SA.a-...W -?9M.- unburn mcritnn. SUNnUUY, OCT. 7, 1871. Itnilroad Time Tnblen. N. C. n. W. T.t. V. K. It. U. Wbst. itl.ilo I'.x I've 4:10 n m;Krle Mull, I've 2i05 n m In " ' H:M " iBtiffnlo Kx. " 4:15 mlrnMall " 11:45 " lEImlrnMnll " 18:45 p m ., . j.05 (Lock H. Ac." 4:35" liburyAc." 5:45 p mi Erie Et. " 0:50" M1AM0KIK Division n. c. n. w. l.EWB i AHHIVe ' nlmrv nt 11 :B0 n ra At Sunbrtry S:45 a m 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm d. it. & w. n. n. Leave Psmlmrv 5:511 a. m., 4:R5 nnd :R0 p. m. Are. nt Sunbu'ry 10:00 ft m, 0:130 nud 8:40 p in. Accident Inaurnnro Tickets ran bo had of J. Ipm:in, Ticket Agent nt tlio Depot. total Sffairs. irjwrvo Machiwii. Miss Caroline rialiu. Is j ngent for the sale of the throe best Sewing ichlnc. In existence, vis : "The Improved iS?r," "Orover Si Baker" mid "Domestic," ich nrc constantly on lnind and sold n. ren table price?. Cull nnd see them. Office Cn ukcl street, east of the, railroad. Etovks. Tlireo second hand heaters nnd ivcr, nenrly ns pood ns new for snlo ut lmlf ce. Eixpilre nt this office. Ji-nts' flue Fiencli 0:ilf, Box-too Boots, Rtltch bottom, nt the Regulator. UMOVAIi I'" TIIKAKIEKIC.1!V" OFFIC'K. r2c'sxntRV am eric ax" or- c Uat Ltoen removed into the ;iort A JUsitlncer IiaildlnxN, on o Coraer orTMrilaml MiirStet, on eoiul Floor. Call tuitl Bee. u in iv new quarters. 'on Ki:nt. Three r.ooms and a Kitchen, In n asant part of the town, tniwblo for u small lily, nie lor rent. Apply to I.niunuel avert. V'i Pnx on Ili-vT. A desirable property on uee street, Sunbsiiy, Pa., n Honso with seven ins mid oilier conveniences. Inquro of A. N. I1- i.vicrs will h: held on Sundays, October 8th lath, In ti.e Presbyterian Church of this e, by the Rev. Mr. Plnionton, of Willianisport. r. nol'.i o that 1". O. Maize, formerly of this c, has become associated with the oftl ostub e.l clothing nnd .Merchant tailoring house of ii.- i'c Leech, lion- Evans A Co., No. CIS, Mur-.-t., Philadelphia, when; we can assure our U, he wl'.l be happy to see them uu 1 : court ci.usly. - N!':: :' it:;: Lwtxti. A foclahle a Jubilee j.ivous h good tiling") for both body "mil, will be had at the laying oT ihc corner i of tlio nee.- L.iplht rliurch cdilice, pi Lower ;:.! i. which will lah place W illi appropriate iu,.uie, on fc iliiidiy, the. Villi of October, iocs at 1 o'c'ioel;, a. 111. ) ciniaeiit speakers address the nicclinj;. inner will be provided on tlic ground. A good prolilablo time is eonlldently anticipated. iu Cliurch extendi! n cordial lavltuliou t'j the ie to share with them the festivities. '.'kino Tin: Pil'B :y i'Kicis. It ha hertofore . denied that Mr. Pent allillaled with Pat er, but as actions speak louder than words, ::m:r,t uvoi I mentioning the fact that on last ay evening, when the Irish from the coal re , who were here during tlie day to become raliaed citizens, were returning home in the nokln Valley train, Mr. Scott and I'at Hester occupying the same sent, In th employed In ing c'; y pipe!', di-cu.-sing the probable vote would be polled in Ml. Carmel township. As little : eenu was witnessed by a In rye. nuni 1' passengers, no one will doubt the friendly i;i between these two prominent candidates. .'i:uvi:N!KNT. Mr. Ja.mi:.h Wasiiiniiton, er, l.:is made :-.ieh vast Improvements In -hop that his cu-tonvrs, on Saturday lust, completely siirpii ed at the change. His has been relhte.l, oil cl'iih and llrussel ear- i ovv adorn t he lloor, and everything about his ishmeiit looks as clean and fresh as n mora. Mr. Wa hh.gtoa now runs six: in his s.i't.o':, and has probably as good f :n.n as e.ri l.j loiiiiu in ny city. There nit few shaving sm'ooiis that surpass the Mvf-toa Saloon cii'ier in comfort, clean!!, a clean shave, or stylish cut of tho hair, 'es attending to his saloon, Mr. Washington l-o been paying great attention to ngrlcup pur.-uiis. During the last season lie culti two acre -, of potatoes, the average yield be iioat 23: bushels to the acre, SJOO heads of : ', and half an acre of corn, a lot of ci 11c ;i;lHlowers, We don't suppose that our hor of the 1 ii.ii'i'i'iit will have any objec to this co'oiel man voting, as we doubt her any of his Irish friends have done one 14 much 114 Mr. Wa -1 1 1 1 1 t m to benefit the ry, and that loo without any iissl.tanee tho W. P. i: "N'nv Pi i iin . in:." The lUinuint of icek hi4 aeei, : ,1 lli j new depart urn in its ! evteni. and h1-, pl.iccd lit the top of Its ills, the writable, laueli abused "iihucr" i hai hew: Vore ailorre' t'o columns of heel. Tlii " 1 1 1 j' . "i Wis ! utiierly owned other any, who roi l l.lla to lis piosent ralioiil llie liiie- Pi. i lent Lincoln issued oiiiut ipatiou pi m hi mat ion. At tho time i ..ul had an ii.iei vh.'.v with lb bel Generals ; o'...,i,. l '.(in t Hoii.-e, at the wln llin; upof ,'e uiiplett: .iiiln. lie! ultfjp'r was bit .lid only itplH.-ur... oa e -iiula occahlous to i.p si 1 I'Y with i.iiuu lil.'dlral men ut ..l.l...; 1 e, a. i.i: v i ei.s.., during ileeliou 11. .- t'..' 'la di p.iriuie lias been illall- ! I.y a ! i ."i.':f.-i"lia been unxluii '.e an :i p .u ..a.-. - so as to aid the Irish Cut h. u i :. . in.., Hi ii tiikit. i i -l ..pi . ..Mii. s he diaeovrrs thai liu l in ' pi', aa I . i),, "111, t'lillo doil't feel t:.-"i.i. . I i klioM ii to have souiu ...i i , it i lo t I I. y that bo Mill h uk I i I I 'l.l I t V . I I i i,' i..e- h Kill 1 1. -On Moid.iy even--I, ... I .1 I.. I l u.ia lellliullig lloloe from .I...I..1 . . 1..J. ' i II b.ilUw el ctlle.l at . I h. ' I. I . ' I . . j ttoiilub , niiil ill, 4 ! I.' 'I I : 1 ... that l'..t I. .. a l..i . oli o -.t . . a' I--I- e I '. lit ti, u b I me op t He- " !"!: M.. i .ill. of lu b 11,4 ' I 11 I. . I. r, 1.1,. I I .1 ., i:ii.iy l,ie.,. . kl 1 lili.i. It U upp.. I tint i.aiie In. - III.' Ill l loo MMUll t l.iin, uli.l uii. i .! I) i'i .I l'.it' lilu, 'I he l.q.n yen, 1 . 1 I'... I . . 1.0., 1. nl ....!. 1. i'j liut th. . .. ku. id. I l.,i k t .4 1,1 11., I'l.d i.l. I LU tibd kiU . .,1 ii.c ,11. 1 1 uii. ii, t.M'k Mn uu rii- ..11 l.j it iiu it paUK Iu , n ai ii.' 11 1 y i..uiiiikI 1. .1 if Hi A m mIW!I) v " .i . ! ji'.li- 4 . 14 I !.t 1 1 41 b I41 iUi .1 V I .1 u I ..illl.. ill if I 1 1.. 1 I , L ,1 1 1.. ! 1.1 i lao I, ,u ,.lu.l I ..I I . -1. . W ..Hi . I . I. !u l!,i I' 1 A. 1 . 1., Il tii i 1 ll .1.1.11,1, al Hi. .1... j . .... y I ...i Anot'T Oas. A elrculnr has been Issued by the Bunbiiry Gns Company, announcing among other thine, the Important fact that wo are to have gas at two dollars per 1000 coble feet. By a com parison with prices In other localities, even In our largest cities, It will be seen that this Is an ex tretnely low price. , Wo understand, nil", that the Government tat of twenty cents per 1000 feet Is to ho paid by the Company. The promoters of the enterprise also slate a standard of quality, and that quite a high one, namely louttecn candles. By this, wo are given to understand, that each burner consum ing Ave cubic feet, or one cents worth of gns per hour, shall equal In light fourteen sperm candles, or nearly two kerosene oil lamps. Tho standard In England, by net of l'arllamcut, Is generally twelve candles. In this country, though thero Is no legislation oa the subject, tlio standard Is generally higher, reaching on an aVerngo wo nn dcrstand, thirteen candles. We nro scarcely ablo to comprehend, how gns can bo sold hero nt such nu extremely low price, particularly under a guarnntoed standard, but hero It Is Intimated that tho promoters base their expectations of success upon certain improve ment In manufacture. While nenrly nil blanch es of manufacture and ni ls have undergone great Improvements In this Inventive era, the manufac ture of Illuminating gases this day remains the samo s at Its Inception, some elghty'years ago. It Is especially gratifying, therefore, that tho spell Is to be broken now, and In our midst. It would seem, however, that tho Improvement is no unti led experiment, as it appears from tho co lumns of the "American Gas Light Journal" that nt Memphis, Tenn., Columbus, Ohio, Hamilton, Ohio, nnd a number of oilier civics, works have been In operation some months with signal suc cess, nnd corporations are going on to Introduce the Improvements Into the Mutual gas works of New York, the Citizens' of Brook. yn, the Peoples' of Chicago, the New Orleans gas works, nnd many others. In tho manufacture, not only coal but petroleum n'ld its product can bo used with advantage. A number of works urn const nictlug In England to use coal npon the Improved me thod. Let us hope for tho early advent, and tlio continued success of cfteni . Pr.on.n's Mfftixos. A large and enthusiastic meeting of t lie citizen of Shainok'm township, Ir respective of party, was held nt Paxiuos, on Monday evening last. Cai.kii F. Pwtstso, Esq., presided, as President, nnd I), itolihlns, and John Fisher, Vice Presidents, and W. I.. N'eBblt, Secre tary. I lou. J. 1J. Packer, Geo. W. Zelglcr, nnd Ccn. J. K. Clement, addressed tlio meeting, nnd were listened to with the most profound Interest. The meeting was one of the largest nnd most or derly ever held in Shaniokln township. Being ad jacent to tho Coal legion, the people have expe rienced much of the oppression of the "Molly Mngiilres,'' Ir'.sh Citholic parly, and both the Democrats mid Republicans have wisely conclud ed to rpposc, oa Tuesday next, that ticket which has been forced upon honest Democrats by fraud uiH corruption. Another lame and mthuslaslie meeting was held at the Irish Valley t-cliool house, on Tues day evening, which was largely attended by De mocrats nnd Ih'pnbUcans, opposed to fraud and corrupti 'M. Addresses were delivered by Geo. W.Zeigler, Esq., and W. M. Rockefeller, Esq. The towusliips adjoining tlio Coal region, nrc alive to their interests, and appeal to the voters In their sister tovvunhlps, to aid them In putting down fraud and comiption, by casting their votes in favor of tins Peoples' ticket on Tuesday next. Pat lli-sTnt ami Pakty at tiii; Faiu. On Fii lay of last week, the Court naturalized sonic 15 or '.'0 Irishmen. In the afternoon they went in a body to the fair grounds, led ly l'at Hester. The guard told them they could not enter with out a tiehet. "'J'lie bell we can't," was the an swer, an 1 us one of them was pushing his way in, he was thrust out by the guard who told tlieui they could not rule here ns they did in the Coal region. They then attempted to get in at tho lower gate, but were again repulsed. They then tried to telle tho fence, and several had succeed ed, when the whole party wus aiicMcu liy u Uu taehnient of the Packer Guards, who guarded the grounds, and marched them out, when the Presi dent Informed them that they could not, after sueli conduct, be allowed to enter on any consid erations. Pat Hester was the only man of the party who had a ticket, and that was a punched one, which somebody had loaned him. The above Incident shows conclusively, what these fellows would do If they had the power. Here is n manone of the acknowledged lead ers of what Is called tho Democratic party In the Coal repo'.i, who with 11 number of his country men had Just ill rived fiom the temple id' Justice, where they had been Invested with the rights of cli'zensbip, nnd their llrt act is a viola tion of Iheir oaths and the laws of the laud, by attempting to tramp'.o under foot tile Institutions of our country, unless they are allowed to do ns they please. This is 11 specimen ol the rule which wo miiy all cxpee If they oncchiiceecd ill getting Into power. Let native mi l Protestant Ameri can citizens ponder b -fore they surrender their dearest rights to the rule uf the Pope, or to tho aggressions of the agents of foreign potentates. Wk are indebted to G. IS. Vouiiginan, E,q., for it basket of the tliiest Concord grapes that wo have yet seen. Mr. Voungman raised a large quantity of llieoe grapci this season, which were readily sold wherever exhibited. We noticed u large amount passing through the Express olllen for Willhimsport, Danville, Ilarrlsburg, Ha.le. ton and other points. The quality of his grape are not urpac. for beauty or line 11 nor. - Pi iisoNAi.. Col. J. E. Mlohcncr and Col. J. J. . cutiink, of Washington, D. C, launch lie. publicans, who are cu route for their homes to puiilelpiito In 1l.1t ilei-tlon, paid a vlait to our ol lice during the ueel,, uccoinpiiulcd by our tp filend A. A. hhUaler, Esq. A Vol mi man by thu name of Campbell, who UiUat bo a reni. ir in, ate one p. an I and lnoi.l.iu ea uf KUin di. p. in.ide ef ililiiy miinitea O le day lul We k. py eu i,.' I'.i .l iiiiiuni I he bud his 1 1 1' nl al itni.l Ik 1 ' t xpeiii'i.. At the nine place (,1'uldwil. A iil',) ,y nn.illier, lieu illy llllee lea. one, Well) an ,illuc Inula) Inluulu. That one w.n In hi. inoutli, but Hut U,y fullli 'iu lw v.iiiilii I in 1 ur up lu ll U I hi"' awuvl lis. Ill, I Kllowaiall beat our Ijja. tifuii.iiii. I.lal or I. HI 1. uialnli,,' In I he (llllee, ruiiiiiary, Pa , r. piemiu r :m, Is.l. Mia. Jiltna Audi I., .11, Mlw. r ...Hi Ititl.e, A hi;n,,i Ai.t.inlo H ut, .10 .!, f .1 1. it. Mi.. Ii I.. II..,.', J. l.n I.. II. uu. ., I . , , , Mi., roy. II. a LI. 0 I A to., I I1.1.,, Mr, nui.u.l,., Mi. lag, M.t. nt,, M., . J.uulu ('. Hie. I. .till. I k, Mia. I-IU,.. I', t Ii lull,, 1,., Mia. t '. ii .ii' Id, M"a t li.m.U 1 liu ail rliipiuaii, Mr. 'I 1, ..ill. 1. 1. I nlllfc'.ili, M. P I I1al.1l la, Hyiua t I. nun., Mi'uiii, I, ,i, k, 1.11I1, tlu. I..I4 I t ill, Ulaa l.aUl4 . l..u., It. I.. ILiu, Miiju.i Vina, It. II. r,,,, l.uilni ...I, 4, .Im h l k,! I.i..lliali, Vt 111. 4U !' V '. t -1 . I' J- Il .ill. a J, Ml. .. Julie, Ml. al .1 1 l. K lu. , Ii. V, . k Hue, l lo.l mi kuuu, Mia tll S. ka.l. l, . tail kio.a', J.-1.U Kevin, Ka-j., f.. . Kmlatlliil, I. 1. M iito.a 4, Uu An Uiu, It. h M.-.ii,, Mua hull) Miki), Mi. Mi Uiil, Mi. Kiln V.4..I., It, . Jiii.ia P.m., Mi. .in tiki. I . f.ii.. , i I, U..k. it, I I... II. Ll, Ml. ,l4l . l,4, W4IUI IU) HI. ... I i...H I. ..Ii. u, Ml, . . !.).!. I, J...e mill, Mi. i. .a r r I- I . M.i, Mi . J,.liu 1. lit, s .a 1 u .1, . 11 k.i,ii, u..,i,i . a. 1,1, i, II. I , M. nui. J .I.I4 On,, l,,..,k , Hi4l., I.. .I.V H. .n.. .i, J..U, I , , i,,,,,, J.t, k.. I i. 'ii. I L.e.i t Ui.ii, VII II. 1 u. j, t J M.I. .Hi, Vll.. k.i .1, t. lu.iialio4U, ll ... ,i t .t . ... , I ' I Mil II 1 CncsTBR Whites. A pnlr of pnro Chester White pigs, eleven weeks 0I.1, were placed on ex hibition at the Fair in this place, during last week, by Col. Geo. Wogonscllcr, which were greatly admired by all who saw them. The Col onel procured them In Chester county, and had them forwarded by hit nephew, expressly for ex hibition nt onr County Fnir. Mr. Goo. Gaul, of tipper Augusta township, hns since purchased them nt (40 per pnlr. lie Intends to use them expressly for rnlslng stock. A Evening Mail from Danville to Philadel phia, Is now carried ovor the Danville & Ilnr.lo ton Uailrond, which leaves Danville nt 8.40. This Is quite an accommodation to our neighbors. Wood's ITotTsRtioT.n Maoazinb. "Onward, right onward" seems to bo the aim of tho pub lishers. Wo thought It Impossible to excel the Sep. tcniber numbcr.bnt Octoher.with Its list of famous contributors and Its vnlunhle rending, Is a perfect gem, and wo cannot understand how so much 1 cul worth nnd merit, from such popular writers ns Greeley, Purton, Heechcr, Gnll Hamilton, etc., etc., can bn furnished for only OND DOLL All a year. The Mnguzlno Is steadily Increasing In pub lic favor, nnd wo predict for it a brilliant future, for peoplo nro not slow in bestowing tliolr pat ronage whero they can obtain too most money. Specimen copies furnished Tree. Published by 8. 8. WOOD ev Co., Ncwburgli, N. Y. Eahtf.r Mohnino, a Cliromo from that perfec tion of loveliness by Mary Theresa Hart. A plain, solid, Latin CrosB of whlto mnrblo. nnd twined wreath of exquisite (lowers. Should 0110 sit down nnd select tho very first of his favorites of tho conservatory, thero they nro in nil their wealth of beauty, hanging gracefully over tho arms of tho cross j roses, panslcs, lusehins, go runlums, heliotrope, &e.t with their varied green leaves, to nrlistlcnlly nrrnnged that the contrast of colors Is most beautiful In Its effect. Bo fresh, dewey nnd natural nro these gems of litis" garden, tho air teems tilled with their fragrance. A rare combination of beauty, faithful to tho original painting, nnd called Prano's best. Reduced size 0 H-4XI0 14. Trlco per copy IS. This charming Chromo will be sent ns n premium free of postage to nny ono sending tlireo subscribers to Wood's Hoi'skihii.h Mauazinr, or to anyone who shall forward tlireo dollars for one subsclp t!o 1 tlireo years lu advance, thus obtaining three dollars worth of magazine, and three dollars worth of Chromo for only $3. A variety of other premiums oll'ered on equally liberal tcims. Speci men copies of the magazine lice for raising clubs. Address, 8. 8. Wood .fc Co., Ncwburgli, N. V. ISiislnrss Notices. Gotxo. The largo lot of Hoots .'c Shoes, one hundred cases of Gum Shoes, nro being rapidly sold at the Excelsior Boot & Shoo 6tore of W. H. Miller. They ore tho llnest lot ever exhibited In Sunbitry, and all w ho avail themselves of the op-, portimtty to purclmso now will be fortunate. TtiR HnwAiin Association of Philadelphia, has for ninny years enjoyed a good reputation for professional bkili, nnd honorable dealing. We ha've reason to believe that It is an institulloii of a useful character, conducted by trustworthy managers. John V. SciiArrrnil continues to please hi customers by making up idylish garment.!. They arc equal to city make, and far more substan tial. The best of material U kept on hand at the iowess flgurct. Di uiNO the lato Fair, S. Fausts Hats appeared to please everybody judging from the number of persons calling In to supply themselves with tv btyllsh tile. Ho has still some more left. , A Lauor Lot op Boots ami S:ioi:s. Every. body Is calling tit Ell Miller's Boot nnd Shoe Store, on Queen street, Northumberland, to sec the large assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gum Shoes. Fifty cases have just been opened. All are suited by calling and examining his stock. The prices are low, Hiiitlng both poor and rich. Special Notices Oil MurrliiRa?. Essays for Young .Men, on j Great Motlal Evils and Abuses, which Interfere ! will. Marriage, and ruin the bappiiicse of thou- sands, with sure means of relief for tins Erring and I'nfoitunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. A. 1. 1, ..., Howard Association, No. : South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. The CoiifesiNloiiM ol'it:! Invalid. I PUBLISHED as a warning and for the benefit Of Ti'MO HUH WHI i;liO'H, Will) Hlltfcl' fl'Olll Nervous Debility, A;e., supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Addiv, ' N ATH ANIEL MAY FA 11!. May l.'H, 1ST!. -rim. Brooklyn, NV. Vi In this piece, on .1 turd a v cvcnimr. Sept. Ii I, '71, BENJAMIN RAYMOND HCGIIr.S, youngest son of Isaac W. Hughes, M. D., of Philadelphia, 111 the nth year of hij age. On the Ith lnt., HERBERT, son of Jacob and Catharine R. iMiipman, aged 1 year, f months and '.I d-iyi. Siinbur)' Urnlii V Produce Murltel. CtllllllX'TEIl WKltKLV 11V HIM! . UKIilNOUl. GilAlx Choice White Wheal t I'.il Best Amber, Winter 1 Mi Corn K'l Rvo i ti,i Hats, lbs.) .',,1 Be.-t Amber, Winter, p. r sack "J no " " " " barrel S ,0 Corn Men', per cwt 'J no IY1110 v'alii.i Roil rais Per lo.ell p; Mkvts Hin d Beef, r ll 'iv.. :;o Smoked Mutton lii'u i ' l.iun per lb ...'.'.'. Klsli Silt White Fish, per lb V, " Trout " V, Co. I " s Fresh o(,i 1.0 Veiil T.vlil.i: Turnips, per bushel 7 i Potato,- " 1 D Unions " 1 0(1 l eans, " ijiiarl loti.iS llo'iilny, " " I J DlilKlt Flit ITS Di led Apples, per lb I : 1 It I'eaeliea, '.'tKiali Merchant Tailoring, J. 1. )IOTI, in Hut 1'o.ttHllee Hullding, opMuilo I In) I . .l , (up lull a, ) Sl'Mll IlV, J'KWA, lilforio kla ll U llda tllld the public gelll'liilly, he h i Ja.l osne,l a lai.u uu.) lulled Olllli l of ( luiltat, Mavliiirre), fHilun, Ar,, Willi ll i. lie UII In up Ik 111 I tic luteal III. in,.) I In ill. In 1. 1. elm ,1 III Maul ol inila .lu III. 4 lu Ull itlld 1-illliliU bla al.H'li, toll I H It a. I. I, till, ally kU'l pluilkdl!) lul kill lo.l do Uu .llile. BI S Nil lilsK. Nu fat ul -It I Ini kt) it ii al) lea uf liaprutrr-l )oku klel .! It ablll Willi lll.i) low ailukl tlt.'ll', 111 (Uilll.l..' it ilnl UII II. j ablll, ll 1 Die Ik .1 I i.l 4 alilll 1 e oil II I I I ll.u llu le. riua mu. l4i,i y aUlila lintde ,ioi.ti-i. J, M. lu uii I S. Juut' 1, I'at I . Olti III lOU'l U . f 1 1 uii l.t.ltu.d k4ltt u u p.i.l..l , 1 -tiiilHi'l ll Iku lli' I, lu kU I I an -4 1 1. !!, I) il S.,iilii.ittiM ii4U., I.i u.ikt! I, .ill. 11, 1, 1 ll.rf l.i4Ui 1, 1 t. i.i. I lli II, !4i4 wl l...llik IlilU. I, X llilll.l.ilal) ul l. fl .1. ul Inui.. ta.ut, il.k-4. 4, til U...I li p4ili.a U, lkl 4 ll'l li4l lkl p'W 4 klUlU.k;l0 VU I ..1 i.u I 1. I .) , l. - I U 4.) ul II. I . I 1, A II , I. I, . I I I u A U. ll. It . i,k l.l I ll (4 'J, I , I . Ii 14. M. XK MILLION OF LlVi: N VVEIM It Is ono of tho roinarknblo facts of this re- tnarkalilo ngc, not merely that so many persons nro tho victims of dyspepsia or Indigestion, but Its willing victims. Now, wo would not bo un derstood to sny that nny one regards dysptpsia with favor, or feels disposed to rnnk It among tho luxuries of life. Far from It. Tlioso who have cxpcrlnced Its torments would scout such an Idea. All dread It, nnd would gladly dispense with Its uuplensant fAinlllnrtios. Mark Toplcy, who was lollv nnder all the trying circumstances In which ho was placed, never hud an nttnek of dyspepsia, or bis jollity would have speedily for saken him. Men nnd women sometimes suffer Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoever heard of n person who enjoyed them ? Of all tho multifarious discuses to which the human system is liable, there Is perhaps no 0110 so generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. There are diseases more neuio rnd painful, pud which more frequently provo fatal ; but none, tho effects of which are so depressing to tho mind nnd so positively distressing to the. body. If there is a wretched being lu tho world It Is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. Nenrly every other person you meet Ji n vic tim, nn apparently willing onet for wVro this not the ease, why so many sufferers, when a cer tain, speedy and sam remedy is wilhln the cat y reach of all who desire to avail themselves of It i But the majority will not. llllnde 1 by prejudice, or deterred by sonic other unexplained Inllaenee, they refuse to accept the relief" proffered them. They turn a deaf cur to the testimony of tho thousands whose sufferings have been alleviated, nnd wltli strango Infatuation, appear to cling with desperate determination to their rath'i is tormentor. But says a dyspeptlo 1 Whatli this remedy ? to w hich we reply : This treat allevia tor of human suffering is nlinost ns widely known ns the English language. It bus 1 the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carrying comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This iieknowledf,ed panacea, Is none other than Dit. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful medicine than can be learned from the experience of others ? Try it yourself, nnd w hen it has failed to fullli tho nssurnnca of its efficacy given bv tlio proprietor, then abandon faith iu it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, (list or all, that HOOFLANirs GERMAN BIT TERS Is not a rum beverage. They are no aleholie In any sense of the term. They are composed wholly of the pure Juiee or vital principal of roots. '1 his is not n mere as sertion. The extracts from which they nrc com pounded are prepared by one of the 11 !!..-1. of (ionium chemists. Unlike any other Bitters in t lie market, they arc wholly free from spirituous Ingredients. The objections which hold Willi so much foren nguln-t preparations of tills class, namely that a desire for Intoxicating drink is stimulated by their use, are not valid m the case 1 of the Germ 111 Bitters. So far from encouraging j or inculcating a taste cr de.dre for inebriating j beverages, it may be cotill lei.tlaily nSM-rted that, j thelrtendencv Is In a diamctrical'v oppo-Pe ill- rcctlon. Their effects can l,e BENEFICIAL j ONLY In all cases of the biliary system, Hoof lund'sGcrmuii Bitters stand without an equal, I acting promptly and vigorously upon the Liver; j they remove its torpidity and cause healthful se cretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach ' with the mosl iui'.b'ponsnblo e.eineiits of sound dige-tiou in proper proportions. They give toa" ' to the stomach stimulating its fina-tiens, nnd enabling It to perform Its duties as nature tie-; signed it should do. They impart viyor nnd ' strength to the entire system, causiag the patient to feel like another beliy lu fact, giving him a now lease r.f life. I TH E Y PURIFY THE BLOOD, cle v .sing the vital 11 11 Id of nil hurtful lmpuriti"se.u I supplant- ! lug them w itli the elements of genuine healthful- 1 ness. In a word, there is scarcely a disease hi which they cannot be safely and b. iiellh ialiy em- ployed; but In that ino.-l generally prevalent dis tressing and dreaded disease, Dvspcpsi 1, Tlil.Y . STAND L'N RIVALED. " . I Now, there are certain classes of persons to 1 whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, ! but who find It Impossible to take "them without , positive -discomfort. For such Dit. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC , has been specially prepared. It is intended for Use where a slight aleholie i-l'.anLuit is require I ill connection with the well-known Tonic pro- ; pcrtics of the pure German Hitters. This Tonic j contains all the Ingredients of the Hitlers, but so llavoied u- lo remove t!:a ex!i":ue bitternc-. ' This preparation Is not only palatable, nut com- ' bines, ia modified form, all the viituestf the. German Bitters. The niiid extract -1 of so. ie of Nature's choicest restoratives are held in solu-j th hi by a spirituous agent of the purest quality. ; In cases of languor or excessive tlebili y, w lc re ' the system appears to have become exhausted of ! Its energies, HOOFLAND'S ToSIC acts with i almost marvelous effect. It not on'y stimulates ; the flagging anil wasting energies, but iiiviwr-: utes uud permanent ly strt ngtheun its actions up- ; 011 the Liver ami Stomach lhoroiii;li, perhaps It" - 1 prompt I Inn, ihc Hitlers, when tin- Mime quanti ty Is taken Is none lb. l--- i.ln. l ull .esiiou, ; liiUioiisiiess. Physical or "ervous Prostration, yield readily lo its potent inllueuee. It gives the Invalid a new 1111 J stronger hold upon llie, re- ; moves depression of spirits, mid inspires t l.n r- fulness. It supplants the pal 1 of tli-ea-e with ! tlie ease and eoniliirl ol pel lie! I,...'lh. It gives . strength to weakness, throus i' -pi.nilei!. y to' the winds, and stints the n -:,.r, 1 in . ii I upon! a new and gladsome Ii I Dr. lb I: I' beiielaetinns lo tlie Im'iiati race are m t 1 online-! to bis celebrated Gi.RMAN UU ! !''!, or hi invaluable q'oMr. He has prepare I another' in.-, Heine, which Is rapidly winning Its way to. popular favor because of its in!rii:-ie 11:1;;; ,. ! This is HOOFLAND'S PO DO I 'I I Y I.LIN PILLS, a perfect substitute for luercuiy, without any of nieicury'h evil qualities. ! These wonderful Fills, which, are ;1 to act upon the Liver, are inaliilv co.npose.l of i'o- I dopbvlllu, or the Vi'i'AL PR1NC 1 I LK '!' TUK . MANDRAKE ROOT. Now we ilesli-o thu reader to dl-tlnctly under-' stand that tills extract of the '.e iiii.nv j times more powerful llian the Maiu'.r ike i'.seil. It Is the luedieiiial virt u.- i.l' Ihl- h, all 'i-civing ' plant in a perfectly pnie an I hi.. hl ei.h'-.e.l rate I 1 lorill. Heliee it is' th It I'.l.inf Uii- l'o.l,:pll .liu ; Pills constit ute a full dot., vt I '..e inywheie six 1 to eight or a bun If:. I ol oth, r pr. ar.iliiM.s of tint Mandrake are ivquir.'-l. 'llie I'udopl, villa , ACTS DIRECTLY ON" 'HIE LIVER. s.t . Ing Its functions and f '."-lug ll to nial.ii its hii- ' I. iry secretions in n gu ar an I proper itiaiiilli' s. 1 The Injurious re.iilt.i 1,1. h lnv.11 lal. y li.lloiv I he u-e ol mercury Is eulii' ly moi led by Ih ir use. ; But ll is ant upon llie I. her n.nv Ihal lli. ir pn.i- 1 lis lie exerted. Th l-v 1 1 a. I n! Mill. Il'.ll.e n,n-' I. tided iu I lielil 1 , kill fully combine. I ii h four' other, ,me ul liii !i .1 ti up'.ii lli loach, one upo,i ihe uj p.. r boa e's, one upon i!,e , lower lioueln, ti I 1. ,e pniinl nny giliiig I li et , thus pli' I lu-lli',' 11 pil l that ll.ltllc lice the entile digestive and ulii... 1 t .11 y sy.-liai, in ttu equal and I1.1l uo.n.d. e . 1. .::..: r, in,, I !.-. m il, 111 ' elitilely tree liolilliau a, lulling ,. piping 1 p..lli 1 ..In. .lull 10 all 1 I !u r onrghiics. j No h.iU-i le.l.l slio.l! 1 l.e n It ...III III. III. Tiny nrc iK i leeily .ife, I. qiiiie let I v. 11 h r aii in. li lt uy doc, ate prompt an I ePI. Ii nt hi in lion, ami ttlicll Ue.l III iolllii ll. 11 Dr. Ii.u thllld' lierlllilll lllltels, or '1 .... ie. In 1 y he H'.;. II, led 11 11 tl.iili aeile In nil ea-, of Liter Col up!, lint , I i-iiit, or uny ol llie li.i.l '. r. to tth .'h llie ai-li in ia oldlnalll, nil.ji.l. The Pi.ihq by liln I'll I lit I Usin Ihu atom 1 it an I Ii. i.t els, 1 .. 1 i lug oil illlprtq I'l' utialrtli I i-'lia, Ulliiulhe B't.'ia Hi 'i onle pin II y Hut b.,., I, l,i a j I lu 11 and i.. . ,,,1 -ule III liunie, jlu Ii on' ..I., I 11 1 'p. I In to the .lo in. leb, uud llitla bu.lil up 1. 11 iiil.eid 4llv4 . Dr llu.1ll.1l1J, bu.lii pi, m l . I lult iii-il lilne llie lor lllai'4ae, ll I fciiietlll.c Loltd i -t .' Ill .1 1 11 -ly lor ex Ul ual, ill I hit 4 .,li I, 1 1 ll pic klloM It it 1 1. Mill i lul til, t u lid, I l.ia Oil la ii ,,. i I, n t iiKity I n j i a. iii.l ill lii a ul ull kilul. l.l.l Uliu.lialil, St ill i't,le, 'I j .1 h... he, II..I bhillla, bplullia, ball.,, V, l. lal li..,k Ultd l.lillla, l.lli ( l.llua, V . . , , ll y.i 11 u li'lll ll U lilUll.ill. I I. H t.un,i I u ll Ull I 111 I nl I.) II I ual ail. I,l,, , al, I Uu ) ulo linn i li i y tl.tV. I ... ii lul. i nil Uy , l I. a i me r r lb ul Inn ii.-, klillll t llai I.e., r ll U lb .1 la i be , I u.a , 1 . . I . leiy, I lull, i.t tloiliu., I i.iu.p., I'ui.ia Hi I l.o ftu- Ul-li ll, I i'l. la, Aaltil,.t, J. ,'. I I.U lliee. I li la i ,,li,... I t l.l i . if 4..,',.ui: gum li wiiii.,1 una. U pnui.pai l.i,i.: ill. lit la ail oily .u' I , p,. i n I iu II, .... 1 1. Illliult.f , lie,., litill'-l ua 4 ll.l,.)l( i.f j 4lll l UUljf IUH '11 .1, lli l. I, lie I... 11 ben. hlli I l.y 111 ', il 4 II al I , ll.... .,i uii' ilti S1. 41 Itlll II. 1. 1 ley 1. 1 1.1.1 11 it. luialliM.ililii 4 1 I l. aa I.U. 1 4U a ,1 I bulil y , u l.ii u 1 1 1 .. . 1 . ....I I I Ml 11. Ill, U.-.U M o latitat, 'Lll4 I' i .... I ill', tl I W l.ouil.) I tl JuliO'itl 'I t. ii. .ile- ll . ' . l". I.- I- .a l Jvll -I, l'' I a ,, I'.' i A1U)Wa1;E FOR ALL II AT TDK HARDWARE STORE OF J. EE. COW WELLY & CO. market Kti'oct, Sttnlmry, ln. It Is nsclcfs lo cnninernte every kind of article In his Store, but nmoug the leading items may bo set down the following t Iron, Steel, Lend, Scales, Pleelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, l'ltines, S eves, Chains, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, Carpenter nnd Blacksmith Boring, Cellar Grates, Drawltrr Knives, Stone Sledges, lMa'tercrit' Trowel', Masons' Hammers end Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, and large cast Iron Bell", for School 1 louses and Farmers' Dinner H . I Is, f'arpntilcrs' Bench Screws, Potato Foiks for digging potatoes, Looking Glasses. q'wit'e, ' Ropni, Knives and Forks, Spoons. Tacks, Mule nnd Horse Phots nnd Kails, Hammers, Augurs, Chl-nd", Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Coll'ee Mills, Bits and Brace".. Carriage Bolts of all kinds. Paint nud Wall Blushes, BueUets, tsil t. V;ir.L.Iit'i'. .fnjjniiN, ('.oil 1 Ash, Wasbbig Soda, IMISTM J I' KIXnH ia Oil or Dry, rai'll-t 'olors of al! kbid-i, CKDAl'i-WAUi: . and other Wooden-Ware of all. kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork 1'iilltvs, Pick.', Mill Pick s, Levels, Level Gkissca. Files, Hinges. Coal ( I'd, Jlci.U', Ctwiil.s. f-erews, Sad !!"ry and Shoe Findings. B.:a".v Trimmi'ig-, Ev!.'.i"r Gi.iss Cittt-rs. Pocket Knives, Scis.-en, Mietits, i;m, (.v,:i ti s'o'.i'clpr. and a great variety of other arlleles. Any lli'n;: I wanted and nr.t on lein.l, wi.i bo orderea ,.l once, j Muibury, Aug. Ill, IlllIKLe s BfiOE i l Ccr. SIXTH MAEEIf ETS. have the mc-st Com plcto cincT H?.nil3osnc3t SrT " " r' ;-' 1, v We 5 " MWv fcj 'w .'rii.'V'VW ?.w.V:j r- V V'., I H y'jj iJ 9 '..J il V r A ; ' V Tf'-v j 1 rs f . Y 1 f r. s i-4 l. U.i, V Ivv. 3 mi n I 1 V V W-J , .'..'.'.."..'.v.A,.WUl'.iW.i V TP 1 'Vi "-r1 ' V " - ' 1 " The tiylos aro ilia Very Vft r.!" PIT. AiiO tinU'liV il ttc Pr-I r..""V s, n" --i j ",.. i "i'l La- O . L J. I. j-( w i'.u u Uj ri. --Ti r''", i"i" I..VI.-'.' Vil ' '.A' :j?-s are c;r;:i.:il vitvd to visit Qk iivl fae Vtiricv.i ID:,:. ;.: j 'hi Otzalitlcs. h:.rr; lr5 Zfy-r-x r". . " ' Ail t n i', ,i.i,..j.'.,i w '...,, ttkv r.,riM CI. !.' I ' I . 'O Cr-' r"". v. ..- S'"r O" Cl s 1 m p 1 , t rr 1 1 1 '. J. . . . if il. - l tw I... L'J W.i..ia irO C0lV.'-.V szr San. ilc:, vAih Easy mcni any address on replica tion. ,li!i A, ' 1 ' i ' til IJ smull U 4- .ll IIG I H A l.l. 'Vtt'flt" l st-U Utt4.l Vi i..,v..i iv . ..i...;.. . PHILADELPHIA. t i:i; Mim' tp ICON lul V'H . ;t:. i:ini;i!.t ji a mv, .uai!ti ( I't nn'u, INroliM ii.. pui. ... i ii ii. a.. .i - j -.. i . .t t . .I.i .ill kni i. i I I I.i I i St..-, I,. .1 ii, .l a. ,1 1 II I ll ill. I 1 t I . ,. .., ,1 ll,. a I.. U.. ., I' i.!. :.. : V .. I I t I in. i .. . I -. II id I ie li 1 .1 V 4 ,, 1, l.i I h. I 1,1 si: 'I ii , II I l.l , III! 'I -I bla I'l Hf'V Wl '. it I . l.l I'VWMMi, C...I In.,) ( aii.i II...I., p, a ...p. .t in, i, l.. , . I.rtlti Ij uU mil Mutt', IP.'l-a I t.l.l 11 . I,. , . l . l- ll.,. 1. 1 !, .:.. . Illi l.-.t I li. ill,,,., ,1 , 0,,mViiv.,!.V. V..'.,.i...V""wl,i VJC.lANJiAK.S, ' I nil I l I I. I l.l. I.l ., I , . . , , , 1 " ''" '.,:,,, . ... ' ' WA riHK undersigned havltign Inrfr tract oflend 1. (over l.'oO lit res) I ban ran be iropcrlv cuiti vatetl In ono faraii' largely devoted to trucking, oilers for sale about ono UK) neres, embracing I he whole of the old Perslni; farm, together with ft pin t of the (liiblin farm. Tlio natural advantages of tho part altered (or sale, ore lu ml respects equal for e;ardeiilntc pi r poscs, to tlioso of the part reserved. My own gar tb tilnir for the pnsl two scasoiis bus Iktii ehiel y done upon It. There nre ninny irood farmers In this county barelv niuklntr n livinir at ordinary eiuIii fiirniiii'., who 'inlght jtreatly iiilviineit their Interests by Klvlii)! boiiic ntletitfon to trucking upon a farm so well adapted to tho business us the one now olfur cd, nud so convenient to one of tlio very best, mar kets In the state. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars Inquire of, or address WILLIAM L. NF.fP.1T, July 3-1 f. Paxiuos, N'orth'd Co., P.. IS 11 r i 1'iirp far TellPi". riliiF. Subscriber, re.-Ident ofScven Points, Au--J.. giinta township, Nnrthuiii'jji'aml County, l'n., has a sura cure for Tetter, which he oilers to tho-.c nllllclc.1 v.'ilh tills iiniKo ing di-caec. lie ua 1 trou'i'i'd w ith It lor eight jcurs, and nothing wt-iild cure it until b" obfaiiied litis leiue ly. il lias been tried In a number of ceses, to bis know lc Ige, (our r.i'e of !:. yearsttai'ding) wltli entire suci'isn. I.' 1 on reeciit of fl t", lie will send a box oft he medicine, nnd directions to u-c it, orO boxes for Co, free of postage. WILLIAM RAr.rrt, Ai'gu-ta i'. O., Nurlli'd Co., Pa. Aug:: t 15, MTl-Ttii. jTlIU I.CIir..!!'..-T3 THAT :CO.SrtJSI2 ilO .'AUAI.I.S are puMil-ed en every paehnge, li'cre f)ieilisi7a .'ivni p tp.ialion, : consetjutiit ly iniYSiciAss i', it 1 (lis a cerl'n euro (or f'ernfula, iivpliilis in nil ilit fanes, llheiiiii.i li 111, bkin I. 'is :a-c.i, Liver Cum al.iiat and i.ll tlhrnii of t'.:o lllutd. will do inoio riio.1 tl.aa ten bot'les ! t!:o t:yrijjis of JSarsijiariila. TliS USSERSiaNCO rHYolCIAllO tt'c-l nn-:-tin lei ia tlicir praelieo tit r thu p. 1st three years nnd f.tily entiorsT it r. ia rellalio Altorntivo aiul L!ou.I I iiiilicr. 112 I 'nil. T. r. VV.V. i t n.i'i'.lrace. I"!'. T. .1. bovs. I.V, !l'i. It. VV. t.'.-MIH. " l;it. 1-. 11. iianm.I.I.V, ' IKi. J. E. Si'AiUCS, uf Nichelasvl'.le, I K v. jDa.l. L. yeCAUTHA. ( obimbla, li-it. A. Ii. NO'lLKSt, Vldeecamh, N. ('. It-sti--. a T.T T.1 Tin 7S-T 1 it- iin:. .1.) Ae. e .,....'.'. .. .u j. x ,.!. Ii. 1 ;....SL:i Fait I.i.ii, , v"iTl'. .?('.( --'in. yUh. 1 A. V. . 1 ;.! LI.... I.M.i.i, Uiiin. n 1 ii. i m 1 , i.iii,'.. !i f, '. i ,lTi.Vi..'i ,v 1' '-, f"ttV;i5t i'.lf, Y,i. " - 9 Yc.S: . :. c''-!'Al.M, :M;:r:irrT. j 1m. 10, i'fjin. f- Tt3 I Our f.jvu'o v.-j'. iH,t Ailrnv ol r.iiy ox. M j iiiu i'"t l:n.-,i ;.ih.;. 'i'oiif M I I'l l . !( :i('Ti wo L'l 1 im ii tf1'4 n 1 .Jii.l ) - f ac... i m.; t ri(-r t' any Uiry j.avc cvrp jll -Jil la i:n i, i.i J.uiil ,! uioOj.-stU BVm 1 ; pnd to t Ji.- aiit ic to. wo Siiv trv jli.i...!';:. and ycu be u-iturcU lo health K'jSMi.tlis is o!tt y all Pni"if.ts. prico 311.50 ci butlli.!. Aililnri 2. CLEMrKTS is CO. Sfflivfacturivj Cficmuis, n a i.i i mob:-:, Mo Haeu-:-i'; EJ-ilIroiitl. iil'M V. F. it A ! 1 P. A N ( 1 1', M F, N T. ;o;1'7,,', :,!.,,, ua,, i.-:71. ; ilKAV TKUNK LINK IV:::a the Ne.rl'i r.n.l i H. N.,r:!i-We..t l".,r l'!i!l;iih-Iph'.a. N. V., !: a 1- in r. li '.:-C. lie. Taiiiaipia, A hl:iml, trlin ii. K ' i. !' .i::o:i. AlUntowii, K:-.s!t.-i, K-iin-.ta, Lit:.. I. '.ne.. . ti r. C. lenil l i. 'I a ave 1 lar: ;..1,:.; g j, , -x i'o:':, as !',!- hv : -' ' -!'. :'.!.. ii. i.i. nsid :.'.!Mi p. iu., con-ne.-iieg vMi siinihir iiai ... o i iae IVuiisjIv.inia i;e''l, and :i ; ri ting at .Ne'.v York at itl.ti.'i a. . 11... ll..''. in:. !'.:),. 1,1. I'e..;... ly. leepiiu; C. I's la.'il' ,,-lie,' tl... :.-;:) it. ., Il.iin V.illiolll . ell I :ig... K'Imuoi.j:: I.-.-.v N.w at fi.JJ it. n:., I '- oon a:, f'.l. i p. iu., ralao'elj hia ai T.:.,i, , fi.lni a. ia. i.a.I It. ; i p. i i. 5 : N . :.; s .,11 aeei.:,,-p-iry tii ,'t.t'j p. n:. 1 r 11 1 i '.'.. 1, ma :,;,. 01. t i'ii i.i". I.e.. i 1! "irl-'eag ."..'.id'-:'-. I'.et ."le. .... n. nfin. l'.ii"ei A.-ii.a-id, Mi, AH :.t ! ii'.d I'hiluilc'phU al s. I j a. in., . '-'" en I !'.'"' p. ie., )"M I'i'ig at Leh 110:1 and 1 -i..u-.p:.l way m'.: , , ,j ii.. :.i'.", t,. in., ii-uju "...:.. . ft a i'leia.leli.aa., 1'. ;- vil:.- and (',.-I'-- ' -a ' ' : : ' : ' ". S ;; :'! ll-iV- 'I an 1 t:'.e....vl : ..'i ,1 ,ki:l ..;-.pc',.m:!.i ii. -'!.-.. ! I. .mo 11 ii.-: :.'. ;;.(! o. 1. I -t I ,;: . ' 1 1. M-.oaii ir - li.,ve ;...., . ' -. " A-1 !:" ' !- ft i v 1. :1. ..I l-'-"t : 1 1., !! leap. ,0. !1 tiaiii'a.:', leave -t"-v .it:., i.l ) 1 .1. 1.1. . Pi :;. no, 11 a do.ui ! p. 1 . an I A'!t ivii i.l T.'.'J a. : ,. J:.- . 00:1, 1 , i :' an 1 b.l.". p, 1.1. ." IV.sM'ii-. r 'fiai'i !,v'. is Phila l. lpl ia at I II. ll... ri.llaci ti.a. . h ll : ilnp I f ; ,' . 1 n ,ai I'a.-t ' r .lal. oa,!. i" -. e.ri.u g ii,..n ial..g at i",.:.J p. i.i. . ,ii pi ie.g at ; itatiout. I. ite l.e,l-i..e nl .li.i.'i a. in. and C.l'.J p. : :. li'-i'Uii.'i. ..; lo.' la. in.. .k l.a'a. , at .".;o.,i, i II. la :. in.; ia! nl T.i i a. ii., and l'..-!;t 'i; .Mali. in. a liy at i..'.l a. in. an,', j,, 'I eiaa,;.. i ..I '....". a. in. a:. 1 I j p. i,,. f, i':.,:: .! ..t. .e V r.'.,i.e . :;n. , i:,.i'i inn e. : '' !' i e v,.t : . .. .;. ai.1 1 ; a ' a ' id i.l 'i.l't a. l. . . . 11. i : ; h..i .-, an.! i 1 t"i a. la.. ! r i " , I i : i , , a ( 'i' , a .'. tl". :.! I a. i ... pa. .... !: . :, . :.l t.: i) a. in. : f. ....... . '. P . . '. .;'.:..: I , .' . i vi iiuiii . , i, - I i. , "'' : '. '' "io p. I--. ; :. ; i: . : i i .la. !'.'.' . . l" r i,' I." ! villa al '.i. in p.m. -' '!. im!"'i i . ,; i I ; - I'.i -. it .: t i., ii i nn, in ! : 1. 1 . i -i, , i . t,;,, ,i i 1 1 i'e l. al Tl in : ".!.". p. i , : at I- I'.'. i 1 I !' M. : i.s.i : ;...,:..i 1 1 .a ,., I :.:..) ., i !. ... p. l.l. I .., .' i i'--' !' ,:l 11 .' i . . l; inii.a i h i l.l".. i.. I f.. ;'i j . ..i. p,i-i . .. , ii lu: ia.. .i ie 1 ..t l. HI i ' .I. l .i.i ii.l nl T. 0 a i : "i i in , it 1. a I ll.-'i a. I .lae.i . a. Had ...'J I p. l.t I. .... . I....:., -t i. i i i.i. ur V;.::. v i: ". ' ". :. e,.- j.n i I " ' a. 1.1-, ".' i'l . I 1 p. ',,. i .a t l.aie i .. .. in I.:-1 ...i i.l I..-I l ,. ia,, 'l', .,,.,,a ! ;''-' I1' I' t.-,'. V- . If.,.., 1 I.., . , . ... , i i ... . i I. al V !'..:;.. : , 1. I , I ' a. la. a . 1 . I - I I a- I .. I. e.. I ,.na.:.: . ' t i I ,1 . . , 1'i.llal 1 . I ' .l , lie ll ,, , , -1.,., , '.'. t I I., ..Ii I ,'.l o 1 . l.l.; I . .. M . I.I..V. II ill I '.' , .. ' ' P' l ' I I' I. -ill' il 1. I.i .1. lo. . : ! .... ' p in. Ifi lb. I . bin. i . , ,.t I..." .,, hi. t,,i . . I . ii., 1 1 '. ;o. i. in. i i i.i i.i.'wi. u.i.i i.i y . I I". UU I I I I p. I.I. I' . I'll. .1 ' ".l. I l.l I ,! i , , . . , . ..,,;.'.' , I' v. Ill .. II I ,. ,.i ... Ll .,',,1 I. .an ... i ' , ,li,i . it , I. I 1'. .1 I . I J. I . ... . I A I I I I. M i, , I I I Hi I tell U i IOII Si; I K i. ..I I l , a, p. ... ,, '.,,.1 ...II . ! II. I,',....,, . Ill', V,. a. i... M li. i i I. ,111, I'I.I. I i- , , . i,V f . i . I I. I l i-, . .1 f .i.i. , I I I i li.,. ... i I I I. I I I I, I I ...... 1...4 11. I ' 1,1 I I... I 1 ., , e I ... I . I 1- . . I .1,-1 I . . . 3 ' I I i. . I. .1 I . il.-li.t. I...I. ol Hi. 1 , ,,, .. .'.'.'i l l I - I. . , .. , ... I . , . , I 1 I . u Ji . I . Tl ii(i(or (icnrral, Ditvid f-'liiiiloti. Survpyor (IcnoiT.I, JJohcpt 15. r.oatli. (oust It utional Convention, Tor ii Convention. Judiciary. .! 'resilient, JnoVp, William .U Ko-.-kHcllor. Ai-socifiio ) ii'lge, Cecr-'e 0. Welkep. bounty. Assemlily, JH'iin'bt .r.rnrhf, John IJ. 4ev):ikep. Disl riet Attorney, John Kiiy Clement. Treasurer, -Albert. Ciidwiillp.iler. Comminsioner, Amos Vast i ne. Aiulitor, Jacob .'.. Vollnier. f-.'j i OittlL, Ar.tli'or (ie:iera!, David .lanton. I'urveyor (e: eral, JiiiliePt IJ. keath. t i!ie(itr.;ii.!!.i! Conveiiliuii, F';r a Convent ion. rj-e.tliVxliala a Cri'-'tleut .Ti'.ilirt, V"iH::!i:i.M. INvkefvIli-r. -H.-'.npiato J inline, Ceoru'e C. Welker. .'tf.'i ".,i.ll , Dennis' lJi-io-ht, J'thll IJ. Xewbake!'. ief rii-'. Alionioy, boii' Iv'cy Clement. T: . ii.-iii'er, Ai' ci-: C...lw:c!.!t!i r ( 'i:ir.:.i;-.-i A hp'.- Yii.sfiiie. An li!. i", uii M. Fullmer. c- I ti r. t iiiel.i'l T M".'1 .!.l:l!i-l. 1 Val ' lHi'iM ; ::;.-: .: :. :..). 'i.aili;::. ! i!!c (JiMi'iiinpi: '(I 'l i Ml' C i"!'.'.!!!:.'!!. : . ; ,i : i Z i t !. :. ..:.: ' M . '.! ,.i.:i, i Vi. I':.'.'. 'ii;. i. t '.I:. ;' ii:: v.' .' . Ii ! b i.l. . ) .' . i , ' . .' . .;. i .1 i