etc. tla Iji'Mjirt&stMwnfs. Northern Central Itniluaj. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON' and nftcr August (I, 1871, tmlus will run R follows 1 northward. Niagara Express arrives nt Sunbury nt 13.40, p. in. arrives ut Niagara. Fall nt 12.30, A. ni. BulTnlo Express arrives at Sunbury ut 4.10 n. m., nrrivo nt Wllllnmsport nt 4.45 Elniira ntU.10 n. tn., Cannmluigna 13.10 p. in. Mall arrives nt Sunbury nt 4.30 p. m., nrrlve nt Wllllnmsport 0. ISO. nnd Elmlm 10.US p. m. Fast Lin" arrives nt Sunbury ut 0.45 p. in., nrrivo nt Wlllinnisport 8.1.5 p. in. Erie Mail arrives nt Bunbury nt 3.00, a. m. BOUTHWAKD. Buffalo Express leaves Suubury nt 4.10 n. m., nrrivo nt nurrlsbunj 7.05 n. m., Baltimore 10.40 n. in. Express Mail leaves Sutibtiry, 11.45 n. in., nr rivo nt lturrisburg 1.40 p. m. Eric Express leaves Bunbury nt R.!5 n. m., nr rivo ut Hiirrlsburg 11.05 p.m., Halllinoro 1.00 p. in. LcnvcSSiiiibury nt 1.10 tt. in., nrrivo nt Hnrrl. burg n. m. Sunhiiiy Accomodation leaves Sunbury nt 5.45 in., arrives at Hnrrisburg at 8.U0 p, in. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. KABTWAltll. Leave Suubury nt I. -10 p. in., arrive nt Shiuno kin fi.!iO p. in., Mt. Carmcl 0.10 p. in. l.cnvc suniuiry f Acconitnoi ul oil.Y nt ll.r.n.i in., arrive at Ghumoklu 1.00 p. ni. WrSTWARI). l.envo Mt. Cnrtncl at 7.00 n. m., Shumokln 10 a. in., nrrivo nt 8iiiiburv 0.55 n. in. Leave Shaniokin ( Aeeoiiiinodatlon,) ut 2.45 p. in., nrrivo nt Siinhuiy 4.00 p. in. Express leaves dally Leaving on Sunday, runs Ninth only to Willinnifport. All other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. 1!. Kifh-n. En. 8. Yorsii, Gcn'l. Sup'l., Geu'l Passen'r Atr't., linrrishurg, Pn. llallinore, Md. J. W. WASHINGTON'S tilt AX I RAKKKH MIOI. Tlio old permanent shop of tlio town Wc deellne tlio boast, but nt tlio same time con'uler tbnt the mighty truth ninyjhc seasona bly spoken without manifesting nn uncotiifortu ble amount of vanity and mnbition. Just twenty years ago I began my business career in tins place lialf my lifetime thus far spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop day after day, nnd night ufter night, nnd applied the sharp blue gleaming steel, nnd within that elapse of limo embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have 1 shaved nearly every body In the country (In common parlance) nnd to oblige tlio public Interest wo herein publicly niuioimcc to our patrons old nnd new that we are ready to shave them nil ngaln three hundred thousand times or more. Come when you please, jmt in time Is the. tnnx lin we nre always ready to. work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cm von, shampoo you, whihker dye you, or perfume, comb nnd ar range the hair wit h artistic skill, in tlio "water f ill'' or water raise style to suit the customer. We work .to please, not pleaso to work. Step, don't go past our shop to get shaved on the basis of ability because we do it as well us it can be done or ever could be. A chance is all that wo demand To give tlio proof we hold in hand. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1, 1S70. ItKEKri (.OEN. SP1UXG AND SUMMEIt STYLES, now open nt niSH KATE Itl.U K-K STKE, Market Square, SUNBURY, l'enn'a., LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. liress l rimming, Embroideries, Notions. ,:c. Gents' Collars, Neck-lies. Half-hose. Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Bruslics.Comhs. n invitation Is extended to nil to call and se cure bargains. April 'M, 1MVL FURNITURE STORE," In Masonic Hull Buildings, TEtlrtl Nlreet, nonr llio I'ost Oitlee, IShUXIIl'llY, l'A. B. li. RAUDENESTJSH now oilers to the. public selected nnd iiiade with great care, ami with n view to please the wants of his numerous customers. His stock Is new and of the latest styles. PAULO It SUITS, PAKLOll AND KECEPTIOM CI I Al HS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Uorewood of tlio finest patterns made. mm: r.oxtmu, in Oak or Y alnut, nnd Dining Room 1 urnlturc of all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Villows, l'ol-ters, Window Shades and fixtures. TJisr3DEPj,rri2:i3sra . Special iillenilon Is paid to this department by W. 1'. Robots w ho hit 1ml u number of years experience In the, elty. Collins of every descrip tion r. ml, cun.-liinlly kq I on baiiil. Also, H.-k's Mi taiic liurlul Cases. Shrouds nml I'n tb ri 'laMn' materials of all kinds. Personal attendance to funerals. Remember, the .Masonic Third strcit, Sunliurv, I'a. It. I.. Sunbury, July 1", 11. Hail Buildings, on R.U'DENBI'SII. MII.I.IM KV. SPIMX( STYLES HATS. llOXXETS, I LOU' EI JS, FRAMES, ETC. !..IH tilog ami Bridal II. its and Bonnets. SAMI RlllllON.i, FEATIII'ltr. I' LOW KltM. I.:ces una j niimiuign ol i! very vani ty. V illi Hue of MOI'RNIXG VEILS AXI CRAPE Notions, a f ill atsolllllelit. Gelllleliuu'it Gloves, llaiitlkei'tiilefs, Ac. MH.I.INLIiY IS 'HIE Sl'l.l 1AI.TY. MtKS I.. NI1IVM.1.U, MARKET StM'ARE, Nl'NM'UY, PA. April' l7l. t Altl. Ho. luOJ CUiMitnut Utroot, Philadelphia 1 1, lie lit 111 . 110 the I .lieiill ut I e lit lull 1,1 pUll'li ,ne I iii lii i 1 1. ii in,- I he i in ,lu llu ir uuu.ually .11. i i I i4i..iiiimuiit ol Nri Jtwrlr, iisi: . v in .1 of no.-1 rv!.! laaki i, l RAIN 1 IrlUlIti sllirr r I n loll.. I uli. I utlivr re.iilalloH I I 111'. I), .l i in, I'l .l. , li.U ut tli iUf ...4ll). r HEM II IIIKk iltoli AXIt MLS 1 A I. HUN A MI.S'l, :.,.,J .Hi 1.1 1 (i.lil l'iU 4uilug Iba pliwclil M ,Mll , I ii ni. o t mi I 1 1. ill ulUiiliKH U ! 4 Ik ,1; Ii in.. ! In I ii ,1 In . 1 1 i iiilll lli I t .1. ... I I II. I I -u.ilul .in., Uii J I livttMul Mrvot. J-,, I, I ,1. A' 1-M.U I I Itiill.wll'l lit It i to""i. l'.. i i.i , miuuIiUj I, . m tisfcllnncotts. AT THE MAMMOTH STOHE, lias just received nnd 0vucl A IflAM.MOTII STOdi F f.OODN, tt bieb be has tfKLECTJil) 11777 fUCKAT CA11E nnd olaTS to tlio Public at tin- very LOWEST C ASi 3 PRECEIG. Having established a reputation for low prices nnd 7?J.T 3R. 3D 33 J. X ZST O to all, will endeavor to maintain that poult ion COME ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LA KG EST STOCK, LEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST Pit ICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the hxrae ninnunt of patronaire retoforo bestowed upon lite, I will endcavcr by furnishing the best goods at the lowest prices to merit n continuance of the same. II Y. FK11.1.SU. April 15, 171. "VTOTICE Is hereby given Hint application will bo made at tlio next session (InT'J) of the Legislature of the Stntc of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a bank, under tho mime, st !c and title of "The hiinburv Dime Savings Itanli," i be located nt Bunbury, Norlhiinibeiiand eoun- I'a., with sueli powers and priviledges, and sueli objects as are usually granted to insti tution of like character Willi a capital of f'.'.",iw, and with the power of Increasing the name, by a vote ol the stockholders, to t:JMl,tKJ0. inbiiry, July 10, li-.l. Sl'RIXti AX1) SUMMER. FRENCH AND DOMESTIC! GOODS of every irradc, just opened nt the MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP rr TIJO.'-.. ii. XOTT, ueeessor to J. O. Beck, Fourth Street, below Market, SIN.IIUY, 1'ENN'A. tlentlemen who deslio fasliionablo clothing ma le In order, w ill call nt the above place und xamtuc the w ell (.elected stock, and liavo tin suits made up la tin lulesl style. Call and lie convliu d. THUS. G. NOT'!'. May l! 1KT1. Clock & Watch Repairer. r. YOGT, In Dcwait' llioek, three iloori west of tlni Cen tral Hotel, Marki I Sipiarc, tH'Mii i:y, pa., llespeetfully Inl'iu iu. Iho eili.. n of Sunbury mid Wcliiity, lh. it lie U prepared In repair Clin k and ate In In nil lir.inelii", almi liolil aln Sllw r- Wiiro of nil deseriiions. Having bad lolly )ear evpeil.-nee In tlni biil- ln n In llil. eiiuiili v, lie ll ill. ri liiiuself that lie call elve ueucral iiiililaeilou. All work eu u aiUi i .1 -l ii-i .mi resiioifii!!y ,n Melted. (June if, li.l. If. I )H4l'4St.ll J. IsO. XZ IT TO IsO. XZ XT T TO II IK (m,it!titiiin tf y'niis;?i'inii. JOINT ItKMil.f luN rriMill( III! Allien. Illlclit lo lliu t 'ollslilll Hull nl' l'tiltllvilllU. ft; it A'.ft.i liy On iVftotf ui4.r im f o.i- til.flllll.a Uj ttu- I viHiHUHUmitU i-t i'titMiybaitii4i I'lm'ilJ Attnt't'j ml, 'I Idit lb follol Uitf Hliuhd lii. ill .l lliu I iin.lilull.ill of Ilia iiiiiiiiiiii.iIiIi U. Hiiio, d in il.n ii.plu for llu u ailiipiinu ui fi Jul lull i, iu pluUaluli, ut Ule i III ll ul IKlu lilt mil, In It ami:njmk.t. Hlitkj uul Hi j kikiu k.lii.u ut I l.o Mklti A 1 1 - i lui.l Ilia I iiii.lllult.ill, I4ii4 In., ll Hi luu llu ivol I II liillnltlii l " M.ilu it a, ui, r ,1.1,11 I mi l.y I Ik I iiuuliUnl t .i li, i, n iim uul,,, ul (in I, nun, uu l I'll ,111 ll ll I III. ut ,11 li It, ,bdl IO ll,llll..4 l l.." ' J tH . M l llll, liiukif of Itm llimiti ut Ui....iilulii,,. Mil lit St A IV W hi I, Hl .uki I t. lUw ks ul. lull I I 1.0 HllnKblU ll tl JUU., (ulW U ti Ilt.iw.uu4 ii,l4 In.ujn4 lull I juiis vv, i.i: tiiv. f' 1 ,u I . 1 1 till. . .. utu-ll 4.111,4414 111. In till, .y . I l,. I ..ii.llluluia. JulilUH. lu ll-- Ii . I) III lb, I uu. 4. 1 W lllt t. . ul.,. 1 . I Ilia I .,l..u.w,ll,. ! ! ftiSftllitltCOMS. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS N1IOKN Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOH.Y WILIER, Kprnce Mreet, Knnbnrj-, Prnn'a, v Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises tlio very best In innrkct. His long exper ience In the business has won for him n reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work wnrrnntcd. TIJIIISSTKICTI.V CANII. Tho prices of rcpnlrlng ore nlso reduced. JOHN WILVEU. Sunbnry, March 4, 1871. JIlIiMXEIlY 00N GEKEKAIiLV. NEW STYLES OF UONNETS, 1IATS, FLOWERS, r ltAM.ES, &c. Mourning nnd llrldul llata nnd ItoimrlN. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crnpe. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c, Ac. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLEK. South Fourth St., below the Hallroad, Surbury. April 'ii, 1.S71 . NTi:tti:OMOI'I.N, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHUOMOS, FRAMES, i:. V II. T. AXTIIO! Y A CO., 5!I Itrondway, Xpv York, Invite t lie attention of the Trade to their exten sive assortment or the nbove goods, of their own publication, liianufactnre nml Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GUAPIIOSCOrES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY ,fc CO., 5'.U Uroadwny, New York, Opposite Mctropolltau Motel, IMroilTI'.H AN I) MASrKACTtllRilM OP JIitterinlH. March llh, 1871. ly. I''lUET ItlAXOU i:.HETEKY This company is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth of ii mile eat of Sunbury. The In crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse quent advance in tho ratio of mortality, ns well as the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested the ortrunizutiou of the nbove named Company. Plan of Cemetery inav be seen nt the olilce of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. ltohrbach. Price of lots from .j to f li, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. nonillSACH, Sec'y. May HI, lSTl.-tf. i-tic'i:.s Ki:i)i'ci:i AT THE Mammoth Hoot & Shoe Store op F.M MII,I,!:it, In C. U. Pmlth's I'oom, (Juecn Street, ono do: East of the Port Olilce, NOIITIIUMBEULAND, PENN'A. For F.iu.lra Hoots, L'O to Eli Miller's Hoot nnd Shoe Store. Thev me sold, llcst Calf at ill. Pol French Calf Moots, l'o to Ell Miller's, onlv f'J to 1.11 per pair. For I'oots, Shoes and Gaiters, at lowest possi b!e prices, go to Eli Miller's, on tjucou Street. For all kinds of Gum Hoots and Shoes, call at Ell Miller's. For Lndies' fiiini Overshoes, sco ftno usi.oit ineiit nt Eli Millers. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, go nml ex amine Ell Miller's largo assortment. For anything in tho Hoot and Shoo line, call and examine Eli Miller's stock before purchasing elsewhere If you wish to get lirst-elass, ut the lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep.n, '70.-1 y. A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY XV WA1SEM CiLIFOHNIA VINEGAR BITTERS v. Ct uundrccla of Thoa3and3 ? & - Uccr t Ptim..fiy ti tli'r WonCtr- " b a ugl FANCY DRINK. It? ln .juf I'uur Ituin WtiLht. yt l-rowl rii uuA Uc luno l.lauur- iliHru r a, r. Ut4 fcnUfcWit'U tiw.t ii 1 !lomi t:j tic, rulie J 'I u:ci,"M AiKt!i vr.,' Li meruit," l-ut kttl il.j Ij't kr t. u.t.nLrnr.t tii uJ ruin, but iao a itu i iil.vl:i'', liia.lJ f t'U Uc Ki.tlvi I.nijuil l.t-rbaof tuUxr'.la, (ico IrtiUi ) Alcnltwllo f'tliuulutilt: T-c ro l!ij (iUi:.T IU.OOI) I'llUlU U und A I II U 4,lINii rUIM' ir.uitt.r ft- i luvljjvrattr cf tuo iitUi.,cuiiyu.; ujf lM ic!iHM.c..j l.ou !ii Wit-i; uuv. tLo Udc fj JvulrtJctl t u.: str.l (.ln t or otlivr tuL-am, atut itu ;it.l ov.j ut.u J l.oi.ji:iu Vr I uii(inutitory um t Lici.l.i I; Let;: r. tUut huU ou(, D) i Pkiu. r luUu: -lloo, HtUuuitt mU luii'i uf tu l i-trt IHi(ut of tbtf iluiili l.t rr( I li bi- uuj ninildirr. I Iii J lilllrril iwtiu uii4 urr lul. toatU li.i'ui4 o (ttu:i. y llltulnl vMlw liljt rti) vi Olatti. ftfh, I 4l . . iti j bl.uulJi 1, toufcU, I 1 1 tt.j i!i:l( i iiuiLk, lour I ruitutUk vf ti. utuatli li4 li..Uiu U kluuU, l tiuu- AUtu ki, rul ii.ll if tl. l.rlMb ttkluM if U t ut v, '4Jb lit It.J t;'"- . Kiiiut.J, uX kuuilrw4 vlir -lI ) .,,.t .!., Lty tUu cBM-itift.f t)ilft. lu. ) ln.igt'iulj Ihg ktuiiiMtft ft4 iimulia KU l f .!-lti-r u..l Uttt im, U '.mm 4 fu.i juU. 4 Ctry In iU4iu tt.H 114mJ uf (,11 mt btilw, ftJ.4 I U U U I N IHrt ik, ki rt., 1 1 ii. r, t ! Liu but, ItuuiUc, i ia, l iu ;U, i if ibU, Uvi;, t l Wtl.4, Ui.-u v. u,...., tv4, vi j fKB, Ua, lb k, kiii, I 1 1, Uul- ul I Itu kbt, iiiuk.4 ftt lturiijf a. 4 bi'il4 wi bi u. Uut Umm If lb i-l lk.M H.iiw. tiW I iMk vmm . urn U itvl wf .JkU ftitiftl. tlM4 iU .lAifc4 .-l-f 1 ' r vir ) u t -1 1.4 b Jtibt itti4ibft Uluuk Ui Im I Un b, l Uvft W MM i totM ti Im M wi kt4 U t-toll bU4 t4 lb4ft U U U-W M Wllifl, fti4 I uul Kit tbv. w lWv4 t t4 U ImuI( W M jMtit ft til ImUuW. fi.t ! w Mtbtl, m 4iu4i kit - jU4Mttl vJ -i frtl. U- UUi frti.Mi4 -t U-' l4, frtUU4 fit v W4 ? 0 a WHAT ARS THEY? i.zp - 6 - 2 s mi V Sis V-' t;-li-. ; -: mt i 11.V Al 1' tl ul III, U.l .(,., ut 4 it.mi 1 ',. IT Airy View Academv. PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., For Mn3e ntl Frmale PnpllM. AttrnetlToly jltimtcd In a henlthfnl nnd bcnntl rnl rjlon, i,of a mile from Penn'n R. B. Four reenhir Rmdimtes, assisted by other competent Instriictora constitmo the corps of Instruction. The I rinclpal (for mnny yenni In hnrKc of Tim- f.B1rr,.m.iC.?','lvy' ?"rt Blnro ls53 '" of this Instltntlon,) refers tn his numerous pnplig In nil tho learned professions, knd In evory le- rj'rtmcnt of business. Music and Painting spe- Fall hcnmIoii Mill rommrnre Hen. Icml.or lul, Tormx, tf iOO ulr A ll ii ii in. ' v Address, DAVID Wir.SOX, A. M. A. J. 1'ATTKIWON, A. Uf. .Mlynmi.-flt. 1'oitT Hoval, Pa. NEW MEAT NIMH. THE tinderslcncd respectfully Informsthccltl f.ens of Sunbury nml vicinity, that they luivo opened a MEAT KTTfYP i Dcwarl's hulldlus.on the north side of Market onurc, two doors from tlio rnilroad, were they '111 kfilill n entistniit Minitilv nf ll.n . "'ri v u" "epi. ,,i ijcci, lork, Mutton, eVe., nt wholesale or retail, at tho lowest prices nnd of the first n,imllty . A wniron will be run to supply customers every inornini; (cxecut Sundavs.i The best of nmnt .win r...r.i ut their shop. Give :is n call nnd satisfy your- selves REFFEW & BOWER. isnn. tr. Oct ISAAC Ii. NTAI' WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1 a oi in Koronii Nt., t or. of Otirrv. riin.ADF.i.i'iirA. An nssortmnnt nf U'ni,.lin. c:i.. 1 Tti . . ...vii. j j fii vni nun Fluted VVnre constantlv on band. Kenalrliiir of Wntehcn II till .IntCnl lf nrntntillt. nt tended to. f Aorll 1.1HT1-1 v. n i m.i x i:k r axiFfa xcii--ktok k. IISS L. WJJISElt. Market Street, one door west of Gent-hurt's con- icciionery store, SUNHUUV, l'A., Has opened her Sprint; nnd Summer stock of Itlililnrry iiimI Fhiicj- ;oIn, 11 ATS AM) JJONNKTS. The latest styles of Dress Trlniinliura Viein.!, and Ainerican Flowers, Luces, Ribbons, Sack loops, eiilirnons, Collars, ('nil's, Jouvln Cloves, anil it lure variety of oilier articles. In connection with tlio Millinery business, she carries on tho DRESS MAKIXO AND l-'ITTIXf. In nil Its brandies. She Is nlso agent for the sale of Raniscv, Scott it v u. b i aiierns. The ladies of Smitmrv ntni vlilnliv diiilly invited to call and' exaii.luo her splendid stock. May Kl, 1871. I .Tlltl'.CC A M K'liAXIXfj I HILIiS. Third Street, n.l)olnlm; l'hila. A Erie R. R., two cipinreii .onn 01 1 no i cntral Hotel, SLNHL RY, I'A. ii;a t. Tlemext, IS prepared to farnisli every ileseiiptlon of lum ber rc'iuircd by the. dcmanils of the public. llavinu uli the latest Improved machinery for nianiil'aeiurini; Limber, be is now ready to till or ders (st all kinds of FLOORING, Sir.PsT,, DOOP.S. SIIL'TTERS, SAMI, HI.INDS .Mill J. DINGS VE RANDAS, URACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serow lWork. Tuni- liiK ol every Ucscrlpt ion promptly executed. Also, A l.Al.T.R ASSOKTMKST OP 151 LL LUMBER. HEMLOCK und VINE. Also, ShiiiL'Ics, Pickets, Lntlie, Ac. Orders promptly lllled, nnd sliliiped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. ilcelll-liH:y MOVi; A Tl. i::i'AHl.ESIIMl. r. MARKET STREET, SCN'llL'RY, l'A. ALFRED KRATSE, rropiictor. si rcicssou to smith & okntiikh. J UAVING purchased the nbove well known es tablishment, Mr. Kruusc would respect ful ly Inbirui the public that he now lias on hand 11 lurj;e snort mem or V () K 1 . (I K T O V Ii S , Spcer's Conk Anti-Dust, Ri ixulator or llevolvinir Top, Combinaliou, Susiiu baiiuii and othui's, which are so arramred us to be used for Coal or Wood, ti i il arc unrranteil to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. 1IKATKRS ot'all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. llhAHMJ fciTOVLS of dlll'erenl kinds at very low prices. Tinware ol" Every IiMt-riitIoii kept I'oiishiiilly on haud. Roolliiv; and Spoutinjr uillt the In material, dune, ut shiiit nntiee. KEI'Allll S'G iitleu.leil to w ith dispatch. Coal Oil al d Lamps cniir-tainW mi hand. Japan ware of n Ex. n. I.t. Mule oppimltu Conlcy's hardware store, (live me a call. A. KUAl'SE. upl:Jt-ly Tin I. IS MOSEY ! ! A LI. Wall l'apcr nnd llordcr, sold by me wil 1 V he trimmed ready lor use, WITHOUT EXTRA CIIAlKiE, ll V Till! YEOMAN'S WALL l'A PER TRIMMER. I V K 1 i . 1 ".v vi ', .-;r , m ) lileh I b Ave bc eXt lll.lve rluhl to ll.e in uiili'irv Ullil Uellilly. nioiiey, llmu uud l.thur, by Iniylni; of N. rr.ltttF.E I HilllM It, IVitler In lliHikt, Kl tl loin I ) , Wall l'apcr, Mu.le, ill ., ,Ve.. X,-. h. in. lay S. limit hi luude -flallly llluub, MlMtfrwuluui A 1'WkW Hooka In i inlle., Viti a l,v, ju.l riti lnd IKioK III NIK Mi done lo order. I'i r...u ill ale i ni.u by leal in,; their older Im lauding lll Inc. run nr. nuni N iifal! ,Ui, i-ul In, in iim MitiibllitK ut Vviy low nil.,. OVAL A Dll AUK HlAMI alv.a)i.u nuinl. AMll'MS, JIUACKKTS, ( I'KN'S, Ac, Ac, Ac A'n nil.) Veil ,clit In) liu k ut i'iil till Ii tli.l, AlllO.1114 ll'H I'll ll.tlld pttllipllj it l. 1.4. 11.11,4111, .i, la.ll. t all al S. 1 1 bill ll l.ll.ll ISIH't lliH.k hluii , fcifll of Fob ) lio'.J I'm, Walktl Ualt), Hal bu', l a., u;ud Uli, lM, III Mil UV MillUI E lll. fpilf. Uud. I-I.I.. J baling bv.11 l, Uti tiilli I l k ul III. .1111 1 X a)bl, veil I lul u II.. 1 ul.llv (tut! fen liana ..I lu la ,11 Wli. l. rvti, M UIUI I. MUllfc. B 'T ' lN ku., St. I luukKln ul 4. 1 l I ' , '' niKiir km 11 . ' T" ltMMU(Ml 4 H'4-fcllli ' l.Vi i ; t if- 1 i ii iMMIIt AMI HIMMIW HI I. 1 u.i 1. 1 1 I'u.i, uli J l-'li ,1.4 bfclluneouc. 'V Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. N'lmhcr of Policies. 713. f.VJ.SLVH) U4,yi3,0O tDOOO.OO J 1 000,00 H100,5 ?'-'6,00 l3(),3!ill,H5 Amount of Property Insured, Amount of Premium Notes In ftirce, CABft A R8F.TR. Amount lonr.ed nt Interest. Amount in Treasurer's hands, Amount due from Agents, Amount duo from other sources, Available Capital, IfiKtircyour Cattle. INSURE with a rcspnnslbla nnd perfectly re linblo Company. Insure where your losses will be raid promptly. THIS 13 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM. PANY. nenec, unlike other Companies, von nrn mm of bclnt; pnld promptly for ull losses, If Insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Belnir mutual, our expenses nro less, nml nor Charter Is Perpetual. Wc pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting In cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac.. Ac. Wd pay prompt- mo red tape proceedings to obtain vour money in case of loss. Xearly 3,000 pniil 011 Con alone nIiioc Ormiiiizttlinii. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by mis vompuny. M Hennlnjrer, Sunbury, Pn f3n D llllitcit, Nnrthiiinbcrlnnd fi() (lenrire Eekcrt, " 40 8 B Dod'c, ' !) Charles Hollck, Mt Carmcl DO r.sulieiis Pipple. " 40 Cat ha l ino Wanner, Watsniitnwn 40 tlenrKO liclr, Nortliuniburlaiid 60 iiaeoh Bnyder. bunljui v Him J W H.isslcr, " r0 .Minor taily. Dcwart mi Catbarme Martz, Shnmokiii 40 ! rnncls Hucher, Sunbury no Samuel U Price, Upper Lehigh r,0 Joseph Deppen, Mt Carmcl no Minimus Scholly, " 40 Francis MnCarly, " 50 Marin Kramer, V11tsonlown 45 ,ioepn Mcelv, Jr., Dcwnrt 40 1 iM 11 u ouli'i'le. Pino. Ullnton eo 40 R Iial'.latre. Sbcnntidoab. Schnirlkili co 40 I 8 Tliurp, Shamokin 40 I nomas Wnnlrops, Mt Uirmul 45 A l.oMilcnslat:cr, llertulon, 41) Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferrv 40 (t L Reairan, Slieniiudoah, Schuvlkiil co 50 Jacob Shine, " " 10 lacoD stoltz, " " 40 D 11 Rower, ITcrn.lon, no (ieo R Lnlir, (ieoriretown 40 1 John 11 Ossiuan, Mmbiirv 40 1 W H Wallace, Nortbiiuibeiliind ::o II S (iinhani, " no Rebecca Koble, (ieoriretown 40 Philip Wlntersteln, Watsontown 10 ( 8 Low, Lime Ridi;e, Columbia co 40 Lewis Ostei liaul, Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40 .Mary.) nine, Northumberland 40 II F Krohn, Sunbury 40 Andrew llealy, (iirardsvlllc, Sehiijlkill eo.. 4i', rairicK rurireson, .Mt 1 arinel 40. Martin IXlancv, Shcuandoali city 1 1. John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co in, Anthony McliUUL'hlln, (iiraiilsville 40. 1 l.laymnn S Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Rancher, ltcrwick '17. J D Focht, Potlsville :w, hrastus Sober, Point twp ; UO, A Lipgicncolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Wiitsou'n, 2d loss pd last sain, 10, I 1' Llppencott, uatsontown 40, R S Ammermaii, Snydertuwu 'Jo, Nathan Itloss. Uerwick, Columbia co 'J7. J A C R (i.ilirle.l'lne Sta'n Clinton c 'Jd loss, 40, Charles W jlar..ard, Rupert, Columbia CO.. .40, John Foreman, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carinel 40. Thomas. Met., Paxinos 110, R McClosky, Lo k Haven i:n. HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. l'.EI.MENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunlmry. DIRECTORS I Ex-fiov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Ilruner. Solomon Slroh, Win. Iliiudle, Solomau Slilpe, John A. Mossier, Dr. D. T. Kiebs, Dr. David iililroH. March 11, 1STI. ly. FOR SALE ! IT1 KillTY acres of Improved land In the bcsl li section of Southern Michl'Mii. williia live miles nf the town of "Three Rivers." lu f t. Jo- scpli county, within two miles of tie' Railroad . ii, v;....i, iiiiiiiiiih, ,iiiL iniuses, mine 01- cliard, soil, rich sandy loam, school hoii-es and CIIU1CU Wlllllll Sli;ni llllu lllillspnliililii, ten acres are In wheat, thn reiaaliiiler in clover rod. A span 01 horses, cattle, lions, uralii ami 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u utensils, ,;c.. will be sold with this prupcitv. Price T0 per acre, U,(H0 in cash, the balance in time payments of ."00. Apply to WM. A. MASTER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, H. B. MASt ER, Sinibnrv, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, ls;i. ArANIlOODi HOW LOST. HOW RKSTOIt. ISL El). J list published by Dr. LEWIS. '.'.Mi pai.'es. Third Edition. THE M EHICAL COM- PANlON AND (it IDE TO HEALTH. 0.1 the radical cure of Spcrniutorr'iiea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, linpilencv , .Mciiini ami 1 iivmcui incapacity, luipeiiitncnU to Marriaite, ite., and the Vcncrciil and Syphilitic Maladies with plain and clear directions' fur the siccdy cure nf Secondary Symptoms, (inuorrhica, lilcels, Strictures, and all diseases of the skin, such us Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Hulls, llloich cs and Pimples on the (ace and body. Cotistimp. lion, Lpilcpsy, and I lls, Induced by sell'-iluiul i;ence iir sccliial ctiavai;aiiee. I he celebrated author iu this iidinlrable Trea tise, clearly deiuoiist rates, from a foity year's succeslul piuetiee, that the ularmlm; eonsciiinice of self-abuse may be radically cured j pointini; out a iniide of cure lit once simple, certain, uud clliitiml, by means of which every sutlirer, 110 mutter what bis conilltloii may lie, can ho cllec tually cured, cheaply, piivalely, and radically. I t'TliU book rhoiild be In I lie baiidi of ever) youth, and every iiiau in I lie laud. S ul under teal, lu 11 plain cnveloK'. Price, Ml cents. Addros. DR. LEWIS, No. 7 llcaeh sirect. New Ymk. sntix; AMI M MMIIlt MII.I.INERV AXU l'ANC'V (i()l)S. MISS I'.l.l.AIIETII l.AZAIU'S, lu Deu.ul's l'iiilliiu4, Market dpiiuc, H N lit RV, PA., vi beie will be fiiiiud n new upply of tionds, cuu. sn-linu nf Millinery uud I'.ihiV linn.l-, IIATa A Nil III 'N NETS, TRIMMED AND IN TRIM Ml. I). Al.n, CHILDREN'! HATS, Im Kills uud buys. I'lna nl tin lale-l and baud -oiu. -I Mle. r.lh ll. 'I. .HI-, plain 1111.I tl.Mlle.l. I.ailie'. Speiiei 1 1. 11 e I'nlais, l.iiieu I'ular, 11 1 1 4 l ull, tor l.inlit s an I ( l.ll.lien, I r.s liel collar. S.t kill, or I.I. Hi. till. I lielil', .Ule.. il k s.u k l..n'n, a ,npi unr mill le. lilnu , -lot lulling K ami latdn Ituili-klii kI.ii. I I.i lull. . relili l. All kin. I, nl 1 1 iiiilnlii. . J lllliH.i l I I P.ilteln,, lo.lel) fur I. t in ,, tii-ltl' in.. I I 1. 1 . In II. Ni4, " jile uli. I I I pie lllllllilllit, t TltlMMIVO MI.KS, ( lil. .i.ili". 7. livi an l lllll II 'euelul Van. 1 1 nl N.iIIiiii., I h. 11. kin! lul pa. I p illuliae, ,lie Iiuk lli il the i it 1 ll id Uil iM"lB MlH Im ! ll lulitliillalitu ..I lb. . .a.. . 1.1.1 VUtlll I. .AIit. Apnl .1, lil. I'ttluU. OIU. sir. All II. l'k ut Oil, loiiipil.liti; lii.i.l Hit, I'imI till, lull Oil, an. I I nliilt tlliiii Uil ul I iitllit, uud Mai lilit. I), V. aliiUlti , li!a., 4la), itu Imitil, nt Ittw pi Ut, ul t IISI XH X I II . To llio Community utiLiiiiu'! i llSi,i: Al I UK "rcqulatoii." t,'iMM !4UI IllMltl ii U ti'fe'UiwI 4, 'I t Ul.k, 1 ( l I Until, fetoii ,u( J. I, JfcbyiM, i' ttiit itiiit0 Ibv b'tatitt mi U ut Miuhtr mum t, hi m ut 's. lit Um h4 iU4MuUuaii ul iUk kwuiti ) , I 1 ia- 't va'- i.. 4 l 1 uiiL. 4viui...u ) ui Uu-b, l I bl i wai ft U liw It'i il ft . 4 ( I A riFltKK IIOI NK, Broad nnd Chest J nut sts.. 1'bllndclnbln. .1. n. HtTTTirii. WtiRTH. Trnprlctor. Terms per day, f 3.50. April 15, 1871. 1y TTNHISI IIOTCIi, TMOS. FOULDS, Br., KJ Proprietor, Sbnmokln Street, Trevorton, Northumberland county, Pa. Tho table Is sup plied with the best tho market affords, flood stabling nnd attentive ostlers. Jnn.21,'71 p. nvmtiiT. g, 0. "I7M10SI IIOI'NK," LIKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY BOWER, Proprietor. The tablo Is supplied with the best tho market n (fords. Good stuhllng and attentive ostlers. May SO, 1871. NATIONAL LAUEK IIEEIt NAI.OOxj ON THIRD 8TIIRET, NEAR TUB PHPOT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH BACHER Informs the fltirens of Siin bury and the public Rencrnllv, that ho has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt tho nbovo place. Tho best of Lnifcr Beer, and Malt Liquors will bo kept. Also Oysters, Ac., constantly serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL IIOTI-:!,. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Norlb'd County, Pa., nt the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and clirars nt the bar. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Good Btabling and nttcntlvo ostlers. Al. I, K ; I I '. NY lIOlNI'i, Cot.. C1IA8. KLECKNER, Paoprletor, Nos. hl3 nnd K14 Market Street, nbove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. TerniB, t'J per day. Ho respectfully solicits your patronage. WAKIIISUTON HOt Ni:, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Comer of Market fc Second Streets, opposite tlio Court House, Bunbury, I'a. May'.8,'70. Hot 1: 1. ,v kkntakaxtT THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at nil hours, at short, notice. Tho best of Liquors nt the Bar. Tho Table is sup. plied with the best and latest In tlio markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. I'atranago solicited. Hi in .11 e i.'s ick'kt viCvsrT LOU IS II C M M EL, Proprleto". Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. TTiivtmr Inct rilllti..l tt... nl.n.. U..I r .1 . . ... . ... j ..... .. in.!,,, tin. ttniM v eillliniii jur lliu necoinodiitiou of tho public, is now prepared to serve '.lis friends Willi the. best lefresliincnts, and fresh Lager lleer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt ipiors. iioi'ki:, Third stTeetTTrt tire J- depot. St'NUt ltY, PA., Wm. Rbhsf, pro prietor. Warm meals served up at all hours. Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters eon slaully on hand and served In every style. The. best nf whirs and Honors at the liar. I fT'l'ainilies will bo supplied with oysters done up iu any style, by leaving orders lit the Bar. t'ov.5,'70-ly. J. VALloTT' wits:i: .At;iEN ami iiotici. Xu. 7-'0, 7U'2, 7'24 .t 77 Find .Sf., PHILADELPHIA. w i x t i: it (j aITd r. n ii o t e l . (on the r.ruoiMMN ri.vx) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from ull the Depots In the City. Excellent AccohmimkIiU iousi Cur Tr:; veJIePH. Grand Vocal and In.-I ru mental Concerts every evening In the Summer und Winter Garden, C'Oi'r,'i(s7riVoi CtHH'ti't; Aj'tcrnnmi... KIM! I..VI)!i:' IIPSTAI IIANT tiikticst ok nrriiKsiiM i:ts sr.uvi:i. Olilce of J. Valcr's Fountain Park Brewery. Jiniejl, !S70.-ly. 1. I i 1 O tl S T o u t: ! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SU UITIY, PA., Hespii'tfii'ly invites the attention of Retallc and olliers, that be has on hand, and will cm stantlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consi-ting of Pure llrainlies: Coguiae, Cherr Ginger, liocbelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye (.'nppcr-Dl.-lllle.l, Mn'" gahcla, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherre, Port at Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rui Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND 1IAR HITTERS, And ail others Liquors which can be found the city markets, which will lie sold at Who sale and Retail. Every aitiele guaranteed represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOIK und BOTTLES, always mi band. l-tt" Orders promptly attended to, nml put patronage respectfully ('. NF.FF. Sunbury, July H, INI'.'.I. tv. J A L'O II KIIII'.M.IX. Thompson pei Eire, I, I Co nml Arriileti! fPJSURAKCEZ ACE N op Ilir.tlAN A IIEKK. MAUKET STUEET, Sl'XliUItV, COM I'ANIES REPRESENTED, N. Auierle.ui, l'hila Enterprise, -lplila, Assets, !,7SI, .lil'.N.I NI'J,. ,1';, "'-' 7VI,' .OIMI,' ,"sn.i . 'J.'i, ..'HI, .Ml. ,'i.'7. I, tr.".!. Manhattan, New York, N. American l.orillard. Vonkcrs .V; N. Yolk " Hanover, " Imperial, I.oinlon, I. Manning, Munev, Franklin' Phllade'lpl.i.i, llnine, New York, II. ul lord, 1 1 ,i 1 1 1 tt i .I , I'lni'iiiv, " TiaveliK, " Faiuiei'M Ins. Co., York, N. Plill-h iV Mere inlilii N'llllllllelcC, New Y'olk, Col leb, Noi w ieli, New England .Mutual Life 1 l,Mi.'i WtN. .lilKI. riiUiu!ellilu Mini Erie llullrout SI M MI R TIME TABLE. Oil and afler Monday, Augii-l Tib, IsTI, Trillin on llic Philadelphia . Rail Ii...i4 run u IiiIIiih, i Wl Sl WARl) Mail Train bavi, I'lul.i. b lphla, " hiiuliuiy, " " ii rr al File, Flic Evp:c bait. I'liiladi Iphla, " hanlniiy, " " nil nl I lie, l.lmlia Mail leave, I'bii.i.l. I, hui.liaiy, " " ti i r nl I. in k Iim ii, llull.lbl Fl li leali , S, oil' ill I , " " air nl VV, li.lld Fault M.tll bate. V ini.ilii.pial, " " " uii al l.ui k II nn., i;imh via'. Mail 'I1..I11 ball. File, " " ' IMtlilnilV, " " uir al rt.ilaili Ii bU, Fi If F U.. i.lli. t lie, " " " Hunbuiy, " " Mir l I'l.iU li ipbia, I .inlia VI .nl ban, I .Mk tin in, " " fcanl.ii,, " " an Ml i) Iii i, llull.ila I l ie. ban, VV lllialn. ml, " " " unl.uo, " " HII ut I'lilU.t l In a, II . id F..t;le Mall bans I -k llui it, " " " nil Hi VI Illicit. -I-Ml, 7.o if.n i ll ..o I'Msl 7 ll w.;s. I.- 1 . 7. 'SI 4 I ii 1 II U IK II Is las nu ll I' IV , i; 0 I II e II . I I I II all I 1. 1 in im. I. t 4 I mi.1 m .1 .1 In. I.. . Jk M. II. tl . sit I .tl t oil , an I In. lb till ( u.l .I.J Aili.tubt ll. II. tt . Mall k .( mill m l I. .UI..I Halu, nil I kl . II M . all I al t in 1 1 and i I t.. 1.1. 1 t ink ami -1. .bill) U ll. V Vtainu A 1 mmi -.! ..I .tu 1 . 1 ui4 tftiti I14IH, I'M I.. .II I l ll A I-.4 ul. I .1. I -I I "ii milt ll I ai, I t It U tV . 1 1. 4. 1 limit. mIu I. ti I I .1 I n, ... I .1 I nil I .. I I' Ii n It II I .1 I It I in. 11 , t .11 ..I ll .ll. ., 1 , 1 . . 1 1, .. 1 , ii .1.1,1 I u .1 U 1.1 .a . i III H I II tHltt,... ..i..,il ll.'li, Si.l 11' Ii .at, tt I 1 1- in. 1 -ii -.1 I 1 1. I 1 1 1 1. . . l 1 1 VA lilateiiHt wa i.llt.it4 A 4 I. Ml DMI Ikh'I . , 14. H k4 I. i-lt (i , ,li4Ul I to' it. ,.Mlli . 4 i t. I I In U -ui IHwiHi b( IU, I t Ivl 14i-muai y..u 4l HI iKlllkkH tUbUlf, J.M HI, lull H-ll. t ,14 4ul t, tH. M lllll ut .11 fclKiJl, 1 x4 .1 I J. .a. 4 Ya i.i ..a.llnu in !U nl. 'IMIul4i4w IM)44 H1 4 tiM,lN