SUNBUllY, SEPT. 10, 1871. Kail road Time Table. . V. f!. R. W Kast. P. E. R. R. WltST. Buffalo Ex I've 4:10 aiErlo MnH, I've 2iijfi a m Erio " 8:o5 Buffalo Ex. " 4:1.1 F.lmlrnMnit "11 MS F.lmlraMall "12:45 pm Erie " " 1:0 " Lock II. AC." 4:3.1 Banbury Ae." 5:45 p m, Erie Bx. " DBAMOKIM THTIBIOS X. 0. R. W, 0:50 LEAVS ARRTVR 8:45 a tn 4:40 p m 4:00 p m , D.H. &W. R. K. Leave Snnrninr :RS a. m., 4:S5 and 6:50 p. m . Arr.ntBunbu'ry 10:00 am, 6:30 nni 8:40pm Accident Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Bhlpmin, Ticket Agent nt t he Depot. tffairs. PnwtNO Machines. Mlns Caroline Dallas Is tlio agent for the snlo of the three best Bcwtng Machines In existence, vli "The Improved Bingcr," "Grovcr A Bakor" and "Domestic," 'which are constantly on hand and sold at rcn sonnble prices. Cull and soe them. Ofllco on Market street, east of the railroad. REMOVAL OF THE "AMERICAN" OFFICE. The "NVXIIl'KY AMERICAN" Of- flee will be removed to the Moore A DlnniiiKer RulMing, on the Cor' iter of Third and Market reels, luring next week. Second Floor. Entrnncc on Market and Third Sts. N0.?.'Gaette"thls Week. On account of the death of JonN G. YorxoMA, father of the publishers of the (laxUe, which occurred on last Wednesday, that paper will not bo Issued this week. Tiis Red Men's Tarndc, on tho first day of the county fair, promises to be a great success. A number of Tribes have accepted tho Invita tions, and will be present to participate. TtiR Indications nro that the County Agricultu ral Fair, at this place, will be tho largest every hold in central Pennsylvania. Go to A. tf. Bilce, Esq., to gat rcglstorod for tho West Ward. Go to James Board, Esq., to get registered for the East Ward. CiioicnUnAnisci Advcrtlscment. -Wanamakcr & Brown's Fall Gas. We notlco the Sunbury Gas Company are nctlvely engaged In laying leading gns pipes through Market street. It is the. Intention to Introduce gas in nearly all tho business places along that street. A proposition has been made to tho borough council to erect street lamps, and n town meeting called nt tho Court House this (Saturday) evening, to Instruct the Council whe ther to accept or reject the proposition. It cer tainly would be a commendable move to have our streets lighted with gas, particularly hi tho business portions of the town. Aits tou RroisTEiinn ? If not don't delay In attending to it at once, as it can only be dono until the SOLli of September next, after which the Ilegistery will be closed. Oca attention was directed a fjw days ago to a beautiful Mausoleum in tho marble yard of Mr. IVuigherty nt this place, which was lately notion up by our old friend John A. Taylor, to be placed over the grave of a little niece of his. It is a beautiful pleco of workmanship, and probably tho beet marble job ever dono outside the city. Mr. Taylor, appears to improve by age, for wo really think It is the oest job he has ever executed. It is worthy of a visit to look upon. Tun line new hotel building of E. T. Drumhcl Icr, on the corner of Fourth unj Market streets, already presents a magnlllclent nppearnncc. . The brick work is being painted which adds great ly to beauty of the building. This house, when finished will be one of the finest structures and one of tho mo.-t pleasant houses In this part of the country. Being roomy and conveniently arrang ed, guests will find It not only convenient but comfortable In every respect. As our friend Mr. Drumbhe.ller, has displayed great taste In erect ing this line building for tho public, we can nssuro bis many friends that he also "knows how to keep a hotel." IUvb yourself Registered, attend to it in per son, don't delay, remember tho SOl'u is tho last day. Mammoth Pe.u'ii. Wc were shown, a few days since, by Mr. Jasper Stnyuiaker, a peach that measured s Inches in circumference. It was grown in the garden of our old friend Andrew Ditty, Esq., nt Georgetown, this county. We think that, as far ns heard Irom, to Georgetown belongs the honor of raising tho largest peach produced In this section of county tho present season, and we arc satisfied If a few specimens of Hie above size mentioned, wero to bo exhibited at our County Agricultural Fair, they would beat nil comitctitors. Bw.i.oux AscF.NiiioN. A Urge number of our citizens assembled on the flat, at the lower end of town, on Wednesday afternoon Inst, to witness the balloon nscenslon, which was announced to take place prior to the afternoon perfonnaiiee of a one-horse circus exhibition. About l1,' o'clock tho necessary arrangements were completed for the ascension, the ropes were cut, and the balloon ascended at a rapid rate. Tlioaacctislou occupied about two mliiutet and the descent liot quite so long a time, the adventurer alighting In the lot of M in. 8. Simpson, on Walnut street. This sensa tion dodge was well planned to draw a crowd, but after giving Ibis free txhlhlllou, there wero but lew iIihI could be Induced to go Inside the rati, vuss to see tlio show, tho proceed of which, to learn, fell short of paylug expense. Don't forget to see that you are registered. i)oii'l J. (k iiI on oilier attending lo ere to It tour.clf. Tho 3lHh Is the lal day the Registry ' l'p-11. Is there a nw and uiy.teriou disease develop. iK 1kI mining the rulu this accllou I A i-w day silica Dan'l Maui hi, rnildlii a few Utiles nt of I lii. lu.l a e.j which appeared pr ivlly e!l wb.-u milked In III eruulug but wai jim I dea I ih i nr vi inoriiliiK. O i Saturday lust r. T. II. Hall, t.f this b tu' lit a valuable cow 11 tluillar in inner. Haimis of stork should 1. 1 tire into lliu ibj. i i, and ndetvur lit asver tin lbs u.iliiid of I lie di.i .iM um4 Us imiudy, If i id U) onu. llluM.4v. . - . . - ta t situ ft Mimmi-tt i lutarl la tutl)' .11 j, tlis c ii J of lint, t'. SVtlW'f, ft bo auuuuusa Intu'f au In t pcudvht tun lldat fix AtUl a Ue. Ii a 111 be rtuwutUr..! I Lai Mr. Wultar, a., itf-411 4 out uf Ibe uxiulualiutt at lit Lie i. uu-iai t. I uutaullou, b Urn i Hit r-nl iijiiit by lb IiwU lalBullu. .'. is i U wliUw! Im tbu puaUiua, u4 lll . I"t l l iu.ltu lbs siti p.iit uf all u'jm4 tu a t I an I titu,l,u. Iw c I a In. J. U Kt.Utk, UI alox u ei4 i uuiui ti4 uf I kit Hr't uum,it .UM t ,1, ti I tlu f t 1 f,-i.ll4f. A a u(i- lo .t kit buu. bd utt tltluti4l flatt4 tl I alWwii.'t, at, I Uvta it bf Hum ij ,"J h iu. funufMM), ! av i-l. it t n; .tl t.ib ua l4 Isaaus) . wi l litmbiwtj Btati FAin. The exhibition of the Pennsyl vania Mate Aglcnltnral Poelety wblcn occurs at Bcranton on September 10th, 20th 21st and 23d promises to beadisplay ofunusnnl magnificence. Agplondld collection of native and Imported live stock will be on exhibition, Including horned cattle, sheep, swine, Ac. k One of the prominent fcatnrcs of the Tolr will be the grand trials of speed, which nro to take place dally for tho largest premiums ever offered by the society, and we are assured that In this, as In al! the branches of homn Industry, competi tion will he remarkably brisk and active. Ar rangements have been concluded for tho finest and largest floral display ever shown nt any ex hibition of the societ y, which wHl include all the rarest and most beautiful varieties of native and exotic plants. Liberal terms have been mndo with tho differ ent Railroad companies, by which excursion tick ets good for the ronnd trip will be issued nt great ly reduced rates and all animals and articles that have been on exhibition and remnln unsold will be returned free. Tho prospects of the society for a brlllant fair have novor been more promis ing, and ns this Is the last exhibition that will occur lu . this section for a numbor of years wo hope. our citizens and people of the nclghbor- noou win coniritiute noernliy in tne way ol en tries, nttend in a body and ninko it both credit able and successful. Tnn Sign of the Timcs-VWanamakcr A Brown, Oak Hall." . .. Jadielnl Conierenee. At the mooting of tho Conferees, appointed to nominate a enndidnte for Presldont Judge of the Eighth Judicial District, eomposed of tho coun ties of Northumberland nnd Montour, held at Bnnbury, on the 0th dny of September, 1871, there were present from Northumberland coun ty, Hon. Jno. B. Packer and Wm. C. Lnwson, Esq., and from Montour ,county, Hon. Joshua W. Comly and Isaac X. Grler, Esq. On motion, Hon.- J. B. . Paekor was chosen chairman, and Isaac X. Grler, Esq., Secretary of the Conference. , .'' . On motion of Hon. Joshua WV Comlv. It was. nnanlmonsly, JiciMtta, Tnaj WM M. ROCKE- KLL.KK, Ivm., of Nort ftfmber and count v. bo tho nominee of this conf(Teitco, anil that the, fol lowing Address be respectfully submitted to our fellow citizens i i Profoundly Impressed with a senso of the great importance of the selection of a proper nnd com petent person for the high tifflco of Presldont Judge of this Judicial District, who will, ns the minister of Justice, hi entrusted, In a great mea sure, with tho protection and enforcement of the rights of every Individual In tho counties of Northumberland nnd Montour, for the next ton years, we take this occasion, in presenting the name of Win. M. Kockcfeller, Esq., as a candldnto for that position, to congratulate Our fellow citizens upon their good fortuno in having In their midst one so eminently qualified, by a life of study and closo application to the toilsome duties of nn ex acting profession, to hold tho scales of Justice with a steady hand, nnd to administer the law, which has been the prido and glory of the Fath ers, ns it has come down to ns from tho great judicial lights who have gono beforo us. Having known Mr. Rockefeller Intimately and well, both as n lawyer and as a man, by associa tion with him, and by coming In contact with him In tho practice oftho law, and lu tho trial of causes in our Courts, for a period of years, reach ing nearly a quarter of n century, wo have no he sitation in saying that wo bellevohlm to bo pecu liarly fitted for the office for which he Is now pre sented. Feeling nn intelligent and patriotic in terest In public n flairs, with political convictions calmly adjudged, and never refusing to express his sentiments with regard to public measures when solicited, hu has yet uniformly avoided nc tive and ovcrzenlons participation In partizan po litics, and cannot, therefore, justly bo considered a politician, in any offensive eenso of that term. Industrious and untiring In tho discharge, of his professional duties, men- of all parties, who know him best, nn:l havo witnessed tho unflag ging cnorgy with which ho espouses nnd defends the cause of his clleut, whe unjustly assailed, will not fall to unite with us in rendering tho re spect due to his ability, legal, learning, personal integrity, aid modest though real worth. His long nnd extensive experience loo, lu. the praetlco peculiar to our Courts, particularly in the trial of actions of Ejectment brought for the settlement nnd location of the disputed bounda ries of conflicting surveys til nearly oil of tbo many which have been tried an 1 adjudicated In tho Courts of Northumberland County, he has been promlucntly coneerncd'lidd great wciglit to tho numerous other reasons that could ba pre sented, but which will roadily occur to every candid nnd reflecting mind, Irt support of his no mination, and point to him uq tho man whoso el evation to the Bench will bring to It reputation nnd extensive learning and dignity, and will con tinue nnd strengthen tho faith and Confidence In the administration of justice which wo havo been so willing to reposo in our Courts iu tho long years of the past. Oil motion, tho Chair nppolntn 1 a committee of three, consisting of Hon. J. W. Comly, Win. C. Lnwson, nnd I. X. Greer, n committee, to Inform Mr. Kockcfeller of his nomination ; nnd the Chairman, on motion, was added lo said coin mil tec. Tho commltteo having waited upon Mr. Rock efeller, and having, through their Chuirmuu, Hie Hon J. W. Comly, In n neat nnd appropriate speech, informed him of his unanimous uomiua tions, that gentleman replied as follows i WM. M. HOCKRFEI.LRK's ACCEPTANCE. Gentlemen of tht Conftnnfi t The nomination which you have just given mo I accept. Although no man can say that I ever sought tbo position, yet I have said that If tho people of this district desired my services ns President Judge, I would willingly serve them, nud I say now, that, If elected, I will gtve the duties of the office my en tire ami undivided attention. As I understand it, by the terms of your appointment, ynu were left free to exercise your own Judgment In the selection of a candidate without regard to his parly )o!!tlcs, and tho person of vour choice to bit "The People's Candidate." Vith this un derstanding 1 agree to go before the Kplo as llieir caudidnle. And now allow ma to assure you that this manifestations of your confidence lu inc. is duly appreciated, cobiIii( from such a source, from geiitlemvu whose reputation, ns ci tizens nnd law, crs are totoud to none In this country, nud with whom I liavepcnt the whole of my professional life, Is caleiiliifcl to Inspire with in me the moat profound fcellnir of prldo and gratitude and whether elects) or not; I assure you, I shall always look uia.. vtuc action of to day, as an occiuiou Hover to Ifa forgotten. - Ghkat ot!K lu wearing IVanamaker A Brown's Clothing. " Koa Full a grand .lot k nt Oa H til, W. A B's. Cool Weather brings Its chaio,'". it U well to provide sgalii.t rool morning and chilly avea lugs. We notice a nun pit le llns of waterproofs, wool plaid, opera rluth, u! pacts, flit tine l &io., Ju.l opening at Wt inter' popular ca.h tlure, lUupl's lllot k, Htiubury, Pi. Glte l.litl a rail au4 secure your full suits, ulijla you can secure the hiojI de.lruble patterns and, new stylus. A complete lo. k uf guud always on baud al "opu lr toll prices. A Uisu.-Wa nutlta that 1uwas U. Notl, Uarektbl Tailor, ult Third ttrot, U katlutf grand ftua for lu suit uf UuitU t-lutliliiy. lUv iu I Us Iw4 tf-iuUiu Market, that eouU U fuuud, lie b UittitJ la plea mi 11 a bo git bltu a rail. 1 be ne i)l of (inn' k,lu ara ad lulicj by ail. lit i) kutiy luu kpuu Hyit uum, u4 ti., hmh ttavu tb. ta (j t;lult suit utad. up, go. at uui lu J. Y. kbadtr. ui-IU lit t ttaral 11.41, -i ll ttt.ti nUbe (ialltt.4. h.Ut. I.a4, it., Trttt,, au4 Uaibtr tuita.,11 1..UJ mm lb Buuk lut, tall uaa4ll. nuui al lu rtl.. kul taiLa lt,ai A. It. . I', If, r, A, f, t . . t . a, F, ituf (ij ,, llMUy l-aj aaaa at rilllfl Wuautv I I4s fa , aa4 U) U, ( . t-4 Kttt )uttli64 IM If, U.uf U awl.,! .4a(. , On July 24tht 1871, nt the M. E. Parsonage, Jn Northumberland, by the Rev. B. F. Stephens, Mr. Zaoiiariaii Mot En to Miss Ai.itR Kmo nAtTM, both of Sunbury, Pa. In this place, on Wednesday morning last. JOHN G. YOUNOMAN, Esq.,aged85 years 8 months and 7 days. The funeral of the deceased will take place from his late resldenco No. 25 North Third street, on this (Saturday) afternoon nt 8 o'clock. Tho friends and relatives nro Invited to nttend. The deceased was, until recently, connected with the "Gazbtth" of this plnco, and was the fathor of tho editor nnd proprietor of that Jour nal. Ha was a man of vigorous constitution, sober and Industrious, nnd frc-picnlly worked nt the case .until within a few weeks previous to his death, and was, porhnps, nt tho time, the oldest working compositor in the Stnto. He learned tho printing business nt Rending, and came to this plnco about the year 1813, and started a smnll German pnper entitled the "NonD-WESTUraiB Post," which he subsequently converted Into nn English paper called tho "Wokkinomen's Ad vocate" aboui 1831. A few years after it was enlarged and called tho "Susntmr Gazette," and was published ft number years tinder tho management of his son Gi;n. B. Yovnoman, Esq. When Governor Porter wns elected, ho appointed tire deceased Register and Recorder for this coun ty, to which office lio was afterwards elected by the people ' In TurbiitVillc, on the 10th Inst., MAY, wife of George P. Knmp, nged 81) years, 4 months, and 17 days. Near McEwcnsvlUc, on tho KOth ult., HENRIETTA RUNS, nged 33 yenrs. In Washlngtonvllle, on the 27th ult., JOHN AVESER, nged about B5 years. In Delaware Township, on tho IStli ult., ANNA CATHARINE, daughter of John nnd Elizabeth Kick, aged 2 yea is, S months, and 10 days. Near McEwcnsvlUc, on tho Gth ult., MARY, wlfo of John Mctzgar, aged nearly C4 years. The CoiilesMloiiM of nn Invalid. PUBLISHED ns a warning nnd for the benefit of yowifi nun and otUei-n, who sillier from Nervous Debility, Ac., supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself nnd sent frco on receiving n post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL M A Y FA I It, May 20, 1871.-0m. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sunbury Grain fc l'roducc Klurkot. WEr.KI.Y IIY III1.E 4 GEUINonit. GitAlJi Choice White Wheat 1 00 Best Amber, Winter 1 no Corn Kye i oo Oats, (33 lbs.) 50 Best Amber, Winter, per sack 3 00 " " " " barrel S 0 Corn Meal, per cwt 3 50 Pennsylvania Roll !i5 Eoos Per dozen 10 Meats Dried Beef, iter lb 2H(!ij:;0 Smoked Mutton l(i(,13 I tun per lb 25 Fish Salt White Fish, per lb 15 " Trout " 15 Cod . 8 Fresh Shad t 40fi() Veoetaules Turnips, per bushel 75 Potatoes " " 1 10 Onions " " 1 0) Beans, " quart 1518 Homlnv, " 13 DulED FltriTS Dried Apples, per lb 13W.14 " Peaches, " 20(5);:0 " Cherries, " 10(3,:15 " Blackberries 13 " Raspberries 20 iitv bbcrtiscmcnts. r v- WM. Ml ItltAT. OI.AYMAKElt. WM. II. ULACK. MURRAY & CO., "Wholesale Dealers in MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Olllee and School Stationery, Printing, Wrapping nnd .tlanlllii PAPERS, IMI'KIt KAON, Ae., Ve. Tho Celebrated Corry Kerosene liiiriiiiig Oil always on hand. Having ulso opcued a COAL YARD, wo are prepared to supply nt short notice, and nt the lowest rates, ECJG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and TEA COAL to all who may bo pleased to give us a call. Orders left nt our office No. 85 Smith Third St., will be promptly tilled. MUUUAY & CO. No. 35 South Third Ftrect, Suiiburv, Pa. t Anir. at, i7i. ' Weitlerii Dlwlrlrt or l'euuHjl'u, nm. Iu llankruptey. At Sunbury, Augntl 31, S71. rpilK uuder.tifd hereby liivcs notice of blsup 1 iHilntmcnt a Alirueo of Jacob l.miek. m the ofhhaDinklu.Iti the Ctiiliily of North- unrxriiuiu, au.l male or IVmntvl vmiia, m it It lit sultl tli.trlet, who ha been adjudged u bankrupt Um;ii bis owu (ictlilou by tlio DUlrlct Court of sum uiflrlct. . 1.1.UVD T. ROIIftb.U'H, Assliriiec, riunliury, Pa, To the creilllors of the said B.tiikrupl. Bi'pt. , l-7l-3t. fill 1. JJWElt?$ No. OO'J Chetuut Stroot, riiilttdolphiu, IK-lr lo Invlt the f.pei l.t! alleiillon uf puit ba ar audotbt'is vUIHiik the t lly.lolbt Ir uuutually mw attt .attv't, auitiiieitl Ul .w JtiMrlrj USE W ATI II ib uf utiMl rclUblu maker, ODI.D til I.B. irlUlU klltft utr lor brUal au4 utlivr reci.Ulloii. Tabl Cutlery, Htlro I'lalwl Uuu4 ut lit auti.t lU4lll. mtxt ii ciih ks, niuivKM ami U S l .VI. till.MK. IX, lavclnatl duett (ruui furl djllu b UMtlUi I uutltuu. u4 pulit alUullita I riliu kl lu ail ltu tay La la44 ll t.4 v4lal Uttt Ultutt lu lull lUir UawltUI .lorw, I UvalMMl a)trl. Jaijf I, la. A tpUuM a"ilu.i.ul u liml' liuuj al Uutu a lit.. it.. t . t mttuLia) a 44. il U Wtutt 4 iHM.k.n , K I W lt4 Ita. 4 tb bMt l.tHi.K twit ll ul H iii rt mimm & LI H D W ! "7 I fa.llMlWll EH, ki PHILADELPKIA; 17c7 have tlia most Com plete and Handsomest Stockof Fine Heady-Made Clothingfor Gentlemen's, Youths', Boys', and Chil dren's Fall and Winter V7 car ever manufactured by any cstatlishment in this country. Tne Styles are the very t. The Fata ire of the Best wtJ Quality. The Make is Superior, and the Prices are the Low est ever charged for the same class .Goods. c--y-You are cordially in cited to visit Oah Hall this Season, and inspect the various Designs and Qualitie3,-inquiro Prices, and, if you see any article you like, to make a Pur chase. a-rPolite Attention always given. - Children's Department en the First Floor. rur-Gentlcmen's Furnishing Coeds cf Every Descrip tion. fvS-Ths Largest and most Thoroughly Organized Custom Department in Philadelphia, with a Magnificent Stock cf Piece Goods to Hake to Order. lTo Ccttcn-Mizcd Goods used. tsr Samples, with Easy Rules for Self-Measurement, sent hy mail to any address on applica tion. 3 a Asdca, S. E. Cor. Gth & 1L&BZET PHILADHLPHU, FARM FOR SALE. rrMlE uuderslKiicd hnviiVa lnrirer tract of land JL (over 'MO acres) than can be properly culti vated iu quo farm, largely devoted to tnieklni;, oilers for salcnbout one 100 ncrcs, cnibracin; the w hole of the old Persinu farm, together with a part of the (iuldin farm. The natural advantages of the part olfercd for sale, are in tall rexpects equal for Hardening pur M)sca, to those of the part reserved. My own gar dening for tho past two seusous ha been chlctlv done upon It. There nro many jrootl farmers in this county barely making u living at ordinary train fanning, who might greatly advance their Interests by giving gttine attentimi to trucking upon a I'm ni so well adapted lo the business as the one now oil'er c.l, nud so convenient to one ol the very best mar kets in the State. Terms rcasouuble. For par ticulars inquire of, or address WILLIAM L. NF.8BIT, July H-tf. I'tixlnos, North'd l o.. Pa. Oltl'IIANS' t'OIRT N.tI.E. OUK8UAN'f to an order of the Orphans' L. Court of Nortliuiiibcrlnntl county, will l.c epoed to puiillc sale, on tint preniinit, nn the IhI tiny oI'Mrptriubcr, 1S7I, thu f.llu lug Heul Kstittc, to wit i All that certain mes suage or tract uf hind, situate In Jackson tuwn bhip, Northumberland county, fa., bounded nud ue.erllw.l its rollows, to wit i On llienoltll by laud of Jiihn Kcltermau, on the cast by laud of Daniel llllliusli, nu the somh by laud of the en title, of widow Mnlllck, dee'd, and on tbe we-t by bind of Jucob Heller, ntutuiiiing Four (I) Arrfu, morn or It-, wlmreon are erected a two. .lory Inline dwelling hoit.e, a friiuio stable, ,Vc. A well uf witter (with pump) near he door, u ittl of fruit trees, Ae., being the proierty of f.iin Uel l-itiaba and J. Jacob Lulaha, minor cbllJreii uf Henry l.itl.liu, dcceuw.l. h.tle tu coiiini, in e at lOu'eltH'k, oil said day, alien I lie. coudilluli a III be madu known by AHKAIIAM HLAStiEK, Gutirdiuu. Aug. JU, W.-U. UV.l.hV. NK, lblr.1 Hi ret I, at lite depot, til NISI KV, fA., W. lUr.a, pro prlt ior. Warm meal acrvt-d up al all hours, r'uh, Kuwl and tiaiue. rrri Owifr coii litiilly tm baud aud etd lu every l)le. The U .lt.f anir nud llUoral Hie Har. Irr'aiitilic will rut applied in oy.i, r duiiu up lu any style, by leaving order at il.ti " tNov.'TUIy. perxiu are hen by ran I lined agl!ttl trtv.lut.alug or B.blllK UIkiu Ilia Miuil... ul Ilia uitilerliUKl, lu Ilia louatte t.f )ui.i l,l,i and .SttrlbuiuCaiUiid, as I bo full aiu-ut uf ll..' law Will be (ufoirtd tta all fiolittlng i,t u iiL-. ftlHI IIKI hFltr, Aium la umuofu, HKNKV Ltllll, Kl. KIHII., llnMa Tlinl I MAS, Ult II iL H r Kf, Al KKAMIirll IHMIAMAS'. I.llla Htl.y, AIMM llSkkU, Ainu a. t via!.. 1411' AI... Jl'll HtHi. -4 JiM.-at. l I UM r. " f IHIK Uti4vi.i;ua4 ltll'( Un appwtiult-4 tu Aujn.t l , ii. tit bat.' t wan, la u4 l. i Ikk tut.l) uf .MlbW!uW.tUll4, It lualt Ut.lll kalioi ( lb LaUb.a ul i.uu. lu Iba l.t.4. kl 1 1.. Kit. I llll.lul, A4u,uuli.l. ul l.u t.i.u "I U-( aa.fck, 4...a, ai.l w t ail uiiu lutiutij iu kal uaif. at bit wit. a, lu ati, u rtfcJ.j, lu Jta W U lfc.t jia.t, 4. Ii , Ti5 o M. iMII.I.IO. OF Ml I.N NAVKI! It in ono of tlio roin.irltnblo facts of this re markable ngc, not merely that so many perrons nrc the victims of dyspepsia or IndlgcRtioii, but Its willing victim. Now, wo would not bo nn dertdood to say that nny one regards dysptpsla with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Fur from It. Those who have : experinced its torments would 6cout such nn Idea. All dread U, nnd would gladly dispense with its tinpleasnnt fmiiiliartles. Mark Tapley, who wns jolly under alt thu trying circumstances In which he was placed, never had nn nltack of dyspepsia, or his Jollity would have speedily for saken him. Men nnd women sometimes sillier Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoever heard of a person who enjoyed them ? Of nil the multifarious disonscs to which the human system Is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. Thcro nro diseases morn nctito nnd painful, nnd which more fmiucntly prove fatal ( but none, the cH'cctn of which arc so depressing to tlio mind nud srt positively distressing to the body. If there Is a wretched being In the world It Is A CONFIRMED DYSrEfTtC. Nearly every other person you meet Is n vic tim, nn apparently willing oncj for were this not the case, why so tunny sull'crers, when a cer tain, speedy and safe remedy Is w ithin tho easy roach of nil w ho desire to avail themselves of It'f But the majority w ill not. Winded by prejudice, or deterred by bome other unexplained inliaenee, they refuse to nccept the relief proffered tliein. They turn n deaf car to the testimony of the tho'iMinds w hoso sull'erlnpt have been alleviated, nnd with strange infatuation, appear to cling with desperate determination to their ruthless toruicnter. lint says u dyspeptic i What Is this remedy f to which wc reply : This great allevia tor of human suffering Is almost as widely known ns the English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carrying comfort nnd encouragement to thousands of others. Tills acknowledged panacea is none other than I)n. IIOOFLAND'8 GERMAN LITTERS. Would you know moid of the merits of tlds wonderful medicine than can be learned from tha o perience of others f Try it yourself, and w hen It has failed to fulfil tho asMiiance of its ctlleacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT RE REM E M ft ER T. D, fust or all, that 1IOOFI. ANll'S GERMAN BIT TERS is not a mm beverage. They nrc no nlcholic iu nny sense of the term. They arc composed wholly of Hie pure juice or vital principal of roots. 'i'hU i not a mere as sertion. The cMn-.els from which they arc com pounded nrc prepared by one of the able.-t of German chemists. Unlike any other Hitters In the market, they arc wholly free from spii ituout Ingredients. The objections which hold with fo much force against 'preparations of this class, namely that a desire for Intoxicating drinks is stimulated by their use, are not valid In the case of the Herman Milter. So far from cneo'ir.iglng or Inculcating a taste-or de.-lrc lor Iiicbi ietiiig beverages, it may be ronildcnthtlly asserted that their tendency l.i iu a diamelricailv opposite tli reetlon. Tin ir cliecls can be HENEEHTAL ONLY in all cases of the biliary system. Iloof lanil'sGcrmnn Hitters stand without nu equal, net big promptly nnd vigorously upon the Liver j tlicy remove its torpidity end cause, healthful se cretion of bile thereby supplying tile stomach with the. inot im'.h'priisabii: elements of sound digestion in proper proportions. They give tone to tlio stomach stiiniilaling its fuuetious, and enabling it to perform its duties as nature de signed it should do. They impart vi'or and strength to the entire system, rinsing- tiie patient to feci like another being iu fact, giving him a new lease nf lire. THEY I'LRITY THE RI.OOIl, c'.cu.sing the vital II u Id of all hurtrul Impurities and sni plat.t ing them with the elements ol' genuine heaithfal-ne.-s. In a word, thcro is scarcely a diiea-e iu which they cannot be saMy nu.) b iietTi dally cm ployed ; bat in that most generally prevalent dis tressing nnd dreaded disease. Dyspepsia, THEY STAND UNRIVALED. Nov:, there are certain classes of persons to whom extreme Hitters are not only unpalatable, but who llnd it Impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For biieh Dti. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight ulchullc stimulant is required in connection with the .well-known Tonic pro perties of the pure German Hitters. This Tonic contains all the ingredients of the Hitlers, but so ll tvoie l it to remove thu extreme bitterness. This preparation is not only palatable, out com bines, iu modillc.l form, all the virtues ol' the G-ruinn Kilters. The solid extracts of sonic of Nature's choicest restoratives nre held in solu tion by a spirituous agent oftho purest (jnality. In cases of languor or excessive debill'y, where the system appears to have become exhausted of its energies, HOOFLAND'S TONIC tuts with almost marvelous ctl'et t. It not only stlinuhtt s the Hugging and wasting energies, but invigor ates ami permanently strengthens Its actions up on the Liver and Momacli thorough, pcrhnpslcss prompt tliau the Hitter.), when the same quanti ty is taken is none the less certain. Indigestion, liilllousiiess, Physical or Nervous l'ro: -trillion, yield readily to lis potent liilluenee. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, re moves depression of spirits, m:d inspires cheer fulness. It supplants the pain of disease with the oae and comfort of pcrlect health. It gives str-ngth to weakness, throws despondency to the winds, nnd starts ihe restored invalid upon a new ami gladsome career. Hut Dr. Hooiland's benefactions to the human nice arc not conlined to his celebrated GERMAN HITTERS, or his invaluable Toxic, lie has prepared another medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of' its intrinsic meiiis. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOPIIYLLIN PILLS, a perfect rub.,tituto for mercury, without any of mercury'H evil qualities. These mlerfiil Pills, which nrc intended to act upon tho nialiilv Composed of Po dopbyllin, or the VITAL PR1NC1PLK OF THE MANDRAKE ROOT. Now tie desire thereafter to distinctly under stand that this extract of the M m Irake is manv limes more powerful than the itself. It Is the medicinal virtues of this hcallli-gliing plant in a pei t'eetly puivund blghlv conet iitrated form. Hence it is that two of the Podophylliii Pills conttiiutc ii full dobf, while anywhere six to eight or ii handful of oilier preparations of the Mandrake are required. Thu Pitdophvlli'.i ACTS DIUFl'TLY O.N 1 UK LIVER, slim.'iliil lug iu lunt lions and causing it to in.tkc its I il lary set n lions In regular and roper ij'iaiililies. The I ii I tn ion renin wbleli invariably follow the use ol mercury I entirely avoided by their u-c. Hat it Is not upon the Liter only itmt ilmr low ers arc exerted. The rvtritit of Mandiake con l. lined lu tliein Is tkillfiillv loinbliied wilh four other extracts, one of wbit li at t upon the t-to- inaen, one upon lliu upper botvtds, uuc uji.n ti.o lower bowels, nnd cite prevents any uripin ; t lieet, thus protlm in:; a piil that lilllueuie. the ci'tire tllgesllvc mid alimentary, lu an equal and h iiuioiu.iou. in. unit r, nud 1- to tion entirely rt.,i from ii:iufii, vmiiiiiiig t-r ;:1pii.g p un t .iniiii.iii to an i nu r partitive... . Nu Iioiim bold thuiil I to w .lliuut lit. in. Tl.-y' aic p. i l. i tly .tff, r.-qaire hu. twt) for an 1 1 i- , do a-, nre i.r.inipl nnd i-ill. ienl lu in lion, ai.l j u It. u u.rj lu comiti iioa with Dr. II..iUuJ'i , Gt rio.ta ll.'iler., or Tonic, uuiv b ' It-.,. ltd. d as ceilala - i.-li1. . in all u.n of l.ii. r t oiapl.iiul, I I'ytpt pln, or ith u Hit r. It. wliicb Ihe t..L in it iu.lii,.tiilv 'I n. i I'.. I.. i l.t .ii.. ' I'i'ln a. I upon ih.- .ioiimi b nn,) bo. I., cubing ml niipriq . r ob.lriieii,.i,, v. bile lliu lULr or Tunic pllllly tlltl bliHid, .11. iqjllti ll ,tn I .ni.i r- ali i Im flume, i;.t lone mi 4 itpHi l lo lliu .lo in, o It, mi. I lliu. build up lliu invalid uiich . Di llou.l t,i,, h.iwu,' plot :,, 4 l .i, in il rciito, di lor tit..-., lui givou llitt wihI.I one i tlit l ba i il.iii.t! a l pin at ion, lit Ilia aou.l. tlltl i.ic- k hum it a. Dr. l ,ll ni l . l.i. , t, (01, Int. Kill, a oii iii.-u iiim.l) In ja'.u. aii 1 ut l.ti. 1. 1 a. I kind. III. ..ii. ,u. i.i, V.uiulaio, T.-ilU.ih-, l,i. I.I. ni. ,, i. tin., Uuitf, I'aiu lit titu H.t. k uul Loo.-, RiiMW",,,,,, , jl,,-., al) , , , t l. i li . I pin all. hi. lu uitltilu-r o I, in. . , ll. . I tj I.) il t. al'Hn.ltii.,;, aud IUi um lu. ua.u. re i) J t)'. T.A. ii liili'iualty, ll i. a mm f t I' ,ul l.-nn.. ki lu. t li.Hti.t, ti, a II. id ,t I.. ., I , 1 1).. u. I i i. a. ta ..ii.m., I t.ti.ip., ' lUt. l -lua. It, I i I U,, Ot.-. I Uu In u I in u ...iiihm. I tulii. : of It.allt'g K "t ml i.. t.ii.. (it ii,,i-lu ibiu J.. l.i l ail i.l .ul.. l .i,. . , .. att 4 1 14 lltt .l.i It tiuil.l In,,,,. Ii.iil.t , a J,.ii.-,,i j 1 .ia a. liu.y 14.4... ... 'I l,..uai.J 1.41c l,.,u L.ii.iHi. I I jii. u i, an! lu.1 1 ; 11....U aUo I ... I !.. ..I a .1 l,.,(Ua,l,:) l-.a. It . w ll.. at 1. 1 U I!.. I. IM .blu talut-, I U. v I . Ii.vji. al.l l.ri ..-l.t I.) 1 , pi. t, l.a 4 .1) . U(-.u 4, 1 al. a. I . lu. I'l.n.i,,, .,i,.(l -tllu,. I. ....... II t-t....,u, U I, 4t.a Wlwl, 'l.i.4.l .... I II l. M IV l i.i,i.rt. r .iu.. ii) i it j it 1. m 1 t 4 1 , , Orphans' Court Sals I I PURSUANT to tin order of tho Orphans' Court of the County of Northumberland, Bliitc of l'ennsylviiiiln. tho undersigned Adminis trators of Peter Winner, late of Lower Mabanoy township, Northumberland County, deceased, will expnso to sale by public Vcudue, on the premises, on . Nntiirriuy t!i IGlli tiny of foxtem Itor, A. It., 1S5I, the following Valuable Real Estuto, to wit i All that certain TRACT OF LAND, Rclng marked ns purpart Nn. 1, In n certain writ of partition between the heirs of Peter Winner, deceased, situate In Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland County, l'u., adjoining lands of Charles liroslotis, Augustus Hndnmn, iind other lands of said 1'elcr Witmer, deceased, containing MxtJ-Elglit (CM) Acre nntl One . l'orcli, more or less, oil of which la cleared ; whereon is erected a Doublo Two-Story Dwelling House, a new Rank Rain 4iix95 feet, n Two f tory rum mer House, a Two Story Spring House, Slaughter House, Cider Mill and I'ress, Wagon Shed nnd oilier out-buildings. A never failing . SPRING OF WATER near Ihe house, nnd miming water through the barnyard. This farm is nil Lime Stone Land, nnd In a high state of cultivation, the soil being the nature of liver bottom land, and the lielus well watered. There Is n Lime y.lone. ridge, on the south sido of sal J fuiui.and a quai ry opuiedj TWO KII.X! nro erected, and room nnd stone snlllclcnt for for twenty-live more kilns. Thcro Is Locust nnd Walnut Timber hi large quantities on llii.-j tract. . ALSO, All that certaiu Tract or Piece of Land, situate in the township nil 1 county nfnresuld. hounded by lands of ( harlcs Hrosions, Hi nt. Philips, lVtcr Hoiiell, Susannah, philips, nnd other lands of sai.l d. -ceased, containing l'oity (40; Acres nnd Forty-Seven (47) "Perches, more or- less, bcinri marked it purpart! No. hi do said writ of partition. ALSO, All that certain or other Tract, or piece of Land, situate iu the township and county aroresald, hounded by lauds of .lo.-lah Wert, David Kcmplc, Im.iic Kerstcller au.l ( .diaries Rrosious, contain ing Twenty-One (-J1) Acres and Thirty-Seven (bi) Perches, more or loss, being marked aii pur. pail No. !'., la sai l writ of partition. A 1X9, All that certain other Tract or Ticco of Land, situate in the township and county aforesaid, bounded by lauds of Susannah Philips, Josiali Wcit. iiinl oilier lands of said deceased, contain ing Or.e Hundred and Eleven (111) Acres nnd One Hundred and Fifly-Sevcn (1.Y7) Perches, more or less, being marked ns purpait No. 4, in said w rit of partition. This tract is well limber ed with Chestnut, Ottk, Locust, Pine, cVc. ALSO, All lint certain oilier Piece or Tract of Land, situale In tiie township and county nfop suicl, bounded by lands of A. lia.lnian, John Hiaira inan, John Patrick and JoMah Weil, containing Six (ti) Acres and Fourteen (14) Perches, more or less, being marked as purpait No. 5, in said writ of partition.- ALSO. All that certain other Tract of Land, situate la the township and county a foresai l, bounded by lands of Jacob Dreibelbis, David Snyder, Jo sialt Horrcll, A. Hadnian, and other lands of said deceased, containing Threat (3). Acres and One Hundred nnd Thirty-Three (lSii; Perches, being marked us purpart No. 0, iu said w rit of parti tion. The above property is all situated within a mile oT Georgetown Depot of the N. C. Railway, and w ithin half a mile of the river. It Is nearly nil Lime Stone land, and some of tho very best lu the State for tho raising of nil kinds of grain. Being conveniently situated to tho railroad, makes it one of the most desirable lu the county. Late the properly of Peter Witmer, deceased. Sale to commence, lit 10 o'clock, A. M., Oil said day, when tho conditions will be inaile known by . ISRAEL'P. WITMER, " GEO. WITM Kit. W'M. H. WITMER, -. f Administrators. I owcr Mahanoy twp., Aug. SO, ISTl.-lt. 1T111: iGiiEDi;:NTs that jCOMPDSi: KOSAD.M.IS nro pul.lisiicd on cvoiy uackago, there fore it is twt a vocrct p cp.uatiun, conscqiiciilly rnYsicms pijescribe it ft is 11 certain euro (or Scrofula, Syphilis in nil it forms, Rheuma tism, IJiseanes, Liver Com plaint uuJ all diseases ol" t! 0 illood. cits tsrns z? lzzuzxizz will do laoro good than ten hotlioa of ihe fyrups if Karsupitrillii. the UNjcnjir.Ni:a physicians have ii.-c.l Rosadlis i 1 tin irprai -lice fur lliu pact threo years and l it ly oiulorsn it 11s a ri liaLlu Alterative and lilnoil l'urifiur. DR. T. C. VVQ R, cf Baltimoio. 1)11. V. J. I1UYKIN", " 1)U. H. W. f .Mlli. ' lilt. 1'. O. I.I.WXKU.V, " lill. I. ii. Sl'AKKS, ui Mi liolasvi'.le, K v. D:t. J. I.. MeCAHTIIA, Columbia, bit. A. ii. NOIJI.I.S, Kdgtvomh, N. t". USLD AND ESPOUSED EY ,J. D. KUKNc H & SON J, FaU liner, M4. F. w. .s::th, .'1--1....11, au. ;,. A. V. Wlil.l, Liu,,, t,.t. !ll MM I, I iin-l.l. I.:... il'H I.N A I .l.,l...r. .n.tlti., Vl. ISAM I.. U. !1.I'.U!4.., Xui'.lce l U:-.t, I't'lill. t Our Byti'ii wilt net allow t.f nr;y cv. 1. 11 a-1 f.-i.i.n k s nt I. .it -ti i.j iui 1 1 1 t in- t-1 r.,i tit 't , i!n. Mi.,:;, ..I ' l'l 1 ! - 1 Oil H HU -1 T .1 Mtl't' a I lltlj l.v- 1. .1. I mi; 1 . .-.rl.i al. v I !.cy I141 u tlir in u.l lit ll.e li.-a iiont i.f riit-asfd ' U !..! ; it 11. 1 In Ihe altl It', ni we s,ty Ii y ; Ituiiliiiw, ttid juu w.R hv ii.-.urit .lu Itiailil CP rot.' 'iii- p! prleo It l..rtb r 1 1 l y ill I!riir"-Ult, rb llie. A.l li.-ii r.i. cisssrTs & c?. -.l.-ly. J iiy " St'aMlUllV ACA1JK.1IV. Tl.i. li.-,l! t.p. na ailli an In. r, h... II. 1 of r.iiiiij.ou yioutl.ij, N-lruib-r II Ii, 1 IH7I. i:TI.S til' TI m io. Per Annum, l -'l INI la) is l I I in) Pliill.lV Di p tlllltt III, ll.ii I, Kccoii I DHi.ion, r ii.. D.t i i. ni, l.i ...ii.. on Pi. nm orOr iii, (itir..,) in I l. i- Ii, ' Ittl la. tu, ' D. .mi 4 & I'al.illng. (it) I'.fci. 1... Pa) ill ia il.l.t, lii.j.-i.,,,, M IH M Ikl Vil Itl jo isi III Oil '-' : i ii I' l'.ja, a I. j uiu uul iij.r. i, ii.o A i I. my ...... ...,ii i. . .1. ...... ut in Ma, i,, ll.lllUOt Ii. I .11.111, In t ni i. .. I li i 1. 1 il, pin,,,. pal, ui lu U.i lu.liuitut In lice tit pat Urn ui.. terutl lir M t ttlalu4ut. S. 1 1 'HI 1.11 Itl.uU .. . II., . . I'ltutlpal. .i.l.l.l) , A.n; I Hb, III. NOIL J- U L. i.l ) kttaa 1 1... i pi , bi! al lite u. ll . ,i,.u l I -.1 .at a III . ' I .ll tl.. I.l .L.atwii: ol II,. tl.i uf . .....l.U,a II I I!. lu, ui p.. i tli.iti i- a b.t.k.btil.t I Im k.iu. , 1 1) au I 1 11 la ul " It. kan U II) Ilia., k. 1 11. a l," I l 1... .1- 1 al autiLai y, It mi l.aa.l.. i In- I t ,ui. -ii, i't , anU ak p. a. i aai pt. a.-l., l j ,M-ji . i j..t, mi am al-"-lk 4 I 'O.-il I U-. a . I l-s. tl.al4t I ana a t- I4I w i.a.Uitl, .. a.ta IU i.a,r ul U-.tta- ua ILt .au.t, l,t a .4w ul u. ti - tl. -1 m I ui), J" ) IU, lu . l. I .l $bcclla.icci!3. MA( IIIl; NIMH ArVt IKO.t fOl!MrY. geo. nbmuucii &' kosb, ftmiJiiirj, rrmi'ii, INFORM the public I'n t thev ue preparer! in do all kinds of CASTINGS, im. I having added n new Machine Shop in conni 'tion -with their Foundry, mid have supplied thctntrlves with New Lathes," Planing and lioriitg Mai bines, Willi tbo latest Improvements, Willi the ulil of skillful mtchaules, they nre enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, Hint inny bo given them, In a satisfactory man ner. r;ttoi lo unit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other Imlld Inijs, of all BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Criiameiitivl Iron Fcncins FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS . . VEliANDAK3, FOR YARDS AT RESIDKNrKS, AC, AT. The PLOWS, already celebrated Tor their su periority, have been still further improved, ami will tilwavs be kept on h rid. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Snnbury, Mav t.'O, IS71. f'riiiinylviuii.-i Kioto Arrlrtilt urxl . ftOfif I rnilF. Exhibition of this Soch ly, for will jL b? held at Scranton, on Ti ishav, Septem ber Huh, Wk.dn'-sihv, Scptcmb-r i.'ctli. Turns. HAY, September "1st, Flini.iv, September '."-'d. The grounds are spacious, tlrj buildings and nr. ennunodutlons iiiuple, ami the iremium list liberal. There in no r.'i.ovc ,'.ir cutricn, except Horses entered for speed. For catalogues or other iul'oi iiiiitl in, address cither of the Secreta ries, at Surantou. ... JOHN ('. MORIUKI, President. D. W. Sr.!!.!-:::, R"c. S.-erclary. Ei.miiouR Mi (..'on:;!;!-, Cur. Secretary. Ang. -', 1ST1.-4I. TO THU Conr'.!tiit'o;i of l'cn))f;r.rnr,'a. JOINT r.KSOLUTIUN PropoRitig nti .Aineiuhmmt to tiiu ('onstitn tiou of l'cnnsvlvaiiitt. V! it 7tVneiV(J Xrl the- Sg.'mW anil HoVM' of Krpvc. tfattiiltfvK vf Urn VvmuwnwrHttl of I'vmwilniniti, In t.'fin rul .Unii'lijMt, Tl.'.l f'.e following nineiul ment of tiie Coiistitutio:! of Ihe Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit : AMEXPM RXT. Strike out (lie Sixth Section of the fixth Arti cle of the Constitution, and insert iu iiuu then of the lollowiiig : "A Slate Treasurer shall be. chosen by Ihe quaillied electors of the Suite, tit such times and for such terms of service m shall be prescribed bv law.' JAM FS IT. V.T.R3, Ppeaker of l!ie n.iuse. of R 'liresentativcs. l 1LLIA M A. WALLACE, Speaker ol the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day or June. Anno Do mini one thousand eight hundred and seventy one. JOHN W. GEARY. Prepared arid certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution. i . Jordan. Secretary of tha Cunimiunveiiltli. jl Office Scent ary of the Commonwealth. Harrisburg July 0th, 1S71. Aug. H, 1 ST1 . JJARDWARE FOR ALL AT Tlin HAliIMVAHE STOKE OF J. H. COrSLLY & CO. Murlifl Slrot-t, Niniliiirj', Ia. It is useless lo enumerate every kind of articlo In his Store, but nmong tiie leading items may bo set duwu the following : Iron, . Steel, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, (Iriiidstoncs', Nails of all kinds and sizes, I Vices, Saws, riancs, I Sieves, Chains, Asc, ! Rrass nud Iron Kettles, I Shovels, Hoes, Forks, j Spades, Rakes, Hatchets, I Carpenter mid Ulaeksmith l'oring Machines, i Cellar Orates, Drawing Knives, j Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, nn.l targe cast Iron Bells for School Houses and Farmeia' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Classes. Twine, Ropes, Knives nnd Forks, Spoons, Tack, Mule au.l Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of ail descriptions. Coffee Mills. Kits and Braces, Carrrago Bolts or nil kinds, Paint and Wall Brushes, Buckets, Oils, Vi:i-iii!i('H. Jit puns. Lye, SolaAh, Washing Soda, I'AIXT.S Or' AM. KIMW "m Oil or Dry', 1 Paiti-Colors of all kinds, j t'KDAlMVAUi: j and other Woo .ten-Ware of all kinds and very I cheap, llay-Foil; Pulleys, i Picks, Mill Picks, Livel.i, Lev,-! (iiasse.i, Files Hinges, Comb, Coal Oil, Suca'. llcms, Saddlery and Slav Findings, Buggy Trimming, Excelsior Class Cutters. Pucka Knives, Scissors, Shears, MtoJ, dtp. and !iv,Ior, and a 1rre.1t variety of other nilicles. Any Ihlng wani.-.l an I not mi band, will be old. red at once! - S.ii.hiny, Aug. Ill, ls;i. ii! llaittt'tl l:r 1 T Ui MM I hi r. t. ity;oit w. vs.. llilinl'nt t.f I iu an 1 humor, witlt in, i.h-iits an 1 iithviit.ircs In tb principal ciiit- of Hi- woiln. It d.-crib.-s his nick and feat., n--i Magician and ft.l 1 Hi ..j ui. 1. S,.id bv 1.11b... 1 ipiion. term lo - "-.I jc.a ,. A4 ll. DITl'li.l.D A.-IIME i, Vil :'.iiisoin strctt, ipl.i.i, Jnlv t. ls;i.-u. Kurt- I urn l"r T MIIE Snb.e.ib. r, r..,,,i .. inter. Set. ! I'. inl 11. A Lll-I.l loHiolii'i. N.ii'.l, lliit.cil i'nt I .limit. I a , lias u Mile cure lor icl. 1, hi b he oilers 10 llio-ii allln l-.J a ul! 11,1. ,,.,,. i in:' ill c.t.-.i -. Hit t a, iioiJil,-1 tt ii li it lor 1 ';l t ,'.u ., rtn.t n.-ihiiig would enif ll uniil be c 'il ,111,1 ii, . 1,: 1, 4.1. li 11 is la 1 11 1 1 i , In a 11 1111. In r of e i.ct, 1,1 to. know -Ic.lgt , (oiim tii(c i-I J a car . -I n-.lii.g ) u il h 1 1.1 no .unci... I 1 mi in , ! i uf (I 00, I,,- i d it bo ol tbo im li, Inc, 111,1 ,lli 1 11, iu lo a.e ll, or li butt f..l In- i, pu-la-,1-. WILLIAM I! Mil li, U'ii-u p. s,ii, , i Pa, A'Ui. l 11, I 1I-T111. Mcrchantjrnllorlns:. J. ii, Hon l'l X N, III l ll J P...I Hill.-o ll.lil h.i., .. -.-.. lo Hal !'tp. I, I up .1 ill . ) hi'Mn iiv, r:.'.v, It.f 11 in lo. i 1. 11. I int. I Hi, 1- f.i.i,:,. j II1.1I I... In lu. tiiati. t a I , r .-o an I lai.. I at I i.liuolil 01 lullta. 4 aitut'r', tt lltta, ar., aid lai mall. u,i I 1 .a,l, r In I in l.i..t il l in, a 1,4 a .11 141. 1. .j 1 1 in. ti, uiu ..1. 11 in aal.t ui !- 1I.I..M..I1 u tail 1.1-4 lu tall 4 .-1 1. .- .1... I... al.a i, . .. t.l 111. a, ) ... 4 j 1 4. 1 4111 tal au ivaiv. u.. 4. -ttw. Itl S No i.l an VI v Lo . '. il- ..u .1 . 1 1 , , 1 .; 1 1.. ), ua a .. l...t a.,1. ......... , s4 .-u u.l- a p. tb-1 kim,, ... .1 ti t. ii. b .1 t-. .4 I .1 a .I.. I . 1 i,!i. ., I I , II.. ,4 (. .i- 41 4 I u- 1 1 aii u u.a.1. ! a 1. - i v ..i.!lV ' u .I'll tl a a i.iaia.ii all a Hd7 an, at tw w 4. a,. la... i...,. , w t ll(4 l t. ... ta V. 1 Ifc.u,, k, '.'.I'll It JtM ItSba M I . a t. 4 l. at tav ItM It. W ltl tu, I a. I 1I i.u. t,autli ISt.a t( M I fttll Vu I II ui I ..I, Ma X I