Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 12, 1871, Image 1

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EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor,
massia's ntm.nisas, market sv,cara.
At 1.5i In Atlvanrc.
I not ititltl ullhin 6 Month -2,
VitrriritloiM tulrn for than tit Minufm.
roNMTTKD with this establishment la sn extcn
VifNK.W .." 'II OFKii'K.coiitnlnlngn variety of
I t
10 Mnos, or alHi:it 100 Words, make a Kqnnr
' 1 Sf S Sq B An ' i SnTirco) Jr(, 1
(Mie twt- 1.00 U.0O S.MI B.fSI rt.0O S.0oi5.ISI
Two wrtkst.W -S.OO B.fiO 4.00 S.00 IS.OO
Three " !3.(K) B..W 4.W) 5.00-.) IS.Oo-t-.oc
t'otir " 3.B0 4.50 .50 n.0010.('.50
Frve (H.T5. S.OO h.M) t.OOM.OO 17.00 -ifi.W
SIX rR.OO (1.75 t.50 .0in.001H.00.WI
T s-.inni's !8.5' T.50 A.50 ll.UO T5.(VlU0.(K) yfuHi
Three" i IX): 8.00 (i.ffi) l(.Oti"0.(K)a5.00 4o.ot
Six " !ft.()0'.(J011.OlllIV.OIia8.IHIIl5.(1(l50.00
Nine " :.U010.0018.0UI5.uo'Hri.OII'4.Vl07fV.OO
One Tear IM.OO 12.00 15.00 Uo.Oo lc.OUuo.tij(.i.ou
plum and y typo eiium 10 any emnunaiiuieiit
In I lie int'Jtl'ir of 'the (Hate, tor which thepntrou
iiKO of the i 1 1 1 1 i c is respectfully solicited.
Ktnbllhcd In IniO.
I New Ntrlvn, Vl. 8, N. 31.
1 Old NerlOA, Vol. SI, No. 119.
)roftssiomtI. .
W IhTjV wVirVKKTO jirAttome y a
Law, olllcc, dior No. 5, and floor, Haunt's
Block, nunr Miller's Shoo Store, flunbury, Pa.
March 25th, 1871. ly.
B. IIOYEK, Attorney nt Law. Nor.
8 and 8, Second Floor Bright' Untitling,
Snnhury, Pa. Prounslouivl business attended
to, In thccourls of Northumberlund and adjoining
.counties. Claims nroninuy collected. i;ousuitu
tion can ho had In the Ucrnuin laugua0.
March 25th, 1871. ly.
fj Law, Hunhnry, Pa. All professional bnsl
ness intrusted to Ills caro will receive prompt at
tention in this and adjoining conntlc. Can be
consulted both In English una. German. Also,
District Attorney of fiorlhuuibtrlaiid ooanty.
J NO. A.
No. 144 Foi'RTH Avenue,
Notary Public, v Pittsburg. Pa
Jan. 15, 1870. 1y. '
',T. M. MARKI.E CO, Markot Btrcct,
ffli hUNBURY. PA.
Dealers In Drills, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
fRi Varnishes, Liquors, . Tobaooo, , Cigars.
Pocket Books, Dairies, Ac. ' '
CJ P. WOIiVERTON, Attorney nt Law,
Os Market Square, 8UNBURY.PA. FrofessloA
hi business in this and adjoining counties prompt
ly attended to.
rvft. A. It. NAVIIE. respcctfnlly an
1 3 nniimvi himself as Plivsic.lan and Surgeon
to the citizens of Smibury nnd vicinity, having lo
cated hlinsell permanently on AlnrKci sireei, near
ly opKBite the Falrmount Hotel, where ho can
be consulted at all hours when not professionally
cngngjd. apiJ4-iy
vl IV. ZI F.UI.EK. Attorney nt Law, north
JT side of Public Square, one door east of
the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collcc
tions nnd nil professional business promptly at
tended to In the courts or rtoriomnuorinmi nun
ndjolnlng counties. scptis-bo
1 A. REIMENSNVOER, Attorney at
J Law, BUNBUKY, PA All business en
t runted to his cure attended to promptly nnd with
diligence. ap!27-C7
TNO. K AY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law,
J SUNBURY, PA. Collections nnd nil pro
t'cssiornl business promptly attended to. mchill-fiO
J. Blll'NFR.
h. H. KASE.
TJltCNEU KANE. Attorneys nhd Conn-
U scllors nt Law, SUNBURY. PA. Ullleo on
t:iicstuut street, west of the N. C. and P. & K.
Railroad Dcxt, In the building lately occupied
by F. LiiKitrus, Ki. Collections and all profess
ional business promptly attended to In Northum
berland and adjoinlm; counties. apllO-U'J
Hit. MANSER, Attorney at Law, SUN-
BURY, PA Collections uttended to in
Hie comities of Northumberlund, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. iipllO-01)
1-o a rohrkacii,
l Attorneys nt Law, SUNBUHY, PA. Of
tice in I lunpt's new building, second lionr. En
Irnnceon Market Square. J:in4-08
AN. ItlCICE, Attorney tit Law. Fnnbiiry,
Pa. Olllce in Masonic. Hall Hnllding.
Collections of claims, writings, and ull kinds of
legal business aUuudcd to carefully and with
dilatch. April X, 1H71. ly.
VALENTINE D1ETZ, Wholcsalu and
ltctail denier in every variety of
Alt kinds of (Iraln taken In exclianj'n for Coal.
Orders solicited mid filleH promptly. ''S-J
.V. 8. KIIOA1W. 1. 1'ACKEU HAAS.
llliTAll. DEAI.RItS (IF
Okpicr wtTii Haas, Kaoki.t oi Co.,
Orders at ScaKholtas & Bro's., otlleo Markci
Ct'ect, will recclvn prompt attention. Country
custom respectfully solicited.
Feb. 4, 1N71. If. .
WE arc selling Rims, Pn.-kes, Hubs. Springs,
Canvass, Bolts, Clil, A'cs. ., very
Larire Stock lit CONi-riV iNi CO.
Sunhiiry, March 30, IStjV
Shippers nnd Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
(lower wharf.)
IS1" Solo AgenU, westward, at the celebrated
HcjiryCluy V"1! JuiilU-Oll
J. M. 11AUTIIOLOMEW, ruoruiETOit.
Kuuburj P.
THE best of riding nnd driving horses always
on limn! to serve customers,
orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles,
will receive prompt attention.
Nov. 5. 1H70.
CiEOlUi E M. It EXX,
Jit Snujium't Jiitihling, Market fyiiare,
Si'mu'ky, Pa.,
1 prepared to do ull kinds of work pertaining
to l)cullrtlry. He Ketqw constantly on baud
u large assortment of Tuvlb, and other Dental
'iinlciiul, from which he will la role to select,
and meet the wants of hi. customers.
All work warruuted to give satisfaction, or else
the iiioiicv refunded.
The very Ik'sI Moulh Watli and Toot h-Powdcrs
kept on hand. ,
Ills references are tin) numerous patrons for
W hoiu be has worked (Us lust twulvti years,
biinbury, April HI, lH71.
NEW '0.M.lUIr
riHK underslgued having connected Hie Ctuil
X bu.luss with hlsrvtuu.lve t LlH'H A UIUI S
trade, Is prepared tu supply fuinllU's with the
YiW, Hios and Nul,,ronstiuitly ou baud, lira In
taken uiihuiia fo'LTul.
. J. M. C A I) VV AULA 1K It.
Suiiliiiry, Jan. 15, l70. f.
I lr, I.IIV outl AcrMrul
kill I r n AN V HEKII.
COMI'AM r llfcl lt r N T ED.
N. Ameritaii, 1'kil.ttlolpliht, Aw U, t,Tt.t.'.sn
N. Aiutfltuu
csr Tois, "
1,1. HI, I 111
s ojai.imjj
l.UU Dili
It M, list
lt,u., j:
l.tilluitl, " '
lwt.uAN foik" "
itiliul, l.oinlou, "
l.ytutiitliiif, Muiity, '
r i..wkUit' I'l.U.t U i.hU, "
.mie, Ssw tk, "
lU.ll'.i I, HtillfiU, "
i.-viiit, " "
llatv.l., " "
lillii. I, I't. I'll . T'k, '
S Utuuh M.ii .t.liis "
1 1 n c,i, S. !v.t,
S ak K. S .isi. h, '
S k.u.l.. . I VIj.41 I I .
V.pit-y I I u .Mltusttt tl's
( i l.i Miis 4 Ihm s'I t luf
f SHt k ll 'ft
H litis llta.U
oith anb cstaimmta.
T A I'IKKRE II0I;NE. Broad and Chest
JU lint tts.. Phllndclphla. J. B. BUTTER
WORTH, Proprietor.
Terms per day, f 3.50.
April 15, 1871. ly
Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Trevorton
Northnmbcrland couutv. Pa. Tlio tablo Is sup-
plied with the bost the; market ntfords. flood
stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan.21,'71
HOOVER IIOCNE, Third Street, nt the
dciot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Reese, pro
prietor. Warm meals served tip nt all hours.
Fish, Fowls and Game. Fresh Oystors con
stantly on hand and nerved In every style. The
best of wines and liquors at the Bar.
ISTFamlllcl will be supplied with oysters
done tip In any style, by leaving orders nt the
uar. nov.o, fu-iy,
TOSEPTI BACHER Informs the citlscns of Sun
tt bnry and the pnhllc generally, that he has
opened LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nhove
place. The best of Lager Boer, and Malt Liquors
will be kept. Also Oysters, Ac., constantly scry-
Ail win An fliisrAiMOAa
O-l WALU, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
vonnty, rn., at tne station m the w, c. it. w
Choice wines and cigars at the bar. ' ' .
The table Is supplied with the best the market
nnords. uood Btabllng ana attentive ostlers.
XlL KLECKNER, Paoprlctor, Nob. 8H nnd 814
Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA.
Terms, t3 per day. Ho respectfully solicits your
w w Pronrlntnr. ltnipr nf slnrlftit .v. Snnnntl
rareets, opposite the Court House, Snnhury,
ra. May38,T70.
XX THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor.
eunoury ot., west oiiA.MUtt.1, i'EiNi'A.
Meals served at all honrs. at short notice. The
best of Liquors at the Bar. The Tablo Is sup-
puea wnn inejesi anu lutest in luc murKcts. At
tentive scrvuuts. Terms moderate. Patranage
. . . LOUIS HUMMEL. Proprietor.
Commerce St., SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the above Saloon for the
accomodation of the public, Is now prepared to
Bcrvc "lis friends with the best refreshments, nnd
fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, ami ull other malt
J. valeh's
Aim. 720,. 72, 724 $ 727 Vim fit.,
Centrally located, connecting with all the City
russcngcr uuuway Cars, from all the ,
Depots In tho City.
Exrelleut AccosnmodntlonM for Trt-
vellcrtf .
Grand Vocutl and Inst rn mental Concert s every
eveuinii lu tlio Summer and
Winter Gip'dcn.
HSrOirhcslrlim, Concert Eirry Afternoon. J?
Olllce of J. Valer'e Fountain Park Brewery.
Juno 4, 1870.-ly.
Boots and Shoes!
Third 8trect, nhove Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
Is prepared to manufacture
of every description at the shortest notice. Ail
his slock Is ot the very best, which Is made up
In the latest city style at the, most reasonable
terms. Repairing done neatly nnd promptly.
The publiu are invited to call nnd examine his
stock and workmanship before purchasing else
April 23, 1871.
1. 1 l V OR STORE!
Second Street, opposito the Court House, SUN
Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he hns on hand, and will con
stantly keep all kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogr.lit'j, Cherry,
Ginger, Rochello and Otiird. . . i
Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-HWtllled, Moi"n
gahela, Apple and Nectar.
Wines: Chuinpagilo Wine, BUcrry, Tort it ml
Crub Cider, ClMmpngn Cider, Jf. K. Rum,
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can lie found In
the city markets, which will bo sold at Whole
salo and Retail. It very article guaranteed as
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always oil hand.
t i Orders promptly attended to, nnd publtu
pulronugo respectfully solicited ,
Sunbiirv. July 8, m. ly.' ' '
4. If . Coaler, A Co.
TTAS received It rtw assnrtmeni of all kinds of
JUL Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, Aou,
or all aew-riiHloiis. Also Wsgou Maker's MU
rials. Hubs, Kims, 8Kkes. Also, all kii' U-of
lA-uther for SUtM iuitker's and buddler's. Rvt ry.
Ililuu tu the lluruwure lluecaii lie found bleh
will La sohl as le ss ean be otsiltt of any other
c.lsblUliiucm '.uthueouutry. Call and sue their
Buuhury.IX'e. U, to9.
VALUAUI.E LOTS on Hie eoiuer of
cWund outt Cksstaui streets lu the Uo-
rouiih ol unbury. on ouklt lUois ro . a a
large dsrellluK lious, siotile and ombuildhiifs.
The Uvuivsleud, htte ol Hugh Bullas, dsie'd.
A I. a, Lot on MsikU slroct, In the UoroUL-tt
or (luubury, on whlcU tbeie are a dwsllluic knuae,
stable aud uutbuUdlui.'s. luqulie at tlw nillue uf
8. StoLV KTN,
Feb. II, IHTl.-tf. Adutluisirate
Mail't Street, oue dour vest of (imtihart'l cun
SM.llotsr) store, .
Has us.uc4 Imss; Hyttatf ant) luwiui sia k f
Mllllstvry oit rtsisrjr lio4,
The latest sll ! TiUmi'li's, FrsueK
and lluwsre, !, Iiu ti.. jkok
lutMis, t Maouus, Iwtbtls. t kift, Juetlk Ulwv,
tiJ a large iU4f of otltcr ri kv lusv.
lu Cumuim tkM 'tl't lit', tlilllutt kuslu, sits
C4IIUS ou (Its ,
imt-iH makiu ,avi rrniNu,
UisllIU ti4Ubs,
Bits k) slstt S(,ul lit U s sale ol sUuiM f, lkli 4
.' mi .
TWe ltUs "I uhbui) u4 klvlx.lf M
uiij imiAwt U ' " k . iudu
si k.
Ms) U, !. ,
Ul At AlfU tasU.lss4 !l,si..,
t M -s IUmiu.m's. -,
C II ii Muuie t In sutjss 'S loi tsiMilu lMt
A u - .(.4
J-JR. joiiNSlbN',
Physician of this celebrated Institution, lin
discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant and
enectnai remeny in tne world lor all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures
Affections of Kidneys and Bladder. luvolnn
tary. Discharges, Iimtotcncy, General Deblll
ly, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low
Spirits, Confusion of ideas, Palpitation of
the Heart, Tlmlditv, Tremblings, Dimness
of Sight or Giddiness, Dlscnso of the Head
Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lungs
Stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal to. their
victims than the song ot syrens to tho Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
or anticipations, rendering marriage, t&c., lmpos
especially, who have become tho victims Of Boll
tary Vice, thnt dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave
thousands or young men ot tho most exalted
talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senates with the
tnunucrs oi eloquence or wukcu to ccstacy luo
living lyro, may can wnn inn commence
Married Persons or Young Men contemplating
marriage, aware oi rnyeicai weakness, (boss
of rroerealivu rower linpotuncy;. Nervous Ex
citubilltyi Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ncr
vous Debility, or nuy other Disqualification.
speedily relieved. '( .
He who places himself nmlcr the care of Dr. J,
may religiously confide In his honor ns a gentle
man, and confidently rely iinon his skill nso Pliv.
Impotency, Loss of Power, immediately Curod
nnd full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Allectlon which renders Life
inlsc rablonitd marriage impossible Is the penalty
pitta ny me victims ot improper indulgences.
Young personBnro too apt to commit excesses
from not bcingnware of the dreadful consenences
that may ensue. Now, who that understands
tho subject will pretend to denv that the power
of procreation U lost sooner by those falling Into
Improper habits than by the prudent T Huskies
being deprived the pleasures of healthy ntlsprlng.
the most serious nnd destructive-symptoms to both
body nnd mind arise. The system becomes de
ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions
Woukwicd, Loss of Procrrtntivo Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, n Wastlm;
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and
Persons mined In hcnllh by unlearned prctcn
durs who keep them trilling mouth a ft or month,
taking poisonous nnd Injurious compounds,
biiouiu nppiy linmcainiciy.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
don. Graduated from one of tho most eminent
Colleges In the United States, and tho greater
part ot whose Itu has heen spent m the hospitals
of London, Prls, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere,
has cllcctcd some, of the most astonishing cures
mat wore, ever known uiuny trouliled with ring'
ng in lue ucna nna ears wncn asleep, great
nervousness, liclug alarmed nt sudden sounds,
basltfalness, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mind, tvero cured
Dr. J. addresses ull those who have Injured
themselves by Improper indulgence, and solitary
habits, which ruin Ixith body mid mind, untitling
them for either business, study, society or mar-
uige. .
1 msit ro some or -tho sad and molnncholy
fleets produced by curly lmblts of joulli. vise:
Weakness of tlio Back and Limbs, Pains in the
Back und Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dvsuciwv.
Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive
r unctions, Ucueral Ucbltlty, Symptoms ot Con-
umption, tVc. . ,
M kntally The fearful cllects on tho mind
arc much to lie dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
tusion oi ideas, iM'prcssion ot spuns, r.vil
ForehodlngH, Aversion to Society, S'jM'-l list rust,
Lovo of Solitude. Timidity, &c, ur i tome of the
evils produced.
IqoUBANPa or persons or nil ages can now
udgo what Is the cause of lliclr declining health.
oslng their vigor, becoming, weak, pule, nervous
and emaciated, having a singular apjicaraiico
about tho eyes, cough t'lul sviuptoiusol consump
Who lmvo Injured tlivinselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently
learned from evil companions, or at school, the
ctlccla of which are nlglilly felt, uvea when
asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impue
slblc, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply Immediately.
What a pity that a young innu, the hope of his
country, the darling of his patents, slioulti be
MitUchctl from ull prospects and enjoyments ol
life, by tho consequence of deviating from the
path of nature nnd Indulging lu a certain secret
habit. Such persons mi st, before contemplating
rcllcct thnt a sound mind and body lire the most
necessary requisites to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the journey through
life becomes u weary pilgrimage j the prosicet
hourly darkens to tint view the mind rucouics
shadowed with despair and tilled with ihemchiu
elnily reflection, thai the happluuaj of unothcr
becomes blighted Hilh our own.
When the misguided and Imprudent votary of
pleasure finds that he has Imbibed the seeds of
this painful diseuse, It too often hitpin'us that an
ill-timed sense of shuiiie, or UrcuU of discovery,
deters hkiu from applying to those who, from
cdii-ntlon and rcspcclublllly, can alone bcfrlenj
him, delaying till the constitutional symittotiis of
this horrid disease make their appearance, such
us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, iiocliiritl
pains In the head ami limbs, dimness of sight,
deafness, unties ou tlie shin bone, and arms,
blotches ou the head, face and exiieiulues, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the
iHilalu of the mouth or the bones of tho uuse fall
In, and the victim of this uwful disease Immhiius
a horrid object or eointnlscrailt'ii, till death puis
a period to his drmdlul suilcrlug, by sending
him to " I hat Undiscovered 1'umilry I ruin whence
no traveller returns."
It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE
victims to this terrible disease, through rallliiK
lido the bauds or Iguorant or uit.kllllul PUK
'! fc.Mtklia, Mho, by tha use or that deadly pul
ton, Mercury, dcslruy the constitution, and
Incapable ot curing, keep the tkhapliv sulfervr
luonili after month taking ihcir uoklous or lu
Jarloua coiiipouiids, and laslsad or Mug (e.luiud
to u rvuewnt 01 1. lit) Vigor ami llappluvss, lu des
uilr leave h'lt with ruined Health to ihu oe.'
rus galling disapisiluliiisul.
To such, Hit rv lore, Ur. Jounston p'.le4 lilm
elf In preset ve the luo. luvtoluhle buciccy, and
I ruin his piatllcs slid olwvrvuil.uts lu
the Kraal Huaplluls nl Kurtqw, aud lbs Rrl lu
this country, tuti Kiigluud, Eruuce, I'hlUdulphla
sud cIe Ikiu, U ciiiiliktl lo ulkr lbs itiosl ur
lam, swtMly and t ruutvdy In lbs woflj
fur all diseases of Imprudence,
lilt. JtHINaltlN,
orEU'K, Nt). 1, a. mt.Hr Ull K H't'ltEET,
bllllMoSS, U. D.
Lull bsitd side Kt'lu frtuii lullituoissiit l, alua
Uuttis lioiu lUe turioM. Eulluui tu ulueivs U4Uw
soil iiumiwr.
.Hii UtUrs rvsvlvaj lalvM MMlpalt su4
ritUliili.U a l4ii tu bs tl mi lbs n ply. I'm.
si mi l oiiltug sbtaii4 sl4U M-ud pudSK
ol BiUlitUwiticul avsciildUK syuipliuus.
Il.tto are su iuau fain, IWisulun au4
Wutlltl.s luipusWis sUtst tlibi( tbtiuwiuss as
I'll). It uin, liiuiut1 4lk suj iuiuIum lue cUt
wt all alio liuluiluulwi) tall lutu tbcti puavr,
that l(. JutiusttiM dvvuis It UAvsti lu sf
psslally tu Ikuse uu..iu.luU4 muk ku r'Uta.
luai lual bis t r4t.ulUls ut 1'ipluuute ai)
kst-n la tils blbtos
EMlHiUnt Wk.r t't1 1 UK faraa.
11m suh tkiMMOud tsMtl at tuu, il..tulu4
ut.ul, vf arui tn, su4 tUa ssusswi ita.
MUbi AttinUal 0taiuats l"iwi by I'f.
Jxbu.iusi. aiini If Ibe i.(.tuuiits ui tf
i ai4 SUoUi ai, ai4i..s ul abas)
Lais iai4 s au4 s'U UiU4s lbs uiai.',
bs 4.4 bia .uaiu as a ai'- o .bi.4f
4 !.!.. U.I14 1, U) ,Ulil.kt s44ttUMC tU
lu sait4t.
ftklis listra ki'tEliat i i bkl
.4,1-41 IS lll. -Il
clfd JJotlrn.
The air Is chill the etiy's pave
Is slippery and wst
Tho child of wealth and luxnry
Is wrnpt In slumber yet
The sleet nud snow aro rushing by
., In many an Aiigrv whirl,
While hurries toiler dally toll,
The lionosb working girl.
No word have I 'gainst gold to say,
If It be fairly earned
And fairly used by rich men, who
Sweet charity have learned.
Tlie generous merchant may with prldo
His banner broad unfurl,
But prouder Is the iccord of
The honost working girl.
Her clothes though not the finest,
Aro the best that she can wear ;
Ilor fingers boast no diamonds,
But her face Is very fair )
Her eyes are bright, and when she smiles
She shows her teeth of pearl :
And lovo dwells In the bosom of
Tho honost worklug girl.
With wages sc.fnt the Ills of llfo
She's fated to endure ;
And yet she manages to save
A trillo for the oor (
At any mean or sordid act
With scorn her lip wil curl,
For uoblo is the nitturo of
Tlio honest working girl.
Then treat hor kindly, ye proud ones,
Who "neither toil nor spin
She has to struggle very hard
Hor dally bread to win. -And
ho though dressed in finest cloth
Would be it very churl,
Who would not, if appealed to, help
The boucst working girl.
God bless the honest, gcntlo ones,
Who labor day by day,
And God bloss those with menns to sparo,
Who help ihom on their way.
Ye who would, In tho better land,
Possess the priceless ncarl.
Trent not with scorn, nor cold contempt,
Tho honest working girl.
Al ter Mart-iMge.
In tlio romantic courting days tlio lovo
making is fresh nnd nwoct, and all-cngross-in,
and tlio unrctlecting innocents aro de
luded into the belief that t he bonds of mat
rimony are alone, needed to ftneuru them n
lilts of lovo and joy at tho high fever heat of
mesa worm youthful moments. uut bucii
nn anUcirmtion of heaven on this earth can
not be. Tho heat must cool down, and tho
utoxication of lovo sober into tho tranqui
lity of friendship. It is a creat matter to
get safely through this cooling process. The
danger is that, when it begins, opo or oth
er, or both, ignorant that its cattee lies in
tho nature of things, niriy throw tho blamo
on an innocent partner, und in his or in tier
secret heart sich.otor tho awful misfortune
of a dreary uqibn. This would not happen
so frequently as It docs if, as is not often
ino case, ,thc nusbanu and wile were to so
ber dotts at about tho sumo rata. As n
rttlo, the lady will hold on to tho billing nnd
cooing, nnd tender love-making much long
er thau tho ifoulleinau. It is tho man that
cools, nnd tho wife that is broken-hearted.
This, though much to Iks regretted, is easy
enough to understand, without considering
tno nusouna a brute, l'rooauiy men nave
by nature less tenderness than womeu.
Certainly their active business lives is
avcrsoto its development, and nny conside
rable display of soilness ou their part is
commonly sneered down as nn tmmanly
weakness, uy our social arraugemenu
women, on the other hand, are devotijil al
most entirely to tho exercise of this cmo
liou ; to them love in some slmpo Is all in
all ; without il their lives nre cheerless nnd
blauk. Tho slow work of brinirins the
lives nud pursuits of tho sexes into greater
harmony, and thereby n!timiltititig the dia
meters of men and women, must no left to
tho uutirifg fxul of the promoters of tho
woniau movement."
Anions causes of evil lvinrr nearer tho
Burfneo there is our system of courtship,
which soeins ns It specially designed tor
mischief. To bo kind nnd attentive to the
object of ono's nUVction is natural on the
part of both innu nnd womnn. Hut, ac
cording to custom, the gentleman must do
all thu wooing ; tho labor of lovo-making
falls to him ; nnd ns a rule, ho does not
siro himself. For weeks, for months, for
years, ho worships nt tho feet of the fair
one with compliment, tlattery nud endless
attentions, lie seems tho slave of her
smallest wish. In all this there is much
acting, Mitrriitgo is tho dropping of the
curtain ; with it cuds the merry, but, in its
consequences, melancholy farco. And
when ho sees the tittocts of the nlav he sin
cerely wishes it had never begun. Tho at
tentions cannot continue. Nor is it desir
hMo that they should. Vet. in ecttinz
them tor a time, women nre taught to ex
jiect them iorovcr. The arrangement is
cruel to women. It is like the practice ot
first stM)iliiij children, aud then iuuishin!
them for being spoiled.
Of course, we cuii iiodcrtand the extra-
vngnut pro-utTptlal speeches of tho bearded
lover without churning him with thu leust
insincerity. While the lady is yet to lie
won, nnd ho Is under tho inihu iico of n
pent-up tutaslou ami A heated iiumugiuii
tlou, lie, talks sentiment, ami swears n
thousand fold fiMilish. Iiuixuisiblu things
that their moons will 1st all eoimllv Iuhh v-
etl, and thu like. No thmbt ho soinctitncs
lntlLka.iu this pnlty way more Ui huimi it
s ths tUsUiiui than for a bettor itusoii. l)f-
U'U, however, ho in so Ixiioraiit uf huiiian
imture that lie . Uliuves all this liimself.
Hut It is lite iiiisfnrlmia of the ioir girl a!.
wuy o hvhuvo it V I low could slut ever
doubt such tliarm nil truth V The Inci usti
ol riallcrr is swei t, mid she likes to K t ami
li u liotf. The lovo may us iarftetlv oeu.
tiiuo uti both sitits, siid yu with iiiiirriagu
llitiry may be crvut fulling oil hunt nil
this. Wtictl tho Wllb ilropa Iter lnnulkcr
tlncf the tiusuitiiil dos s uut tlart raets tlui
r-iti Is i save lu r Hut IroubUi of sl atplujj.
AlU r In ti iuia ni'tu cauuut Ui buliturvtl
lulling liui wiio iMrunty tiuiis m day that Iwi
rtul'y uv lur, Hit lliliiks situ should
Ubu that It f gruiiUtl. And thu tiaevsa t(
ts'Udhiin Slid talVMliiif in w lilt; It l,o lit lulg.
tl, and fur lime uttjoyetl, gra'lully !
Us Itsiual audUooiui s llusuuw to luiu,
slH Lilly hIu.ii Itu Ita. as lti"sl limll liuiw.
UusllMia Sin! UupvrUUl uitUliMir Inuvlcsla i
tu waAipy his IIioimIiU. Hut ar U"l
All puru sslflsltJUiSS. kltd WuUMill tin Ut4
AIUt lu., lifUA llu-lr lu' lli Hlthta,H,
IhsHtgli tltoy UiUiiui-t I Ita t,uy lb- ujiis,
SUI Aia b,lt Ui U on I uf ssioauu, Ala lu. wi
th. W InUf itlij ubutlluu4 tti, VUl ul A d'si-
isU vu4 'i is. Il ni, I iib'itif
uaUly (uu, ibiuali tliMMJi'itbd as blind tu
tlui sskt Itusi ui lie iba4 la, ls t i(r uiUI
intluially sltii lu tU.Uytlii.4 Ai'CArtl lu
Its VuUltt.. lu 4 thuusaud bill' I' ' .f
the loving but unthinking wifo sees nnd
feels the growlrlg change. Gathering over
ncr liko a Blnck cloud darkening the sun
shino of.her early summer, comes the dis
nii thought that she may bo tho tnisera-
Die victim ot a loveless marriage. At last,
ncrhnns, in a moment of less virtue or un
usual irritability, the husband, by word or
deed, slights somo littlo personal attention,
or neglects one of tho established ceremo
nies ol lovo. Tho poor who ieels as if she
could not survive it. It is a poisoned ar
row in her tender heart ; A wound that may
need long years to heal. Sho is disappoint
ed ; her love is not appreciated ; nnd in se
cret she grioves over it hidden sorrow. If
she is foolish enough to complain, and to
claim as a duty what to bo real or destra-
bio must bo purely stmntaneous and this
is tho follv of too many she makes a ruin
ous mistake. The good man has riot left
off loving her. Truo, tho fever Is no longer
on him: but ho loves hor with nil his
heart in his own quiet way. Is she uot his
wifo, secure in his affection ? his trusted.
bosom friend and wltat moro would), she
havo V When sho accuses htm of coldness
nnd neglect, ho is vexed, nnd does not liko
it. lfslio rontmuo the annoyance sho will
make herself disagreeable, nnd may, when
it Is too Into, discover tho awful difference
bet ween the real nud the iningiuary lass of
nor husband's lovo.
Hut let not tho persecuted husband bo
too hard ; let him remember that ho may
bo moro or less to blame ; that his importu
nate wifo muy bo but demanding tho lovo
nmt Attention he, in his folly, taught her
to expect, and often assured her sio should
have. A chango iu tho fashion1 of lovo
making would bo n great blessing. Wo
men aro spoiled by tho adoration they rc
ccivo Ixjforo marriage, and both thoy'nnd
their husbands have to cat tho bitter after
fruit. Hcsidcs, this desperato wooing, is
quite unnecessary. For n lon; f,imo yet
young ladies will liaTono choice out marry,
whether flattered or not. And they would
mako much bettor nnd moro contented
wives if, instead of intoxicating them with
wild, sweet ravings that are at lenJt in
sane, if .not insincere men would treat
them from tho.,tirst with something ap
proaching tho quiet Kindness and affection
that their own less emotional constitution
will cuablc them to continue.
Tlie Jiiiht to raradc Jfr. 2fanby SwjijcsU
an Arranycmcnt by which liiol may here
after be Avoided.
Conkkdeuit X Roads (wich is in tho
Stait uv Keutuky,) July 15, 1871. Tho 1U
Ots in New York affected mo terribly.
Vucd from any standuint tho occurrence
wue deplorable. Two Hundred l)imccrats
shot down by tho brutel miletary, who will
never rally to the polls agin, und will never
agin repeat their wotes, no matter how high
the price. And all this becoz them noble
miuded sons uv Erin insisted or. tlie rito to
dictate who shood and who shood not pa
rado the streets uv their city uv Noo York I
I hcv, however, the consolashun uv kuow
in' that it won't make dnv difference in our
majority in that city. There is ships on
the seabringin more Irishmen, who can bo
mndo woters in four hours after they land,
and cf no more cuius them cz is here kin
wote oftoner; It may bo necessary to fur
nish sum uv cm bosses aud buggies, that
they may get around to tho polls faster,
but that will be all.
I hed my littlo trouble on tho samo day.
It so hapiicucd that tho children uv our
Church hed pilched upon tho l'ilh uv July,
ce tho day for their pic-nic, nnd it so hap
pened that l'ollock, hevin a lot uv damag
ed yaller calico, 1 Xikiu l'cnuibacker bought
it to mako rosettes lor tho childern, aud it
sash for myself, who wuz to cheef marshal
em. Tho uitc aforo we received a letter
from lVnnis O'Shoughnessy, 1'atriek (J'
Hrien nnd Shamus ()'Inly, tho three Irish
men who livo at the Corner's Station, that
they understood that it wur, tho iutenshuu
uv tho FroU's'.ants uv the Corners, to cele
brate tho Hattlu uv the Hoyne with an
Orange procession. They gave notice that
it had better bo abandoned, for they wood
nut hcv their feelius injured. tho
warucn, el' bind shood be shod they culd
not lie held responsible.
No wun in the Corners that is tho na
tivestlicd ever heerd of tha ltattlo uv the
Hoyue, or kuowd what "Orange" meant,
and so tnkin il as a joke, no alUmshuti
wuz paid to it, for no perccssliuii hed ever
been moLWd nt the Corners, but nigger
pcrccBtihuii8. Hut next mnrtiiti when the
pcreessbun moved, A volley uv stones greet
ed us. I was ridiii proudly at its head, on
HaKcom's mule, and oho well directed rock
hurled mo senseless to tho ground, and as
tho shepherd was smitten the sheep was
scattered. Dennis O'Mioughncssy told us
that tho feclins uv tho Catholic citizens uv
tho Corners should never bo outraged so
lotig es he had strength tolmudlo u club ur
lieavo u schtouo. Sum of our jieeplo wua
indignant, but I the cheef uflbvr.wuz not.
I had lived in N'oi York, w hich b mostly
irih, und kuowiu tlu ir idiosyucraeies, wuz
williu to forgivo em. Their itiiit no better
lhmccntts anywhere limn theoe nu n, ami
no rock kin lai Mirowd wich kin make nm
do anything ugin that orgaiiicashun uv
with Iheso iiicii is thu bai k-Uiiic.
And when 1 got A iuiH-r and red uv tho
riots in Noo York, a lite beoiiii.'d onto me.
K the Catholic Irishmen don't liko the
mango color, ou thu I'Jth uv.luly, I won
der that the llnvo we havo etuiteiiUil them
selves with iiuuvly houviit nrk ut u. it
is liob to bo expected that they Will allow
any dciu.oustra.shf u which hurls their IW'I
ius to Ui nmdo without an attempt in su
prt oa it. Thu anient sou l l-nii is mi itu
pulsivu trvaetu r who delights in hevin his
own way. Tlu-y IwV taken chargo uf thu
goverumeiit of lliu city ol Noo York, Mild
they ouhl not to bu iiiicrl'i rvtl with, uor
will they
1 st ti but one way to prevent sm h ililll
i llltlss In i-itfU l. Mini lliitl pUu 1 suliitnllo
I ho itiiisltlcr.tUoii ul' tho Anierituu Kxpui,
v4 fnllows :
11 u orditaut ti bo luusttt) by tho Coin
limn Inum il uv Noo Voik, piovidiug for
apsulillia nt uv 4 cuiiiiuilUat a ho shall la v
solo t-iiiiUul tif pitaxiMliuiw siul All piihliii
ilisplais, sd CtilllilillU-u loiulttisl UV U)U
Cat lul, i. i u ls tl Irish Li I lit. Mint U u IV
iholie fi) iituii, alati uf Itislt tiiillt. 'l u litis
voiuuiitttiu alt thi su utalUrs ahtttl bu nlf
id. fhey slut buy Mm puwur to say Hat
sta U-ltt-a slu.1 u4 atitlu, aut (sal Utuutis,
uiilors aud UisUliU. hit bit displayed,
wltat Usui may U .la I, Sli4 oil wal tUje
sli It ills l t)S lii'ty Wi M'Otiw.
l.'smiuisu tlui suiuutlllwi MwmI Ui lllxi
r4l. 'i'luy wtHl iivtr uLohI Ui lh wU
biasUu uv iIms r'ouitU uv July (tor thil
ciiiuuuiUuuaU s 4 trmuipli uvtl UiiHsli !)
latiuy,) pvitdkly uf tlui pfUu kyo.4
b-U-duu iliuiuMiUta Ut iai Hm (im.u rt4
simI Uy lUir Und tUy lilsh italiuital slit
uidy. i , l ,
I lia Mu.aiu, siipisuMi, uuii Us Ilia U
U'tl US Ul"l Ut Hhi ausatls 1st S''lti4'
sltsut b, 1 oitiUi uv jHi I u :
7b the SuiKrintcndent iiv th St., Meth
odist Sunday School.
l'ermisshun refused. On tho route pro
posed fer the processhun lives three hun
dred Catholic families wich would be offend
ed at it. The committee does not want to
bo bothered with sich npplicashuns, ea non
ur cm will be granted.
Signed Tatrick H McGee,
i : Ctialrman.
This wood save a riot nnd bludshed, for
uv course tho. percesshun couldn't lake
place, nnd tho Irish pocple couldn't bo of
fended, on less il wuz nt the presumption uy
the Methodists iu making tho rekwest.
Then ngin :
To the Committee on Permiihim uv Lodje
No. , Knile mv fythinn :
tThc Committee hevin carefully prnmin.
cd the ritual tJtscd order, nnd Hndin there
in nothin ofTonsivo to tho Irish citizens uv
tho United Stntos nnd nothin pnrtikcrly of
fensive to tho holy Catholic Church, the
Bed order is hereby permitted lo norado. I
Jooly 21. 1871. It is suggested, that to
ashoor the Irish, cjtiens livin along the
route that tho sooVty hez notin in it (iffeh-
sivo to em, audi that tho pnradu is not in
tended ex an insult to em, that the green
flag of Ktin bo displayed ahovo tlio banner
uy the order, that the mcmliers of tho or
der wear green sashes, that nn Irishman bo
employed to net cz Marshal, and that tho
band be instructed to play nolhiii but 'Thu
tveartu uv mo u recti."
Signed, Fatsey M McSiiane,
Chairman, pro lau.
There mite bo cases wher thu samo soci
ety might receive the follerin notice the
into niore the pantile :
I'd Vie 1'n.iidt nl of Lodyc jYi. , K.tiks ttv
i 1iman:
It haviii como lu tho kuowlcdim uv this
Committco that the ancient order uv Hi
bernians, ami also the Young Men's Socie
ty uv the Church uv the Immaculate Con
ception, intend to narado to-morrow, nnd
cz both of those pcrccsshuus will cross tho
Btreeis named ez yure route, tho order per
initten you to parade is hereby revoked.
Tho Committco will give you notis uv the
first day on which nobody iiv Catholics or
Irish citizens desire lo use the streets,
thatyoor domoustrashun may take place
In addition, lo this, it mite bo well to
make St. Fatrick's day a legal holiday, tho
samo ez the 4th uv Jooly, nnd that our
Irish feller-citizens mito not bo annoyed
sich days .cz the church holds servis on
nilto bo made Sundays uv.
Let this be adontid and no troubles liko
that uv Jooly 12 will ever occur ngln in
Jfoo York, onlcs, indeed, somo head
strong protestants mite question tho- just is
uv it. This plan merely legalizes what
hez been practiced iu a loose way, for ten
years. 1 slicl Jicv this rool adoptid nt the
Comers, for our Irish friends not ouly vote
wiggerous, but they hurl stones with won
derful precision.
i'JJTItoriEUM. v. NA8RT, .
(Wich wuz Fosltnastcr.)
Squire Wick, a lawyer who fancies what
ho don't know ain't worth "pumpkins."
and whoso homoaiii'ta thousand miles
from the Fine Tree State, was a great fa
vorite with tho late J ttdgo Cranoh. Otico
isiting tho Judge, the latter invited him
to walk over his premises. Among other
places, they visited the barn-yard, and tlie
squire was truck with admiration as ho
gazed upon tho noble herd of cows which
laditist been driven up tor mtlkiutr. lie
talked its elaborately of their irood points
ns would a tirst-ralo good stock breeder.
when the fact was ho knew next to nothiiiy
about stock, and some of tho good points
which he spoke of caused the Judge a hearty
laugh in his sleeve. . , ,
"Weil," said the judge, "which of tho
cows will you take?''
"Which will 1 take, your honor?" said
tho squire, not knowing the judge's mean
ing. "Yes, which will you take? I am going
to make you a present of ouo of them
which shall it Ik V"
"Keully, your honor, this is unexpected;
I will not object to the present, but. had
rather your honor would make the relec
lion, as receivers should not be choosers-"
"If you accept this present you
mako the selection. Hoing a good .We of
stock, you will not bo likely to, cheat your
self. Aud the eccentric J ml go smiled to
Tho squire rubbed his gold-bowed spec
tacles; und begin to view the cows with it
critic's precision. After much scrutiniz
ing, ho naii'; , i
"1 apprehend, your honor, you would
not liko to purl with that very lat, short
horned, thick-necked cow?"
"1 havo no choice; make vour selection,"
said tho judgu his tisiblus iiardly conlrol
lablo. "I don't want to rob you of your favo
rite cow, but if you have no' choice, I
should pii ltr the very fat one; shu has
liiuuv good qualities."
"No l.ivonio -no rtibU'i-y at all -- thn lUt
cow is yours. My via it will drive lar to
your before uulkiii''."
The delighted squire hastened hme to
inform his wile. In a In nit an hour he saw
the "lutlcsl aud thu Usl cow iu thu village,"
as lie styled her tlrivetl into his yard,
and dispatched a sable daughter of Aliita
to milk lur, hw manure in caiiin
ulsjiiy gigliie'Hiid laughiim. Njttiro Wick
knew Kiiiiicliiiug was to pay, mid what ho
eon Id nut cnuiuiv. sI'kuI I Intuit,
"round uii" miiIi laiigliici', tho i mply iul
iI iiik'Hii l lu t side.
"Whal oil ctrll! Is to pay, I lli:il !" ill
qoirud iho stpiiif,
. "(I HiiisA.1, for oultlii, only - klki ki, i i i,
hu lisssu I" .
The squire I'Mikcd at his wife- shout
lilm - tho Utilh ul Uinali, who had "mil
niplioiitul" W illi laughter, ninl stlllnl tlumi
by l ho diwir lur lnuc I'ttttinl with lur
Apron, ami lur l.tnlni luat'luiuiy sliak
lug hor sub s ul 4 lit nun, lulu 1 4 In.
'I'lui stiiiiiti's iiiiit ru.
"iHliitll," sjtl.l he, At iho Ui of his Voice,
"Ull liui hal t lu pay, ur l'!l lliluw )uu
uul uf lbs Ituusu.u ,
1 filial! low and iu.uUittl lniM.lf lung
uiu.ngli Ui 4y ;
'tl lur tuaM4, iiuilist, t'ltW iu ut
lily ti
ml Hi
JfUUr's- A '! '"" " A
h-u Ml into
Aiiiiiltur til of UuJiUA
11 you kuuW bom Ut luipfallt U loan Itaiks,
A Mtitiaii i4 hsiuns WhW's nmnuiiiiita
oulU U sutit1uuu. Tho way thai "viy
Ul, sluul Itollrtdeu' Aalltid Utt-k lo Uw
)ai4uf J41I4U I lautji Mosu l sIua, and
il,s a ay U sltut.k liis sUit AOS A taoliuii
Ui l nil 5s.
At A Ivuslll s. I,,4 . StimiutlU'U A )UUIt4
Ult hill, U111J astwl ! It ASS sti 44110 III
lit loiiul U'U. isplttd uiiitl), "W
ru II as Sti lai "
, AN KXIIAl.yrKI iii;miiand.
letter-from iovnij wife in Jfem York to her
aunt tn Ihnton, published anonymously.
Mv T)KAit Aunt: AlHiongh you told me
when I invited you to my wedding thnt I
was too young lo marry, and not capable
of choosinn a mate for life uronerlv. and.
duo consideration, I know that you may
now feel that I was wiser then you (ought.
In selecting dear Orlando I have gained a
most nffeclionato and nttentivo husband,
nnd one who has neither a fault nor a vice.
Heavens! what must a girl suffer who finds
herself united to a dissignnted person, neg
lectful of her, and disposed to seek the so
ciety of unworthy jicrsins, who drink,
tnoke And do nil sorts of dreadful thingsl
Thank Heaven, OrlAiido is perfection.
To-day is my eighteenth hii fhday, 'tnd
wo have been married a vear. We keep
house now, and I enn makd pretty good
pie, ouly the under crust will be damp.
However,'! think that must bo the oven.
Once I put peptv.rmiiit into t ita muldina
saueo instead of lemon llnvoring; but then
Orlnndo was trying to kins tne, light before
tne gn i, who iiuiu't mucli liko ether of im
going into the kitchen at all.
Tlio (lowers rtro coming up lieautifullyiu
tho back garden. We sowed a great many
Seeds, but hardly cxHcle.d so many plants.
Among tho most numerous is 0110 variety
a very larsn leaf,- that 'scratches o:
lingers, nnd don't smell nice. 1 wonder
what it is. Orlnndo frightens mo by talk
ing about weeds; but scwl always come up,
don't they? ,
Hear Orlando t cwno back to him agaitv
so excellent, tetiiprcato tho true. Tell
all the girls to marry its soon ns they can,
if they can find a husband like mine.
I havo but ono trial, litiiuess takes him so
much away from me. A lawyer vtunt at
tend to business, you know; and sometimes
they carry on tlio cases until two nt night.
Often and often he has examined witnesses
tfutil half-past 12 nnd comes home jicrfeet
ly exhausted. And the nasty thing will
smoke, so that his dear coat quite smells
of it. Aud as it makes him ns ill ns it doos
qo; I havo to air in, and sprinkle the-lin
ing with cologne water before ho dares to
put it on again.
1 had a terriblo fright the other night
dreadful. Orlando had told tne Hint
business I think he said it was to case of
life and death would detain him late. So
set up as usual, with a book, nnd did not
worry until one o'clock. After that I was
a littlo anxious, I confess, and caught a
coiu in my neau wping liirougit thu up
stairs window blinds; for, Ucftr aunt, it wait
not until thrco o'clock that 1 heard a cab
driviiigup the street aud saw it stop at our
door) then thought I bUeiuld. faint, .for 1
was sure that ftnuio. dreadful accident had
happened to Orlando-. ' d o ' 't.
1 ran down to open tho door, and MK
Smith, a friend of Orlaudo's who is not, I
confess, ve.-y much to my taste such ft
red-faced, uoisy man was just supporting
my dear boy up the steps.
"Oh, what has happened?" cried I. 1
"Don't be frightcnod. Mrs. .Whitc,"'sntd
Mr. Smith.. "Nothing nt all; only White
is a little exhausted. Application to busi
ness will exhaust ft man, and I thought
I'd bring him home." ' 1
"All right, Hello," aairt Orlando, "Smith
tells the truth I'm exhausted.
And, dearest mint, ho was so much so
that ho spoke quite thick, ami couldn't
stand up without tottering. -Mr. Smith
was kind enough to help hirn up statist
and he laid upon tho bed so prostrated thai
I thought he was going to die. Then I
remembered the Freueh brandy you givu
me in case of slckuess. 1 ran to gel it out.'
. 'IIavo a little brandv anil water, dear?"
I said. 1.
"Tho very thing. Smith is exhausted,
loo. tiivo somo to Smith," said he"
And so 1 reproached myself tor not hav
ing thought of it before Mr. Smith was gone
Hut I give a glass to Orlando, nnd under
l'rovitlence. I think it saved his life; for
oh! how had ho was!
"Hclle,"said he; quite faUcrlrig in his
sjxicch, "tho room is going round so fust
that I crirl'tcalchyour,eye., And, besidest
there 'g two of you, and I don't know which
is which."
I kuew theso were dreadful svmptons.
"Take a drink, dear," saitl I, "and I'il
try to wake Mary nnd send her for tlie
"No,". BnM. hp, "I'll be all light in thi
morning. I 'in all right now. 1 It-re's your
hcnllh. You're it brick. I-" And over
hu fell, (ant asleep. ' .'
Oh, why do' men think so much of
iiioi.vy-itiakHig! Is tint health better then
anything else? 1
Of course, as he laid down iu his hat, I
took that oil' lirst. Audi iii.itusd t di-.
vest him of his coat. Hut t lu-uut came to
his booiii dearei t aunt, did you vvcr tako
ou a gentleman's Units I probably not, us
you are a single lady what 11 tank ! How
do they ever get Yin 011 ? 1 puiled ami
pulled, and shook mi l wri"led, and gave
it up. Knt il would not do to leave llu nt
ou all night : so I went at it ara in. ami 111
lust one came nil m suddenly, nnd nvei I
went 011 tiio flour, and iiiU his hat, wind,
1 hail piitihiwti lla ro I i :i inliuile. I could
have cried. And tho other taunt o l iu iho
satin: way, iiirt a hard and just as sudden
111 the l.i' I. The 1 1 put a sof t blanket oven
Orlando, und sal in my hewim;-i'tmii- alt
uiht. Oh, how heavily hu bn.i;lu d.. Ami
I had, 11 1 tor' may fancy, the most diciuU
lulftais. llo ini,;lit have killed 1,iiii;vI!'
by ltis over application in business, fur ull
thai I knew. Thu (sab el one o lirt, it,
is aaitl.
(I.. I low ilillcrcliliy shitiild I havo (t 1
hail anyllioi,' haps lu-tl Ui my tuliivcti
t hliiiiibi. lin has lint had so exhausting a
tlay since, ami. I think, Sets thu lolly nf
nvt r-wnik ; ihough, if courts will kct poM u
o-i litis, w hal 1-1111 HMtr lawyt rs tin V I tl.itik
it is t rv iiK'tiiisitlcr.iio of (he iuilgo. L
wtiiulcr Aht'ilu r bo lis :t wiii - the mean
ni l Hun;-.
A Ihr r r ItfcM t:. 1'iicle Nun, a tlovt ncasl
I. tlllttl, klloaii III' ulnl Hide I'V this ptl ri
ot it- title- had 4 In -luliUil' Who Ail i tlui
II. 1I1U ul s oikui-! 011 .Stlli,l ls, bul ulit r 4
a Ink' tins ImI'1uii!i,r Juliu i 1 1 11:
limit h. t 'uv ''iy our lin ud uu I I ho unit
tU r l4 whoso l I'Olt 'l lu Ulnlllud. "Will,
I lulu K1111," s.i,,l lie, "ilo ).iii ta'ti any
d'llrv!n in Mi, I'. siiit u ho J iilu , I Hut
tlillithlr" '',"s.u, I Mi lii Mint, "4 glial
ill lit 11 ltis-. Ikfuiii, win 11 Im Hint not It
uu ud bis It iii-u uu Aund i) , hu hia
Sti 011 his slniuliUl, bul I104 ho taiiUs 11
Uii.U-r Ins i"t,"
A piuwiHu uitsur, Ari)luj li t I'Upiv
A llli iitiiltaiiplui.ns n nut tie uptrti Ills Ut k
of abiliiy, Uy sknt, u0, sir. if
)tU Atlu ip-iuiI " dt4 Uu1, whal pil ul
UW Utllll'l )lU IKllUHt-UkU lllsi'" 'I h
a llll Huj Ituaioo- ! k luta lo UiaUi'
4. aus4u4 "y 'jutttly, "twur as,