MlJHiLM.lJJt-lM.t)Jli,X KUNIHTKY, AUGUST lt, 1871, ltallrond Tliuo Tnblew. N. C. It. V. East. P. t E. K. U. AVriT. Buflalo Ex l'vo 4:10 n, mlKrlo Mall, I've 2:05 n in Krio " R:M HullHlo Ex. " 4:15 ElmlraMiill ' 11:45 Erlo ' " 1:05 Bunbury Ac." G:45 p m ElmlrnMull" 12:45 pm Lock II. Ac." 4:!)5 " Erlo Ex. " 0:50 ' 811 AMOK IN PI VISION N. C. 11. W. l.K.WE . AlinlVR Bunbury nt ll-.r0 a m At Sunbury 8:45 it m " 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm I). II. W. n. R. Leave Sunbury 5:55 it. in., 4:!W nnd 0:50 p. m. Arr.nt Sunbury 10:00a in, 0:20 nnd 8:40 p in. Accident. Insurance. Tickets can 1)0 had or J. Plilpnvm. Ticket Agent attlin Depot. tlocaI Affairs. Pkwino Macimsks.-MIss Carollno Dallas Is tlio agent for tlie sale, or tho three best Sowing Machine In existence, via i "The Improved Kinger," "drover Baker" nnd "Domestic," which nrc constantly on hand nnd cold nt rea sonable prices. Call nnd o them. Olllcc on Market street, cast of the railroad. A Wour, to Orn Fiiiknds. Since wo have become solo owner of this establishment wc hnvo labored under many disadvantages on account of not having tho means to make such Improve ments as wo desired. Pependlnj; solely upon our camnRS nnd to kind frkmds, to whom wc tee'. '"ful for their patronage, wo have 1 1 (iil dated debts coiitrni'Ull for tho Improvements which we were compelled to make. Wo nrc anxious to mako further Improvements, nnd make this one of the most complete ofli.fs In the country. For such a project wo must, however, rely upon our friends throughout the county for their liberal support. Wo nsk the favor of nil those who would liko toseo us prosper, to exert themselves In our behalf In securing subscribers and Job work. In doing so they will reap n bcnolU ns well ns ourselves. Wc therefore solicit the patronage of all who feel nn Interest in tho Uepubliean cause, nnd desire, it readable family, .is well ns n local Journal, nt a lower rate than y?.:y other published In tho county. To accom plish such nn cud we propose to compensate all lor their labor. Hellc.vlng that "tho laborer la worthy of his hire," wo make the following pro position to all who will engage In canvassing for us : For every list of 1 Oil subscriber nt fl.50 paid pi advance, we will Julvo an order of J ill, payable in goods, nt any establishment that advertises in our columns. For 75 subscribers, hi advance, an order of ?:J5 (10 " oil " " " " 15 (Ml " i " " 10 00 " lid " " " " II 50 " .-, " " " " 5 (Ml t .() ti i it ,j no ' 15 " " " " :i (HI io " " " " a on As wc are at the beginning of an Important political campaign, nnd the Amuuicax is publish ed at a lower rate than any other paper, and eon tains the, same amount of reading matter ns others of larger bl.e, wo feel confident that can vassers can very readily obtain subscribers in every pails of the county. All clubs received will bo promptly acknowledged, nnd the. paper promptly forwarded to any address. lleiupcriey pleases everybody with good pic tures. Tim (ias works at Ibis place, nrc being erected ns rapidly as possible. The foundations are al ready completed and the brick work commenced. On Thursday evening last about 10 o'clock, n young man named Keen, working In the shops of the l. &.K. li. U. Co., at the upper end of this ..borough, had both legs smashed by attempting to jump on a locomotive. Mil. Isaac Mav, of Shamokhi, lias puii lmsed of Ira T. Clement, of this place, a tract of coal I ami couti-uoti.s to tho Hear Valley properly, eon i lining about one hundred acres, for $.M,00'J. It is said to be Very valuable coal land. Tnr.iiF. will be a Special Court laid on the IV .ii i t 1 1 Monday of September lor argument, Ac., and a rpceiul Court of one week, eoinui"iiclng on the li r.-.i. .Monday of October, fin. tho trial of civil causes,. .Tno. W. I'nii.iNd has returned from Philadel phia, where be has been for some "time under the cure of Hr. Paneoust, iv Untreated hliu for a dis cie in Ihe bead. Theeaso was a serious one, and vvav pionoiii d by the physician an nlfection ot lac brain, lie Is now Improving, and bids fair lo !! regain his partially lost health. II inpcrley heals tho county taking babies plc- A, N. liiiii'K, Ks'p, purchased a bouse nnd lot fumi I ton. A. Jordan, adjoining I he Judge' new buihling, on t'lcstnul street, for 1,500. Tho ha Is 4(1 fed front on Chestnut titrcct, and ex l' . .I, back SU0 feet. Cui.s. ll. Wugoiikrller and (ieo. It. I'advvulla dcr having been lidded (o thu Agl Cultural Coui luiltcc lo prepare the ground, are taking a lively interest In tho matter to make it a success, in which there U no doubt they will succeed. 'i: added a number of new subscriU'rs to our lUl dining Conn. Our IM has been steadily lu i h i-in i; for ome lime. The hook are still open, ai.d u.i tliull lie "rali ful lo till who uro Hilling to i iimll on our lit lor a live family newspaper. 'l.i Ihui-e who h.ivu piomplly re aimudcd to our ci'l In linen hack diuhitj tho pa. I Ivko week, vc uluru our.lnivig thank. VmiMtiea wot k mm rui;aiic4 tu pultlni; In it double kI.ih flout ill the .inicioolil uf Mitt I. "I Mii.,hr,ou M.iikil t.niii While iiiukiiiK ih . Hue luipnivt on nt lo r iu,tomrr till l,iv i I l her n il, n, c, one door wot of jcr toie ' .It. ill. V III ball ,,,r. I. i lu lb iiih iI, )'. ;.iiu ry fur thudo plclure.. V i: . . ..f in 1 1 . ; imiiie Mr. lieu. Iliilliii.ui, fi.nn. r- ll.llll.l.lllg, h.l. Il.ll, npHilnl,.l Cllli fliiU, olll.v o v, H. t. ,,,) M.fu.,ultli. place, .i h e, jo. p.. u, t h.i.. r i.hci, i:...,i. ihc m'i. . ..ollllliu lit I. , one, mi l 1, Im.Iu- . i . .4 Hoi III y )iillll III a II, ' hi) l,UMIH..uf ' p in) ha U. ii luiidi. I . L) Mr. t uli.f .i. .ull .l.,. ii j Hi.ii.u. i, nn . ttiih hu li. H.H....IU, Iht lui,u tin ic4w uf I lie ha - .1 U.a vwmisu itili U pi .uipll) lu.k.I a. p 4 ui u.u (, A ., ii.,ni.v,4 1., ui i-i,U i.u .muli,g n .h.iji l,Lil 4w. III a l.ll.iMlj u t, ,M(, ,,u. WulklloM v i . ..III.U..4 t tti4.iitf ti Uollh.l I o 4 i.L, 4u4 l.li4 til wit, kin t l4lli l I Mukel, . 4 lnyuLl.uU, 1.1) l...ii 4 . . all L.ti, liuu..4, ...4 l ll..ii .iu " 1 ""I'M lt 4II) IW p.ilfil,. L.. 4 i 1..4 H..U4 1. 1 J', 4 j., y, ji. iu t I U ki.4i.j 1,,! iu i,, .,,1,.. w4 U4i. t.H lH dwlll, ,, l, 1,1.1., ' ' I I4.1.IJ .. ( w . ill, l,k ' It, k,H .. ,! 4,, 4kJ , IU -k 1 i o, .. t (u i . - i i i V. mi ., i,, a ..o., 'i 4.. I W t,, t, k,i4 v.i.,., , u I ! . 4.. 4. 1, 14 .1 I I- 4 4 I l. 4. , I ., Nkw Tninrs op iMniovnn Onnnn or Rnn M eh. On Monday evening last a now tribe of the Im proved Order of lied .Men, was orffanlrcd nt Nor thumberland called Clillllsipinnue Tribe, No. 153. Tho ceremony of Instituting tho Tribe, yran per formed by Orcat Snchcm, J. A. Moss, nsslslcd by (1. C. of II. Andrew J. linker, 0. K. of F., T. It. Donnelly, P. 0. 0. 8., W. Aten.and I). D. 0. 8., E. Wil vert, together with n, number of members of Shahonioklii Tribe, No. 50, Shlekalamy Tribe, No. H8, nnd Mnhonlnir Trlbo No. 77. ThoTrlho numbers some twenty meinbers,nn(l started under the most favorable auspices. After tho Institu tion, the following Olllecrs wcru elected nnd In stalled for the ensuing term i 8., David Evans ( S. 8., S. It. Donahue , J. (., J. W. Stewart C. of II., J. I. Dunham ; K. of W., A. G. Postolwnith Prophet, (1. F. Doycr. After the luBtalhitlon, tho following subordl nnto ofllcors wcro appointed i (i. AV., Samuel Rentier O. F., R. Fhrincr; 1st W., G. Tnylot Sd do., G. Roth i 3d do., A. Vandllng 4th do.,' Vi. Kuttcr. 1st Hrave, S. Newberry 2d do., J. Smclght) 3d do., T. A. Xrilleri 4th do., W. Mc Coughlln. 1st Sannap, Robert l.esher j 2d do., D. Newman. After the Institution the Grand officers nnd vis iting members wero Invited to partake of a splen did collation served up at tho Washington House, to which nil did nmplo justice. About two o' clock tho parties separated, highly pleased with tho kind reception they had received from tho members of tho Chllllsipiaipic Tribe. This Or der Is springing up rapidly lu cycry part of tho country, owing, wo presume, to Us origin in tho United States, ns well us the highly bene ficial effects that aro derived from H. On Tuesday evening, ii new Tribe was Institut ed at Walsontown, In this county, by the. Great Clilels, assisted by members from the Shohoino kiu and Chllllsipiaipie Tribes, to bo called War wceuoc Tribe, 153, 1. O. of K. M. Thero were some twenty names lolheapplieatlon for Charter. Tills Tribe Is composed of llrst class business men, nnd compare favorably w lib aiiyTi ibo In tho State. Tub OofNTV Faih.--TIio County Agricultural Fair which commences on the 2fith of next month, at this place, promises to be a great success. In every part of the county o Iciirn, farmers and others are actively engaged in preparing articles to be brought here on exhibition. A number of letters iiavc bet n received by the Secretary from abroad, asking to reserve room for stock on tho Fair G round. Workmen are actively engaged In preparing the ground which, when completed, will form tho best for tho purpose lu tho State. Ucing conveniently located near the railroad, nnd water close to tho ground, nro ndvantages sel dom had nt fairs anywhere. The ground is level, so that u full view can bo h id from any point. The trotting course is pronounced by all good judges, as one of the best to bo found any where. The premium list will be published in our next Issue, and will bo found very liberal. Tho Com inilteo who have the matter in band feel dispos ed to oiler the best inducements to exhibitors, and will leave nothing undone lo make everything convenient and comfortable to nil who may at tend. Albums of every description at Ilempcrley's gallery. A (loon Join Is told of one of our county offi cials, who appears tobealilt'e penuriously In clined. Having raised soino tobacco plants in bis garden, It occurred to him that much might be saved In treating his friends occasionally to scgars, so ho engaged nt once In the manufactur ing of the article himself. Having finished seve ral boxes he played tlieni lu his olilce for the use of his frionds. Sometime ago, during court week, it occurred lo him that the Jurymen might tind some enjoyment in smoking dull care nway, bo be sent a box full to the jury room. The tipstavc having been absent for a eJmrt lime, on entering the ijiiiii was (pilto horror-stricken to tind tho ju rymen all quiet, somo laying on seats and tables exhausted, while others wero straining every nerve In their bodies to obtain a quaff of the sup posed deliciously llavored Kcgar. Thus quiet pre vailed for a long time, and nothing occurred to disturb the monotonous silence except the snap ping and scratching of matches brought into fre quent requisition to keep tho scgars lighted, un til a burly fellow bawled out "they don't smoke," when each made an examination of tho weed, nnd It was discovered that the scgars had been .too tightly wrapped, and the draught was pre vented. Tho jurymen enjoyed the joke, while He: olllclal felt exultant that lie had saved a con siderable hiiii In treating bis friends. Maii Don. Considerable excitement was had iu the upper part of this borough on Tuesday ev ening last, on the discovery of a mad dog. The dog had been bitten but a few days previous by another dog In that vicinity, but as no symptoms or bydopliohla wcro visible, .the dog was kt run until Tuesday, when tho dUeaso appeared, lie was Immediately dispatched, by persons living in tho neighborhood. IVr.ona cannot bo too cau tious wilh their canines at this season of the year. Tho iniwt certain remedy to avoid being bitten is not to be familiar with them, and to destroy them when syinpioin of tho disease appear. Nkw M.wi. MASAi.i:MKvr.-8iiicc tho new sched ule on tho N. C. Railway went Into client, J. J. Smlili, K j., made tho arrangement to have tho lhioiii,li mail brought from Philadelphia on thu Niagara i press (Hid heju ul p.'.45. This I un excellent Improvement in our mall facilities, which ha lout; been needed. This arranim-nt now give u tluco mall dally from liilladel pl.V.. At n meeting of tho Executive Committee uf tho Northumberland County Agricultural Bode ly. held st ilia Vuuklrk lloii.c, in Norihuiubcr-l-iiid, ou Tuesday last, the premium II. t wa ur. ranged, uiij oilier Important hu.lutM Irautaclud. We did not receive any prucccdhut for publlca Hull. Another IlieelhiL' will be i n., i.... ii....... i.. . i ... . . i "', in una jii.iee, oil Hie "Mil lli.l. Tub Vtskiuii Hoi Jhu l.loyd, E.q., ha lately lukcu thu V'iiuklik li ci.e ut oi thuiiiU r- I land, Kblcli U no., uudcieoiiij,' it p , ,,.,,, ! v.ilioii. Mi. ,l,i) J U i4l k no ii u. mi ,.,d. 1 lent Undluid, M.u4 who will no doubt luaku holi I ona of I'.u) no,. I p:eiai,l kluj pliijj plain In thai. town. II. ini-ihy rlmllm -m had. plilu.i,. tho ciuuly tj Ural hit Tu oillii-m Ciiitul lull way I'oiupaiijr uic ll.-l-e.l (li Untitle, (4 lU pUt'41 Uf 11.0 lu.llo ihW umt the liut bile lluli Hhui,.,,. klU U.I I lllill.l Ut II. J 4...1 44 l llllt pllC, , U'4 - UU III llHI.l the ,,4 )4li Inn,, ,,g unit I11111I4 Ui il.iili,.i1 LkU loulj Ui Uoiiv kt 4 tloall tip. tiki'. If 4U.t but H llUl lu l.,ult. Uii) l.4U Weiiuil t t 4tlt Mul, llil. Mii, lUbpl's ttt.t'i, Vllk.t iH'l,lt Ihi; p-4iC v UiiUi b4l,lut. 44 .4tt l .). it Kid Ui.4 tt W Uuu U.I Utoutt l' U4ll pUllliutit tll ,l4, 4,14, lM,Ukl, 4,J 4..I4 I,, I l,v la. 41. 4 u.( 1)4,4 4,1 () Ijy lll4lb, It 1 , k!tw)t LI4I 1.4U-I. I kk ttti v bti Imi Huli, ,;i i U. iv...i( i.u 4 lb u.., ui j i4iu.ii a ;i. ' .1. t. d . li 1... 1. a., 1 4,, a i.u" ,t ,,1 -l. 1. 1 I ,l. !.,., .. 4, ., 4, vl It,., k 114, t. '"i' .- .l-l.kl . t J tli.l i.., ) I I I., .i., 4, l 4.4, t 1,11.... ,4 4,1.. tl.4 I..,.. .4, l ...II , j 1 1,4 u. b ,1 at 4 u. -Hi 1. ...1 l I u- . V..I, li I .... I i ' t I In I I ... I ' ,-, C'on'rt ProrrciIluKM. (Reported by A. N. Urlco.) Wkonpsoat, August 0, lf71. Com. V8 Joseph Conrad Round lu t500 to next term. Com. vs Matthew Wolan Surety of tho Fence. Complaint heard, nnd defendant sentenced to pay tho costs nnd to lie bound over ',n the sum of 50 to keep the peace. Com. vs Tuomns Poorman, nVnf J. Brown Compounding n Felony. True bill. Continued at the defendant's Instance to next term. A. N. HrlcO nnd 8. B. Boycr, Esq, nre employed for tho defendant. Poornian Is the man who was accused sonic time since of nsslstlug In the forged check on Chamberlain, Frlek Si Co., nnd cashed by J. II. Jenkins, Cashier of tho Northumberland Bank. Tho evidence ngalnst Tool-man Is very meagre. Com. vs Henry S. Glitch Seduction under promiso to marry. True bill. Com. vs George Ulanksby Surety of the Peace. Complaint heard by tho Court. Tho defendant, was represented by A. N. llrlce, Esq., nnd tho complainant, John E. Rnthbiirii, by Win. M. Rockefeller, Esq. Ulanksby was nccitscd of making threats against those whom Ilathburii & Co. had employed to work their mines In Trevor ton. On the examination It was found that Mr. Bauksby Is n quiet and penecnblo citizen, nnd had made no threats nt nil. Ho was therefore ucqulttcd. Com. vs Dr. 1). V. Shlvc Assault nnd nailery. Bill Ignored. Josephine, S. Shlvc, prosecutrix, lo pay the costs. This is a case of domestic infelici ty on tho borders of Jordan township. Tho hus band and wife have found that the course of true love docs not run smooth. There Is a green-eyed monster, or sonic other bono of contention lu tho wood pile. Com. vs Thomas Poorman, n.'ius J. Brown Forgery. Bill Ignored. Prosecutor, J. 1.'. Jeiir kins, to pay the costs. Com. vs John Dunham nnd Joseph Andersen Malicious mischief. No bill. Joseph Bird, prosecutor, to pay the copts. Coin, vs 1,. I.. Haas Wantonly throwing down fence. No bill. John Dunham, prosecutor, to pay costs. Com. vs Thomas Burk Assault mid batlcry. Hill Ignored. Bridget O'Brien, prosecutrix, to pay the costs. Com. vs Franklin Galloway Larceny. Bill ignored. Thomas Taubiiiau, prosecutor. Com. vs Wilson Kimble Seduction. Hill Ig nored. Com. vs David Kissing, Catharine Ktseling and I.avlna Klssling. Bawdy house. Truq bill. Com. vs William Horn Larceny. True bill. Put ou trial. Dc feudal t pleads guilty. Sentence to pay n.linc off 1, costs of prosecution, and un dergo un imprisonment lu Eastern penitentiary for seven months. Com. vs Cyrus Clement Larceny. Truo bills on two bills of indictment. Coin, vs John Roberts Larceny. Truo bill. Arraigned, and plead guilty. Sentenced to a line of ?5, costs of prosccnlion, and undergo mi Im prisonment in county jail of four month'. Com. vs Samuel Cherry Desertion. Jesse Campbell, father of Mrs. Cherry, prosecutor. Complaint heard. The domestic shrine here has been Invaded by some, misunderstanding or somo oilier dillletilty. Mr. Cherry was bound over in his own recognizance, in the sum of S iiHJ for hid good behavior and for the caru of his familv. Messrs. Bricc nnd Buyer wero emidoyed for the ' prosecution, mid Messrs. S. P. Wolveiton, Ma lick and Ziegler, for defendant. Com. vs Joseph Bachcr True bill. Selling lug liquors and limit liquors without license. Saino V3 Same Selling liquor on Sunday. Tine bill. Same vs Same Keeping n gambling honso. True bill. Same vs Same Selling nnd giving liquor to minors. True bill. Si'Nnriiv, Atiii ST 10, 1871. Com. vs Rosclta Jones Assault and Battery. True Bill. The prosecutrix in this case is one Mrs. William Vandyke of Northumberland. It appears that Mrs. Vandyke nnd two companions or friends passed along lu front of Jones' Hotel, one evening last May. Some angry remarks nnd unkind looks wcro exchanged, when 11 was al leged that Mrs. Jones caiiio down from her door step and ordered tho three women away from her pavement. They not getting away fast enough, Rosetta pushed Mrs. Vandyke Into tho street, nnd I then turned ou one of tho two and tore her dress. She then attacked the third, knocked her down on the pavement, au.l beat her quite considerably. Tills seemed to be admitted by M is. Jones. It Is a pity for Mrs. Jones that ehe allowed her ai.gry passions to rise lu this way. She. is much admir ed for her very neat appearance, an 1 so was Mrs. Vandyke. After exaiuiinuioii tho defendant plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay n line of j $10 and costs of prosecution. I Com. vs J. Willsou Hess Forgery. Truo Bill, j Mr. lift was arrested some timo since o:i this : charge and bound over to this Court. In the ! year lstiu, iho defendant was appointed, by the County Commissioners t ix collector for Chillis j quaqtic township. Tho bond given as security for Iho collu' lioii of taxes Is signed by tho defen dant and his father, and also by ono J. J. Ranch. Tho prosecutor iu theeaso (Ranch) says ho nev er signed thu bond, au.l therefore prosecutes J. Wilson lies for forging his name. The prosecu tion was broii'.'bt from thu fact that lies failed to p-iy up nil tho taxes whic h came Into his hands. Ranch ciys tho llr.-t ho k new of tho fact that hi name wap cu the L..iu'. was a notice from ' Iho County Coiiuiilloiicrs thai the bondsmen would bo looked to for iho dellclem y. Do then ealno to Sunbury und issue ! a warrant lor the ar rest of Ilea. Tho bond given by Hiss to the' I 1lHlllll--.1!. llkl'l-i. U"i II 1.1 'I'l .11 ,.f ! - - - - - , iiv -1 iiii iii m 111 guilt Ma not very tlloug, and tho neighbor tclilied lo hi Kciierul go.Ki cbaiacter. J. W. Coiulcy uud t. U. Buyer wcru miployud on thu Coiiimonwialtb, and ti, W. Zchjlur, uud C. A. Reliiicii.ii) der, for tho defendant. Tho Jury io tumud it verdict of not guiily. Mi until Turn.. Tlie l oniiiiiinwealth vs. J.i c.h heh.H h f.u tho iiiurd. r of M llhe hilar 11 y, ut hliuiiiokin, about li 11 liioiithk ago, e.unu up lor lilul 011 h.iturday l.i.l, ulmu the tolluwlug Juiois were t.lcitid lull) I he iu.c, John Muilhi, S hi 1 1111 111I11 1 I.i u. . Jiukkoii II0II111.111, Fl)bmg. Milton '1 10. eel, 'I uibottllle. Mill I, It. law an . IkololOoU kl4k, Bli)delUmil. 'Ibniiist till), illllou. ruiikllu A. t Uik, to 1,1 in , k iii . II 111) W. Iluiliu. buubuii. I .lllUl l Ui Ninih, t tilliqii4'iie. WalUee (ii44ill, l.iitit. j It .bell liu.-llll, l.Uae. I I . V, J.llill, Ml. I 4III1I L I'l hv luulikil 4Uip..)i4 oil th pall o thu I olo u.oui4llb It ilk li. W. R)uuuui W. I . M In no, 1 t" . (I , kli4 fill tbv ill budjlil, (bill. J. U. fai k' I, . M. tl. Iltiliilii, . V.'U ui. H. i. ly.,;il, I t l. I Lc t k.t UM llUl III. Ill W l I .04) .IU llliaill,! lhl,. ll.e )uij. Ab. -kI t.l p.. I iilm u'.l..k, in llu. U.u t Ii gj IUk Jif.) iini. 11,4 li.. n iii j.ilil i.U kuill. '1 1.4 lud 1 1.., 4. ini4 ut I l.i l..-iUi-l ln-l vol Ilk t ul'.4lL.4 IU Mill in ,1 . 1.. put. ) t J I liUin n-J t . ii..t4i ) I 'kt. 4e.ii.-j . , 'i . 1. 1 i-1.1. M t lib I kki lv.4,14 i ' U.k hi .--ll,. 11. .111.1 k t " ii I .1 I i-i . Li) I. Ill t .411.1, I. . 1 I 1 lit l.nL'ii i"iw. it 11 1. I l . "it" How TO Dwauk A Town. Horace !rce',y pre sents tho following ns n sure menus of destroying tho prosperity of tho most promising town. There can bo no doubt of Its illleacyi If ymi wish to keep n town from thriving't put up nny more biddings I ban Jon cut convi nleiit'.v occupy yourselves. II you should nn id"iilall..' have on empty dwelllnt, nud nny one il.ouhl want to rent It, nsk him three times tho net mil value of It. Demand n Shylock prleo for every spot of ground that God has given you steward ship over. Turn n cold shoulderto every mecha nic or l)Uiness man seeking n home nmoitg you. Look nt every new comer with n scowl, linn down tho work of every new workman. Go nbroad for wares rather than deal with those who seek to do business in your midst. Fail to advertise, or In nny other way lo support your paper, no people nbroad may not know whether any business Is going on in your town or not. Wrap yourselves up within yourselves, and cover yourselves with a coat of Impervious selfishness. There Is no more effectual wny to retard the growth of a town than the like tho. e enu merated. Ilemperley makes picture, frames to order. 1 1 a 1 1, stones which fill duiingllie rtorm on Ju ly 10th, wcro brought to this ollico on Thursday lust, August 10th. by Mr. Jot! Richer, one of tho sufferers by tho storm, residing In 'tho Muncy Hills, about four miles foulbwest of this bor ough. They wcro nbout the size of hulled wal nuts when gathered by Mr. Richer, on Thursday morning, unit tno neap iroiu which wcro gathered was thou about eighteen Inches thii Mmtey I.muiiiiti'y. Gnr.KN Aiti.ks. As green Apples arc becom ing plenty, wc would suggest that persons Viol anxious to start ft wood-in-cker's nest within their ribs, had not better cat more than a peckiit n tunc. Mrs. Eye got us nil l:i a snarl once wilh on apple, nnd wo have been afraid of them ever since. There Is no safer protectipn agains t bur glars limn lo feed your baby, before going to bed with green apples. It will certainly bc';in to cry beforo midnight, and it is equally certain that It can't bo ttoppcl before morning. We learn that the Selinsgrovei& North Branch Railroad Co., have secured stock enough (2J. uuu; lo liiKo up llieir charier, t licy lu.hl a ineelln2 this week, nnd elected permanent olll ecrs, viz: A. C. Simpson, President ; Vi". A. Meeker, Secretary, and Joseph Bird, Treiinuer. SiUmyrorc Tiiifg. . Great success of the shadow pictures nt Iie'.n perlcy's. Jottings. Sitting In tho night air, thinly clad, is unheal thy. Pol TiNii nnd pretty Tho girls at the pic-nles. Tun farmers nre preparing for tho thiv.himr Beasou. Tin: grape crop this year U umi.;i;a!ly promis ing. The chestnut crop proia'. es well this year. Tun prospects are good for a heavy coi n crop. A W Ai.iv into the country at the prcenl tiine is pleasant. Tho scenery is beautiful. Hoys in pursuit of cholera morbus are citing green apples just now. Naughty boys knotty apples. Most lovers liko to be alone with their r.wect- "-l'" of course. Su,riitui:i, shooting is now lawful, after the ex piration of July. Don't leave your teams bland unhitched in llu streets. Tim days liavi commenced Ehorlcnliiii.1, r.nd long evenings will soon bo upou lis. water is an antidote for prickly heat. P ic-Nu-s arc good for two months yet. Sr.viuuL Italian Violinists and a harpist visit ed our town last week, and made lino inusie. Mi i'ii of the ruhhi .h yul remains ou the green on Market street! Wm. Smith, son of G. W. Smith, of this place, had tho middle-linger of bis left hand smashed. I on Wednesday last, by coming in contact wilh a i sewing machine. j Rhiise keeps u first class Restaurant on Third : street. I III! "AMCKIC W' IMIICC Will ll.l lelllOV. d IlllO Mi... i-.. ...! I il. Ji......'. 1...... l. .-:.a- j ,, ,.,)na.r of ,ulJ M;irk,.t tUvi.IS) 1:i.xt j inomh. PiniASANTa can be shot, from the first of Aug ust to tlie UOIh of December. Squirrels and rab bits from the llrst of AngiM to tlie lirt-t of Jauu "' frtrtl. Sl Nm v, Anjust 17th, 171. Mil. Wii.viikt : For trying to doju-tieo t :h Government, and keeping inviolate t'.u oath ol I office I took on entering upon the duties ol Postmaster of Sunbury, I have been attacked by Ihe editor of llio f.'ino1!.', and charged with being 11 'small man," and "small iu all business trans actions." link you t) publbli an extract from his paper, and thu accompanying eorre.--pnn dci ' from tho I'. O. Department, solicited by himself, thai I may bo place I right before the communi ty, and show that uio person is willing to de fraud I'liclu Sam, even If it Is by saving the p. st age on Iwo or llirec magazines, J. J. SMITH, i i. "A post-master that om iis a small exchange package, addressed to a iiewap iper, fin- ihe pur po.e of It-ai'iiing whether I here K uioiv ihau publication iu the package, is a mi'i ill man -mil only small lu this matter, but wo u ill v. 1 i.e.- in ay thai he U small hi all his bu iacs ti..asae t ions. lh nine iMf i e (7 tiurti. i. . Dm'ahtmjnti AW'Ointuiint Oi i k v.. WnkhUijtuu, Aug. Mb, lliTl. Silt 1 lie pleased to deliver tie, iuclo.-.ed h Un to Mr. C, W. liutclius, au.l at the 4 mm liu.e tliow I lui liictloii 'J I ol the It u'allon. I ma, Rc-pi '-t fulh-, iv-.-., JAMl h II. M Mil!, Acting Kirtl A..-l-t. P. M. ( . 1: r..'.. 1'. M-, Sunbury, Norih'd Co., I'a. V. 1)1 lAliTUKNT J Al'fillMMItNT t)t-M 1:. iru.Ai.(.i;i, An.. Hit, 1.1. Kill 1 Your letter of tho 5ih Aui-tiH Is i. eiiv ed. As.uuiliig thai the iiiuga.lni j hi Ihe pie'.a: were Ibriii t-iipii- ol llu- s.41110 i.-s.ic, ).i.i v 1. . ... tlllcj lo iiei ivc uuu liic j thcoihei., r-l...!. I.;,,.' Ih-i-ii deliur, J on of liaiiMiul 1..1 , ol postage, 1 mil, Ri jpiclfidh , c, JAMfi .1. MARIS, Acting Iii. I A.-M-t. p. M. t'. W. liuti liiik, H.q., huuhiii), P.t. A l.lB Jill llkAI. NnlAlll .u I ins,.!:.- I. ; t Ueliibci , . lili u.i. u.1,1 p.,.-. , d lulu Ih - b ..u.i . n M. r. ( in N,.t Ji 1, 1. ,. Co., ,i -.' 1 ,, i;,.,,i I .!), ..; Vol U, llio ii know!! pub 1. ill Iho ,1j.H M'UI Ii' ii illb.l'lif -.4 j..Ui,.l lull- l.ih- ki ill it Ilk il lu .In III. i; Value i lie In.. I led iiiiplotililintk Hun up,, I,. I 1,1 .11,1.1 ill . ..!'i 4.1,1 -xi.., h.iko li.ili l ull ii.i. .. .1, au.l it i 11. iW one ut tin 1 L.iiinl l,.i U.,l, I j .,11 lll.)I..IU I.. U.J the I. Hi, I. til. li - .,d.t- l III I...IU llll. iUI,L ,.ll. II lull njll, UliJ no. II114 Ihe p, -!al M.i.: 4i.l Ihe hull. . in . p II. li .Lb ,, it tllppl.l- k 1 I ) li.. lUl I I... I lei.. I.. I thu k4lJ U a 111 I. II III, ii., 1 .,11 I... 11 iu l 41.,., 1 1 . gik 11.4 4 al .lalil. I l,,il,, . .,i it kk, , k, kip III tllll O..IIU 1.1 i 1 11,, . t 1..1 1 i HI l vJ Huilll ol til) line t:.i.4,ili4 1'i.i .ii'i t. A kki-.Wi) kiaiiitiii, tkuU'S... 4 Hid 1 .it.. 1 ii.alk ol U.U 1 pi i.i 1111 ll.i 1 I U.i ( ,., ...I 1 . , I li. ) I14 k 4 kii Uli4tli4 4k-.u..k, 1 1.1 . i, 1,1 id I I..H.U 1 1 i,j 41 : .. 1 I 1. , i.."i kuu u b I... 1 it .ii., iii .s . 1 , , .. 1, 1 Li...,) mil. I tl . -i 1 1 k 1 1 it 4 mill .1., .it. I - I 1 I 1.1) 44 11.41 k III I tl.p. I ll.U I. li.itj I 111 ll 1,1 ,1., Aia li i.,.j.,g i ,.,i : i,., j . t. .. , ll.l I ll.l ill 4 1 llll.l i4 ll.U pi, !...., 1.1. ... 1 HI....4 t 14. il III t .11 11, 4k, I t II 1 1 41. . II k 4 I .11 luluni m I 1. ......,. 1 I I I I.. , i ,... I . . I,.., 4 -1 1 .1) to. 11.1 11 i - L-i.-l li, iii), I' I -44 J .- i .1 I I .--) ' I - Ilk. r.iislncsK NolitVM. 'W:: had ratlin1 yoa would conic yourself, for wc would like lo s" i you j hut If more cinvi'iiiciit, id in your incisure, end we, vill e n-n -mice to i Vip'i in eve'v particular. " So write Vi'ana- wil.iv iv. Brown lo o:i" I'I' iii-:gh'.o;-. R";i ilalor Hoot, Shu-, Trunk and !.c:'th'-r Store consolidated Willi the Hook e.Unv. Call one and ail. New goods at low pi iocs. To look Into the lint Store of S. Faufl, one would suppose there was a supply of Hals nnd Caps fir (lie generation to come, but as bis cus tomers are coming from every dire,-! ion they nre soon di-po. cd of au.l a new nipp'y put In their plate. Tub Croquet Shho, a novelty, elegant and com fort able, :it the Regulator. Giints linn Ficnch Calf, Box-toe Pools, Flitch cd botl'v.ii, nt the. Regulator. For. Bi.NT. Two rooms, suitable fir offices, iid.joinine; the Pe t ( Hli;,e, nc ir the Masonic Hall building, ml Third street, Sunbniy, arc nM'ercd for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to ('has. g a u ixi nn. Irr. Cold Sod.i Water, wilh a large collection of fvruiis lo suit our lutronn'i'c. Tlienvvt m'a- t-ihlcn'id refreshing drink for ladies ilia! gentle men, on a warm summer day or evening, nt l'r. 'iionv"s DrugStorn is no lack of selling oil hoots mid i-i:ovs nt the i;.celsior store of W. II. Miller, In I ho stone building on Market rtreet. Tiny nre not only sold at retail, but wc notice many merchant Inlying nt wholeaUi, who save tho freight by doing so, ami gel a l.i.ttel1 article beside:--, Tho Wholesale business is drawing quite a trade, be cause his i-tcck Is constantly kept up and u bet ter selcciii'ii can b- had than in many of the city establishments. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper just received nt I.'ghl nor's, cheap for cash. Au. Rubber Wear, at inauuractiucrs' prices, at the. Regulator. SiioHMAKiiiis- mulorials for manufacturing, nt thi Regulator. mice.1?. 'i'lie C-;i!V.SMierrH ol'nri Enviclid. IJUl'.LlSIlKD as a warnieg and for the benefit of i;i.i r.'i.? iiiAt-i'a. who suffer from Nervous Debility, txc, supplying the men ns of self-cure. Writ ten by ono who cured himself nnd i:i. free on receiving n pod paid directed envelope. A.hlies-, N.VniA.YIlX MAY FAIR. Mav -.'O. 1 ;;i.-(liu. Rroohlvu, N. V. lit ;iil;r;.v:.,ir..c.7. On tlie Mr. .1 1 n is Smihni v, 15lh hist., by lie. Lyon to -Mi-'s bri I'a. Rev. C. t:. ; - t-I i -i i-. J , AN Lan:.w, both ol In this, place, on the 1"th hot.. Wll.i .MKR, yoiin.'e t sou of Jacob an I Man ii' i::.- I'lveil, aged U years, : moat In and 1 1 day.-. On Mth in.-.t., or cholera Infantum, JACOB son of Jacob n.i.1 Harriet Kenn, aged l inoalhs and !:." days. On the 1-ilh inrl., of Iiitermiltent fiver. WILLI!-: AI.FUKD, son of Anthony and Kii.ubet!; Lcntxer, aued 1 year, 5 mouths and til) day-. ci'ituix'Tiiii wnrnt.v r-v iiile icr.i:Nf.i:u. tiitAIN Choice White Wheat Best Amber, Winter Coin..'. Rvo oatr, (;;; 1'. - Pest Amber, U inter, per s:u k.. " " " barrel Coin Meal, pel cwt., Pennsylvania Roll F.iios Per lozcn Mi:ats Dried Heel', mt lb Smoked Mutton L.M:1) per lb Kisu Sail While Fioh, per lb " Trout " Cod " Fresh Mind VCui:taiili:s Turnips, p r hii-hcl l'otaiocs " " Onions " ' Ilea:1- . " quart li i-i-iMV, " " .41 CO ...1 50 ! so ... i till 50 00 ...-S V) .MS. .lilt .1 . ;ji l 1'-: i'ui-irs 1 h i Apol l .e per !h. 1 ( .1 .!(.; - -i . .,4'. Xtotici: i'i be III: I.i ri.-iaiuic ineol -poi-a' i. r. l.e i ik.-u lliat t the lie -t -. ..-li npplie 1, (l1 1 ition will -) of the oi I 'n 1:1 of : The I al , r.le of i1. nr. ylk.iiiia !''ir the Ihe i. i.n.', style ;a itu . 1: ml,,' llllllei ' i'l ! c,ili- 1 h ir! 11,1 an I 1! lo b- dc :i. ivv ;i;. lib nnd ty, I' 1.. '1 i l,,- Sllell ulij llllll-ll I'l lil. and il 11 1 In Vi.ta , ,' the P isui'hui v. p: n ih and H illy 1 rani- d in insu lin a . up :.;i 1.1 : ..'1 oi.ii, f ine, 1- th- . .. by a hi.hl-i 10, I- ll. nzrecrx Tal!orin. j. ;!vr:.i.v. I in tlie Po. t I M.i.v I! ihiiiig, ! in" the DetHit, (ij stalls.) sr.r.ri!v, tknn'a, i .iini ins hi - Ii i.-M 1 ."'id th-1 public ! ..'rally, that I, 1 l..i . j.i.-i I'p. n l a i.i .in I i..u,-.l (n- Si 'I t ':: 'III of :.-,;;.i, 4.1. ,:dii n-i, vest; At-., villi, U w i.i In m ide up In order I.i Ihe lab-1 st k Ic-. nod kv at rallied In lit. I !.". te'ii -t in kv :ui d f is:,' an. 1 ble - nit arc iu vii.d to e -.l ! 1 -."iliac st,.ei. r il iit'l .'. s 1 cii.'.-al'y and pi.i' li. ally cut :. . I l.i.ido t i Ll N Nil III. Iv. of P . I -i ..: CI . I i i :i 1,1' , , i. M. L: U c f i ! " -h l!" ai- iv, " th ., 1 ., 1 1 AN. ;, l U. o . l-'ATtM i on -4 T t 1.1. T V.,1, .11 11 I. , "HI -' I I'l Ol.i , I.. I ...I .1 ll IV I I ll i. I i 1 . II. : ' V 1 iHi- I . I I.. II ,1, I,,,,'.., , , , ii. hi a. he ih, . t'. l Vk u.i a . '-ill,-, l.ll. t one i.-iti ; o.l, I , VI ll ,1 put ill th ii lie I 1 I. il ,1 lie in .. o llio lol 11 'I ll ii at. 1.1 .1.1. I I ul I.: .1 , I I ml i. id the .1 I'.l Ul . I I ' ' I I. Mk re. l I,, p..:., .. ,. ih, pin- d. i, ii dm. 1 I lu I B. L.S..I I. I.... .ll o k a IV. u i ll tnl', III !C . Ih, .pint a i-n l l a I . .1 I'i. . i.i I-, i . i I ini, .i id. , VI il l I 1 .1 .., . , l I., v .1 , I'i. il. I i I a.l4t i, i U4b li Join k, lit't1 Ni in I 1. i... i.n.) ' i 1 .i.i' I t I 1 ll.l III. ii.i., An - .v.,.. id n 1. I ,i. , ., .il I I vi I ' . -I. I-. I . ,, . i.i. i ' III V I 1. I . i U (i Meal. DiiiMiijoris ? r.f vs.-.i .tva: ! It i r-'ic r-f 11..: innrirl; '.. l.i.-!- i.i this re nvoi u'-'c cue, not. iner-'.v lint o imcw '. rsons arc I"" vc-tii i m iiyi 's-i 1 1 ur iai!.Le-Leiii, nut it s willing viei i'u. No1..1, we would nut I." nn- lerstim-1 lo ay Unit i ny o-. r.-gnr-ls il . p: p.- ui Willi l.ivor, or w! (ii-qve,i ;(, i.ihk i. iiini.nu1 the: luxuries of life. Far from n. '1 hose who have cxocrluccil it- tormcii's v.'oiild scout pilch an Idea. AU dread It, and would ( .hoily ili'-penso with Its uniucnsaiit. I,.miliut'ta.s. Jlnrk lap.ey, who was lo'.lv uuilcr all the t rem;1 -ire line -tunccs In which lie was placed, n-vei hed :n iittnck of I osiii im.i, ill ,1, ii. i.i .. . nn.. i.i I .1..- .. l.i.. ...I'll.- I 1.... !. .- C. sake,, bin,. J.en and woiivc ,.,m, times sutler of a pcrs"!, who enj-iyi'il them I Of nil tic: inultir.irious ili-ivises lo which the human sy ten is lialile, there Is pcrliap no one so ireticrallv rrevah nt as (lysin-psin. There are discuses more ncnle mid ,'i'nifnl, and which more frequent ly prove fatal ; but none, the t Heels of which are no depressing lo the. I'KiH ami oosilivelv distressing lo the hod v. it there is a w retched being In the world it Is A CONFIRM i:i DYS1T.PTIC. Ni'aily every other per-nn you meet r a vic tim, nn apparent y wii'.ing one; for veto this not tho case, why so iimny ull'-.-rers, when a cer tain, speed v nnd rale reined1,1 Iswithi.i tl.e c.isv reach of Ml who der-'.ic lo avail llienirelvcs of It. f Bat the majority will r.ot. Hl'uid-d by pr.-Judice, or deterred by sonic nth"!1 unexpialncd iuliacnce, Ihcv to accept lu.- r.hcl riot" -red them. T'.icvturi! a deaf icr to the te.-tiinouv of the thousands wiiore suifi-riegs havchcen a"i viab d. and with ft rang., iuf.ituation, to c'i!';' with desperate d;tei-.'.-,inat:o:, to Ih-ir ruthless tormrnter. Hut says a i pept ii1 : l is this remedy I to widen we reply : 1 ins great allevia tor of human suffering i: almost ns widely1 known nr. the l'uirlish lai-.i.-nrg". 11 has allayed thcngoiiliH of thousands, and is to-day carryir-g coniloil nnd cnconrai'enicat ui tliousaudH of other:1-. Tlii.'. ucknov. h.'.-.d p il-.acc.l is none other than 1).;. IIOOrLAND'3 GF.RMAN BiTTK'iiS. AVonhl you know more of t';e merits of this wonderful medicine than can be learned from the experience of other i Try it y.110 elt. and v.hc,1 it has failed to fu'fil tho n-siir.iiice ol its cliieecy given ly tho pro,i;-ii:lor, thou al andou f.iilii in it. J.KT IT 11F. I'.r.MKMBr.RKD, fust 01". ill, thai 11(( iFLAXD"3 (ll'.RM AN RIT TlliiS is not a run, beverage. They nre ,10 alcl.t ill1 iu any 1 ease of the term. T'ney are eomii" eil wholly of the pure jui'-e or vital principal of roots. This is mil a men as sertion, 'i lie extracts from which they arc (o,a pouudc.l ::ie prepared by oC of tho ablest of C.erinnn chemists. Vnlll.-e nny ol In r liittcrs in the market, they are wholly free fioni spirituous Iiigrc I'eiil:;. The objection which hold with so much force i'u-1 preparations of this clus-i, namely thai a il ire for h.t'oxicMtlug drinks it stim-l'aled by their lice, are not valid in the eas.e of the tlermiiu Kilter. rV far from encouraging or ineuii aliio; a ta-tecr dt-irfl for inebriating I'cvcr-'vrs, it may be couftdi'Utial'y nsscfti'd that llu Ir tendency is in a (liarietrieally r.jipo-ilc di rectio'i. Th. ir ell. i ts can be I1KN i'.l'l IAL ONLY ia fill casi s of the biliary system. Hoot'-I laud"t(li ru'.an Ritleiv. stand wilhout an equal,) acting promptly an 1 vigoron ly upon Ih,' Liver 1 I they removo il turpi. lily nnd e'lus- h, .il I lit ill fe- j crciion of bile thereby M'J plying the s'lnnaeh I with Ihe most iiidi-",n:ii'h elements of round ' dire-lien in proper proportions. They give tone lo Ihe stomach .-tiinul.ati.ig Its fuic'ti"1, , u-.d er.a iillng it to .-rforiu its duties as mit ,;. do- sl.-.iu'd it should do. They in,pirt vigor :.nd SLi-eir.'t'u to the entire system, ca .isin r the patient j to feci like allot her being in fact, giving Ida, ;' 1 new leuie of life. I T1IKV I'flMI'V TI1F, RLOiiil, cleansing the vital lluidol'ali hurtful iinpuriti'.-o and supplant ing them willi the elements of genuine, heaitl. ful ness, iu .1 word, t here I eceii'i 'y a disease in which they runnel bo safely and h -m llici.iily em ployed j but in that most generally prevalent dis tressing nu! drcailcl di-c;;c-c. I'v: -. ep: ia, TiliiY fcTAXD I NRlVALi'D. Now, thero are certain cla.-scs of perrons to whom extreme Hitters are not only unpalatable, but who find il Impossible to ta!;o 'them without positive discomfort, i'or sucli Di;. HOOFLAXirrf (.lnl.ii.'.N TONIC Uas bee, specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcholic stimulant Is required in oonuec'i'.on 'vith the v. cil liiiov. n Tonic pro perties of the pare (iu -mar. Ui'.:c"s. This Tonio contains all the ingredients of tlie Hitters, but so I llavoicl its to ivuiovj '.h3 1 x'ltme hUteriiess. I This preparation is not only palatable, out com- 1 bines, la modified form, :Ui the virtues o;' the ' C -rnian Hitters. Tlio solid CMracIs of some o! Nature's choicest rostoia'.ivcs are held In t-olu lion by n spiriluous ag.-ni of the purc-t quality. In cases of languor or excessive debility, where j the fysti'in appears to have hccinie exhausted of ! its .-.-I.- IKlllVI l V I I'S 'I'l. VII1 ....u ,;, 1, I almost marvelous elicit. Il not only stimulate:, . (.'J I the Hugging and wasting riirrsioi, but invigor-I -'- 1 ates and pern.auciiliy slivi:"tli.'.is its a, lions up- j J(! j on the Liver au.l loiiiaeh ihoroiigh, perhaps less ,() ; prompt llian the Pittcrs. v.hc.i the same qiianll- 1 i ly i lakeii is none lire ic- - cevtaiii. Indlgestiou, ' !., i I'.illioiisnc.e-., l'hvsi.-al c.i- iii'iu ,i; I'rostrati ', 1 yield rea, lily to il.-, pot, m, inilu: i, c. Il gives the invalid a n.-vv uud stronger hold upon life, re jii.i'.cs dcpi'c.-sion id' spiri! av.d ii' -pli'c-. ci.ecr- ' flllut'ss. Il suppianls I'.e pain 11!" di case with! the ea. e and coin fort 01 pertcci h M'th. It hives Mrenitth lo vwakues-, ihro-.s i'.c pond, ucy to the winds, and Mart llu rc.-'.orrd invalid uj ; a new and glad.-ome careir. but l'r. Iloi-liaii l's beiiefaclions lo Ihe ia. .' a:e i'..a. eonlin-.l ' to hi cekhraled U Mil VAN HIT 1 i'.'.i., ir hi-.' invaliialiie 'I'oMr, 1!.-. ban pr.p.iiv.l another iin .lii i:ic, v. hii ! i 1 i.'.pidly wiui. lug it way to j popular tec c of i;s iii'iii.-ic incrii: . ' Tl.ii is IiOl.'i'i.ANl); I'OlHiPiiVLLIN I'll.i.S, a pi : i'i 1 1 suh. lit 11' lor ineic.iry, i.i.y o! nn rcnry" 1 v ii ii'iali'ies. 'I In - vioni'.eiiul l ill, wb'eh are ii landed In a. I upon tic Liver, are i.ei'v'v i . in- ki . of I dii,.hvliii, or the l i'AL I'lli NCll'l.i: Ot1' T 1 1 K ! AN 1)11 AKI'l ROOT. Nmv v.edi.-lie t he re ider In iii thie! 1 v iniler : Uial thi. i '.!,:. el id ihe Man lllke' 1 . l.l:f:y til..,-- more power: ui than the it.. -If. III. ll:c lae heilial Values n: llii. ha.'.'ii vivia,' plar l in a pel i ' el ! y puce and ill . I.'y c c :. I ra led lol-'il. Iliiie it i thai two of t' e I'o t 'i !.V l',,:i l'i.l . i onstn ui.. a mil i'.u e, v. h::e :.i :. ic si: toil. 'lor :l li.m lail ol i-liar p j a .-: I oi: , ui th. Malalril,' ale i ji-l:.- I. 'I' - i l,u I, k lliu t t.- i'liiin ti.v on i ii.i .i ::r, .-i, iug il- I-in -lion , an 1 call-in ' il In ii..,l e lis l.i,. i ny .-, n-tioiik ia ic .ular and pi,.p-r ipM'it'tivs, The in ju i ion r. .--ult . ik hie!, in . . : i i1 I v lollo.k ilie II -col mcviliy is,.ii,!y t.Voi.l.d h.k 111, ir ll-e. liel il is not upon ihe l.ivcr only lit ii in -ii j u'l. I'll nr.- i".ei;. ,1. 'ill- I'.'. I let in'lahe cnl.- l.iii.i diu ih. -i.i ia t',i llu, ,v ,'oiclun. I v. ii 'i four other i' Mr. In:,, h, one lllVk,!' hllVV I ll' ll, till ' ,,,!:,,. ill , , 1 1 1 . 1 1 and chin, ly In p ii:is , ..:..i Nn lea aic p. : Ic I : liv do . , Vk te 'I li -1 1. I ill. in ii. . I, ...a -j . fv ,.; , . ,, one i. f kvti v 'i act epo'i Ih.t lipnl' Ih Uj ,1 h .lV . . , ,u,e ll. i. I .i.i- .. i I l.e '' I ; . , . . the , ia mi aelioll b'di'i.'l They '.-, -l!i I one pi i V - li! -i uri V . pi. il iein" a pu I il l! .live and itlln.enl li V rl ,11 hai uioni.inu i manner, and i' e lio. a li.iu-ca, Viiniil nig ,-l .on i , ,i: , il, , ii,:i"i:,,e . : '1 1 : i he un i.n, I ih.-.!. illile I ,1 I ., .1 I. I . 1 1 , t llle I In 'I 'II . In .11 , ii i: I I -l . .1. 1 I t ol . .1 I . ,- d! , 'j ' l. i'i.. .a I-. a. I up. n i.'i , i .e ui u . I b. I1,.. I, i , l, I ... l, e I in il 1 !l . .in; ,d . ; II li. I ii ., t.n ,0 I i , .1 . .I.U i I 'I I il' I R'n .in I ...n ,'l.. -. nn k i. ,.i i . 1 1 Mt &7brtl'u?ics'.:s. jftiJi-.E.-kj, AT i , - ' tf I' 1 l y I ti '.i V II i . i J'.'' I i . r I r . . (f S 4V .HA Ai U V 11 MUlUS, ft loch lie h... SELECTED WITH l! HEAT I AVE fti'ii oifers lo 1 lie Public at the vci v LOWEST GASII-3 PmCEG. Having c?,nli!i1io.l a repubitioi, for low lui e and PAI21DI3ALIN CI , will rinlei.vor to maintain that position COMKOXIi.v; ALL .rc EXAMINE Till; LAI H i EST HTOCiv", T AijsOilTMKNT fi LOWEST rUICE. IN THE I'OUNTltV rie r,ii ukful forth. fore he-t -,v c. 1 ! ;r- nutoia t of patron. .lc I up.m me, I V, ill c'i lea V el' by iroi1 !.. ai I la- ho e t .-' i, e , In i.i ll.c sain.'. i;. v. riiiiNc. I lie I.I . I itiiiilaiic April ;. 1. Mi lUNi; a:nJ SiImme;:. ciiCnss .s 4'.nii5ii:t:vf;. 'KEXCIl AND lHMi:sTIO (iv ; of I'V I V l-.nle, jll -I I pelled at til1 MEUCiiA-Yi TAHX-'il fllor 11' tiny.-, t:. TtOTV. iu-e.-.--or to .1. o. peel:, Fourth Sued, be'.o.i Market, tl'Ni'l'llV, l'LNN'A. , i ei'.tlc. I.1 to I vvhn I . r, vv id i v.ell ! up in t. ire fa-1, i'-nahle 1 nt ll"' above, p ed -toct. end ha l.lll-l slkh'. Cal rh'thli-; ace nnd vc their Ih., :de I. i, l- 11 :.n. I I.e. '.OVi1 'i H ot- l.s!;1.;,'!!' Cisrje I'.iiii tli j . tl. ! .o,.-i!.l 'Ll'M 'I''.', I '0'l'l('ll i; 1: r. h;, c'veu Ih , x 1 tncnl i ry h we I. n iriaui, j si-acd, on Ihe r ol (. .irge I l..te of '.. ,l.., tos, i.s'.lp, Nol'hl I I lie t --ta- 1 to the llll'lel - I'llU'l il ll, .s 'II., m, I , r' ii I eiiun bid '... 1 n, ill ii.'i'.ik'u i I, C'i:. nil' I I. I . l it.- in. -.ii,. , and t In- h. iv ill . -I lot Mi. : .lord., i t,.w:ol.: il., iltls mm . i, ti l In, I : . ll'l. UMI illl'll, F.xeciu u , .linn i.i, i;i.--ii Cut. I t o. . v t. : i.e. m i k ..e.ijiiv ! . 1.1 ,'l r.iM; i-r.:;-, w li". 1. 1 i ( ,( it iJH, Inn I , I' ii i ,, I). tin, I Mini. Un , 1 I'l . il:,",1 s, AMI ( I I. Ii ' :'.. . in tl.-. ..,.!ll:, en aii. V.. I.. I I C A K 11 . 1 ii a 1 1 i i'i , vv ,. il i.:;m i i.. i . i v l-: I I iti'. Iii) l ll.i 4 In. '.I i.i. l'r It'll, . .till HlO lllilk'k., HI'I' uitf ii i it , I !. .. '. -I . , 1..I1, . i i ' - - M(. c in 4 ktlt unit Cloc:; Wiitch Repairer. t. 1 1 I ll l1 Vi , ,. I, lit.