( H I I II Ml I II I tt I unburn American. H. B. MASSER, E. WILVERT. Editors. SUN15U11Y, OCTOniiU 7, 1871. i;i:ri i(Li( AN state ticket I"or Auditor (.'cnrrnl, 1AYI1 KTAXTO:V, OF J1I2AVKK COUNTY. For Ktirvcjrr ;oi;crnl, t:u:ti:KT b. isi:ath, OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. JI'imiARY. People's CnntlUiito for rreslilcr.l Jmlgc, Of Xorthnmbtivlaw? Covnty. IIEl'IKMfAN CCIWTY T I('IXT. foi: i:i:rni:sr.NTATjrr: : DENNIS K1UGIIT, ok Montour Co. foh Ti:rAsi:itER : A. CAPWALLADER, ok Milton. ron cojtMTssioxEi: : AMOS VASTINE, of Shamokin Twr. ron DisTnicT ATronxr: y : JNO. K. CLEMENT, of Suxr.vnY. ron At ditou : JAUOiJ'M. FULLMER, okTuiuiot. The Fkesiuknt J rutin as a JrnY. CoMMKmONEit. Anion? tlio ninny impor tant ninl delicate duties dcvolv'tn upon tbo President Jiuigc of our Com Is, none is of graver import, or fraught with mora Bcrious consequences to (lio rights of our citizens, under tlio lMictilinr circtitrirAniices by which the people, of this county find themselves Eurroim.lei1., than that of the selection of jurors. Under the rjquircxcn'.s of tho Act re lating to the selection of Jury Commission ers, passed April 10, 1SC7, pamphlet laws, page 02, it is made tho duty of tlio Presi dent Judge to net with tho two Jury Com missioners in the selection of jurymen, and in placing in the jury wheel the names of the jurors by whom our causes arc to be tried and determined, r.nd by whom our r'ghts aro either to bo protected or over thrown ; by whom either --.ir laws arc to be enforced or justice is to be mocked nnd derided even in her own tempi j. In tho unfortunate condition of n flairs existing in some portions of the coal region, crimi! stalks defiantly forth at noonday, murder and arson and highway robbery have become so common as scarcely to at tract more than a passing notice, and yet it is from this section of our county that Mr. Scott received more than three-fourths of all the votes by which bo claims to bo tho nominee for the office of President Judge. Should ho, in the event of his election to that responsible position, per form tho pk dge, it is fa'uheniaile, to "re member his friends," or if, ns is now nl leged, ho did not make such pledge to the "Roman Ciitholic voters of the coal region, still if lie should prove true to the common sentiment of yralltude to those men to whom lie is alone indebted for bis nomination, and, in t'.ie. selection of jurors men of whom our grand juries nnd traverse and petit juries tiro to be composed should place a majority of these convenient voters in tho jury wheel, it would not require a prophets voice to warn the suitors in our Courts, and tho law abiding citizens of our county what kind of justice would be in store for them ! Let our Grand Juries hav2 upon them a majority of such men as arc only too well known, by reputation at least, to tho peo ple of this county to require inoro particu lar mention, and wc would like to inquire how many indictments would be returned "tr.ic bills V" Put the same material upon our traverse or petit juiii s and we would like so be advised of the "rights they would feel bound to respect" ! Let our people who have hem acciiKtoni cd to repose in confidence in the adminis tration of justice and to rely upon the iu ..ii:...,w.., .,,,,1 :. .. mi ..c ...... 1 1 I nut. iiiijiiii iituti i i.'i uiii vuiiii.i pause, reflect, nnd ponder, nnd let men of j nil parties, and without regard to pailv ties and partisan afiiialions, who love jus tice nnd abhor wrong, consider mid deiib rralJ before they take a t-tep in the daik, which they and their children may live to regret and conch mil. Pome of the Poinotrau of this county will be ns much disappointed the morning after election, ns some of our iltiwns were in seeing tlio balloon o up on Sai'-irdny l ist. The first failure whs caused by I' leak, the second by fro mid the burning of; the balloon. Tho candidates of the Iiish Ik nioerr.ey will find a leak in their balloon that the honest iVmocrats will nc ver agree t.i patch oi cover up. Resides tin y will I'nd a !lra iri theli rear, that will make I hem think tint Satan or the Pope is alter them for their hius d" omi-'-ion and com 1'iin'ioii, and Hint instead of having gone up In the nlr, they biive cone up the spout. RllMKMlil.n that if Mr. Roekif lli r !h Iretrd Judge, he cm, linlcr the new law, all into Court nt tiny lime, niu lher Judge to try t-iitiM' in whii h h bus lull inter iilnl, without nny lint iliii county, uh ihu Stale pay ihe Jud;'i by ihu day tor Mip;! in his pliK-e. Ai iiv i:. - The m int it' tiiu liull vitlunt wohim mil of I. it.' nr.) Ilil'io '.illiolic 'rii l, who um coiistmtly lr;iviling be- lyiet li t!.i ll.no mi I lb" i '.l r.--:'.oin. Will. I In r (In )' Ul' J I. li,;Ioiily llltrl. ted in ihiir eulliii i or iioi, hu mo uutblu l my, Wu led re, .hi, l Iml l lit-y um in-! ibiiv ilii I'l k i p in tlitt t!'"x prn.i of Mr. !'ot, ii,.c ho ibilar I ul it hot. I lit Mi. l'a.itu.1 lli.il "if I um it .u.i.uiii I uod j t In IikI, I Haui ) oil lhal 1 H III It lot li.U r i i)' lii it'l-., hi.. my 1 1., inn Miiil i m n " by u'i i mi l u.i ul I i d in r, l.ilu Ui ai'J 11 -Ii lb I l t i.l bt l. i'l iiU dii in I Ii mii. " 'il K !. l.,l., ti. k' I, l U lit UI..I lill- lli.'lj lilt. . ul (HOI fc.ll.tUi . Wltlt bu ll II .1 .i.'i .. II... i , . ( o, 1 1., t tt .1 1 iii President Judge. " Hie Medium" an Independent paper published at Danville, whoso very intelligent nnd f.iarlcss editor, Dr. D. If. II. Erower, was ft member of tho Legislature at tho time of tho passage of tho resolution providing for tho amend ment to the Constitution, making our Judge elective by the people, takes strong grounds in favor of the election of Wm. M, ltoc KEFELLEU, Esij., the people's cande date for tho office of President Judge of tho Eighth Judicial District. In ft late num ber of that paper ho thus refers to that im portant question : PRESIDENT JUDGE. "It seems to bo pretty well Bottled in the minds of tho people of all parties, Hint Mr. Rockefeller is tho man for President Judge. Ife is ns far removed from tho blighting in llueneo ofpartizan polities, ns anyone who could bo found in the district. IIo is cm phnUeally, ns l c declared in his accept ance, the n:ot'LEs candidate ; nnd in accepting the nomination, he did so only on the ground that be would not make n hurt j content. And, if elected, he would have no friends to reward nnd no enemies to punish. lie appreciates the truo posi tion of a Judge, nnd this verifies the pre diction of those who favored ,m elective ju diciary. If there is one net of public life of which we feci nroud, it is our remarks and our vote in the Legislature In favor of the Constitutional Amendment, giving the people the choice of Judges. And as long ns wo have men like Rockefeller, (who en joys the confidence of tho bar nnd of the psonio m an eniiiKMH. iiegroe.) i;ia practical results will attest the wisdom of the Amendment. Judging by ttio sentiments of the people Democrats ns well as Republicans in all quarters of tho district, there can bo no doubt of tho electio'.; of Mr. Rockefeller. Nor cbii it be '.''.aimed as n partv test, be- causo uiany Democrats declare tlieir inten tion to vole for bun. o have not a word to s.iy ncinst his opponent, Mr. .Scott, but whin Mr Clial 1'iint j.ubli.sltCK that if Mr. Scott elected, ltejiKblicann "iiiii.sf xubmit in be ruled b;i a Jiubje imbued irUk Democratic jiWieij;'.'f" that is, in cfl'ect, declaring that Mr. Scott will act for hi party on the bench, and compel others to submit.' If this is so, then the choice is easily made. AVe trust tho people of this district will have the wisdom, tlio justice and the pa triotism, not to elect ft Judge "imbued" with Democratic, Republican, or any oilier j. v.rlij fecliivj or entanglement. I.t us have one who is "imbued" with tho dig nity, the impartiality and tho enlightened judgment that belongs to the high and re sponsible position that man in the present crisis is Win. M. Rockefeller." The 1)( ,i toe rat and tho Jt)iivcralic, Guard have both changed their views as to what constitutes a political reputation. Their renders will remember that but a fewj'ears have elapsed since J. P. Pursel was con sidered tho leader of tho Democracy of Northumberland County. Rut since Mr. Pursel has become disgusted with the Irish Catholic ticket, which these two papers de sire all honest Democrats to support, be cause the Tammany Ring of New York is interested, and hope for sonic of the spoils, they denounce him ns follows : "John P. Pursel, who has lately gone in to bankruptcy, to the tune of twenty-live thousand dollars, appears also to be a bank rupt in politics, the only difference bi-ing that his business reputation appeared to be at one time worth S-Jo.OOO, whereas his po litical reputation was never worth twenty five cents." Dragging a man's private business into politics, when he is no candidate, for the purpose of advancing the elecliou of a fraudulent Irish Catholic ticket, is stoop ing pretty low, nnd is far fetched to make political capital. If Mr. Pursel has seen fit to go into bankruptcy to settle up his buMW ss affairs, be has that privilege granted him by law, which many of the brat men in the country had toavail them selves of. These editors might have cited I many other cases of bankruptcy, who, in the eve oi the law, are bankrupts. 1 he only diUlrcnec is that when n man goes in to bankruptcy he is compelled to pay fifty per cent, of his indebtedness, while anoth er, indebted more than his property will cover, nnd cannot meet his obligations, is likely to cheat the one half of his creditois out of the whole. The men-rot i'l last week says "John P. l'lir-el. ft luV-l.':!.' i, eeh up (mile aM;. mid : IHT..I il i tliia W'!i-k i.i.-eh.nyei! I'r.ui i'i l the IVino gaui.er, was Slu-rill's of :,!i behavior Democratic ,fl..1(Tal 0l,. , .,:!.,,, u the lice. in ;i. .:;!. it i'i III coll ticket. The above is intended to deceive some of tlio readers of the J)emcriU, for the pur P'se of making -a little capital. In our . . i.. m i i . ill a opinion tlio cuitor na.l oeiur ioiu me truth, in it would have been more credita ble to that j nirnal, n well ns to himself. It is well known that Mr. Pursel was not discharged, as the VcumcnU states, but he bec.imedisgut-ti.il with the manner in which matters have be n conducted by certain of ficials mid deti)au"",ues of his par'y, in rJIV;;,g iV ticket upon the people by Hand 'V ,,:,. ,n,l in ciidcuvoriii'' to mm i..,,.j....'. i - n jii r.iuade iheili th it such a courso would prove fatal l tlic Di niocratiu party, he was id uji ui and iK nowueed .'5 a disorga tilc r. l'ttliiig lhat bii uoiii.l bu ihiing iu justieo to biit li How IK-mot-raU i? fcubmil tili to Hie fi.illd, he It udt ied hi ri:'lgua tiou us Is puly MiciiiV, .by banding mvr to the MuriiV the kiy, and iuforiuiug bim ibat be t'ou'id nc loir.-er ml'VO IU IK pllty, Wc have always opposed Mr. Pursel, colu.'iclltioUsly , tut we do not belieVO ill htimatiing bim by pi n ing him Ul'ne ihe c miiiiuiiiiy in a l.ilni 1. 'hi. "Urn To.Wii in tin: Pt I'ULi:. 1 ino- iriHt", Shiioii I'aliteroll, ll;e Utl W il'u-noik-rr id lite Si.ilu, ban Ui ll blii piug ill .Mm lull V 1 I lii i.ilou nnlii l.ildi d, tl.it hi ttoik, I lid lot plan mid U It. No u Uo t aiuu John . t'oi in y. eililor ut lhu I'i li. lio tit nut !lv, L pi indoor, plitynl lu l ull of llm l.lltliljl t'.llllij uiut li 1 1 tt In , - A um I ill i; .i.. in ii. Our in ihtxir imil Imvu Uvii ul I bo ti; o i I .lr. I ul Ml. t ',11 lilt I Hil l ju. Ihu llllit lit tle, Stinoii ( 'aim Ton i.,n Ii ;l Id ell in lio pl.ti o for vwr lu iiijiiIIi. Joint W, I'tiiiu y t'oul'l not li4V k- pi indoor ittuili, it .i . j. . - .... i utl.it it iu r, t ": ii u ii"in too ' pi.lil. I.l I ill llm i U li'l ttk, Vk 111 i -lily. II k. ! lnl'.l I .IVI i.l' . lbl i'l-l" l 'I U Ult'lir tibU. .Ii.iti ir LtlusLlu ttbltt ii- a in. t.i. - l' I i.a lilt, tmilitiii l.' iil It' t I. lit III I't lilt lll.lt t ll.l, I tl It ' 'I 1 1 1 i. ...I I in. lii... I., iv, I... It u. I I" Hi,; ,1 .. t.i.ot I' ' Oil Special Colhts. In definnco of the plain and unmistakable- terms of tho deol sion of the Supremo Court, to which wo linvo several times referred, our neighbors of tho "Xorthinulerlaiul County Dcmncrut," for the purposo of supporting a tottering causo nnd giving It somo comfort In Its de clining moments, still insist that in the event of Mr. Rockefeller's election as Pre sident Judge, Special Courts will bo neces sary for the purpose of disposing of the cases in which ho is now concerned as counsel. Although tho decision to which we hnvo referenco is absolutely conclusive of tho question, and shows that (lie Judgo from another district could sit during the regular term of our Courts, to try any causes on tho list iu which Mr. llockc- feller may have been employed, and that consequently there could be no necessity for holding Special Courts, yet for the pur poso of putting tho question entirely at rest, Mr. Rockefeller has exocuted a formal agrcement,duly foaled and executed, a copy of which will be found below, binding him self to indemnify nnd snvo tho county harmless and free from all expenses for the holding of Special Courts for tho purposo of disposing of his causes. As Mr. Rockefeller is . unquestionably sponsible, nnd would bo Viable bv virtue of this agreement P-;r nny CSJH.,1SC8 that might be In-Tarred, it seems to us this should Vie entirely satisfactory to every one, and that even our friends of tho Democrat fliitling their principal nnd only remaining objection to the election of tlio people's candidate ll.us who!!)' removed, will take pleasure in voting with us on Tuesday I n 'xt, for Win. M. Rockefeller: To tl-.e EVojpla oi" r.'orwMimei-EinnJ fount-. It having been represented and charged by my opponents, that in the. event of my elect ion to the ollice of President Judge of this Judicial District, tho County of Nor thumberland will bo subjected to the ex tra expense of Special Courts, for the pur pose of disposing of tho cases in which I tin now engaged nnu concerneil as conn- sel, I deem it proper to say that, under the provisions oi tlio Acts nt Assembly upon inni suoiect, as construed mul cnturced ly i flirt I..WW.1.I- .1.... !' I ... l-' , l this State, ronoi'l,.,! in 1.1 1 ' s,:,l,-. I',.. , mi. ii ii.in, iii;ci!iuii oi t.i.: i --ii , i i:uil! I.IIU11C1 poris, page. the President Judge of any ; ti(',n' V,CIV handed in at Ihj County Con other llislricl in the Stale can be' called to : volition without the list of voters and with hold the lliHiCl.Ai; Ti:i;m of the Courts in ' out the tally paper, contrary to the rule os titis district, nnd when so sitt in '. lie. can1. , , , i , n i, . .. hno,. .,i,,i i . .. oil . , ''.""-!'"" , tabhshed by the Democratic County Con hear and try all causes pending in any ot i . ,J , the Courts, civil or .hninal, iti which the ' veiilion. In fact the who.e Irish Catholic Judge of the District may not be able to ; ticket was nominated by tho same fraudu act. and that conscpieiiily there, cannot, ' lent vota as shown above. AV ill such a ?n.ln?s hi i'Uyi "T!S'1-Vl'"1',l.i,cl",ia- fiaudbc sustained by the honest Demo mg ol .i(ti f ourt, in any contingency,! , , ,, ,.J as alleged. er.iti of the County i Rut for the purpose of removing all i ' - doubts or question upon tills point, I do QncuMortw to 5e .tiiswcri'sl I'rai'Jl hereby covenant and aurce, in the event of! vnlly r.t Use I'.Wv.Ui-A. my election, to fully iudeiiiiiilV nnd keeii I , t-i , ivi,..i -i; i i ir harmless ami inih-innilicd llie" County of! ,1' I'""" HAC .-M.at nl J, fierson, Xorlbumbcrlanil, of and from nl! costs. ! t,u' apostle of Democracy, ask m regard to charg'-s and expenses that, shall or may j happen hy reason of tho holding of any I 'li-ii.ii ivijuiiii, in a i, niiiv oi; reiiuereii or become necissary, at any time during my term of otlice for the purpose of trying or disposing of any cause or causes in which I am concerned as counsel. In testimony whereof I hav.i hereunto set my hand and se al, this third dav of Octo ber, A. D., loVl. WM. M. ROCK K rTLLEU. r.. s. ' j 'iJ' j i Vi .Vi.n.'S jmsfiit ul lli: of S'njnUfj n.iu' .S' .' James Heard, 1 T .. ... A X Ritlcl-" f Justices ol Ttho 1 'eaec. "If you want to tied a free and untrani ineled Judge, vote lor Ebcn (!reenoii'h Scott, who, though he is a Democrat and the candidate of the Democratic party, will in no sense be a partisan Judge, lie is interested in none of ihu cases that are on the Coiirt Calendar, and the county will, therefor.!, be at uo cxlra expense for the services .t another iJiicUo irom nuoiner district to preside at our courts. '" Dawrttt. Wo thank the DemOi-rot fur corroborating our statement in tho above, lhat -V. Scott hux no caws in Court, and mighL have added, never had. As to the "extra ex pense for services of another Judge from another district to preside ot our Courts," a communication published in the Jhiuo crat, in issue of May Mil, 1S71, fully ex plains it. It is as follows : Misit.i. Editors. Wc have uiii!i,ito ,d thai a report was in circulation iu the county to the el'.'ect that il'eilhcr Mr. 'At g- ler or Mr. Iliil were, nominated and elected President Jl'.'.l-o of tills Judicial DisLliet, it would entail great expense on the coun ty, by reason of Special Courts. This is not so. J5y the Act of Assembly, passed in lSl'.l, llic Judges of any district may call a Judge from any other district in the State, to hold bis regular court, and any causes that the President Judge may be concerned in, be put down for trial al the regular court, and tint too without any additional expense to the county. Jiwni'i:. If it was a good Democratic argument Li May, when Messrs. .iegler mid Hill wero the Democratic candidates for nomination, surely it must be good now, mid apply as well to Mr. Rockefeller as il did to Messrs. Ziegler and Hill. How can lhu Dihwcrat explain this muddle -will not the same ar gument npply to one party u well a lo Ihe other. Out of their own inoiith let them be condemned. "The Hon. Thomas ChallUut was in at tendance at tho Jieiiioi-ratiii iiiei'ting- on Wednesday evening last. IIo put fanu well directed b"t hhoi Into lint ilii-oremii-Hers. The j topic will back Mr. ( hallant at lhu polls niut remember the dihiugiiiii eu hetealiei'. V -n'j'Yur of l td ,.'. The eiipln will niiicuiUr Mr. ( 'hull. ml at the polU on Tuesd.iy next, it tho "hot shut" ul Ihe um tiutf on ',Ydni'day of last wwik bad a iieiiieiidou t lll cl, pirtlt uiurly on llm fiii iid of Mr. Iluekalew, who Mr. 1 hnlhiiit Miiiitnl to dtliat tMti )it U;;o wlie II It" H.u ll tliMU'-aiii.er biuiielf. I'lil l.UI Ji HI Nultllll MUblll.AMt I'l'. ! "i ti ihiio you t j kptuL, out on 'I'm flay nun I. Ini l' I ho p ill and l.i Wo m l.un! h Mtint the hull I'.tlliolle tit It I, if you do not Haul llm Tuiiu.uiiy Riu, if Nn V oik In lu!uoyer)"Ul I'lautU nnd cor mplioit I.410 U-t'ii i iit'piui; MptturtU, jr IH.Hf.ll ) Otlt putt, III Nuilliilll.bell.iinl ( 'u., ituJ si uu 1 ( Tiiitiutmiy lain vuil. )ua ttli'l killed in J. I Kiitji plan lJ li'liUol ll.v I 1 ll l.t.llrl! ItitnUiet lii uur I'JUUl). 'l ilt I Um it m Uin.g ili-yilopt.,1, and )"U iu l Ja.lnc It I14I ibt; H'litt'j f In i. 1U Ui, if )U tilt' II U' ! pU.il.itl li Ull fill 11m plait. j".W Ik )iur uu IliUitt alt I U I 'l lhu ! t till )U !" Mil. IU i. tr tuiiu. U I Htlli I-- I...d ii.nl The Democrat complains that Geo. C. Wclkcr violated his pledge by not support ing tho Irish fraudulent ticket. Mr. Wclker, liko hundreds of other honest Democrats, found, after the convention, thnt the party had failed to form a-Demo-cratic ticket, and gave thn whole ma tier over to the Irish Catholic clement, which is fiist ruining tho Democratic pnrty ; and to sustain the Democratic principles of Jefferson, he was conscientiously pledged to opposo tho now departure party in this county. If tho editor of tho Democrat would show where thrrc is tho least sign of Democratic principle involved in the party lie is now supporting, ninny other honest Democrats Would probably bo in duced to support it. Mr. Reimensnyder admits lhat frauds were committed in the coal region, yut pretends that ho is not in debted to thoso frauds for his nomination. There were 403 fraudulent votes polled, and taking "Welkcr's vote in tho en lira county, with tho coal region ofl', nnd com paring it with Rcimcus-ryder's voto in tho entire county, villi tho coal region olT, it is evident Vnat Welkcr's majority at tho pti ''.arv election was 7d. " Tho following figures speak for themselves : riiniiii'V Election Annual Election of of wi. 1870. Cvnn'g. U.5 LSI r.'i.'s ::u 5'.I3 tV-imV. Bhutan, tor. at) Coiil townn'p Hi) Mt. Car. lp tail Ml. Car. bur 0.1 . 4:i UVtker. flfm't. iSVA-rf. M 117 l'5 41) 47 iiS It 8 11S JIS4 2I!1 115 101 11113 Vote for .Scott, '70, r.on 40o fnui'.l'.i'.pnt vole. VVI'.I.KF.R AND UF.lMriN.sXYPEii'S VOTE IN TIIK COUNTY. We'ker Co.il region oil'.... in r, I :;i nviineLsnytler Coal region oil..., i::i'.) 4s:j SCO tiW) Welkei'it niiijoril y, 7t) It should be borne ill mind that tho rc lui ns from Ml. Carinel township and bor- ou-li, where Reimel.snyder r 1 J it I lie fraud- "v"1 "1' l-"lJ " ciueu ins iioiiinui- ..1 .-i i- .inn 1 I ! : men who were candidates for o!Uco V "Is lie honest is lie capable V" I 2. What do the leaders of the bogus 1 Democracy of this County ask V "Is he an ; Irishman Is lie a Roman Catholic ?" I o. Can a Domocrat or a Republican, if an honest man, vote for a candidate who obtained bis nomination by fraudulent votes, without violating his conscience ? ' -1. Is there a man of ordinary common sense in the county, who believes that lhu candidates on the Democratic ticket were I'aiily nominated ? I ii. urn 1101 me laic iiouncii 01 ci.uioiio 1 Rishops, assembled in Rome, proclaim tho infallibility of the Pope, mi l does he not claim the right to exeivi.vj temporal and I spiri In a', power over the Catholics of the j whole world V j 0. ll'vo, Mti nny Anidican Citizen, cs j pecial'.y a Deinocnit, whose creed in that ! 1 people shall rule, support any man i for ollice, who rei-ognii s the Pope's de crees and orders aa superior to tlio laws of this countrv ? The Vimocrat says that Dr. Newbaker pledged himself, in that paper, lo support the llemoeratic ticket., when he was a can didate for nomination, but i.as io'.ated his pledge. How could Dr. NV baker violate bis pledge, when there i no Democratic ticket in the field ? No reason.vb'e man will say that Ihe Irish Catholic ticket is Democratic, or thai Mr. Gallagher received a Democratie nomination, when he only got 415 volts in twenty-six districts, out side the coal region, and 1 i TO in the live districts in lli it region. "Ri memi;i:r that the Radicals 1IAVR ROl'GHT sonic of our men to be a, the polls 11s Deiuocrals, for tho purpose of CII RATING DEMOCRATS. Ju.-rt. Tlie tditoi has expressed two seulcuccs in the above that are not very complimen tary to the Democracy, l'irst he tells the people that Democrats sell themselves, and second he wants In make tin t.i v ignoian. that they can be cheated. This is certain ly bad enough when a Democratic editor has to blander UU own parly. - -- --- Auk von Ri:adv. Votoi of tho adja cent districts of tho coal region are you ready to indorse the Irihh C.tiholio move ment iu that region V Are you willing to yive your vote in favor of a ticket formed by fraud, thereby tetling 11 preivdeiii for llm future of the IK iiiocralie party in Nortliuuibei land County t Are you Mil ling In Vote with It party U h i have lubbed yoiiof )o"r proHrty lit broad daylight, nnd tin 11 proved no uhhi ly their eoiiinidi It hell )uU reconii'tl lhu pal til 11 the perpt tialoi V Are you in l.ivur of niviii lhu liii.it Ciliiolun to rtilo lhu working 1 hii in tho coal n ttiou, mi l foieo llu 111 Ij iibj. ft'iuii ami flopping ihu cml brt'iik t in, litiiiii; the poor, mul pivvciiiliig llm c,rc ululioil of t'Vtl lltivo luillioii of dollar in the coiinly V If you Ui0 in fiiur id Halt a kt.iti) of it Hair, volu llm mIioIu Iriult t'uili ulic lukel, lloiu I'lethli nl Jinlii do mi to Auditor. ' 111 Nil I'imiS' - My piiltt Ipltl U lli4t I It,; filloW Ullli .il llit) liMial Vui' U.ll 1 1.0 ItlluW ttli.l icl ll.u IihmI. Wtl lit) pi ll lllj 4 liin p ijitllio till l.tll,"-- Mmii nll ,J t t.i ti.,1. I'llUllii), li4t I jot l'4l lt4Vll Im. 11 tout. I1.I1114 J ll.tl llm ,..'.'. J Ihj li'il ll,.; l il yoli ul ll.u I Sin. vi tin pi nihil y tlktlloii t t I'n I '.' ui m t.ii i iv dct Und Iht: It.. Ill' 111 t i lot I 4 '-'' l lil"ll, Mi IHii ' ', ll il It ul 11 lit ttulU I. .Ul The Defaulter Evans Protected hy the Tammany Democracy. -Tho full history of the action of tho Stato au thorities in regard to tho embczzlemout of George, O. Evans has been published. It Is mi important and startling document, it relieves the Republican odlcials of all re sponsibility for tho cseapo of Evans, thus far, from justice, and that lio owes his lib erty to the Tammany Democracy of A'eto 1'orA-. Tho facts are these : State Treasurer Mackey instituted criminal proceedings against Evans, and his counsol, Hon. II. 15. Swoope, prepared an information charg ing Evaus with fraudulent embezzlement nnd larccncy. Governor Geary upon this Issued a requisition, and Governor Hoff man, of New York, issued an order for tho removal of Evans to custody iu Pennsylva nia. On Friday last Evaus was arrested in New York city, and on Saturday Jmlrjc M'cCimn, Tammany Judge, had Ei-ans brought before him on a writ ot habeas cor !!,-), and in defiance of tho demand of tho Slate of Pennsylvania, hold the caso over for a week. Thus it is clear that while tho Republi can authorities of Pennsylvania have done all iu their power to secure tho absconding defaulter, they have been battled, in the very moment of success, by tho Tammany Democracy of New York. Ry this action Judgo McCunn has prac tically arrayed New York against Pennsyl vania. Ho has violated the Constitution of the United States, which distinctly de clares that tho requisition of the Governor, of one Stato, and the order of tho Governor of another, compels tho return of a fugitive from justice to Hie. State in which his crime was committed. lie has not only insulted Pennsylvania, but be has insulted Gover nor Ilollman. Iu short, he, a Judge hav ing no jurisdiction in this matter, has as sumed the responsibility of deciding upon the merits of a caso which belongs solely to the courts of Pennsylvania. This course of Judge McCunn is unprecedented iu tlio history of the country. The reason is plain. Judgo McCunn postpones the case until next Saturday, two days before the election in Pennsylva nia, solely to help the Democratic party here. Tammany violates tho comity be tween States and the supremo law of the land to nid its allies iu this State. The Democratic papers hero made the non arrest of Evans a charge against the Re publican party, and Tammany refuses to allow bis return to justice in order that tho lie may bo maintained. Tho conduct of Judge McCunn is insolent and revolution ary. Rut the dodge cannot succeed. Every possiblo step that tho Republican Slate government could lako to bring Evans to 'justice has been taken ; by their energy ho I was arrested; aud woidd noic be loehed iqi ii a Pennnyhaniajml were it not for the il hiji'.l interference of Tiimmany Democracy. Instead of that he is "kindly allowed," so tho New York Ihrald says, "to occupy rooms at tho New York Hotel, to receive I such friends as choose lo call on him, and to entertain tlicui with something liko j princely hospitality." He owes this to ' the Democracy, who have snatched him j from the grasp of tho law, and intend to I keep him till the 10th f October is past. j 1 .001; nut for lying handbills on the eve I of the election. AVe have been in firmed toat somo nro now in circulation intended 10 injure Col. Stanton, the Republican can didate for Auditor General. It refers to the Evans embezzlement, a matter which has beeu thoroughly exposed and condemned iy tto Republican press, and with which Ool. Stanton has had no more to do than "t:.e man in tho moon." Let our Republi can friends look out for It. Siaxtox and Heath. Col. David Stan ion. Republican nominee for Auditor General, and Col. Robert It. Heath, nomi nee for Surveyor General, were bo'.li sol diers in the war for the suppression of the rebellion. Rotli are gentlemen of lino at tainments, and excellent character. Even their political enemies havo failed lo give one good reason why they should not bo elected. Roth are good enough for nny posilion in the gilt of Pennsylvania. Re publicans of XorlhuniltcrlaniJ give them a full voto on Tuesday next. What lias tho Democrat to say iu re gard to tho high handed military measures employed iu forcing Pat Hester's gang from the fair giounds. These poor inno cent men were ejected by tho military for nothing at all. All they wanted was to do as they pleased, walk in without paying as Americans did, aud leave when they wero ready. Hud they not been natura lized and made voters mi hour before V Are they not going to rule the country as 60011 as they get strong enough, aud then wont they show us who are la be our mas ters y The following intcrrogat ric. have lx'en piiblinhed for three weeks without an an swer : t'ollKON WITH VOl'U Al IDAVITsl Si ottiin Tim Stand !-lt (Jiii'silou. Pii you or did you not, in the bar-room of one of the principal Hotels iu Mt. Carinel, make certain pledges to mi 1110 parlies of a gang of "Molly Maguim If" Jd, Dill ons of tin 111 say to you : "If we help to elect you, will you do the fair thing by us Y" Ud, Did they Rk of y mi pledge t'i help I hem to elect certain other olllccis V lib, Did you then and iherc pledge your self thus : "(iulitlelileli, if 1 mil iiniuiiiitloi! and 1 It l ied, 1 auru you lhat 1 will reini'in U r my friends, sud my eiieiuie tuui U ware V" Slit, Did you pu dge your. If to Secure lhu Mluwiiiif uoiuiiittlioii to lhu i ii nanmd mul their friend, your friend Put I letter fr hhrriif, Miko I'oiiucljf for Pro tboiioUry, sud Guluhi-r for UuUkituw 1 VI r. htoit, ilit-wi nro g i mo sud n rloi. i Imrtps, If iruo.iiu Itotuisl cau vwU for )u. At us litur from you. Tnl out )ourwiliwtt4. 11 ui Itavstlw sltt.Uvlli 1 1 Will U"l lltUr Slid tial.tltei u4 1'oiiiu ly vr you Utts "A kir t-KAUkKU Jlliifc" Mould Ur 11 Uir liu bit U"i um, imr ittur li td, h ti m llta Cum I t'sk iidjr, u ,4uiil' lid by lla )! iu( ul Ut tt, sud l ui.h.I n a ittuu uby lr. iv ii titould im u)urw4 by 1 1 I"'! lor iUu JuuV tui) We copy the following pertinent remarks from tho Dnet7i'e 4nicricrtH of last week, which wo deem sb wry applicablo to this county. CRACK THE Willi. The Democrats of this county a fc to bo whipped into supporting Mr. Scott for President Judge, merely becauso a corrupt nomination was secured for him. No at tempt is mado to prove his fitness for tho position. Tho only argument is "stick to the ticket." Rockefeller is a Republican and therefore must lie defeated. This is certainly a powerful argument to lie used before an intelligent community. In polit ical opinion Mr. Rockefeller is a Republi can, but it docs not happen that wo aro electing a Judgo to dispcuso political opin ions. Wo want a sound and efficient olli cer ono worthy to wear the mantlo which has fallen from tho shoulders of Judge Jor dan. If Mr. Scott Is such a man then wc have no objection to tho Democrats sticking to their ticket, but to voto for Scott merely for tho sake of sticking to tho ticket, know ing him to be deficient in qualification, is the most absurd doctrine ever propounded. Tho people of this district arc not so re duced. Alexander Jordau was and is a Democrat. Throughout his entire life ho has boon identified with this party. Must wo, therefore, as Republicans, condemn his official courso merely because ho did not agree with us ? Not so. None bear evi dence to Judgo Jordan's ability and worth more heartily than do we, nnd none more sincerely regret that he declined to accept a rcuomination.- Wc venture llm assertion that, had ho been nominated he would havo been elected without opposition. The caso, as it stands now, is materially dill'crent. Though trickery, Northumberland county placed iu nomination a man for tlio high and responsible office of President Judge, who is acknowledged to be incapable, lie never tried a suit at court, nor even presen ted a petition, lio is entirely without that practical experience which is so essential to the proper discharge of the duties of the office to which he aspires. Neither he nor bis friends deny this. After the nomina tion in Northumberland, the Democratic convention of this county did not have the courage to opposo it, but quietly yielded. We have a number of Democratie lawyers in the district who would have been far sujK'rior iu point of merit. Either Ixiidy or Wolvcrton would havo honored the bench, but they were not thought of in such ii convention as nominated this man Scott. To say t lint men like Judge Jordan, Sheriff Reckley, aud other worthy members of tho Democratic party aro opposing Scott be cause "his success interferes with their as pirations" is simply nonsense. A very large majority of tho people of this district, regardless of political bias, will voto for Rockefeller, not because ho is a Republican, but for the excellent reason that lie is the only candidate before the people, at all fit ted for the posilion. The cry of "stick to the ticket" wont do. If you' wish honest men to follow such advice von must first make a creditable- ticket. If two men of equal merit wero presented for our choice it is altogcMier probable that the party lines would be closely drawn, but. under the present circumstances, Rockefeller will be elected by a sweeping majority. Let the people follow tho last advice given to them by J udge Jordan, iu his official capacity aud be careful of tho selection they make. Duty axd Imwhitani'B ok Voting. There is much wholesome truth in the remarks of the Tioga County A'jiintor on this subject, and we commend them to the altention of every Republican voter iu the. State. "Ry all means, and on all occa sions (says ihe -l'i'(-J'ir.) when you have a legal right to do so, VOTE. The occasion' may be ono of little interest to you ; you may not care a penny which of two com peting candidates is elected ; may not even know the men ; or the election may be one in which there is but onu ticket, or one candidate. Such election may seeni a poor reason to an industrious farmer for losing n day in a busy limn. Rut it is not tiio inipoi lance of the election; it is the im portance of the franchise to every man in the land, that we insist on. And only by using this privilege, can il be kept intact ; only by exercising this great power can tho power be retained. The ballot box is just what makes America the most desir able country on the earth for the producers of the earth the toilers who mine, farm, invent and fabricate ; who, whatever share they have in this world's goods, really pro duce every dollar of its wealth. That such men should lie so stupidly dull as to su pinely let this privilege go by default on some trilling excuse, is incomprehensible to intcligent foreiguers, who often see much more clearly than Americans tho value and inllucuco of the ballot. Even in the most trilling elections, it is the in terest of every voter to attend the polls; while the man who stays away from an important election, simply deserves to have his franchise taken from him ; or, what would be better, perhaps, to have a heavy line imposed on him. The utter stupidity which some other wise intelligent men exhibit on litis poiub is most astonishing ; and iho trilling ex cuses which uiauy born Americaus make for absenting themselves from the polls ou election day are humiliating. The man who ilciirtu an excuse for ig noring and neglecting his most valuable right, runs very light for au American citizen. .. .. - - To Tin: Voters hl-t.-idi: ok the Co.u. Reuiun. Will you permit your fanner friends, adjacent to the coal region, to bu rnbljcd of their projicrty, and then vole tho Irish Catholic ticket, formed by fraud, by the very men who do the rubbing, and now ak you to support the men of their choice. If you feel so inclined, vota the ticket that was nominated by the live tlintrieU iu the coal region, giving Scott ll)71 voles and Gallagher 1170 votes, at the piimmy elec tion, while lhu ether twenty-six ditricts in the county gave Si-oil 'SM and Gallagher 413 votes. - - - - Pui.i t k al Isihu kaiikki e. Two yeivrs ago Mr. Clialfaut bolted tho IVmot ralio ticket ami ran as a volunteer candidate for Siato Senator in this dutrict. lie theu delionneid K UliM-rat for Hot Voting for lii in. Now we liud bim denouncing Ibeiu for lining ttluil he did tluii, mul for a U'tlt l' reusoil, becauu llu y do liol deiio the flection of ihu triuli Catholic ticket. . . - luSMII T I Iti.N A I. Com YKS I lux. Ill addition In llm nominee lo U voii d for at llm entiling i lii lioii, l klo llm pioMii tl iiuuaiiiu of a t'oiKtilulituial Convention. I hi Is an iinHiiliiiil iiieuuio willed hould not Uu mti red lo ku by delmll. 'l lu ru am lilitllel lll-tl lo llm publln luteii ! Iiivub led In 1 1 it' iUtUill. Juilltlnl IU lot in, pre ivitiUt iu ml Job U'uUii-'ii, minor ity llt'prt'Miiiiitiiiii, ami imtuy nittiUr ul JtxU, ml! loudly fur iviuiou ail lim.lnli.at lion by a propt ily tbuMiu and ablu ll of imii. ' In ti iitt ii t an only I U on.' Ul Vu ut-'.lu r by llm uitft nl dt'Uutiid id llw "" W, lAltleiy IU puUu ttli, ll.fitl'.iu, aim tit. ant sutli a iiiimIHU itl mil ot uo! lund-tntt U' lit) law a alll ploU-tl ibt) Hj.i ul llu: pub lie mul ul Iniittt II, ell llu t'tamiy of lint KUltf. Iioiu auauitit.il 4iiut'l bun Kiy (uiliiititl jfuittlilt i ami uiiti ii, lo I! llutl bu oit'it'l 4 I wuliluiitU4l la'iuit"U." J9t Ai.?iEI!5.c KJ5. I'or Aroelate Jntgc. To tmrVotbhs or Nohtiiumbeui.and Cocxtt I Fm.t,ow Citizens i At the solicitation of munerons friends, I Imve pormrjitrrt to ho n ciinill (liito for tlio ollice of ABBOCI ATE JUIKJE, nnd tlioroforo nppeitl to nil opposed to fraud nnd cor ruptlon for tlieir support. - , OKOHGE C. WELKEK. Pbnry, Bppt.JO 1871. To the Voter! of Korthuniberluntl County. Tlio iindcrslgnjil would ncpprtfnliy nnnouneo himself ns hii INDEPENDENT CAWDIDATE for LEGISLATURE. He nppoal. to nil the voters who nre opposed to brihrrv, frnud nnd corruption, nnd Iu favor of the purity of tlio bal lot box. JOTIST B. NEWBAKEU. 1 revorlon. Sept. 3, 1S7l.-te. ilclu bbcrt.9cmcnfe I.Nlutc of Jonnlliiiu lHiiItlrlxrgcr, (Intc of Mnrslmll County, Iowa, dec.) "TOTICE Is hereby Blvcn, that Letters of Ad- luiiilMintlon on tlio Estalo or Jonnthnn Diinlilclici'ifcr, decensed, linvc been granted to tlio umliirslsrncd. All porsons kuowintf them selves inilehteil nro requested to tiinkc hiiineiliato payment., and tlioso linvlni; clitlnis to present them for settlement. The underslfriied will meet nil parties Imvlnif claims, in Noi tliuiuberland county at tho otlleo of Henry linker, Esq., iu tlio towH orTrevoi'ton, on Satunlav the lt of Oc tober, 1S71, to adjust thi'ir neeounts. SAMUEL II. DUNKLEBEUHER, Adm'r. Biitlei twp., Scliuj lkill co Oct. 7, 187 1 Ct. uxs c iie:aii.k tiiak iikkoskjie. Okfice op tub Scmu uv Gas Companv, Oetubur "it, 1871. To the Cittfxs ! Repent Investigations de monstrate that Gas or 14 Cnmlles Vimlilv. eun be sold at fri.OO per 1000 cubic feet. The Direc tors or the Sunbtiry Gas Company have ditei--mincd to ndopt that price nnd 14 Cnnd'.ps ns tho standard of ipiality. Thin lixes tho price of n 14 Candle burner atone cent nn hear, or one thinl less than riilladelphia l':is. A Kerosene lamp gives a light of seven to ten pandlps only therefore, gas r.t the above prlco Is much cheaper thnn kciwrnc, wit hunt eansiil ering eostol chimneys nnd liability to accident. Let nil come forward nnd become ga:;s consum ers. Make your applications for rcrvl e pipes and fittings at once, as the scaron for Introduc ing them Is drawing to n close. Bv OiiDKu op tiih DoAiii) or Diur.cTO!:. TE11MP. The contractors for Iho Worlij v. ill introduce pipes upon tlio following terms. Service dpes at 50 cents per running font, incamuiiig lVom centre of street. Upon Market Siiua re, tv.ei-.iv dollars for entire service. Interior llttings nt. l.'i eenti per rnnnia:r foot. In new buildings ( 15 cents per running foot over p'aMer, and "0 cents per riuiii!:i. toot under Honrs. Chi.ndcli'.Ts, I'cnd.int.'i rnd other fixture for sale at new York and t'lii'iaileipliia prices. October 7, 1-S71. IP YOU 7AFifTO' GES tho largest at .-oi t :rent. of Millinerv G nods ever bio'iyht tot!iw vIjvco, CO t ry L. mi i r NS'Mtl EIV, rM. Whcronre arrayed In all their dhVient vanities, Foil Millinery Gocd-a of every description jiift brought fioai riiilad'I phia nnd niv now open. Tho new llnoin just completed 1' lill ' l with au endless variety. A niosi niagaillccat dii lay of Goods on exhibition, and so;,! i,t the lo.ve t prices. kverv Kisn or ? usually kept In n Millinery pstab'is'.inirtit can bo had at her More. Tho tier t in Ihe ri:'.!ldc.;!iia markets were solicited. Give me a call and bo coevhic 1. MISS L. J-IHSSLEiU fjii ileiry, Septembers", 1-ol. rotco to TrcMpusr its:. .N rOTK.'E is hereby given to nil pel ! .ins tu t lo tree'spaHS upon the 1 rcini-iv .a ii.'.ni'liia and Noitli-iiiulii'iland count!. :s, of llu itieli'iii:io' I for the purpose of liuutiag or I'.-'.u!.:. lie!.-.-.; i .y peruih-r-lou from the mvpi-rs. samvf.l r ;:rn::i'!.r. D.Wiii i.r.xKn:. Mjl'lintown, Ihiupl.iu enauty, i' i. . G a:; r:.'rs. ti; TIIACKAUA, MUCK & CO., sT'CE--OKS TO Ml:KKV, MlM'tUH. I, & TIIAC.'K.Vl'.A, MA;tTA(."iT::i:i!-i or (i AS FIXTURKS, ll!10N.i:, ,'ii' i:, '!iii:iill!or, I'cisilnt.Js, ISf.iccSs. tV ., tV c, would respectfully iav'.le the ntteulion of pnr- ehaers to oar c! ::i.t e.sr .ct ia..iil . WHOLESALE AND KETAil. SAI.E-'jKC'OMS, 71S Ctics.uiii Mrcct. MAXUEACT(liY,4:::. 4,H.U)0 AND W KACE 6TKEET. Aug. V.. 1S71. SUM5UIIY ACADE3IY. This Institution openi with an ha rvise list of Instructors, 011 .Monday, riciticnt bcr lilt, 1H71. icati:s or ri i t'iov. J'er Anniiin. Primary Department, - :t 00 '1' Iti i,l DivUlon, i'o 10 Seeoliil Dhislou, I'l i I Elr. Division. fin hi l.cssons on I'laiio or Organ, (eMrii.) I "I la Kn iieli, " 'Jo in " ' liernian, " 'JO 00 " " Drawing .V I'.i'.nlhi'r. l.-x) I 1 00 lloiiriUng l'upils III t Uh.'i Divi i. 1.. . ." 00 I'itsoiis who are ma pupi'. uf liie Ae.n'.. any 111. i v avail tlu'liiselvi ul in-l 1 ueu.iii In ,' ii. , I'l-i neb or licrimin, by appii.alioii lo 1 1 1 . I'lieii pal, or lo the limtrui'tor in lli.ise ih p..' I n ;.l -. Ki'liit fur 11 Htalotftro. X. KO.-1'l'.ll LhuW m:. A. v., I'. .1.1 ip.ll. tiinliiiiy, Aug. I'.llb, lTl. MM. UllllUV. j. kl.tl M M.I 11. w M. !'. Ill tl 1.. MURRAY Ci. CO., Vllillt's.i!i- lle.lli'ls III MACHINERY AND DURN!G OILS, Olllet) and hi ! I M it:. .11. 11, frlulliiK. Hrp.lii;t t.ii I Manilla PAVlTlli'J, I'll'l ll IIM.S, .ti' .. Tbc t ul- In a Ini Corry Kerosrwe lluiiilu Oil M 1 k 4t U tt I. it II niiitf in t 4 COAL YA'IM). tv um pii p.ii.J In il l ") ul !i". I I "' , ! :' II.. !. Hi .t 1 it. i:ti(j, Kit v K. I. Ill GOAL 14 :I whit uttiy Ui 1 'revii i" " v h i'i-'. III. lilt Ul ul uu( ut" k"a- I ' "."'lit 'I '..11 1 M , HI U lwtli " I XI'lillAV A. t it 1. tiiit 1 1iii4 itu-ti, ru.. 1 , I' i. t,. '.. lti. On. 1 nun ana -m . 1 !..! Hi U xit it I'm , "!' ( 11 III I J I I II I.' M .Mt A . ... . . I -l " It,