jh? A SiK i; tJIItl,. Tlioiigli Hint class of girls is by no moans extinct, still tliev nro nut so numerous ns miht bo wished. Tlicro is nothing half ro sv,-ecun lito, Imlrso tlclihtiui, or so loviiblo ns a nico girl. Not a m-ctty, or a (laMiing phi ; but a nico girl. Ono of those lovely, likely, good hearted, sweet faced iitninblo, neat natly, domestic crenturcs, met within tho sphero of "houio," diffusing nrouud tlio.iiillucnco of her goodness, like the essence of sweet flowers. A ntco girl is not tho languishing beauty drawing on tho sofa, and discussing tho list novel, or opera, or tho giralVcing like front uro sweeping majestically through tho drawing room. Tho jiico girl mny not even )lny or danco well, and knows nothing nbov.t using her eyes, or coquetting with a fan. ISho ucver languishes, she is too ncti vc. fcho is not given to sensitivo novels, sho is loo busy. In the opura sho is not iu front to show her shoulders ; she sits quiet and tinobstrusivo at (ho back of tho bou, most likely. In fact its not often wo dicover liur. Homo is her place. Vlio rises lictimcs and superintends the moniin;' meal ' AVlio makes tho toast, and tho tea, nnd buttons tho boy's shirts, and waters Ihojflowure, and feeds tlic chickens, nnd brightens up tlio parlor, and sitting room ? is it tho languishcr, or the giraflee, or the. "elegante V" Xot a bit of it ; its tlic nico young girl. Her maiden toilets is made in the short est posible time, yet how charmingly done, r.nd how elegant bur neat dress and collar 1 ilivakfust over, down to tho kitchen to ro about dinner, nnd on" day sho is up and down, always cheerful and light hearted. Mie lu'vcr ceases to bo active and useful until the day is gone, when she will polka with tho boys, or read, or sing old songs und play old tunes to her father nnd mother or hours together. Sho is a perfect treasure is a nice girl. 'When sickness comes it is sho who attends with unwearying patience in the sick chamber. There is no risk, no fatigue that she will not undergo ; nosaeri iieo that she will not make. he is all love, nil devotion.' I havo often thought it would be happiness to be ill to bo watched by such loving eyes, nnd tended by such fair hands. One of tho most strongly marked char acteristics of a "nice girl" is tidiness and simplicity of dress. Mie is invariably as sociated in my mind with a high frock, plain collar, and the neatest of neck ribbons, bound with the most modest little brooch in the world. I never know a "nice girl" who displayed a profusion of rings and bracelets, uiid who wore low dresses or a splendid bonnet. I say again, there is nothing in the world ball ao beautiful, half so intrinsically good us a "nice girl." She is the sweetest flower in the path of life. There are others far more stately, far more gorgeous, but these we merely admire as we go by. It is where the daisy grows that we like to rest. Tnr.itr, was an immense meeting of the tax-payers of Xew York city, nt Cooper Institute, on tho 11 tlx inst.,lo consider the leoent grave charges of corruption and peculation made against tho city oilicials. Jix-M.tyor William 1 llavemcycr presided nnd among the promineut men on the plat form were lleurv C'lewes,cx-.ShcritrO'lrien Peter Cooper, Marshall O. lloberts, Moses Tnylor, and John Jacob Astor. A series of twelve resolutions were adopted, which declare the ciy and county debt more than doubled within the last two and a half years, being new ;.,-113,0"J0,0l0, or over 03, 000,000 more than when Mayor Hall was first inaugurated. It is also believed that manv millions more will be paid out on floating and eouliugent claims un'.ess the present oilicials are removed, or their pro ceed in ly arrested. The fourth'resolution directed implicates William M. Tweed, Kichard 1$. Connolly, and A. Oakley Hall, ns the parties w ho should bo arryed at tho bar of public opinion for these olleuces. Speeches were made by ex-Mayor llave mcyer. Judge Kmott, Oswald O. Otteudor fer, Hon. it. It. KunsevoU, ex-Governor Solomon, nnd Hon. Edwards Fierrepont. The mooting was composed of members of f.'.l political parties, nnd tho speeches were both from Itepublicans and Democrats. Concerning this meeting, tho Mew York Ti-ibuM, of Tuesday says : ".o incident iu the political history of New York for many years lias given us so much hope for the future of the metropolis as the meeting last night al Cooper Institute. jep as the indignation of the people has been over the recent disclosures of fraud, earnest us close observers havo seeu the popular purpose to be to put an end to this wholesale swindling at onco and forever, few were prepared for such an imposing demonstration as this, which assured us that s.t heart too rank and tile of the Demo cracy as well e.s of the ltepublieun party are friends of honest government and tho bitter enemies ol'cverv species of fraud. It revives our couliilenee ill the American system of UVptiblicaii govt ru in 'lit to see that when an emergency is fairly presented tlic people can thus cast belii.nl Ihtui Hellish con.-idi rations and unite iu working for the public good. good w oik has begun I.-1 us goon iu the car ta M, piactieal mid um.ari.iKan grit with which it opened last night, and the infamy of the Tammany llii will boon be a thing of the. last." Aw ANK.-ii.m-: i-' l.vnsi'tT. In liU speech at the Aiulu'i'sl siiiiiivnti iiiiiat coin-liieiiM-ia -nt f l'.trk b.tul : "llnvo IV cil! I tlus iiUtii ion a seeiie which occur red lliirty-six years a -o, on the day preced ing c laiin, mviie ut. JMward Kivivil then de iv. j:-1 tile ol:ui"U. In the initial of the orali' o ho uncivil on i sentence which Cillle I I H ill ItutkH ol' applause. ' I w;il read ill it sentence. : '11. foio the adiiiiinig lu i iit ol iialuro has iviili.tal all the w.iu.Vr.i of Hie v.i.lid, I I him nil ilinvil mi I l.n-nv I'.io Utii wi "D pi i It'cli b.i live, by e , i.'.uin' ti c run i f uu.ui.il-. disport liU l!..-;ii.- !v. ia th.ir r. ;'"k.ciiI itue ucuin - 1; .-., 1 1 wain". ' "Ai;. e 1I1.1I uti iuv. 11 nj.p. itvd as if .ill All. I.' It t' -.11. WultM llol CillhU to l lllp l!i. ii- h .inU ..liiiji tin ir Lit, uiilyityuii h 01 I 1 I'e lima ,i .1 le, lli.i n iil.il. .Noiv tli ! iH,liui 1 uiii - . Vshal ia lliu eaoi. '1 Ii ' I. ex. Hi ii .'lii, in ill.: kill lit. I lilt It in .1 . I 11 1. u l hi e -II. W lt'l 'le- v. a oil lli.i 0:1. t nf cj 1 :iUu' th..' u ..ili, a 'iiiip of M.iliT,' l.e I IU 11. 'I t.iu 1 - .'v' a id ill .1 '! "iiltl II lliu till., lie p. il l.i 111.,,' I in lli.i i.'l.i.., in,. I Hilt'lif V il 1' W.I tlu'll'li tl lilt (el'lolil. t 1. 1..: 11 on Hi i L. i iiiuhoiiiy llial iuor i-t il i 1 !. Ii. foio ill It ol .1 1 11 ill W .1 i!( hu 1- 1 I, I .t 1, 1 lulu it It I it 1 to it 1 1 ii lid in Ii 1 ton 11 L.:i l..:io. bell.. I J..J bol I a yt -l-lot u!. 1 I 1 J 1 .. 1 , " tl l.S i t. I II. ,'. It H.)ll, i, III-! ( oiiii'iy li u.'titi. 11, 1,.! 1 miiio ;. 1 lid 1 c on 1 1. .0. ti ol 1 141 in 1 u 11 ,i,l 1 r Lit 1.. t.l .ill IiuVl- 1,4.1 II i I 1 (I a .ui,.. 'iindl. 1 1 u "4 ul m ,i!i 11 kl ml 1 , , 4i. I a, I '4 It to he in lliu M..'li 11 1! 1 , 1. 1 ; Hi. 11 1.111 1 nilv bun. Ill ., 1 vi 1 y 1.11 l Ol 1 I . It I .ll. I Ullli 1 1. m. I it 1 1, till I the I , I r .,'. U l.i II L.-Ulnl, I 'I14 4 ! ,. . 1 1 ,1 t. uLt lull .1. 11 1 11. . I uiid lit 11. I'llltl) l ml, fv I up 411I lilli.l It 01 11 i...t I I (liit ll.lkt, ll.t U Ol k- ..11 I.. 1. 41 .iilid l.iJ b tid L.i.d 11. on. I'ol 1 0 4 1 ')! ill.io L,iii.U, mi. I II . It do .ll.t ...... l hill .l.n I Uol.lil no I 1 u.i 11.' 1 I) , ui I tt l.i 11 u li 1 in 4 i. Id. y i4i tiy U.I4K 4li I Ul III lliu l-l'l III kli) 4J4II.I.I, Vt IMI-ikU, MIlllVUl d4bgl ! Uto.4 " VorTliVrirVfMnYrai iMlIvayi BU.MM F.H ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after August 0, 1871, trains will run aa follows 1 NORTHWARD. Nlngnrn Express nrrlves st Snnbiiry nt 12.40, p. m. nrrlvcs nt Nlnpnru Falls nt 13.20, a. in. lin (T:lo Exprpss nirivcsnt SiinbnrT nt 4.10 ft. m., r.rrlvo nt Willlntnspnrt nt 4.45 El'mlra nt 0.10 n. m., C'nnnndiiliriin ia.10 p. m. Mnll nrrlvcs nt 8iinl)ir nt 4.30 p. m., nrrlve nt Wllllnnuport 0.30 nnd' Elmlrn 10.33 p. ni. Fust Linn arrives nt. Snnbiiry nt 0.43 p. m., nrrivo nt Willlnmspnrt 8.15 n. m. Erlo Mull arrives nt Sunbury nt 3.00, a. m. SOUTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Stinbury nt 4.10 a. m.. nrrlve nt Hurrisburg 7.05 n. 111., Uiiltinioi-o 10.40 n. in. Express Mnll leaves Snnlmry, 11.45 n. tn., nr rivo at Hnrrlsbiirsr 1.40 p. 111. Eric Express leaves Bunbiiry nt. S.fiU n. m., nr rlve at lUirrlsburg 11.05 p. in., Uiiltlmuro 1.00 p. m. l.envi'iSiinbury ut 1.10 a. in., nrrlve ut Hnrris burif 3.33 n. 111. Banbury Accomodation leaves Sunbury nt 5.45 p. in., nrrives ut Ilnrrisliiuu nt 8.30 p. 111. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. F.A9TWAUD. Lenvc Snnlmry nt 4.40 p. 111., nrrlve nt Sbunio- kln 0.50 p. m., Ml. Cnriuol 0.40 p. m. Lenvc snnlmry f Aeeoniiiiniliitiou,) nt 11.00 n. 111., nrilvc nt SUauiokln 1.1)0 p. m. WESTWAItP. Lenve Mt. Curmcl nt 7.00 n. in., Slinmokiii T.40 n. tn., nrrlve ut Sunbury 0.55 n. 111. Lcuvc SlianiDkln (Acenmmodation,) ut 3.45 p. in., nrrivc nt Sunbury 4.00 p. 111. Kxpress leaves daily IjCiivlni; on eunday , rnns North only to Wllliainstport. AH oilier trail) lenvc daily, except Sundays. A. It. Fiske. En. 8. YofNd, tien'l. Sup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ac't., llariisliurn, Pa. Haliinore, Mil. J. W. WAyillXGTON'S VKAXD ISAUKEIt NIIOl. Tlio old permanent Minp of tlio town. Wc deelino thu boast, but ut the gallic limo consider that tlio iul;hty trulti mayjlio seasotia bly fpolicn without ninnlfestiiii; nu" uncomforta ble amount of vanity aud ambition. Just twenty years nyo I began my business career In this place half my lil'etimo thus far spent, have I stood upon the floor of our shop day nl'ter day, nnd iiiuht after night, and applied the sharp blue gleaminir steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have I shaved nearly every body iu the country (in common parlance) mid to oblige the public Interest wo herein publicly announce to our patrons old and new that wc nre ready to shave them all ajrain three hundred thousand times or more. Come when you please, ivtl n time Is the max im wc nre always rcadv to' work, forenoon or afternoon, to t-havc you, lia'.r em von, shampoo you, wmsner dye you, or perl nine, eoinu nnd ur ransrc the hair with artistic skill, in the "water fall" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. Mop, don t go past our shop to get shaved on the basis of ability because we do it as well us it can be done or ever could be. A ebaace is all that we demand To give the proof we hold In hand. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1, 1S70. IMtllSS tiOOOS. SriHXG AND SUMMER STYLES, now open nt KAT2-: BLACK'N STOKE, Market Square, SUNBURY, I'enn'a., A DIES' DU ESS tiOODS A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Nations, Ac. (cuts' Collaiii, Neck-ties, llalf-hose, Handker chiefs and (iloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Ilrushcs.Combs, etc. An Invitation is extended to nil to call and ec- curo bargains. April Jill, 1S7 1. FU11NITUKE STORE, 111 Masonic Hall DiilUliiigs, TMrl fyJroc-l, nour tCic Vont Olliee, SIXIUKV, 1M. Ii. I XIAUDEITBUSH now oilers to the public Bclectcd nnd liindo with great care, aud with a view to please the wants ol Ills numerous customers. His stock Is new nnd of the latest styles. PARLOR SUITS, PARLOR AND RLC'LTTIOX CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, Walnut or Kooewood of the finest patterns made. SIDE KUARIM, Ash, In Oak or Walnut, nnd Dining Room Furnituro of all kinds. LOOKING (i LASSES AND PLATES, Mattresses, Pillows. Holsters, Window Shades nnd llxtures. "crisriD33RT-A.xriisra-. ' i t.-aiinrrvjL!Afr'' tir wntrjji . A .T . T'Ji1WKl .B J. iW"-:fciWW4 Fpei-lal alleiiiiou Is pahl to this department by W. P. Robert wlni Uai lni.l u number of year i pe.li iiie in Hie city. (VUm of every descrip tion aa I s I.i-n. coiislaiit!)- ki -pt on hand. Also, Fish's Mi talie liui i.il Cases. Mu.mds itnil l u il -it -iker;,' umieiiai of all kinds. lVr: t.ii.-il attendance to funeral.-. Pt-i'i.'iitl'tr, the Masonic Hall UuiKiins, 011 Tliii.l tiV4i, SaiiUarv, I'a. H. L. P.AUDENUUSII. Suiib ir;-, July 15, 1H71. SI'RINti .sTVI.l'.s HATS, llOXXRTS, i LOU'LUS, FRAMKS, IV IV. Mui.rhlit- ul. I Itii.l.tl ll.iUaiid Utiiilii t. S.-11 Rlli!Kis, 1'KAfUKits, l'.tvi:its, J.aeen nu. I Ttitmnin ol'every variety. Full line of MOl RXIMi V111I.S AND CRAl'K. Vilit ii-. a lull .iatiiiiiu ut. tit-hlk-iii! u' littil.., Il.ilitlki It lilt!l'i, iVe. . m i i.i.l n i i: v is the cpi-'.ci ai.'i y. ium i.. r.iiisii.i:it, MARKKT l'ARi:, SI'XIll'RV, PA. April 1 -.71 . l.'j. tCJ ChunUiit Stroot, rUiUdolphiu, l. .in I i limi, 1 1,,. ,. , jiuml,,,,,,!- .u,i i.i. . I. .tn I ..lit. I i U.lllli,; 11, t III ,lulU II U.IU.U4U ..I. I I. UL ul. Ililit l. 4. JvMtlrit HSU Ul Ills tlf Int.. I . I,.. 1,1c lu.ikt la, It'll I) t It klSil. lillttU KiUrr Un I n Lii.l.ii aii I nil. if u.titl.tll,,!!,, I 1. 1 i ui'.iii, k.uiifu 1'i.ti, 4 u.-l. id tl. Uitfl 4 ..i.il. ltd. Nil! Ill" Ky luiuvKS Ai -M I N i Al. oll.N AMIMn, l.t.i t I .I i i1. I l.,l I'ltl, tliln.. llw l.4.bl I LIU. I mill. nt.. ut. ( .Ol. ...I.nilt.ll 1. lilt'. I.J In 4 II I. , U. .) . I t . . .l . ,, , ,4 t ...IUl lull I .11 Iu I t, I Hit II t. IK II Ul M t , bii'4 In lwul iirvl. v I I. I-.. I 4 l !. ti4 .. .iiu.. m 1. 1 In.,!', bu.4il.li -4 4 --.li kl ..i, k Dun.. i . .(.. ! I .1-4 .i il, u.( 4( a. lisccllancons. AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, has just received nnd opened MAMMOTH STOCK OF CiOODS, which lie hns SELECTED WITH CHEAT CATiE nnd ufTcrs to the Public nt tho very LOWEST CASK PRICES. lluvin;; established a reputation for low prk-vs and FAIR DEALING to all, M ill endeavor to maintain that posilioD COMU ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST PRICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for tlio larire amount of pntronaire heretofore bestowed upon me, I lll endtaver by furnishinir the best irtsiils nt the lowest prices to merit it coiitiniutnee of thu same. 11. Y. FKILINO. April 15, 1ST1. SPRINtf AND SUMMER. cxoTiiN ab askimi:ki:n! FRENCH AX1) DOMESTIC (iOODS of i verv crude, Just opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP or THOS. ii. XOTT, Successor to J. O. Heck, Fourth tStreet, below Market, fl'NltUKY, I'ENN'A. (ieutlemen who desire fashlouable clothlni; inadi! to order, will call al the uIhivo place ami exaia'.iie the well eeleeti'd .lock, and have their suits made up in the latest stile, ('all and b convinced. HUMS. (,. NOTT. May 11, Wl. l'.klalc ol ieopm t:mrrirh. Sen., Lute of Jvrditn TuirHxltiii, (f(i(. VUTll'EU hereby i;ivelt that lett. r testa 1.1 in t-n t ii ry have been grunted to thu uiub-r-ii;ued, nu tho estate of tit-uro Euu-rich, bt-u., late ol J. nil. in township, Norlliliiiibel 1 nitl enilii t.V, Pa., deecised. All pelsnll i ilnl. t'lt d to said oliitii are retiiit'sit'il to e...ke Immediate payment, mid those hnviiii; 4-lailiulo present llieui mil) iiulheiilli iiti'd lor i tlleiiiriit. Mil HALL EMKKK II, Eeeulur. Jordan toniiship, June Iu, 1-T1. I.l M'ltiM. uii:im;i I.MrK KtuiUI Httrr liUill-l Ju,l upciit-d ii l.ui;.-, Hue and itb.t.inlUil anil. in. nl of Sl'RIXO DUKVi (i(H)DS, Dmiitbliiii, Wliitu (iihmIs, Kuiuy (ioihIs, 'rriuuiiiiiijs, Cloths, I'tlsMliU'lVrt, cai'i;ts and u. cloths. IIuiki kn pin.' i;tHi.U In iiiuil t.irltl), tltlXI l.UiHUtlKs, (Juctu.ttaK-, VVilluw V4if, li!.i4ie, Ae , V.. . A llitv .In k ol .11lula11ll.il ltl.MiJt lulhluK, for Mm aud Uu)., 1 iU llu (u l .m l uiiinpli-lM. It)' liiil'.l.uai.tl llijn.lt it Lilly. w j I'rlrr Iu null lliw llmf. 1 u4 ttuv MwK. AH kin It ul it,4iilrj pit.4ut Ukiu In t lll4Mvll I'll j.iii.U. Wui'llK 4 lsai,iK, I 4 '! I ' lo.n llMll.lil.4, kljiktl ltttl. uul.ui). A.il il, l-M. Clock & Watch Repairer. la lfc.wu't tl 1- k, lltit 4.i. . ul IU itu ll4l lb. I. I, VUl, ,4I4., tl Kl, ft . ll. ..iri.ii) I4.' .11.., 11,. , nu. , M1,i,ul, 4i,4 1 11 .11. II. -1 L. i. 1 1. 1 .-U4 1., 1 1,. I, I', .t.l... 11, si Lit..i..( l. li.uj k4 4.1 .. ilf I.) tH J. t.1,1,.,4,,, llH. kt I. ill ).lt H4.I4K U IU tu.l. ta. .1. I L 4 '.4.1. 4t .1 4. . M. 1.1 I 1 vi a W. - .1. 14. . t .4.,.41 1 , U. t .ll.l. L..4. ,1 11..1 L. I Ml.l..,l ... .l4,... 1 i..i..M u m,il .til ki I J. 4- lWt. tl. j lisfdilitnfous. V PRICES REDUCED. BOOTH M1IOKM Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN HILYER, Spruce Mrrrt, Nnnbnry, Tciin'R, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at surprislncly low prices. Ills stock comprises the very best In market. His lonir exper ience In the business ImsVon for him a reputation for mnkln? first class work cqunl to nny city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Tho prices of repairing are nlso reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Mnrch 4, 1871. JIILIilXEKY CiOOnS GENERALLY. NEW STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning and Itrldul llata and Uonnrtn. Full line of Mournlntr Veils and Crnpc. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. BusU Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, .fee, Ac. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOS8LF.R. South Fourth St., below the Itailroad, Burbury. April aa, 1871. STEREOSCOPES, VIEW S, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. tV- II. T. AXTIIO V A CO., 501 Itroudwa'. Xew York, Invite the iittcntlnn of tlio Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above noods, of their own publication, tnanufiicture and iinportiitlon. Also l'HOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GUAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF yoSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTUONT A CO., 591 Hrondway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMroitTl'HS AMI MAM KACTl-Hl'.ltSi OF riio(oiruiliie Mntcrlalei. March 4th, 1871. ly. i'OMI'I'RET MAXOR C'EMEERY COJHMXY. This romp.iuy Is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located 011 nu eminence ubout one-fourth of a mile cut of Sunbury. The in crease of tho population of Sunbury. nnd conse quent advance, iu tho ratio of mortality, ns well us the limited facilities for the interment of those who have fought life's buttle, have suirirested the orirauiitation of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the olUco of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbach. Price of lots from f 5 to f IS, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. KOHRBACH, Sec'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. PRICES ItEIIK tU AT TUB Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store OV ELI MILLER, In C. B. Smith" Room, Queen Street, 0110 (too East of the Fost Office, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. For Elmira Boots, go to Eli Miller's Boot nud Shoo Store. They arc sold, Best Calf at $6. For French Calf Boots, go to Eli Miller's, ouly $9 to f 11 per pair. For Boots, Shoc9 and Gaiters, at lowest possi ble prices, go to Ell Miller's, on Quceu Street. For nil kinds of Gum Boots and Shoe, call nt Ell Miller'. For Ladies' Gum Overshoes, see line assort ment nt hi I Millers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoes, go nnd ex amine Ell Miller's large nssorlment. For anything hi the Boot and Shoe Hue, cull nnd examine F.ll Miller's stock before purchasing elsewhere if you wish to get tlrst-clus, at the lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep. 8, 70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Er. WlT,rR'3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands o 6 1 a it' licar testimony to their WonUor iui iuruvo ikuucu. ggij WHAT ARE THEY? '? TttkV AltE KOT A VILE FANCY DRINK li.:.itf l'ar II nm, U il.kn, t'raol lrll nl Utlmo l.lauvr dtH'Urvd, rtc(t titil.wtcl luctt la flc. tlio IttMltf, cUutt,'l4.a:ct,'M AppcUj it.," " I: t uit. r.," c, t'-ai lea l il 1 pphtr to tfruulifraH-. SLt) ruin, but r t.nu MiiLeuit, n4lti frou t:.u NatlTd 1:001 slid llirltuf Caltfurui. free tram nil Ateabvllu H lui loaia, Tkojr ar mo .lt:r 1II.IIOU n ttltlLU aaj A lil t C1VIMI I'UISt ll'I.Wftrut:l Uuwior n4 luvlfuri4.r of ttid Sy.u-iu, utifiyir itf alt ulMtu iiu-r i4 K.tuiliiK u. U"4il 10 a klitji auumtlua. Ha pi'Moa uduU ll.c liuiitr accuiu. Ua.no. iltin and ruiln luui; ttmvtt. j I luO IHL lic(4fan turatsl !, ymiUrtl Ik Ikiuv sr Lu dtulrorid If tUial (wlaua mr itivr luttwt. aitd Hi Ttlal ir'w Vti.lv4 tv)g.4lt buiuI uf nviilr. I'ar ltf uamhlorf 4 1 araalo thiaax ll.m ! lly. Kl pt iMlnt r larflaaadaa, Ulltwna, Uviulilriti a4 Illli4 l at liltanl Ik IlluaU, l.lr, avllai. ) Uli.44r ILiiM llliu-itt lt kii kitt.i aaaiMM. If I. bw.h iUra n ii4 1 filial! LtluaU, 1. 1.14 1. n.awrlly (rtMluai'd t-jr dKiiiu.i. trllltl; lljl .ll0 UllUU. uv."i tfci v ut iMu;trio. t;.4 si-lit., I'wi.i 1 1 11 iwi.l4v 1, iuait. 1iaitft..M (.f U. il-i, litA.u4M, kwi-i i rwi-iaiiuMi ku swaiaca. It.l1.1l U U txulh, b lK.4.. allatk, 114,11.11. tl 11.. i.i., I. aiiu vt Utatm-sa, C.41 111 ii.i 4l 14. Uu.),a4l.d4 wilwi .l4i t. . 4 . u-. .it tlx 4.1U1 r . li.y.l. Ik 1.14 .fi.ij IU. ki k i n.4 MuaalaM U. I r- .l 11.4 4 14.4 W.4U, t I.I4W tv4. II1i.W44HaII.4 x-l-i 1 1 ltu. il l.v4kf H 4ak4fliu a4 lwi'j Ha 4 a 1... t.ittfcir!ui4. Uut .1 al.. lUUaklN Uia:4kl., I lupw., t.iki.4 I U 4.441, tlullltt,. I 1.4, 1-, I U. 1 14.. I kllkli.. UmII. I aaavk. Lit. -11. ., i.i lt.4. kwt , ff.i- ia, lua, Itm.i, kci.Uiiiiti4.. vl Ik tl ia. Iummw a4 Ilia. iMv 4.1 it. 1 a. 4, .!.. wi alt.iH Uuiall) W Ik k4il.4 l ul Ik. ia la i.i biM kf Um . ! 11.. H.it.i.. iifc tua at 4k i.l iMtihtiii.1 ai Ui.4t.i4.b4 i'u tm Jw 1 UM kit V. 114,14 t-lt4 tlUlltl tl u4 U I.. ilik4 WtU.li IUtu. 1 tk 4 la I Ukk. lf U'kx v mm, kktaaM. 11 .. a 4 4 Wuak4 4 i4.ua la w uiw! tUaaw a .uiiikUl, ftt.4 fcMiut auifc.il fc.. kk.4 I 4 ku lxuk kl 11 .. iii4..k. ft. Ttril4.a..i tUMI. Utktk la kv( lj.l t.ll aM Um4I.Iii 44lMli 4m4..j 4.i.ia II 4U..4W1M. I l.U, U .u.awi wa4 t 111 , i4ili 1't.f ia !" kik w..4, . .4 !.. 4. kl kkU. I iii,k.i . fctk-ti 41 b 4 ui l-..,-. a4 l. Hb, I. It..u.., Ill, 4 at a4k -.... . 4.U-.I, k.a 1 .1. -lol 414 n.lcwUI 4kM likklkb n l 41 a 411' tl l ..I lb U.I ..iii,4i.. .1-, l al w. 4 tii.a4 4 kn IUI lall i H k4, 4rtali k.4 ill ( H? lis wol in ! O V y TtlKV AltE KOT A VILE S I U FANCY DRINK. Hi I. M ty A I ' . taimfuffurcrs. Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA.. For Male and Female Inpll. Attmctlvoly sltunted In a benlthrnl and benntl fnl region, Hot a tnllo from I'enn'a R. R. Four reanlnr Kraduntc, asited by other competent Inetrnctors connitute the corps of instruction. Tho Principal (for many years in clmrgc of Tub enrrora Aendcmy, nnd, since 1853 thu hend of this Institution.) refers to his numerous pupils In nil the learned profcfwlons, and In every de partment of business. MiiBlcand Palatini! spe cialties. Fall HPsmion will rommrnre Sep torn bcr lt, J871. Teruia, attoo per Auumn. Address, DAVID WILSON, A. M. A. J. PATTERSON, A. M. Tort Koyal, Pa. July 22, 1871. Ot. NEW MEAT NIIOl. THE nnilerelirncd respectfully Informs the citi zens of Buuburyaud vicinity, that they have opened a MEAT SHOP, tn Dcwart's liullilinir.on the north side of Market Square, two doors from the milroad, were they will kep a constant supply of tho best of Beef, Porh, Mutton, .:c., nt wholesale or retail, nt the lowest prices and of the llrst quality . A wairon will be run to supply customers every innmlnir, (except Suudnys.) The best of moat will found nt their Bhop. Give as a call nnd satisfy your elvcs. REKFEW & BOWER. Oct. 10th I860. tf. ISAAC U. NTAt'FFElt, WATCHES, JEWELRY, I IS North Keeond SI., l'r. orlurrj, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver ami Fluted Ware constantly on hand. Repalrlne of Wntclies and Jcwelrv nronmtl attended to. f April l.'lS71-lv. MlLLIXKItY AMI FAXCY NTOKE. MISS L. WEISEH, Market 8trcct, ono door west of Clcinhurt's con fectionery Btorc, SUNBUltY, PA., Has opened her Sprlinr. nnd Sniiiiner stock of Millinery uud Funey t.oodi, HATS AND BONNETS. Tho latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Snek loops, Chignons, Collars, Cuirs, Jouvlu (Iloves, and a largo variety of other nrlleles. In eouueeliou with tho Millinery business, she curries on tho DRESS MAKING AND FITTING, in all lis brunches. She Is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Seott & t'o.'s Putterns. The ladles of Biinhury and vicinity nre cor dially iuvited to call and examine her Bplcmtld stock. May IS, 1871. LiHitcit Axi-i'i,AX i.u n 1 Lrs. Third Btveet, ud.oliiliif Phllu. 4 Erie R. R., two Scares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. lltA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. lluvhn; ul! the latei-t Improved machinery for inatiiil'ai-tui lui; Lunber, he is uow ready to till or ders afull kinds of FLOORING, PIDIXO, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINtiS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, uud all kinds of Oruniueutul SerowlWork. Turu iuc of every description roinptly executed. Also, A I.AlHiE 1S.0JITMENT OP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK aud PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ie. Orders promptly tilled, and slilpiicil bv Railroad or ntherwUe. IRA T. CLEMENT. deeltf-CSrly NT'K aV" Tl'Sni:NTABl.iWliM EXT. MARKET STREET, Sl'NBURV, PA. ALFRED KRXlJSE, PropruU.r. sflXESSOB TO DMITI1 4 VENTUEH.J nAVINti purchased the ulMivewell known cs tahilyhmenl, Mr. Kiause would resjwt ful ly inform tho pulille that ho now has on baud a larjre iisortnient of COOKING STOVES, Spier's Cook Anti-Dust, Rcirulutor or Revolvlnir To, Combination, SiiHiiehannii nnd otluTh, whieb arc so nrrunired us to be tned for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to ierl'orin satisfactori ly or no suie. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of diUcrcul kluds at very low prices. Tiuwarc ol Every I)e.tfrlp4loii kept constantly on hand. Koolini; und Spouting with the lx.-l inulerial, done ul short uotiee. KKl'AlKi.NU intended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ul d Lumps conniaiilly on hand. Japan ware of a I'n.nd... Store opposite Couley's hardware store. Give mo a cull. A. KRAUSK. .J'l2f-ly TIME IS MUXE1 ! ! ALL Wall Paper and Border, sold by uio nil be trimmed reudy lor use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, jir TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, hit b I luie llioexi lii.li rik'lil In iw iu uuiturv 11 11. 1 l. lnliy. tUv money, timu and lab.tr, by lu tuif uf N. I' E It II EE I.K.IITM II. IKiilir Iu Utxtk, hlalliiiii'r)', Wall Paper, Miiile, .te., 4-. HinoluV Kt-Uiiiil M Pl'I.IKs) nia.lo a -Ulll)r. Ulawk, Mi'mMrMatlMu I'aaa lluuka In m. IU.. ktirlil), Jul r.tthnl. HOOK Ml N l Ml done lot.nl, . IV f...u. alll ale vkiiiau ay Uallii tlielr ol.lt l if Llli.lUi, a II U Inc. fit 11 111: 1 11 : of all !. eul lit. 111 the M. ml. lot ul Vt-iyluw i..l... OVAL A AUt' H V Vila ou baud. AI.Hl'MS, lUt.VCKK'IX, liOl.ll I'f.Si, v.t Ac, Ac, Ui h4 aill uli-iiiU lt Ii uf i...U)i iMI tiaud. iutllilliu I114 ull hand pluuiplly ui iKiktl Uai,ni i.b. t 4il al S. IM'.tUK I li.llisni'a II. .k ai.m, U of '"It ) I10I4I PkU, iltlkil (ualu, But ui, Pa. ui.liiiijr, auu.l IkM, 1111. altUIMTi H IIIUI E MH."" flla' au.lt i.i it, 4 k.iit. U.u.lti iu 4i.ui 1 .l.H k i.J ii..iu.i A i!ni, aoiil.l l4iitiiu IU 'Hi.iit. ll l bf u uua l..l) ., 4.1 alt antO ft HIHUI E UUHH. wm ajkl, 4.4 bi.W t ft J. 1 al kiitmr tii a HwMtfkkiaktla 4 lra4-alMB- 1.' (Aft I llN I Milk titbit ..ui j '.i. a 4i a lil,ai-4 lia a4 ll.U-t I im . it imJhi 1 .. 1. .4. j. ka 4 l.i4 lu! iv.t... I.llitii..k...l I U t4 Ui v lii4 IM ,'.kj. k..M .; - 4 , Tr , T sUnntons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, 53,311,0O Amount of Premium Notes In force, S4,213,00 CA8II ASSETS. Amount loured at Interest, (3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, (1000,00 Amount due from Aironts, U00,tij Amount duo from other sources, (7','n.OO Available Capital, $ii9,'J3H,5 - Insrnre jonr Cattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure whero your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM- PA NY. Ilcncc, unlike other Companies, you aro suro of lieint; paid promptly for ull losses, If insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, and our Chnrtor Is Perpetual. Wc pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (exccptlne; In cases of epidemics,) tiy then, xc. vc. we pav prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money 111 ensu ot loss. Nearly 3,000 paid on Cow alone til nre Organization. Look at tile list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M IIcnnlnRer, Sunbury, Pa D llllircrt, Northumberland Georiro Eekert, " 8 B Dodirc, " Charles llollek, Mt Curmcl Esnhens Sipplc, " Catharine ai;ner, Wntsontown 33 50 40 30 .1 30 40 4(1 50 3333 50 00 40 , 30 , 50 50 40 50 45 40 Gcorire Heir, Northumberland Jacob Snvder, Sunbury . J W Bass'lcr, " Minor Cndy, Dcwurt Catharine Mnrtz, Shnmokln Francis Buelicr, Sunbury Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh Joseph Deppen, Mt Curmcl Matthias Seholly, " Francis MeCnrty, Maria Kramer, Wntsontown Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwurt J ife R C IjuiirKlc, Pine, Clinton co R Ruinate, Slieuaudoah, Sehuglkill co... J S Thnrp, Shnmokln Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Curmel N A Loudcnslngcr, llcrndon, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry G L Rcuicun, Shenaudouh, Sehuylklil co. Jacob Shine, " " .. Jacob Stoltr., " ..40 .40 ..40 ...45 ..40 ..40 ...50 ..V) ..40 D H Bower, Herndon, 30 Geo B Lnlir, Georgetown ....1 40 John II Ossuiun, Sunbury W B Wallace, Northumberland H 8 Grahum, " Rebecca Koblc, Gcoriretown Philip Wintersteln, Wntwntown G S Low, Lime Kill ire, Columbia co.... 40 30 , 50 , 40 , 40 ,40 Lewis Osterlmnt, Laurel Run, Luxeruc CO...-40 Mary J Hine, Northumberland 40 B F Krohn, Suubury -10 Andrew Healy, Girardsvllle, Sehu)lkill CO.. 4i, Patrick Fnrjrcson, Mt Curmcl 40, Murtin Dehuiey, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Sehuylklil co 10, Anthony Mcl.auu'liUn, Glruiilsvillc 40, 1. layman S Hay, Maliunoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Baueher, Berwick 'J7, J D Foeht, Pollsville 30, Erustus Sober, Point twp 30, A Llppeneolt, Wutsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Wutson'n.Ud loss pil lust sum, 4(1, I P Lippeucott, Wutsontown 40, R 8 Auimci'inuu, Snydertown 'JO, Nathuu Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 37, J A C R tJuiL'itle.Plue Sta'n Clinton c 3d loss,40, Charles W lluzzard, Rupert, Columbia co.. .40, John FoL'lemun, Wutsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Curuiel 4H, Thoinus Metz, Puxinos 'M, R McCloskv, Lock Haven VM, HON. A. JORDAN. Presideut. C. A. RE1MEXSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. Jiime Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brimer, Solomon Stroll. Win. Briu.llc. Sulouiun Phipc, John A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Wait! ron. M arch 1 1 , J S71 . -lyL F O R SA L E I IT IGHTY acres of Improved land In the best Id seellon of Southern Michigan, within Ave miles of the town of "Three Rivers," In St. Jo seph ununty, itbln two mile of the Railroad! Mat inn, good buildinirs, out houses, lur;;e or- ! cliurd. soil, rich audy Uhuii, sehnol hoiir-e uud church within siirht litle IiuliKputulile, ten nere arc iu w heat, lliu remainder iu clover soil. A spuu of horsi-s, cuttle, hoes, Kiain 11ml iiuiiiiim uteusils, tVe., will Iw sold with this property. Price t'O per acre, 3,0m) in cash, the balance in time pavuieiit of f.VIO. Apptv to ' WM. A. MASTER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, H. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, March 11, 1M71. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW HESTOR P.D. Jut puWislied bv Dr. LEWIS. 35fl paires. Third Edit ton. THE MEDICAL COM PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Ppi rmntori hiea, or Seminal Weak- m... Inl.,ll,lirt- H.'.tltlli.l l.t.ui.M l.ttf,.,ti..,.r Mental nnd Phv.ieal Incaiiaeitv. lnipeilimenl to Mnrriaite, etc., and the Venereal nnd Syphilitic Maladies wilh plain ami clear directions for the speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, Gouorrlnca, (ili-els. Strictures, nnd nil diffuse of the i-kin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcer, Boils, Blotch es and Pimple on the (ace and hotly. Consump tion, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, Induced by self-lndtil gence or seclu.il extravagance. The celebrated uulhor in Ihi iiiluilral.lt- Trea tise, clearly dcuioiiM rates, Iroiu a folly year's Biicccuful practiee, that the alarming i nn- 'in nee of sclf-itbuss may lie radically cured ; pointing out a mode of cure nt oneo simple, veilaiu, and effectual, by means of ahii u every ktitlerir, no inutler uhat bis condition may be, call bit IIVc timllv e iiifil, cheaply, privately, ami radically et In book .litttilil he In the liaiul of evert youlh, uud every mau In Hie luml - - . . ------ j f. ul iiiitb-r ktul, lu a plaiu ciivtlopi', Piiee, !0 cents. Addle., DR. LEW 18, No. 7 Bench lreel, New Y.irk. M'UING Al Ml MHKIt MU.I.lM'.ltV AND FANCY tiOODS. MIS EI.1ZAHE1H I.AZ.MU S, In Dt u.nt'fc Piii'diiig, Market piure, MMUKV.PA., I aheie Hiil be l.niii I ii in w supply of kotMts, roll- I t 1 . 1 1 1 1 C of Mil. Iii.-ry and r.iuey 1i.ni.Ii., j HATS AND Hi INN Kilt, TKIMMM) AMI UN- . 'HUM l Kl. .U, I HM.DKKVS HAT8, fur girl and Ik.. Kbit r of lliu lull -I mid liaiiil-itiiii .1 suit ., a.ntb UibiMin., plain ami fljuiiil. I. a. Hi ' Stnii i., I. u i' I oliii, l.liicn t'ulai und I tilt lor 1. 1 lie nu. I I liildrrn, I'r.H-hrl eollar. N.i kli,. fi.r 1. 4. tic and l.ritl'.- l.tlt .1 .lilt.. Mll rt,i, k LiHip.', a upt ih.r nrll. lc. Iilmt. In. In line Ki t-, uii.l I.ikIu.' Htuk.kin kl.it... II. in. Ik. it tin '.. All kin. I. . I I niiiii.in-.. Kiiilut.i b rt I'.i I it lit., lit.ai. tv lor lu.Ws, I, i ul un. I lltil.tnu. N '" pi uud 1 1 jiu I'll. IUI III I.. IIIMIMIMi Ml. KM, I l.iiii . . I'l.vi and ji"., an. I a k' iitiut lui u I) 1 1 N i. ,i,. j l li.. i. k I nl i .i il . ill, in. i.., .I, h,i.. Ik it IU tii.iiii) ol ht i itt. .1. will iiitiii tt. iiliini. tin t ; ul llu-. .int . M.I UH. I II I. WU a. A I 1 1 1 -.ti, 171. i I'mImM, tMla. At, All II tl xk of III!. t..ii,,tl.ii,H. I Iiim.'i lui, I imI Oil. lull IHI, .Hid ul. lit .11111- llll t' .lt Hit H I M.41 tllll. I , t Ul 414.114., 111.... i ala). ou tt.ii.d, al lua i,iittl i i.MM a i o a Tu (ho CoiiiiiiuiiI.) at I.uru't'i l II t Siik. tf lilt "REQULATOn." I k Ii... u. (ui.lt... 4 I'., ii. lu. l,.k, nt ai, t. I kltii 4.1 lit. It. ijHUi.ii li.- l, it., iu..k, I . Mil, i j.t.i I it, I. ..4 ai 11., 4 1 J D 4 44 U , ,11. I II t .. til 144. il.. k h. M 11 1 I. k.kl ba-.li IM, 4..I4..I I'M 441, .t,l t' lit... M".., M tu a 1 1 Mut.r.1, aiii bt, I't Vtk.u k.ui. 4.111. 1,. I .1 , ........... 1, auU t U. I' W4l.tll..tlt4l4l. Ll IU. It,..!,!,), I I t.t I , . II. 4..., k I .1 U 4 1.4. I I Ul 41 I I I. I wl. I. 'M l"l .. f'' IHI 4 kti-l., .1 l... t.t k,,t4! 4..1IW -,-.' Il t i 41.. I) l. !. U..4. lu IL. I ,1.. .k ... t,k- k.k.l 4...,.4.l. . b.. I -.l-tlv,..., 1.4 .liua-. 14 s.4. 4. 4 k I IP'lil i u aakl, J HI, iiiilroubs. Reading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, 3tuy loth, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North nmt North-Wet for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read Init, Pottsvlllo, Tnmncpm, Ashlnnd, Slmmokin, Lebanon, Allcntown, Enston, Ephnitn, Llliz, Lancaster, Columhhi, Arn ifcc. Trains leave Hnrrisburir for New York, as fol lows i At S. !', 8.10, a. in. nnd 3.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains on the Punnsvlvnniit Railroad, and arriving at New York nt ifi.05 a. in., 8.50, and 0.30 p in. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 3.40 a. m., train without change. , Returning : Leave New York nt 0.00 a. 13.30 noon nnd 6.00 p. m'., Philadelphia nt 7.30, 8.30 a. in. and 8.30 p. in. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 6.00 p. tn. train from New York with out chance. Leave llarrlslmrc Fit Rcndluir, Pottsvlllc, Tn mniiia, Mjiersvlllc, Ashland, Shnmokln, Allcntown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 n. m., 3.00 and 4.05 p. in., stopping at Lebanon und principal way stations ( the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co luinhla only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sehuvlkill mid 'SuBiiclmmia Railroad, leave, Harrisluirg nt 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains lmve Rcnd liig for Allcntown, Enston and New York nt 4.32, 10.30 a. m., nnd 4.05 p. tu. Returnlmr, leave New York at 0.00 a. in., 13.30 noon nnd 5.00 p. m. nnd Allcntown at 7.30 a. m. 13.35 noon. 3.15, 4.35 nmltl.85p.nl. ' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. in., conneetliif! with similar train on East Pennn. Railroad, returning from Reading ul 6.30 p. in., stopping- nt all Btatioiis. Leave Pottsville at .00 a. in. and 3.30 r. m. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., Shnmokiu nt 5.40 and 11.15 n. m. t Ashland nt 7.05 n. tn., nnd 13.43 noon; Mahiinoy City at 7.61 n. m. nnd 1.30 p. -n. Tanmqua nt 8.35 a. m. nnd 3.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Harrisburg.ikc. Lenve Pottsvlllc via Sehuvlkill ami Rumnm. Imnna Railroad nt 8.15 a. in. "for Harrisluirg, uud 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove und Treuiont. Rending Accommodation Train leaves Potts vlllc nt 5.40 n. m., passes Heading nt 7.30 u. ui. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.30 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.13 p. in., passing Raid ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville nt W.40 p.m. Pottslowu Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nl C.30 a. ui., returning leaves Philadelphia, nt 4.30 p. m. Columbia ltniiroad Trains lenvo Rending at 7.30 a. m., and 0.15 p. iu. for. Ephruta, Lltix, Lancaster. Columbia, tte. Pcrklomcii Rail Road Trains leave Perklotncu Junction at 7.17, 0.05 n. in., ut 3.00 and fl.Wp. In. Rcturnlng.leave Schwenksvillc at 6.30,8.10 a. m., 13.50 noon und 4.45 p. m. connecting with siuiilur trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdalc Raliroad Trniin leave Pottstowa nt t.40u. in., 1.15 a ml 0.45 p. iu., returning leave Mt. Pleusant nt 7.00 und 11.35 u. lu., aud 3.00 p. in., couueiting with siinilar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave brldgo port ut 8.30 u. in., 3.H5iind 5.33 p. ui. returning, leave Dowiiingtou ut 0.40 it, ui., 13.45 noon and 5.35 p. ui. connecting with siuiilur traius ou Read ing Railroad. On Sundays i Leave New York at 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia ut 8.00 it. in. and 3.15 p. lu., (ihu 8.00 a- ti. tram running only to Reading;) leuvif Pottnvilleut S.oOii. Ul., leave HariisUurg, 3.40 u. in., and 3.00 p. m.; leavu Alleulowu ut 4.35 iiml 8.35 p. ui. t leave Reading at 7.15 a. til. aud V.M p. ui. for Hari'lrbtng, ut 4.U3 a. lu. lor Nrw Ymk, ut 7.30 u. ui. for Allcntown and ul 11.40 u. iu. and 4.15 p. iu. for I'uil.i li l'u. Coiniuututlou, Mileage, Seusnu, School nud Exciii-muu Tickets, to uud from all points nt re duced llltl'S. Bugmiirt checked through i 100 Pounds Bug gag uilowed each Pusseuger. J. E. WOOTTKN, " Asst. Sum. Eng. Maeli'iy Urkauaima and niooiusiliurK ICuil r:uul. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PAS.'ENtiER TRAINS. Moudav, Julv 17, 171. SOUTIlVVAKD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. SiTHiiton, 0 46 I 45 10 05 BcNeviic, I 50' , Tayiorville, 6 67 ; 10 17 Lackawanna, 7 06 10 3 Pittstoii, 7 14 11 10 35 Wct Pittston, I 7 IU 10 40 Wyoniiiig, I 7 37 2 31 10 47 Malll.y, I 10 S3, k.ing-iou,4 i t. I . ., : W.-Harre esj ' 40i 9 di l1 w Plymouth June, I j Plymouth, ! 7 3 40 NaiiticoUe, j Sui j liunlock's, j 8 tr7! I Sfiiek.hiiiny, i 8 33 3 08 Hick's Ferry, 8 ! Beach Haven, i 8 43 3 37' Berwick, 1 8 50 3 84 Briar Cri ck, j 8 57 Lime Kiilgc, 0 07 Espy, : 9 14 Piounn.hurg, ; 0 l'J I Rupert, I U 3 3 57 Catuwi-sa, ': V M ! Duiiville, 0 51 ! ! Chiilusky, I V AO j j Cuiueroii, 10 (: i I North'd, (arrive.) 10 30 4 53; I NOKTIIWAKI). Leaie. .A.M. P.M.j 05 13 7 7 7 43 47 7 51 4 65 8 (Hi 6 10. 8 05 5 , 8 SO 8 80 45j Nnh"niberlaiid, 10 ;., !,'?". Chlilankv, , Danville, i Calawi.s.i, , Hupcrl, I Bloitnishnrg, , El'.v. i Lime r4id4.'S, Briar t n-i k, t Berwick, , Bcich llavrn, Hick' Kerry, Shick.hinny, . Illllliock's, I N.iiillci.ki-, r10 54.1 ,11 14 34 II 4 1 1 R 41 6 48 A.M. 65 11 43 I ,13 00 T 0V 7 SO I 7 45 b OH PM. P. M. ,13 30 I'limi.iilli, 8 15 P.M. 5 V I 8 0 8 SO 8 4l 8 45 8 63 V 04 V 14 V 3.Y V 33 L ,. ton H, 4 i St. ii Vc-'rs VV.-lliirru 13 34 7 51 33 3 i.S 48 5 X5 Mulltiy, I 8 OA 8 13 8 18 8 38 8 M 8 4'jl 8 48 Wyoming, Wr.l Pltltliia, 1'itl-inn, I .at kawsnna, Tavlorvills, II, II. ut-, St raiiton, (arrive) 13 43 13 53' 48 5 40 51 5 47 5l 5 63 (17 8 IK i 18 lu 33 17 I 14 V 4il 3d 0 33 DAVID T. By I'M), Sup'l. rhlladelilU auU Krle UllrotI. SI MMER TIME TAULK. I On and iiflcr Monday, Aui'U.I 7lh, lstl, Hi j T111I111 011 the Philadelphia A Ki la Kali K 1,14 4 aill un as I, illt. a 1 MK8TWARD. Mall Tr.lill h-iivia l'l,ll.id,l.il.i, T ill p Ul Banbury, 3 uft a 11 I " urr ul Kile, a IHI p 11. Krie rvp:e. It .11.. Philadelphia, 1 J So j 11 i " " " kiiiibury, 0 6u i ui " " un at I ili-, 7.4tl a 111 j Kliulia Mill Ira t.-a I'liiU.I, Ipl.U, Vim ui aiiiituiii, Ull pic " " mr ul l.ut k ll.ivt u, 7 '.o j u , lluil.il.i i4i, l4ri. fciiiitiury, 4 Ha 111 " " uir t M iiliiit..i.il, tS a in j "''''' r'lli ban. Vt lliu in-purl, I IS a 111 an ul Lu k II ii u, 9.11 p 10 KtftVVAI.i.. M.1I1 T1.1111 It., m Kile, llii a ii. I kiiiilnii , 1 i.i a in " " arr ul I't IU4. li tila, T i m Kilu K k 1 u.a ban Kin-, V ii , lu " a.ii.bun, tVititi " " air at I'ltlU 1. 1 l,u, 11 i k Kliulia M ill U. nt. I.taa IU,4ii, k uo u. . " " ' aniubuit, II ii a t ; ' " sir ul KltiU Ii 1 liu, ki (, 1, buil.tlu K-it.. It.tit U iin.tu,t( .nl, '.' ei it 1 " " " Oiil.n.if , I nl 1 " " u l l ltiu l. i liu, IllUalt. U tl l l.tk VKll I...I,. I -k IUt.it, II 41 w " " " .1 H .11 ..ii.ip.til, I I iu 11. ! M.il I.. I .....4... I. 4t i. ..! i Ki, aill I . a U i It a4 l I i) 1 I, i i.. un atiU I'.i I i..k t,4 I . ab.b) H It M Mill VI. I auk a.. I L.,t.,. ljU.. tu I a 4 4 a ll vv ....) i 1 .11 ai, 1 !..!.. 1 ,a a tu iii I t-.k -.-I .."' U k W . U.iiiii I-1 a.1... l-n u t t.t. I at. I aul ,.,4.. .u I .4.4 M. I k it. I .4.4 a... .! .1 I ...it ul, 11 1 ..I t. k U H , . l.,.-iii....i.ii.i, .,i a 1. 11) .4.1 a .'. ll. I l .4l.ll,. . . Ull I .4. I I k 4 IV I tlt.l it I btiti.il.it.. a.t ... ti . I 1 1 .1 .1 U .....t.-t - .1 4. .. I. H I i k . I. Ilia t. 4 J .. I It ..... . I liu. .hi I lt'4aVV4........'il,4'4.i.t. w4. It v ..,u..( 1 1 , w... 1 M W) Ull DMIk, 1 I" a I a- I 10 15