuses, a hleb Interleru
will. Maii'fi, nud rulil Ihe happlneav of thou
sand", lib cure means of relief lor I he En lint
and l hf.Mtilnato, deceased aud debilitated. Seui
In mlci letter euvchiw, free of eh ir(.
A. I. Ires, Howard Aot luliuii, No. 3, South
Mutb St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlu ouiYaaitiua vfau lutalltl,
Pl'Ul.lSHKD as a warning aud lor Ihu U uelll
ol j.m.j im,i uhJ uiAiri, alto sutler Iiom
Nervous Ikblllly, Ae., supplying ll.v me.iu ul
self cure.
Will leu by one ho cured hliuxdf and sent
frva uu reeullllig a pot sild .lire. I,. I niI.I.iv,
Addn-w, S A I II AMtl. .'I AVrAlll.
l., i, IhTI Mm. Hrooklvn, N V.
Al Mipllal I'uisou.iKU uu lliT3. lns., I.) It. v.
Ii. J. Hiei.tluiier, Ma. J. II. IUui'im a. ul A j,
Pa., aud ttwi Asau tiMii.n u, ul uuluijf, I a.
lu Suubury. ra , H i. I, l. K. J. Ukii.Ii.j r,
VI. MlUllS II. I)kkll,uu4 MtMk4UAM A. All
U, Uitb uf l is platw,
Ou Ibulub linl., by (u, )t. W.Uou, ila.
H.t II, aassa, ul Vlui .il, lo Mim tUaatsT
I HI I l.ll. i Ul Ol. I .U ll.l.
U IbU I J, UU llUlddV II..MI.I. j lk. VI,
b, 4 SI K kll I r-lli a JwlllMS, uc,
iju. I.U I 1.1 lull J. u4 lab;u Vtkall.Mt,
a4 I utoiiICa u4 14 4-..
"HI tu. b I ia bl.i,4"ttt uf ll ."
Ii. N.ii,i,, M iu 1Mb W1 . K4IK r , iu i
. M. tut.Mt,iau,r, 4 W ).!, tuvcius
4 It 4aj.
lu in. .iu uu iu t:I 1.. , .n.t n,j.i,y
UuiM iUit H IIUt'lNiAt l ,.gv4vu.
ijfictu lbcrtiscnicnts
Market tHrfrri, ftjtiBtmry, IM.
It Is useless fn enumerate every nd ttf article
In his Store, but among the leading Hems may
be set down tho following I
Iron, Btccl, Lend,
6cules, Steelyards, Grindstones,
Nails of all kinds and sizes,
Vices, Buws, Planes,
S'cres, Chains, Axes,
Brass and Iron Kettles,
Bhovels, Hoes, Forks,
Spades, Rakes, Hatchets,
Curieiitcr and Blacksmith Boring Machines,
Cullar Grates, Drawing Knives,
Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels,
Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels,
Hand Dinner Hells, nnd large cast Iron Bells for
School Houses nnd Fanners' Dinner
Carpenters' Bench Screws,
Potato Forks for dlgirlng potatoes,
Lonklmr Glasses, Ttvltic, Ropes,
Knives and Forks, Spoon", Tucks,
Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails,
Hammers, Augurs, Chisels,
Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms,
Locks of" nil descriptions, Coffee Mills,
Bits ninl Braces,
Carriage Bolts or uli kinds. Paint and Wall
brushes, Buckets,
Oils, VariiisilirH, JapauM,
Lv Srtda Ash, Washing Soda,
IMIVI.H OF Al.Ii KIMS lu Oil or Dry,
rurtl-t olors ol all kinds,
and other Wooden -Ware of nil kinds and very
cheatvHay-Foi'k Pulleys,
Picks, Mill Picks," Levels, Level Glasses,
File;-., Ilimrcs, Coul Oil,
Hems, . Combs, . Screws,
Saddlery nnd Shoe Findings,
Bmriry Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, ' Shears,
Miot, 'ms) and IovIor,
and a great variety or other nrtlelcs. Any thing
wauled and not ou hand, will be ordercl ut once.
Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1871.
Tha Clothiers,
S, l Cor, lm I Mill STS.
ITcnsr have the most Com
plete and Handsomest
Stock of Fine Ready-Made
Clothing for Gentlemen's,
Youths', Boys', and Chil
dren's Fall and Winter
Wear ever manufactured
ly any establishment in
this country.
The Styles are the Very
The Fabrics ars of the Best
The Hake is Superior, and
the Prices are the Low
est ever .charged for the
same class Goods.
ae-Yon are cordially in
vited to visit Oak
this Season, and inspect
the various Designs and
Qualities.-inq.uire Prices,
and, if yon sec any article
yen like, to make a Pur
chase. Polite Attention always
ox- Children's department
oa the 3?1irst Floor.
serGsntleiaen's Furnishing
Goods of Every Descrip
tion. asrThe Largest and most
Thoroughly Organized
Custom Department in
Philadelphia, with a
Magnificent Stock of Piece
Goods to Make to Order
No Cotton-Mixed Goods
itir Samples, with Easy
Eules for Self-Measurement,
sent ,by mail to
any address on applica
tion. OAK HALIa
h Largest Cbiiq fan kerb,
a I. Cop. Cih & iTAIEE? STS.
sr.Miintv acaiu:mv.
1 Id. bialiinll. n 1. 1 , n. a lib mt i,, r. ,h P.-i.if
im. ton
lotilu),M(rit4l. r lilt,
II t i l l ill' Tl I I IU,
fvr A.m. .in.
It ii
Ui ul
1 1 it
I'll. M il U (Mllilltlll,
I III. 4 I ',.!,
a.ciii. liiti.ioii,
ii.; I in uiu.i,
U".llll I'M I'UllU Uf Ht4ll, (i tliu, )
lu 1 1. in u,
(..III. II,
" " it.w A IMi.linif, l)
II wi lii., !'.(.., it, ,.u.t I'liutuu,
Sl ut
Jl ut
1 1 1I
I - IW
p. i mil a Lit uiu ai4 1'i.pi!. of la 4. .
Hl4 4l4tl lb. U... Il . uf tu.IMUIUU IU ki ..!,
lut-iiti't tikiiuu, It apl'14 -iti'si t t'1 Pi I-1
-i, bt lU ll. K.1.I..UH. lit IkMl 4'MltltM...t,
fcvtttl tv m (Iukmo.
H. tlH UUwvi t, 4, u ,
I'lU I, al
i.lwi. it., I a k, l'i
(1 II M Ut .
I 4,J .t tl..
4 I'.
- KXTK AOIt II KV.'" "''
tlO OFPKK f 10
I'ltKK IttlX t EH.
Tim AMKittrAS If.wio MacIiisr Co. hnve
eolirliiilert to ntrer their whole Bloek of Unpttinr
nnd widely-known innchlnrs, upon the Ktnri.
inHmfiileleil terms, to everybody, evr-rywher,
who hnve, or enn find "so for n renlly (rood Sew
liiK Mtirhinc, chcjier Hi,u thO:CieHfest.,.. ,
I'.vcry one Is welcome to a month s free trial
ut thefr twn linme. ... k , .
The Dori , nnd only true gnu ran tec of Its qunlity,
Is n monlh' fi trial. ,
The oh,ect or irlvlini ft Frcr! titnl Is to show you
how (iooil our Machine Is. ,
This Is the simplest ninl most certain way ft
convince you that our Machine Is Just what yon
The Secret of safely Is In ore month's trial.
No one parts with tliu Machine after trial. AU
pay fur anil keep It.
ilny no machine until you have found It n cnorl
one, easy to learn, cany to maimire, cui-y to work,
cany to keep In nnh-r, perfect in nuThanlsm,
perfect In construction, simple, flinhlc, nnrl
satlsraetPiy. Any company who will refuse you
this much cannot have us good a Sewing Machine
ns ours.
lluy only when yon know tho machine tlocs
not take an hour to gel ready to do u in I mites
lluy only when you find a Machine I '.tut Is
ready Inn miiiute to do any kind of work nnd I
always ready, ami never out of order.
A month's trial tirswer nil questions, solves
all doubts, prevents all mistakes, and Is ihe only
sale way to get your moneys worth. Try it. You
cannot lose.
Write for onr Confidential Circulars and Illus
trated Pamphlet, containing full particular,
which we will send you hy return of mall free,
with Samples of Scwinir, that you can judtre for
yourself. And remember, that wc sell onr good
Machineiitii low price, upon extraordinary favor
able terms of payment, mid upon their owu mer
its. Don't hesitate hecai se yon aro uncertain
whether want n Sewing Machine or not, no be
cause you have one ol' another kind. Try a good
one, they arc always useful, nnd will make
money for yon, or help you to save it. And if
yon have anot lier,oiivs will show you that the one
you have could he improved. The company stako
the very Insistence ol their Business on the mere
its of this Wonderful and Extraordinary Sewing
Machine. County Kiglits given free to good
Smart Agents. Canvassers, nmle ninl female,'
wanted everywhere.
Write for rartieulnrs, nnd address?
Cor. John aud Xaesnn Street.
New York.
Oct. 11. 1ST1. 1 vcar.
OiMer L'(J, 1S71.
To tiir Citizpss : Heecnt Investigations de
monstrate that (ias or 14 Candles -juality, can
lie sold at t'J.OO per HHM) cubic feet. Tho direc
tors of the Stiubiiry (ias Company havo deter
mined to adopt that price and 14 Candles as th
standard or ipiulity. This rises the price of a
14 Candle burner at one cent nu hour, or one
third less than Philadelphia L'as.
A Kerosene lamp gives a light of seven to ten
on nd lt only therefore, gas nt the above price
is much cheaper than kerosene, withort cansid
cring cost ol chimneys and liability to accident.
Let all come forward and become gass consum
ers. Mali your applications for service- pipes
and llttinirs nt once, as the season for introduc
ing lliein is drawing to n close.
liY OllliKll or TIIK 130AKD OF DlKT.CTOItS.
The contractors f.r ihe Works will Introduce
pipe upon the following terms. Service pipes
at "0 cents per running foot, measuring from
centre of stiei t. Cpon Market Square, twenty
do'lars for entire service.
Interior fittings ut 15 cuts per running foot.
In new buildings ; 15 cents per running foot over
plaster, and "0 ccuU per running fool under
Chi.mlcMcrs, Pcnihiits i n .1 other fixtures for
sale at new York and Philadelphia pliees.
October 7,
EnIii'c of Joiiall!;m IHiuklottt'rger,
(late of Marshall County. Iowa, dec.)
"XTOTICK is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
I ministration on the lOstalo of Jonathan
Diiiikh'hcrgcr, dreeased, have been granted to
the undersigned. All persons knowing them
selves indebted are rdi'ie-ted to make immediate
i payment, and thoso having claims to present
them lor settlement. The undersigned will meet
I uu panics. Having c.aiius, in .Mirinuiiioeiiaiin
county at the olllcc of Henry Uaker, Esip, in the
j town of Trevorton, on Saturday tliu :.'lst of Oc
i tuber, 171, to ailjiist their accounts.
SAMVEL 11. DL'NKl.KHF.Kdl'.n, Adm'r.
llutlcrtwp., Schuylkill co. Oct17, 171 lit.
rpilE undersigned having n larger tract of land
I .X. (over 'J00 acres) than call he prvpcrlv culli
j v.ucil iu one farm, largely devoted to trucking,
' olfers Tor salealiout one 100 acres, einbraeingthe
! w hole of the old l'ersing farm, together w ith n.
j part of the (iiildin farm.
The natural advantages of the part offered for
' sale, are in a.l reseets equal for irai'denlng pur
' poses, to liaise of the part reserved. My ow n gar-
deiiiug for the pa. t two reasons has been chielly
j done upon it.
; There are many L'oo.l farmers In this county
barely making a living at ordinary grain farming,
j who might greatly advance their Interests by
I giving Koine attention to trucking upon a farm so
I well adapted to the business us I hi' one now oll'er
c.l, and so convenient to one ol the very best niur
I ki ts In the State. Terms reasouuble. For par
ticular inquire of, or address
Julys if. I'uxinns, Xoiih'd Co., l'a.
Nure Cure lor Tt'Ucr.
I rpilF. Subscriber, resilient of Seven Points, Au
! 1. giisi.t township, Norihuinlierland County,
' l'a.. has a sure cure for Teller, which he oiler
, to those atlliete.l Willi this ana. ing disease, lie
, was tiouble.l w ith it lor elubt years, ami nothing
would cure il until lie obtained this n It
has been tried lu a number of cases, to his know
Iflgc, ( un. ease of :."i .e.iisslaiidiug) wilhentirc
I ilcce.. I' pon receipt of 1 (Ml, lie will send U
t bo of the me. Heine, and directions to use -l, oi'U
I Uiei for c.", free of p istage.
! Aiiga.l.i P. ., Noith'd Co., Pa.
August l ), 1 sT 1 Titt .
W M. Mt lllllt, J. SI W MAhKll. W M. II. 111. U K.
! Wliult ak iVali rit lu
I Ibllee ami Slatlniu rv.
i rrluliugi Vruiiluu nud .MmuIIIu
I !: II tfUM. At., Ae.
Tliu CVIt biat. a
ICorry Kerosene lliiriiln Oil
i always on h.iu.l.
I II iNiue; ulto iinlle.l it
y 's s v A
av aru pnpirv l to .upplf ut h.ul ui.tie.
i the lowi'l
! .sTuVl.
, ninl
, and jt
I. . .!. i I o .III U. 4 l l.l.
II udl.e S'l. 1 ..III, 't Lilt v. n ,
! U pl'.i I li UI...I.
Mi Hi: VV ,V i o.
.1.1 I blld ri il, l ...l.ul), Pa.
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