CCRK OP RHEUMATISM IN ItORSES.- The 'Scientific American priuts this note Ironi a correspondent : I give you too loi lowitiff recino for rheumatism in horses and I will preface it by Bayinjr that I am indebted to an .Englishman (Mr. it. JaeK son) for the same ; also, that I have u&ed the rcecipo upon my horso (whoso ngo is fifleeu vnnral with nerfoet success drivinff Iim, iwily, twelve miles, in all sorts of weather (thermometer irom iu urjr. ueiow zero Fhar. in the winter, to 104 dog. in ho shade, in summer), rain or snow. About two months ago ho wns so stiff he could not walk ; now uo is as aciivo as a cat, The receijic is : r, ..1. :l 1 . r. I ,.., $ pint ; turpentine, J pint, mixed, and well i.i ri.i 1... ..1.1 1 nH.l BII1IKUII. uu iuvuvu uu uiui ui iin uuu nights. A Domestic Rrcipt. Tho way to quarrel with a wifo is to wait until slio is nt her toilet preparatory to coiug out She will be sure to ask you if her bonnot is straight. licuiark that the lives of nine tenths of tho women aro passed in thinking whether their bonnct9 are straight, unci wind up with the remark that you never knew but ono woman who had common seuse about her. AVifo will ask you who that was. You will, with a sigh, reply, "Ah I never mind.' AVifo will as you why (Jul you marry her. l ou Ray, no stractedly, "Ah I why indeed?" The c'i max is reached by this time, and a regular row is sure to loliow. Cuiieof Hoa CiiOLEUA.-Mr. Alfred Car ter, of Fauquier county, Va., it is said, has lounu a remedy lor the prevailing malady among hos:s by some persons denominated cholera. To each hog attacked lie admin isters ten grains ol calomel and ten graius ot tartar emetic, and a cure is ctlectuil. As a preventivo ho gives a strong decoction obtained from polk root, thickeued with corn meal. A mamolh cheese, weighing 3000 pounds, tno product ot ono day's milking uuuu cows, yielding 30,105 pounds of milk, manufac tured m .brio county, was deposited Mr exhibition in tho International Industrial Exhibition, at JJufliilo, on Saturday night. The young man who takes himself to the West, and brings a farm from its natural wild to a state of iino cultivation, does a thousand times more lor Ins country than tho ono who devotes himself to political ouice-seeking. ileto bbcrtiscincnts. II AF.DWARE Volt ALL AT Til 12 HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CO&NSB.I.Y & GO. Market Street, Suiibnrj-, It Is useless lo enumerate, every kind of nrtlclo In Ills Store, but iitnong tho leading Items may be set down llio following i Iron, Scales, Steel, Lead, Steelyard, Grinds tones. Nails of nil kiudd and sizes, Saws, rianes, VI res, Sieves, Chains, Axes, Bras:1 nnd Iron Kettles, lloos, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, llatchcU, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Kulves, Stone Sledge, Plasterers' Trowels', Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Bell, and large east iron Bulls for School Houses nnd FarmciV Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Folks for dieting potatoes, Looking Glasses, Twine, Kiipri, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and llorso Shoes nnd Nails, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all deseiiptions, Colleo Mills, Bits and Braces, f.anlago Bolts of nil kinds, l'alnt nnd Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oil, VurtiislU'w, Japan, Lye, 8ada Ash, Washing Rodn, ' I'AESiTM UK ALL KJSM In Oil or Dry, Puiii-Color of all kinds, CEUAK-WAltE nnd other Wooden-Ware of nil Muds nnd very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery nnd Shoe Findings, Bngsy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Bcissors, Shears, SllOt, C'R imil POWklP!", und n great variety of oilier articles. Any thing wanted mid not on hand, will bo ordered ut once. Kuubury, Aug. l'J, 1871. SADAI 8 TlIK INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOdADAMS ftro puoliiilici on overy package, tl.oro ibr i it ii Wl a Muni'ion, cuuBcipiciiily I'HVSICIASS l'KKs( l.IUK IT Itii a certain euro lor Pcrofnla, Syphilid in ull ii. t'.rii.a, Khi.iii.u lism, Miin Di' r:i;c., Liver C'oia pliiii.t till ull iliMVitiis of tl lilowl. ...:!l .1.. . ...... l .i ..... i.. ..I..- ,1W ,.,'FIW ;II'JI ill. Ill ll.'ll IIIIUIIB id t Uu t-iyrupa of Sdmiiptrill-i. the uwoaitaro physicians hav il 'J the irpracliro ,fur Ilia pial three yi.'U" und I'm ly icrduiiMi il ua a rciiuLlu Allerutivo and Bloud i'uri'ier. lrt T. ITiill i.f Ual'lm. to. Oil. T. J. U-t Kl.'V, li U l(. W.CAi.ll. i t li. I. ASM l.I.V, ' .tin. J. H. h.'AUi;:;, oi .Nit-Ii. UbUU; I Ky :I"H. J. I.. Mi t'AUTI! V, luluiul.u, N. i: ! I li. A. U NOi.1.1 S, l.Jiconil., N. f. used akd rr.oitnrn ey J. Jl. I ut-.Si 11 u &,. I ,11 Uinr, Mat.. W . feMITII. J i. k it. M; h. . i S I t 11, l.:m, tl.ll. H HAI L. I li ..I. I,:... II UA.t S . I il.....l..1,il'lii, Vl. .. li. M. 1 AI J'I.S, Si.jl,..,. Luiv., Vfci.u. Our U .11 IiijI iiiw of !iy v ll.Ul.i4 Illll4lt in i, uiii.i, lt, , irlui ml MinjilalK. 'l ull ' .H al HfufiMI 1ft v f ulbUi r luul I.i. fllMI.I I4 J liWIU.-i . a.H.H I iIIImo-I; aiiil ti i-l M I y LaJ Urf n"l. IWU ill Ml 4iv4 flSI - V"- Uk.J-.Ii l ! J ly ll li.uf.ur., Tk fli.W l VMIIIi'. A WH.I hj) is. cLXiyrs o. JUuikli.lM'11. I A.MII4'., Ii.h.iijui, Mi Jul) mi.- i. tour turm lw Irllmr. rpilfc: u.illr, Iwlki.l bf .. ,u., A'l i iwU toauauli, .nll.uuiliu4 luuiii), t . k,aa ui uia lo .ili, ui u bll. ii lti alllu 1.4 villi i.i 4UHUIU.4 uummi. II u liuuiyi.4 Willi U loi .!.! fiait, auii u.muIi,k Muul I ibl, It Itutil ka ll.ia HU..I,. fca Uu Iiu4 lu a uuiul-i ut tu k. ku.. I 1, (w uu lyl Vi )iai t4I.J.u.i llb, au. M. I -, i... ,4 ( a. .4 b t ..l li . u . i. .... . 4.,., U,,,,, ua. u, oi a t'l.l loi ( I, I'-- Ij i ,t . M 1 1 1. 1 I If li Ik I It. - I . li , vi.l, 4 lu., fa A...l li, i).l law. ijtrifrfJstJJUIlltil. Northern Centrnl ItsilwHy. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd nftcr August 6, 1871, trnlns will rnn as follows t NORTHWARD. Niagara, Express nrrlvcs nt Snnburj at 13.40, p. m. arrives nt Niagara Falls at 13.20, a. m. Butlalo Express arrives nt Banbury tit 4.10 a. m., nrrivo nt Wllllninsport at 4.45 Ehulra nt 9.10 n. in., Cnnaiidali;iin 12.10 p. m. Mail nrrlvcs nt Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive nt Williamsport O.iiO nnd Elmlra 10.U3 p. m. Fast Linn arrives at Sunbury at 6.45 p. in., arrive at Williamsport 8.15 p. in. Erie Mall arrives at Sunbury at x.W, a. m. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express loaves Bunlniry nt 4.10 a. m., arrive at Harrlsbnrg 7.05 a. in., BnltUnoro 10.40 a. in. Express Mall leaves Sunbury, 11.45 a. m., ar rive nt Hurrisbtirj; 1.40 p. m. E:lo Express leaves Siinburv nt 8.55 n. m., nr rivo at Hurrisburg 11.05 p.m., Baltimore 1.00 p. in. J.enve:sunl)ury nt 1.10 n. m.. arrive nt Ilarris- burn il.tin n. m. Sunbury Accomodation leaves Sunbury nt 5.4.) p. m., arrives nt llnrrisburg nt H.'M p. in. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. F.ASTWAIIU. I.envo Sunbury nt 4.40 v. in., nrrivo nt Shnmo- kln 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carmcl 0.10 p. m. l.civc Bunlniry (Accommodation, 1 at 11.50 a. in., arrive at Shainukin 1.C0 p. m. Leave Mt. Cnrinel nt 7.00 n. m., Shamokln 7.40 n. in., nrrivo tit Riinlmiy 9.55 a. in. Leave Shamokln ( Accommodation,) at 3.45 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. ni. Express leaves dally Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to Wllllumiort.. Ail other trains leave dailv, except Sundays. A. K. Fiskk. F,i. S. Yovno, Oen I. Snp t., len'l l'ussen'r An't., Hiirrisbiirir, Pa. Ballnioie, Md. J. AV. AVASIIIN'GTOX'S (illVM) HA It El Eli KIIOI. Tho old permnnent shop of the town. AVe decliuo the boast, but at tho same limo consider that the ni!i;hty tr.illi ma.vjbe seasona bly spoken without inanlfcstinif nil' uncomforta ble amount of vanity uud ambition. Jiut twenty years ns;o I besan my tiuslness career In tins plneo half my lil'etiino thus far spent, have I 6tood upon the lloor of our shop day after day, und'niifht ufter ni.lit, nnd nppiied the sharp blue glcnuiinir steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by tho mighty folds of that eventful period hnvo I shaved nenilv every body in the country (in common parlance) and to oblige the public interest we herein publicly nnuoitncu to our patrons old nnd new tiiat arc ready to shavo them nil again threo huudrcd thousand times or more. Come when you please, hut in time Is tho max im we nro always readv to' work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut von, shampoo you, whhker dye ynu, or perfume, comb nnd nr- rmiro the hair with urtMie skill, in tho "water fall" or water rabc style to suit the customer. AVe work to, not please to work. clop, don t so past shop to si t shaved on the basis of ability because we do it as well as It can be done, or ever could be. A chance is all that we demand To irivc the. proof we hold in hand. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1, 1870. SPIilXG AND SUJiil'Elt STYLES, now open at HI INS 11,: rSE IJI.At'K'M STOKE, Market Smiarc. Sl'NBURY. I'enn'a.. LADIES' DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY; Dress Triuiniins, Embroideries, Notions, Jtc. (ients' Collars, Neck-ties, Ilulf-hoee, Handker hlefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Haii Brushes.Combs, etc. An luvitaf.ou extended to all to call and se cure bargains. April 1871. FURNITUliE STOliE, In Masonic Hall Buildings, Third Ntroot, nour the Vost OSElcc, HV XlttKY, PA. 23. IL. RAUD2HBU3II now oiFcrs to tho public selected nnd mado with prent care, nnd with a view to please the wants of his numerous customers. His stock is new ami of the latest styles. PAIiLOU SUITS, FARLOll A2sD UECErTIOX CIIAIItS, COTTAGE SETTS, ,oh, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest patterns made. kid:: iiu.ikikm, a Ouk or AValnut, and Dining Room Furniture of all kinds. LOOKING GLASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Bolster, AA'lndow Shades and fixtures. aim Special attention U paid to this department by W. l Ktdiei t i who l.ns liad a number of years expcrii'inv in thu city. Colilns of every descrip tion an I sizi'S, cutiNlaiit ly kept on hand. Also, 1'I U's Mi-talle Hiiilal Cases, bhrouds and L'u ihJiiaki'i'i' mali.'rials of all kinds. 2 I'erauual uttemhince to funerals. K.'mrniber, tlii .Masonic Hall Buildings, on Thud street, S inbiirv, Pa. It. L. UALDE.NBL Slf. Sunbury, July 15, 1S71. .fllLLIM'StY. SritINT(! STYLES HATS, l'.flXNKTS, l J.dWEUS, FKAMKS, ETC. Mourning an. I Bridal Hats uud Bonnets. Sami Cii'itovs, 1''kathi:i;m, Flowkiis, Lulvh ami Ti'iiiiiiiinga of uvcry variety. Pull liaeof M)l'l!l(i VEILS AVI) CUAl'E N. ill.. us, u full uaaurliiieiil. Gi nlleluin'a liiov.i, llaiidki'li hiefa, aVe. iHl.l.lM-.HY IS TlIK SPECIALTY. HISS 1 4. KIIISHI.EU, MARKET St L'AltE, SUM5URY, l'A. April 41 III. No. 003 CliOHtnut Btroel, rhlliidoliihla, 1'i.lni lo Inkiie lheiH:i lul ailt i.iIdii of punlui a. la Uii.l ollli ia U.lllliK lUt tll ,lvl llielr uuuauully Ul'l Ull I I..IU.1 -JUllllCil i Nh Joutlrj, U NK W A 'K lir .-i of moil, In iiotliu'ra, l.ul.U ( liAlN'.i. trlUllDkilifr llttr I n au I oilirr prtwuUliuita. l4b!e Ci.lUry, H..I10 I'l.ilr t..l. of Us llutal .ii i.ii) . I'ltE.vt 11 rijuhx ni:ii.vES ami MEN I . VI. U. AMEN irt, r-i.iii.4 due, 1 fiou Puil. ilunu,; llu picavul a aava. t ui.ll. uu ui. J l'lilu ullfciilLiuj la aali-ioltil lu all a ku u...) U lu-i-i. . 4 l i . . . j 1 a a. .1I14I ut.'U lu n.'l IL. 11 Uuiiful aloir, aalll, li. Aii,...l 4 a., .iliun.i u in 1.1 'a 1b.bULu.,) im-4 ,i al.ik aV 1111.4.1 a. a iu. ( . W .i4 4, f !. VatUa U-U 1 ai.4 ft lax Uvat j9 IsfcIIaiKtms. ?ItlLI.G AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, lias JubI rccclvod and opened A MAMMOTH HTOt'K OP t;HIS, w hit h lie lias SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE nnd offers to tho Public nt the very LOWEST CASH PRSCES. Having established a reputation for low prices nnd J?J.TTl DEALI1MQ to all, will endeavor to maintain that position. COME ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST TRICES IV THE COUNTRY. Thankful for tho lnrpe amount of pntronniie heretofore bestowed upon me, 1 will undeaver by f 11 i n it-ti'niLC the host itoimIs nt the lowest prices lo merit u continuance of tho suine. II. T. FPJLING. April 15, 1ST 1. STRING AND SUMMER. CLOTHS AM) CASSI.tlERESI FRENCH AND DOMESTIC (iOODS of every grade, Just opened Hi the .MERCHANT TAILOR SHOT OK TI1CH. .. NOTT, Successor to J. O. Beck, Fourth Street, below i Mai ki I, SIWBUIY, PENN'A. ' Gentlemen who desire fashionable clothing made to order, w ill call at the above place and examine the well selected ttoek, nnd have their suits mailu up In the latest hi vie. Cull und be convinced. THUS. O. NOTT. May 11, 1871. I'ntate of iieorgn Eiuericln, Kon Littc ii Jorilnn Tmnihii, tlirctintJ. XTOTICEIs hereby given thut lettus IcM.i-1 i-N uientary have been granted to the lin k r- : bigiied, on the ertatu of (ieorne Kmerich, S. n., ' late of Joi dun luwiiidilp, Nortbiiiuhei land conn- '. ly, Pa., diccased. All Jiersons linlebted In said ' eslitlu are requested loiilakc payuieiil, , and those liuvhig chiiina lo preeul lliciu iiuly i uulheiilleatvd for setllemeet. ' ; MICHAEL EMEUICH, Executor. I Jordan township, June 10, ls71.-iil I N11I1.U OI'E.YIXll! Lnr(eNlork! llrltrr I'm'UUIh I Jusl opcueil a large, flue ami iiibatunllul e-aort-uioiit of Sl'RINO DRESS (ifM)DS, i)oilfhticn, While (Itxiilri, Fiiiti'y (iiMxlrt, Tiiunu'.iitfa, C'lolliH, C'llHlsillll'lVli, (JAUl'KTS AND OIL CLOTHS. HoUava.1. pihK no.sU III url. IV. FIUJjII (iUucKIIIKit, (jueiiiaaMrii, Wll'.iw-Wiro, (ilaaswure, Jtc, Ac. A Due atm k uf auli.Uull il lttlMatl IttfltliiK, for Meu aud U..j . Kji u Una full an. I i-. uipl. lo. tf Bub.UulUil (inoda a Hh dally, .a J I'rUfa) I null lb liaurai. 4 tall MUt tr laltN fa. All kluda of i.muliy piodm ULcu lu n t'll4i.K lur guutia. MlXlBF llih;5V(,Klt, lUuj-i'a Iron Hulldlny, AJiku t.ivu, sui-bui v. Afill , lall. Clock & Watch Ropnlrcr. r. ou r. lu lk4it'a lllua, lliraa aluui kul ut tUa (Vm lll llotal, ai4la,ii a juaiw, 1 SblUr, fl-, aUailfuMi ItifiMuia lUa ill 141 a ut aJui.buir a4 l- ii-ila, laa U Hiiaj t (mii 1 1.a,a u4 al.l.U.a lu all tiuu.Wa, alavi liwj aual lia. Maia ut all .'i.i. 11,44, IUu. k4 liMtjl aia at.iuii.4 it. iU t ..1 maa ia iLia i.uli,, Li .il.i, L..ll lb4 U k alia aail aalialaUi.,. n iaaatt4a4Cv..tu n.iaVauli aw ,Ja in'l, . ?(isIIiittC0us. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTH A NIIOEN Manufactured to order nt GREATLY" REDUCED TRICES, -JOHX WILYEIl, Npraco Nlroct, Ntinbnry, I'cnn'n, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, ut surprising'- low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very nest In market. His long exper ience In the business has won for him a reputation for making nrst class work c(,ual to any city manufacture AU work wnrranted. TERMSSTRICTLY CASH. Tho pricci of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVEK. Sunbury, March 4, 1R71. jniLI.IMERYUOODSUEXERALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning it ml ICrldnl Hula auil RotiuclN. Full lino of Mourning Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE STECIALTY. Sash Iiibbons, Oiiianients, Feathers, Gloves, llnndkcrchiefs, &c, &e. FANC1T GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. South Fourth St., below the Bailroad, Surbury. April a-j, 1S71. steui:m'opi: views, albums, ci1uomos, frames. K. A 11. T. A.TII Y cV- CO., 5S1 nroistlnu)', Kcw Yorlt, rtivito the attention of thu Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above tfoods, of their own publication, innnnfncturo and importation. Also PHOTO LANTEUN SLIDES and GKAPIIOSCOPEb. NEW VIEWS OF yOSEMlTE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., Mil Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, 1MP011TH1I3 AX1 MANl'! Of Pho! 033-11 iSii! .MalcriatM. March -lib, 1871. ly. TOM PliiET JIAXaS (X5 1 ET L'ltY COM IMS Y. ThU company Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located 1111 an eminence about oiie-t'oiirtli of a mile eal of Sunbury. The in crease of the, population of Sunbury, nnd conse quent advance hi the ratio of mortality, ns well 111. the limited facilities forthe interment of those who have fought life's battle, have smrircsted the organization of the nhove named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the olllce of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Kohrbaeh. Price of lots from 5 to if 15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. IiOliniiACH, Sec'y. Stay 13, lS71.-tf. IMtlCES KEDl'CEU atT AT TUB Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store OP ELI MILLER, In C. B. Smith's Iloom, Queen Street, one doo East of the Port Olllce, NOBTIIL'MBERLAND, PENN'A. For Elmlra Boots, go to Eli Miller's Boot and Shoe Store. They are hold, Best Calf at ?(t. For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller's, only U to 11 per pair. For Boots, Shoes nnd Gaiters, ut lowest poss. blc prices, go to Eli Miller's, on (Jiieen Street. For all kinds of Gum Boots and Shoes, call ut E:I Miller's. For Ladies' Gum Overshoes, see flue assort ment at Eli Miliers. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, go nud ex amine Ell Miller's largo assortment. For anything In the Boot and Shoe Hue, call and examine. Eli Miller's stock before purchasing eli-ewliere if you wish to get Urst-class, nt tin: lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep.3, '70.-ly. A fifeEAT MEDsOAL bsG0VERY" Er. WALKSS'3 C .1 LIFOP-NI A YINEGAE JJITTEES Hundreds cf Thousands el o 13 TIIET AUE kot a vile a 1 FANCY DRINK. Ma'.nnf l'oar It 111 1, M'lil.kejr, l'rnul l.plrltu ci:J lkil:iiu l.lroru '.-tui,il. biilcc4 uuat.wcl lail to 'h-!uio viio tjlu, cUlc4'TuiUci-,'".j,pv'Lz. t.-t," lU-storcni," Ac, lliut li-il tlui tdu lir in 10 i,.ri,!itcr.a'u..i tr.i ri.i, tail wu n tmo Mciin. l:ie,'.j froiii tlio :CttIvo Lei'U; oal i.ui'Lu 1 f t';.hl', I'reo truni i.ll Atfii!iille Kituiblntuu. 'll.ytrc l'..i t:itKAT kit.i-.ui fi:uni;:t nud a t.'tVINU l'i:i.M'n'l.:-r:ri:ct tuuuur a l lavl-oratur Lf 11 : tj A'.u, t.utyi:.j off ull j,ou.oiu.Uii r ati, r lh1 reituiln,; tl.o 11. ;1 lo ii laulil i iw X.L'-i. Kopcrs'in can tu-j tli'.'(j 1 i.lcra vcciliiti Iwilacc tluii atiU rciuuiuli ii uav;ilL lalUO u..l'.,o rr.'-ii i'-r j h;i luallo c: c. j . -nt.k"l t-ic buaca are t-ul diiitro eil b n:atrul jin-i or mli.T iacat:(i, o'.h! I ju vital cil ..-i.U b.yu4..Hliu iulnt rf ri'!i!!! l'r liiiliiiniui.lory m l Crc!u LIicin u. than nud t.ui:i, Lya ; .11, ni' Iii'Jl-r .iluu, lUlluua, tti mUt.'iil i:utl luiiiuiltu ni i't'tt-u 1)1 ui iifci-n ul iLw Llund, l.lvi r, Kli'ui m, tiiiil Jlll'dilvr, iIiimi llliieta'o Ikh.1 l.w!.l aucciui. (ul, buib LII.4U.r4 era caa.ul l Vliluitd I looil. vi.,i-M( i;tr rtlly 1 I x il Tuuimviit ' Uit.ii !!!. , :!(ii;.ju, DVt I'I.IM.1 OU I.M)!:r.r TI:.V, Itrad a-l..-.l -.a i.. luj li ui.U!ira. twnrlJ, 1 ilitufa of tt.a c:.j I, M.i.uiai., i:t in i-ui.'.na i( l:.a KUuiwh, I uj u.n. I.i il j !', :,lli, II llnua Allneka, l a'titll u ' Vt l.'i' 1.': t.:l, ll C-uiui.uiuiu cf II c l.til XJ. Tula lli I! J n if t!.o Hilu ja na a utUa .u;U ;- ii. a, nru II. 0 i ffb rlri.cif l).iHUa. In a I'.vicomUi HwHl..i-,liiu.a..laiuUll II.. Ur I.IKn.ri .u b. wila.aiilili iiu li-rili M.,ruuri;uiul 4.-..-M) lu cliui'tj,f wl ii'i,i.rlii. a, u.4 lu.(...iil if 11. w lifu .t.,r I il.i4.a, 1 tl U n It I N II I ia L r. .:i, ki uaawaa, I ailtf , Kail IUuw,llU kV. I ioia, 1 11. 1 lia. I u. tana, Ui-lla. l tuuclo4. 1.ii.a Huiu.4, luUIMMa I ua. fcii alaa, licli, kwurn, liaix.l..ulkiua vl Iku I 41a, lliti.auM aaj lii44.4 ui IL41 1 kia, 1 1 i.i. r aau.4 w a-rfauo, am llltrallf dug haaa4riUi4uulu4 lu. ajiUuiua Ul Uaa w ut lliut l Iitl4. t.i.4 U.I.W tit a III lai u Uia aia4 lwKili.4viat vl Uuif tiJailli ail.41. awaaa lias Villa4 tla4 bafcataa- I J U tiuaviliua aaiaUka u.ionak cua aaiu u llutiaaa, t ruiB ut aAinIwi it alt. )ia t.4 .1 aUuavM aa4 aluaaWi la aba taiuaialaaM U uaa it lafut.1, a4utf awaiaaaaauiaaal yiaaa. a. -ay ika M r-'a a4 aua aatib tX Ua a aUiual . fill, tflliaHJi HUtlNa, Iw .u.4 la kUa aauaaa4 auwar U4Haaa4.4a.a4a aai44aaii .aliw 4 att4 Itaauta. lal 4ua44vtt4, Ia4 I4vi.k.l M aaiaaiaa' at44 aaai bwuaa, )uia4.4 U t4 U laM-a-taWa, It. , a) a- h4mb. I. W41-fc4. t'lvkaur. U UlukUi Hi, lfai.aa aa.4 laaa akia. aa lluilw, ial, a4 li aa4 H l itaaiaaiaa lul, I.i lul r-aH4 r 4U4. ftttwuUI tt lUtU nl.4l K II fit, at W a 1114.11,4, 1 ,, . ai 44 ! if J- k'M lUita ul uu .14.4., kai4 al 1VI 4lmliH.,w ,, .)-. 2 ? Hundreds cf Thousands ? H !" Boar tMtlmonjr K I hair Wonder- g. 7 5 tul Curallvo Elluli. I ; Hi WHAT A!1Z TMEY? ; pri e3 U r ft, I F- U.M ! V Hi ..r---ir-viw ir-rS STV2 af ?H fawufitcturcrs. Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLEf, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., For Male anil Fciunlc l'apllx. Attractively sltUBted In a healthful nnd bcnntl ful region, y,ot mllo from Penn'n R. R. Four rcuiilnr Rradnntcs, nsslsted by other competent Instructors constitute the corpa of Instruction. Tho Priuclpnl (for many yenra In chargo of Tus carrora Academy, nnd, sinco 1S63 thu bend of this Institution,) refers to his numerous pupils In nil tho lcnrncd professions, nnd In every de partment of business. Music and Painting spe cialties. FbII Mratajion will roinmenre Nop Irinbpr Ijt, 1S71. Trruin, 200 tier Annum, Address, DAVID WII.ROX, A. M. A. J. PATTERSON, A. M. Tout Koyal, I'a. July S3, 1871. Ct. KKXV MEAT ttIIOI. THE undersigned respectfully Informs the cjtl ;eiis of Sunbury uud vicinity, that they uuvo opened a MEAT SHOP, In DewftTl's liulliliiiL'.nn the north side of Market Biiiare, two doors from tho railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of tho best of Hecf, Pork, Mutton, Ac, ut w holesale or retail, nt tho lowest prices and of the first quality . A wnijon wilt be rnn to supply customers every moniluif, (except Sundays.) The best of meut will found nt their shop, tiive us n cull nnd sntlsfv your selves. P.LFPEW & BOWER. Oct. 10th 1 sc,. t r. INAAC; Si. NTAI FFEK, WATCHES, JEWELRY M4 North Nocoiml fit., ( or. ol'tiurrj , PIIILADF.LPIIIA An nssortmenl of Watches, Jewelry, Silver nnd Plated Ware constantly oil band. Repairing of Watches nud Jewelry promptly aiiuiuieu 10. LApril 1, 1871-ly. if i JE,Ls fk Tax iriixt,Y stoke MISS L. WEISEKT Market Street, one door west of Oearhnrt's con feetioncry store, ' SUNUUltV, l'A., H ripened her Pprimf and Summer stock of Milliiipry Mini Fitiir.f (JnotU, HATS AND HON NETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Sack loops, Chignons, Collars, Cull's, Jouvin Gloves, and a lame variety of other articles. In connection with the .Millinery business, she ean ies ou inu DHESS MAKING AND FITTING, in all its branches She U nlbo nj;cnt for the Bale of Ramsey, Scott & io.'r rtmcrns. The ladies of Siinlmry and vicinity nre cor- uiniiy inviieu 10 can unu cxan.liie Her splendid sioeii. May 13, 1S71. Lt.MliEIt AM) PLAXINCi MILLS. thud btreet, nljuiiilnr Phila. it Kile R. R., two friliiures North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. Ill A T. TlEMEXT, IS picpured to furnish every description of lum Ut rcpiii'i-il by the demands of the public Haviiin ull the latest improved niacbii.erv for nianutariurinir Limber, be Is now ready to till or ders ufall kinds of FLOOniNd, SIIUXO, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, It!. I. MIS .MtlLl.lMNt.S, VE RANHAS, KRACKKTS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrow lWork. Tum- iiitf ol every descript ion promptly executed. Also, A LAIilll! ASSliUTMIiNT UF DILL LUMBER HEMLOCK and TINE. Also, Shlnirlcs, Pickets, l.atlie, iVc, Orders promptly lilled, and bhlpped by Railroad or ot IH i H ise. 1KA 1. CLEM EAT. c!ecl,.l-l'.S:ly JSTOVE v TiS i:.vrAHLisiiMEXT; MARKET STREET, SUXIiURY, l'A. ALFRED KRAUSE, lVoprii-tor. stCClUi!Ott TO SMITH li liEMIIKII.j n A VINO purchased the above well known cs. luhlishmenl, Mr. Kriiusu would rcsiiect ful ly inform thu public that hu now has on hand 11 largo asorlment ot C ( O KING S T O V E S Speci's Cook Anti-Hiii-t, P.'iilator or Revnlvlm; Top, Combination, SUMlit'hunnu and others, w hich ure so arranged ns to by used for Coal or Wood, und ill u wnrranted to perform satisl'actori ly or no sale. HhA 1 EKS ol all kinds put up to Ileal olio or moi-j looms. HICATlMi biOES ot dillereut kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Etery IPMrriiion keil constantly on hand. Roofing and Spuming nun me oen i.iuierial, done at short notice. REPAIRING nit.Muled to witli dispatch. Coal Oil ui.d Lamps constantly on Imml. Japan ware of a I Store opposite Conley's liardw.ire More, i.ive me u call. A. KUAL'SE. nplLM-ly T I n E I t-T M OX EY Tl ' ALL Wall Paper and llorder, sold by inc wll be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, 11V TlIK YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, 1 r;- .f r- -fS if t . a r;: 1 11 which I have the exeluslva rhht lo tue m uutiurv uud vicinity. Bnve moiiey, time and labor, br buylm of K. FEIIItEK 1. 1 tall l EK, Dialer In Hooks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Mualc, Ai'., Ac., 4cc. buuduy S1U00I fcl PPI.1ES utudu tiioiuillly. Illuub, Meuiontiiiluita aV I'wmm ItoolaM lu cii.!e vaiii ty, Jut ruvelvrd. HOOK ItlN'DlVO done In order. P.r.oua kill auki; 4nuii.u by luiiii lUulr 411 del a lur biudlug n nil 11117. I'llTI IIC FIIAMFM of alt al. a, em Ii 0141 Ilie Moulding ul Very low talia. OVAL fcU,l AUK IIAVIM alaaia uu and. ' ALUl'MS, JHtAC'KKTS, LiOLD I'EN i, iVc, c, Ac. A luru'D and wi ll aik. iid ato. k of Toyaiilway uu I1.111I. Auuhiii 11..I uu hand pruUiplly ul ducj. lijiuiiia lor 14.I1, Call al N. ftliltKE I.IilllT.snt al Hunk Mori', Ulwuof Folry a tiold Piu, Marail .U4iu, kut kui, P i. , UliuIui), u;u-l bib, 1 170, M M'.IHV Mtltlll.K VAMU, fpilK uuti.inii.l ht,tiiK l,ukb ilia aullia 1 aim k ol ll.aliiKK a lallot, Wulild luliKIH Ihii public ihui Uv 14 now r.i lii ilu all tiuila i'( MtUUIL MUltU. lUa uu liattJ, au4 laukia lu vid.r al kiUMlT hl'TII H laMta'Ma 4 II va4aaMr, : rvtai.itia. fg hIhx'U ami wisihiw mm Alao.l 11. oli i i'uia Willi lialtaaloj plw ai.4 4 li l Im 1 I- ... 11. w al.4i.B u-44 ua) t aim I. .tea. -J. i.u A 1a;i- ai.i iuuin.w. 141 114 a4wi.'ktt 1.1. aM4a44vw4iaiUaVaaaI ,aH44,tiUlf. tH M WW w 4 I I 1 L . WW e "..J ', as.-.;.-,; itneous. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR "ME YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, $52,015,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force,' t'M,tlVA,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loured at interest, $3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, 11000,00 Amount due from Aircnts, (HO0,UA Amount duo from other sources, $126,00 Available Capital, $311,11,115 In 11 re your Cattle. INSURE with responsible nnd perfectly re liublo Company. Insure whero your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL I'KOTECTIVE COM- fAXY Hence, unllko other Companies, you nre sura of bcliiK pnld promptly for all losses, If insured In Oils Coiiinuy. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OK ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd onr Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses hy nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting lu cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c. ecc. We pny prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of Iosb. Nearly $3,000 paid on Cons alone Mure OrgnlilzHtloii. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Comb alone by this Company. M Hennlnircr, Siinburv, Pn $33 1) Hilirert, Northumberland 50 (leortre Eekcrt, " 40 8 B Dodirc, " BO Charles Uolick, Mt Carmcl WO Esubeus Sipplc, " 40 Catharine Wnirncr, Watsontown 411 (icorj;c Heir, Northumberland 50 Jacob Snyder, Siinburv . o:t:!3 J W R.isslur, " " no Minor duly, Dcwnrt 00 Catharine Mtiitx, Shamokln 40 Francis Uuehur, Punlinry 110 Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh 50 Joseph 1eppen, Ml Carinel 50 Matthias Seliolly, 40 Francis McCnrty, " 50 Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45 Jocph Nicely, Jr., Dewurt 40 J it R C Qiiliriritf, Pine, Clinton oo... 40 R Rainane, Slienundonli, tchuglkill co 40 J 8 Tliurp, Shaniokin 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmcl 45 N A l.oudcnslager, llerndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40 (J L Reniran, Shenandoah, Schny'.kiil co 50 Jacob Shine, " " 10 Jacob Stoitz, " " 40 D II Mower, llerndon, 30 (iuo li Lnhr, Oeoi i;etovn 40 John II Ossinan, Sunbury 40 W II Wallace, Northumberland SO II 8 (Irnhuni, " 50 Rebecca Koble, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstein, Watsontown 40 G S Low, Lime R'ule, Columbia co 40 Lewis Oi.terhaut, Laurel Ruii,Lnzemo fo.,.40 Mary J I line, Northumberland 40 1) F Krohn, Siinburv 1J Andrew Healy, (iii,inli-ille, Selaijlkill CO.. 40, Patrick Furirefon, Mt Carmcl ..40, Martin Delauey, Shenandoah city John Dane, Alilnnd, Schuylkill co... Anthony McLniiirhliu, tiirnrdsvillu ... Lhiyuiuu S Hay, Mahauoy Plane , R Johnson, Raven Run David Rancher, Berwick J D Foeht, Potlsvilie Ernblus Sober, Point twp A Llppeneoit, Watsontown 1 1, 10, P), 40, 10, ......-7, Ill I, 211, 4l, Maria Krutncr, Wntsim'n,2d loss pd lust mini ,40, 1 r Lippcncotv, wuisontown 40, R 8 Annuel man, Siiydertown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwiek, Columbia i'0.,..i 27, J oc C R (JnlL'ftlc.PInc Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,4H, Charles W Hazard, Rupert, Columbia co...40, John Fugleman, Wiitaontown 4(, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmcl , 40, Thomas Mctz, Paxlnos Jill, R McCloskv, Lock Haven 131, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. REIMENSXYDKR, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Rriincr, Solomon Stroll, Will, lirindlc, Soloman Sliipe, John A. Shitsler, Dr. D. T. Kiebs, Dr. Dal id Waldron. March 11, IS7I. ly. P O RCA LEI EIGHTY acres of Improved land in the best section of Southern Mil hliran, within live miles of the town of "Three Rivers," in St. Jo seph county, within two miles of the Railroad isiuttiiii, n"o'l huildliiita, out hoiise-i, hir'e or chard, null, rich sandy loam, school houses nnd churchs within t-iuht lit lu IndlKputuhle, ten acres lire in wheat, thu remainder in clover Hod. A span of horses, cattle, hou's, iriaiu uud I'ariuiiifr iiiuiisiis, ivc, win lie soiii witli this propcrtv. Price $T0 per acre, f 3,000 in cash, tho balance in time pavnients of ISMIO. Apply to W.M. A. M ASffER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, H. 11. MASSER, Sunbury, I'a. Sunbury, March 11, 1871. A TAXllOODi 1VJL ED. Just HOW LOFT, HOW RESTOR- ig-s, Third Edit Inn. THE MEDICAL COM PANION AND GLIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhica, or Seminal Weak ness, In volant. irv Seiiiln.-il Lorses. Iiniiotenev. Mental and Physical Ineapacity, Impedimenta in .iiarriuge, etc., iiuu I lie li in-real uud Sypliilitic Maladius witli jilain and clear directions for the speedy cure ol Seeondary Symptoms, Gonorrlni'ii, (ileets, Strictures, and all di.-cascs of the skin. sueli as Scurvy, Scrofula, UlcerH, Roils, Blotch es nun runpics on tue. law ami body. Consunii tion. Epilepsy, nud Flls, Induced by acll'-iudul geneu or scetual extravagance. 1 lie celeiirnlcil aiitlior in tins luiiiiirablu Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from 11 forty year's succcsl'ul practice, that the alarmim; coiisvii'uence of aolf-ubuso may be radieully cured ; pointing out a mode of cure nt once simple, certain, and ell'ectuiil, by means of which every sufferer, no iiinut-r wuai 11 is comiiiion may lie. ran b ctlee lually cured, cheaply, privately, and radii-ally. Sir This book ehould be in the bauds of ever) youth, nud every man in thu laud. Pent iimler ial. In a plain enveloiie. Trice. 50 cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach street, New York. NritlSU AXlt NI JINKK Mir.UXEUr AND FAXUV GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, In Dewail'a Building, Market S lU.iro, SI'NliLUV, PA., w here will be found 11 new supply of goods, con- hisinig 01 Millinery ami rani-v GimmIs, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND I N- TRIMMED. Ami, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and buys. Vl.twi-ra of the latest ami handsomenl alvU't S.isll ItiblxxiH, iilniii and llL-un-.l.'a hpi uiers, Imi lulaia, I.lni u t'olara und Cull'a inr i.:..i.-a huh I nil, Hill, I'l-m liil eollara. Ni-i kliea for Uullea and tii nl'a laln.1 at y lea MIK Kiek Ihiiw, a aiiiH-iior urlli l.i. lluv.ia Itieluillng Ki.l, und Litdii a' lliu L.kln irluvi-a. Il.iiidkei'i lili ra. All kin. la ol Triiiiinluga. hiiiiiruideif I'alterus. Ilnal.-ry for laulle., 'HI 'a and t liil.lriu. Nu4s " iiue und pliU iiiiuiiiiuga. TRIMMING SILKS, ClilKtiiiiia, Zi phyra uud Varna, and a (,'euerat Vurl. I y of Soli, ma. Tlmiikfiil for pal itriMiro, .he hoioa Dual the ajiiitluy ut her gnoda w ill lumit u loiiliiiaaiii-a o IUu aiiiiie. I LU AUL I U LlC.Ull 8. April 20, m7I. I'Miulw, Oil.. .tr. A ri I.I. uf Oil. ioil.prl..luj l.lliaamd Oil. I .sil Oil, 'i.h Oil. and l.iilul. .ilinif I'll lur r Ilk'"" a 11. 1 ll ul.lii, ly, ValUlatlia, lilu.a, ulwu). uu U411.I, ut luw pruia ut uiNur to . To the C'oiiiiiiuiiily utj.ari! t IIAVGK AT 1 UK "REGULATOR," I bain Una Ui .uiiIimi Dm nana alink, H.a4 will ami lialuiua ul lUu II. 4; H..4, low, 'I lui.k, lalli. r awd I1111I11114 l..ii , i.i J. . U4l'', aud will uliuua lU Itualuaaw al lla (nil. at I kuuLuai, uoiu.i iimu, lUwi't'a liuu lioul, lAMkk.r DlUakl, bl wallUf, l'A. Mlwa kaili a laliblula .ii.iKtui.Li. .ub I ha 44diba U4''aia ul lUu a4.m,li, I 1 lo 1" ''l 'i"a luu tu4i.t will, a il.aa w..i of 1.1 .1 ...l.,. !, i-uUibMi .4 iliiialuiii 1 tul tin. a, - l-maa i4. WU.I II4IIU -.Ululll,. j a ilull) will Ui lai4.:v lu lk I. .11. li, 11.4 al.. v Uiatta I114I1II4I. I..I l.4HUl4.tUll4i, riuMi 14 a.u 144-1. HaklwiJ, a4t. HI, .fi Itailroitbs. Ileailing Ilallroad. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 151ft, 1H71. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Wcat for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read liilf, Pottaville, Tnmaipin, Ashland, Slmmokin, Lebanon, Allcntown, Easton, Ephratn, Lltie! Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Trnlna leave IlnrriBburg for New York, as fol lows! At 8.40, 8.10, a. in. nnd 2.00 p. m., con ticctinir with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving nt New York nt 10.05 a. m., 8.50, and 9.80 p in. respectively. Bleeping Cam accompany tho 8.40 a. ni., train without chitnjrc. Returning 1 Leave New York at 9.00 a. m 18.30 noon and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. 111. and 3.30 p. in. Sleeping Cura accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train from New York with out chainrc. Leave llnrrisburj; for Rending, Fottsviilc, Ta maipm, Mlncrsville, Ashland, Shamokln, Allcntown nnd Philadelphia nt 8.10 a. m., 2.00 and 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebnnon nnd principal wny stations the 4.05 p. m., train coimcetiiiir for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllc nnd Co luniblii only. For Pottaville, Bchuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Bchuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave HurrisburK nt 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroud trains leave Read Inir for Allcntown, Easton nnd New York nt 4.R2, 10.30 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leava New York at 9.00 a. in., 12.80 noon and 6.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 noon. 2.15, 4.25 nnd 8.85 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar train on East l'eiinn. Railroad, returning from Reading nt 0.20 p. in., stopping ut nil stations. Leave Pottsvlllc ut U.00 a. m. nud 2.30 p. in. lb-melon at 10.00 a. in., Shnmokiu ut 5.40 and 11.15 n. 111. ; Ashland nt 7.05 n. m., nnd 12.43 noon; Malianoy City nt 7.51 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. Tamaiiiii ut 8.35 a. 111. and 2.10 p. 111. for Philadelphia, New York.Kcndliig, Harrisbtirg.Ac. Leave Pottsvlllc via Schuvlkil! nnd Susoue haiiiia Railroad at 8.15 n. 111. for Ifariisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove nnd Trcniont. Rending Accommodation Train leaves Potts vlllc at 5.40 a. 111., passes Reading nt 7.30 n. 111. ni riviug ut Philadelphia nt 10.20 a. 111., returning leuves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. 111., passing Read ing ut 7.55 p.m. arriving nt Pottsvlllc nt 0.40 p.m. Pottslown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town ut 0.30 . m., returning leaves Philadelphia nt 4.30 p. 111. Coliin:bia Riinroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. in. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster. Columbia, iV:r. Perkionien Rail Road Trains leave Perkloincn .111ne110n11i, li.n.iu. in., at 8.00 and 6.00 p. m. Reiurning.leave Sehwenksville nt r..30,U.10 a. 111., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. ni. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colchroolidalc Railroad Trains leave Poltstown at 0.40H. nt., I.15iind (5.45 p. in., returning lenve Mt. Pleasant ut 7.00 and 11.25 n. in., nnd 3.00 p. in., connecting with similar traius 011 Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Brld 'O port t 8.30 a. 111., 2.05and 5.32 p. 111. returning, leave Dotvulngtuu at 11.40 11. in., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains 011 Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York ut 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia ut 8.00 11. 111. and 3.15 p. m.. (tho 8.00 a. 111. tram running only to Reading;) leave PcltKVillciit S-oOa. in., leave lliirrlsburg, 2.40a. in., und 2.00 i. in. 1 leave AMentowu at 4.25 uud H.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. 111. nnd 0.50 p. III. for linirif-liiiiir. ut 4.32 a. 111. Tor New York, at 7.20 a. 111. for Allcntoim and at il.40 a. 111. nnd 4.15 p. m. for Philadel'a. Coniinutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from ull points ut re duced rates. Bagiraiic checked through! 100 Poir.idi Bag gage allowed eueh Pussciiger. J. E. V.X-tJTTEX, As:.t. S111 1. it Kiiif. Matli'iy. Livclimvaiiiiii nnd tiEooiiishur Itail. r:xt. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Moudav, Julv 17, 171. SOL'TIIWAUD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. Seranton, li'dlevue, Taylorviile, Lackawaiiiia, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mull by, Khigfion, & ) et. W.-Barrc ic'rs Plyinouih June., Plymouth, Xuiiticokr, IliinliH-kV, Sliiek.biniiv, UleU's Ferry, lleaeli Haven, I'.ei lek. Hriar Creek, j l;i'.nc Ridge, Espy. Illooiiii'bur; ltu;.( it, C.itaw issu, Danville, CiiulasUy, 1 anieron, Aon li'tl, Leave. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, ClltllWiBSIl, HiiKrt, Hloonitburg, Espy, Lime Kidgp, Hi lar Creek, lkrwhk, Hencli Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shickshinny, Huiiiock's, Nanlicoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June, Kinu'ston, iV. i rt, W.-Hurro te'rs Maltby, Wyoming, Weal Pillsloa, l'Utston, Lackawanna, Taylori ilie, Hellcvnc, Scruiilou, (arrive; 3 :ui 11 -i Wi lli T. HOI NI), Sup't. lbUadclhlii mill Erie lluilranuT" 6LMMER TIME TALI.E. On nnd nftcr Mondav, August Tth, s:i ie Trulua on tho Philadelphia ik Eiic Rail KouJ will run ua follow a 1 WESTWARD. Mall Train lenve. IMillaih-lphlu, " " Siinburv, " " urr ut Ei ic, El'lo Exprc have. Pliiladi lplila, S111.b1.1y, " " urt 1.1 Erie, Eluilrit Mall luivea l'lii:.i J. h.l.l.i. " Suiiluirv, " " arr ul Lurk lbn.-u. 7.10 p m 2.05 it 111 a. an p in 12 30 p 111 II . V) p 1,1 T.40 a m U.30 a iu 1 .' 15 p 111 T.50 p in 4 15 III Ullltillu Enproa Iruvia Siinlilu v, urr ul iliUmi-poil, U.ild Eaule Mall b una to illi.iiu .m, " " " arr al l.oi-l; II iveu, E STV ARD. Malt Tin 1 11 li k tea File, " " uiil.ury, " " air at Plill-id.-loUU, Kile Ku-rvaa Imiia I lie. I' .. U... I a in 1 .45 a m 0.00 p lu 1130 a III 1 . 1 a.) a III T.oO a in y ii p m VI a m a. isi p in a.iai a in I! io a ui 5 .'41 1. in '' ." 4 IU 1 IL". 4 lit 1 1 1 a in li 41 m II lo p lu " " arr al, tlinlrw Mall U u. a l.ia k ILiiiu, r-iuiiMi.y, " ' hiiiil.uiv, " urr at PUiU.I, i,.,la, tlulUilo llpiiaa litt-a llli.uu. 1.11. fuiil.urv, " M arr al l l,l, BulJ U(U VI 4 II .4c4 Link llull'U, " " " an al W, aian i-i.i i-.. in,., i, ,4,1 41,. I ai.l at ii i I.. - A VI W. It. M . au I al I oiiy an. I li . o,il..i willt Oil i.. .tn.yb.ay K. K. W. Villi VVi-.t Willi -l Loi.11.1 i4ii.a uu I., al. A M. a. H. to . 4 1.. I al mi V und 11 wilh 0:1 I a aud a:... Una it. It. . VImIIwm A. .'iuuiu,lrtliua) aual uiol Wi.4 w.lbi 4. 4 lw M . an I tu, 4 l U W . k a l IM.4, It. V. lialua uu I., a. au.l W. . II. to ,4.1 ak I t t mil Wilb O. I', au-l V, II. It. Ill i'i.'i"iu.kllli,u tu-lal I. nt at t "' au4 liuu....a) wui, 11. 1 . 41.4 klu.lia Vl.l au.l liuiU u ti i"n" i"4i wl H n,iu.. with S I . I .114 i444 I14uaw.ll I.H4I M I. 1414.. , ... , t.ati.4., Ia I 414 tt 44.-I iw 0 45 1 45 10 05 0 50 4 00 0 i ; rr. 4 05 " ;10 17 7 02 4 l'J 7 0.V 10 2ti 7 114 22 7 11 2 11 10 35 7 10 4 30 7 10 10 40 7 21 1 35 7 27 2 21 10 47 7 31 4 42 10 52, 7 3tl 4'47 j 7 40, 2 S3 11 CO 7 5l! 4 53 ! ! 8 CO' 5 00 7 .Ml: 2 40 K 05 5 05 8 Hi I s !o, 8 07' ; 8 3(b M 22 3 OS' is 45 M , i 8 43 3 27! 8 Ml 3 81 ! i 8 57 : I ! HI I I 1 (i m ! I : o 2'i s 57 I I o m 1 i y 51. y 5o' 1 10 113 ! (arrive.) 10 21). 4 52 j ! I NORTHWARD. I A.M. P.M.j 10 25 5 10 i 1 ; 5 27 ! I 5 31 110 50 5 4'lj I I 0 Ull I 1 1; 00 11 11 0 12 ! i . ! 24 I i 10 3-1 ,11 11 41 I .11 43 0 4S A.M.! 1 I 0 55 i !12 00- 7 00 7 30 ! I I 7 24 7 45; 'PM. IP.M.! 7 31 8 on ' 12 26 7 41 8 15 P.M. 5 1(1 I j j 8 20 1 & 15 12 34 7 51 8 SO 2 33 5 25 i I ,' 8 40 2 43 5 '12 43- 8 (Hi 8 45 2 4S 5 41) j . 8 13 8 52 2 54 5 4 7 I? 52 8 is 0 04 2 .Vj 5 ti'J I 8 28 0 14 3 07 0 00 8 SO il 25 3 If. fl 10 I 1 8 42: II 32 3 23 li 17 1 11' 8 48 0 40 1. .IIUIM.U. 4M4 fr.u.U 4 W ... Aai. A. M II naif, lli 41 I .t 'I