1 THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS PUBLISHED EVERY 8ATTTKDAT BY EM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor, HlHtR'l BCTLntKOS, MARRCT SQUARE, At (1.50 I Advance. I ot paid within 6 Months . EiibterijXiont Imlxk far Ut than tit jUWas. CoVifflCTsn with this tstnbllshmcnt la an eiten- ItcNKW JOB OFFICE, containing Tnrletjr of filitin and fancy type equal to any establishment n the Intarlor of the State, for which the patron age of the public la rcxpectfully solicited. professional. WIN. J. WOLVERTOM. Attorney i Law, office, door No. 8, 2nd floor, Ilnnpt Block, near' Miller's Shoe Store, Buubury, Pa. March 2Mb, 1871. ly. c n. HOTF.K. Attorney at Law. Nob, IO " and 8, Second Floor Brlght's Building, SunhuiT. Pa. Professional business attended to,ln thoconrts of Northumberland and adjoining counties, claims vrompuy collected, consuiia tion can be had In the Gorman language. March 25th, ly. TEKEnitll NXYDER, Attorney at tf Law, Bunbury, Pa. All professional bnal ness Intrusted to his care will receive prompt at- tentlon In this and adjoining counties. Can be Consulted both in English and Uermnn. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland couuty. Amr.30,lS70.-ly. J NO. A. WII.NON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 144 FOCHTU AVENUB, Notary Public. Pittsburg, Pa, Jan. 15, 1870. ly. T M VRKI.K V- CO, Market Street, J . BUN BURY. PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Olass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. ri 1 ll'fkl.VF.KTOW. Attnrnev at Law lOs Market Square, BUNBl'RY.PA. Profession al business in lias auu aujoiuiug counties prompt .y attended to. DK. A. It. NAVIOGE, respectfully an nounces himself ns Physician and Burgeon to the cltlwnsof Bunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permauently on Market street, near ly opposite the Fnlrmouut Hotel, where he can be consulted at ull hours when not professionally cngagsd. apu-t-ly f1 W. Z1EULEK, Attorney at Law, north VJTs side of Public Square, ono door cast of the old Bank building, BUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. scpt!5-00 CA. RF.IMKtYIEK, Attorney at Law, BUNBURY, PA All business en trusted to Uls cure intended to promptly and with diligence. pl37-67 J NO. KAY IXE.WENT, Attorney at Law, BUNBURY, PA. Collections and nil pro fessional business promptly attended to. mchSl-00 C. J. nni'NKH. h. II. KA8K. Bit I Kit A- KAKK, Attorneys nnd Coun sellors at Law, BUNBURY, PA. Ofllco on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. nnd P. fc E. Iiuilroad Depot, In the building lately occupied by F. Lamms, Esq. Collections and all profess ional business promptly attended to In Northum berhind and adjoining counties. upUO-UU Hit. WASSER, Attorney nt Law, 6UN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In tbc counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. nplUMi'.l WM. M. KnCKEFELl.RH. l.l.OVO T. HollltHACII. KOt'KEFEI.I.EIl V ItOIIItlt At II, Attorneys nt Law, BUNBURY, PA. Of fice in llaupt's new buildlug, sccoud tloor. K.n .trnncc on Market Square. Jnn4-0iS AN. 11 It ICE, Attorney at Law, Bunbury, Pu. OtUeo in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of legal business attended to carefully nnd with dispatch. II April 8, 1871. ly. int. j. r. t-vsi.ow, OIHse and Residence, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth struct, BUNBURY, PENN'A. All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or oh rated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross Kycs,) Cataract, (Blindness,) nnd all other (II hcascs relating to Surgery, as Tulipcs, (Club or Heel Feet,) Ilnlr-LIp, Kxelslon of Tumors, Ac. Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Bunbury, May i:i, 1871. business S3 f5 ANTIIIiAClTH COAL ! VAEEVriXE ItlETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, tTPF.lt WHARF, BUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and tiller! promptly. fehlH-71. W. 8. HHOAnS. J. l'ACKKK HAAS. WN. IilIO.ll) A CO., iir.TAii. niALKits or ANTHRACITE COAL, 6UNBURY, PENN'A. Office with Haas, Faobi.t A Co., Orders left at Scnsholtx A BroV.olllco Market Btrcet, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COACII.W AKERM. WE are selling Rims, Roekcs, Hubs. Springs, Cnuvass, Bolts, Cllp, Allcs. Ac., very lirgo Btock at CONultYACO. Bunbury, March 80, 18611. C10AM COAE! 'OAi.l (iTtAN'T BROsT, Bhlpiers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, BUNBURY, PA. (LOWKH WHAIir.) lif Sole Ageuta, westward', ut the celebrated lleury Cluy Coal. JaiilU-MI E X V 1 1 A X . iTlTl VKKV . J. M. jIAUTIIOLOMEW, l'ltoimKTon. FOTRTH STREET, A HOVE MARKET, Nuubury I'm. rpilE best of riding aud driving (torsos always L. uii hand lu turvu ciuloiiiera. Orders luft at the Central Hotel, fcr Vehicles, w ill receive prompt uttuutlou. Nov. ft, 1S70. I E X T I jT It V I (iLOIMJK M. ItKNN, Jt tiiiHjiMii'g JiutlMntj, .V'lrXti frjuurt, Bikainv, Pa., Ip. Ire. to do all kinds of wotk pertaining lu lknll.tr y. Ha kw ctin.luiitly uii hand a Ian; a4ortiurnt of 'loclli, and other Ik-ul.tl liuleiial, fiuiu which hs III no abhi til select, and Intel tlia wauls of hi cusloiixr. All uik aairsutctl lu jhw,nu, ii(,o,or 1m llit) iiiom-y rvtundtd. Tlis tr) but MouiU W.k and To.it h Poael. ke4 uu baud. III. rid rtiie.s ars lbs uuiuorous mtrous fur Wlium lis lu. woik'd tt (U Ll I civs twais. uutiury, Aril VI, 1. ton. viito. rpilK uudrl(uc4 batlug cuiiiiIi. lbs Coul 1 buslutsM uu huitUu.oa rl.ul U Aiill AIS i4dv, U pniktiw-t t suiqiljr fuutilu umu )hv ui vrur ton, t iit.it loit . 11, Wos ui Nut, ..u.UuU uu baud, tiivlu Utm UsAibaUiis lu I wl, i M. tHw 4l.L4liH. Maubuiy, Ju. Is, IsiU.-tl. HAKHIVI liAkfcUVIt llAKtUVII! iHiNtuii m mm, II 4 uu4 ti.t ibN tUk uM Tiwut m U,iio4 ikl-ut at aill.4u.U.i U-4. u4 I i i. i 4 IbiuUlt IU iUuu.bu HitiuU..iJ 4 S4i,Lyi salt U kn4 ul b".-4 a4 i k, I, a ss ItUww H but 4II, Sills, UUlikll. bt.UAIi btKhlli,. lbs MIUKlll, .! Mi ni 4 r t 4ska, . Uhu., U -l SI. 4 !.. "4 4 I U ta.4wwvs 1- sv.il.. .,ik., Wia,., .i.s, A , I .i.,i,L I (( (K,t StuSkt, ' U s r''-l t-.kx. l hlks w,k.4 t U (,.-!,. . S.n,, k toW.I ),( J., i -I- i . a.., t fc twxt M l'4. 4 i.-h ll,..,',. ! SUIBUM iastatllshel In lHJO. PRICE 91 SO IN ADVANCE. ) jotcls nub fcst;ttmtnts. LA riKRKK HOCSE, Broad and Chest nnt Bts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, 8.50. April 15, 1871. ly -f TNION HOTEL, TllOS. FOVLD8, Br., V Proprietor, Bhamnkln Btnct, Irevorton, Northumberland county, Pn. The table Is sup piled with the best the market nifnrds. (lood stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 21, '71 r. DTEHLT. K. O. HOWF.lt, "UNION 1IOINE," LTKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, TENN'A., BYF.RLY & BOWER, Proprietor. The table Is supplied with the best the market nuords. (lood stabling nnd attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. NATIONAL EAt.ER REEK SALOON, . ON Tllllin STBRKT, NEAR THE DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. TOSEPIl BACHERInformsthe cltlsens of Snn tl bury nnd the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nbovo place. The best of Lager Beer, and Mall Liquors win tie Kept. Also Oysters, sc., constantly scrV' cd up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Nortb'd County, Pa., nt the 8tation of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines nnd cigars nt the bar. The tablets supplied with the bent tho market affords, (lood stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY IIOCNE, Cm,. CHAS. KLECKNER, Paoprletor, Nos. 813 and HU Market Street, nbovo eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, I J pur day. Ho respectfully solicits your patronage. WASHINGTON HOt KE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunbiiry, Pa. May2S,'70. HOTEL RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. 11 ALL, Proprietor, Bunbury St., west SHAMOK1N, PENN'A. Meals served at nil hours, nt short notice. The best of Liquors nt the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Putriiuuge solicited. nl'M 31 Ii L'S RENTAI'RA X T, LOUI811U M M E L. Pronrietor. Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having lust rclltted the above Saloon for tho accomodation or tho public, Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best lerrcshmcnts, nnd fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, nnd ull other malt quors. J. V A LEU'S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL -Voi. 720, 723, 724 & 727 Him St., PHILADELPHIA. W INT Kit OA It DEN HOTEL, (ON THE El-UOl-EAN VhMt) Ccntrnlly located, connecting with all tho City Passenger Railway Cars, from nil the lA'pots In the City. Excellent Accommodation Tor Trn- YcllcrN. Grand Vocal and Inslniinental Concerts every evening in the Summer nnd Winter Garden. $y Orchestrion Concert Eviry Afternoon. FINE Inir.8' ItKSTAl'ltANT THE BEST 0 KKFItKNIIMENTS HFItVKI). Olllcc of J. Valur's Fountain Park Brewery. June 4. 1S7Q.-Iy. L I Q II O R NTORLI Second Street, opiiofclto the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., ResK'etfnlly Invites the attention of Retailers nnd others, that be has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of HlKKKiN AM) DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consistinir of Pure Brandies: Coiriiiui' Clien v Glut.'ei', Roehelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye l'ipwr-lstllled, Monu. gahela, Apple and .Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: ChamnaL'nu Wlau. Sherrv. Port nn,t Claret. ' " ' Crab Cider. Chatmui'mc Clib-r. V. F limn Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. BTOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Llaunrs wbleh can tm r..ini.i In the city markets, wlijeli w ill bo sold nt Wholc- niiiu ami itciaii. tvery nrileio guaranteed as represented. Also, a lurgc lot of DEMIJOHNS uud BOTTAES, always on hand. I4t Orders proinpllj attended lo, and public patrouage respectfully solicited ti arrr, Bunbury, July 3, lHliU. ly. JAClIll bllll-MAN. THOMPSON DKUU. lire, lift ud Accident INSURANCE AGENCY or Niurn IN A 1IERR. MAUKET STKEET, SUXUUltV, 1'A. COMPANIES REl'RESENTE r. IJ.Tsa.ivxo A'jll.MM 1,8US,0UI 8(,ft70 1,1, Mil HNJ,lK0 7.V),ll(K) 8,00l,(xrj 5,.Vl, Olio a.sj.'ijai 4,.Mti,;niH S.Ml.'JIO 1,1127,010 l,ll."il,007 V2U,I00 l,N5,ajt UM.I00 T,JO,ooo N. Ainerlcun, Philadelphia, AmcU, EnlerprlH', Mauhallaii, New York, N. Amcrlcau " Lorillard, " YonkcrsdsN. York " Hanover, " uiH-rlul. London, l.yeoiiilug, Mimcy, Fruukliu' Pblladelphlu, Home, New York, lluilt'ord, ll.ittlurd, PhouiU. " Truvnlurs, " Faruiurs Int. Co., York, N. HlltUh , Miircaiilllu Nomiueree, Now York. CorUh, Norwich, . s.u(Uud Mutual Life, G h rixn HEW, TUACKAHA, lllJCK & CO., ai t i KsMiita to MISKEV, MEUU1U. &, TII.VCKAU.V, 1UM IU( Tl UKIU Of UAH riXTrilES, IIUDNZKM, Ac., Ju, bn4lir. Iw4mhIsj, Urttl, auu Id itK(4fully luvlu tbs sileuiloa ul u. lb4MIS lU WUI bgb SMulllUtUl. WHOI.Utl K AKU KIT ill. iLs.eUi.oU4, ?l ks-alMul stirvrt. UASl HUUKir, t"4, tt tun U o Kit H aUskl. Am 'in, in. rOH BALM. riiMii Vil.l'illlK luia um lbs t4Ut ul 1 SUU.4 .u4 lwHUt Sill, Ut liw tt.1. JwaW ui axukuit, uu Uuk lUi sis it4 s ' iiklliu4 It", ,ULU) ui tMlb14iu4h IU bwMtMta, Uw wi IUk IKImi, 4w, 4. V" Mii i4, l lbs U..iota a4 uuiHu.: Ibjul. II., t.mi J rb. ii, uu, h. 44.ua,.L 4 t.4U ...o.ii i4 i,4', Hmuuhu.i 4 i4. .1 si 4 umul, t. .4 I !Miwil..4lJ4,,4., , m,ai. u 1 4 I S-.4 o.. Uh i (K w si , 4 , U-t U..J, !,., ' SUNBURY, PA., BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL J-JR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lins discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Noso or Skin, Aircctionsof Liver, Lungs, 8tomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those hecret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes oi nniicipatious, reuuering marriage, cce., impos sible. KOUNO MEN especially, who hnvo become the victims of Soli, tary Vice, thnt dreadful and destructive lmbll wnien annually sweeps 10 nn untimely gravo thousands of young men of tho most exalted talents nnd brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of elixiience or waked to ccstacy the living lyre, may can wun inn conudencc. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Yming Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss oi rrocrcuiive rower impoiencvj, .Nervous fcx. citabllity. Palpitation, Organic Weakness. Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speeuuy rcucveu. He who places himself under the care ofT)r. J. may religiously coutlde lu his honor nB a gentle man, uud confidently rely uoon his skill nsal'hv slciau. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured nnd full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Alfeetion which renders Life miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty pain iiy iiiu vin mis oi improper indulgences. Young pcrsonsnro too apt to commit excesses from not being nwnro of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power oi procreation is lost sooner oy those lulling Into Improper habits than by tho prudent 1 Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, tho Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Proercatlvo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, u Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep tbeiu trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royul College of Burgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most eminent Colleges in the United States, and tho greater part of whose ifo has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures thut were ever known j many troubled with ring ing lu the head nnd cars when asleep, great nervousness, being ulnrmed nt sudden soands, baslifulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of uilud, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. uddresscs ull those who have Iniured themselves by Improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or mar rlago. I iikse aro some of tho end nnd melancholy cHucts produced by early habits of youth, via : miiKiicss ni me uiick anil j.uniis, fains m the Back and Head, Dimness of Siuht. Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpltationof the llenit, Dvspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive r unci ions, (ieiicnil Uclulity, Symptoms of Cun- BlllUltlUlll, 1YC. Mkktai.i.v The fearful effects on tho mind are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., urc some of tho evils produced. Tnot'8AKi8 of persons of nil ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular uppcarauco about the eyes, cough and symptom of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the. ellcets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, mid if not cured, renders marriage luiH)S Bible, ami destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopcof his country, the darling of bis parents, should be snatched from all prospects uud enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in u certain secret habit. Buck persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body nro the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,) thu proscct hourly darkens to tho view ; thu mind tceouics shadowed with despair aud tilled w ith the melan choly reflection, that the hupplnesa of another uvcoiues utiLmcn Willi iiuroaii. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the luUgiiided nud imprudent votary of pleasure lluds Unit hu has Imbibed I lie seeds of Ibis painful disease, it too often hupiK'iis that uu Ill-limed eno of shame, or dread of diac.ivcry, deters biin from applying lo those who, from education aud rcsiceiabilily, can alone befriend bmi, deluding till the cou-iitutiuuul symptoms ol Ibis horrid di.eaM) make llu-lr appcarauco, such us ulcerated .ore throat, il Leased uoac, uoclui'ul pubis lu I lie head uud limbs, dimuca of sight, dcufuess, nodes on the shlu holies and anus, blotches on Die head, lace and extremities, pro Kretslus; wtin frightful rapidity, UU at la.t the isihite of the mouth or I lie bom of the nose full lu. aud Ihe victim of this a (ul dicue becomes a horrid obj-nl of comiiiUerullou, till deal It puts a wrlod In bis dreadful suffering, by .eii'luiu him lo " I hat I'udUeovcrcdCouuli fiuiu abcueu uo traveller returns." It Is a Uteluiieholy fuel Hint llioll.a'id DIE V Hi I in. lo I l.U Uu ill. lo dl.euM, Ibiuult fulling lulo Iks bund, of Iguuruul or iiu.killlul I'lls.. TKMiKHS, aho, by lbs u. u( I but deadly Pot sou, Mercury, Ac, dc.lruy I lie coii.liiullou, uud Incapable of imliij;, keep lltu UUbupliV utlcmr moo i a alter month luklutf ibeii iiuUous or In jurious eouiliouuds, lu.Uud of IM-Uiaj rt.lorcd lu a rcucsj.il ul Lllo Igur aud lluppiuuu, lu dus. Iuir buvu biut aim tuluud Health tu HiU uvvr a. Ksllli'H diMpiHjjuliuuul. Tu such, thtuluiu, III. Jous.Ttis idedtjcs bhu. S" lf lo pri-wris lbs utul lutioUbls ac ucv, aud liom his sklvu.its piuelie ttud oburvaliuus lu Ilia uml lluiiiuU ul i.uroiw, ud lbs tii.t lu this wmuli), fisi fciilitu., f i4Um, I'biladulpbU sad alsaaitt'ia, Is wtuWcd tu ulbr lbs luusl uc lalu, .(.clji ttud tliutuiti rciuuly in Ua ttutld fl'l Ull dl.4HS ut Iml'ludclll. lilt. JdllSHltiV, HiiUK, Sit. t, s. i Ur I'i HU si HTUiKT. I4i,m.iaa, U. II. 111 kauit .Us lioibg flout K4llut4'iwl, Um 4'M.I, llulu lUu tU4Uk. laUaut Ui ub4lIMUtS aud buuilr. Hvi Ultris li4 ul itlp14 au4 tuhuiulu4 a .lau.u u bs umoI uu lUu itijf. Pt. s'u. aiitiu4 .kuuid UU aud tu4 a tittuu ul s4ttitiittii.tit 4-M'il'ii'4 )if:'l"Ut.. Ik.l ! Ml U.4UJ i'aillf, IV.IItluS' b4 WutllilbM lutpU'Uis s4.li.lK tUo.MJtt l'bUua, tiiSlua SJUU SU4 lululug lbs I. sllll l sl auu UblutlsiMUi) Ull lulu IIkm sh, IImI lt. Ji.liaUuu sunn 14 Uk44oit lu m) t. lowllj tU lb UU4'IU4lMtv4 .Ull Ul tlul4 (luU 1 1.-1 bU I IvklLit U Di'luU4 UIS.I, 1H Ul lis ulk.. IMt'ttJatlsMtri'V I iK l'Mis. 1ksU4b lUuuo.lii. tfcll.4 t Ibis i. I. til. I. iMtkl, )m alt-4 u4 lbs h' 'M S".l. .1 j I a".i. .i i..u..4 if l. . ..1-1.1.4 ul U vb..'t, saw... 4 I. J tbt u, saw... 4 l tb i.fi b 4.1.S "I bl. b ..' 1 ! 4 au4i 14 4 4 U b.l I U . t u ... t... l . d 4 i. a t .-it 4-.44 Il "4U i tb44vi.f ,v.l,i u 4t t .. t fci 1..,-.. t,, It -0.. I. 1 ., 4 KltMiJ i, 1,t 3M ijtnve ii ivoit'CNDtwc.j SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1871. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIRI. TION OF THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY AG RICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO BE HELD IN NlTNRl'RV, On Trr.snAT, WunxiisnAT and TnunsnAy, tbmobk 20th, 27th nnd 28th, 1871. OFFICERS i JOSEPH BIRD, PHEPiUBif T Joni,McFAHr.Asr, Vie Prfnident ; O. W. Armstrong, Secretary J. H. McConnick, Treasurer Lemuel Shlpmnn, Corrcsjionding Secretary John H. Vincent, As sistant Secretary Goorgo B. Caldwalladcr, As sistant Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i Edward Grady, J. M. Follmer, Wm. Waldron, J. M. Bartholomew, Dr. Joseph Eystor, Solomon Martf, George Gaul, Samuel John, Thomas Johns ton, Peter Burrel, Joseph Nicely, Lewis Sticker. Gcn'l D. C. WATSON, VHicf JUnrshal i Cnpt. A. ("aldweir, Ellas Wclst, Captain 8. Bryson, J. E. Mucuch, Peter Obcrdorf, Joseph Hauglia wout, A. N. Brlco, Philip Forrester, nnd J, K. Da vis, 4ifm Marthalt. The Books of Entries will be o)n on nnd after the First day of September, at the OITlce-of tho Assistant Secretary, at Northumberland, nnd con tinue open until the morning previous to the Fair, when tho Ofllccrs will be on the ground. Exhibitors can enter goods without extra charge upon the purchase of tickets to amount of one dollar, which wm admit the exhibitor and tho stock, or articles to bo exhibited during the continuance of the Fair, nnd nil persons purchas ing n family ticket, will hnvo tho privilege, to en ter an goons trco oi ennrgo. liiese regulations npply to all entries except where test of speo.i Is required, in which ten per cent of tho whole premium win ve enurgen. All persons who Intend to exhibit horses, cat tic, sheep or swine, shall huvcthem entered upon the Secretary's books ns fur as possible, tho week before the Fair. Exhibitors will receive a check for each article entered, designating tho class and number of the entry, which must be attached to the article. Articles or animals removed from the grounds ueiore mo close oi the cxiiiuiiton, (.except by per mission of the President,) caunot receive a pre mium, though awarded. A general invitation lshcreby extended to tho Farmers and Mechanics of Northumberland nnd the surrounding counties, to attend this Exhibi tion, nnd bring with them such articles of their own growth or manufacture, as will interest the public, nnd lllubtrate tho improvements that arc golngon In those tiranchcs of American lndustrv, To Agricultural Bocietics, wo beg leave to say, thnt nny ofllccrs or delegates whom they may commission to visit us will meet with n cordial reception. All agricultural friends honoring us with their presence, ns representatives of other similar societies, or In olliclal capacity, will ho considered as guests of the Boclety, aud freo to our grounds. Judges aro requested to report themselves at the President's olllcc, on tho grounds, first day or uctoro ten o'clock, p. m., second day of Fair, when they will he furnished with books of entry. which they are desired to till up with the awards nnd return to the Secretary during the second day of Fair. Those who cannot attend will please notify the li-esKicm.. ho invue, tncreiorc, all, Doth at homo nnd abroad, to attend nnd Participate In It. cither as exhibitors or spectators, feeling sure that none wlU'be disappointed. No premium will be awarded on nny nrtlele or nnnnni in mo uusenco oi compotitlou, unless tho Judges deem it meritorious. Cake, melon, confectionery or other stands, or wagons, nnd shows or exhibitions, may be ad mitted, to tue fair uromids ny application to tho President, nnd paying a reasonable compensation for the same. None of the above will bo allowed ontshlc the enclosure uear the crounds. No species of liquor shall be sold or drank on the grounds, nor shall gambling bo allowed on tuo grounds during the davs of the Fair. A strong nnd cilicient police forco will boon me grounds day and night, during tho Fair. T he Society will preserve ull articles while on exhibition, but they will not be responsible for liny losses or accidents mat mav occur. Good stalls, bedding, aud abundance of good feed for animals on exhibition, will bo furnished by the Society at fair prices. All premiums not called for bvthe first of Jan uary next, will be forfuited to the Society, J-? Excursion Tickets on all railroads to and lrom sunbiiry. r.ximntors.upon receiving thelrclieeks from tho Secretary, will report to tho Committee of Um Department to winch the entry belomrs. bv whom mo places lor exuiniuon will lie assigned. I no image ut ortiiumiierluud will pass nil to nc rair ai nan price, ana goods or stock lo nass free, by order of the Directors. AUIIllMMIOU. SINGLE TICKETS, 23 vtH. " Muglc tickets during the Fair 30 " ' Family Tickets, Including all under 21 years, good during " tho Fuir, $1 00 A (.rand Parade of tho Order of Red Men. rV!0 or more, will take phico on Tuesday, the First any oi inc rair, ou tho Fair Ground. Jtttolptd, That ull members of tho Press be admitted free. No winulng horses can euter for a second nro- iiilum. UST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED. CLASS I. For tho best f bushel of Whits Wheat, $5 00 " Red Wheat. R HO Second best i bushel While Wheat, ii,., i u i...,i .u i uvnt. Best 'i bushel Rye. neconu nesi Best bushel Corn In Ears, Second best " Rest , bushel Outs, Second best " Best )i bushel Clovcrseed Best " Timothy Bccd UchI !, liusbcl Buckwheat y (Kj Ji Im,i:. Bolomou Mallck, John Klupp, John Cudwallader, Amos Va.tino, Uaac Campbell, Henry Morgan, J. G. Smith. Wm. P. Hull, John Tweed, Joseph Nieuly, P, D. Shaffer. CLASS II DWHHAU Catti . Bctt UulL 3 years obi, uud upwards, 110 00 4d best if (H) Best Bull under 3 years old and upwards S no yd best 4 oo Best Calf, a 00 llc.t Cow over 4 years, a oo Sd bl 4 oi) lle.l Cow or Heifer uuder 4 year 5 UU yd iii " a uo best llrtfer Calf, you So premiums allowed ou this li.t excct for tbuiuub-breds. t'edlgrutM to be left lltt (be Kucrviary. Ji UIK4. Wut. llelueu, Jubu Moore, Thoiuui MeWilllum., Wm. Lrliibuw, Johu IL.u.h, i. i. Mouliioiiu-ry, D. E. Kcbru, Jubu Caiupbell, Juu. Klae, Wj. L. bhutfer. CtABS 111. lilVOM AMI AI OSSST CATrl.R. Sams Premiums aud KctfuUliuu., ka u Cluss 'J. Ji Ih.ks. lutau Viuecul l.uUh Jukusou, luld well llui kuiuii, lieu, t oiifud, II. ( aii4, iiuuk Hoy, Jubu Cuupvr, JuioO kit hulls aud Datld aails. ILAki IV. bSAlll tkU ttlMUUU ItttUI. Il4 KisJs lu .tvli)4IS d l Lul J) bst si4a vu uudcr 4 Jusis i 44 UA y U-.1 i4s Uulit talf Bc4 vuuiutuu su b.t ci, 4 Uwt tk4t cuutuluu IUW Ubiif I IkSIS 4 sd U4t y L'.UllUUU k.lb( I 4lf I " i.b ui bul lalU UUubtflutf' Ut txts m.i.ou I 'J Ji iib4. tl.iahaui bpiu4u ll.ui t N. u i S4lu. 4 btu.l.,u., ,aau k-114, IbtuUI iitnl, I 4, li-u.t l . i. st4, I ....uu4 i.ut, K. A. ItoB)) btl Dibl.ibi.luit, ku4 A4ut VsbJlii g. i I-is V. hi a yiti.,i,g4 si.nbu i4a t W4.4 4l4 s.4.4itw, "I ,u) .4i..i l4m4 is. SL. v 4 M.tb.t, K. .1 4m. I )I4 b4 ui VI, I 4 b. .1 ii4t fcw, k4 U U4 I A MR MP, A 1 -L-Ji- -L.yn n y jljx. Best Boar nnd 8ow under 0 months 5 2d best " 3 60 Best litter of Pigs from 0 to 10 weeks old ' 5 2d best " 2 50 Best fnt Hogs, 3 or more 5 2d Best " 8 50 Jxulijet Joel Blltcrmnn, John B. Lclnbach, lonn A. cummers, nr. jos. Unas, unns. Knse. J Hunslcker, Geo. T. Belbcrt, P. 8. Blckle, P. M. biunaei, u. A Kcunciisiiydcr. CLASS VI. lMfOnTFD AND TnoKOromillKO liryFBKfl- Bcst blooded Stallion, 4 years and upwards (20 2d best " io Best blooded Stallion under 4 years 20 2d best lo Best blooded Stallion Colt under 2 yenra 10 2d Best A Judy. Amos E. Kapp, Dr. J. P. MeClcery, John Nicely, J. M. Bartholomew, J. Basset, D. It. Drlcsbach, Furnsworth Reed, H. & Bobbins. CLA83 VII. HOItSCS FOR AU. WORK. Best Stallion, 4 years and upwards, 2d best 20 10 Best Mare or Horse, 4 years and upwards, 10 5 10 11 IJCSV Best Stallion under 4 years, Best Marc, and Colt at side 10 Jwlife. Ur.Thos. Hull, Wm. B. Kemcrcr, W. W. Horning. Valentino Diets, Win. Fnrsoman, Benjamin llarto, Hiram Young, David 8ellcr. Aiguu uuri, c ruiiiv Leieiiring. CI.AS3 VIII. ItORSRS POlt HEAVY tllLAFT. Best team or pair fio 2d best 5 Best slnglo horso or mare 5 2d best 8 fio Best Colt 3 yenrs old 5 Jutlije. John Sheep, Ellas Emorlch, Dr. II. M. Raker, Ira Fon'cr, John HolEt, Peter F. Bal llot, Dunlul Kulz. CI.AS8 IX. MATCIIRD AND RISOI.E HOUSE"!. Best matched team In color f 10 " irrespective of color 5 " 8 year old Colts 5 Best single driving horse or mare 5 " Horse or Maro for saddlo 5 Best Colt upon the ground, (sweepstake) 4 2d best " a Best 2 year old 5 2d best " g 50 Best 1 year old 3 2d best " 1 50 Jmlije. Wm. Cooncr, Gilbert Vorls, M. L. Snvldgo, Geo. W. Kiefcr, Cyrus Brown, James H. Cuthcnrt, V. 8. Truckeiniller uud Emandtis Miller. CLASS X. HACKS AMD MULEri. Best pair of Mules, $3 " single Mule, a 50 " Mule Colt, 2 50 " Jack, ' 5 Jiuhjet. John Porter, Esq., (Milton,) II. D. Mourcr, Samuel Btirkcnblne, John Biugamnn, lliiam Young and John 8. Snyder. CLASS XI. SIT.Kn OP HOUSES. Division 1 Second Day, 2 o'clock, P. M. For horse entered In the 4 minute, and 3,'j minute trotting race, and tho 14 mllo running race, best il 5, ilvo horses to enter for tho trot ting, and must trot lnsldo of four minutes, nud those horses entering for S minuto trot, must trot Inside of 3 minutes and 30 seconds, or no premiums will be awarded. All horses to bo owned in Northumberland county three months previous to the Fair. All trotting to harness. Premium for tho 4 minute trotting, 100. , First horse, best 3 in 1 $50 Second " ' " ;;o Third " " o0 Jwtnr.V. F. John, Abraham Wagner, W. II. Watson, R. Montgomery, J. W. MeCor mlck. Isaac J. Sober, William M. Weaver, E. Chidestcr and John G. Marklo. Division 3 Second Day. 3 o'clock, P. M. Premium, $75. First horse, best 3 in 5 f 40 Second " 20 Third 15 JmUjt. P. L. naekcnbnrg, Geo. B. Caldwal ladcr, John R. Cooncr, V. M. Smith, Thomas aesmi, nt. a. u. I lark nnd Gi come Hurr. Division 2 Second Day, 10 o'clock, A. M. r.un-Prc- nmg a 111 o ; same rules us In Division 1, miiiin, f.'.i. Division 3 Third Day. 3 minute j snme rules as In Division 1, best 35 to harness. Three horses to enter. Premium, f 100. First Horso Second " Third " 50 30 20 1 open to nil Running 1 mile heats, best 2- norscs, a to enter. Premium, 1 irst Horso, to JtulMt. C. NefT. John Stltzcl. R. f. Mn..v J. E. Bartholomew, Wm. 11. Doiity. John Heekcl, . oiuier, jonn u. nopcwell and J. E. Kathbun. Division 3 Third Day, 3 o'clock, P. M. Open to nil horses. Three to enter. Mllo beats, best 3 lu 5. Premium, 125. First Horea Second " t:-. Third " 15 y...rt. James Vandyke, Augustus Wald, II. C. Sticker, W. C. Kapp, J. M. Folliner. Wm. Mc Nineh, Robert Montgomery. Albert Weaver and J. McFurlnud, (Northumlwrlaud). CLASS XII. I'OI'LTHt. Best two Turkeys, or more 3 1 50 !l 1 50 3 1 8 1 8 1 1 . .. Best '-id Best Geese, " Ducks ' ! tt Chickens " 11 11 Game Fowls, or mora 1 Best 2d Best yd Beat lot of fowls of our Wind, not less than A, 4 Jit,jc hinauucl VYlUert, Wei.er Ba.sler, A. Vori, Win. II. Lamb, Joscidi R. ll.ill.el. Win. Grady, W. U. Bogle, M. J, D. Wilbluglou, Johu tit-si auu tt aiiuiu eci. CLASS XIII. V KoKTAUI.E. Bc. 1; bu.hel Potatoes ft , " twrt l olutocs y ' i " Turuiis U Hr.l Krik Toinuioci y ijiiious a 6 lb-ad. Cabbui;i II hi IWa Celery 2 ' u Rl lb els y " il tUerl I'uu.l klut U " 3 Fbld 1'uu.pMu y " Il MuUtfOt'4 y Ju.l.u,J. C. Ilorlon. It. J. K.-aler. J. V. Kiebbolis, l.aiiu Mails, Mlelntvl Fuilrt. It. II. U'liaudur, J, il. lUiniiq,' aud A. Ill.icr. t Lisa XIV, rai it. lb. I tl'liueu of Appls'S 14 ' uu4 uiii uuiittiuus vaiitly 4 SlMWIUItU ul 1414 8 ' i.iuiy j 1 i. It ijuluecs I fcj dl.pla Ul lil4(HS 8 4 .pvttiueu ul I'vatbrS 8 ful 4ub4 Imm4 ul uib, ul Itslf uf Ibssbuls bt.utluut.. b.V...-Jubu f. lk.tr, I. Hull, II. n. Utttti. i "-HJ4HIU Uultut.(, SI. B. I'lkM'l old Jstub tkd.builS. il.i4 IV. iusiiiuiatt luilsubkis. Bvl i'luUtil lal.. I u.i-i..r I11414 Dud II .1.4 kV.44 ! iu.i I .i.bu.4 U:l II4K..I.I 4b 1 U.t I J 1 I IV It 'i 44 tl I'I4U IkL.l.l I " . i.t j m tbibt.u, l-.X, k.t4U. klW'll, lu . -It II SH-.4., h.'ltt, t.tvi., ki,.-,. m4 w-.w.U tuHL.ti i New Ncrlcsi, Vol. a, No. 20. ! Old NcrlcH, Vol. 31, No. 4.1. PLOWING MATCH. Bccnnd Day, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. Best Plowing $10 2d best " 5 3d " " 2 50 Jwlrjrt. Joseph Gass, Oeorgo Seller, It. O. Kline, Samuel Hoover, Adam Lenker, James Smith, Adam Vandling and John Lcshcr. CLASS XVI. MANL-PACTCUCnS IX OF.NEIUI. IN THE COUNTT. Best Carriage, 1 or 2 horses fa " Buggv, open or lop r, " Sleigh 5 " Double Harness 5 " Blngln " 4 " Bldo Upper Leather 5 " 50 lbs. Flour r 2d best ' " 4 Best Boots 3 " . Shoes 1 50 " Calf Skin 4 " X doz. Brooms j " BprhiK Wagon 8 " Sewing Mnchine Diploma. 2d best Bewlng Macblue " Judytt.J. F. Lereh, Ira T. Clement, Wm. Hood, II. D. Burr R'.tter, (Tnrbutville), Joseph Carr, John Buyers and John Yomigmaii. CLASS XVII. UOME9TIO MANUPACTL'RnS. Best nome-mado Woolen Cloth 10 yds " Flannel, 3 yards " Linen, 5 yards " Woolen Carpet " Rug Carpet " Quilt or Bed Spread " Farmer's Wreath " Woolen Yam, 1 lb " Funcy Patch Work Qallt Knit Hose tt 11 1 it " Hand'-Made Shirt ti a 3 4 : 2 2 1 50 9 50 1 1 2 Jmbit, Wm. T. Forsvthe. II. Y. Frlllm?. W R. Crolzer, Wm. Suvidirc, F. Piper, John II. Goodman, B. Hal lint, Mrs. nenry Bllllngton, Mrs. Martin Gass, Mrs. Geo. Gaul, Mrs. G. W. Stroll, Mrs. A. Wald, Mrs. John Nicely. Mrs. W. H. Lamb, Mrs. E. Wilvert, Mrs. Adani Vandling and Mrs. Ellas Eincrich. CLASS XVIII, SECOND DIVISION. Best I.onf Btead Pound Cake Light Cake 51b Butter 51b Honey 51b hard Soap Apple Butter 1 quart Peach Butter Fruit Preserves Spice " Tomato Figs J 1 J 3 50 a - Claimed Fruit, glass Jars Grape Wine Currant " Blackberry Wluo Catsup Jelly Fruit t.;fi.-rMrs. Wm. M. Rockefeller. Mrs. A. Jor dan, Mrs. Wm. Ilcinen, Mrs. J. B. Davis, Mrs. vm. T. Korsythc. Mrs. Geo. B. Cudwallader. Mrs. P. M. Shlndcl, Mrs. John MeFarlaud, Mrs. Fubcr, Miss Be'lo Martz, Mrs. C. J. Bruner. Miss Clara Miller, Miss Mary Weaver, Miss Hannah t ricsiicy. CLASS IX. B0Y9 ASU OI111.S UHrAItTMBNT. Best Plain Needle Work Ornamental Needle Work Home-made Dress Chemise Yoko Worsted Collar Cuff Pair Knit Mittens Fancy Slippers Tidy Hearth Rug Lamp Mat Crotchet Work Totting Worsted Work Ornumcntal Shell Work Wax Flowers Bead Work Pitt Cushion Sola " Pair of Ottoman Cushlona 1 50 2 50 1 50 Harman J. Kline, Jmhiet. Mrs. J. Bird, Mrs Miss Haughawotit, Miss Anna Bobbins, Miss Kate Strlnc, Miss Jenny Klapp, Miss Emma Frl ling, Mrs. John U. Hopewell, Miss Mary Reader, Mrs. John Nicely, Mrs. Jos. Haas, M"iss Irene Miller, Miss Mary Masser, Mrs. A. N. Jlricc, Miss Lluulo Welser CLASS XX. PI SB ARTS. Best Photograph $ 2 " Oil Painting 3 2nd best do 1 " Landscape Painting 2 " Painting of uuy klud B 2nd best do 1 ucst mitruiu Dciupiuro u 1 Jwljic$.-J. H.Jenkins, If. Bllllngton, Mrs. Jos. I Priestly, Mrs. James Boyd, Mrs. J. H. Vincent, Mrs. Marlon MeNlnch, Mrs. Wm. B. Doiity, Miss Bingham, Mrs Peter Vorls, Miss Carrie Hor ton, Mrs. Dr. MeClcery, Mrs. W, T. Grant, Miss Amelia Douncl, Miss Bailie Fry. CLASS XXI. HISCKI.I.ANEOl'S. Best Medley of Engravings 8 3 " Lump Shade 1 " infant's Dress 1 " Fancy Trimmed Basket 1 " House Wife " 1 " Set Toilet Mats 1 " Fancy Picture Frame 1 " Arranged Roquet of Flowers 1 " " Vases of Dry Grass, Ao. 1 " Moss Work nud Cyphers 1 " Display of Feather Flower J " Shell Work J Jutlqc: Mrs. Johu B. Pucker, Mrs John Rus. set, Miss Bell Montgomery, Mrs. Wm. 1. Gree nough, Mrs. R. Montgomery, Mrs. (i.-o. J. Piper, Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. Dr. Awl, Mrs. Dr. Puidv, Miss Huuuuh Stltzcl, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Mrs. Sol. Muiti. CLASS XXII. Articles not mentioned, but worthy of Pre miums or spueial uotiee. Ju,lijtt. Col. Wagonaeller, J. C. Ilorlon, John M. Huff, A. Shlpmau, Win. Monigoniery, Ell Shaffer, (Jordan.) Wiu. L. D.iw.iri. John 'l.o.'- gart, I'hrUtluu Nell, Henry Reader, Juhu B. Hel ler, Wm. lbx.e aud Samuel II. huoole.. HAS! BA1.U 3 o'clock, P. M., ll day. 4 o'clock, P, day. I o'cliKk, P. M., Sd day. fhwt llusu Ball Club In the count)-. Second M., Cd n : Ml Third cent, t-uaiy I UU kST MATCH IS TUB COI'kTT. lie. I (two l i-iilei ) 11 II. Vlnconl, Dr. K. V. Clark, J . Follmer, II. J. llelueu, Win. 11. Bird, J. K. W.i. tier, Li-als Ifcasit, Wiu. Ktvi.lu, Win. Mcitlue, Nu ll Wcutk, I apt. t barbs J. liiuuui-r. MRU KNulNM. tuul ur iis SI ua ai Id a. u. A pfi-iiiluiu ut f 'sJ sill l aUI for lbi Ut Ml.aiu jus F.uiiuu, ptutided looi uioiti r u.im-4 am trlllli:(. Dr. It. B. M l'uv. Jubu ll.n.. i;..,h'u HluuK, kleiilua HllltiiiiM iidur, Y. p, IKiuul, Jomi It lb.il. iu-r, uud lUrlty, Will HI I Mt M A lt Ii OS lilt t.llUU lit I, AI I 1. M, lb. I 1 ' Ju.lj.t-i. II. M.CotniLs, V. A. Haik,1 .:, I.4lult a. itoMbif, A. l4.dstll, tut. raiiul and W ut. klUbtU. IihiT H tl K US tU! St.oU Ut, 41 I f - M U1-.I U sj isids I) ud Ut D ' Ju.tw.t- ii. W. ItuUil us, 1.. U Uotlou, J -I.u iut.u.ll. M fwaut, J..U4 Iw4uti4a, I. t. I. ULkltS. KtM'i tSllt4ti4t.it.'. Ai li4tt4tU4Ub. 4.1. slut si lnl.1 t( ll'im I'V Ml k U . 1 iHII ...,,,...1,.. r,;r.T a- i h r..-,i... ii.-., i;,r, I . II l--i. lt 4 1.1, 4 t ii.di. In. I rmJi, in. t i. twu..a 44 l'i is, h. j l"t..! I ADVEKTISING SCHEDULE 10 Linos, or iibont 100 Words, make a Square 1 Sq 1.00 2Sq .(HI 3.00 8.50 4.50 5.00 Sq' 4 Sq N'eol 5.00 8.00 II. IM y'fo 1 coi 8.IKI 15.00 11.iKiiH.no 13 OOUUH) 15.OJ'jy.50 17.00 ::5.00 lS.Od-d7.50 ::o.oo iKi.oo yfi.oo -lo.oe .io.tKir.ii.oo l.").i'0 7.').('0 oo.ou; tjco One week no a.oo Two week B 1.50 .W 4.00, Three " Four Five ' Six T'u Diiii Three " Six " Nine " Ono Year 2.00 ia.faf i2.75: ;:i.oo; if!.y.Fi ia.soi 15.0(1 ;.00: 50, 5.00 50 6.00 50 7.00 50 S.0J 50 11.00. 10.011 M.00 1X00 15. 00 rio.oo iM :J5.0 10.00 0.75 7.50 8.0(1: 50 10.01) 00,i2.00 00 1 j.00 ll.(Klll 10.00 13 13.00 12.001 .00 20.00 LADIES' RIDING MATCH. PuLMit'.M, lu. " Tiiiun mr at 11, a. m. Tbrccto enter nnd each lady to be accompanied by a geutlcmnu. First Premium f Q Bccond " 5 Juilget. Mrs. W. L. Diwart, Mr.-. W. C. l.aw lencc, Mrs Robert Montgomery, Mrs. P. L. llaek cnbiirg. Miss C. Knpp, Miss' B. Ilortou, Mrs. Jacob M. Fullmer, Mrs. J. P. Montgomery, Nils Emma Haas, Mis. A. G. Mair. ,Vrs. Charles Woitzel, Mrs. Dr. Eysler, Mrs. James Vumhke, and Mrs. Henrietta Cooper. PREMIUM FOR BAND AND STRING BAM). A purse of f 50, aud free access to tho fair grounds at all times. Best Band 2d" " 1 M" " 10 Jwhyn Hon. F. Bound, Thos. D. Grant. John W. Biichcr., Judge P.ttlon, J. B. Ncwbakcr, J. P. Marr, N. F. Browne. Oeo. hill and Johu Adams. SHOOTING ON THE WING.-pLitsr, UO. Each contestant shall have live birds fi. spring trap to shool at. to bo .fiunlshed hv in,. Boclety. Umpires uud refcrvc-.' to bo selected bv contestants. The Packer Guardt have been engaged to guard the Fair grounds during the Fair. Arrangements bitve been made with Irn T. Clement lo have the Steamboat c bartered durlii" the rair, so that free passage may ho hud to those crossing over from Snyder county. neons. r... i.ovk ami i;M;r. .4 Yvtmg T.nly Alleyed to hart been Kiilimppcd by her CfifftoHi 'rii. A dospatcli lrom Rpiinglicld, Illinois, snys: Our papers tire filled with do In i Is of a wedding broken oil", it is alleged, lliruugh the devices of tho Itoinun Catholic nuns nnd priests of this city. It seems that ;v young laity, a Catholic nud a member of an enruest Catholic fauiiiy. became betroth ed loa young man whose connection were with tho Episcopal Church. She declared that, as his home was to bu hers, nnd his heart hers, his fate should also bo hers fur the purpose of the weddinpr ho would be manied where nnd ns he desired. A via- 1 j lent commotion was the consequence. Her 1 1 IMntlli.r fiml litr,l lnt mil i,n nit.l lliivinl. , ...IV. Wl Mlll,IIVl.M IIIIM llllVUh? I ened ; the priests added their warning. j .Slie stubbornly persisted. Her brother, who had promised to give her nn expensive I out lit, charged his mind and declared that ; the obstinate girl should not have a cent., ! Her lover thereupon ,Rave her l'rotestanl ' fl.W.tl.lo n lxlc.,.1- r. 1- X.r. n i.r.... 1... 1 1. IIIUIUO ih LflillllV ,lll'l.l, tO UC CO U-Ct! UT Ilt,'I I .l.J ..1 1 1 I .1 . . ., , . iiutitBiiv suouiu wniii, iiuinuii;. i iiusjuuc ture, more stringent measures were ivsorf; cd to. The Journal says : It nppoars. if reports are to he believed, that the young lady received au iiivitnUon from the Lady Superior of tho Convent, near this city, to call, as she wished to see her. The young lady nnswered the invita tion in person, and went to the convent to pay her resjx'cts to the Lady Superior. On arriving at tho convent she found several of the Catholic priests of the city there, be sides a goodly number of nuns, ready to catechise her in relation to., tho. ollence of being married by any one except a Catholic priest. What transpired there partieulaily, wo do not propose to state, but those who know the ways of Catholics in such mutters i can draw their own conclusion." I The young ludy still presisted, it is said I in her unholy attempt lo marry tho man of .' her choice iu the church of their choice ; j but suddenly, on Thursday morning the 1 morning of the wedding it was found thai, i she had disappeared disappeared from I her house, from her friends, from her lover, I from the city, without a word of explana tion to anyboily, llic utmost indignation is felt by the 1'rotestants, who nllego tho improbable story that the girl has been kiduapped und locked up in tho adjacent conveut, or has been spitited away to St Louis or Chicago. Tho victim of Ibis treachery is calm and patient, but lie de clares that he will yet viudicato his rights aud rescue the lady from her persecutors. "We know of no place in this Stato where free trade would not bo suicidal policy, It would put an end to most of tlio manu facturers ulready in existeneo, nnd ben com plete bar to the introduction of others. The policy that creates dive-sided labor, and iilenty of it, is directly opposeil to free trade. . t builds railroads and furn:iees, uud the thousand other diversified industries which make them profitable. It increases the quantity and improves the quality of labor. It gives tho working man a larger choice of work, and if ouo department of industry, is overdone he has choice of others. This can never bo tho caso where agricultural products is a foreign one, uud contingent upon circumstances iudiH-ndent of the farmer. Au agricultural community depen dant iion a foreign market can never be come cither proHiHTous or intelligent. Jlut as stM-iute other brunches of industry with it and it will soon become both. Illustra tions of the truth of this can be sun ull over tho Stato within tho last ti n venrs. 1 and their existence accounts for tho enor mous increase of tho.wealth and resource, of lVuiiHylviinia during the tamo pi-rod, us shown by the census. I'rotectiou is tho policy of the lltpuhlii'iiii party, while Ihe .fatal policy of thu 1 imot-mtic party. If laboring iiu-ii all understood thia thing no ono of litem would ever be. found voting the Ieiijocralio ticket ( A(im!t r6ur II' limitary. Tamm anv ix Tiioi'iu k. The Irish nnd tiernmns ol New VmW i-ity both appears I.I I41 in tiivull H,.t,i,,Mt 'I 1 111111(1 11 l. 'PI... 4ot4, 4 uu tptt urt si tiling mat una imp pcind ill the, world of politics fir liiiinv j t in s is the coin u of tho (u riuaii at Ihe pivatuit luoiiit-ii'., Tlnaii, ullhoii-h f.-aigu t-lllA us, aiu largely Joining the iiHlgca id llm Nulivu Aim imui p.iily, Tin y tiro s.t Hilary with thu Irish, uud so ilisiuli t with Tamilian) - which Ia n loli.ru has never bt-ni ablu lu 'ix'igiii-i but one 1 Inpio id' (ieriiwita- that llwy uro iu a i-oiniilinii ft' I ofu rt-U'lluui, and tvi imp'i"ti thk-siroiig- 1 Asl Aiiii i it'uii pi nn 11.U4. 1 itia 1ii.1v Idlll.it.'dlU'4l, U I bo llJUlolliU lllllld UU.tl y shows lUtlf to la;, hut il la tciuuil cu rious aud not ullogi llwr wbal was lo U svlcj. If il ii's hi, Il lluvauus itioiu rnublu l'i 1 uiuiiutuy ll.tll than uuy ittii.'cr Whit Is b-ts l ail4.li. lor u Will lottltalily ulvw II iHiWtr. I t lilt U tii lolls of lltu luMll li.'t llmW lloit il was tiuly naib'Uai In spun a In l"uii u. . itis iitulKi was tioitttiivl a aiuutsU lioiu lltu gwvt limit 1.1 br poll 1 11.4! uiu luft is whaU4 Ut 11 liu. aoj ol. una .U'I lltu In lilbotct tiuliliAtis- s4 lUu liiul l"f tit. 1 1 y by tult L.iij a,t. I iuuiitu.liii4i M4ti ul lU .-s. 1 tt.lt . f i.u, ii-atiuiiuiiUt IL 1 iulI-1 ulili Lit Lio.la Ut. U) lltl I.Mf 4-.l.4t4"U lulu llul u.,iui,...i w.w u..ai.-M.4i.iv..,... am i la. IbtHUW sulflt IH4J lkl uu-i'i nuit L.itl..-t. mt U, tt.,bi, L ,l t I Mlvtl SUvt.,!) i4 li !.