uiircrons Jrfcctcbcs. From tlic Lancaster Enterprise. NcliwrlFelbreiinor on Uccnp. AVns is'tlci opinion fun gens? Ich Iiob Mum orllidlrx-shtuiU"iil ivvcr ollcrlca fetl-tlef-fee, awcrtlo pons ilinkt micli Isnieliner Ifi'brestiiig dos tfiip.ich onucr kreddoor fun itorart. . . Now, Vita5 h hi'p'n pons? Soil mog dcr foro kuiunia we nil' lcbbisho froke, awcrich j-lawb doch net dosca titolm o'lts mlulzund oily leading characteristics fob-Ver gons ex plaiua konn. An pons is an kreddoor dos goot Moot. .'Augnns frcst gmwK, im Miuimer, avfc.r wann sc sich uf an hoy slitock ferlussa mist ' for leawa ivvcr dcr winter doun delit se ' lerlitiiigcrn. Ka ockcr graws is plenty for an gons, except wann de graws crop shlect ous luin c.l. Ocils gel in a no weit fun hcani, awcr so ' sin for common uni do weg wann scclibas Jii'ii tauTrcsaiv. Ikl noddoor leawa do gens about finf un sivvatsicli yolir, tin wrerra oily dog tull'cr. And gons lcagt ols for conimon yuslit ea ry ufamohl sq about do size fun ma gons ' y, 'J yungy gcci'sin foistituckclt in dcr oyer. . , ,.. . De alt gVms is c'ni yhnga gejjrpjy sc'i ir.oin my uus klcagcusly is'tlcr all gons intra bub belly. . ... Do yungy geus kreeya kca drnppa inil lich fun dcr mommy tin aw net ous der buttel. l-'uti Jung uf dunna do gens lierna sich tsu crnebra in ouncr leit mtra gierta nn in de fence ccka. Ctens sin ivvcr ous goot for cssa, awor for gons llensh tsu licisa nu katia nehits gooty, soundy, uoudrrlichc bocka t.se,a. Jch wehs net we's knmiut dos gens rioash to ivvcr ous lull' is. A dohl leit niehna es is cs alter, un es mog aw so sci. An gons is considered an dumnies kred door sheer gorly so duiiim wc. au easel. Der dillereuuo tswisha der gons un ma easel is dos : Dcr easel hut feer bca un dc gons yusht tswca ; der easel dut cbinohls kickn, awer do gonj weas nix lun so tricks; der easel is iwer onsinusical un awgeneriin ! wan er greisiit, awet no gons msst yusiit a weniiich wanna sc ba-s Koch an impor tant dillbrence tswf:;li'a tier gons tin cm easel: sci lliggel sim uf em top fun scim, kttp, t'h Bin aw ar; constitute forohra. Au gelarnly gutis un an ignoranimtis fun ma easel sin all tswca ordlich dumin un in sellam sin sc ul' equal terms. Wnnna gons om Lrecya is doun is so liorl Isu pleasn. tsis deat cvan au groser bull litiitd feclila. Fun do gens kreeya do leit cara fodder be It oi un kuppa-kislin. Der besht wcg fol der leddera tsu krecyiais torso rotis ruppa : gens tsu sheara wc shot'", is kca gntcr plan, for cs is an grosser dillcieiico tswisha shofc woll tin gens leddera. An gmis lint orrick bnedy fees, un konn ti goor uf cam bca shlea dos nf tswca. For nit i dclii ish wet cnniclie tscit lecver onna liucka dos slilunila Jong ul cam bca shtea. , ( Jens ferkawfa .goot uf cm morrickt, ab- boidicli do olty. j An guns is an gooler slnvimnier, tin so is aw au bull-frog un a shiiappen-dordcl, j iiwer der bull-frog is dcr besht. In appear- t noe is awer an gro;sy dilli-renco tswisha i ma bull-fog un a gctis. Do fact is, so sin ' gor net fun dor same specshies. An gons j tin a shnappor sin awer a wetinich in der liviiiilsliul't, for. wo g'sawt, sc kenna all tswca slnviiunia, un so dunna aw alltswea oyer Icaya for an living. Do shnappers awer hen kea fcdder.i wo do gens, uu do gens hen kea s-j dioko shawla wo do shnap pers. 'lis 'la nocli ebbas on a gons dos mcr a weiuiish koryoso forr kummt, un sell is cara longer hels. Xow suppose an gons gtiekt kalt un der hals wierd wen, es netiimt an oi-'llieh grosses mucka plashler for der gons mer wissa kreeya do gens kca kalt, wc nicer tswca bchniclio kreddoora wu mer niensha beiiht. I'n sell is korvose. Mit ail do fuss dos do weivor inaeha mit cara kinncr, un close waleha dos SO kea liossy fees kreeva 1 F.xtruct Buclm is unequaled by any other leme oil.ler i'rishy fufl in der naeht, sill evva tie I ly, i.1, 1,1 vM r. retention, irregularity, L-;.,., ... . i . . . . ."Iii : painfiilness or suppression of customary cvacua- ktunei sheer olsfort om krext nut hooshta, ; Jions, ulcerated or sehirus state of the. Uterus, S.laivioil lever, mums, wehcr hols tin feel I J.cuei.rrlbea or Whiles, sterility, ond for all olniery cumpluiust. Awer WC is es mit do I complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising gens i r?p Iilssa cara VUlly dl'OUS rillll i slipri'.iga, un drucka uu im ucsso wetter, tni sawnnnv.i ga ul drech-leeher un lai nieel doin in) Clil'ert baar-fecsich un ohna beet uf do kep, un duoli sin so olsfort g'sund. Sell niacht mieh sheer gorglawa do flc UK ns!ia entirely tsu particular sin mit cara khmer. Do gens dri.ika kca lager beer un aw kca whiskey. Sell is noch au reason wat tim se so alt an lullsin. Do gens cara bready shncvvei gibt catia an grosser advantage iwer do hinUel wann so om middog essa sin, for do hinkel picka do wcl.ihkorn karner uf, cans noch em on ncr, awer tic gens mit eara bready sehitev- voi Kenna an eousv loud ut sliauila ui Kenna an eousv loud ut sliauila ul u.iiuuu im eiis uossa IO Clltia, well cnua ! uw bready sehncvvel lien uu lit cijual foot- i illg sin om middog tsa. I 1K is now an essav uf irens. un dawritul ! i.i i ... ... i . , , .. i i bin icll particular dos ich nix fun vVnu si'i'iieyH ivvcr hup; Do iegslit woeli iicinn ich fetli iclit do notion aw tin shtickly tsu slireiva fmi we.iya kec un kelvvcr, uu wann ich dudotm kciuit er eich aw drui'lerlussa dos del-main subject elibas gons imnesht is, dos gens. le lievvy inehiH ich set do breet gor net i shieka wed slioer gorly nix drin isdoyitb!it fun gen, a.ver we'd ich tier bred' now u'siirivva hob uf der goun subject so sbick j ich der can aw uu wan-.i ud can' net drucksbt d j::i mogsht doi pe.if mttaw s'Uecka uu mj i l:i 'le at pivsent I'tint . 1IT fs: ItWKI UKI-RIt KNS c. Titi: vTMi:sr ok ri- i.ox. ilus curly t.iyi timing tho liist tlirio Jnyii, the r (iliotiM Im! put inn hot water in t i.t bu Ijoi'ih , ami tlic tu'liiiM ialiuoir:ulu:il 1 iiicrciisi il lur iliiny iiiiiaitcs, or until tlte ,. ...i MiUiih s, tlu u niiiily u cool com i irt ss ; v...J cniinnc-ji s ulioiiiii bo kept Upon tl'.u i...u, ly cool lluuiiculiiliouiili.l pitvclit llic liu ji r. 'I I.. 'im'iik rion ol ihu linj-cr in dot v..iur liny bo '(filled vvlu n tlic iuiciinity i-I'liio pain iciii!c" h ; il'llil. taiil'iicnt i ptritri v. i in liiitlifflly it will WtUcr it. J)l!j;lll this l';iil itlul I he "Wolliiisj iiH'tviikc, but ici. ltii- s, maJj of kiippery vim, corn b iiii l luilk, vr iiop , m.iy bo up p'icil, IVnpi' b'.ly tli.uigiii'4 ilieiii, wh'J.'li will In. I only i lirvc tin- puiii, but in iic,' the It luii t iii Ik. ul. Win n it 14 i-p. iii il, t pi I p.iol i v li :iul b,j iiM-il fir :i li vv il.iyn ; ulti-r V.n inlt.iiii ih'ill II I kllhkiilcil il klrmlil lit ill. i'i Willi iul.1 fiiluplVaH-k, Itl li lllU l or i,h i lull;, li L-i p liio pulls llliiiol lllol i.i'j. J I I 'ill i I j. y ; il,0 poulliciiiiS it l-uil- ! u i ' it iH iii tw iid to in.tiur t i t! u i .iii, ui.4 pivvi ui it ht-ulin '. I'm- oi.;l4l It. .Itlilllll, 'H, Ui iii.,Ul p.n . li I ul.. in poik, a. may be luJliuliiJ 'J'i ts llu .i v. V l.ii'l i ' .y.iui nt k i) ; W lilt I' III 11.0 I'l 0 III I I.i.' lll.l l.l.ii'tl it ki. ui. in , in miy i i- Uj I i kin Hunt llic i.lt'i u:il; It 1, pluj i i;, i 4"H.il.., . i t I pi' I ' lit kuiliiu ;. ull Will ii . an; V i . i.tt kj uk ininy uu.l., li I' i ll 1 I.. Ill Uiltll i t .. Ml ''t. ,, . .ikn il .. l i . 1 1 't It ii i. Ilnl . Hi.; I)i',l wl A bit ''I. l V! I ! II. Ui ll U ll. ', .lil'l . I.i l I put .Kuillili Into U.ail.. m li UC I I t I 1 II 14 I) III I lit l I III., pl.t I.. ., I'l. 1. I. I. I , I ,. 4 ll, I.I I" 41 ) 1(4. .bllil 1. .1' 4.1 . l li.lu I I 411 i I. -I ... ll.v it ! .' I ... I I . I 1 lb to I.I Stoical. II t:UY T. IIKL,MItOM'N COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA &JEU.J?J1 PILLS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb nnd Fluid Extract Cutawbn Orupo J nice. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dillons Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Hcndnche, Costlvencss, etc. l'urcly Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. Thckc 1'llls nrc tlin most delightfully pleasant purgative, supcrscdluif castor oil, suits, niannc slii, etc. Thero Is mailing more acceptable to the Momuch. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They are composed of the, Elliot (iV(i'tn. Afli-r n few days' usu of them, mich nn Invlgoi-dtiou of the entire sys tem takes place as to nppcnr miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from im prudence or disease. H. T. Hclmbold's Com jiound Fluid Extract Catawba (irape Pill nro not snifar-coatcd, from the fart that (Uffar-coated PI Mb do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired edict. The Catawba Grape l'llls, bcluir pleasant in taste nnd odor, do not necessitate their beinjj sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per box. 'REXIiY T. IlEI.MBOMt'N HIGHLY CONCENTR.ViEl) COMPOUND Flulil tract NiirNiitnrilln Will radieally exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Pores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Leys, Pore Mouth, Pole Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Hlicum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, Wliltc Swellings, Titmors, Cancer ous Ailc'timis, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of nil kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established ill the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above Com plaints, its blood-purfying properties are greater 1 than any other preparation of Sarsaparillu. It gives the coiri'lavion n clear .and heulthv color ami restores the Patient to a flute, of Health and ! Purity. For Piirifyln':; the Blood, removing all I chronie constitutional diseases arising from mi i Impure state ol the lilood, and the only reliable I and cM'ectunl known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the Hones. Ulcerations of the Throat and Leg, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, I Eiysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and ben nl Hy ing the complexion. Price, f 1.00 per lioiue. HENRY T. IIFl.MBOLD'S coNii:sTn.ii:o ri.i ii i'.xtkact nr nr, THE GREAT DIURETIC, ban cured every ease of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the neck of tli3 Blad der and inllainalion of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys f.nd Ek'iddcr, retention of Urine, ri: seases of the prostrate (iland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdnst Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, an t for En feebled nnd Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms: Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Ditlleulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, lift Hands, Flushing of the. Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, palid Countenance, Universal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the ages ol" eighteen lo twenty-live, and from thirty-live to tilly-tlve or in the decline or change of life; after eonllne ment or labor pains ; be.lwetling in children. Ilelmbold's Extract Kucha is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and Im denees in Life, impurities of the Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in ail'ei tatious for which it is used, and syphilitic affections in these dis eases used in connection with Ho'.mbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In manv affectations peculiar to Ladies, the Indiscretion or habits ot diJipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent phvsi : cians and miilwives lor enfeebled and delicate eoiintituiions, of both sexes and all ages (attend ed with any ol the above diseases or symptoms.) j II. T. HELM MOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING- FROM 1MPRC I DKNCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., ; In alt their .-t:'g:s, ut little expense, littlo or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo t sure, it causes u frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obslruc i thru. Piev.vitiiig an I Curing Strictures of the i Urtthru, Allaying Pain and liillaiuation, so fre i queiit in this class of diseases, and expelling "II PoiMiuou matter. '1 housands who have been the victims of In eompelent persons, and who h ive l-aid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found Hi.-y have been deceived, and that the 'Poison" lias, bylho use of "powerful astringents," beeu iltied ! "P 1,1 11,0 )''"'. to break out in u more aggra out in a Viileil form, and ierlmis alter Marriage. ! I so llelnibold's Extruct Buchu for nil Affee i t! ins and DiseaM's of the Ciliary Organs, w heth l er evicting in .Male or female, from whatever i originating, and no matter hov long standing. Price, one dollar and lll'ty cents per bottle. li HENRY T. IIEI.M HOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH e.mnol bu snrpassi d n a Face Wa h, nnd will be I'liind the only specllle remedy In every spicics of t iitanei.iw AUeetlon. It speedily eradicate Pimple, Spots, Seoiliiille Dryness, luduratiiiiii ol lite Cni.im oii'i MeiubraiK, etc., dirpc'.s Red-iir- i and lueipici.t Inllamatiou, Hives, Rash, Mul'.i P..ielr.'i, Drytiesi of Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, au l a!'. A irpo-es for which Salves or Oint- menls are u-ni regimes I. le skin ton ttato of purity and n! .ie.-s, ami insures continued healthy aellon to ihu iUmio of Its vusrcls, on which ileicii.s Ihu agreeabio clearness nnd viva city ot culm '.ckIiiii ') uilleh souglil and aduilred. Bat howcM-r valuable as a ieioe.lv for existing defects of the skin, II. T. llelnibold's Rose Wiith has long .attained its pi navpL claim lo unbound ed p.illonngc, by poM ioing iiialilles which n u ll' I II .1 1 m i V .vppciiil.ign ol the iiiort Hupcila 1 1 ' li li' I Congenial rharaeter, coiubiiilng ill uu cbg.inl l'"in:ul.i thii.e pi outbid. I iciiiisitcs. Safe ly nnd Fllieaey the iuvaii.iblu iiM iiipauiiueiils ol IM il-e us a rre.ei v.'livi! and l(' licliei ol lliu I iiniplei'iii. Il i nu excellent J.oliou for ili.i a'ea of u f U'hllilic N.iliiic, aim us uu ln. e- I ion or liiscaxi . ol Ci ' I i in.ii y Organs, uii'-iiig llolil li.iloU of di..iMtiou, 11 .e l ill I'olllliiiioll Willi tli- l ll.i' l llaeliii, h iiMiparlll.i, and l a ta Mb.i Gmi-i IM'', l i .in !i iliH'iiu'4 ii iii'iiiii- IIH Ullftl, 4Ull"l J'il" lit.llt.', one dull.ir 1 nil auj n ull I.I. i, !lua. d u i ll. n. iict ouip.iiiy I lie' I.u.l. ui .. of tin- in.! r. . ..ii.ililu mid rg'.iiililu . I,.ii u. i. i 1 1 1 1, i . li. . on u j Hk.iii.iii, wiUi ,m,. ill. I: ul lie ..i. i, id. of lun , ili.....a, ii u, u.. Maid ul SOW) uii.iili.-.li.l i,rlilliiil.k4ii. i.iuiu. uu ii l.il. i 1. 1. i., Him) i. Mlihliur.i limn Hi l.i,l. t ..,.in ..j lii.lu in:( rii'li.. l.l I'l.) .n nu , I i.-uiim ii, M ilr.iu. n, He. 4 l.u i.. n.,.i I, ,. u. i, I 1. ...1I. I ., !i. I .l,.l. albm In II. a lic.. .0. ). I Ull ii'H iil ii ll.,. Ii.uii lliu I... I lli.il 1 hi. 4111. I.. Ul. k u, twill. I . , ii.ili.,, d'l U.H (.ol I i I u l.. H. U(i b, .v.l l,4l Ull I lit wry I. niiMutiti ) (.vhmIuw I'r tirwilukik). Iiltiu4 lo 4uj kii.lii... fei.i'Uitf liuii olwcr- I .l i..u . t .l .l, i.,1.. u jiJ ul iKculy ii. .J l I'l a . I. I) U 11 . ,t I l.l.. Ill ill. f.. llili.. I. .1....,, I4 tu.,k !.,. 4 ll'UI) . IKlUlbuiil, i.i... :h ..u4 i u.wil.4. '7 ' i". I tl. i H luiiii4'k lx4 kuj ' U. I... 4l rta'.l. ,.,.,, M,. U4 Sit I..1U.1. I . IUiu.1.4 1. U Jual Ui4, . l r,MU l.i.lll n. .. 1, I u.. . i l.u, '4. It ...i . I I ... 4,. u( 1U, I III .lul. . . I 1' Ilk. .., .44., jr-. 11 1 i mf n i.u , isfcllitncojts. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL BTATEMF.NT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st,' 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, $52,81.1,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, (34,313,00 CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at Interest, (3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, (1000,00 Amount due from Agents, (300,95 Amount duo from other sources, (720,00 Avullnblc Capital, (3tl,23'.l,t5 Innnre jonr Cattle. INSURE with n responsible nnd perfectly re liable Compahy. Insrro where yonr losses will bo paid promptly. THIS 18 A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM . a'ANY. . Hence, unlike other Coinpnnler., you nro sure of being paid promptly for ull losses, If Insured in this Company. ; OUR RATES OF INSITRAVCK ARF LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual. We pay losses by all kinds of accident. by death, (excepting in cases of epidemics,) by theft, fcc., &c. We pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtalu your money In case of loss. Xcnrly 3,000 paid on Cows alone Hinee Organization. Look nt tho list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M Hennlngcr, Sunbury, Pa (33, 1) llilgert, Northumberland SO, George Eckcrt, " 4", S B Dodge, " 80. Charles Bollck, Mt Cit-mcl 30, Esubeus Sipplc, " . 40, Catharine Wagner, WaUontown 4ft, (iemge Heir, Northnmberlaiid.. Jacyh Suvdcr, guubiuy .33.3J J W Basslcr, " 50 Minor duly, Dewnrt 00, Catharine Mnitu, Shitmokiu "to, Frnneis Bucher, Sunbury.t,....,. .....80, Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh. ...,,.-'0, Joseph Deppcn, Mt Curmcl 50, Matthins.Miollv, " 40, Francis MeCartJt, ; " 50, fcaria Krnnie v .Wat sont own 45, Ji-o.di Nicely, ?r., Dewnrt 40, J A R C Qulgglc, Pine, Clinton ro 40, R Ramage, Slienandoah, Schuglklll co 40, .1 8 Thnrp, hhaiuokin 40, Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Oirmcl 45, N A Loudcnslnger, Herndon, 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Reagan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob Stoltz, " " D It Bower, Herndon, 30, Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 4), John II Ossman, Sunbury 40, W B Wallace, Northumberland 30, It S Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koblc, Georgetown 40, Philip Wiutcrstein, Wutsontown 40, G S Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 41), Lewis Osterliaut, Laurel Run, Lucerne to. .AO, Marv J lKfto,.XortiuinT:crland ;.: 40, B F Krolin, Snubury 40, Andrew llealy, uirarusvuie, pciiujikui co.. in, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Curniel 40, Martin Delanev, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co in, Anthony M.Lnughlin, Cirarl?villc H), Llaymnn S Hay, Mahanoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Ran 40, David Baiicher, Berwick 27, J D Foclit, Pottsville , F.rastus Solier, Point twp -0, A Llppeucolt, Wutsontown 40, Maria Kranier,Watson'ii,2d loss pd last sum,40, I P Llppencott, AVutsontown 40, R S Animorman, Snydertown 20, Nat In: n Bloss. Berwick, Columbia co 27, J & C R Qulggle.Pinc Sla'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W Hnz&trd, Rupert, Columbia co...4(, John Foglemnn, Wutsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt I armel , Thomas Met., Paxlnos 30, R McCloskv, Lock Haven.....' DM, HON. A. JORDAN. President. C. A. RE1MENSNYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruncr, Solomon Slroh, Win. lirindle. Soloinan Sbipe, John A. Shissler, Dr. I). T. Krcbs, Dr. David Waldron. March 11, 18T1. ly. TIME IN MOSEY ! ! ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, sold by me wll be trimmed ready foriiBc, "WITHOUT EXTKA CIIAKUE, BY THE YEOMAN'S AVALL PAPER TRIMMER. . n ' r 'i which I have the exclusive right to use m untiurv and vielnilv. Save moiiey, time and labor, by buylug of . 'i:uiii:i: i.h.iitji:h, Dealer lu Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, Ac., iVc., Ae. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality. I IllHiik, MoiiiorBiKlum A V Hook I in cndluis vailety, jut received. BOOK BIN DIMS done to order. Persons will save cxiwune by leaving their orders lor biuilln with lliu. ritTlHK ITttMEN ol'ull sizes, cut Irom the Mnuhllue ul very low rales. OVAL iV SQUARE FRAMES ulwuy on j luiud. ' ALUUMS, lm.VCKCTs, GOLU PEN", &.!., &.C., iVc. A large nnd well .eleeted klock of Toytiilwuy on band. Anything not 011 hnml promptly 01 den J. ibiiain lor eu.li. Cull ul N. FERRER I.IGIITXFR'8 H.Mik Store, Sign of Fole) Gold Pen, Mulkcl Square, Bun bury, Pa. Sinihury, .uuust Clh, 1470. J. V. WAslllNtiTON'S (illkMI 11 lltltKIt MIOI. 'I hu old I . ruiaiii nl'.liop of tin) town We Ueeliiiu tint bua.l, but ul Hid kuiun lima euii-i.br lli.it lliu 111 li; III y I null iiiiilie .ia.oii.i bly .,ki 11 m iiliuut iiiaulli.liiig uu nut uuiloi la dle auiuuiil uf viiuily uu.l unil. ill. ui. Jil.l Iv.uly liul. iiK'i I Ihu ill my du.lur. i.iiv.rlii Uu plueu half my lilciluia Unit tur , ;slil, have I .IihhI iihiu i lie nmir of our .Iiop J.i) ull. f J..y, ii.l uiklil kli.r nilil, uu.l h...u J lIlU kllltl bl.: 1(1. -411111111 kind, uu.l Mllllill Hi ll t lupM) id liuiV t iill'iutt'd by the uiliibly I. .1.1. of 1I14I n.iilliil .rliiil liMtti 1 kh4i-4 m.irly rviiy b.klv I.i Ihu i..u;.i) (lutuuiiuuu 4il.iu.t ) uiid l.liii; lliu public Interval tierilii publiely ui luiuum to uur 1 .1 1 01' old sii'l m i tli'il He u' ' 't to iliuiu Idem nil ilgltlu llii duu bid tbou..iud 'liMt.-iil uuiiv. t UIIIU Ull I ll4M',u.l ill iU4 1. Id lUai- I14 Hi 410 uli.. j l.uilj l i'Hoik, luiitun'U or 4ll.lui.4i, lu d im )uu, d4li 141 )uu, .liaiuHi )H4, Ml.l.L.r il )"U, Mt UU4.', tftiiuU UUtl I4111I11 lit ball wild .HUIle .kill, lu (Uu '4tir I ill" ui )Uf lutM) kltlv l'i .ull Ik .utl iuiir. It. Ituik lu ! ki4 l. iMi l'i ' . "! llU l k" p4kl uui .U' i lii (j. ' l"k4 OH Idud4.iku 4b. ill) -Ui.UMi lt Ju 14 kllllk li i4ii Im 4uu u tm luulj bv. A id JIM 4 1. )l li.l dtuiu4 . ,11. Ike piuul b"!4 lu buuj. 4 fi il .r bum bVpU, uni Mik. .Hvit. O.l. I, M'iO. iscfllanfous. PRICES REDUCED. noOTS A SJIIOKN i , Manufactured to order at ; , g'reatly REDUCEP ntlCES, , JOHN WIU'EK, Wprnce Street, Sonbnry, Fenn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots. Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises the very best In market. Ills long exper ience In the business has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TKK.MS,STKICTI-V t'AMI. The prices of repairing nro also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Snnbnry, March 4, 1871. 'mXs s s s.s TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo are now prepared ta fiirnish nil classes with constnnt Em ployment nt home, 'the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of either sex easily earu f.om 50c. to (5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their wholo lime to the business. Boys nnd filrls earn nearly as much ns men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this un paralleled oiler i To such as arc not well satis lied, wo will send (1 to pay for the troublo of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence, work on, and a copy of Tht reoplc't Literary (.'om;tme one of the largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mall. Reader, if you wout per mancnt, profltablo work, uddross E. C ALLEN & CO., ' . Augusta, Maine. Ajirll ljl, lR7l.-pfi'ii. . a, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, FRAMES. E. fc II. T, ANtllOXY A CO., 591 Itroatlwny, Sew York, . , Invite the attention of the Trade to their cxtc bIvc assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture nnd importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEM1TE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMPORTERS ANI1 .VAXI FACTl llKltS OF Photographic Material. March 4th, J 871 ly. POMl'FKET MAXOIl CEMETERY (OMIMSY. This company Is now prepared to sell lots In tho new Cemetery, located on an eminence ntput one-fourth of a mile east of Sunbury. Tho in crease of the population of Sunbury, nnd conse quent advance in the ratio of mortality, as well as t lie limited facilities fir the Interment of those who have fought life's battle, have sr.fccstcd the organization of the above named company. Plan of Cemetery may be seen nt the office of J. A. Cake, Esq., or Lloyd T. Rohrbaeh. Price of lots from (5 to (15, nccording to loca tion. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. ROHRBACH, See'y. May 13, lS71.-tf. rUKXlTUKE ! FUHXITUIIE ! ! A XEW STOKE AT GEOHUETOWX, LOWER MA1IAXOY Township, Northumberland County, f A. AVILLIAM X EG ELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store nt the above place, will constantly keep on hand, u large and select assortment of rUHXITUUE, Comprising of Parlor nnd Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cane-Seuted Chairs ol all grades. Rocking and Kitchen Chairs, Waslitands, Bed.-leads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage. Looking-Glasscs, Window j Shades, and in short, everything usually to j be found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had nt this establishment. ! Hoping, by fair dealing and strict attention to i business, to merit tho patronage of the public. I An Invitation is extended to all desiring anything 1 in the line of Furnituic to cull and examine mv stock. I I'nriertnliiiig done In nil Its branches. Repairing done at short notice. ;J I VM. N EG ELY. Georgetown, June 11, 70.-ly. A GF.EAT IWBICAl DISCOVERY Dr. WALHEIi'S CLXFOltXIA VINEGAE BITTERS Huntlrcd3 of TtonEands 1 rr Ecsr t 'itlmnnjr In ihclr Woniler Itil curulivo kffi'C'.i. TJICY AltE A Van (-JrflNWY UKIMN.fiil ftk'.oof Poor Itiim, Wliiolic; , 1'ruui Hilril4 r.nil Rt'l'uuo I.iuuuru iloiiur,.!, r lecJ nna.r.-.ct-tm-J 14 .lCCS4lllJ lulc, cUlid"Tunxc,'".ipit2 trV' " Kckiorerc," ic, t!xl !tt.l 11 0 I pjlir cn U ilruuliciiuim kii.l lel.i, tt:t arzr Inio ?.!i il.cinc, uiiulj f.uti tlic KlUio l'.coittui Ki lliiif tullfon.la. Ore Iri.m nil Al.i-hi-lle M!i::ulai::r. Ti er cio Un ;itKA'r ut.ooii pi itji i;':t rmi a i.iff. taYINO l'i;iNCII'I.Ulr:.t'. lienuiai. r tad l4Vifomior c( tiu titiL,cjrrli , i.ti nil iiuiiunuuJ laclti'r knil rnt.ula; t'. o I li ulgk biLltl.y rtuu.tioa. j.opiri4.a iriCi tli.to bl UrJ rciculii liC.rvc ttoa ktitl rctuclu lo'.. uai.i'.l. blCU llllo tUiufurai Ini ur'. 1. 1 .(, 1 r. Mi J tlwi tuuti ira ul airiyid ty i.i.ir. I ..i-, i.r Oltur uirjuf, a.l Uu LUlt-r-.M- VL.U4 t '. l'.:a .otiit ol in elr. I'or lutluuiuiiili.l -j 1.H1I brci-Iu I: heiu::i:. . Ilmi auil tauui, :rprMlrii vr luiLtrllnn, lillioiiH, Iti-uiilleul nnd lulcruiilit ul I ctt'iu lll.i iixe. ul I be lllubtl, l.lui'i Ikiilul k, li lid llluiluer, iuii llliitiu Imi I.' ii 1 1.1 iiivr.ii In'. MiiU l.iauui in i.i" 1 ly tiilattd lilutitl. l..cl 1 ti. uurally roLCi4l7 iuk,iiuii I tll.HlJlii .llltt Olcuun. lllk'H'Ml UU I MIlGr.nHi (.'. F4 rlil, I i.i In I U J 1 1 uti.'vt., I u thill . 1 11 l.-ti. 1 1 l.k t:.c 1, I w.-.H-.j, I ii t I rui-tni.ui. 11 1...' I nw.i'i, I 4.1 1 a 1 1 il. 1 I'i.uiIi, (i.iiuu. .'.iiiL, I ci,..i..U u II 1:1. ,..-M.r, . .l.jii u.ui.u it l!-v l.ui.fc., r u lu i:.4 l.-tfi.ni 'I lM: I Ulai-y.i, 4 l.umlr. 4 vllif 4 b.ul I . ;.;.u...f I . i .. ! .i.rj. f I )im .4. t:i ) no. . .i-tj (t.c kl l .r. li fau.l .UuiuU'.l I'-.i' I r . .1 . . I ...I kit ! , . 1.1. li r. .i l. I It till . I Hi ... 1:4.1 4 1 lt..i ' , till .1. ; ll. . I . I i. . . k.l lU.Xlllktf 111 4 III; 4.. 1 V ... I I ' i ' iOMKIt IS DlnlIAt t.r. I I bt kill, lil 'l. l.l 1 , 1 1 . 1. , I .1. ; : .. I I .a .i i'l 1 i,.ti.'.ii . 1 i.'k.i . i. lllb.lv., l.UC 1 ... I. ., I -1c 1 . tl4, lu:., I . u' ', I ni.ivl . 1 u I k. 1 1 Il4 I L 4., ll t ... .14 lll.ll' 1U4 ty 41. I lul I .1 k4v 1.4. i jr i.j t 11 11.. J lUlill III t"4: l.U.M wlkllw ifvrl. t i .1 .. iii I :..i u U4lU. kkll.1 ILII 'Hi... I, I ' t't I )' 6. I .) .. . . . I ,bi I I I . lli u . il ii.ii 1 . 1. fi ibiur 1 u .1, I t. . .J.UIUI44 l .l.. H.J k. UU tl t .4l.Uulvl.. tl I f ll , 14 tul 1 I , Ui Ik I l k U, I l. I - o g 0 S WHAT ARE THEY? gr y a 1 1 1 5 1 1 s'SJr-rM si? 3? 5 XBlMf f 1 5 c Ik luiui iw.ii.uMi, ikt 4 iti a aiiii. 4 a4 .lulk U liw t.i.4 ; ku-' M kkik 11 Ul 4.1, 44 W1M I u 14 k-. ) v . - I., i. ?' tlv4 kll k4 lk k.llk ,1 k .14.1, II I Ml .V. lb, T.fKn-l.l fltllll M", ku.k4.4UII llilui ki . k I "4U. . M IfXl'lllf liw. . . I u4 Ii4 I wl 111 4:.'.,. . I l. ...If I .4 III4'4 una! 4 k ;.b , Mkl 4 I . . II I- tkfc,t M.. . t I wl i.. 4. iV, Infill r .. ' 1: i .1'. UJ i I N ,1. k I'l. I.I I I. " ... ' I.I, Ml I lll. .1. ,. v., I . I r mil n. unit : () ir c... - Stamtfacturtrs. t LORFACi:SliHIU MACIIIKC. THIS celebrated Mnehlno hi now on exhibition next door to Rrnnsc's Tin nnd Btor Store, I'.. Market Street, Nunbury, Pit. ' The Florence BcwIiir Machine stands unequal led for-bcuty nnd durability ; beln tho best Family Sewing Machine now offered lo the pub lic. . v . THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has .elf-adjusting tentinn In the Shuttle) chnnges for the' various Stitches made while, the machine Is In motirfn. 1 Its Stitches are the wonder of all for bennty and finish, belnir nllke on both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy rubrics with equal fa cility. Tho work will feed cither rifiKt or left. Runs quietly nnd rapidly. No dlfliculty exper ienced In sewinfc across heavy scams. Its mo tions are nil positive no sprint's or cok wheels to get out or order. Tho llemmer turns wldo nnd narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It U thoroughly practical nnd will Inst a life lime. Every Family mhonld Hut One. Kvcry Machine warranted to substantiate nil we claim for it. It Is the only Mnehlno- in the world that Is ca pable ol maklnir morn than oue stitch nnd having 'the revn-tf feed motion. . I Call nnd examine them, nnd the samples ol work. . , XO CHARGE FOR SIIoiVlXG. It Ilcms, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, IJiiills, Binds, Gathers, &c, without buntlii'r. It makes n pit her and sews It on a band nt one operation perfectly. Each Machine is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra chnriri:. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Machine warranted and kept hi order. Machine, Oil nnd Thread kept on hand ut nil times. GEO. W. SMITH & HRO., AircnU, ForXorth'd, Snyder, In ion and Montour Conn's. October 15, INTO. !NTcw Flonr nnd Feed Store ! It. W. Till 'KN'I'O'.V, Comer of Fourth nnd Market gtreit, SCXBURV, PENX'A, Has J net oiened n Flour and Feed Store, whero he will keep eoiistantly on hand, a general assortment ol the best brands of FLOU.R, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES. FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, and VEGETABLES cT hl liinds, nt the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11. 18Tl".-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBEE ! FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Siieccskors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and jiift lilted It up with the latest improved Ma chinery, nrc now prepared to (ill all orders lor all kinds of RILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. ite. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WpiTfl AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. Ill,I.IS, KlIl TTI.lt A nit.U HETK at tho very lowest prices. A large stock nlways ou bund. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, ,., . . FRYLING, ROW EN & ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February lSth,171. Cm. U JIItKU AMI I'MXIXU Third Street, ndjolnini; Phila. it Erie R. R., two Siiiuircs North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. 111A T. CLEMKXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber rc'iuired by the demands of the public. llavinu ull the latest improved machinerv for maiiiil'aciuriut; Limber, he is no'V ready to till or ders ui all KniiU ol FLOORINtJ, SIDING, POORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BH)S MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and alt kinds of Ornamental Pcrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.MUiE ASSOKTMCXT OP BILL LUMRER. HEMLOCK mid PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, l.at lie, iVc. Order- prompt I v tilled, nnilshlpiied bv Railroad or olliern ise. IRA T. CLEM EN T. deelll-liS:ly STOVE A TIX KNTAIII.ISIIMKXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRACSE, rroiirict.ir. st'lTKSMHI TO SMITU & UKNIUKll J nAVINti purehnsed the above well known cs tablisbmenl, Mr. Krause would resiieetlul ly inform the public that lie uow has ou hand a lurire ussortuient ol COOKING STOVES, Sjiecr's Cook Antl-Diu-t, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so urraui;ed as to be used for Coal or ood, uud are warranted to h i iorni satloiaetori ly or no sale, IILA1 r,(.S ol all kinds put up to heat oue or mora rm-n.. . lihAll.NU eTO 1.3 of dlll'ert'iit kinds ut very low prices. Tiuvt ure ol Kvery Dekerlptlen kept constantly ou hand. Roollni; uud Spouting with I be I 'CM material, ilone ut klmrt notice. REPAIRING attended to with ili.putch. Coal Oil at d Lamps con.lautly ou hand. Japan ware ol a i 'x. nils. More opposite I. on ley linnlwure store, tiivc lue u call. A. KKALSt, apl-.'My Nl XIII UV .UAItlll.K YAItl. ritHE undcrKlt;iied havlm; bought the entire X. ktiH-k of )is.im:er & Tuvlor, would inform the public that lie 1. uow ready to do ull kinds of 4f7v N tltltLi: WOltH. S (T A 1 T Has ou hand, unil iniikea to order nl ii WV HHOKT NflTH K- ItHYkV ' .U o u ii iu e nt) 4' llmtl-Stuuek), : r.r.'i Tri.. DOOR AND WINDOW KILLS AI.ii. Cemetery Po.1. w It b Gsltanliud plin; uud ull other feiieliuj ifeiu rally nsed on Cciiii-lurlc. John A.Tulor will coul luim In the einpluyinriit, ut the old .land on Market St., Sunbury. ui.ij'j'Oi Tin: OXI.Y NTOVK WITIIOIT A I' ll l.T IN THK UttFAT IIALtl. JIOUi: ITHKI'I.At H IIIEATEK, 111 IMPS II.I.UMIN ATKD UIAMONU G A8 BLllVFR. I T WMII'll PARLOR AND III AMBKKH ARK WAR UK II I UY ONE FIRE. IT Is Iba only Flrcpluc llmin llml li. a r I...I 'li.p r . I r, uud Itm Inuu puU.nn or rt. , pliwluii., ul .-111111 Ui k kj. lulu Ilia uwrtiui'iil. ll U Hie only Fln'tAi ll.al.r uh tl.. liul I 1.ioimI MrfKMSlua b) nbl. h kivjIiI llluiuluul lug Mjcf l. ..I.laln. J, lb uiillil. ul III Mull ! lu, linn, rili i iuiill) ii.iriiit.1, mid lliu IhuU Hu. Ii. ltd ol Iba gnat miy b ul lb. mat lu lun Ivki- lull. I ll U lb wily Flrt pint Hualil that U a IVl tri Iktlf i mU t t.4 Ium Iniun, only i.UUt. 1 Ulllk.fi uk)t lu Ix.ull I.hiI It.niik, ll i. lUti uuly liitpUt liM.lt f llU tittil kilting and Juui lug kiulu. llUll.a.ult llitdt- lUaUr Ub Hkdup Ui, glllug buu4aul iuiu .. . .U.., au4 Uu uui ItuUll-lug lliu giattl ilal.l. t bum uul. la lnt U U Ibf gnwt iHik'ul Ikatllw.'i flik 1 uUm ltu.t.1, tiM iui u4 i Ikt4w4 i4 Lluu.liita k'lvtlka. muit i"., y.ujii iii.nrtuur. tt.uti.it, U I ' rualb illi. H. Ottllltb, uulur, I tjaccllancous. . NEW fFIKM. nerly .VJIemperly'M Exeelntvr Gal lery f Art, Third Ktrect, Manbnry, Pi. MR. RYERLY has lntclrnddcd to his nlrcndy well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Hempcrly whose reputation ns a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled hi this part of tho country, and hereafter they w ill carry on tho photographic trade, at tho old stand under the firm name of Byerly A Hcmncrly's Excelsior Gallery or Ait, nt whose establishment the pub lic will be cheerfully accommodutcd throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs of all styles nnd slr.es rang ing from the smnll Gem to the life size portrait. Un to Byerly & Hcmperly. For tho beautiful porcelain picture which for softness of finish, nnd durability cannot bo ex CeWed, go to Byerly & Hempcrly. ' For thoftcmbrnndt photograph, now so popu lar In all om liitsre cities, and showing the pecu liar efrcet of light nnd shade, and the favorlto of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hempcrly: " . If you have nn old ' plrtnre you want copied nnd ciilargcd to any siw, nnd colored oil, water color, India ink or crayon, take It to Bcyerly & Hcmperly. If you want n frame of any size nnd nt nny price, or any style go to Byerly iW Heiiipel-ly's, nnd take n look nt their Immense stock iu that line. For Albums go to Bycrlv & Hempcrlv. iv Fn riullnre Krnltn'es mnill to' nrilcr pn In Rvii-lv it Ilcinpcrly. m short, for nnvthintr In'the Siiotft- graphic Hue, go to Byerly & Hempcrly, and yon win tie suited. . Feb. 25, 1871. FURNITURE MATTRESS, FEATHER, A!tt BEDDING WARER00M3, 44 NORTII TENTH BT., CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Feathers. Festher Reds. Bolsters nnd Pillows, Counterpanes, .Comfortables, lllaukcts, Quilts. Spring Cots, Spring Mattresses, Hair do. Husk do. do. Straw CALL AND SEE THE lVwseu M ire .Miitlros, The best bed ever offered for sale. N. R. Our intention Is to trout all customers so 'that they will become permanent dealers with us, nnd orders will receive the same ntten'tion, nnd persons can buy Just as cheap its if present at the store. March 4th, 1871. Sin. JXU. Ii. M.ATi:iS A CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STOKES, X'o. 3 Mouth Tlnt1i Street, bolow .Market, lMilliulelitlila, where they huvo opened t first-class Merchant I alluring Establishment. Our Stock consists of n fine assortment of Foreign Cloths, Casslincres and Vestimrs, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City and New York, which wc are prepared to nuiko up lu the most fashionable fctylcs, at Short No tice end Moderate Terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER & CO. Formerly with J. M. Zeigler. Dec. '.Mlh, 1S?0. 0m. I'liilui'lclpliiu ilnl i:ric Kullroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nnd after Monday, Jane .Mb, 1IS71, the Trillin on the Philadelphia it Eric Rail Road will run us follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 n m " " " Sunbnrv, M-OPhiu " " nrr at Erie, . p in Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, l'J.Iil) p in " " r Sunburv, O.oll p m " " ni l at Erie, " 7.40 a in Elinlru Mail leaves Philadelphia, 9.:U a in " " Sunbury, 4.H5 p ui ii ii. nrr ( Lock Haven, 7. Ml p in Biill'alo Express leaves Sunbury, 4..Vi a m " " nrr at illianisport, O.S."i a m Bald Eagle Mail leaves William.'.port, 1.45 a m " " " urr at Lock Haven, U.tX) p in EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erii". 1 1.50 a m " Sunbury, 1.00 am " " ai r at Philadelphia, 7.!!0 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, 0.00 p lu " Sunburv, 10.15 uni " " nrr at Phila.k'lpina, 5.S0 p m Elmiin Mail leaves Lock Haven, 8.00 a m " " Sunburv, 10.50 a in " " nrr nt Philadelphia, 5.50 pm Buffalo Express leaves Wl'.llaiilsport, 2.05 u m " " " Sunburv, 4.05 a m " " nrr nt Phlladi Iphla, 11.05 am Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven, U.M a m " " urr ut Williamsport, FJ.40 p in Mail East counecls east nnd west ul Erie with L. S. it M. S. R. W. uud ut Corry niul Irvinctou with Oil Cieek and Alleglieny R. R. W'. , Mall Wci-t with west bound trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. and lit Cony and Irvinctou with Oil Creek uud Allegheny ll. R. W. Warren Accommodation cast nnd we-t with trains on L. S. and M. S. R. W. east uud we.-t uud at l orry with O. C. and A. R. R. W. ; Erie Accommodation East nt Cony nnd west ut Corry and Iruincton with O. C. niul A R R V. Elmira Mail and Biill'alo Express make close connection at Vlllluinport with N. C. R. W. Cattawissa passenger trains will be run cast from Y!lliainsMiit on Erin Express, and west to Wllliuiiisport ou Elmira Mail. IV M. A. BALDWIN, Geu'l Sup't. sritixti axi si.Mi.it MILLINERY AND FANCY' GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, In Denit'k Building, Market S.piare, SUNBURY, FA., wheie will be found a new supply of goods, con sisting of Mlllim-ry and Faiiry Goods, HATS AND HONS FT, TRIMMED AND UN TRIM MID. A..SO, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and hoys. Flow ers of the lutc.t and liaud.omest styles. ' Sash Ribbons, plain uud figured. Ladle's Sn'iieers, Uice t'ol.irs, J.lueu C.il.n. nnd Cull I'or I. a.lles uud Cbil.lreii, Crochet collars. Nei klic. fur l-ulii. uud lii nl'. latest tyles. Sill. S.u k l.oow, a suivrlor tirtlele. Glove. Including Kid., und Iridic Buckskin glove.. Handkerchief.. All kind, of Trliiiinlni.. Eiiibruidery I'nlteru.i llu.lery for Ladies, tlellt'k uud i lllldrcil. S i, '.'ll Wild pl'llld Iritiiuiing.. TRIMMING SII.KS, ( hluoii., Zi plivr. mid Yarn., and a teueial vuricly of Noiiiiu.. Tliiiukful fur )M.t palrouat, .lie Iiop.. I bit the iii.ililv of In r iiiwU HI iu ul a euiilliiu.iiu c ol the ..line. FI.LCABK I H l.A.Alll K. April Vtl, lii I. MlMl, OtU. 4r. H I.I. il.iil of Oil. fuiiipiUliiix l.luwiril J Oil, I'.kil Oil. FUli Oil, uud I.11I.11..1I1114 Oil lor Fni; no . uu.l M.u liln.'l t , V uiul.lu., til.i.., uUai uu uaiid, ut low pnn.i.1 - 10M.KY t'l'. Tul hei'u 111 111 11 11 1 1 ) a t hare c! HHNliK AT THK "REGULATOR," I lu.14 till, ur puuliaM j lliu rnlilk lU k, y.t kill aul tluii. ut Hi. Itk'ululr lb4, lliu, T'Uiik, 1-lU.I and riudli'g kHuiti, ul i. . AbgW, n4 k III touliuu. lb. bu.iutkk kl M. plk- K.l li.alloll, luiml lutilU, l lUl . Ilull Ilxul, kUUkkr hlUfel, hi kill UV, 14. Nl..,! Iiailug ..lili.l.l.r J .uau. imut. ilU llltf Itadliig tk.auula.lUI.1. Ul 111- luuuil), t t kM u p uig Ikn luaikil li a rla.k ul ..ik ul i.U'..uU. J li( ulall.l iu4 4ulal.. II auj kkl.ll, .1 L Ilt4l Uia.l llaUH .uialil. A ! iu I) oi l k Uia4a lii il, luiui.ltiig ul tit" ks.-a.lt al. U. l"l kMabUlailai.u.. kl l.ll4,'t Ik k.lU 111 4. , v r in urui taul'my, Jiu, '.'1, l., jailroitbs. V KeailinR Itnilroml. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. JlltmtZat, May 15th, 1871. 1 GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Phihidelphia, N. Y., Read .lng, Pottsvlllc, Tamniiia, Ashland, Slmmnkin, Lelinnnn ' Allnntnwn ir..ui... L'. i ... ' . a.j. muni, i.uiz Lancaster, Columlila, &c, &c. Trninf leaVe Harrlsburg for New York, ns fol lows: At .40, MO, n. in. nnd 3.00 p. m., con liecting wilh similar trains on Ike Pennsvlvnnia Railroad, nud arriving nt New York nt 10.05 n. m., 8.50, lirid 9.80 p in. respectively. Sleeping Cart ncco,inpany the U.40 n. in., train without change. ,.!,, , Returning : Lenro New York nt 0.00 n. nn, 13.80 noon nnd, 5.00 p. m., Fhllndeldiln nt T.ilo, 8.30 a. m. and 3.30 p. in. t Bleeping Curs accom pany the S.00 p. fa. train from New York with out change. Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvlllc, Ta mnqun, Mlncrsville, Ashland, Shamokln, Allentown nnd Phlhidclphln at 8.10 n. m.v 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., utoppinir nt Lebanon and principal way stations i the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadclphlu, Pottsvillo nnd Co lumbia only. For Pottsvlllc, Schuylkill II aven And Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna. Railroad, leuve Hnrrisburg ut 3.40 p. m. , ' Bnn Vennsylvanin Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Enston nnd New York nt 4.3J, 10.80 a. m., nnd 4.05 p. m. Returning, lenvo Newlork at 0.00 a. m., 1 a. 80 noon nnd 5.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.L'0 n. m. 12.25 noon. 8.15, 4 25 nnd S.35 p. in. . i. ;--Wuy Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia n't 7...0 a. in., connecting with similar train on Fas;. Pciinn. Railroad, n'.nrnlng from Reading at 0.21' p. in., stopping nt nil stHt-oim. ; Leave Pottsville ut '.00 a. m. nnd 3.80 pi ,m..Hi;Yndon, iit 10.00 i. m.i Shnriiokln at 5.4Qand 11.15 n. in. ; Ashland at '7.05 n. nn,' 'Si J.48 nooiit Mahanoy Cijy nt T.5I n. in. nud 1.30 p. -n. lainaqua nt ti.a.. n: in. nnd ..10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York.Otri? Harrisbnrg,&c4 Leave Pottsville via Schi'.p ill nbfl Susuue. hnnna Railroad nt 8.15 a. m. for HarH.lmri'. :it. 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove and Treinonl. ' ) Rending Aceoinmodatlon Train leaves Potisi vlllent 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7.30 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.-.'0 u. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Rend ing at 7.55 p. in. arriving nt Pottsville ut 0.40 p.m. PotKtonn Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 0.30 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia, at 4.80 p. m. Columbia Riiiirond Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. in., nnd 8.15 p. lu. lor Eplnata, Litiz, Lancaster. Columbia, fee. Perkiouien Rail Road Trains leave Perklonicu Junction at 7.17, 0.05a. in., nt 3.00 nnd 0.00 p. ml Retui ning.lenve Schwenksvillc ut (1.80,S.10 a. in.', 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains lenvc Pottstown nt 0.40u. in., l.lSand 0.45 p. in., returning lenvo Mt. Pleasant nt 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., nnd 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at S.30 a. m., 2.05and 5.32 p. in. returning, leave Downington ut 0.40 u. in., 12.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Read ing Kailroail. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. nnd 3.15 p. m.. (the S.00 a. in. tram running only to Reading;) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. in., ieavc' Harrisburg, 2.40a. in., nnd 2.00 p. m.; leave Allentown nt 4.25 nnd 8.35 p. m. i leave Reading at 7.15 a. in. and 0.50 p. in. for Hnrrisburg, at 4.32 n. m. for New York, at 7.20 a. m. f ir Allcnlown nnd nt 0.40 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. lor Pliiliulel'ii. Comminution, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, lo and from all points nt re duced rates. Bagirage checked through : 100 Pounds Buy gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. it Eng. Mnch'ry. or f lu-r ii Cenirul ItailuHj. SPRING A R 11 A NGF. M EN T. ON nnd niter Juno 17, 1871, trains will rim as fallow . , NORTHWARD. BulTalo Express leaves Sunburv at 4.50 a. nV.', arrive at Williamsport at 0.55, 'Elmira at 10.55 a. iu., Canaudaigun 2.15 p. m. .Mini leave Minbiiry at 4.30 p. m., arrive at Wiilium.-poit 0.25 and Elmira 10.35 p. in. Fast I. in- leave Sunburv at 0.45 n. in., arrive at Wllllam-port ft.40 p. im. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunburv nt 4.10 a. in., arrive at Harris. burg 7.05 a. in.. Baltimore 10.40 a. in. Leave Minlimy, 10.20 u. m., arrive at Harris burg l.l'O p. in. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 a. in., arrive at Har lisburg 12.55 p. m Baltimore. U.Oll p. in. Leave Sunbury ut 1.10 a. iu., arrive ut Harri burg 3.35 a. in. SIIAXIOKIN DIVISION. KASTWAHK. Iave Sunburv at 4.40 p. in., arrive at Sluuno kin 5.55 p. in., Mt. Cariucl 0.40 p. in. Leave Sunbury (A.'coiuiuu.hitioii,) ::t 11.5ja. in., uriive at SliainoUin 1.00 p. in. WI'SIWAKI). Leave Mt. Carniel nt S.C5 n. in., arrive ul Shainnkin .i:! a. in., Sunbury 11.55 a. in. Leave Saainukln ( Accommodation,) ul 2.45 p. in., arrive, ut Sunbury 4.1KI p. in. Express leaves daily Leaving on Sunday, rum North only to Willlaiiispoil. Ail other trains leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. 'En. S. Yot so Geu'l. Sup't., Geu'l Passeii'r Ag'l., Harrlsburg, Pa. Balimore, Mil, I.IM'litlvviliiitu unit Itlooiiisbur;; f'.itil ruud. SPRING ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 171. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Scruuton, 0 45 3 lj 0 30 5 40 1 00 Bellcvue, . 0 50 0 35 5 45 I OS Taylo. ville, 0 57 0 5 53 1 15 Lnckuuumi.i, 7 05 0 51 0 03 1 Im pulsion, 7 14 3 50 10 Oil IS 13 1 35 West Piltston, 7 10 10 05 0 IS 1 45 Wyoming, 7 4 00 10 la 0 25 1 55 Mullhv, 10 IS 0 31 U Oil WNcV, T 8 0' 8 10 Plvmoulli June., 1 10 4 0 5u Plymouth, 7 50 4 54 10 55 C 55 Naullcoke, H IKI ; f 10 HunliH-k't, 8 OT 7 17 rhk'Miliuiv, 1 8 '-"' 4 55 7 85 llll-k'k Ferrv, 8 30 Bcuch Haven, 8 43 5 15 Bel lek, 8 50 5 i Briar Creek, 0 00 Lime Ridge, 0 10 j I F..py, U "JO 5 43 Blotiini biirg, 0 '.'7 5 50 ltiiH-lt, U 35. 5 57 t'liliialhia, U 40 li trj Danville, 10 l'5 tt S3, i bubi.ky, 10 15 ( "11 un-it.ii, 10 Ul Nuitli'd, (arrive.) 10 40 6 65 Northward. A.M. P. M. I.i ae. Nuiihuiiibt'ilau.l, Ciiiiii-iun, CbiilH.k , li.uiville, Citl.iw l..a, Uiinil, IIUmHiiiI.ui Fi y, I. lun- lti.lt..-. Hi l.u t n. I, IUrl.k, lle.11 l llaVt'll, lilt W. el l) , Mil. k.lilnn. , IIuiiIih k', Saulii.iki-, Pllll.lUlll, l'l 111. mill Juuv., kiut'luii, ik I .1. W.lkui. i 1 r. Ma. II.). )Ulllllg, Mill I'ill.l.aj, II. l.l.U, l-ai Lu naliua, I 4 ll.l lilt, lb IU I Uk, Ktiauluu, (aiilvt) 10 45 II 17 II 41 11 4i II :i 14 00 li 10 I I . 14 ij l i uw I 1 I I 35 I 40 A. M. 45 00 P. M. V U A 14 bo SO I 5 w u u 11 41 U hi 5A ol OA M HI '41 StS ? tl 141 I hS tfo 1 tj li lJ I ol I'A 1 li s. 4 I It I w I M t 44 I fci VI o utwu r. iui mi, uu'i. grlMllwrMl ItMf ltt-tU, Ul'l kl.lalu H A. 4 kl..l 411.I Inn 11 11.I. u H .k... I ..... ... I i II.... li. i i.i, u .1., II4UMI. au4 II. I ,uk, lilt, aii'l iii.la kM )t It. i, In 4111 I . 41 1 , t 1 -i.t 1. k 1 ,, ia, f lllia.l, ...g.i. aul I- y t I. .I.I., tiiil.. .1 ait., fauuu.- VJ l .... .1 all .1... II I k.ul., U'k . r.u , .iUIl .1 H I H.....I 111...... I .i lii... tt...., I k i ,11 I.. 1 1., I I 1 1. a l . " t l'. 11 .V l'' , 4 i 1.1 1 .m. M '-'J. il i I 11 f'lM.r Jk m k III