U11C0U5. . Nkw York, July 20. At Hie Irish Hireling last ni;1it Mr. Stephen Joseph Mutiny wns llio piinciplo uneaker. lio nuked, "How enn wo nvcnro tho blood of (he moil which has been shed? How nre wo to sccui'Q iropcr protection in this couti try Tor tho men nf our own race? Shall Uruntremoii and Know Nothiiisism ruin this cilyV Never 1 novcr 1 never !" said the speaker. "Shall tho scenes of Wednes day last bo permitted n;;.itn V Never I never I" When he saw the dead on 'Wednes day his blood curled in his veins, mid ho prayed totiod that ho might live to see the day when the net would bo avenged. Cheers. I Women had been made widows and children orphans for tho enprico of ono man in Albany, who camo to New York to revoke humane order of tho Mayor. A voice, ''linn; him on the lamppost I" Mr. Mciiny "No, no, my friend. 1 pledge myself that every drop of blood shed on (hat day shall bo legally avenged, if there foo law in Mew York. Never niiain shall Mich an occurrence bo permitted in New York. Tho legislature must prohibit Mich processions in the future. Governor Hoffman should never again receive the votes of Irishmen. Never 1 never 1 Knui'iNO Swhkt I'otatoks. Few per sons, comparatively, in this laUitude, pre serve their sweet potatoes during tho win ter months even so far as lo supply their own spring planting. In consequence they have (lil'.iuult.y sometimes in securing relia ble seed, that which they buy in tho market foiling to irerininate. They soon become, too, unlit for use under ordinary treatment, and tew farmers, wo believe, have the ben eiit of this tine esculent through th winter month. There is really no reason for this, if a moderate degree of euro bo needed in putting them away. Supposing them to bo not bruise-cut in handling, all else necessary is sufficient protection from moisture and cold. A short article in tho Country Gentlemen seems to cover tho whole ground; "!;ig just before heavy frost" (wo should say, if possible, before any frost.) "and having plenty of dry dirt," (which should be gath ered and put away in Augnst,) "and mak ing a layer of it on lop of the ground, in a pen, house or out of doors, lay the pota toes on it, letting no two touch, and another layer of dirt nnd then one of potatoes, &c. An obtuse cone shape is best. Layers of dirt to be one or two inches thick. After disposing of all your potatoes in ibis way cover them witli the same dry dirt, then cover with dry straw, fodder or something of the kind, and protect it from the rain by board. Tho principal point is in having the dirt dry, and keeping it so." Ax Old Stojiy MaijkXi?'". The plea of Mr. Whilinore, urged so disastrously lo his client by Gen. Duller that the cadet money all went to the poor, has revived the old story of the miller who sometimes had crazy lils, in which ho always imagined himself to be the Lord judging the world. On these occasions he would put on a paper crown, ascend a pile of meal bags with great dignity, and call his neighbor in succession. The same ones were always judged and these were the millers in his vicinity. 'I' he first called was Hans Schmidt: "Hans Schmidt, stand opp." "I fans, vat is-lipeeuyourpibhucss iu dat odor world?" lT vas a miller, ) Lort." " Vas you a joost nianV" "Vcl, ven do vater vas low and do pish ness is pad, oh Lurt, BoinctimtB I dakes a little extra doles." "Vcl, Hans, you hall go over init. to gon's already yet." And so in succession all were tried and immediately .sentence J to go over to the goats. Last if all llio miller inevitably tried himself in tho following style: "Yacoh Miller , stand opp." "Yacob, vat ish '.ecu your pishncp.-iin ut other world V" 'T vas a miller ; oh, Lort." '"Vas you always a joost man. YaeobV" "Vcl, oh Lurt, veil du vater was a leellc low, and pishmss vas pad, I soniedimes dake a little extra doles; but, oh Lort, I all do vilo give dose extra doles to de poor. " After n long pause, ''Vcl, Yacob Miller, you can go ofer init ter sheers Lut il was a ra i tiijiit 1 j-7 '(((." A Fkw Xihiits iince, at a late hour, the speaking-tube at the olliee-door of ono of New Haven's popular physicians was used by some midnight wag, lo this following died : The doctor was iu a sound sleep, when ho was partially awakened by a I "halloo" through the tube, whi n the fol lowing dialogue took place ; "Well, what do you want?" ")iks Dr. Jones live here V" "Vcs: wiial do you wautV" "Are you Ir. Junes?" "Vcs." "Dr. S'mon Jones?" "Ves -(..' what do you want?" "Why, how long have you lived here?" ''Some twenty years; why?" M'A.y ? Why don't you iii-rc V" "11 you stay (hero about ten seconds more, y ard Dud mil that I'm mov ing !" and hu IuiiiikiI out of bed, but the. p.nltnt was l eii'd "moving" down the hired at a rate that di Di d pursuit. -,. Clou in:: 11 ! .'. At Ihe ivrent Wayne cam. i iiii i.lin ;, in v. I. 11. 'i'cnvnci', who condili-tnl tie; children' mcrliii;; ia the tain rii.n-U', iii.jit.ivd i f tins 'mi;.: o.ns" tin ili!;'. : u."-. I,. iv,v.-n the sinner and (,'iui l.iiii man, a.i.i ivi.iar'v.-d : ".Now; tli'iv is a "inner, he h.i i a .mil form, uu.l has a butler J iel I i il l v:;lie:i mnru money for Lis labor ll'.iin his neighbor, who is n Cliris- I. iiu mull. Now why i-i ihin V Where iit (he I iici'.l of 1'iing u'l l.i istaiu Mr. T. awaited a reply, but none coining ho re 10 llkeil: "li.id Jo, h not h. U !o his areonulN, umnullv, iu O-loher" A lilll.i i-Mit year ni l, w h i h i I h i ll all aUeiiti ni an I evidently pti.hl t l.!i iw limy tin iiii.siiiui vv.is I i lio an -.w. ii d, vv in ii h heard llu: re ply of Mr. T. r.iived lii'n lt Ui nu I v. i'.'u a peculiatly i-iulWit l M:,:le, saiil, "Thai's good lor hi-ii !' Th ai boy luoiight down tho l..b.niai !e. - "I Hack ?" Who d.in ti pit lo- I'.lic jlli. e lioi ihe i!,i of tl.il till -iiigi-ly i e.iiaei a 1, irj. anil p , -niiily bill: I p uel' ,i I', i. he I . i- II i in hi 4 v ;il uil'l fcl.i.U'.d iloi. II III s a: !.: ir.eii.ii, del.aiilly Upon ihu a--ell 'em. "Id. lie,'1 h.'ul ii bully lookiu,' fell i v, es he d. lib, lalely I- purled a ij.ll.llily of I;,.: U". 1' ' It i salivi II, eill l,e ml' of Ihe uiide. " All i,'ht III)' Ili lid." l. t '.!'..' Di li J- ,'lkel', .appi J ihe ollie,' in i, ,, !y . ,,,, i. ei,,,ul,h I , ",,U'e U:t !.. W oflola o. " A 1'iHiii I, ; , Inn. m i,i i J-, ,,; .,,.,.. j lll o .,le. H , , 1,0,!,, . ,,,,, loin, ii,.. I n,.ii;., , j ail. .1 H ilh ii. ' I I. h. ' I. if h. ., i,, , , N "';'' l '"' ill I I ) II llll ,J ,1, , i,l I'.,! U Ii I V lo If t , I ii j . .i. ,..i. . ; I i . "Ii I.. I- .1 i o f,..i ' ...I ..1 .. ' ' "I 'l I' I. "W If I. 'I II 14 1, ' I ' oil i..iu ut nil. " ..iil., u,,. I If I i ii .il .iu. ".i nl.i rli I I. .Ill 1 'fill Olill Ll.sl U' 1 1. " Hi. n t mi ii Cu 'i U !( v. U t'o, 'I (' III lie I' li If I, H.IV Ii .!! !.. ( I i ill ui !-.,i(l t 4 1,. It ) ouii ; I'f'H1"1 I' LI Ooi, Ml. (It llll j I f lei ..l. ' i a ! in . ii, II ii .1 i illf I i l i - I I. I .1 1 1 l .( . u III ' I 4. I. ) .11 l, t; . ' I " '",',. .1, ..I. I Ii il 1 4 ,.. i ... i ii.' i.ii , . ti . .i, I i. :,v , . i itneotts. Xorllirru I'nitrnl Ituilwnj-. BUMMER A U It A N H E M EN T. ON nnd nftcr August 0, 1871, Iruliis will run ns follows i NORTHWARD. Nliignm Express nrrivrs nt Simbiiry nt 13.40, p. in. nriivca at Nluar.ini Fnlln nt 13. till, n. m. llulliilo Express m rives nt Biiiilmry nt 4.10 n. in., arrive, nt Wltliiuimpoit nt 4.45 Eliulra ntll.10 n. in., C'niiamliilirun 13.10 p. in. Mail arrives nt Miuilmry nt 4.30 p. in., arrive nt Wiiliinnsport O.iiU anil' Eliniin lO.oa p. m. Fast Linn arrives nt Hunliury nt 0.4 a p. iu., nrrivc at Willium.port 8.15 p. ih. Eriu Muil arrives nt Sunbury at S.00, o, lit. SOUTHWAUI). HutTalo Express loaves Sunbury nt 4.10 a. in., arrive nt llnriisbiirg 7.05 n. in., ltaltiinnre 10.10 n. in. Express Mail leaves Piiiilniry, 11.45 a. in., nr ilvo at lai riotiiir! 1,40 p. in. Erie Express lrtivcs Sunbury at 8.55 n. ni., nr rivo at Ilairihbiirg 11.05 p.m., Ualtimoru 1.00 p. in. Leaveibiinliury at 1.10 n. in., arrive at Ilarris- bnrsr 3.u5 n. in. Uiniburv Aefomnilntlrm leavri Puntmry at 6.45 p. in., arrives at llariisburg nt S.iiO p. in. SIIAMOKIN DIVISION. i:stwa un. Leave Saabury r,t 4. 10 p. in., arrive at Sliiimo kin 5.5(1 p. in., Mt. Ciiriiu l 0.40 p. in. Leave iiiuibiuy ( Aicoiunioilatiun,) at 11.50 n. in., nriivc at Sliiiir.okln 1.00 p. in. WrSTW.Mil). Leave Mt. t'arniel at 7.00 n. in., fcehainoUlii 7.40 a. in., arrive at Sunbury 11.55 a. in. l.envff Shniiiokin (Aeeiniiinixlation,) ut -.45 p. in., nrrivc at Sunbury 4.00 p. in. lixpivss leaves (la i fy Leaving on f?uiulay, runs North only In Willianispoit. A'l oilier trains leave daily, cxee) t Sutulays. A. 15. I'iskr. En. t. Yorxo, (ien't. Suji't., (icn'l l'lispen'r A't., HurriKiiiirLrjJ'n. llallir.iiri'. Mil. J. W. WASHINGTON'S ;E3 am i; t5;;i:u niioi. Tno old peiiiianciit f-liop of the town. We decline tho boast, bat nt the same limo nniTiiler that the ii.e:lity truth inayls seasona bly spoken without iiianll'eliiiir nil uncomforta ble iinioiint of vanity an.l mnbiiion. Ju-t twenty years info I bi'sran my business career In this place half my 'lifetime thus far sp'.'nt, have 1 stood upon the lloor of our elio day after day, and nlL'ht nrter niirlit, nnd applied the i-liuip blue uleainhin uteel, nnd within that elapse ef tinio eiubraied by tho inichty folds of Hint eventful period have 1 shaved nearly every body in the country (in common parlance) nnd to olilbje the public interest wo herein publicly announce to our patrons old and new Hint we arc ready to shave. Ihom all aj;ain three hundred thousand times or more. Come when you please, , ' in time is the max im we are always ready to work, fori noon or afternoon, to shave you, hair cut von, shampoo you, whisker dye you, or perfun"', comb nnd ar range the hi'.ir with artistic skill, in the "water full" or water raise style to suit the customer. Wo work to please, not please to work. Slop, don't an past our shop to irct shaved on the basis of abilily because we do it as well us it van lie done or ever could be. A chance is all that we demand To jv'.ve ti:e proof we hold in hand. A few iloor above Depot, near Market street. iiet. i, iy;o. SL'UIXG AX I J SUMMLTt HTVLLS, now open at MIfvS KATE l'.lYU Ii'S UTOIU:, Market Square, Sl'Nlil'RY, l'cuii'a., LADIES' PRESS (iOODS A SPECIALTY. Press TriiiimiiiL's, Embroideries, Notions, ivc. (ienls' Collars, Neck-tics, Half-hose, Handker chiefs and (llovcs. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair l)i'usl;es,Coiiibs, etc. An Invitation Is extended to all to call nnd se cure, biuxalns. April 1ST1. FUilMTUliE STOUE, In Musoioc Hall Puildins, liilnl Street, near Jic Vost Oilier, SIM!! RY, SA. E. I. BAWDj-STBDSH now oilers to the public ecU;ted nnd Hindu with (treat care, nnd with n view to please the wants of lus numerous customers. His stock Is new mid of the latent styles. l'AKLOK SUITS, TAiiLou AXD i:i:ci:rTiox CIIAIKS, COTTAGE SETTS, Ash, Walnut or IJom WooiI of the linc.it patterns made. nidi: tU.lKI.H, iii Oak or Walnut, and Dining llooiu Furiilturo of id! kinds. lookinc (;Lsjfi:.s and platiw, Mattresses, l'illows, llol-iers, Window bhaden mid lixiures. '""'fcli Special attciiiion Is paid to this department by V. 1". Roberts who has had n liuiuber of years epi riiaiee hi the city. Collins of every ilc-crip-llon and sizes, eoiistai.t y kill on hand. A No, l'ik'i. Mi talie Lurial Ca'es. Shrouds itnj I'n ih'ii;ik'i' niateiia! i uf all l.ln N. I :: ' !Vr o:ial attendance lo f.iairals. i; 'i.i.-ii.l. t, tin; Mas'.nle Hall Ruildins, on Third stiv.t, L'lintiurv, I'a. h. !.. Ii U'DliXlH bll. Hunbiii'V. Jul,- 15, V . i It it. No. 002 C'jraluut Street, Philadelphia, 1 1. -ire to i'Kiie Hie c.p -el.,1 att.iiitii.ii nf hivI.h- i nu .ill..-r vi. il.iu; Hi.' eil ,tu ih jr ioi. i.-ua.ly l.n e an 1 va.i. d ;. ..iluu'itt of JVv Jt'uvL-j, IT.'.'Ii WA'K ttlisi of i or t tell ibie lilaki I., I. OLD ( HAI.-. Aril-tin Sllur Win (or b! I.il and file r l( elital iulm. Tali'.' i.ilery, I'li iii i I'l.ilf.l lioo.1. of Ihu lliu-.-l I uiil... triti:(ii ( i.di ii-;. i!i;ti.i:s and MI. MAI. !!:. AMIiNl'S, r.e.l..il U ..,l fnmi I'.uu derii. Ihu .ii.ii,t i, .troll. C.l III ..ills llll ..'lie n( .',ii, U IMf lldl .1 1. 1 ,,li t l.o I. ..i) I..' m l.. ,i hit, ) a ei.idul b.il t .Uo.l 1. 1 I .. .1 1.1 ,1 t.. ii.Itlut l.lf, HU ( liel.iul tilfi'i-l. J I, I II. Mll.l IM KV. MT'.Mi f I i l.l.-i llT. IttiNMil'S, I l.i t.i;, 1 it I.ii'. l ' 1 -I II. I.. I.I.I I. .1.. il t:;iiMi-, I'ldiiin., riuviim, ..o.l., i llil. II. .11. i, k ,uy j, Mill !tlt. I.H.h A Sit t l-: ' a ...... a I... I .....in.,, ul . ii. ti:,iii.' ii . Il ... Ik i, la, ii, i . mii.i im ia i nu tin in n. ! I.. KIIIKHI I II, MAItiaiTwl AlUi, kl'Mll IU, J'.. i-i .i. im 0'l I I ll i.l I .l,l. 4 1,, I -I 4 - I' 4 L U.i. It ...j I , t It ,j 4vjM ,4 o (i ( 1 i ; i I .i I i i4... iwt- ii fsfcllnncons. v rutiLixo AT THE MAMMOTH STOUE, bus just received and opened A MAMlOTll MK Bt Ol' ;OIN, whii 11 he has SKLKCTUn WITJl fUEAT (Allti nnd oilers to I lie I'litilie nt the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. Having (.tablisheit n reputation tor low prices and FAIKDEALIITG to all, w ill eluleaMU' to liiaiutaiu that po.iition COilK OXL & ALL (t EX AM IX E THE LAKdEST STOCK, IJEST ASSORTMENT & LOWEST l'RlCE IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful fur tho hirijo iiinouut of itronnee heretofore belowed upon mo, I will endeaver by furnisliiiif; Ihe best uoods nt the lowest pikes lo merit a coutiiiuancc of the same. 11. Y. FKILINli. April 1S7 1. Nl'IUXO AND SUMMER. LOTUS AX1) ASSil MIilJI M J FRENCH AND DOMESTIC (iOODS of every made, Just opened at t tic MERCHANT TAILOR SIl(Jt oi VIION. J. MITT, Sncceuior to J. O. Heck, Fourth. Street, UtoW Market, SLXBVBY, PEXN'A. Oentleiiien who deilro fashionable clothlnc; made to order, will call nt the iiliovo :.hiee and v .n i i in- I he well si lt eteil slock, and have their suil.i made up Iu the latCit st vie. Call and be i viiue.1. THOti. li. NO'l'T. May li, 1H71. li.stato ol' Citort: liuicrti'li, Kvnw l.ttU f Ji.mim Toivnshij; iLcntti'l. NOTIl K U hereby ejvcu that Utters Ul.i I'l'Mitiiry have been t,ratilid lo the iindei siued, on the eelalii of deoruo Fmeiieh, Sen., lale of Jordan towuMilp, NorlhiiiiilierUin.l cdiiii I V, I'a., defeased. All persons iudi bled to aaid ivtatu are reiln -led loiuake imiiiedliile payiileiit, and Ihoi-e having elalins In picseiil Hum duly amUeuiieati.l lor s,tiliuuiit. MICHAEL I'.MKKK H, Kwcutor. Joidaii touihip, June M, 171. lit M'HIMi M'IiM4l .wrt( htutkl Itr.lcr I'aclKllcn I JliA up. lied u l- 'i line an. I mihrtiilillul nolt llielll uf Sl'lllXU DRESS (JOODS, 1 'niiic.it icH, W'liitd (hmiiIs, Fancy (JimiiIs, TiiiMiuiiiK,,i i'lotlm, ( 'aiiiiciv, l?AIl'KTS AND OlrS ('LOTUS. Iloiiaike. I'iii Knots III re.it ail.l). flltll lildK I 111 I 8, Qiueiimate, Willuit -Ware, lila.irc, v., Ac. A Hun i.m Ii n iiiliiliiutl.il ltfilMilil) loltilUK, I M a nu. I k.). t.o h iiuu fu'l ttinl i'oim.1,1 I tf ul.ii.ii.il il limnl, it HieUil). ) I'rltfw Iu bull lliw llutra. 4 Mil muU r uur Hlwi'U, A'l kill. I. Of luiO.ll) (0..J4. Ukcu In v- i ti .1.. u .r g.MU. MlilillK 4 I'l.v IM.MI, II 1U '. 1 1, m H .i: 11.., Vlaik.t M.. I, kui.bbi), Al ill .J, ,l. 'clock & Wntch Rcpiilrcr In IK uii l Il W, Iloi ...i, . , i, l. IU. Ill If H.I, tl4lk.( .44ll. l 'IK til, IM , I. ..(U I) i.. tijM hiU m, i. u..l,l) ,,4 ii ni, iu .i i.iul.,ivl,.ul,l.Ni. u4 M.lw,., Ik, a. I bi-tU'Un, ..iili..! t.ii.- tl l. l J, t I, I,,.,.., lUtiuj ki i. .ii i .i, m.ii.u,. in n.v t .i. bit, Iu twuulir, k t.llu, . ..,( L, b (n Bus bw,il ilm.bii.Mi. fftisccllimcotts. PRICES REDUCED. ItOOTH A HHOK.H Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOIIX WILTEIl, Nprnce Slrerf, Kuiibnr), I'onu'a, Is constantly manufacturing Coots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. Ills Mork comprises tho very bent In market. His loin; exper ience Inllie business has won for him reputation for inaklne: tirst class work cqtinl to any elty mnnufnctnrc. All work wnrrnntcd. Ti:it.MKNTUICTl.Y CASH. The prices of repairing nre also reduced. JOHN W1LVEK. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. .11 1 1.L I X Kit Y U WO IIS ii E X K It A 1. 1, Y. NKW STYLES OK EOXXETS, HATS, FLOWERS, THAMES, &c. illourniiig iiikI Itridttl Ila(s mid Itouiicl.s. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash lllbbons, Ornaments, Fenthcrs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac., Are. FANC V UOOD8 AND NOTIONS. VIiS M. L. tiOSSLF.lt. Eolith l'mirlh St., liclow the llailroad, Surbury. April '."., 1M71. si' i;it i :s ii;s, VIEWS, ALHUMS, CIIHOMOS, FRAMES. F. A II. T. AXTIION Y A CO., 5tl It r oiid way, .ow York, Invite the attention of tile Trade to their exten sive assortment nf Hie above soods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also l'HOTO LANTE11N SLIDES and (iKAPIIOSCOl'EB-. NEW VIEWS OF VOSEMPrE. E. & II. T. ANTnoNY .t CO., 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metroioiilau Iotel, IMroKTnilK AMI MAM FACTrllEIiS OP I'tiutOKrupliic .llntoriuls. Marcli 4th, 1S71. ly. I'OJirFHI'.T MAXOU CEMETEItY COM I'A XY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots hi the new Cemetery, located on an eminence about one-fourth uf n mile out of Sunbury. The in crease of the population of Sunbury, and conse quent advance In the ratio of mortality, ns well as the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have sinyested tho organization of the above named company. l'lnii of Cemetery may be seen nt the olliec of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. llohrbach. Price of lots from f 5 to (15, according to loca tion. Deeds will 1m executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. 110H15UAC1I, Scc'y. May Hi, l71.-tf. iiti i:s itr.m :i AT TUG MaiuiHoili Voot-& SIioc Store ov IiJLI illlIiIiKIC, In C B. Snath's Hooni, Queen Ptrett, uiio do.i East of the l'ost OUlcc, N ORTI Il'Mli EK LA N D, PEN N ' A . For El mini Hoots, tii Eil Miller's Hoot and Shoe Store. They are sold, Hit CaKrt ftl. For Kreneli Uilf Boots, go to Ell XlilleT's, only f'J to $11 ir pair. For Boots, Shoes nuj tiatiers, ut lowest possi ble prices, to to Ell Miller's, On Queen Sun t. For nil kinds of (Him Bopls and Shoes, call nt Ell Miller's. For Ladles' Gum Overshot, eoe tine nseort meut at Ell Miliei's. For all kinds of Children's Shoes, iru iij ex j nmlnc Eli Miller's large ussortmetit. , For alivililnv' In the BiMit and Shoe line, call and examine Kll Miller's slock before lurliasim; elsewhere If you wish to got tlr&t-elnss, ut Ihu lowest prices. Jan. 7, '71-Scp. 8, i0.-ly. hEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Ir. WAT-E.r2.'a Ci LTFQRNIA YTNEGAR BITTERS 34 Hundreds cf Thotftands lcar t",ilmony lo iti"ir Wonder fal Uul.ii tUritc. 3 innr akb kot a vilr 3 Uftt.ouf Tour IC uuit Whifcit s irt Hlrt Knil Kcfnai .liaor(liCi(ifc(l.f;-Lc,i tuiUswcii- llllj t ltOltlC tteAie. CUllv! 1 IH ti , A M'CC V M i:itrure,H e., tiiut Ual Co I ji; lir tu la Irur.krn irrd vi.d rulti, hul mu ua cunt, u u1j fioiu Itio Nbtlvo l;Mitii.H'l liiTlJi.f CuUtui.Ou, iwt flam nil Al -ihvtlc KlIinttlaMi.M )t.jrio tl.j ;uk4 ' ui.o(i laitinL.i it j a i.u i: aVI(J I'll 1M Il'l.k: (.f:,il I.vnuBlir ft-:4 tuKiur uid rcu rtiij; n.o 1 1 iw l.L)tl j e. tilttn. Koimrrua ewit l-itu ilai 1'Utw.i tccuiu. j Ckv tlun tiiU rcuiftlu U'Hg uuwi'l. - liO 111 14 tUva(ui Kti !iirurMraio,in'VK'.i(l Wi3 luiu try t. ducojiU ly uUtr-l t..Uw i ur oUtvr vuai.1, ti.d tUv) x.tUirfaut i.Ci'4 lc)ui'lt:.o jkjIijI t f ri-4'alr. l'r ImIIk uimkli-ry urnl C kraut.) I horu n lUtii rmU 4iui I li l-ln, r I ui'.yri-iiuu, IMUuu. I(ruitilt-H nhil lull i imUu wl t i lHiH-Mtt 4-1 Ihv H In u.l. Mi I, I.I.Ihi-) , mm J Ui4atr. li-m iUic-i4 luv tvu ii.tMi iuocvi tul, btttb lUtM4 r cMrv4 If lltlkti J llluuj, wu-fli U i;ui,t: i rvS'.i4 by rMMjviuvi-l lr;ii uit lMua:sTlov, i:va cUvt l(.U I t tt M.oWe'- ttiul,lii,l a4tf lltti t M"1, i .J4tUt, iKUt ittlVUUMtl V( tti'UMKtt, I 1 1 lhj H.iuih, M.Uuu AlUck, 1 uiintftUi. il i;ii,m.i LitftUiii-iV u .f ttu I u', iu lb U li'4 si . irttte, tt.4 .uiitlf4 flUtf .(.. ut lit i .tiyuld IU u i..ah ktuublftU II.u I r I'l.H u mi 4 LwWvIj-, U ivuUr lli .4 of uuuuMi: m ;'M-i l i iif .ii.iu,i ltutu '4l .1 iittt'urttUM, u4 lU- Hilt MW J l U t-vii IjFtttUI. I L..t.... luuiii., t, ju, i .i. fcii. I w uki, (.:, i lull, fetbllW, iMA'U'i 4 u fcUti, U-Ui bit ii4 l.kM. 1 1 it w i km, I l U ! vt iif , la ttui4 di. u4 ((U4 wul w4 i:. ib t4 ftfcXI t.U4 I J U W- f I tU. i'u tvMW I I ( k kill IU4 l(lul-i. vl lu iiuu 44U. 4 Mil. .l Mw tm Ik I bt. W. k.hr lit ut tlM- II itM )f ft4 hW4ftvU4 Ml itt i 14 vWWM4 II M kf), 4 ktU kUI Utl mm- lv fcft.4 i k4i m IM te. 11 lullv. i'3l. til' w.4 u4 WOUMm, lfcuUUv tj 4 t fcffcj lty4i. 4 i' 4mit' 4 ! I v lil C vU, t 4 i"lU' il MtUI MviM4 . 4Ai4 lb H- t 'V. I t 4,W.tj.t. I t4 4. WALkli, lSHiH4 A VbuMU 4 iti.4 I'. mi it 4-u. t IwtMiw', 11, 4 M 4 V I i ,wi,U HI 4ii lfclttiUI 4HW VA4l4vi I.AI k 41 I' U A wl lli, lr M 'tM.U l'i O A rjl I..1THL.TS tUf-CTB. K r Hi WHAT ARE THEY? r- f.3 si; S v El a ll 12 ii MS m lit all Hi 31 IT Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., For Male nnd rrnmlc IiiiU. Attrnotlvcly sltnntod In a limlllifiil nnd bonutl fnl region, 14 of n mile from l'cun'n 11. R. Four reRiilnr Rrndnntr, npsistcd hv oilier comiictcnt ttiftrnrlors constitnlc the corps of Instruction. Tho frlnrljinl (for mniiy yenra In clinrgc orTun enrrom Academy, nnd, tlneo 18,3 tliu head of tills Institution,) refers lo Ids numerous pupils In nil llio lenrned professions, nnd In every de partment of business. Music and rninting spo cliilties. l'nll nosmlon will rommrnfr Nop timber IM, 1S71. To runs, 1300 rr Aiiniim. Address, DAVID AVIESOX, A. M. A. J. PATTERSON, A. M. Tout Koval, I'a. July 23, 1ST1. f.t. ' MiW JIF.AT NIIOl. THE iindersii;ncd rcspeet fully Informs tlieeitl rens of Sunbury n ml vicinity, llint they hnvo opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dewarl's ImUdinir.on tlio north side of Market Sijiinro, two doors from tho rnllroad, were they will kecpn constant supply of tlio best of Heel', Tork, Mutton, Ac., nt wholesale or retail, nt tho lowest prices nnd of llio lirst iuality . A wafon will be run to supply rusloinurs every mornintr, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found nt (heir shop. Give 3s n call nnd satisfy your selves. IlEFFEW & llOWEK. Oct. ICtli 1SG0. tf. ISAAf li. STAl FFIill, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1 ls North Soron l Nt., for. ol'tlnrry, riui.ADF.i.riUA. An nssortnient of AVatcbes, Jewelry, Silver nod Plated Ware constantly on band. licpairing of Watches nnd Jowelrv promptly attended to. (April l,"lS71-ly. jl 1 1, 1. 1 X K It : y"a A' U V XC : Y NT o: It K. MISS L. WEISEU, Market Street, one door weft of (ieailiail's con fectionery rtorc, (SUNlJUPwV, PA., Has opened licr Pprini: nnd Rummer slock of illilllncry itntl Fitiicy JoUm, II ATS AND UOXNET. The latest styles of Dress Trimininirs, French nnd Ainerlean Flowers, Laces, Uililmus, iaek loops, L'liijrwiiis, Collars, Cutis, Jouviu Gloves, nnd a lame variety of other articles. In connection with tlio Millinery biit.Iucs, she carries on tlio DRESS MAKING AND FITTIXU, Iu till Its brunches. She is also njjent for the sale of ltameey, Scott & Co.'s Patterns. The ladles of Sunbury and vicinity nre cor dially Invited lo call ami examine her splendid stock. May lit, 1ST1. I.F.M ItliK AM) l'l.AIXCI "mILI.N. Third Street, ndjiiliiliiir l'liila. iV: Erie It. R., two Sipiaies North of the Central Hotel, Sl'NBl'RY, I'A. jam r. TTemfxt, 1? prcpniv.1 to fnrnih every description of lum ber re'iuircd by the demands of the public. liavinit ull I lie latest improved machinery for iiiaimfiii mrliiir I.huIkt, lie is nuw ready to till or ders f all kinds of fi.o(h:ing, siniNn noons, sihttfus, BASH, lll.INDS .Mdl l.Dl.NGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental Scrow 1 Work. Turn Inx of every desei iption proiupllycxeculcd. Also, A I.VKlil! ASSOllTVKNT OF HI EL I.UMllEli. HEMLOCK and VINE. Also, Shln-les, Mckets, Lathe, Ao. Onlers prompt lv tilled, undrliipped lv Railroad orcMu.nvi-e. ' IRA T. CLEMENT. deel-liS:ly ;tovi: a tix fstaiji.ishsikxt. .MARKET STRl'.ET, SVNlJlitY, I'A. AI.FllED KllXl-SE, Pruiuioton. lirc'isiiii Tu i-umi a (ir.NTiir.K. J HAYING pureliase;'. the above well known es laliltshuieul, Mr. Krauze wnuld ripi'etful ly inlinui tlio public iliat he now has on li.uul a kirjCO assort nient of V OOK1X r. S T O V E s , Ss'er"s Cook Anti-I)nt, Reirulater or Revolvlmi Top, Cinubiniilion, Siisiiuelmiina nnd others, which are so urraniud as lo lie used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no pale. 11 EATERS of all kinds put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of diU'eicnl kinds ut very low prices. Tlii-.vuro of ICvery Di'M't-iption kept ronstautly on hand. Rootlm; and Spoutlni; witti Ihe best material, done nt short notice REPAIRING attended to with di-paleli. Coal Oil 111 d Lamps consinuily on hand. Japan ware of a 1 ..ifl. Slore opinisitc Conlcy's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KUAl'SE. iipiL'l-ly T 1 .11 1'. IS .U O X i: Y ! 7 A LI. Wall l'aper and Herder, 90U by 1110 wtl tie ti inmifil ready lor use, WITHOUT EXT1IA CIIAIUJE, uv Tim YEOMAN'S WALL 1'Al'EU TIM MM El!, r' . 1 ;J i, "f Zii - Ms.' wlil. li I have tlio excluidve rlutit to u in nniiurv and if lulu. ISatu mom y, 1 1 1110 and labor, by Ixty lut of x. Fi uiiiii: i.i;iii.r.it, KuKr Iu ll.K.kj, Sl.illo in i. Wall I'apir, Mule, Ac Ac, Ac (uiid.iy Si h. H.I M I'l'l.l rizt lii.ule .ci.illiy. Illuuk, MriuorMiiduui A ! Hook III cudle, (.11 u I v, Jil.t reeeitol. IIOO K IHNI'IS'G ,1. me louidir. l'.r.i.ii, will ,.no (.ciimi by leaking tlu lr unb is lor liudiii llll UK). I'lfl'l 111: Fit IMF of.tll ,U. ., rut I10111 (Im M.iiildiiiK al lull l, nil.,. Il V A I. A MJt' AUK I K Vlr ulx.i), uu I1.111.I. Al.Ul'NH, UltAl'K El'S, liul.ll I'KX. c, (Vc, Ac. A l.iri,u and i! . li, 1,4 iI.h I, ..f 't'"ul.iy ou I1.111.I. AmllilUK uot oil h in t I'li.inptly ul llklvd. Ilul. ioi, ,, t.i.li. ( ,11 at N. M KIil si l.llill I I It's tl.H'k Slof, i.u of I'uli ) Gold ft u, VI 11 kit .(U.ilti, Hu fcui I, I' t. timUi), .('in-i-l Mil, hlil, HI ll 10 hihiii i; tills, fl'llfc bu I. l.ljii.. I ltali4 lMIUkl4 llu ii.loti 1 i..t ul ii..ii';. Jl 'I.il.. 1, touuM lui'aiu U 1 ul.u.1 IU il I.. L. mi iv.i.ii l.i lo all kiii.l i vi l ill Ml I. WUHk. U t u limi t, .i. m,,,.i vi, ki kl I' kllnu r MM l It it iliin it ill aIi UMhiw mil .'V 7 iV,'iu'.-.. :' ;v-' VV: 'A J 1 1 tncous. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR TnE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Nnmlier of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, $53,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, t;i4,'Ji;),00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned nt Interest, $11000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, f lOOO.oO Amount duo from A cents, fH00,t5 Amount duo from other sources, f fiil.no Available Capital, tS'.l.'JU'.l.tij lunnre jonr C'nllle. INSURE with a responsildo nnd perfectly rc liablo Company. Insure, where your louses will Ins pal.! promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike, other Companies, you nre sure of liclnir paid promptly Tor nil losses, if insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Beinc mutual, our expenses nre tfss, nnd our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by dentil, (exceptimr in cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac. At. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In casu of lose, XraHj' J3.000 puiri 011 Cows nlone Miurc OrKimizat Ion. Look nt the list of Leases paid on Cows ulono by tills Company. M Hennlnirer, Smibury, Pa , 1) Hilircrt, Northumberland...-. Georire Eckcrt, " 8 U lMdjre, , Charles ltoliik, Mt Carnul , Esuliciis Sipple, " Catliarlne Wanner, Watsontown....'. Georire Heir, Niirthiiinbtirland Jacob Snvder, Sunbury J W H.issler, " Minor Cady, Dcwart Cattiarinc iMartx, Sliamokin Francis llucher, Sunbury Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh Joseph Doppcii, Mt Carnitl ;.. MaUlilas Seliolly, ' Francis McCarly, " Maria Kramer, Watsontown Joeph Nicely, Jr., Dcwart J tN; K C tiuliiijle, Pine, Clinton eo ....$o.1 50 40 r.o , 110 40 40 SO , :tsa,i so 00 40 !!0 Ml SO 40 SO , 45 40 40 ,....40 10 45 40 K RAinai;e, Slienand(ali, Scbuglkill eo.. J S Tharp, Sliamokin Thomas Wardrops, Mt Cannol N A Loudcnslaircr, Hem. Ion, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry G L Reau'an. Siienandoah, Schuylkill eo. Jacob Shine, ' " Jacob StolUi, " " 11 II Rower, Iteration, Geo It Lnlir, Georgetown John II Ossmnrt, Suiiliury .....1. W H Wallace, Nortliiiiulierlaiid..'. II S Graham, " Rc'iceca Koble, Georgetown Philip Wintcrstein, Watsontown ....40 SO .... to ....40 ....SO ....40 ....40 ...:io ....so ....40 ....40 .....40 G S Low, Lime Ridire, Coliuubia eo Lewis 0teiiiaut, Laurel Klin, Luzerne eo .40 Marv J Hine, Nortliuinlierlaiid 40 U F Krolin, Snnlinry 40 Andrew llealv. Giranlsville, Selinx Ikiil co.. 40, Patrick Furiiivon. Ml Cnrmcl 40, Martin LV'laney. Slienandoali city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill en 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Gtrardsvilte 40, Dayman S Hay, Mahanoy Plane l'i, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Handier, llerwiik fii J D Fochl. Potlsville '.ill, Erastus Solu-r, Point twp "JO, A Lipeneoit, Watsontown 40, Maria Kranier.Watsou'n,'M loss pd last miui.4(S I P Llplicneott, Watsontown 40, R S Ainnierniau, Snvdcrtown ill, Nathan Moss, llcrwiek, Colninbia eo "7, J A C R ('iihnlcl'inc Sta'n Clinton r id ins,4ii, Charles W lluxxuril, Kupeil, Coliiuiliia eo...40, John Foirlenian, Wal-ontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Cannel 40. Thomas Met., l'axinos :; R McCloskv, Lock llavcn 1:14, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. nr.IMENSNYDER. Scc'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pullock, lion. C. J. I'runcr, Solouiou Mroh, Win. Ilrindle. Solonian StiilH", John A. SUIs'ler, Dr. D. T. Kivbs, Dr. Du(id Waldron. March 11, 171. ly. I" O R G A L E ! TJMGHTY acre i'f Improved land In the lu st jk sci tion tf Soni'i. in Mieliiiraii, within llc miles of the town of "'I hire Kixcrs," iu M. Jo seph coiiuir, wilhin two le. lies of ihe R:iilrond Station, aoo.l buililiiiv, init ImiiM's, litic or chard, roil, rich sar ly loam, n-tsoo! l:mtis and cliurths within siuht titie ia.li-putalile, tell acres nre In wheat, the remainder in clover sod. A span of hoies, cattle, hoi;s, irrain and farinint; iiteiiKils, Ac, will be sold Willi this properly. Price fill per acre, ili.000 in cash, I lie balance in time pavincnts ol'f.VM. Appiv lo ' WM. A. MASEU, Three Rivus, Vleh. H. 11 . MASSE Suiitniiy, Xt.ireh 11, "iS71. Suiiliury, Pa. MANHOOD: HOW l. 'ST. lit 1 W RESTOR ED Just publi-hed liv I'r. LEWIS. 2".!i pages. Third Edition. Till-: V. EDiC A I. COM PANION AND lil lDE TO HEALTH, on t l.-i radical cure nf Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Wcal -iiess, lnvoliiiilary Seinin.-il l.o.-.-es, Impoii 111..', Menial and Physical Incapacity, lu.pciliinent, in Marriage, etc., and the Venereal mid Syphilitic Maladies wilh plain nnd clear directions lor the speedy cure of S'cond.ny Symptoms, Gonori hn a, Glccl-, Slilclures. and all di.-cases of Ihe skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bui's, :ioti li es and l iinples on the met '"hty. Consuni lion. Epilepsy, and Pits, Induced by self-i il l u I gemv or sectual extra vaganee. The celebraled author in this admirable Trea tUe, clearly ileinon-l rales, Iroiu a forty year's siicccsful prai lice, lli.it Ihe iilaruiing conscniicnce of seir-aloie may be radically cured ; pointing nut a mod" of cure u niuo simple, et rtuiii, and tll.it mi I, by means of vthieh every sulfeier, 110 matter what bis condition may be, can Im ell'ee luallv cured, cheaply, pilvatelv, and radically. J i'"Tliis hook ihould Ih in Ihe hands of ever) youth, and every man in the land. Sent under tea I. Iu .1 plain cnveloie. Price, 50 eeu.i. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 llcaeli urcct, New York. SI'HIMi Al SI 11 VI lilt MK.l.INEliY AND EANC'V (iutiDS. M!SS EI.IMiETII LA.AI.I S, 111 Denuit's lliii'ilinir, Maikel S.pi.ne, M'Ntll RY, PA., Whi le vvi.l Ih' l-'ini l a Ik K kllpplv of gomt-i, coll- Msliie; of Miliinii) and l.iiiiv l...-, HA ti AND HON NETS. TRIMMED AND X N TUI M M I'.D. Au.ii. t IliLMiEN'S H ATS, f. r uii l" ii'i l tiov,. , ri of Die I.il. -I and li.iu.l-i.lii'l l I. . h I'll L. OI.011., pi ,1.1 and II. "li, I. 1. 1. lie's S necr, l..ut Col.irs, Liu. .1 t olai, aiul t lilts (iv Ladli and t liildlt'il, ( riK bel t-iillai,, N. I kll. I"! Loll., Ulld ticilt', - I.il 1 r 1 lvll'k. M.k Kti k l.oo. 11 sup. ilur mil. le. I.l.m. Im In line Kid.-, wild 1. 1, tie,' llui '.klu !..., II. 111 II.. n In. 1'.. All kind, ol 1 1 .111111II11;,. Eu.liiiii.lt rv Colli 1 li, Hiviiiy 1.1 li lii k, and ( !nl. lull. S4, "'iiii uud " ) li 11111111111; 1. TRIM MING MI.KS, I hi 1 . . . 1 1 -, . .lii 1, uud uu. I a uio'.tl Villi. l ol S1.II111.,. 'I li.iukllll lor p lt p.lll.111 le, kilo li,i.k I lit 1 hf .ll.llll V of it I 0.m1. uiil 1(, ii 4 i-i.lililliliilitv t.l im ...me r l I. iikillt LA. VKln. Apul .'.I. l-Tl. I'tiluU, Oil. ir, llll. i'k i f Oil, i.iuipiiou4 l.ln",'d 'j (HI, I0.1l Oil, lull Oil, .1.1.I l.i.l.H. 1IU14 Oil liii fc.u Hit k aii I U tt lilu. 1 ) , tilulli. lil4c illk.ll, OU luio.l, at I. ok pltt., -! t 11M.KV A '. To (ho t'ommuiil.) at lutruct I II Wuki t Ills. "RUQULATOn," I I11W (In, .lit ulikl4 I II. k ti.lo. li nt, mil ml U.l.i.t.. i. Hi U in. I.. ll I, Mi. , I 1 .ink, I. ii-i 1 ai. I 1 111. In. 4 M.u. , i.l i . lu-,U, . 1. I ,l'l , ... . 1 ... In I. ,....., ..I 11 1 p iv ..I. I I. . tkn., !- .... II . I a I. l I .. .il, Mlllki r MklH, M .Hill, 'k. U II- U ImiOi. l.llill I.. J -ii ... 1, 111. ,il , t,.l lb.. I. I III . 1. I .. I... I . ..I (bt . uulif . I .k .. 1 ... ..t. ( , ,,u t .... I k-.. k ul ..I il 1 ! .1 1 1 .1 .t. ti 1. 1 4 .. .i.. ul, ,1.4 ..-k, 4, .1). 1. 1.. .i.m, 1 ....l, t tl. ll II I k (mil. I.l (i.v I .11.1 (,,..4 t.1 k' tel. (11, 1..4I...11, 1.4 1.. t..kl I 04 I ! 1 .1,... . ,t U I v lU.IIIMk kVokkll. if .1, ll iailroabs. Reading Itnllrond. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Jifonilny, May 15fA, 1S71. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North nnd North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y.,Rcad inir, Pottsville, Tamnona, Ashland, Shnniokini Lebanon, Atlentown, En si on, Ephrala, Lilix, Lancaster, Columbin, Ac, A-c. Tnilns leave llarrishunc for New York, as fol lows 1 At U.40, 8.10, a. in. nnd 2.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania. Railroad, and arrlvlnjr at New York at 10.05 a. ni., 8.50, and 0.t!0 p in. respectively. 6lecjlna Cars accompany tho U.40 a. ni., train without chanirc. Returning: Lenvts New W at tl.OO a. ni., 13.S0 noon and S.O0 p. ni., Philadelphia at 7.1KI, 8.30 a. m. and 8.00 p. 111. Sleeping Cars ncctmi pany the 6.00 p. 111. train from New York with out change. lnve linrrlsbnrr for Rendinir, Pottsville, Ta mniiin, Mlnersvilte, Ashland, Sliamokin, All. -Mown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. 111., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., stoppini nt Lctnon and principal way Millions t the 4.05 p. m., train coiincrtius: for Pliilndclphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuvlkill llaveu nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and SustU(haiina Railroad, leave Hnrrisburir at 8.40 p. 111. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rcml Inc for Allentown, Kaslon and New York at 4UU, 10.30 n. 111., nnd 4.05 p. in. Returuluir, leavo Nework at 0.00 a. 111., 1J.30 noon mid 5.00 p. in. nnd AUenlown nt 7. SO a. m. li.'-'S noon. 3.1S, 4 "5 nnd 8.35 p. m. ' Way Pnssenirer Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 11. 111.. conm-cthic with similar train on East Penua. Railroad, returning from Heading at (5.-'0 p. 111., stopping ut all stations. Leave Pottsville ut U.00 a. m. nnd 2.30 p. m. Il.-rnilon at 10.00 a. 111., Shnmokin ut 5.40 and 11.15 a. in.; Ashland nt 7.05 a. 111., and PJ.-13 noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and LiO p. nu Tamaiiin nt 8.35 a. 111. nnd 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Hnrrisburg,Ae. Leave Pottsville via SeiiuyiKill nnd Susiiie liauna Railroad at 6.15 a. 111. for llarrishtirg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove nnd Treuionl. Reading Acennim.Mlutlon Train leaves Potts ville at 5.40 n. m., passes Reading nt 7.30 n. in. arriving nt PhilaiMpr.ia at 10.20 it. ni., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. 111., passing Read ing nt 7.55 p.m. arriving nt lVitsville at 11.40 p.m. Potlslown AccoinintKlation Train leaves Polls- town al C.30 a. 111., rcturiiiii!; at 4.30 p. in. ; leaves Pliilndclphia Ovlrti'.tna Kaonvid Trains leave Reading ut 7.20 a. 111., and li.15 p. 111. Tor Ephrata, Liliz; Lancaster. Coliuubia. Ac Perkioincn Rail Road Trains leave Perktomcn J unit ion al 7.17, '.i.H5a. in., at 3.IKI and 6.00 p. 111. Ueliiiuing.lcave Schwciiksvillc at K.30,M.10a. 111., 12.50 iitMin and 4.45 p. in. eon net-tin;,' with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colcbrookdale Railroad Trains leave Poltstowii at U.40 11. 111., l.lSand 0.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant al7.O0 ami 1 1.25 a. m., and '3.00 p. m., coniictting with similar trains 011 Rradinj; Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Hrldu'c port at M.30 a. 111., 2.05aiid 5.32 p. 111. retui nii..:, leave Downington at (I. Ill a. 111., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Kcul iug Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York at S.OM p. m., Philadelphia al S.iHI a. 111. and 3.15 p. m.. (Ihu S.iKI a. 111. train running tmlv lo Ri ailing;) leave Pottsville ul S. 00 a. in., leave llarrisbiirg. 2. Inn. in., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allculowu al 4.25 and 8.35 p. III. ; leave Reading al 7.15 a. 1.1. ami li.'.O p. 111. for Hari W.nig, at 4.32 11. 111. lor New York, at 7.20 a. in. lor Alleulowu and nt U.40 11: in. and 4.15 p. 111. lor l'liila. lel'a. I'oni'Mlilatioi',, Mileage, Season, School cud F..v urvioii 'l ickcts, to and from all points at re- iiiieen rates. lt;iLrgage checked throni. Lh : 10O Pounds L'ae:- gage allowed each Passene .1. E. '"'l'i "IT.N. Asst. A. A K.e Mach'iv I ... .. roiiil. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. M'mdav, .1 ul v 17, !7t. SOl'TIIU'ARI). Leave. 'A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P M. Seranlon, I'.ellevuc, t Tayiorvillc, i l.ickawaiiiia, l'illlon, W1-1 Pitlsiou, ! Wyoming, Mall by, '" ! Kingston, A st. Vi'.-llarrc c'rs 1 l'linoii'i .'aiu-., 1 Plymouth, Nautieokc, llunlock's, ' Sliiekhiunv, 1 H'-kV Ferry, lie.ll ll llaVell, , Pol it U. '. II 4.i 1 45 10 C5 fi SO C 55 7 H2 7 11 7 111 7 21 7 31 7 oil Oil 05 12 2J 30 ( "Ml li 57 7 05 7 14 2 7 IH 7 27 2 1 7 lo! 2 1 10 10 11 10 111 10 21 III Id 47 !! U W 7 51 4 Sft I 7 M 2 8 HU 8 117 s 22 3 s ::i 8 13 3 S So' 3 s s; .l t7 0 11 i p.r y 211 y :i n M II .V.i 111 Wi lli 20 4 8 on 8 05 8 20 S 3d 8 ("j to ltrl.'i r I 1 ek. Lime R11I1.1 1-i.v. lio,iUI:.blll' R'lls-it. Catai.-a, D.tiiVillc, Chula-kv, i 'atuci'on Nollll'd (arrive.) NOI :tiiwai l.cavi A.M. I M. Northiiiiiticrlaud, ( amcron, I hulasky, Danville, Cala" i-a, Rupeil. Itloiillllilll'g, Kpy. Lime Ridge, Hi ia 1 Creek, llcrwiek, llcaeli Haven, Hick's Ferry, Sldekshluny, HiinliK k's, Nanlicokc, Ptyuiouih, Piyiiioiuli June., KingMon, A ( si. W.-llarm e'rs M.iUl.y, Wyoming, Wc.i Piu.doa, Piltstoii, Lai k.iwanna, T.iloville, llellituc, Sei.iui;.:;, (atilvi ) 10 25 5 10. ' o"" 5 31 -Id .VI 5 4i'j Il (HI li 05 .11 II I'. 12. . li 17 f . li 21 j li 31 11 311 ii 41 11 43 0 4 A.M. 12 Ui 7 tm 7 3U I ' 7 24 7 45 P M . P.M. 7 3i S im . 12 -11 7 41 8 15 1'. M. 5 10 ' ' S 20 5 li 12 31 7 5t S 3o 2 33 5 25 ' 8 4H 2 43 5 15 12 43 S I II ( 45 2 4 5 40 8 l i 8 ,W 2 M 5 4? '12 32 N is u ft "j .'...1 s (.j 'j 11 lio; mo ! 8 M ",i 25 3 IH li III I 1 8 12 11 32 3 23 n IT 111 8 4s u 10 3 ;ui n ','S DA ID T. llul Ml, Sup'l. Iliilul-Iltli4 Mud lit it Kullruittl. SI MMER TIME TAU1.E. On uud lifter Monday, Aaeul 7lb, s71, lie Ti a in, 011 (be IMiiliidtli-liitt A hue li.11! Uou4 ll I Uli Ilk lolluVt, I WT1 WARD. Mel Tr.iiu h.ork Plot i lelj hu. T il) p n "" "" "" lililll 2.11.1 I, u " air ut Ene, M an p k Elie F.vpriv l.'.Ki. P il'.i I. ! bin, I .' jo j, k " " iii'iuiv, ii..-hj p n " '" kll III lie, ' T 4ll it Ii Fluiti.t M ul b.tvik I'll 1 ul. '1-I.I.1, vi.:ki k m " " " lil .lll v, I .'. 1 1 p n " an ul l.. k p.it. 11, 7.50 p u Hull tin : vpii ., It uvi , h.o.i .0 v , 4 15 4 u ' air ul v 1111 iiopoil, t .55 4 I. ll.iid I'.ielu Mull It.ivt, Vti.li.iii pit, 1 Ivan " " " air ill Lo. k ItaVtu, il iJ p a r. lUl,i. Mali Tiulu li.ivt, I ue, 1 1 30 a 1 bun uij, I il I. " '' air at I1..1.1.U .puu, lioau l.i ia I t it.s littvt, Im, tl 11 p k ' " . ,1,1. my, . ul u " air al I'l.il i.b pli. i, H.ihi f 1 II lull 4 Mjll ttjtt, .. k I I.l 1. u, k.uu t 1 " " 111. hull, II Mil " " an kl i'l.o . I. 1 I.U, 5.1Uik tl.lU.,ll! I tpit.. It .!!, VV ll...,.(Oll, U " t.n.l.ul), 4 0441 " .i .. I i. 1 lo-', 1 1 na 1 li.il-1 I ..W. M .11 . I k II .it... II 44 I ,11 ( W . .u.-i .1, I I it) H I St ill I t-t nio .1.. -( I i I 4 In, tS I., a A U li U o. 1 1 ( . .1. 1 lii k.lw uli iu 1 k l I it U vt . U,il tkt.t .I4 I ... I Ilk i., UK 1-. VI (. k, w atlil..ui 11.II111..I , ul O t it. k , "l liki....i It It. kt tlkii.a kt.i.unk.'i 0.4 t-4-t k44 a tik-u, "i L. .... 1 U . k a ,4't ki.4 t. 4M I -I I oil 1 Ilk II ,k4 . It. U. . fc . 1 li iMit..4..io.ii 1 4.4 t t"ii ku4 a, kl I 1.1 ( I kM4 I' wo. I -M k III II I , k-i I K fc.lu.H4 Mill ki-4 It . 4. 4 fclOH h.,, (4 tvoiM.tfcki ki al 1 1' a H.I1 I ( Il al . I -i 1 ik tk M. . I. . ..,.! t il fi..M to 1. 1 ... f i .4 . fc.t.t., ,t.4 at.t ' W ...KM. I v.( -4 I W .14 1 .. .1 si t ill l"l 1.. a I , I 1 J 4(1 ni ll i, ., 1 '4 l ' 7 1 il I ll k': I. t, t ) L f i 1 - 4 14 ft t i i ii (jk'tnin