jnrfcnlfitral. (K-I:yK lMlsV AND ( AK.U.A TlliMl.K. - I host: pests r llit; firm, vi! rcLTt l to ht'ur lisivu bruit nuikin t-iiiuVult. ruble, licad-vt'iiy in sonic purls of l.ncks cmtitty tinting tlio last few years. l'oniI:iiul.s uitlieir sjiterul ninl iiu rtnsn tMiiiu' i n from J'.xotur and mily piitticiilarly. As it Is tlio li:n tlt'st lliin;; in Hit; world to oxlirpalc: tlii'tn when tliry oiitu obtain tout bold, wo advise I'.itm i id" upon whoso ptt!iiii-N llii-y ato U) be found l liglit lliciu down nnd root llicm out at in ico, if possible. Abuul Ibo only iv.iy to ;;c.t j id of tlm ox-tyo daisy i.s la di it mil by tbu roots, cim: lnon;; taken Unit nil llif roots aw tcinovod, lot l ho Kiasl .limit will ptoilueo ti new plant, or it do::en of I bein, next year, it is said thai slroiij hi ine npplictl f tbo roots of the plants will kill it old meat or fish brine iiuswtrin the purpose, Willi regard lo lit,; CamuliV Ibir-.tle, a i.-ortespoiident of llnj ty-Uutifi: i.m u says : '"tuny yearn lyo, I heard it mid thai the cutliii;! ol Canada IhislU s in tho full of the in nm in Aii'oiM, the same ueason wuiiiil kill them. 1 cut them as :ii'on vtiitl, an. I killed tin in. 1 was not inclined to yield to ".hints tir snper.stitioii;, and searched for tliicau'iO. 1 lomid Hint at tnlaiii tiini-i of the yar, tho thiily was hollow, and the - tilt i ii;? of Iheni at tmy liuiij whin hollow, would kill Ihtin, simply bi.eiui'e the tain would ll'l tbelll wilh wilier and tiiute their tleeay." In ( 'he.'-let county a r.pecial law it in lone fi puni.sh by ihi. i nny farmer who til lows the o-i'ye ii:ii:y to m ow on his preiiii bis. A .iiinilar law ve tin.lev.;t:ui., will l.j osLol for next winter by tho fanner in the lower ;vti t of ticrUs, Weeds arc Hie l,u ::i( r'H l.itne. The Ire (picnt rains tliiriu,.; the last month or so li.vs ciiused them to H.mrisli with musl dis heartening hiAiirianee. Tney overiuu the ?trlui, iind Ihj corn, potaioe. and yogita bit! piitehes, iihnot-l s.-niotheriii;; every ntlicr tr.eful crop. The I'l'i-aA luuseties of weeds .ire the I'cnee corners, anil plots of utieiillt vuled ground lyin,; 'uvund in corners and patches of every a.irl. If only line feiiees wero kcjit up around u farm, and every fool of available ground w;u placed in tho lino of crop rotation, and cultivated and allcnded I i, il would go far to keep down tlio veed.s. Tho centre of a Held i; seldom troubled in this way hall'so inuch ns lliosu piti Is iil'.uit,' or close to the. fence. JUaditnj Jout iw.l A ii j. (j. SirrKKiw Aiiocr Fin it Ti;ki:s. JCvery ovcliard nut carefully watched is liable to come infisled with suckers f,iowin;j about the foot of the trees, and imthiu sjivts a more untidy appe:ir:iitee. YiniHg; orchards must be cxauriacd iit ha; t once a yiar, and liiivo till the sm-kers carefully, reinoved. Foripiito youi:.' trees this work should be dune early in liie .Spritii;, us ciiilin;; away any consiilerablo poiii n of p-iiviii;; woul and leaves has a tendency to retard growth; but unless tho ma; i id' ruckjth is very litrgi it should be douu now, if (indited before. 1'roiu lan;o trees, it is nlways better to t'.iku oil the suckers at I no pre t ut time or whilo t'.io trec. are grow in;, freely, us the work may be more cUectue.liy per formed, and they will be less liable to start aiiain. 'J'he wotot tiling thill can lie done is cu)ti:V4 l'ie suckers oil' with a knife in such a way that short i-tuba are lell to sprout a second t'li'io. If tho sprouts are small or o:dy one season's growth, they may be easily and well removed by grasp ing them out! al ;v time with botii bunds, and then, with a f.lil'f cow-bide boot, place, the foot next tho tree and on tho sucker, and one or two ouick jerks will separate it to tho base. If ihi'i is impracticable, take a small oi'fiio and mallei ami cut them oil" closely. vVhen it is thoroughly done, they will not be liable to re-appear, and the low Ural appears, subsequently an; finsy got rid of. A ncully kept, clean orchard, is better au l more prolitable hi every way, than one infested with suckers, weeds, grass and bushes. VnuiUy tii.iillc im'.n. To Ki:ki' To .t ks mm: Winti::: 'r.. --A correspondent sciubi the ll-nd Nua )'o,(C tlio following: As the tomato season is approaching, 1 tan contribute one way of kcepint them for winter use that may be new to sonic of our readers. Into liietn in February, sliced and Fenson cd with snout and a little vinegar, that peenieil every way as nice as 'tomatoes fre'-h iicked Iron) the vines. They wero prepared thus: Hk-solve a teacup of salt in a iraiiou of wiiter. 1'ick ripe Umiutoos, but not over-ripe, leavin.r a little of the Btem on. The tom-aliijs must bo kept Well covered with the brine and they will keep till sprin-; or longer. A fliti :t-MiLi. Kit. Tiie cheapest rvuh- Kt ier is t j iiissoive a coi:eo-cup ut :ut in hot water, then put into a common siaed watering pan, and till up with cold water. Just give each plant a title switch imr Willi this mixture, aud they w ill disappear in a minute, ami the .-all uiul water will nourish the plants v ui leruilly. All greens are fond of halt and water. Some people would be afraid of killing tie ireatili 1 iwi is; but il must be home in ciind ll'.iil the ?ah and water will not peiu irate the Lave--. Il runs oil' to the rJuts, kil'.in;; every ca'et jiillar in its way. - . S.M AM. I'AUM . -site!: in yoin- farms. If al.'iiner hi. 'mt lofty to ci;;hty :u -r s to cn'tivi'te, :o Ilm ,i t!ork-ar.l r barn to which be ilravr ad lot! :'. i;u to thrash, n u I tin-re let i Ids stock live I'.roo. h the w inter, coiivertht till his i.tra.v int'o manure, he can til ike manure t m itiui i i he. p the lirly to eighty uer.s in u o i.j.l i-yiidition ..r Kin. iu ,o:j.l crop, ft nu :ieie r:aio!i to p.i in -riilioii. Alvi a sin ii! tin ;n luu, in in. iied is i ii it.-! t more prollt iMe, in pioportiuu, to ii l.iti. I trin in.io:i-i d in tie: u ut d way. The'e r rn I. wi r acres In pay I im upon ; there la le-.n loom y iuvi.;:ed ; thi-r - it le3s i i i in r I m-il.e an I keep iii ri i th, , tv ln'4 I. I'll II 1. -s r;K-ite, and it '.-1 :i r pr ill'., ne ionlii!,; to the' ivpttal i.n. ti I iitilftl p llded. Tut: N.vt rt: up !; i .' , r-, aieordui to pi .1 inn hit .ry, if uij t.tal.ii- llllil leli.i lliL.H Ine III i. hi, wet 1 .. in. i ly ii man, win euoi iud h uly upon o.ti- ev tin llta'.h II j'odi, 111 a lime In l I; w.nu'l 'ii ii no, I lew , n coiup iijj , itiad n.n i' if h it l' II -o l.'I'Ulll OVl I lot. I li e ,lsl I'oni.. ler, and Hat l iivii t' iil'o 1 1 u !, .! ,'u.. J 1-W l ion, us a I iil I t f W l,i,l; ', I II lil ;. I .r It IO til lli..illi! f i l!i ir l! l.l n ; hbi.u.. ., a. i, I .i, ill ii- p ,: i (,, i iV (i,.. lu ll,. l ie I i I, Il ' li.h ; III It III III 11. it ;j M oiil.i'i II lol I. liiole th, Ii I.I, I ,l lii,, nnd ' liny I '.V k i.:id..t to. I la e :;,,ik ai( tl. 14 I'll I Willi It l.eii. t Ii. I It . , ;l ( (.; t I. '. .1, i!. i,, , i,, i, ,,pi i,,ii, (i,,, tlio U.. t t. u-ii.o i 1. ..I ... L. m ii:...U'i.n . It t i In. k ll.it wh,, ,t ,,r w,, in m. Ibto'tt i , , i .t , , ( i . , l, , ,,, , (.. 'II- ) .i..ii I I r, .i i) n., n ii Ii i l i I. ti. h NIIJ , II 'I t t I ) .H.. no. J I,, , , t l, , I , 1Mb ii. a t i tut i,, 4 il ' i In ' Ii I .1 ii l,. i.n :, . ii i v.. ... U 4 I I il t . ' I ... 1 l, ,ltl li.. 1 1 !-. I. . 1 1 I I I t, l II. ll.. .1 U IV. I...I.. ,J 4' ! Hill , llv , l' t I. (t ,,l I.I ! vt tt.l I. . l ( I II , I I) , i , J.,... . ll.l. ( b il, iv II i:UY T. HFl.fllPII,l-M COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT 'CATAWBA Coiiiniio:it 1'nrts I'tiilil Kxtnut Uliiilmrb uiul Klulil Kxlract Catinvlm liriipc Juice. For I, her ('oinplitnt, Jiiiuullri', lllllous AflVe tioas, Siek or Nervous lliMiliielir, Costivriicss, do. t'lircly Veiictnlilc, roulaiiiiiiif lu Mercury, Mineriils or Deleterious Drills. II 'l'lie;'e Pill .no tlio most ilolllilfully plenfiint p!trg;ilive, siipersi'dlna; Ciutor oil, sails, iniiunc f'ni, elf. Then! Is iioitiliii; more neeeptablo to Hie (limiaeli. Tlioy uiivu tone, uiul eiiUFO lieltlier naiiFi'.i leir iri'liiplnu; pains. They nre conii:seil et tli",'(H; iniri!i?t. Alter ii few days' of llii ni, Mieli an invit,'orailoii of tlm entire oys tvin t iki s place ns to npp' nr inir.n'iiU)!is to t lie went; nil I eni'i vntc l, wl,ctli r nil: lie,' from lm I'liiilciico or cliscis-e. II. T. lli'liiilield's Coni 1 -it ml Fluid Kxtroul t.'iituM-'ri (.rapt; fill nrc not BiiVar-eoatcil, IVom the fait that MC'nr-eonted fills do nut tllc-solvo, leit pnfs llirmujh tlio slo iiiiit'li without t'.U-iolvhitf, entiKinpiciitly ilo not .r.)dnce llie diiiv'. cii'. ct. 'i'lie C'iO;il:i (Ir.ipe fills, lick-;; pica--Hit In tate nnd o,!ar, tlo wi mvc.-iial'! t licit- l!:ii:g utr-voatv1 fiicc 11 Tt y i.-i.ts ! er liox. ' 13 lli'tili-Y : T. 1'ltA'i'Kl) COMl'crNl) rl.iid Cv.vifiK-t K,'ir!iijiirillu i ill Viot'cilly exterminate fii'in Hi" vv-Jtcm Sc ro fitln, philis, Fcvi-r ,'.,nc.-, I 'leers, Sore V.yci, her,; l.''e;.-, bou .Mentli, tforn !i -:id, llroticliil i, yi.iu I ii-c:i.-e!-, 8 ill r.iicnni, 'aiiki !, Knnnin-4'" ri-oni ll'e far, White Swelliim, Tiunors, Ciiuccr mu A!!'e'-tiiit, Nodes, lih-kels, (ilnndnlar t?i l'i liur, Mulit Snouts, linsli, Teller, llnmors nf till kinds, Cliionie liheiuiiittisni, lyspepsin, and nil tlt-'cr.M's that Inivo hcta eslaljiislied !u the system lor yeans. 1-1 lieln prepare X oxp-.efly for the nhove Ciim phiinls. its liloe.'.-pni-i'.vin- prnpi liies are greater ll':n iiny otlier piepMial.on et S:n-np;tritln. K (riven I In: eomplesioii n clear unit healthy color inid i est ores th.! f.-ilidit to a i late o! Health iind Parity. For fiirii'vini;' the lllootl, rrmo'i:',i$ nil ehronie reustitiiiional disea--i ens'in; rrnm mi Impure state id' the lilond, mid the only rcHalilr. iiinl eli'eelnal known remedy li-r tlii' cure of pains nnd si. iiliiii; of tl-.e l!ni..'s, I leeialions of t!u Throiit mill Loirs, lileteh.s, I "unplt-s on Iho l'a -o, Ki-ysipeliis and nli realy efiipiiniis of lhj hkin, nnd lienntilyii-e; the euia'iexiuii. fiiee, t't.ij pjr Uutlle. IV. IIENIIY T. llF.l.MIHddJ'ij i fi;,r."x-.'ii.". r.n FS.? !!r KX'l'SS.MT KJl'CIil', Til.'; t.!::-..T Uii itr.i'ii', hail cured every ea-o ol Diah -tcs in which II has I n iriven. Irritation of tho nock of tin; Jilail- dor and inllamutiun nl'-lliu Kidneys, l lccrntion of t he Kidneys and Iliad. lor, re'.enlinn of I i ine, lliso-wiM of the pro.-tir.ie !and, t;tiui(! hi tho li'.nd !er, t'a'eilln -. Ilrav. l, Pi iekilie. t Deposit, nnd M neons or Milky Ui.-eli-irires, a.ut for F.n foohied iiinl !oiio:ito ('iraMit.ilions of hnth sexes, aUoiidol v.ith tho fid!oinr symptoms: Imlis position to oNertion, Loss of Power. Loss id' .Me mory, l)i;)ionl;y ol Ihcaliiin-,-, Weak Nerves, TremMin::', I'.nrrer nf liisense, Wakclnlnoss, li'iiiinosii of Vi.-ioii, fain In the. Hack, lh t Ihiiid-, Flushing of the )ri)dy, Dryness of the ikiii, Krup tion on the li-.oo, palid t'oiinti nancc, L'niVLi:;;! InssiUnle of I lie .Mn-etihir system, clc. L'sod hy per.-oiis from tho :mos of eighteen t:i tv.enty-'ive, and froai Ihlrly-livo to lilty-live or i!i t lie decline or chantro ef lifoj alter ennline uicnl or labor pains ; hcdv.ctting la eliikhcu. ttelmhohfs Kxtrai-t Knehit h Diuretic and Blend-pni-ifj intr, and cures ell diseases aiisim; from hah'.ts of dis:-ip.al ion, nni excesses nnd h.i doncos m l.il'o, impuiilles nf the lliuod, etc., f uperscdine; cnpaiiiii in a'f'etations for which il ii liied, iind syphilitii! all -otlonsi-iu these dis ci ics used hi eonnecliuii with llelinliolil'8 li.jsc Wast.. I.ADIF.3. In many ul'-.rtulious pei-uliar to Ladies, the F.xlraet f.iiclm i iiuoiiiiiic.l hy any oiher reme dy as in chlorosis or retention hrcyuluiiiy, pahil'iil ness or suppii-stsiim of custom ny cvacua-liuu.-) ul'-eiatod or sehitMS state of the I Utiu, Lciieiiirllieii or Whites sterility, and fur all loinplnints Incident to tlio sex, whether arisimr iieliM-n-linu or haliils of dissipation. It Is piv sciihcd cMon-ivcly hy the most eminent physi cians and inhUvivcs lor cnl'cchlrd and deiioale const It nlious, of hnth fcxos and all aires (alleiul ed with any uf the nhovo (liseasCs or symptom..) II. T. III'.r.MHOLO'ri FXTKAfT IHTITU (Tlil'.S tlsKASKS AUIMMi l'ltdM l.MfltL' UKM'ES. 11 MilTrf OF Dllf ATluN, 1CTC, hi nil their sloeres, nt linlo expense, litllu or no chanye In dli t , no lncon em, nee, uiul no expo. sure. It causes u J'rci'.iout de.iro, and L'ivcs tl roiitctli tu I iniiite, tlieieliv rcmovuiLr Ohslruc tlons, fi'ov ill rj mi I Caring Strict lire of the l iothra, All.iyiin; i'.iin an 1 lullaniation, so fie- (pioul. in tins class ot diseases, and expoliiny; nil ivi.-onnm, matp r. 'I iinii-iiu-ls who h.ivo 1-rvn th-! victims of in riMiipctont persons, nnd who have paid heavy fees in he cured in a blinrt tiiao, luive fuiuul they h lie lioeti d'.ooiicd, nil 1 that the "foison" has, hyihe e-e of "pn-.voi-fiil n.-triiiirents," hoen dried up iii tr.ii s a. -in, to liroak out in a moio iiiriti-a- v.i'i 1 ioriii, iiii. 1 p rloips niter Marrinw. I -e tl. lii.h..;,!'.- 1'.U;m I liin lni li,r nil All' c- lli.il i am! Di'c.'.-'- of the I'nl iry lli jaus, wl.el! i-r xisli,!' 1. 1 Male or iei.ialo, Irnni whatever n,'i.inaiiiu, on 1 no matter Inov lon sl imline;. I'noe, one i!oi!ar iind litly cents j.i-r holtle. , hE.MlY T. It.LMlloLD'ii lVfUuVKD WAMI I e in mt he snrp-i'se I n a faec k'a.-h, nnd wi,l'e; I oei.l :!. i.'iiy spoei, i,. n Mely i,i c.-ry specie. nf ( 'llanenli -. AlieelinM. Il , ; lily ir.ldie.ileH fu.ip;. S.oi , r,-.. i initio t .- i -s, lu.i.iraii.iie. ol liie t .' lie OIK .Xi'-IIOllMIIO, ete,, lllsl.i ls It, d lie , an I l.ie:p,. i I inii i (Mi n, lllu -. Ilaeli, Mm h f.,!i I. ln.ei. oi .'i'.i'io.r hl.in, I ro.-t li.i and ..'I pui po-i i I n ii In. h ,-.ih or li',t- luel.i, r.,e I -( , j le-l'.l. S liie .-Kill Ilia hl.ity of iiuav aul mii'i,, and li-uiis conliuae I I lo i'.iIiv n. ' -..i, , i tlio tN-ii.i i l' In v.- !., ii. i i w i.li h ,. j , .i U the uuie. .ii'i,. i r in., m ni..( iva I oi:y nt i ',,'ai '. ':,ia ,it nni. j., i -hi .md .ehniic I. lit. I l.lOW'l. I' V.ll l.lhle II, li la, 'e ..- l li.lil.i; 1 d !- is of li.o kin, II. 'I . II. !:.,! .Li's Ito-.i W i-h ! Ilo Inter 'llt -lino I h' 'aeiplo el.lils t I IlldmllUil- : . I I .ti,.u , l.y p.,.-, -i.i . i. ahi.es !,;. h r, i. 'I I .1 II '1 l t . ! , ol the lie. t l-lip. l l.l. ' I ' . . I -ii iil i'Ii ii i ' I " i", .!.,!. ll nil I ' i O.I I I'll I I'"' , !oa;,i ill IV l.i. ill ., ! lie- ; I e I I .'!.. I -!'. i . . .1,1.!, it i i . ' ,ptl,,iUli l.'A ( ..I ii . !..e - II pi. . , . .Hie m, J (J, I,, ,!,, , ,,l I i'. I -non-, kl ,i, 1 1 I , :;, i . ,ii,,n (,,, I line I , of a - !i .' l,i,e, all I .li nil lui. f. I i.m tor i- . . i - I I '. - t i ii, ,n I n au-i..;; Ii. a, I I. !' . . r '. ! . , , i, , l i nim . tin I a 'i Hi., t Ii . n .... i, r i ... 1 1 ill. i, ,n,, t ,i. I t I l I" I"1 f. il I ' ' h ii, v III I ,..,,. I" ' I. ' .Hi: I I. !. f I. e, .1. I. .1 I I I.. U- -. I . f..;i i.i. t 1 1 . i i, .. ! I ' . I: ' I I li-.u y lh. i ii in. t i. i ii .i i.i in. i i. ii .i l. .!......: i I .in. I.. I .i.i u i , 1 1,. ii, u 1 1, I . li i. i ii. . .i. ; . .i i i ... ; ... ... I i. . i .i i - .i ..... .. a i . . ii .ii ,i . . 1 1. , ..... I . ' .1 ,11.. I. .. l ..I ... I m- I.... i ll..: I. . I . ., 1,, ... ,,,,4 i... i. .. I'. l . ,., ., I .., ... ... . .1 .11. I I I . I ...... I I I. .. . . I . . ...I I I.I I '- ll I ..... ..ILI I., 1 1, 0 I,. V i ! ! i I.-- .1 I- I .. . II... Ii ...t l. i... i .... I I ' 1 k "' ' ' " 1 ' I . .1 , ;.. I.I. . I.'l' 'i i l- I i. ( ! i i i in,, ., Ilrui I'. lit Ii.iIm.I t . l-i-iiuiuii , ir.illM. I I' l.v ill ... ; f .l.. .,).. .,1 , I . . I I k . I . I i i .. . I i ij I I ' i . . . i . .. An.. . I ..... I ... ,. , j Ill...if.ii. i i -t. I I .'ill. . . I ! I i . ll I ll- J'f i ' ' .1 , i , ... I, , ! 1 . .. I. '. , '""' I li t f W 4.. , .. I . li, i .il l!.. I , I' ., Miscellaneous. 1ICKS4 GOOKM. Sl'RIXG AND SUMMER .STYLES, now open at MISS K ATE Itl.. K'S STOltl'., Market Sipiare, SL:NHUUV, lVnn'ii., J.AD1K.S' DUK8S OUUDS A Iff 1CCIALTY. Dress Triinmliiirs, Fanhrcildorles, Notions, &e. dents' Collurn, N'cck-ties, llalf-liosc, llandkcr fhlofs and (ilovcs. f ei ftinicry, Toilet Soaps, Hair Hrushcs,C'ouils, etc. An Invitation is extended to nil to call nnd Be en ro ktrirains. pril,Jti1J,srl: mLMj:itY. SriUXa STYLES HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, ETC. Mourning nil tl Bridal Hats anil Bonnets. Sakii Binnovs, Fkathkhk, Floweus, Laces and Trimmings of every variety. Full lino of MOURNING VEILS AND CRAPE. Notions, n full nssortmcnt,. (lentlemcn's (Ilovcs, Handkerchiefs, A:c. MILLINERY Id THE Sl'F.t'lALTY. miss jj. siiissm:h, jrAIIKKT SQUARE, SUNBUUY, PA. April i:.', 1871. OSADALIS TlIE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADALtS are published on ovory package, thoro Ibroit isncra secrot preparation, consoquontly PIITfiiriATfS PRKSCRIBB IT It 13 a cortain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Disease, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho Blood. OITI! EOTTLS OF E0SADAU8 will do more, cood than ton bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in thcirpractieo for the past three ycara and freely endorso it as a roliahlo Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PVQ1I, of Baltimore. Dll.T.J. BOYK1N, " , . DR. R. W. CAIIK. ' Dlt.y. O. DAN N F.LI. Y. Dll. J. S. SPAKKS, of Nlchi.lasvlllo,' Ky. . DR. I. L. McCARTHA, Columbia-, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Etlgecomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH tt SONS, Fall River, SI" V. W. SMITH, .Tarkunn, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio.' B. HAI.L.Llma.Ohio. - CRAVEN & CO., Gorclonsvllle, Va. iSA.M'L. U. MeEADDEN, Murfrec- , boro, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ex tended remarks in relation to the virtuesor Rosadalis. Tothe Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have ever iiqed in tho treatment of diseased Blood ; and to the atllicted we say try Honadalls. and von will bo restored to health ' nosadalis is sold bv all Drmnrlstst. price 1.50 per bottle. Address DB. CLEMENTS ft CO. . i Manufacturing Lhemiiti, Baltikobk, Ma. July 1871. ly. TI tll. IM .IIOSI'.Y I ! A LL Wall IVqu'r niul llordi r, sold by me wll ho triniiueil ready Ionise, WITHOUT EXTIIA CIIAUGE, liV T1IK YEOMAN'S WALL l'Al'Ek tVuMMEU, ;;-.';7ii,Vf-ft ;''. "' il"; v' iii' V iK - f-V which I have the exclusive riulit to use in tuinurv and ii inity. Save iniiin y, time nnd labor, by Imylni; of . i'i.iti:i:i: i.icii ii:k. Dealer in Hooks, Stationery, Wall l'apt r, Mulc, i .Vic, .VC, A.C. Sunday School SI' 1'1'l.i ES liiaile a Fpcc'ullly. lililiik, .lli'ir.ofiuulma V 8iis ISoolis in endless Tiiriety, just received. l'.OOK HINDI N(S done to order. l'i rsons will s-ive cxpcn-o by le.uini; their orders lor Lindiuy wilh me. ru n nr. ruiii:s of i.li slz. s, cut tr.,iu th," Mouldiuir nt Very low I rate. OVAL oV. tyL AliE FllAMES always ou 1 hunt. Ai.ni'M. r.it.cKi:iN, cold im:xs, j A la; ;;e an 1 well s. in t. d Muck of Toyanlway j on li in.'. Anything not on Inn. I promptly ol den. I. lUrifiiiuH ("t I'U' h. Cull ut ' N. l r.i;i;i:i'. i.K.HTNF.ii's j liiH.k Mol'e, j l:l :n of Full-) '6 tiul.l I'.n, .Man.it Square, Sub I liiu y, I'.i. , s.n.iiiii, .u-ju.i nth, is;t. I j. v. vaiiinc;tu.vs , ;UM IliKlil.U Klllll1, '1 li.i old J. riii.un lit rli.ip of Hk town I We il. -i lire Iho li.i.i I, lint at I he k.iuiu (llilu i-o.i-i.t'-r lli.il lh.- uii'hiy liitili iiiaiin iaitua I. i- -pui. i a v.. lh. a. i in, mill , ui.' uu mii'oitiloilii I.i.' ii.ii. .a .. t ot l.iuiiy and uiiil.iil.ui, j Ji. I I j.iiI) ,ai iij.i I In in my Itii'lni s i ii. rlu ll... 1 1 ii-.i l...il in y iil.liu.o I li.i i.n ; i.H iil, li.it.- I t.ny.1 iiniii Hie Ituor n tiur kli..p . ,l,i alt. i .I .i, ,.i, nui.iuliir iiiijlil, mi I iipplh.l 1 tl. .iha.p l.liui i. i. .....in l. . ,un. vtuhlu Uiul . I.'H' ll lililu l iillil.u d I.) ' llu; luliiht) ll.l I. of I ll ll I W .1 I .1 1'CI ll I ll.l v c I , li.. I . in .uly Itt I ) : I ly i i lh.- i.. inii) ( in i-.iiiiiiiou ihi l.iui'1 uu, i l i i.i li. . li e J.'.li.u: lull li.i ttu In in. I pliliin iy it. -ii.. .i . .t ut.r p.iliuii old uii'l iitv in., I e ..1 ' I .. ll I.I .il.iVC tin IU 4li U i-llll lllll.l liUU'lltll th. in I line in lli.'ii'. I il. . . h. u 'iu t't. ..-i', lutt iil l.,.i i the lilui- 1 ' Jll lll.l.l) .-.1 .l Willi,, llllH.M.ll III i 11, ...111, , , I. ,1.1 ).U; ll.lil I lil lOU, fei.lll.llU v. 1. I., i ii., .- ) .i i, or j. 1 1 li iii, , .in lit ui.. I i t i. I. ..i i uu u 1 1 1. 1 in t iil, in Hit "..i r wl l l I. u t title l .Mil h lv '111,1. v. lit I i .. .lie, i.i.i .ii.i v lit ttutk. l'i ' - I li-.p I t k,. I L4i I uu . .... i I ..i... il) I.,...i4,j t Uj ll a Hill a 1 l.v il l,v lil nil I i,ii 1. 1 I.. . 1 1 ii. i i 1 1 , I 1, ,1,. : I, ,i' til it Mt J. Hull i . l'.. I HI I... I III I... . I I- "I 'l ltlo 1". p il, li.il kljllnl .11,. I, ll I I, M il Mi ll HIIUI'i I ! I.. I. , I, . . . l..l!) I I.. I ll,. II,, , ,t. .-i I an i I fc il vl), I4..4 Ui I il-i ll mi. yt inr. '.ii. . .. Ik. i. ..lh tl.U i. Uaik.4 . , 4 - I . ii..,u ii.. i . i, ... I, ,. ii,. i 4 .....i ii .) i ') ki im .i ui i..r, !., , i Vl. llli..il.i,Jli ...... I ..I Ik. .') , k . 'I i.n. ,." v ' lutt':; :.v.v ID ijftisctlhtitfons. PRICES REDUCED. UOUTS A niioi: Xahiifiicturcd to order lit GltEATLY KEDUCED rUICES, JOHN WII.VF.lt, Spruce SI reel, Stiiibtir)-, Icimn, Is eoustiuitly mniiufucttirlug Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, ut surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very oest In market, llislonir exper ience in the biisiuass hns won lor him a reputation for milking llret chiss work ctunil to any city mnnufticturc. AH work warranted. TI'.IOIS STItlt'TI.Y CASH. The prices of repairing nrc nlso reduced. JOHN WILVEIt. Siinhury, March 4, 1871. ' si 1 1. i.i x Kit v coons ;i:m:ua m, y. NEW STYLES OF DONXETS, HATS, FLOW EH S, FKAMES, &c. Mourning nutl Ilrltlnl Hn(H nnd ItoiinrtH. Full lino of Mourning Veils nnd Crnpe. MILLINEUV IS THE SrECI ALT Y. i flush Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Glovts, IliindkercliiefH, Sic, c. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. 1.. (iOSPI.K.n. South Fourth St., below tho Kailroad, 8urbiiry. April !M, 1871. STi:itKosoi'i:s, "VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHHOMOS, FltAMES. I'.. aV If. T. ANTIH Y A. ., 5I Itroailwii.i', w York, Invito tlic altcntlon of tho Trade to their cxtcn eivn iisKin tniciit ofttte uliovc irnmls, or their own piililinithtn, inuiiiiructiiro aiid iinportutiou. Also l'llllTO LANTERN SLIDES and CKAl'HOSCOrES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITt.. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 5!l llroadway, New York, Opposite Metruo1itau Hotid, lMfOUTF.US AN 1) MAXt FACTl llIUlS OF Iltulns;r:ilii' Materials. March -Mi, 1S71.1.V. IMMUTUET 9IAIt t'KMETEItY TUU company is now prepared to sell lots In tho new (Vuii'tcrv, located nn an enilnciicc ah'ut oiic-riuiith of n rr.ile rnt -of Sunhiiiy. The in I t rcan- of the pnpulatiim nf Sunhury, ami cone- t rill uiMuiiec in (uu ruiiii ui iiiiuiiiiu v, us wuii in the limited facilities for the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have stitrKCMcd the organization ol the above named company. l'hin of Cemetery may be seen at the ollicc of i. A. Cuke, Es.-., or Lloyd T. Kuhrhncli. l'ricc of lots from f o to $15, nccordinK to loca tion. Deeds will hn executed for Ms soul. LLOYD T. UOHItbACIT, Sec'y May Hi, lS71.-lf. l'KH i:s iti:ii r.o AT THE Mnmmotli Boot & Slioc Store OP KM Ml M.Kit, In C. B. Smith's Kooin, (Jucen ritrcc-, ono d'j.t Eaft of the l'o. t Ollicc, N O IIT 1 1 1' M I! E ULAN I), riCNN'A. For Elmlra lioots, ko to Eli Miller's Boot nnd Slioe Sliiio. Tliev aro Mild, Hewt Calf at $(i. For French Calf Boots, go to Ell Miller's, only 'J 10 f!l per pair. For Boots, Shoes nnd (.alters, nt lowest jwissl hie liriecs-. sro to TII Miller's. Oil Oiiecn Street. For all kinds of tin in Boots tA Ml'ocs, cull Ell Miller's. For Ladles (Sum Ovorbhoes, sec flno assort ment at Eli Mlliurs. For all kinds of ChlldWiii's Shoes, co and ex amine l.tl .Miller s hiiffo ii.'iiortiiieiit. For nuythini;' in the lVnot and Mioo lino, 'call and examine Eli .Miller's stock beforu purcliasinir elfcwliere if you wish to (ret Urnl-class, ut tho I l.iivebt prices. Jan. 7, '71-Sep.3,'70.-ly. A GHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'3 CALIFOHNIA VINEGAK BITTERS 4 Hundreds of Thousands Hear .'i1m.mv i. ihclr W'ondur- Ci .tr 1 ii I curuiivo KU'kcis. g WHAT ARE THEY? fr-B TflKY AliE NOT A VILE SI FANCY DRINK Uwloof Tour U ii iii, VhUkrr Vrowl Kpli iiM iinl Kit il mo l.ltiuurML'ttmd.tii IwJ nur c ut'U tu pluu Ilia tuktu, cCiUctl ' Tu.Cb" All-tl ent," l(tiorcif,H c. that Iced tho I'piltr vu l Uruukeutabt m ruin, but ro A iruo KUiciaf, iniuto fium Hio Nuttvu iiuijtianJ Jliiblf f alirru, frre lriMTi nil Ali'tilu'llti htlmulutiiii; Tl.cymo iUj ii tl KAT UUXII) rt'Hll ILlt nud A 111 U i.ltlNU I'KIM ll'ltEui.rict lu.iuvut.r : 4 luvlguruiur uf iuu fcu.n, tnylrj alt Kiuuiiuiui i:mtur ui.J rvUuitnv lUo Llutl ij n in uUliy tuiiuica. fupcrkwu cuu tela lluco MlUm iivcuiC. lu dtixo ilm mti) iruiputuliug cuwvll. blLO tUbj ( icu fui mi tur-uruLttn'OM', noMi' iltu toiutt fcr 1 14 Uo4vt4ti)vii If iiiiural iwbou or Mjiut ( rvidr. l'wr lunuuiutntri jr r.utl CUruvIn 1'bruim lUwi nuJ iwl DHitp-lFi nr Iniligrlitiu, llilluu. Kt tuiiH-i'l uutl luivl Milii i-1 i'rtctu llMHrut Uti lllouUi J Ui. lw.itu , mu4 IlluUtU-r, iiiou llUiirw lv imvu 4 tutfn illttiitl, u i'-i 1 t-n.cflty 1 ruUuctiJ ! (U riniun l K' t i'i i UU IMMt.KnTlON, !t4 tii , t iii iUc it uutut it , I oufili,' it li.t. i.( Um 4 ..i. 1, ...it i, tour I ruiitfUwb tl luu t-uiuifttb, .. il -l I . UJ tli'Ulki, li.lluui AtUtko, rl(iiU!i4H f . ( . uf UU KUilt ), iMtU Uuu4lt. ullicr 4ViLt tu tlk.i..cli m4 kiitublttl 1 II" I r- ' .ltv k' tf Uttotlf. 1M1I1 i4.4'llt'otiU..ul! Ui'.'i iH llt4ltl44i li ll-MMft-f UI IMi I.I !!, ftuj b.it.iiti i.vt l.ic ia.J t 'g.-f ia Uu!u jtVuj. If UU ti I IM Kl I 1 1 1 Ik 1 iUt.t lf !- iilui It, K4, I Ui'l it a, I U I4i, l4i, I li. tWuiu, l it.uivi4i4i il lh t'iw, ll(iil. fc 1'- d4 "I t't I LU, uf ftWlCtlf ImImU b i4k,J:a I v luii ai4 iaii44 ff i. ;iiwu UI fciittv I I Ut fl HUUI-. k(, twli'. 4 llt 44 ill .w4i,.i4 Uv i-'-l lwili4bWte t I 1 . wi() 4 d.ii, lu-v u4 u.b4 l i. I hktiikir a 11 -4 u Mwii. I wt' 1. jf li.ijvfc 14 u I iW U. I luf I I irt , it Im H " mI I'UHw ii 4 tKi4 I t liiiA , tiiWJ I Wl U to Ii i,-.. dm u. 1 .w tekvk- ityk Wiwj U tt 4'4li V U-w I -U Ut .11 t4w . 4 I.mi 4 v 4il atUUv, --i ito tk-4 M'ti -U, I L. 4 itt loW Im ) Ui,l-ilkii,ti . . U mm4 tf I. 4 9 4i-Hf, hn In iu, f iUtU 4 Ai,i.4. U H 4 H iw'w u v. I , 14 1 1 1- :; u ,u : riEi U. O U . ; -J ' Hi t il A& f K ra Ist" o it - " d m v. oi? ill! stttufitrturcrs. V I . 1 1 E X K H E WI X G SI A t f 1 1 Si B . THIS cclchrntcrl Muehlnc Iinow on exhibition next dour to Krrtusc's Tin nnd Stove Store, Market Kir ret, N mi bury, Ta. Tho Florence Sewing Muehlnc etnndu nnc(iinl led for beauty nnd durability t bclnif tho bent Fninily Sewing Mnchino now ollercd to tlio pub lic. TIIE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It lias clf-ndJii8tlni;tcntlon In the Shuttle, clinnircs for tlio various Stitches mndo while tho machine Is in motion. Its St itches nrc the wonder nf nil for bennty nnd fliiiBli,beliiK alike on both sides of tho fabric. It sews light nnd heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. Tho work will feed either riirht or left. Rims quietly nnd rapidly. No dllllculty exper ienced In scwlnB across licnvy scums. Its mo tions nrc nil positive j no sprlnirs or cot; wheels to (ret out of order. Tho Ileinmcr turns wldo nnd narrow, hem nnd fell beautifully. It Is tltarouKiiiy practical nnd will Inst a lira time. Every Family ulioulrt IIhyc Ono. Every Machine warranted 'to substantiate nil we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In tlio world that Is ca pable ol ninklnir more than ono stitch mid having the reverse feed motion. Call and cxunilno them, nnd tho samples ol work. NO CIIAUGE FOU SHOWING. It TIcins, Fells, Cords, Braids. Tucks. Quilts. Binds, (inthcrs, ifcc., without bastlnjj. It makes a iratt'cr nnd sews R on n bund nt one operation perfectly. Each .Machine is lurnlshcd with n complete set of tools, without extra rhnrire. Every purchaser fully Instructed nnd every Machine warranted nnd kept In order. Machine Oil nnd Thread kept 'cu hand nt nil times. GEO. W. SMITH it nitO., Aecnts, ForNortli'd, Snvdcr, Union and MontourCoun's. October 15, INTO. MIMilV F.RY A X lT'A X C Y NTO K K. MISS L. WEISE It, Market Street, one door west of Gcar!iart's con fectionery Flore, SUNBUUY, PA., lias opened her Pprinc; anil '"Summer stock of Millinery titul l'miey (ooIm, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Press Trimmings, French and American V1oycts, I.aces, It'll. hnns, Sack loops, Chignons, Collars, Crid'-;, i'ouvln GIOVcs, and 11 larire variety of other articles. In connection with tho Millinery business, she carries on tho DKESS MAKING AND FITTING, in all its branches. She Is nlso agent for the. pale of Ramsey, Scott & Co.'h Patterns. Tho liullcs of Siinhiiry and vicinity are cor dially invited to rail anil examine her splendid stock. May lil, 1871. . . 1871. 1871. MM, BOWEN & EEEL, Succe-sors to the. Sunhury l.uiuber Co., HAVING 1TKCI1ASEI) TIIE LAI'GK Steam Saw & Planing Mill, am) Just lilted it up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, nre now prepared to till all orders lor nil kinds of 1)11,1, TlMl!"lt. l'IN'K, HKM1.(K'K,OAK. A;c. HOAJtlW. KOL'GII AND SL'KFACK.X SIDING OF ALL KINDS. I1F.M I'.OCK, WHITR AND YELLOW PINE l'l.OOni.VO, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOOItS.MOt'LDIXGS. ItMXOS, Kill TI'EltStV ltltAC'KItTN nt th very lowest prices A large stock ahvaye on hiiiul. Send for price's. Ample facilities for shipping by Riillroad or Canal, FRVI.INC, BOWEN .t ENGF.L. Sunhury, I'a., Echruary IStli, luTl. fim. i.t .mi;l:u axi ii.vmx; .iiim.n. Th'iWl Wict, ndliMtilni; l'hlla. Ji, Erlo It. U., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SL'NliL'UV, I'A. IRA T. CLEMtiXi 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the deinaiids of the public. llavinu ull the latest liilV'V'rd inachincry for niaiiiilneturinir l.nnl.i-r; he is now ready lo lill or ders nf all kinds of I'LOOUING, felbiVfi, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH; BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn inir of every description promptly executed. AUo, A l.Alllli: ASSOltTMBNT P BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK mid l'INE. Also. Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. . . Orders promptly lillcj, and shipped bv Railroad or ol herwise. IRA T. CLEM ENT. deeHMiSily MOVE .V TIX r.STAIII.ISIIMI'XT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, l'A. ALFRED KRAUSE, Pniprii tor. sfll KS..IH TO SMITH 4V UUNTIIKII. J nAVING iiiirihascd the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kraiise would rrsjuvt ful ly iiilorni the . ul. lie that lie now has on li.md u large assort inent of C OOKI N ( S TOY K S , Spccr Cook Anti-Diisl, Regulator or Kt-nilvliig Top, C.imliiuatiou, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to bu used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform sallsfiu toii ly or no sale. HKATEitS of all kiiuls puliiplo In at ouo or uioro rooms. HEATING STOVES of diirereiit kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every let'riUon kept ciiiintiinll v on hand. Rooting uiul Msiuling with the Ih-sI luali rial, douu al slnnl notice. Kl.l'AllvlNG nil. n.li it to uilli disputed. Coal Oil ll il Lump eolistiiully oil liniul. J i.un ware of ill A.inl rilore oppiuilc I oiihy's linnluiire .tore. Ghu luu u cull. A. KRAUSE. uplM-iy M'Xill ItY .tl Alt II I.E YAltll. rilllK uiiilerKigiud liiivint; tinnlii tlm cullic 1 l. l ul Dissinucr .Vl Tailor, wniil.l iuloiui the piililiu Unit he U now rcnii) lo do all kind ol Mtltlll.E HUltH, ll.l. on baud, uud make, lo older nt hllottf NOT Hi;. MvuuuieulM 4' lleul-Ntoui', iK4lHH)U AND M IMNIW hll.l.S Also, l elm li ry 1'iul. tt ilh liiiltiinlsed plm uiul ullollirr li'iii iiivi k'l iicr.illy used mi I i uu li rii J...ii A.'l.nlur Mill ioiiiiiiii,i in tin. eini..)iii. ul, ill tlm old .1,11111 uu Market Cl., hunluiry. in.it) '1'li-t TIIE I.V HIIE II 1 1 HOI T A I'll I T IK Till: 4.HIMT 1111.11- ioi(i: iimri.K i: 111:111 u, 111 UB'H H.l.tMlSMH DlVVloMl (.Aa liLitMU. nr ium 1'Alll.nll AND IM Ullt ltrt AHi: WAU1H Ui ONK r lKK. IT I. Ilm 1.11 1) linpUio It. alt I lli.il hi. r luit 'nl liriii r, Klld luti limu pulliuii ui 1 I I.-IOU., uf l-i44Ulllitf ,,4 illlit lUtl .silll44. 4.1. It U I Ul' OL I) lilt) Ui 1114111- IUU IImI sil.4l DU4..U.1I Uu44ti44ii Ii) 1.1.14 tjltal.l lllul.ilii.il. . s.t i. ui.4lln.., U M4tUi n lliu 4M..I, U ill, I4I1IIU 1 M. 1 I14.4II) alilu., 4li4 lliu I1MI4; Iii.. ll' 1 1 4 Ul lili 4jlt4t ilUl l, I hi 14M III lltu li.i I -lull. ii U till' Hill) I'll. I lull II. 4ti I IU..I 1. 4 . l.itVll.ii uu4i.4llll4li.i i44l) IVJ14IIV. 4.lllti U4.I 144 I ! lit) li.HI I4IIUI, ll it l.vl 1-1.1 J i.i... l.4l 14 liil Islli't iiiI.Hm nd J...li lii 4,14!.. li la li. Mill) I Ii. , .111 , all r Xillt litviii.U II.M, .ivlv.4 .1. .l-i.i.l 11..144 ..4 .ii.a, .4.4 .WW Will l Hi 1. 1.. IU. .li I4..I.1, .i l ull. i,U4. 1 14 l.'l 14 IlHi ,1.1 U4I.I4..I tl.illlii4.4il I .1. t ! IL ol. I, 4U.4ulll4i ...4 I. 44.I4V4 ."4 uw. I.I lit . 1 I. . i. 14. Itii.ii4 mi , w.u4 11 1 inii mint M. li .iii.u ... , U4 -t..ui) lilt k tiiita, t.j,,ij tisfell.mcons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT TOli TIIE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 712. Amount ofPropcrty Insured, $53,315,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, 14,13,00 CASH AS8ET9. Amount lonncd nt Interest, TOOO,00 Amount In Trcnsnrer's hands, 1 1000,00 Amount duo from Atrcnts, f H()0,!I5 Amount duo from otlier sources, 7!30,OO Available Capital, 39,2o'J,y5 Inftiire )onr Cattle. TNSURE with a rcsiionslblo nnd perfectly rc- A liable. Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS 18 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM- PA NY. Ilcticp, nnllko otlier Companies, yon nrc sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If Insured In this Company. ,, ... OUK RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. , Being mutual, our expenses nre less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual. Wc pay losses by nil kinds of necidents by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, v.c., Ac. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tapo proceedings to oblaiu your money in case of loss. Xonrly 3,000 paltl on Cows nlonc ftinrR Organization. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows ulone by this Company. M Hennlnger, Sunbury, Ph SM, D Hilgcrt, Noitliunibcrlnnd 50, Gcoru'0 Eckcrt, " 40, S 11 Dodge, " 30, Charles Hollrk, Mt Cn'rmcl lid, Esuhens Sipple, " 40, Cathnrlnc Wrtirncr, vVatsontown ;...' 40, George Heir, Northumberland 50, Jacoii snvder, Mititiury .i,.it J W Hasslcr, " 50, Minor Cady, Dewnrt. 00, Ca'thnnnc .Mart'?,, SbariioKiii .; 40. Francis lluclicr, Sunbury 110, Samuel 11 Price, Upper Lehigh r,o, Joseph Deppen, Mt Cannel 50, Matthias Seholly, " 40, Francis MeCnrly, " 50, Marin Kramer, Watsontow 4.", Joseph Nicely, Jr.,. Dewnrt.,; ; fi J it it C (iuiL'gie, Pine, Clinton co ;;.;.. 40, R Rnmagc, Sheiiandoah, Sehuglkill co ...... .40, J 8 Tharp, Shamokln 40, Thomas Wurt!rops,.Mt Carilicl..; 45, N A Loudcnslnger, licrndon, ...;.. 40, Rachel Craftier, Fisher's Ferry .....40, G L Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, ' " 40, Jacob StolU, " " I) II Uowcr, Hcrndon, !!0, Geo 11 Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John H Ossman, Siintiury 40, W 11 Wallace, Northumberland HO, 118 Graham, " .SO, Rciiecea Koblc, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrsteln, Watsontown ..........40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, O'nlitihYiln CO.. .;...'.. .40, Lewis Ostcrliaiit, Laurel Run, Luzerne Co.. .10, Mary J llinc, Northumberland 40, U FK rob ii. Sunbury., 40, Andrew liralv, Gii-.ivi'sVille, ScbujilUill co.. 10, Patrick Furtreson. Mt Cariiu l 40, Martin Dclaucy, Sheiuindoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10," Anthony MeLannhliji, Girardsvillc 40, Llayniani liny, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Uaucher, Berwick J D Focht, Poltsville 'JO, Erasius Sober, Point twp SO, A Lippeneolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,2il loss pd last suin,40, I V Llppencott, Watsontown...-. ...40, R 8 Aniiiierinan, Snydcrtown Nathan Uloss, lteiwiek, Coliiuiliia co......'....'-7, J V; C R tJulggle.Pine Slii'n Clinton c 'Jd l.iss,40, Charles W llar.z.ird, Uujh'i t, Coluinbia et...-10, John Fou'lcman, Watsontown.......... 40, Pa trick 1 fester, ,.M t. Ca nnvl ..'..... . . t o, Thomas Metz, Piixin'ns :i0, R McClosky, Lock Haven UM, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. RtTMENSNYDI'.n, Tsee'y, Buubury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. JaiVics Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brnner, Solomon Stroh, Win. flrindle, Sdloinan Shipe, John A. Shisslef, Dr. D. T. Krcbs, Dr. David Waldrun. , . March ll, 1S71. ly. FOR SALE ! IT'IGIITY nCrcs of improved land In the best li sccliou of Southern Mitlilgan; Within live miles of the town of "Three Rivers." in St. Jo seph county, within two miles of I lie Railroad Station, good liuihllnu's, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school luxea and chiirehs within siirlit title indisputable, tin acres are in wheat, tlm remainder in clover sod. A span ot horses, cat tic, hogaj ttrain and lariuiug utensils, A'K; will bu sold Willi Hits property. Price $70 per acre, $2,000 Il tnsli, the balaiii.e in time payments of $500. App'.v to WM. A. MASSE11, Throe Rivers, Mich, or, . li, M ASSER, Suiibiiiy, Pa. Sunhury, March 11, lt.ru MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW KKSTOU . ED. Just published hy Dr. LEWIS. 'JM'. pages. Third Edition. THE MF.DICA1.COM PAS ION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea, or Scinin:! U'eak ness, Involuntary 8ciniii.il l,or.ci, 'iiip'itiicy, Menial and Physical Incapacity, luipi dim'ciiW lo Marriage, etc., and the Venereal uud S)philiilc Maladies w ith plain anil lli.ir directions for the speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrlncn, Gleets, Strictures, niul all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Uoils, Hlotcl es unit Pimples on tlm lace and body. Consuui j.. tion. Epilepsy, uud Fits, liuliieed by self-ludul genee or sect mil extravagance. The celebrated author hi this admirable Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty yinr's suiccsful practice,tbal the alarming consequence of self-abiio may be, radically uml t.puiuting out a mode of euro nt ouco simple, certain, uud etl'ectiial, by uviin of which every .iill'ercr, no malter what Ills condition may be, can bu ctl'ec t ti u 1 1 y cured, cheaply, privately, and radically. I J This book shoulil bu in the luiuds ol' cur) youth, and every man in the land. Sent under sea), In phil" . iiveliic. 1'ilcc, Ml cents. Address, UU. LtWIS, No. 1 Ucach street, New York. M'ltlM. AMI Ml JIMHl" Mil.I.lNKUV AND FANl'V (iOUDS. MISS ELI.AHETIl l.AARUS; la Dewiii l's Hull. ling, Mai ki t Sipiari , hl'Nlll RY, PA., where will Ihi found U new supply of gocnls, Coii- si-iin. of .Millinery and Fancy Gomls, IIAT.1 AND liONNFTS, TltlMMED AND I N TRIMMED. Aijsn, ( IIH.DItES'H HAT.', fi.r j'li ls and Imy i. Finn i i nf I be I. ill --I uiul liuiiiLoiiu .-l si ii . Si'h RiIiIhuis, plniii and Uuui.il. Ladle'. Spi-in . i -, l..i. v l ul us, I. lin n l olai s and l ull. I. ir I ,.uli. and i Iii1. luu, CriH-hi t collars. V rkll. I.M ll.ll. s r . (,. ul' hilesl sl vli. Mlk Mrk .ih..-, ii iis liar uili. le. Glo..-. In. Iiiillii,' K i.i", and l-.i'lie-.' IhnWAiii gloies. II null. i it hit Is. All kind, ul 1 1 iiiiiiihij.'- I n.i'i, .i.li , I'll iii in, llntlrry lor l..ul'is, in-lit', and ( iill.lnu. Ku, l'.U0 uud piiptu liiiiiiniii-.. 'iniMMIVG KII.KS, ( l.l. uni.., .fiiii. and Varus, uud it fi'iinul I n 1. 1 i t V . Inula. 'I h i.. i. nil li.i .i I .iii. mi. ii,e, .he li..fi i Ihal llu. i i. nil) ul till ijll4i.li. Mill III. Ill 14 4-lillilllll.illlli I II.. ..nn. . t.U. AUK I II I.AM.th. A pi II .1. s7l. I'ululH, UiU, At. Vt'l l. i.k llf Oil. 4UIUlUllll! .lll4 J Oil, I imI Oil, ri Ii O.I, umi I i Li i. ..iii.j. Oil I .I t- '..li... uii. I V. luu, i, .riii.li, lil.i., uh.ul. uu baud, nt lut pi in. il luM.KV A t u t Tu the C'oimnuiilly nljltnrc! I II VtkitK r 'I II k MrEQULATOR.M I Lav. lit.. U if iiii'liaxil Uu; ii liiu !., I, .. .4 Hill au4 ill I. in. ul Um luvi'ilaliK Ho.4, I...', 1 1 uuL, . .Hi. I ail I I in lii) fi"' . ol J ia.H', 1.1 i i i. .441 u llu I n.. i al I'. pli. 4 u t. ali.iu, 4.MI4. I Ilium, I' I'"" II A I. Ill r Ml. i.i. I, M Ml , l Hit. 44 kallu. , .1 .li I I,. .1 ivi... Mi. I.I I t,4tl II. . i. ., In r i., imuU-i vti. i a ..I iltv ...ii i.i 1 1 , I ..u '.. au, j iii 4U. Uiaikl .ill) 4 i l.4 nl uik ui i.i m. i- Ii. J li pitl-il It I -I di. i.i.. I ill .UU Uu- tl, al III.. 4i, 4 i. a. 4 "lit " (wlailll 4 vl ll.lil .1 I l. 4..-,0v Im li- Iwiuuliii.a ul kl.ua la. i.vt 9 i. ,. l. 1. 1 4.. 4 1 .1 .. 1 11 ii. , I ant t a.nsivi.t I. aak at.-!. r ii-ui hi.., ,il, t, tl, uu ItonillnK Itwltroiul. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Mail 15th, 1871. aO REAT TRUNK LINE from the North anil JJ North-Wet for Philadelphia. N. Y.. Rend ing, Poltsville, Tnmncjiin, Ashland, Shamokln, I ebnilon, AUcntown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, itiincnster, uninniniu, cic, ie. Trains leave llarrisburir for New York, ns fol lows i At a.4fl, 8.10, n. m. und 2.00 p. m., con necting with Biinllar trains on the Pcnnsvlvnuia Railroad, nnd nrrlving at New York nt io.05 a. in., 3.50, nnd U.80 p m. respectively. Bleeping Cam nccompnny the MAO a. in., train without change. Returning i Lenq Cw York nt 0.00 n. m., 12.30 noon und 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.1)0 a. m. und 8.30 p. m. i Slccplnsr Cars nccom pnny tho 5.00 p. in. train from New York with out chnmrc. Leave Harrlsburg for Rending, Pottsvlllc, Ta- mniinu, Mincrsvillc, Ashland, Shnmoklu, AUcntown and l'hiladelphU nt 8.10 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon nnd principal way Ftntlons t the 4.05 p. in., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville nnd Co- liiinma only, f or fottsvlllc, Bchnylkill Haveu nnd Auburn, via Bchnylkill nnd Susquehanna Kiiiirond, leave llarrlshurg nt 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for AUcntown, Fusion unci New York nt-i.S'-i, HI.. 10 n. in., nnd 1.05 p. in. Ileturning, leave New York ot U.00 a. in., PJ.iV noon nnd 5.00 p. m. nnd AUcntown at 7.-0 a. ni. 12.25 noon, S."15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia, ot 7.80 n. m.. couhcctintT with similar train on East Peiinii. Railroad, returning from Rending lit 0.20 p. m., Ktnpping at nil stations. Leave, Pottsvlllc nt 11.00 n. rei. nnd 2.?f pi m. Herndon at 10.00 n. in., Shnmo.'dn nt 5.40 nnd 11.15 a. in. Ashland ut 7.05 n. n.v, nnd l'J.-li. noon; Mahanoy City at 7.51 n. in. mii'i 1.20 t. m . Tainiupia at 8.35 a. m. mid 2.1u p.- nit for Philadelphia, New Ycrk,lCeai!ing,'IIaii!lLliiirg,Ae. Leave Foiisvillo via Schuylkill ond Businir- haniui R.iilroad at 8.15 u for Harrisburg, und 11.45 n.m., for Pino Grove and Trcnioiit. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts vlllc at 5.10 n. m., passes Reading nt 7.30 u. in. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in., returning leave Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Read ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving nt Pottsvlllc at 11.40 p.m. lVttitown Accommodation Train leaves Putts towu ut C.30 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia, nt 4.30 p. in. 1 Columbia Raiiroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.20 a. in., nnd 0.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litis!, Lancaster. Columbia. A-c. I'erliioineii Kail Road Trains leave Perklomcn Junction nt 7.1 7, 0.05 a. m., at 3.00 and 6.00 p. m. RotiiiiiIng,leiive Schwcnksville at 0.30,8.10 a. in., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connectiug with Bimilar trains on ueaiimg liuil lioad. , ColcbriHikdiile Raiiroad Trains leave Pottstowit ut !).40a. in., 1.15and 11.45 p. in., reluming leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., nnd 3.00 p, m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave iirlilire port al H.30 a. in., 2.05and 5.32 p. in. returning-, leave Dmviungtou at li. 11 a. in., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelplii.i at S.00 a. in. and 3.15 p. in., (tlm 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading;) leavu l ousviiicai o.uuil. in., leave liarrisluirg, 2.10a, Harrisburg, 2.10a, leutoHu ill 4.25 and 7.15 a. in. unit i.50 .32 a. in. fur N w in., and y.00 p. in.; leave AIlci 8.35 p. m. : leave Re;.. ling ut 7. p. in. lor. Ilurrishtirg, nt 4.32 a. in. fur N - York, at 7.20 ii. in.-Jj.ir Allentoivn and ut 0.10 u'. m. and 4.15. p. in. I n- Philadel'ii. , Coininutiiiioii, Mileage, Season, School nnd F.xi iirMon Tickets, to and from all points ut rc diiicd rates. llu irgtige checked tlin.ngli : 100 Pounds Rag: Ei'ic ullott'ed each Passenger. J. K. WOOTTEN, As-st. Snpt. ,t Eng. .Mach'ry. l.iU'Iiitvviiiiiiu mill i:.ooiiisIur KuiN road. SUMMER ARRANCiEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS, jrdndav. '.'iilv 17, 1S71. SOlJTiltVARD. Leave. A.M. P. M. 1 -i.-i A.M. 10 05 P. M. PM. C 50 4 00 fievant Jll", Hillevne, Tiiylorville, J.nckuwnuua, i'ittston, tst Pitlfllon, Wyoming, 0 45 (5 oil 0 57 7 05' 7 11 7 10 55 7 02 7 11 7 10 7 24 7 31 7 30 10 17 10 20 3 ll io :i5 10 40 2 21 10 47 10 52 .V, 35 4'J 47 .Mutiny, Kingston, fc & ft. : e'rs i 10, 2 33 11 00: 7 51' 4 53 I !. i r no1 r. mt v .-l'.arre l'lyinouth June, I'ly month, Nuuticoke, Ilnnloek'o, Shicksliuiu;,-', link's l'.-in-, "'iu h ll.irn, lierwiek, IJriitr Creek, Lime Ridge, i'-iy. iilonin. biii-'s, Rupeit, Cntawissa, Dunvi:i", ChulaHy; Caiiieron, Noi'.h'it, (arrive.) no (XI t'7 10 J 8 05 5 05 .0 31 S 57 o or ii n 0 v.' O je, 1- i.i i r,! I 10 fil 10 2u. NORTHWARD. A.M. P. M. iiea- KortluliiibeilauJ, t'iiincrou, Chuliisky, Danville, CatawissaJ Rupeit, Illooinsbiirg, EI.v, Lime Ridge, Id iart rick, lleiwick, Ucach Haven, Kick's terry, Sliic kshin'iy, II unlock's, Nanlici.kc, I'iyiiiouth, Plymouth June, Klnirst.ui, .i ) M. W.-lkirru )c'rs Maliliy, Wyoming, Wi-sl I'illstKU. I'iilston, l.ai l..ii .mini, Tavlui title, III ill Vile, Scraiituu, (,ii live) ill 0 25 DAVID T. I'.nt'.SD, Sup'l. riiilutlt'liihlw umi t:ri KuilroiKl. SIMMER TIME TABLE. On uiul alter Monday, August 7lh, WI, the fruiui 011 Um PliiUdelpuU vl; trio Kail liuad Mill run u. lutluM. 1 WISTWAItD. Mall Ti 1I11 1. .H.-I I'hiiiidi lplii.1, " " " Mllll.lll), " " iu r al Fi le, I'llc Eiprcs It-ate. l'hlla. I. Il'lu.l, " " " SuiiI.iii), " " III ! Ill El li', Flnilni Malt k.ni. I'liihnU 'pl.i i, e it ii t.ii 1 , " uir al I.m k H.n. n, llUii'.ilu K ri. l.ut.s .-.ui. .'ii, air at 1 : I 1 1 1 . 1 1.1I, U.ii.l E.ilvi M ill haw. UlM.. 111 lull, " ' uir ni k 11 .uu, E A.- I W AUD. ll.lil 'I III U l. ii I lie, hiiiii.i.i ) , ' " uir ul I'lnl.idi 1 1'l.L. , 1.1 ll' fV l,t i.i. Ki. , " fui. I III V, " " uir ul I'lnl.i t. iplu.i, FI11.I14 ll ill halt, l is k II ittll, " " Hiiiilim , " " 1111 ul l'i, 11.1. 1. I hi 1, liil.l.ilj t 11 . Ivan. l ilii.iiu..i I, ' l,iiiliiii 1 , " " III .1 l'i,. I I I.n, Ua Id L 1 :1 M ill ban. .. k llaiiii, " " " kit al tl lil laluap.nl, 7. Ill p 111 2.05 a 111 ii.iSl i ,( 1 '. p III tl .'sj (i 111 7. 10 4 111 11.30 ll III l'J.45 p ui 7 .' 0 p 11: 4 15 .1 m it. .i.'i a in l.iv 1 in U.IM (i III I I "O .1 l. I.m a 11. T :si 4 in U 1.1 p III Si. 'O .4 HI 3 1.1 i iti k.ui at Iti I I 10 4 111 5 '! p lit 5 l i III I t -N at III III 14111 1 1 -1 iti 11 IU ,. lit M.. I I - i iiiui.la v-.l and il at 1 11. ..Ill 10 25 5 lOj i il lil ! 10 50 5 40i I . li IHI I ti or: 11 II 11 l.'i i ' ': I li 21 ! o 31 I I 30 ii 4 I I 11 43 ll IS A.M.' 0 12 00 7 Pli 7 3i ' 7 fi i 45 PM. P. M. 7 31 8 OH 12 20 7 41 8 15 P. M. 5 10 i 8 20 5 15 12 31 7 51 S 30 2 33 5 25 ' ; 8 4.1 2 43 5 35 12 43 8 l ul 8 45 2 4S 5 4,1 ! b 13 8 M 2 54 5 47 12 52 Sis 0 Ol 2 Ml 5 '..' , 8 'js y 1 a ut rt Oil I 8 3(1 tl 25 3 HI 11 10 I 8 t:.'i tl 3 23 ll 17 I 11 8 4 tl 40 3 1 I.. . ik ll.l. II. 1. i.4 ..I I ti s.i.l liiiutl.iii llli Oil I .1. k .uJ til. Jo 1.) li. li. tl . M ill ll .l ttilU ..l l.uiii,. 1 ail. uu I . A 1. . U It . an I at t mi ui I I' 1. 14. I. 11 mill Uii I . k utij A.).. I.. i.t U It. It . ltali.it li.iuiiu-.laii.tu tui aul .ul .nli l... it. I N I.. . ul 11 It tl .41.1 a. .4 I .1.1 a I LH I .lib II. I IJ t. 14 U. ll li." b "l 4 I..11 I ,. .1 I ! ku4 li l HI 'Mil at. I lia 1..I It .Ui. II I . akl t U It ll'. 1.1. .114 Mali all I )l.lllillkl.a U. .4. 1 . l.v. .!.... . I ..a. , J It li Wi.. -jo-ll lit I li ll . I..la.ba .li., I I . ..... Li U lU l.tl i 114 Hi. . .It.., -ill .... I . 'v I 1 1 la., 1 t. i v tt H . M i . .4 ...... a ti .. ., U I I It'll 1 I. . . ,.t I lj ll.. 4 U U I UU ll.. .l u , Li ll- I ' - ...... W. I, UU ll, i , UU. MM .il tu-4, ttirt.wi f k' 4 (U Um 4 H... a 4). I m4 f 11.1 tvaii is. II in 4 J .t a, HI . 11 1