Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 02, 1871, Image 1
THE SUNBURY AMERICAN is ruBLisnso xvkry Saturday bt EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, ' MABREn'l BUILDINGS, MARVKT ftjCABB, At $1.5 la Advaae. II not paid within 6 Month M. , Sub$criUoiit taken for leu than tlx Month, CoNrcTKn with thl cntabllnhmcnt Is an cxten- lrcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain ana inncy type equal 10 an; cnlnbiiRiimcni In tho Interior of the Btatc, fur which the patron. ngo 01 inc puunc ib respcetiMi; ouctica. - Irofcssionul. 1TTBI. J. WOLVEBTOS, Attorney ft T V Iw, ofllce, door No. 5, 2nd floor, Haunt's Block, nunr Miller's Btioe more, ounoury, in. March S5th, 1871. 1y. O ! KOfKU, Attorney nt Law. Nor. KJt 3 and 8, Bocond Floor Bright' Building, Bunburv. Pa. Professional business attended to.ln tUccourls of Nortliuinberlnnd and adjoining counties. Clnlms nromptly collected. Consulta tion can lie hnd in the German language. March 25tli, 1871. ly. TEKEMIAII, Attorney nt tt Law, Sunbury, l'a. All professional busi ness lntrUBtod to his care will rocclvo prompt nt- tcntion In this and adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both In English and (lermau. Also, District Attorney or Northumberland county. Aug.20,1870.-ly. JKO. A. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, r No. 144 Foi.KTn Avenue, Notnry Public, Pittsburg. Pa, Jan. 15, 1870. Iv. U. MAKKI.K CO, Market Street, BUNIilHY. I' A. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Olnss, Varnishes, Liquors, Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. Tobacco, Cigars, SP. WOIiVEUTON, Attorney at Law. Market Bquare, SUNBURY.PA. Profession al business In this and adjoining counties pronipt .y nttended to. DIt. A. It. NAVIIMJE, rcspcctfnlly an nounces hlmsolf as Physician and Surgeon to tho citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Fnlrmouut Hotel, where he can be consulted at nil hours when not professionally -engaged. ap!24-ly GW. ZIKGLEK, Attorucy nt Law, north side of Public Square, ono door cast of the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and nil professional business promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. - scptlS-CO C A. KKIMKTVN!VYIER, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his cum uttendud to promptly and with diligence. uplJ7-C7 J NO. KAY t'LEHi:T, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections nnd nil pro f ess loi:al biiKinoss promptly uttended to. iiich31-00 . 1. UHl'KEK. I.. It. KASB. BKIXKK KANE, Attorneys nnd Conn Bcllors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Olllco on Chestnut street, west of tho N. C. nnd P. fc K. Kallroud DeKt, In the building lately occupied by F. LajiruR, Esq. Collections and nil profess ional business promptly nttended to in Northum berland itud adjoining counties. upUO-fltl Hit., Attorney nt Law, 8UN- BURY, PA. Collections nttended to In lie counties of Northumlicrlniid, Union, Snyder, .Montour, Columbia und Lycoming. npUO-ti'J WM. M. UOCEKPELLHH. I.I.OVI T. UOUKUAOU. KOC'KEFEI.LEK V ItOIIKItACII, Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of liee In 1 Inupt's new building, second floor. En trance on Market Square. Jan4-08 AN. ltltlt'K, Attorney at Ijiw, Sunbury, l'a. Ollice in Masonic Hull Building. Cullcclions of claims, writings, and nil kinds of legal business attended to carefully nnd with dispatch. gApril 8, 1871. ly. 1. J. F. t'ANf.O W, '. Ofilco nnd Residence, Walnut Struct, between Third nnd Fourth streets, BUNBUKY, PENN'A. All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will lie treat 11 or operated njmn.such ns Strabismus, (Cross Kyes,) Cataract, (ltlindness,) and all oilier di seases relating to Surgery, as Tii1Ihs, (Club or Reel Feet,) Ilnir-I.ip, Excision of Tumors, Aic. AImj the cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Kuuhitry, May lit, 1X71. VAM'ATIXE 1ETX, Wholesale und Retail dealer In every variuiy of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, 6UNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for Coal. Orders solicited und flllw' promptly. fcblH-71. W. ii. lillOAls7 " J. I'AC'RHK HAAS. Wti. ItllOADN A' CO., 1IHTAII. nRAI.RIIR or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OiriCB witu Haas, Faoki.y & Co., Orders left at Scnsholtx & Bro'B.,nfllcii Market Street, will receive prompt ulteutlon. Country custom resieetfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COACH.HAKERN. WE are selling Rims, Bnokcs, Ilulis. Springs, Canvass, Bolts, CHih, At!c. Ac, very Large Stock nt CON Lit Y & CO. Sunbury, Murch SO, 186fl. OAL! COALI COALI GRANT BROS., Shilipurs and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, 8UNBCRY.PA. (lowbk wiiAur.) t" Solo Agents, westward, nt the eolebrnted Henry Clay Coal. J'ini,i,6 EXCIIANliE LiVERYV J. M. 1JART1IOLOMEW, ritoi-RiKTOit. FOTRTII STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nunburjr Pn. rpHE best of riding aud driving horses always JL on hand to sorvo customers. Orders left nt ths Central Hotet, (ir vehicles. will receive prompt attention. Nov. o. 1870. ' HENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, 1a titmpson,t Building, Market &ure, Buniiubt, Pa., 1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. Ho keeps constantly on hand ii large assortment of Toelh, nnd other Dental material, from which he will lie able to select, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or clso the money refunded. Tho very best MoutU Wash and Tooth-Powdor kept on band. His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the lust twelvn years. Sunbury, April 21, 1871. NEW C04Ii YARD. miTH underslcncd havlmr connected the Coal JL bubble wiUi his extensive FLOUK& GRAIN trade. Is prepared to supply families with tho YERY BEST OF COAL, . CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on baud, Craiu tukeii iu exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADKR. Btinbury, Jan. 15, 1870. tf. UAKERY J BAKERY 1 1 BAKERY I ! ! LEONARD DOVERTH, HAS lust opened a Urst class Bakery mi Front street uuar the Railroad depot at Northumber land, aud is prepared to furnish the citizens of Northumberland aud Sunbury with all kinds of Bread and Cakes, such as liRoWN BREAD, MILK. BREAD. BREAD BAKED on the HEARTH, aud a full Hue of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns, Rolls and Twists. Bread aud Cukes delivered to customers every morning. , Cakes for Balls, Parties, Weddings, Fairs, &c., f uruubed at short notice. Being a practical baker, and having worked at the busiuess In Sunbury for several years past, lis bones to give satisfaction to his customers a Jieretoture. Orders are itspeclfully solicited. Northumberland, Jnne 10, 1B1. tf SUIBUBI 10tn1lllel tii lain. PRICE 1 SO IN ADVANCE. ) LA PIERRE IIOCNE, Broad nnd Chest, nut sts.. Philadelphia. J. B. BUTTER- WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per dny, 93.50. April 15, 1871 ly UNION HOTEL, TH08. FOULD8, Br., Proprietor. Hhninokin Street. Trcvorton. Northumberland county, Pa. The table is sup plied with tho best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ( Juu.21,'71 P. BVBIll.T. b. o. now I "UNION HOUSE," LYKEN8, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY A BOWER, Proprietor. Tho table Is supplied with the best the market ationls. tloort stabling nnd attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. NATIONAL I. AC Fit IIEER NAI.OON, OH TIIIUD 8TRBBT, NB.ttl TI1B DRTOT, SUNBURY, PA. TOBErn BACHER Informs the cltlacns of Bun (J bury and the public gencrullv, that he has ocned a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nbovo place. Tho best of Lnger Beer, nnd Mult Liquors win no kcpi. Also oysters. sc. constantly serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WAL1). Proprietor. Georirctown Nortli'd County, Pa., at the Station of tho W. r.. U. W. t-noieo wines and cigars at the bar. The tabids supplied with tho beet tho market affords. Good stulilhig and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY IIOISF., Cot.. CHAS. KLECKNER, l'joprictor, Nos. HI3 nnd 814 Market Street, nnove clulitli. PIlILADELl'HIA. Terms, t'i per day. He resiieelfully solicits your patronage. WASHINGTON HOUSE, C. NEFK, Proprietor. Corner of Market A Sccoud Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunbury, ra. MUVM8,'70. HOTEL V- R F.ST A I' It A N T, THOMAS A. HALL. Proprietor. Bunbury St., west 8HAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served nt all hours, at short notice. Tho best of Liquors at the Bar. The Table Is bud- piled with the best and latest in the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patronage solicited. HC MSI EL'S RKNTADRANT, LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor. Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Juet rcllttud tho nbovo Suloou for tho accomodation of tho public, Is now prepared to serve .iis friends with the best refreshments, und fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. . J. V ALEH'S WINTER UAROEN AND HOTEL A'. 7S0, 723, 724 & 727 Vint PHILADELPHIA. WINTER G A 11 DEN HOTEL, (OK TUB Kl'ltOI'BAK l'LAK) Centrally located, connecting with nil tho City lussenger luiuway tars, irom nil I lie Depot in the City. Excellent. Accommodation Tor Tra veller. Grand Vocal nnd Instrumental Concerts every evening In the Summer und Winter Garden. Gg-OrvhcHrion Concert Eviry Atcrnomx.i FIKB 1.AMRS' ItBSTAl'HANT TUB IllisT UP ltr.KKRSHMHNTH SrilVF.ll. Ofllce of J. Vuler's Fountain Park Brewery. Juno 4, 1870.-1 y. L 1 t V O It NTOIIGI CHRISTIAN NF.FF, Second St root, opposite- the Court Jfon Bl'v Ul'ltY, PA., Resiwcl fully Invites the attention of Retailers und others, that lie hns on hand, and will con stantly kerp nil kinds or FOREIGN AMI DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coguiac, Cherry, (linger, Rochello nnd Otnrd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Mo"U gabclu, Apple and Nectnr. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wincst Champagne Wine, Sherry, Tort and Clnret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Kum, Browu Stout nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which can lie found In the city markets, which will bu sold at Whole tale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS nnd BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended to, and public patronage respectfully solkilw) NKFK Bnnhury, July S, ISTO ly. JACOB SIIII'MAN. THOMPSON DBUK. Fire, Life nnd Accident INSURANCE AGENCY OF NHIPMAN & OERR, MARKET STREET, SUNUURV, l'A. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Assets, (3,T83,nH0 Enterprise, " " Muuhuttan, New York, " N. American " " 62:i,Bfi I, :;s,oyi 803,570 l,C5ri,i: 882,1 0 7.VI,(HKJ 8,000,(103 6,501,000 3,825,731 4,51)l,iio8 2,544.210 1,027,010 1,351,007 U2O.IO0 II, 8115,231 253,100 308,301 7,300,000 Lorillard, Yonkcrs & N. York ' Hanover, " Imperial, London, Lycoming, Muncy, Franklin' Philadelphia, Homo, Now York, Hartford, Hartford, I'lKCUlX, Travelers, ' Farmers Ins. Co.. York, N. British & Mercantile Nonuncrce, New York, Corwieh, Norwich, New England Mutual l.Ue, rCLOTW NG 0-AK HalL July 1, 1871. FOB SALE. fTIWO VALUABLE LOTS on the comer of L Bocond and Chestnut streAk, in tho Bo rough of Sunbury, on which there are erected a large dwelling house, siauie ana ouioiinaiugB. The hemes lead, late of Hugh Bellas, dee'd. Also, a Lot on Market street, In the Borough ofSunburv. on which there are a dwelling house stablo aud outbuildings. Inquire at the ollice of B. P, WOLVKKIO, Feb. U, 187J.-U. Admlulstrato A splendid assortiucut of Gent's Goods at Moore & Dissluger's. Furnishing spJ.i O U Moore A Dlsslngor'l for White Goods VJl ana get me oest 'ap'J. fi O to Moore Dlsslnger's for beatnlful Dress VJI Goods. ap33 S m Y. rA.. 7 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL JU. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, tins discovered tlie most certain, speedy, pleasant nnd uuiAi.uni reiut-uy m i ne worm lor nil DISEASES OF IMPIlllllfiNrP Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Aftcctlons oX Kidneys nnd Bladder, lnvolnn- rary Discharge, Iinpotcncy, General Debill- '". .-nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low ppirits, confusion of Mcjib, ralpltntlon of ino Mean, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness oi Bigut or Giddiness, Disease of the llonil, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affectious of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels these terrlblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Hnbltsof Youth those Bocret and solitary practices mora fatal to their victims than tho snug ol Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes m auucipaiionK, reiiucriug marriage, ivc, linpos Bible. OUNO MEN especially, Who have become the victims of Soil- tary Vice, that dreadful and destrnctlvo habit which annually sweeps to an untimely gravo inonsnnus 01 youmr men oi I no most exalted intents and brilliant intellect, who inlirht other wise have entranced listening Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or waked to ccstucy tho living iyre, may can wun inn commence. MARRIAGE. Mnrrlcd Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrcallve Power Iinpotcncy), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous I'ciniuy, or auy ouicr jjisuuullllcntion, speedily relieved. Ho who places Himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously con lido In his honor ns a gent le man, and confidently rely unon his skill us u Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Iinpotcncy, Iws of Power, Immediately Cured nnd full Vigor Restored. This Distressing All'ectlon which renders Life- miserable and marriage impossible Islhciicnulty paid by tho victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are loo npt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consciences that limy ensue. Now, who that understands the BUbJcet will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into Improjicr habits than by the prudent Iteildcs being deprived the pleasures of healthy ofliipring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body und mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, tho Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Prorrcntlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wustlng of the Fraiuo, Cough, Consumption, Decay ntid Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month after mouth, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. 1K. JOHNSTON, Memlicr of the Royal College of Surircons. Lon don, Graduated from ono or the most eminent Colleges In tho United States, and the greater part of whoso Ifo has been siH'iit in the hospitals of Ixindon, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has elfected some of tho most astonibhlnir cures that wore ever known many troubled with ring ing in mo iiciui anu cars wueu asleep, great nervousness, being nlnrmed nt sudden sounds, bnshl'ulncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, wore cured Immediately. TAKE 1 ARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Inlured themselves by luiproiicr Indulgence und solitary habits, which ruin both liody und mind, untitling them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. 1 itnsis nro sonio of tho snd nnd melnueholv effects produced by early habits of youth, Weakness of the Rack nnd Limbs, Pains in the Buck mid Head, Dimness of S'mbt. Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, nervous immunity, i icruiigcmem ol linrestuo r unctions, General Debility, symptoms of Con- sumption, iVc. . Mentally The f.-nft.i .... '" nro much to be dreaded Loss f i......rj, Con- r 1'cprcssioii or Spirits, Evil- ForelHWllngs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, are some of tho evils produced. Tiui'SANis or persons or all nges can now udgo what Is tho cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pulu, nervous and emaciated, having a singular upiicuruucc about the eyes, cough und symptom of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certuin prac tice indulged lu when alone, a lutbit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which are nightly felt, even when uslccp, nnd If not cured, renders marriage impos sible, mid destroys hot u mind and body, should apply immediately. Vt hat a pity that a young iuaurlho hope or Ills country, tho darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and eujoyinents of lile, by tho conscipicticu or deviating Irom the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind aud body are tho most necessary requisites to promote couuubiul happi ness. Indeed without tlicso, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; tho prosjicct lourly darkens to the view i lliu mind becomes shadowed with despair nnd Oiled with the melan choly icllcclion, that the iiuppluusa of another becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided und imprudeut votary of pleasure Hurts that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often hupeiis that nu ill-limed sensu ot shame, or dread of discovery, tcrs lilm from applying to those who, from ed ileal Ion nnd respectability, cau ulouo befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ol thin horrid disease maUo lliuir np)ieuruiiec, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoctural pains lu the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the thlu bones ntid arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frlghtlul rapidity, till at lust the palate of the mouth or the bones of tho nose fall in, nnd tho victim of thU awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a iicriod to his dreadful suil'eriug, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that, thousands DIE victims to this terrible- disease, through falling Into tno bauds ol Jgnoraut or uusKUllul I'llfc. TENDERS, w ho, by llio use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac., destroy the constitution, aud incapable of curiug, keep the unhappy sufferer mouth ufter month taking their uuxious or In jurious compounds, und Instead of being restored to a renewal of Lire Vigor uud Happiness, lu des pair leave him with ruined Health to sigh over his gulling dlsapiKHiitrucut. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him self to preserve tho luost Inviolable Secrecy, and from his extensive practice and observations lu the greut Hospitals of Europe, uud the first lu this country, viz i England, Franco, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is enabled to oiler tho most cer tain, speedy aud effectual remedy lu the world for all discuses or Imprudence. DK. JOil.WHIX, OFFICE, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET, Bai.timouv, M. D. Left hand el do going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail uol to observe namo and number. (jfNa letters received unless postpaid and containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Pur sous writing should state age, aud scud a iiortiou of adviillseiuent describing symptoms. Thcro are so mauy Paltry, Designing aud Worthless lmpnsters advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with uud ruiuiug the l.ealtn of all who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Johusluu deems It uucessury to say cs Kscially to those unacquainted with hi reputa. tiou that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his ollice. . . ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousand cured at this Establish ment, year attur year, ana tno numerous nn iNirtaut SurL'lcal Onerations uerforuied bv Dr Johnston, witnessed by the rcproseutallves of the press aud many other papers, notice of which have appeared again and again before the public. besides hi itauding at gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suliiclent guarantee to the aillicted. bum disease speudlly cured. February 18, 1871 ly. - SA AY H iNINft. SK.ITk.MKK.W 9 1871 W j wew neH,. vi. s. n. WUA The Irlnh Roman Catholic Riot. In nvw aura, niy 1, AS, J, The Boyne is c beautiful river in Ireland. nnd near its Juni'.ioo with the sen, ono of tno most important uattios or all history was fought in July, 1690, between tho Irish anu rencii Korean catholics, led by tho Catholic King James, on tho ono side, nnd the Dutch nnd English 1'rotcstant-, nndor William, of Holland,- (tho Protestant KinR of England,) lFolltnd, Scotland nnd Wales on the other. It was of tho greatest Im portance, because it broke the Catholic power, which had long sought to banish protestantism frow tho world, by liro anil stake, and torturo.and dungcon.nnd cliaius, and wholesale bloody warfares and cruel ties, such as crcn now freezo our blood to read or. After tins glorious victory by King William, tho Roman Catholic pri sons wcro thrown open bv his command. and thousands, and tens of thousands of 1 roieBtant Dnsoncrs were set fi-no mid en mo out crippled and maimed, nnd diseased from their dark and horrible) prisons their fet ters taken oil' and set at liberty, and among them were some of tho beet, most learned, and beloved men trad women tho world ov er know. This great event, that gave now lifo to Protestantism, has been celebrated by Pro testants ever since- in all parts of tho world. except in countries under tho rulo of tho Pope, Wliuru HUCtl CC-lolil-atlon. wm (.,.- Bonincnt nnd death. 1 ho Itish ltomau Catholics of New York were determined, as thev had mined nower in New York, aud held nearly all tho citv olliccs, to put down forcvor this Protestant celebration in freo America, bv forco and violence. Their meetings had ali bcon held, and all the preparations mado for a whole sale slaughter of all Protestants who dared to eclebrato that great Protestant victory, the battle of tho ikiyno. They wcro prepared, on tho 12lh of July, to make tho streets of New York run with torrents of Protcslaut blood, to burn nnd dcvaslato Protestant Churches and print ing houses, nnd lii-o and ransack nriv.ito dwellings, nnd destroy every Protestant in tercut tliat cinio within their rencii. Xo ono can doubt their intention, or tho hor rible tragedy, like tho inaesacree of St. Uitr- tiioioniew, that would havo been enacted in New York. THE HUSH MOTS. On tho 12th of July. 1871. tho Irish Ro man Catholics of New York, wroto a pnt;o in tho history of our free country, of dis graco and of blood, that will lxj read by all nations in all coming time, with shatno and horror. Themselves diiven by Uritish op pression from their homos of povortv nnd starvation, they como in great numbers to our happy shores, as tho only land of free dom, and their only refuge. Thev nnd their littlo lironcrtv ato Protected bv our laws, nnd they become freemen. They have gamed ponlieal Power in New York. and lilled all tho public olllces of that city with Irishmen, or their tools, and thus centred all tho public money and interests of that great metropolis. Kelso, ono of their number, superintendent of police, on tho 11th of July, issued his proclamation forbidding this Protestant celebration. Ibis was virtually an order of blood and tnimfcr if tho Protestants would daro to turn out to loin iu tho colobration. Tho whole Pro '-uj'ie, wunout rcard to , rose up as ono man t r?. ... tempt in our free countrv. to nut down freo religion byfurcc and ruuencc. and at a late hour, the Governor, elected by Irish Cath olic votes, issued his proclamation, assert ing tho right of Protestants t hold their celebration. Ho did not daro to do it till the last moment, when driven to it by tho upraising of all Protestant denominations men of all classes aud creeds, demanding liicir riglils. So tlio inumtlcal slaughter ol Protestants, in great numbers, was prevent ed. On tho 12th tho celebration was held by few hundred Protestants, who would chooso death rather than give up their rights even they wcro attacked by infu riate men and women, all prepared for tho slaughter, and although the polico (some of whom refused) helped to put down the riot, yet numbers were killed and wounded, and sonio of the best and most faithful police of tho citv. On tho night of the 12lh nnd 13th, excit ed nnd nngry meetings of tho Irish Catho lics wcro held in various parts of tho city ; disappointed nnd balllod, they niado tho most violent and furious speeches nnd threats, nnd tho (earful tenor of nil was, to denounce the Protestants, and even thoir friend, Governor IloH'inaii, for his interfe rence to nbido their time that iu a few years more their power would put an Irish Catholic Governor at the head of tho State, aud then no Protestant celebration should ever bo held thereafter. THE SPI111T OF THE CATHOLIC IRISH RIOTERS. THEY CE LE ER ATE IN OUR FREE LANDTIIE ANNIVERSARY OP Til KIR IRISH PATRON SAINT, ST. PATRICK, without fear or disturbance, every year, in all parts of the land ; so they had great pa rades to reiebrato on tho twenty-huh year of their I'ojic's olllco ; so when tho Popo proclaimed tho doctrine of tho Immaculate Conception of tho Virgin Mary, nnd order ed all to give divino worship, they held their celebrations without threats or fear. So when the Pope was declared infullablo one of the attributes of God they held their celebration nil over tho land, and uo ouo interfered ; no Protestant threw even a straw in their way yet by murders, and riot.anU violence they will not allow n Pro testant celebration, if thev havo tho nower. Tho birth day of Martin Luther, John Cal vin, tho Wesleys, all would be stopped ; and so every Sunday School Pie-Nic ; and then all Protestant inoctings would bo stopjicd ; tncu nu proicstaniunurciics would oocloS' ed or burned down ; and then all Proles tanU who would not give up their religion would bo thrown into dungeons, aud fetter ed nnd chained, nnd at last brought out, if living, to tho loariui tortures or the stake, Within two or threo years, in all tho light and Christian charity of this 19th cen tury, in Rome, where the Popo ruled su premo, any ono who dared to believe con trary to tho teachings of tho Church, were imprisoned iu dungeons, put iu letters and chains, starved nnd secretly put to death by all tho horrible tortures in use agaiust heretics. There, too, tho Jliblo was publicly burnod, ns an unlit book to bo in the hands of tho pcoplo : nnd, within a few months. within sight of the Vatican, where tho Pope lives, and in a part of the city where his priests live, a Protestant, Methodist Church, lust opoucd since Italy became free, was undermined, and shells and pow der, and other combustibles were placed in tho Diinos, to blow the little church, and all the people in it to atoms. The devilish murder was prevented bv Providence, bv only one shell partially exploding with a tremendous noise anu shock. Tho little bund of worshippers, panic struck, lied AMERICAN AJiiHWiilH IUI At -T- frj. A from tho danger, and liftvo not since dared to nsscmblo tlierc. This is tho spirit of tho New York Cnth olio Irish riots ; and this is tho spirit of tho f1l. ..--I. 11. ... 1-1. a.- 1 I!.. . viiuitii tiiui. pruuiiiiuiB nn iiercwcn, nnti con demns to everlasting ruin, all who diner in belief from it. A heretic is but a dog, they ay, anu may uo pus out oi iuo way with out sin or guilt. Tho Pope claims to bo tho Vicegerent of (',i i. i I., . . wuu in tin; wuriu, nijuvu u governments, ana nu governments owe ooea fence lo him, hence ropes havo tried to hold Kinas and Emperors under them ; nnd as It was more easy to ruio mom limn Kcpublics and a freo pcoplo, tho Popes nnd tho Irish Roman Ca- inoiic church havo uphold tho wickod now er of Kings in Euroiw, nnd joinod them lo Keep tno pcoplo clown nnd In ignoranco, nnd so the nations of tho world havo Itecn kept in nnd darkness. Nothimr is an hateful nt the prcBcut time, in all this wide world, to tho Popo nnd his Church, ns our Freo Republic, becauso ho knows that tho success of freedom in the United States will overllnnw Iho kin-idoms of Etirono. aud with their downfall goes his Church. If in ins power lo-Uay ho could overthrow our freo Itcnnhlic. nnd blot out its namn ami history forever from tho world, and with it every Protestant Church, ho would bring into oieratinu nu tho force in his Dower to effect his nefarious purpose. Hoas.i is not .r ilo; weapons of tho Irish Citlholio Church, but always forco and violence, dun geons and chains, liro and faggot. THE ULT1MATR DESIGN OF THE IRISH CATHOLIC RIOTERS. In other lands tho cannon nnd bavonot havo kept freedom down, nnd tho Popo and Kings havo kept their feet on tho necks of tho pcoplo. They sco this Republic can never be conquered iu that way, and that tho powor to overthrow Protestant freedom hero is through the ballot Lux, uud henco they begin at New York city, and import Irish Catholic emigrants enough to cet tho government of tho city. This is now ac complished, nnd so they go on and lake ci ty nller city, anu county alter county. This is the crafty and wicked policy of their plans. and thus they nro determined on destroy ing this freo Protestant government,- nnd with it crushing out I ho hopes of freedom throughout tho world. This is tho only Jilan that can over succeed in this freo land. t must be done through tho ballot box, nnd there is the great danger that now sUres us in tho face. THE WICKED POLICY OF THE N. Y. IRISH CATHOLIC RIOTS. It is to fill every olllco with their men. nnd thus control tho Treasury. Thev know that money is force, nnd now they control the treasury of New York, from which they draw heavily to support their bullies nnd rioters ; nnd to bribe and buy up and currupt tho people, thoy levy fearful taxes, nnd squander millions on their Invo lutes. The New York papers sharo from tho public books tho millions of money sq'iandurcd, nud uo one daro deny it. no nicy nil ovcry important oliico in rsow York, and tho croat citv of tho Republic is in houdago to tho Irish Catholics, and so will bo every city, niul ovcry county of nny importance uuioss tlio pcoplo rise as ouo man ana prevent it. pcclul Te.ccraph to Tho Press. A aw Yokk, July 12. This city during all of Inst night presented tccuo of the greatest ex citement, i'.icli and poor, of every religious sect and nationality, wcro on the streets, talking over tho expected troubles of to-day. In the inauy tenement houses or tlio city a sorrowful scene was Iwhig enacted. Wouieu might bo seen plead ing with their husbands or sous to abstain from puiliclputing in tho much-dreaded liots, while the men seemed determined at all hazards to bo out nt the brouk of day, aruicd and prepared for anything that might occur. I 1 ho procession started on its routo, which promises from all appearances to be a path of lire and blood, at half post two o'clock, from tho Orange headquarters, on Tweuty-nlntli street, guarded by the four hundred policemen which I mentioned nbovo us being In readlncus to accom pany it, and detachments of tho &!d and CtU Kegiincuts National (luard. Gangs of Hiber nians wore collected at all the cross streets along the routo, uud at Thirty-first street seemed to bo preparing to make nu attack, even going so far as to encroach on tho Hue of march. They wcro, liowcvor, very easily dlsporsed by tho polico, who seemed determined, if at all tosiible, to prcscrvo order. Every man, with few exceptions, Is work ing quickly and vigorously. Two of the men, however, would itot assist in the dispersing of this mob, and their buttons were Immediately removed. This example will no doubt have a very good effect on tho rest of the men, und, In deed, may prevent troublo among tho ollleers themselves, us they are of both religious factions. A report was btsrted that A. T. Stewart's hand some whlto iiinrble establishment on liroadway, running from Nlth to Tenth streets, hud been at tacked, nnd that the doors and windows were barricaded. Ino rumor, Ilka several others which have becu set afloat for effect, is uutruo. The military in this soction of tho city are in force, nnd it Is not likely that any serious assault could bo made on nny or the splondid buildings which grace mis tnorongtiiure. A 11 tit or a very severe character took place about noon between u large number of Kibbon ineu and tho police, at liroadway nud Twelfth streets, but did not last for any considerable length of time, the nfJIccrs again show ing their coolness and determination by resisting tho on slaughts which wcro mudu on them by the riot ers, who wcro armed witli every conceivable kind of weapons. The Orange procession was also attacked about three o'clock by the mob. Tho men lu the line, uided by the military, drove tlio attacking party away. The troops iu this fight tired into the rioters, killing sevoral of them, and also wounding a largo iiumuor. All the re servo polico wcro soou at tho feeno, but their services wcro not needed, as tho mob hud sulrcred enough by tho flro of tho military, and were fur away from tho procession. Tlio policemen, up to three o'clock, iiavo ar rested hundreds of men carrying revolvers and, In some cases, guns, w ho uro iinmediittely lodged In tho stations, which ore nearly full with all classes of men. Tho excitement at Ililierula Ilsll, which had been on the lucreaso nil day, this afternoon threatened to break forth In a riot of uo small dimciibious. Tlio Hibernians wero continually increasing lu numbers, uud It was feared that If tho threatening demonstrations did occur con siderable lifo would be lost and property destroy ed. The i-olico, however, backed by two regi ment of Iho military, soon appeared aud pro ceeded to restore order. It has been determined if tho police could uot succeed, to use extreme measure and liro iihii tho rioters If necessary. This was not needed, u tho police quelled tho disturbance without tho aid of the sold lory. Tho police mot with tierce resistance, and used their clubs freely, causing, it Is supposed, several broken heads. The crowd tlicu gradually gave way. As predicted In my former despatches, to-day Inaugurated a scene of riot and bloodshed, which, at the thus of sending yon this, bids fair to rival the meinoruble scene of 1S1J3, when inoifenslve men wcro shot dowu lu cold blood, aud even hung to the street lumps, and utiles the authori ties continue as they have thus fur doue to-day, to act with spirit and dcteruiluatiou, and not with the course which the y have sometime here tofore pursued, there Is uo limit to which ths Imagination may uot reach In anticipations of horror and rapine. Lawlessness I now rampant throughout the city, tue law is ireateu as au old wife' tale, and it representatives are even hoot ed, reviled, and doded by the mob. But lo the commencement of the bloody tcuic of to-day. The mob at all time marched iu a dlsordurly crowd, aud appeared to have no uooguixed lead ers. They went about their work, however, in 0 I4A, 7 t 1 Old Series), Vol. SI, No. 41. business-like manner, tilterlnz no shout and making no violent demon! rations, except occa sionally Diniiuisiiing muir munieroui-lookhig club. Thev wero evident! llioroin-lilr I,, .rn. est, nnd bloodshed would undoubtedly have ro- suivea nnn incy ocon opposed uy any or the work men In tho stoncyards. Tho mn'lorltv did not appear o be Intoxicated. Tho runt-ins wcro not intorioreu wnn ny tno police, nnd nono of tlio latter appeared lu sight whllo the former woro engaged in tnoir riotous proceedings. Work In the tono-yards, on sewers, nnd new buildings, and other work In which larva num ber of Irishmen are usual'y employed, is al most wholly suspended to-lay In tho upper part of the etst side. Moat of the workmuu ftopiicd labor voluntarily. A description nf tho Appearance of tlio Paris Communist ha often boon given by telegraph from across tho wntcr, but any ono who wished to seo a perfect likeness of tho men who ruined l'nrls in few short weeks, by burning hor mug nillccnt buildings nud committing murders of an indescribable character, could have dono so by visiting Now York to-day. Tho dltlercnt mob which wont through the streets would beat any person who had tho curiosity and lirnvcry to stnro at thoni. It might bo thought that they had coma from somo runnlhallHtiu Island, so bloodthirsty was their appearaneo. snMtr- wobk or tin himtaut bixtsrji tbb- BOMS Nsw York. Julr 13 R.4.1 p. w a from tho operator at tho Fifth-avenuo Hotel says that about 8 l u., as tho troops wero passing down Fifth nvenno, v' .-... i"iii-uim m ii..ijuu streets tho mob II rod threo shots at lliotu. Tlio millliiry returned the lire, killing eight and woiindliur thirteen. Tm I,..? and a lady wcro shot. Blxtmni rltlsnns In ..n woro killed. Throo soldiers wero killed. Threo hundred Ornnircnien nnssed bm i,i,' .. iiour ago vuroiigu Twenty-third street down uronaway, under strotur escort. They woro choorcd iu passing. mouTii Avnxua m ulood Firrim voua vic tims. The lino of tho Ornniro nrncesslon iim (rimr-1,,-1 by part of tlio Olh and a dolachinetit of tho Oth Kegiuiciit. Shortly nflor ths procession started, hoollngo wcro herd from side streets. Tl, ft. citemcut increased, nnd missiles woro Hung from some windows tho procession. Tlio ollleers oi tno .-National wiuird ordoreJ tbu im-n to iir nicy ii hi so. una uliout urtocn Demons won, klil. eu ana twoiuy wounded. This occurred lu Klghth avenno. Tlio utmoU excitement ovor tho affair tin nm. V..I1. ' J-deut. l'aeo, of tho ()th fKiaV'sl U-'lmnt u MlnrinJ 1 1 . 1 1 - , ... v- luv.i.t.tijr nvuillieu. tub Hour on TwnsTT-rof n-ru BTTim(-,un,i 150 asu wot-xonn, 8 P. M. Tho llirlit nt Tu-mitv.r.,iirii, .I,. --I Klghth nvMiuo was more scvero than nt first ro portal. Over 150 of tho mob are believe ! to be much nnd woumiei!. Among tho troops known to bo killcl, besides thoso nlreudy reported, nro .. i .nu ono. nmi two private uml a sergeant of tko Utu. Five regiments nro rcstlii on their urmt neur tho Coopur Institute " HHMOVINO TilJ riEAII A WOMAN liu A CUII.D -UIOIIU TItn NCUIILII. 10 P. M. A lout fortv tmrsona wni-n l-l!!.I .1.. Hug the riot today. The totul number wounded is unknown, bu. fifteen nro known to be mortally hurt. At tho 8 xtcetith precinct there wero six teen dead bo-li-s this eveulng. They woro ro moved lo tho Mortriic. ' At thn Twcnrr.nintti nrnMm-i ...... dead bodes. Al tho Monrun flm or., n, forty bodies. The only ones so far IJemi" "ro Ilcnr C..I'nr.n . , . . ... . ...ivi.rt i.l.t.. agent of lio tiruud Oiwra House t Charles Pettitl Charles lucklln, and Mr. Archill, Alll01 ' tho klllodot the tilxtoontii precinct ,ro u vomaa All the other dead are supposed to 1.0 . Colonel Flsk, of tho Oth Regiment, ; ,,,. ed in the light at Trsl n-VlglfnlMit, was struck ut tho salilj tbuu ami soil. ously injured. 8CBMIIS OF THS WAB KUVIVKU A CA1TAW KII.LUI) ii r ins own mkn. Captain Bncnccr. of tho Oth ftrl klllod by his owu men, In Twenty-fourth street, between Seventh nnd Klghth nvt-nucs. llolind given orders lo fall back, became mixed in tho crowd, and was klllod by a vollev llred into tho rioters. An ofllcer of tho Oth 'llegiiuent was wounded, one man killed, and several wounded. Thirty or forty rioters were killed. A stono yard hi Mxty-tlrst street was also a scene of excitement, tho laborers there being compelled to stop work by tho mob, who, ufter doing this, started down First avenue, bclne; ro- iniorcca iu great numbers, especially nt Piftv- slxth street, where a largo party of rioters Jolucd them. Uy the tlmo this gang ha. I reached Fortv-tilnth street it had swelled to between ono ami two hundred men and boys, all armed with clubs or large sticks, and liiaiiy with revolvers. At tho corner of First nvcuuo und forty-ninth street Is a tono yard where about tweuty-llvo workmen were employed. Tho mob rushed Into the vurd ard ordered tho mou lo loavo work, threatening them with violence If they did not. As it was useless to resist, the loroiuun L-avo orders lo ston work. None, or at least vory few. of tho work men In this yard wcro Irishmen, nearly all being ier mane, but tho rlotors refused to liteu to any ex cuse on tho ground of nationality. Tlio mob here spilt Into several parties, sonio of which visited a stono yard in Forty -eighth street, near first avenue, and a stone yard In rortv-scvenih street, between First and Hccnnd avenues. At both these yards tlicy compelled tho workmen to desist. tub pitornssioN ornu. Tho Orango prorocslon ended In Fonrth ave nue, npjiosllo Cooper Institute. The Ornngeiiieii put their badge and regalia In their pockets, nnd mingling with the crowd quietly dln)ersed. The polico took chargo of tho Orange banners. TUK I.ATUST 1-ltOM Til 3 flUI.I). Nnw Yokk, July 13 1 a. m Tho following Is the latest report of Iho caauulltlesi Total kill ed as reported ut tlio Murgue, SI total wound ed, 175. Total uumber of rioters urrcslc l up to uildulght, 2u0. Tlio city coulluui i-eifuctly quiet. The uTllgloiiwl'Ve's- oa the lilot. Kxthacth fkom Rhmoioit.s PArmts OF ALL rilOTKSTANT DENOMINATIONS Tho outrago altcmptcd in New York to trample on tho rights of Protestants, has aroused the fears and called into action the best men of tho nation. And the Religious 1'rcKS Bjicaks in thunder tones. Tho Iter. W.U. lioole, au eloqnent Ii viuo of the Methodist Church, speaks tho common sentiment in that rcsicelable branch of the Chrisliau Church. J Ic said : I think tho present condition of affairs in this city furnishes at least a partial illustra tion of tho force of this proverb. It is high ly probable ihat wo havo reached a crihis iu our history as n city. I think it is soon to bo determined whether a small gang of corrupt ineu, wuoso average intellect ; social status, and moral choracler nro not fairly up to the itverago of tho respeclablo portion of tho community, shall rulo iu this great city, or whether tho resiiectablo citi zens shall break tho yoko which thoy havo so long cuuureu anu niaKa tins city a praiso instead cf a stench among the cities of tlio world. Accusations of enormous frauds are laid to the chargo of our highest oflicials. Wo are told that tho people of this city havo been defrauded to tho exteut of 10, 000,00;), if not more. To my mind it is sulliciont evidence of tho truth of these charges that no denial or answer has been mado. The question with us is not how they bocamo possessed of these facts. Wo have uoihiug to do with their riuarrels or motives, but ifanyouown po.sotsod of tho evidences of the frauds it was his duty to make known the facts, and nsthut ha been done I praise thos-i who did it. Daily papers base recently made dittlouriiS con- corning the whereabouts, of the nurseries of crime that crowd this city, and yet scarcely ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or boiit 100 WorJs, make o Square IP-i 8r8 8!4 PaVeoToolircr,l i mo went l.txr S.on: 3.50, 8.0(1; 6.00 8.0015.00 Two weekt 50 S.OOi 8.50 4.00 B.00 1 1 .00 1 K.lta Three ,8.W. 8.M), 4.00 H.wi, tt.001S.00 jo!oo; 4.w; b..v: .oa;io.(K)i5.odiw.wi Four " Flvo ' Six " Ts;.-, itio'i Threo ' 8lx Nine ' (ino Tear l-TS. 5.(Hij fl.50, 7-O0:ia.O017.0Oa5.OO ;!t.00j 6.7.( 7.50 R.(K;18.0UI8.0tii7.50 '8.S.V 7.MI; 8.511- O.tK) 15.00 atl.00 30.00 :.m s.ihH .5iij 10.00 20.00 -jn.eo.oe l.oo( .oo:i l.oo ia.(H:'j.oo l.0lr,1 0.Otrl 8.00 I ft.oo'aS.OO 45.00i75.00 :S.0li!1 a.Otr' 1 5.00:20.00 W.OOOO.OO I 100 any notice of it is taken by tho authorities, ns though these places wero not a libel upon tho good namo ofourcily. On tho contrary tho police forco Is prostituted to tlio wicked purposo of hiding and fostering thesa nur? series of criino. And, added lo tlicso nurseries of crime. And, ndded to these startling facts, wo liavo seen that this Citv (rovcruuietil is unablo or unwilling to de fend its citizens ngaiiml the crime ol a imllry faction ; actually lying down its armor and wiilcr ol atilhority at the feel of a riotous ruob ; refusing to sustain houorable men Mono the less honorable becauso of tho la boring classes in tho exorcise of a biwlul right which belongi to every citizen. The Kxci8o law, which prohibits the salu of licpior on tho Niloath, has ab-j become well-nigh a dead letter. All this and much mora wo havo seen, nnd yet wo havo looi) bo deeply interested iu our personal affairs that we havo not stopped lo consider what has been going on, until our government has becomo as vile as any that cau bo found, upon Uod'8 foolt-tool. Tho true design of all human govern ments is to secure in a practical v;iy tho greatest good to all their citizens or sub jects, and yet our authorities walk abroad in nn arrogant niul domineering manner, refusinrr to settle their accounts, closing tiieir books to IIioru who have a right to Inspect them, using their authority for their own bane mirnoseH-c-iilipriiiir to n, selves wealth, ami then imlng it to tramplo Blid further in the llust those who make them rulers. Members of tho Christian Church, and all good citizens, must take homo deci.led coutso of action. They should ignore party lines, throw names to too Wind, and mnko common causo n-'.tinst corruption. Whoever may open or ' begin tho matter, let Christian men Join them nnd give the their voice, their iniluoiice, their money if tlioy hnvo it, and their vote When tho day of election comes nut all to gether and make common catisn nmm,.fc corruption, and I exhort you U tho perfor mance or this duty, not spasmodically, but strongly and constantly. We ate a pcoplo or spasmodic political action. You can arouse this whole city in V hours, and iii tho 21 hours they will bo quieted down into a jierfeet dead sleep. Hut this system or fraud can bo destroyed only by constant and BysUimntie effort. If wo aro united nnd act with one heait and onu common impulse, it cau bo done." From tho Christian Union, Coiigrcr;.-Ulouulist.l Tho Orangntuendid not proposocither ii language or action which bhottld iuli-ntiou-ally offend any one. Tho simple fact it, that tho evimt which they proposed loccVi brato was intensely dear to them and in tensely hateful to those who opposed tVin. lias a Democratic procession a right to carry mottoes and pictures which lli-nubR. cans dislike? lias a Republican proces sion a right to carry legends and piWuiiln which Democrats detest? Has" lioman Catholiu procession a right to -H'ry saints, nml paintings, and the oat, in sight of rrotestants? Havo votesbmts tho right to carrv nn nrmn -Mble. and a nortrail. r Ltithor. iu nuMiu Procession? Siu-litl 1 inrva are dono, mid nre properly permitted bv tho authorities, and it never entered a s in0 nmn's head that thev wero f-Ali-ul-.i.,1 1 ellect a "branch of tho tempt to strain a statute meant to re-'ulate ''"general intercourse of citizens, to" cover prLiR?"8 of Bociolili uf men, and tho o. I)fthoiof -tl1r Jiri.t;i ilt-, is not worthy vor. ii - ... . i. :.." u ;iru not. mix 0114 10 con- as sinners finJ- u, ,do 1 !? York Wo cvo 1 1 at Jwo" m J,ow who do not unlJ,c' Uir,V ln!I,,,, ment of civil libr;1111, "'"I1 a desire to concili..kttml wll'' lm"il,y ,ro" partly from the toiu'wu voU-a, an thoso who are not n.lcVK!lt ,,ill!mi t0 gcucies, have como lie: r I? to e''m public "liberties in Uu In"'" politics. 8t 01 l)Jlly From Tho Jfelhodlst. Tho American pcoplo scorn det, , , tovcntilato it thoroughly, and to ,,, onco for nil, such a public opinion a. 'V, Irish and ltomau Catholic iutcrferou, with public order lis shall not admit or a rccurrenco or such atrocities. I'ublic ja tience can enduro no more. Tho Catholic clergy deserve commendation for their pre vious admonitions against riot, through tho Uishop aud others mingled with their exhortations irritating remarks outhoOrr angemcn, So far as any direct intorrerencc in tho cauo i concerned, wo all frankly ex onerate it. lint a sober question remains and cannot bo evaded : What of its indi rect responsibility? Why, in a Church of such almost absolute clerical power over tho consciences of iu people, is ihcru found here, amid all our civilizing influences, such a mass of demoralized, uncontrollable, population? From tho Now York Observer, rYcnbyterlun. . Tho night and day of St. H.irtho'.orncw woro 110 longer than any similar revolution of the earth, but whole centuries and thou sands of years will not remove tho record from the history of Humanism. The scene which havo transpired in this city, the in stigation of a riot, murderous in its intent, by lri.-dt Koiuan Catholics, who had declar ed their purpoeu to suppress the pi o ccusioii of 1'rotcstant Orangeman, by mur dering them iu tlio streets if tlio city au thorities would not surrender to iho de mauds of tho mob aud forbid the procession; tlio surrender or the authorities, the; triumphant vindication not only of law and order, but or equal civil rights and equal religious liberty, and equal privileges for l'rotestanta and Hoinaiiints ; nil those aro recorded iu full iu uuothur part of this paper. Wo do) notaecuso the po of Koine, nor Archbishop McCInskey, nor tho Homaii Catholic pries! in this city of getting up this riot, lut wo do say that it was iu the interest of ltomauism, and that Catholic hatred to Protestants inspired thoso who meditated and mado tho assault upou a I'rotestant procession, and it is rihl and proxir that the auiuiua of tho thing should bo stated. Fiotn the Examiner and Chronicle, Baptist. Uarely beforo has thcro liecn seen so la mentable a display or timidity, vacillation, and tardiness in meeting a grave emer gency. Tho blame or the sanguinary scenes which marred tho day, and made it a "black day" in the history of New Yoik, thus rests upon Mayor Hall and those who. acted with him. From this unenviable. itosition thoy cannot escape. L'nfortimatc y, their disgrace can not wipe out tho dis grace which their folly brought upon tho great city they misgovern. The people of Xew York will deserve to bo mUrulcd by Oakoy Halls, and Connollys, and Tweeds, if they do not at the tirst opportunity rid themselves of tho whole cowardly rrew public plunderers. Hie law-nnd-order lai ty are ir the majority, and can do this if they will. Is thcro public spirit ruongh in New York to undertake the t&sk?