gricullitral. Limb for thtc Hat Mow. At tlio meeting of tho Klmira Farmers' Club, rresident Hoffman preented samples of hay, timothy and tho liner grasses, mixed, (i ud c;ii!d Iho memhors to examine and pi. jounce on the quality. Two packages called good and well saved, and the third lniured in tho mow. Tho CrsL two wcro bright nud fragrant, ercen in color, and without fault. Tho last was dull brown of an old odor and plainly uot well saved ; ho described tho curing an caro of the samples ns follows : Thcso tlireo packages were cut in tho name lie'id, at the same timo, and treated nliko, until drawn into the barn. All were mo;', in fact too moist. The two pack ages with bright appearances are taken, one iroin Iho n-iUe and one from within tho uv:w, vt fifty-two feet length, eighteen feet . vhUli nud louiteen feet high. Tho injured Jot IVoid a mow fourteen feel by twelve feet, nnd seven foot high. Tho smaller mow was of course, more aired, and it is reasonable to Bupposo fchould have dried out nioro thoroughly, nnd so saved tho wot hay bet ter. Tho diil'crcuce in treatment is, tho largo mow was limed, and tho small one wn's not. Three or four quarts of fresh blakcd liino were scattered over each load pay n ton after it was stowed in the mow. Tor three weeks after these mows were put up they wcro examined every day. Tho small one showed much moisture and much heat, while the largo one, although moist, was cool. This hay has not been tested by feeding, but all the appearances indicate "real bcuclit from tho nso of lime. How to Give a Bright Color to I'.EHiiiES. The sun has a very good effect upon fruit ; but it also has a bad eflcct ; it rcorchei or gives a dull color to tho small fruits, including the raspberry, blackberry tind strawberry. To lessen tho heat is the cure. This in the strawberry is dono by evaporation of the soil, keeping it well stir red, and mulching when the heat comes. This had proved to be successful. "Vc have no doubt tho other berries mentioned may lc beneiitted iu the same way, as they are litir tin soil and their shade aids iu tho matter. Thus treated, wo have not only incveapid growth, but a fresh, glossy ap jiearanoo of tho fruit, with tho color pcr JecU'd. This is what takes in market, even it' too fruit is not of tho best sort. To ppiinkle water upon the bushes or vines viil not meet tho requirements ; there wants a constant rise of moisture this prevents the stiugiug, withering blight of t lie sun. Ashes arc an aid in tho mulch. If, withal the ground is deeply stirred, and is finely mellowed, and tho mulch covers it v hen moist, ashes (leached) pretty plenti iuhv applied, the berries, will be glossy in nh.. st the hottest sunshine. . There will r.lto bo nn improved growth. And as the ouht seems to be tho rule, it is best to ) ! e.pui-e uud do it early. Prairie larmer. To Cleanse Stables of rr.EAs.-Thcro two or three sub.stances that are ob noxious to tho ilea, ho docs'nt like tho tiiicil of them, or they remind him of soruo th::ig that lie does'nt like to think about tii so carbolic acid and sulphur. If you want a barn thoroughly purged of weevil, or lice, or fleas, the best way is to fumigate with sulphur. Hut if you white wash all around tho stables and posts of the yard with a wash made by adding car bolic acid to the lime, it will drive most of these pests away. M'ashing an animal thus infested, with carbolic eoap6uds will (;ivo relief. Am Beds in tije Morninq. The wise ao'isekecpor should see In it flint, nil thn bcus should be aired immediately after bc ?ng occupied. Tho impurities which eman ate from tho human body from insensible respiration are made up of minute atoms, which, if allowed to remain long, aro ab sorbed by tho bed, and will then, to a great er or less extent, vitiate the air for a con siderable time afterward, Iict tho occupant ilirow ti e bed open on rising, and as soon us is convenient open the windows and ventilate tho sleeping room. Ouo hour's tally ventilation is worth two hours' late niiin. Papoma Pudding. Take a quart of milk to a small portion of which add three tabiespoousfuls of Papoma, uud mix until perfectly smooth ; when the milk boils, i tir it in, and let it boil three minutes ; add butter and iLivoring to taste, then let stand till cold ; beat Well three eggs in three tablespoonfuls of sugar, or more to taste, mix with the cooled mass, and bako well in a quick oven. Lemon- Pie. Chop tho lemons fine, peel and use all except the seeds then to each lem .to take ono e.i one half cup sugar, ono lu.f cup molasses. Add a cup of water to every four lemons and stir in a fewspoons fulls of flour. Jlake a nice paste, and bako wMi two 1 1 usts. It is full as j'oodto leave riu th- molasses and put into'it a full cup fl'H!,'!ir. t.Vr Pudding. Three ounces of flour, tin. siinm of butter, two ounces of sugar, liulf a pint of milk. Heat tho butter to a rr. ara.add to it the sugar pounded.stir in tho flour and mix it with a pint of milk. Put tho mixture iulo buttered cups, oud bake tliiin. Molawks Pie. Take iilno tablespoon f .ls ol mola-si-H, t.ix t-ibkspooiiluls of vino f ar, on.: au.l a half tablespoons of Hour, a i m,.!! piece of Lulu r, a few lices of granted i a. ai peel, cover with a rieli.pastu. C.ikim Pie. Take as much thick sweet ( lfclllll II i H ill fill Villi!' l.i.i iliuli I t ..I I " J ' , iu 11 41(1 II UUI in vvliu. of two eggs b.ateii to a troth, and i i.ii i n'iu-ii iu nun your tunic. Cu. klu Pie. Ton common fled tin J 'i.r i raelu ii to bo hiola n linn in h hall , y! " , ii'r. cnin liiliK.t iinui. lull ,.ii,. i . - - - "-"I ' u. mi i t i, oUu cupvl'suur, uudioiico to suit the ii A i'l'LV. ClVfAI.D PlH ( Irntn four .... u; -, e 'U a i iol and u hull" of milk two ' . f.i "ir, a liulo bull, season Willi ieluoli iii iuii. . . j-,.i:;u nku cubliu.l pus. ii.i. I, 111, V. h I I. A I. ii.ll l V 1-I. I.Alt. "lliolher '. i : ; cih a iii i mean r' ! I j. h v. li-i . im :m V" " u . i to thin church." I ti i 1.1V UWU." i i. ii -i u y J that uny rittnoii uhy : Ii .id i. .'.ill the coii;;ri'i'iiliiiii V" . i he .tinti-lhgi l.l uud Mell idutatud." . : ii. u l ir r II.. U u i,i .....r .ii I... 1 ;l Ii iei.ii uf iniiiu." ' ' i I f lill )uu Iheltfolc In. . I . till 1' 1 L'.. I lull V" i. ii i.i i Li.iibiini,, uud Uloiijs lu I 'lluli i I ' 1 ro I r 1 a t him yo ii hi Ii llumr-iileis." 1 '.' tna n.iiiiu do!!.ir," 4nl. i i ' u i. i. it y ' 'i ...... . .1 ,'ln.. ' '.'.I .i I...! .ii i ,rs.' ' 1 " '!..,y JvfUwUlll .i.. .i.ii i. .ii, n,i. u ." " : 1 ' 1 1 iuiU .,i4U Im u J "it i. ill .. fullli.ll, in,l(..4, l 1,' t I I III 111 f. vUtU ( lui,U4. ' I . i i i tly p4iki d ay t -. i . i A i. t ' -II.' l"44,liij u. t I 4 U4 nl.i.W u ihlwt 14. 1. 1 1 HENRY T. HKI.MBOI.n S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILIiS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb nnd Fluid Extract Catawba Grape. Juice. For Llrer Complaint, Jnundlco, BUious Affec tions, Kick or Ncrvoui Headache, Coslivencss, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. These Pills are tlio most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, nnd cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They arc composed of thejlnest intjirttlicnU. After a few days' use of them, such nn Invlgoratlon of tho entire sys tem takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from im prudence or discuss. It. T. Hulmlmld's Com pound Fluid r.xtrnct Catawba Grape Till are not snar-co'itcd, from tho fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dlBsolrc, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not prodncc the desired effect. The Catawba flrapo Pills, being pleasant la taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per box. IE Iir.MlY T. IIEliMItOMKN UI011LT COXCESTRATEU COMPOUND fluid Kxlract Nursminrilla Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boro Eyes, Sore Legs, Bore Mouth, Sore Head, BronchltU, Skin Diseases, Salt Hhcum, Cankers, Runnings from tho Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Afl'eetlons, Nodes, nickels, Olondular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases that bjivc been cstabllbhcd In the system for years. E. Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints, its blood-puifylng properties arc greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparllla. It gives the complexion a clear nnd healthy color nnd restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases nrlslng from an Impure state of tho Blood, nnd the only reliable and ill'ectual known remedy for tho cure of paius and swelling of tho lloues, Ulcerations of the lliroat ana legs, uioieiics, ritnpics out no face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying tho complexion. Price, fl.60 per Dottle. HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S CONCCNTllATED Flil in EXTKACT Kl t IIT, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been given. Irritation of the neek of tho Blad der and inllaination of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate bland, htoue In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Bilekdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharge, nml for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes. attended with the following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Me mory, l'liacuiiy ol wreathing, wenk Nerves. Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness oi vision, ruin in tne i:ick, net Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, palid Countenance, Universal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Lsed uy persons nom tncngcsol eighteen to twenty-flve, and from thirty-tiro to fifty-live or lu the dccllno or change of life ; ufter confiuc uieut or labor pulne ; bedwetting In children. nelmbold's Extract Buehu Is Diuretic nnd Blood-purifying, nnd cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses nnd im deuccs in Life, Impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in aU'eetatious for which it is used, uud syphilitic affections hi llienn dis eases used in connection with Uelmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affectations peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Buehu Is uncqualed by any other reme dy as iu chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, palnfulncss or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or sehirus i.tnte of the Uterus, J.eucorrllii'a or hues, sterility, and lor nil coniplaiuts Incident to tlio sex, whether urising indiscretion or nanus ol dissipation. Jt is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent physi cians and midwlves ior enfeebled and delicuto constitutions, of both sexes nud all nges (attend ed with any of tho above diseases or symptoms.) II. T. nELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCTIU CURES DISEASES AUIslNii FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION. ETC.. In all their stages, tit little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, ui.d no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc-tioii-t, Preventing Hud Curiug Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and lullauiution, so fre quent in this class of diseases, uud expelling all roisoiious niuiicr. Thousands who liavo been the victims of In- coinpeteut persons, mid who have paid heavy lees to no cured In u sliorl tune, liave lounrt they have been deceived, nnd that the "Poison" ha, by tho use of "powerful astringents," beeu dried up in the system, to break out In u more aggra vated form, nud perhaps alter Marriage. I'so Heln.bold' Extract Buehu tor all Aflec lions nnd DHtiises of the Uulary Organs, wheth er exUllug in Male or female, from whatever originating, nud no matter how long standing. Price, oue dollur and lil'iy corns per bottle. Ii HENRV T. HLLMBOLD'S iM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the ouly speciUc remedy in every species of Cutaneous Alleetlon. It ievdlly 4 iiiilieate Pimples, Siots, Seorbiilic Dryness, Indurations of the. t'lit.iiieniis Membrane, etc., dispels Kcd lict and Ineiplt i.t liiUamallini, Hives, Moth Patches, Dryness of Sculp or hkln, Frost lliles, and ill purpemes fur which Salves or Olut- nieiils uru UM-d lottires the skin lou sl.ite of purlly mill sullnt-as, ami In.iirc. conllniied lieiililiy action to tho tisue of Its vessels, on which depends the clearness ami viva city of complexion so much sought and udiulied. Hill however Valuable us a remedy for twilling defects of Iho skin, 11. T. Jlcliubold's Rose Wuh has long susiuliicdlis principle claim to unbound, i d patronage, by possisolng qualities Mhich rou dt r It u Toilet AiipeiiduKu of Hit) imwt Siiptrlu. live uud Coiiift ulul elmraeter, couililnlng In mi rtegunt foi inula lliu.c pioiiiiiient requlslles, bale ly uud Elllcuey lliu luvuiiabla uicoiiiiianliiiciiti ol lu un ns a Pitsi rvulivu uud Itcfiesher i( I he t'oinpl, ..,n. It Is nu i-xeelleiil Loii.,u for uucaics ol a I" ilil 111 lc Nuluie, mm us uu iiijce. liou for iliseascs ol Hie t'riiiary llixmis, arUiiij In. in l.alul. uf dis'ip.iliou, u.e. iu loiuut li..n llh the CUrat ls II. u Im, .,isaaillla, uudl u. fil (iiupti Pills, lu such us iri..i.i. Uiiu led, c4UUot be surpassed. Piiie, olio dollar J'Cf UU.IIU. Full mi J i-.pwli dlrniloiis ae-oiuiiany h Ui.'ll.ihlS. I.U4' Uca of the lno.l ie,uiisih!u mi l lellablu t baiacici I m n 1. 1,, . on uppip iiU( lUu. Jl. J ol lUou.aliJ. of liUim kllue.scs, un, up. ui ol u.issj uusoiulli4 itiinuiui,4 111. ll.l. ll i.l V I. I 1.1 l.. . i. . I. i. 1 . -I J " w.. M HID IIOIII IU l.i. l.. . I ..iai... lolu.lio tuuu.i.l Pl.).o lu.., ..... m, p ...., u, im, ud plopi ulof uas ii. in iii .iu I lu ii.... i...i.:i. i.. ,1... .. . - - - - .. , - - -.-- . . Hi W S" !..., I. I uoUuisUol Ua ll.l. Ii.. iii lUu Uii ki,4i s sKuanj I I. paialious, mm 4 U1 li4 lu Ot Mill ii J on Lk .. ,11... .i. . Ilur T. llclutbuM's) tsfuutu r ssrtsf swiisi. Ik ll,lJ U nu) 4l't,i. SHUI fiuui bUsr- lalliu. i .uLll.l., J upsi4 lf l.ul tuait,. u!4 ,f llli...,.lt tin) Ai llvss Uluit lud U. Ii.i. ".i. i., lu i.uiiU.f U JKui) , ll. .u,to,4, I'n K-..I suJ II..I....I. t.i... I 1-4. I it. T. JLIiiiUI't lb I,,, kl.4 U.wiial .,ku..., W t.v 1,., " 1,., 71: "'u';'1, ' ii .i Kk IW k.tlt lii, ,.tlu.u( t, ' M. a.Lv 4 ,1 l.t.Utf u.o tiwons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, f 53,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, $J4,U13,00 CASH ASSETS. Amonnt loaned at lulercst, M000,00 Amouut In Treasurer's hands, fl 000,00 Amonnt duo from Agents, iloo,t5 Amount due from other sourecs, f VM,00 Available Capital, 39,2!i9,5 insure jonr Cattle. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. TUI3 IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, nnliko other Cotnpnulcs, you nro sure of being pnid promptly for all losses, if Insured In thlB Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, onr expenses nro less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting lu cuses of epidemics,) by theft, iScc.. tc. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your money In case of loss. Nourly $3,000 paid on Cow alone since Orfrniilznf lou. Look at tho list of Losses paid on Cows olono by this Company. M Heniilnger, Sunbory, Pa tS3, D Hilgcrt, Northumberland BO, (ieorgo Eckcrt, " 4", 8 B Dodge, " SO, Charles Bollck, Mt Curmel SO, Esubetis Sipple, ." 40, Catharine Wngncr, Watsontown 40, ticorge Heir, Northumberland 50, Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 811,83 J W B.issler, " M, Minor Cady, Dcwnrt DO, Catharine Martz, Shamokin 40, Frauds Huchcr, Sunbury !!0, Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh ?.0, Joseph Deppen, Mt Curmel 00, Matthias Seholly, " 40, Francis McCnrty, " 60, Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt 40, J fc R C Quiggle, Piue, Clinton co 40, R Ramagc, Bhenandoah, Schuglklll co 40, J 8 Tharp, Shamokin 40, Thomas Wnrdrops, Mt Curmel 45, N A Loudeuslager, deration, 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, 0 L Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co BO, Jacob Bhino, " " 40, Jacob Stoltz, " " 40, D II Bnwcr, Herndon, 30, (ico B Lahr, Georgetown 40, John II Ossinan, Buiibury 40, W B Wallace, Northumberland 80, II 8 Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrstein, Watsontown 40, G 8 Low, Liino Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Octejhaut, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO...40, Mary J Iline, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Snubury 40, Andrew llealy, Girardsville, Schujlkill CO.. 41), Patrick Furgeson, Mt Carniel 40, Martin Dclaiicy, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girardsville 40, Llayinnn 8 Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, H Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauehcr, Berwick J D Focht, Pottsvillo 80, Erastus Sober, Point twp 20, A Llppencolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Krnmer, Wiitson'n.Sd loss pd last sum,40, 1 P Llppencolt, Watsontown 40, R S Ainmcrinan, Bnydertown -0, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 'J7, J & C R Qnierglc.Pinc Sla'u Clinton c ad losi,40, Charles W ilazzard, Rupert, Columbia co...4il, John Foglcinan, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carniel 40, Thomas Metz, Paxinos 80, R, Lock Haven 184, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brimer, So'.omou Stroh. Win. lliindle, Soloiuan Sliipe, John A. ShiSBler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David ;i I I roll. March 11, 1871. ly. TI.tlK IS M05E1 ! ! ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by me n il be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, ll V TUB YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, .v :-rr-,V '."4 &ir: tarn tit iW J which I have the exclusive right to use iu unburv und vicinity. Suvo money, time and labor, by buying of . ri.itiu:i: M(;in.i:it, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, Ac, ic," Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality, ltluuk, Moiuornutluiu V I'Hht Itookx In endless variety, just received. BOOK HINDI S'tl done to order. Persons will save expense by IcuAing their orders lor binding wllh inc. ritTi nr. rii t'ir.N (full sir.''", cut Ir.nn the Moulding at very low rati .. OVAL A byL'ARE FUAMLa always ou build. AUJUMS, UHACKETS, GOI.l) l'EN'S, &.c, Ac. A lurgo and well selected stock of Toys ulway on baud. A n Hlilng not on bund promptly ol dercd. Uaryaius lor cash. Cull ul N. FEltUEE LKiHTN'KU'B Book blore. Sign of Foley's Gold Pen, Market ti.iiure, Sus bury, 1'u. buubury.'AugU' t Clh, ltT.0. J. W. WASHINGTON'S .U1M IltltlSKIt NIIOI. 1 bo old pennant nlf.lmp of the town. We dt iliui) Hit), but ul I bo same lone romidcr Dial tha uiliility truth iiuj'.e sia.ona. I. l) spokui without uiuiillesltiig uu Uueuiiiluit4 ble mnounl uf tunily uud uinl.iiloii. Just I ti. my .ars uij.i I Imii.iu my bu.luess I lu tins place half my III. lllni) I bus lur i.l, luic 1 sl.4 Uhui llu Hi i.,r of our shop day u II . i d.iv.uinl i.ulil ull.r liitjlil, uud sppli.d llic shalp bhitl (jlcillilnu sltvl, all I Ultlilll Hiul elapsu ul I uiiu tn.Uiai.. by I list numbly lolds of Ibal l nil I ul ptil.hl katii 1 sl.4tt.-4 U...II) ctel) In ll.e (luioiouiou aiiau.. and lu ulilitfv lbs I. .In . i a piibli. . Uliiiouiic 1 i out' pallolls old UL-I li.s IUl Stl ui Ha lf j sbaiv Ibnu ull Ufuiu lbit. bauJud II. OU.41.4 IlllltS Ot IIIO. '. i ub. u )ull I.i,h,;..I lM luudj It Ih Ui liu ii tls.ji I'.' Wuik, Im.iioou ul iUiu.4i, u .bus ).,u, lidilr iui tou, dliau.puu uu, s I.i. k.d Ju )gu, u4 p. I (a lot, idiii.b so4 . l-i.'c lbs ball Hill, titbits tkl.1, I l llui "tdltl lali'1 ol dUI lalsd ty'it lu .ull ll.u lusoldr. ultt ltd .'ia.t, Idtdi Ua u oik. Hop, dult'l . la4 but tL... lu .l )Ld), 1 ou lbs Us.kt ul ul.. i, - L .uu... ui a j u( uilj . II 1411 b slows Ul Uf MUl4 U. A ibsUtdi Is . '. Ibal Us d. II u4 1 , lbs I ll bo 4 lu Isau4. 4 fvs) s) .4 bv Dl-u, tl Utlkt sllsst. '. I, I SIM. V 7Xr u uts4 1 1. ft- PRICES REDUCED. BOON A NllOtS Mnnnfactarcd to order Bt GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, aonx u i L vcr, Sprnce Ntroct, Snnbary. Pcnn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises tho very best In market. His long exper ience in the business hns won for him a reputation for making flrst class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TI-.KMS STUICIXY CASH. The prices of rcpalrinj; arc also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Bunhury, March 4, 1871. TO THE WORKING CLASS We arc now prepared to furnish nil classes with constant em ployment nt home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of cither Sex easily cam from 60c. to f 5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their wholo timo to the business. Boys and girls cam nearly as much ns men. That nil who see this notice may send their ad dress, nnd test tho business, we make this un paralleled offer i To such as ore not well satis- lied, we will send fl to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, n valuable siuupio which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Tht VeopWt Liternry Coninnion ono of the largest nnd best family ncwspniiers published all sent free by mail. Reader, If you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maluc. April 15, 1871. 3m. NTKIttOSCOI'i:?, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. U. V II. T. AXTII4IXY V CO., 501 Broadnny, New York, Invite the iittcntion of the Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and CRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. A II. T. ANTHONY & CO., D91 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMl'OKTEItS AND MASITACTl'IlUHS OF Photographic Materials. March 4th, 1871. ly. pojutket man on cemetcry COMFAXY. This company is now prepared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located ou nn eminence nbout onc-fonrth of a mile cast ot sunbury. lue In. crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd couso. qocnt ndvouce in the ratio of mortality, as well as the limited facilities for the interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested tho organization of the above i.uined company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the ol"cc of J. A. Cake, Esq., or l.loyil 1 . Kohrnncli. Price of lots from f5 to f 15, according to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROURBACII, Scc'y. May 13, 1871.-tf. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! ! A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland Comity, Pa. WILLIAM N EG ELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store nt tho ubovc place, will constantly keep on hand, a large mm select assortment oi FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cane-Seated Chairs of nil grades, Rocking and Klichcu Chairs, Withstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Collage, Looking-Glasscs, Window Shades, nnd in short, everything usually to be found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict nttentlon to business, to merit the patronage of the public. An invitation Is extended to all desiring anything in the line of Furniture to call and examine mv stock. 1'iMlertaiiing douc In nil Its branches. C3t?" Repairing done at short notice. WM. N EG ELY. Gcorgttown, June 11, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKEE'3 OiLITOaNIA "7INEGAE BITTERS 4 Ilundrcth cf ThoaBands ? if j ? Bcr testimony to their Wonder- E. 3 o o r.:l Curutlvo LUicit. S J Eoii WHAT AnE THEY? gss r, ?. till lis Ms 5S i3 FANCY UKINK. Kf lliulouf Pwir ltuui. Whi.Ln, I'rtu 1 Hplrita oud IteCuno l.liiuura aucicrcil, rile?! mtdswtxt tucd In (iloate lliii tuslo, cclKd ' Tt nia,"" Appt.1.2 i," " llcsiarcrs," sc., r. ul Hml the t .Ur cn la luukeumss sail ruin, but are s trus steulclne, nist!a fruiu l!io t.slifS l:oousrtl lleibscf Csllfurula, f rco friitu nil Aleobvllo Silwiilaiil tcysrt tl.s UUKAT m.DIIll Pl'Ull ItU nutl A 1.1 I K t:iri( I'lllNt'll'l.iis .tn cl l:t-iiotulor sua lov lnurslur vt ll.u :y.u...i. curili $ uff fell iioisuiiou uuttlr null rostuitn t!.o I tucU lu t hculil.y cuDditaia. Jtopcmoa csuliiid IUum I'biurs tt. C.reo iioii ftntl runtala lung Qi.welb IHO willlio risen fur hi InrursXIo cuss, rravlikd tlis boats fcrj ucl di-siroyi-4 by u.lLer&l iulst.B cr ether lucius, i.4tl:o vaalcruiat saud bv.Ji:.s .oiut i.f reuslr. I'nr luuaninii.ini y mid ( Lretin librumiis Usui uu.l liuul, l'sit . iu. or lail-uotlluu, l:llluus, Itruiillrm uud luliiuillli at I t tti. DUcusi slI ll. IlluaJ, I. Hi e, Kl.lui s, uud lilililUel-, llu-t-s lllli..M ls btiea .tii.l tuccs lt-1. I nt b Iliseusa 4 rt csuttU lr it lull si slluwd. walt-tilfc.utis:: i rmluiva ly Ui.iiii.tuskt in ..; liiscsilsp Uiiinss. lt is -i l ui i uu imih:i tios. t:c4 ftUm, I4.1I1 las IbiiblUwrs. Luu lot, 1 it,l.lui ... t f laa i--c I, t..a..ass. tti I rut-isia.i.s if u. Meuftilia )sli. ..alul '."BIU, ll.Ilaus Alluill, l-sl. a-Un l( Uiv l.SOll, ll.0.UllUiUlS t Hot LlU-SS, I'slll lu IL4 I.clui4 i, it. I ia )rs, sji1sI.uso.4 uiui 1 iv.1 1. ,t U.S, uru lUti s.,)i-ii j.of I.) .la 1 s s. ".h y iati.'r..ij lus kuciaili si.4 .iibiuUts las I .r I ' : lu4 bvtoils, SI.UU IwwCrll-tai ! tiitruull.4 a. ) la i .t. i:.w 1 1 .1 . f s i lb I ami. 4, S-4 li. H'.lluy ui Im . 4 , i,..,r u II !. .) .1.1.1. I U1I ul'.iN .r.'4sl t, I iu.iui..,'U,i.i.i'sl LWt4, J.lvULi., I tal., I u. j l.s. I II. IwKs, I s luul... In. , u.i. ., s.14l..a4,tsia I les Vij.l,- ilS, llvll, I.UI.I, I l.CbWsl.U S Ut lbs SSIM, llOM.olS St4 li..MS IU IklM, fcl SbsU lll SblaS Sf .ftlMith . I...1. 1J lit J IV Sa.4.-lll. 4 Si U-s IJ.UUUS .l I ... I I IUI UM Ul IbtS I'.ll.tS. SUM U.USS U ss4 cbs. - s 111 luilst, lbs tua. IbslsS.M si !baa Ssisilis sSvil. H.SU.V li. .iu.u4 l.tvt.4 lniii ) ( l Im u luiiim Irslstu ibivs.k U ssib U I lib, b. I is, s.ab Ul lau 1 II. slm 11 b )0I ll sUousl 4 4 lVb U lbs sslks, I'liM U SSbSUI.I'.al. S4 )vM h-tOlsa Ulb.4 bb.s. l.syUlWv4 W sa.4 lbs kitill. .1 lbs .1-4 a. S.lll-.U-S. II , t A t k sa.4 ui liuillls, Uisulsibs iSW Ul m lbb lUbbSSbMI bIS 4.4tt.bJlf ilo.. S I bb l.a.,1-4 l lMt I...K. t- Ib.Slsl SI f .. 4 Ssla i-. l-lv, S.i.k.4 Is lt-w 1.. (Ms- lla,Sa,., I . . b s4 st ..j 4. WtaVH, ll.i..M b .. UtpoatiV IU, iIHi.,i4 Ml t. 4tl. 4S IIM.USSS, tbJL, t4 M s4 s t-MiswM s irs4V 444 MIHIJII A0 M4lMs iiuufurfitrtrs. f ViOnEMCKSEWINUMACIIIXE. 1 THIS celebrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krnusc's Tin and Btove Store, Market Ntrcct.Ktinbnry.rn. Tho Florence Sewing Machine stands unequal led for beauty and durability being the best t amuy ocwing tuacaine now oucroa to tlio puD lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED: It hns self-adjusting tentlon in the Shuttle 1 changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of nil for henutY nnd Uniuli, being alike 011 both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy fubrics with equal fa cility. Tho work will feed cither right or left. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced in sewing across heavy scams.. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. Tlio Hcinmcr turns wide nnd narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical nud will Inst a life lime. Every Family should Have One. Kvcry Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It is tho only Machine In the world that Is ca- pablo of making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and tho samples ol work. NO CHARGE TOR SNOWING. It ncmB, Fells. Cords, Rrnlds, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac., without basting. It makes a gather and sews it on a band at one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished with n complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept In order. Machine Oil nnd Thread kept on baud nt all times. OEO. W. SMITH & BRO.. Agents. For North'd, Snydor, Vnlou and Montour Couu's. October 15, 1870. New riour and Feed Store ! It. W. TJU RSTOS, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, FENN'A, nas Just opened a Flour and Feed Store, where liu will keep constantly on band, a general assortment ol tho best brands of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, und VEGETABLES of all kinds, nt the very lowest market prices Sunbnry, Feb. 11, lSTl.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER ! FRYLIKG, EOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing and Just lilted it up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, are now prepared to till all orders tor all kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEM LOCK, OAK, Ac. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KEKDS. HEMLOCK, WTIITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. 11I,II)S, Nil LIT tit IS A ItKACItr.TS nt tho very lowest prices. A largo stock always on band. " Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRYLING, BOtVEN & ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., Februury 18lh, 1871. Cm. M.f3i;i:it AMI PIiAMXU MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Phila. & Eric R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IltA T. CLEMKXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having ull tho latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he is now ready to till or ders fall kiuds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental ScrowHVork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.A1K1E 4' SOKTMrNT OP DILL LUMDER. HEMLOCK nnd PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, ko. Orders promptly tilled, und thlpjied bv Railroad or otherwise. 1UA T. CLEMENT. deelQ-CMily (STOVE V XIX LSTAKLISIIMLXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. st'CCXSSOK TO SMITU 4 UBNTlIUlt. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuso would respectful ly iutoriu the public that he now has ou baud a large assortment of C O O K I N O STOVES, Spcer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which ure so arranged as to bo used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perforin satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to beat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dillerent kinds lit Very low prices. Tluwure r Every OeNrrijitlon kept constantly on hum!. Rooting uud Spouting with I be best material, ilone at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil in d Lumps constantly ou hand. Jup.ui ware ofalU.nds. Store opposilu Couley's hardware store. Give 1110 u cull. A.'KRAl'SE. upltM-ly S I Ml I K V M Alt 11 1.E YAK It. rpiIE uiiderslgiied having bought the entire 1 block of Disslnger & Taylor, would Inform the public that he is uow reudy to do all kiuds of 91 A HULK UOHK. us ou baud, and makes lo order at HJOKT NOTK'K. .Mouuiueuts) A' llettd-MoueN. t rVTP.T noon AND WINDOW KJJJ.S ALn, (Vint tcry Posts wlih Galvaniicd ple and all oilier fencing generally used on C nut lei lis. Julin A.Tuylor will continue In I lie employment, at the old stand ou Muikel bt.,tuubury. nia)a'o THE 0I.Y NTUYE i'l'IIOI T A F.ll I.T IH THE CiKElT 1IALTI. MOUE I'lltEI'l.iCE 1 1 1' A 'I' Lit, III HIPS 11.1.1'MlNATei) DIAMOND GAS UL'UVKK. KT WUIl 11 PAKI.OIt AND UlAMHKItri AUK W A KM ED BY ONE riltK. IT Is lb only Fin plain lltalue ibal has a i-r. fcl Tup r tcj. r, ud liu Imiu puitlug ut ss pluslmis, or siullliug Has into I Us apailiueul. ll Is llm oiily liupUisi nub lbs a.liu Diagonal klaijasiue by isblib givaUr ulumiual. In, (HiSicr U oUtfliitxt, I be wllii..iil IImi bu. Is lu, lu.ils sdccluail) is at ui 4, u4 Ibti lirul Hs lutt.4 ut ll gltl tl4bl ul lbs itaal iu luv lvsl lulr. ll U lb. only FlnpUis ILal.r lbl U Prr. ft.t vl rsv4. ( kb4 Uasa buibif. Mils ivuuiii 111 I ma tibial lu lii.l) iuuf b.'uls, ll U lu uul) tlispUs UsaUf ills l(it sill lua, su4 iluuiplb b'alu. ll I lu uul k lispUm UsaiUr ttUk b4. p ba.u, SU'I bbuUsUbl luuui t4 IiIm, Bb4 S)lll. wul It.b4tiib4 I Us kiss I la bis lu bum uul. Is) l.l U U lbs (iwl uilbibal HaUliU"!. fu- tls ll.aUf, lu. lul4 Ub4 UUJbls4 s4 llUbbl Ui blfsl!i4. nils iu., ,4 4 ti Liu ii t i k k r, HalSUbUlS, 144. ftafMUky tUAI. U. bKNIlUM. a)b.r,, tisttllaiuons. Byerly neniperly'a Excelsior Gal lery or Art, Third Street. Nnnbnry, l'a. "VfR. BYERLY has lntcly added to his already XiJL well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Ilcmpcrly whose reputation ns a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled In this part of the country, nnd hereafter they will cany on tho photographic trade, at tho old stand under tho flr.n nnirle of Bycrly & Hcmperly's Excelsior nailery 01 Art, ni wuoso establishment the pub lic will bo cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs of nil styles nnd slues rang ing from the small Gem to the life size, portrait. Uo to Bycrly t Hcmpcrly. For the beautiful porcelain plcturo which for softness of finish, and durability caunot bo ex celled, go to Bycrly & Hcmpcrly. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar in all out large cities, and showing the pecu liar ctrcct of light nnd Bhude, nnd tho favor it 0 of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Bycrly & Hemperly. If you have nn old picture you want copied and enlarged to any bI.c, nnd colored oil, water color, ludia luk or crayon, tuko It to Bcycrly iSc Hemperly. If you want n frame of any size nnd nt any price, or any stylo go to Bycrly & Hcmperly's, and take a look at their Immense stock in that line. For Albums go to Bverlv & Hcmpcrly. For square Frames made to order go to Bycrly & Hcmpcrly, In short, for anything In tbo photo graphic line, go to Bycrly ite ilcmpcrly, and you w in be suited. Feb. 25, Itrtl. V FIIRNITIIRF QQ sk i si ' Tir a MATTRESS, FEATHER, BEDDINU WAKER00U3, .44 KOETH TENTH BT., CHAMBER FURNITURE Spring Beds, sjiring Cots, Spring Mattresses, Hair do. Husk do. Straw do. 'Feathers, Fcsther Beds, Bolsters nud Pillows, Counterpanes, Comfortables, Blankets, Quilts. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Slut tress, The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Our Intention Is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dcalcro with us, and orders will receive the same nttentlon, and persons can buy just as cheap as if present nt the store. March 4th, 1871. 3m. J. . L. M. AT Lit A CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, Xo. 3 Noti(h Tenth Ml reef, below Market, I'liiludelitliin, where they have opened a flrst-cluss Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our Stock consists of a fmo assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cassiinercs nnd Vestings, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which wc nro prepared to make up iu the most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice end Moderate Terms. Special Bargains In Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER & CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeiler. Dec. 21th, lSTO.Om. I'liilailelpliiu nud Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nnd nfter Monday, Juno fith, 1871, tho Trains on tbo Philadelphia & Eric Rail Road will run us follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, MO p in " " " Sunbury, 2.00 u m " " arr nt Erie, H.KO p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12. 110 p m " " " Sunbury, G.5U p in " " an at Erie, 7.40 a m Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, t."0 a m " " " Sunbury, 4.!i5 p lit " " nrr nt Lock Haven, 7.M) p m Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury, 4.55 a in " " arr at Wil liaiiisport, 15.55 a m Bald Eagle Mull leaves Williamsport, 1.45 a in " " " urr at Lock Haven, U urJ p in EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, . 11.30 a iu " " " Simbnry, 1.00 am " " nrr at Pbllade'iphla, 7.:0 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, 0.00 p in " Sunburv, .0.15im " " nrr nt Philadelphia, 5.50 p in Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, H.00 a in " " " Sunburv, 10.50 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 pm BiiQ'alo Exjircss leaves Williamsport, a in " " " Sunbury, 4.05 a m " " nrrnt l'hihid. lphia, 11.05 am Bald Eagle Mall leaves Luck Haven. 11.25 a m " " " nrr at Williamsport, 12.40 p in Mail East connects cast and west nt EHs with L. S. tt M. S. R. W. nud nt Corrv and lrviuctou wllh Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound trains on L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Cony nnd lrviuctou with Oil Creek und Allegheny R. R. W. Warren Accommodation cat and west with trains on L. 8. nnd M. 8. R. W. ca-t nnd west and at Corry with O. C. mid A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation East at Corry oud west at Corry and Iruiueton with O. C. and A R R W. Elmira Mail nnd Buffalo Express make cloic connection lit Willlainsport with N. C. It. W. Caltawissa passenger trains will be run cast from Wllliaiiisport ou Eiie Express, and west to Williumrport ou Eiuiira Mail. IV M. A. BALDWIN, (ieu'l Sup't. KPKIVU AMI NI .MM F.ll MILLINERY AXD FAN'CV GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, Iu Dcwart's Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA., where w ill be found a new supply of goods, eon- histiug of Millinery and Fancy Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and buys. Flowers of the lulest uud handsomest styles. Sash Ribbons, plain and llgurcd. Lube's Sieucer, laiee Colars, Linen t'olars aud Cutfs for Ladles and t lillilren, Crochet collars. Neckties for Ladies uud Gem's luteal styles. Silk Sack Loops, a siiierior article. Gloves Including Kids, uud Ladies' BucLskiu gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Ti burnings. Embroidery Patterns. Hosiery for laidies, tit Ill's aud Cbildreu. Nuts, i'lquo uud pi. pit) triimiiliigs. TRIMMING SILKS, Cblgiions, '., pbyr aud Varus, uud a ;eueral Tjrltiy of Notions. Thankful lor past patronage, she luqies Ibal the quality of bir imkI. villi ni. ul a ruiitiiiii.iucs) ol the same. H.1..WI 1. 1 11 LAAUl . April :v, IsTI. I'uiula. Oil Ar. AH I I. slock Of Oils I't.llipii.ill.' I lllSUa .l Oil, I out Oil, I UIi Oil, uud l.ulill. alli'll Oil I'm l.iiuii.ts und Macbiiieiy, Vuiulskss, tila.s, alwuts ou baud, ul low pik.s ul I USI KV A t'O'sl. TollitC'omituuillj alLar'el IIUMjK at iiik '"REGULATOR." I bsvs Ibis tUr (uu dsn 4 ll.o tnllis slink, v.sbl will au4 Itisiti ui in mutiiuiur n.4, lu.m, 'I lui.k, lotulUf sb4 ftuUuin Mais, of J. k., uud IH s..llbu Ibc busiutws ul Us pit. lutalluu, I'.iuc luuiti, liaupl's itM lltl.1, Miharr Hiunnr, M antuv, 1'a. HI.IS lUtlUg Salubllsbs4 llbls lilt lilS llb III Uudlbtf b.ubulaslblvis til lbs SUUUllS, blu. s su .l)ii.4 lbs u.aisit ii Ilk a nls.s l.l Swh u IspuUIU u lur it Hal. lulf ub4, I Ika4 suust ilsus aq uUill). A l Its.lJ t tit l Us. 4 4 lu Iks lulbUkUig l kkuu ItisltIS Uialslbs.s l'l Hiublili4ullb. rfbl 4lwa u ill 4. H. M6HTI uaWary, ia. II, 1(1). . . Itendiiix Itallrottfl. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. , , Monday, May loti, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Wcst for Philadelphia N. Y.. n..,l. Ing, Pottsvillo, Tnmaqnn, Ashland, Shamokin, i.tunuoii, Aiieniown, aasion, r.purnin, laitiK. Lancaster, Columbia, fee., A;c. Trains lcavo Hnirisburir for New York, ns fol. lows i At 2.40, 8.10, a. m. and 2.00 p. in., con necting with similar truhis on tho Pcnnsvlvania Railroad, and arriving nt New York at io.oS a. m., a.oo, nua v.ijo p m. respectively. Sleeping Cnrs ncconipany tho 2.40 a. in., train without change. Returning i Leave New York nt 0.00 a. m., 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. ni. and 3.30 p. in. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train from New York with out change. Leave Ilarrishurg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Ta maqua, Mincrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokin, Allcntown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 pi. lu., stopping nt Lebanon nnd principal way stations t the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvflle and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrlsburg ot 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania. Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Easton nnd New York nt 4..S2, 10.W) a. ni., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York ut U.OO a. in., 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. in. and Allcntown at 7.20 a. iu. 12.25 noon, 2.15, 4.25 aud 8.35 p. ni. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. ni., connecting with similar train on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at C.20 p. m., stopping nt nil stations. Lcnvo Pottsville nt 9.00 a. m. nnd 2.T0 p. m. llerndou at 10.00 a. m., Shamokin nt 5.40 11.15 a. ui. Ashland tit 7.05 n. ni., nnd 12.43 nooiij Mahanoy City ut 7.51 n. in. nnd 1.20 p. m. Tamaqua nt 8.35 a. m. and 2.1J p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, IIarrisbiire,Ac. Lcavo Pottsville vlu Schuylkill nnd Susquo linnna Railroad at 8.16 a. iu. for llairisburg. ard 11.45 n. m., for Pine Grove and Trcinont. Reading Accommodation Tn-.ln leaves Potts ville nt 5.40 n. in., passes Rending ut 7.'.10 n. ni. arriving at riiiliKlelplua at 10.20 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p.m., papains Rend ing nt 7.55p.m. arriving ot Pottsville at 0.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pulls town ul 0.30 a. ui., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Coltip.:biii Ranroad Trains lcavo Reading at 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. m. for Ephrutn, Litlr, XiUIICitBll'l , 1. Ulllllllllll, OXC. Perklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomen Jiinctlonnt7.1", 9.05a. in., at 3.00 and 0.00 p. m. Retiirnlng,leave Sehwenksville at 0.30,8.10 a. m., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. ni. conncetiug with similur trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdnlo Railroad Trains leave Pottstown nt 9.40 a. in., 1.1 5 and 0.45 p. in., returning leave Jit. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. in., and 3.00 p. m., conncetiug with similar traius on Readiug Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains lcavo Bridge port at 8.30 a. m., 2.0.jand 5.32 p. in. returning, lcavo Downington nt 0.40 a. in., 12. 15 iieuii and 5.25 p. m. connecting with Biniilar traius uu Read ing Railroad. On Sundays i Leave New York nt 5.00 p. in., Philadelphia nt 8.00 u. in. nud 3.15 p. m., (tho S.U0 a. in. tram running only to Reading;) leav Pottsville nt S, leave" Harri .bmg, 2.40 a. in., and 2.00 p. in. ; leave Allcntown at 4.25 and 8.35 p. in. leave Readiug nt 7.15 a. iu. and 9.50 p. in. for Ilurrlshurg, at 4.o2 a. in. lor New York, nt 7.20 u. m. lor Alleutowu aud at 9.10 a. in. nnd 4.15 p. iu. for l'hil.idel'n. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to uud from nil poiuts at re duced rates. Baggage checked through : 100 rounds Bag gagti allowed eueh Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. tk Eujf. MsctTry. .Vorltioru Ceutrul l.uUuay. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after June 17, 1871, trains will run ns follows : NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunburv nt 4.50 a. m., arrive at Willlainsport at 0.55, "Elmirm at 10.55 a. m., Cuiiaiidaigua 2.15 p. m. Mail leave Sunbury nt 4.30 p. ra., rri at Wiiliamspoi t 0.25 and Eliniru 10.35 p. ni. Fast Line leave Sunbury r.t 0.40 p. in., b.rivs at Williamsport 8.40 p. in. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunbury nt 4.10 a. m., arrive at nrris burg 7.05 a. m., Baltimore 10.40 a. in. Leave Stuilmry, 10.20 a. iu., nrri'e at Harria burg 1.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury nt 10.55 a. m., arriv at Ilar rishurg 12.55 p. iu., liaitiiuoie 0X0 p. Ul. Leave Sunbury at l.lo a. m., arrive at Harris burg 3.35 u. m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAUll. Leave Sunbury ut 4. -SO p. in., arrive at 8hno kin 5.55 p. in., Mt. Carniel fl.41 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Aceommodiiiiou,) ut ll.("a. in., ui live ut Shauioliin 1.10 p. iu. WESlWAllO. Leave Mt. Curmel at 8.05 a. m., arrlre at Shamokin 8.53 a. m., Sunbury 9.S5 a. m. Leave Shamokin ( Aecnianiodution,) at 3.45 p. m.. arrive at Sunbnry 4.00 p. iu. Express leaves daily Leaving on Sunday, rnns North only to Williamsport. Ail other trains leave duilv, except Sunilavs. A. R. Fiscc. Fi. S. YtirMi". Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Fussm'r Ag't., HarrLburg, Pn. Hulimore, .Vd. LuckiiMuuun siuit IiIombairg IZtkil road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, July 17, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Lcstc. 1A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 1 45 10 05 i i ,10 17 10 2(1 2 ll m :;. 10 40 2 21 10 47 'Id 0 M 6 f.S 7 c: 7 tl 7 19 7 '-'4 7 11 7 Si; 4 c 4 05 4 14 4 2-. 4 :;n l ; . 4 4'J I 4T a a oo 7 H 4 5i 8 no 8 05 n W0' 8 to 8 45; 5 00 5 Uo 3 40 3 08 1.1 3 57 Noilli'd, (arrive.) 10 20 4 f-2 NORTinVARt), Leave. A.M. P.M. Northumberland, Ctiuicrmi,, Ibiuxille, Cal.iwts.a, Kiip. rl, illutuii.buru', Fspy, I. inn lii.U, li l.u t in k, llcraii k, II. HI ll ll.lVl ll, link's Itir), 10 25 5 HI 5 27, 5 til) 5 4-1 1 II I' I 0 15 11 12 . t; a in I ID 50 11 II IM It A.M. 51 ll : II 4il I S ou P. M. t'J 2 hub ksbuuiy, k's, N .1111 l.'t.ku, l'liutuilb, l'i)iui.iilb June P M ft in 1 1,ni, A I st. ... W. Han Jv'is x ill T ti M 2 f ft ;i 5 3, 5 II a a ItJ Isl a in II Malli.r, X iuuiIuk, 9 H 2 is 2 4 I n i oi a 1 1. a Va ... 14 41 m i.i k Is a ;b n t fUlstdB. I', I Ul kaSlalina, 'la)lt.tlllti, Ih i. i uu, Htlubiub, (sllllt) 14 t, J I l ii DtUD . Ut-l Ml, 'I. Agricultural IwittUsnvulu, ur ani.iu H-k i )'! si..i ii u i ibu kakss, I m. J sb.l l llai .in '(.. -, Ls, II Serauton, 0 45 Itellevue, 0 5o; Taylorville, 0 57; Laekawuuua, 7 05 Pillslon, 7 14 West Pittston, 7 19 Wyoming, 7 27, Maltby, Kingston, ) st. -W.-Barre jc'rs 7 4U Plymouth June, I Plyinomh, 7 60 Naiiticoke, 8 00, llunlock's, 8 07 Sliickxhiunv, 8 92 Hick's Ferrv, 8 SO Bench Unveil, 8 4:i lit ra ick, 8 Mi Briar Creek, H 57 Lime Ridge, 9 07 F.spv, 9 14 Hlooni. burg, 9 19 Kni cil, 9 W Cutawissa, 9 l Ditiivill.-, 0 51 t bulu-ky, I 0 Mi t ui.ieron, 10 i)o' sis, iluaitl uud lias f .iiks, l.'a'i . a' . jlbis, l.isiu I i..a . I i-l'i I t.s, Ii..., BW.s.1, 'i.u4bsb4 L-4 I bams, I.. b'.l-.'H, r Mul swii.s ul ail sis. Sb4 k...s., a Ui4 sm.mIs.IsI ul k'4 Vs,'.ai, riul..4, tiu 'lil - lu, k l k. l I 'Hol tt.'