Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 05, 1871, Image 4
Scripcs, Sc., From AVood'a Ho .Liu-holil Majnz'nic.l To l'HEMEKVE l'EACTIK!. TliO cli'fU"- stono yellow iionclirs, white nt tlio (done, nrollio bout. Weigh tlio fruit after His larcd. To c.ich pound of fruit allow a round of lout" 8us?ar. Tut ti layer of sugar lit tho bottom of tho preserving kettle, and tlicn ft layer of fruit, uud so on until tlio fruit is nil in. Stand it over hot ashes un til tlio pugnr entirely dissolved; then boil them till they aro chtr; take, them out niecii by piece, and Fincad them on a dish free from syrup. Jioil the tyrup in the pan until it jellies; when the peaches arc colli, 'lill Iho j'ara half full with them, and lill up with liiu boilii):; syrup. Let them stand a j-Udi t lime, covered with a thin cloth, then put ou brandy paper, and cowr them close with corks, skin, 01 paper. From twenty t (thirty minutes will generally bo bulUeiciit lu preserve them. To Fucwnvi: rj:. !;:. Titko a .'!, rich, fair fruit, nasoon as tho pips aro blink; i t them over tlio lire m a.ketl'.e, witn water to cover them; let Ih. r.i simmer un til tlicy will yield t tho pressure of t'.w linger, then Willi, a skimn.Lf take them into i old water; pare them neatly, Uaviii;. ou a litllo of Iho stem, and the" blossom end; piereo Diem at the blossom end to the ci.iv, then make a eyrup of a pound of -iv.-ar for oa'.'h pouud of fruit; whin it i:t boiling hot, pour it over tho pears, and let it stand mi ld tin; next day, when drain it oil', make it hoilu: ' hot, uud tiirfiin pour it over: altera day or two, put tlio fruit in tho syrup ocv the lire, and boil ?.'iil'y until it, i.i clear; then tako it into the jar i or spread it ini i ilUlics, boil thosvrup thick, then rut it and j iV ('unit injtu.?, " i To JhiESKun: D. To . ! pound ofdauiaohs, allow thice-'-irti !-.r t.l' a pound ot powdered siu;ar; put into jns or wel!-.;lazcd enrtliern pots, aU'Ttiatcly a layer of damsons nnd one of cuyar; tie Btroiij? paper or cloth over the pos,' tuui set them in the oven after the bread in drawn, and let them staud till tho oven U col l. Tho nest day strain oil' the syrup, and boil it till thick; when it is c old," put the ilnm boiis into sinail jars or glasses, pour over th3 syrup, v.hich bhould cover them, and tic a wet bladder or strong cloth over tin ui. Tomato CAT.rr.Tako vipc tomato, s, and scald them just tr.:!icieutly to alio.. you to lake oiftlio skin; then let llu in stand lor a day, covered with salt; s'rrtiii them I thoroughly t.) remove tho Eccds; thin t ! every two add pilaris; three cz. of ilovi-s, two of black pepper, two uutme;;s, and a very little Cayenne pepper, v:''lh a lHlb s.i It: boil tlio Ihpior for tia'.f an li.-ur, aivl ' tlicn let H cool and settle: add a pint of t'i: best eider vhieyrr, after' which hottl-j it. coi-kinr; and suaHns it lightly. Ku-p is :. ways in a cool place. Tomato Fror: The aeknttfe Jmerimn eayn the following recipe for making toma to lis is said to bo excellent. Collect a lot. of ripe tomatoes about one inch in diame ter, skin, and stew them in tho usual man ner; when ttoue, lay them ou dishes, flatten them slightly, ami upread over them a light layer of pulverized whilo or best brown &U;;ar; expose them to a su in mot's sun or place them iu a drying-houie; when as dry its ircsU Cgs, pack in old lig or small boxes, with sugar between fiich layer. If proper ly mauaged, tho diiicveuco cannot bo de lected from tho veritable article. Clkds. Freshly soured and thickened milk 11 esteemed by the doctors very whole some and easy of di gestion. Families in tho country may make this serviceable by stirrino: several tablospooufuls of oranye wine or native port iuto a dish of sour milk before it sets, then leaving it to curdle, aud eating with powdered sugar and nut meg. The wino fruite disguises the un pleaseut tasto of sour mill:, ' and makes it a delicacy. When cream is churned, as it should be, every morning, the butter-milk may be treated iu this way anil vHl Lo found very rich. Anotiieii Way Take one bu.-hel of to nuuocN, uud Loil them till they aro soft; S!p:v.e them through a Him wire seive, r.ud ndd half a gallon of vinogar, one pint I and a half of sail, two ounces of cloves, quar- j tcr of a pouud of allspice, two ounces of I Cayenne pepper, three tcuspoonfuls of black pepper; mix together, nud boil about three hours; or until reduced to about ono-hali; then bo.le without strain::!:.'. iJALO'C.' l'LI!)tNl. T:i!; f.,:ir o,r,..i n,.l liu'oo tabl'.'si.'oi.ul'uN (,('ii"U', anJ Lo;u IUliu W. 11 ll-'.-li.. 1-. A.I.I .. lit! I.. ...If 'l-l.. lui 11)1 v, :::i C',-oet ll.iko iu u siiuau L.'.kiu.L; tin, iunl arvc with feWwlcLtil MJj-FA:'i:i(,NKH APPLE SACi I.'. TuI.O 'I'.ul n;pi,.H anil j.;ir- llietu. 'j.'licit boil tla:m iu a i'ii'i. i'viio', hi Ulo tl:il ui'nl otic i.!i-cil U liioil lo CMiry l-aill'tll i'l';tl'n!..'a. A I'll-r tlii-' uMilo?1 arc b.iiieil letulor a'ld a int ol' Ltvvi a su;;ar, ati.l bell i'or ubuut U:: l:lilltlU"j Ion .ir. :iil.e: Ciiifl.. Mi-c l,,.vU,er l.ali a liii.iljl.r cacii oi' v.'.uiu ini.'e aiitl tiiuilei a.U'- h 'Uitiv ruLi. i ins uittK' a a ir.tiiu. ais i ;.n.l i.trfi.c'.ly salb bLi r.i;,i: 1 u- Iha m,.-U, iili',1 V li.-U tile- iLLiKty i- f!-;ii-, :,;', -,. i!t o. J !..!.! thu ..'-.tols of iif.tllic l:i.':i uo. :.'.:: : t: .' c.'.U V. it'.i t.i.lty I.i,; ;-r vt-'U. ' . A Vi:::v Iii...:e t::u :i:;.t - - : a, si:: 1 ' s, t'.u y, 11..-! an I v. liiu - si-pai !' ! , , i:a '. t .1 ui LutU f in :i t. :l..'li:.t'.ll t u .il'i.i I.i. a: ' I ) mLIo'.i ;iiW f i.oliiai.iv a tab; -'e ( -j. : : 1 i I' lljtir, a l.ible .ia.iiiil'ul of ,-.i!t, aii. I a iittio a-;i.'. r ; mix i.i In.. y,.ii;:i of tho o; , .It'll l'"i;lh. lid, ll '.i'-l.y i to wiitit i be ti ll t-l ii t-! ii.ll.c in :i I'.al pa you u'Uli, ti LiiL i, wi-il Lint. ro,!. I'I'.t'.e'l i-l.ei ,..'. Al-MUNUl't TAIIU. I Ilia: it l'Ull'lei' l.l a .Mini 1 ii ll:ei: in a (tin.' , i' tln lil t i t;t-.le. II, il t ; : litiv.v i e, i iili.l Ml. liii ti. : iunl i'.!::i.'i:J'i I i'n. . ,, i it. ., li. -iu ..:! :'. n , : If t. 1 ill ll'yt I.. I tl. r.'v::i.-r l'ii i;i.i:.-Tj ; 1 i....u.ii . Mi.,.11-, i I ;..t , !' ', e .1 : ..t.t;ii iiti.l . ;., ili ';;:i:', .i.rl -;. , ;, p . : u Ul' t.Vti' lill:'. I'm : su unit ! l..::l o'. t!. " I ui..! ;. .:. i r ' i i o-i.:i. .. i i :i ., ..: l ; "' ll.' r, i.:. I i :.. . , . 'l-.'ln e l' ii l'i;:l', till. I p.'ltioi iu a put i a. .Hit I.i!. oilluill:! T:i.: .M i li : i 1 'j ll ll.: I!...'. IL. I . I .: Pa. . .t S ol ll.t I . II I....I, II lei . l.l II. ii : I " I I' HI 1 I . I'l , i I ! ... 1 il. il. I'll 111 . l.l lilt I III..' 1 1, 1 . i..d l.. II i I., tl I I tl I. ! I I . 1 ..: , .II..I ; tin. 1.. , nij 'I, I. 1.1 ttt t' l- C i I I.. Ill, .. ,1 1 V in, tv u' ... .11,. U I' , I I I , I... ' it o l!.., . ot i. j t' . ol I , C... lUlltl j ll. ll.t I .1 .4 U.4 (' I l.l 4 t. Il-f It. i. - Stoical. iii:.m;y t. COMPOUND FLUID EXT.? ACT CATAAVF.A Component Vo its Fluid I'xtract Klaibarb and i n. til Extract Catawba Grape Juice, For l.lvi.T Complaint, .Tauiulirc, Dillons Affec tions. Sick or Nervous Headache, Costivencss, etc. Purely A'circtnhle, cotit aiiiiiis no Mercury, Miner.'1!! or Deleterious Jlrng. rills arc tho most ilctlKMfull.v pleasant purirntlve. Hipers,ciliiii; nintur oil, .-alts, ihiikho .1... '1 here. 1 no'hii"r uiove lu'i'el'tiiblu to ii. t.i.,:irh. Tlirv rfvj lone, nml c.u-c voittiiT iiiuir-ea nor L"iiri!iu: vaiiiK. Tlicy are foiniioacil ..I-tii.- f..,-t i...,!-, .:;,),. A fie r u few il.ivs' use .,1' iliii'n. Biirli mi i'ivi'',i.ii ct I lie ertiio fvs. i. i.iti:H t l:ici n l. !iir. :ir mlliiculoH to tlio mil i niiVii'e.l. w u'll-er i-risMf' iroin nn- T.rilll' l.Cl' Ol' lI'lM Ml'. J I iI'immM'. Jl. T. Iklail'i'M etin oouim! FIi:M K trill Ca'.i.ivli.i Craiv fill lire not .'ar-i-oatril. 1'iom liiu l'.iet t'l.'t .-u-'.tr-eoaleil ilu not ilif-oiw. but IT.- ', lliroii.-li tli-J flo la.uh v.iiliin.l ili.-fiihiii", wi ...,U'jui ly tin not .,l i,... n... ,:i.:r.'.! 1'ilWi. lUoCutawbii Ciiapc J'ill". I), hi -i hi ta-t.; nml oi'.oi'. clo not m ei- dilute I heir lieir.'J f .i;;:ii'-io.itel. l'licc Hl'tv ical.-i i-vi' bo:;. iiLi H.'cni.v i i):-;l'i;;ti;. Tr.' i.omi'ocnd Ei.-td ll.vtr.Mt S:n"ss;arl!:t Wi". r:i.::..i!!vrsltrmiiialf tlii'sy-leni S'?ro- ,.,., ," .',,',,.' ., ,-;.'m 1; I'tomi: ens Ai! AU:a . l'.;., r , : i't K , v, i:a . : . ?.o,'.. , ..: K;.c::i: l.;ive li V l' i i , -More Kyo i' ih-a-l. I'ioiicb;t',., I. . a.', Kumi'.iiL-.i ; , 'I amor-, L.r,,. I... l.l.oiuiilar l;i !1- I '. r, r.iinior-1 ol' all . i'y-;vii '.a, ill',..l 111'. KUUiU lu llic syatoiu ! V..-V tion .lit S -.11 111: tl. lor .ih r.eiu pri-1-.nv.t i:.". 1-laiul-'. iW liloo.l-iuirfyii'g I t! o'. e Coia- pcrtli- are irrciUT ll,:. u any otli,T i t'lv-i ilia c'lai,!,' paialion ol" K.ii'..:ii':'.rill:i. Il n a ilia;' aial livall !.y ml iit'iiri I.,,' i'ai lo a stale el li :i'lh aial via ' nil l'milv. Fur I'm ily'nr.r tlie' I'loo I, n a ol : i't a i i , ' oon.;',! at'.oaal ilV-ia.-i :;v in C nana na 0 ily n liab'c 1 ::;'.j of i'. '.:': il'a'I'S of liie iiaoiiri' t;.:k nt Hie Uaa Kii.'l 1 1 'lal kr.ov. a rcu an. I of H, li. ::a l lla' ; lor Hi'.' I li , v Tl'iv... lay il ami b 1.- la, 6' ...all i-r ii l'a.'.', I.l : alv or i' '1' lvi.1 iu : ' T. l.r,, :-;t:: OTIl IT.l'IO l',.".'V".;f:"!' ISS-fEEV, TIKI t i.i'. AT i)' V'.iil'f !.:: -.aLV; I ( V''y l;' ,a ia ivi :ln I: in wliirll V. Irw !..v:i rh a. I : i i; a; i- i !' i m-i-U of t iw ri.v.' iWr,n'l iiill.'ii.riia'si of Hie K!.lw; l':c."ii::'i'i of the iiiilwyn ai'.l l-a.i'l'-'l', r.-Uilll m of Vilae, IMtti.t.-a of H.u fi;i.:t.,.;i: HIar..!, 'm Hie Liri.a'r,! . rav. !. Ia '. '..-'.i..-1 laaall, a ad I ii'oa i r ?'i'avy la-Lhavv;.';, ail f.r 1:'.-iVebb-'l iunl IVui-pu i'.H'-'HiUioi'n el' otilh ::. -.i, nttoii.le-1 ttilh ' f"llonia'; synr. toia.s : InilW poMlion to cm liiu . 1.0-s of Potter. Lo.a of Me mory, iJiiliiiiiiy of Urea' ban,', Weak Nerves, Tri-iubiiii, Horror of 1 ii:ac, Vakefuhif ss, Diiaiii ss of Vi.-bai, Pain in the Hack, Hot Kainls, Flnsliinsc of tlio I'm ty, Prynis of Hie (?lilii, Hni;' tion on ihe face, j-aiij rem:1.'. luincc, L aivertal lnf.ltr.ili! of the .Muiculiir system, ite. U'si'il I'V l":i'fii!', from II. c litres of o''atccu lo twenty-live, nml from tliirty-live lo ;i!iy-!ivi! or in the ileelha: or ehanice of lll'j ; al.jr ronlhie uicut or labor pains ; I" il iUie in IB Helrnbolil's Extract Uiiiliu is Diuretic and P.lood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits! of dissipation, and excesses and im ileiu es in Life, impurities of the Klood, etc., superseding copaiba iu aU'ei-tations for wbieh it is used, and syphilitic a!!ectiji:s in lbee dis eases used iu connection with I1j'.:i.';o1u'j Loe Wa.-h. LADIES. In mpny nr.Vcialioi's .'ealiar to I,n !'., the Extract lliiebil i.-: line ;;:ale,l l y any oH:..r reiiic tlj :H in e!.:or sis or rctxiuion, in. .'.'.il.irity, p:il:U'iilni's or s a pi .' -ion of c'.i-louiury evacua-tioi:-;, ulcerat'.il or scltirn; of Hie I torus, a, o.'i'lli 'a or Whiles, m, ri'.ily, an. I for nil complaints i.'ii.knt to the . vhvtW arMu;? noli-1 I'o' ".lu oe lr.l'its of oi .a-atioii. It is lU'c scrib'.d extci.-lvely bv the t iii.iiient pliysi- ciaiiM and lnidwivcs iia t',i'.-t ituMons, of ' :h sex I'd with an'.' of ll:e r.bove b Vii eml (lellcato .1 all ages (a'-tellil-s.'i or symptoin.s.) . li. T. I crur.s n;: Ms I.N.IK il.IVS 1 ."AsI'S a t;:-. At T p. ft ill' i:M IMIV.f. , ''''ifh1' Y" ' Ul.''- '-'.4"-. .1 Ol- D:,.:1PA'1 U ' at r.'tle, i xp.-n lilt Li'O, : i r no a ral ro I sure, it cnnie a IV. j sir.tmtit lAiuaf, i e' o. re at aa lies V l'e. i ivie I vile ol lie aim ;.i 'a ; mi t t'e ll j, I' iia and 1 : , tf ill. -a t--. .-'. i . Hum o ll'e- : ;. in .1:1- lll'I Ull L'.tisouous i::a'.: r. 'I I. iiisaiul w l:'i lan e te ii i';e v ei inpi li M per aa-, aa.l . ... I..i v, l'e i in be e'.ll . 'I ill 'l short I line, 1 a' h.iv.i Kctl diiv'u'ol, lilt I that I tie ' liy the. 110 of ' l oin 1 i'ai a-ai'a .reals lli in llie i J ;Uao to bl'e il. i in i a a . ,1 fa. i.i, i.i. .1 I rli.'.i. ....i-r Nia: of lu l.,M ll a vy ' i.i. m.'. Hie l'i ;. Oil'' IlilS, a .il dried I HI IX' ilLfU f v II I I. lei cl.u J 11' all All II. - ol L :::, ! i th vl.ii cor :-.'au,b,e-. '. i.e. lal ' i r I I. I l.e-'l and I.i, . A- . -J .1 V IiLi. Ml . ,t 0. I :.. i! '1 . II . I I 'I' ''I I I il' no 'I ' ' Ll' . u ttiuu I'rr. Hlioua. lill. .Ill ll. It .. .1, iintons. Gunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL 8TATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, Amount or Property Insured, $52,31.1,00 Amount of Premium Notes lu force, ta4,'Jia,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount lonnctl nt interest, 3000,00 Amount lu Treasurers minus, miuu.ou Amount iluo from Agents, M(X,D5 Amount iluo from other sources, 7:J(I,00 Availublo Cnvltttl, eSD.aa'J.OS Insnrc jour C'nttlc. INSURF. with a responsible nml perfectly ro liublo Company. Insure wbcro your losses wilt be pulil promptly. THIS 13 A MUTUAb PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Itenec, linliko otlitr C'ompnnlrs, you nro puro ol beinir pniil promptly lor nil losses, ii immra ti, title . 'i.iiiiviii V. Olllt RATES "(F INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Bitir,' mutual, our expenses are less, nnd our Cliurter U Perpetual. We pay losses by all MnuN of iii'ci'k'iit by ikalli, (except im; in ciisii of t'pUlcinic,) by tlicft, e., .vc. vt e pay proinpi ly. No red tape proceedings to obtulu your money in case of lois. Mcai-ly 3.C0l iull osi tows nlonc Lool; ttt the lift of Losses paid on Cows clone by this Company. M nennlnner, Suubury, Pa 1) 1 iil-oi't, NoitUuiiiberhuid f'i' (ieorc Kilicit, ST. 1 ,..!. ro, " r". Clrirl: s I'.o'.iiU, Mt Ciu'inel bU, F.,n'u:u.) ftipple, " ''! I'aHaai an! V,'a '.'iier, WatiOlitown " Ceo. ra Heir, Nortliiimbirlaud .t u ob ynviler, giinburv '.'. , 113 I v; !.ts-!er, " r,,, Minor Cadv, Pcv:art Ce.Hiarine Slartz, Slialuoi.iii 40, I'r.uicii llnclier, Siinbury U0, S.iniiiel U Price, Upper Lehigh b"i Joupli Ui ppcn. Mt Caruicl M, Matt'aias isclioli.v, " 4" l'raneis McCarly, " Mai la Kramer, Wiitsontown ) .lo-eph Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40, .1 oc 11 C Oui''i:!o, Pino, Clinton co 40, II Runr.ipe. Micnaiulonli, ScliuglKill co 40, .1 li TlaiiT. flmmoliin 40, Thomas W.u'ilrop. Mt Carincl 4., N A l. iuilenslagcr. Ilerinlon, i", llaeli. I Civiucr, Fisher's Ferry 40, (i L lb :i".i'i, tliennndoah, Schuylkill eo Ml, Ja-ob Shine, " " '. I.i-obstoliz. " " 41), 1) 11 R wit, Ifelinlon , tlco 1j Lahv, Ccor','etoMi 40, John il D-sm.iii, li'intniry 40, W li V:'.!', K-e, NorHiuiiibi i'land '10, 11 Hia'iam, " j". ll-'ic ca Koble, tlrcro'i'lowii b't I'lii.:;) ',' int. T.-t era, Wat -mil own 40, li ! Low, l.iir.o Ki.l'.o, roaiinbia to 40, Lewis O. leibant, l.ara'el Run. Luzerne co... 40, M.irv J Hiae, ort!nuiiberl .mil 4.1, 1 F ivrolin, Smi'nuv ''0, A ml r.,w lb alv.'J -villo. Sclimlldll Co.. 40, Patrick I'm ':--., )n, Mt t'ainiel Martin lVanc', r-hen aialoab city Joh'i Dane. A 'hlan.l, Schuylkill co... .'.Mhoi'.v'-it'.in, Hir. nlsvillo ... ....ui, ....14, 10, 40, !", ....40, 1. layman allay, Mabanoy Plains li Johnson. Haven P.uu David liauclicr, lleiivieli J D Focht, Pottsvillc , ..:;o,, Erartus Sober, Point twp A Limi.-nicoit. Watsoutown ..40, Man-i .Ciainei'.Watsou'li.rid loss pd last siun,40, I V Linpcncott, A aTsonlown ', r, li Aiiiineriuan. Hnydcitown 0, Nntliau Lloss, lb i wit k, Columbia co 27, J iV. C li ai-'g'c,l'iac .-jla'ii Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles AV lui.air.t, ltiipcit, Columliia co...4!l, John Fugleman, Wiitsontown 40, PatilcV. Hester, Mt Caruicl , I'lioinas Metz, Paxlnos j", It, Lock Haven UI4, JIU.N. A. iluurtA, l reaiucni. C. A. nr.IMEN'SN YDEU, Sec'y, Sunbury. D1UECTOUS i Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Unuicr, Solomon Slroh, Win. Jtrindle, boloinan Sblpe, iliuA. Shisslcr, Dr. V. T. lvreus, rr. iaiwu WiilJroii. March 11, 1371 . ly. TiME IH MOXEV I ! l.L Wall Vapor and Holder, sold by ine Wll ii. lie triiJiaed ready ionise, WITHOL'T EXTRA CIIARGK, 11V THE YEOJIAN'S AVALL PAPEll T1HMME1!, O " ':W ' sl.l . ' b.iVe the t . l'.olve ri'-rld to ll!C' 111 i ii (- : c el 1 ibi.r, 1 y biiylui : E.KinrM'.i: ee-ry, Wall l'ap'-r, ilil. Al'. -d : l I l'i.1 1-1 . nml - a specialliy. t'.iioi nr .! i.lil A' l"ai Hoolis !!. . -i V.ti.i ly, Ju t received. lii . - : ,' 1 lio n' to order. Pi imiiis will K ..'. in ;' i heir or ters lor Lhuliuy i'ict: nr. mmmi.n . I,' li .in II..' Munition: at Veivhm I Al. v- i-i;t 1 KAMl.S iil.t on I: I. '. l.'.iM ki:ts, (ioi.D ri:N-i, iVc, t' i . , iVe', : ; t i . i. i sin. k of T"V .il iy .in i vi.;-: . - ': not on baiid promptly ol j.u i. nt i. i c ish. Cult nt ... ! 1 Lli llTNI Ifrt l...,k More, t ' ! . t Gold Pi li, Mariii l ft jiuic, Sac it. ". i mil, J'.tj, I. W. W.'.' MINUTllX'S i . ! t. v n miop, I ' I " i I ' - ll' (I III' III. (UWII I .III.' time i- t. .1 .oti.l- I I, leil lint ll .III l:l.. It .lliii .ill tilietjiiilnll.i. l. ii I . I in InV bit lie i:. t e.d ll.. i. I ,r ' . .rof .... .1...,. ..rl.l,ai. lafi.l..! ..1. I t. Ill Hi .1 . I.. . '.It l.l- tl t.ll. iiijitl). I, ...... .ii. I C le i. ii ui'.:. . ,.i i i lb . I nt .in Cut. lint, ltd I toi i .. . .. . i , It..! 1. 1 (i,., i ll.g I't ta.tilft, l.iitUtMtu of i..tll t tli lull, ltJllMi .1 . 1 'li, t'l p. t in LU', l.llilli m..4i a'i '-kill, lit llit, "ail, I I. .I'l. I. . .ti l IU l.ii I, . , Ut4 i . . ii a i.i 4. , i -l ii .i . j. i 1 . 1 .Lot.. I t it , J . tit ,! , It M ..! .1 I '. I . ( r. .. I . I . - . I . -1 . t 1 1. . " ' 4 it. .1 -.1 t i 4 i ! J I.....1 I iu L-.. . Il.-.i... ll- 1 1 I ..I' 1 1 I PRICES REDUCED. ROOTS A NIIOI1S Manufnelnrcd to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN WILVEIt, ISprnrc (street, Nnnbnry, I'enu'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots. Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises tho very best In market. Hlslons cxpor leueo In the businoss 1ms won for him a reputation for making iirst cluss work equal to any city manufacture. All work war ranted. TEKJIN NTKICTLY tIAMI. The prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Snnbnr.T, March 4, 1871. Mll.I.IXEUY001CSEXEKAliI.V. NEW STYLES OF 1JOXNETS, HATS, FLOWERS FRAMES, Sic, mid Itridnl llutfs nnl Hounots. Full lino of Mouruiuu Veils and Crape. MILLIXE11V IS THE SPECIALTY. SaiiU Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Cloves, Handkerchiefs, fce., o:c. FANCY OOOUS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOSSLER. South Fourth St., below tho Railroad, Surbiiry. April aa,l71. STEiiEOStOl'ES, VIEWS, ALUUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. it II. T. AXT1IOX Y fc CO., 5!1 liroartwiiy, Sew YorK, Invito the attention of the Trade, to their exten sive assortment of the above uoods, ol their ow n nublieatiou. manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GUAPHOSCOPES NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. A II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, lMUOUTEKS AMI MAM FAl'Tt'KiaiS Ol' I'iioloxruphic Miitci'iuls. March Mi, 171. ly. I'OSIITRET MAXOIt t'EMETEHY COM PAX Y. Tbii I'fiiiiranv is now prepared to sell InH in the new Cemetery, located on an eminence about j one-fourth of a mile east of Siinbury. The ill ; create ot the population oi jMiiiniiry, aim couse I '1 cut ailvanee lu tile ratio ol nioi'iaiuy, as wen the limited facilities fur the Interment of those who have fought life's buttle, have suggested the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen at the ollieo of J. A. Cake, l'.-i., or Lloyd T. Kohrbaeh. Pi ice of lota from S3 to 13, according to loca tion. Deeds w ill be executed for lots sold. LLOVD T. llltilliliACH, tree's'. May 111, ISTl.-tf. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! ! A SEW STOKE AT GEORGETOWN, LOAVER MAIIAXOY Township, Northumberland, County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY nAA'INO opened a new Furniture Store at the above place, w ill constantly keep on hand, a lari;e uud select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Bulls, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cane-treated Chairs of all grades, Kooklng and Kitchen Chairs, Wnshstands, BoiUtcuds, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looking-tilusses, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to i be found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may 1 be luid at this e.-tahlitdimcnt. j Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to i business, to merit the patronage oT the public. I An Invitation Is extended lo all desiriiigaiivtbing i in tlio line of Furniture to call ar.d examine inv slock. I'litlrrlnKiiiK done lu all its branches. Je5?" lb palrliis done at shoit notlte. J AVM. N Eli ELY. (ieorg 'town, June 11, '70.-1y. A GEEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY rr. AVAL"r:r.'3 cAUFomnA YINEG-AB BITTERS r.j Hundrcfls cf Tfco't'.Eands ! K - 1. S I- v THIIY AI'-E NOT A VII.H : "auFAtJCV DRINK, lii i'tof V!;;-i.( i'r'i h pt It t u;tl i;f4iiii 1 . ttj u tt"t !''-' i l,';:.t j'-'I-v. vt l!t It' J !.: ! lif) Uilc, H..Iv-1''1cI.a: lui;... in," ''i;i':lulil:," ii I lLil r I ;Ur (II tJ i1.. i ii l.t !. ii . i i: ..1 nil., 1 t.: .tr.; tt i. ii . -.ii., r....'j f: i J!o l'i"-1-' i -I 1- i t .: l.-i n . i.vt i. II Al -hi'Un . Up:i;Iip:i, i'.c i.:' t f.ll l'T lil.OUH I I It I 4 I . -t n il A nn: J Vi.jtJik'.Kjr ot I'.o lijvuui, c.n .i.j i ;i' til j L -11- r uu4 rt i'-.i:ii tl a I.i -It' y t n. ;..) . i ii it. ii Uubt) I ,Uii aioiu. tv c i ll'.u ,i.. I 1 e i' !l U'l UUA. U. 1 1 tO ..M.v i t . . l:.i ..i ' I if. o, i - :. I ! U'U i i .j i . , ii .-.v ; i.i i , i .i 1 1 i i . t r 1 (, i.. ''.o v -i : Le.-Jt ...j ' j.-'Li ' i.- I ill" iu' .. in'1 . ; . i y . iiU t '.. i v : .' I ! v :. fit.m lUitl uUil (itiil, 1 tn.i, yt I u: ..lnu, UlUuUMt 1( 'lit( 11 1. 1 UMtl Ibl i i U-1 I . 11 I I Win IU.i .11. . i l.l.i u.-i , l.ll. t : '. I ll.t' l.lut..! I. tilt . I lt I. i : 1 ti tli ye. u 'U I'.t I I. ' I. i ... i . . , 1 . 1. I o.l. .1 ... I II .1 t 1 I IM lt: "I II. ly.. , I . .. 1 1 - 4 t.,i. i .. it I .1 l-.ul .' 1 1, in Jl i i . i i .ill hh I I . .. 1 . .. u I ,..-.,.1 i i.:.,. I,. ,1 , . .11.. I ' ; v .' ....... I ) ., I i ..... it. .. . ..ii., i , , : 4 I - . I it.. , I ., .J I... I .... it, , i ' X IV; i t sOni'.ny lo their w uati-r- c; x j - t l e 1 1. 1..';.! a J lU.v.-t. Z 2 1 VJHA'i" AP.2 THEV? ? ' " - S i' a ! 15 lib h :,Wi;' 1 . I t . ' .. ' I i I r' : Z' -j2 " '. ' n unban' w ssj of i Z ': r- -' -V'.'-'rt .: In. : '"-i vr ni .141 l. . t; I .- y.. i IL... I i .. t -I l-.liJl U .t tfc. tv. .14., l... few., t lfc.l.4... wi f . t4lt "' I. ,...... !k V,i .1,4 H . 4 Vl t-.t, )., -4 I,. I., p-iil... I iit. la 4 i .i. w .i .. .i.. i. I u . ., i itijr 11 - fcl I.IM I IM. II ll L. 4 IM iUUmi. 4 v4 it. U. l- i . .. t t i. . ii t--i.ii ui bi, 4 VM i..J4 lli 4 .4 J .4,4.. ifc-i-tolW'ti fc . b 4 4. l m tti l . . a iiia fltt 'tttt. 4 11 ,1 .. , t l'i i.. - 4 V. 4m t V.- ..M-'-.. . l.k..t...,4 i vl i.i ..... t...i, I . 4 4 .1 ... J U-4 4-.IM.W .t4.4tl'i., .-U.I 11 i "t fc - 4 - litllfr, 1 . I . . t i .!.. 4-. Il.,i,.kl - . II ' Iillt It', I.. , -t-l. 4 '.- . -. ii, hti., U, tii4Ntw, Mtll.a,.. I VI fttaaufacturcrs. v FLOKEXCESEU IXU KIAC'IIIXE. THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to KrauBc's Tin aud Stovo Store, ninrket Street, Nuubury P. Tho Florence BewlnR Machine stands unequal led for beauty nnd durability t being tho best Family Sewlui; Machine now oU'ered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES . CLAIMED : It lms sclf-ndliistlni' trillion In the Shuttle,!' chnnirrs for tho various Stitches made whilo tho machine is In motion. Its Stitches nro the wonder of nil for beauty and'ing alike on both sides of tho fabric. It sews light unit neavy tahrles with equal fa cility. Tlio work will Iced cither right or left. Ituus quietly nnd rapidly. No dilllculty exper ienced In sewing across heavy scams. Its mo tions nro nil posltivo ( no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tlio Ileminrr turns wldo and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It U thoroughly practical and will last a Ufa llnic. Every Family hhonlil Have One. Every Machine warranted to suhstautlato all we claim for it. It Is the only Machine In tho world thnt Is ca pable, ol making more than one stitch nud having the reverse feed motion. Call aud examine them, and tho samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hums, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, llliuls, (iatlicrs, iVe., without ba iting. It makes a gainer nml sews It on a buna at one operation pertectly. hacli .viuciiiue is iiirmsiicii with, n complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully Instructed and every Miicliino warranted nnd Kept In order. Machine Oil uud T hread kept ou hand at nil tunes. (iEO. V. SMITH & r.UO., Agents. For North'd, Snyder, Union and Montour Conn's. October 1", 1S.V0. New Flour anil Feed Store It. W. THtRSTOX, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, FEW A, Has Just opened a Flour and Feed Store, where tic will keep constantly on nana, a general assortment oi the best brands of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION POTATOES, lltUIT, LUT1T.H, EC. CIS. and A EUETALLES of all kind ', at the very lowest market prices Sunbury, Feb. 11, lSil.-tl. t37l. 1071 LUMBEE ! FRYLIM8, 1MEH & EKG1L, f iicee.-a'.irs to the 'binbiiry Lumber Co., HAYING PUllCIlASKl) THE LAIKIE i il-vy i j j-.-.:-.J ' rf-.i.i.jt, and just lilted it up with tlio late-1 improved Ma chinery, are now prooareil to till orders lur nil kinds of HILL TIMHEI!. PINE, HEMLOCK. OAK. Ac. 1SOAKDS. HOUGH ANU SUEFACED. SEDBNG OF ALL KBNDS. HEMLOCK, AVUITE AND YELLONV PINE FLOOIHNH, SHINGLES, PLASTEP.INU AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, HOOIIS, MOULDINGS. r.I.I.!lS, Mil 1 1 1 UN V IU: A KI15S at thu very lowest prices. A largo block always on hand. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRYLING, B OAVES it ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February lSlh, 1S71. Cm. I.l?lii:it AM) I'tAMMi MI M.N. Third Street, adioining Phila. t Erie P.. It., two fc tunica North of the Central Hotel, SUXBUUY, PA. IRA T. TlEMEXT, "I .S Jircpared to furnish evciy description of luui- JL lu r rc'iunvtl by the tlcninnils ol Hie piiitlle. Having ail the latest improve I iiiiu biiiei'v for inaniil'acr.ii'ing Limber, he is now l eaily to lill or- Ucrs t-t all Minis ol 1'l.lKHMN'G, SllJINt SASH,- DLINUS , 1HIOIIS, SI1UTTEKS. MOULDINGS, YE- UANUAS, LIIACKETS, atid nil kinib, of Ornaiiu ntal Scrowl Work, lug of every description promptly cxeciiicd Turii- AUo, a i. eucr a-'i e-i:T::NT op 1IEMI.OC1C una PINE. Al -o, tdiln-.'li , rick' ". lll II .', tVe. Orders promptly tilled, uiidshlpi I'V II I'lroad or oilier .'. l!-e. IliA T. t L1.MENT. P.i-liS:lv MAIIICET ST KELT, SUNtlUKV, PA. Ar.rur.D KitArsr; l'loppkiui'. -i i ti..- -tut in smith 4 urvriint.J n A VI NO purelia' cd the nbovewell known es. tablisliiiieiil, .Mr. Kr.iu.--e w ould re-.pi'el ful ly iiiiorm tint public that he now has on band a lal'LC iismii I nienl of cook i x t ; s to v K s , Spccr's Couk Anti-lbi't, lb u'lilator or llevolvin 'fop, Coiniiiuaiioii, hiisijii. Iiaiina and other:, w hit li are ro lu'runca'd as lt be us,.,l f,n- t'oal or Wood, and are ineiitt I to p. r ft inn s.'.tl-t.u toi i- J ly or no sale. HK.VTKKS nf all Muds pel up In , heal one or more rooms. llEA llNti Tl) E6 of tliliei, nt at , ry low price-.. VltiunriMil'I'.tcry lt'Ktrfi!!o! ! kept co'i-t.iMly t.n hand. Hnnanc; an I r ( .t ur i t ' nil h the lie -I nntti, ilont' al .I,..: l in. tit e. j IIKl'AlillNti alien. It I to will, tli -paieh. ,.:,! j nil in d Lump- ttin-laiilli on ban. I. .I..; e.'i .. io I ol a J x.mla. More u.i'u,iw I'mile) "it bailwaie i i-loiv. t. it e me a i a. 1. A. Ivll A I ull, ! up:.' I ly ! f.i .Mii it i .n:::;;.:i vito. rr;:.. uud I -ir'i.i l h.iiinr I'. i.'l'.l ll:n enliro . U ol l'i--. ne. -r tV Tailor, tiuiiid luit'iin ' the public Ih il be U now rt.i.ty to J i nil !.:.:.!- of I -tv UOUIi. lv;i:H " li Intnl. mi l M i!.', to tudii Mini; I' Mil ll lb hi llotiuui'tit X Ili-uil-Moiu, : v . ? v sj i i.e. i ' ,!OOK 1 A l.M'OW Ml.J.s A' o,l . lie I i y I'., t, tt HI, l, i't :iiiir, I I;..: ..!..! ; all olli. I' ! la ia '.'''. in l.'l'. li-t I nil t ' In- I i I. . - ' John A 'I .i I. 'I It il t i ii. 1 1 ii He ill Hie li..ltt'.lll. til, , al t lie o! I oil Mil lo I I 1., C Kill -m ) . I . . . t .. ; ' ui: OM.V HlOMl MIIIIOI 1" .1 1' I 1.1' iH Til 11 i.ltlliT lill.Tl. Moiti; i iitni'i. ti ii in: in it, 111 llil'S 11.1.1 MISAI Kl lilAMnMI ti A H 111 ;M U 4-4 H ill' il .Ml t II Wilt- 11 , I'Al.i.'di Am: t 1 1 11 V KM'. Htli-T. in tn.'t i it. I : it-,, ll. a r in il n i. ii i i- ' 1 ill - t K I' i, ii.! Ii. 1 . ...ii 'It II '4 t. i i . i ..oui vi t ... : i,.i'Iii., .-l!. I. 1 1 ti II. .,it llo: .. . ll .1,1 t . t I., I .tli l.l It....:.. I. ..I Vl e Ij L U l,,...l,iiii tl- i,lr' 1 ,u. I. ol I l 1.4.1, il.e M tli. .il II.. KI..I4I 1 III, Uo .11 4 14' t 1 14..! 1 1 W.illiitl, ..I. I I tie 1.1-iU K. ll. t.4 u Ub aital aiiut ul 11.,.' v.1 in littt -lull. ll l. Hi , oi.' I il. !.''o L-ilt Ibl i I', i- ,. .l lt.,f ttUJ li.ov luititl, OUlj Vt.i'v. till. 11 MI4II, lii V.I, l"lil lielUI . ll I Ittti ott! lli,U'4 4 mill ivil-.l ill in. .ui i4ti. al Ii. 4 tiutc. Ii u ii.v u. 1 1 a. i U-4 II it r 4ti l-l'., 11 tl' 4 4tl'.i4.Jdt. I'M' I4 ., ti,.( IU i-4 d..jt ali' 4 ..I . I 1. III.4 lit. l.l. ll .t.U I bill W. I4 I. I 44 4 iv i I..I ui. il.ii. .,.1 I Ibll.l, l4liliv4 y4 k W'JI.I , li. 4 .fJ llv-jl 4 lu . 1 U. l...u, iiliiil Hi , ,4 ..4 II I lvlll l bit! 4-'ilM.i.i., lnMlill lllif U Lit HI lii. 44. .4.L XHAV l llt.11. ltycrl jr A Ilciupcrl y's E&cclNlor Oal lory or Art, Third Street, Nuiibiiry, l'a. MR. BYERLY lms lately nddcrl to his already well pstabllshcd rcputatlont tho services of Mr. M. It. llemperly whoso reputation as ft pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled In this part ot tlio country, nnil lierenltcr thev will enrry on the photographic trade, at tho old stand under the Urm namo ot Hyorly K llcmiierly's ExcelBlor Gallery of Art, nt whoso establishment tho nub ile will bo cnccritiiiy nceominoilnteil turoiigtiout tho Wlioio lino oi piinogrni'iiy. For Photographs ot nil styles nnd sires rang Ing from tho small Gem to tho life shiu portrait. Go to livcrlviVs Hcmperly. For tlio beniuiiui porcelain picturo wnicli for Boftncss of finish, nml durability cannot bo ex celled, go to Byerly o; Hcmperly. 1- or tlio Keniiirnuut piioiogrupn, now so popu lar in nil oui large cities, and showing tho pecu liar effect of light and shade, nnd the favorito ot the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly it Hempcrly. If you liavo nn oiu picturo you wain copicu nnd cnlamed to any size, nnd colored oil, water color, India Ink or crayon, take It to Ueycrly fc llemperly. If you want a frame of any size and nt any price, or any ftylc goto Byerly , llcinperly's, and take a look iit their Inunenso stock in that line. For Albums go to Byerly & llemperly. For snuaro Einmcs made to order go to Byerly it Hempcrly, In short, for anything in tho photo graphic line, go to Byerly it Hcmperly, nud you will be suited. Feb. So, 1BT1. FURNITURE. MATTRESS, FEATHER, a:.d rEI)T)Iir0 A7AKBEC01I3, 41 KOETH TEIITH ST., CHAMBER FURNlTUrvE. Spring Beds, :Fcatlicrs, tsiiniiL' t ots. .I-csl icr lieus. Spring Mat treses, Holsters and Pillows, Hair do. 'Counterpanes, Husk do. Comfortables, Straw do. , Blankets, .Quilts. CALL AND SEE THE lVoveii Wire Mutlrcss, The best bed ever oll'ercd for bale. N. B. Our Intention is to treat all customers S'j that tlicy will become permanent dealers with us. and orders will receive the same attention, and persons can buy j.iM, as cheap as If present at I he sloro. March -1th, 1ST1. Sin. j.. Ij. N2..vr::n a- c., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YOLK STORES, So. :i No-.!i 'fiVnlSi Street, below JSitrliel, E'l2iJ;ulc!xlii;i, where they have opened a lirr t c'.as'j Merchant T ailoiiug E. tabiibiner.1. Our Stock com lots ol n linn assortment ol orcigii Cloths, Casjiiiurcs and Vcc'.ints, sole-t- cd from the best Importing lloj es of ibis C'ny and New York, which we arc prepared to luako up in the most fashionable Styles, at trhort No tice i'.nd Moderate terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Chlvot Goods. .ISO. L. SLATER tt ft). Formerly W illi J. M. Zeigier. Pec. 21th, 1ST0. Cm. I'ltilaiio !li;i;i imh! llrio Ji-oui!. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, June Bth, 1S7I, the. Trains on tho Phlladolphia tic Erio Kail Uoud will run us follows : AVESTWAW). Mall Train loaves Philadelphia, " Sunbury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 p m L'.OO a in o.'.'.O p m l'.'.IIO p m C..VJ ( m 7. 10 a m " Sunbury, " " mi ut Erie, Elmir.i Mull leaves Philadelphia, ' " Siinbtirv, " " air rt Lock Haven, Buffalo Esprcos leaves Miubury, " nrr at Willianii-poit, Laid Ea'i'.e Mail leaies Williana-pori, " ' nrr at Lock Haven, EASTWAKD. Mail Train leave Eric, " Sunbai'i', " ' nrr at Philadelphia, ' Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " S'liibiirv, " " nrr nt Pliilailcli.ala, Elmir.i Mall leaves Lock llavcn, ' S.iaburv, " " nrr at I'l.i'a l.'lpl.l i, Ilull'alo Hxprcsb leaves S old, " Sua i, arc, " in r at Phila I 'iphl.i, llald E.i-le Mail leaves I.oek liaeii, " nrr at Williaiapoil, V .l'i a in 4.i;"i p "in 7. alt p in l.."5 a m u.."i.t a in 1. II a in p m II. lid a iu 1 .110 a m 7.:io a in turn p in III. l a a 111 ft. fill p 111 S.U0 a iu IiL.'iU a in .".'.'J p in'i a m I.Ti a in 1 Lot a m ll.'.'"! a m p.'. Id p in Mail East connects i-. t and west at Ell" wilh L. ts. e; M. ;. II. W. and nt fun i' and liviaetoii with (til Creik aud Allc'lieny II." 1!. W. .iail We-t wilh wet bound trains on L. S. tV .M. S. K. W. and nt Conv and livilietoii with Oil Ci'ee'.; and AllcKhcuy It. li. W. Wai'i'tri Ae"oiiiiiio.!aiioii ca -t and we-t with tiaih-i 0:1 L. S. and M. S. 11. W. cast and west nnd at Cony with O. C. and A. P.. II. AV. Erie Aeeiuiinanlatioii l'.:o t at Cony and we-t ut ( 'iirry a mi li iiin toii w it h ( I. ( '. and A 11 li W. Llinii'.i Mail nil I Unit. tin Express make close c. a. in . -'.a. ii ut WiHiampoil Willi N. C. 11. W, Call. i i-.i pass. Hirer trains will Le run ca-t fi nn Willi. unsi'oi l ou Erie llvpicr, uud west lo Willi.ini-pui l ou l.iuiii'u Mail. IVM. A. liALDWlN, llt u'l Sup't. MT.lNtJ AVli Nl .Tl.TlHU MU.UNLUV AND 1'ANCV COOIK M1SM K.M.AHETIl l.A.AKCri, In Ikuarl'h lliiildlae;, M.uL.t Stuu.ue, Sl'MIl ll'i', PA., where Will be. found a new supply of c.n.i.h., cull- 6l.,i!ne; ul .Millinery ami l-'uiuy tiooil., IIAIS AMI LONNl.lS, 'ilil MM Ell AMI UN, 'HUM Villi. Also, lllLl'llUN'S II ATS, fir jj '"'! ainl ". at I'l. ..I, r., h p. it. . i I....; V I.: t-oi. : t of I lie hit. t ull. I la i I on,e-t -I t U,. 11:1. lions, plaia iunl ll 'in I. I. el 1 iice C.'ii-, I i ,. ii ti.'.ir. ant t nil ' Itlid l l.tMl.-ll, I H't I: I vi. i!.. I-.. i . lur l.t. In i nnd l.. al' l.ii, -l fly!.-. it k Li t h, a -i I ail . ', . i,lui't- I lu. i ...111,4 l.l l . and I .i be. li II, i. hi. -VII l.ln I I.e. I, I... r, , P., IU Tin. II ' ti. Ul .11. . I t 1.1. Hit II. N.Si, I ti III. II,. I, k-l a ' oi 1 1 iiitini 1 . . . i lor I , I'iillO' III: I I 1 ,ue IIIIMMISli Ml ll.t i l.iii.a. '.. .l.)ii uud l', in I a j:. .tl li t ) ol V Inula, 1 1.. I ,,i i.i ,. ,lr.. i, ,ie, rim , 1 !: . ,,.,.,: t ul It. 1 ,1, 1 , tli I In I 1,1 I',,,,.: ,1 1 1 ol ll.t . tl...'. I i.i I I li k. till ft Apm .., s;i. I'uIhI, il. Av. rill- !'' W iii m: i i.i, 1 .1 0.1, I . a I' l I. I I 1, '! , 4 .1,1 I M ,. I. 4.: ..-). uii It.titti, ul j 1 1 hi. I : i. In ' I. !u-1 ll.., ,.4 I. "lot , . 1 , V ,1 111. 1.. t, ...... , . . el i uM-k-K A to i. w i V J 'riitlioi'oiiiniiiiill ull.iir tit 1 11 tS'.i; ti iiil "RCQULATOR," I ll4l tilt ill) I till 111-. U 1 1.. 4lltll I'ntk, K't'd ill aud 4.4 lit. I. ....I n ii.-4, . , 'I llll.t , I -I .. I , I I e. I ti. il., 4l 4. t) it t. . '. , Ht.. Mil t-i,li4ll.h lb. 1-1.-1... .1 m! ... flf .vlii Iui4i44lii, Itlilltl 11144, 11 t. I't iluU I lot.l, Mibhttf h It 4.4: 1, h kul U, tlLtli l-tl.. , 4 .1-0 I. I.. 4 .1 ,U 1 4.11 111. Itilli ..C It lii'. i.'...wl..l4IVl. 4i it., l'14-llil f , I 4'vl' I m t- , 1 ii i 1L1 u.-i:.. 4 a i 11 Hum 1 1 k ul - t-t-"cii J Ii.yti4.-4i li iui.I- iltti.4li.i li, I Hi. !m4 4..-. I uiiiil. A ! .i. i) a I U. lurtUv 4m I-- t.i4..-4.ii.a ul u-- It-.tttl. iUrtl.lL. . I iurti.-l.ti.ii.-,. I wul liitiurti 4. a-. ti. I r. mint -.Vail, iaa. li, Itli. KeuCJiv? BJuHroiul. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, M-j loth, l'.Tl. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ninl Nortb-Wet for Phiiudclplila, N. Y., Read hiL', Poltsville, Taina pill, Ashland, Sli-.tnn kin, Lebanon, Allenlnwn, Easton, Ephrutii, Llliz, Lanciibtcr, Coliimbiii, ttc., Are. Trains leave HarrKourv for New A'oik. as fol lows: At 'JalO, s.Ht, n. in. nnd ','.011 p. m., con necting with similar tra'ns on tho lVnnsyltaiiiu Railroad, and arriving at Nov York nt'ia. in., B.IiH, nnd 0.3U p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the U.40 a. in., train without change. lletui'iilng : Leave New York nt 9.00 n. m., 12.110 noon and fi.OO p. in., Philadelphia nt. 7.110, 8.b0 a. in. nnd i).!!0 p. in. j Sleeping C ns nceoni- pany tb.e 5.00 p. m. traiu from Ntiv York with out il iiin'-'e. Lc '.ve 1 lariisliur'i' for Kcailimr, I'olit ville, Tn miui':, Minei s iHe, A' hbuiil, Shauiol.'.n, Alleiitown and PhiU'ilelphi.i nt 8.1'J a. la., li.OO and 4.U5 p. ill., Ftop;eng nt Li Imiaai nad principal way stations; the 1.'.'1 p.m., tiaiu coiiii. rtiiig for l'!iil:vli!plila, i'ott .'.ilin and ( o liimiila only. For Poltsville, hchuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via riehuylkill and Suvruchumiit llailro.'d. leave Harrbbnig at ll. t l p. l.l. Ea t l'enii-ylvania Paiiioad t.'ains leave !'.";'.. 1 ing for Alitriilown, Easlou uud New York at l.l. J, 10.IJ0 a. in., nnd d.oj p. ill. U'jtiiriiing, New A'ork at '.'.DO a. in., 12.UJ noou and 5.0.1 p. iu. and A'.ei.'.own nt V."o a. m. lMia noon, 12.15, 4 :ja and i?.!;5 p. in. Way Passenger 'i ra'u lenvri Philadelohl i at 7.110 a. in., connecting villi similar trebi on En t Penna. Raiiio.'.l. ret imiiiig from Reading nt O.UJ p. in., Mopping nt nil slal'iou:'. Leave i'oilsvilia nt 'J.O'J a. ni. and 2.::0 p. m. llcrudou al lO.t'O a. la., oaainokiu lit 5.40 and 11.15 a. i". i -'- lilari''. nt 7. cm ii. in., an.! l..4:j noons Mabanoy l ily at 1.51 a. in. and 1.-J p. '.n. I. aaa'liia nt a. in. uiei :.'.iu i.i. I . i e Philailelpla.'., Ni'.v York. Ilea. line', llariisbui .r.t'cc. Leave l'o'.'.- i'.lo via 'fcehnylkill and t:a , ie haniui Lailr. ad i t ?.15a. m. for llarrisbui'r, and II. 45 a.m., '.'or Pine G'ovo i.n.l T reaioet . Uoiuling Aceit:i:i;jtlatton '1 r: in l- atet 1'. '. t -'- Ullec.t ."i.i'l a. ia., p ioes Heading at 7.:..l n. m, arriving nt Pblaulelpiiia at 10. '.'0 n. in., v mi ning leaves I'hlludelpiii.i at 5.15 p. in., pa -Mi i -; le ad ing nt 7.55 '.in. arriving at t'oi'si i',',.. at I'.-I.i p. .a. Pott-town Aecoiniiioilali'ili 'Praia lean j P. f. - town at C.bJ tl. '.a., I'cliU'uiiiL,' le.ivis l'idl.iue'p'aia nt 4.::n p. m. Col'.ii':bi:t ll.ihi'o:'. 1 Trains leave Heading at T.'JO a. in., and l'.15. in. for Ephrata, La':.:, Lancaster, Cien'iilii-i. t.-e. Pci'l.'.onien Kail lload Trains leav" Per!. iota ii Jinn tionai 7.17, '.1.05 a. in., nt o.f'J an.! O.nup. in. lb turning, It a', e SeliWenkrAiile at 0.1jI',s.10 :i. no, 1'.'.50 noon and 1.-15 p. m. roiiuoctiiijj with cinali-.r trains on Hea ling P.ail lload. Colebioo' I'.aiir.'ad Train i leave Pa'.t-to-vti nt t'.IOa. m., I.l5:i' ! '1.-15 p. in., returnia';' le .'. : Mt. Pleasant at 7-Ue) and J 1.5 a. in., and tl.'jo : in., coiireiting witli tiinilai' trains ou l'....i'.'.ie;; Railroa'.l. C luster Valley P.ailioad Trains leave t.rl'l .'i:-. port at .:'0 a. i.i., -.15:01 I'J p. I.!, leimnii..:, leave; l)ou anieli a at d.-lt) :i. in., l'i.45 noo.i : a. i 5.:i5 p. m. c'onnecl:i:'; w it U siniiiar traiiu oa tle.ei- iit': la.ilioa-.l. i a r' a la;-. ' : L' NV'.v A'o: k at 5.CJ p. m., Phlh-i '; -h:.i at r.W a. Hi. aa.l :i.i5 p. :n.. (Il.o t.b.i a. vi. train ni'aiuL" o-.'y to !e aiiav: ) Ic.vo Pott:.', ilk' al. :i.'.;J::. in., it .iv" I lai'ri- ' e.i :"a', S. !'.;. in., s.;,.: I' ll o: la. etl p. I'l. ae t i : : ,' . !!t li: i U T.l.j t'U l.t -1. '.' "' i. ui. a. :.l ' in. ; for a. ia. lor wu and al 'J. f. r ..I I . ! . Ex.-e'-e; r. fla.el ilea ea I-.. 11.1. ::a l'.l! 1.M. gi.;4U WOltTTl A ; Ei". .el.'iv. ni; .'.Ki: vi.'e, ii.'j-iiNT. r Juno IT, '. il l, trains will r'.i ".'Oil'! ii'iVAill). 0;j an 1 lo loll.ji llal nri'lv. a. m. ;.:!u Ex; leaves Stinluiry at -L5J u. m.. ;.)ii at C. El ui :'.';: tt l'J."..l a :1.!.'j p. in. "I ' l i ave :' Miliary at -'..M p. in., nrrivu i.t AA'iiii.iiii-poi c ii.:."i e.-i.t Elmira i.:,t p. in. Km l Line 1 'ave Sunbury al o.ij p. u:., ai'iiva at Willl.uuporl S.4J ji, in! SOUTilWAl'.I). Leave Sunbury at 1.10 a. m., arrive at Ilitril tin i ai 7.0.' a. m., llaltiuioi'o lel.lU a. m. Leave Sauliuiy, lu.r.'y a. lit., c.nivc ut llurrii-bui'e- l.ui o. in. L-ave ii:b ::t 10. m., rile ut lia:- ';'. ,'iiaa :" O.i-O p. in. I.i j a. ;n., ui'ihe i.i i:'-r:l I.e., bur:: til.'.MuKIN DIVISION. t.V'il V'.'.l.ll. Siinlmry at 4. 1:1 p. in., arrive i p. 1. 1., lilt. I ariael li. Ill o. in. 1 e kin : 1." ill., : ;t Sli:a:'.o ' ..:':!. :.iy ( A '.'..ill nn .,'...( it: i.'i! ill Miaac 'l.iu l.ui j'. ia. . r. .: "..': n. -. 11. ir.aia :. la.. ! .;'i (.'. , blll'V d..i.,- ar.lre in Sham 1.,. in., a 1. ; Noi.'i A,l a. r. .., p. .V, C'.. i:,.. r. S. V. Ji p . .u sit:.i !1. '..'.Nt.r.i:.: TIlAi" I.t'.tLi'.'iiut. T ( E 1M I MCE ''. !.!. ,1 . 17, 1-71. '. V A.M. P. e '. 1 1 r. i'l II'" l.l !' P. M. I' bcr.ini' a, llcllewt". Tailor.,:: l.i.k ,i... Pitt-i. . Wt,l f..: Wy.iii .''liOlbl , Kiiic. i ei, W.-l! I! I'lvi.iur a Plyinon' li N'anliei ! I ' uiiloe'.'. Shlele ,'.. III, Iv't, I I It. .i. h t! . Hern ii!-., Pi lu I , l.iaie '., '. I'-I'.N. IV, ..,: b l!l!.t I'. I .ll.lU . I'.,l.ti, , lull. t-l. . I aim an j, -Sotlll'.l, '.'1 n in I 1 .' 11 I: '.' I'.l ll I 1 ' i '. l.ii. II. I 1 .. I I. In ,11 I In 1 tt , ' 1 .it 11 In. 1. . 1 1. . ll..,.'. I I I I I I I i l.l' M 4t V. .. . VI. , ii' t tS . 1, .. ttt.i i l.l I'l, I.. I., I rt 1 1. 1 1 11. II. ll. 1 ui. lit.' llHIni ll' ,1 I ' . . I ' " I . ll t t.ll r'atlS k I. VI I b.,rt-. I 4 I-1.1 a. friXiill '4 1-4.. .t.l l 4l I'- 41. I s4 l ki Ufa ) IT V4J t 44 HtWK44. 44J 44 .40..4 ...41 )m. V. I I -', - il Of