Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 28, 1871, Image 1

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EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor,
At 1.50 In Advance.
It not inlI within 6 Months $2.
Snbnrrl2tion tnX'iH for I'M than tlx Month.
CovriTKn wllli tlil r-MnbllHtiment Is nn extort
slvcNEW JOB OFFICE, eoiitnliilng a vnrluty of
filnln nnd fnnry type fqnnl to nny establishment
n tlio Interior of tlio State, for wlilr-h I lio ixition
ngo of the public Is respectfully solicited.
WJI. J. WOI.VKltTO., Attorney a
hair, otllco, door No. 5, and lloor, llniipt'a
Block, near' Miller's Shoo Store, Snnliiiry, la.
Mureli 35th, 1HT1. ly.
Sit. liOYEIt, Attorney nt Law. Nos.
2 nml 8, Second Floor Hi litlit'a Unlldtiii;,
Sunliarv, Pn. Professional business nttcmlcj
to, In thccotirta of Northumberland nnd niljolnlng
counties. Claims vnomptly collected. Consulta
tion enn ha hud in the German lnnguu'o.
March 3-'t, 1S71. ly.
Kit EM I III NNYIIRK, Attorney nt
Law, Bttnbury, la. All profesplonal busi
ness Intrusted to his caro will receive prompt at
tention In this and adjoining counties. Con bo
consulted both in English nnd German. Also,
District Attorney of Northumberland county.
No. 144 Foi'Rin Avkkch,
fJotnry I'nlillc, Pittsburg, Pa.
Jan. IS, 1 1S70. 1 V.
JU. JIAKMI.K V CO. Market Street,
Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Monks, Dairies, itc.
SI'. WOI.VEKTOX. Attorney at Law.
Market Square, SL'SUURY.PA. Profession
nl business in this aud adjoining conntlos prompt -.y
intended to.
D'iTa. It. SAVIIMJi:, respectfully nu
nouuecs lilniself as Physician and Surgeon
to tJii' citizens of Suiibiiry unit vicinity, hiiviin; lo
cated liiiusell 'pernianentiy on Market street, near
ly opiHwito tho Falrinount Hotel, where bo can
lie consulted at all hours when not prot'es-ioniilly
rnga.tfd. apl-'4-ly
(1 . Zli'.t.I.EIt, Attorney at Law, north
H side of Public Square, one door east of
tho old Liink building, SUXHl'RY, PA. Collec
tions and all professional badness promptly at
tended to In the courts of Northumberland aud
adjoining pollution, rcpll.i-lit)
!ri A. Iti:nSI-:SXYIi:. Attorney nt
jm Law, Sl'NhTKY, PA. All business en
trusted to Ills carj attended to promptly an I with
diligence. npl-:T-(i7
T7. MAY CI.KMK.Vr, Attorney nt Law,
f) iSl'Xill'HY, PA. Collect Ions and' all ro-IVs-ioriil
lei: 'mess promptly intended to. melilll-litl
c. j. r.nt I., it. kami:.
BRl'XER A KASi:. Attomevs nnd Coun-h:1I.i-b
at Law, Kl'XHUllY, PA. Olllee. on
rlir-tnru street, west of tho N. C. and P. ec E.
Lailroaii Depot, In the building lut.-ly occupied
t.y i'., Esq. Coll 'etions and all profession-it
lutsiiii-s promptly nttended to in Nortlium
bcrlnnd and adjoining counties. a pi 1 0-il'.t
Hit. .HANSKtS, Attorney at Law, Sl'N-
lil'lty, PA. Collections attended tiMn
the counties of Northumberland, I'nlon, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia ami Lycoming. iiplio'-till
WM. M. l!lM KKFl:l.I.Klt. IXOYII T. HOllIttlACIl.
H) its:Fi:i.M'.!s a- ieiiK3ti ir,
JLXi Attorneys at Law, SUNIIL'RY, PA. Of-tle-
hi ll iupfs new biilldiiig, kecoud lloor. En
trance on Market Square. Jaul OS
A M. ISEtlCS', Attoruev at Law, Sunbury,
lk Pa. Olllee In M.i.sonie II. ill llullding.
( oil. cilous of claims, writings, mi l all kinds of
legal bu-jliieis ulteu led to carefully and with
dispatch. II April S, 1N71. ly.
!!. J. V. VAHi.OW,
0:lU-3 mid li-si.'.e-ice. Wuln'.it Street, between
Third and Fourth ttreets, I
Si' N 11 U R Y , P E N N ' A . 1
All forms of IViea-cs of the Eyes will lie treat
c I or opi rated upnn, Hitch as fctraliismns, (Cross
i'.yes.) Cataract, (Blindness,) and ail other (ii-s-
n-i'S relating to .Surgery, u Talipes, (Ciilb or
-1 Feet.) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, .te.
Ai-o the care of Epilcpsv (or Falling Fits.)
Minbiiry, May LI, JS7L
ftnolntss t?rnrt)5.
' V KeUiil dcah-r in every variety of
All kind of Grain tali-ii lu exchange for Coal.
Orders aolieiie I and lllle.' promptly, febls-71.
v. a. kuCai'S. j. l'iiki:it iiaas.
OVritF. with Haas, KAfiruY A Co.,
Onlers left at Scasholu A Bro's., ofilee Market
tnet, will receive prompt attention,. Country
u-loui respect full V solicilej,
Feb. 4, is; 1 .if.
WE are selling Kims, Hrv;W. Tttilis. Pvl-",
Canvass, Bolts, C!lp, :'.., very
LaiL'e Slin k at CO.NLr A CO.
Suiilnuv, March SO. lil.
'MOV I.! COVE! CO VI.! fill A N'T BROS.,
V. ' shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
(uiwvu wiiAiir.)
1-iT" Sole Agents, westward, at the celebrated
II. - ii-y Clay Coal. JanlU-litl
EXt 11 VCli EIYI UY.
I. M. DAUTIIOI.OMKW, I'kopkihtoii.
'Jllir. lio.t of rl Hug an I driving horses uiWAj
L. nil h:ili l li sirve ru tontui.
ttidi-n It It ul the Cen' Hotel, for Vchlelwi,
-. ill r. e.-lve proiiipt attention, i
Nov. &, 7J.
IH.TISritY. '
(IKOIllll! M, UK NX,
7. 1 .SuiijuiOii'j lltiiljiiitj, M'kikit .Smii-c,
hlklUHK, I'.,
1 i' H.-. to do all kinds of Koik pertaining
t l'i nt!. Ii y, lie, ke.q l Mii.lnni l on bubj
i :..ue of 'I nlll. and oilier Dental
i.l. ...I, fim ttlilelili" will b ublu to sclcvt,
.i I i.i- u l iu want, ol In. Cacl inirr..
A.l miiii. ur nr tnu I to i.u; i Inn, or el
I. iiioin-y ri l inde.l,
I iic t i) l.i -I ii-..illi Wj-ll all I l'iotli-' r
. , t o.i U 1 1.
Ilij iii. i.ijids in ll.c ii u 1 1 o i . u pKtioua for
1. 1. n i
.- ii. i..
l. i. wuik'.l lor lli l.i.t l Itu i- .ii..
1 ;l. !-.!.
t t t O tl. t VIIO.
11:lii '.nl i ,. u.kl 1. ii 1 1 i-.i-oi. . i I lbs Co il
l,.i. ' o . a ub Uiali ..iiu tl.ol It i.K MS
i , it i. u . in ..ije.iv i.iiiirl,, it ub tlx
, i n v in m or t vi.,
IlLU Kill I IMI.
4, hi. is to I Ni.t, vol, l-inlij wit tali I. li.ilu
Hll' lll0 i. I l.
J. M. l AD'.V,'. I.I.Alii It.
r . i, 'on y, J mi. IV I ii -j - ii.
iki:hv I UAKLUVM UVKi;iV 111
I lHiHti)l.
II t I 1't "I I 4 Uwl U-... I, l',.,,,i
,1 I li-a IU Il4l.". I 4 I-4 S'lllMMIiiLvf
.1. 1 I ! j.ll '.l 1 I t I-II...I. Hu. ..fc..-. ill
...lumui. m4 u4 kuuhi.i nab .i b-u-J, ul
i-l I I k., SiM'U
.,l l.iU II.
till- i-u. U.
tia m mai n ,.u o... Hi' tuni,
1 4 ,1 I. ... I M 1' I I ISl'i lM li-eo,
s4 I
I... . i j'. J I ..kit 'I' .Ima I 1 1 .l.l.u.ilU.q
lv. U . , I'i I ,
I -I " '
!J, l 4. II. t
i" 4v ,
4u4 kiting b. 4
t .. .
b .1 J l "l "I .l .- (a.J
, I..., Iw li t l.-Uwoi as
I.. I il-
I 1
, ... I I.
mMt-aMlwliecl In into.
ofcls aub !csl;mrant3.
J" " A 11 Kltlt lTi iot'SKrwi-onTmul Chest
nut sts., Philadelphia, J. . HUTTER
WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, f 3.50.
April 15, 1871. ly
lJ Prrqirletor, Shnniokln Street, Trcvorton,
Northuiuberlaiid cotiniy, Pa. Tho table Is sup
plied with tho best the market affords, flood
stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71
F. !Yi:itI.T. R. O. llOWKIt.
BYERLY A BOVER, Proprietor
The table Is supplied with the best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
May 30, 1871.
TOSEPII B ACHER Informs the cltlr.cns of Sun-
fj bury and the public irencrallT, that ho has
opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt tho above
place. The host of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors
w ill be kept. Also Oysters, Ac, constantly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pii., nt the Station of tho N. C. K. V.
Choice wines nnd cigars at tho bar.
The tabids supplied with tho best tho market
atlbrds. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
i V, Paoprictor, Nos. SpJ and HI 4
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, $3 per day. He respectfully solicits your
Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second
Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunhurv,
Pa. May3S,'70.
THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Sunbiiry St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served at all hours, at short notice. The
best of Liquors tit the Bar. Tho Table is sup
plied with the best and latest In the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patranage
nl'.tt .MICE'S ItENTAl'K A N T,
LOL LS II I'M M EL, Proprietor.
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having just rclltted the above Saloon for tho
accomodation of the public, is now prepared to
serve 'lis friends with the best icfreshinents, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, nnd all other malt
UEESE IIOI'NE, Third Street, at the
depot. SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Ri:i-se. pro
prietor. Warm meals served up nt nil hours.
Flth, Fowls and Game. Fresli Clysters con
stantly on baud and served In every ttjlo. The
best of wines and liquors nt the Bar.
IrT Faniilics will be supplied with oysters
done up in any style, by leaving orders nt tho
liar. i.'ov.S,'70-ly.
.Vy. 70, 7--', 734 A 727 Uiiw St.,
(on tiii: r.rnoiT.AN
Centrally located, connecting with nil tho City
Passenger Railway Cars, from nil tho
Depots lu tho City.
Excellent Accomiiiorfutioutt for Tra
veller. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every
evening in the. Hummer and
Winter Garden.
C3 Oivhistrion Cumvrt Eviry A fltrnon.&2
Olllee of J. Valet's Fountain P;wk Brewery,
.luue 4, l70.-ly.
I. I 2 I' O It N T O it E !
Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN
iil'llV, PA.,
llopcctfiilly Invites the attention of Retailers
aud others, that he has on baud, and will con
stantlv keen nil kind of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognlac, Cherry,
Uiuger, llochelle and Otnrd.
WhUkles: Pure P,yo Coppcr-'Mstllled, Monnn.
galieln, Aiqde and Nectar.
"iVIncsi Cliainiagno WUiu, Sheiry, Port and
Crab Cider, CluiMipagno Cider, N. E. Rum,
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can bo found in
the city markets, w hich will bu sold at Whole
sale und Ketnil. Every arlielo guaranteed ns
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always on baud.
t 7" Orders prompt!; attended to, and public
palronago rosuecil'ully sollcilcJ
Siuibiiry, Jifly S, 119. ly.
J A C'Oll SUIl'MAM. HloMl'sON liKIIK.
t'Iro, I.H mill Vci'ltlciit
f MAUKMT STKKET, SL'NllirjtV, l'A.
companies kepi:
S Ameiieaii, Pliilioliilplila,
Full i pi ku, "
M iul. itl in, New Yolk,
N. Ailil'lleuU "
l.oriilnrd, "
Yonknr & N York "
H.llloVer,, l.on.luii,
I veoiniii-j, Miiney,
r riiiUliii' I'lill.iili-'lplil.i,
lion. i', ii, Vmk,
llallloiil, HalUoij,
I'lmiiix, "
Tlavnliis, "
F lllllel. In.. Co., Y"lk,
N. Ill lll.ll ,V Mei.-.iiiluu
oiiinii r e, f.uw Voik,
C ol n il, Siirwn li, -Nl
l-.n.l uol Mutaal I. Is,
.Wets, u',s:j,.',su
h r.'.fi'.i)
7 l, in K)
K, ooo, on J
I, xi'. .- : !i
7, a. iu,oou
t.ll VM HVItlll lt MIOI',
1b uhl p- IIII UICI.l .1. ,l of iu lnHU
W U.iviluu lliu Uiul, 1..1 ni Ihu .line tuua
youtidvr lliu luiji.iy l.jili uu!.a n.i.uim
l.iy i k u aiiUoui luuiult iiui an uueuuiloiu-
blu ulnoui.l of l.liiil) Ul. 1 uii.l.aiou.
Ja.t ) .ii 1141 1 i.iaii my tu.iin.. In II. i. (..,. I.. ,11 I,,) liiiinuu (liu Ul
lx ..I, h. lie I .1 I up. n I ic II ...f u uur slioi'
il.k all a .1..) , 1.1-I uiki.I aiur uli-'l.l, u l aq .U J
Hoi Uai I' t.uj bi.u.ii.s a.l, mi I u.lUu IL it
il l W ul lluiti lliu u. I. I.l) I... U u
II1.1I new il iiumI bat!. I ,Ui4i.4 10 .my oil).
jr ii U. iu.i" t -"i..iot (uii.iuii,) ituj
liui.iak i: (...liJic li.Ui..i bn.u kLii1
ui.uiMi.iit 1.1 pilliu.. ul4 UM4 t b-.t Ha
' "Ii 1 ' l.ii- Ib.ia sl m-iiii llif..) Iiuu.iki(
Il iiUKl, I ( I11.4- uf M10IM. .
t "X. I.I4 ub Iva.D.juW U IIXU Is tit li
llu H g)i.)S U4J 1-4 Hult, lotit.ltMl Of
l..ll..-, tkrftil IMI, b Hi I 'I ,1.411.111
)", Hkiainl ii4 ,.u, i, .ii .ii.., ,,-u.b ab4 -I
ll bU ilb .1I..I1. ,iiii, .i lli' ..l.i
' "' " ln l.-v ,..a l. .kil Uiw ki.l-.ui. I.
W t uib J Lo, 4 ..i ,
, 4 i. i ,.1 ui ,i.,.j, w ,4 ,b4i4 ua
U t..l, i f HU...l, b.w.M. 44 4 v. .
U tub w 4 .... .1 11 1 ..ui4 i,.
IL 4 I, 4.1 II.44 J ,ak I
I 1 .... IU. ( ,.,! b,. II. b4i.4.
" "'".-' . .l.s.t.
lilt I, 1 1.0
1 IllUk ' -ll.sU.H4,rf),,b.4l.,
; I i M-i 4 l. .... . ,, 1 ,4 "
Physician of this celebrated Institution, has
discovered-the most ccrtnln, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy in the world for all
Weakness of tho Back or Limb?, Strictures,
Amotions or Kidneys and Bladder, lnnlun
tary Discharges, Iinpotcncy, Oeneral Debili
ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Laniruor, Low
Spirits. Coufuslon of Idea's, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Trctnblimrs, Dimness
or Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tho Ilend,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver. Limits,
Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders
arising from tho Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to their
victims than tho song of Syrens totbi Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
of anticipations, renderlug marriage, Ac, impos
sible. t OUNG MEN
cspcelnlly, who hnvo become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to nn untimely irr.iva
thousands of yotinir man of the most exalted
talents nnd brilliant intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to testacy tho
living Ivrc, may cull with full con.idence.
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
marriage, nwnro of Physical Wcakncrs, (Loss
of Procrentivo Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic "Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other DUqiialilieatioii,
speedily relieved.
He who places himself tinder tho carp of Dr. J.
may religiously contlde In his honor 11s 11 gentle
man, mid conlldcntly rely uoon his skill as a Phy
Impotency, Lots of Power, immediately Cured
and rull Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
miserable and marriage Impossible Is the penalty
paid by the victims of improper Indulgences.
Young persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreioli'ul eonscqenecs
that may ensue. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny tiint the power
of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into
Improper habits than by tho prudent I Bosidea
being deprived tho pleasures of KealtliyoH.primr,
the most serious and destructive symptoms to both
body nnd mind arise. The system becomes de
ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tie1 Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and
Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous and injurious cote; hi n mis,
should apply iuiinediatelv.
Member of tho Koyal College of Surgeons, Lon
don, iirailuateil from one ol the most eminent
Colleges in the United States, and Hie greater
part of whose Ifo bus been sKnt in the hospitals
of London, Prls, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
has cll'eeted some of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known j uiauy troubled with ring
ing in tho bend and ears when asleep, great
nervousnefs, being alarmed lit sudden hounds,
bnslifiilncss, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes w ith derangement of mind, were cured
Dr. J. uddrcssos all those w'no have Injured
themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary
habits, which ruin both body nnd mind, unliiting
them for cither business, study, society or mar.
tiiKSE arc somo of the sad and inc.lnitcholy
etl'ccts produced by early habits of youth, viz:
Weakness of the Back aud .Limbs, Pains 111 U,e
Back and Head, Dilutions of bi.'lit, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspupsy,
Nervous Irritability, Deiangvni. nt of Iji'i -iive
Functions, General Debility, tv.-mptoms of Con
sumption, etc.
M i;s tally The fearful cirects on the mind
are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit-", Evil
l'orcbodings, Aversion to Boel. ty, t-eli'-tii trust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c.,aru some of tliu
evils produced.
Tuousamis of persons of all ni;es c.-iu now
judge what is the cause or their ileeiiiiing lie.iltli,
losing their vigor, becoming, weak, ale, n.'iV.uis
and emacbiteiL bavillir a hiiie-u'.ni' noil, :ir:i:ien
about tho eyes, cough and symptoms oteo.isiiiup-
Who have Injured themselves by a cert 1I.1 prac- j
lice indulged In when alone, a h ihit f.-.-qiit-iitly .
learned from evil companions, or ut m-'iodI, the I
ellects of which are nightly felt, cv. 11 when j
asleep, and If not cured, renders marri ige luipos-
nilile, and destroys both laiuil cu.l bo !y, sHoiiul j
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of liN j
country, the darling of his parents, should be
snatehci from Jill prospects und enjoyment of
life, by the consequence of Uevlatiug" from the
path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret
habit. Such porsous vt'sT, before conloiiiph.ting
rellect that a sound mind aud body nrc tho most
necessary requisites to promote cuiiuiiMal happi
ness. Judeed without t bene, the journey t .nou.Ii
Ufa becomes a weary pilgrimage; llit : fo.-qn-i-t
hourly darkens to the view; tlto mini I eeoiues
shadowed with dmpulr and liliid null the iiielitu
choly redcetlon, that tho hajq lii.'si of another
beeotnes IiUlIiIciI with our own.
When the nil-guide. I and luipr.uiciil votary of
plcasuro linds tliul lie bus imbibed the sicila of
this painful disease, tl loo often bappeuii ihul au
ill-tiiiicd sense of shaiuu, or dread of discovery,
ilrnis him iroin applviug to tUoso uho, fium
ediualion 11 ud resni-lability, call alone ti.l'ii. li.l
him, delaying till the syiiiptuius ol
lliis lion id disease make Iheir iiq taianee, sueh
us uleeraled sola tliloal, dincued Uooe, uoetllial
pains in tho bead and limlw, Uiuiue.s of .i.'lit,
iliiil'iii ss, nodes on the sblu bom. un-l urm,
blolehea 011 the head, face aud extremities, pro
gresalng with liiglitlul rapidity, till at la,l the
lalale of the mouth or I lie boiit ol the no-etull 1
1 1 . 1. . ..1. . .1.1- ........I .1: .... I - I
111, 411111 1110 iK'tim 01 mi. ftiiiLii u .sm vi urruuit'4
a horrid object of coiumlserullou, till deaih putt
a period lo his dMidlul sullerlng, by sending
iiini 10 that DudiBOoVurcdCouuliy fium aUeiiee
110 traveller returns."
Il ls a in. laiu holy fuel that DIE
vieiims to tills tei iibla, thioiih falling
into I tin h nn!. td Igiioiaul ur UiijKi.llul J'lih-
1, Hiio, ny iuu use u; 111. 11 iii.i i.y 1 ol
on, Mercuiy, i.c., de.lroy the con.lilmloii, and 1
liuupdblu of l ining, keep the unhappy n r i
woiilh ulii-r 1110111I1 taking lluii uoiious or in
juiluiis coinpoaiids, a id lii.teiul of I.. I114 r. nl.nvd I
to a r.-nexij ol J.lfq jor and H ipj-iii.., in .l. - !
imir IniVb blui ilU rului-4 ILallli lo i,U ma I
III. alliun dUippulullilelil.
Tnkuib, Hi. i. lore, Dr. Juiin.ton pli.l;, hi in. I
suit In pr. .ri va lh unil liivlalub! bi. r.-i y, 4ml
lloui hi csuusiiit liraetiua aud riullous In i
iuu (real iiiupuul ur KuroiM, slid Dm url lu
till, luuiilry, list tiiglaud, f ranee, Pluia.lelpblit
4U. tl.e luie, l imhlr4 lu ulb r llm 11104 e. 1.
lulu, sK-wly ami rllct reutwly lu lb 11 01 Id
or all diseases of ImpiudMius.
Hit. JullNBTOV,
iliiu.iue, M. D.
Lett b.uij tld, (iilUa! flolil Ballllli.iU . in. I. a I. 4
door liuut tUu vuiuuf. fallUiH l-J uIimii vu U4iuu
an I aiiiiilKi.
l Nu lilli'K rKi4 HulM pu. an I
eoiiluiiiluK a uini to b 4 uu li.i- n p ). I' -i-ou
milium ,Uuul4 UU a4;u,au4 nuj jvii.. 4
llf 4killlM.iavUl l)i..llbUf ) 41 u-nu..
II..IS mi sii luaur Pull IK. Iiv.l.ul.i.' nil
W.MlbU.4 llUl lu-li.1. m4UI(UI" 111. .111.. Il , 1.1 1
fl.)lelau, tllUllif OUb u4 Itlil.oi. I ti - Il4llj
ol kit Xu blull4liail) lull III 1 lll.ll p.,4,1, '
Ibt I'I. J I'll U.I 'Hi JutU II IUIbl.,41) Li .) b.
K. lull) lulbuM bU4clUiul-4 KIIU hi, . I Ul 4. 1
Ima Ihul bU 1'lMlwi.lUls u ll; luiuas
Ii .U41 tu Li 4w. . . . 1
VMMiUaKUKMf oriUK fKtM. j
TU u-uj IUuu.u4s saiki at Ibis E.i an.U- J
Ul. I.l, 4l 4II1I uf, ku4 IH tuUKI'iHt IliA- J
i .illl.1 141,1141 (4.J4lu4 .IU..4 I'I I". I
ubualow, tUi...4 b ;b l.riwUItn ul 11.4 ,
I i... au4 lu-.u; utbv 4ii, a-4n-. ul l.l.
b. U 41 l4l4 4l4t aA4 S44IS la4ul llM pUUlM,
U.l4. Lu) .1 . uJI.. ttj 4.UUI4UH Ul lb4lulii I
-..4 l I o I 1 1 I . 144,4 ,.,l.i,., 1 4 ,
lu. 4 Ul 1.4 '.. 44M Sj-uwiil 14I.4-
i.-4i !, lU -li '
irrvr. nt ht V" u In air r. w i
titled pactrjj.
When I was young nnd tender loo,
I had to mind nnd had to do
Whatever mother bade 1110 ;
She used to hnvo a walnut stick
Which kept me on the double-quick,
And that was wlier she had me.
When older grown, nnd quite a beau
Among the trills, I used to know
A Miss Priscillii Cadmy ;
And witli tho help of smiles aud no '.j
I fell In love at forty rods,
"And there is where she had 1110.
When I was older, say sixteen,
I thought It time to have n queen.
And nskitl her If she'd wed mo ;
She said she didn't much object
Or words to something that effect,
And there was where she had nie.
Hut when, to make the matter straight,
I went up to negotiate
Affairs with Colonel Cadmv,
He said he "didn't care to sell,"
He told nie I might go to well,
And that was where sho had me.
I drowned my sorrow in tho cup
Until I got my dander tip,
(I couldn't have been madder;)
When she proposed that we be one
In spite of pa the thinir was done,
Ami that was where 1 hud ber.
Two lovely urchins on tny kneo
I'm proud to say belong to 1110
(That is, to me and madam ;)
For when we left our native sod
We spent 11 year or two abroad
And there was where we had 'cm.
Itratiil l"roi:i she Kuriiinir.
YcsUTilay tlti'i-c nrriral in lliis city by
lliu Eric, railway train a ntttnbur of ihtsdiis
direct from tho scenes of tlic sroat forest
liivs in AYisomisin and Michigan. There
vvcro nine in tho patty .lames W. Hunter,
Mrs. Sarah Hunter, Geo. Martian, of
riushin?;, J,. I., Henry l'orter, .Samuel
Hiliman, dins. Myers, of 1'rcoholi!, X.
J., Margaret M'Govern, Edward Wallace
and (ieni-oij lila'haslir, of this city. All
weiv siili'erin;; from liav'ni! inhaled the
Rtnohe, fismis and ashes of the liiv. Mrs.
Hunter's hair (which she says flowed to
the waist) was i-onit.lclely burned oil'; one
side of lu-r faeo and her nock and should
ers wcro fearfully injured, three deep holes
havine; been mtule. by the Klowiti"; cinders
in the llesh. Her hands also were covered
with blisters. Mr. 11 utiter's face, neck
atid hands wcro badly burned. Mr. Mar
tine's face was 11 hideous spectacle. One
cheek was literally raw, and grout blotches
pitted his left arm, bhoulder nnd back.
One' is hopelessly ruined, and the other
inilamod lo an ominous degree. All were
scarred, especially on the face, neck, hands
and feet. As they all say, no tongue can
tell their agony of mind, pain, anguish and
terror, nor can language or pencil portray
tlio drea:l;'ul scenes throuoli which they
have passed.
Mr. Hunter's story is ut once graphic
and Ihrillintr. He resided at reslitego with
his wife and Utile child seven years of a.:e.
Their hous.i was about three" miles froin the
town, just at the edge of 11 t-ttin of 1'oivM.
There bud been liivs in tho woods und prai
ries for a week previously, and niglii after
night they had sat tit the windows gazing
upon tho orjjooiiH panorama of fame,
siiiuku and tparkiiu:; cinders as il moved
aloti the homim. Very little Li' any fear
was entertained, sis the course of the tiro
seemed away f.otit the town. On Sunday
uiht thev attended chinch ill Uia village.
Titey and Marline, the hird man, retired
to lest early, wholly uususpeeting the fear
ful peril thai was soon to everwbelm them.
A t about midnight they were aroused by
the roar and crackling of the ll.iines. At
Jlrst they were almost petrified with amaze
ment and fear. The woods seemed
marching upon them. A brisk breeze was
stirring, lint the stroii'' currents of hot air
raged to and fro with .1 horrid howling
sound. itiekly dressing, they rush to the
yatii. Tiie sky was thick with smoke, and
showers of sparks were hurled hither ami
thither, assailing their faces, eyes nnd
cluilihig. from the bum cumn a piteous
i lioriis of neighs, bcllowiug aud screams
from the terrilied cattle, horse3 nnd other
animals. After grunt ditllculty tltey were
released and compelled to go out.
Tiie cattle at once atampeded from the
lire, bill Ihe IuHdi-s trembled and beomed
paralyzed, their uosttils exnauding, their
eyes liluliug and glaring, nud their ni'iut'.is
frothing. With great iliiliettlty aud haste
they ure harnessed nnd attached to a long
lumber box wagon, into which 11 f.w arti
cles were thrown, atict the jurly mounted
and drove oil'. Au eighth of u utile I111H
been Unversed nl a rapid rate when a Mid
den gust of w ind drove 11 mass of red-hot
cinder upon Ihi'in, liiling tlio air with sti
lliug Miiwku. Wlieru the tparka loll they
burned ilil tho llesh. 'l liu little -ill
screamed with fcir : "Oh ! M.iuiui.i, 1 urn
burning up!" She tried 11 ud otheis groan
ed, shook oU' lliu lire, 11 ml covered tlu iii
nelvca with blanketa. The air for a mo
onlit Was bluek, mid bleiilliiui was iliill.t
iuiiiostubje. The lint. staggered, Uickid
......... .1 ...'.1 1. 1 .1
...I-. tllbll 1141 iVI .1-1 W i 111 a, illlll I I IV l '
with apUugo thai uioaulo.l thoso hi the
vaj, ma.hy,1 d own l. toad m al-
most HrtUiuiiM H.oi. All control ol Hi. m
.,, ....7 1 il.. .., riu ........ 1.. it. . I, 1. .
q i"'H, oit'fl - 1 tvf uiw itii:i ;
. 1 1 I11.. . . . I , , I, , S , . 1 ., . t I I. t.ll ... 1
Iho he. U slrik.u lire ngiilti-il the .tones I
I it 11' II IIHIII IU BM II Ilia I' II lilt V 111
inr nuinii iu nu ' iiii 1 'II I lit V lit v.
and the s.iay.i;! to mid I'm fr.rtu
onu sido of tin. road lo the other. Then f,..
u limo thu wind chiiii-.!. and iho clmidi,
ol villi lers Were entiled III till. . tin r diivelioil.
Tin y cmild -0 Hi il all if
of thu vill4:to was oil lit. 1
Il. it. fit 1 irl
1 . nn. n part
I . ,1 .!... lu . i" I ..
1...1, ,11.1 111, II. 14 J
All Iho huildiiig in 10 uf ho.hI, linn Ii i. 11
.... ... 1,
Ik wig pilch i.l in-, uml i lll-
iw Ii I I lien.
no r un lor 11 Imi'i time, Hint the kiln had
luti- l i-verj tiling dry Hi" itrj 1 ut ulot.
ll.ulll its Hi. on Ii h' ll ldboi'll n 11.101 ol
e-iup null r. i ho bl.iao iniiiw likd a iuouii-
U-l.'iUs Main Mlth liuui-Mi-lu I hii l 1
t 'ii' r. m.d -! und
s uu t Vi.alilu rh. iiiu) un-l 1 , j
flu ill,.,;, is ril'lml llirou.-h II. u kticiUlu '
itm ruvr, inio hIiIJi llai plan,-, a. lliu!
ln'iM., I. . I r hi In I kite In I ol ihu pi .hi i al
ilml li 11 lliu . uf thtnw Lad U , i.u l. '
.U;a tin.. u.l. U. 1
l u ai Ui 4.i.Uhi d. ua. l.i'ii, j
ui.d if tUw ii.aJ.l. u.4 ui.lwl vuld u l Im .
ll.illt-4 UjU llui lltfcB.-ftAaU llMtlb Ma Ml
I..11.4 lf mi. Vt ib Kiwal)"ii iln iuu
Hi lu di.tH 1. and Iim L "U (tiiMuplulivJi, nud 1
1. 11 iLw 1 lulu. j Uiw, b .KU.Luj nud ,
lad, n 14 i.' wi'i. Almiikl tlij
UnL-a u.oiw K.w I Is u.a-U 1 1 1-, U llw v ;
Kt. IIkiC lUOM il I -4 t L, j
tk Iv-ivik, I, lot-1 li, It Itw L". t I
tit iii f 41! til 'ii lUu il.rtw .iv
saturate Iheir clotliin? nnd dash water over
the horses, who winny, paw nnd neigh ns
though they appreciated the situation.
Agniu 11 start is made, nnd tlio party go
nlong nt high speed. I'efore tho two miles
is reached, the firo has surrounded them.
Ono part alono is untouched ; it is a
fnrm lano running down toward the river.
Into this they turn. Closer nnd closer
comes the lire. Sparks are scattered over
them, Oiirniii; where they touch the llesh.
The horses are wild with pain nnd fright,
nnd bending down their necks, tenr nlong
with frantic speed. A gate is renehed, but
without pausing they dash through it,
scatterring the splintered fragments like so
many straws. Down tho hill they gallop ;
the river is reached, they leap, null plunge,
and horses, wagon and people arc in tho
chilly water, midst lumber, logs, ashes,
charred boards, and every kind of rubbish.
There were nisi animals of all kinds, in
termingled and struggled nnd struggling
for life. Here was the culmination of hor
rors. Tho team becoming exhausted with their
efforts, linally sank, and were carried away
by the undercurrent. The other nnimals
held on like human beings with their feet
to the tloaling logs and timbers, all the
while uttering the most pitiful moans.
Thero were a number of persons here, al
though most of the refugees were furtlTer
up tho stream. As Mrs. Hunter said:
"We stood in the water up to our necks,
our little girl Minnie being held up between
us. 'When wo tirst went in the feeling was
that of grateful refreshment. The top of
the water seemed warm, but tho bottom
part was cold. After we had been there
half an hour tho wind carried great chips,
and even pieces of hoards, some of them
tlamitig. These would bo whirled in the
air, high up over our heads, nnd hover like
a huge hawk, and then swoop down upon
us. We could duck our heads under the
water, but would get so exhausted that
we could not, and then we had to lie burn
ed. 1 'our little M imie, so weak that sho
could not cry, would say, "Dear papa, I
am burned again. car mamma, my feet
are so cold, and I am so lired." Three
hours and more thus passed. Every min
ute we expected to die. i inally the air be
came so hot we counl not see. Our eyes
seemed parboiled. Tlio agony was awful
our feet like ice, ainhour faces aud heads
in au atmosphere of llame. At last there
was a i;:i!i of the waters, the dam had
given wav, and tl'.'! Il iod came down upon
us, sweeping us off our feel into a mass of
limhir, Lrnkt u pi ml; (some mi lire,) horses,
cattle, dogs and human beings, ail strug
gling and shrieking.",
In the rush and whirl the almost help
less Mr. aud Mrs. Hunter were separated.
Mrs. Hunter went down and canie near
being drowned. Minnie wes lost and
dr.Avued. . l'.y a swerving of the current
llvy wilt? washed on shore and at day
light found each other. There were many
mourning at-.d crying ovct tho sceue of de
solation. On nil sides us far as the eye
could teach were stii'iul.ii.'ring tires. The
village was a long was to of' ashes; not a
vestige remained.
The very turf was eaten away by the de
vouring 1'iimcs. Tiie dreadful agony of
thosj who had lost children and other rela
tives, as well as the awful anguish from
burns, was beyond iL-scriplioii. l'eopl
I blackened
Jurned nnd
icre. In one
tieigiroors, were so scarred uml
as not to know each other. 1J
drowned bodies lav hero and th
place there were fourteen, these apparently
having perished during llighl together.
Two little eliildii-n lay hide by side with
their hands extended toward each other as
though beseeching help. There were other
heartrending se,-ues too numerous to meii
tiie.i and impossible to adequately describe.
Hell) came from the a.'i.-ii-i-nl inh-i' nn 1
the sulli-rers were sent to their friends. I
li'ari i.-bitfi J Uijfiiiih.
ierni:ii,i . I:i;j:i1 tii2'aliil,ili('.
Mt'Mi 11, Oct. 1 L There was nn im
portaul debate to-day in the lower house of
the Pavariati Urichsralu on the subject of
tlm Papal infallibility. The Minister of
Worship und Public Instrnefinn, icplying
to tin interpellation by a uuinber of depu
ties, heretofore reported ill these despatch
es, said the Slate had at all times 11 right
lo make changes in the laws relating to the
The Church having declared n change of
principles, nud infallibility being a doctrine
dangerous lo the Slate, the government
had resohed to protect any and all of its
citizens who cannot accept the infallibility
of the Pope as an article of faith. The go
vernment would still consider such persons
Catholics, nud would oppose any cneroach
mcnU by the Church upon the piinciples
of ilie civil constitution. Moreover, the
Minister declared that ihu beutinielits ol
the king und Council vf State favored the
separation ol the religious nnd pulitical
branches, ot the government, and the
pie to independence of each.
Elk thin Mi iiiii:i:s. Three culored
men were atrociously iniiiilered in Phila
delphia on cloc-ti'in day without provoca
tion. Their only olli n.-e was voting Ihe
llepuhlicun tel.rl. It was done by the
IK 11101 rats of lluii city. The VV&f of
Thursday says :
Slicnlf IhjiIs oili r, by public ndveiliso
1111 nt, a tliotiMiud dull. us ivw nrd fur tho ar
rest mil conviction of eueit of the murder
ers ol tho lliivc colored lui U killed nil dec-
, I I , 1 t 1 . . 1 .....
" V" " U,,V v ,l
l"?? ? tt ? ' n . w'TrV I
' '"r " M'-1 l'""
'" ll" Hlei aillli ci.Ulliial and paid
. 1 , I i' ti : if ,
" Itllill 9m Hill'. II I l I U 11 Hill 1 Hi Urn
tvllli ii kltiiil. liiti.i It' llioin iw oui
. 1 . 1 . . . i- 1,1 -i 1. 1 1
""oiiun. nn. jf 01 1 ...1 u.upm i .1. 01
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1 11 4 ' U " ' "'" 1,1
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ll" I "III I" WUIU Willi"! UillC U'" ."CIIH.'
irtt II' tji'iliy. Ill
. ,..,. ,.i.. a iu ... i.,i.i.
"',' . I ' ' w "
m uii;.
Wu arit t'lailil.-d ntul imt ui -nisi d lo
leuiii ll.ut I 10 net if. .o.iu. .11 of piufi ..r
t'n'li I1.1 ur.aiv I (Im ynrnlby if ul
,-lli.M., nil I that In:. I.y I K tu.n- tl Jmll ill
1 ii..ileiili.ltiol el llu b' dud.
IU r. " II. V l'OI'l' lai' Inirf I'll lliu
f id I I' illiaiu l'l bl.i t 1 4 Hi u.iii
kill -iliii liiaiOllie l.itfi'i wl.ii lik.Huv
kli..( Hi lb. U4lo.u Li'ibiL I Im ll. lliu
mill d.i'.c Uf in lima lb. '.I, kitd Ik blu)
ll.iy ..'. Luty vkloiui. 1.014 li.v I .0 4
cnulitl 1 lu .14 Uu Iwd Uu (in l.i J I In. ii
I II' k 'I..VI l.HUI IHt U' . Lu. k, l.,-bl- l l'l
I.l II.1.IM.
i I. aid U- kaL Ibg 'Wo f.
hum Ihm," a. 1 !'
lit , llu u. d. 1 ) ui U .1 :lm nt u.H.- V"
ki 4 llw ll4i I. Ik. w
Will," l'l'1'' ! Hul nol-i, ' iUiw aiv J
tujjm il.i,i It 41 mm, U"t-4dajk,
I.14I I lUuu.;l )ki k,,a i'n t kUmti.'l
t New Norton, Vol. 3, ,o. S.
i Old Norlen, Vol. 31, No. 10.
Itrpiiblicnii Majority 011 Joint Ilnl
lot 27.
JJelow wc present 11 complete list of tho
members elected to tho next Lcirislaturo.
Tho newly elected .Senators hro" marked
with a star (). Frank J). Collins, ).,
lias received tho certificate of election by
. 1... . . r. 1 1 . y
me K' "aResi, nanus, nun WO prcSUIllO his
seat will be contested.
riiiladclphen First district, Itobcrt P.
Dechert, 1), ; Second district, E. V. Da
vis, H.; Third dislsict, Davin A. Xade,
D.; Fourth district, Geo. Connel, 11.
Chester, Dclewnro and Montgomery
Henry S. Evans, IL; II. Jones lirooke,"l.
liticks Jesse V. Knight, I).
Ixdiigh nnd Northampton Edwin Al
bright, I).
llerks J. Depuy Davis, D.
Scliuylkil Wm. M. Hnndall. D.
Carbon. Monroe, l'iko nud Wayne Al
bert G. lh-odhead, D.
Luzerne, Monroe and l'iko V. D. Col
lins, D.
liradford, Susquehanna. iVayno nnd
Wyoming I,. K. Fitch, IL
Cameron, M'Keau, Potter nnd Tioga
15. 1$. Strang, K.
Lycoming, Union nnd Snyder Andrew
II. bill. D.
-Northumberland, Montour, Columbia
and Sullivan Charles It. liuckalew, I).
Dauphin and Lebanon David Mummn,
Lancaster -Esaias Uillingfclt, 15., John
1$. Wnrfel, 11.
Cumberland and Franklin J. M. Weak
ley, IL
"York and Aihims W'm. E. Sherry, D.
Somerset, lieill'ord and Fulton Hiram
Findley, D.
lliair, Huntingdon, Cenlre, Mifilin and
Perry 11. Urueo Petrikiti, D.; David M.
Crawford, 1).
Indiana and Westmoreland Ilarrv
White, It. J
Clinton, Cambria, Clearfield and Elk
W. A. Wallace, D.
Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene A.
A. Purnian, D.
Allegheny Jas. I,. Graham, It.; Miles
S. Humphreys, It.
Washington and lieaver James S. ltu
tan. It.
Mercer, Venango and Warren Harri
son Allen, It.
Crawford und Erie Geo. 15. Dciamater,
Philadelphia First district, G. II.
Smith, It.: Second, Gcorau M'Gowen, D.;
Third, Samuel Josephs, D.; Fourth, Win.
Elliot, It.; Fifth, C. II. Dougherty. D.,
Sixth, Charles A. Porter. It.; Seventh.
Howard J. Potts, It.; Eighth, Samuel
Daniels, It.; Sinih. V. t,i. 11. Vodges, li.;
Tenth. Satnuel D. D.iiloy. D.; Eieveiith,
J. 11. Hancock, it.; Twelfth, George W.
Fox, it.; Khirti cutli, S. 1. Struck. It.:
I Fourteenth, John Lamon. It.: Fifteenth.
' A,I;l,a Albright, It.; Sixteenth. A.l). Lev-
j 'T1",--' U veutei-nth. G. II. Griiliih, IL;
Lighteenth, James X. Marks, 11.
-vuams Isaac ill reier. 1).
Franklin Tliaddeus W. Mahon, It.
Aruisirotig P. IC. Uowman, It.
Piiaver, Puller and Washington D. M.
Li-athermau, (i. . Fleeter and W. 11.
Mickey, It.; Dr. Joseph l.iisk, 1).
Dcdfurd und Fulton J. W. Dickei sou,
Lerxs -John A. Conrad. A. T. C. Kef-
I fer
md II. Ii. Schwartz, 1).
P.lair 15. L. Hewitt, It,
3 had ford li. S. Partt a:td
P. II. Pack,
-'amuel D.irrah,
P., and S. C.
1 Ptivsell, b",
Cambria Saiuu-.'l Henry, li.
Putter and M'K. en - Lucius llouers, P.
Carbon and Monroe Uichard S. Sin
pics, 1).
Allegheny James Tavlor, M. 1'dwards,
John t.illiilan, D. .. White, II. K. Sam
ple. J. W. Pallauliue and Alexander Mil
lar. U.
Cluster lus' ph C. Keech and I-evi
I', li.
C.iiure-P. fitay Mivk. D.
Clearlteld John La H she. D.
Clarion and Korot-rJ. IL Lawson, 1).
Clinton, Lyeominj and Sullivan A. C.
Xovs and Samuel W ilson, 1).
Columbia -I'hailes II. Prockwav. D.
Crawford - S. II. tiray ai.d Win. P.
(, It.
Cumberland -.1. liomberger, It.
Dauphin aud Perry Andrew Iv. P.lack,
I. S. Si'lnniiiki'V ami .lo.-ph Shuler, 1.
Delaviaie Th... ". Cuoper, It.
hrio t.orgo U. Slarraud CP,
gc rs, K., Cameron nud .lefleisou A. I.
son, l(.
I'iiyi tto Samu.l II. Suiiih, D.
Huntingdon -F. II. Line, U.
Iiidiairi- T. M'.Mullin, 11.
.luuiala and Milllili - tli o.
I.iinealer -1). K. limkbold
J. C.
(I. Hi-lu ll uml C. I,. Iluii-ii L,i-r. It.
Liwren. e - A. P. M i..r, , K,
l.l.-llliill Allthi.llV s. Fly, n.
l.i hi.di Adam .'o.. lever nud Herman
M- Filter, J.
I.iiuroe Pi. -hard Willi. nn. ., p,
i'i'uli-y. P. and 1 1. 11. K .s, D.
Monti:. .im ry .John .1. H.n vey and Oli-vi-r
U. Moiri, h.
N't-nr-'Ninhiiii M..rf.ud, It.
.Voith tnoiiuii Niu, in, 1 ii, Jil ar tind
('. I'., i'em il, l.
Northumberland illid M mloiir ik tiutj
Mil :hi, IL. I. P. -Sill baker, l ml.
I'.ku uml Wiiyu.'- J. I il,-oh. D.
. liuylUill - Wuil.o.i tin-., It. ; 1 l,,.
I'. K.uii and . 1 . 1. 1.1. r, (i.
Mi..i raud I umu -. ii.. nu ' i. II ,1. !.,
llsi)U' ll lllll i Hlld lulllill ( -
' Lu
I IS. nig. ttini 1. ii . I Urn I. in-, tl.
I i..:m J. I.. M,li In 11, IL
tiii.ugu Lit. M'Jiii.l.iii, It.
U Hirtit . It. H11.1l, IL
W ukiiuuu '.tint - Jwhii t.4it.t nn 4
III. 1.114411, il.
i k i emu t U"k mi. I Flunk J.
b UU-l( A. M l', II,
i uti iv 1 - li. .sti.iu r, II.
i.r iirt t ni l .
IL I'UMii.ii ,
U J'tibiu-414 lUkJoitl) , '.,
lcl ).r I'm li' ( uM.niit I14 I kit in.-
Jot II V ill In I I ,11 : u I.. I II m 1,14 j. i it y
ll ) ...,l I .1. 1. I 1. 1. Ik 4 !! L I (III ll..u;i',
tkb.U llllMU.Uf 1 1.4 1 m Jk.lll.1. I4l
m l)lti4U i. I 1 lb. IU lUkii.l lUll.k.lVi-
10I.liics,oriil;()ii( 100 Words, mnkon Square
1 fq
On a week 1.00
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11 Aitnsiir.M. sr.RJio.K.
Text "Xii Hrk BrMATctms WnKnn bur Ei.
rixis to Find a Bco."
Fellow sisters, hrclhcr n,tncn, women nnd
children, generally nnd pai liculnrly peal('
lug. You needn't hustle any pages lor llm
text, for it ain't there. It is a special dis
pensation to your appointed pastor ; nnd
Im hurls it. ut you for what it is worth.
Where the hen scratches Ihere sho expects
to find n bug. Did you come from tho raco
track of tho world to parade your "trotting
harness" before the meek aud lowlv V IIuvu
you dropped the dazzling rallies of business
and pleasure to while nn idle hour mvnv.
listening to the mournful melody that is
rung by angel hands from the sacred iiai'pS
thai hang forgotten upon the drooping w il
lows of morlalily Y Or are vou tusseling
for the nlmighty dollar Verily I say tin"
to you, where tho hen Bcralchcef thero bIio
expects to find a bug.
My drowsy hearers, wc arc. a lot of dn
Hinged goods, trying to palm ourselves oil'
uiion each other for more than our market
value ; nnd old llrtn of Time, Death & Co.,
is doing a heavy commision business upon
our stock in trade. I hear tho mallet of.
death, with its mechanical tap, tap. nnd
solid "going, going," nnd the next miuuto
down it will come upon some of our unenn
cious Lends, nnd wo shall be folded up likd
tents of ihe Arabs, and ns Bilently boruo
nwny to the other side of Jordan, where
1hn drygoods man refrains from troubling,
and the grocer litis nothing to say, nnd tho
weary hen ceases from seratchinn, nnd tho
precious bug is found. In the midst of liib
we nro in debt, says a noble proplict, who
was near kin lo your beloved paslor. If auv
of you are tempted to lurry iu the tavern of
life, nnd fail lo settle your accounts with
Ihe landlord, may the" text rise up beforo
you like a fabulous Arabian hero, only to
rest from the rough nnd tumble giant, and
deter you from that of utter depravity
where bummers lead trustful hens to
scratch up the bus they devour.
Vour undivided attention is further soli
cited to the siguilication of the text, meta
phorically aud collectively, in small pack
ages to suit the capacity, from thu boy
shucking peanuts peacefully iu the corner,
lo the hardened sinner who talks so proud
ly iu your pastor's presence. And woo
unto you, young woman, seasawing up the
broad aisle with your new bonnet and
streamers a llyin', for your fancy neck
cloths, go on until you slip over a" bale of
cotton and are left to drift away over tho
brimstone sea of national disgrace a by
word nnd just that you loved not wisely
but too well. Xo, beloved, I warn you
now, if you manifest symptoms of eucli
cowardice as has been' handed down to
you from h'mh places, the biggest pair of
stogy boots iu this congregation will riso
up in judgment au'ain.M yot.. ;.::' kick yon
out into the broad road that leads to ever
lasting ruin.
And finally, when you cut out the crust
from your brown bread loaf and scrape tho
hard beans from the top of your noon-t'ulo
pot, if you cut a li'.tle below the crisp for
the beggar's and outcast's portion, your
conscience and digestion will trouble you
less ; and as you steal out, ns sonic of yoti
liu 10-nigni, wncro the. silver moon of
j memory hangs over the haunted hills of
i the past, and
j post that
1 ((Vi r vour btv
bow at some hallowed thiircr-
oints the way a beloved one went
ken heart to heaven, may tho
eternal verdure of the evergreen hope
spring up iu the barren spots trod hard by
the busy feet of the absorbing now, anil
bring you to the sweetness of that pcaco
and the tenderness of that love that over
llows continu illy in deeds and words for
the elevation of the rng-u-mutlins who
inarch in the rear ranks ol the great army
of hum unity ; for the barbarians are not.
all in ragged lile, but, many a gem of
purist ray serene" wants but a lifting from
the tilth to shine. So mote it be. Prolher
Slowf,. .t, circulate the platter for the root
of evil, until it is all rooted out of this
place. For verily I s ty unto you. the hen
that scratches lu re expects to' find n bug.
Shell out.
iioi:::oat.i or ui -iii.i is.m.
.1 .Tlotitrr iiiiI Diiitzliicr Klrliicil
anil U lilpic!.
A United States ollleial reports, under
date ol'S pti Uiber S, 1S71, a series of out
ragis perpetrated iu Chatham county,
North Carolina, on Mrs. Catharine Fergu
son, her daughter, (Sirah Jane, Ferguson,)
three of her sons; and a young man "named
10 li Philips. This official, who is ono of
the m ist fi arless and useful iu the service,
at once pr leeeded to investigate the matter,
and 'ihe r. still was, he speedily brought all
the parties to Kalcigh. Miss'sarah Jann
Fcri!UMin, 'l j ears' of age, mad.: an ntli
tlavit of tli. ' facts before Mr. commissioner
slialler. The ollleial referred t make fur
ther inouit ies, which served to corroborate
1 the girl's fctateiin iit. The other live w ho
weie . intra ved, wu. i. she was, stand ready
to sustain lu r iu her testimony.
Mis Ferguson s is that disguised men,
some of whom were known to her, viniU'd
her inother'ii house l it-.' iu 1 . eeinber last.
At the bisi visit they broke into the houso
and loi-k otll two of i.i-r three brothers and
u hipK d tin 111 very badly. They cut tho
blood fruiii ilu-in. The I unity talked about
this otiliae, and tho r. Mill w is Iho K 11
klu in. i.ln a wi'i.u.i attack on t.'.u uiili. r
nu I il.niL'bti r nud lIuvu kuiis. 'i hey It.iLj
, into the hi'Us.i Hunill, t "ok out llm lllo'ber
; and v. hipi.l In r Willi tiiiKted Htickk. liny
I ton- ell b. I cl .tlis, tlovw her down 011 llu.
I ground, li .!. bug Li r buiida mi l In I, Htid
In . it lu r, 'i l.i 1 c Li-id I., r at, 1 tuo whip
;p.dh.r. I 1 lu y l i ui-i-d an l d l.i t s i thai
' him could i.oi . t I .1 11 111 iiilh. An. r
'', nl.:;). ed tho i.milur liny
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