Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 26, 1871, Image 2

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    imburg American.
SUN 11UUY, AUGUST 20, 1871.
For Auditor (.ener'al
For Snrvejef Urnrrnl,
ltepublican t'otmf 4 Convention.
V The Republican voters of Northumberland
county, nnd nil others who nro opposed to the
"iuicccbs of the Corrupt co-culled IVuinrrntlc par
ly, iiro respect fully requested to assemble In their
wards, .towimf.ips nr boroughs, nt such pin cos nt
which deleirnte elections Imvo heretofore been
held, on SATURDAY, the 2(Uh day of AUGUST
ilfc'xt, between the hours of four mtdciirlil o'clock,
. M., for the purpose of electing dulcpites to
represent them In county convention, to be held
In the Court llouso in the. borough of Suiiburv,
on Tuesday, Aninibt Slltli, 1ST1, lit lOo'elock, A.
M., for the pnrosc of uonilnutinjr n ticket to be
presented to tho Union voters of the county nt
the cusuinj; ncneriil election, Each district poll
ing two hundred Kcpuldican Votes or less nt tlic
last Kcncraf election for Slato, ollicers, will lie
untitled ti two delegates i encrV district pollinir
lAef two hundred voles nnd not cxcecdini! three
hundred, three delceulcs ) nnd eacli district pnll
ng over thrro hundred votes Blinll bu entitled to
four delegate's.
Chairman Republican Standing Committee.
1C M. Fim'K. Secretary.
Tub senior editor of llio Democratic
' Htwrnl, finding that lio lina got into bad
company, endeavors to justify liitmulf by
trying to make Iris readers believe that wo
did Mr. Trevcllick great injustieo nnd
iiiiRfqiresciit'ed liini. He does not deny,
riViwcvcf, tlnve Mr. T'a nrguiiicnt was in
favor of "a division of nrojiorty on Saturday
night, feast and riot on the Sabbath nnd
nothing left on Monday," ns wo havo sta
ted, but asks tho following question. "'When
you Mr. Amcrimtn ndinit yourself 'that
many workingnicn have been led into this
movement,' pray, will you tell us what
motive influenced them, since you charge
their lender tts using for his argument 'a
division, feast nnd riot on the Sabbath,
&c,' if, in your mind, it was not n love for
mich a condition of things."
As tho senior editor has always been n
Democrat ho ia better qualified to judge
what has influenced many to join the Or
der than wo arc. The people generally,
havo sceil cnougli by the bite J'cr York
riots to convince them why the Irish Catho
lics lire so favorable to the union, mid why
'the order is principally composed of that
class of laboring men, who nro in league
with tho Tammany King of New York
tiity, in whoso services Mr. Trevcllick is
now traveling to induce the unwary to join
them to gel control of the National Fiuanccs
us soon ns the money in the New York
city Treasury becomes exhausted. Wc
find loo, that Germans, Welsh, Euglish,
ftnd others who havo been duped iuto this
movement of the Irish Catholics. When
thoy llnd tho deception making itself a poll
en! organization, then they leave the orda
in' disgust; but wo havo not found nny of
the Irish to leave them yet. Had tho edi
tor of tho Guard attempted to show that
Mr. Trevcllick really had been a working
man, or nny of the leaders been men who
nro not of his stamp, who halo to work,
but nro drones upon tha working classes,
by constantly pushing themselves into po
sitions to do the "bossing" nnd let the poor
men do tho labor, nnd they receive the
cream, his argument would had sonic force.
Wu admit that tho Republican party
Will not receive tho support of the Union
t'.i rough out, particularly tho Irish Catholics,
who havo nlwnys been advocates of tho
principles of modern Democracy, opposed
to labor themselves, uulcsu it is to prevent
them from starvation.
In regard to the charge that he is a mem
ber of the Union he says that it is ''false aud
nbsurd." Wo thought tho editor would
bo ashao'td of it, nnd deny his connec
tion. Thin shows that there is something
wrong, nnd that he joined tho Union for
the express purpose of securing the Union
vote for Associate J udge. Tho members,
Messrs. l'at Hester, Ilolislcv nud (ialla
y.Uvi; who were so fearful that ho would
d reive tin m, on Thursday evening pre
vious to tho primary election, wlicu A nics
huge was sent to them that I o could not
bo there that night, ns he had promised to,
to join the Union, will not like this present
denial of hi membership, lint ns the sen
ior was punctual on tho Friday following,
and they took him in under fair promises,
this Utile denial will be overlooked at pre
out, and as Mr. Trevcllick said liny wuo
nil hwoiii together ti support all who were
connet Ud with them, they will very lendi
lv vote for the Automate Judge, ou account
of his soil. Ah I hey gave him the nomina
tion by fraud they cannot well go buck on
that, for it is the only suurce from which
titty can t Xk1 favors.
Till': Republicans of Huntingdon county,
wtru glad to wet ice, are timing to their
Kod scusei, and iud jlUin.4 tltuir diilleul
tin nnd unity to win wciory. No defeat
I mi Iu.-Iliu uud disgraceful us that
tauHt'd by distention, ll men fail ufUr a
lair iUiii. they fur ILK little of tho n vet
td' their f 'How men; but when a parly N
(hklroyed by hit rial In oil uud LaU tuig,
iImwv guilly lltervuf Uicuina, and Uumjivuio
bo, ubjucU of scum and cotituiipl.
Tai:. Ix l any mm n.ul Mm utoimd
I ig ex'UilUui'c iu Ihe t ity cmriiiuciil of
.New Yoik by Iho Ifoinau Calliolic polill
l lll It 1 1 t llleir fj'ielldi, Mild thill ttnk, l.;it
fcilllhtt tiiusef NunlmniUrl.iiid laiiuly
Ui uudi t ll elr rule. Ill lliu
kill fcl.elc tiny l4V0 ru
t iiniul, c, tin y liuvo tkpilldetl U.l4 if;
luUMllil Kit ll.g tou-l, VkllllO taiw fl'Ulill
f lliu kuiu iipiudcd MV414 buy vi m ulu
C'AHT AL.KH.-'li4lUtUi.t4ti.UftiH'r
mo iiii t ui) iuiiiioiilou. '1xy tsu't
n'jjng till ' I liiu 'i U ." 't'lw dillvf uu IU
luim ipi.tlou, kii tt.u !ii4ii. il i(kte.Ui.ii,
nod lumiy iilr IUi4Uit tp!uil but
mi tlwl iiL-t.i ri. iji.t.n lluiv la liioi
luMUMMiy ttiiim4 lUni. I'ui fuiiUi imiu-
0Ul t4l llt HbUllt ol ll.v Mi.l!U4.
' 'U I' ll.U tU.44 i 114 S'l Vi
ItEfoaiors ToiERATioN. The glory of
out free Government Is, flint not only nro
Ml men frco nnd equal, but nil churches,
nnd nil denominations, nud nil religious,
tiro free and equal, whether Roman Catho
lic, or Protestant, or Jow, or Mohammc
den, of Pngnn, or Infidel, nil nre free to
wofshlp God according to tho dictates of
Ihnlr conscience.
Whilo wc guarantee to tho Roman Catho
lio church freedom to worship God ns they
wish, nnd nil tho power to tho Government
Is pledged to protect that church in their
rights, nnd whilo tho Protestant church
would rise up ns ono man to protect tho
Roman Catholic church in its freedom to
worship God, yet wo demand that they
shall not iu this freo country, do ns they
hnve dono in Europe where they hnvo pow
er, refuse to other churches nnd other re
ligious, tho right of frco worship.
The battle to bo fought with tho Roman
Catholic church in this country, is not
ngainst their creed, or their faith, or
their religion, but it is for religious freedom
nud toleration.
We claim that tho rrotcstant, tho Jew,
tho Mohammadon, tho Pagan, tho infidel
shall bo left freo to worship according to
tho dictates of their conscience ami nono
to molest or mako Ihctn afraid. Wo claim,
that nil churches nnd nil denominations,
nnd all religious shall bo let nlonc. Mr.
Pope "hands off," no inquisitions, no dun
geons, no tortures, no burnins of heretics,
no hiobs, or riots.
Thcso nrgunieiits will not BUit our freo
country. Wc give you freedom nnd wo
guaranteo that to yon, and wo nsk that,
and no more, for nil other churches.
"Religious Toleration," "Religious Free
dom," is inscribed on our banner. "Free
dom to nil churches, nnd to nil men."
Our neighbor of tho Guard has become
quite warm on tho suoject of labor, nnd
manifests great interest for tho laboring
men since tho democratic primary election.
He says, "tho democratic parly is tho true
place for our workingnicn, nnd there they
will jlhnl nn ndequate remedy for their
wrongs a proper equilibrium between la
bor and capital." This open confession
should convince nny ono tlrat tho whole ob
ject is to merge the Labor Union and mod
ern Democracy. How will the members of
tho Labor Union, favorable to a protective
tariff, as laid down in their platform, liko
the idea of joining in with the party who
openly advocate free trade nnd nro con
stantly devising plans to bring American
labor on n level with tho pauper labor of
Europe V Can the senior editor of the
Guard have tho frankness to state whether
ho connected himself with the Labor Union
for the purpose of advocating its principles,
or whether it was only to aid in merging
the order iuto the Irish Catholic clement of
tho Democratic party, to sccuro the elec
tion of their candidate for Associate Judge.
Father IIicckisu, a prominent Roman
l'ricst, in New York, nsscrts in the church
paper and on nil public occasions that be
fore the end of this century this great na
tion of ours will bo as much under Roman
Catholic rule, as Rome was, til lately made
In Rome, till within tho laBt two years,
Protestant worship was not allowed, nnd
no Protestant church allowed to bo built
or opened or held. No bibles sold or dis
tributed. No prayer meetings.
Tho "Catholic Wm ld," the Chief Roman
Catholic organ in this country pays, "that
the State has no rights only through tlic su
perior authority of the Romish church."
This is the unqualified assertion of tho su
premo political authority of tho church iu
this enlightened day, ns it was iu the mid
night of the middle ages.
It is tiot tho religious faith of the Roman
church that is assailed, but its political ur', as they become moro and uinro un
veiled and exposed to public gaze.
If tho Pope is infallible, mid ho pro
claims a despotism the best form of Govern
ment, then the whole Romish church must.
obey, nud dungeons, nud chains, nud the
lire and faggot must become the order of the
day, and wc relapso into political barbar
1 tall men, who lovo our frco republic,
bewaro of tho power of a church, that
claims that CJovernment exists ouly by its
- tm .. -
ThkXcw York 'Jinan invites attention
to tho following figures :
llecetiibor Id, 1'J
April uU, ls7l
Iuvruasc In twunlyel ;lit mom lis,
ii:iit or tiik imii:ii itti:.
March 4. ImI'J tf'l,f-'5,iri7,'JV.I
Aiigut I, 1)71, 'J,"s:l,:r.'s,v8
Dreiv.uu In iwviily nine month, Ir'-U I,! Js.ioi
This in a contrast vt liich lax-payers ought
to bludy. Even (hone who sympathize with
tho reactionary Instincts of tho KuMux
Ik iii.H may well Ihj htaggi-rcd ly tho
evident'! a of'lheir lluaiieial iiiluiaiiageiiieut
Some of tho IK tiioerallc editor.aro trying
lo iuuk.0 tapitiil out of Kvaiis big r ct iit-iij-fti
o Imvo a very poor opinion of
l-'Vttim, and )el hiil oi'i;itiiit an eoiiipnnnl
with lk iioiei.iUe I'lililk riea kliow liimtoUi
n lyruul tho bttsiiuM t lio hhouUJitiu lliu
iK inocini y uiul leuru. ll looks u if Id
liichuAiUU ui ti in that Hay.
Ai.Lof tho rMiia liiculiiteil Iroin tho
lii.t if lliu tci riblu f.uiiliK' iu I Vria aro c or
roUiruted, uiu r iiuiuy d niaU uu4 sultcu
logs. I'rtMii mi i -I'th to it klktcviilli of
lliu popuUtioli i-f 1'pitliaii, ill ihj MesWili
iilitio, iu lefll ui .IV, uud a Ijlier
H' ;e in oilier plana on tho I'mpun
N.i. '1 lii uu am ; i4ii ,vu In iiiiiio, mid
llio iiiltU -il.l 'lMj lm lulloMeil llui Ugllllll.
lVilitl oU-l"'"' h"MlilM'' t-mUlu, Hl'hU and other
, , .. , ... i iliii4 uiv iniiiKU'd Willi 11a.m. 'lUpro
'..I. tuil, Ml. !,.,lMl, lliu tholii la ;iuopu UsW.1 to
i.iinuH-iii ui lion ut IWrliu nud lu
t'uiwu, luktr TiUu. Ni iir, lliu fiu
til tin )Iim.I lulVtl Hot U4llud loriiM-f
yuirsuitd iu piuuM 1ii Uu lonr.
- - --
'l'A pHI kh.MiM b,4 UiAlll MM
lU puMliill tll4t IsUi t l llll ilSUlK ut
ihlO hUlo litilll Utlot uf AUUl purtMA.
Sui aUUu lioj Uita rvdut ii.iu 4 ituiia
bttvs, IU-publiii kiliMiliUlialluu Unt
aAi uu ul.iy iiaiiuiu tlu utw
Tun , .u'.f uiJ. 4 iUpuU tau tUi
tuiv in Nva u,k U.i UU tl x
j'i.-ls,Wlitu u4 ) lUl ilU tltiliMil
. tblil tl. . -.1 .lit ....... 1 . . ii
1 , I V IK
I'K'T Flfrure.
The Irish Roman Catholic rioters rob
the people by heavy taxes to pay fraudu
lent and trumped up accounts, nnd their
design is to got tho power and rob nnd
plunder every county and Sttvto in the
same way.
Tho New York Times continues to print
transcripts from Controller Connolly's,
books, every item of which is enough to
convict tho auditing officers of criminal
extravagance, and forever silence those
carping journals and speakers who, driven
to extremity for complaint ngainst tho Re
publican party, charge it with a want of
economy. Taken together nnd closely scru
tinized ns to date, servico performed, nnd
parties to whom paid, thcso entries mako
up a record that is absolutely damning ;
and nfter thcso unanswerable exposures of
the Times our faith in tho clllcicucy nnd
pel petuity of popular government will bo
seriously shaken if crinriunl proceedings arc
not speedily instituted ngainst tho princi
pal ollicers inculpated.
Tho last batch of accounts published
embraces tho payments to ono Andrew J.
Garvey during a portion of ISO!) nnd 1870,
which nmount in nil to $2,870,404.00.
Now, bo it known that Andrew J. Gai vcy
is a plasterer, nnd this modest sum of nion
oy was paid him, or ostensibly paid to him,
for plastering and other repairs in tho
various county buildings. Hero are a few
of tho items :
M:iy fi, 1S70, For plastering In Court-
ho;ins,ilcccmhe.r4, ISIS!) $-IG,G::5 07
May 14. 1S7U. For plastering and ma
son work In same, December 2, lNfi'., 4:5,H5. 92
Mat' II, 17' 1. For paint inij uinl ileco
ralluK In the samu, Dec. UJ, ISli1.)...
May 21, 1S7J. For painting nud deeo-
- ratlmr in same, December 21, lSB'J...
May 21, 1S7-.I. For painting nnd deco
rating In sonic, December M, ISti'J...
Mav SI. DS70. For idnstcrlm: and ma
4l,tW5 85
44.C94 01
44,281 10
son work In mime, December 1 1, ISti'J 45,044 40
It is useless to oxte.nd tho list. These
chargi s are no higher than nn average of
the whole, ami together comprise less than
one-foui'lh of those mad for work perform
ed in the single month of December, ISO'J.
The total amount of charges for work dono
m that monthmainly lor plastering nuu
repairs lo court-houses and olliccs is con
siderably over ono million of dollars. De
cember must hereafter be et down as a
remarkably good month for plastering,
even in the cold climate of New York, no
m liter what the previous opinions of house
builders may have been. And Andrew J.
(iarvey is certainly the luckiest of plasterers
it he really retained all tho earnings ac
credited to 'him for thos'j thirty-one days.
Geo. O. Rvaxs Tp.yixo to Dkplktb
TiiESrATiiTiiKAsruY. In IS(17 the State
Legislature iiatscd a law mil homing tho
Governor to appoint a .Stale Agent lo set
tle and coliect thu war claims of the .Stale
ngainst the general government, and he was
to be compensated by a sum )ii.( to wcul
ten per cent of the amount collected. Geo,
(). Kvatis, of I'liUadjlphia, was appointed
the Agent, ninl has mice been ei'.grgeil in
the duties coming under that appointment,
and in ?n;ie dutitu exceeding the appoint
ment. A large amount, had been paid on
the State claims before Kvans was appoint
ed. On all these, as well as ou what he
has collected, ho claims ten per cent,
nmnuiiting to about three h undent thoumnd
?o'is. and pa s himself out of what lie
hau collected, Kvcry body will' see what
this amount is beyond nil just compensa
tion lor las labors, and tho Itcnuulican
ollicers at Ilarrisburg having "ward nnd
watch" over tho people's money, Har
tranft, Auditor General, and Mackey,
State Treasurer, havo no idea of permittiug
the public money lo be so wickedly misap
propriated, and have served uoticu on
Evans to pay over to tho State Treasury
the whole nmount of his collections or
legal proceedings will bo commenced
ngainst him. While despising Evans for
his disposition to rob tho State, wo feel it
just to the Auditor General and Slate
treasurer to givo tliem credit lor their un
hesitating determination to briug tho re
creant State agent to iustico and to recover
tho misappropriated State money. It
shows that the public interests are safe in
Republican hands, aud that no such rob
beries as have been prapctrated in Now
York will bo permitted here. Libanon
From the Itichmond Wlilsr," 17
Tito Southern States, under any fair ap
portionment that may bo adopted, will
have twelve more than a third of tho rep
resentation in Congress and in tho Electo
ral College. United and harmonious, this
would constitute a power adequate for self-
proicction, 11 not suiucicnt to coutrul the
action of the Government. Wc havo com
mon interest ono especially of towering
and controlling iuthiencc, capable of wield
ing tho wholo Southern population, black
and white, iiKo one solid mass for joint aud
common action. Slavery has liccu abolish
ed. Jiiit iSlartri lata nine bun haul for.
It was a constitutional nud vested right, if
there bo such a thing. No Government
ever confiscated such a proticrty nnd of
such magnitude; without couqicnsalioti to
tho individual. It would he monstrous
if it did, and it would unsettle and con
found and jeopard all other rights. The
black can bu mado lo havo the same inte
rest m thii right as tho whites. Tho mar
ket value ol the proticrty at tho outbreak
ot the war was estimated at $?:J,U(X),0JU,OUO.
1 ho half of that sum might rcdrcns tho
whites, tin 011 r half ironii console li. .
brilie) the black, uud prove a far inoresuli
vlantial blessing than the Imaginary "mule
ami vj acres 01 mini.
W'o have no idea of pressing thin recLt'
mauoii at 1110 present time, mil 11 is a
shot In our locker, wl.ieh wo nro unwilling
to Niu reiiiier, ami would ui ready to tio
Whenever opportunity piesiiiU'. A
nouiuerii 1 oiitereuec, tinier llio coin ll;'
Winter or tit Koiuo future time, en 11 arruuu'u
uie proummme, lliu mwlu. inuimuiv, and
limo for tii;'liigiliitt i laiiii. Wo would not
hurry It-It in a rumticiil bulwark an I
noiireu o safi ty and harmony to all tltoilii,'
InutcU tleinenl of Sjut horu koiiulv.
In iwver tha klgual l glvkii it will biiug
wntio ami i.laik touibcr, bhouldir lo
khoulder. 1 hu .North uld their blavi k and
imtketud thu money, nud I In u loiillneutnl
llio klnvea of llio Ninth, nr h1i.iI they pre
U'lidcil WiU Ibo pUlillo giMxl, lliey luuol
pay tir It. II ! only aiiiiriion ol tiuin-
ttii'l llmu ;'i wo 1110 u!i, Hhilo and hiaik,
very ihhii', ,u uiv iioi liiipAiioiii. Tiny
Hit in 4 the poor lil'u tl OUl 01 liullHO and
I. oino 111I1 the iMu. iio iiiomic ol a miilu
mid i'i aeiis, llll.l lelt ttiilil lo thu Ci.1,1
iliiillly nf tho woil.l. Thu bi.uka lliu I l-o
b.ild fi r Hi it i"Hll .i.4Ud I.h j 111. I 1 1 lil
lo pioleelloii. Hut. u ulu. uly .latid, v
no ii' t Ulfu 11 tit ti.u i itMiil l!imi.
lioM'vkt r. uu tiiiftiiliiij- io ub.iii.luii it, or
op4rd it iH.oir,iy by duUMdin Uu iw.
duiiiUiil nillym4iiU4t.iii. Thai imlo
unili ut pttity uwiy wttu us hIi, a ni oiUcr
hIuiiU kbitll bit. duit. (niiiil liiiiiM II
Uiiiflil Ul Milling lo in.bu. k ru t Uxlinii by
4xojdlij ti tu sJI aud Won lliitu mo nk.
At soy ti. it u lU U4 trump out, ninl
ll Judit-loiKly iiluywl uay mik iu u.,itui,
'I L himIIu. U l"U aiui(i( kUUiiUiii.
IlltUoiUkt utlln, tm Mttiu vll Uka
and .uKl llM i and If Ut u fci. lu
tbuui, ban U-4 uil bpuu mnui, u Mid
u 1 41 u tv IUm ua aiur tw4u U4a.
iitlialt lill uitl, Ui.kl u -l,
t.U.U I, ll.-U. I. , , i4
lUa, ia 44W ,
U'U to'.-l v-l.U.
The ItrllKlonn Rioting in Oftlon.
burg-Itnron uettarnin Prevented
from Nprnklng.
OoDKsntina, Ana 17. A lareo num
ber of persons, iucludiiig ft formidable
riotous clement, gathered last evening at
tho hnll in which Baron do Camin, tho
anti-Cotliolic lecturer, was mobbed the
evoning previous. The doors of tho hall
wero closed, and on the arrival of tho lec
turer he was conducted by tho police to
lolice headquarters for protection, wherott
trrgo mob assembled.
Subsequently the nuthonties called for
volunteers, nud a largo number of citizens
responded nnd wero sworn in ns special
policemen, nnd, together with tho regular
force, succeeded in clearing tho streets,
when .tho lecturer was escorted to his
boarding house. Intcnso fueling against
the mob prevails, nnd tho citizens nro or
ganizing to vindicate tho right of frco
speech. Offers of assistance havo been re
ceived from tho neighboring towns.
OoDKNsnt no, August 13. Tho excite
ment about Baron Decamin's lecturo is
abating. Ono of tho rioters bailed on
Wednesday assaulted one of the most re-
spcctahlo citizens to-day nnd gavo himself
up, mm was again oniica. jjccamiti uo
livcrcd his lecturo this afternoon at tho
Skating Rink, before a good audience, un
der tho protection of the Mayor nnd police.
No nttenpt was made to disturb him. lie
will deliver no more lectures iu this city
now that free speech is vindicated.
A great many pcoplo havo nsked us of
late, "How do you keep your horse looking
so sleek nnd glossy?' Wo toll them, its tho
easiest thing in tho world ; give iVieWdcm's
l avalry tJumittioi-U uiifdcra two or tnroo
limes a wecg.
A gentleman in tho eastern part of tho
state, who was nbout having his log ampn
tatod on account of its bcim: bent nt right
angles and still' nt the knee, heard of JdIui
m,s Anmlijnc JAiiimcnt. after using it a
short time, his k;g became straight, nnd is
now ns serviceable as tho other.
Letter froiu Wnshliisloii.
Washinotox, D. C, August 22, 1871.
Friend Wilveut : I sec by an nrticlo
In tho "JJcmrjcratic ll'(cii((ii," publish
ed in llellefonte, Peun'a., thnt the Demo
cracy claim that tho recont nominations
mado by tho Temperance party at Ilarris
burg, a short time since, are designated by
tho l)emoeracy as "another radical party
in the field," which they claim is very en
couraging for a Democratic victory in the
State this fall. In order that republicans
shall not be misled, the Republican press
of the State should spare no effort m dis
abusing the public mind iu that respect,
and urge upon all Republieaus the impor
tance ot the coming campaign, and snow
tho nocessity of unanimity. Pennsylvania
and Ohio will bo made the great battle
fields, and if they can succeed in carry iug
those two States this fall, they think they
will havo no troublo to carry them iu tho
Presidential campaign of 1672.
Ave aro upon tlic cro ot another strug
gle in the interests of good government
nnd the sacred rights of man. Tho strug
gles nnd sncriliccs m the past nro proud
monuments iu our history, nnd thencnievc
inents iu our noble sons have not been less
conspicuous in pcacn for the maintenance
and furtherance of Republican principles,
than their costly efforts to preserve, iu war,
tlic lilo ot tlic nation itsult,
Nono will gainsay tho wonderful apti
tude in organization, nud the intelligent
ami forceful application of tho grent prin
ciples of tho Republican party, nnd its ac
complishments and victories m the la t ten
years. Rut if personal animosities aro to
bo tolerated iu curtain localities, and lan
guor aud apathy aro to pervado tho ranks
iu general, then defeat will be ns sure as
that tho enemy aro watchiug our weaknes
scs iu order to gain possession ol our
Wo havo tho samo old enemy to fight.
It has assumed new disguises, made "new
departures," accepting tho 14th and loth
amendments to thu constitution &c, but,
wo must not allow ourselves to lie deceived
by their disguises. If there is anything in
tho movciueuts of tho Democracy that
would mako a Republican think that thu
principles of his own party wero wrong, it
is their ellbrts to get on tho Republican
pallform aud endorse nil thu Republican
tarty lias done siuco Us organization, wo
iiiow their treachery too well, to be deceiv
ed ny tliem. During tho war tho rebel
soldiers sometimes put on the Lu 1011 uni
form, and carried tlw Mara ami blnpes 111
order thnt they might impose upon Union
Nildiers, nnd necomplish by deception nnd
strategy, what they could not gain by a
lair open fight. This attempt to climb on
the itepubhcati platform is but rubel trickry
to cany tlic elections and get iuto power.
I hey nro trying to wear a Republican uni
form now. Tho new deparluro is only
accepted in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Now
York and the Southern States do not accept
it, they stand on their old platform a fol
lows : "Rescind every net, repudiate every
debt, cancel every obligation, anuull every
amendment bill ana resolution, umio every
thing that has been done in tho last teu
hideous years, in fact wipu out nud beg i 11
anew. Mien was uie piaiionu 111 ivviiiucay
iu their last election.
Tho Democracy has nssurrtd thcso new
disguises only for tho purpose of enucliiig
the rah of its old infamies, ll has made a
temporary compromiso of somo of it
heresies ignored for a dammiblo dogmas
of its past creed, but 11 lias been actuated
by no purposuol rvlorm, 110 liouent couvic
lions ol patriotic duty. Us only aspiration
Is lor power, Ulld When oliee iuvesleU tlierw
with, lis tiled e and promises will bu vio
l.itcd with as 1. nu ll pomp and cereiuouy
ha nltiiided their empty ileelaialioiia. ll
would Uur duuii our SehoolhoinH-a, (or Ua
tenant uru held in hitler repulo by llm
ignorant uud degraded. It would dvioil
tho monuments wo leivo erected all hIoiik
live pathway of Iho .Villon' udvaucvuicul,
for nil lis iiiumoilea llio lu Iho. obaolelo
pant, it dot h lint f.tee Uu: kpltlidora of thu
prt'M iit. I', would build uu iiiiniornwy of
euste. 1 1 would build a monarchy 01 1 buivii
uud proclaim a viei,;i ninl upon tailli Willi
l it 11. uy powers, unit kuhv'til lliu hoUi
inai linn 1 y id M.1U1 to hi !. inn mbilrik'
lm Id, lu ie In llila lnki.ti'd l.llld ol'iiivdttlld
ri li.'iuiih', ii iteonld thi.1'1 by auWrva
lla iiui'iioieH 1 1 iuto r mi, I m t uiv iu UlUjud
lie; 1 iiU'luiiii ia.. We haVJ bad bllUrivl
ii. niii of ll, y j il I iu tlw UlU)
IIkI 1 in Voit, C'.ly,
Noith t'.irn'Ui.i b 4 Ui it k.iir.l and Keu
lm L) 11I111 a I, I' 1 in, I, lm I mill h UolUd
p.iity time In l:o i!i,i,U td'tiiloiy lu IVlill-
ylv. 111U, ttlili i,,ih r 1 dull to lilii out
the n bid 1 v di'. 'u Imvtall Um xu'ldiuu-
ul tut. I In itu'iMd. Mm ol liu. and ItM
vM iUuiti iu iie,uii.l uiuvicl llii( 4lli
oiuni mi l ulf lu wm,k our kUinUid
Uitur - Willi twiy Ituiutitit 0 tptf lu
ihu M.1U1 bu 41 111114 1 hi u 1 tiAi'K, aud t y
bu lu un iiniua our .uiuol luduktiy.
l m tuiiiiol 4il) llui M4lg uu U lUwau
tin uiu.l4io Mti Hill I141U a 'l 1 hau
in I 'J A lUpublbuU kUiuiy iu I'kuu-
)ll4l.U Hill l.4'l thu ItiUlttll'f litwity
tiid l't) , an I iU i.4t iu llv iuUivalol
lii4.ii, klil 11.4) Ual I" lb J lik.J404 0
bjM.., li4iiiMby, "i,K, A.A.h,
l'"!ll i ll l, I .l.. .., 4.W w. Hum u
-tUk Hi-U v.. ...I 11.. Ui, ,4 ttttvlvl.
County CominiMloiicr.
To tub RitrtnucAS Voteiu of NonTnfMDER-
Fellow Cltlwns At Mio solicitation of a num
ber of my friends, I have consanted to be a can
didate for tho office of County Commissioner,
subject to tho decision of tho IUpiiblieau County
If nominated and elected. I promlso to fulfill
the office Impartially and With fidelity.
Lower Augusta twp., Aug. 1.871.
The undersigned, by tho enuourngement' of
many friends In Northumberland and Montour
counties, oilers' himself as a candidate for tho
Legislature, subject to the usual rules, regulating
Republican nominations.
Sunbury, July 3d, 1871.
T tli Kopnblirnnit of Northumbcr
land C'onnty.
I would respectfully announce myself as a
enndidate for District Attorney, subject to tho
rules of tho Republican-party.
Wntsontown, July 29, 11871.
for County ConiuilNNloncr.
At tho solicitation of ninny friends I offer my
self ns a candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to tho decision of the Republican County
Bhould I lie nominated nnd elected, I plcdgo
mysoirto pcriorm tho duties or lue oitice econo
inlcnlly and to tho advantage of the tnx-paycrs.
Lower Augusta twp., July 8, 1871.
For County Couitnismionrr.
At tho solicitation of inuny friends in the lower
end mi tuc county, I Imvc consented to become a
enndhJVitro for County Commissioner. Subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
tion. It. V. FJSI1KK
Washington twp., July 1, 1871.
Couuty TroHMiircr.
At tho solicitation of many friends In Mlllo
and surrounding towimhlivs, I am Induced to ni-
nouncc myself as a candidate for the Kisltlon of
uounty Treasurer, Subject to the decision of the
KcpuMleau. Vuuty Convention.
Milton, July 1, 1871.
OlMtrlct Attorney.
Tho undcrsli'ned' nnuoiinceR to Ids fellow eltl
feiin 01 Itnrlliiiniberitimi county. Hint lie Is n
ciindldnlc Tor District Attorney, nnd resiectfully
sollcitB tneir support 111 the ciihiiIiii; eleelion.
Sunbury, June 24, 1HT1.
For County C'ouiniiNNionor.
I repieetfiilly announce myself to tho lteimbli-
en 11 party of Northiiniherliind county ns 11 cniidl
dnte for County Commissioner, subject to U112
decision or tuo Kcpublicun County Convention
Should I bu nniuluiitod nnd eleeted, I will en
denvor to iK'rfonn tho duties of tho ollleo to tho
udviintiigo of the iieople of the county.
Slmtuokln towinthlp-, June 4, 1S71.
'' TV , 1 . . I .
Orphans' Court Sale!
PURSUANT to nn order of tho Orphans'
Court of tho County of Northumberland,
blutc of Pennsylvania, the undersigned Adminis
trator of Peter Winner, lute of Lower Mahanoy
townolilp, Northuniberhind County, decenseil,
will exMwc to sale by public veuilue, on tlic
preuilncii, on
Saturday, the lOlh day of Nrptoiu
bor, A. ., 1M71,
the following Viiluablo Heal Estate, to wit 1 All
tlial certain
Bflntr miirkcd ns purpart No. 1, In n certain writ
of partition between Iho heirs of l'eter Winner,
deceased, slluntu ill liwur Miiluiuoy tnwnslnp,
North iiinliurlnud County, 111., niijoiuhii; iaiuU of
Clmrles Uriwious, August us Itadinuii, ninl oilier
lands of said Pvter Witmcr, decensed, containing'
Klxfy-Elght (9) Arret aud Ouo
more or less, nil of which Is cleared whereon
In erected ll Doiiblo
Two-Story Dwelling House,
n new Hunk llarn 4!ixU5 fci-t, n Two-Story Sum
mer House, 11 1 wo-btory spring House, Mlanirliter
Monse, Cider Mill uud Press, Wagon Shed uud
oilier out-buildings. A never fulling
near the house, nnd running water through the
barn yard. This lanii Is till l.imu Htmiii l.aiul,
nnd in 11 high Ktatc of cultiviillon, tlic soil being
the nature of river bottom land, nud the Ileitis
well wntered. There Is n Lime Stone ridge on
the south stile of said fariii.auil a quiirry oiiciicd;
nre crctcd, iiml riMim ami stou auuieleiit for
for twenty-live more kilns.
1 hero Is LnciMl awil Walnut limber lu hirgo
quuulilies ou this tract.
All that certain Tnut or Piece of Land, situate
In the township uud couuty aforesaid, bounded
by IiiiiiIk or Cliurles lirosioiis, lleuj. I'liiliis, ivter
llurrell, Kusuiiuali I'lillips, mid oilier lauds of
said deeeused, containing Forty (40) Acres uud
rurly Seven (47) Perches, more or less, being
marked us purpart No. 'J, lu the said writ of
All that certain or oilier Tract or Piece of Land,
situate lu the township and county ul'urivaiil,
bounded by hinds of Josiuli Wert, Duvld Keinplc,
Isaac Kerolcller nud (. Iiarlcs ltroslous, conUilu
ing Twenty-Olio (-'1) Acres and Thirl .V-Sevin
(U7) Perches, more or less, liclng marked uu imr
imrt No. !1, iu said writ of purlilioii.
All thnt certain oilier Tract or llcco of Ijiud,
sltuatu In tlic townshli uud county iiforesuid,
iMMiuded by hinds of Susnnnuh PhliilM, Joshth
Welt, uud other lauds of said deceased, contain
ing Ouo Hundred uud KI1V1U (III) Acres nud
Ono Hundred uud Klfty-Seveu (I.ST) Perches,
inure or less, being Iiuiikell u p(llMll No. 4, III
aid writ of partition. This tract is well timber
ed with tuefluut, Ouk, locust, Pine, 1V0.
All tlml mtrtalu ntlH'r 1'iwe or Tract of Laud,
slluatu In kho towiiablp uud couuty iifoivxaiil,
iHiundi'd l)' lands of A. lhidniau, John ItlnKa
iiian, Jiihii I'atru k mid JosLih W, it, cuiiluiuitig
hi (li) Ai res mid t'liiirliuii (14) IVrclu s, inoru
or let., bi ing inuikud ua puriuit No. It, lu suid
wrll of pailillou,
All Unit Ci rlaln oilier Tract of Laud, clluale
III the lowiisliip nud county Hforcsaid, biiuiidcd
by lands of Jueiib HriilH.'Ibls, avld huydi r, Jo
sluli liorrvll, A. Madman, uud oilier lauds of said
dctx-iued, t'oiitniiiiuK Tlirm (U) Aerns uud One
Huudrwl ami Thlrljr 'I'Wrea (IM) IVril.cs, is-lnij
iimikwl ua purpart No. ll, In sulj writ of puill-
Tun nlMiva pr,itiiy U all stm-iled wlllilu a
mill) of lluorgi'limn W'sit of Um N. t'. Hallwuv,
ami wlllilu half a mile of tho rlvur. ll is ucurly
all l.linu Mono luiiti, ami suiiki tif Ilia lery ll
hi tha buiki fn Him ruliug of all kinds of Kralu,
ItfliiK ismniilriiily siluattd lu thu railniud,
lilukua ll our of tho iim-l d, lrat,li! lu llmcuuuiy.
IjiIo I lie prosrty of IVler Winner, dicoascd.
a.tlu la miinui'iiea l 10 u'cltHk. A. M., on
aukl tlay, Whia Ihu tollibl lulu will bo Ulude
kuuwu by
lU H. I. V ITU Kit,
, m. wri Mm,
wu. ii. tu i tiKn,
.of Mutimioy lap., Aim- Ml, I Ml. -II.
IVMuajltaul ( aat AKrirullurMl
rpilK tttlilidiiiti of lhl. .Ui), fur (oil, alii
1 Imi UU si, uu li (won, ai4uui.
Wi lutk, Waosai'ti, a. i t.i.ilKi Hh, 'luius
Oil, a4,iuUl DUt. t'aii'AI. h.i4nuU.l '444.
lbs a"'i"l al sisttlutaa, Hit iiulKliu., aud ac
HIUlUiUbllil aUlpit', aud lk I'ltllllulll lut, Iksn m tkiy Juf fHilut, tti. 4
lliNsa fiWiw4 lw i4. kul I4l4ltuui ut
mUil iuliMuwIltiti, adJiaM 4Utl wl lUv MiU
iIm, al Ki4Wlu.
JnllV I'. MuUUU, 1'n.Uvt.t.
I. W. Haiira, lUv. luiiUi.
kiaaiuua M,(.san,lui. awiUaiy.
At M, I'll tl
UK lltllar., Und B4...I, at tba
4r4, t l HI, r . U m. H-
l.ikvlul. UsIUI UM4l tl Sty al ll a,Mt.
itii lua,s km4 l.v litsa li4
ia4l um head ai4 au tA la mu i;i. lw
Ut4 "i a um k 4 bs4iM ! lit !i
la" yw.i,it aul u .iu4 aua kj.i. i,
!'. kit In ml Hill, tl Uli. u. Lis l I Us
l.i. (l.4,l-l,
Wliolcaalo Denlern in
Offlco nnd School Stationery,
Printing, Wrapping anil Maullln
PArEK ItAUN, Ac, Ac.
Tho Colcbratcd
Corry Kerosene lluriilng Oil
nlwnys on hand.
Having nlco opened n
wo nre prepared to supply nt short notice, nnd nt
the lowest rules,
to nil who inny bo pleased to gtvo u n cnll.
Orders left nt our office No. !!r South Tnird St.,
will 00 promptly lined.
No. 35 South Third Street, 8 11 11 bury, Fu,
Aug. ao, 1871.
market Street, Nunltnrj-, la.
II (s useless to-enumerate every kind of nrticlo
In bis Store, hut nuiong tho lending items may
be set dowu tho following I
Iron, Steel, Lend,
Scales, Steelyards, Grindstones,
Nulls of till kinds nud sizes,
Vices, Saws, l'lanen,
Sieves, Chains, Axes,
Brass nnd Iron Kettles,
Shovels, Hoes, Forks,
Spades, Knkes, Hatchets,
Carpenter and Blacksmith Itoriug Machines,
Cellar (i rates, Drawing Knives,
Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels,
Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels,
Hand Dinner Hells, nnd large ensf Iron Bells for
School Housed nud Farmers' Dinner
Carpenters' Bench Screws,
Potato Forks for digging potatoes,
Looking (llasscs. Twine, Ropes,
Knives aud Forks, Spoons, Tacks,
Mule and Horse Shoes nud Nails,
Hummers, Auirurs, Chisels,
Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms,
Locks of all descriptions, Conco Mills,
Bits nnd Unices,
Currlugo Bolls of nil kinds, Paint nnd Wall
Brushes, Buckets,
Oils, Varnishes, JapaiiN,
Lye, Soda Ash, Washing Soda,
I'AIMTS OF A 1. 1. KIMS In Oil or Dry,
Parti-Colors of nil kitid
nnd other Woudcu-Wurc of nil kinds nnd very
cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys,
Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Classes,
Flle, Hinges, Coal Oil,
Hems, Combs, Screws,
Saddlery nnd Shoe Findings,
Bttgey Trimmings, F.xcelslor Glass Cullers.
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears,
Shot, Cup and rowilcr,
nnd a grent variety of other u rllcles. Any thing
wanted nud not ou hand, will bo ordered ul uuec.
Sunbury, Aug. Ill, 1871.
This Institution opens witli nn increase li.-t of
Instructors, ou .11 on t lay , ftvpiemiif r UU,
HATE OF Ti l l lOX.
IYr Annum,
Primary Department, f4 00
Third Division, !i0 no
Sccuud Division, 40 00
First Division, 50 00
Lessons on Pinno or Organ, (extra,) SO IKJ
" Iu Frencli, " M 00
" " Geruiau, " Wl 00
" " Drawing it Puintlnr, (ex) 40 00
Boarding Pujiils In eillier Divhion, -'.Ti UU
Persons who nre not pupils of the Academy
may avail themselves of instruction in Music,
Vreiixh wr German, by application to the I'rim i
pul,.or lo thu Instructors in those di'tiarluiciits.
Neud fur a Cnfaloue.
Sunbury, Aug. P.ith, 171.
AN FI.VTl ltfcN.
iAS F1XTUKES, UllONZES, &t &c,
'huudellerk, 1'eudiinlM, Itruckelm,
Ac. Ac,
would rcspcelfully invite tha nttuiilion of pur
clinsers l.t our il, . nit arsiiituieul.
7IS ut-fcliiitt Ntreet.
401,400 AND tlM RACE
Aug. Ill, s; .
oitru ins
( Ol KT NAI.i:.
IVRSl'.WT U nu onlrr of
1 I , mil of N i ii I Ii inn Ik I i:i lit! tullllly,
uill bu
i kiidlo public .ale, nu Hut pr, nil.., on Ihe
k lilt u'KteulMr, lH7l,tlut foMou-
bm lb .il Kl.lle, 1,1 ll i All Ibul ci riaili men
kuagu or ir.-ii I of l.iHiU'cltuaU in Jui k.on lowu
kldp, SiiHliuiur'rtiiud enuiil v, Ph., biiuiulid uud
ili.t rilKil u. lollitw., til win On i he noith by
Ian, I. ul John FilUlmaii, ou Ihu KU'l by land ol
D.iuli l lllll,u-ll, ou Ihe miuIIi by l.llld of 1 1"' i
I II, i ul Wl,l,i tl.illlik, Uit',1, ud ml III Mi'l
bv land id Jaeub ivilrr. 1'UtiUiulHK t'uur (I)
Ai rt', iiiiue or b, wlu rcou arc ckhu.I u lo
l,n liuuui di'lliu.' l"u , i Immu l-i till , A.e.
A wi llol wnt r ( with iiiui) iiiHr Ihu il, sir, u
int ol but lm, Ae., buiitf I In' pmpt'il) ol iviiu-
Ulll l.lil-ll.l ulld J. J le.lll I. ,1,1,4, IllblOl l llinlll U
ot lb my I a. ilit. .i4. Kile lu ruiiliurniJc
ul il u'l tut k, uu .lid d4, oheu Um lOluklli.
Will Imi nude I. !,,,, I by
Alilttll tU 111. V."Hi, l,u.irdl.ui.
A,i.;. 'J, .. t.
fMIIK uudi l.lenidliill'u I 'U'l lio I 1. 1 l.iud
1 (uni JisJ di it-.) llmu cuu Iw io ill i ulll
IjI. .1 lu uuu 111 ill, lalrl ill Ii4td lo llui kllili,
oil, I. ,J ,ult mU'UI tii OU m I' 1 1, ,1,1 4i lull ll.
k'llv ul liw uld I't i.iiik Uiiu, li'ii'lhtr Willi
uil ul lb liul.llu Ijiiu.
I I.U IMlUlni .il JUl..i l'l lh Mlt Ullt ltd lol
il, alii In ml It- il. i-(U-l l"l kai.ltlilu4 Jul
lltlM. Ut HlV Ull It I 11,4. II) Ul 4-
tl, 1.11,4 1.4 lUt )-4 ! mii U. Um vkhll)
Uiil 4.Mill li.
'IU.ivi Umu) ;utMi faiui.i. lu lhi luuul)
ImIII IM4klli Ut i'tf 41 Ml.l.lll) l4ll4 UllMlll.),
lu lol, 1. 1 fcit-.i) b'U' U..11 li.Uit-.. I)
il iii .uit'n i,li m t' iu. ko. 4 it). ..I. 4 luiiu f
til 4 lt4-4l'i IUU l.4U4. I.W H.t lot 4 Ullt I
,4, 4 u I tu ,,.,. i tit U4 , it ui I lay t , U l Ut4l
kil.lllIU il.l, .,..,.., I ,.l i .I
U l4i I., i 4II l'l, f I ' I 1 1 ' l
Mil I I III I. rMI
J tl I 4,..4, kli 4 I W , I
-f. 1 .".J "'
titln bcrtlsfmcnls
Airy View Academy,
ror jnaic ami rrmnic iniiist.
Attrnctlvcly sltnnled In n hcnlthful nnd brnnll-
ful region, !-,of a mlla fritm Penn'ii 11. 11. Fmir
reKiilar gruduntes, nssislcd by other competent
Instructors constitute the corps of Instruction.
The Principal (for mnny years In charge of Tus
enrrora Aeadomy, nnd, since 1 S53 the head of
this Institution,) refers to his numerous pupils
In nil tho learned professions, nnd In every de
partment of business. Music nnd 1'uliiting spe
clnltlcs. tall HOHNlon will eoniinenen Noi-
lember lot, 1471. TeruiM, U)) cr
Tout Koyal, 1'a.
July 23, 1 87L fit.
Nnnbnry, I'eun'n,
INFORM tho public that they nro prepared to
do nil kinds orCASTINOS, mfd having added
ii new Machine Shop In connection Willi their
Foundry, nnd havo supplied themselves witli New
Lntlics, Pinning and Boring Machines, witli tho
latest Improvements. Witli t lie aid of skillful
mechanics, they nre enabled to execute all orders
thnt limy bo give:, them, in a satisfactory inan
ncn Urate lo nnlt nny Move.
IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build
ings, of nil
Ornamental Iron Fencing:
FOR YAltlW AT llEKIfiKNt KM, &(:., &.C.
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su
periority, havo been still further improved, and
will always be kept on hand.
Sunbury, May '.'0, 1871.
Constitution of l'trnwlciinia.
Proposin,;; nn AnirmlnuMit to llic Coiislltu
tion of lVtinsvlviuihi.
lie it HeM'tved by the Smote find Juum of 1'inv
wiiuficrs i if the Vinnmwiincaith if I'cHmyli'tmi't, if
(Jcneriil AfKemhlij met. That the following r.mcnil
niont of the Constitution of tlic Cnuimonweall h
be proposed lo the people for their adoption or
rejection to Iho provisions of tlic ten! Ii article
thereof, to wit i
Strike out the Sixlh Section of the Sixth Arti
cle of tlic Constitution, nud insert In lieu thereof
the billowing :
"A Statu Treasurer shall bo chosen by the
pialHicd electors of the State, at such linn s ami
fur such terms of service as shall lu prcscribeil
by law."
Speaker of the House ol' Representatives.
Speaker ol the Senate.
Approved tho fifteenth day of June. Anno Do
mini ono thousand eight hundred and seveiily
Prepared nnd ccitilled for pnb'.iei'tlon iiii: uart
to tho Tenth Article of the Conslit ut io'i.
Secretary of the Coiniuoiun all h. t
Ofliee Secretary of the I 'otiiuioiiwcallli. S
HarrUbuig July M, l' Tl.
Aug. 5, 1S7H
In Masonic Hall l!ui!i:im;s,
Third rilreef, near the t.t OSiieo,
M .lll tlX, f .
now olTei-s to the public
Bclected nnd nmde with great car,, nnd with a
view to please Iho wants of his numerous
Ills stock Is new uud of tin) latest rtylis.
Ash, Wulnufcor Rosewood of the ll:ic:t pat lorn
iu Oalc or Walnut, nud Dining Eoo'ii rurvUnro
of nil kinds.
MattrivKes, Pillow-. !..! twr, V.'l ei'iw l luh ;
lliu! lis'i;:',-...
Special allemion h paid to t!,!, department by
W. P. Roberts who has had a iiunib, r of years
experience hi thu city. Collins of every de-ei ip
tlun and sizes, eonitaiu'y l.ej t ou ln.iiil.- Also,
Fish's Miiulie llurial fuse.. HirouJa uud lu
dertakers' materlalf of all kill.'..;.
l-t '" Personal utteiniaiiee lo liUK-rals.
Remember, tho Masonic
Third street, Simlmrv, Pa.
' II. L
Hall H'lildings, on
Sunbury, July 15, 1S71.
a tti7
No. 003 Chestnut Street, rhiladelihin.
De.ttrc In iiivilo Hie e peciul allcutiou of pin 1 h.i
Kers and ot In is visiting Hie city, to their unusually
largo uud vailed usi.inliiit iit ol
.w JeMt'lrj-,
of most reliable makers,
Arlltic Miter Uare
lor brlilal uud nilu r pit-si nt itiom'.
Table Cutlery, Eliitio Phittd Good.-; id llic line-l
ij on 1 il .
received direct from PuiU ilailu;; Hu' pn'Miil
t .loll.
CoUlti ou. Ulld polite ill 1. all, ui ii i Mi liihdltt
nil Mho may lie lu.liietd in a n 1 1 a lull
l.tliuu la uit their bt.iu:iiiil .imv, '
WO'J hi-ktuilt hlri'l'l.
July 1, 1x71.
AkuI ttuuii'il lor
li hi.on in. 1 1..
li lu, lul ol Imi uiid liuiiior, 4 llll I .:i, ,!,-!, I, .11,1
Uill. lilUlt. iU HlU illilllp.ll IIIU4 l. He 4.1,1.
ll tit .1 Ills . hi. Ill, k I14U u 4 II ik ' 1.1 1
uud S 1 ul 1 il,sUil. only ly , iiIim 1 1, 1., .11.
I.1U1.1) Iviiu. lu ijihsI ,1.1,. I I
Dl t HI I ll M-H HI- M.
til fc.iiuuiu niitti, I'lii'.udi l( Ida.
July i, lull. M.
kurw I urr lor I t Ut r.
I Ml IK HuImhiUi, it'i lu.l 1 I fs . ii l',,. ,1., Au-
U4l4 liiMMtliip, Soli I.UIiit.t I , i !oi.!.t,
14 , li.t. 4 "lki llll I 'I I 11. I , II t... It liv till. I
lu IIium; itUlltll .III llti uloioylii Uim 4tt . Hu
4 llUtltiiltl 4Ub ll lol I .1 I ), !., 411 I il4lllllt
uUlJ UH M klilll l 14. It. I, id UK Itll.t.l). ll
1.41 U. W 1 1 1 4 lu 4 I ; 1,0. 1., I ol !- . ., in I... klii'4
llltu, I out UK Ul .1 ..! ! ! I,'., I i.l t . I , t
..tut... t M Itt, .1 ll I I l. I.. ! I .1
b.. ul lb. Ut, In
u, 1.4 M, I'ti
.1.1 iu 1 1.'-. 1 4 .t, 11 , tin
' ' 1
IllU I.
" , t
A.4.1 I.
x V...'.