r wnburg imcricaiu M. R. MAS5ER, r. WILVERT. EalitorJ. ' suxiuntv, AticuVr in, isYi. Kl I'l HI.I4 AN STAT K TICKfcF I'or AmlMor .cnoriil, . IVII KTAVIO, OF UKAVnU COUNTY. Tor Narvj'a Urncvrtl, UO(ti:il T H. kiCKATII, OK SCIICY'r.VM T, ( Ot'NTY. ltotit.Uo:.n Ortrnly ('oiiveiillou. Tin' Republican, totem of Northumberland ' county, imil nil oti.rr who nrn nppoicil to tlic , success ol'llio rfrrnpt co-o-tlh-il Democratic pnr .ty, nro i-i-spot1' fully roiyiosto.i.1ossenihlclH tlirlr wnrds,,towrshlps or boro-uths, nt such places nt v.lili'.li ilr.1i gffltc eloctlot.fi liuvu heretofore been lirlil, on SATURDAY, tlio aotli ilny of AWU'ST -r1., between tlic honrs of lour nnd citrht o'clock, 4. M., Tor tho pm-jinse of cloctimt tlclcirntes lo represent them In comity convention, to lip lii-M In Iho Court Hoimn In Iho bnroujih of Suiiburv, im TuNohiy, Auenst '.".Mil, 1S7I, nt lOo'i-'.ock, A. M., for t!i purpose or nomlnntiuir n ticket to Im presented to tlic Union voters or tlic comity nt t!u onsuhnr tronornl clci-tlon. Enclt illslrlct pnll-1-n; two lmnilri-il Republican votes or less nt tlic lo--l. irenoral elect ioii' Tor Stato olllocrs, will bo aintitiod to two !:Metratcs I each district polllns over two hundred votes nml tint, cxooodini! tlin-e linnlrod, three ili-h-irnles ; nml eneh district, poll Im; over tlircc hundred votes bhtill bo entitled to Tour delojjales. EM' I. Wtl.VF.RT, Onlrmnn Republican blandini; Coiniuillcc. 1!. M. 1'tiK'K, Secretary. V.'n fuiil 11 10 following Killer in (lie An thvaritc MHitur tif tlio 12llt iiibl., imhlitilioil in Tamaqna, l'a., ns tlic oflicial organ of flio Minors' ntnl laborers' IVncvolotit As Ronntion. Tlio writer cviilrnlly is one of tlijil class of foreign-born wlio lias left liis native, country to find refngo from ovpri'S sion in aland oflibcrly,"lloving will, milk ami lioncy," expressly provided for such ns liirnself, and in Uio enjoyment of which lie UiinlsR Uic nallw-'jora citizens should have no part or lot, except wliat ! might fcc proper to allow us. This writer is no donbl, one of llial kind wlio is constantly -nttipl:iining of our laws being prosct ipti ve, nnd llml Americans nro opposed to foreign born eiti.uns because they protect all alike, nnd because we do not allow them to rule ns soon ns they land on our shores. AVc believe Mint our laws arcsullleienlly liberal for such citizens as tlio writer, and if lie is dissatisfied with them, and the ir.odo Americans have of conducting their own n flairs, they arc also liberal enough to al low him to return to the land from which lin came, nnd permit others of a better clii'.s to cross the ocean, who are less bigoted, nml who will becomo better citizens: Visited by IMa J leg. Mu, KniToit : As I have n few spare moments, I liuve come to tlic conclusion to i-enil n lew lines to your littlo craft about our place. To-day wo were vlsiti-il by soino blin k-lei's, Some thirteen families came nml are pilu to start work on the black system. All our men hail ifone nwny to vork, nml they, liko miy cowardly scoundrels, took ndvantiiKu of tlielr absence. They arc from 'nrbon Kan, near Sliainokln. i'hey have spoil (I thu price here. They are all Americans by birth, but do not look to this Interest of their country. All they wnnt la work, nnd that they will tret from thu lad they uic nfter now. lie will put his paw upon them, ntnl then let them down n dejin-o or two. When they arrived in town, our cowardly business men and loafers came bi ".lie cars with their clubs and revolvers to 'protect the bhickleirs for fear llm women would nttaek them, because, tlio men were all away. Shame, oh, the cowardly rascals ! 'ihey lure not protect us. They are la w-lirca Iters, and nro nn injury to any peaceable, place. They have, been makiiii; us out VultUus nil winter, but ihey arc the hi cater nilliaiis themselves. Would peaivaMo litl.ens iiiurtli with clubs nml revol vers to protect a crowd of loafers apiin -t one or two nun who nre s-viu nothin-r to 'anybody It nppi' ii's to mu that th y are meddling with men, t-i try ami Kit them i-Ncitcd lo Incite them toHels of violence, M as to have thi in taken to jail, lint iiM-ii, lieivare of Ilia loafers, for if you nro n itriko nwhile., thiy i; t hungry, and will start o unless you (miner's) work, 'i'liey are like the 'aven, always wantlni; you to work, so that tin y can prey usui you on pay day, take all you iyt, anil taen ilriviiyou back beneath the -.'round to i;el more pen b n lis to (jivo them lor Ihe old nod rotli'ii pioils tliey buy lit unction, or old "c.'.'il, or Hour that oilier ) pie would not have. Tb- y want you to work whether you ;;et pay or not. Not a (ittfi ie:u in t a Minimi. Trevorton, Au'. 'J, l'sTI. All laboring men will readily sec the oL jeet of the nbovo corresjionik-nt, who is no d-iubl contiideivd a bright ornament in the Labor I'nion, and ready to support llm )i inoeralie ticket. Matters must have as sumed a dangerous shape about Trevorton if Mich men as the writer of the above is to be relied on, and we do not wonder that tlio ('.lizeiis who have got tired of seeing a set or idle men lying about Mick Mrccts, mo-lestin-4 and ill-ti-Liitinji Kaivnblo nnd iu- iliistrioUH nun, thai tin y blmuM linn tliein htlvci to protect thobo who avu willii-g to nun anion.; thein t-eurn tin hoiient living. Ve fet l c-mlidi tit that if thu leadi-rtt wi ro not forcing their l'-il!owi is into tm ai-uri s by t'ln-nts, that lln-m ij-iilly uho have been Marvin,' ll.i in.-.i lvi s nnd t'amiliiti .for tin- hike of rout;.. King link niiplons, would Pin,' kiin-i- have Uill wi'.tiii:; l-i taliu the plan s o ihi.fi- iii!-.i whom tin: writer term lil. n K-lcg-b i lie itU'A tiH ulio base Ui llj I v i i J in I'.ar lot over fix in.mtl; t.u in-. C II, III id' till Ml l.lilTH, llll jil-lll'.u'.h' ill ill'. h II.! lie; thi-'.r li .,liN, aid llu- so .ln r lli. y il i in l!n) U Uri f-'i t!i'-i.i ly and tin-e n:ti try nl l.uti'. John (M il.oi.y, ti pi, iniui nl i,', vi Vi'il, liisoiii.iu, h i-t Ulilb ll il I .11,; h It! r lo Ma li. Il miple' in-i.pnp. r, citlliii't upon li i Inn. in lo '-I i m l Mu in hKh o.-i Mu r in or -,.ini :n I pi-ltlicil I.ihI'i, s," Io a), " Tho lii-ll Vol i h .1.1 1, n )i t, i m.olc i ;! r in ll. to l u i. d Mai. . l i t iu Dim, mh the iii-i'jilv l I'.icd ii;...n ii... b ui .in lull Aiikii -1.411 ally." 'll.it ii ry b.nl i,.l.c t, Ik it i.iiul ioiiiwio ll.u i mi tli-'ii i. i , oiij.b r pai ty. Wlau I I . Ion in i ii - 1 1 1 hi 1 1 ..tit.-1 1 y ('ay tlioiill I "Mi llu ,i' i.l.l i il,,li.il,ly hi ,i ,i l,., iu I ,i,.l.ip, no, I kli-nil, tot null l,o in. A i hi inn i ,.,p,.i iu,.i, tut. in.- t.t I ill II W 111 : I I ll.u S '' 'I'". I-., I y n Mm i i i, pio k i u,. i, ,i I. Mtii 1 1 'I ho i I. .1,0 (. i... it I tt, " rvi.t. i ...... I ... 1 1 id l"t'- Hal lit Mu I '.'01 l-ll btll.ll I iu ii. h. ; ( ........ il. . lime, i ... Il III Mie Vi y i, ,01 . Ill l.l 'ill.l. l.u.l 'l fc d ...l i I I 1. 1 .l I il.. l)KMOCnATtO KXTHAVAOANCE.-iSo long hs Mm National fiovernment Is in the hands of republicans, it can expect lr rcceivo nothing but trtmso from the Democratic papers. Allhougli (Jen. f!rant has cut down tho annual taxes eighty millions an nually, reduced public expenditures almost everywhere and pnld tho enormous sum of two hundred and forty millions of tho na tional debt, yet ho has no thanks from tho IX-mocratle papers nnd. leaders ; but, on tho contrary, a prodigality of abnso for his extravagance, and this would bo tho case if ho had nehioved three times ns much ns ho has done, or ns Is In tho power of mor tal man to do. It Is in view of this abuso of a Republican President, Mint tho man agement of tho public finances in those places whero tho Democracy has the pow er, becomes a matter of great interest. Tlio city of ev lork being tho headquarters of Mint party, tho homo of its greatest men, will nlVord tho best exhibition of their poli cy. Wa liavo nlrcady given somo insight into iNcw l ork nfliiirs. Evan tho Demo cratic organs nro beginning to turn pale at the frightful exhibit of corruption and ex travagancc. Tho substance of tho follow ing, is from IJrick IV.iicroy's "Dcmocrut" a. leading pnper of that put ty : "There is but one possible reply lo this startling and terriblu indictment ngninsl tho Taniniany King, nnd weak ns that re ply is, wo shall notico it. It is that tho vast tributes levied in Mie liame of munici pal (iovernment nro but loiupotary, nnd two mainly designed to improve tho city for the general welfare. JxHh these views aro fallacious. Table thoivinif tho total expenditures of the city nnd 1 unity ul Aew lork, from lsul) to 1ST0, I iu-Iii ivc. l'rom the Comptroller's Ilepoi t: ?ii,tr,r).in os ls1 n j,IUT,4 U -T.I lsw tH.-JM.r.Tl :l ISC,'.) (estimated) sri,(W)0,(im) Jo ltl,M0,5.j 54 Tut.-il la rtvo y.Mrs tn.';S,l;?,tl37 77 Can any s.mo man look nt theso fnnircs and say that tho sum they represent, or any material part thereof, has been expend ed to improve llie city in the general wel fare t AVhat 1 three 'hundred and fiftv-livo millions expended on a few wooden pave ments, nnd in freshening up ti dozen little teti-tiero parks V Tho idill is monstrous. Then observe Mm gradual inerea-so of the ngures irotn loriy-ono to niuety-one mil lious a year, and say if such 'n regular march of exixinditures looks like n mere temporary allair. No, no, fellow-citizens, this is no expenditure for the general fare, out (.ijjcitii'diic to UiujU the jn-ujn rlj i f Uic Hituj, and no temporary net of spolia tion, hut a regular, well established, thor oughly organized system of confiscation, attacking and destroying not only the usu fruct of capital, but sapping the very foun dations of property itself, and destined, if not averted by vigorous and seedy mea sures, to end i illier in bloody revolt', or the total subversion of free government in Mew Vork. It must cither result in a tyranny Bitch as Venice in its blackest days never dreamed of, or thu rope's cud wiJ tho near est lamp post for every member of tho King alive." Tho above figures ought to bo very carc fnlly considered. Wo doubt if such cxpeu- iiaures have ever been equalled, hnywliero. In live years, in lime of profound, loacc, a city having lesa llian a million of inhabi tants eso'endoil rnoro than tiikkic iivk- Ur.I'O AaD TIIIRTY-I'IVK MILLION of dol lars. AVith a Democratic administration of the national government conducted on the same seale, no possible combination of figures would express tho cost. Tin-: rori: and tiu: (Jaudinalr. It lias been reported for several weeks that that the Pope will leave tho Vatican, and take up his residence in a foreign country. It has now been ascertained, says the X. V. 'JWiit'.i; iW, that tho cardinals sur rounding tho Holy Father are divided into two hostile factions. One cf them, under Jesuite lenders advocates tho immediate withdrawal of the Pope from Italy, and tho transfer of the Holy Si-o to Corsica, or somo point in continental France. The other faction, led by Cardinal Aiiloticlli and including most of the Italian Uisliops, has siren tioiisly urged the Pope not to leave Pome even nfu-r Ihe arrival of King Victor KmniatiiKl. These Italian bishops have no hope of bringing nbnut :t recon ciliation between tho Pojsj un.l tho King, during tho lifetime- of Pius IX ; but they nro confident Mmt, after the Mouth of the pte senl Pope, a conclave hastily summoned, in which the Italian F.ishops will have a uiapiiiiy, win i icci to llio rapaey :m Italian who may ultimately be reconciled with Ihe King of Italy. That reconcilia tion, t hi so lialiau Piahopn bepeve, would be highly udvaiitngi huh to them, nnd, heuiv they oppose mi v Hep on m j,;ul 0 Ihe present lu -ul of the church which Would prevent or delay ils m-compi:!1l,v.i,.jlt, I'iua ihe. Ninth h said tw S.avn hesii itel u l-.li;' time as to the. c,iur..r- l. .!,ol.l sue. Hut it ii how coiui.K-iiiil, lu li, ved th.u be has iliteiluui, d lo follow MietuK ice kUvii l.im ly Aiiloni-lli and the llali.iu rardiua! i. Till: poliiU al caiivii i bo f.u ibis year lia-i Ik , ii wiy nalinliu tory lo tbo lli-publiiiius. t'olillnelllill ; Milll Iho virtoty i, I 'olio, e Lieut, Mm defeat i f lie peUU liud Kll Ki ll, in tl.i,!r i II, ,ii.i to n ti 1 1 ii 1 il.o r eoii- li Hi lioll colinlilll'ii 11 cf Not Ml t'ui'olin;! fulluWi d. The t '. . -, l',,r kin-It WO Ml. Ili.lblid to l.tll it, iii Ki Ullii l y, Mini'llnt day, u In I, by i.M 1 k mot .it it- lu.iii.rity if 7,'"it naa iiha.d lo t.u. ly '."i.tHM, h.l (.'iu II l.i rli I i.',.- lo Mm spit, l I l Mie I aily u bii Ii iv i ;i.. iu II I r i';ui , l' 1 1 ,,,11,11,' lL,l,,,,i in II',,,, ll.li uil, I'lnnspvanui. I..i p M.y u." " 4 l'riU-i la IM ' ? ' V-, A".,. 1 1. Ii.ii .il I' I l bu..,i,., , I,.. ..i, t x r.,,1,.,; ............ ,., ::-::'i'.:;''',n,:::;t: U ..H o.i. I.I11 to II,; lt,( i.,l,.l. , ' ' ' " 'I I'" ' ' I 1. 1 II, I',. .ill .u I I ' 'I' l"i l ' '-III I.. .(... I. -I .....I i.i.t.n; In k ii up. lc m, , .hi,,! Ui.. i.iu t ..in H"'.-l--l l y ..l,'v. lb ), i ... mi. I l lot .il I i'tlu ,i1 j,j.(i'vi, J f-i . .... ,.. iii,,.i,i. M ,. I, i .t!, .. :it:t , 1 1 , II.. I, II.. I.., II II, ,, t ...II I 'II,. .1,1 1. ,1.1 1 I ill. out lull. I'M IIa ,.t . M I',' I' . it Ii, i. . ot ti I 4., I.I. . t . I'. . , t,ii I .... I I II V It seems that our Irish brethren never appear so much In their nntural element as when engnged in riot, and whenever they aro or wherever they go, they nro found punching a bend. On Saturday of Inst week, they had a big riot iu Dublin, Ireland. Tho occasion wns a Fenian meet ing to demand tho release of l-'enian prison ers. A largo gathering was -congregating, nnd the authorities determined to suppress tho meeting, nnd tho meeting determined not lo bo suppressed. A fight consequent ly took placo between tho police forco nnd tho Fenians. Tho Police Superintendent at first appealed lo tho crowd to disperse. Ho was assailed nnd brutally beaten. Tho polico then chnrgod on tlio rioters, nnd a sccno followed worthy of a first-clnss Irish fair. Clubs, stones, &c., wero falling around promiscuously on broken heads nnd battered bones, men, women and children falling in tho fight. Tho mob wns finally dispersed. It Is stated that forty-seven persons wero known to bo fatally injured, and the hospitals aro full of tho wounded. Tho leaders of tho Fenians wero arrested. Tho Princo of Wales, Princo of Arthurs, tho Princess Louise nnd Marquis Lome, who nro on n visit to Ireland, wero stop ping at the titno nt not more than three hundred yards from the sccno of the liot, and tho crowd testified their loyally and devotion lo their sovereign by hooting nnd groaiiinc, and smashing in tlio windows of this building where the Hoynl Family were. They nlso went round aud demolished tlio windows and threatened to mob the owners of all buildings where tho lloyal Flag had been displayed. A it:i:.vii i I. ij:.vi;i. A Pr.hy DioM ol' lI,yilrojJio";n-Au ilc. lul .u:ieT:io ( hitil Tc::in 31 CloSixiiiK anil Eliii Us like a Don'. l-'roin ll-.e CIiIciko ltepublleiin, August A littlo fton of John M't'iinnis, mi env ployee nt thu El-'ieU yards, died l ist Satur day umrnlng ol hydrophobia. The ngn of Ihe child was one year and nino months. Thi! case is a snmuwhnl binguhir one, and therclbru we give it with some particular ity of detail. Very few cases are on record olthe fearful complaint attacking one so yoniv'. The. position taken by certain au thorities that li'.e disease is simply of tho imagination is here proved to bo untenable. An unrunsonino infant, just beginning lo prattle, is not likely to be so disturboti by the li-nr of imaginary physical troubles as to l-e iu this unrulier hurried out of tho world. The i urn was oiiieu n uuie over a l-ionin ; Ml 1 i, . ,1 n-'o. i in: nun our nun onu nay seaieu il on Mm RrouiuUl the back door of the house, whet, a larj'ii Newfoundland iIolj bclotii-ins to a btitcl'.er named Shuler, living in tho' nei.nliljo'.uooj, came Hinbletily ru.slinnr up to tin-clulil tiiul bil it. Aoonenboui the house had sen. this ttnimal pri-vioti.ly. .... . I .... i nrii! limy wotiuiis wero iniiicicii the tender infant by the ravayiui; ni-.imal one at Ihe fide of the left I 'Mi ',', nnolhcr between the cyi3, and Ib.inin'l on tho ton 1 hive uiilv wotiuils were inllielcil v.ion , oil f.fih.. 1,..,1 ,:.,,. i . . ' , .i , . Jien . jaivis aueu leaves ;i who nun ol the hc.ul nciU ..ii; -(iro ol the hair. 1 lio ! f;Unliv fivm5.,.!'7ii ry M-mploin of madness j ' J, i:. .T,,in s n-oil 42 years, leaves a un..n-atllu, niouth snappiin; at every- wi,;, a,i sis ..iiililren. l"...i? it passed, without Hloppin to vent T1)S j.yshon n;;ed about 33 years Us ra-o upon any particular object. ! lo!n,L.s a ,vi-0-.,ntl chiUhvn. Ihe wounds upon the child Boon healed I bums Mor --in (inly one sli;.-ht scar on the nose remniniu. I ')avid ilarri's, ieavesaj-imily of six help 1 he matter hided Iron; the recollection ol i u, cl i i U 1 i-on , his wile bavin-,' died some two tho parents. Jast Wednesday morning; t lunntlis h'uk-i. lug iiir.vut ccgati to snow sinsuiur smns oi irritation, coinmenced learm- oil its clothe, tll(, volunteers come up much exhausted. at the same time iilteritiL' low, wailuu; cries, Tlu, Wt,,sh iu .u-tictilar, nro nnd complaining ol thirst, l.ut when Vl,,.y ,.tivt. in Iniisterim,' to the relief or water was ollered to it the most distressing the exhauted volunteers.' writhini; ..f the jaws and convulsive move- j T!l(. f ,,.lfL is u,ull o(W fl,(.t TIl(. mcnls ol the lace and throat followed. No r.xn ,- ,!, ,,- j., Mipiiosi-d to havu liecn one seemed at hrst to know the real came c.lUtvA ))y ,u. explosion, as we are reliab'y o Ihe trouble, llio slattled mother did 1 inio,,:,, ,! that an exp'e'sion did take place, all in hi r iiower to re-aoro her inlant to . tim..Ul nt R,Vl.,v m. ease and iuict. lliinkin- it mi-ht bo suf- j This will be a terrible ni-bt of solicitude term- from the heat, she took oil somo of; t ;i ae:o!ate liearthstou,-. the superfluous clothui;;. 1 he wise women ltf . w , . of Mm iieiehborhood gathered in mid pave ' in their diagnosis of the. disease. Snuo Wc are not in the habit or publislilns f oceed said tho complaint was diptlieria, mid some j f mei tings ui'n-r they ei-pi ar in our m-ili-said the poor littlo tbiilij was teetliin. ! borln;,-Journals I'-H ns the folhiivin;: pii -ee-lings All day ediicsday Ihe lit lie sull'erer exlli- wen- uol Ii laded to i:s last w.eU as was promis bited the same symptom, seeinin-.however, ! i-.i to the Iverut-iry ly the conductors of ihe nil the time to sulfur more acutely. It pull- I - Vl. t,il vi.ue fium oar e-taiiii-ael cd and ticked at its cloilnn;; with sucli , enerjjy ns to tear on mo intuona, utm threw ils ui'iiis about in tho luot.l agonized manner. This continued until Friday uiht, lieilher mother nor child sleeping. The infant took no nourishment during all this time, and when wati-r was nHi-rcd went into convulsions, 6ei'inin;4 to reject it wilu horror. lr. V. W. floodinan, living at the Pock island car works, was summoned on Fri day evenim,', lie nt once told the m-ii-f-stricken parents that their child was dy'iiiu' of hydrophobia, mid uothiui; could bodoiio to save it. lie administered morphia with out cll'cct. The child was nprnivut'.y in the hist stages of tin disease, in its eon vulhions it secn'.d endowed with preter natural strength. Tho foam which ! stn-d from its mouth was Huitied itli IiIoihI. U uttered mi in Peasant whine, which those about it coin pared to Mie whining of a dog. Win never the hands of those alt udiug it approarheil lis liieo lb,- i lloi ls to bile wero liiaiiiii .-.lly canine. Allhougli but Jitnl i-oiiinieiiiiii to talk, il r pi ali illy ulti red the M i Is "do;-" during llu- liij.;fit pli ceding ils dealh, H i if it had noun-how iu its diseaied infan tile bruill mysteriously llsvii-inti d Mm ide-.i of ils pivM-ul bulli:iiu;;s Willi iu Uiii;; bitten a m mill In foiv. Al H ii'rloi k on Saturday death caino to ll.u n l.il'ol' ili.i Miih tit. From Widu. i. d.iy la -iiiiie; until '.bit Lour no nouiUh nieiil mi, I ii-, 111 drop of water had passed iu lii H. Tho t ii-u U a pu iili.ir one, mid hli'iuM iitltaet Cue u. r.il a'.U olioa of the Im ilu- il Mi'il l. Ti rribtt) 4 Hl.tikll l)rr t'vil- klft-4'l k itk.I.i ft H i ftfc 1 -fivia patKi .n ,iiuv, .ulti1 !l,l Vi to-Ill, i'oll- ret i in d by titt l i.io . , 1 1 i a la mil v u In- h I. Illl Ill 1,1,1 I, I .1 ' .. .... I . ti n V. iil-:; .In hiimlauii. hi,., lit Inn in 11 l.t'-t . tVUk-k. An outl.uii ' hi!!. I.,... ..,. .. .. : , .. ..,.,j ., .,, in, .,im j...,,,, n " loin n-,n t i ili ,lt lt W'.(vo ,,ly , il, I, III lullil, lil.ali M,l it. i:u.,u lu III. , I little Hod Iio.m k l.i'li. llio Ulaii.l. 'I li lontiUf i, ,i,,, l, I,, i pei.,m , l.l. -1 nl l ull' I, u,i, I., , iud t.xt. , ii, 'tU tli-.4iio Mel h rr.t I rain e u...l IUI. I 'ii..s, Aiuu.i . Ii it 1. 1 ..ii, , in ll'.i.io U. a i ,i,,iu l,, i,i,i, i, ,i ,S, ., , I 1 1 M ., '- i M. I lili . lo ili.l.i. 1,01 nl l..ni'i."i I'-ni, t iiti.j ui.iU.i.iii .;..oui. II '. II ..l II.,' i'Kk. lvlil kl, Ill kl, .lil. I I- 11,,, I ..til lo I.. I, 1 liijutli,, I 1 l.,!y. 1 1,. I I'll. Illl I. ,1111,111. Ill 11 ,111,1 1. 1 .1 in. 1 , 11 1, 1 1 1 ,ly to di 11 1. nil Ub. I 141. u II l; l.ili.l III. 1. 1. 1 .11 4II t, ',11 111 , III. A I I II.- I'.lla . In e u till 111 'v. 1 1.. - V !' .., I. I., I M ., . t,.. 1, i. U 1 1 .1 .11 ill It 0.-' poo U 1 II. I. Il . I. .. I, II I .1 1 .,! ,. I 1 1 1 i. II l.i . 1 1 1, 1 1 ... I II. , , I. . . ... I... I. 1, ., ! II : I 1..I III', I 111 I I,,: .' I" .It I l I- U I 1 1 I A!OTiii:rt i r.iitrn, ANTEU! Isplonioii orrirc Pnnii, Pittston, Aug. 14. 1871. Another fearful mino disaster occurred about 0 o'clock this P.n-enoon at Mm Kaglo Shaft, owned by Jesse Scliooley, of Wyom ing and worked by Mr. A. Tompkins, In connection with oilier mines. This mine is said to bo nearly worked out, and is known to havo been full of lira damp for somo con siderable time. Tho explosion blew away tho props nnd blocked up tlio passage way, thus cutting olf tho menus of escape, if even tho men wero tint intently killed. At tho present time it is impossible to cslinmto tho extent of tlio dmnage : but Micro is nuhopo of sav ing tho men alive. " In llio neighborhood of tho Shaft tho most heal-rending scenes are It-ing enact ed. Women nnd children, bereft of their loved ones, aro wiling their nsony In tho most pitoous manner, nnd awaiting, in anx ious, hoclcss expectation for tlio results of tho ell'orts which nro being made to rcs- cuo the living, if tliero be nny, or to re cover tlic remains ol llio victims. Henry Harris, tho initio boss, Thos Tucker, ncting footman, nnd James Jones, a driver, with John Meredith, a miner, and ltopt. Davis, his laborer, (who wero work ing on a slope running in another direction), were in the mine at time of tlic explosion, but escaped unhurt. The two latter, on bearing the report hastened to tho foot, nnd beard a man groaning. Volunteers at onco proceeded iu tlio direction of tho noise, without lamps, anil iu about throe quarters of an hour brought out tho lifeless body of Jlenjainin Davis. Tho deceased was a miner, and leaves a wife and young child. .Scores ot willing hands immediately set lo work to repair the brattice and ftllow llio air to proceed out the main road. At about two o'clock tho body of Kvan E. Jones, a miner, was found and brought out of the mine. J lo leaves a wile and four or livn children. The following persons nro in the mine, and arc supposed to be dead: James Jones, miner ; David Owens, min- '. 'f IU1I his son liiclianl, a driver ageil la ; "jKdward Owens, miner, single; Micbard Owens, miner, single; Thos. Owens, miner; Martin Morgan, driver, nu'etl nboiit 13; Thos. Iyshon, miner; Pat'k tjuinlan, laborer; David Harris, miner, mid bis son, a doortetuler, aged about 12 ; Uubt. Hughes, laborer, suii- le ; lsem. vwlliams, m Dover, I single; .las. Moman, miner, and his sou ! John, a driver, aged 11 ; Thos. Heese, mi ner. I YVm. II. Davif, one of the men rescued ! from the recent disaster nt West Pittslon Shaft, in also reported to be in the mine, i anil one or two i lliers, whoso names wo 1 ..i-ti.til ii.tl n ui.i'i.l .i I it nitil .i. Il tc l1i(,ii,Tlit ! commenced work this morning. Most of - .11,11,. Ml ,!. r,,, i,,i , i...,..n i,... n Mie unloiluiiate men h ave lar-ie larail'-.M. rl-. vl,i!,liv m-., i,,i' ,il ... 1....: ,,,,., ',...,..,, .,, ....... , e ,. J brill-' out Mm en'ombeil miners. ' The mine is till" The profusion of black - .,..., ........... V,; . , ,'', " i '''."'""."" 11 '!llnis vigorously, but all is bein- '..O, lli'tt IM-il- -lt.4 ''111 lift tO IVS'-tl.l tlio . vicious. r...'10, P. M. Tho following bodies, all dead, have been brought out. -i. -I,.. . . . .. i i .. -e. l Ti, .,, .....i .....i m,,nv ,.r rules for the b.-ia b.-ni llt t'ae lueeting , of the s-.iir.-ii -rs lor u'iiosa Mas held ; copied from the C'o.-.i.'j of hit I weiU : i;c;iei'.'52o-tii;s. brsr.iitv, Auk. 7ih, IS71. At n ineeliug, called at the Court House, ill the boro-.i!i of btmbiiry, for t'.ie ; ui n.-e of c-o-licilin coin r'llnitiiius fur rri-MciiU of the upper end of N jrlli-.iinli -i Ian. I county, siili'vrers from lb'! scivre hall htorui, on motion, Win. C. l.-iw-son, li.-p. id' M'il ,11, was chosen us l'lesident of llu- iiii-.-ilug i John Caldwell, of thu lioioajrh of tSliaiiiotiiii, an.l J.i'iii M iriiei, of l.urt rr Aaira 1 1 town-hip, Vice t'r.-ldeiits, 11 lid l.leyd T. Kohr baeli, of H-inbiiry, fc'eci-i tary. The i.nvtli.sf ai eallid to order by l!i- I'r.-.-l-ib ut, wlio made a brief stat, m-'i.t of it i.I.j. et. C. A. I'.'iaieii..a..l, r, K-.p, of 'biubitry, then nil ili i : -ii il 1 l.e uii-e'.'ii;; at miiiii! length, al llio close of nhiit- reiaail.s, nn iiKilion, the rn-sideul ap p.i'.ut, I as 11 euiuinittee to draft reM,'.ull,,iis cx-pren.-i.u of Hie sentiments of tl.u 1111 - I'.ie.', the I'.illow iier ham, I i', hi!, lie n, to nil 1 I . A. Itel i n n nyhr, I -' , Wm. M. Ki.ik, ! ',1,-r, K-ij.. II-. a. I'. It.r.i" 1, t i vi. Uyjii, l'-.., and ll.m. A ! I.iplli.oi. 'i bile f.ll I lul.Oliitleo line plipa( lie.,' 1, -,,!t l'.,'l, oil liK.ti.iu, Mi'J. (i.ill.rallh nut n-'iuei-ti-d lo ad lii.-s llio iiiecliui;. 'Mm Major h.iiii. 1,, , ,1 101 ijo nilii s to the fearful tic-.-.u a, 1,11 1.1 d i uf il.oi.lvim. nnd bi in ; 11 . 10 Iho cxli'lil of l.ii Illl i 1 0 '1V. ..'..' II u.-l-i' 11 l.'lu .1 1,1 . U'.l l.l.ll t.' ' i, ti. 11. , .,-1, , exlelil ot llie .d.it'UI all liee.l.ale al. , ' -,-l!i ,-t. r. I : . irlltil..' 11. II.. I. ' lltul iti ,,l "' l.e e . 1, I', it, beti Ii m I'm- i!- .Ii 11, lion i f hlj , p. l.e w i, nl, 1,1 l y r .!...( of tho i.iia,t'i biij liV.j I.,-a !ii,;!, t It rij.ilr ll.o nml ,, t .', In, 11 , 1 i!,., 1 11, '.l.iu i:., lnuli, uf 1U4 1..1 .11 1. ; I. ..- 011, iii ti, !.,,, h ,,j 1 ualiiy, v 10 Willi l I ) I u- li.ol 1 lli.il llie 1 r.-pi m 11,1 i.. I .1 .. ..u .1.1 .1 i,lU rt tc.ipi'i ( 'i..l 1;,. tie tt.-m I, ft I IV, I 11. 0 ...il V l .i ii an, I i- .i li nl. . 1. 1 !,.- 1,1.; u .it 1 .i...i) 1 Hi. a ,.,.1 mu 14 liic 1,1, t u I , I, 9t.ll.ll, '11,.- .. hi.. I 11' w ill,: of li, r lu .1 r 1. 1 11 -, ol. .1 1 11..1 II. ...... til .. pl.l. .. ...u ui Ii llio I-1 1 U 1,1 l.tj I . 1 1, l.i.l i ll,,l..li.i I'm l"l ,11 Uc . ,1... 1 I .1 p l I. 1,1 I IIIC I I u I,. .11 1 ,.' 1,1 kl.'.h .1 I,,. I!, I.I 4I. " I'. v , II'. ..II.,.; .. .t .,1 1: . J i, t II, ,,J I I Ill, I .. ,, l.l. . ., , ,, . , ,.i, wL lll . ..I.,, i, I .1 I II. ' al. 1 I 4 U, ,,'a I ,' j 1,1 t U il It I I II. ' .1,, .... , , I!.. ,., ,, 1,1, ., h I I',. .1 ..111. . ,1.. II,,,. . .l t . iW i tiu , Ci. I a, .- a- I, II. ..4 ll.i. , I II. .. M u I i. a i .1. i t-l U,..,t I' ..!,. ( l.. i . . ,lii i.ii, i t. I, J mil Ii -I...!. I I. 4 , ..ul a. ..l.l... . I .. I i. 4,.1 ' g II. I. t ut . . I'. v,, I I 1 1 thnt subscription lists be placed In tho hnnds of one or mora rcsjionslblo persons In cncli town ship nml borough In tho county, to solicit contri butions In money, grnln, Ac, In nld of the suf ferers, nnd thnt reports of nmonnts collected bo rrtnilo from tlmo to tlmo to the Central Commit tee, nt Turhutvillc, whoso duty It shall be to illstrlliutc the collections so made. cVnoliwf, That wc respectfully nsk nit tho Edi tors of the different papers of the count y to cnll attention to this effort, nnd to urire tlielr" patrons nnd the citizens of Northumberland county pene rully, to coniributo liberally for the reliefer the sufferers. On motion, rcpnit of committee was Adopted. On motion, tho Centra! Committee nt Turbut Vlllo be requested lo nppolnt ona or moro persons In each township, wnrd nnd borough In tho coun ty, for tho purposo of making collections. On motion, adjourned. - L. T. IloiiunAcn, Secrctnry, Tint following Is n list of persons appointed In the dilfcrcnt townships nnd boroughs, by the Ccn trnl Committee, to solicit nld for tho sulfcrcia by tho great hall storm I l.tttlo Malmnoy T. D. linker. Cameron C. K. Wclkot. Mt. Ciirmci Borough m. Sterling, 8. A. licrgs-.rcsser. Mt. Cnrtncl Township John McLclec, Frnncls McCnrty. Blininnklu Borough J. J. John, Win. Weaver, iicorgo v. uyon, tionn i. iiiuwen. Coul Will. Bluirp, Andrew Helm. Northumbcrlnnd borough John Hilkcr, James Uossier. Point John 8. Snvdor. Lower Augusta Isaac Marts, John It. KnufT- man, Win. Maker, Jereinlali r unsold. Jackson J. 11. Ililbish, Joel Uiltermnn. J.owcr Mnhiinoy II. M. Itubb, Klias Wclst. Uordan l). ,M. Hwnrlz, Noun Kloek. Washington Daniel Kehrcs, Hninurl Mnllek Upper Malianoy J. II. Kaufman, Jos. Mou rer. Zcrbo 8. II. Rothcrnicl, II. Z. linker, ltush Krnstus llolfinnn, Kdward Urinly. Hivurslde . Hoslrnudcr. Hnyderlown A. T. Hewitt, M. P. Bhiunokin Amos ViiRllne. 1'. U. Bubb, Westley llaiuit. L'picr Augusta Reuben (Inringer, T. 11. Pur- iy- Biinhnry Jeremiah Snyder, John Hans, u. C Disslmrcr. Chillisnuauuo Jonas Uoch. Wm. M. Auteii, J. II. Killer. Turbut U. L. Jtetnnd, Win. Follmcr, Dnvld Ksiihaih. Delaware Hon. Joseph Nicely, R. M. Russell, Jolin Stitzel. , McKwensviHe Ceo. W. Armstrong, Mc- Nlneb. t.cwls-rrjolin 11. bcliibneh, Levi H. (Haze. Recorder's Office Jacob Lclsuurin?. Milton has appointed persons to net In that bo rough. Remittances to bo made to the Central Com mittee, Turhutvillc. JAMF.S I). ISARR. CimYmuH. JOHN HUFF. 1IKNRY R.M P. tiF.O. 1. HALT, Titos. Baiiii, Scmtttry, flreat 'nnrm and discomfort is caused by I'no use of purnalivcs wliieb pripe nnd rack the system. Pnranns Purgative Pills tire free from all impuro matter, nnd nro mild nnd health-giving in their operation. At Ibis censon of llio year, cramps nnd pains in the stomach nnd bowels, dysen tery, diarrhiea,. ttc, nro quite common, nnd should be cheeked at once. Johnson's Anodyne liniment is tho best article that can bo ttscii in nil such cases, nun snoutu be kept in every family. C A N Dl p ATE'S CAR DS . County afoul 111 IsHlonrr. To Tin; Riii'tmt.iCA.i Voi'iiiis ol-' NoiiTiii Miuai- LlNIl t Ill'NTY I Fellow Citizens At the solicitation of n nam her of my friends, I havo consented to be a can- didvtu bir the olllcu of l ounf y ( oniuiisioiior, subject to the decision of the Ke.ublieau County (Jouventlon. If nominated nnd elocted, I promise to fulDU the ulliec Impartially ami with lidcliiv. JOII.N ISNVDEK. Lower Augnetn twp., Aug. lit, 1ST!. for AsiHi'iutilj. Tho undersi-;ned, ly the encouragement of many friends iu Noithumburlaiiil and .Montour eouiities, oilers himself us a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the usual rules, rcuhitibg lb pubiiean noiniiuitiuus. JAMICa VANUVKK. Punli-.iry, 3n)y 133, 1ST1. To Ihe ICcjmi UlloaiiM ororl!nini!-r-liiu.l Coiuily. I wovbl rcsH-etfully niinouueo myself ns .1 candidate for liistriet Attorney, subject lo the rules of the lb-publiean pari v. OSCAR FOUST. Watsontown. July Sit, IHTI. I'or Comit' ('oiuiiilssioiK'r. At the solicitation of many friends I otter my- ' self ns a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the decision ol Iho KcpuhUiuii County Con vent Ion. Should 1 be nominated nnd elected, I plediic myself lo H-rforui the dulies of the oltiec eeouo- mieally and to tlio iidvanta-jre of the tax-pa vers. IIKNRY F.. MA1.1CK. Lower Auiriista Iwp., July S, 1K71. ' i'or on ill' CoiuiiliNNloiivr. At Iho solicitation of many friends in the lower end of Hit' county, I have consented to lieeoiim il candidate lor County Commissioner. Sut'jeetto the decision of llio Republican Count v fiinvcu lion. II. C. KU'HF.R. Washington twp., July 1, Isti. County Trrumiirrr. At the solicitation of many friends iu Milton nml surrouiidini; tow nships, 1 nm Induced to an nouiiec myself us n candid. ite for the position of County Trensurer. Subject to the decision of lite llepiihlleikii Coiiutv Con volition. A. CADWAI.l.ADF.R. Milt. ,11, July 1, InTl. MUlrlrt AUoriicj. Tho iluderli;iicil minounecs lo his fellow clH aU'iiat of NiutliiiiiilK-rhoid county, that bViully ean, lid. ilo for lli.li s I Attoriiiy, and f.1- 1 1 . . i . solleiU their support lit the cuijn' KNT. J N 1 1 Sunbury, Juno "f " . anljr 4'oiiiiiiUlaiit-r. T.."i.ifnllv iiiiiiiiuei'.- iiii-M.-ir ... ti., I:. 'i,,,i. n. .ill pally of NiilllllliiilK'rI.iiid fount v io a conll- ,il lor County Culiiui.Miourr, ml jei t lo ll.i: il,'-l,,ii uf llio Ui put, I lean t.'ouiilj' (. mi Vanlii.it. j Should J be uolilliuilid and tleileil, I will in- ' ib-itvor In perluiui thu Uutla-s ut the i.lllee to thu ' adlaiitayii uf ll.u h.-uIIu uf the eiuinlv. .Win YA6I1M-:. j Miiiiiiokbi town. hip, June :.'., s?l. Welti .iStttrihrmtnU. 'a,-' '4' SUMilJKV AOAnii.MV. 1 'Milt III. Unit!. .11 opciia itlili uli Im 1. 4 ..1 ll.i u I u-li 11. lui a, uu AlMMtltl), llM'U'tub-r lilt. uti i i or 11 mov Aiiniilu. .'. in IM UI iO lai lal UU (kJ Ui I l. 1 Ut tsl UI J.a ii I'l lata try U siiluu iil, 1 1111J 1iKi.11.11, Na aauil iMlUluu, t II.. I'llltlaill, lAtx.aaat) lata 1'klli.l W Ol lll, (, kllj,) " 111 I II Hill, " li.llll.lll, " " ll.utU.4 I'-llnl..,.!, i) U.MItlil.4 I'uplia lit tlllaat lll.iaiu, I'. 1. ..ii. U. ma Hi 4 I'lipl'i uf ll.u A. 4.1a my Illl) Ulall til. lllHlta of I,.. II lull..,! Iu Un.l,, tOuiiiU ui iiLlui.au, , n.'liati.M. Iu llu I'llu, Uf tu llial luatllt.li.lt Iu k. law tli a p-llliual.lt fcvutl uy m I tlitlw(iut -s. iui i n ivi.oti) sr.. . vi , t'llu. .11. kai.lmii, iJtl,, . II UI I IIUI , 1 1,11. 1 i, .1 I--I, HI Mil lil, I'l , t. w I II. 1 ... .... 1 it.vi.t. , I ' !' H t.iu l'i 'It . 1 1. I 'ri-ti, ., t u ii.u.. i l .i..,.l. 1 .... it ,a- I . . I a! .( Iu . . . J ,, , .. U I l... a ). . I. ,.. .11 .1 IU. , lit. laiV'l I a. l., li.. ...ta . . -) 4. t i( ...1, 4 , b ia4u. It .lit v. I . Ul .1 , .1 1 1. .,i I, ce ir ARDWAHE FOR ALL AT THE HAIIDWAUE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO., Mnrkc-t SI reel, Nunlinr', l'a. It Is useless lo cnumersto every kind of nrllclo In his Store, but mining tho leading items may uc sol now n mo ioi towing t Iron, Btsul, Lend, Bteolynrds, tliindstones, Nulls of all kinds and sizes, Saws, Planes, Bealcs, Vices, Bicves, Chains, Akcs, Brass nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, llocs. Forks, epudes, . llu lies, lintchcts, Carpenter nnd Blacksmith Horlng Machines, Cellar (irntes, Drawing Knives, Btono Blcdgcs, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, nnd largo cast Iron Hells for rJeliool nouses ami runners' Dinner Dells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes, Looking Classes, Twine, Ropes, Knives nnd Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule nnd Horse Shoes and Nnlls, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, lirooms, Locks of nil descriptions, Coffeo Mills, Bits nnd Braces, Cnrringc Bolts of nil kinds, Paint nnd Wall Brushes, Buckets, WIN, VnriiishoH, .Inpiins, Lye, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, IMIXT.S OF AM. KIMN In Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of nil kinds, CFJDAU-WAUH and other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds nnd very enenp, iniy-roiK runcys, Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level CUiuscr, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, tvnmiery nun nuor i-innings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Nliol Cum itiitl l'owilor, nnd a great variety of other nrtlclcs. Any thing wauled nutl not on hand, will be ordered at once. b''.nbury, Aug. IU, 1S71 jan ri.iini;N. T1IACKA11A, 1JUCK & CO., HVlK.-SOli TO MISKEY, MUIilULL it TIIACKAKA, MANLl-ACTt'KKP.S OF GASFIXTUUKS, PilONZKS, ,vc, &r., al'l.RmSclH'rs, IViiiIniit s, At'.. tVc, would respectfully h.vt.- the uttenllon of pur chasers to our elegant assort incut. WIIOLKSALK AM) UETAU, SAIKSKOOMS, 71 H t lK-Ntlltlt KIriM't. MANl.FxCT()nY,-lir.,. l!U,.00 AND 403 RACK STUKKT. Ausj. til, is;:. Olil'IlAXV COI K'I' N.il.I'.. l)t'i:Sl'.NT to 1111 order of the Orphans' JL Court of Norlhuiulierliiuii county, wilt he exposed lo pioille sale, on the premises, on the list !aj orfVi-ptcuiber, 1S7I, the follow but Real Kstatc, to wit 1 All tliaf certain nies-siiaui- or tract of land, situate in Jackson town sliip, N a 1 1 ,'l lilt 1 1;-. nl county, l'a., hounded and described 11s follows, to wit i On the north by l.'injs of John l-'cUcriunn, on tlic east by laud of Daniel llilliush, on the south by land of tin: es tato ol widow .Malliek, dee'd, and on tin- west by land of Jacob Seller, containing Fot.r (I) A-r'S, more or less, whereon lire, erected 11 two story liiimo ilwe'lim; house, 11 frame stable, Ve. A well of water (witli pump) near the ilonr, a iot of fruit trees, ,ve., Iieim; tlie property of Sam uel l.atsha and J. Jae,,b l.alsha, minor children of Henry l.alsha, iIi-ci- imiI. Sale to coiiiiiii ik" at 10 o'clock, on said day, when the conditions w ill he made known hv AI'.IIUIAM HL.Si::i!, (luardii.n. All?. ID, ISTl.-'it. ortlicra 1'cntral Kuiiwiiy . SIM MKR ARltANC. KM F-NT. I AN nnd nDc" August li, 1ST1, trains will run i W 11 lis follows 1 I NOK'lIlWARt). 1 Nl.nrira F.xpress n'rrivei at Sunbiiry nt l'J l.l, ! p. m.urrli'cs ut Niaixaru t-alls al I -11, a. 111. ! It, ,11.. I, , ITv, i-i.'.'u ,,t Sin. 1. 1. iv ,. I .1 111 n . 1 m., arrive at liliainsporl ut -.! l-.unir.i nt y. iu I u. m., t anainlaimia I'.'.IU p. in. 1 Mail arrives at Sunhury ut .".) p. in., nrrivc j nt Wiilianisport li.litl and F.lmiia Ul.ll.'i p. m. Fast Line nrrlu-s at Sunbury ut li.45 p. la., I ar.lve al WillinuisHiit K.15 p. is. Kile Mail arrives ut Sunbury ut ','.00, a. in. ' SOUTH WAR'). ltull'a'o Express leaves Sunhury ut 4.10 11. 111., arrive ut llurrinburg 7.0.'i 11. in., lialtliuore 10.40 a. m. Express Mull leaves Sunbury, 11.4j u. in., ar rive ut ILirrishuri; l.lt) p. m. Erie Express leaves Sunbury ut S.R.I a. in., nr rlvo ut llarrishurg 11.03 p.m., llallimoru 1.00 p. m. Li-iiv. I iinibury (it 1.10 11. in., urrivc nt llaril. liuri; Xh. u. 111. Sunbury Aceomodallini lenvi-s Sunburv ' -J p. in., nrrive ill HnrrUburvr t .' '"'' ' ' bllAMOKI iSlON. , IIMSIIUI. . . iMinhury nt 4.10 p. 111., arrive ut tShnino VI p. III., Ml. Cill'lliel ti. 10 p. m. I., 01' Sun'. my ( A ... 011 111. 1 1. .11 , ut 11.50 11. in., i.rihc ;i bliaiiiokln I.IU p. in. w r.iw Aim. Li ale Mt. C;,iiu.'l at ?.IH) n. 111., Sli.iiuoklu 7,to 11. 111., anlii- ut Saidno v 0 .Vi a. 111. la-nic Sli inn, kin ( r iiiiiinu lull 111,) ill J. 15 p. in., .oili.- ..I i-1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 . -I.OO p. In. t-.vpM-M, Inn 1 ,1 1U1 l.. inim "" Sunday, rum Ni'iiti.i'iili to W!il.tiii-M.it. A.I .-il. r I1.1I11. I--.ive daily, nui 1 1 Sioi.l.iyt. A. 11. I-1 ke. Kn. S. ioiii, tii ii'l. Mii'l., tliu'l l'.i-i ii'r Aii'l., II.011. 1,10, I'l. p.iliiiiuie, Mil, aitrn l'ur 1'ivi" T.'llrr. rpi't; t d.MlilKf, la .bia.l uf , Hi) pi.liil ,i- I I H-ll I- at h.p, ,S,.i U.uiiiIm H.ind I ...ii.iv, l'a , Ilia. 11 .UlO fill., lair I. Hit, liu i lie nil, 1. l.l tNiaa la lit', I, ,1 mill (Ilia illlllovilll ilia. a,..-. llu it.it l .ii.ti;, I mill li br i ihl j, .n, uud u,4liiins n i. ii M emu a ui.1,1 k.i obi ui,' I Hi, t in.ii.lv. Il ha. Ii. i ii 1 1 u d bi ii wiiiiil,r ul i-.i - t, In tut kii-ot - It .I.', (till- 1-l.sU Ul 'J.I l'llt .l.llllllllij Itllll Lllll.U t.l.i.t., I (-'Il la-OIJ I li. Oil, li, I , n 14 bait I,. Ilia, lll.ttli'lllia, UU.I dlla.ai.ault lal Uat li, u li l.ii, at IlM I'l, hit! I'l -ul li;f, N till M MKI U, A i l i V. II., Njilli'a lu., 14. A.i :u-t I .', in I Tin. TenTenchero Wnntcti, M itt II .Hi H.li.,r.li.-i. 'I tt'l " i.l4Ullllar l. Il.,t Ivu.ktatt. I III.. " ...!. I.l " I .ml 1 1 11. t.u !'i,i!,.4,y ' pi,, ill .... It l.l Is., . a. ti.. I ) Ills f, I. til) Ulo A ,, .1 k.'t,., I ..'I, J It . l.i! . ll.u .a . 1. 1 jj ... I ta I ! It. I. Iw. I I. II.. j u mt., 111. ill! I, t, a" .,, hi. li' 1 - J I I I .'It, I i I . II II Kil l M, wi). .iu...i, Jul t I', I il. I ltt'Ml4 ttUltU u I 1. 1 Mi.l III 1(4. I i,. ,i,i.i., i . i i. .,,.. i . - i ..... ,. i . , . . i - - a ail I . li t. . . i t. ,1,. ll ... Is- ll.i, ditto bbtdhdncnls IllsiMolntlon of I'nrt iM-rslitp. NOTICF. 's hereby given that eo-pnrtnerslitp existing between Suinuel llycrly nnd M. It. llcmpcrly in tho l'hotngriph business, wns dls solved by mutual consent on-tho 1st of August, 1H71. All the nceonnts, etc., nrn left with Mr. llcmpcrlv, who will conduct tho business hereaf ter nt thcold stand, for settlement. H. IIVI-.KI.Y, M. U. HEM t'F.RLY. NOTICE. I hereby tender mv sincere thanks to the citizens of Sunhury nnd vicinity, for their lllicral paironnge extended to me during a num ber of yenrs past. I nlso cheerfully recommend nil my friends nnd patrons to my successor, Mr. llcmpcrly, ns nn nrllst, nnd worthy of the pa tronage heretofore extended to me. n,i,nij,L lilhltlil. Sunhury, August S, 1ST1. St. Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., or Klnlc nml Femiilo 1'itplls. Attractively sl.untnl In n healthful nnd bentttt- ful rctrlon, 'of n mile from l'cnn'n R. R. Four rcijulnr uriiduntcs, nssHed liy other competent Instructors constitute tho corps of Instruction. The 1'rluclpa! (for tnnny years in charge of Tus enrrorn Academy, nnd, since 1S5'J thu bend of this Institution.) refers to his numerous pupils In nil the Iwirneil prolesslons, nnd In every de partment oT business. Miislouud l'alutlni; spe cialties. Full ncnwIoii will KoiiiiiiriK-c Sci- Irmlirr IhI, 171. T1V111!, SOO vr A 11 11 11 in. Address, DAVID AVIf.S(sr, A. M. A. J. PATTKI.aT , A. M. Vonh Vval, l'A. July 22.J8T1. 111. l RI At'II IX K NIIOI'l. J S I'fM x GEO. liOilRBACII & .SOXLV Kuiihurv. I't'im'ii. INFORM lh public Hint Ihey nro pr-paielto do nil kinds of (JAtfTINC!, nml liavim: added n new Machine Shop In roiuieetiou wit li their Foundry, nnd have sui'plied thctnMvcs with New l.atlies, I'lanim; nnd llnrim; .Maehines, witli tlio latest improvements. Willi the aid of skillful mechanics, they 11 re enabled lo execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRINd, thnt may be tflven them, in n entisl'uetory man ner. Jrncs lo Muil any Slovo. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build burs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, fie. Ornamental Iron Foneiiis v FOR (iKAVK YARD I.O'l'S j FOR VARUS AT IIHMI)UXI i;s, Al-., AC. The FLOWS, nlren.lv ci lebrati d lor their n perlorily, have been (till f'lriher Improved, and will ulwavs be kept 011 hand. Aiso. TilllKSIIIMi MACI1INKS. Siiiibury, May 20, is.'l. j)Koi'oss:t Ji. 3SL E 31T 3D lL 33 X T T Ti) Tin-: Von A'liti ni if i' ii:-,.s.'.'.' lio-'. joint Rrsor.i "I'iiin rroposin nn Amcndini-nl to the ('onstilti tion (,f lVnnn.vivmiin. 7,',; 1 y.'.'ifi',:, ? . S.-imt-1 .i.-.', Hutim- ,'.;,.-.. v,-,i,lii','s of tin' Vuiumnnir- liilh i'f ii"i..-.,','.'''.0'i'.l, ,',' f.'i m-i-.ii AsHt'inlilri tint. Thai the fi-lti-n ini; am- 11,' tnenl of the. Constitution of the t 'mum niw.'.ill Ii be proposed to Ihe people I'or t 'arir i,,li.p;ii.ii 1.1 rejection to tho pi u l.-ains of I'm tenth urlic'o tliereof, to nil : AMKNDMKXT. Strike out Hie Sixth S.-elLn i f tin- f ith Arli cleof the Coui'titutiiiii, an I insert I i lieu thereof the following : "A Stale Treasurer shall be c!i,i-e:i by lh; rpialillcd electors of the Slate, at such times and for such terms of service as shall be pre'ci rd by law." J.WIKS II. WF.l'.l!, . Speaker of He- House ol' Rcprc i-iilativcs. WiLLl'AM A WAI.I.ACI'., Speaker ot I h- Semite. Approved the tifti-er.th day of Jan,-, Auim Do 111 1 -1 i one thousand citrht hu.i.lri.l ni,,l scicniy oue. JOHN W. CV.AI'.Y. Prepared and ceitWird fur publlc.1ib.11 pursuaet to the Tenth Article of the Const it al ion. I'. .It'll! IAN. Seerel.iry of Ih - Cominoav.eaitli. ) Olli'.'e t'eeri law id t lie Commoi.M .-all Is. S llariidiiii' Ju'v .",th, 1 .1 1. An-,'. ,V ISTI. I'UltXITUKK STOHK, ' in M 'sun:,- iiaii :!.,;:,tiivs. Mi illl SriM'. iit'iu' IV.i IVtl Oi'ai-o, HZ XIU li . t'.l. B. I.. EAUDV"V;nU"H ihi'.v i.e. , . t.i iii - ,','.'-:i selected and nn.!.' i,:i'i '-r- . I ri. -. "'.'.! i vi.-W lo ph-ase tin' iv.i nt., nl' ;';s .... , t usiiinn i s. His. slock is new and ol il,.' l.i!.' t ,-t; a . I'Aiii.ou srrrs. TAltLOU AND in'CKl'l'loX ('i;.i::;, COTTAGE SFiTTS, Ash, Walnut or Rosen on I of ta .- I'ae-t 1 mi Iii as made. Mill, i:tAiC!'. In Oak or Walnut , na.l li'mlic.: Room I'liialt iie ol all kind-. LOOKINH (il.ASSFS AN'. i'l. 1 Mattresses, l'lllows, !! ,'' 'J, W,n,!,i,v .su.ides ! l.Mlll,'.. ..-atrvrwi iXtS ltl Su-elal it 1 1 . in Km I, .lid lo l iii-. i, . uii.i, i i l W. I. UuU rls vt lot . a- l 1 11 1 1 -i i-.. i ... i. , iAK iii iiee lu Ihn i il.v. I ..I, ea 1. 1 ,i. Hull lllld ti.i'k, l-i list nl Iv kl 1 1 on ti i r isk's Mi l.ilie II ii i.a! I V, .. .-.Ina.i,.. ili rl iki it' lual, -ii. J ul nil I. In.;-. 2 ll ' IVl.ulial lltU II.1, Hit e I ) I l.l I I . 1. , ,,, I I. l-.t, .11. 1 1 1. R.-ineiiilia r, llu- M is. nil Thiid lu-1, haiat. ..i v, I'l. It. I.. Sniilniiv, July I',, 1 1 . 1 . II. .1 .1.. I ., I.W I'l MH ' I l( l. No. DO'J Cho.it. mt li:?. i, i'lul.uK Ipl.-.i, K .lie l,i inula Hi, i , 1 in i t i i , , tt 1 1 4lit I'll.. 1 1 I . .till.- I .. a I t .1 ,1 ... .. . ., . li!. tillal a. Ola. I .t ,i.il. .. i.l i I -H Jt'.ltllj, Hm: tt A it iii a Ul IU',. I I ...ll ' I , ,., 1 , i.' H.ll II V, ' lrlili htlt.-r i nrt i-.i i.. ..i ti .i.. it, i j . . i. . I hIiIi; t bll.i), I ., ii. i I': it. I .. I ,i . a i .(it il , . t It t:.t. II ( 'l.i h k. i.i:i'Nit ami Wl. i VI. tillS VII I , laaa.llt-1 tl.ltal .i,i I' .. . 1 . , I . 1 .... I I "UlttUUa U, I -a It -1 ' , I 4,1 It it. lu.i , l-h (.,,.-.-' I ... lit. t ll..'.i t-t .-.l II. .. I- . I". ' " . Vilai l.t .lUUl MH I. J . , I , l.l Ittll It. A lt III s, I at. lit (.Oil, HI II I I I II, 'IIWDI.UV, , in, u. l l . ) ,