Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 19, 1871, Image 1

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10I,lnps,iftli(nt 100 Words, iiinkeaStiiure
EM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor,
At 91.50 In AtlTttne.
II not paid Within 0 Months $2.
SnbicripHon taken for Uu than tit' Month.
Cflwirecrvn with this establishpif nt is an cxtcn
slvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing ft vnrlety of
1 ti) S P,i 3 8i7 4 3'1 Kcol Jv'col l cot
(lie week
i.u v.mi v..) H.iKi ri.iKi H.ixiin.oa
Two weeks I
rJ S.tKI 3.f.t 4.IM 8.(10 1l.mVtR.00
3.rKJ 4.MI S.00 n.oo 13.00:20.00
Four "
Five "
Six "
'I A O 111.1's
Thrcfl "
Six "
Nine '
Ono Yetir
U.50 4..W R.fn) '0.00 10.0015.00 22.50
'J.7.V fi.W O.W 7.IHI I3.(H) 17.0025.00
3.00 0.7 V 7.50. 8.001 3.00 1S.00 27.M1
3.25 7.50. 8.50 V.00ir,.00 30.00 30.00
!.() .0O 4.50 10.00 .30.00 25.00 40.0C
5.00 11.00 11. Oil 12.00 -W.00 35.00 50,00
0.1KJ 10.00 13.00 15.00 35.0045.110 75.00
8.00 13.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 OO.CO 100
filnln and fnncy typo eqnni to any estnmifilimcnt
n the Intsrlor of the State, for which the natroif-
t, I?ntnlfisiHed In lHlO. 1
; New Perlen, Vol. S, No. 23
I Old NcrteH, Vol. M, No.
nge ol tiie pumic is rcspcciiuuy solicited.
.... :.Vl: v. -y .
Win. J. WOLVKIMOX, Attorney a
Law, office, door No. 5, 2nd floor, Haupt's
Block, nunr Miller's Bhoo Store, Bunbnry, l'a.
March 25th, 1871. lv.
Sit. ItOYEH, Attorney nt Lnw. NoS.
2 and 8, Second Floor Brlght's Building,
Sunhury, Pa. FrofossionsJ bnslness attended
to,ln thccotirls of Northumberland nnd adjoining
cour.tlcs. Claims promptly collected. ; Consultu
lion cnu be hail in the (ionium language.
March 25th, 1871. ly.
JKKF.HIAII, Attorney nt
Law, Siinbury, l'a. All professional busl
tness Intrusted to his onrn will receive prompt u,t
jtcntlon in this nnd adjoining comities, can bo
consulted both In English and. German. Also,
District Attorney of Northumberland county.
Ang.20,1 87l)..y.
J NO. A. sr.
fro. H'KFouhtu Avbnub,
Notary Pi le,
, .Tan. V 370. ly.
Pittsburg, Fa.
T.. I AlvFJ'F. Market Street,
fj . r- 'WBUKY, FA.
i Healers In Urii, JiOTI.;:-res, mints, Otis,
piuss. Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
.'?ocfccl Books, Dairies, Ac. ,
1. WOLVERTOX. Attorney at Law.
, Mnrlrf S,i,iri. StTNIlI !R Y.PA. ProfCSsion-
nl btislness In this ami adjoining counties liroiniM,
.y attended to.
DK. A. It. HAVIIMJE, respectfully an
nounces himself as Physician nnd Surgeon
to t'rte citizens of Snnbury and vicinity, having lo
cated himself permanently on Market street, near
ly opposite the Fairmotint Hotel, where ho can
'tie consulted at all hours when not professionally
engagjd. np!34-ly
GW. 351 Eti I. EK, Attorney nt Law, north
side of l'lihlic Squnre, ono door east of
ithe old Bank building, fcUNBURY, VA. Collec
tions and all professional business promptly nt
.t ended to In the courts of Northumberland nnd
adjoining comities. septlS-CO
C1 A. It EI 51 ENMN VDElt. Attorney at
Law, 8LNHURY, PA. All business en
trusted to his care attended to promptly nnd with
'Uiiucnre. nptt7-tii
,T"' SiAY CLEMENT, Attorney nt Law,
VJ SL'NUUKV, l'A. Collections and nil pro
fessional busiiuus promptly attended to. niehai-CU
'c. j. r.ut Nni. , L. U. K ASK.
JIll'NER A KANE. Attornevs and Coun-
sellors at Law, Sl'N'BURY, l'A. Olllce on
Chestnit.stiVKt, west of the N. C. and 1'. & E.
lii'il'lroad Depot, in the building lately occupied
by F. Lazarus, Esi. Collections nnd all profess
ional business promptly attended to in .Northum
berland and adjoining counties. nplid-li'.l
nit. MANNEIt. Attorney nt Law. 8UN-
BURY, PA. Col)o"Ucs .rHicntletl to in
the counties of Northiiiiihe rl.Vnu, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia tVA J.-vcomliig. npllOTiU
Attorneys at Law, SUNBLUY, J'A. ()f
li'e in Haupt's new building, eceond Uoor. Ku
t ranee on .Market Square. jmilOS
AN. ItltK'E, Attorney nl Lnw, Snnliurv,
IV- Olliee in Masonic Hall Building.
L'ollectitMs of claims, writings., nnd all kinds of
legal business attended to carefully nnd with
'dispatch. ti April 8, 1871. ly.
" DR. J. F, ( ASI.OIV,
'Oftlno nnd .Roslde-jec',--Walutit Street, between
Third nnd Fonrth streets,
All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat
ed or operated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross
Kyes,) Cataract, (Blindness,) nnd nil oilier di
seases relating to Surgery, ns Talipes, (Club or
Reel Feet,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumor, Ac.
Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.)
Smibnry, May lli, 1871.
! arbs.
VALENTINE. IIETZ, Wholcsalo nud
Retail dealer In every variety of
, All kinds of (irain taken In rxehuut'e fir Coal. r.i solielted and (lllert Jiioniptly. feblS-71.
Office with Haas, Faoei.y i Co.,
. Orders left at Seasholtz & Bro's., olllce Market
J?lreet, will reeelvo prompt attention. Cuuulry
custom res) tfiilly solleitcJ.
Feb. 4 , 1 87 1 . t f.
WE ure selliug Rims, Pnokcs. Hnbs. Springs,
Canvass, BolU, Clips, AVi. e., very
Lai -gc Stock at CONLttY&CO. '
i'iubuiy, March SO, VH9.
J Shipieni nud V hoiw.,iL ,yw tall Dealers la
ItJ'Solo Agenl; wustwaal, at the eclebmleu
Henry Clay Coul. J'ii(t"!.i0.
J. M. liAUTllduJMEW', ruorniETOit.
Nil ii bury l'u.
fpiIF. hot or riding and iliiving horses always
J. on hand to serve customers.
, Orders left ut the tXulral Hotel, for Vclikli.
will receive prompt utlvutioii.
Nov. 6. l-70.
rikHtnv, Pa.,
1we,ared to do nil kinds of work pertaining
to Di iitisiry. 1U keeps eonslaully ou liuit.l
u biru.0 u.aoitiueut of Trvlh, uud other iKulul
lo.ii. iial, I'om l4Uhh will Imi able to select,
Mild liii't t tl.n muiiIs of lil eusluiui-rs.
All wurk arraiiled to ylvuulil.tftioii,ur tl
the imutey ra'uuded,
Tiiu very I .1 Mouth WaU uud TuutU I'ow Jurs
Veil on b ...d.
ill. re ereliees ure thu nuiileroiu ptroin for
l,..m lit wuilxd l"i t Im U t twelve year,
hiiiilniiy, April 'U, I il.
m:h' t on.' yard.
rilllK uu Ui.tijiied having I'oiinwleil the Coal
1 ttiiUliiseAteii.iv r'l.Hl UiUillUS
,., I. , u pi uii4 to ppiy l.tiuiUis ttllUlbe
ii.iiv inwror (.oil..
lik.V I OR 'AMI.
' ..iu Hi t Vl ., ..ll.t:lllllj uu ImuJ. tiiulu
t.lkelt lUl.i Uat 4ul t liul.
J. U. ( llWAI.l.AIm.
hiiobiir), J l. I , liO. H.
li ta Ju.t i.i' l kit iU' Buny u i"ul ittrfi tUu It4illu44 il-4 wi. hjtttiumUi.
UuU, u4 U pit'ie4 1 lujuttU iUt humid t
W ,.iliuu.ijli.4 i.4 uotui ""W U km i(
Ui. .l su 1 1 A... tin U ut
UUOM Ulir Afl
Mlt.k tUls tlt,
tilltl til hlw HKikUIJ,
ul l w! MM I I ll,'lt4 iluu.,
K. I. k4 'I !
II.. -1 4U4 UIm tJ lltl..UMSHIJI
,U'.U. .... fc .
li .u i.i. n. jl t4Ui.Du4 fcsm-i ulk4
v U 'l lu tl.iV t' ku lkl
VI. .11
I M, ..,l I' ' UH.J
S .I,, .,.. .4, JkIM
ottte autj pestunrstnts.
LA PIERRE PIOCNE, Broad nndlJhest
nut sts., FhllSielphln, J. B. BltfTTER
WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, 3.00.
April 15, 1871. ly
Proprietor, Stjamokln Street, Trevorton,
woriiiumnoriano couuiy, rn. ino miuiu is sup
plied with the Vrt Iho market affords, flood
stabllnn nnd Attentive ostlors. Jan. 21, '71
e. o. nowEn,
BYERLY BOWER, Proprietor.
The table Is supplied with tho best the market
affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
May 20, 1871.
SUNBURY, PA. . . . ..
JOSEPH BACnER Informsthc citizens of Snn
hurv nnd the THthKo francrnllv. that ho has
opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt tho above
place,. The best of Lager Beer, nnd Slalt Liquors
will be ktfpt. Aim Oysters, &c., constantly sorv
cd up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
Cuiitjvn,, nt tho Station of tiro Sf. V. R. W.
Choice wines and cigars at the bar.
The tublc la, supplied, with the best tho market
affords. Good stabling nnd attentive ostlers.
KLECKNER, Pjoprietor, Noa. 813 nnd 814
Market Street, above, eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, f:3 icr day. Ho respectfully solicits your
Prpprh'tpr, Comer, of Market & Second
Ptrcc'ts, opposite t'iio Court House, Snnbury,
l'a. Mayas,'70.
THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor,
Snnbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Meals served at all hours, nt short nocc. The
best of Liquor nt the Bar. Tho Table Is sup
plied with the best nnd latest in the markets. At
tentive servants. Terms moderate, l'atramigc
Hi: M 31 EI.'N It ENT A I It A NT,
LOl IS HUMMEL, Proprietor,
Commerce, St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Haying .just ,'rrlilcd tho above Saloon for tho
accomodation of tho public, Is now prepared to
serve '.lis friends with the best icfreslimcnts, and
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and nrl other malt
A'os. 7:, 722, 724 & .727 Tins ft.,
Centrally located, connecting witV nil tho City
l'ubsenger R:illwny Cars, from all tho
Depots in the City.
Excellent AccbmuMMlntloiis Tor Tra
vel Utm.
Graud Vocal and Tnstrmricntal Concerts every
evening lu,tl!qfiummor nud
Winter Unrden.
fgrOrciichrton Concert Evry Afternrion.&H
Olllce of J. V'uler's Fouutaiu Park Browery.
June 4, 1870.-ly.
L I 41 U O It N T O R E I
Second Sf rcot opposite thu Court House', SUN
BURY, PA., ,.
Respectfully invites tho nttcutlon of Retailers
and others, that he has ou baud, and will con
stantlv keep nil Kinds of ; ,.
Consli-ting of Pure Brandies: Cogniae, Clierry,
Ginger, Roihellonnd Otard.
Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Olbtllled, Monu
gahela, Apple and Nectar.
Wines: Champagne Wlao, Sherry, Porl and
Crab Cider, Champagno Cider, N. K. Rum,
Brown Stout anil Scotch Al(,
And nil others Liquors which can ho found In
the city n'vartets, which will be sold nt Whole
sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed ns
represented.. Also, a, large Jot of DEMIJOHNS
nnd BUTTLES) always ou hand.
Mril,ers promptly attended to', ami public
patronage respectfully solicited , ,
Bunbiirv, July it; IttflO I y '.
Eire; LITo and Aeeitleiit
. .
Fl'iterl'irise"" I'l'Hl'Mpl'l Asset., 3,783,580
Mauhattnn. Kn ... .. K.)
N. Amerleau
. 1 V.'.u .Mtl
.', ;'t0;j'57ll
Lorillard, ".
Voi.K-erJtN. York C
luiH'riul, London,
l.yvomlug, Muiicy,
KiauklUi I'lill.idelphlu,
Home, New York,
llarliord, llaitfordj
Puusnlx, "
Travelers, "
Kurmers Ins. Co., York,,
N. BillUb .V Mercaiilllu
Nolllliieree, New Yolk,
Corwieh, Norwich,
Rew K.utilsint .Mutual Lite,
July I, loll.
IIIUll I'll I' ll.IV I I. 'I i. .1.. ......... ..I
1. IK.. i. J kuU i kiwluut liu4, lu tbs Uu.
uuk ul Hyul.ui. uu libit tlMM a
ilittliii., l il.k l iutbulldibk'
I ! kv.iuttjj, laM ul IU4I1 sVsILm, sWc'd.
Al... l.j .... li . a.i J. ...I lull.. lt.i...,L
Ul Si.wi.ul), uu ylj. U.u i I iill!ln Irnia,
t-l-l ui uut'.i Mn.p m. Iu imih m4 Iuk ullu u
m. r. w ui. if si 11 n.
4 Ib.JiiiiJ ki.mlu.ia li.A.l'A lTui..l.l.l.. J
4 tlwl. at 4 lUMll Ul'l. Si.
J 11 lu U,k U.u,4n' tw Hi.UiUu.HU
I su4 t lut l4
1 II lu Mu. i a futu-i's lus ImMuin
I I. Li4
Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias
discovered the most certain, spoony, plcaBaut anu
effectual rcmcdv In tho world for nil
Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun
tary Discharges. Imnotcncv. General Dcbill-
Iv. Nervousness. Dvspensv. Lnncnor, Low
Spirits, Confusion of Ideas,. Palpitation of
tho Heart,, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Stu;ht or Giddiness, Diseaso 01 tno Jleaa,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lumrs,
Stomach or Bowels theso 'tcrrlhlo Disorders
arisintr from the Solitary Habits of Yout h thoso
secret and splitary practices more fatal to their
victims than tfto soup 01 Myrens 10 tno Ainrincrs
of Ulysses, bliKhO.ii c their most brilliant hopes
of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, Impos
sible tOUNfl MEN
especially, who havo becomo tho victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive habit
which nnnnally sweeps to nn tmtlincly grave
thousands 'of. younir men of tho most exalted
talents nud brilliant Intellect, who miirlit other
wise have entranced listening Semites with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ccstacy tho
livlnK lyre, may cnll with full coniidence.
Married rovsons or. Young Men contemplating
mnrriaijc, nwnro of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Procrentivo Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous IMilllty, Or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
I lo who plupcs himself under the care of Dr. J.
may religiously conllclo In his honor ns a gentle
man, and coutidently rely noon his skill as a Phv
Impotency, Lo?s of Power, immediately Cured
nnd full -VJiror Restored. .
.This Dlsi'rfssig;AH'culIon which rendors Life
mi?er()blo niid marriage impossible is the penalty
paid by the victims of improper Indulgences.
Younff personsnro too npt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful conseqenccs
that may- cusuc. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny Hint the power
of procreation Is lost sooner by thoso fulling into
improper habits tlinti by the prudent I Hesides
being deprived the pleasures of henlihy olfsprinr,
the 1110 serious and dcEtrrctlvc sviuptoins lo both
body land mind arise. The system becomes de
ranged, the Physical nnd Mental Functions
V CiMtciicd, Loss ol t'rocreativc l'o'ver. Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of. the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting
of the Frame, Coui;b, Consumption, Decay uud
Persons 'ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month, ;
taking poisonous nud injurious compouuds,
should apply immediately.
Member of the Royal Colleire of Surgeons, Lon-'
don, Graduated from Cue of t'nc most eminent
Colleges In the United States, and the greater
part of whose ,ifo lias been Fpeut lu the hospitals
of London, 1'tls, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
has elleclcd some ol the most astonishing cures
that were ever known ; many troubled with ring
ing In tho head and cms when asleep, great 1
nervousness, being aiarniccl at suuucn Bounds,
hiishfulness, with' frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mind, were cored
Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured
themselves by Improper indulgence; and solitary
hnbits, wlilcli ruin both body and m'nd.uiilitting
them for cither bubincss, study, society or mar
riage. ,
These nro somo of the sad nnd melancholy.
effects produced by early ha'illa of youth, via:
ttenkncssul the ISacK and Limbs, Pains in the
Back nnd Head, Diienc s of fight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, 1'ulpllutlnn of tho Heart, Dyspepsy,
iNcrvous immunity, uernngcincui 01 unrest ivu
r unctions, Gencrei Dcuiuty, symptoms ct C011-
sumption, occ.
JlESTAU.v 1 lie fearliil cllccts on the mind
nrc much to be dreaded Loss of .Memory, Con
fusion or ideas, Depression ot Spirits, Kvil
Forcbodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity t!cc., ure some of tho
evils produced. o 11
Thousands aires can now
Judgo what is the cause yl',tlir declining health,
losing incii M-ur, neeuuiii:.:, iu,iu, paie, nerv oua
mid emaclutcd. havinir n sinirular anpearance
nhqut Uio eyes, cough uiul cyi'iil.loins of consump
tion. . vii.-V
YOUNG MEfi, . ie.
Who hnvo Injured themselvcs J''j15J(jrrtain prac
tice indulged in when alone, ; a r I. Jrcqiient ly
learned from evil companion, l school, the
ell'ects of which arc nightly ul.,;i,.; cveii when
asleep, nnd if not cured, renders iiiitje impos
sible, and destroys both niiml and Iwill' slioilld
apply immediately. . ,. w' 'tis
N hut u pity that a ypiing man, the 1.,: c of liu
couijiry, the darling of his j .uxuts, should f
snutcticd, from all prospects and enjoymeuts v!
life, by tho consequence of deviating from the
palli ol niituro nud liuliilglng in a certain secret
habit. Such persons mi st, before contemplating
reflect that a eomid uiiiul uud body nrc the mo.-t
nccessiirv rcuuldLcs to mximote connulilal hanbi.
less. Indeed itliout these, the Journey liirouv(
life lioenmcs 11 weary pilgrimage; the prnsp-jit
hourly darkens to tho view 1 the nihul Ktoiik ?
shadowed Willi despair uud lillcd with the niel ui-
eholy relict lion, that the happiness of another
becomes plurbted witti ouroHii.
When the misguided und Imprudent votary of
pleasure Hilda that he has Imbibed the seeds of
this painful disease, It loo often happens that 1111
lll-llincd senso of shamu, or dread of discovery,
deter blin from applying to thoso who, from
education nnd resicjtubUlt.v, can aluuc lefrieud
him, delaying till the couuHiitlomu symptoms o(
this horrid liiseuM muko their nipeu ranee, such
us ulcerated sore throat, diseased 11 Lie, uoctural
",1)n iu the head nud limbs, dUiiuos of sight,
bloleheV . louu " 1110 "ones ami uiins,
eresslng Willi" Ituld, face uud extremities, pru
palnte of tho mou'd"' rupldity, till at last the
in, uud the victim of UiW.1""1,1' l,,u
a horrid object of commliiriitK,!ll1, become
a is'rlod to ,W dreadful sutferlng,'1 .Jwitli l"U
hill) lu " that MiillscovcrWLOUUliy Hum Wll'."'6
uo traVLllcr re'tiirua." .
It 1 a melancholy fact that thonsauds DIE
victims to U1I4 terrible disease, through f.i'.lliif
Into the hand of Ignorant or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, by thu use of that deadly Poi
son, Mercury, Ac., destroy Iho constitution, and
Incapable of curing, keep the uuhuppy sullerer
month aftur luoulU taking uoxlous or In
jurious ruiupoiimls, nud luatead of being roloicd
to a renew al of Life Vigor ami llappiuest, lu des
pair leave him MllU ruined ItculiU to it;U over
Ilia galling iliaappuiiit incut.
To auch, llieielure, Dr. Joiisston pledges him
elf to prtaerve thu mot Inviolable beereev, uud
from hi evtumivo pruetlee and obervatliu in
the ureal lliupitul of Kuroiie, unj the llil In
Hi! country, til 1 EiiUu4, tmuue, Philadelphia
uud vlacviherv, U enubled to iiler thu moat ler
tulii, n'dy uud vitcciuiil rcuicdy iu tho oild
lor ull iliwuu ol Illll.ludellO .
ItiiiiyuuK, M. D.
I'U Lsnd ih.e ijolliil from llalliiuoiotiixi, ulew
d'luo r in. thu voiuur. tuliuut lo ubMirvituuiUJ
. 11111111,(4-.
, So lutlii 1 we 1 ml ui.le. po.lpild au4
SiiuUlutu lump lu bu UMkl mi ll.e leply, I'ci
iu muiun l.uul4 l."U j(u, iiU'l ul 4 liiliuii
ul KdvliliMUiuiil UuMilljiiiK .)iui'iiu.
Tbiiu to many I'uUiv, Jk'i'iiU'4 HI.J
WultlilCM Implllll l4.Clll UK '.tn.u.tiv. U
It) 4. uu., ItLi'mt Uli uu.l luiuliijl lUu ItallU
y( ull U.i vuluilui.uUI) Ull lutu lUkic pJti,
ll. JuliUtlUU U.tUi tl lu J
I . . .ullr lu Ibu.u uune jUaiiiUd V.I1I4 bta l. puU
umi 114 111 I imIvuIUI ul lipluie la
Utud lu lit l.lbev,
1Uc.iju lUi.U'MU'i iuu ll 11.1 ..ljt'l-i.'
W'i, " alt.f ', ui.4 lb num. iuu im tui.uA li,iuiiuu libiui..( by ill,
J..i.M-4'-u, i....4 I.) IUu ).(iv.i4lii.l ll
Iik. uuj k.i.u mkt lr". 1. i." ul I... u
i, .1 I, l Ul, t.. 4 H.U.4B Ul t U4I4.I' I
m. J i. '.4..uiiU, it 4 ulil.ul KuluWu lu
li, alUw Uj.
eul'i l-I.KAsfs UhU
ii i-.if u 1 n, - in
" rTTRir OF 1ILLE.
I do npt own nn Inch of land,
But all I see Is initio .
The orchard nnd tho mowing field,
Tho lawns nud gardens flue.'
Tho winds my tux collectors nre,
They bring mo tithes divine
Wild cents nud subtle essences,
A tribute rare nnd freo
And, more magnificent than all,
My window keeps for 1110
' A glimpse of blue immensity,
A little strip of sea.
Richer am I than he who owus
Great fleets and argosies
1 have n share in every ship
Won by the luliind brcezo
To loiter on yon nlry road
Abovo tho apple trees.
I fright with my untold dreams,
Each bears my own picked crew,
And nobler cargoes wait for them
Than ever India knew
My ships that sail into the East
Across that ouilet blue.
Sometimes they seem like living shapes
, Tho people of tho t ky
Guests in wliitd raiment coming down
1'rom heaven, which is close ty ;
I call them by familiar names,
As ono by ono draws nigh,
So while, so light, so spirit-like.
From violet mists they blooiff
The aching wastes of the unknoiyti
... Aro half reclaimed from gloom,
Since on life's hospitable sea
All souls Bud sailing room.
The ocean grows n weariness
With nothing else in sight ;
Its east nnd west, its nortli nnd rout li,
. Spread out from morn till uight ;
We miss the warm, caressing shore,
Its brooding shade nud light ,
A pait is greater than the whole !
By hints nro mysteries told
The fringes of eternity
God's sweeping garment fold,
In that bright shred of glimmering sea,
1 reach out for, and hold.
The sails, like flakes of roseate pearl,
' Float in upon the mist j
The waves nro broken precious stonos
Sapphire and amethyst.
Washed from celestial basement walls,
By suns' tinselling kissed,
Out through the utmost gales of space.
Past where the gray stars drift,
To t'10 widening iulinitc, my soul "
Glides. on, a vessel swift,.. .
Yet looses not her nncliora'jo
In yonder azure rift.
Here sit I, as n little child ;
The threshold of God's door
In that clear band of ehrysopru30 1
Now the vast temple floor.
The blinding glory of the dome
I bow iny head before.
Thy universe, O God, is homo,
In hlght or depth, to me;
Yet hero upon thy footstool green
Content am I to be j
Glad when is opened to my need
Some sea-like glimpse of Tliec.
Atlintic Monthly.
(Sales & Sketches.
JIv wifo was a dollcntc little womnn'. Sho
was esteemed it grenl beauty wlicn I mnr
l'iod her. Her mother told nie if I would
preserve tho roses in ber chocks, I must he
very tender of her nnd shield her from too
mueh care. For that reason I have always
advocated tho dismisshl of servants who
were not absolutely perfect. Clue morning
last week Juno omitted to put tho large
spoons on the table, and the cruets were
entirely empty. 1 took the matter in lumd,
ns a Kood, kind, considerate, thoughtful
husband should, and spoke sharply to tho
girl. ISho undertook to answer mo back,
and I sent her straight out of the house.
'Tlmt is tho way' to do," I baid. "If ono
girl doesn't suit, try auotlicr."
. "But, my dear, Jane was a good servant
in most respeets.y.. .
v "That's vvvii,you say of tlicm fill. I tell
you, and hayy I'ojd. you repeatedly, that it
in just as easy-,l(i get those who arc i
altogether, tpu are too gentle a mistress,
atid your servants impose upon you. If 1
had charge of tho hoiu.o they would havo
to toe tho mark. ; 1 am tired of seeing you
so overshadowed with household allairs.
J-2yen ajijw.Jherc nro wrinkle setting iu
your Head, ns if you were forty-seven."
r0p'Xh! lliq.yvriiiklea date fur back of Jane's
ih,;5etfuliie.p(1 1 am not sure but they have
Li;;ju liroihiiil by tho frequency of my
visits to.nitLgcnco olliecs. I thought tho
last time t went to 0110 that mv hair would
turn white bofoio 1 got away."
"Why don'l yjtj follow up somo of theni
girls who ndveijjje JLu tho Union ? My
mother used to tiuJ was very successful,"
I continued,
"1 have u genre of times. I got Delia
from nn advertisement Iho ono who sat
down on tlio baby, thinking it was the rag
bug and Alice, who stoic all my best
towels ; nnd Julia, who would take her
beans into the parlor every time wo wero
out in tho eveniui;, Mid 1 don't know how
inanv 11101-ti. 1 liavo eomo to I lie, i-onelii.
bioii lhat wlicn a scrvajit is neat and lioti
cetj It is best to overlook trilling short
comings. If my husband was just a little
1 .1.:..,. 1 1 1
ffi'Jl.. 'i. u"1 vuhiu manage very
lijr.ri. woru out with servant hunt-
. "fWvuUt-llUilllu,,, ...... ,.
would bo a pleasure. t t .""M M"uk il
thiug so drcudful about it' 'agiuo any.
"Suppose you try it I really no .
well puiugh to. make tho uil'ort ; t "kv)
rather do 1117 own worn !r a mouth."
, My wifo did tint usually speak with so
inucli earnest liens, mid it biirpriaed inc.
Ilesidts, blio looked pule, and, as 1 said be
fore, 1 am n, uudd el liu-.Uiiid :.
It w;u 11 pleasant laoruiug. I had
i iiougli to do, but, then, 1 might us Well
bo hindered hull' uu liour loobligo my wifo,
na tv waste so luucli I11110 smuking utter
Imu h.
"1 wi',1, d.n luij. down uud net
youriulf, ir nud thu paper. Take no thought ubuul tho mutter ; uud now,
(JiumI nioiiiliig,"
1 kuxud n 1, nnd wci.l on toy way. 1
bought a daily paper at a stand nit lliu cor
mi. l.Unciun at thu list vf "Siiiutiioiis
Wanted," 1 ii(il.d al I ho uUuid ld"t
putting up till ilici.lll Ullit avl viiuls w hell
bilcll Ull lll iny V.. IO in thu Held, t bill c led
two lillllibcis, uhii It I Ihoughl Would suit,
'liu y uuell contained lliuo liuus, and, of
coin , weiu boiuu duuueu awuy uci
tho Ute)U, ll Wits II' I Mil IllVIUII-hs.b,-li
: ni lLU.ih'io.l, and Iho building lulu
M lib h I l liU ied WUS I II flulll pit pUMi bblllrf.
I Lll.nk.4 Ut thu lil t il'X'l oil thu III. I
lluol'. A IU, Ivdlui-d WwllUII Ull Uu)
MUbhlub and I IH lieJ II,
.... 1 . . 1 ... ... . 1 ..... r...
I i'i.i a yin uiiiiu iiumi 7
; llllllllll.J T" .
"Nut as I sujiisou lfUi ill lu
I In: I..W b CimiIU "
I kii..bt4 nt utl doui. ll
' 4i.v4 Ui ( tit- 4 uu, Irf.iluud
nnd ragged, nnd her mouth full of baked
potatoc,, 011 r othes children of various
sizes crime running to look nt inc.
"Is your mother In V" 1 inquired.
"Is there n girl hero who wants n placoV"
"Do you know whether thoro is ono In
Iho buildingV"
"May bo it's up stairsl" screamed nn old
ctonc from n bed iu the corner of the room.
lis I took out a 'paper to 'Bee if I had not
mif taken tho number.
I ascended n nut row staircase, and pass
ed nlorfg ft dark, gloomy corridor. 1
knocked at ni door, and repeated my In
quiries to ti yellow, .sickly looking woman,
with 11 babe in her arms. She knew noth
ing of any such advertisement, but it
might be iu the next room. At Iho next
room they thought that perhaps it wn3 up
stairs. So I was handed along from one
to nnother until I reached tho Hflli lloor.
J'hero 1 gained the extraordinary informa
tion that it was probably v the back yard,
lieaehing tlrog'ronnd, lloor in safety, 1 pro
ceeded to the rear, where there was n three
story houso on the same lot, with 11 space
of only about ton feet between. An old
man sat 011 tho pavement smoking.
"How many .families are thore in tho
building ?" I nsked.
, Ho cogitated a moment before ho re
plied": .
"Twelve, sir."
II was (rue I Tho hall ran through tho
center of thu building, making four rooms
on each lloor, nnd each room contained a
lumily. One man, n shoemaker, had n
wifo and seven children. I visited every,
room before I found the 0110 the, girl had
advertised from. It was Iho most rckqiect
able looking one oT tho lot, nnd tho occu
pant was a young, tidy, well-dressed wo
man. JNiy spirits two like loam nut went
down as quickly. The girl herself had not
come yet.
I wheeled vcrv abruptly nnd hurried toi
tho sidewalk, tfgly words rose to my lips,
but, 1 did not speak them. I wondered if
Ellio had ever, visited such nn abode. Tak
ing out the paper again I read :
"No. 13.S, West- street a young girl
who understands her business, and is neat
ftivl obliging." .
It was only two blocks off. l'his, timo I
was fortunate unough to hit the right room
nt the tirst knock. Tho girl herself opened
the door. Her manner was a little forbid
ding. I fancy she belonged to tho snap
ping turtle order. . , Nothing daunted, how
ever, I explained my business.
. "How many he's there in your family,
sir V" she nsked, ns sho surveyed 1110 from
head to foot, i dress well, at a, general
rule, but it was a windy day, nnd 1 was in
a part of the city .where the streets wero
not watered. Consequently, tho damsel
before me could not make up her mind on
the instant whether I would answer fttr a
master or not. I gave ler tho number eho
would be expected to serve. , , ,,.
"Do thero bo a carpet on tho girl's
room " .
"1'es. Now pleaso inform mo if you
know how lo take care of the wuolo upper
part of the house nud diuiug-room, nnd will
do it well V" ...... s
"Do theic bo nny Arcs to make V"
"Ouo or two, I think."
"L guess tho placo wouldn't suit mo. I
never makes fires, lioys always docs that
where I lives." .
I was afloat. I didn't fold and put iny
newspaper iu my pocket nny more. 1 read
ns I walked. According to my printed in
formation, the most desirable person for
me lo visit was a "smart, capable niid will
ing girl," in tho neighborhood of Myrtle
Avenuo. Quito a stretch from the west
part of tho city, but I went, ll was a live
story tenement houso again'. I gave a
dirty boy a quarter to run up stairs and
make inquiries for me, nnd he never came
back to report. iNcar the .third landing I
found tho maiden, r'ho wa? .staying with
a 'friend," in a little room twelve by four
teen. Tho "frieud" was a dealer in old
clothes, and was just sorting over a cargo.
Tho smart, capable, willing girl had seen
sixty-live summers, nud her hair was as
white as snow. Sho was sitting .with her
feet iu a pail of water, trying to cure corns,
so she said. I left.
1 was getting slightly out of temper when
I reached the sidewalk. A dog harnessed
into a small cart obstructed the way. I
raised my foot and removed thu whole es
tablishment into tho street. After that I
felt better'. Turning for comfort to the
paper, I found "Situations Wanted" by
several in the immediate vicinity, and 1
rendered unto all the light of my counte
nance. One girl had jusl "engaged." An
other did not like to go where they did not
keep a "full set of help." A third seemed
qualified for our purpose, but her cotuin
was ueatl, anil sue couiil not con o lor u
week. Tho fourth didn't like our location.
Tho fifth made very pointed inquiries about
the number of girls we had during thu last
year, uud then declined engaging where
they changed help so ofleu,. The sixth
didu't cvqr "negoshuuiatc" with a gentle
man; "tho ina,iluino must come liursvlf'
The suvcuth wanted loo many iirlvilegec,
nnd hud lost her front teeth.
Tho eighth asked my name and place of
fore, verv drily remarket! that "she only
lived wiih the lire I fjmilus." Tlip, ninth
wits a fair-haired, blue-eyed lierman, w ho
wus uot only willing, but exceedingly anx
ious to undertake unytliing. She promised
lo go to my wilu 111 Iho course ul uu hour,
wiji.l, inorougiiiy tiisgusicu iiu mis.
of it wlm1! particularly with lliis portiiMt
niy watch, aiViJ Jt explored, looked nt
tf m, '-uud It was two o'clock,
. Wheit I ivachuii .. .
tier hour, l.illu met mo, t-'.o tu.uul diu-
"Did Iho new till tumor ' '
"No, I haven't ui'ii tiny."
I did nut uivu velil lo my liellt-Up c.
hun; I only played tho kvmpulhixiuK
huhbuud, una toiuo!iaiirvsii.iui 11, aiuru.-ii
011 another loin uf t'w uiiiuro imxi
Willuiul mcirlloiiinif il lo Mile, I de
termined lo biive liino uud Iry iho il III
geiieo ollleo. A puhlo 1 leik ttl Iho elilruin.u
iviiisUirvd my Wuai, 1tu.11 1 wut4 lulu iho
iiiuiu room. A cUiik billing by it Ublu
uumUvrtU mo uud K'tvu mo a turd. I ia
lu lako a bent t.u r. poiidiugly liumUlvd,
'Jha room Idled with Udus ulkin l-i
bui iaiilb, uud ull boil of pus his Iuu rj 111 J
luilur uud ihal r. A tWik siHiko ilitul
:, ii.Ui und LulliJ a il.UluU4IU4bl aud a
I Hailiv.a ur imuiUr Ui he. lu tho couibji
ol im miuuus a UU, i;i;uy Iooliiij; insii
ell I uiiiu loMUld lu. ... 1
"ll oa urn .iH iu spvuk U ui," I suid,
"Ui Uiik uud Ull Ikw )u4 (sou'tsuil.
Iti anoilwr tuiiui a nukly i"silu."
n,U4 ulHi, U diviib-d tvlv lUu
vli4ir luur I y-
IV uu l .ml uu, ih ? Ull ad u.u f
"V' ale U" s.iHC '
"Oh, that stuff on tny dress is nothing,
it will come out with a lilllo sponging."
I stalked across the room nnd advised
tho youug man in nttendaneo to scud a de
cent girl to mo in shol t order. I conferred
..with six before I gave my nddrcss, nnd
scut ono to my wile. This lilllo perfor
mance occupied nn hour nud a half, and
,m y olllce work crowded mo tho rosi of tho
day.1 1 dined down towi). Having lost
my key, I rung the bell of my own door
about hall past nine, l liu discarded June
ml mi tied me.
. "Kllic, how is this?" I nsked, before
taking n chair.
"Oh, nothing extraordinary, Tho girl
you sent came. Sho seemed perfectly snlis
iicd with the place, but iu the course of tin
hour we heard Iho lower door slam, and
saw her running down tho street. Toward
evening Juno came for her money nnd iot
having enough by mo, I detained her until
you should 'come in. .She went lo work of
her own accord, has put the house in order,
nud nssisted me in every way possible."
"Keep her if she will stay. I will pro
miso never to complain of unytliing here
after short of hair-pins in the gravy. A
dish-cloth- dV two in tho soup will bo n
trilling grievatieo compared with what I
have been through iu the lust thirty-eight
hours. And, Kflie, say lo your lady 'friends
that, if their husbands nre too exacting iu
little thitigft, and meddle in domestic mat
ters where it would bo more sensible for
them to mind their own business, you
know of a remedy."
I have always iHTti a model ; I ntn now
the most docile of husband. And it pays.
Kflie looks five years younger, anil tho
servants no longer creep around thu houso
in constant fear of my discoveries to their
disadvantage. A few words of well-timed
commendation have cured Jane of her chief
fatilf, it'"' since I have seriously thought
about it, 1 belie vo her to bo a most excel
lent servaut. ,
I'uiigoiit I'rotcrtioniHiiiN.
We know not to what paper to credit tho
following but they nrc good:
Freo trade means (to native industry),
smelling another's beef roasting. I'rolec
lion meatut, eating tho beef. ,1 . .. ..
Thcreforci, Protection is a "square meal"
Free Trade is a faat.
1'rotectiou is poverty prohibited Frco
Trade is ruin recommended.
Protection means taking out a fire insur
ance policy Freo Trade means setting
fire to your owu ftamo building without
being insured. ..
Producing raw material for export, nnd
importing it ns manufactured goods duty
free is like giving your neighbor your
own hen's eggs to hatch, and then buying
the phiekens 'from him. , , ,.,
Protection means keeping your fences in
repair Freo Trado menus sueiqg . your
neighbor for his cattle's trespass, being
non-suited for negligence ami paying tho
America possesses tho almighty dollar,
nnd Protection will enablo her to keep it.
Free Trado will give her iii .excango au
English shilling with silver nt a discount.
Will America swnp?
If "tho longest way round w tho nearest
way home" theu exporliug raw material
and placing no tariff on manufactured Im
ports, is the direct road to prosiierity. Hut
cxpcrieivco- proves Vint it t.i't, ( therefore,
that little "if" ia very properly italicized.
Tho difference between Free Trado and
a protective policy is that in ono case the
stable door is kept locked, in the other, it
only fastened when the steed lia.s been
stolen. England is thinking of locking up
their stable ; this significant fact should
nmko America iuquiro, have 1 got a got a
spare horse to loose r
So much for Uritish Freo Trade, I,,. Shall
we, too, try it, and with thu sauio or a
worse result?
Death Juux Si.idki.t.. Mr, John
Slidcll, whose death is nnuouup-'d iu,n db?:
patch fiom Loudon, will be remembered
chietly for tho active part lie took in the
late rebellion, although ho was for many
yea is bct'ire. the war a leading southern
politician am! prominent iu tho Democratic
Mr. Slidell was born in Now Vurk city
in IT'JIl. lie went to New C'rliiins at an
curly age, and lived there ,uu.jl, the city fell
into the hands of tho government troops
during tho war. His first apiiearaneo in
fethrid politics was duricg tho Presidency
clrppeinted United States Distiirl Attor
ney, lie was several limea elected to the
to the Louisiana Legislature, uud look a
leading part in State politics I nun his liit
appeuruneo there, In ISIJund IS 15 he was
elected to Congress. Jle left Congress to
arcvpl tlio Mexican mission, to which liu
was appoiiiletl by 1 ivsuiciii lull".
In InVi Mr. SlidcU entered tho United
Stales Senate as the succeiir of Mr. Pierre
Soulo, and was re-elected al the expiration 1
of his term. Ho wasau active Keivnsinisi, I
and withdrew from tho Senate when his 1
.Vtate secedetl. He was appointed by tho I
rebel government a commissioner to r ranee
and J'ugland w ith Mr. .lames M. Mason.
Tho history of their arrest on board the
ilritiidi ship Trvtrt. by Admiral Wilkes,
nnd subsequent release.on the demand of
the Uritish government, is, well known.
Since that time Mr. Slidell has lived in
KuroK, moxt of the time, we believe, in ;
London. New Vork Kvenim; Post.
A Slight MiM'tait -A well-kuowing 1
minihter of New Of leans, walking along .
the blreel iu tUut uity , a few days since,
met a hdy for whom ho hud reentry r
foimed lliu marrlago service. Di-inng to I
renew tin uequiiiulauiv, (for the lady had
erciitlv iiiti him ul the luiii'.l ho lie- I
cepU'.f her with Iho, remark, ", did
1 nut ti:io lite pteusuru ui 111.110 "'a juu "
few days since, air."
1. 1 uu, .,i!trri..,l n fi.uv .Viv a ft!tii.i,9'l
i. ''i. 1 !limi''lit 1 wiu uot mistukeu; 1
"iu1 ii." 1
witR nidc ''in, thnughl my husbaud t
but lliuvo noi'HUjjurii-., tUuu ou ure;
hUatquuiiiluiice lii l'ugu ,i, i ,m,kU .
my dour, my thlB'uoii Vy- .''j iiu way,
l liilMi givo iuu botnu money IU14 v-i.l,;i
waicrlull." 'v, M
IMdeutly Ihls Milt limio ihiitl Iho w I
l.tir Ur.uiiu'4 for, au4 with a husiy Ihw, bv t,hu ruiui.ik, ''No, you nro
not ihu Uidy-I'ku luiiUkni,'' hu ii4 in
Tlu-w me said lUi Iw.uod khui iuuk 'U
III pi'Ul.k)IV4UM.
tho i.isi U yiui.
Thu blnit of NfuUH MX liild "U
sMinuiil l t.u "Uud pitu btu.' A fw
m oicu-t-iwby w tuu ly
t.i. ....i.lU.. links floUl k lllullls-
I l 14 i I .
; K n iu-' - l,' i'y
Milll l IW I'MVIW fl f.
Mep, I'ulnlliig, Apoplexy.
"When a man is asleep, his pulso beats,
his lungs play, hut he is without sense, and
you cnu wake him up.
If a person faints, ho loo, is without
sensf, hut ho bus no pulse and docs nut
Apoplexy is between the two; the heart
beats, the lungs piny ns in sleep, nnd there
is no enso, a? In fainting, but you ennuot
shake lift man buck to ltie.
In sleep, tho face is natural; in a fiiint
ing lit, il litis the pallor nt deutli ; in apo
plexy, it is swollen, turgid nnd fairly livid.
li u man is asleep, let him alone ; nature
will wake him up as soon as he has got
sleep enough.
When a person faints, nil that is needed
is to lay him down ou Hie llour nnd he will
"coniti to" in double quick time. He faint
ed because the heart missed a bent, fuilid
for nn instant, failed for only once in send
the proper nmount of blood to the brain.
If you place the .patient in a horizontal po
sition, lay him on his back, it dues not re
quiro much force of the heart to send the:
blood on a level In tho head ; but you set
a man up, the blond has to bo shot tipiv;u:d
to the head, and this requitvs much more
force ; yet in nine eases nut often, if a per
son faints ami' fulls lo the tlior, the first
thing done is to run to him and set him ou
a chair. . .,'
I u anoiilexy, as there is too much Wood
in the head, every one can see thai the. best,
position is to set n man up, and the blood
naturally tends downward, ns much so ns
water will come out of a bollle when turn
ed upside down, if iho curk is out.
Too Many Miudi.i: Mkn Not
FxoruH PitoiH't'Eiis. The question of the
policy of supporting a class of men known as
commercial travelers or middle men, is oi.u
which is attracting much serious attention.
AVo,. havo referred to it in general terms,
showing that tho wholcsalo merchant,
could iusuro a more profitable and more,
satisfactory intercourse with his country
traflc, iiirougli tlio medium ol advertising
then by the aid of tho commercial borer.
There is no question of this among men
who havo examined Iho subject fairly.
The other view of the business, establishes
the burden which the system imposes on
those who are iu the retail trade. 11 it
estimated l.hat New York'city alone keo'pc
in pay an army of 25,000 drum iners, with
an average salary of SI, 500, or S-o7,000,0U0
in all. Allowing for traveling expenses
4 jier day for 150 day iu the year, nnd the
total expense amounts to ?5:J,001,0J,
Dividing . this sum among !?00,l)OO retar!
stores deriving their supplies from New
Yjrk, and wo laid that they pay an aver-
nge tax of 55175 per annum; fur this nust
ultimately come oil tlio retailer, and to
must make it off his customers. Heiu,
then, is a tax of $5:2,000,000 levied iu New
York alone by the. imperfect and unjust
workings of our trading svstcm for the
support of a class of unless nonproducert:
Such calculations show nt once the folly if
not suicidal policy of nny longer adhering
to such a system. What tho wholeslp
merchant requires, is liberal advertising.
He can do this at one third it now costs lo
employ middle men, and at the same timo
derive more beulit. JUtrrishurij Journal.
i ii. . . .
What Wilt. You Have? Tho group
stood beside tho marble slab that formed
the bar of a saloon. The lights Hashed
from tho costly chandelier, and shelved
well the gilded room built by the earnings m
of working Lien. "What will you have?"
what will you haver" cried tho bar-tender.
A young man looked uiouud and said,
"l'.itlcr ale."
..Thi'lP.was nothing to do but press a
lover, and tho tankard., with ils fnaui
crown, was at his lips, and tho glasses
were tilled and refilled. When he went
homo lo his mother's there was no marble
table' no llashing light, aud he was short
of temper, aye, even to his mother! Aud
and ho found his way back, evening after
evening, . nud had bitter, ale, whisky,
and water and gin; fur yon must increase
tho dose as you proceed. And now he hud
a young wile, in whosa eyes there is ol
inure of tho old lighl; and lie has four little
children, who go to iu school, for they
have nothing to wear, nnd hardly enough
to eat. And ho has blotches ou that once
frank and honest face. There is an un
healthy redness about his eyes; his lips nro,
Jhjbby, swollou, and of a sickly, whitbh
color: his hands aro very uusteady; ho has
been twice dixuiishcd, and taken back at
the renucsj, of n miuibter who knew the
bruheif-lieatteil wifo ill better days, nud
wno allciulnl ins iiiutiier s luueral, t.u- nci
snu wus druuk al it. Aud if ilmli r.i i
fever came t his cheerless room, his will)
Would likely be a w idow and his childieii
without a father, and, worst of all, it
would be no great lo.-, to lliem.
lie did uot meaii to have Ihrso when he
tu'.d "bilk r ule." jlutuij iheso have ciiine;
or lire will burn, rnd fully will injure, and
vice will curse us, whelhfi- wo uieuu to or
not. - Ah ! it has bt cu bitter ale to him,
My ft ie i id, what will you have? l.oul.
beyond the hour uud glass, think tf the
future; however pleuscnt it looks to the
eye, or lasted to Iho lip, for "at last it
bileth like a serpent, mid stingeth like an
adder." Dr. Hull.
A Nkouo ): 1 1 nsion Anoi'T Khus.
y tye iu debled to uu exchange fur the
following; "lii lint fairest village of iveslv
eru New York thu "culled pussuus," in
emulation ol their while brethren, funned
a delating society for the purpoMj i f im
proving their uiuuU by thu uiscussiou of
itiMructivo uud entertaining topics. Tho
deliberation of lliu society vvcru presided
over by a vciieMblo darkey, w ho t foi-m-cd
the duties wuh thu utmost dignity is.-,
cuh. ir to his end ir. Thu suhieet lor dis.
i'UsMouou the o;'t' .'li-.ui of w hit h wo wiu
wus; ") IdnU aui dj ituiddcr ol do cliiiUu
ilo 1-v.u uot.l.iy J, egg, or do Iuu mil
hatchuj do thick)"' Thu question wui
wurmly diluted uud ninny iv.isoiis pro
uud en wero urged uud coinhutod by lliu
i'X(-ttcl dibput inU. Thobo in lavnr of tint
litter prupiwitioii were i vi.!iutly iu tho
majority, uud Ihu 'l eidelil liliiilo HO III.
l lupl lii toi ici ul liis y iiipuiliics wcrv)
with tho doiuu. iiil party. Al k unili uu
'"'. iH.-nt djiLcy utou lioni the luiuoiilt
.u ''I IbC'cd Uuiu lv) bt.ttii It prv poai-
yoiin i... ".sikkk'," bai.l he, Mul
uiy ilium- .. Una '. , gK. und. r u I., u,
t do . . ((J ,(lu,,lU ,, , ,ui V
pul, s.i I iu.i.pll.bu . H.w j
I lliu loiiu ir Ihu ul juiih illp ' , j,.y ,.w
1 united l.lmsiU I m l.rl'i u.iil "
I Lliuuglti; b... HlUr l)oH.iliia, biel bi'l'-U'
i lllj lilt Moyilt ft W llllllllllb, blUl.t id'
blltftk lilli! ,'ll.ilU llulU I.IS lli.HI lu ud
llw piidu ..f im.u..Jii bH(H iloiity. ho u
I liouuitd. UI bxl li'U dtt Ilium' i
' ihukblM 'M du qiM-bH..!!, d I Iff lllu dtt
) du. M lill'" mid il i II ho lb' I, 1 .o.npitl.
j umlllu il " psibiuU '