Kcriurs, 'Zee. fttcMcal. ifthscrllartcoirs. tattttfactttter. i3ct!!itncous. ' Si v ... ('jiimiii.T, fruit. Arn. ::.. Take vi-.l ilivmd nppbs -irtro, qirirlcr nut. boil til! tcwicr, but not to brenk in pieces. Ailil puttit to t lie taste, ' rnd let llio whole boil up once or twice, "l-'ill llio jars nnu ccnl. Anoi -ii eh Knciri-.. Halve nnd core ripe nnd tuMflornjiplro, fill the pir, pour in oyrtip till llio jnr ia lir.ll' full, place in n b'rilcr of noli! wsiW, boil Ijii iiiinules if there is a vncunm fill t'lm j ir with hot oyrup nflcr bikini; n sliort lima to sottlo, tc:tl ns before iliractcil. rn.r:!i:':. Secure .hie, r'po .caches ; jare them ; part 1 1 in tr. hntvcB, i.ik! luke out the r-loiK-s ; put l.ic.i in water ns booh ns ptitvil, to ti.tnili llio color; Ii!! tlio jit's Willi ixaohes, r.ukcil ns closely im pnnsiblc; ivl.l fvnip till Hi- J.tr or ran is half full. I'incfi in n vessel nf v.uhl water nnd boil tl inimilcs, uinl sea! ficcoMliiii to ;eneral ili i't!Kici:.i. A not m 'it Ki.e.ri'. After prcpprin the. pnaulica r.s nbovo lill tlis jars first irali peaches thru with purrs water; boil ten tiiiiiul"S end fw-u! ujt hfi . When wanted for ue pour nil' (he water ; i.i.t 'ic pc.mhos in a dlfiii end sprluklc wii'.i Hitpir an hour liolbre wn.itcJ, tamo as flesh peaches. irr:t This fi'iil plmuld bn 'liectl anil boiled in water till lender, then lit! tho i'li-s or cans, adii Win hot syrup am! cr.l n? ilirccU-il. inucroitr. 'lidclics. Many ycrvs pjo. when the Slate of (teor.-'.i "vni in its 'nl'aney. ono of llio t'ir ;u!l JiKi'ir.i was V..i I'.n.v. n. lie vns n voh'ii pfrjiihty ami i-nery, but, :i!;e i o"d maov d!-;ti;i;:r.ir-;n,il iicrHojr- ii" i'nt day, Jv ii'i-i' a ,.'ia' 'd.'.t-H ; cn l wlvnever the inefhers of tiio h.,r wu-.i!.! turn in mid help, he. ron'.iiitcs dr-nik (o excess and be-c.-.'lie g'.oriottKly I'idtl'.ed. C i (iiie'oecasion, wliilo tiMvelinjj ni fin-nil, be raihrd t ho vill,ii,"i of Dayton, in llooly county, v.liero I he court waa to bo opened nest lay, nnd ool qnnrlcrs with a relative of his wife thai, lady acompanyin him. After Flip per .Jiuk'C llruwii strolled over to the. only tavi in i i t'ln place, kept by one ISterritt, whe.w c toe', n rhiin'oer of hit) lea! lViendx. A convivial cvuiiin; v.iia jnifitl ; drinks iVeqnenlly went r itmd, and somewhere iiiiool tiiidtii;lit; the honorable llela was in a :-.;:ii:or iiiitul quiu! the reverse of that implied by tho old saw !ohcr aC; a..! ude.' Wliju be was leaving for home, one of the younjt l.iwyer in a npiril of mischief, slyly pafsed son;o f.jioons I'roia live tumblers into the .i".d'.;e'?. pocVet. '.hi htssop; himself, next Piornin;.', the 1'Cei ptric oliki i', pill tin,! his hand into his ! p"'-;;et, was preatiy pcrpn-xeii in iiiscover iti;; Wucc or ibur silver pponns. "!iCi.'s se-e tliciii," wiid the wif.;. "Yer ! r--;-e civ)!vj;!i ! her""a his veritable initials ! Pray, how did yon happen to have them in your pocket j"' l,l think 1 must li.ivelcen drunk when I cr.me homo-wasn't 1 V" iiifjoii-'-d the Jtuli "Ves !!' replied thcdi-voled Polly. "You know your old hahil when you jre.t amoiv; those lawyers !' "Crr'ai'nly ! I cm r.nuen-le.ne eisi!v i non:;li how it. nil came about. That fellow tcrr-! t kfjcps how it all c:i:ac about. Tliat fellow I'.lori'i'.t 'c.-eps the m -anest l:j'ior in j the i-j-.relo ; hvt I never supposeii thai to liriek it voultl nii:i;.! -i wan .steal 'l'lio rpoons v.-ei-ij du:y ri t.-:ri:Ad in the In nd lord, nud tins Jf.-Jc Vcut p.nd opened liis eourt, thinV.in- no iv.oiv a')ouLthe niat 'cr. !-ever:.l elaps-ed, and thebus'itit.sa (ji Wie court was drawing to a close, when one Moi iih-ji a ninh-lookin customer was ."rrai'ec-d l;cfo:v his Honor for larceny. Ifo pliv.dod guilty, but raid in niitiiMtii'iti that lie was drunk at the time of commit 1in;r tho ofTcnso. " Whalia tiic nature of Ihc cbargo a-:iiuf t the man V" inquired Jud ;e I'.rowu. ";;,ea!in; r.io-ie.y tio-.n t lie till at J-JtcrriU's tavern," ii plied liio clerk. "Venn.!; mat)," said the .fado, solemnly, ''arc you mire you were intoxicated when you took Tho liioney V" "Yes, your honor ; I was s-i jo'dy drunk t hai, lliiiU'a k-okcil ns if they were dancing doubl-e-si. '.'.files, cud when 1 went out-doors tho ground kept cctniu up and hit tin-; me in head.'' . tell me, did von yet al! the Ijouor vou drank at Slen;.l';V'' " ' ' "i'.vt i j d: op of ii. yo-ar llonr.-.'' "And s i you !;!t tip-y on his Hrp.vir. e.'.ul llii'ii stole h,s in-iiicy 'f "That's it ov.K'iiy ; I ill. "...'I know what I was iloin.1' Tui-iiin toti;e pv.sre.lliil": e.Iloi'ney, tii-i .1 udi! fv-.-.id : 'This ij a r.io- rxtr.rirdi nary case, Mr. A'toi-iiey, and one, I thin!;, il"ni -i-l'.i!! the i lean i.ey of the ( "o'lrt. You v ill theivibre do mo the favor cf e:il -riir a !) ' ,.. That 1'iipior of SlerriUV 1 havj rc:tinii '." kuow. ie i-i -an cnou-.;li to make r. nnn do ..-ij .iii-.i diny. I :il drn'tk op It invs- ll'lhe other iii-.di!, ;u:l "lole e.'l i ll sivi mi., ! iftiicr b'P !.'t'l." !'.'.' 1)'.!' ei oi the (.' i n j simmer, lit: J- ut ii! m-11 f .;. lit li' .1 to tia vc . '-". nnv he; ill." i a.'--:iira reli.-a...e tlio i V'Kt.i-v.iV- a ", .ii IVti-.-o!) Jnr-i'is was j '..tveluio tliro.uli t!o wcfili .n part of the' 'tale of Kew Viu!:, he tell in ivii'i an Irish- -ri n e ii-i !ia-'. k'lely arriVi-d ; til's conn- , i -e, :ri. -:m-.i M -. : . : nier wn i I C0I.-" :i ,i lU I n'. soi-.ui ( ' i . '. ns i:i that pai l of I'n l'at wis a st;ii:.--, ni--.", a !rn l.':iLiiui; ,iud had tu-v -r ? i t' !'. 'i'-'io ci.tu -.-!i. ! n;al -.liii l , i.i.-.u. Ib t -Id l'.it l-n v. a- !aiiitry .Man was :i ,,. h -.le.i. -in 1 iuv't'eil IiW n iVly m i l-i fi :. !i 1 u:il'-:"l a .! .' v.is a 1!I I -Me ill I ' ma t-l - b'm I ta-- 1-:. ic. bl- d.-Minat ion ' .ii -' . i ii !ir by. -III' ''.I . '. ioi", v -v ;'!' a j--vival 1'k-;v !.ut of li"! i is, w'. i I,., I t; -. ! '.'..: e, ::iv'l--l l.i-i.tln r - -s i ii. I ri l !i. -- ;i.-a I '. - , . ' I - .ie -op'i-il I l.y Til, y '.i-i loiik--, i !e. Al!i I- Ie' Wl 'i-t!r i In .' ills, and, -i -l i'i V.. hi I'm- I si- p. I ' li: n in a whisper that cu'.iM b h i:iq!:ii-eil : "Sin", it t I .ii'l tlis i , . u'-l at! .it ou.id, i. ft.- c!iureh V" "if pin i-js-ak u ti "Ihi .'i !" lid ln -ili , ; ' M-ur I ill--y w'.ll pin v-i i i ':' "I'il; a ttui-i I !; I'n. I; at uU," .tid v. if i a j rayer 'i'!l'i in-- :' 'l by tie! p.: ' I'.. I . -1 I V. . , , I.J I',- ,...!. e I'i.. , "ll -t - . 'i .I.t - In- . . M l I -l..ti -.: in,' I'.n in . : y 1 1 c, ly. !ti i It! ill. l ll I M IS kt Hell. I.- Ill 1 ill Iti-llt 1. 1 1' I', !l Jtil.-'l . " r--.!... li i ll .1 i nt. '-Mlti'l I'll. .0 h. ' l is- 'll Ili.l I y l-1" Uli I lb II I Ini.ki- i i. i ) ni i r- H !" li . Ill i e . Mly 111 - . I n ' 1. 1 . , 1 1 ii. I ! f I V. I: noil i II ... il k.e '.Ill' till t v a a i I .Hi l-i- . . !,- V CI i i : i i . i -A li i li i. lt. in I Hi HI t I l.i...' .1 l 1 I ' ' 'l l l ll ' I i W i.isll i'i''1- I ll'l. J I, llil'l I 1 l-'l i M ., . - - . .1. . . ., . t . .1. '. 1 lliil j,; -.11.1! j - t l lb . I in in it v.. VtlL I I.. H ltl t ' "V. ! to. ! I -. - I -. . i I lb t . in ' . ii." l toi I I. I m r t ' I iir.rw.tY t. cil'iiuoi.n-is COMPOUND FLUID LXTKAC'T CATAWT.A Component Ports rititil Extract Rhubarb nml Ffiild Extract Cutuwbu drape Jtilee. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billon Ancc ttoni. Hick or Nervous Headache, Costivcncss, clc. Purely Vcgctnhlc, containing no .Mercury, Mineral or Deleterious Drugs. Thofe Pills nre the mo-l delightfully pleasant p.irg-ttlvo, superseding motor oil, stilts, rtingnc-t-i.i, etc. There is nothing mora ncceplnbln to the MiitntiHi. They rive tone, nml causa neither ''fea inn- erlnplng pnlns. They nre composed " "r." i ' , .' ?. , "'il nl I lictii, sncli mi, lavliiorAllon of ttio entire rye- tern tali-. plnce n 10 npppar niiricnlous to in? wenl; mill enervated, wlicttier n riflnjr from lin-priiili-iti" or liene. II. T. Uclinholirs Com penr.rt l'liill Kxtract Catnwlni tirnpc Till nre not Fii-f ir-ro te-1, from tlii faet tlint Murnr-coated l'iii ilo nut ili?vilv-. Imt jms ttirotiKli the fto tinicli willuiiil iliii!vin-f, rniiMOiim-iilly in not pnvjiu-e tlic ilesire. ! elliit. The Cutnwl-n (Ir.lpo I'l'l?, Ix'intr pU-nmiit In taptc nnd oiler, do nut nrewsltnti- their hclajj Bin ir-eeali d. I'ricc lilly ';!(! per mix. 'J1 i A ! hesry t. nr.i.ni:i.:s IirrilbY f'Ovf'KNTr.ATF.l) I'OMI'dCVD Ii- i'l i;-r-l N;irsiUrUli ' ",'.'. r:iifei"y e-rtereilnnle from the py.-tem Pero- I'nhi, i ypliili ', l ever fore, lUrin-, Scire Kyp, ' Snrtj l.--;;, !:nr- .Mi-nth, !iri' lle.i-1, llrouchilis, j Hkin Ii?i -i?es. Kill. I'.heiim, (..'imKerK, Itunnini; i lid.i: the K;ir, While Kive:iei!;:, 'i'uiii r8, t'aneer i ,vi,i ,M:-!!on.'., :iiNV. li'rtci-H, llliindilhir twell- i:n" , Ni-rl't Sv.-.-uis, rtti.-Oi. 'l-.-ii.-r, llunior of nil l;iiicl?. Chnvile I'Y-nvnal imn, lvs; i iii;i, nnd nil .H- vses l!i.-.t imve I -i'ii e -t a ll. in-it in thefyslt-m for ye:-.r". Heiii! prepared expressly for the ntiovo Com lilainlr.. its lilood-pm-fj-'ni! p.operlies are irrente.r than any othir prenaiation of Kiifapnrlll.i. It H'lvi ? the cn:n;ileviiii a clear an 1 healthy eolori mid I lore tin- l':ilient to u pintn of Health and I'liiily. l-'oi- I'lirilyinsj the ISIoml, removin; nil ehrniih' constitiitiiinal (lisi-ates nrlfiii!; from nil iinpii-e state nl the. IU1101I, nml the only rellahlu and iH'.-i I Hal kmiwn lumeiiy lor the pure of jmuih and Hivi-Uinr; of the l!onei. rieeralioiiR of the 'I'hroat and ltloti lirs, Pimples on t lie Fiu-e, Miy-!ipel.i ' ii'id nil utaly crttptioini of t Ins kin, nnil lii-.-iut living the uiiiple'nni. Priep, tl.M jwr liott Ii' iif.nuy t. nr.i.Mr.obirs C(lfXCNTI!ATla FLI II9 KXTR.MT Itfilll', TMK CUKAT DIURETIC, Inn eared every ease of DlaVtca in whleh It has Ii -en ifiveii. Irritation of the neck of the l'hid der ami inll'iiiiiition of the Ivi !iteya, Uleeration nf tln Kidney and liladih r, n teiilion of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate lila-id, tone In tho Illad-'eT, Cileuliis. (iravel, lirU-kduH Deposit, a-nl Ma-.-mis tn- Milky Disehara-?, nrul for fln IV ehled and Delirate t'opftitntlous of liotli fi-Nrn, alleinli-il v.'ltti the fullov.-iti;; symptoms : ltidis po.'iih:i t-i everliol!, I.ns- of Pimer. I.ohs ol Me iimiv, UilMi-iilty of lire-it hiier. Weak Nerve, Tremhiiiiir. Horror of Diwase. Wn l.efiilnesy, !)Pii'ic of VlMnn. Pain in Ihe liaek, Hot Hands, I'liudiiiej-of Ihe. liody, Di vnesx of tlie likl-i, l-'.rup-tio-i on the faee, -alid ( iniiite iance, Universal lassitude of the M iisenlar system, ele. Used liy jieiTonR from the aires of eii-.li teen to t-.n niy. live, and from thirty-live to llliy-llve. or in lii - ip i-ll r ehaiu'e of lifo; after eoiiline- tiu'tit oi !(il,-r ju-.Iii.T- -, he.lwcttie!; l-i chlhlreii. IlelmiiohVa F.xtr.Kt Bnclni is Diuretic nml lSlooil-piirifyiii'.r, nnd rill-en all diseases arising from hi. hits of disfliiation, nnd rxeesses and im dinees in Life, linpiirities of tho Blood, etc., "mirr-edim; eopuiha in al'i-etat!ot;s for which ll ia lined, nnd nypliili(ie nlli-elioas in these dis eases used in connection with llelmhold's Rote Wash. LADIES. In many nlieclatnins perullar to Ladies, the TCMraet Uui liii U uneipiaied hy tiny oilier reme dy as in chlorosis or retention, irregularity, I i:i i.i: line:- or suppression of eu;oinary evacua tions, nleernted or sehinis state of I'.iu Ulerus, l.-.-.ieorrlln a or Whiles, sterility, nml for i.ll eoiaplaiiits iMi-ideiit to the i'c, whether arisiii! iiidisin lion or hahits of dissipation. Jt is pi-e-seritii-d et--nsivily by tho most eminent physi eiaii.i nnd lui.hvive.s lor enlVchled and delieatu fmi-l '.I titious, of both pcxes anil ell aires (attend ed wii li uny of the nbove disi ases or symptoms.) H. T. lir.LMBOLn'S EXTRACT BIX'iUT CUllK.s ISI-'...r.S Ai;i:!N(! 1-KnM IMi P.U l'KMT.b, PAlliTS Ol" DlfSIPATION, K'l'C, in nil tin ir n .res, at liltle csiiense, little or no el .-!iJ ia dk-t , no hn-oiiveuli'iiee, uiid no expo- sniv. il e.-ii-' S n freipicnt desire, and civeu ! sl!-ee-r!h to Urinate, tlicrehy I'Pimn ins Ohslrue ' li.i.is, I'reve.ilin- nml Curins uielui-es of the 1vcHire, Alia ne; l'al.i nni iMllaniation, go frn-nai-nt in lliia cla-s of diA-UM-s, mid expelling ull l:l,nnoiiH im. Iter. 'I -iouii1 -4 who have been the victims of in-coni-lint persons, und who have paid heavy Ii . in iie eare-t In u, short time, Ii ive round they l;!ive lieen deei-'Ved, nnd thai llio -'Polsiiu" has, by I hi- ll-e of ,,-owfii i'ul a-.trln-'ents," been dried vi 1 la the nMeni, to break oil', ill 11 more iiiiru v;:!e,l i-iii-i, nii'l puliap- ii!'cr Mur'-lai;e. i 11 -liiili.lil's !'Mi;u! Biu-hii for all Aif-e-tl..iis i. .id U. .... - i f the I'ai.-'y t'n'.ni-. wVi-.lli-ci c:-l;u ii. Male or IViiiaV, 'Vina wliitevcr oiiiiin-.'tn. e.nd no mailer how Ion; stuudtni. 1'iiiv, ij.ic duller mid tuly etnt.s par but lie. JinNllY T. Iir.LMllOl.D'ii P.UTkOVED ROSE W.i;:U I iin ivd in a Kuie Wash, uinl will bo :i!y I i'i-ii!e is-iiii il v in i-ve-y hh-cIcs i i Alle.-t,.ii. il i ciuliiv i-rndieales fe I p. ii Ir. , I'pul-, '-.i l.-:tU- Dryness, indur-ilion r i oi lli I 'i it-'-i us .Mi iiiliraiie, tie., ili-n-l Kill- , m i y. - I lui-ip .i i.t li.ll.ii.mli. -ii, Hives, Rash, I'.il li-s, D.yiics., of Sealp or Skin, Frost h i t all i n , l-n Vi h.i-'i S ilv- i or Oiut- i -i I; re.-lnu , I'i.-. I.I i l i.i Hiite of . vl so''! ne nil 1 I., 'ires colli ililli tl .V ;!i! 1 I 1 -. I I i.u li.,-illl Ol 1(4 Vct-cl. oil ij:::; i in : a'i.. .i 1 i.d-th-j iii-.-ciiile lie.niiers :uni.i ' - i) e! . -i'i'; V-vl.-ii i i tilt h Si-!i.,'ii ;iud admlii .1, . . r vi!.. .'I.- t:s .1 !. La lv .r I-Vlslil- it- : -; . ;!. ,l.ii,, il. I, II li.ibi.i'i'k Uo,o Wu-h I li:.., lei sllil-lille.l lis o i -.(.:.- hum lu lllllHltllid- I i- I 1 id main-, by por.-i--M'i-; ipialiiie wbii h ii-n-i r ll a 'I i...i l , . ii 1..-" i f llm nm l lMi-rlu-'Cv. lilll C'll-' lii.ii ehii.ii.-, Col.tliiliiie; in im i 'i oil liiiiii'tlM t'li..-- priiinlt eiil n ii.in- s, sin,.. 1 ty .ml l.lli -ai y Hi.- im.tiia if- in i-.i!-isiuilnelilo ' ol I ii-. -.i .1 Pie .i-ri-illv.i and It -irealn-i of I i-I'.iii.pl.-ii.-ii. It I, an fH.ii lb-ill l.oii nt t'-.r ill. .. -i-l ol 11 i l It l.i ii- N.ll .ill-, utm na ,lt It c- ll.. II lol i!;.t...-i-a nf t'ld t I ill. II) ttl'Krfll, III I in;, jll-l.ll Ili.liKa ll!' lit 'liilloli, lii-i d ill Ciiilll ili.l I I -villi I lei I ii.i. 1 , lb., bn, f ii -.isii il!;i, it'll Ij- I III Ml, i.is: PiJ-, ill l. h ill I'llM' itB I Ill - i in. .ni. -I, i .i.iiii i be i-iiii taned. Pilee, uuu doll.tr p I b-illli- in., a. I iij.i.i it'.i, i -. lu.i, aii.nii; thy Hit t ii- i .a. lit-i i, 1 1. ii ti.ii ' I .1 -. I- l'f 111.' I I.M (.) l.tll ll.'l !' ll I llilll l. I II..., I- -I l I .1.1 II I i, , ' I, I., I IL I I-1 .I.V ..in. I I. ';..l I. Hlll Ii I, , im I .11 -I.. i i',- - i- ,i,. i, cm- I ii li .,1 . will I l.o lit, l UI.-.J, 111 lit.iiu t'lliili.l.t 'll t.l i.lill, I I I - I.I. I, I l ll i . I. II -. 1 1. 1 J ll I ll I .1 l-.l iii li i.ll I In 1 !. li ..eiil, .1. It In In . u. -I . It, i - I . li.-l il l II l. 1 1 .' I H. I . I II. I I I. '.'-. I.u .. , l-i ii, ' - i I'i. ii .1 i.t, .1-. .. I . , I i I- - I . I !.,, I , I. !l III) I', Ueillli"l -i-illlltt,i I 'IK. l.- III. I.M l-i J n.:i tti .... : ..I n. i. . ii. i i i i il I- i li ll. .! il. -Ml, : .1- . ' a- i I, I.I, i't I'n i--. . 4...l i. t'l I ..I ' 1' , S Ui ;tncous. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. TIIIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR TflE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount, nfProperty Insnrcd, f rl2,8ir,00 Amount of l'rcniliiin Notes In force, (U4,2ia,00 CAsrt ASSETS. Amonut loaned nt Interest, $11000,00 Amount In TrciiRurcr'i linnrls, $1000,00 Amount ri)io from Airetit, HO0,W5 Amount, duo from other sources, ff?-J6,00 Available Capital, f OO.SauJS Eniirc j our JnUle. INSURE with ft t-etponslblo nd perfectly re liable Compnny. Insure where your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS Id A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, unlike other Cnmpanles, you nro Miro of bcini; paid promptly for nil losses, if Insured In this Compnny. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY, fic'iur mutual, onr expenses nro less, nnrl our Charter is IVrpe.tunl. Vc pay losses by all kinds of nccldi-iits by dentil, (exceptina In ciibcs. pf epidemics,) by theft, A:c.. te. Wo pny prompt. lv. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money in case of loss. Xoisrly 3,000 pnll on Cons nlone ftince Orennizntlon. Look nt the list of Losses paid on Cows nlone by this Company. M IleiinlnRer, Si'nbiiry, Pa $H3, I) lliltrcit, Norlhumberlniid f0, (ieori;o Eckcrt, " 40, 8 B Dod-'e, " SO, Charles llollek, Mt Cnrmcl 110, r.siibcns Sipple, " 40, Cnthariiin Wanner, Wntsontown 4(1, Oeoricc Heir, Northumberland 50, Jaeob Snvder, Sunbury 33,33 ,1 W Basslcr, " fill, Minor Unity, Dewnrt on, Catharine Maitz, Khiimokin 40, Friiucls Biieher, Sunlitiry i'-O, !ainu-l B I'riee, Upper Lehigh .,(), Joseph Deppen, Ml Carincl 50, Matthias Nchollv, " m, Francis McCnrty, " 50, Maria Kramer, Wntsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40, J Al-.ii C yuiiri;le, rinc, unnton eo...; -, R Ramntrc, Shenandoah, Schuglkill Co .40, J S Tharp, Slinmokln 40, ll.omns Wardrops, Mt Cnrmcl MA Loudcnslar, Herndon, 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, 14 L iicniran. Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shinei " 40, Jacob Stolti!, " " 40, D II Bower, Herndon, 30, Gen 1) Lnhr, Oeoreetown 40, .1 ol in 11 Ossmnn, Sunbury 40, W U Wallace, Northumberland 30, It S Grahnm, " 50, Rclieecn Keble, Gcoruetown 40, Philip Wlntcrstein, Wntsontown 40, (i S Low, Lime Ridcte, Columbia co 40, Lewis Osicrhant. Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40, Mary J I line, Nortlnmihcrlimd 40, B F Krohn, Sunbury .'. 40, Andrew llealy, (;irnrdsvUle, Schuylkill co.. 40, Patrick Fiirsrosoii, Mt Canned 40, Marl in I'elaney, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill eo 10, Anthony MeLnuulilin, Girnrdavillc 40,- Llayniau S Hny.Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Rancher. Berwick 37, J D 1-Vcht, Poltsville 30, l'rastus Sober, Point twp 20, A Lippencott, Wntsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watson'iiM loss pd lne.tHum,40, I P Llpiencott, Wntsontown 40, It 8 Ammcrmnn, Snydertowii 'JO, Nathan Bloss, VJei-.i! -!;, Cntiinibln co -7, J .Vi C li (Jni-.'!Ic,l'ine Sla'n Clinton c'Jd losf,40, Charles W Ilazzard, Rupert, Columbia co... 40, John Foirleman, Wntsontown 40, Patrick Hester, 'Mt Cnrmcl 40, Thomas Met:'. Paxinos 30, R MeClosky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. r.EIMEN'SN YDElt, Scc'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS ! Ex-(iov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brnncr, Poloinon St rob. Wm. Brindle, Soloman Shiie, Jo! a A. Shlsslcr, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Wnldron. March 11, 1ST!. ly. TIME IN HOF.VII ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by nio wil be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT extka ciiAnoij, liY Tim YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, s.'is'. ,v Vv-V'--v'A v "-... i -v;:...i-'.f.',V- :,.r"hs"' ' . : , vS)V-i t. . i, VI.V JB?7 . '! V A V.'. . A " ' ' w hleh I have the exclusive riu'ht to use m untnirv and icliilly. have money, time nnd labor, by buying of N. FI'.ICREE 1.IV1ITNF.U, Dealer lit Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, Ac., Ve., iVc. Sunday School SL'PPLIKS made a specliillly. Itluuk, MruiorMuduut A 1'iihh Itookn In endless variety, Just received. BOOK HINDI N(i done to order. Persons will Have i vk ii-u by leaving their orders lor biudiui; with me. riCTIKK I'll A n EM ofall il.es, em In.in llm Mnultliiig at very low rub s. OVAL A hljl'ARK FRAMES always on hand. ALUl'MS, RUACKETX, GOLU TEN'S Sic, Ac, iVc. A lirce nnd well i-lecled slock of Toys ulwny on h unt. Anything not on bund promptly ui lb nd. Itar;:iiii .r lui-h. t nil ul N. FKUHEE LIlillTN'ER'S ItiMik hlore, Kl ;ii of Foley Gold Pen, Market b-piaru, buy bury. Pi. Muiibtiry, .UU'Ui-t bill, lMTl), J. WASHINGTON'S .lti iitli:it mior. 'I Im old 'rinuiif iit'tlmp ut llio luwn We ib-t-Uliti Ibii buitfl, bill ul Ihu ,ulliu tune i ili.l.l. r lb il Ilie liiliilily tiiilh uiUiNi iii.uiiii' hi) . ik.ii v illmul uiuiilli.liii j uu uueuiulmlit l'i iiiiii'Uiil of miully uinl uiiiiiillou. J i l n.n.i .,ii, i.k'.i 1 U. ii my tiiuluru i.u ai in ii.i, -' ti i. -balf my lililuiiu lltutl-ir ti'.i-t, line I mii.I iini lm diir ul our liii. .I .v ..ii. i .i n, ii.. niiiiii miii nli'bl, uud uppltvd llu lii.. l ma uii'iiiuliiii I, nml il hi a lul ' i!'i ( I I .i.i; ii.ilu.il. d by lUu mllilj luiiia uf '...l 1 1. i,i ( , t,. bjtk I b4tvi Uiuil) itciy. b. -It in lliu i ,.ii ii y ( ii, niiiiuI'U t.iiliiiii mui i.i i, o Hie , ul. . . lul. n .i tu hint I., (.uliliily kl.i. il i. . t I I k l l- illoil, ld Hllll Ml Hil U Ml, I .. ! 1 ili4 Ul. IM Ull KiJdIU Hill liUU-ill I ll'.iiiuli- ll'lli, l.f MIOIW. t --ii j kb. u i.ii l-n .k, s-W . hail I Ibu UMl- I ' 4ti HiHiitl C4.l In, Mill li'ftUuuH all 1 1. ...ti, Iii . U i nu, krfll 1UI lull, aU4Uliuu I'.ll, li. h I .ill' t.l; ..I . limn. , I'uiiib viol in .. I... I. ,i x.tl, ulli.ll. .kill, Ml Ibu "(alii lti'i.r ...! I ,.. ililii lu auil Ilia ,u.l.iiMi. ) . i.i .'i4- , i" I I. ia ta Hoik. i. pi l"i'l a ' ' -I --'! a1!' t' ,;i t au u-H I. U.w ul 4i-li4 I.- . iliiu a) 4 ava alvll 14 Ui ti-M.a ali-l i4 -l 1.-. 4 i l 41I ll I 1. J. UMM .i , i . t.i -i a-l i lii. la aalia- ti a 4 . I .'-ji, aia-t, t,vl UaiaH til,.) III. I, I PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A NIIOEN Manufnetnred to order nt GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOll.M M ILiVEK, Nprnrc Nlroet, Nnnknry, Penn'n, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt mrprlslnyly low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very best In market. Ills long exper ience In the business has won for him n reputation for making first class work cqunl to nny city manufacture. All work warranted. TEirWSSTRICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing nro also rcducod. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Mnrch 4, 1871. mLLIKEKY GOODS GENERALLY. NEW STYLES OF LOXXETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. Mourning and Itrldnl Hats and Bonnets. Full line of Monrninar Veils nnd Crnpe. Millinery is the specialty. Sash Ptibbon'n, (Jrnnments, Feathers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c, fee. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below tho Railroad, Surbury. April S3, 1871. NTKHF.OlHt'OrEN, VIEWS, AhBUMS, CnROMOS, FRAME8. K. A II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Itrondway, Xw York, Invito the attention of the Trnde to their exten sive assortment of the ubove goods, of their own publication, manufacture nnd importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRArilOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, iMrotrrrais and manitactukeks of IMiotogrnphic .MntrrlatM. March 4th, 1871. ly. l'OJIl'FRET WAXOIt CEMETEKY CO.niMNY. This company U now prepared to sell lots In tho new Cemetery, located on hn eminence about one-fourth of a mile cant of Sunbury. The In crease of Ihe imputation of Sunbury, nnd conse quent advance In the ratio nf mortality, ns well ns ttio limited facilities for the interment of those who have fought life's bnttlo, have suggested the organization of the above named com pan v. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the oQlcc of J. A. Cnke, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbacli. Price or lots from $5 to $15, accordiug to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROIIRBACII, Scc'y. May 10, 1871.-tf. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! 1 A NEW (STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. AV1LLIAM NEGELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store nt tho nliove place, will constantly keep on linnd, u large uud select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Siu, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Ilurenus, Cnnc-Seatcd Chairs of all grades. Rocking and Kitchen Chairs, Wnshstauds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looklug-lihisses, Window Shades, nnd In short, everything usually to be found in nny well-kept Furniture Store, limy bo bad at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to business, to merit tho putronnic of the public. An Invitation is extended to nil desiring anything In the line of Furniture to call and examine inv stock. t'ndcrtaking done in nil Its branches. 1ST Rcpnirin done at short notice. . WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, Jubc 11, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEE'S Ci LtFOHNI A VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Ilcsr testimony lo their Wonder ful C'urutlVo Kdtcls. i O 21 FANCY DRINK. lli Mailu nf Poor Itrnu, Whlaknr, I'ruaii Hailrlia a tin iiri.il, i-.ni-eia. a- S 0 - WHAT ARE THEY? 'r vKi- -A Hi Ssj &Fr y its Ik V xAJ-m a p n i y nail llrfiiMU .liuwrduclur'tl. aiilcod sndawttl-m.-a to iiloaaa l bo tuale, called M VuDua,M"A'rxll; cre," llnnorira," c, tbtl Ictit iUo llprkr ca to druukcunt-aa and mill, tout trns ali-diclini, mado frouitho Nativo l.ixxa an J, lltrtauf I'ulKorula, frco Iraiu nil AlcoUalle XllniHlnnln. Tbcy Ilia tiltt'AT lll.OOll PlUII-lillt nail A I.IFB I.IVIMJ I'UIX ll'l. all pcr.'icl liiulor aui luvl,-orau.r of I.u t.lcui,ctirrjU.j t.tr ill fiulaouou niaiuir autt rvalurln: llio I towl lo a laatiliy vouditloa. hopcraou can WLa I1il-l4I IUIUI4 avcordirn to dirus liun and K-umiu loej anwclL aitalO ill bo (ivvufuraa liirural lo e a o. ituvldad llm towiua ara I ut ilcalroyi'il toy ait'araj -ol:--..a ur otLcr aii'aua, ami llu iwl vrtiaita hukl aiioaidl'ia iolbl ot ruiialr, t ar laUuMBikirry nail ( hroalii llaraaina I lajai nail liuul, ll aatpala. or ludiallo, 111 I Ion a, Ut-aiillul uual lult-i HillK ul f'vivia UUiMato al Ihu II load, I. lair, HlUkft a, aail Ulaaldvr, llo.aa llliuia fcax Una mual aiauixa. lul. Iib Ulaaaat ato (auaid ty tlialval lilaaat, akitkUttvaaraJly rodtuiwl ly i:.iauiuiv-l i'f Uw llliicailaa Oraaua. llila-M-t.IV UU INUIUKHTIUX. Hra4 ..li , I ai.. I i iU fctiot.I L la, loaaua. 1 1 ulkiaa u lua ito-l, liiia'.i.aa, lour iuii4lloua ol ;bv lluaua.S, IWJ I. u I j luo aluulk, It.Uoka AiUola, l'al-IUu a ol tiM. ilaaal, UUaJaia aaloa ol Ifco I aoga. I ak la lua ihi i ol lua kklu ya, soil a kad4 olhai a,olkl aju. loana, are lua ol. fioraol I yiutLaia. Ik ) luilatulala Ika aiuauaaa an I aauaklaau loo II !! i ii. it aud too a oak a uu a f4 luaiu ul aoaaalU 4 tl.iw la llaaoaiaj bW I IlmmI ol all iui uillU-a, a4 lu.'i ili.y oaa liio ax I g-. u in a 'i u a) .loui. till! KI la S l-luolioav. I -ilk I.I all l.luoaa, lu k-kaa, luova. I m 1 1 a, I ailolaa, UoiMj, i a lauila. Uio-WiNaya, tooaul llvad. I o tyoa,lMy'io lla., lUk, Hala, 1'kHa.loial-wi o Iko klla, Uuiuoia an I ft, aa ol too i a -a, a I ahainii.f laauo oi kaiuia, aio Uu tally ao uk a lbaii.l oal ol Ika iiauai a a skoal Iiumi ky lua law o lkaa L.tui.. aa toollbj It lakiou kill tvoi.a. Ik, ko. I l,lai..k.oa il li'l olallia oCaaa. Ikao.a ika iiiaual I W-l tiiut. t yoa I I I U kai.tUa fcaiatio Loiua to luo atoaa lo I U-t u, I ia. Uaiil l-loa , aUaoaa lltki yaludl .kaaiiMl. 4 a I alula- a lua i.u i a iaoao U niaa u ul -ol, aa-l yoai kaoa4 aui u i ia lax k.-, uw, tolovj kaia 04 kVa avaoak ol Ika i.uo, aaio.l.a. i l, T 4 1' H ua aoai IIUUMa, lloiaUt t.a.a o to a.oy Ikoavauaia ai i 4 .loaiiy auin y. al aol l.avolod. I ol I -il oua lu-k.. la-J .uiilu ua toiauUi! aioaoi a a fc uW. kiia-4 lu i. I - kaauao I la. I l oal Hal. J Ulllkii. Ii riaui It-ink tl U US I ia. iu a L.a , a. , a. , 1 1 i a.a. 4 .1 a. I.ll. ioa-l. to. a I... ri.ORGlirEIIEWlRU lNACHINli. THIS celcbreteil Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krause'a Tin and Stove Store, Market Street, Sunbury, la. The Florence Bcwlnt: Machine etunds nncqnal led for beauty and durability br-lnir, the liest Fumlly Bewlng Machine now offered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has sclf-ndjiistlngtcntlon In the Shuttle changes for the various Btltehes made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of nil for beauty nnd Hnlsh,beln( alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy fabrics with eqnal fa cility. The work will feed elthor right or left. Runs qnlctiy and rapidly. No dlQicnlty exper ienced in sewing across heavy scams. Its mo tions are nil positive no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tho Ilctnmer turns wide and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It Is thoroughly practical and Will last a lite time. Every Famllj nhoalil IlnTe". One. Kvcry Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the "only Machine In tho world that la ca- pablo ol making more than one stitch and havlug the reverse feed motion. , Call and examine them, and the samples ol work. , NO CHARGE FOR SH6WING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds. Gathers. &c. without bastlnir. It makes a gather and sews It on a hand at one operation perfectly. Each Machine Is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept In order. Machine, oil and Thread kept on hand at all limes. , , r . GEO. W. EMIT II & BRO., Agents, For North'd, Snyder, Union and Montour t'oun's October 15,187a New Flour and Feed Store ! It. IV. TIIl'RSTOX, Corner of Fourth nnd Market Strctt, SUNBURY, PENN'A, Has Jnst opened n Flour nnd Feed Store, where nc will Keep constantly on hand, a general assortment ol the best brands of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTKW, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EG.G8, nnd VEGETABLES of nil kinds, nt the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER I FRYLINB, BOWEN & EN6EL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, nnd Just Utted It up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, nro now prepared to fill nil orders lor all kinds of BILLTlMIIEft.- PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. Ac. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE J-LiOOHINU, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. IIMXnS, SIl t l'TKKN V HKACXCETN at the very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hand. Send for prices. Amide facilities for shipping by Railroad or canal, FRYLINO. BOWEN .t EXCEL. Bunbnry, Pa., Februur'y 18th, 1871. Oin. I.l'.MUEIt AXD PL.WIXG MII,LM. Third Street, adjoining Philn. & Erie R. It., two cxpiares .ortn ot tho Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, 1 S prepared to furnish every description of lum X her required by tho demands of the public. lluvb.g ull the latest improved machinery for iniiniifactiirlng Limber, he is now ready to lill or ders af all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serow l Work. Turn liifl of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AllllE ASSOKTMENT OP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ike. Orders promptly tilled, und shipi-cd bv Railroad or otherw ise. IRA T. CLEMENT. ilecP.MiS.ly NTOVE A TIX EST A II 1. 1 S 1 1 .YI EX T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. sl-CCESSOH TO 8M1TU GENTIIKK. J HAVING purchased the above well known cs-lablii-lnneiit, Mr. Kniuso would resH-etful-ly inform the public that he now has ou hand a largo assortment of COOKING STOVES, 8eer'a Cook Anti-Dust, Kemilator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, whleh are so arranged as to he used for Conl or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or uo ante. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat line or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds nt very low prices. Tluwure of Every WeMrrlptlou kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with Ihe iK-i-t iiuiterhil, donu ut short notice. REPAIRING intended to with diapat.-li. Coal Oil ar.d Lamps coiiatantly on hand. Japan wure of a 11a. iid.i. Store opposite Coulcy's hardware, lore. Give nio a call. A. K RAI SE. apli4-ly SI II I KV .11 A Kit I. E Y.tUO. T IHE lliuleralgned biivlug lniiiL.lit Ihe entire lis k of DlnalngiT iV Taylor, would Inform the public luit he la now ready to do ull kinds of SI A It II I. E WO UK. IU ou hand, and makes to order at MIOIt T MOTH K. MaiuNiueiits) 4c lleail-Ntouea). DOOR AND YTIXlMiW SILLS Al.o.Ci-mi'lery 1'ia.la wllh Giilvuiilsi-il plHi nud all other fencing urni-rally ued on I 'l-iiit U rlia. Jubii A.Tulnr a ill i-oiiliuua In lite euipliiyiin ul, al tliu old aland ou MiirlkelM.,Huiibury. Inaj J'oS THE MOVE HII IIOI T A r.1 l.T IW THE laHE IT lltl.TI. MOHE ft lltEI'EAt E IIEATEU. Ill Ull lUl'MINATri) DIAMOND HAS ULKVIClt. UT Willi II PAKI.OK AMI I llaMHUIls AUK WAUVItU l)Y ONK rillK. IT la Ilia mill flli-lta llralui Ibul has a - fuel lop Knlrr, au4 In. Iioiu imillua- u. at. paiailuaia, ul vwlilluil an into la atiliUi ul, it la lb. uuly tliaplai-a llialuf aub Iba i-yltut ll.i4i.uil Maa--iaiuu Ut ahull KrmaU I llluiulual. lutf (iaaf la ubtaluul, lua ajs4iuu.nl lUa Mun la lb, aUi. tlkiluiiU) aa'aiaU, au4 Iba Inula llu. lb-ta4 ul Ilia fit-it lail I ul llaa aual In lua laa' lull. ll la Ika unly lln l-lnca IL-IH llut la a Pn ft.tavll tav4n au4 laaaa lutuar, u.l ivUiu MllUi lima la) l.ii.li loai laouia, ll ta llm uu 1 1 (iit.U.ai llauf ailli i bat alll la,kj au4 duiui'lua' a'l ltialU.ua.il t li (Uk lUaUf ail It Iba 4 y Iim, (itlua luu4u luia) l4 aakava, a4 al ywl I. u4 H1.4 Iba tfiala Ikabia it4 bail) ual Im lul 14 la Ika uiialuat akaiHaa-ua fll- tin. Il-alil, luii.4 ak4 I Iia'iai,k4 ak4 llwalt Im kaifibliii, lilllli l' , .a- a4 tl Uulir klKf ll. UlliM,..,.. a , r-n Hit t tilt M l.rHHIIU, S-..1- i, mm a new mm. Iljrerly A Ilemperly's Exeelnlor dial lervof Art, Third fftreet, Snnbnrx, Pa. MR. BYERLY has lately added to his already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Hcmncrlv whose retaliation as a pho tographic operator, stands nnrivnled In this part of the country, nnd hereafter they will cairy on the photographic trade, at the old stand nndct the firm name or Bycrly Ilenipcrly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, nt whoso establishment the pub lic will be cheerrully accommodated throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs of all styles and sliscs rang ing from the small Gem to the life size portrait. Go to Byurly & Hcmpcrly. For the beautiful porcelain plctnro which for softness of finish, nnd durability cannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hempcrly. for the ltcmoranni photograph, now so popu lar In all on i large cities, and showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, and tbe favorlto of the old German Artist Rcuibraudt, go to Byerly & Hem perl v. ir you have an oia picture you want coined and enlarged to any size, nud colored oil, water color, India Ink or crayon, take it to Bcyorly & Hemperly. If you want a frame of nny size nnd at any price, or any style go to Byerly & Hemperly's, and take a look at their iinmeuso stock in that line. For Albums go to Byerly A Hempcrly. For square Frames made to order co to Bvcrly & Hempcrly, in short, for anything in the photo graphic line, go to Bycrly & Hempcrly, and you win oe suited. Feb. 25, 1871. FURNITURE, MATTRESS, FEATHER, AKD BEDDIS0 WAREROOMS, ,44 NOETH TENTH ST., CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, 'Feathers Spring Cots, iFesthcr Bcil.ij Spring Mnttrcsscs, I Bolsters and Pillows, Hair do. 'Counterpnncs, Husk do. IComfortablcs, Straw do. 'Blankets, iQuilts. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Slut tret), The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Our Intention is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with its, nnd orders w ill receive the same attention, nnd persons can buy Just as cheap ns If present nt the store,. March 4th, 1871. Shi. JXO. Ii. IS EAT E It & CO., nAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, No. 4 South Tenth Street, below Market, l:iiIlH!eIphl, whcre.they have opened a first-class Mcrclmut Tailoring EsViiblishment. Onr Stock consists of a fino assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cnssitncrcs nnd Vcstings. select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which wo nre prepared to make up in the most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice i-nd Moderate Terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Chlvot Goods. .INO. L. SLATER CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeiijlcr. Dec. 2-Jth, 1870. Gin. Agricultural Implement!,, HOE'S Grain Rnkes, Slccl and Iron Garden Rakes, Lone; nnd D Handle Spades, Shov els, Manure nnd Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Crudles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Toniuo and Log Chains, Grind-stoucs, Fanning Mill Selves of all sixes nnd kinds, a largo assortment of Red Wngon Humes, for Pluwiug, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by 3. II. CONLEY A CO. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTOR ED. Just published bv Dr. LEWIS. SMI pages, Third Edition. THE MEDICAL COM PANION AND GLIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Semiii.il LokScb, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments ip Mnrrlngc, ctc.,and the Venereal nnd Syphilltb Maladies with ilain nnd clear directions for the seedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, and all discuses nf the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotch es anil Pimples on the faee and body. Consump tion, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, induced by sclf-indiil gencc or scctual extravagance. The celebrated author in this admirable Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty year's succesfiil practice, Unit tho alarniinit consequence of self-abuse may be radically cured j pointim; out a mode of cure nt onee simple, certain, and effectual, by menus of which every sulferer. no mutter what his condition may be, can he i-lU-e tually cured, cheaply, privately, mid radically. g7This book should he in the hands of ever) youth, and -every mnu in the land. Sent nnder seal. In a plain enveloie. Price, M) cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Bench street, New York. O.R SALE! " EIGHTY acres of Improved laud In tho best section of Southern Michigan, within five miles nf tho town of "Three Rivers," In St. Jo seph county, wll.bih. two miles of tho Railroad Station, good buildings, out houses, large or chard, soil, rich sandy loam, school houses and chlirehs within sight title Indisputable, ten acres are In wheat, the remainder In clover sod. A span of horses, cattle, hogs, grain and farming utensils, fie., will In) sold with this property. Price (71) per acre, $3,000 In cash, the buluuce In time payments of t.MiO. Applv to WM. A. MASSER, Three Rivers, Mich, or, II. B. MASSER, 8unbury, Pa. Sunbury, March 11. H7l. NritlXi. AMI Ml M tlElt MILLINERY AND FANCY (iOODS. MI SB ELIZABETH LAZARUS, In Oewuil'a Builillug, Market Squjrc, SUNUURY, PA., whero will Ihi found a new supply ut goods, eon- aii-tiug of Millinery uud Valley Goods, M ATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIM MED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for lib Is uud boys. Finn n s of the luteal and han.laonii l stjI' S. Snah ItlblMiiia, iluln and llgiirvil. Lmlle's 8a iii-i-ri, Luce r.ilura, J.birn I'nlara ami t urfs fi r La.! u a nud Children, Crucial collars. N.-i Wllia fur luiilna uud li,ni'a litli.l alylea. Silk Suck 1.ini, a aiii, rl.ir uilielu. lilmia lucliidllig Kid., au4 Luilb-a' Hui-kakiii L'liilrl. lluinlki'lebU'la. Alt kinds of Trliiiiului.'a. Kinliiiililii y I'allirua. U.-Ury fur l-i.lla, Gent 'a uud I lill. lieu. Nuts, PlqUU uud plqUtt tiiiiiiiiln ;a. TltlMMIKG SILKS, Cliigiiinia, 7.i 'li) ra au4 Vurua, aud a general v.n It ly of Nnliiiiia. 'I haul Ull lor n.l Iwlronagc, alia lioa-a thill tin- qiiaiiiy ul brr ila will uu nt a roniiuiiaiiia ol Hut a.nne. JtLU Ut I II LA.Mtl a. Aptll -.-J, laTl. I'HluU, Otla, ai. " AM IX alikk of OiU eiMliprlaiiig l.liiaawd Oil, I ial till, r'UN till, aud LubikalliiK till Im .uiiliiai aud kliibiiiiiy, VaiuiaUwa, Ubaa, alaaia uu baud, at luw i.iU.a at UH.LKV t ll To (he CommuiiUy ut;lMirt l ill.tSl.IC A I lllta ''REGULATOR." I bai. tbia d1 un baar4 Ilia ibllia alma, auu4 a ill au4 Maluik. ul llaa lUiiuialur ltl, aii..-, I iuuki Uiu, au4 I UiJma- u( J. a, Auab, aud alll auulluuu lb. bu.luta. ul Ha (iv aakl 1-a.utlua, aau.l luum, IUk t 'a lli,U flirftl, I lUbtrr HI bin , hi kill UV, W Uaal iMtllia av.Ubll.bf4 ail-il.giUi.l4l, alia li Wv4iua! luauulailam ui l ,uuli, I .iw Uai ik ')aia lUa Uilk I auk a l laaa Ji Hal wl ..lal'.Uai4 Ii pulalluu I.M 4ul.billl au4 aalak, al iia Ili.l av I liaiui a uLilli. 4 tl, ll ai l lw an. la Iw lb Un-iafcika "I . au-lH kl.iaaia b4 Uk i(-iul li.. Vui, l-.il lM 4-1 I. kw-lial- a I Ii.iIiK a.abu.i, Ja, , ,a. lil'lUlill! itl'lt0.l.lf. 8UMMI.;i A R ii r. i, i- -;l r. 1 E N T. MOiUblll. GREAT TP.I.M. LIM-. North-Wi-,1 )' ."i.'.ij Ing, Pottsvilie, Titiiin.j in. -. in! i: ,,.i i--i' i-i. i. i.s. -1' Writ .11.', Lebanon, Alleiitonn, Lislen, l.p I Lrfincnstcr, Colntnbin, Ac, A.c. Trains lenvc Harrinburir for New York, us fol. lows i At 2.40, 8.10, a. m. and 2.00 p. in., con necting with similar trains on Ihe Penusvlvnnla Railroad, and arriving nt New York nt 10.05 a. .60, and .iso p m. respectively. Slecninu Cars accompany the 2.40 n. in., train without change. Returning t Leave New York nt 0.00 n. m.. 12.B0 noon nnd f.00 p. in., Philadelphia nt 7.it0, 8.110 a. in. and 3.110 p. in. i Slcciilni Cars nccntii. puny the 5.00 p. in. train from New York with out chnnirc. Leave Hnrrlsbnrg for Rending, rottsvlllc, Ta- ninqua, Mmcrsville, Ashland, Shamukin, Allentown and Philiidclpliia nt 8.10 a. in., 2.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping nt Lcbnnon and principal way stations tho 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllo and Co- lumoia only, for rottsvllle, Behuvlkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, lenvo Hnrrinburg nt 8.-10 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Knstou nud New York nt4.8'Jv 10.30 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York nt D.00 a. m., 12.30 noon lind 5.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 noon. 8.15, 4.25 nnd 8.35 p. m. . Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train ou East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading ut 0.-0 p. m., stopping at all stations. leave Poltsville at 0.00 a. m. and 2.o0 p. m. Herndon nt 10.00 a. m., Slinmokln at 0.40 and 11.15 a. m. t Ashland at 7.05 a. in., nnd 12.43 nooni Mahunoy City at 7.51 a. in. nnd 1.20 p. tin Tninaqtia nt 8.85 n. tn. and 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Rending, Hnrrisburgc. Leave Pottsvlllo via Sehnylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad nt 8.15 n. m. 'for Harris'.nirg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove nnd Treuivnt. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts villcat 6.40 a. m., pnscs Rending -it 7.S0 n. m. arrivlmr at Philadelphia ut 10.20 u. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., parsing Read ing nt 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsvillcat J.10 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town ul C.30 A. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.110 p. m. Columbia Raiirond Trains lcavo Reading at TI20 a. ni., and 0.15 p. m. for Ephratn, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia. Ac. Perkioincn Rail Road Trains lcavo Perklomen Junction at 7.17, 0.05 a. in., at 3.00 nnd 6.00 p. m. Rettirnlng,lcave Schwcnksvllls at 6.30,8.10 a. m., 12.50 noon nnd 4.45 p. m. conucctlng with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colcbrookdule Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 0.40 a. m., l.lSand 0.45 p. m., retuniing leave Mt. Pleasant nt 7.00 and 11.25 a. hi., and 8.00 p. m., conccLtiug with similar trains on ltcudinir Rnilroiid. Chester Valley Railroad Trains lenvo Bridge port at 8."0 a. m., 2.05niid 5.32 p. m. returning, lenvo Downingtuu at 0.40 n. in., 12.45 noon nnd 5.25 p. in. connecting with similar trains on Head ing liaiiroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. nnd 3.15 p. in., (tho 8.00 a. in. Irani running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvlllo at 8.00 a. in., leave Harrisburg, 2.40n. in., and 2.00 p. m.j leave Allentowu at 4.25 and 8.85 p. in. ; leave Rcadim; at 7.15 n. in. and 0.50 p. in. for Hnrrlsbnrg, ut 4.82 a. m. lor New York, ut 7.20 a. in. for Allentown and ut 0.40 a. ni. and 4.15 p. in. lor Philadcl'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to and from ull points at re duced rates. Piiggnirn checked through : 100 rounds Bag- mii;u uiiowcu eacn i asscngi-r. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. it Eng. Mach'ry. I.itcknwaiiiuk uud Ilooiiiiaburg Kail road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Mtmdav, July IT, IS71. SOUTIlU'AilD. Leave. 1A.M. P. M. A.M. PM. Scrautou, llellevue, Taylorville, Lackawanna, Pitlston, West Pitlston, Wyoming, Mall by, " Kimrsion, & ) st. W.-Bnrre Ic'rs Plymouth June., Plymouth, Nniiticokp, llllllllH'kV, Sliiekhiiiuy, lliek's Kerry, Ilea, h I lu Veil, llerwiek. Hi lar Creek, Lime Ridge, illiioin.'bur, Rupert, I'alawissa, liaiikiilc, Chiilasky, Caiiii't'on, North'il, (arrive.) 10 NORTHWARD. P.M. l. ; - 0 45 1 l-i 10 05 Ml 1 00 1 C 51) I i 6 55 4 0ft ' f7' 10 17- 7 02 4 ia I 7 05 '10 20 7 It 4 22 - 7 11, 2 11 10 85 7 10 4 80 i 7 l'.l, 10 4(l' 7 21 4 85 I 7 27 3 21 ll) 47, 7 81, 4 42 ( I .10 .Vi, 7 80. 4 47 J 7 tu't 2 3." 11 oo' 7 51 ' 1 55 ! I S no 5 00 I 7 50 2 40; 18 05 5 05 8 IHI j s 2li 8 07 ! 8 80' 8 22: 3 OS i 8 45 8 l.li I I 8 48 3 27' 8 50 8 81 8 57 I 0 07. I 0 14 I 0 10' I U '.Vi 3 57 I 0 81 10 51 ' (I 5'J 10 03. iU- 4 52; I Leave. ,A.M. P. M. Norlhuiiiberliiud, 10 25 5 10 Cameron, I I 5 2. Chiilasky, I I 5 81 Dapwllc, 10 50 5 40 Cutuwisaii, I fi OU Rupert, 1 C 0.', Bloomsbiirg, 111 14 6 12, Espy, I 6 17i Lime Ridge, i 0 24 Briar Creek, I 84' Berwick, 11 8fi 41 Beach Haven, ;ll 48 0 4S A.M. Hit k's Kerry, , 1 11 55' Shickaliinny, jl'J Oil 7 Oil 7 8(l! ' HuubH'k's, 7 24 7 4 PM. Nuiilicoku, P.M. 7 81 8(J ' Ply mom h, 12 20 7 41 8 15 P. M.' 5 Ul Plymouth June, j 8 20 5 15 w'.'l,"-' 7 M( 8 80 2 83 5 25 Multby, I ! 8 40 3 43 5 U5 Wyoming, 13 43 8 O'i 8 41 2 4s A 4i Weri Pilialim. ! ' 8 13 8 52 2 54 5 47 I'UlKtim, 12 52 H IS tl () 2 50 5 rlM liekiiwtinn.l, i 8 -.'H 4 a 07 6 isi Talnrille, 8 80 9 25 3 16 6 10 Itelb viic, I 8 4-.' U 83 3 23 tl 17 Seruuton, (anlve) 1 14 K Is n 40 3 -m 6 35 DAVID T. HOUND, Sup'l. rhiliatleliiU ami Erie Itnllruua." SUMMER TIME TAU1.E. On ond after Monday, June 5lh, 171, ihn Truim ou the I'hllndclphia & Liio Rail t...u4 i'l run us lulluas t WESTWARD. Mull TrallfleaVia Phibidelphlii, Sunbury, " " arr at Eric, Eric Express le.it.-a t'biU.li l hi.i, " ' ' Suiibuiv, " an ul Erie, Klmlm Mult Uitvi. Pbiludelpl.kf, biiiil.ni), " air at Liak I I.i mi, li ii llu Ii It 'i e.a leiivva hniilnii, " arr al M ll'laiii-lnnl, U.ilil Eala Mull liawa IS llll.iiii.iil, ' " " uir ul Lot a lUiiii, EAj-TWAUD. M ill Tiulll leuVrS KlU-, Buiilniry, " " arr at ,'liil.i.h IpLlu, Eriu I'll-n-.a liaca r IU', " ' tiunbuiy, " " mi al l'l.ii.i.lil-lii.i, H I mil 4 Mail l..i..a U k IUimi, " " ' aunbuiy, I1. 10 p in 2. '" a in 11-80 t lit I J Ul i. u i :i i in ".o a m V.I'aJ a IU 4-85 p ui 7 VI in 4 Vi a Ul ti I'i ii In I 15 a m 3 laj p III I I . !l Ul I ISI 4 III 7 J" a in .m p ui 10. 1 i lu VVi i in a.iai a ui IU. -l a im 6 Sil ! I, 3 4 l i a li I I l 4 H II a m air al !'liii.h l bl.i. llu It.i lu t iff"., Uaika l nlLiual, " ' auul.uii, ' " air al I'C.ia.lili'bU, U.I4 -a,la Mall Ual.a u.t llaicu, " " anal H UlkaHialaUt, I I HI SI H ill 1'til i-iiuuiila ta.l ai.4 ai.l at III i-.ili I. . I I M l II. au I .1 I i-ii an I li iii.i ki n Wllh I III I Ink al.. Atl.,kiU tl. U. It. VI... I Wi'l ana a.- U,au4 li in.a i.u J.. a A II. B. I, It aii-l .1 1 ! 1 1 a. .-I li 1 luttfM a ilk I'll I ii. k --4 I lb k b. 1.) U l; . II iii.u ti uiainuj ,lu a ai.4 ami ailb liin.a uu I.. - au I al li- tl a-a-t a"l a..i .il .1 lun a.lU II t . ak4 I K 14- M lua t.i.-i.iu..jo.'a I .a 'I I ..ii) .14- . a al I 141 1 1 I I wii.. 1 .k a ih H I au I t U k at I.iiii. Uail m4 al.iat.iii a 1 i a U,aa Iim. H-i-k. ll.-a ,1 Hi .umquil lllli H I k M I.ll.ai4.4 --...l.il. Il-i... i: b I WW Ial II 'in Hi i. il Im I l.,il, afcl n t la . i.w,., ...i I .....1, h ..1 n ii .I I. II li at ia I. M i , 1 I . l-l II t I aVI.1-" a-al aa-la, a t .al ! fca-a il M-aa lakt ', a, a , . l tol .-i ,1 I.- I.U a I 1(1 IU U.. T4, l k II