unburn American. SUN BURSJUIAT2, 1871 llnilrond Time Tables). N. C. R. W. East. I P. E. R. R. West. Buffalo Ex I've 4:10 m Eric Mull, I've 3:10 n m Erlo " "10:20 " BullUlo Ex. " 4:50 " KfcnlraMnlt " 10:95 " KlmlraMall" 4:S0pm Kilo " " 1:10 " , Erlo Ex. " 0:15" SU.VVOKIN DIVISION N. C. R. W. I.KAVR AHIIIVN -Sunbury nt 1 1 :f0 a Di At Sunbury 9:M ft m " 4:40 pm I " 4:00 pm D. II. & W. R. R. Lenvc Sunburv :55 n. m., 4:P.5 nnd C:50 p. tn. Arr. nt Huiibnry llh'W u m, 0:9iUiuid 8:40 p in. fcVwal Affaire. Sewing Mi:iiisi.s.-M's Caroline Dnllus la tho Hgcut for tho snlo of tlio three best Sewing Machines In existence, vlr. i "Tlie Improved Sinner," "drover & Baker" nnd "Domestic," which arc "constantly on liand nnd sold nt rea sonable price. Call and fee them. Office on Market street, cist of the railroad. Money. Wc uro much In want of money, nnd must lmvo It. Tlio printing press, like nn cu t;lno, must be kept constantly oiled up, nnd greenbacks or a mixture of gold, silver nnd nlckct lire tho best Ingredients to keep tlio press going. Wc have a largo amount chaiicd on our books nnd would be obliged to our friends If they would make prompt settlement, as wo nre not In cir cumstances to lay out of our money expended for stock nnd wages to hands. Try nnd do this .much for us ; you will reap the benefit ns we intend lii a few ii.""ths to remove Into quarters where we can give bettor satisfaction, nnd make such Improvements i.s wld be benclicbl to every reader of tho Ami.iucan. Wo would also be thankful If our friends .lirougliout the county would give us further encouragement In our project by nlinjr us n w lists of subscribers In their nci.;hb..rh''nd.'. The more Interest taken In tho circulation or the- AMrttK'AN, tho greater will be tlio benefit to each subscriber. Uot'SB roil Sale. Tho valuable house und lot on lliu Soulh-Wcst corner of Fourth nnd Pel n Streets, Is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at this Olllco. Koit Kent. Two rooms, suitable for olllces, n IJoliilng the Po-t Olllee, near the Masonic Hall building, on Third street, Sunbury, are offered for rent on rrujaunblo terms. Apply to Cit'.s. Oauixcumu IM.ur.osAi.. A. 1 M. S. S. f S. C . F. C. A. F. M. C. S. RCvuir.i. porta Water drawn from that cle- i mil Soda Fountain nt Dr. Moody's Drug Store. .a. . i'ist receive 1, n nuniber of popular fronts nnd French calfskins, at the Regulator. - - - Tun Hebrews of Wtlli.'.mspoi t have determined to bulid a Synagogue in that place. Tun brick work of Driinihc'.lcr's Hotel has been finished, and workmen are now engaged In rooilug tlio building. J. D. C.u.nwiii.L, Ksij., lias been appointed Post Master nt Wutsontown, tills county, vice Wagner,' resigned. It Is expected there will be n brilliant shower of meteors between tlio 'MlU and u'Jth of this month and everybody should get ready to watch the skies. . Mitchell's New Gknkhai. Atlas. We have puichased a, copy of tills excellent Atlas, which contains 100 maps with nil tlio railroads nnd other Improvements. It Is cheap at ?10. Jt unn Joiidas has nearly completed tho addi tion to his residence In Chestnut street, nnd modified tho entire front with hit lied cornices over tlio windows, painted white, giving the w hole a unit and handsome nppcaraucc. - -o- Wk see it stated in tho Lewisburg Chronicle tl.nl Jos. 11. McCnll and Win. Seurls, Jr., of that place, have leased the Vankirk House, nt Nor thumberland, and will take possession in a short time. Gi'Miinv ami I.KwisTowx Kailkoao. The I.ewislo in Guttle says that tliis road progresses, nt the Lewl.town cad, at the r.ite'of more than hall a mile ti day, and the track Is now laid down for a distance of eleven miles from that place. At some points on the road work is being done night and day, and i irvthlng Indicates a speedy completion of the road. The Ki lLlUNU Association. 'I ho regular meeting of the Fort AuguM.i Mutual Loan and lluildiiig Association will he held on Thursday evening of next week. The old Association will hold its monthly meeting on the follow ing Friday evening. The handsome building now being erected on the corner of Third and Market streets, by Mr. Ira T. Clement, is rnpldiy Approaching comple tion. The exterior Is now iwviving u coat of paint, preparatory to tani'lug, which will udd greatly to its appearance. Miss Auua Painter's huliding, adjoining, w ill Lo ready for oceiipaucy In a few days. Ice Col l Soda Water, with u largo collection of syrups to suit our patii'iiage. The most pala table and refreshing drink for lad! and gentle men, on u warm summer day or evening, at Dr. Mm. nv's Drug Store Market Sijuare, Sunbury, Pa. The pic tile of the (J. rni.ni It.-furiucd Sunday School look place on Thursday last. Tint grove near Haas' mill, about one mile ea.it of Sunbury, w as selected for the occasion. A Hoi' came o.i ii the hull of I lie Huuhtiry Flro Company on 'I'm , day ivcnli:; l.i-t, which was well attended, ami the dl-ciplc.i of Terpsleoru seemed In enjoy themselves veiy ninth. The pruct eds of the hop are In be u vl in the piucha of uiiiloiini for the 1 1 u-1 ii ' l of the i.u company. llnukK a I.t-.i. On Saturday evening hu-l, Mr. Sol. Mndi, of this place, Icuiln:; c itUc lu hl lot, unit to diive them out, and in Jumping over 11 fence , fell Kil l bloke hi. Ii ub.AC ll.e itua.lt, Iriicli.ilm; t!,u In, lie fur scleral llich.a ill length. Dr. F. I.. Il.tiipt n.ia tailed uu wl.uail Hie lunli, und he la li..w d'.luii as ucll us can Uu i.pcclcd. A. V II nil K, E.i., ol tliu place, hat rceiii4 till) lippoinllml.t ol Attorney ah t I.im al Agi-lll lor NuillimnbiiLiiid tuuiiiy, lur llui National C.l llpclallVU II Line.. Aifeitey, h,rr ap. J ..ialuieiil, U la lit bu.lm In t.itli cl mi l itiuk 1 plUalloiK for Li.unlin und ( . uiuii-- to piu. ctil llpp.lealii'US (or patent, an. I ll t.ille. t t Li I an (jiiieiully. He l 1 1... . 1 ali ullVlnl i f l-eu.l .ii, bounty, u n t p..l. .1 l.l.uA., u ta.ei.li ll.ia t 111 b I , c UM u Wu'hinliiU a i, tlalma f'ui.t uu) pait u fca touiity oilU inlalaly uu I dnsi. It. tlL-aUt a.n. I u i lUimliaij iki liioi'iuuio ll.y a poibluiunt L ii li. wiu.-i k J.,ai lit. I "I I), , ol u;.v.Li, huiinUu lant ul fl.U.K plllilH.4. 'U Itli-I4tu -) Do !' t."U 1 4 ku4 iaa. I b i ll. a Um lot " "il )aula t) uiil U.l,l.l-I u llta d-.llt, Juo, IUUII4.U4U, . , lii i 'au., a yua.i.l.aJ, '"i"" Da L i.pi.iii, 4.(1) ulUu.luuia .. ll.S uitt. ui IImIIUI.mi., ua,4 aa.44ll,( I i u- .1 ll. tuu i .( it. l, .4. i, i,j,j l'-l !,!'! lu u .a, III I lie (.ll ,.u nibwut i it' ...I ii ) i. ) I j Ul. j .ii.i, , Destructive Hail ard Raim Storm. One of the most destructive hall storms that we have had for many years, visited a belt of country be tween McEwcnsvlllo and Mnucy, on Sunday af ternoon. The extent of the storm was about 13 to IS miles In length and about three la width, nnd lnsted several hours. Our Informant, Ex Shcrlff Henry Reader, who visited the scene says that the cntlro corn and oats crop In Black holo Volley and neighborhood Is wholly destroyed, and potatoes cut to pieces. Tho crop on tho farm of Robert Montgomery was entirely destroyed ns was that aj Messrs. Russcl & Wilson, nnd others In this county. In some eases the roof or barns and houses were demolished. Windows wcro blown out nnd houses Inundated with hail nnd water. One man In Lewis township had part of his foundation walls washed away by the rush of water, nnd next morning took three w agon loads or hall stones out of his cellar. Tho fruit crop on many farms was ulmost totally destroyed" The destructive effects of tho storm reached Muncy, breaking windows nnd destroy ing fruit nnd garden crops, but was less violent than below tho Muncy hills, whero .Its was more destructive. Wc also hear of the destructive effects of the storm In portions of Wyoming nnd Bradford counties. Glen Rock nnd Shrewsherry post offices, In York county, have been designated as money older offices by the Postmaster tiencral. It seems strange that Sunbury, with a population nt least live times as great us either of tho above places, Is denied the privilege of the money order system nt her Post Olllee. A strong appeal should bo made to tho Postmaster Oeueral nt Washington, to have It accomplished, as It would bo of great benefit as well as accommodation to our citizens. I.itti.r Wanderi:!!. A small boy, npparuutly ubout ten or twelve years of age, nnd giving his nanio ns Christ. Huues, has been wnnderlng about this neighborhood foi'.Rnvernl weeks, lie begs vlluuls from the citizens nnd sleeps lu store boxes or In empty cars nt night. The poor Com missioners took charge of him nud giivo him a place at the poor house but he preferred his free dom and hence continues to wander around the streets. Ho says lie came from Sunbury but don't know anything; V.loi!t his parents. lhui vllle American. The boy referred to above, came to this place soino live weeks ago and wandered nbout tho streets for n week and then disappeared. Ho stated tlmt ills parents wcro living at Danville,' nnd that they wcro poor, that his mother was sickly and his father spent nil his earnings for whiskey, and that ho concluded to do for him self, Lig:itnino. The Lewisburg Chronicle, of last week, speaks us follows of tlio damage done by lightning In I'nlon county, during the late storm : 'During tho recent violent thunder showers, n number of buildings throughout the county were struck by lightning, lu Lewis township, Henry Orwig's barn received a stroke, wliieli did some damage to tho building, and nlso killed ll cow. A barn situated near New Berlin, belonging to Adam Gottlieb, was destroyed, together with the entiio crop of grain and hay, wagon, farm im plements, Ac. Tnsuinuce a little over f 000." From the Mifllinburg Teleymjih we gather tho following additional items: "Tho thunder stoiins have been unusually severe the past few I'.uys. The lightning nud wind did considerable damage lu various sections of tho country. A shock of wheat was struck nnd consumed on tho farm of Henry Ruhl, in West Buffalo. The barn of Andrew llauck, In Buffalo, was struck but no damage done except n few shattered boards. On the farm of Mr. James Irwin six, troes were struck. A large number of trees were blown down In Lewis township. We nlso heur that considerable damage from the storm was caused lu White Deer and Gregg." Damage nv Lightning. The thunder and lightning which accompanied tho storm on Sun day evening was terrific. It seemed ns though every bm st of tho electric clement was destined to commit destruction. While tho congiegutlon was assembling for worship in tho Baptist Church, und before service had commenced, tlio lightning struck Uie conductor of that building nud rau dow n as far as (ho roof where, tho rod being disconnected, it passed Into the church scattering the shingles on tho roof tearing off tho plusleiing uud liuully made its exit out of the window situated lu the southwest corner do ing considerable damage to the building. At tho time of the uecldeut two men wcro standing lu vestibule directly in the course of the lightning. One, named Ed. Clark, was badly injured nnd had Ills boot torn Into shreds. The other, Isaiah Hieksou, was only slightly Injured llmicille I .ImeriYill. On Sunday evening last, during the heavy thunder storm that visited this section, the house in which Mrs. Susan McDuuicls (daughter of J. M. Sassenian. Eso..1 resides. In the uniier en. I of -Wilton, was struck by lightning, which, after pushing through the weatherboards uud plaster ing, was attracted by n kulfo lu tho hands of Mrs. McDanlcls, und passing from tho knife struck Mrs. S. below tho right kuee, and theuco down the limb tearing the shoe from tho foot und entering the cellar. Mrs. McDanlcls' escape from deivtli was u narrow one. .Villuniiut. List of letters reniuinlng la the Sunbury Post Office from July to July It, 1S"1 i Barrett, James ll.mpl, Mrs. Magglo Heady, James Hopkins, 11. J. Beaver, Mar.li .t Co. llouiali A: Douglass Bliss, Miss Louisa llovertou John Hover, tins Hull, Mi.s l.izjilo Buyer, Mrs. Mary K. Mellugh, Catherine Blown, Mr. (U.ll.Con) 3 (Foreign, liurallon, Mr.. Mary lckhoff, Martin. Burns, C. K. (IM(.UuU)Kulley, Wm. A. fuse, Kalph Kociucr, I aae Chamliurlln A Slilpmau King. Henry Campbell, Mia. Mary Klock, tlnleu '3 I 'UK 111, II . II. Dolicrcr, Uev. A. 11. Mclloliougll, Daniel (I irranay, Miss Sarah Gardner, Mrs. Maggie Uii.klua, Jnbii W. Gross, Jacob Giiviier, Mailln Giuiilii-li, Henry lluikllis, Misa (,'xU) Muun-r. Mr. Mary Magrnder, II. C. -J Meers, John (ForcL'u.) Miller, I), ti. Sfti-mt'-tl lls-cn I'elinsil, Solouioii Seaut.tU, Fitd. J. Shu. i. ii, Mia Sarah 'J huillli, Mr.. Anbiey II. 'l'allliir, Mia Mai Uih Teatiul, Fritueia Vaiiklik, Mia. fiilhcrliiti Wuahburu, Mra, Dacur Waller, J. V. Waunca, Mia. Durell We.ticr, John C, ll.mp, Mrs. Mag 11.11 UlUgll, lieu, W llaupfar, Allied Hall, Bin. a. ( 0. Il.l.a, Wm, I l.l lena. (Jay llarila, Ju.epli ul. o, K. I ii .ii. ... i. .i . .i ' ii.uu.ien, jiia. tfoaeiiau Tuuiisla, M ill, J. J. Km ill, P. M. Aiuo.r 4 Cori4t.i4tiii!. Tlw Ni.iiliuru ( eiilial railmiy In Idjje, ul Mllltnaburtf, aa dia. ! ct.urv.l In bo uu Uie la. I Kalunlay ulliiuuon, by t Mr. Julill HolUiuiiu, mnpli.yt-J u ,u eu a bulea UuvulU I bo liUa. u ,iot,t,tJ lu llto .14 I fu'U h. mo llui iimkii 4 Htu Uauln.-, uud, ilh IUo .,l.l.me of utne uf n,B hujjIu uf : llw Nuiilicm t aiilial raiUay, ueieU4 In ,. tlllijUlallillK li Dltf b. fulu Ub) Mllou. UaUIUijo , ba l U.it ilmiti, a4 bia iKiuntd lu lha iilubl, ' s:ihaa llm t.a.tl Je.liu.n.iuuf lbs bll.lga UUI4 I I. alii bi. u b lnu'l. -a. 1'WHSU Itotkiiij au iou.tt.iUbl it. l limn U4. or VV. II, J,U, ( atil.l.,, u,mAi ,Ul- l,uul atul,,WM Uaik-t illl, fcie. It, ..iltu,,, U IJ lit-w, k4 i m. un4 .. uua (.uiu4 .iil Ik.t ti bi. a, tUk.t tu4 lkMi k al Mtalauawtal, .1 lUmll ab4 Ulaii. hi . J. u i u, , w ILU U.4, J,ia,ba4 lb 11m aMttltll lllUl.b bl aWllblu., W4 Ski. 4 J W4. Bvpremr Court or Frns'a. Hamford v. Keefer. t. A promise of Indemnity Is broken by a recovery of a Judgment ngalnst the pro misee. 2. Tho discharge of a defendant nrrcRtcd on a ca. fa., unless nt his request, Is a satisfaction of tho judgment. 8. A constable who had taken a bond of Indemni ty to sccuro him In making n levy and snlo, hud a Judgment recovered ngalnst him on that account, and had been so arrested nnd ills elutrgod, Is still entitled to recover the costs of the litigation, Ac, from the obligor. Error to the Common Picas of Northumberland county. . Opinion by Keah, J. Delivered March 18th, 1871. In this case tho court below directed the Jury to find a verdict In favor of tlio defendant, but delivered no opinion nnd nsslgned no reasons. Wc arc therefore obliged to collect the naturo of the plaintiff's claim, and of the defendant's de fence, from tho meagre record before us, usslstc-d by the paper books of the parties. It Is undoubtedly tho law, that a promise of Indemnity Is broken by tho recovery of n judg ment ngalnst tho person to whom tho promise was made, and ho may maintain an notion upon It, without proof of the payment of tho Judg ment, Stroh v. Klmmel, 8 Watts, 157) Bank v. Douglass, 4 Watts, 05 Carman v. Noble, 0 Barr, SCO, S71 ! Gardner v. Grove, 10 S. & R. DJ7, Illy, Tllghmun, C. J. Miller v. Howry, 3 Peuv K. S74. A judgment before n Justice, was obtained by George Keefer ngalnst Israel fl. Dnnklebergcr, on the 7th of May, 1S59, for $47.40, nnd on the SOth of July the execution was returned "no goods found." On tho 22d of August, 1859, George Keefer gave John Hamford, constable, a bond of Indemnity, and on the next day, nu i','i execution Issued to said John Hamford, consta ble, whklij on the 3'i;h .September was returned "no goods found," and on tho 81 h October, 1S50, a jituriiu execution Issued to John Bamlbid, cou stuble, who on the 20th October returned "levied on one mule, and sold for $1:5 and money paid into cfllce," which was received by George Keefer, who entered, "received satisfaction," on the docket. Jonathan Dunkleberger commenced nn action of trespass against John Bamford, for the taking of tlio said mule, and recovered a judgment against him for $3lG.5t. This suit was "defended by George Keefer, who employed counsel. This suit Is brought by the plaintiff against the defendant to recover tho amount of the said Judgment, and nil damages sustained by him. In answer to tills, tho defendant nlleges th.it the bond docs not apply to this case but In this we think he errs, and his action proves that ho thought ho did. But his real defeuco is, that upon a ciyrfas iii' Mtifticlcnihim issued by Dunkle berger, on his judgment, Bradford was taken In executiou, and discharged by tlio plaintiff's attorney, under the following order to the sheriff: "The sheriff Is hereby requested to discharge de fendant nt tlio co: -U of tho plaintiff." This w hole sul ject Is considered, discussed nnd decided in Magniac v. Thompson, 15 Howard, -SI . and there Is no doubt, that at common law, this Judgment Was satislled, and the exception made by the Cist section of tlio Act of Kith June, 1SII0, only applies whero the discharge Is lit the request of the defendant. But this does not dispose of the case, for the plaintiff Is clearly entitled to such costs and charges ns ho has been put to, and such damages ns he has sustained by a litigation running through seven years and upwards, and ending in his incarceration. Judgment reversed nnd venire He novo award ed. J'itlsburij Lciul JuwimI. "OlisKBVlin," correspondent of this place to the .Vifwiiiiii, gives the following list of names of the Sheriffs of Northumberland county, from the time of the origin of the county, lu 177:2, to the present time. The first Sheriff, Geo. Naglo, acted lu both Northumberland and Berks coun ties, until the chrrtion of his successor, William Cook t (ieorge Nagle, from April to Oct. William Cook, U years, from October, William Seliull. I 1"S 177i 177.) 1771) 17711 1 7X-J 17S.3 17111 17'J4 17U7 lS.lt) lsoa ISuU lWJlt 1SPJ 1M3 1(S1 1 m:.' I lh-J IS'JT lv.ii) l;::j lSull ISo'J l5vl:J lMa IMS 1W1 1S3 1 18a7 ISO J 1m;:i ISIKi lsii'J Joiiathnn Lodge, 2 James C'rawforil, Henry Antes, '1 lioinus (inint. ti t do do do do do do do do -do do do do do do do do do do dj 1o do do do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do tin i, do do do do do do tin tin do do do do do do do do do do Martin Williington, I lavel Uoaii, Jolin Brady, Hubert Irwin, Henry Vanderslicc, Jared Imiu, Daniel Lebo. Thomas Painter, Walter Brady, William Shannon, James K. Munition, Martin Weaver, Jacob M. Kinney, Peter Lazarus, Henry Header, (ieorge W. Kielil, Henry U ussier, Felix" Maurer, Tlios. A. Billiiigstoi James Covert, William i. Uipp, Henry Wi. e, James Vainly ke, David Witldron, Win. M. Weaver, Daniel Beck ley, John U. Heller, Majoii David Taouaiit, of Northumberland, pay-muster in tho U. 8. A., has beni Invited to deliver the address at the licit State Ajiicultural Fair, to be held in Portland, Oregon. We uro glad our former neighbor and esteemed frlviid is appreciated by tho people of tho 1'aclflc Coast, among whom he lias been stationed for the lust year. He Is now visiting his family at .Northum berland. The LaUy (Jimjun H.ilUl'.n pays the Major the follow lug w ell merited ctiiupiiiiiciil I "The selection of Major Taggarl Is a good one. He la one of Hid class m Vuiij Iv.inia farmers who are thorough In lliclr hbaa of lai til ing. He la nu i.Mlcer ol high rank nud Ineiit In the Culled biatea urmy, uud in Hint capacity has aeen uud closely observed the ugiicuilural und oilier features uli.t re.ourccs ol iieuly every Slate in the I nlou. tsimw be came In Oit ,'nii lei has traveled ou-r the bole Male i-.uil llkewiao Ibroiigh much of Waahlni;tim Terrllory, bolh In the Sound UU4 Hie Upper I oluint.i.i din-io.j and the pux.l llial Lu baa bad Ina eye wide us-u to neail) everuliln.' worthy i.l'tili.enall.iu wbeivitr he baa traveled baa limply appeared in Uie eul uiuua of I lie Wii.liln-V.u ( ArmiHii and I be flilla delpbhi (, paHM. of largo iliciilalloit uud much Influence. W halo ln.ileiiliy (jiveu ex. Iruela fioiu the my Inleri-aliug uud .tluablu blleia de.erlptne ol l)ic,-i,ii writlen by Major Taiigcit. Au u.l.lreaa Iiuiii him ul Hie dale Fuir would bu veij sure loultiuil nu nuueu.iiiy large toiioiiiiae." I. (. or It. M. Thu (iie.il t omull of Ihe Im ploVrd Order of Hid lien, UU lla uniiUal aeaaiou lit l'llaillu Uuiillg I lie past ttt.U, uu l a slleudcd by le.ie.nilaliuu fu.ui Iiraily ull the lilliea lu thu Male, t balUr. eit- ,-iaul-rd for Ue liila-a lu thia county, lu Im local, d ul bbaliuiklu, NoilliuitiUilaiid and VVulautos. bl kl4 Hi UlMlb I'll) Sits. li l'le.li)l.lUl4 buiiday SM-btHd bcl4 pie uie uu I liasaila) uf la. I Meet, lu U")4' liloVU, lul lilt, I. He. tl a. UU plMeuUl It IU iHi ua, OH mil Ultatilu lu auta au)llili.gm ienai4 lu ll, e.p u Iraiu Ibejf k4 4 plca.uul ll.ue, Nl laaiiil.- M oi4l4 tall Ilia alUntUju uf lUa U luaU I uuuvil, u4 iiusuub ulbulllua, lu lbs lnl.iltiabla situtk nii.iug fiuib lb .Uubltr. Luusa ua, Ua cuiurr uf lueu4 auuu4 .lie.u. ll it muu.U lu iua au spldtiuav tit U UWBI. tUl i)Ou4. lattaakS kit uvua I Uiao. - uuiau bbitb a a Ul Ibf f'4 11m! fiuiu, al Ika uuwu..4W ...t, U u.a -(U4i, U .villus uN bl luju.k.i. laa.uf t at, ti luStl put., luaw tau U ful.1,4 aaL.U tt. IUU.44 M m .nu, 4 1 lllu4 u4 Maibd U )vl.i1 )w4 i It ha b limb uf Ika obxis kujt. Am cloctloD of officers for the Lehigh nnd East ern Railway, was held nt this plncc, on the I5th Inst., resulting ns follows t President, S. F. Kase, Danville, Directors Homes Ramsdnlc,' New burg, N. T. i C. Burnett, Stroudsburg, Pa. t 8. P. Wolvcrton, Sunbury, Pa. ( Hon. Harry White, Inilliitin, P.i. Lorenzo D. Robins, F.lcysburg, Pa. t J. II. Kase, Danville, Pn.j Hon. I. S. Mon roe, Cuttuwlssn, Pa. Sol. Mai.ick, Esq., has sold his frame dwel ling, on Market street, to Robert Campbell, of Upper Augusta township, for f 3,500. Hon. Jso. B. Packek and W. B. Fowle, Eq., General Manager of the Mineral It. R. and Min lug Co., wero lu town' on Tuesday nnd Wednes day arranging for tho trnnsfor .of tho Cameron Colliery to the Company represented by tho lat ter named gentletnnu. The purchasers take pos session on Monday next, nnd will, wo under stand, nt onco commence such alterations and Improvements ns will greatly Increase the already large capacity of this flue operation. Sl.ainoliiH Herald of last wft Trial List for I lie work cotnntrucing August llih.lHTI. John Hamford vs Georgo Keefer. Patrick Boyle vs John Hans i: Co. Edw. T. Druinheller, Adm'r of Jos. Smith, rfee'd Vs L. T. Uohrbacb, Adm'r of Jacob Kulu b.icli, deceased. J W Filling & Son vs Sam'l Ptaley & l ydia P(a ley, his wife, owner or reputed owner, and John 8assumnn, contractor. Jacob B Getter vs County of Xorthunibr-rlan l. Jos 1 McKce, Rob't Mekee, Jrvs Uobeit McKoo. William Conrad vs John Foy, Adm cum testa men, nunexo of Daniel Conrad, dee'd. D J CaMiam, J D Council vs Dun'l Ikekley, Franklin Chirk, Jos Chirk, Hiram T Gray and Ira T Clement. 8 B Cowley vs C F Huff. The Henry Clay Coal Company Vs Grant it Bro. Craig. & li'.ancbard vs Im T Clement. Charles Blanchnrd vssame. Do.lgo & Co. vs same. Samuel Whitman vs Frederick Krebs. James Roarko vs Tho Enterprise Coal Coinpanv i t ul. i Nicholas Curran vs same. Catharine Duud vs same. Hawley, Blanchard oi Co vs Ira T Clement. Henry" James & Co vs same. Craig & Blanchnrd vs I T .t II C Clement. Herman Snyder vs John II Conrad. Craig ei Hlanehnrd vs I T Cloment. Same vs John Sliissler. Same vs Charles Reiulmrt. Same vs Jeremiah Savidge. Catharino Reed ct ill vs The Catnwlssa R. Ii. Co. Alice E Brown, Administratrix vs Jos W Cake. I M Cake vsJ WCakc, Post, Smith K Co vs llainmer A (,'o. Got Troxel ct nl vs Dau'l Beekiey, ShT. Jno Vought, Endorsee vs Isaac J Sober. Robert Graliii in vs S P Wolvcrton, adm'r of II. Bellas, dee. William Lewis vs James Mulnr.c. Joseph Albert A Co. j Terrence lui'm. S 1 hlavmaker's f is Jeremiah Savidgu. F Zimmerman ct al vs V Kluse. GliANll Jl ltOllS FOR Isaac ShilHer, Point, Daniel R Geist. Up M:ih Geo Barns, Watsontown Win 11 Lerch, Mt Car bo Hen Stahlncekcr. Jordan B F Bonghner, Shamok John Sliissler, Shiuuokiii Nath Kahris, Wush'ton Daniel lletrick, " Win Conrad, Sliamokin John KUnger, Mt Curtp James Krogun, " ArocPT Tnr.M,ls7I. Jno Bingiiniaii, L. Malta ' lias Bueher, S.iiihury Jacob Spotz, L. Mali'oy Jos Haves, Delawai J Geo W'Border " Geo Kline, Northtim'lnj Jae il utelilcr, Sliamokin Chas Neuhait. Tiirbut John Ilaiipt , Cameron K tlolinson, Norlhuuib'd liar G. Kline, U. Ang'a Adam Vuiidllng, Point 1 Ti:.vvi:t;sH Jt itoics ron Arct ST Tfum, 1ST1. ; Jacob Cassett, Sunbury 1 Dtinkelbergei', L Ang'a Milton Troxel, Turb'vle S. Spotz. Low Muhanoy John T Albright. Lewis F A Clark Shumol.in bo Solomon Kluse. Sham n Wm Smith. Mt Cannel I (i W Wagonseller.Stin'y J W Hani t, Slianioklii Sol Heed, L. Maliauov, John .Scott, Mt Carmel , Col Meliee. Mt far bor Kob Hiisell, Delaware, 1 Thos (iiiinu, " J J John Sliamokin bor Jolin !) Celnig, Milton J Holfnian, Sli imokin I lien W Bueher, Sunbury W 11 Thurston Sunbury , Jolin Hurst, Hush (,eo Armagast I. Mali y ; Jos Williamson, Hush, Thos Kenedy Sham bor Solomon Snipe, Sunbury C A MctJregor Noith'd : John Moore, Sliamokin Oliver 1' I'.Uton, r.'ush I Win Fullmer. Tiirbut Isaac D Dewitt, L Ang'a Jacob tiiuel, Delaware Walhice Hussel, L-wis ' C B Kennlnger, Xorth'd Philip Kulb, Siirbmy , Coorge W Haslmro " Thos Art Icy Milton ! James Forlster, V Au'a David Kuntz, Lewis C C MeCorntlelc. Tiirbut John Thatcher. Point T MeDonnald Mt Car'l Daniel Kr.uno, Clilllsi'e 1 1 itirlt nradley. Sham lio S. Harrison, Sunbury, hd M lluclier, tainliury Kiclinrd l.obli, .et be ieo Roln bach, " Henry J Hciiicn, Milton Wir.iam !ass, Sliamn'u L Maniuett, Sliam'n bor S imtiel MeNineh, Cbil John Martin, Xorth'd Hubert Scott, Xorth'd Jos Scot I, Sliamokin bor .1 Fotrelman, Walsont'n Jno W Kelsey, Tiub'.it U F John, MlCannel, S Snyder, Shaink'u bor ; Daniel Sherwood, IViut Jno Seller, Low Maha'y Pl.TIT Jl ltOllS FOK Al Ol ST, 171. Cyrus Brown, Milton ,W Vangnskln, Sha'n bo Jacob Sell mink. Coal Jos How, Xortliunib'd ' M J Conlev, Mt Car bor A D Albert, Watsout'n So. onion l'ensvl, Hush iVterTroutnian, Jordiui i Jleiirv Dornseilti, lain fi lien) Shook, Heluwaro Mieli Htnlilv, Sham'nbo I Messner, 1. Mahanoy Carlton B ll.ivis, Milton Kit Diemer, Snubury David Martz, Sliainok'n Moses Weit, Jordan Jobu llowen, Sunbury, John B Xewbaker,erba S Yost, Sliamokin ln.ro F.lias l'mdoe, Clillis'ine K.lw Hummel, Xnrth'd Hiram Bloom, L Atig'ta A Culp, Sliamokin bor J F. Mueueli, Sha'n bor Autlioiiy Donahue, Coal J S (Jilger, " Sam'l Morgan, Sunbury J II Zimmerman," II lilllington, ' J Couldron. 1. Augusta Jer Yordy, Delaware U P Camp, Turboiville Win P Wclkcr, Tiirbut fieo W Ked'er, S'.liibury John Orr, Wutsontown D Keicbner, Turboti i'.le Ilnsliicss ulicc.i. II I! Ciikam Kin:i.ZF.us. A new !olJu.-t neelvej and for sale by II. B. Masscr. It is amazing to see the number of ti'w styles and materials Wunainiiker A: Brown luirc de sigtud, adapted nud manufactured fur t'.il sea son. Nt). 1 and t! shore macUeT.iI, plek'e.l talnrm mid white 11. 1. ut Kiiby'a, ull lUh wari.inle.l. 5,000 KoKs Wall Paper Just receive 1 lit Llj;hl ner'a, cheap fur cash, New B ans, Peas, PutaliHS, Lettuce, Straw l.crihs, tit:, l.l Kiiby'a. i;.-v"il.tl..r II. Hit, Shoe, Trunk and l.euther Mure fousotldiiled Willi t!u Hook Store. Call one uud ull. New gooil; at loir piices. Fruit oft very d.seiipt lona U kept for sule nt Khbi'a. To l.ii.ias lulu ll.e Hal Store if:'-. Faint, one would au pu.ti Ibeii) Vt a a supply uf Hals an I ( apa lor one generation to Cn ue, but Ita l.l' I lia lunula uie coming Iruln rry ilaeelluii Ihey uiti tiMiu ilispuaed of audit new supply put in their pi tie. Tim Ci.s,ii. I Hi.-, ii n.itwiy, tleg mt sod run. I'ollAblf, ul Ilia Hi ul..lur. t'elaba i f ull kai ls alt ru t ll ed tint" uu. a a Mctk ut J. V. hut.) 'a. I.IVli' ll.la r n n. !l ( '..IT, ll.ia t.M) (Inula, ttil. It l l b.ai nil, Hi Ibi) H Ulat it Ail Hulaar U.mi, ul ri.iuaf.it lum.' p !. -., ul Hid lUuUlor, MllurMahkllt lll .l. Il t'k fur I- inula. lulluj, ii Hi H. .'iilul u. O ' I.' TU tlattVatltuba) W' fM UIM 1)1 bl Dill ll at 4 .n.ii ai. , i..i il. 4t ut Hi ul .7 ijmm mmJ t.M.., t. Uu aull. Iiuiii S.ituua laibl.ll), aVl., u l)li,j lb. i.,r..bt u a. il t-me, VI I ill. ly uu wl u. L, i u.a. If i I t.u (ua uu i.t . it m, a l - i t .In. . I. 4 1 1. . i. .i, III,..., S 1 1 II I MM. W U r ill., Mai , 111 tut. tliu..ii)u, S . UliVi IkllSIMI IU 4111 iMM 1 1 t, S t al l,a ll .1. I .! I tiia . I .... I . ill. i au I t.fullwu.il. UU I'llUil)'.. . l.l I I.I.4U4 I'tu . Id I . t -.) f m H.. I nun 1. 1 u.iii, ... I Hi. .. in . I,., la i .i- 'i. I i Iiuiii, ..il i i. t iii. k . .1 , ait mi.u.ii i . u. . i . , t-i.l liu, . I....I ii u! ,i. 4.4 lio- Ill) VI. 4liD iltiHlillnV, iw r, 'i. .1..11.14 14. tVaf,'(U l iiiWr.imts. I On the 17th Inst., by Rev. O. J. Hrenslnger, Mr. William Li.oviinnd Miss Lccv Blttilyon, both of Wlnileld, Union comity, Pa. Muibur.v iii-iiiu tV l'roiluce JJiirkol. COUllIXTEll WEEKLY IIY HILE (IF.HISOEIt. Ghain Choice Whllo Wheat..., lie-t Amber, Winter.... Corn live Oals, ( llu.) .. l 00 ... l r.o so oo r.o ...2 00 ,...8 1)0 ...a so Best Amber, Winter, par sac " " " bar Corn Meal, per cwt., rel., Pennsylvania Roll r.oos Per loze'n Meats Dried Beef, per lb..... Smoked Mutton Lard per Hi , Fish Suit White Fish, per lb " Trout " Co l " Fresh Shad ... Veiihtaih.es Turnips, per bushel PotMtois " " , Onions " ' " , Beans, " quart....... lioniiuy, " " ........ Dnuii) FnfiTs Dried" Appl1', per lb. " Punches, " . " Cherries, " . " lilacklu'iries.... " Raspberries pi ..r.'sr; :io ,.10tTi i :5 15 .... 15 S ..10. 00 75 1 10 1 JO ,.15i iS VI ..l';.-14 ..'(if'i :;o ..liCj.:i5 X'i 'JO AT THE MAM.M0TH STORE, ha.' just received and opened A MAMMOTH STOtU F ;KS, w h'al: lie has SELECTED WITH ORE AT CARE 4i nd oli'cis to the Public at the very . ' i . . I LOiEST GASH FRSGt-S. I Having established a reputation fur lex prices and r-IZR, DEALING i to all, wlil endeavor to maintain that position. COMK OXK & ALL & EXAM IN E THE LAKCiEST .STOCK, mT sh)i;tmi:nt & LOW EST 1'IUCES IN THE I Ol NTI'tV. Tll.n.lf il fur Hie I. u i s aiiiuiinl i f . 1 1 . . : t;-, l:en li.li.le I,, .lulu, 1 npuli lee, will t .i.l ..iter l Illllibl.illU I lie hcl f ...t . al Hie Iu4. .-I J 'I. . .i lueill u i-uiil 'utiaiieu ul Hie aaiue. II V. FHIl.lM.. April 15, s;. Mi: IT KI.OI. MMIK an I. i.i.m , reHiifully ii l.a in. 1 1..-. il I 1 r-n. ul Mii.tiury an I IicIiiii , Hi il Hit ) bale l'H lie I 4 MEAT MUM', ill Dt 4.1'l'a Inill.lili.'.oli Hie i. .nil ,1 e uf M 1 1 1 i S.,laie, IttiidiM.ia lluul Htu l all i ul, vie 1 1. v 111 Lu. u ll liuiialitl I au..y uf I'm. I... I .. l . I, I'ulk, M..IIUII, 4.C., ul k..;..l!e .. 1. l.ill ,1 he l..u,.t pi.e.- an I ol Ire U..I .(.l .i.ly . . .. tl III t' I IU In li.p)( i'U.illl.l. tttiy .i i. t;, i it . I Killi la)!. I 1 be lie. I u in-.. I , ,,,li., til lu if abuo. In! il la uiillaii.ltall.lv t.ui- ". ui i t.M a in i m. 0. 1. 1 1Kb I'M J -If. Illl H (.(Hill. I'll! Mi AMI I MMI K sTVI l, IU I .U Ul n bit i. iii.k i n hioiii, M.lkil -ua.e, el Nbt III, I'n.i.V, l..l'U' IUID4 l.ini!i V tl'lllUII. i Dl.ai I iliuu.i.i;., I.m.1,1 . I. Vat....,.. 1. ioV I xll .it, K.ilv li.,, IU:i H ,u p.,,. t L.. U a .4 l.i. ... , I .llui.., i), 'uu . ij ., II ,,, 1 .... ,1 v.,.l.., lie. A 4 lutll .lt.ll , ill.ul 4 I l all I j .all au a. 1414 bai.alua. 4 I IUi.1. .u, . ') ,, I, a I J'.: ., ...4 el , 4 J. I I. .. I ...I I I ... ,1., ,, IL, I' ,k .,.,. .J I ,1.1) i, Uil'H I hlla u ,. .Ul., l ,1.. I , lill.l 1- I 't'l I ! BARGAINS! AT imm iiiiitii ifiii, Itns reccivcil iinotlior choice .assortment of Sps?lEc3 and. Bmnmcr i-sstds nnJ lins now on lminl, the lttrjjeat stock in his line, ever olicrml i'vt u.k iu thia iilare. IIu is ofluring Bargains in Linen Clothing for Men arid Boys. Bargains in fine Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working and Business tSuits for MEN and T30YS. Bargains in Straw, Felt, Wool, Linen, and Cassimere Hats, for Men and Bovs. i Bargains in Fancy and White Shirts and Gent's Summer Underwear. J5AKGAIXS IX urnis &C, cSsO. Give him a call nud see for jour.'iclvcs, lh:it thu Empire (.'lotliing Stoi'e is the cliuttpi'itl-. LAKGKU AOKTMliNT, I'.KTTKU GOODS, AND l.OWKll J'JiICEW THAN EVE1J. . 4. S. i.ERZFELOER. Third Ttroot, acar tlio Ccpot, SOTIBUEY, PA. Isaac ei. MiAVFrnc, VATCILES, JEWELHY, 1 IS Xorth Ncniiid lit.. Vov. ol' Jsirr.v. PIIILADKLPIIIA. A u a.-sortmcnl of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. Ilepaiiing of Watches and Jewelrv promptly attended to. April llS7l-ly. EakeryancS Confectionery in the new buildiug adjoining the I'oi Oilice,oppnsi;e the Dopot, s t; S IS l' Ii V , S" K -N X ' A . Just opened a largj assortment of all Kinds O NFEOTaOPJ ARZS3 of every ilesct iplifii. FREiili EliSAD z OAIT.S every morning. families will be supplied daiiv (Munilavs ev -'iet Jd) w ith all hinds of" Hit HAD, TWiiST, ISCsUv, TKA LL'NS, i:c, and also kept on baud and liiunufui lurud out of t!ie best brands of Flour. All IdiiicLi; cZ ruricy Calces not sui passed by any city bakcrhs con-tant-ly on baud and manufacture. I to unit r for Ball.-, F.veniug iaiti.-s, Familie.) and i it hers at the shorte-l notice. All (.rdcr. left at the Mure oppo-'l ' t lie I )e put, or ut I bis Bakerv, i 11 I'l itcc St ret t benvecn Fior.t and 'eotul, wil ine.'t ivit'i prompt attention. 'I'll. ii.!. Ii. 1 for past patronai", I hope by strict attention t ) bu.-l.u . and ( Jl'ii- him: the lie t. to I ei aliiuie the sane:. da-id rnv. March Plli, 1.-71. WM. MI'IHIAY. J. S1..VI IIAkEli, W M. II. lil.AI li. RlUtiHAY & CO., Wholesale Dealer) hi MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Clll.'e ae.d School M.itiuiicry, i'rliitiii;;, Vr;ipin;: iiii.il .tltiuitla I'riuttls' t'iipil., l.iinT l!:ti:--, Ac j Tile' fill Iililteil Corry Kerosene l.miiin Oil ! nl:ivs u!i b in I. jCOAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ll.:!r' also ('1 die. I ll I I COVI YAIMD e are huh pn part l la mi, ply the ( ;'.... u- uf Sin, I., ii , an. I il.li. iiv vi .1 U Hie ,: I. -I . t ii l li I y uf I'uai, i-a.i in'.) c s:lt I I'ol tallii!) l. i, al l e.:-uiiab e pi i. . I' nine:. ...,, a. I t.'li I- Wlil : i : i t ll lu I li. .1 in'. l.i 1 ., aie'. K(il!, rllKV.'NTT .III. I i'i:, Ala a) uu I1..1..I. I 'nit la Kit t. uu 1 a.. . in IiOom No. 2, W . I Imi I 1. mi, J lly ,,a. ml. I l.i, fcoiilli ainr-.l Klrt-rl, Huukur), I'm. .Ml 111! VV iVitl. Api.l I, I-;.' ::.i. liuttr in itiiui: MiMi it 1111. 1 k. Jo-i vii ui.Si;ii:, VI .1 1 , l i-. , ill , Ibl. u .b.la l.i l u Hi. inliu. .1, ! uu u ,lli ...I. , kl Mil ut , I' I it I alt . I la Hm u.iu.il,. me .1 lla la 'i I fell . l i all ll 1. 1. ,.1, I,.., an. I nl . .1 11 11. .1.1- I l.i lit ...llila. I, . ) . li. I .III-., .... 1.1 ll. ..I llll l "'kill), W 'i , I III. Ull. J. I .t t..OU, Hill y 44 1 I: Viai....i ,. 1, 1 .4,.u I L.i I . ..4 I , uil . ' .1. t , , ii nuii r 1 s 1 :i I an. . I In . ... ..f 11.. , , . , , , ,,. . , ' I I .4 l. . I U U ' '! L . I.,., .,.,.,, , . ll.la.. I.t II , ... ,, , 4, I .. et , 4. S ...I .,., , , U I. ; ,, I . ,-.,,1.1.1, I I 'If I I 111 I I, f, ,, , ., I. .,,.11 ..iu,i 1.1. , 1,1..!., (vi ) . ..... I 4. j S-au.l), U. t, l. BARGAINS!! Joods, AT TII'I Jiaiai.ioUi !5ot & Shoe Store OP InC. II. Pniilii's Room, juccii Ptrctt, one do.) Last of the Post Oflice, NOiiTH f V. BEKLAND, TEN X'A. For rJuiira H00U, i;o to I". II Miller's lloia: and fclme 1-tore. They are sold. Best Cat!' at fed. For l-'rcK.-h lilf Bool , ;o t E'.i il'lllel'i), only C'J to ill per pair. For Boots, fchoes ard (iaitors, at lowivt possi ble prices, iro to l.li Miller'it, ua ('.tet 11 Street. For all kinds ol Cil.1.1 Boots and Siloes, call al Kll Miller's. For Ladies' (i'.tm Overshoe-, see fitie assort ment at F.li Mii'u"--. For all Kinds of Children Mioea, 'o and e amine Kll Miller's luive af.-u.tnici.t. For ahMhiliir in the Boot and s-hoe line, call and examine Kll Miller's stuck befere purchasiiur elsewhere if you wisli to tr. t lirst-eliiss, ul iho luWest liliees. Jan. 7, '71-p. '.;;, 7.).-'.y. .r,r:re flock of Hosiery : ICotlu'ts tVrtl iV. Dlsslnjtei'"!:. aui'.. iJlv-tltil;;i. VJOTU'!'. Is hereby nivcn. that ll e 1 artper--pit lielitol'ori cxisiiu, of linn irinie of V e.t -lel, (ia.-lvlas .: Co., in the Mercantile busir -s in the Boroii'.di uf Hutibiiry, lias been di.-sulved by, mutual couiu'iit. 'I V. m.!; acco-.tnls, ve., ai'e left in the ban.li uf C. 11. Wtilz.l, at ll.e old stand, who will settle up the paitnerthi'i u c.iunt.t. WK1TZKL, (i..- KINS .V. to. The M intile I u. inc- s.ur the above firm wil: lid-carter ,ic cu. lia.i.'.l at Hie old stand, lludei tile Una uaine of C. II. V. I'ITZKL A CO. May lil, D7i.-::t. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW l.T.STOli . KD J list publislie l l,v Dr. 1.KW1S. ','.,1. p I'-'es, Th'.r I Flition. 'I11K ,M F.DIC A I. Co M I'AMoN AND I. Hi V. '1 O liLAI.'l II. imi the r.i.l'.e ll eaie ui erie.atort lioei, ur Seiiil-ial Wcak-lie-i., Iiivolnutaiy Seieii'il l.o.ses, Inipuleney, Mental 1111. 1 I'by.-ieal lue.-ipai lly. Papi'ilmu-nt- i,, Mairiate, t-ie., and Hie ci.eieel 1.1'id S;-pl,i,iiir. Mala. lie u it'n plain and c.car dlieliuits for I'ao spec ly e n- ol'S eon !ai t-yiiipliiuia, I -i noi I luf a, liltvls, Hllftlllt-9, lill.l all' ill-case, uf tb 'sl.ili, such a- N-uivy, i.'. r..fula, I' li-ei s, l.ui's, ll'ulcl: t - i' 1: 1 1 Pimple.- uu ihe f.ieea'i I I11. l v. Col!-l,!iip. I !".', Kpllfpsy, and Fit-, ii .I.ice l by scii-iiidiil Hence or sffiual cvlnatMiicf'. 'i lie f.-lel.l.ili I itlilb.u- la llils i.iiililr.lbie 'i'lea lis.', f'e.irly tleiiiiiiuli-ites, Jr. mi a l.uty e ii M.e. -.fal I l.M-llr,., tll.it ll.e .I'.triitilu HI-, '.ellce ui' se:!'-:.'..!,-,. Imi ,e r.iire.l!!-. el. ltd; p.iinti.i; u.it ainuleuf i ioe al uie.e al'iipl.-, ee, 'ain, a 1 ill il.ui, !)' 1.1 .ua uf Hi. all c i) anil icr, f t ln.it I el li.ii. l.i-.coii'.lii.i, 1.. 1) Ii, t all bo elle. . lually cur.. I, tl;.ap!, piiveleij, and l.id.call.i. ;'"'l:ii (uu'. ,1 iiUl I.e Inili,. dan,!, i, it'tiv ) ii:il, and riei v 1.1.. 11 In llu- tan. I. i'i l.l til. ! 1' . a'. III a p'..l.l elil. Jum. Pili e, ',11 . I t-. .'. l.'.K ., I'i;. 11 H IS, Vi. 7 Ilea. I, slii.l, See, . .1.. 1 MIX l.l.!l'4i:.. ri hi-: i; t;is i!mi;m.i ii:k il MIT. I ! u'l lei ..r -ale by Hi - imdi . '1: ,1-4 .1 l.l. I.lettel) ..I ll, I I , I . 'J l.i. III.. ;.l 1- 1 .. lit, I 1,1 I I 1 1 , 1 t ... a .. 1.) iu t ' -''.' nut u.tU lu li...ue It iti. .11.', :...! u ', be u.jii, iu-.-. U ...al.t.4 I '', il 1 la '., ,1 allliii I . ,i..i... .. 1. e la lu.ii I.. 1, r-- 1 ..I i.0.1 uu I 11 1 1 1. i ,.i I Jn.-I p. I It M Ul , C ..lib u , V 11 .' I' , I. I . I'll '11 I I. ti. Uu ' I . Niii'i llwl Kl . Ic.t Nr, Di. I U I 1 hi Sit, I I V , l I ui 1 .-. linn l it, p... 1 i,i. . I I. I ... I .t.l.l t., I 1 11.. 0, . : ', I 1 ... I .1 . .... ; ,. I .11 1 t . 1 , . , I l I VI. i - . I. IH.I.IIM ll. ! 1. Mi m . 1 r u 1 in is si. r 1 1.1 . l.i, I ,1 MI Mi '1 u,i.: 11 1, I t mng: I .1 I . ' ' 1 1 ' I I I I Hi !. I I ml I I. , J . t ..II I I . II. .Ill I, "I I ll I I I 41 ll I I . r .. 1 1 . , 1 Mi'l i.SIM. Villi V S li ill U'l 1 . a ' m 1 . . .1 1 , .... . i. . 1 1 . . 1 .. . ,. m i 1 im i.t 1 im 1 n . 1 ' 1 1 1 llt I . illi 'lIM )l Vi.l.l I ; viii , 1 M.' 'i 1, t' i 4, .11 .., I. I