. - v M. B. HAISIR, t. WILVERT. Editor. SUNDURY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1371. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Auditor Owner!, DAVID STAWTOM, OF llBAVER COUNTY. For Nnrvcjrrr Ciencrtal, ROBERT B. HEATH, OF SC'HUTLKII.L COUNTY. JUDICIARY. People's Candidate for President Judge, W1H. in. ROCKEFELLER. Of Xorthumbtrtand County. REPUBLICAN COCMTV TICKET. FOR ItEI'RKKENTATIVK t DENNIS BRIGHT, of Montour Co. FOR TREAPURKR ! A. CADWALLADER, of Milton. FOR COMMISSIONER I AMOS VASTINE, of Suamoiun Twp. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY I JNO. K. CLEMENT, of Sunkury. for auditor : JACOB M. FOLLM ER,-'OF Turbot. Speciai. Courts no Lonqeti Neces 8ARY. An erroneous opinion having been industriously circulated in relation to the necessity, that will necessarily arise for tho holding of "Social Courts," in the event of the election of a practicing lawyer to tho position of rresident Judge, in the county in which ho resides and has practiced his profession, for tho purpose of disposing of tho cases in which he may have been con cerned as counsel, a simple referenco to tho late Act of Assembly upon that subject, will be sufficient to correct it, and to show that Any other President Judge in the State can be called to hold tho regular term of the Court, whou there aro cases, upon cither tho civd or criminal list, which the Judge of tho proper district, by reason of any disability, cannot try ; and that all such cases may therefore now bo tried at the regular term, without calling Special Courts as was at one limo supposed to be necessary, Tho Act to which we refer provides, that "lu case of sickness of a President Judge, "iu any Judicial District in Pennsylvania, "or sickness in his family, or of his inability "to hold tic regular term of his Courts, in "any county, from any cause whatever, it "shall be lawful for him to call upon any "other President Judge in tho Common- " wealth, who may not himself be engaged, "to hold said regular term of Courts, and "said President Judge, so called upon, is ''hereby authorized and empowered to dis- "charge tho duties appertaining to said 'office as fully as the regularly commis- "sionod President Judge of said district "could do if present." . In a case recently before the Supremo Court of this State, tho Judges, in an opin- ion, delivered upon tho ln day ot i-eoru-nry Uot, nuil reported in tho last book cf reports 14th P. F. Smith's Reports, page 33, held' this act to bo constitutional, aud upon a very careful review of tho whole subject, they say, "Our conclusion there "fore, is that, iu tho case of sickness and "other disability contemplated by the act "of legislation already referred to, tho Pro "sident Judge of tho proper district has "power to call in tho President Judgo of "another district to hold tho HicauLAR "term of his Courts in any county iu his "district. The President Judgo, so called "iu, when sitting, has jurisdiction and "authority to hear and try all causes pend "ing at that term in any of llto courts, "civil OR criminal, including capital "and other felonies in the Courts of Oyer I'nml TVrmiiinrniiil fJonpral Jail IV.livprv " It waB under this Act ol Assembly, as construcd aud enforced by this dicisiou of ject to Mi. Scott, because hcls nu Episco tho Supremo Court, that Judge Woods, of palian, by quoting an extract from the Miflliu county, held the last regular March Suubury correspondent of the Miltonian to Term of our Courts, although it was 6up- posed a homicide case was then to bo tried, and under its very liberal aud judicious provisions, tho presiding officers of our Courts can exchange with each other when- ever necessary, and thus uo difficulty can arlso, and no additional cx)cuso to tho iuatious, without the least jealousy or pro county bo incurred iu tho future, iu the judice among them in regard to their dif- trial of causes iu which the Judge of tho District may havo been employed before Ills election. The Democrat publinhes all tho petty defalcation of Republican officials, as if it was wonduiful thut uuy dishonest officer should 1m found ouUido the Democratic party. Why docs not tho Democrat uoliee thu fact, that John Harris, Ifciuocralic County Connuibsioiicrof Cumberland coun ty, was couvicted lust court of receiving a bribe of fifty dollars from a brldgo builder, aud schuuiocd to bo dismissed from office with a flnu and costs amounting to two hundred dollars. Is it bocause theso things aro common aud not unexpected among IfcmocraU, that they ant only noticed when committed by Republican. Why doe not our uclghhor refer to tho euonuous rob beries of tho Now York Ifcmut ratic officials which iu throe years amount to many mil lions, or more Hutu all the fraud of that Wind lu tho l'uiul Hutlcs for lite lust twen ty years. Krtii'i'iKu Til a l.ttAK. ho Wasteful uf publiu utoiu-y did Ihey butauuo in Coal towuship, that oiue of the olduat and Ul ciliatu wire oMIjfrd la apply to Court for au iiijuuitloM lu klou ilia Uk. aud the Court grants. IU lujuutilou aud ilH Hmuu. Suppose Utcy gtt wtutrol of h rouniy as lUy have tioal and Ml CWukI ton ihlp, aud ruu riot lu njuau-h dug Umj publm utouty, aud have lUir oait JudV tu lU Ua u, what llttu r Nu Judj baa Juds J,4i Ui laka a bold sud 4iU.iu.m- td UuJ, Wul a Judga V)lio gi. lhia tik-djtd Wi liaaid i JiUhU aud punish Urn u4,uiu..- Judga (Uu luaiuu it Ue. out tut U4t lUu a Wbly .1. M U.. S k v 4 II,. COMKON WITH YOUR AFFIDAVITS I Scott on tm Stand I 1st Question. Did you or did you not, in the bar-room of one of the principal Hotels in Mt. Carmel, make certain pledges to some parlios of a gang of "Molly Maguires ?' 2d, Did one of them say to you : "If we help to elect you, will you do the fair thing by us " 3d, Did they ask of you a pledge to help them to elect certain other officers ? 4th, Did you then and there pledge your self thus : "Gentlemen, if I am nominated and olected, I assure you that I will remem ber my friends, and my enemies must be ware ?" 6th, Did you pledge yourself to secure tho following nominations to the persons named and their friends, your friend PatJ Hester for Sheriff, Mike Conncly for Fro thonotary, aud Galagher for Legislature ? Mr. Scott, theso aro grave and serious i charges, if truc.no honest man can vote for vou. Iict us hear from vou. Trot out your witnesses. Let us have the affidavits 1 1 Will not Hester and Galagher ana uonnciy. swear you this ? Fatuer Hyacinthe. The great and learned Romish Priest, who, like Dr. Dol lingcr, and all tho great German Roman Catholic rriests, is too honest to follow tho lolUicul leaders of their Church, says ho left tho Pone because ho was making a po litical party of Church. That is just what tee say. In New York the Irish Catholics became ft political Democratic 1'arty, ana robbed tho Treasury of millions and mil lions of dollars, till good men of all parlies joined aud rose up against them, and will send the leaders to tho (stale's prison. That is just the move now In Northum bcrland county. The Irish Roman Catho lics aro a jjolitkul party, swallowing up what is left of tho Democratic party, and makiug a sort of Irish Roman Catholic Dc mocratio party, and when they get tho power, then look out. Lei every tub stand on Its own bottom Tho Roman Catholic Church as a Church; and a religious body, is as free as any other Church in its own religious faith, but when it becomes political, as it has in Europe, aud tries to subdue this Republic, and OV' erturn our freedom, then it becomes a dan gerous political engine, and wo oppose it. Our farmers adjacent to the coal region should remember tho scenes of tho last few years. Tho outrages commuted upon mem when bringing their produco to market will cause them to reflect before they will cast their vote in favor of tho candidates nominated by the same party that helped to rob them on the public highways at Locust Gap and Mt. Carmel township. will not Democrats who aro honest in heart look at tho condition this county will be brought to if tho candidates pledged to this thieving party of the coal region aro elected. Remember that when these Irish Catholics attacked you on tho highway and stole your meal, grain, &c, they did not ask you whether you were a Democrat or not. But they do now ask you, after com mitting these outrages, to support the men they wish to place lu office. Aro you will ing to accede to their wishes aud vote for ifco nun you know nro thoir choice ? Are you willing to place a mau upon tho bench as President Judge who Is their choice, and who is under obligations to them to deal out justice Aro you willing to elect their candidate for Legislature to make laws for you r Aro you willing to elect their District Attorney, who should bo a feeling man, or a mau who will protect tuo injurcu uuu bring to conviction thu criminals who may outrago you ou tho public highway, to that office, when you know that he owes his nomination to thorn and is placed under obligation. Are you willing to yield to them all your rights and privileges, ind muko Northumberland county the dark corner. If you aro willing to do so, vote tho Irish Catholic ticket from top to bottom. The Democrat of last week endeavors to create an impression that Republicans ob- that effect. No sensible man ever made such au objection, and it is simply alsurd to hold tho Republican party responsible for tho silly effusions of e very correspondent. Tho Republican party is made up almost wholly from tho various Protestant denom- fereut creeds. This was also the case with the Democratic party, until of late years, when the Catholic clement became so strong iu that party, that it arrogated to itself, as it always has dono in all ages and coun tries, when it felt itself strong enough to dictate, who should hold tho offices, aud overpower all others by force, If they were able. A Scene in Coal Township ox Wa ter STATION KOAD. ALL HAND ON Strike, and no Work in tiikCoal Rk uion. Euuiuccr fcs comes through the woods, and unexpectedly makes Itittappcar- anco on tho road about 10 o'clock sees Ktn-U luMl all along the road some auu to 500 iiicu aud boys wiluiu a few feet apart, all to a mau, seated ou tho ground aud logs. Engineer is discovered, aud lu a miuule the word pusses along the line, and every mau aud boy of thoiu jumps up, aud works liko badgers I One half little boys and Infirm old men not fit to do a tenth of a day's work, aud so clo and thick at that that they were lu each others way ; and If able, iiicu could not have worked to any advantage. KiitfiiMJcr talks a !lUlu-dUiiur to a good polni of look out, aud as auou as sup poaul to be gone, all Irnuda squat dowu Btt1"' w ,tu,,tftt l,M JaT ho tlw laopkm uioucy la wasted, aud Uu Umts worse will it be Uit lUy ruW 0 couuty. Ar m m.j,W rwtdy lu put all lu lite owtr of these umju. luok to H uow, Uiore 11 U tog UU. "r-iv hootal utau aid u r Urn nu oitu mLii."- ikutiMttu. Thai 1 to say, (hw itu or utoia fcmoiieta, uv a ui is,hjmi lut lialuk ul buioio Uou o iu Utiv Jvioonulw toutttittou ale lil't )'Oi t. It is amusing to see Democratic office hunters abusing their fellow Democrats who are disposed to keep their party pure by opposing the corrupt men In their party, although having been intimate all their lifetime and co-workers la the Democratic cause, they, because their honest conscience ill not allow them to support men who are trampling their old principles lu the dust and adopting fraudulent plans to work themselves into office. . We saw several evidences of this during tho past week, when honest Democrats were set up and denounced as renegades and traitors bo cause they choose to uphold tho Democratic principles which they stood by from their childhood. Nothing was too mean to cast up to them just because they refuse to ac cept measures which are destined to ruin the Democratic party to which they ad hered to all their life lime. 'Go ON Masser : unless this whole race of superlative Episcopate aro exterminated by tho second Tuesday of October tho air around the JNorth rolo will melt will) icr- vcut heat." Democrat. We have heard of tho Protestant Episco- pal and tho Methodist Episcopal Churches, but never before of tho "Supcrlatlvo Epis copal." Every r.hurch presided over by a Bishop is of course, Episcopal. Tho Bishop of Rome is, we presume, the "Superlative," since ho usurped tho litlo of Pope, without a shadow of authority from tho Bible for such usurpation, and now asserts his supre macy over other Bishops. Under this unwarranted titlo ho claims not only spiri tual but temporal power over tho whole world. How can freemen or democrats sustain principles like theso. "Molted air" is a subject above our comprehension. Is it a Romish miracle or a branch of the In quisition ? Road Taxes in Mt. Carmel and Coal Townships. One of the curiosities of Irish rulo are tho road taxes of these two town ships tho nmount and tho way expended. Tweed & Co., of New York will have apt scholars, if the Molley Maguires get our county on co fairly into their hands. I yet them elect their ticket this full, then look out lor breakers I J I u ml reds ol somo ol tho best men will sell out and leave the county. Pat Hester has rpparently become an elephant in the ranks of the Democracy. They don't know what to do with him. They aro afraid to ignore him entirely and yet are extremely anxious to get rid of him. The Democrat tries to treat Pat's nomina tion as a candidate for Sheriff as a kind of a joke. He knows full well that Pat would have been tho Democratic candidate two years ago, only that Pat had the misfortune to bo tried for his life in a criminal prose cution. He uas taken the Stump. Wo notice that ex-Sheriff Weaver, who changed his politics several years ago to bo elected Sheriff of Northumberland county, has taken the stump for Scott, Gallagher, and Ryon, aud is denouncing all honest life long Democrats who do not fool disposed to support tho Irish 'Catholic ticket, as renegades and traitors. His maiden speech at Snydcrtowu a few evenings since sur- passed every thing that has yet been heard u iwt tu4t.iu muu iiiau. xiu evidently had forgoten that he was the rival candidate of Pat Hester for the next sheriff, for ho ap plied all the modern epithets to his fellow Democrats, that do not think as ho docs, Calling thnni "wornout political backs." potgutted politicians," "dead beau," renegades," "traitors," &c It must bo very amufymg to the cx- Sherilf to reflect that it has been but a few years since ho associated Willi them, and they have forsaken him now, leaving him lo form a niovo agreeable association, tho Irish Catholics. We are informed that speakers of tho Irish Catholic Democratic party pretend that G. W. Ryon, the candidate lor Dis trict Attorney, was not in any way inter ested in tho fraudulent ticket nominated. It Is well known that Mr. Ryon was tho prime mover in getting up tho fraudulent votes in tho coal region, and we would ask them whether Mr. Ryon has not been sit ting in tho same buggy with Mr. Gallagher driving through the Irish districts solicit ing tho Irish vote within the last two weeks- "Honorable Men Tho Radicals think wo ought to elect tho meu who were fairly nominated that is the men who received tho fewest votes at our primary election." ZeIKXTL Just so Mr. Eicholtx; you not only express tho sculimout of tho Radicals, but those of every honest and inteligcut l)cmocrat. Tho mau who professes to belicvo thut tho Democratic nominees were fairly nomiunted ought to be sent to school or to tho Insane Asylum. Tho Democrat advises us to read tho Bi ble. Wo have done ao, and learned therein, that the man who wilfully and knowingly sustains a fruud is uo belter than he who commits it. Docs the editor still contend that honesty is lnroin)atiblo with Demo cracy. Hun. E. Joy Muhius, after an absence of u n years as United Suu-a MiuisU-r lo thu OUomau Empire, hue returned to Ins home in Philadelphia, The TilcniiUI Convention of tho Pro-U-kUlit EplscoMtl Church of the I'iiIUh Suites will commence its sessions lu lUillU more, Maryland, ou tK tober 4th, and will continue for about three weeks. This body is composed of lliu house of Bishops, uud of the house of Clerical aud Jay Ik lo gs lea. Till uirumoiiy of uuvt-iling the broiiae statue of Abraham l.iucolu, in Falnuouiit Park, at 1'liiladclohU. look iLu. ou Frl day hut, thu aiiuiviraary of Ilia sluing of in ciuaiM.iauou prueiaioaiiou. 1 hu evi luouiee wrra of lha uiual inU rrstin vita ratter, aud It is estimated that they wvt Mltuvaswl by Cn,Uuu pvopW, A. II. brief ttas, la the Atlauu assatSk a ha l.a beat tuliwl( l( aasuf. lug itss (sw.ola U lU boutu Ua( lit Isruto. iiaUw kadui iu I'tuusyltaitia aia iidiw.t. tsi I' catopaitfu a Ub Um liularuiluaUuii Ui I njulu.lg uw iU i lata dui lnua aVn H uuu, a UlUi U ajv 4vlUll of District . Attorney. But little has been said in regard to this office, in the present campaign. Iu the administration of justice, it is perhaps next in importance to that of President Judge. It therefore behooves voters and tax payers, not to for get tho importance of selecting a person fur this office, who has the necessary qualifica tions. It Is not so necessary that the Dis trict Attorney should be a clever fellow, as It is that ho should have the ability and experience lo discharge the duties of the office In the performance of his duty, the District Attorney may save to the county thousands of dollars, ' which an inefficient officer, with tho best intentions might lose by his want of knowledge and experience in his profession. .. ' Tho best thing that can bo said of the Republican candidate, Gen. Clement, is ho) fact, that ho is well qualified for tho office, and that itis generally admit ted by tho Court and Bar, that ho per formed his duties, not only with abili ty, but with entire satisfaction, when ho held tho samo office somo years since. His opponct, Mr, Ryan, on tho other hand, has but littlo to recommend him for that responsible office, whilo it Is generally un derstood, that ho was ono of tho leaders, if not tho principal, in getting up the fraudu lent vote in the coal region, by which tho honest democratic candidates, not in league with tho Irish Catholic candidates, were wronged and cheated out of their nomina tions. Voters and taxpayers should not for get that a good District Attorney has it in his power to savo large sums of money for the county, if hu is properly qualified for the position. The New York Uaslality. More and more exposures of tho rascality of the xammanvitc Jwinocracy ol jnow lork are cominc out. nnd the proportions of tho vil- Innics crow each day. The funded debt of tho city is now round to bo SH7 ,000,000, with a doatiug debt as yet unknown, but undoubtedly very largo. Since tho first of January, the ueht has 'jecu increased $J3,- uuu.uuu. Two of tho Tammanv Democrats, Edwin M. Hiigscrty, an cx-Cuuucilmnn and jani tor of tho new court liouse, and Charles Jtaulch, a niirlit watdiman, have been arrested for stealing the missing vouchers. In whose interest the fu ll was committed has not yet conic out. The vouchers were for millions of dollars. Tho whole thing is one of the most stupendous villanics ever pcriclrated by public men. - m We havo received ;ho following card from a prominent Democrat of Montour County for publication. The writer has been ou tho most intimate terms with Mr, Chalfant, nnd therefore is well acquuiuted with liis movements. A Card. To the Democrats of Montour and Northumuerland. We see by Tonms Chulfant's paper, that he as sumes his offence to be that he refused to nominate a man without first being recom mended by tho people Now, fellow De mocrat of Montour county, that assump tion is false. Wo did not ask him to nominate Dr. Kcstcr. nor did wo expect him to do so. To tho contrary, wo knew that Chalfant was not a delegate, and wo also knew that it took a majority of the delegates to make a nomination. If Chalfant assumes the authority to make or uumako such nominations, ho as sumes mora than tho party is willing to accede, nnd ho certainly docs assume it in his article, when he says he would not do it "for a bosom friend," and for no one else ; mldiug that the Democracy of Monlour county would sustain him. Dr. Kester's interview with tho Intelli gencer man was very short and very point ed, particularly on the part of Chalfant. The Docter proposed to him to go iulo iho convenlion aud ask that respectable body their deliberate judgment, wether ho had nny right or any claim at their bauds, leav ing tho mm tor pnliivly with them, as the Doctor had voted for them at the da.-Bt election , whilst Wm. C. Johnstou, his oppo nent, did not vote at all that day. Now tho facts arc these, through the aid of a "Peace Commissioner," Wm. C. John ston and Thomas unniiunt got down on their knees in Vie dcrt and drew their cars under their shirt collars he, Johnston, said, "I will vote for Thomas Chall'aut" he, C'linllnnt, said in reply: "I have euouch to do lo attend to my own business, willi out opposing Win. C. Johuston." Shortly beforo this occurred. W in. C. Johnstou considered "Tom. Chalfant tho most corrupt man iu Montour county." nnd Thomas Chalfant said that "Win- C. John ston is a venomous viper, nn old rusty fos sil, and must be kicked out ol that othec at tho first opportuniuy." Now Democrats of Montour I many of you arc no douut nware or the unwhole some character ot Iho Democratio party in this town. There is nn ulcer, a festering sore that must bo probed, from whatever source tho instrument may come. In tho present condition of tilings here, and which has been cettins worse and worse since Chalfant assumed tho dictatorship, there can be no heallhy ii' lion. There can bo nn doubt that the evil effects of tho rotten ul cer referred to defeated Mr. Brilian for Commissioner, as well as poisoned tho at mosphere and prevented Dr. Roster from Ixting nominated. The situation is exactly this: Tho Jkmiocrats of this county who want a nomination, must first como and ask Mr. Chalfant and Challaut will grantor reject his request, according as It may tend to advance his own scUihii ends. Willi him it is "Chalfiuit" all the time, everlast ingly up for office, and grasping at every cliauco presented, without regurd to the Interests of the parly, lie lis ready tu split tho party, to ulkuiate Ita warmest fricuda, ami to combiuu with the Republi can only so that lie tjeU fijjict. Ho had no compunctious of conscience when ho was a candidate for nomination last fall, when ho caused a couferuuee to bo broken up w ithout inakinu a uomina liou, au that hu could ruu as au ludupuu dent caudidato aud ring iu for Republican votes. A Dkmck. hat Wednesday was a dayofoxeiteun.nl lo Mauiuhuseiu, it being set apurt for tho as sembling the Itepublicau StnUi convculuni, at Wurtlicater. lo nominate acaudidalefur (iovtruor. The cuutest narrowed lUelf dowu lo Washburn and Duller, tlw fbruuir feet iveng lliu lioiniimliotl, tho Vole SUnd Ing tttaio iti. If the mmocralie siteakers aud editors believe all Ihey mv and write coucurulug lludr preud victory lu (tclobor, Uvy iiiu. I bo of most rvuiaikabki kuifuiu aud IokIuI diutsiiiuii. forauiorediaflureglitg iionh I could hardly be nlaood UUtn um.u (it their HllloU. Tim btt eviduuoe ot I be uuwurthyius of Hut Jk ui.M.rtw Utivt U Hm Htl U-ftl Urn Ust uuu of U imdy rvluwi lu support it, aud tUuuuuee it In tutlr utffu puMut tutmi l'. "TLlS ttoild Ubul rUt lllihow,' Wk Ike kktuituallou of mu buut lkiu-.il uu ItMlllllg tytkuf lUsUil Auiltd (KidUt- U4 the u.i ti the liteli C'tluUj taudi- dUx. The rp Enraged mt the Newapa pers. " Rome Correspondence fit. Lonlt Republican. Apropos of Rome nowsnancra. I send your readers the following translation of a ten theoAv,,ciH:' C,rfrdinal LfuW1?1 ,re,, .. . uuii.KKruuiu BCUTO- A7" caused a great amount 6f ridicule to be thrown upon excommunl- catlon in ireneral : Siguor Cardinal ! When God in blsorty designs allowed Rome to be uniustlv oc cupied, the usurpers said thst ltame was necessary for the integrity of Italy, and the perfect union of all ber parte, as if there were not in llalv two other litlm nortionn I wnicu rcniaiu siiu uuuer tneir ancient gov ... , yt i I oruniens aim wnicu i nope will always remain so. iuit tne ohject of the great manouvres of the revolution was not only a a mm a mZI a 1 1 S n Sr. a a. . s I mi usurp cn.j oiuc, out it aiso was and is to destroy Iho centre of Catholicism and Catholicism itself. For the destruc tion of this indestructiblo work of God con cur all the impious, all the free-thinkers, all tho sectarians of the world, who have all sent their little contingent to this me tropolis. X heso little contingents unite in one body whose object is to insult and break the images of the Most Holy Marv nl' Klu i r. - w . i and the saints, to abuse and beat the min isters of the sanctuary, to profane churches and festivals, multiply houses of prostitu tion, deaien ears with sacrilegious cries, and fill tho hearts and minds, especially of young people, with the poison or Impiety by the reading of certain journals cminontly shameless, hypocritical, lying and Irreli gious. This infernal phalanx proposes to take away from Rome what it calls re ieious fanaticism, as Baid also an Italian philoso pher of unhappy memory, who died a sud den death not many years ago. After hay ing made themselves masters of Rome, they now want to make her incredulous, or mis tress oi a so-called tolerant religion, ns thoso wish who only have before their eves tho present life, nnd thoso whose idea of Uod is that he lets everything run on with out occupying himself much about our affairs. Docs the government which tol erates all these disorders belong also to tho same phalanx f We must hope not, for mo amrmaiive would do a sad declaration of the fall of the throne. Moanwhilo, to oppose some barrier to such a flood of evils, you, Signor Cardinal, will send a circular to the curates, directing them to warn their parishioners that they aro prohibited from reading cerUiiu journals, especially printed hero in Rome, and let this prohibition bo intimated in such a manner ns to inform thoso who infringe it that they shall com nut not a venal sin, but a heavy sin. For all the rest alluded lo above restiecling tho violation ol the laws of God and the Church, you must say to each curate, Argue obscrra tncrcjHi I Finally, let us raiso our bauds to God, and let us hoiw that nl'. attempts against Him, His religion and society, will have a term, and wo shall bo able some day to get out of this labyrinth of evils lo breathe quietly under tho shadow of faith, morality of faith, morality and order, I bless you from my heart. Juno 30, 1871. Tho commemoration of St. Paul. Oilmen comrrfdiitHr tl vicant; tit jioitsint clamare tul D. 1. V. Domine, quid me rui jaecre r PiuaP. P. IX. Tho Cardinal Vicar complied with the Poiw's orders by sending a circular to all curates of Rome. This lengthy document dated on tho bin Inst., was read in all tho parish churches last Sunday, immediately alter tho matrimonial announcement, nnd in ordor that none should plead ignorance as to the precise journals which his Holi ness intended to condemn ns "shnmclcss, hypocritical, lying and irreligious", tho Cardinal's circular gave tho following list of them: The Liberia. Cauitale, Tunito, Tribuno, Don 1'irlone, Diaralo Color di rttua Xuova Jlmna, llaviia, . Vila. Xitova, Concordia and Mrjixtofele. The Liberia and Concordia nre moderate journals, but tho others are tyranicninmi humorisliconcs. nnd it may bo imagined what comments they indulge in rcBiecliug the excommuni cation of their rentiers. 1 cannot say that their sale is diminished in consequence, on the contrary, their proprietors are gratified .at their condemnation, which iu tact ex tends their circulation. The Harris Trial. Tho Shi noons- burg AVirs says : The trial of John Harris, one of the Commissioners of this countv. for misdemeanor iu office, w hich enmo off nt last court, a motion was nuule Tor arrest of judgment, but tho Judgo overruled tho motion, aim in doing so ho reviews the case, and adduces an impregnablo array of is said ho secured his nomination. In Sha argument in support of his position. As moklu nnd Mt- Carmel Boroughs and in a legal opiniou, it is abundantly nblo to Coal nnd Mt. Cnrmel townships, ho received staud of its owu strength, and will com mend itself to the sound judgment of every enlightened citizen of Cumberland county. Tho court imposed a line of il'X upon Mr, Harris, and decreed his removal from office. In view of the evidence adduced iu the case, and the opinion of Judge Graham upon the legal questions raised, the court had a plain duty before it, and they per formed it under a conscientious souse of their official oaths. To have expected any thing else from them, would have been to impeach tho integrity of the beuch. We regret, says the Kohitiifer, that the vengeance of the law has fallen alone upon Mr. Harris, for he was doubtless a mere instrument in the hands of shrewder and more unprincipled men. He is on old man, anu nas iiorctoiore oorne a good character, But while we do sincerely regret tho per- sonal discomfort aud disgrace this suit has brought with it, we cannot but rejoice, in corMtuy with all good citizens, that the frauds of tho Commissioners' olllco havo been unearthed by a judicial Investigation; tlutt public sentiment has been so thorough ly aronvd that hereafter none but the best meu will be chosen to such pnsitlous, and that such Instructions have lieen Issued by tho court as will prevent the shamoful ir regularity and loottcuess with which the business of the olllco has heretofore becu trausuctod. Yrxi aiiles anu Fkcit. One of the ever rectrrlng questions met with lu look ing over our correspondence U: "What articles of food may uropcrly be called tlte vegetables, aud wlutl fruits If" There Is uu trouble in deOuiug what a fruit is, ac cording to tlte botaulsl's view it Is a rleiiod pistil, with wliatever may be jit-r-maneiitly atUchod to It, whether pulpy aud etilble or uot. Strictly speAkiug, a tppy head is as much a fruit as a pear, but when we route to popular usage it is uot so easy to decide which among the frulu shall be called vegvlablua. We once sug gested thai luoae eateu without prejtaratiuu should be called fruiU, aud IImhsu that are Uaed, ccxikod ur drvsaod, should be called vngtslubUa. This very uearly covers llw ? round, but u4 eouipluUdy. lu this case tut loni-ln cooked or as sahtd, would be a vegetable but If eateu, as suuut preftir It, raw aud plaiu. It tluva U a fruit. If any due can suggest a Uiur pkoe lo draw Umj hua, we slusuUi be eUd lu Ur ftuut Uum. A iMrkxtM A'jnsuUuriU. ' i . Tutt laiuutiat-y of t'arbou couuty are detiMiralitMl. The griaUl duliust tuu lu r-git 1 4 to list uotuiMUousstuiu lu Uirlr rauks, Lliu, wa Us voutrry, ihu IWpuUi. him are lowti.uiou ud uulu4. It uJly uukt lUough Uto litubluus will tarty liul bitlsviUi ttruug Isiuuut'ikUe couuiy. The woikiauMiu u, utiatiy lautustaU, bate uuutinaUtl lu ket ot tluur uu, mnh Us lUpubhuiu MudldaUi 1 Amsills Jul uu. lloe nU Umsi Lie sUUou at The Movements or tiie Irish Catho lics or New York Exidbed. Tho law requiring the Bible to be read in the schools is a dead letter in most of the wards in N. York City. The Tribune has boen inves tigatigating the matter, and the following KRuY5ra PP"In the sixth Ward the Catholics ,kn nn throo.o.Mril.s f tho nonnlntinn Rnd t,ltr8e nre contrpcd the priesU,: nere William Mullanv. who has been prin- cipal of Ward School wo. 23 for 25 years. says that the Bible has not been read for 20 years at least ; and yet he reports his de linquency every month. There was a dis turbance about the matter in 18UI. and the salaries of all the teachers In the schools of uA .hAM Mwi;.., tained were suspended for six months : but tuo rvcaiva wiiviv "- iuiuk tv sm iius lUUiU' tho dereliction was finally acnuicsecd in James Campbell who keeps a grog-shop at No. 82 Centre street, is one of the school - . . trustees in the Sixth Ward. The following remarks of Mr. Campbell to a reporter at once illustrate his views of the question aud his qualifications for the officio which bo holds : "Whin I went Into mo place here, an' that's agoin' on eight year, the Boible , . ' . 1 . . -1 T J- nny questions about it. I guiss Its all rig! u i. nn.i i.vv liil UWhl ih llmu-d i wasn't a oeiu' reuu ; mr snuru. j. uiuu i as ht UV . . m ... Eddycashun, so. as there wont bo nothing said about it. Anynow, i couiun'i pon mo honor, tell yer anything about It, sur." In tho Twenty-first Ward Sara J. J. Mc Caffrey, principal of Primary School No, IP. ...... .. f'-n.ntin DUila. In tl.a 1.Vni-tl, Ward chools there has Deen no isioio read ing for 11 years. Hero again the pay of teachers was stopicd en account of tho omission. There was, much excitement nnd the teachers brought suit for their sal nrics. The suit finally went by default. Iu one case a trustee carried off .a Bible from School No. 1, under his (inns, to decide tho matter. An evidence df the real anamus and intention of the Romanists is found in Mtn ftw.t fl.n, n M,nA.lai iMbif inn I Ilia uliraii found the fiipihi engaged in celebrating the imhouc tefiUmlof Ancension ihursiiayvy miiiiinrj and other exercise. The teachers in this ward are nearly nil Uuthoiics. lu tho Fourteenth Ward tliero is no Bible readim:. In school No. 21 this has bees the case for 15 vrars. Tho livo schools of tho Nineteenth Word are ruled by Catholic and Democratic trustees, with ono excep tion. The priests nro Irving hard lo build uu parochial schools hero, and keen their children away irom mo puuuc scnoois on religious holidays, and also keep them at home for months together to prepare for yearly confirmation or "first communion Nothing but tho grent superiority of the public schools enables them to withstand tho competition of tho parochial schools. Somo pareuts even pay tho price of tuition in tho latter while iney senu ineir emmren to the lormer. In tho Twcntv-nrst nrd two schools still use tho Protestant Bible Tho recitation of the lord's Prayer ceased in 18(0. Tho priests ot St. Gabriel s church tight tho public schools very hard. They tiiduco tho children who attend Ihei schools to call nil who go to the others 'lit- Uo Protestants'; and one of their preachers proclaimed iu the pulpit that parents who wished their children to "learn to steal, or swear, or do nil kinds of evil, should send them to tho public schools.'' 1 ho i nth Ward was lormeriy strongly lTotcsinni ; but tho Catholics nro getting thu upix-r hand. A specimen of what American De mocrats mny expect from their Irish politi cal associates is shown by tho following re ply of tho "Hon." Miko Murphy to tho friends of a staunch American Tnmmany Dcmocrat, who had been n trustee, nnd wished tho nomination again: "l is, uui- lleniin, this is all very good, beshurc. But tho time is passed whin American num erals aro again lo bc'clicted to offices in thu Filth Want ; an', bed ml. yo may make up yer minds that it won't como agaiu very soon. We don't war.t nny American Dim- icrals; bedad, an' we don 'i. We km gil along wid-nut 'em." . These facts show that ono of the first things to bo done after the overthrow ol the city government will be the rcclamntiou ot tho schools Irom the rut liana into whoso hands they have fallen. We nro not lu Rivor ulT'oreiug the reading of the Biblo upon thorn schools where the Catholic children aro in Iho majority ; hut such trustees as Mr. Johu Campbell nnd Mr. Miko Murphy may ns well get ready lo retire to private life. 1 hey havo had tho miiungcuieut of our schools long enough. The Ind2ndtnt, Sept. 14, 1S71. A C'OitRESi"oxDENT of the Miltonian says : "1 desire to call attention to the vote of E. G. Scott, who is running for l'n-sidmit .Ttidi'ft. in I lid toWflKliins whi-m il 1033 votes. In theso samo districts, Geo W. Ziegler, Esq., only received 114 votes, (ico. Hill. Esq., only 41 votes, aud Mr, Puttou 32 votes. Docs uot this speak for itscli r Mr. cott has been galloping all through theso districts and bus been drink ing with them if reports ore true, nnd pledg ing with them, and other unbecoming things. Every body admits, outside of tho districts named, that any of tho gentlemen who ruu lor mo judgeship aro minutely Mr. Scott's superiors iu every respect. Gallagher, the candidate for Assembly, re ceived even a larger vote slill iu these boxes than Scott. It has been charged upou Mr, lteimrnsnyder, who is upou the ticket for Associate Judge, thai lie is tainted also. It is not right to place this gentleman in a IiiIhc lirrhL Tho l'lL-ures do not show that ho is a iraud. In Shnmokin borough, Scott received l'Jo ; lteimensnyder, 3D. In Coal. Scott received 400; Uelmensnvder, M. lu Mt Carmel township, Scott received 3io, lteimensnyder, 21. These -ligurcs show for themselves. I do not want to do Mr. Iteimousnvder nu injustice, for I belicvo him to bo an honest man. Tne only trou ble with him is, that lie is iu bud company ; and it Is my earnest prayer that tlio bail company outside of himself will be beaten so badly that they will nut kumv what ails them alter the election, llow cuu II bo explained that Mr. Seott vuly got two votes iu Ifclitwure; in Mt Kwetibville, none; iu 1'oiut, two ; iu Cameron, one ; in l'pier Muhuuny, uone ; lu Washington, teu ; in little Muhuuny, one ; In Jonlau, two ; In Ixwer M.ihanoy, two, Ac. Chii it be tos- sible that iutelligeut men in Northumber land county, lookiug at the llgures aud the facts, cannot see the gutriug fraud that has boen vrielrated uptin Ihem t Thou lit'J vote lu the Irish Catholic boxes speak volumes I lie who ruua may read. And, that hundreds of good IVinocrut lu the county, are thiiiklng over this thing, and resolviug to staud up honestly and maufully for thu right, tlicru eau be uo doubt" (iilNivu liliut'NU-vVllhuugli Iho cam Mtigu has not yet fairly ieiil, every day brings us stronger evldeuee of Ihe liunumsn popularity uf our couuty Ikkvl aud especi ally U this u iu rvt rvuoo to our candidate for Assembly, JkituiUt llright was raised as a farm boy lu MuuUiur county. At au t-arly day lu the Uu war he tiuluutd iu the L'ulou army as a private, aud w Mrutuolt;d Uumj aud agaiu uu aceouul uailtuiuus cius uulil tut Mae di Uc4 l y a wouud aud rtiurud Itutue. Ills tuuai hUlory aud thansc lf are kuowu IhiougUuul lite eutire eouu tjr, and a ry Urge popuUt vuu iuy U tpr.ud lu tlistju itt ui hi lair liwt lls U uot su uttuj kktf but has iNtut 4 to have but iMUte us4 Uh-is tlu hiiIi al lite U141.UI koUt iUltuu uf e-xue uf ouf beet tiUbU. lhuil .lurt44. German Catholics, The great refor mation in Germany is steadily gaining ground. Three thousand families in Vien na have applied to tho minister of religion for permission to have mass performed in tne caincarni oy priests who nave remained faithful to tho "pure old Christian doc trine." The Old Catholics aro organizing throughout Bohemia and Coriulhia, and uiev nave started tneir urst newspaper. A fund has been started for tho support of priests who mav be excommunicated or deprived of their benefices for opposing the dogma or Papal Infallibility. Above all, a through understanding has been reached that this movement shall not rest with repudiating the new douma: but that a general reform of the Church must now take place. The laity must be admit ted to power in the Church, and tho wholo schemo of church dogma must bo rcvied. oinguiariy enough, this movement seems to be quite as strong among the Catholics of Austria nnd South Germany ns in tho nortueru countries. lnaeiiemunt, Sfp(. 4, 1011. WllY 18 it. We believe thcro aro several billiard tables In this county, and on some of them we know that taxes havo been paid, which, according to law, should go into the State Treasury. And yet tho Auditor General's report, whilo crediting tno irensurers ol other counties of tho State with taxes on the billiard tables in tho counties, fails to give any credit to Northumbland county. Mr. B.lIuth,of this Dorougn, nouis tne .treasurer's receipt must have received the money. What was dono witu tno money r The Auditor General says the State did not get it. Has tho Sunbury Democratic Ring taken it to greaso tho wheels of their polilicnl ma chine ? The tax payers aro interested in learning what is done with the money. We also notice from the Auditor General's Report that nearly all the coun ties iu tho State pay a tax on their eating houses, beer houses, restaurants Vc., but this county pays into tho State Treasury no such tax. Who gets this money t Tho sajno with peddler's licenses. Who will enlighten us on these points K Miltonian. Correspondence. Trevoivtox, Sept. 23, 1STI. Mb. EniTnli. Funny things will lm nn eve rywhere, mid Trcrorton Is no exception to tlio Kvnural rulo. It had been nunnuiicc. for nomo tlino that on tlic '--Jc! of September thu W. U. As sociation would bave their nnnna) parade at tlds place that they would turn out 1S00 ctronir, nnd chow to the gentiles and tlio "unfaithful," that they ure yet a mighty nnd a. powerful fraterni ty, and no doubt frighten nnd scare the "lilaek icus," us they please to call those who aro Inde pendent ennucli to work lndeieudent, out of (lie place. Well the day arrived, and the W. B. A. arrived. The tlrst delegation was a half drunken fop coming up from the depot to Campbell's cor ner, where he leaned nir.dnst a hitcliini; pot-l, nnd tried to yell, but his voice lielug m far drowned In ten cent inspiration, lie madea noise Mmilarto that of a young raven with I'ihk! in it mouth. Next came the full (le'iegiilions from tMiumokin, Mt. Carmel, and till the upper collieries, Includ ing part of acliuylkill county, nnd we will con cede lo them thut at llrxl fight it looked rather rcsiieclablu us they cutne down I lie railroad on a long train of platform cars, llxed up for t Tie oc casion. Tin y col oil llic cars and formed iu pro. ccsoioii C.V) strung, ant) )i;uhl tlte principal streets or the town with some nnifie, a manlier of banners, and a flag w ith nine i tilpu was it an Irish Hag I Next on tlie progruininu was drinking until ulHut 1 o'clock, p. m., when the drummers were detailed to go about town, and drum Ihein out of the saloons lo I he old foundry to listen lo a few Irish linranmn-rs in the interest oftlie Irish Koiiuui Catholic Codfish lieki l. fpaehes" over and ears ready to take tlieni homo, drummers wereairain sent out iihout tho saloons ns before, wln-n it was asci rtaiiied that some were so '-weak iu the knees" Unit tt became necessary to detail a nnnilx-r of lijilit luin l and left hand supHtli-rs to escort them In the depot. In the mean time two or the "laillilul ' irom s line uuu of the upper places; liaixlti it each other so roughly, that 11 oecaini neo-ssary to bave a physician, uud then- being no l: i-h doctor about there was no ulurnatlve but In call In Dr. New- baker, who responded to the call, uii.l '-fixed tin-in up" again. Alur they got ou the cars, uud the train got In motion, and having given several yells, they ''forgot that they were hrclh reu, and remembered, lrl-bman like, that the usual amount of lighting was not dol e, they couiiut-nci-d a row aiming thcltiscltcs, nnd knock ed each oilier off tlie cars, hats and mi ll llj ins; iu every direction, until tin) front n wm nearly emptied. The engineer seeing that he was cut short In his "precious ficighl," stopped the train nnd allowed them to pick themselves up au'aln, wheu off be went with tlieni to their respective homes. Tho number present would have mado a resectable tuwin-hip mcetimr, but to look up on It as I lie strength ol' Hie V. 11. A. of North umberland county it looked rather slim. As already Mated, tbey numbered by actual count CM m procession ; of these there were, at a low estimate, liOO schoolboy, leaving 450 incu of 21 years and upwards ; now make another de duction of, nt ik low estimate, M Schuylkill county men, and tiiiuul.nalie.d Irishmen, ami wc fiad their strength, among those present lube, at the most liberal calculation, .'ttlO voters of Northumberland county ; yet tbey allowed that between Gallagher and Newbaker, Mr. Gallagher was the "iiitelligculorfsl'' of lliu two, aud linisl be voted for. Now, Mr. Editor, nnd renders of tho "Ameri can," If wa have sunk so far hchculli Iho stan dard of true Americanism us lo astist hi putting men In high iosllions to domineer over us and our posterity, who are members of, or pledged to a sect us Intolerant ns the lilsh Koinun Catho lic tinve shown themselves to be, in almost every uge uf the church, nnd hut a few weeks ago in tho great American tnclrooll., then wc might si well lay down. our hands at once, and say be gone American liberties, wc ueimiesee In I'odUsh rule. AMKKICCS. CANDIDATE'SC ARDS. For ANHU-lato Jutlgp. To TUB VeiTKItS or NoHTIll .Mlieill.AMl Cot'NTV: fKi.Uw Cm. ens : At th s.Mleitatlou of ntiuicrous friends, 1 have conseiiled to bo a caudi dato for the olliee uf AtStiliCl ATK JL'IKiK, ami therefore apnsl 10 ull oppusod to fraud and cor ruption for their support. (.KOUtiE C. WKl.KF.lt. Bunhury, Sept. lu, 1MTI. To the Vote-si of TVortliumticrluiiU 'ount j . The undersigned would ltesM-etfully nnnouiiiHi hlmsuir as an INUKt'KNDKN'T t AMHI'A I K for LKtilSLATl KK. Uo ups-uls lo ull Iho voters who aro opmwd to bribery, fraud ami corruption, nnd lu favor uf the purity of the bal lot box. JollN U. NKWUAKKK. Treynrlon, ftepl. Is; I. -in. 'tr v if" you want" to see IheUrycl (Moitmeul ol Millinery C roods rver brought to Ibis plue, gt, o Miss L Shissler, Met Saaare, sIMII II Y, !., Where srs arrajcl hi ull I lull dul.iint v.n U tlv. Tall Millinery Ooode of eVtrr de.ci ll,,u jiui bluuiil.l llolll l l.ll.ldil phW Slid Ulu Uu o 11. Ilia UU Koultt Jil.l volnplel'hl Is lilted llb u uitlvMtiuiU.lv, A uu-1 n..ii;ii.u. ill duplay ol tiuutl Ml Sllilbllloli, uud sold ut lilt) loet pf Uwu. Mt 11 itii or oif Usttitlll ki'4 lu tlilliit-'O .l iblUl.ni. ill cm Im kadulkti stuie. I l.i. U .1 lu bu I'lulkl. I lo SUsitets nv S4.iUllc.l. tilt sus s i-ll u4 Ix omi lm-.. Miss .. ellll t U, uubuir, a.4cuitH.i s, sil. Si wllf lis Trssuswers. V I' 1 1' ! (!' I" sll - i .1 1.. 1. 4 1. 1 A ,t.l Itp.Ht 1 1 It .Ut III 1 1.. l I. ItiMlUuSMU. llabd I'lSmlii, fl ii. I 1 lot llM 1l of t,JI -. UI t ! " Uti. p.lUS.u II 'lu U. ,..-. ttuHi inn i. m r It tt IU I t fc It tl-UI !, U-, l-lii ,.ui I;, 1' A