Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 22, 1871, Image 2

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    wnhnj American.
H. B. irt'SER, i
C WrrV.RT. J Et!ilors-
"LX 11 U It Y, J UL Y 22, 187 1.
1'or Auditor Cinirrnl,
For Nurvcj fr (iriirrnl,
noitcr.T ii. lir.ATii,
"A LITTLE linnping would tint bo much
ml of tlii; wny in the case of the Xew York
Militiamen who tired without crnleis, upon
iiiolU naive citizens. The net was simply
murder no more no less.1'
"Inoffensive ciliEeiia'' indeed I Ignorant
mid bimcd rowdies, mostly foreign Irish
lloman Catholics, led by designing politi
cians who call themselves Democrats, nnd
who sworn weeks before, that Irir.h I'ro-
Under this cnplibn, referring to the re
cent New York troubles, tho Dtiflhlo Ex
T.i5 of Thursday of last week says : "The
anticipated conflict between tho Orange
men and tho Catholic mob of New York
on yesterday, created a tremendous
skedadling among tho Itig Inguns of the
Tammany chiefs, who nro supposed to bo
ncconntablo for tho disgraceful nnd ltn
preccdihUcd surrender to the demands of a
lawless gnng of Irishmen who threatened
to'r.ttack nnd demolish peaceable citizens
in n quiet celcbretion of one of their long
observed holidnys. Having listened to the
Rivals of n bigoted religious faction to
pYovcnt tho parade, nnd tho threats of vio
lence if they permitted it, they shamefully
nnd infamously yielded to the demand nnd
then cowardly lied the city to escapo the
righteous vengeance of an outraged people,
that was imminent, nnd which they must
have been nwnre they justly merited.
The New York Herald, which by the
way has fitly denounced this wholo pro
ceeding to interfere with tho Orangemen
eelebi-atiou, nnd in withering and sarcaS'
tcstants would bo shot if thev lUtcmiited
to parade nnd exercise the rights off'ree- ; tie language reprimanded the authors nnd
men. Lut thesu inoffensive citiens" arc ' abettors of this dastardly cowering to the
the voters that make up lira Democratic j Catholic- mob, mentions the fact of these
majority in New York, nnd lircd upon ! 'departuies' in a series of special notices,
their brother Irishmen from the windows, ' which may, nnd may not, bo gratuitous,
.imply because they were 'Orangemen or , Vv'e give the friends of the missing indivi
Protettuul Irishman, nnd did not support dim's tho benefit of an insertion in our
tho Popo and tho Democratic putty. Komc columns, r.s some of these frightened cow
.f them at least liavo learned that liberty aids may bo skulking in this community:
does not mean Homnn Cntholic supremacy. Tammany's "Nkw Di:fAirruitK."
. ' Departing from the Held of battle before the
Tiik:;e s a'ood'j-'.l of humbug about . L'n; ''!y, ''I'1'8' ., , . .. ,
mil mo me wiiii waves savins ' vo
Peter Jl. Sweeny nt i.oug lirnnch v
Nor Kkoi.sie!;::!) in Nr.w Youk.
. Dig Judge Connelly, the Kegister, was last
. seen on the road to Saratoga, where ho is
temperance, peliticiafls, says the Lebanon
1'ourkr. The leaders ol'lhesi! temperance
movements will fiequcnlly bo found
ii 1. .lojimiiimfril (illii'O Rfi Ici'l's. m i
. . . . ... .., ., . . expected to nrrive on the 12th inst.
chaps who clung to olhco until they were ,...., (:,inllf, Sm,pm, .. T.rpi1
thrust out. nw! are consequently soured nre a ut r tlllvu trying to invent some
i ml want rev.nge or anew noiu ot me means oi "jumping" on me vtin oi July,
otlicial twit.. A sincere teniperatico man ; TI;cJ' Liin 1,11 return now. Kelso has se'l-
i i .i. .1.- tied it.
. . , - i i Strayed or stolen from the premises, the
in ui.iuuuim0 , expencnceil iiccounlaiit, Diek Connelly
of them. The Keimblican porty goes fully (lorinerlv called "Slippery Dick"). Any
ns far in the teniperatico cause as public i person, bo lie orange or lemon, who will
sentiment will warrant. The proper place ' ll'lu 1 "! w,." '"T ulc y govern
,. . , . . ., ; inent) will be handsomely rewarded.
ioKivo uic cause mi impcius is in me . iSTUAYEM FHOM Ho.MK. The honorable
moral education of the popie. I t'b.ic unit- 0ss Tweed, for a long time tin inhabitant
iiii'ut m )ul hoik up to the hue tec Im it, or of this town. Can be recognized by n big
tiw,i.i nni i.nv,. mir si-.tnt,. i,of.l- (i!!nl bull's-eye diamond on his shirt front. Any
... , . ., ... - ., i good citizen who will bring him back will
wuu iavs tor me I,iio.ecu.n oi me com- bosuiUlbly reW!,rded for his trouble by the
tmiiuty against intemperance, and they people and ut some future day be elected
permitted to lie unenforced. . an alderman.
All the TeiiiiK'iar.ce men should sec that ! Infokm ation V.'AXTI'D.-Of the wherc-
our present laws are enforced before asking CSZ nV" fol,MCrly a
' . ., i 1 al,cu Commissioner of this city. Uo was
ior further enactments. Me might pile , elected shci ill' some time ago. His deputies
prohibitory laws mountain high, and of ; are anxious, and would be glad to hear
what effect would they be if never brought i fnm him. Any information ns to his
into oneritl ony The temncrancc cause. : 1 ",i""1'uJ
like other tilings dcmnuJd ccmnion sense
uiid praelical aclloit to give it progress.
received at the New Court House
And of those who did not run nt the
anticipated smell of powder and tho sight
of Orangemen blood the Herald says :
On Di.( k. AVe do not advertise for
Judge Cunning S. 15edf.rd, Jr., or for
Keeorder John K. liackelt, for they arc on
hand ready to punisli all violators of the
law, ns Recorder Ilnllhian did in 1S0X
Of Superintendent Kelso, who seems to
Ti'N lio'W, t'ne organ of the New York
Democracy airly strips off !c ?ast rag of
decency, and exposes the whole shameful
Inisiness. The proclamation of the Mayor,
it declarc3, has saved the Irish Catholic;
vote of the city to tho Democratic party,'
r!?4 -the 'proclamation of the Governor has have played a very conspicuous part in this
'eirrieiliated tho rural Democracy! The , hut only ns tho tool and stool pigeon of his
'Catholics will he more devoted than ever master, of course, the Herald adds :
tho City Government ; and the rural ; Superintendent Kelso might have made, n
Democrats, both of New-York and New- i Von Molike of himself if he' had shown the
t . . , r , , ., . . backbone ot that hue o il Prussian. Put he
Jersey, will stand lirmly by their Demo- ; toyg Ul0 ,.0,f (f L()uU s cQn ,,.,,
cratu Governori. . . . If .Superintendent ; and declining to die nt the head of his
Kelso's order had i-tood, the. Radicals would ', army, lays his sword at the feet of the ene
liave made a great howl in the rural dis-1 m3 ,
tricts. Ifit had never been isM.ed, they 1 he affair seems to have been most
might have detached souie Irish Catholics ' ""Sb' '"i.;agud by these New York
omciais, it tiiey sincerely desired to pre
serve the peace only, and the proceedings
disclose nn unwillingness to give oilense to
a few thousand ignorant Irish Catholics,
whose good will and opinion were of more
."seiow we pMD!:si.t.i two distinct planks consequence than the defense and main'.e
ra thaUonvjcratic platlbrnis in regard to the , r..ilu.0 of the rights of American citizens to
q'.ie'tiionoTnegrysiillrage.sathatlVniocrals 1 celebrate a customary huliday.
may sec and lu;iy realize the cliangetliat has
The .liHNlrrKi oft lie Nil nation.
The editor of tho llarrisburg airgraph
having procured a list of tho New York
city officers, publishes it with comments ns
follows :
"Does nny one wish to know why Mayor
Hall surrendered to the mob V The expla
nation is ensy. Every department of the
city is headed by or under tho control of
an Irish Catholic except the office of May
or. A. Oakev Hall, however, elected by
Irish Catholic votes, is too grateful to bite
tho hand that feeds him. Here is tho way
the best of tho nreat offices of New York
city aro distributed. No American Pro
testant is allowed a leading office. And
yet, in view of this audacious bias nnd ser
vility, I'rotcstant nnit Aativo Americans
nrenskedtobo meek nnd patient, to lay
aside nil sectarian prejudices ns unchris
tian, nnd to disband their processions nml
public pnrndc for fear of being shot down
like dogs iu the streets. Here is a list, and
as Tammany runs the State of New York,
nnd aspires to run the nation, nnd for that
purpose has thrown used, body nnd soul,
into "the new departure," it is well for tho
innocent people of the rural districts to look
over the complexion of this text, tho slate.
winch J ,uii ninny tins made out tor the
public offices, to wit :
P. 15. Sweney, Pres. Park Com., ltoman
Richard 15. Connolly, Controller, Roman
Hernard Smith Receiver of Taxes, Roman
Richard O'GonnaiCorporatiou Counsel,
Roman Catholic.
Owen W. Rrcnnan, Com. Charities, Ro
man Catholic. I
Win. llitchman, Pres. Pirc Dept., Ro
man Catholic.
John II. Williams, Pres. Hoard of Ex.,
Roman Catholic.
Matliow T. Prennan, Sheriff, Roman
Michael Connolly, Register, Roman
J. H. M'Cunn, Judge Superior, Court,
Roman Catholic.
J. R. Hrady, Supremo Court Judge, Ro
man Catholic.
C. P. Daily, Judge Court Com. Pleas,
Roman Catholic.
James M. Sweeney, Clerk Sup. Court,
Roman Catholic.
L. Clancy, Clerk Marino Court, Roman
Thomas J. Parr, Police Com'r, Roman
Robert C. Hatchings, Surrogate, Roman
Richard O'Gorman, Pres. Com. Emigra
tion. Roman Catholic.
Thonns J. CVcaincr, Tax Com'r, Romau
John Galvin, Prest. Board Assist. Aid.,
Roman Catholic.
Wm. H. Maloney, Clerk Hoard Assist.
Ala., Roman Catholic.
Thomas Coman, Prest. Hoard Aid., Ro
man Catholic.
John J. H rad ley, Chamberlain, Roman
Edward llogan, Police Judge, Roman
Thomas A. Ledwith, Police Judge, Ro
man Catholic.
E. J. Shandley, Police Judge, Roman
John MHuade, Police Judge, Roman
Dennis (uiiin, Civil Judge, Roman
The Criminals. The Tribune gives tho
number of tho killed nnd wounded, nnd
points out the criminals ns follows :
'One hundred nnd thirty men, women,
nnd children were killed nnd wounded in
Wednesday's rioL 38 killed, C2 wounded.
Oii whoso heads rests their blood ?
"First, on the heads of tho besotted foreign-bom
rioters nnd the intrenguers who
led them to nn nssnult on one of tho most
sacred rights American freemen.
"Second, on Mayor Oakey Hall, who de
liberately, nfler a year's thought, ns lie now
nvows, surrendered the city to the rioters.
"third on Governor John T. lloilman,
who might have prevented nil disturbance
by doing promptly what only the example
of Gov. Randolph, lluf imploring petitions
of his party friends, nnd the anger of an up
rising people extorted irom nun nt last,
just in time to nggravnte tho disorder it
could no longer control.
"Fourth, on tho party that sustain these
criminals, nnd the supine people of New
York who lm-e hitherto lacked the spirit
to throw oil' their vulgar and thievish rule.
Shall it be bo forever V
Of the number killed wero two millitary,
and tho number of military and police
wounded wns 24. Tho balance of the kill
ed nnd wounded were rioters nnd others in
the crowd lircd on by tho military and police.
The relaxing power of Johnson's Ano-1
dyne Din incut is truly wonderful. Cases
nro already numerous whero bent and
stiffened limbs have been limbered nnd
straightened by 1U AVhen used for this
purpose, tho pnrt should bo wnshed and
rubbed thoroughly. Apply tho liniment
cold, nnd rub it in with tho hand.
A crown of " horso men," nnd others,
daily throng tjio stores in country and
town for Mieridan's Cnvalry Condition
Powders. They understand that horses
cannot bo kept in good condition without
them, and with them can bo on a much
less quantity of grain.
On tho Fourth two chairs used by mem
bers of Congress in Independence Hall,
Philadelphia, in 1770, were received from
llarrisburg, where they had been stored
in the Senate chamber for a long time, and
placed among tho relies of tho revolution in
Independence Hall.
TliK Pennsylvania State Teachers As
sociation will hold its animal session nt
Willinmsport on tho 8th, Olh and 10th of
Tho murderess, Mrs. lAiua Fair lias
received a friendly visit in her prison, at
San Francisco, from those noisy cham
pions of woman sull'rnge, Miss Susan It.
Anthony and Mrs. duly Stanton.
St'DDKN Dr.ATiis.--On Wednesday even-
fitbi Htrtiscmcnts.
of tlm Evimitollonl AMm-lntlon, will bo
)ii-ld nt Swcu Points, Nortlimr.berlnn 1 enmity,
Pn., to commence Auifiift isth, nnd continues
rtiiy. Tunis nro for rent Oxll for 4, lSxia for
t(. Tlioio wIhIiIiii; to rent will npplyby letter,
bi'twccn now nnd Anguot Till, to llov. 1). B.
Ptnuuer, Trcvorton, Vs., or V. Kiikcr, Lower
AinruMn, Pa. A Uoimllni; Tent will lie put np.
Who prefer It win hnve good nonrdiiiK. The
plnee Is situated live nillei from Trcvorton Rull
rond Slat I on. Omnibuses will run to nnd from
the stiitlon.
D. 8. STAl'FFF.K.
July 22, 171.
Among the others killed wero two wo-
ing of last week a young man named Eli jah
M. Itaker, aged about 22 years, fell froin a
men nnd one girl, nnd two women wound- cherry tree ontliolarmol Mr. John trraiitz,
cd. Sixty-three rioters were arrested on "r Greencaslle, Franklin county.
Wednesday. I TKnnuir.K Accident. Ou the 27th ult.
" - Mr. Abel Houck, engaged in digging out
The Pittsiu ito CoMMKitciAL tvuly re- j limestone nt Shirley's quarry, near Cove
marks : After the dancing comes the pay- i station, Huntingdon count v, was instantly
ing of tho liddler. Now, that the riot is kiiu.j )V n lnnss of stone tailing upon him.
ovei, iieojuu are uegiuning 10 consuier me
probable cost. The indemnity bond for da
mages hv the draft riots of lhtl3. amounted i
to nearly nineteen hundred thousand uol
In Masonic Hull BulldlngA,
Third Street, near the lot Olllce,
KlMlt KV, IM.
now otters to the public
selected nnd tnndo with prcnt en re, nnd with n
view to please the want of liU numerous
Ills stock Is new nnd of the latest styles.
Asli, Walnut or Rosewood of tho finest patterns
nidi: uoAitns,
Uth xtii.crij3ia3Hnls.
Nuultury, I'enn'u,
INFORM the public Hint they nro preimrert to
do nil kinds ol CASTI N(i, nnd linvlnn added
n new Maclilno Shop In coiincetlon with their
Foundry, nnd have ninplled tliemselvcs with New
Lathes, Pinning nnd Korlnir Jfachlnes, Willi tho
latest Improvements. With the nld of fkllirul
iiHchnnlrs, they nro ennhlcd to execute nil orders
that may bo given them, In a satisfactory man
ner. tJrales lo null any Stove.
IRON COLUMN'!, for chmehc.i or other build
ings, of all shtvs.
Ornamental Iron Fencing
The PLOWS, nl ready celebrated fur their it
periorily, have been slill further improved, nnd
will always be kept on hand.
Siinlnny, May 'JO, 171.
Civil Judge, Roman
Civil Judge, Roman
Civil .Judge, Roman
in the city. Doth guns have been
Vi'ell, this is frank, anyhow.
"Wticel iibnut, nnd turn ;
And jump J.m t row."
leeiv nwd-j in the avowed principles of their
parly 'during the past two years :
Jkiujci'titk Vl'itfut'ni J'iiiwi'fiiHr n,itfvi't.i
ist.ii. is; I.
lltfi'v.U That the .Vnrf.W, 'I hat s
t'"", pally i t n ci.iii..o thu liiniliii','
I eiil'p ivaiil.i U opposed i biiira'ion nfall I lie pro
lyl ccnlei I-1 1 i tlpim the Ui.'lis of tl.u Cinislitu
J eirr.) the liui.t to vote ; l.u.i cl'lhc I'niled i-;.les
i.'.id wi- h iini7'.;'.t !V na they now exi t,
d Miy th;:t there. l.i any hieh i:'ie u.les il.e i iyhi
llulil or p '. r In 'iii- t iieurnes lo vole.) ulul
L'ies er i-lM'tt lu-re to we deprecate the ili t as
iuil'ose in i-aliVai; siou l' l.-snes w h 1 e h
voi'iii t'.is j ol t'.i s have ti. i n illi-.l by the
t-iatu ii i.j i'i.liion to auliiorily euiini'i iitio;!;.!
I'.eir v.::'.'. 1 appoii.ioil.
'Men t'.i.ns-e, print ; I. i tivcr."
1 ), nifciais, v.-hat tlo you tliinli of the
tluii'-j 't
Tin: Mini!''' Juurnnl says: When tho
country sees the jjood results springing
month after month from the policy of the
ptvs-Liit administration, it smile at the
puerile assaults on the President for not
remaining at the seat of the (ioveniiiient
during the hot weather, for smoking one
ov more tigais daily, nnd for driving oc
casionally behind a pair of line Iioim's.
When tho people tseo what has been accom
plished, fur instance, by the present Ad
ministration in the lediiction ot the public
t'.tbt, while taxation lias been ltusencd, and
cc assaults on (raut for going
to the seaside, etc-., they t '.1:11k of ihe story
of Mr. Lincoln's ii.uuiry a .4 to the brand of
v. hisUy it Was alleged t-uneral Urant Urauk,
Thomas Kivlin,
Joseph M'Guire,
Wm. J. Kane,
Hernard Smyth, President Departnieut
Public Instruction, Ruman Catholic.
John Mullaly, llealth Com'r, Roman
Put uonc but Irish Catholics 011 guard
seems to be the motto of the "New Depar
ture Democracy of Tammany."
lars, add to which the interest, and it is
probable that the outbreak cost the eotinty
of New Yoik in the neighborhood of four
millions of dollars. Referring to this mat
ter a Democratic journal intimates that
wuaiever may De ing costs 01 111c late rim, 1
the responsibility lies at the floors ol the
Orangemen. In like manner, we hold the Re
publican party is responsible for the Na
tional debt, and the heavy taxation which
the people have been compelled to endure
as the cost of saving the (iovernment. If
only tho doctrino and practice of non-resistance
had been obtained, what enormous
burdens might have been avoided in the
past, and what a pleasant and pro'.itable
time burglars, robbers ami cut throats
might enjoy in the future.
Tit auk. All the eolleiies iu the county are
at work, except Treverton, and nro likely
to continue so. A fair understanding seems
to exist between miners aud operators, nnd
both parties appear to be desirous to live
up to the compact of February last.
Tho principle portion of coal going I
west at present, except that sent to Erie j
and Elmira, is shipped by the Mineral R. '
R. & Mining Co., who are now operating j
the Duke Fidler and Cameron collieries. I
The company took charge of the 'Cameron'
on Monday last, having made a purchase 1
of tho personal effects at tho lime of the j
conveyance of tho lease. The bosses, clerks. 1
and haiuls ot this colaery are all retained
in their former capacities, under the man
anement of General Supt. Dock. ShamoLin
Ltdiii'MNo. During the recent violent j
thunder showers, a number of buildings j
throughout Union county wero struck by 1
lightning. In I'wis township, Henry
Orwig's barn received a stroke, which did j
some' damage to the building, and als ',
killed a cow. !
.- I
For County Commissioner. j
At the. solicitation of liinny friends I oiler my- j
sell' as 11 eandi.late for County Commissioner, ;
subject to ihe decision of the Republican County
Should 1 be nominated nnd elected, I pledge
myself to perforin the duties of t lie olllce econo
mically iind to l!ie advanlaife of the tax-pavers.
Lower Anemia t.wp., July H, 1N71.
I-'or County Commissioner
1 HAS Just openel a first class bakery on Front
, street near the Railroad depot lit Northuinbcr
I hind, and Is prepared to furnish the of
' Northumberland and Sunbuiy with nil kinds ol
' ltiead and Cakes, such r.s
m v iteir ti
Oak or Walnut, nnd Dl'ilng Room Furniture ' im;V n IKED on the HEARTH.
of nil kinds. ,i Tnii it.... r,r v v vi v c v k-i. s t.,., i.....
Rolls nnd Twists. ' '
lireail and Cakes delivered to cui-tonicrs every
Cakes fur Ralls, Parties, Wivhlin;;-., Fairs, Ac.,
rurulshcd at short notice.
UehiK u practical biker, and having wo rked
nt the busiue-s in Siiubuiy for seveial years past,
he hopes to ive sail? faction to his customers :s
Orders are respectfully F'.'.ieile.l.
Nortliumbeilnn l, June K, 1 1 . If
Mattresses, Pillows, Holsters, Window Shades
nnd fixtures.
Speclnl ut ten. Ion Is nald to this deiiartinent bv
At the solicitation of many friends tn the lower W. P. Roberts w ho has had 11 number of yearn
end of the county, 1 have consented to become 11 ! experience in thu elty. Collins of every deserip
candidatu for Count v Commissioner. Subject to Hon nnd sizes, constantly kept on hand. Also,
lae uccitiou 01 inc. l.epuouean i ouui v 1. onveu-1
tion. II. C. F1SIIF.R.
Washin-lon two.. Julv 1. 1S71. I
County 'I'rcnmirer. j
At the solicitation of many friends In Milton
nnd surrounding townships, 1 am Induced to an- i
nonnce myself ns a candidate for the posiliou of .
County Treasurer. Subject to the dcciMon ol the '
Kepubraan Count v Convention. I
Milton, July 1, is; 1. j
Edfrlet Atlonioj.
The v.ii announces to his fellow eill
.ens of Northumberland county. Hint lie Is 11
c.i.i lidat.! Tor District Attorney, unit respectfully
Milicits their sui'port at the eiisuinn cleeiinii.
Puiibury, June 21. 1ST1.
I'or Comity Coimiil.HNloiiei'.
I ivsp'-clfully announce myself to the Rrpubll
ean parly of Northuniliciiuud county as 11 candi
date for' County Commissioner, subject to the
decision cil the' Republican County Convention.
Should 1 be nominated nnd elected, I will en
deavor to perform Ihe duties of tho olllee lo Ihe
advantage of the people of the count v.
Sliamokin township, June '.'4, 1S71.
Flsk's Metalle Hurlal Cases. Shrouds and Un
dertakers' matcrlata of all kinds.
V Personal utten.'aiice to lunenils.
Remember, the Masonic Hall Ruildlngs, on
Thiol street, Sunburv, Pa.
It. L. RAt'DF.XDl'SIt.
Sunluiry, July IS, lS;i.
Settle Up,
Hclu tsbcrtiscmcnts
Stki'ck by Lichtxino Durin : the
thunder storm on Sunday morning last a
barn belonging to Adam tiottsleben, in I
Monroe township, .Snyder county, was j
struck by lightning, und with the large crop
of hay and grain, entirely cuisunied. j
Juniata Jlcpv. Hi can. !
Airy View Academy,
t or Hnle nnd l emule l'ujtilN
Attraetivcly situated hi n healthful and heautl
fnl rciri.m, '."of a mile from Penn'n R. R. Four
"VTOTIC'E is heiel.y alvwn to nil persons lielebl
cd lo the undersigned, 011 Note or Hook ac
count, to make immediate settlement, :n sai l
accounts will bo placed Iu the bauds of proper
olllceiti lor collection.
liKO. ROlIitllACH .V MIX.
Siiiibury, July 15, is;i.
"OTICE Is hereby iflven Hint ap!ieation will
be made at the next session (IS?.1) of the
Legislature of the Stite of Pennsylvania for the ,
incorporation of a bank, under tho name, style i
nnd title of "The Minbury Dime Savlmjs Hank."
to be located lit Sunbury, Northumberland conn-
ty. Pa., with such powers nml prlvllcdccs, nnd '
for such objects as nro usually granted to instl. j
tution of like character with a capital of S'.'.'i.tKW, t
nnd with the power of luereas'ii'.; the same, by a .
vote of the sl.ickholders. to SJ(.KI,tHlll. !
Sunbury, July 10, isri. ;
rpiIE undersigned havhn; n larger tract of land
A. (over 200 acres) than can bu properlv enltl.
1 vaie.l In 0110 farm, largely devoted to truckim;,
I'.stote ot i:ti.ubetii Jonevi, I)ee'l.
"OTICE Is lereby niven that lett'Ts testa
LI mentarv have been eranO-d tn the undersign
c lonlheetateol r.l.lZAl!l-.TII JoNLS.hite ol tho
lioroieih of Sunbury, Norlbu'nberland county,
P .., decease I. All person:! in li btc .1 are reipn-st-to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present t'.iem ilaly nntheiilleate.! for
F.M'I. WILVERT, Executor.
Sunbury, June 'Ji, 1- il.
MT.lVCi Ol'LMXt;!
I.tirgo MoeK! tteltee V.cI!!i'.- !
Just opened a lare
, line ai. l
inent i f
iidi-tantlal ., 'i t-
ii:atii or tad m.m oia.
Thomas Lincoln, universally known as
Tad Lincoln, the voidest son to the late
l'rcsident, died at the Clinton House at j
Chicago, at seven o'clock on Saturday
..c.l e . 1 Vs
llioi lliui;, i.l ill Uliv Ul ilio lieill l, ili;eu in . . , - . . id ...
. . ii . . T. :u r ... 1 ... . t'i i.iio.i! i j.'.iii...., .iii.i i..s '.lime.
years, lie wastaken ill a few d aj tiller , . . ,. , .. V , s ' . .,.,. 1
of his remarks (leiieral Schenek said tluit 1
i ohi:i; m:yj..
i:asl:-:i:l. '
London, July 13. The American Min-
1 ister, (ieiaral elienck, attended, lust eve
ning, the annual banquet ol tho merchant
offers for sale about one 100 acres, cnibracinL't lie
1 whole of the old Fcrslnit farm, together villi a 1
I 1 part of the tiuldin farm. I
The natural advantages of the part oll. red for j
sale, are in ad respects cpi'il for gardening pur- .
poses, lo those of Ihe part reserved. My own gar- ,
regular graduates, assisted by other competent lUning lor the pasi two seasons lias lieuu clu. lly
instructor eonstitule tiiucorp of Instruction, done upon 11. 1
The Principal (for many years In charge of Tus- 1 There life many good farmers In IhN county !
c.irrora Academy, audi since ISM tho head of barely making a li ing at ordinary g.ain farming,
this inst ; itii)ii,)"iefers lo his numerous pupils who might greatly advance their Interests by
In all Ibei'learned professions, and In cvevy de- 1 giving some attention to trucking upon 11 farm so i
part'ueut of business. Music aud Painting spe- , well adapted to tliu business as thennenow oiler
II ic.
M'ltlN't; I)i!JS GOODS
Uinnoslics, "NV iiito (loods. Fumy
( iooils, Ti'inuuin.'is, t'lo'li:.,
Housekeeping gomls in great variety.
Queensware, Willow-Ware, tilasswar ., Ac, c
A tine stock of ni!i-l uil ial
tlcntljv.Iotle Clothing,
for Men aud Roys. Each Hue fall and co:np'.e:.i.
I i;'" Substantial floods a Specialty. ;
trlees to Milt the tinier. Ctitl and
nee our liiot U.
All kinlj of eo'.iutiy pro. luce taken ia n
ehauge lor go.Kls.
IT.t'.i l's Ir..n HiliKling, M .irktt Sln el, Sui.burv.
April X1-'. 1 '.;!.
Fcr chant Tailoring.
?i. Ii.V'M.
'0 Hail. ling. oppo;t H
in Ihe Po.-t or
(up stairs.)
srxm-iiv, ri'.NN'.v, his rdetids nu 1 111 ' publle
til ! h : lias Jii.-l n;-!i-.l
conimciicc Nep
leriiiH, IS'JOU ier
returning from Kurope. During liis illness
hia mother has been bis almost constant
attendant. There lias always existed the
warmest oll'ection between the two.
.Mrs. Lincoln is almost completely pros
trated by her allliction. When his father
occupied tho residential chair at Wash
ington, "Little Tad," as lie was generally
called, was tho favorite of all who knew
him, and his circle of ucnuuimaticcs was
not small. There will lie many thousands
throughout the length and breadth of the
Inuri, who upon hearing of his decease,
will be as mush pained as surprised.
tlie Treaty of Washington had been very
much criticised 111 iMiglaiul, as well asm
his own country, but both sides were con
tent to accept it as a wise termination ot
what seemed likely to be nn endless diiti
culty. The (ieneral alluded to the kind
manner iu which ho had been received by
all classes ot society 111 iMiglaivl, ami ex
E'ali iles.skou i!
In. nun
A. J. l'ATT KKSON', A. M.
Pour Hoy a l, Da.
,'iity tsrt. tit.
Ten Teachers Wanted.
line Male High t'chool Teacher.
Two ' (ir.unmar School Teachers.
Three ' S-con lary " "
Fo ir Fem .'e Prima rv " "
Aj plieaiioiu ill be received by tho Secretary
d, and so cnnvciiUoit lo one ol the vcrv best mar
kets iu the Slate. Terms reasonable. For par
ticulars lncpiirc of, or address
July S f. Paxinos, Norih'd Co., Pa.
t e
pressed the belief that tho present era of "",",! Al,f ""I 'V'"1', '"J1' . , , , s . . . .,.
1 1 1 . , . .!', 11 Liberal salaries lo good teachers, retiooI leru
good lechng between the two na ions would , .Vl.M 1IO!1ls t...7,1.llH.- Sept. 4th, WI.
It V A
be a lasting one. lie concluded by the le
elaratioii that an alliance between the ,
I'nited States and Lngland would render!
TllK Hultimore tiazette (Deinocralie or-! both countries irresistible. 1
gan) expounds as follows : j Dispatches IV0111 Kiga announce a It rrible '
Tlie great blunder which the Northern ; fire raging among the the shipping in that i
Democracy makes is in thu setting up of a j port, r'ully thirty barks have Ken burn-1
platform as a mark for its antagonist. The ; ed, half of which were loaded with hemp!
outside party wants no platform, lis po-' and corn. The American bark llillers is '
licy is to get in. MVuii it niicadu, tlun it I among the vess-ls reported destroyed. The'
if eioi nhdfn it.i uiiii.i nml purpisc tn mut j latest liisputehis say that the lire is under :
the iH' i.s.sitk of the nUnhli'iit. control.
Hi idea of hoiic-st dealing with the jm'o- ' A dispati h from Stultgar.l annoiinees the
II. V. FRILlSli, Si-erelary.
S.inb.iry, July 'J'.', ls;t.-4t.
(;(solii'.loii ot l'urtiiersiliiit.
"TtTH"E Is hereby plvcii, that the co-arlncr-
ind iaii -1
soitillelil ol'
(Solas, CiisKliiiere.s, Yoli:ig.
, which will be mail.' up lo order i i tin
Hylcs, and warrant -d lo ill.
I lientlenie:! ill want of f.ishhviabb' 'Cils are In
vited lo call aii.l evainie.e his sU -.1;.
' scien'.ilica'ilj an I practically cut and made l
j IH'N No R!.-lv.
1 We famish the above -r les (.f l-.eprove.l yol.e
and sack shirt w!:' cufiely lew sltape s'w-,
'an I guar mice a p.-rfe.-1 III I in .r sl.ii'. It i.-il.u
be-l mo, lei of a sbir ever 1 .'.t lo the t'.'a:!. .
1 Fine und fanev sbiils to order.
I J.'M. 1.DST1 N.
I Jane I'., lsTL-llei.
i N;ilenli.l .tvsoi'tiiietit
ji;xts iikm'iii-; ;:oi5i
July 1, IKTI.
snip nerelolore l siing i.eiwccii i.c.1 rre
sholtz an I Charles P. Scodiolt., trading under :
the .in. I 11. line of SeasbolU A Brother, hi the
l.iui.' and tlrocery, hi Hie borough of'
r.Unnury, II IS leea llis.oi.e.i u.v iiiiouil! roii.ei.i . . . p, .
.I itf ;ui .iiy of jiiy, p.;i. The book, .v..-., ' ciock & Watch Repairer.!
I . total, and thai the Neil York and . Iphi.i
III Ucwarl'ii Rloek, three doors wel of Iho Cell- 1 Maikels allord, which will !.; made up I., order
' ATI I "
j MERCHANT TAII.( !!!ii lHU s",
! Tniitu St., (m: Doci: Hi low Mauki.t
I Sr., Si'Mii i:v, I'a.,
1 J. JI. ZH'.t.'MIK. fi'diirletor.
J Every v.nietj cf
; FUKNU'lt & l.Niil.t-H C.ssimi:;;i:s,
l l.l.Tl'.o, Vll: T!NllS, Ac.
la I'c hand ol Levi Se.isholl., who will net-
tic 1111 the accounts ol .he IaIii llrui, who will
of the Ilne-t gi:.d., inil raelng cvei
t'.iat lie might send sine to certain other pie, is lo be "all things to all men,'' aiiJ, I reception of the deputation Irom the Ameri
tieueralii. .M.ilter of fact folks think that I when successful iu the election, do as you i c;ui JivnngcUeal Alliance by 1'iimv tiort
u' ins K.'.iv .... 1 ; ,.,i.,...; 1; 1 1-,1 ; 1,,; 1.;. 1, 1 1,., .1. 1 .1 ' . , 1 ... 1 ... - ... .1 ... ti... ... !.!,.... ,. , ii...
1 .. , .... II... I.n.l,, ..s .. lis l.i- 11. el,e.
w . 1 11,11.1. 1 to 1:1 au.l
Tins I'liiladelphia 77i'..i says : The vj
i:ioii looiv an active part in the riot iu New
Vork on Widncs.hiy, and are described by
Me wit.nsM.s m being luoru infuriated
I. .ait tlie men. A woman liud the lirst
shot or'i the (irahd ( per:i House, und a
woman was the. first to fall a vieiim to the
lir:t ( bar ;e i.f the po'.iee. '!'!:i y hounded
14 lll.i lil 'll, Soi'iekv i wild ci.rses, r.iul
i:t every les;eet 011 a par wilh the
huhling wouunoflhu I'.n'.i Coiimaiue.
'I'm: lh publieuns h.;ve 11 pieas'll j ros
J ei t of meeiss ill C;t!i.'ulii.l. 'J Iu) ihIiU
i'c re tiy.uiilst t!i in ul ihe (.peiilug of the
t uiiiaigii, bin. lie '.r oip.iu i.U are tli'.li.u'
.'d and disei, v l.'.hllii) liariimuy of
I'le lb j.r.l.lii .11. t gill u '.I.. Ill l .lli'.le.n e, and
liMil'is Ii. .. lb s 1 1, i li 11 11 uHoiriLily i, riaiti.
I'll VI r l,i t .- As it U .illi that
ri'.i.o'rl) wi re eii ire i ill thu iiiiinty epeii.
lllllin I I la!. I 11. 1 the ';'''"'i"'"l '1 which
1 id i'"l U'i'll 1 Upi lid. . I, it it W'olidili d w he
l'l r it lu U 1 11 ' iil t 1 the 'J'autiii my Itili
f New Voil", w he'li. 1 tin 10 U ii y
lp a '.f ll 1 .1 r c oiul:i t'i lij.l ugaiii, und
the Lu ii)iiiT ll.; luiiiily Uvviw ll c Ij
I ehl or it.
l l II. ri Im us id ll.c iiiitu ol'.SVw Vo.'
thy, 111 iht i'iu ', l,Iv.u u liiud (oliil iT
hJ,'.".J 10 the popululb u of ll.o iiiiinli I
Uil.i). t it il.ia uuii.U r, Cl'l,'.' J utu while,
'I i..i'ivu I.iiih; 1 uiu w , i t ..
1 1, I tulli, ai d ll,oti( i.iu 1. .I...,, I. i
l 'Ml..t Ii im bl ia ll.o p.. pi.l. ill.. ii, 01. ly
Hi siu 1. 1 (' niju bulb.
llh i 1 .bun ti,iiil.i ...i. 1. nt 1l.1t
ttto III'... 1 .1.41.11 it Xk '! ! 1 l '(
l.mdj li lilll.A, kil l I ia. 11 t "Up
H bull sll ll 1 l.i 'll I I 1111 mm,! Kiel I'l
4tl4U t i4H !" loan m.ttl.i.i ; i'. !.. Jf
if insanity and imbecility diniiiiUli the debt
in. uee taxation, setllo hoiioiably,
bud maintain Ihe ualioiiiil peace and bon
er upon nil sides, would it not bu well ci
ther to try more of the same, or to ascer
tain whether they are terms which accura
tely describe the facts la plnee of mak
ing liiin u If Jhnpi r i;-, 11.1 ( lllair
predicted ho Would, ifeleeti d Prcsiili nl,
we have lei. I 11.1 l'n siil. i:l that has slnnvn
htoie i is, .:i il s'.in iilieil v and freed. .111 1111
wi.i lhy pi rs'inal i.l.jeeU ill bis hieh ollieo
or who ha1 been in.iro f.iillil'ully subjeel t 1
Il.e I. i.e. 'Ipo i.ppl.hilioii fall to il.jure
I'n si. h ut ( by ti.tir pimy ati. I l idieil
I'llli aspei'.si'ills.
ti KNI'llAL llutl.l.'s r.VliM.-Cillel.ll
II.vlII, Int.) of I'.m 1. In I 11 nil v, has Lu.teii
his sivord int.) a pluugh sli'ire and his
spear iot'i a pinning ho..k. lie ownslt.'JoO
11. -ri h of Ii. tut in Maury c.iiuil.V, Tenia ksee,
l.'-HHI of hieh iii'u 11 ' nl. r cililivali.iu. I lo
Iiiih l.'.fni sheep, S. . o lb. .iw iu, I wik.!,
and I ill bii' !.. ; tili. ad of utile, lie
iwui.s a iliiiy villi .'el tons, iiverauiiig
1 :il!i a pound of lutu r . 1 day. ItUm
tiro butu r pii'dip t it ubs oi fed by a single
tUipjr..i.i', a large holel,
Tho New (i!i li. I ...i 11 ' (1u.11 . kity
of .'hiiiiii.Ii I', I I1.1. ; "llohil 111:1. Ul Ull
llait at iu out if ll.o ti publuain, ind
I111.V et.,n.- that Im I all Mini ill" ll.n pour
il.tlr.u'. .1 lv iiioeiui y 111I0 ibuUli. I that
iiu khoulil hu the loan o ih.'ll 1 llolic. " Mr.
t li.iMi'k ki; tlul In d. in, da ille over.
Iiu can I i'i.ii'u il ui.y im Hi'. Iiu tuts do 110
k 1 41 . m It w limbing in o I, Iu llial uu 1. 1. il
li I' Mliat liilillritl Hun J Iiu im l.i kilo nil
j olilu il 1 jr.'i I u. ( t lain.
W 11 M't II UN Tlltl.f t.v At HI l A.
'll.n mIuiIii I. Illll V, l)k ll." I i.h.Mh-
i.k.n. (, il. pt i.d uhu'wl 1 nun ly up. .11 il.u
IiiiIih ili.ilu Ik i.Ii1.IhhI of ii:ii'4 f r Ho
i.opplf 1. 1 1,1. 1 .111, und llmilMtO'l 1 mmi kiinif
m i kiiipii, i ii"iu inik 1 1') in tn luii,
liMiUeiiu, 411. 1I1 uii. I iilur pUitk,
u I., iu Im ) In,. I 4 i,t.l) k.iU.' kit LiU 'l1e. .
'Il.e t'.Ui IVai.iu tk 1 i fi r i-t lluiam
tin . t- I I llw 1.1 kl U puldi. -II I4l..lwtl
Ii' IV. !. I.I r. ( a 1. 4 L w km. tally
ph ase. ! sehakolf to-day
Tlie Aineriean peonlo arc both loo hon- Allunce to the
est and too iutehigeu. t i allow unscrupu
lous politicians in play so disreputable
m m 1
1'iirtlicr t'lcliliiiubrtwcc:! tlie I'ult
Stali'H iii) uikI the 4'oi-cimik,
Yokohama, JuueJll, viaSau rraneiHco,
duly 11, lsTl. I'lirther news from Adiui-
....1 "l.'.nl.'...' lie, I III I1,., i '. .1 I. Ml 1 ... 1.
....i.e.l " I
'l'he gutiboals, Monoeaey and l'.ilos,
witli four steam launches, well equipped
TI10 address from the
Carwas presented nud ;
favoiab'y iieiivwl. (Jn-lsehakoif
litis expreesi (I lo the ili pulatii ti Mie sym- 1
paM'v of his august master the Crar with
tile object of iht ir prayers, viz., the ad-'
vaneeineiit of the cause ul religious liberty
in Kussia. '
Tra (. j
l'Aitts, duly Id. A gr. at lira was ocea- '
fcioued at lthi iiiik to-day by tin' explosiuii
of a ipiautiiy ol petroleum. Kitty persons i
wero killed und Wiiimded by thu exphmiuli, '
1111 I iiiiinv biiiiilin.'S ill the bllMltco nortioll 1
with marines and artillery, slatted up lb" 1 of ilm eii v Imrned. '
liver tn re. tho enemy's piepiini- j 'i be ottleinl journal stati s that tho l X-j
linis tT del, use early ill June. '1 hey had ; plohioii of I Im' winks of St. Mtur were!
proceed d llboiil U 11 lilihs ll.Ull thu mouth uceidi litnl, lllld that kis p Ikolik Were killed 1
of the liver wli. u thiy were tired tipini by i uth thirty wound d. I
two Coieau foils. 1 Owing tn delay caused by certain leeluii- J
The tiro wounded two of our tin ll, wIiomi , cuhliik the di lit cry of the Itrst ball inilluitd '
nam 1 have iml Uni utilo In aseeitaiu. t,i Il.e liuliiuiiily l iho liiliu.iiik U not )ct
A bi'uaiikiilu nut iiiiiiudiiitely leluitinl 1 toiiiuoiiiialid.
Il'olii all the vi kM-lk oil the ri'i'iiiillnikMliee, j 'i he Ni'nd , a Hew Weekly v.l,iib nip
mid a khaip iuti leluiiie l complimeulk tn-; iMiiis Thi r, iilti ikit cry of naming
fc'ted. i ngilllisl ililligiles for iho Uklornlioii ol Hut '
A unto signed by the chief coiiiim llor of lloii tpul li k. '
tho King, Mas M ia tn our bunts by a kiuglo ' t;truiaui . I
1 . :.t.i. . 1 ... 1 1 1 :.i - -
ug.r uni. i.g 1.10 uriiM. 11 wiuei 1 .,.......- illlw ,7 . .1 1.., tv .r I.:. . k. nt
a llatleline; dilU h In Iho Crottii I'liuee
l 11 AS. f. SEASIHU.rZ.
S mil iry, Pa., duly 'J i, lsTL-W. Hotel, Mai Wet S.piaie. ! bv Ihe best ot Moikun
M'NIll IIY. I'A., len l. r entire s ul. la.lio!!.
liespeetfullv Inroinis Ihe clli'n of Sunbury aud I MKN'S ITIiMSlI JMi (UOlS,
wau iit.tii.l lbu li 'tin iik to hold
1 1 .. . .. .. . 1 . . .. 1
mi, ii.icie.miM r win. iuivik" 1 ... ",....i ,. l.i,,, ,1,., I,, ,..,. .11 v
lion., uii. I that tho Hi w ul Cm Aincil. an , '., , . . . J '
.bit. ..:,u,,.i,,u,ai, wiropul tn iU-4lli ! ' ,'1;, July n '' b,. X.,,,1, l.e.msu
i,i,d.r ll-. l..- 'r l!M.I...,d UeiuiMi ly ' p,...s ll... t ,.il...l.o
Z V" L" hi' U rtf ,irtt,UrUu L,., v.-,,i.h.
. . ,r . . . ., , . nn uik on thu iml imimi r.
1 Ii ar a kin ey ul' tho jik uk H.kaibio uu
.1.1' lllU l 111 lllllUlll l k.
,....., ..... 1.1.1, Hll, LIMiy mij, .l,,,,, "I l .lo I...L I1U1,L
' ol w ill, h WNk lbu j loliioltoiiel riuira
1 ll HI In III llio t UlUul Klii'ib'iil. 'link M'
Ad llllal llil,'ilk lluW BHIlilk fuilhir ill-
ktllivtlftlk fli'lll Hkbiiilmi.
h nt Ai 1 ii. r-l"T Y'ttit t Uii. i ihu 1.
id ly 'i ( uu, 'Iho liuiillii,',o li'tix
.ik; Uu 1 l.ufk.l.iy 1 kvniii 4, us A
In il.l littlil Kit U"in lln.1U.4U liui l' ill,
M4I) , U lllllo il..ili,lil. r ol lbu lulkl Jipli
M. .!... II. WkllklliJ lbu lisik, Slid It-
llutl lend, rid lu.tkksry by lbu I10IW
Ud I'.itifU'loll Uu id III In Iho I'liMXi'illliik.
'I U i bu f i.f I'uliiv of lubliu Uii 4 tu
lrtl.y lonu wouu.U r.tit.i bw iUh
kiius at Um li4i!,Ui'f kupiHJM.4 I'.oU't.
'lb luui.Ui.i u uil.r sioii.
W A HI kj It l.Alti!.
'illU.hill 4llM4oll, fl"ll l 'l.ih4) l.ullll.l
I'lW 1U .l.llli. l.l.lll. .... . ..IIHi'llBt , I, ..,1.1 Ii....... ...
laud M.....I v ,.Uuiy I I,,r '4 ., ft,k, i.l.
!.!. ll. k,liii.,lllii liul.llul, (tiM t Hut ill 4.
.t m (1 hi. 4 Mioml kl-njf hiikIui. bul 11 f I I4jfcin.11, July 17 - Uu i.lluully me.
I..l. M ... .r . I...... b I. . . .. kl.m t I. .1.1 LnuiuiJ ll.t, llu. Aft, ilUI . k'.il ..4 l.kk .llit. '
Tin: i(;iir.iir..Ti tmt
iMMfiiSf, riHVliM IM tiro
tide I " I I ll l l ci V P 11 U'u'.'i ll ere.
I'.re it 1 1 . ( a s. . r. I p 1 ;i .14 it, 11,
1 ,v n i' 'y
rr.i.i! IINS IV.L lUltK IT
'li. .1 eefl.'a 1 1. n lur Serob. l.i,
' ' p!,il. 1 1 l ' I i' I' . ut', lllivunu
U et, till I I Ii", liV.I I 'mil
,1 ,1 I 111 I .11 !..- a. id tl u
u:l i'.i I el v ;-i.,.d 1I.4.1 ten lll!.k
. '1.1 1 iijn .1' .i4ripudl4.
.hi 0 (-. ill iN J HIIV0ICIAN3
in n-i-l Lo -id .I eiiiiui.ii 1110
; p.jt il, :i, kiiJ I
11, 1 ii 1...1 l.i . .Is Aluuu.k
t ,1 .U t I'm.fier.
:.. 1 1 1 . . 1. 1 ( 1 .i.o.e 1.
'il' i 1 I. i h!S,
. I V 1.11
,: ll I ! N t I I V.
,..'. I I. tik, kl Null' U.tiltv,
! I. .
1 1 1 1 . y. en. 111 1, t b.iui.14,
k I
1 11 v 11 S'.i.i i , 1 ......t-, f.
;ip:'.i A'.ii i.iiUouiLD ur
I !l I I.I Si II k. 1, .11 ....f,
, u k . . 1 .t !.; . ll-. k
I ft H III . I I ul Iim
rt 1 1 1 1 I . I ... . 1 !..
1 I. v 1 s ' . 1 ' V
. : V. I 1. . I IM'I.N, klui !.
1 1. I.. ..
I,..'l '4 l!. l toy
I. ......... W s . I .. il. .4 .fc
' .1 I. .1 I -It. W.I... I
I I I . t i .M.I 1 .
.... I. .Il,...,lll, l.
.4 ,4 i. fc... kt 4.4
ll. . ..II. lb. ,41. I. . U
vleiiilly, that he is prepare I to repair I'aiel.s and
Wiitrlies In ail branches, also liol.l aud Mlver
W'.ire i.f all description..
I laving had tony c 11 espeilenc iu tlie bu-1-liens
In this coiintiy, be llallers liiiusclf that lie
can I'lvu general ..'ilisl.iellon.
All WurW uuarauteed I'usloiu're.peetrulli ho.
Ileil. I. IJuiie 17, is; I. -If.
.'iiib racing ever llibn; of (ieiilleiiicu':. wear
I new and of tlie lalesi sl!ek. .V l.iiLe loei,
i l.lst been .p ucd, In v i.ii 1. I lie i-Ufi-n 11 r
lie I to all .111 1 csauiliic,
j. m. zii'i.i t i;,
Third Si reel, one doer below M.ukei piare
I Saiibiu v, April Is". I.
I I'.klnlc 01" t.curi;e I nierieli, Sc..,,
I Lute of Jm'dun 'lf.i.a'i, iirene,
Illill f V acre, of hupiiiiud laud lu Ihe bel X'll'fii lll. her, l.y rid n Ih.i
J kcetioii nf Soul heui Ml. Ii.nt, villiiu live meul.11 y Ii., i U .11 mu.1,,1
unlit i.l 1 lii! luwu i. I lir. l.iit i., In rl. Jo
.eiilt couulv. ualiiii l.u uillea uf lliu ILitlioad
I M, .lu hi, u.iud Utiililiiit', nut bouse, I.uue or- 1
ih.ii.l, kuil, li. lt k.iii ly lo.un, school liou.ea mid j
' iliunlia viilUlii li; lil III lu In Ii, K, leu I
ueie ,ne hi u heal, Ihe reiiiaiu b r lit clo er .nI.
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uleu.ll, tVe., will be sold will. Ihla prop.i ly.
1 I'l ice ol h( ueie, U.lMm in e.i.h, lbu iu
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