Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 09, 1871, Image 3

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jlunlmrn mtrirnn.
SUNBUllY", SEPT. 0, 1871,
llnilrond Time Tablet.
N. C. U. W. East. .P. K. R. n.
Buffalo K I've 4:10 o in' Erie, Mull. I've 2:05 a m
Frio " " 8:65 " Huffulo Ex. " 4:15 "
KlmlrnMnll " 11:4S " F.ltnlrn Mull " 13:45 jm
Erie " 1:0 " Look H.Ac." 4:85"
Bunbtiry Ac." 6:45 p m Erie Ex. . 0:50 "
Bunhurv' nt 11 :f0 ft nv At Snnbury 8:45 n m
" 4:40 p ml " 4:00 pm
D. II. & W. n. R.
Leave Sunbiirv ci:..". n. in., 4:!" nnd 0:50 p. m.
Arr. at Snnbury 10:00 ft m, 6:20 and 8:40 p m.
Accident Insurance Tickets can bo bailor J.
Phlpnian, Ticket Atrent nt tin) Depot.
SEtvisn MAC.liNES.-Miss Carollno PitUus Is
tbc ittrent for tho onlo of tbo three beat 8ewli)f
Machines In existence, viz i "The Improrctl
Wnr," "Grovcr & Buker"' mid "Domestic,"
which are constantly on bund nnd sold nt rcit
roiinhlo prices, ('nil nnd pco them. Ofilco on
Market street, cant of tbo rulirond.
Not curious that A. O. S. C. F. C. A. F. M.
0. S. M. S. S. I. tm-:in tbat.nll goods Bold cheap
for cash nt Frillnir'n Mammoth Cash Store, Sun
bury, l':i., and such la tho fact. Call nnd con
vince jourseh'os that 1' riling la selliujj cheaper
ban ever. nu.2G,4v.
f-i'Mil'itY Acahemv. Owing to tho Illness of
Prof. Browne, tbo npeiilii; of this Institution is
deferred to Sept. 11th.
Fault OuArrs. Fine Concord grapes were
introduced Into this market on Saturday the Stith
tilt.. These grapes came, from the. new Vineyard
of II. U. Massor, Esq., at Selhifuriovc Station.
A meeting of tho members of the Republican
Stundimr Committee of Northumberland county,
will bo held tit tho Washington House, Snnbury,
Fa., on Tuesday, the 1-th Inst., nt 1 o'clock, V.
M. All tho member.'; arc requested to bo In at
tendance. EM'L WIEVEUT,
Chairman Standing Committee.
Sunhury, V,'. W. John Youngmnn.
K. W.--.I. K. Davis.
Wilton, N. W. Y. L. l.nclicnbcn,'.
8. W. 11. C. Slicker.
ntsontown Fousl.
Tin-but ville lieorire W. Troxcll.
Vi -lawaiv township Joseph (S. Durham.
Lewis Wm. Dann.
('Iiillisipnnpic John DiclVclidcrfer.
I'n.i.t Tims. Johnson.
t'ppcr Augusta Deo. (Ian!.
Lower Augusta W. W. Horning.
Lush O. I'. I .itf-n.
Sliatnnkin township IVtcr liiilili.
Sny I rl own Win. Farrow.
Co il Frederick Hester.
Jit. Carni"! township Matthew Ward.
Jackson Wm. II. Lamb.
I 'a l ne run Ckristaiii Mouse ft.
Jordan David Trout man.
I'ppe.' Jii'.li.inov .lo-iah Shajle.
W; !;i:: gt :. D. I".. Cures.
Lower M.ik.iiioy ,. Duty.
Little .M-.!iaiiov Simon J. H-'cd.
'. rli 'Join Kathb'irn.
Ml. Cnriuel boro".ah J. M.Johu.
Shan'okio. I-;. V. Frank John.
W. W. William Loth.
lliv n -! h- II. C. Welch.
.Nortl!!and--l. M. Rraiitigum.
', c i '. w e i : s V i ! '. e Wt.i. McNinc'.i.
7 - -
;.'.i-.::;i:r. An ordinance, lor the establishing ,
Id a curli.-to!:e Market i.i t'nis p'.nce, pas -el thu '
I'oiiiiei! on Tuesday evening la't. The. ordinance. !
n-ili -o !:(t-) force on the Uli of t Jetober next. J
'i AgiT.-a'.iiirul i.i'.r, which will his he'd at ,
'f u.'mtviil Uiis conn!;.', will n exceed
nil former e'i'orts. The committee K making ,
. . i
every c!i'nit to make it excel the fair of any loriner
PEon.E'S Candidate ron President Jrrmit.
J. W. Comly, Esq., nnd I. X. Grler, of Montonr
county, Hon. J. D. Packer nnd Wm. Lnwfon,
Esq., of Northumberland county, four of tho
lending nnd most nblo lawyers of this Judicial
district, conferreos solcctcd to place In nomina
tion a people's candidate for Prcsldci t Judge,
met on Thursday lust, In this place, nnd placed
lu nomination Wm. M. RocKEPEi.i.r.n, Esq.
Mr. Kockcrollcr, Is, In every way, qunllflcl for
the position. Ho Is a lawyer of more than twen
ty year's experience, has tiianagod a largo nnd
successful practice, has trlud hundreds of cases,
many of them of grcnt Importance, both In tho
amounts Involved nnd tho pilnclplcs settled.
Few men of his ago can present a better record
as a lawyer. In fact, his abilities, attainments
nnd qtinllllcutlons nro undoubted. With a clear
nnd vigorous possesses great Industry
Is calm, dignified and patient. Urbane In man
ners, self-possessed nnd even In temper, ami In
flexible In Integrity. Ho did not seek this no
mination, Indeed hiiB never mingled In politics,
or sought for political notoriety, honors or posi
tion. The nomination Is the moro flattering bo
causo voluntarily tendered.
The proceedings of the conference reached us
too lato for this week's Issue.
". i-
t 1
ir prcn.kiM
M.-aus to dr:
. k- e .hlhll
T:;r. Hoi.!.!;. I'.i.-U
i A'iie Adilr
t-i ho lu-M at li.U 1 !
! :n-.-.' in i in i. i
. we. ;, v hh-h we
: t
It always nll' us plensii-ii when we can
note tbo prosperity of our Sunbury boys when
they try to seek their fortunes In other localities,
and particularly thoo who have been closely as
sociated. with us. Wo lately observe two wuh
whom wo had daily Intercourse some years
since in our ollicc, In instructing them In the nrt
of printing, who have paved their way to very
honorable positions in life. We refer to Col. J.
P. S. (iobln. who is located at Lebanon, Pa., and
has secured n laro practice ut the bar, nnd has
lately been appointed Chairman of the. Republi
can County Committee, mid A. A. Shissler, Eq.,
who has held one of the most prominent positions
in the Treasury Department at Washington, for
soma years past, 1ms lately been elected the
President of the Pennsylvani i Republican Asso
ciation of that city. Tlifre positions are well de
served, and v.c feel confident will be filled with
honor and advantage to the pa-tv which they
represent. We hope soon to note the further a.i
vanceinent of these young men to still higher
Ji.iKin Joiidan'b Late C'iiaugc. As Judge
Jordan's lato Charge was a production of more
than ordinary merit, wo cannot pass It over with
out a few remarks in regard to !ts venerable au
thor as well as tho eliaraeler of this really meri
torious judicial production. Perhaps there Is no
citizen of this State who has so completely fulllll
ed the destiny of a useful life, than has the gen
tleman In ipi stioii, and few whose Intellectual
and social advancement from self education, can
boast of ns high n degreo of perfection. His
whole life has been nn example of industry, so
briety and perseverance, and consequent success.
Whether wo look upon his charge to tho jury
In the late murder trial in a literary sense, or us a document, it has In cither case the samo
merit exhibiting more than ordinary ability. In
the nicest, sense it presents the anxious solicitude
of a faithful public o'l'ccr lu tho disehurga of a
solemn duty lu the performance of which noth
ing Is overlooked, nothing is left undone, to meet
csactlii the cuds of justice. With a feeling for the
I arraigned, whose life is imperilled In a contliet
I with the law, and he the umj ire, in this, his lust
ofdeial net, seems to have called forth all the as
tuteness of a mind made powerful by n long life
of experience in his profession, in the reduction,
to some tangible form, the testimony bearing up
on the case. So completely was the matter sift
ed and explained, in language truly eloquent and
t i: I i I'll 1 , that the man of the nio.-t common do
cility, could not err in his decision.
It Is Willi the sincere regret of the public, that
with the expiration of lids Judicial term, Jlr.
Jorda i will retire to private life, lie will do so
Willi the proud consciousness of having beeu
rt is liberal, nn l w iil no ' faithlul to his trutt, and eminently nblo In the
a large auu ii.t of the , '"-charge ol his duty.
1 1 1 1 : : " : ic appear. l.' be considerable fear on tho
,:scuii-v:.i 1 to deliver part of tho cand' Aates nominated by tho Irish
the Ktiir, which 1 Catholics, that there will not be. enough of that
' class to elect them to the olllees, for which they
are. Democrats to cicel lliein to. un
Mou h.y last the Standing Committee met nt t lie
: Court House, to devise plans to pull the wool
, over the eyes of the people, but unfortunately it
has already leaked out that funds are to be rais
ed, lor the purpose of procuring naturalization
! papers at the Special Court to bs held this month,
for some 1'ire-i hundred Iiish Catholics, which
they deem sutlleleiit to elect them nt the () ".ober
' election. This will make a lively time about the
Court House during tiie session of the Court.
! Man of these applicants, no doubt, have just
' been Imported. If a President Judge would be
. sitting upon the that la any way nf-
i liliated wilh them, double the number would no
1 doubt be brought e'c. This wholesale inaiiii-
factiire of naturalized voters is no doubt culcnhi-
ted to make it appear that the Vote polled ut the
primary election was all lijbt.
On Bundav morning Inst, nbout two o'closk, 1
Mr. Wm. Kelly, track walker, on tbo P. & F. R.
R., met with n terrlblo accident, which resulted
In his death about three hours afterward, Mr.
Kully had completed his route, and sat down on
the end of a tlo near Kcmmcror's switch to await
I.li6 coming of tho train, duo nt half past twelve,
A.M. The train was two hours into, and It Is sup
posed befell asleep. When the wiglneerapproacu
cd the switch ho gave the usual signal, where
upon M. K. seized his lantern nnd sprang upon
the truck. Tho engineer whistled an alarm but
ho paid no nttention to It, probably In con
sequence of being so suddenly nrouscd from
slumber. Thccnglno struck htm, breaking n leg,
bruising his body te.rtlblo, nnd Inflicting a severs
wound on his forehead. Tho train was stopped,
nnd tho unfortunate man brought to his station
whero a physician pronounced his Injuries fatal,
nnd ho was carried to his home, whore he expir
ed about llvo o'clock. Mr. Koliy was a quiet,
Industrious, reliable man, and leaves a wife and
two children to mourn h'sloss. Milton'.nn, Sept.
On tme "Half Sueix."
'I would npplaud theo to tho very echo,
That should npplaud again." Shukerjieui:
Let mo ni PFtroiihrHc thee, O September!
Thou luscious master-piece of nil tho months
thou .lf;mof the Vail! Thanks to thy great
originator, who In tho orthography of thy Im
mortal name Inserted a glorious "R" I Worship
theo for that u- poor mortals hero below
would surely wait another month ere they'd en
joy tbc succulent bivalve tho very thought of
which would make a gourmand shudder.
Ah ! Binaek your lips in fond nullclpntinn, ye
lovers of tho "raw !" Shout aloud for Joy, ye
gormandizers of tho unctuous "fried !'' Devour
crs of tho fragrant "stew," In all your might,
come forth with horn and shell nnd with (.row
pendmis yell strike terror to the souls c f tlioso
who were b:sc enough to spell lust mouth thusly,
O ywi, to enable them to gratify a vitiated and
unscas'MiuMu nrpctitc.
lint l. uaij peal forth the glorious news ! Yea,
In thunder tones proclaim to nil the land and
the hungry inhabltans th-'ieof, that 'Oystersnvo
note- lu season !"
The chap that cannot t ike his "do. -n raw,"
lie. the covcv old or young,
Should executed be by course of law,
And die iinhouorcd and unsung,
(io to Reese's Mammoth oyster estnbil-limcut
near the depot. Ladies' saloon oil second floor,
at the Ueese house.
- -
(loon News to Tuiiacco O'ewkus and Smok-
eus. Mr. J. C. Trimble, of the new Tobacco
store, on Third street, has just opened a new
Btipply of tobacco mid the best brands of ecgurs
that can be had lu tho city. Ilis assortment is
not excelled In any cm ntry store, nnd merchants
and other retailers v.-Iil find a splendid stock to
select from.
Hmibiiry Urniii V 1'ruducn Murkt'l.
Choice White Wheat
Best Ain icr, Winter
Corn. ...i
Rye ,
Outs, (SW lbs.)
licst Amber, Winter, per sack..,
" " " barrel.
(lorn, per cwt.,. ,
Pennsylvania Roll ,
Emm Per dozen
M i:ATS--Driod Hecf, ier lb
- Smoked Mutton ,
I.Aiin per lb
Fish Salt White Fish, per lb
" Trout "
Cod "
Fresh Sliud
VnoKTAiiLDS Turnips, per bushel
Potatoes " "
Onions " " ,
Beans, " quart
Hominy, " "
Diunn Fiihits Dried Apples, per lb
" Peaches, "
" Cherries, "
" Uliieklxriles
" Raspberries
tr.Kiiis,,B,io: or s.i a nayj-IH
,...1 60
l r.o
....1 00
'J oo
s no I
a M)
1 5
..!0fli CO
1 10 I
1 0" j
...1.V7MS I
-'.13 i
...10''i'.:5 1
It Is ono of the remarkable facts of this ro
marliable nee, rot merely that so iniviy persons
are the victims of dyspepsia or Indlg'-llmi, but
II i willing victim. 'Now, we would not. Is! Un
derstood to say that any one regards dy.-pipsia
with favor, or feels disposed to rank It ninong
the luxuries of life. Far from it. Thoso who
have experinced its torments would scout meh
an Id-a. All dread It. nnd would gladly di'P'-nse
Willi its unpleasant f.,ni!ilarlii s. Mark Tap'iy,
v.h-i was Jolly uu h-r all the trying eireum -tanees
Inwhiihhowas p'-i'i .1, n-ver had nn ntt ik of
dyspepsia, or bis Jollity would have spec lily for
saken him. Men nnd women sonu-ti iu-s sutler
rlv. but who;
... IS
i iliit i
ins were omitte.l
iiblieuil County
e no doubt over-
lies in lb i haste of getting
Dm' v.vs a vote, id' th inks to the
lu r, f ir hi Very able address to
fib - C'inveiitio'i, and aunt her was
i t F. I.lghliicr mid Joseph
II, ; t. '.-..ntntlve Conferrees, to con
r I 'lal'ei reeo from Montour coun-
W:: liii-1 i
i.i th.s p"
t 'oiiveiiti'in
look.. I by the $
th.' i'i"'""'
II.i.i. J. li. i'.
I be d. -legal, s
1.1: I. L, :
1 r wi'.li siini
Ivti'uuvt :::n rs at !i:oiu;r.Tows. Our cnter
prising IVi' ml John Hin-;'auian, Esq., is nbout
completing a tine Inl.-k building in Unit place
which will be a line addition to Mi a town. The
building li Incited u:i ii corner lot, on tho road
(aiU.ig to Hickory Corner. The l.acnciil Hory
will be occupied by A. Dilty .V Sun, merchants,
as a store ''ooui and tho ollv-r part as a bank
ing house. The second s'ory will be occupied
ns a hall for the liidepeud nt Order of Odd
Fellows and a Tow n Hall, which has long been
needed hi that place. Mr. I!iiig.:m:iu Is deserving
of line '.i ere lit for il.U tine improvement in that
go-iihea 1 1 illnee.
.f'li.K. On l:itii-...y nbout half-last
ten o'clock, a home on th i corner of Front and
Walnut streits, owiu I tiy Ira T. ( Icmeut, Esq.,
was ilii-eovirel on lire, and before assistance
could be 1. 11 .in I to al I Hie oecupauts to cx
lingulh it, thu ll.iin. i plead rapidly over tho
whole loot' of the building. Tin' slealilcr Wat
prolilptl) brougbl 1 ilo eliee, bill thu building
being ol I an I I ui.l entirely of wood, all ilforts
o save it, provid liiucnpli:!. Thu house was
occupied by bun rauilllci., ule.,e household goods
were all ravel, Tho lire was, no doubt, Iho
w.jik nt an iuci ndlaiy, wlio, It 1-i uppocd, hint
koine 111 IVcihig toivaid a party thai were to be
aiilud lu the b ui 1- of uiali'iiiiouy In I lie build
ing, at the hoar tlie lire Inol.e out.
As.'liu a. ioi 'i'ae.. i.i) ui iiui.i betweeil four
illl I tile .'. b'l 1,, 111. .hi d I 'Ol' UllT J, It. Lcllkt'l 's k kiln c..u-bl li i o fioin i burning Mill.
I l.e ..l.iriu n.i- :;'u u by ll.u b!.i,inj ut bl-lle
l.f b.i olui.l 1 i , H !l II .1 l,ll'l lllllllber Of I'ltijM'll
t:ic..-,i li. en lb il tioll-t lllld blllled to Ike
.. . lie nl ...nil il .li' .11. Tlie. .-l Illl fllillu lira
i o iii i in v ih ic pi.. mi tly o.i il.c
Bplclidi I I Vie ill, ill Milh 111. ir
W'd .it It .1 t 1,1 I .tl lliouiill-l
pl np.-l I) . 'I i. in d i , ..llti,
U'ln I. V I . . ii.., .". b
1 1.1.
ground, uud dill
ll i'.ll.llUn, Ull l
d . ll.ll Hoi ll l,f
l luiiiily t -I
pi,. I. Jdy reach
I I ,.'t.ll..
i .it r'
t I.
le b
..i'u'ar, uu I
III lb .U..I.
Ill I I.I ..11
I 'J' II j , ui. I
i.,4 of H. .
ntlll l . . , I . . . o
Mill' b. II. .1 Vtii
L) Ii. I.. 1. ... I.
I.. I I 111
I. ..
l .. i ... J ll.
.'I 1 .' i. .ni l. ii ' y foin-
li ....I I . d..i ) b. . ...i.i., uiuic
c I i. .1. 1. J l4 1. 1 ....a of tlx
I l.e I lolling .....! u udll.ll-
I n to .u i lu li u . ... a, of Hit
g u -Uoi J .11,1, 1 ill.. l.)llj; U
I. .1. . lij 4 II, tt I. . I. ), t
it. 'll.u bui.,1., t 1. 1 tlutk uu I
i t w ii.i ii I I ., i l,,i.iiluu, mil,
i I l.i 1..-U II.) lall till
..ll.l l ..w) I .104. I Uu I..UudMI
l l-lw lb- 111! .It ul ll. b ...U.ll. H4 tul
1 1... i. i ( I, i. lou, tUv
i.i. .. K' t 1 1.. I l. k
I ...
1.4 .ll
Im .k .
1 " 4
. ... U.i i 4l Mil
.1 ..4 4. 4i S.. IV i--
1 I. w 1 I. I li.a . U ., uu lUt
ll t uu 1 . 1. . ul 4 .. l.-4, u4
l-i.l uu u (, (.,tl
U4...4 lu. U Ik lUv t.'U.lulU.M lu
L. 1 . iv.v 11, .i, ivi;
dficiu Ktibcitiscmcnl:
LL person! nro hereby cantiovd against
I ressp'issiiig or fishing upon the premises
of the undi rsletied. In the counties of Dauphin
and Northumberland, as the fall extern of the.
law will bo enforced 011 all violating this notice.
ADAM F.l'Mltl-.Itr.Ki!,
8AMFF.L Kllllir,,
A I . H X A N I ) 1". i RIMS A ?. i A N,
AI)iM LF.NK f'H,
JOHN WliltT.
On Wednesday evening last, between tho hours
of tight und nine o'clock, the house of Mrs
Surah liloom, oil Vi'ulnut street, was entered by
burglars, lu the absence of the family, bureaus
and closets ransacked, and ("i 50 stolen. The
thieves, It Is supposed, entered by unlocking thu
buck door with a knight key ami did their work
qukkly, as the family were not out over about
twenty minutes. Mrs. liloom hud accumulated
the money to make her last payment on her
property, ll Is hoped that these widow robbers
will tiMiu bo brought to Justleo where they may
receive their Just dues.
Wi: lire happy to uotlec Hint our friend A. A.
Hillcr, F.sq., bus been elected 1'rerddciit of Iho
1'enimylvunla Republican Association ut Wash
lugton, D. C. Mr. Khlnlcr Is 11 hur.l worker lu
the Republican cause, and this high eonipll
li.ent Is certainly well deserved. Having recelv
cd I'll Voles out of'.'Ol Votes cast, shows that he
Is u popular ll. 1 j us In Ids own county. Tho
utsocliiiiiiu c.i 11 in I help liui piiMju-r under Mr.
hilcr's kuiiciil Ion u I'.. kI Ici I, an I will do
fciiod .crlce In the co 11I11K c.iuiiulgn.
Mh. Flit. ill : Alto me to r luru my heart
fell lli.ilik. to the biliibury Me nu t'lui ( oiiip.uiy
for tin lr prompt 1104 in alii n.liug the lire 11 1 my
bilck kilns, uud .ilug it large amount ol proper
ly. 'I heir 1 lloils mti appreciated uud dc.civim;
of public uekaow h dgiiicui,
J. 1). I.UNklllt.
The M.ih.iuoy cudi-i.pi.iid. nt ul the ..... .u" of
Lot Vtetk, ..) 1
htvunw d''i 11 ,.11 i f (, of
Wa.liiiiiit.'U I.. ii l.ip, ... ii lin,' u linfw to U u
li. 14 lu the tmuiii, uud ll.u I...I mi . II, ( 11 rl
.).,) und tbo )uuii umu .i hull u Uidly
Ikul Uu Imjii.k 1. ui i.e.. luu. 4ii4 uiii.iini'4 lu Ibl.
t. iu. Illl. u Ul til l.u 4I4 Uu Mas Luiud l ti
llliuuitl'. i buuli, uu tbo .'I'd ull.
I u icii. i.f x,iii ut our 1 hui. I... uul.i (.1
Kl uu pit ul., Hi I4 Ike Ui, Up ll.l. tit I .( Uu ililuUl tlKiulu lUtll link..
V"t ku U ill xiv Uu 4u4 l4 In put l.tu
lUU.U uil UU IUUI il4ll,(., 4U iMt'.ll 1,4 II
u i iu .(-uii b i uui l uL ui tUii,
tui ui.g lUu Ii.i ,
II U 4 ib.u.,, w u u, iu-1 Ibv 4.l siu IU.U4
ui luui k4ll it lv.4 li t.u.l; ul l4.kk.uiu
kuit.ii;.. Uku ul lu.ul uu iimiiu ..k
I... 4lilIUIlM44 lUk.h lu Ik. II uu u
As Immense stock of Roots and Shoes are
open at tho Excelsior store of W. II. Miller, for
Hie fall trade. Merchants nnd others purchas
ing by wholesale, will find the best of stock at
this store, at city prices. His stock Is constantly
Tut! fall stylo of Huts at Faust's store, on
Market street, just opened, are not only lino
looking, but of tlie very best qualit y. Merchants
and others will be supplied al wholesale prices.
Cool. Weather brings Its changes, it. Is well to
provide against cool moruiiigs and chilly even
ings. We notice a complete line of waterproofs,
wool plaids, opera cloths, alpacas, flannels f:c,
just opening ut Wclmer's popular cash Mute,
lluupt's lllock, Snnbury, l'u. (iivy him a c 11
and secure your fall suits, while you can secure
the most desirable patterns and new A
complete stock of goods always on baud at popu
lar cash prices.
Sr.vKi Points, S-pt. 4, 1S.1.
Fnii'xii Kditou: Having n few spare 1110-j
mculs, and you will alio .v me space in the c.d-I
limns ol your valuable paper, I will try uud give
your many renders sonic new s from ibis pari of
the county. Thu dyseiilm-y Is raging in our
neighborhood scterely, and almost daily some
lime one is borne to tlie tomb. Mr. John liloom
has buried two in ono week, while others of the
family, are very low with tlie same disease.
l'ofitieal all'airs are ull right, in our neighbor
hood, bo 1 1 10 of the most democrats
say they will not support a ticket that has gain
ed its point by fraud. Mr. New baker, the volun
teer candidal!, for Legislature, is spoken of by all
to be the man that should be elected s nlso Judge
Welker seems to have liio mo-t friends In the de
mocratic ranks in this township, and will, with
out doubt, be elected. Mr. Vastino is gaining
ground. Mr. 11. E. Maiiek, Mr. Vastiue's com
petitor in thu Convention, is doing ull tor biui
Hint he can, and says he iiin-t bu elected. This
is true Republican spirit, which should characte
rize every Republican, ilien we need fear no dan
ger, und ere long the Republican parly will gain
such a victory that Put Hester and bis fraudu
lent followers, will leave tho county, and Beck
shelter and laxcolleetoibips, where naturaliza
tion has not yet found its way. Wo have every
reason to belii-ve Unit Rings and I'liious arc about
played out. The iutrlliuent farmers ot this coun
ty begin to feel uud see, that there U something
wrong some where, that their taxes me raising
biulicr and higher, und they are bound on a
chamre, which can only be accomplished by elect
ing Mr. Vusiine to the nllicc of Coniml-slimcr.
Li t us nil labor that we may bef ueees-lul at this
fall's election, and wo believe that every Repub
lican lias influence, enough to make one vote
from the Democratic ranks, which would swell
our majority large enough to secure honesty for
a generation to conic.
Our little town. Is still In a prosperous coiuli
lion, and ail begin to realize the belli Ills of lend
ing their i.i 11 ii r 1 ico In building up country towns.
"V. R.
lttsliiiss Notices.
Regulator Hoot, Shoe, Trunk and Leather
Store eon-olldated with tbo Uool; ritoie. Cull
one and all. New goo Is at low prices.
Oak hull Clothing House is Just now the bus
iest place In America, We ncd to uy ''buy us
111 r:s 1 now for ti klroiigcr comparison; we say,
busy us W. ii S'.
1 kts' line Flench Calf, llox toc Hoots, Mitch
cd bottom, ut the Regulator,
5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Jul received ut Llglil
lier's, cheap for cull.
Al l. Rubber Wear, ul in.iuiif.ictiiicr.' prices,
ul the Regulator.
J?Pf:Uil i'Jft'ilrw.
Tit 'outviHi or mi lutwiia.
I l III.ISIIllI) us u Winning uud for Urn beuelil
Sept. 2, lHTl.-St.
t . ii. .tJAltrSPIAE.S ri' 2:,
YV. I, of loi!!ij IvauLi,
1'itt:i; no, August 2s, is. 1.
r-j-miS IS TO CIVK NOTICE! That on the
L "ith day of August, A. D., IsTl.a Warrant
in linnkruptcy was issued ugein.-l the e-lulu of
John P. I'lirsell, of S.iiihury, in tho County of
Northumberland, and Stuta of lVnnsylvat.ia,
who has been adjudged a Raukrupt, on I. is own
petition ; that the pavnient of nnv debts and de
livery of any properly belonging to such Rauk
rupt to him or for his use, nnd the transferor
any property by him are forbidden l y law j tliul
a meeting of the Creditors nf the sai 1 Uaukrupt,
to prove, their Debts, nnd to choose one or inure
as.-ignees of his estate, will he held nt a Comt of
bankruptcy, to lie hidden ut Hnnhury, In the
county of Northumberland, before John S. Det
weiler, F.sij.. Register, on tlie '.'o l day of Septem
ber, A. D., idTl, ut 10 o'clock. A. M.
U. S. Marshal, as Mcscng "i
6cfl. 2, 1STI.-;M.
rpilll uudesignel having a larger tract ofl.iud
.1. (over acres) than can be prnp.'rlv colli
vnlcd in on, farm, largely devoted to Inn king,
oH'crs for sle nbout one lull ncrcs, embracing t lie
w hole of -.iic old I'ersing f.n in, togetlier with a
part of the Ouldin farm.
The natural advantages of tho part offered fur
sale, are innrl repeels equal for gardening pur
poses, to tho:e of the part reserved. My own gar- 1 m
deiiing lor the pasi two seasons has been chuiiy
done upon it.
Tli"ie are many gorid fanners in this county
barely m iking u living at ordinary grain farming,
wlio might greatly advance their interests by
giving some nttention to trucking upon 11 farm .-o
well adapted to the business ns ! he one now filter
ed, nnd so convenient to one ot the very best mar
kets in the State. Terms reasonable. For par
ticulars inquire of, or address
JiiiyH-tf. Fuxinos, Noith'd Co., P.i.
Its tortures uucnmi'.:
of n lier-Jou ivho fpiuved liifiii f
Ol'iill the multifarious !ifce.;s to whleii the
human system is liable, thorn Is perhaps no one
fo generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There lire
diseases ii'iom nente etui painful, lied which
more frequently prove fatal t hut none, t lie cll'eets
ofwhiehnreso dep-eseiiig 10 the mind nnd so
positively ilislr .-slug to the body. If Micro la a
wretehe.i being in Mu: world it is
Nearlv every other l-ersc'i von meet li n vic
tim, nn I'ppnrentiy willing one: for Were Ibis!
not the ens.', why so many pult'-i.-i'-s v. lien a e r- I
tain, speely and s- t'e remedy l wiMii'.i the ee- y i
reach of all w ho di -ire to avail lle'iMsel . es of it f j
Hut them ij'.iity will not. lPlmh-lhy 1 n-.i a, lice,
or detcrrc I by sonic oth"r unexj.'niiied lullucuce, j
they, io accept til ' reli -:f proli'ei'e I ll.em. !
They turn a deaf e ir to the te-iiiiu.ny ol' tlie j
thoM. ainls whore sutlivlliD" he.vebci-n nileviet e.l.
nnd with strange Inliiliiatiini, appiai' to cling
with desperate ib t -nuiiiellii.i to tlu-ii' luiiiiess
torment.--,-. Rut s iy. n dy-pepi ic : liat is litis
remedy I to which we reply : Tills grc.'.t llllevl 1-
tor of human sutleiing is 11 i 11
knoe.:i ns the I!iigb-li l.ii:g-.i:ige.
theii'vonii.s ,,r thoiis-inds, nad 1st
eiiail'oit :'i'd cncuai iL'.-einetd. to
(.!'. rs. Tlii-i ili'kuov. ! edged 1
other than
Pu. H!.o;-'i..:,'D'Si.r.:::.tAN
AV.vil 1 you know 1. "ic or the
t.i'l.d. rl ill li;,:i I..- 1,
e'perieiiee 1 i' o!i-'i-.i i 'ivy il
it lies t'nilcl to failli the nssuran
given by thj proprietor, Mien p.
" Orphanc'ourt Sale!
1)URflANT to nn order nf tho Orphans'
X Conrt of tlie County of N01 l.iiutnlM.tUind,
tst.-itc of PciinsylYa.iiiii, thn nn.-l.Ts'itfiicd Adiulilis
trntors' (if Peter Winner, hue of Lower Mali. in iy
township, Northumberland. County, ihcea-cd,
will cxposo to ealo by pablie Vendue, on ibe
premises, on '.
Natui'tlur, ill?- JCth C:y or feir;'.ttiii-
hi'P, A. liJ,
the following Yiiluab!" Real J.-'at' , ia wit : All
that certain
Rclng iinrkild r." purpait No. 1, In a rill Pi writ
of partition between tbo lu Ira of Peter Wiliilt-i',
ileeeused. riiualu In Lower Mahanov tov:i' hip,
Norlliuinbei'lund Count;,-, P.i., ndjoiuiug lands of
Charles ltrodoii., Angurtu lladmnn, und other
lands of raid Peter WitinW, dei ested, eoiituliiing
KlxlySIsafit Awvs nn.l Cite
moro or Iits, nil of which Is cleure.l ; v. hereon
is elected a Doable
.hai'?.:ixk nirot axi in
GEO. I.OiIIilLVCIl & fiON!',
Kicihrr;'. Biiiii.
I'JFOltI Ul" public Mint .they 1 re piveei,
.'('null M:vU of t ',',.;TJN.;m, nt.d 'i,.ii- .1,..
11 new M.' LiIiod Id fo'ineciio'i with th
I'oundi-v, ami Imvc supp'letl lLo,.i. elves w ith :;.
Lathes.' I'iav.'.-.i r an I l'.oi'mg Machia';.,, w'Mi t!:
latest lmy:vcin.'i.!s. V." it It I hit I'hl of'.l
on'us, tl.ey are enn'ilcd ID c,V"'Hie nli or.Iei-s
NKW WORK on luc.wnt'Nt;,
that may bo given them, In 11 siitisfecti'Vy li.r.'.i-
'ii";i;ir"i tit mttt t:t
CuLl'MN:, for eh-iicl.
. 1 'lis, of nil slz,.s.
IittA-'r CAHTLSlib, Ac.
s or ot!ter bull I-
Story Dtvclliti
i t o i.
1 :'-t n v .
.1 t ns wuie.v
II has allayed
d-'J' e.ueyil.g
tlioUMiirls of
.1. ice 1 is none
: : "! 'if tV.-
'.feu the
( V. A 4 4 .4
a new Rank I'.arn -loXeS f'et, n 'I 1
mT lions.-, a Ttvo-St'ny i'pri.ig iimise, Sinugliter
House, Cider Mill an I V:v s, Wu'roit fchci and
other buiit'.in gs. A 1.1 ver i'a'.ie",-
'.'li'N'a OF V.'A'! !'-l
i near the house, nnd r'.iv.i ing v - t-r Ihronvh the
I h irn yard. This laibi 1- t.'.l Lime Minn: Land,
' and in 11 high 'tate offi'.Rlvuli m, 111-' : ill being
the niitu'e of ir..!' hi'it'e'i laud, and the fields
well wature-l. '11:' re In n I.'iee lone ridee on
thes nitl. side of te.i m. end a quai ry opened;
two iijr..1;
nro ercetel, and re. en and Fi.-n . se.f.'.i '.eiit fov
lor t'.vciiti--('.ve '-'.i-re kllii..
j There i- I.- -u I :m l Wiiliiiit 'i i'lilcr in If?;-?
I quantities on Mils tract. .
I All tii-t e- t .in TraefarlVc of Land, sit 'jalc
I-(Ml I.IIA , r. V .Mil) l''l i; j
FOR YAI!L' AT KK-JJOiN if., fr.
'I Ic I'l.OW;'. nli'i. e.dy celclirul-.l tor tle'iv rn
ll'rlolitV. liaV" be-'lt MR! f.trtlui''i ret. : :. 1
I wi.i itiw.ivt l.e !.i 1 1 on b irn!.
i Also. tj:i;k -ni-iM mac iiix;:;.
I f--in'cry, M iy 1 s ; 1 .
i reisjstij'lvn.-sfts fJt-.'.ts .Ifji-U-ttliur..!
Mir iriy.
TJM'.r. r':l.'!i'''"i of 'his i-ie'-ty, fir lei I, will
I e h"M el i-.,-re.nt nil Ti.'KMi.V, Heptein-
i her I'.iih, Wr.osr.smv, r-'cti
1 iv. ft q tctalier :.i't, l'ui' 1
i 'i'lte gro'inds nee si''io i. lit
j eoiniuodaiimis enqde, en i
! liberal. 'lU.i-i-. is in .,.
j Move's e:.i i'e, i'.ir ,p.. cd.
' oil, :' Iiit'.ir'i'.:. lion, n-l ire c!
rii-s, ut b'.r.-.ioiri.
i ,(1!N ('. MO"i
1 T. V,'. L'.rri.i u. Ree. S er lary.
I J :.!in:iHir. :-P '.'cm,i:v, Cor. :...-i
i Aug. ::(, IV, 1. It.
I- -el ll, I i-fHH-
II, d lie
I1.-I ,1.1 .1111 il
!.! !.r
for 1
li. r i f
e ot li ctai'iicy
.'.in'.on failli lu
WM. Ml'UISAV. J. s'l.W VAK.llt;. W M. 11. 111..' CK .
Whuif.s.Uc DlhUm's in
Ollieo nnd School Stationery,
Er ill 1 3 n jr., AVrapisiii;; mill MliJisilla
I'AI'I'.IS 1IAW, Ai-., Ac.
Tho Oolcbratud 1
Corry Kerosene l!iimiii0il
always on Land.
Having nlso opened a
we are prepared to supply at short notice, and nt
the lowest lutes,
Rllil "
to illl who may be pleased to (jive us a call.
Orders lift ut our olllee No. sr, 8011th Thinl St.,
will be promptly tilled.
Ml' lilt AY & CO.
No. 35 South Third Street, Sunbury, la.
An;,. '.'I'., Us...
l i an order of the Orpluins'
orthniiibci'liind count v. will lie
j eiocd to public sale.ou the preini-1., mi the
; 11 tluy rN'itriulrr. IH7l,the follow
j IiiLj Leal list ite, lo wit s All that certain ines.
i uniije or tract of land, situate lu Juch-ou town
I bhip, Noithumlicrlaud county, I'll., bounded uud
I dcM-ribcd us follows, to wil l On Mie noilli by
I lands of John Kclli-riiiiiu, on tlie i 1st l y Ian I of
' lliiniel llilliu-h, on the soiilh by laud i t tlie es.
tale of widow Ma! I ii k, ilee'd, au.i on the Met
by land of Jacob Seller, eoulainiii; 1'oiir (I)
! Al-ril, more or less, w in rcoii nro t reel, it a t o
1 story liaine dwclllni; Imuse, it Ir.iine st.ild,., ,Ve.
A well of water (with pump) near Mm iloor, it
iol of fi iiil trees, o-e., bein the property ol S. un
til I l.alsli.i mid J. J.ieoli l. ilslni, luinor i liildiiii
'of Henry Liitsha, ilceeiise.l. Sale lo coiinuiiire
ul 10 o'clock, on mild day, when I lie c..ii,l.;';uiu
w ill In made Uuo-t u I v
j AllllAIIAM l'l.AsSI.U, liuaidi.iu.
An:'. I'.l, ISill.-'.'l.
tlisl of it'.!, that HOOl'I.ANO'iS r.LRV.AN HIT- I
'1 1-1KS is n. a a rum b. xcrajr". !
'I hey no alelu.lic i.i nay si u. e of th" term, i
VIc.'V are e--nirosc I w lmllv ol I l.e l Uie iii". or;
vital pnueiral oi root i. llii.-ts not n mil" a
1 fctlio i. '1 lie entr.ic's "'a tlu-y iirec nn-
, jMiunil-.l are. prepared ly one of the ;:''!e-t of!
tiernnin rhcnii-t'. I'nlil'te any oilier It. tons in !
I the market, th-v al'-' wholly i'ree IVoin spiritnott' :
j i'liliedicats. '1 he ol.j 'ctioii.- w hich hold with so
; much force attain-l prepariitiouss of th! i-hiis, j
: liaincly that a di ;dre for liivoieai iau' iliii.lis is
i stimulated by their use, nrt not valid ill the ease
of the Herman Litters. Su far fi o:n e'leouria-in ;
or in; a t.i -te m- de-ire (or in, l.i imr '
i beveraircs, it may be covisidcnlh'.'ly ! ttiat
: their tendency Is in a diametrically i-pi . lie di
irctioit. Tlieir eli'e.'is caii be II11N l'.l'Ji i. I. 1
ONLY in uli cacs nf tlie biliary syliui. Hoof-,
! land's! Jcrnian Hitters stand w itlioii, :n caue.!, i
1 tie: iui; prompt ly and vi-onu'.-ly upon she l.iur; !
j th- y reniove its i.,rp: lily end can.- Ii -alta.'ul s - 1
eiet'iin of 1 iie '.In-ieliy s-.ippiy'.ii.; the io-.,i.-."h
with ti e l i" -t i.i 'i -1 -n-alile eie'eiee'. ; ytt::i.I ;
die;-- lion in prop-r ropi.rtion-. They li" 1 ::.'
toth" stoin.icli '.:. ,dnt iae; it fi'.net'ioiis, ae.l
cnalilinu' it to p -rloriii i's 1 1 . i 1 s as net are de- -sitiued
it should do. Tin y impart vl.e.r and i
'. slicauth to ! he entire system, ce'isin;; the pet iei.t ,
to fe d like another belli , in, i,iviie.; iii: 1 a .
new leae of life.
T I i 1-1 Y I'l'iiii'"!' Tii!'. lii.t-ul), cee.o.sin M.e I
v "il il H ui.l ol'ii:', h'irtl'al inMi'.'-'.ii-sand sa;,j.e,:it- '
In-; tle'in with the cleim uts ef einiiiie li.-ut hi il-
iu a word, t acre is scarce: v a i! -ee,-e m
w liieh 1 1 tev cannot be se.l'clv and ti.-n. If. i.-.ll v c:n-
ployed i but ill that mo-t '."iier illy prcv.i'en'. di-- ;
, t:csiu ami dreaded disease, )pcp...i, 'i'lii.Y 1
, STAND I' X RI VA I.V.I). " ;
Now, Mi -re lire ceitain id iss' s of pcr.'-Mi to
; whom cxtreui" r.iltcrs are net only unpalatable,
but who lind it impossible to take without
positive discomfort, for such 1
. Die. HOOI'LANDY' (.I'l'.MAN T'oNIU !
! has been specially prepared. It is Intended for
use where a slight ulclioiie sliinulaiit U rcpiirc-.l i
j in eoniieetion with tlie well-Known Tonic u-i-I
pertics of Mie pare (leiMi in Hitlers. This Tonic
I contains all the inirrc.liei.ts of the Hitlers, lint so
II ivoied lo veinove lie cMr.-i.'e biiteiiie: s.
! 'I'hl:-. prcp.'.ra'ieii i- not only pelni.tte", o .1 io::i
i 1 lues, in inodilitd lorin, nil Mc vie". s of t'le
! (l -rinan Hitters. The solid e?;tr.'.t" of ,.. of
in t he to.'.-ns'.rt i.nd i-rmi e i
io-: ,d- ,.((: .,-:... r:,-.:.,!!,:, i
IliM i'ell, i ii.einiiali I'lsi'.lps. ii
sai l it ' ','. e.i, at iin-.' 1,:
Fort y-f even (17) lVvch.-s. ni
marked as piirpalt No. 1.', in
;.s. I'.-t
ml other laud.- of
..- i i.i) Acre- ami
He or .-.'., Ic ill!"
tae said wtil of
y .- jt ..-rr-f i
A" th". ceri iin or i th. ; 'i'rac
situate in the town!!!! and
I ..'.ucl. .', bv ol .l.,-iah V.'
Isaac . .! lie and
iau' Tv.i al el (Jl)
or i; er of L ii. -1,
co'ir.ty at'ore-ei I,
it, I'.ivi l le noli ,
aides llro-iiit;s, coi't.ii.i
Acri s nn I Tnii t v-t-cveii
(l.T) I'crcie s.
p ui No. '.i, in .-iii;'.
or ie-s, tiei'i-j; in ii i;e,i us j nr
w i it ol p u lilioii.
All that eer'.ain oilier Tract or l'iece of Land,
sit'" i:t ll"' township and county nfor'-.-ai. I,
b.niiidcl by Ptn.'.'i of t'ltsiiiitmh l'htlips, Joiiah
Weit. mid olh-r lands of said iIi-cmm-:!. eontiiln
tn One Ituadrcd and KI 'Vcu (111) Acres and
(Hie Hundred and- Fifty .Seven (1.".7) I'ere'aes,
more in li -;, bene.' l ii ' k-' l ns irn -part No. 'I, in
aid w iil of pui'lilio'i. This trn ! ii well ti.iil'er
e.l with Chestnut, Oak, Locust, Pine, CvC.
All that otic r I'ice or Tract of Lend,
situate in the township and cotiMy a for, .-aid,
bounded by lands of A. H id'.:. in, .lidin llioea
laaii. .',.!in i'.itiie'.; an 1 .lo-iah V.'c::, cie t.:i..ii;,r
.-';; (o) Acres end four
or ic-1, ii"in-.r mat ke ! r
writ of larti'.ii ii.
A I.
Al! that certain other
in the low,: l.ip and e,
bv lands of Jacob Dicibi
'I'D'.'K.'., il
i'l-O'iosii'.w tin Atiii 'iil'iiclit to l!io dr.istiui
li'ili nf relitl.svlvilt'.iil.
it.- :t .'.v.:..?--. .: : r-- .sv...:v ,..,. .-.... .,,.. -r.
".'!.'' (;;'.' . '..;('.'. ,;;' ':,:, l...'. ,V
.' '' .:.-.. ' e, 'I lint tll-'l' dlov,'.,!:; aincint-
incut ol' tlie l o i.-tiliiiiiet of the.'iweaiih
1-e roprisi' l to tlie p- ople fcr their iidoi t'oi: or
r.j.-ct ton to iae p;ov:sio:is ol iue lentil,
thet co.'', to w '.t :
Slri!: out the .s'lMh Seithm or Mie PlM
cle ol t lie Coiisiitutioii, and in 'crl in lieu ;
the ioilo-.i in-:
"A t-lnte Treiisu-rr t'lnll be (!i:v.en by the
(I'f.lilicd elceturs ol the Slate,':1'', titnes and
et riot'
cli terms of nrvicc
as s.u:
lie lire-'ji-ilied
by 1;"V.'
.'.1'1'l'oVe 1 tlie ti.'le
n:i ti one tholl.-ua 1
.TAMl'l.", H. WI-.RR,
ri'f l''i House of le. pr tatives.
Y.ll.I.lAM A. WAI.L.U'H.
Speaker ot t lie Senate.
i .1 .y of June. Anno Do
lit hui.i'ire.l mid se'Vcnt'
"I'll (id)
i Mirpail N
i;i .-
al ion I'ursua nt
Tract nr Lund, :'!U"t" 1
uatv iii', I utinded
lid-', H.ivi.l Savder. .Ik-
si 1 1 1 Rorrell, A. lladuian, and i
ilcceased, coatainln-; 'i'hrce (1
Iliiiii'Ve'l and Thirly-Tlivee (HI
in. i iked e.s purpart No. C, in t
The .".hove property is a'l
mile of Meoiio'tiiu n Depot, of t
and wiilfni half a mil
all I. hue Stone lain:, ;
lit r lands of said
) Acres und ( nic
) i'erehes, beitn;
;id writ of 1 :uli-
rrep ir 1 an.; cei ilii.-d n-;-
to .lie I cetli Ait ele ol the ton t it ut ion
Seei .-retry of tlie Coininonwenlth
Ol'ii" S'' -ret e rv id" (he Couiuion'-.callh.
I iriisliiir-- July nth, l'iUl.
t ii.te i witliin n
e N. ('. Railway,
if the river. It is lu-ariy
I some of the. verv best.
ardwar:: for aj '..
at Tin;
in t '.to State for tlie rai ine; of all kinds of trrnin.
l'.eituf convenient ly situate to Mia railroad,'
makes it one of tin: mo-t desirable in the county, i
Late the properly of l'etef Witmei'. ilecea-e:l.
Sale to eoinnienec i t 10 o'clock, A. M., on
sai I day. when the condit! u:s w ill be made
known by
L-U AF.I. 1'. WITM r.:t,
CI'.O. Vi 1 1 'M I'll,
wm. ii. witm m:;,
l ower Maiianov tv,;-.., Ae.r. ,', lsTl.-4l.
J. 5-2. GCUELLV & CO.
."Siii'Iifi Mivvl, Si-nL-isiw, Ik.
It is rselesn t ) eniiinerate e
in liis :-iorc, nut anion;;' the I
he. i il down Ike follow!:. u :
i ry kind of article
-adit :; item.; m-i
1 Nature's lc '. 'est restoratives arc l-.eld in sola-; ,j -'..
, tion bv spirituotr. mrcnt oft'.ie pure-t ip.ialitv. i N if f ft "TJ P p "J?
l'ie:.'-esori..liirii..ror exec s'.ve'ry, v.l.ire 1 jW: P . !- M U I M
the svsicm appears to have become exhausted of : i M ,31 M 89 H i I
it, cner-ies, 1 iUOFI. A N I )'S TONIC nets wit!.1 siis VL 1? I J. j I. al -iii i'i U
Court of
iiluio-i nuirvelou.j ell'cct. ll not on!
Mie llau".iui;- and wasting en rb s,
ates nnd permanently st rciint liens it
on the Liver and stomach thoronivh.
prompt itiatt tlie .'litters, when the
Iv I- taken is none t he Ic s e.-r;::';:i.
liilliimrn-ss, I'hysical or .-.crvoi-.s
Vie! I I eiidi'y to its potent lll'hl. H'-e.
invalid a nev Mil- r.i'vt r lei! i'i
tnoM's ih pi e-si.iu of : pii i; ., :-.:"! in
full.' si. Ji s,ip;.;.ii,ls lie; p ii.i of
the a.i'! en niiort oi in i I, ci le-.i
s i i.-iiu 1 Ii to wcikiic-s, tlno.'. s ii -ii.l
the wi'ids and : tell. l!.e rc-ti n-d invalid
a in -w and ir! t l mi:.' creel-. s,.t Dr. Hoe.
hen -I'u-ti. ci . to t le 'I'.'.r.i-in race are n t r.
to !.:s c d. lir.ite.l I. HUM AN Hi'i' i'l.ii.'.',
liiv.iiualee iiiMi-, In, has prepared
nic'liciiif, which Is r.ipilly w inning li -i v. a
popuii.r f.tvor beci.ii.-c of its intrinsic iiir:l
; Thi ' is
l.viOFLAND'S I'oDOl'HYLI.IN 1 il.l.'
a perfect sub-tiliite lor mercurv, witlioitt
of meieaiy's evil ouelitic:..
Tin e wond.-i tui Fills, which arc Intended to
net, upon the Liter, ale lue.i'i'v . mi'o-c 1 ol !'-
dopiitnin. or th- vital frini ii'i.F. of ti i:
1 M NN'l'lf.K:: Hoof.
1 No.v we ile-hv tlie reader t ,'.i 'li ict'y iv: !. r-
Hui.d that this I'Xtrei t ol the M i:.. Iraki- 1.- many
. time tuoie oi. ell at i halt ihc Maiilrakc ii-eif.
It Is Hie! vlit: of thi- hcalth-civim;
; 1 lant in a l -1 in : ly p'.i : and hi-h'y toiieeiit i at' d
form, ll-.-uce it is il, it tun of tie"' Fo.lo, 1 .ilo
: Fills coiislll .lie a luil dose, Willie ninuiutv , j
tui Llit nv n handful of other preparations ol
t't" M.itclr :k" ere rcioi.e I. The p,
ACT.- DM. Ft "11. Y O.S'lllF. I.IVLR, t
inu; it-, liiiieUiin '- a id i.m.-!.; ; it lo n.ake iis t .. sci reli. .ns ia i, '-n- -,i:d proper ii::ii:tili -s.
'Ilic ilil lliol'.s l.-s'.i 1, 1.1. .eh iliV.lli.ei'.V 1. 1. i.e. tlie
lis," ot 1,1. 1. .11 y i.citii.'v i. :i'l I !., ll. ir ll-e.
ii .1 d i. la I il ...i ti. I.i . ' o il.- I'd I' .1 , ..w-ti.-
.i.i- c vci te 1. Tl, i t r i l id Mi.u '.i ..I.- c ei
tain. ,1 i.i tiiei.i is 1 1 llltii'ly col. il-ii. e.l ii ,i four I
filler cMle.cls, one ot wlii dl acts upon 111,' ;to- :
In. o h, one l j on the up; r I-. -.t , ' , -i. .; .. : t!..
hotel' I . . v . I " , all I o'.c l,Ve,ils e'lV t,iltill'l-
1 fllt. thus pro IticOi-; a pit I iin! .' . . ll.
ell. lie ill ;, stive lilitl :,lll.ielil:uy st-l 'l.l, i:l an
r-o i il iifi-l I' . rtiion, . kins leaiiiu r, i..i,i i: n, lion
y sii.itu;.',!, .', ; .
.'.tthlmuip'- -; fS .Tl!.: IN O ill'.Il ! NT j THAT
peiliape less , I t j COMPO.'?!. F.( )-. AILM .! nro
am- ipianii- '; I I pull islnHl t.n eve- v p.u !,..::, 1 rt-
In li-. '.-1 am, ; V,j it U n 'a, e.-ial i ipirinion,
Fro tl.tiioll. ; e.iiis, iciUly
.-.Vi V- J'HY-H'Ma-'s t'ur.-.csjci: it
..r. . cle-er- .'tij a i-rtaiu ci" lor f. roliiki,
!;,C,:V .N.-V't ' 1AV iyploli-in nil its lor.:.-!, K'ln.uw-
... , V.,- ..ism, . Kin t.'i re.", i.arr i
.:..i' r n i!;!"1"''
j-.,. I ' C" 4- -- ff " 7'l
' ! fj Nl ;!1 do l.-neo ."oi.,! 'il'ii.i ten iiollles
nother 1 r K ... vi. ...... .. ':.
y to V ! ' V"-i' vi -..-M!u..i.
it t t-' CiiAfl th-"; 'j::. ):..-! :;itiLi r-nvsiCiAHa
1 , ''..ivi- it: c 1 l'u .1,!. , .- iii t!:eirpr-.e--,:M'
'. I j .''-'f t'e p ..-1 tkri . yee:s nnd 1 1 1 'y
.M). M Jeiii!.. rse it us a i i.jfiu Aileratito
N !"?'r,c.l'l',ai.,riii!'.ini,ip.
1 ,Cy In;;. T. J. I1.1V K IS,
it'tt. I:. W. i'. a Hi:. '
; ;-n.i'.o.i'tMi:.i.v,"
1 r .i'.!. .l. M. t.f.V'CU', 01 ulistille,
:' J'. L. y-Lv AUliiA, Ceiaii.lii.,,
, -i. li. .N'.'l.LMe, Hd.-eeorih, N. ('.
'"'" r" "':;: ?) :Mrr:-r:o-i ey
I .'.'.-".I !.l. ; l''.l i. :o.:-, K,!l
iJ !'. y'.'':.v :'rr. j . '.- -. .v... i..
I.- in , ,., ' ; 1 ' 4. 1 ...
t . ' 1 " ' . ,, . 1 in .
S eve-
dtoVi ,
Hand Dinin-
Sle.-ly.'. .'.!',
all kinds and
and !:va Lett
-1:; -r,
R 1
: I HI:
, an 1
u'th H.-ir'n
Draw in:: Rniv
rs and Tioivcls
l iowc!
I :.e
. t iron f..
ilu.i and Farmci's' I'luncr
'..tiito Fi
L - I'..
ad 1 .
::;:.! 1
Li 1
1 Cloths
uud Wall
I.y. t
Hit and Hraees
of nil hinds, I'
Hillshes, llilekct
::!! i',!:t's. .J:t;n:ss,
...!.i Ash, V,'.,s!,!i'-,' Soda,
I' .!.?, IK :'!: in OU or Dn
r'i Cn'ors ..full I;-; I
an l '!i' r V, . e.i n-We.i e o." el!
ehc : . II iy-1-',
Fil l.s, Mill I'i, '.. , I e
Fi'e-. HiU'.V,
liel.l., Con, 1
;' n! Ii. i y .v.l s
F.e.lay 'i r! 11 it: ;' j ., i ..'.
Foe', t Knivi ., S
M.i.J, t'it.ts
rk Fu'l
- l-'i
and Ve
il oil.
. 1
m. 1 a: in.:
t.i'll'.'l nil
1 t'.t. r
:d. I.,
It'elcs. Any i',,;
I' 01 ! n I iil ci 1
l.f .-lilt
I 111 lie! V I'll e I'i. nil ll.lll-e I
V. tin- ctilllliioll 1.1 o' h
er I,.. pi
, 1 1,, i...
. ui.. 1 )i.
. , 1.
t t
' .1 I I:.
. ', I r.
t . t
:i l .
,1 It- 1.
.ill I "a
Ae ';.
.v 0.
1 )i.r:si'.
IIOlSIl, Thirl Stint,
depot, St Mil RV, I'A., Wm. 10 ,
1'i.ili.r. Warm meat, .-ii-. tip nt ud
Fish, Fowl and liaine. Kre-h t v si e
blaully 011 li.tu.l uud reived lu etciy ty!i
In ,1 nf me. 4i., i.,i,,t, at ti,,. lt.,1 .
I if Falllilii . will lie aiippli. ,1 with
done Hp ill illl) tyle, by h..:ii- in, I, Is I S,.t. ..,',
lit the
'. plo-
1 COll-
. 'I he
Ii -li'l S
ill the
1) 1).
No l ull-. In.' I I l,e
ale I 1 I leet't sale, li 'I:
11 :iy ,!...-, Mi pi. un 1 iiii.l
W l.e'l II -. d I I 1 ..I.. 1 . ' f.ll
li. I in .a Hilt. 1 , or 1 ..itie
1 ell till sp -. Ill ill .ill
lit - 1 1 i i, 111 :,IV 1 I I
s V . 1.1 i . HI 11 .1 , ii -I'i
Is I lip 111 l..e -to'ii
Lit I..., : o . I' I'I li
't ...lie puli!) tin, Id.,,, i
lit, the ll:tl:ie, f ive tone un
III, 0 ll, IHC I II..11 li.iil l lp in
1 '
I V.
.1 te-
e I'i I
. k:
I in - I
e, 1 i-
1.1. I 1: .:
., 1
1 1)
It: -1.
nt 1 1
I 1
ill-. 1
. I.
.1 it:.
Kl 11. uni ki Wt.i., ,ii l Iter llolll
NeiVuUa iKI.illly, Ac, auppljliiK I lie ul
i-ir-f me,
t.llll. 11 by 1,110 wlm illi.-d lillilti If ulld cut
lieu uu rec. Hilij; II post p lid illl, . led 111V, 'li.. ,, SVIIItSIH. WWFAIU,
M il 'M, IsTI. liui. Ilruuklm, N. Vf. 1
Merchant Tailoring.
1 1
I. 1 . 1.1
1 p.-
I I . .. 1 .
t. II. le Ike I
lii 111 11 -III I
I ii p. t'le I,,
- Il.t.lll l .111.
Ill II. , Ik, 11, 1, liatlli ' I I .it i.i. t III
iliei, lor iii.,,.,' es, It 1. ,,1,111 II111
ly f it 1 0.1 noil iipi' 1 iii.ui, in Ii
: ll 1 -1
ll"ti. .
'.. ll .
.1 I, I
11 ill). I.i!
1 il.-
Sl'MU'ilY ACAiiK.MV.
ll'll'O t
. I. I '
'Ii.i. l.l-l ll'l.
1 1 I
11 , .
1 in
i: VI i. i '
pll ml
11 I I IOV
ft tl...
Pi., I
I.I'. .
H.l. I .
lire ff
. :. lilt,,
1. 1'. 1
.11 1
ll ll
On Ilia '."-iti ult., by lUv. J .inc. . I U,L, ih.
Joiik W . Al iti 1 it to Mix 1 iiii-h lltukia, b.Hli
ul iMutil.v,
till lb iil. 1 uli , bv l l.e .iiuc, nt M. VI. C.
I'si..'ii4e, iii. J.,n VV. Itti li Mu. iUiim
F. iiito.ii.t.., liuit, ui ubliuiy.
M tt.i.llu, .,4, uu liiu SMlb ull , by tl..
. . Uu.l.., Ui. Ju.tii'14 kn.i m, ..u ul J
li. U I'U.-u, (.-ii.H! i it... ( l4 U
I imi tni.iit, -11 ui iL.l 1
j. i. nos 1 1 ,
111 tho Fo4l llllltc ll.lll.l 11-, o p,,,llo Ike D p i,
( up .l ili ., )
M NIIl ItV, ri:.N'A,
Infill In. hi. I'l ielil. itlij I lie. pul, lie ti In iil! , ,
lint lie b.i. ju.l p. 11,4 4 Ulj.i uiid tau da.
oilluiui ul
(lulbv, MattM-irit, rxlliiK, At'..
lll. ll ttlll t.J Illl le up l 111 U.e 1 ll, 1
.1)1.., iiini a 11 1 a l.l. 4 to Ml. 11
I., nil. 111. n 111 n,i ..I I s I ........ I 1 o ult um in- 1 1...:
Di. Il .od ,11 1 . 1... 1 1. lid
p. ll. III. Ml kl!
'I Iii lull. iiMiuiii.'ii iiincdy lor p
.11 In . ,'! U'l kill t.
1,1:, ti 1 11 ..1 1 - III, S- 111 .ilii
I', l''i", Full.., i'..ill
I.. .in ', liui ol l.u, A . , A. , .
1. 1 n il it1 pin .ill. .11. 1 1.,- 1. mill., r
, I I il I. jsLmii.!., and tl.. ) .1 1) .
I A. 11 li.l. III. ti t, It I. il cure t
1 till I .,
.i li I
T... .lb..
I.i in
1 .. '
. 1. , I
I. . t .
li. u
1 Hill I'i ,il Ml. i t .4114 111. I l.l. ,t". U t
i unit
UHiHtally mil (it. Is all) tut ai.J
HI S HO Klkl..
(i.n.l. h II..J at, .1. .1)
l.l .ok .1,1 .111 i.i.1.1. 1, U. l
n-l ii 'lal.i.t. o 4 p...i U1I11.4
l -I 1.. . I I .. 4 ..,1.1 H.l .,11. 1 1 I 1 IU
k li.w 44 I-...' ) .Lilt. Uia4. t.i 111 . .
Kl in. I'i
I. it, I I.-..,
M. k II.
..14 Moil. '4. A .1 loii
( ll.l I. .14 I )
P "
ll ..
ll 4 I.
I I., til., k Oil I. 1
;' mu. aid if it i.i I .. I 1
il.. nt i. all '.1 .ul'.l.
in I .it ' I In. .. s.
1 .in aie tint) lit..!
L. ... I.i. .1 I ) t. . t
. In
I II. .ul I.,
., i , l. II
I'a.i. 1 I . Il.c el..-
1) ot I.
Ku Ik. u Av.u.t, t ...ii.l . ,.1, t I..
V tl a I HHIi, ..,4, u( U .,
4.1, J I 4 i u-. uil.. .u4 D j.,.
uua , 41l
it 4.
i M. litMll t't
.4t I...
.1. i.
1 1
. 1 .
.1 n.
.1 I.
li i
... Il.-i!
I .. .11,.
ii.i1 iti,
a I . ' .
.,4 ...
I.. . I
-I II.
I.I.. I
I '
It.. ..I
ill IL
p.... I VI. Ill .
,. I l.o in,. .K
1 , ("I- K .! . 4 Ul I 11
..l.l a. 4 .1' sli.
I I..... ... I, I. ..
1 I 4 It :..: I t Ik
",!.) :.. ' li
I I.
I :.. .1. .1 .. I .
... .u M. I H i.
1 1., ..
I II t 1. VI IV
, 1 Vi OlllMI,
I '
1 . t .... a
to .... .U
1 1.
t s
a. 1 1
I w
J' I III. Illl.
I'i ' 11 1 V I e 11 - t, t . I l'-i
I hi. I D.t . -.,, .. ihl
' I Da. :,.;,, 1 1 ,,1
I I. . D.l .e., '. 1 Iti
le "'ll . I I'l 1. o l l O. , ,. , ( . 1 ,, 1 ; I 1
I I I'l. I., ll, ' ;,, 1 I
" I 1 1 I ' .11, " '.III
" I', ',i;.U',i '. i . . 1 I 1 1 1
H !-: I'..; : 1 1 . r. 1 D.u ...11
I'. Is...,. ..I. ,. I 1 .,, .', ,, H ,, . I,
' - "I t ' I.. , . I I., ..I III Mi.-..
I " '' I. "I ' ... 'I, I .1,1 .1, .1 "I till,. I
I ..I, ol I , I.. I.. I. a.i ... I., r .-. ,1 i ,,. ,
Krutl lor .1 4 al"ilo,(u'.
V r"M i It .'ii., sp v ,
... 1.1, . . . ,v i0 1 it.,, 1 '
NO I ll .. I. le I . , . . ., ll .1 ,. I .,,,.. a ,,l
I- In ol. .11:. I .. .1 ..... I I . . I ..I II..
I ,. - .I II. ol II.. . I. .,) p ..a..'4 I' 1 ll-'
I 4 1 11 . I . 1 1, 1 , 1, 1. 1- I .1 , i. . ... , .1 , ..
a., I I 1 '. . i 1 . I .... 1 , 1 ,.,., C ...... . I 1. ... '
til it I .1 ., .1 i. . S ..ll.u.. ' I ...
l,i'. ,..! ... ll I a-1 I I . , . . .
I , ll . 1 1 . t. - . ..Iv to'-a.....-. !. ill,, .1
i , .. "1 .... . t. ., . I I H ,1 1. - ' I ... I f . ..I
" I ' I , . . . 1 . I i . .. .. ,11 ( I ,
t 1 .III.... 4. 1 . I " 111- ...
(till, t .... ,t. . I . . li 1 , . I . ,
" .....
.pi ol
, ..11 I d
, ol Ii
1 1
TUACiiAIJ , nri K to.,
Illl. Ill, . I'l
MIMtL. MITIIill.l. ,s. ill V !. AM V,
1 tt I I U I I lit 1.4 Hi
t. V U I l III i;u.i ,
4 ii, r. I mltiiil,
.4 1,. A v.,
it 1 ill .1
P"ii ,
11. 1 .
Jts I It.
. 1
H. a
I -
Ilrut Ut,'
.. .. . j.u,.
1 l.l t c
I . .
. .. I I .
I. Rill
bl . ! I .
I 1.0