Miscellaneous. aTTekm am ntoky In that beautiful part of Germany which borders on tho llhinc, thcro is a noblo cas tlo which, as you travel on tho western bank of tho river, you may sco lifting its ancient towers on tho opposite side, above the grove trees which are ns old, as itself. ( About forty years ago, there lived jn that c.istlo a noblo gentleman, whom we shall fall tho 1 in ron. Tho Duron had nn only 'son, who was not only a comfort to his father, but a blessing to all who lived on his father's land. It hapicncd on one ocension that tho young man being from homo thcro canio a Franch gentleman to sco tho liaron. As this gentleman came into tho castle, ho be gan to talk of his Heavenly Father in terms that chilled tho old man's blood, on which tho liaron reproved him, saying, "Aro you not afraid of oIKmding God, who reigns above, by speaking in such a manner?" The gentleman said he knew nothing nbout God, that ho had never seen him. Tho liaron did not notice at this time what tho gentleman said, but tho next morning took occasion, first, to show him a beautiful picture that hung on the wall. "My son drew that picture," said the liaron. "Then your son is n clever man," re-, plied the gentleman. Then tho liaron went with him into the garden and showed him many beautiful Mowers and plants. "Who has tho ordering of the garden?" said the gentleman. "My son" said tho liaron ; "ho knows every plant, I may say, from the cedar of Ijfbanon to the hissop ou tho wall." "Indeed," said the gentleman ; "I shall think very highly of him soon." The liarou took him into the village, and showed him a small, neat cottage, ' whero his son had established a school, and where ho caused all poor children who had lost their parents to be received and nourished nt his own expense. Tho children in this liouso looked so happy aud innocent that the French gentle man was very much pleased, and when lie returned to tho casl.o ho said to the liar on : "What a happy man arc you to have such a good son." 'How do you know that I have a good son v "llccauso I have seen his works, nnd I know tint lie must be clever nnd good, If lie has done all you have shown me." "P.ut you have never seen him." "No, but I know him very well, because 1 judge of him by his works." "You do ; nnd now pleaso draw near this wiudow, and tell mo what you observe from thence." "Why, I see the sun traveling through the sky, and shedding its glories over one of tho greatest countries in the world ; and 1 behold a mighty river nt my feet, nud a vast range of woods, nnd 1 see pasture grounds nnd vineyards, and cattlo and sheep feeding in green fields, and many that'ihcd cottages hero and there." "And do you sec nothing plcascnt or love ly or cheerful in all that is spread before you?" "Do you think that I want common Bense, or that I have lost the use of my eyes, my friend?" said tho gentleman, somewhat angrily, "that 1 should Hot bo nolo to relish tho charms of such a scene ns this?" "Well, then," said tho liaron, "if you are able to judge of my sou's good character by peeing his good works, how does it happen that you form no judgment of the goodness of (iod, by witnessing such wonders of his handiwork ns aro now before you? Let jnc never hear you, my good friend, again pay that you know not God, unless you have not the uso of your senses." I'uecious Wrr. "Jack," said a father, "yesterday I forbade you associating with tho neighboring children any more, and to day you have disobeyed inc. The next time I catch you there I shall bo obliged to punish you." Tho next day Jack was there again, to tally oblivious of the interdiction, until he saw his father entering the neihbor'syard with a rod in his hand. Jack made for tho fence, over which ho leaped, pursued by his father, and ran into tho barn ; there he was caught. "Now, my son," said the father, "what did I tell you I would do yesterday?" "You told me, father, that if you' caught niti thcro again, y ou would punish me." "Well !'' said the father. "Hold on, father !" said the little repro bate, who knew that if ho could make his father laugh, tho matter would be all right. "You didn't catch mo there, you caught lne here. Tlio desired effect was produced, and the rod was dropped, but the interdiction was renewed. A Kcsni iors Cot; ntisymax. A zeal cus representative of the young Men's I'tirisimu Association was a lew ilays ago drumming up recruits for the "noon prayer meeting." Ou the street ho met Mr. ,nv residing outside tho city nmns. l no representative ot Hie young Mali's Christian Allocation nccosted him, nnd the following convention ensued ; "Im you reside in tho city, Mi. ?" ".Nn, sir ; I live, in the country. " "We. have n prayer-meeting urouuri here, nnd would be gh l to have friends from tho country met I with us; will you ionic. ' (Suspiciously) "A prayer-meeting !" "Yes, nr; Cfino in and i;etu blessing," (More hiispicintifily) "No, you it u't you don't ciunc any ofyour confidence nines mi nn', sir . ' llu had evidently been reading t'.m pa Till: IJl'i 1Iim;h. For the curiohily shoo. and f"l' show purposes, lite big hogs are u mice m, but tor baeou tliey uru a failure. W I y it i that so loileh is being bald ill iavor nl tho mx uud eight hundred pound breed we canui't uiuli isl.iiul. The people tun hot fool. All know that Iiok weigh' in 4 three to tliriu huinlivd nnd a half, Hit, nru full lip to the uicaMire, fir cither bacon ilr lmi Mi il puik. W here in the farmer who wocld iut pilfer lio in i.u even U kh than thli I'.r lu b.i. ini ;iui I yet wo lend in tho paM i daily, iv pi ii l ; gn-:il huge hog ci.inpliiiii nted for I'm ir luumuiu ity, Its if Hume ad vantage ol impruw im ul was gained by their great At': Now, llu it am ti ilo.eii rmoiiH why lare ho;: iiie ol'jn t i'.ii.ilil.', Iilid bill unit thing only tan b j u ud in I i ir iavor, uud tl. it U, tin V lll.lku a l'i.".v." kliuW lllilll llou nflwoor ll.i.'.i huudii'd p'Hili'N Hi I , hi. i'lio hi ' h ig .Im '.4 lliul.nl ! fr l vi I) Iuiuiuk ho util.a. 'i liu iii ui ttlm rniM im pa ' luu. It pi i' p mud for Ihu ti, l,l lnlli.iml In one lnli,uoll Would l l li I tin O.ll.iC illlll. Ul. I ill ll.HU .III. .Villi uio lata iilitt in le g tuil. nix I ll.nl It Curl U. I' I I l?l I till .III. illlll o III! III 1 1 wilt one li .g than il did U on tl.n o; nnd tin u I llu hi. ..t i Illlll II Ill'Hil tll.l illlll i tlil.v h . Iti. ill III oiu; liligi; oVi r; loi Il lituiioli I', M lii..i i all u Ui'Uld It. I i mil w In II tl.iu ;li liinl, uu'i llu) wi illi.r wat Ir.ixiug W'.l.l and win il pill tin II in kail II I til III. 'ill l 1 ; i ', lue til J li.llH illl'l ii nlMi I iiiu.l.i I I . ll... ,..ii, i at I i im b wi il hi lU I, l .1. i, i. .ir MiMtliir. , i( II ... ' I. J Illlll- y, i .y In. In.), l. ilu Hum.' IV " lliv 4 tr, uli I il y i l Hi i I i.U II l' I till' Hunt L... 1.," iU I tll'l It lllli l u ij, I 1II1.T. It lukil (111) Mil M4I'U4 I M.IVl4 lli'lU tlibcrliscmcnts Northern Central Itnllwaj. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after AugUBt 0, 1871, trains will run as follows i NORTHWARD. Nlngarn Express nrrlvrs nt 8unbnry nt 12.40, p. m. arrives nt Niagara Falls nt 13.20, a. ni. Buffalo Express arrives nt Sunbury nt 4.10 a. m., arrive at Willlumsport at 4.45Elmlra at 9.10 a. in., Cun.indaiKtia 13.10 p. m. Mnll nrrlvcs at Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive nt Wlllinmsport 6.30 and Elmira 10.35 p. in. Fast Lino arrives at Suubury nt 6.45 p. m., arrive nt Wlllinmsport 8.15 p. ra. Erie Mail arrives nt Suubury nt 2.00, a. in. BOUTI1WARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 4.10 a. m.. arrive nt Hnrrisburg 7.05 a. in., Baltiinoro 10.40 a. m. Express Mnll leaves Banbury, 11.45 a. in., nr rlvo nt Hnrrisburg 1.40 p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury nt 8.55 n. m., ar rive nt Harrisburg 11.05 p. in., Baltimore 1.00 p. in. LcuvcISiinbury nt 1.10 a. in., arrive nt Harris burg 3.35 a. in. Sunbury Accomodation leaves Snnbury nt 5.45 p. m., arrives nt Harrisburg nt 8.30 p. in. BIIAMOKIN DIVISION. r.ASTWAni). Leave Biiiitiurv nt 4.40 n. tn.. nrrive nt Shnmo- kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carinel 0.40 p. in. J.cavc Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. in., nrrive nt Shamokin 1.00 p. ra. WE8TWAHI). heave Mt. Cannel nt 7.00 n. m., Bliuniokin 7.40 n. m., nrrivu nt Snnbury 0.55 n. in. Leave Shamokin (Accommodation,) nt 3.45 p. in., arrive nt Suubury 4.00 p. ni. Express leaves dnilv Leaving on Sunday, runs Nortli only to Wllllamspnit. All other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. It. Fihkk. F.i. S. Yocxii", Gen'l. Sup't., Gen'l Pusscn'r Ag't., Ilnrrit-liunr, Fn. Bulimorc, Md. J. AV. WASHINGTON'S UiClM) l!AKHi:it MIOI'i Tlio old permanent shop of tlie town. AVo decline the boast, but nt tlie same lime consider Hint the mighty truth maybe sensona- uiy spoKcn wuiioui mniiiiesling nn uucomtorta blc amount of vanity nnd nmliition. Just twenty years ngo I began my business career in tins place liiilf my lifctiino thus far spent, have I stood upon Hie Boor of our shop day after day, and night nfter uigbt, nnd applied the sharp blue gleaming steel, and within that elapse of time embraced by the mighty folds of that eventful period have I sliavcd nearly every body in tlie country (in common parlance) nnd to oblige the public interest we herein publicly announce to our patrons old and new that we nre ready to shave tbcm all again three hundred thousand times or more. Conic w hen you please, in time Is the max im we nre always ready to;, work, forenoon or afternoon, to shave you, linir cut von, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfume, comb nnd ar range the huir with urtistic skill, in the "water fall" or water raise style to suit the customer. We work to please, not please to work. Stop, don't go past our shop to get shaved on tho binds of ability because wc do it us well U9 It can be done or ever could he. A chance is all that wc demand To give the proof we hold in band. A few door above Depot, near Market street. Oct. 1, 1870. IHtF.K GOODS. SP1UXG AND SUMMER STYLES, now open nt MISS KATE 1U, At ItS STOIC F., Market Square, SUNBURY, Fenn'a., LADIES' DRESS (iOODS A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries. Notions, A:c. (ients' Collars, Neck-ties, llulf-hoc. Handker chiefs and Gloves. l'crfumcry, Toilet Soaps, IIairBrushcs,Couibs, etc. An Invitation Is extcuded to all to call nnd se cure bargains. April -M, 1871. rUHNITUllE STOKE, In Masonic Hall Buildings, Third Street, nenr I ho Vost Oillcc, ni;mii ky, im. S3. Ii. RAUDENBUSH now oilers to the public FUBNITTJKB selected and mnde with great care, and with a view to pleaso the wants ot His numerous customers. His stock Is new uud of the latest styles. PAllLOll SUITS, TAllLOlt AND KECErTIOX CIIAIKS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosewood of the finest putterus mailc. KIIK ItOAKDK, in Oak or Walnut, nud Dining Room Fiirnituro ' nl all kimls. LOOKING GLASSES AND l'LATES, Mattresses, Pillows, Holsters, Window Shades uud fixtures. Special atteiuioii Is paid to this department by W. 1. Roberts who has had a number of vears exprfh'tiee in the idly. Collins of every descrip tion ami sl.i'H, eiuistantly kept on hand. Also, l'isk s Met a lie Hurl il Cases. Shrouds aud In- di i'taki rs' muteriaU of all kinds. Z'V Pei'buaal utlendnneo to funeriils. Remember, the Masonic Hall Buildings, on i iiim street, hiinipui v, l a. II. L. RACDENIH'SII, S tiili'iry, July 15, 1ST1. A It l. No. 002 Cltcttnut Etrcct, Thiladolphia, l'i .Ire In Im id- llu- i spei i.il nlli i.tlon of piiri ha--.I-, and nlli.is M-ilin,- llii-iil),lutliiiruiiuu.illy l.u'e and l.nli.l iimi: I .m-nl uf 'v j-u'lr( l is i: w.r( in s of lin.nl livable luuWi r, (itll.li t HAINh. Ai'iisliti fiiltcr tl r fur liil l.il and nlher pri si-iilatiniis. T..l'!e I'tillcry, I I ilr.i pl.iUd liood. id lite ..- I sn .IV. r:;i:t ii t lock s intoNzr.s and ! i:Tl. IM(NA MEX'l'S, In died diiiit Iiii.ii I'm. i ii'.i.j; llu. pii.inl .r. I. nil, I'uiiil. i.. i. .in I -.i.iiu i.iii iiiluii I txt.11.n l l.i u.l liu in .y l'i In till i .i In .net 'l it emdirfl lul ! I.iliuu lu t -4 L lie ii Uatililnl ttuii-, J hfkiMut Kirrrl. Jul) I, I 'll. Ml I.I.I M HV, M'ltlN.i st VI KS II M, !tN.TS, Mn i n-,, m..M;s, ni . kluuiiiin 1,11 1 llii I., I li Ui ..... II ii.iiii., si ll HiuMi',., I l viniu., l'.ir. 111 -i. tuu l 1 iiiiiuiiii) i'l iviry vail. t). In. I Lt MiM'liNINii i ll-S AMI t UAl i: S.t.-.... A lull -- "II I !. 1. 1. il. Illl. iMtl li. I1..1..I.H, lilU, 4i. Mil I I I I.I' I Ills. I'M I ti l I. 141 I . kllt. II, i HK I I' mI Alii:, M N HI II V, i'A. 1 u : il OlA I I Hi II I I ..I, at 1, . ftfalal . I I tl - I. I...1 I ,( Fill 1. thlik ti-l I It i,l M.il Cm ml ttut4- fftistcllaitccrris. AT THE MAMMOTH STOHE, lias just received and opened MAMMOTH STOCK OF tjlOOOS. which ho lins SELECTED WITH (MEAT CAKE and olfers to tlie Public at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Havinj ; established a reputation for low prices and FAIE X E .A. Ij 1 1ST G- to all, will endeavor to maintain that position COME OXE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST TRICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the large amount of patronage heretofore bestowed upou me, 1 will cndeiiver by furnishing lie best goods at the lowctt prices lo lni-rit a continuance of t llu same. II. Y. FRILING. April 13, 1871. SPIUXG AND SUMMER. ( LOTUS AM) CASMMEREH! FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Just opened lit tlio MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP or TIIOK. li. .OTT, Successor to J. O. Beck, FourtU Street, below Market, BUNBIRY, l'ENN'A. (ieiitlemen ulio desire fushloiuiblo clothing made, to cr ier, will cull at tliu above place uud examine t lie well selected Mock, and have their suits made up in the latest st vie. C11II und b convinced. THUS. U. NUTT. Muy 0, 171. r.Mtiitr or (iforK Eincrlcli. KrnM J utc df Jiinlan 3uiriiWii, ihriaMil. OTK'KU hereby givcu Hint Idler testa- meiil.iry have been gnuiL'U In Hut under- signed, ou Itiu esiuto of (ieorgu F.merleli, Bcu., Ii.le of Jurdiiu township, Northumberland cuun ly, I'll., deeeaiu'd. All n-r.on Iml. I.U-.I In said esl.itu uro reiiesUd lo make Immediate payment, nnd 111. i-u having claims to pnsi-ul thelil uuly uiilheulleuled Inr si-llleuii-tit. Mil II At L EM ERICH, Kxi-culitr. Jordan township, June IU, 1171. IjI hriiiNu oi'i:mgi Lure Mot-kt llt-llrr Iwrlllllenl Jul iipi-ueil it lurijo, fluu und ulislanllul usturl ineul of Hl'Rl.Nti DREsS CtHlDS, l)i.iut-nir, AV Into (Jonlrf, Kuui'y I tilKI.li., Tiiiitiiiitii,', C'lotlm, , ('llnxllllt-l'iui, .I'AUi'ixs and 011. t;i.onis, I II. Hl. ki i illi giiiiiU 111 H leal VulUly. riUMI I.IUM :ium, liuilitnule, Wlllo - Will., liluuie, Xl!., ikv. A tue Im It ul ululalilliil ltfM4.tMli (lolMuift fur KiH I U ). fUili Hun full uud lumpklu. I lJ" tfutxUiilUI li.lt ii' tally, .i I I'rirrsi i oult lltw llutrk. ( mII Mtl UUf klutltt All kl.i.ll ul l.iul.llj I'ludVi lakllt III lt...Ui K ! ij. Hut HI C HUltlNulU. Haul l't dull lluilJInti, UaikU (HUil, uuluiy. t.iii I.. ClocU & Watch Repairer. , i. wn,r, , U U I' - W, Hi J. -It .l n( Ik. tilt- I,. 1 II 4.1, N.Hd (-!., I till U, t , K .h . . (ur.) I.-' 1 11 1 Ui 1 11 . .i w( ul,m ) 4 I. I, .1), IU.I t K 4llul U llj-.ll I i.- t 4 tt.ilil.it U nil blau-l.lt, alw tt 4 l4 lulu. M all. .'I all ai t. I 1t.t. 1 ll.til.tf U. I I I ).alttll.l..lalt. libit ! It. lL,t ft-.titl. 1.1 fU.t L1U.A..I tl.at Ikau ..II ...tal t-lw)!.,. fitosccllaitcons. PRICES REDUCED. 1IOOTH A NIIOEM Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, tons WILVER, Nprnce Street, Snnbnry, I'rnn'n, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises the very host In market. Ilia long exper ience In the business has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TF.HMS STHICT1.Y CASH. Tho prices of repairing nre also rcducod. JOHN WILVER. Bunhnry, March 4, 1871. MII.MXKKY GOODS GENERALLY. NEW STYLES OF EONXETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning anil I! r I rial Hats and Bonnets. Full lino of Mourning Veils and Crape. MILLINERY IS TUE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, fcc., &c. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. April an, 1871. STKKKOM OI'fcN, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. AXTIIOX Y CO., 501 Itroudway, New York, Invito the attention of the Trade to their exten sive assortment of the nbove goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GKAPHOSCOPE3. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMrOUTF.!IS AND MANl'KACTUUIillS (IF IMiotngruphlc Materials). March 4th, 1871. ly. I'OMPFRET MAXOK CEMETERY COM PAN A. This company is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on nn eminence nbout one-fourth of a mile cnt of Suubury. Tho in crease of tho population of Suubury, nnd conse quent advance in tho ratio of mortality, ns well us the limited facilities for the interment of tboso who have fought life's buttle, liavo suggested the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery mny be seen nt tho office of J. A. Cnke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbaeli. Price of lots from to to $15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHRBACH, Scc'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. IMtK KS ItEOI CEI at tub Mammoth Boot & Shoe Store or EI.I MILLER, In C. B. Smith's Room, Queen Street, one doo i'.ast oi tno rout uuicc, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. For Elmira Boots, go to Ell Miller's Boot nud Shoe Store. They are sold, Best Calf nt $0. For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller's, only fU to fit per pair. For Boots, Shoes and Gnltcrs, nt lowest possi ble prices, go to Ell Miller's, ou (Jneen Street. For nil kinds of Gum Boots and Shoes, cull nt Eli Miller's. For Ladles' Gum Overshoes, sco fine assort ment nt Ell .Millers. For nil kinds of Children's Shoes, go nud t-x-nminc Eli Miller's large assortment. For anything in the Boot nnd Shoo line, cull nnd exnmlne Kit Miller's stock beforo purchasing elsewhere If you wish to get tlrsl-cluss, nt tlie lowest prices. Jun. 7, '71-8cp. 8, 70.-ly. A GEEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALSES'S CALIFORNIA YINEGAE BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands ? g H Dear li'Sllinony to their Wonitcr- n fc ? iui curuiivo meet,. h , UtI A lift PU1 A MUB, 5 FANCY DRINK. II tokloef Poor lluui, Wlilske), I'roui Niilrllii mill Uol'uito l.lituum ducitirvJ, sku4 .Ddtwinl. tlK-lt pluUO IhO taslO, CUllllta'lwu;c,HMAppi.UX- tn-t" liutiuriirii.'' 40.. II11.I l?i.d tlio tippli-r ca la (Irunkctfit'M aud relu, liut m. 11 truo Uiilu-ino, nuwlo l.oia liiu Ntllvt lluouaud llurtie uf t'kliruriila, frro fruui till Ali-iihvllo hllinalanli. Hu io IL till HAT Ul.OOO l'i lilHl.lt and A LIFE (jVINl l'UINt'lll.kiaicriect luuuuur sail lu itfuriiiuir if tlui t)stci.i, curl ) 1113 dO all ihiImiiiol. laitlur nud rcsluilutf tlio Uootl lo l liuallty cuiullllua. Kiipniou tau Ulo lUrso lli.ivf accurC totfino llou and remi.luluuc nuwill. t.100 viilliu (ivuttfirau larurtMo cwo, .nkkit Uio bom. .ro in-t domruyi-d ty mineral palouu or dllur uicoi , .;d lUi lul iir'Bot knU4 btjuiallLo Kilbl ul r.-l-slr. far luUuiuiiii.lurr aud kfoalo Itferouia. ttoMt anil tiuul, i.arMlu, ur ludluiioilou, Illlluao. liraililout anil luirrtuilioat I'l-tito llutl ikv Ulvml, l.lvr, Hlilui-to, a oil UluUdt r, llu m llliii-iu low Urn mwl tuttt lul. koib II Iw-UMa no l.iu4 l tlilalvd Uloool, ooiiUi U.uiil 1 ruduml bjf dv-ioioiiiuajt.1 0. 'Uui uiaiatita Unmiii l Vioi'Li alA OU ISUICtaTIOV. llitd Arlu, rol" I Ilia frUouUlvlo. twboUo, llal-tlMiNI l-l Uul 1. 'ia-l, Iiuaimom, two 1.1 uuioiivtio of liio ktuaioi-a, llo4 L-.. I itwt tluulll, U'Uviu aiUtk. lMllUlk.a til la. .i.wil, ll.uauio.oU. u of luo I !., I'olU lb l4 UKuiial uf 110 l.ulo.o.ood.looilliHl oluvf o-l.ltol .) ..i.l-.uta, mil Ilia ol.af'iaaf l)f-l-wo. lu. y ioiiu..iuU loo auiuot-k toot .luoololo ll.o u.r Ul.toroud bootlt,al4.a nodui louoi if toouolli4 tuaotji lo tUoi.t.i.f lUoklvodof oiluofXiiuo, a4 Itooojllu. boo IIU M.4 t'tfi I lo loo olu.lv tlaUM. IUH kaIN ll;Al-, ln.ro.ua,l.lo.,.lt llturowi. plwtUMO, ft polo, I 'turi.o, I otloUo, Itwtlo. t oa botulao. &to uta, ool4Uvo4, iolo I W. 1.1 !, Ilaa. lull, fttoilo, ltMMk.ot-ooo ll loo .to, Uuu.1. Oa.4 lioKOBoo of too I I'U, of oltalM ovuit .1 oolol III Itlvlotlf oO 00 ot4 tolllad oot ol U.l jol.aa lo . obotl luo l Uo luo of loaoa li.tt.io. uu U.IIW to I0.0 1101 111 tmniMo loo Uoit mm.i4-u.oo of IV a7 toiouio Ofllct. IOoum Uo Vllialul .l.uo4 ala'.ilnf )-0 oof 10 pM-aOlllOH koiOtUaj 111 I. OOO lUO OktO U. lUOplU, l-IOO-Ua.00 kl .!.) lu oiiw U 0O.0 J II 1.4 It .UUoat.4 00 4 tla.0100 II too toluol oltomo It luiimKI, QU4 ft IfllUQl QUI P.. I oO OUOQ. tOO Otoa4 oo ou4 luo o-oiio ol to t.o. oalfuitao. n. VAfaHooaM MUilMa, luift-.. l too , .UU. ol - O.OOI tt-OO0OOt. OI0 a.OtUQII 0. .1 1 "t o4 oof l.o.lo4. t wl 1 oallaUi.ua, tool Ool. loilf iu. ttllOl OIOOOO Oo.ll b- l-W. Ol tut. 4 lO f"Ol lOo' ooo aaUol4,Uwooo, ft. o 01-4 t i''bi 4. 4t-4. I'tuullota" I- IU' It li A tU., lo10t oo4 tioo IiMiU. Ao hooloa, tolu u4 M 04 It tio.ii.. awotf. kit ft 0.0 iriU Uf Aai 1t.l.UbMI AU iioolii j IktAttt AlfA A ol luo Uo4uoi,ifcio, I I I Ot Mmoo-J A) MaHttil V O) .4 P WHAT ARE THEY?s bI y "n. lis 2h ill Hi w-wm ih lamtfartnrcrs. Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., For Male and Female rnplls. Attractively ultuatcd In a healthful and beauti ful region, of a mile from Penn'a R. R. Four regular Rraduate., awlsted by other competent Instructor constitute the corp. of Instruction. Tho Principal (for many year. In charge of Tui carrora Academy, and, .Inee 1852 the hood of this Institution,) refer, to hi. numerous pupil. In all the learned professions, and In every de partment of business. Music aud Painting spe cialties. Full mr-ftftlon will rommence Nop teniber 1st, 1871. Terms, 00 per Annum. Address, DAVID WIIiSOX, A. M. A. J. PaVTTEltSON, A. M. Tort Royal, Pa. July 22, 1871. fit. NEW MEAT N1IOP. THE tindcrslpncd respectfully Informs tlio citi zens of Suubury and vicinity, that tbey have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewarl'. bulldlntr.on tlie nortli side of Market Square, two door, from tho railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of the best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, &c, at wbolcsule or retail, at tho lowest prices and of the llrst quality . A wagon will be run to supply customer, every morning, (except Sundays.) Tho best of meat will found at their shop, (live us a cull and sntlsfy your selves. REFFEW & BOWER. Oct. 16th 18C9 tf. ISAAC M. SiAl'FFKK, WATCHES, JEWELRY, l is North Necond Nt., Cor. of (lurry, PHILADELPHIA. An nssortmcnt of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Woro constantly on hand. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to. April 1, 1871-ly. M ILMMCUY AMI FAXCY NTOKE. MISS L. AVEISEU, Market Street, one door west of (leai hurl's cou feetioncry store, KUNBUltY, PA., Ilns opened her Fprini? nnd Summer stock of Milliner)' uml Fhim'j- .ooIm, II ATS AND UONXETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimminirs. French nnd American Flowers, Laces. Ribbons. Sack loops, Clilirnnns, Collars. Culfs. Jouvln Uloves. and a lnruo variety of other articles. In connection with the Mllllncrv business, she carries on the DUESS MAKING AND PITTING. lu all It. brunches. She is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Scott & ten 1 interns. The ladles of Suubury nnd vicinity nre cor dially invited to cull and exumluc her uplendid BIOCK. May 13, 1871. . II MUKK AXI PLAMXU ItllLIaS. Third Street, ndjolnlng Phlln. & Erie R. R., two t.juared .Nortli ol the I entral Hotel, BCNBCRY, PA. IRA T. CXEMENT, S prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required bv tho demands of the public. llavlnn all the latent inirovcd machinery for mauufaeturini; Limber, be is now ready to till or ders ol' nil kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, lil.lNim .MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LAHGR AKSOHTMKNT OP HILL. LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lutlic, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shlpiicd bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decHMWMy STOVE tfc TIM i:ST Ani.Ill.MF.XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroiuietor. siccBssoit to smith A gi:ntui:u.J HAVING purchased tho above. well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would resin-etful- ly inloi-m the pulilie that be now has on hand a huge assortment of COOKING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving 111, 1 oniliiniitlon, Suftiiuchuumi nud otlieiv, which nre so arranged ns to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or 110 sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up lo heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dllfereiit kinds nt Very low prices. Tinware of Every let-ri4ioii kept constantly on hand. Rooting und Spouting Willi tlie liest material, done at bliurt notice. UM'AIKINU attended to wttli dispatch, foal Oil 111 d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a I,'. nil... Store opposite Conlcy'x hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. upl'-U-ly Tint: in moxf.y : i ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by 111c wll be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, KY TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, .-"U'l, , 53 lili li I have the Helu.lve rlulil lo uo iu uuliurv und l. liiil) . hate iiniiiey, time aud labor, by buylnK of X. FFItHFF. l.ltaiTXFIt, ikulcr In Uo.k., Pliilluiiery, Wall l'uwr, Mu.le, Ac, dtit. , i Duuduy SiUool bL'fi'l.lr.S uiud. a o-UilUy. Illiutkt SI eiuorwutlNU A llwuka lu eudleoo vuiuiy.Ju.l rucvlvnl. HOOK blNIHSU dulio lu order. I'el.i.iH lll ouv v!Uo by leu 1 lug Ibvlr ordur. lur biudlug ttlllt luo. of oil tloo. rut Iruiii Itm Muuldiiitf ul Very luo ruleo. OVAL A blt AllIC IIIAUl.. aU) ou baud. Al.IiL'MS, JIHACKKTH, (UU.U I'ENS, &u.t An., Ao. A lori;o uj aril oeli.Uj ti n k of Tu)tloy wu baud. Au)IIiIuk aul uu baud piouiplly ul Uci4- Pal. aim lur rotb. I oil ol ti. aUHk.K lllill I SfKi ttiuib blulu, I.U ul rub y . liu!4 fvu, Moibd b-iuoio. but bu:, ro. buubui), Uiit Mb, 170. I MI UV HIMHI la V ltl.' rpilK Woa.l.loK'd boflU U.U, Ul b. (I.IIIO 1 ol.o b ul ltianf A failm, util4 Initio Ibo -wlil l I bat bo lo aw l.aJ) lu da all kUiut ul rots HNtl. HUHH, f.' 1 Ti l. uu boo4, o4 boobi.U viOtl al I f '-I ainmr bum m M- HmmmommI 4 l4 Jlo- t 1 una- iNHilt AMI HlNHiW nil IJ I w.UwUii l'olt tUkli-imifco i 004 .11 4b. I I- Itc g.M'Ol.f 00.0 10 t IU11I1U.I lisccUuttcoiTs. V Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st. 1871. Number of Policies, 712. Amount of Property Insured, 52,315,00 Amount of Premium Note. In force, (34,213,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loa.-.ed nt interest, 13000,00 Amount lu Treasurer', hand., 1000.00 Amount due from Agents, $300,115 Amount due from other sources, 720,O0 Available Capital, 130,239,1)5 Innure your Cattle. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be pold promptly. THIS 18 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unllko other Companies, yon nre .uro of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expense, aro less, and our Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by men, kc, etc. wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money iu case ot loss. Nearly 3,000 paid on Cows nlone Ninre Orgruniznt ion. Look at tho list of Losses paid on Cows iilonc by U1I8 uoinpany. M Tlenulnger, Suubury, Pa f 33 D Hilgcrt, Northumberland 50 George Eckcrt, " 40 8 B Dodge, " 30 Charles Bollek, Mt Carmcl 30 Esubeus Sipple, " 40 Catharine Wagner, Wntsontown 40 George Heir, Northumberland fill Jacob Suvdcr, Sunbury '. 33: J W Basslnr, " - 50 Minor Cndy, Dcwart CO Catharine Marts!, Shamokin 40 Fnincis Hueher, Sunbury 80 Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh 50 Joseph Deppcn, Mt Cnrmcl 50 Matthias Seholly, " 40 Francis McCarty, ' 50 Maria Kramer, Wntsontown 45 Jooeph Nicely, Jr., Dewurt 40 J ci R C Qulirglc, Pine, Clinton 00 40 R Riimngc, Shcnandouh, Schuglkill co 40 J S Thnrp, Shamokin 40 Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carinel 45 N A Loudenslager, Ilcrndon, 40 Rachel Cramer, Fisher'. Ferry 40 Jacob Shine, ' " 10 Jacob StolU, " " 40 D H Bower, Hcrudon, 80 Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40 John II Ossmun, Suubury 40 w IS Wallace, iNorthumlicrlaiKt ;to H 8 Graham, " 50 Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown 40 Philip Winterstein, Wntsontown 40 G S Low, l.iino Uiiiu'e, Columbia co 40 Lewis Osterlinut, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO...40 Mary J Hlne, Northumberland -10 B F' Krolui, Suubury ..40 Andrew llealy, (ilrnrdsvillc, Scliiijlklll co.. 4(, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Carinel 40, Martin Delunev, Shenandoah cltv 11, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girurdsville 40, Llayman 8 Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David IJuucher, HerwieK -il, D Foelit, Pottsville ao, Erastus Solier, Point twp 20, A Lippcneott, Wntsontown 40, Maria Kramer, watson n,.'!! loss pu last iim,4", I P Lippcneott, Wntsontown 40, R 8 Aiiiiiiernian, Snydertown 20, Nathan liloss, Berwick, Coliimbiii co 27, A C R Quiirnlc.l'lnc Sta'n Clinton c 2d los.i,40, harles W Huzzard, RuiK-rt, Columbia CO...40, John Foulcnian, Wntsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Jit Uiiriuel 40, Thomas Met 7., Puxiiios 30, R McCloskv. Lock Haven 134, HON. A. jokijan. rresiueni A. REI.MENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury, DIRECTORS i Ex-Gov. Jumca Pollock, Hon. C. J. limner, Solomon Stroll. Win. Brindle, Soloman t-liiiu- John A. Shisbler, Dr. I). T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. March 11, 1871. 1y. FOR SALE! TjMGHTY acres of Improved land in the bent Xll Ruction of Southern Michiiriin, within live miles oftlie town of "Three Rivers," ill St. Jo seph county, within two miles of ilic Railroad Station, i;ood buildintcs, out linuscx, lur chard, coil, rich sanilv loam, school houses uud ehlirehs witliiu t-iu'lil title, indisputable, te acre, arc In wheat, tliu remainder iu clover snd A span of horses, cattle, hoirs, main and farming utensils, tie., will lie sold Willi tins luopertv l'i ice $70 per acre, $3,000 ill cash, the balance ill time payment of f.iOO. Apply to vt M. A. maspi-.k, J line lilvcrs, it-It. or, II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa Miiimiry, Miirch 11, lSii A TAN HOOD i HOW LOST, HOW RESTOR llL ED. Jm-t pulilibhed bv Dr. LEWIS. iiL'es ,1 turd l-.ilition. 1 iik .mkdicai. uo.m PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on tho radical cure of Spcrmiitorrhtra, or Seminal eak ness, I n vol mil 11 rv SeiuiiiAl Losses, Impolcncy. Mental und Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta lo .Marrniee, etc., and the venereal and Syphilitic Maladies Willi plain and clear directions for the speedy cure oroccoiidury symptoms, tumori'luca leets, tHrlclurcs, aud alt diseases or the skin. such us Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bolls, Blotch es and Pimples on the luce and body. Consump tion, hpilepsy, uud fits. Induced by scll-iudul genee or scctual extravagance. I lie celebrated author lu this ndmtnililo 1 rea lise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty year', .ueecsful practice, that the ulariiilng conseiuence of sctr-aliiiso may be radically cured 1 pointing out a mode, of euro at once simple, certain, and ill', rtual, by mean, of which every .ulferer, no matter what his condition may be, cull b i-II'ee luallv cured, choaply, privutely, und radically. I 7 I lilo book eliould lie In the bauds ol ever) youth, uud every mini in the land. Bent under seal, iu a pnun envei.ipe, rrico, mi rents. A.ldrcoo, DR. LEW IS, No. 7 Beach street, New York. M'ltIXt; AMI M HMtlt MILUNKUV AND TANCV UOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, lu Dcwurl'o Building, Market S.juare, SUNBURY, PA., wheie will be found A new supply of goods, con- hUtlug of Millinery and riiuey IioimIs, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND I'N- TRIMMED. Awio, CHILDREN'S HATS, fur girl, and lioy. Vl.mero of the I.il. t and hiindooiiirol .tyles. Susll Itiiiloiiio, plain uud tin ii red. Ludie's Sain . r, lan e Coliiro, Liuvu I oluro uud l ull. fur 1. 11. In uud I liililreu, l rm lul enll.iro. Nn-klteo lur Ladles uud llenl 0 lutisl style., bilk h.11 k l.otiiM, a .uiwrlor arlii-lu. Glove. llieludiiitf Kida, uud Ludtt-o' Huik.klli tilott-o. Ilau. Ik. 11 In. All kinds ul liiiiiliilugo. Eiiilirold'iV I'lilteru. Iluoiiry for laulieo. (ioiil'. and I lilldieu. N4o 0 (!! and pi'ino Irluiiuiu.o. Till M MING hll.kK, t'li li.-initio, Stridor, aud ', uud a ceuirul vainly uf Ni.liuiio. 'I bankful fur im1 Iwli.Mioire, tliu Inilao tint I Im .j u.i I II)1 ul U.l g.s... out ui. id a i-uiiiiiiuitui-a ol Hi.) .nine. t.l.UAUtilt I.AAIUB. Apiil I Ml. 1'otlwla, 1U. sir. Aril. I. oliok of Oil. i-.iiii pi It I iik I.IiiomuI lul, I toil (Id, tub (HI, oud l.uhiUolluH (HI lul I.i.kIiuo ou.l Mot biuoi), V 4luUloo, ttbtoo, alao). uu baud, at in l ilno ol ' l tiMI V (. Tu tho Coiiiiiiuiilly utjtiirge! HI IM.K AT 111 It "REQU LATORt" I koto I bio ita poitbaMd Ibo tullil tl.ok, MM tll au4 btluuo ul Ibo liaa-ulolol rbso, bbuo, 'lioub, I lailU.f oud tuadlli. bi.to,ul 4. k. Au(l, ou4 ai l ti'Oliuuo lb. bu.iuioo ol Ha pio- 0.1.1 bMaltflti I.-IU.I .'IU, loUl4 . I'.'U tl"Ul, Mtbbf.r ! birr, hi bbl HV, I'A. Vlb.o kailu ttlablUbiil ai loi.i tut tilt a'lb lb. bo4lug Ittaliula.lUlulo Ul Ibo tuat.ii), I I u "tu o l-i )U 4 Ibo Uiolk'l OUb tlooo uf .ab ol t.lal.a tal l. Ulallull lul OM I a tall) oo4 .Ul-b, ol III-1.0 U4( l..u-t l.alilt -.-Hl A a ,.I Olll bo Imk lu Ibti f..l. i.l..i. i-l O.iUI U.Ml-.ttMlO ut Uial.ola, iol il-o I uol I ollutoa U balk 4 4 k I I li.li I .1 u boobwif, lt l, I'U 6. Keatllnn Knilrontl. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 15th, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Weot fur lhli,..inii,u v v nj lug, Pott.vllle, Tamaqua, Ashlnnd, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Eiiliruta, Litlr, .iincitBier, voinmoia, flic., Ac. Train, leave Hnrrlsburo- rr N.. vnrk Iowa i At 3.40, H.10, a. m. and 8.00 p. in., con necting with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.0." n. m., 8.50, ond 11.80 p in. respectively. Sleeplim Cars accompany the 3.40 a. m., train without change. Returning! Leave New York at 8.00 a. m 12.80 noon and 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.80 8.30 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Sleeping Car. accom pany the 5.00 p. ra. train from New York with out chamrc. Leave Harrisburg for Rcadliiir. Pottsvllle. Tn. rnaciua, Mincrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia nt 8.10 n. tn., 8.00 und 4.05 p. m., .topping nt Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.05 p.m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllo and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg nt 8.40 p. in, East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New York at 4.83, 10.30 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave ih" auiiv iu. w.uv ii. HI. . l.au nnnn mill A im m. and Allentown at 7.20 . m. i-i sa nnnn 2.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. way Passenger Train leave. Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar train on Enst Pennii. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.20 in., Diwj.ii ui, mi siiitlllllB. Leave Pottsvllle ot 11.00 n. m. nnd B nn n. m. llerudoii at 10.(10 a. m., Shnmokln nt 5.40 and 11.15 n. in. i Ashland lit 7.05 a. m.. nnH l-2.4:t nooni Mahanoy City at 7.61 a. m. nnd 1.20 p. :n. Tamuipin at K.35 a. in. and 2.10 p. m. for Pliiladelihia, New 1 ork, Reading, Hnrrlsbnrir.i'fcc. l,,llavllln 1.. ii.A II. Ill , c ' .vU.v. .......iu .... uiiiuiiMi) u,(, OimqUC- hanna Railroad at 8.15 n. in. for Hurrishurir. nnd 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Trcmont. Rending Accommodation Train leaves Potts. vlllc nt 5.40 n. in., passes Rending nt 7.30 a. in. arriving at Philadelphia lit 10.20 a. m.,' returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passins Read ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving ot Pottsvlllo at 9.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leave. Potts town nt 0.30 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. in. lolumbiu Kanroud Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 n. ni., and 0.15 p. m. for Kplintta, Litlz, .-li ui-iiiiri . vui iiiiliilll, le. Pcrkioineii Rnil Road Trains leave Perktomen Junction at 7.17, 0.05 a. m.,ot 3.00 and 6.00 p. in. ii. milium, ivinu cenweuiisviiie at o.U0,H.10 a. III., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. ni. connecting with sluiilar trains on Heading Rail Road. Colebrookdalc Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 0.40 n. in., 1.15nnd 0.45 i. in., rcturnluir leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., nud 3.00 p. in., connecting witu Biinilar truins on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port utS.SOu. in., 2.05und 5.32 p. in. returning, leave Dowuington at 0.40 a. m., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. conueeting with similur truins on Read ing Kanroud. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 n. in. and 3.15 . m.. ftlia 8.00 a. in. tram running only to Reading)) leave i-ousviiicui n.uua. in., leave Jiarnsourir, .'.40a. in., und 2.00 p. in.; leave Allentown nt 4. '.." nnd S.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. nnd 11.50 p. 111. for Iluirishnrg, ut 4.32 a. in. for New York, at 7.20 a. in. for Allentown and at 0.4U u. in. and 4.15 p. in. lor Pliiludel'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to and from all points at re duced rates. Dnggnire checked through i 100 Pounds Bag gage uiloived each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mach'ry. l.iM-kUMitiiiiii nnd Itlooiusburg Itall riiail. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mondav, Jul v 17. 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1A.M. P.M.; A.M. P.M. PM. Scranton, 0 45 Belleviie, C 50' Tavlorville, 0 57, Laekawuuna, 7 05 Pittston, 7 14 West Pittston, 7 1(1 Wyoming, 7 27 Multby, I 1 45 10 05 ! 110 17; 10 20 2 11 11) 35 10 40 2 21 10 47 10 52 (HI 05 12 22 30 35 4'J 47 02 It 111 ' 24 31 30 Kingston, oc I st. W.-Barre tc'rs 7 40 2 S3 It 00; 7 51 i 4 55 i Plymouth June, I I Plymouth, 7 50 ! 3 40' I 8 00 S 05 H 20. 8 30. 00 05 Nanticoke, 8 llui-.lock's, I 8 00; 07 Shiekshlunv, 8 22- 3 08, Hi'-li's Fern-, 8 iili, ! BeiM-h Haven, j 8 43 3 27! Berwick, ! 8 50 3 34 8 45 Briai Creek, 8 57 l.lme Rltlge, I 0 07 Espv. " '.I 14 Uluom.'-.biirg, (1 Hi j Rupert, ' U 3 57, Caluwissn, ! 0 ill Dunvillc, o 51 j Cliiihisky, 5'.l; Cameron, !10 08: j Noilh'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 52; NORTHWARD. Leave. ,A.M. P. M. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Catawissa, Rupert, Bloonisburg, Espy, Lime Rld'e, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Sliii'ksliinuy, lIunliK-k's, Nunlicoke, I'lvmnuth, 10 ! 10! 5 i 5 1 1 10 50 5 40j l o oo j ' tl 05 1 11 14 U 121 ti 17: fi 24 6 34 f. 41 C 4S A '11 311 11 43 M. . 0 55 - 12 DO. 7 00 7 30: 7 45 8 (Ml. 8 15 P.M. 8 20 24 31 41 I P M. ' P. M. 112 20 l'iyinnuth June Kingston, iV 12 34 7 51 8 30 9 33 5 25 W.-Barre Mitlll.v. J c r. 8 40 K 45 k ,a tl 04 0 14 VI 25 W 32 2 43 5 35 2 48 5 40 2 54 5 4 7 2 50 5 (12 3 07 0 10 3 ill 0 10 3 i.'3 17 tVyoining, West I'itlsion. Piitston, Lueka wanna, Taylorvllic, Bcilevue, Seiautou, (arrive) 12 43 8 00 8 13 8 1H 8 'X 8 Mr 8 42! 8 4S 1 14 0 40 3 li DAVID T. BOUND, Sup'l. rhlluiU'lnliit uud V.vW liiillrouti. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and ufler Monday, August Till, 1S71, (lie Triilnt on the I'liltudclpLu ib li.no lutll liuitd lll run uo folio . i WESTWARD. Mall Train leave. Philadelphia, 7.10 p n. Siiiibmy, S.iH it in II II M r t yA fy ;.;;( j, , Erie Kaprcos lenn. I'hilndi Ipliia, 1J.30 p in " " " Siiiiluiiy, 0.50 pin " " un ul Erie, 7.40 a 1. 1 Elmira Mall liitvc I'liil.i.l. l,l.l.t, V.30 u in " " " Huiibuiv, li 45 pin " " ur ul Loi k llauii, T.'h) p iu Uullu'.o i:.u luaVio biinbui), 4 15 it In " air ul W illi.iiiispuil, 0 M lu ll.il.t F.tijlo Mail leans Willi.niuHirt, 1 l'i a in ' uir al U k ilaiu, 3.00 p lit K AS I W AUD. Mail Tl ilu Ituvio Kile, II 30 a lit " " " biinbiiiy, I.imi a in " air al I'lill.ulilpliU, T bOaui Kiio Kti'itt liavto tile, V uu ti in " l" " Huhbury, b.Vl i " " arr al I'lul uli l hla, 3. ml p u, I llUlia ktull teatr l.ut o llatoll, I Ul t In " buiibuiy, II to a iii " sir ol I'liil.i.l. :,hia, ft .'al p in llurlalu F ieo Uuiio i!liaiu.-oil, .M u, " " " buubui, i Ifc-l m " " air al rbilatl. I bia, ll i' iti.i Uald l-a.ll Moil litliu lank lUttui, 1 1 4 a 14 an kl V iiliaiii.i'i.ii, I J 40 p ii, II oil Ktitl tuu in i It tittt an I at -t 1 1 in to lib I., a. A M. a. U. M . aud ol I unf oi .i itin...u I ami no I i. .b ud Aiiikbmi K It. IV. VI ,11 W.-.l lo it It .i luut.4 lioiut uu I., b A I al. a. II. W oud ol I nut i.. l.tu.iiu , tb I'u I ti-b .o4 AIUUvo H k. A. ttall.U AltuttllUlalalUiH ta't OI.4 till (lib lialoo iol L . ou4 bl U. W a ..4 out . tu t ol t HI) ,l. II. I ool A. II. It. M . I ilo Aiiuu.Ui'.4al!i' I a-l at til) alt I ' .1 lull) a. .4 I, all.. I. a 4b HI oo4 t li M . lull Moll on 4 Mailolu I .I I..4 U.ibo ilu. . .OUb.. IHO ol M.lllaUit .lb S I. It M. 1 loil.oU.a a.i.i.i lion. tout la ma i-.l fi.'tw it i.i..i.iip.ul .a li k ifiui, au4 t-l I- W 1 1 . .... I , I ui ua SI . ., . I t Ml litt II, o m. I i iii.v I .i I .i) in,;, ' u.w lu ii.tfel) li Uh.m t Miv tat 'Mt'l wl A J at I- MM 4 M a t-.l. kt Ik, I Aal tlt lllllllll Uaa, lowo) all 04 1 ' .ooa)lka,l, ti. I VI W J.,1,4 lofO't III W4.IIMOO to Ibt tl.' U.I I.I it Hi II imi 4 ..... i loo wl Ho. 4 wo, W.lb, M ,...! OI. Hill