9k "HIE SIWIWRYAMEUTCAN, tS Prnt.TSHlCD EVTTOT SATE RPAY BY "-EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, 'mASSRK BUILD1!0," MARKBT iUOAllS, At 01.5O In Alrn. II not inll within 6 Month $3. 5uSiiiorii taken for ttu than tix JVbti!u. CftsxwTrn with this establishment Is nn cxten- slve.NEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plnm and fiincy type equal to any estnnusnincni ". in the lntrlor of the State, for which the patron age) of the ruhllc i respectfully snlleitoel. WM, J. WOni HTO. Attornoy ft l.nw. oitico, door No. S, 2ml floor. Ilnnpt s Mock, nenr Miller's Shoo Storo, Simburv, l'u. March 35th, 18TI.1.T. V h7IIOVF.II, Aficrney nt bnw. No. O 3 ami 8, Second Flfior Blight's Building, Hanbury, Pa. Professional business attended to In thecotirls of Northumberland and adjoining uo'ui-ties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion ean bo had In the Oerman huignngo. March 25th, 1871. .J. JEirEJIIAH NXYIER, Attorney nt Law, giuibury, P;i. AH professional busl ' ness lntruitted to his euro will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both In English and Oerman. Also, District Attorney or Northumberland county. Aug.80,1 870.-1 y. J'XO. A. WII.OX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Foihtii Aveni b, .Votary Public, Pittsburg, Ta. ft J"- It, 1870. 1 v. , iT. G SIARKIjK A CO, Market Street, t.MV . . SUN HURT, PA. ?rrlrs 'in fr'US?,,,Modicineis Pnintf.t Oils, ..3las3, Varnishes, liquors, Tobacco, t-iturs, '" I'ocket Books, Dail ies, &c. jp WOI.VERTO, Attorney at I.:xir. . Market Square, SI NHURY.PA. l'roressior-.-nl business in this and atrjoiuiug counties prompt .y ntteiided to. "' . irvR. A. It. S1VIIXJE, respectfully nn- U nonnees himself ns Physician and Surgeon to t'no citizens of Snnbury and vicinity, having lo- ' catcd himself permanently on Market street, tionr- lv opposite the Fuimiount Hotel, where he pan be consulted nt nil hours when uot professionally Mijra.tr ;d. npiat-ly GW. 7.IEGI.ER, Attorney nt Law, north side of Public Square, one door cast of - Ihc old Bank building, St'NbL'RY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland and ndjolniug counties. sepilo-Ctl A. REIMEXSXYOER, Attorney nt Vj Law, SUNBL'RY, PA. All business en trusted to Ills euro iiueuiieii to promptly nun mi diligence. iipl-'7-C7 JXO. KAY CliKJI EXT, Attorney nt Lnw, St'NBl'RY, PA. Collections and all pro .t esslor.ul business promptly nl tended 'Jt;,,?1;,'9 . J.-tlltrNF.ll. I. n. KASE. ; t"RlNER KANE. Attorneys and Conn l wellprs at Law. Sl'NBCRY, PA. (Ifflcc on rChrst,iiut ttVeet,Vehr6f the. N. C. met P. & fc. ltailrmit't lVpot, in the building lately oeenpletl ,by 1'. l,;i:his, Esq. Collections unci all profess ional business promptly attended to iH Nortlmm ''crland nnff'iiMjolning counties. .npllO-OU HM. MASKER, Attorney nt Law, 8UN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, ' Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. iiplKMill WM. MritOCKni'El.l.Klt. I.IXIVII T. UllllltnACH. ROCKEFELLER ROHRRACII, Attomevs nt Law, 8CNBUKY, PA. Or Uee in llanpt's new building, second lloor. En trance ou Market Square Jini-l-OS AX. ltRICE, Attorney nt Law, Stmbiiry, Pa. Ollico in Masonic Hall Building. Collections of claims, writings, and nil kinds of leifiil business attended to carefully and with dispatch. 11 April 8, 1H;1. ly. " TxtViUACITE COAL ! VALEXTIXE RIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kiiid of C.ndn tiiken in exehange for Coal. Order solicited ami liilc' promptly. fcblS-ll. V. S. HHOADS. J. FAChXR 11AA1. S. KIIOAIIN A CO., ni'.TAit. ii:.i.ni!t tip ANTHRACITE COAL, 6UNHVKY, PENN'A. Office with Haas, Facki.y it Co., Orders U ft nt Seasho'.U & I'.ro's., olllce Market Street, will receive prompt attentiun. Country ciistoiu respectfully solkiied. Feb. I, 1S71. tf. ', t O A t ' 1 1 SI A K K 8 IS. "IITE are selllin: Rims, Sn-Ues. Hul.i, Spiliis, ' W Canvass, Bolts, Clips, A-'es. .Ve., very Large Stock nt CO.i.e.r oi CO. Sunbuiy, March T.O, 186ft. VSoAI.I t OAM t'OAM tiRANT BROS., XJ Shippers and Wholesale nd Retail Dealers in YIIITE AND RED ASH COAL, 6UNBURV, PA. (low nt n n nr.) I7!V)le Airents, westward, lit the olehrutcd Henry Clay l oal. janlH OH EACH AXtiiE I.1YEUY. J. M. HAHTIIOLOMKW, ruoruunou. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Suiibiiry l'u, j TITHE best of riding and driving horses nliraji I ou hail I to serve eitslouieis. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicle, I w 111 receive prompt attention. I Nov. 5. 1870. I UKMISTKY. j GlCOlttili M. HE XX, in .S'tHijwoM'a JiuiliUutj, Market Symrt, I BiNBinv, Pa., ! I prepared to do nil kinds of wurk pertaining j to Dentistry. He keeps eoiutanlly on hand u larire ntorlmeut of Tvtih, nml other Dental I materiul, rrom which h will be uhle to select, ' mid meet lliu wauls of his cu.toinrr. All work warranted to lve util'aclion, or fUe the money re f untied. j Tim very U-st Moulli Musu una io.no -i owners Vei l nu hand. Hi rei'ereiiees tire the numerous patrons fur whom he lias worked for tint last iwelvy Tear.. Kunbury, April SI, 111. W.W t oil, YARIK fllllK uiitlersik'netl having ctniiieetf.l the Cti.il 1 bu.ou-.s wall liUcMvtislvn H.uril Jil.UAI trade. Is prtpari'd to supply laiulllea Mlllillitt vi uv it EMi' or t on., t HEM I OII ( INH. t'.ti, tlve uiid Nut, etnluiitly ou band. Uialu LlktU tuCHCUItllKG forCtwI. J, M. CADWAI.I.MiKlt. Suiibmy, J.tn. 7u. II. 'tinitii'ttm I'litli. drl -' W'tM JrJ.i".. '7.1 f r f AMERICAN ADVERTISING SCHEDULK 10J,luo,ornbont 100 '.Voids, mftkeaSqtiif 1 9q 9 Sq St4 SqTTwiT coi "l Ti.l One week 1.00 9.00 S.ffit .( o.no .S.OflLVOU T-.vd werl;i 1.50 5. CO 8.M 4.0O S.oo 1.00 18.( 0 3?ntnlllsi1ict In 1H40. PRICE 1 50 IX AOYAXt'E. ) SUNBUllY, PA., SATURDAY M011NIN&, JULY 22, 1871. 'Vr- Xcw Ncrien, Yol. 3. Xo. 1H i Old Scrleft, Yol. 31, Xo. 83. Tl,r,.n I Konr " ' Five " ill fi T tno'i Threu " Six " Nivw " "ivj Ycr .oo n.f() t..V 5,yo t.00 13.;.'O.CO U.5J 4.O0 A.M H.OiMtMMU.Otltf'J.Mr 'J."! S.00 U.'.d '.'13.(m7.lJO:.'r..(jl .()0 6.7. 7..M M.00 1)1,00 .tO 37.A t 8.25 7.50 8..T0 tl.00 1.".vK)-J(H4::ii.im 8. 50 8.00 9.50 lO.tMi-.'tl. 00 3.tU4(i.lC U.00 1 1.00 r.'.Of 28.0U-U5.I OMMiit O.Oil 10.00 iy.00 !.". :i:).lH.4.Vt oift.f J HIK) 12.00 1 5.(y 'JO.Oli iti.OL liU.t 0 1 1 .00 J4COM SUIfUkV. l ire, I.IIV nud Arriaul IN8URANCE AGENCY itiiii'n t a m ull, MAItKKT M'ltKF.T, sl'MU UV, V. t iiMrwirn iiirKitiAim. K. Autrlltau, I'UIU h IpM i, twii, J,7;i,Svl rnl.ipitw, " ManUalltu, Stm Volk, " . Aiunuait " I.KlllUld, " " Voitk.istk M Vuk ' " ' ittiUl, l. tul.m, " .)guiulu, Uau.jr, " iukimTpti .u.u..tiu, " lltou, Ss "t, " I'lt'O.u, " " llsUl.. " ' tiui (us. u.. " H. ttiUUk A W.it Vlt " t ulbU..- . fc. Ywik, " u, hu Wfc, " St t..44 Wntf! l.tK, " It tu Uuuit 4 Ii.u4r t'4 Hk4li-4 m! .l U. L..t t)4 I ..i out i 1,0 4,1 M , ,, S l,cl ,WUU,IJ4 '4 . t.t .l IAi,' i.'iii ;iti l,llDhl I .! .; W.'J.ltti t i I mi Vs, Oil f u tut jjotcls uub pc$t:tnr;tnts. LA HI ERRE IIOITNEritrond and Chest nut sts., Philadelphia, J. M. BUTTER WORTH, Projirletor. Terms per day, $3.50. April 15, 1871. ly TTNIOX HOTEL, THOS. FOULD8, 8r., U Proprietor, bhnmnklu Street, Trovortoii, Northnmberlnud county, Pn. The table Is sup plied with the best the market affords. Hood stabling nnd attentive ostler. Jnn.31,'71 HOOVER IIOI'SE, Third Street, nt tho depot. SUN BURY, PA., Wm. Rkksf, pro prietor. Warm meals served up nt all hours. Fish, Fowls and (inmo. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand nnd served In every style. Tho best of wines nnd liquors at the Bar. Jr Families will be supplied with oyster done up In any style, by leaving orders nt the liar. L.ov.n, iu-iy. XATIOXAL LAUER VEER NALOOX, on thihh STitrfT, rear tiie depot, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH B A CHER Informs the citizens ofSun bnrv nnd the public cenerallv, that ho has opened a LAtiEU BEER SALOON ntthe nbovo jilaec. Tho best of Lancr Beer, nnd Mall Liquors will be kept, Also Oysters, c, constantly serv ed up to customers. "VTATIOx'aI. IIOTEE.r . AUGUSTUS .a! WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Nortli'd County, Pn., nt the HtaT.lon of the N. C. 11. W. Choice wines nnd clrnrs nt tho bar. The tabids supplied with tho best the market n fibrils, flood stabling and nttcntivo ostlers. Afl.Et;ilEXY IIOI'SE, Cot.. CHAS. KLECKNER, Paoprit tor, Nos. 813 nnd 814 Market Street, nbovo cightlr, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $3 per day. Ho respectfully solicits your putrouiigc, WASHIXiTOX KOIKE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market Second Ptreets, opposite tho Court House, 8iinhury, Pa. May38,'70. HOTEL A RESTAl RAXT, THOMAS A. HALL. Proprietor. Sunliiity t., west SH AMOK IN, PENN'A. Meals served nt nil hours, lit short notice. The best of Liquors nt the Bar, The Table is sup plied with the best nml latest In the markets. At tentive sen ants. Terms moderate. Pntrannge solicited. Hl'JI .11 EIN It ENT A 1'ICAXT, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just relltted the above Saloon fur the accomodation of tho public, Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with tl;o best icfroshnieiits, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale., Porter, nnd all other malt quors. J. V A LEU'S YVlXTF.lt GAR I) EX AXI HOTEL Sot. 730, 733, 734 A 737 Piiw St., PHILADELPHIA. AVI XT EH a1T1)EX HOTEL, (ON TIIK EfltOPKAN l'l.As) Centrally located, coniiecting with nil the City Passenger Railway Curs, from all the Depots In the City. Excellent Aeooiiiinotlatiunss Tor Tra vellers!. (rand Vocal nnd Instrumental Coucerts every evening in the Summer mid Winter Garden. te Orchestrion Concert Evjry Aj'trrnonn.j FINE t. t Kirs' 1IKSTAI IIANT TUB BRUT OF nKFIlKSIIimxTS HKIIVEM. Olllee of J. Valer's Fouuiaiu Park Brewery. June J, 1870.-ly. Boots and Shoes! HOXY OHOI tXF.It, Third Street, above Market Street. Suiihliry, Pa., Is jirepared to manufacture iJOOTS AXI) SHOES of every description ill the shortest notice. All his stock is of I ho very best, which is made up in the latest eity style at the nul reasonable terms. Repairing done neatly nnd promptly. The public arc Invited to call anil examine Ids stock nud workmanship before pnrehaiiinr else where. RONY DROFINER. April 33, 1871. I. I u V O R N T o i: i: : CHRISTIAN NEKK, Seeond Street, opKsito the Court House, SUN 1H RY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, uiid will con stantly kerp all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LUH'OUS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Ctigiiinc, Cherry, Ginger, lliicnt lie nud Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-OistilWd, Mi'nu gahela, Apple and Nnetar. PURE HOLLAND (.IN ! Wines: Champagne Wlac, Sherry, Poll ami Claret. Crab I'ltler, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout nud Scutch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR lHTTl'RS, Ami all others Liquors which can be foiiini lu tho city imukcts, hleh will be sold at Whole sale unit Retail. Every article irnaruntccd ns rcprcfiitctt. Also, u larelotof DEMIJOHNS Hinl BOTTLES, always ou hand. I if llnleis prniiipil.T altciitlt'd nud public p.itioii.iue resins il'uily .-ilitilcd r. f.kf. f niibnry, July 3, 1811'J. ly. HARDWARE NT ORE, J, II, t'ouley, A t'o. MAUKET STItEET, hL'XDUUV, I'A., I nAS received a new assortment of all kinds of j Hardware, Cutlery, Met liauUV Tools, .V.e., of u!l ib'.erlplioii. Also WaKofe Maker's Mate rial., Hubs, Kim., hnkes. Al.o, ult kimj. of ' Leather tttr hboeniaker'a und baddler's. Ever- I tliliiis in tho I! I'bSiini line can b found huh ill lie sold its lu us ea be bought ol uuy olligr t'.lulill.hiui'iil lu Ihvvouiitry. Cull uud se their slock. I knuhtiry, , Siiu. , . 1'OU BALE. i fnt VAI.UABI.K I.Ola ou the comer u( i. hectiiitl autt tlic.liiiil tiroeu, lu lliu Bo. j rough o( Miubuiy, ou liiih there me vrc lid I ii;u iltilliir boU'V, .t ibia uud oiilbuiltllu.. ' TUu ba'.'- ..i-.tj, laid ol Hult llelUa, dvv'd. 1 Al.o, Lot ott Uiirktl lre( lu lh llniouub of feuubury, on liieli 11m ic am 4 dauiliiiii Iioumi, , SUbiO Slid Olll'lUlltlilir. tUqllllt) ul lliu tallica ti ' a. 1. wur.vntius, 1 Feb. II, H7l.-lf. Atlinlul.lralti nil l.llt AXIAt Y mtohi:. MlvS lH WKl-Elt, i Malktl bliwl, uiid door f-l tit Gcuuail'l euu I t llouny ,1'tlu, sl'NIU HY, V.t IU. tqu. hi 1 Vpitu4 au4 kuiuuwr .In. It uf Mtilluerj stusl Mwjr l.t4, ' HATS AMI Jit 1 XX K'l'f. ill. lulc.l .llt ul 111.. Tiliwioliiil., I'll ink sud lm. 11, an ri"'., I ..t.s, Uiuimm,., Smi k l'M'1'., I Ltlai.u., i 'iUl., t uil, Julttm iilut., t 4 4 I.. 14 I l.lkl) u utio I IU 1.4, 1 lu itiuu..lku tub It UilliU'i) bti'iu.M, .lis tallu. ult 11,4 1 I'KKvt, m.vkim; anu rniiMi, U ml Its -tm U. U. U 4 44.uk lt III. W.I. u lUlUM), .ul 4 , I X 't t'4H.IUS. Iku U.I 1.. ul iii.li4ir u4 tUliiMl tlw " 1 4U.J lltl4 lv; ,44 t4 .u.lu k4 rli4t4 . 4 II . IJ. 111 ' nu if Aii-Arii -iik. uis..,,,;;, t ll.l4 4 ll,l4.l'l 444 (1 (I to Wuwis 4 Ii44lbr'l h.1 U.WiNi I'tM 1 HAIriMORE EOtK . IIONPITA JR. JOHNSTON, " Physician of this celebrated Institution, ha discovered tho most certain, speedy, pleasant nud effectual remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, lnvoliiu tiry Discharges, Inipotcney, (lenernl Deblll l.y, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Liimruor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of tho Heart, Timidity, Trembling,.- Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flection of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels Iheso torrlblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of X'outhr those secret nnd solitary practices mom fatal, to their victims limn the song ol Syrens to tho Mariner of Ulysses, blighting their mwi brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, A:c., Impos sible. . JPVNO MEN- , . . espcelallv. Who lia' 0 hefomo the vMliwii of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and (Usiructlio habit jltisccIIancoHs. thoiisnud of young men of the most exalted talents nnd brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of cloquenco or waked to ceslaey the living lyre, may call with full conlMuucc, MAURIAdK. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating TIIE XEW YORK RIOTN1 , Report oC the Orange I'uradc. FIFTY" l'EUSOXS KI.LLE'JV And Ncveral Ilniidred Wounded. IIOUK1DLE STKEET SCEXK5?, From tht A'.. Y. J(,nMJ llKFOItE f UK HATTLE. Koth parties Ijciug fully ruady, move ment, were begun soon after daylight, nnd tho lirst incidents occurred on the northern part or the island, where nearly nine hun dred laborers, chiefly Irish, were engaged fipon tho cw boulevards. These gangs of men were distant four or five miles from which nnnually sweeps to nn untimely gravo tj,c business part of Js'ow York, nud mhliV thousands of voiinir men of tlm most p.xalteil .1 . - 1 ,1.. i.wi ui iiieni were iiiiiuiy unuie vi wiutt 111111 taken place during tho night. Tho muti neers, in bodies of from twenty to one hun dred, approached these unties, nnd, by per suasive nnd threatening means, obliged llinm to ntiir. u-ni-Lr tvliib, n. Inrrm i-torf Ifin nf t r ii,. i...,i w.-i,.,.. , 1 '1 " . v . . ' '. " s r-" - ' r, ' :" , vZ.Tv,.,ve. tM cay minuuU and lUoso rcat y lor a inrk of I'rocrcatlvo l'owcr Impotenevl, Nervous Ex-I . J ... . . .. ... J-, cltablllty, Palpitatioir, Organic cakuess, Ncr- lel1 wltj 'lci,r i"ltcrs. hlljuhir move- vous Debility, or nuy oilier uisn,ualllleatlou, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously coulldu In his honor ns n gentle man, uud confidently rely noon his skill asa Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and full Vkror Restored. .. This Dist rising Alfeciion which renders Life miserable und lmirrluc Impossible Is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgences. Young" persons arc too npt to commit excesses from not belnguware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into Improper habits tliiiu liy the prudent I Besides being deprived the plent ures of healthy olfsprlng, the mott serious and dcslt'Rcttk'fl symptoms to both body nnd mind nrisc. The RjsUfi becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of l'roereatlve Power. Nervous Irritability, Jvti'lsla, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constiliitloiial Debility, a Wasting f fie Frame. Coiiirh. Consumption. Deeav anil Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should npply Immediatelv. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royiil College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Colleues in the United Status, nnd the greater part of whoso Ife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia nnA elscw kurc, has ellected some of the most astonishing civics, that were ever known ; many troubled Willi ring ing In the head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt suddvn sottuds, baslifiilness, with freiiienl blushlnr;, intended sometimes w ith derangement of mind, werucured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, untitling tliem for either business, study, society or mar riage. 'I iir.sn are some of the sad and melancholy effect produced by early habits of youth, vi: Weakness of the Back uud Limbs, Pains In the Back anil Head, Dinuics of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Powei, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of liiiresli'M I- iniftnns, ticiierul Debility, Symptoms ol t.011 sumpftlp, &c. Mentvi-I.y The fearful effects on tho mind arc iiiiu li 1.1) bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion t Ideas, Depression of Spiits, Evil l'orel'.oil:u;';s, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., 'are some of the i lis produced, Tiiol SAMW 'rf persons of all ages can now jiuluc what i.i the cause of their declining health, losing their igoi.becoiiiiug, weak, Nile, nervous and eiiiaeiateil, h iving j singular appearance about the eves, eoilghiiid symptoms ol consump tion. YOUNV. MEN W ho have Injured tin msclves by a certain prac- to pay, were of that nationality whoso geo graphical nml leligiutts division hail ren- uereil ail this display ol military necessary. They jvore attired in greasy and often rug ged clotlies, sloucliy ns to hats, dirty ns to boots, often freckled nnd. unhealthy in complexion, and liioir cosiso jaws, clieek boues and brows, lowering, brutal nml un ensy mode, of observation ; strong dental ('Tnlects nnd mode of swearing amt gestur ing, indicated natures utterly tuu-uiiuied, or cultured only in tho forms of vitio ; bred in the densest purlieus of cities, social cast aways from tliu cradle up, and used ouly to tho delights of rullianism and cruelty. TIIK Oil ANOK.MKN KM (Clio 13 UPON T11L STI1I2ET. little before three o'clock, nud whth tha sound of drunimiug nnd tiling tilled all tlm nir, nnd tho multitude, out of its timid ity, hnd voluntarily made vacant nearly a wliolo square ou the avenue in advance, of the troops, theie was a sound of a new tuue n-i.n fill., tin. l.nn.l ,...: I I ti.-e iii,i.r--t-d In when ..lone, 11 habit fretpicntly I ,,.' I ,., 1 T ,"UD,W. "? ul" ha nt' il from evil coiupauions, .,rii rbool, tho i lJ,ocliing, nud suddenly around tho corner i-tfects of which are nightly even when I 1 wenty-iinth street, coming Irom the asleep, and If ii"l cured, n-nden marriage, impos-1 Xorlh river side, was seen a stand of Allien slide, an.l destroys both mind und buily, should i cuu colors and a largo blue regalia banner apply iinni-diat.-iy. J aeltl well alofl so that it could bo seen per- W hat a pHy that n y n'lig man, the hoicof Ms imn8 i-)r nljiu j,vn .i. R.i.i,,.! .1,., coiii.trv, the darling of his pimnts, should be !!. 1 ,,," ' 11 1 .J" JSt"""' lho, snatt-h;-,. from ail fro.pects ami enjoyieents ol bl,u!Jl banner a small oblong tiiuisparcncy of life, by the consequence of deviating from the ' WllltO muslin was exposed, Ol) which could path of nature and Indulging ill a certain sei ret j be rend nl a distance of two blocks, in plain iiabil. Such persons mi st. In-fore contemplating black let ters, the Wor"ili). mcntx probably took place further down in tho city, particularly in second avenue, on Ninth avenue and upon avenues A, li and C, which lie in tho dense slaughter house nnd tenement quarters near Houston sttcet ferry. Here, around tho liquor stores, Ttfttilj groups of men were keeping a look out npon the street, while within the en terprising projAietor wns dispensing bever nges, aiitl parcel of customers were looking nt tho priming of their blunderbusses and making nbstruQt Vjhcmical remarks upon tho composjtion "ofjlh'vir qartridgc, , . The lowest nnd most mendacious crowd wns nt Hifoertiia Hall, however, nnd after a good deal of dialing nnd cursing, several of these, armed Willi knives nnd pistols, marched upon n neighboring Fenian hall and demanded arms. Uuablo to obtain there, they executed some St. Albati tactics in tho street undertook to march to t!"j Orango rendezvous in order, but were charged by the police, nnd they ran like a pack of cravens. These nnd similar move ments occupied tho whole forenoon. The groat nclion, however, was to be fought on tho west side of tho city, near the Irish l'rotestant Hall, where the few Orangemen of fortitude were preparing- to face tho stm-iu ftf lii iml i-i- nit, I ti-i-.illi How shall we describe the character of J111,'1 scattering S"un.l of pistols redoub- . . . . ...... X' nnnlii niiniithi ii i.P i nt.iii the men anil boys who huqtled on the cor ners of Kighth avcuuo from Thirty-Urst to Twenty-third 'i Tliey were generally half-grown men and boys of the basest class, tenants of dense and distant quarters, who had come to tho spot witli the intentions of violence and eyen murder. All of them, it is needless TIIJ! FIRST 8TONK, "While tho writer of this article wns look ing Intently at the procession, forgetful for the moment that it hnd any enemies or stood in any danger, he saw a woman rush out from the sidewalk and seize the equip ments of one of the Orangemen, nnd seek to ull them from his shoulders, She wns crowded aside without hcsitnt.tno by a sol dier interposing the butt of.lil'i musket and wnrning her oil". This Imp: uttered frequent cries of rage, Rpnt upon the man nnd those lien rest to him, and lifted up her arms nnd waved .t,hem toward tho people on tho side wnlk ns if reproaching them for their back wardness. Almost at Llvo same instant a half-grown boy, nf abUiuchy, pockmnrked nnd wretched guise, almost idiotic iu ex pression, had it not been for his supremely vicious look, which made him even more repulsive, produced from under his rugged coat n large paving stone ns big ns his doublo fit,, and with n single propulsion of his nrtn.nbove his shoulder, threw it with fjrec toward the Orangemcu. TIIK MOB MARIS). TIIK .ATTACK. Menu time, missiles of all descriptions were being (lung from wind wn, housetops and from groups of people upon both mili tary nnd Uriingomrn. ihc troops stood perfectly firm, kept thiir ranks nnd looked neither to the right nor to the left. THE KIGIIT. Encouraged by this disregard lumbers of lho rulllans icnttevcd about them and began to obtain all sorts of garbngu and missiles, which they threw directly into the ranks, l'istol shots wcro now henrd to crack up and down tho street. One man was seen nn n house-top with a loaded musket, which he discharged directly into the lines, and stooped behind a chimin y to reload it. THE TROOPS HKTORT. Suddenly lho foremost regiment camo to a kilty, a ui I word passed in quick succession to thoiO furthest in tho nnr to stand on their arms likewise. The head of tlm pro cession had now pnssed the (Jrand Opera House nnd turned a little way into Twenty third street, whcVo it met a Very ditfymnt sort of reception, ludica and men from t he baudsouio dwellings each stile, waving their handkerchiefs and cheering the be leaguered beings who had just passed through tho Valley and tho .Shadow in quitting Kighth avenue for a more respecta ble neighborhood. t Hie instant of the halt volleys of stones innn, nnd gut nil nround with a wall of j Jo not Inter furs bv remove tho cause. Vi! protection, still hied nround the Worth I will have a nice of women alniostiis hcli mouumonl, nnd mircheil down to tho i less, so laras wiilkui-Mg eitiK-cniixl, no thosti Cooper Institute, whoro it was disbanded, of China. Wo condemn thv pnetico of Jtelurning over lho scene of tho battle, : conlining the llet of Chinesu children in every shop was found to be closed, and the j wooden shoes, and yet that practice is 11 faw people who ventured out. to see if it ! mora injurious to the leet than fiMi-ii.-' were possible to recognize tho dead, or I them into n small boot, with an Alpiim give the wounded nssistancc, were talking ' bet I. This id a matter ol irrave nud si-r niii y leu. isenriv cvervuoiiv ot common pru dence hud already sought safety by retir ing, Tho tall horseman at the head of the Orange procession turned about and rode the whol'j length of his line, taking oil his hat and quietly wiping his brow meantime. If.i ,-no tltn bill. ,,'.! ..I .,! ,;,.,. tirt,, 4'... .,11 ..v. ....s. ..10 OUUJ, ... ...,.u,.r i wenri'-eignin street, wiiero tiirec ol tliem who were not envenomed, mm ll e-:o looked Uubsequcntly died; thirteen dead bodies I of the hqmntiity of certain druggists, who ' import, and heneo wo press it ujxm !h ', would not 80 much as civo shelter to shot I mnilii-rKmiil i ,n,r f ii. i.,.,.t n- ,1... I . ' . . . .. . . - , .... , ..w ,,, ,1.,. , , III- T rem npjmi-anis. unu it whs alleged ; would not Iced the surgical hospitals, nt.tl that tlie.iirnuct or violence had been com- j havo groups of maimed daughters in their milted nt i.ightn nvenuo and Twentv-1 Iihiiu-h. Hh-v nuut eighth street, where.-cVrMfn riiflinns nl- upon high heels. No lather should hnvo templod to bent nu Orangeman to death, , high-heeled boots in his house, nnv more but were clubbed by the police, into whoso ; than he would keep a vicious do" "in tho faces one ol them bred a pistol deliberate-' parlor. When skillful su rgeons.lku l'r. '' . -. I I'ancoast, from lho operating-room, raiso AT li2LI.i:v..rjJ. lio.-.riTAt.. llieir voices against high-heeled boots, it is The streets in the neighborhood of I-'irst ' lime for old and young ladies to pause and nvenuo and Twenty-sixth street wcro tilled 1 listen. At this "period, they can clionsj with men, women anil children, many of J between high heels and the operating knife, them itirspellcd by curiosity, but by lnr a I' a short time, il may be this latter, or larger number desirous ot discovering If permanent hnprness. any of their friends or relatives were among i tho list of killed nnd wounded. As tho j , An Afkicax, Ui(K.r-A. writer in nmbulanco wagons pnssed in the gate of -tlio Coruhill Maghzine ilcseriijcs a visit llcllevuu Hnspilnl the crowd indulged in which ho once made, with ): I.ivingstnne, loud murmurs, soma in nit v for tho sutler-' to the harem of a I'riuco of ono of the Coin- ing caused by the riotous proceedings, Mint 1 '"- Island. He says: not a few iu condemnation of tho'nets of j Alter inviting; ns to be staled, lho I'rirco tho sufferers, .liver and anon would sumo left us, in order to apprise his wives of our. one put his or her face to the gato and in- arrival. Ho went out of a doorway enver quiro if a father or son or husband or I ed dy a damask hanging, which, wo prc brolhcr hnd been brought in. The wound-1 sume., led to tho ladies' apartments, llu ed were examined by lho physicians in at- returned iu 11 few minutes, nr.d with him tendance ns they were taken' from tho am- 1 came, not a wife, but a little Malay woman, bulance, their wounds dressed and them- j but lull of vivacity. Her sharp, shrill selves plueed iu ihe dill'erent wards. Thirty. ' voice, rung through the room when she a," one was the entire number of tho wounded j nouueed t hat the ladies would soon itppeur. brought in last night, and of these it if: ' s,ie was evidently the jauilross of tho thought that nt least lil'leen are fatally in- harem, and the lYmce peemed to bo much jureu, ami wni 1110 in lho couso ot Hie week. ' ' c oi uer. was uorn a: t.npu the wounds are alinot.t all in tiie lace, bend and shoulders. Of the lead bodies brought in, which amounted to forty altogether from the va rious police precincts, none wero idcntilicd, nor were any persons allowed to- seo tl-em last night. "They will bo washed nnd laid out til tho Morgue to-morrow, when free ndmisMOti will bo given to persons desiring to ascertain if their friends tiro among tha victims ol the not. , Towjij.iji't.livl many years m mtrried'H .Johanna man. SI10 sjvike Kuglisli very ; impet le'.-tly, lift Dutch Into a Dareh-lamler; j and when she found that I)r. Livingstone 1 could s,'ieak that language, her p'oasun; was so demonstrative 1 thought sho would : have cmbrftced him. A curtain was withdrawn, nnd, standing in a row on either side of the passage, we j saw a number of HI lie slave girls, some of I whom were gailv il-esscd. Then there The result of the shooting was that , tamo from a room :it Ihe etui t l a passage. seven dead bodies lav 111 Tweutv-inurlli !l sioui inuy nnotii twetitv-live yars ulnte, street on the sidewalk, two of them being women. Seven wounded were taken into Dr. Atiilrus' drugstore, 273 Kighth avenue, where tlirec of them subsequently died, ono of whom only, a Mr. Latimer, of Pi I Van whoso late wits oii.'y ..saved from beiny commonplace lv her I.ir:;a -ami really beautil'iil eyes, iter r.p;ie; i.tuce as she" en tered tne room wns dazzling. Tho bodico of her dress was of cloth of gold ; the short street, Brooklyn, was known. Thomas ! was of Indian muslin, elaborately upon him witli deeper hate than ever, ilo was struck with violence in tho shoulder by nu old shoo, but, paying no attention to this matter, ho wheeled his horse and re sumed his place at the head of his line. Suddenly a word of command, unintel ligible to all but tho troops, started from near Twenty-third street, nnd was repeated from oflieer to officer until it expired nearly up Twenty-seventh street. Iu nu instant tiie troops deployed in the twinkling of Spring, !! seventeen, was shot dead neiir his mother eon I'ccl ioi'.cry store, 23 Kighth auetuu', and near him a little girl Was mortally wounded. Thirty woutnle I were taken to Mount Sinai hospital in Twenty-eighth street, where three of them s were removed to the Sixteenth precinct woikcii wan goid ana silver tmvad; ii-.ir drawers were of the si.ti material and similarly nrnamculisl. lief iial;ed''Ti f u -were slipped into richly-adorned r-aiuirvl:-. nndon her hair she wore a purple vel vet tW bhaped cap that was refulgent; with gold lace ami jewels. Hound her waist she had 11 jeweled zone, and round her neck "Jew- station, one being a woman, another a girl, el of silver nnd jewels of gold-' were in'ul and another a boy cif sixteen. Tho rest tiplted in a barbarous profusion; she hail wero nnuiis. J our wounded were also 1 ings on an ner lingers, sno wore uraceiet.,, taken there, but. they were afterwards seut armlets and anklets of gold, and her ears to lkllevue. A Mr." Aekerman, nged sev- 'vero strangely decorated, for not only were cnty, who had gone out Ott.thi) a-wiiiug of ; the lower lobes perforated, but tho rim of the store, on the corner of Twci-ty-foiirtli each ear was pierced in several places, and street, to witness 111c procession, -.van snoi in sicau oi 0110 jewo:c(i urop cv;u n..r si's dead, and two others, mortally wounded. wero taken to a private house in Twcnty- MAKKl.UiE, relied that 11 sound 111I111I nud body are the most necessiuy requisites to promote connubial happi ness, lieleed Hit limit these, the Journey through life bet onu s u weary pilgrimage the prosieet "AVKItU'AN FltKKM KX, FA 1. 1. IS." Nothing was apparent abovo tho serried lino of bayonets and uniforms, not even tho heads of tho few bold purnders who had nu eye three platoops of men emptied their ! t'i"hth" street. ureecn-ioauing nutsKeis 111 1 no direction ot j Svnvy all of those dead in thcTwentieth people on the housetops, then dropping ; sta.ct station wero shot through tho head lheirmu6kcto,lired a second vol ey straight m. K.lu-t. Tlu Wl,man thivo bullets mto tho face of tho crowd. A soldier ol ,ireJ at her, two of which broke her hands, tho Lighly-fourth regiment picked otrt the nnd tho third through her head, literally man with tho musket on tho top ol the blowing her brains out. The little girl was house nnd dropped htm in his tracks. '1 he is 8lot through the head. Captain M' othcr platoons ot military, who had not ivrnmtt notiie,l all liquor dealers in his been ordered to lire, remained perteetly ! Jirtftim.t to tho. their stores until this still. sUnding quietly to their nrms while j nU,n,in.r, and the order was pretty generals their comrades luaugarated the business of My obeyed. About thirty wounded weie the defence. taken to tho Twentv-ninth precinct station. Iu n moment the scene of the parade was . The total number of dead, as near as could changed to a fearful battle-tield. The mul- bo gathered, is forty, and of wounded, titude, ringleaders and all, took to their ei"litv 1.... 1 1 -. ...:.i. f I I I 1. . I J ' net-is, w one wuii icui, iiiiu rusncu iiji me cross streets, leaping into cellars nnd till tl leeoinus 1 1.. ;t ,,,.,,,- : ... . . i seen lt aiiin " fi-om a seeond storv window shadowetl villi despair ...ul llllcd with theuielan- I "" V' T.l" ' ' "V'" l" I in the act of vom'tiu blooti: l'.unle l ""J . ... . " .7 . ' . sirt'.inis uoweu 110111 111s nose unu loieneau and ran In a rill to the curbstone. Cow hourly ilarkiiis to Ihe view; I lie mind ieeuinus I eluily ivlle. il.,i,, that the hupphejs uf uuirthvr "u "a. titi oi a proccj .toll at uliy becomes WWii-d with ourown. t veiu, inasmuch as the law Imd ;iveu them A t EKTAIX DltEASE. i IK I Uiissioi), When the iiiUgulileil nud Imprudent votnry of i m.u iivn viv n i pleasure lln.U that he has imbibod the seed, of v, "M ,N , A 1 1,,h 1 1 AH' ibis painful disease, it too often happens that an I somior had this blue banner been ill-limed sciini of sliaine, or dreatl of discovery, i seen by tho grops upon tho corni-n of d. teis him from ppl)iug to those who froin ; Twenty-sixth, TwelllV-liltll. TwentV-l'oUlth uud Twenty-third streets when n loud, wild linished houses, crowding behind door steps, or falling Hat on their facts in the i gutters, lhu street and pavement were littered hero and there with dead bodies of men nnd women, some of whom had fallen with outstretched hamU in the ttiU'cnibrucc of immediate death, while others, uttering low moans, clenched at tho warm stones, and gazed in helpless agony for relict, lilood trickled everywhere. A man was education and resiH tiabilily, can uloiiu befrleu him, delaying till Hie constitutional symptoms ol lhl horrid disease make llifir HpK-uruliee, such us ult finti j sure Ihi'oul, diseased nose, iioeliu'.il pains lu the head ami limbs, Uiiuuos of llit, dealueiia, litslts on lliu shin bones ami alius, blolehe on lho head, face ami I'Mreiiillus, pro Kreoiiig with liiuhlful rapidity, till a I lust lhu palate of Ihe liioulh or the hones of Ihe iiosefall In, uud Ihe victim of this uwful disease becomes a Imri i.l object of coiiiiiiisurnlioii, till death puu a h-iIihI Id his dreatllMl siitteriiig, by seiitliug liliu In "llial I iiiileiiVesml(.oinii) Horn M lieut-e uo Iraveller returns," , Tl U it uit-lMuelioly f.n t that 'tUnisiuJ 1"1K viiiima In this terilblu tll.e.i.e, throui;li falling Into Die hands of lituoraiil or uiokilllul I'll K I riMlEltH, ho, I.) lhu iih of thai deadly t'ul. on, Mereuir, ,Ve., Ut-.lru) lhu coiitlilullou, and Incapable of cuilnt;, lt p the unhappy iilleivr lutililh alltr moulli taking llieii iiomous or In Juiiuus luiiipoiiiitU, uud liikleml ul lw lug n l.iiT, to u rt iu .il ul I. llu Vloruiid llappiiiux, iu tut 1 1 Irani bnu mill luiuetl HeallU lu iyU uvrr il galling dlapHjliiltiiriil. 'lu such, Hun lure, r. Jiiliktol pledges li I in- lf to preM-Mu lhu luiMt luviulublu hit let v, mi, I 1 1 mil bis Muui piat lie uud oIiciuIUmi lu lhu greul lltMpllaU of Kunipv, and lhu Mil lu this country, I4I EujUutl, flume, 1'blludtlplii.i sml cIm In re, Is su.ililrd 10 oik l lliu Uitwt vt l luiu, -r.l)r uud ilbilu.il iiuiihIj iii lhu world lor all Uueatis of liuprtidi-iii . lilt. JlillSsluV, l'r Hi Ml. 1, . niH'Mlll K hlltfKr, tlL1IMtiklf, U. I'. I.t n baud sUlu guiiiK ll.nil rlallliuulv iittl, it I. iiiis liulil IUk tiMuuf. fall Ut4 lu ubacitv uauiu Slid uuiiiIh-i. tk' Nti Ullrl lvetil4 UuUm ualutUi ai,d it'Ulaiulut) it 4 4iuii tu Ut ummI mi lUu it pl. I'n .m Hilling ,1, .unu al.ilu itu, ou4 mu4 pil.t if ul .ni.litl. iii.ut Uf. 4 Ju4 tyiu4tuis. Ih,l il to K4UV 'all)l, lr.l4(ulUki SM-t ViuiiliUat luiiii udikilliiutj llvui4,li.' m I'll) una, IiiUii Uliau4 lulhlug lb Itulllt ol ad lm uubiiiuuuUly lall U.I-1 IU.il -i, IU4k ll. J.illliat ia IttKUIt) It UC til 4 l.Ult tlU'lav Ullm IllbU-J ItUlt hi t'Ul4 i.U tltl kit I lvdt.lilUt ul l'lp'uiU44 ).4;t k4titi lu ki ulH- u, fMilillBr VllC. r liy IliK fltis. bklU41i Htwti.41. lt I Ul.jak Ibts ta4'lUll' iM.iil, ).4I Sll.l )4l, u4 lUtf UuUlsluti .H howl went, up from every group, which was re-cclim-d nud returned again from tho neighboring windows and housetops. Out of this diabolical hoot wcro heard I'nig tueiits of eeiitetiees such as "Thero they eotiie, the blotuly traitors !" "Now wo will gtvo them hell, tho infer nal Kuglinhiut-n !" "Look ul tho con ards tneaking in among lhu koldieis !" "lt tlieui couio ou ; w Mill warm tht iu '." S INI ITEU. I uo man, tolerubly well diettd lu broad cloth, who Ii:t4 U-ft lhu I'urb-ktoiiu and strolled out marly to the middle of lh slivet, catthiiij a eliinpso of lhu blue btn- ui-r, criua oui iu mi uruuua biiu ' rilttli Heels. Visiting n horpital in a largo city is by no means a pleasant occupation. The sights nro not agreeable ; tho surroundings suggest tut ideat of a happy or agreeable character, have those connected with tho care of the siek, tho prostrate, the guileriiig, Kpeciully do these) remarks apply to hos pitals devoted to surgical cases. Iu theso institutions all tho sights are of si painful aspect. Men and women are In be seen suilering uuder the most dreadful aillie tious, their bodies distorted, their limbs nrli..i nml ..iieomilv li.iil me! llv.-ir lt,., ,ll v I twisted, eXeleSCeUCt clitlgillg to tllt'lll IlliO in il moment of provocation, amt ii,.,J livins tMirses, eyes i;oiu iiu.l the iWiolo l.ii-smooth-faeed boys scattered death left and '"u" l"uVm,.,ll' bui'm iwr l'y. hi,t cl;l1, :l right in tho .quiet consciousness of a duty dies, which can only Ui rem bed by demanded. Thu, nfter n little, the musie ktl'" Vr,,..ll, V'1'11". '.'' ,,h" hWluiy struck up ngaiu from thu dillert-nt bunds, M'rw' l,,u' 110,1 lwml ol l!,u veteran and tho wholis pfutvssiou, leaving its dead ; ""s1"!"'. , , , still on the street, .1 mrc"l in the direction " pivparalu-n aiitl lab..,; uro of Madison imiUhIO. J . ; oil It level with lho task lo bo aei:tiniih!. AfewofthembblobadilipHawsybe. ", 'f". women iiu-l ehilditu, 1 It-Iesi fore the firing of this volley, resolving M . u,idt r l'" vttl?l "I t hlorolt.rm, i - mnno head oil lhu pri.iv.tiou nt, .Seventh nvenuo !,,l,,i:r ngeiu ol a siim'ar i h.ii.ietir ; human uud Twenty-ihiril street und give It siniilur ' bo4'",,J tf""'i """ I''"'"" treatment. Jlut a portiori of ll.e S veiilh fctcher; the ti..i le, but not bl.....lliss, and Twenty-third regimur as, wiih mounted . vo,k ,,,u m-rator., th-i writhing ot .il police, got urouud ahead 1 1 'hem, divining Jl'cU hen iviuruing cou.vi..ii,iie.;. inaku their iiiU'iitiim, amt U foro tho intliiiirv i ,,',.,,,u ' '!'"''. ', could use their miukcls, tint poliiv Vitmbteil ' !" ot ' "uu ,"l l,i " " - iiinudclubb.-dthovilliniisi.il lucr liemls ; '" ,,lVl'r l""!'".'- I"i i andlaees. Tlm iniserublo liiiilliiil.lo wero ; Mc.fary , u mean ol itll. vni- suil. uis tx lato but this wiisk .rl i.T uiilitury I"""'" "'''. h"1' ifioimg tht-iii m Hie ueoi who had recently U-en s.hu in tho tni ! U"'" ibiluiMl luiiciioiu. h unie, .kill ..r.i ,iw.li. I ..ir loin kv..m,i,i. mul I Ulld vitro havu reduet tho kiillnuig ol lained four or live. Thu lim effect prod need on m 3 by tliis profuse display of personal oriiainetaiiu wasaiuazemetit, and then the absurdity t:f it apjieared so great that it was dillii'i'il to relVain from laughter. Yet we could not help being pleased with the woman who had taken so much pains with herself to please us; and she came forward to shako hands, which she did rather awkwardly, wo bowed our lowest and smiled nurswest cst. To her succeeded a tall, finely built, - very handsome woman of about twenty years of age. Iter liguro was perfect ; thu 1 grate of her carriage was faultless, and her largo black eyes wero so lustrous tl: c. v seemed to flash light. j . Willi the first lady lliD Vii-hiii ss of cost ume was tipisi prumirert, but with this , woman the bov-jty cf l er person far oul- , shore tho ivagiiilic'.'ueo of her attire. Sim was dressed and i.rnaim-ut'jil with soion slight variation, like unto her sis.ttr-wi.i , to whom, indeed, t-hu was rsally a sister; fur the Trinee informed us that they weti. the eliililern not only of the same father but but by lh') s uae mother. She moved to- ward us like queen self possessed nml , gracious; uutl thought she had lint tho manner "I" a Kuropeun lady, t'.iu mnle of her hand-shaking was utiiinjicuf liable. A few monieiilH elapsed brloro the third witb presi-uttd herself. Her appiaraiii'o was iiisigiiiiieaut, her leatuivst-xpriskio!'- . less; her eyes laeked lustre, her ltni, though not angular, was spare ami de:d. luit! id all mae. ; In r iii iv. inents were uwU ward, Mini tlii.u.li iln sM il iml lt rs t;i a n l I ,' than the others, her costume iippc-i red Ic.m . resplendent. . i ..... jvifulinral. k it a long dikt.iute btlweeu tin-in mul thu "lait'k til llu-iii iiuw i ain't It s, khaiiia f i fmav. Now, mu l it a khunio r Ain't It u out- W'lieti all were gtuie and the light of pro-r-is", bti y Oh, gorru ! to thiuk that wo ceit.ii liml U-t-u viudieitud, It wit an nw- lui M-eno nr nit American city, to acu nu-su blii dlllg Uinl Hinl kliillleictl I'ul'lll of un u shuiiltl havo to kvu ll !" TIIK IIM.KAUI lll ll OIUKIIr VEV. Observed by nil otuu rvers, thu point of tttiriicinu) f-r ult tliu uiulliludit wvru lliu ( h uii'-ciui-ll llu lllk iVtk. 'liny did uui nppt-ar tu uumUr nioru mid women htu-riug lhu pavi-mi tils mul kioms of Kightli HVt-iiuu mid lhu ir ktreits. I'llisls liow uppvured IIhiii Hie I! i omul, ketkiiiil l' rl"i in tlm List ohVti ltloo etilllK Hi d Ik undergo lil'-i ,ll np l.l- lli.ll, I'irtlio lovwat p illil I'lilnt, I'lll I'llolltl ll ill. nils t'l llllilell K.'Oplu from I Jllis, lho I'lbl n" which la the ip4-.il-III;! liiUu Uinl Ihe alll.ttili'. kllili . I 'no of llKSO I . llllk, Ulllt.ll Jllal ll.ltV ilillt t With victim., It lhu wi.iilii ol lii-jlili'i ltd bin. Is by tail lt nml thildltil 'Ihe pi.iclu'o I ti lily chiiiJi iiiui d l U ai in d aiii t nn, anl l'r. llhaill II. I'lilunual iii .i:tti tho iru , a,."..i . - i -- --, .. lh.,ar veniy or ci.iiiy, nud, .1 ,hu uto , , l-;r .n 1. 'V1 Z ' Wlllill l bo piiKtaali'll Ml out. llu V Wclu "I n l-HUl a, llllltin ll unu ur'.-niia, win, - ................. . - - - ll.il lllt.lv. tll.U4llllllUlOUI lA,l ll4B4tillj Uliy glMU pniiit. A I Hair luittl lixlo it Unu k(K;tlllii ll of lhu .Noillufu, Irlalilll.ill - it raw boiud, mil, m iili.il lookinj iiittii,! Will dllaactl, Willi prt'U I bill ipilul uvullll, ! mid ho il W4 wUn IttcUi d lhu Viical I'tf DI4llt'li u' lhu rubbW ult lhu klijo w alk. .Ml tlui ullictlliitiinn. l WiYij tt loot, Slid Ini.al ul I In m wtiu plainly dii-nl, mtl j tlia.irdervil half Ulld iln. mul leu Ik uinl ' linpici allt'ii bit lull tl, kiaiit nut lhu ' IhmIii-s mid Itdtlinl lo thu liulooileliia of lhu I result. j AlU r liitUi whiUi earl mul funiiliiiu Ufa,'-.!. who impn kw-i by lhu i.lln-, mul una niter miilti r llui uanu Cut lib U as ImmIIi Wt-lw Itiul III llieau Kfllli h llui Iliad loWSld lhu I id of llui I4ll mul llw lliovsil koiuu kli4bbily diiaa.il; UUitiug Uikiuj uvvr ltw4r.Hri4dw4y mid aiMii llu. iiiiu lot il ko.uu tjiay mul havbki, wliu up-4iid w wouia, i 411)1114 '4Hi.ut.j ..., lo li It ltaatd lluif tbliH M.WIV, mid Uoltu , Wlolkviur liny BpiHrnvn. of llu-lit 4id kMl ItlU III lot wlutU( lit llut ouuuik oil llui lUlil ut lluikll, but Walkid li4Uhl 011, keeping liitui lu thu ItlUalli. 'I III III Wl IU M.I1I4I I') mul SUIUU .1.11.. .1 . . I . . . 1 . l-uUut i4ikf4l iiI4Iumis iitwu.ii4 ', itiintinii auit'liji hum 111114 IIUI J-.lnlMl. 4ii44 k llut lua. uiulla ul Iktl , )i lloM Main mt rucll of ll.cll UftUr, tnaa u4 l walil li, ha..s u l.. i. u. nr.o nl lli- iii I4!I .li ! llu-y . .(-ISW.1.4 S.4'4 . S,..UW.a lk, Ull.. . u 4,M U14, , Vm ,11 it( ,lg H., k.uU In st4w4i4 a. .ut..4u. uf .i.4.. ...I , .li,uiu,4it lUj. I IU Il4li kt.4 ..(-.IU..U, It Ul.uu4 sjt4a.i'k 1-4 ' , ,"K1W '4' SKH IdttiMk rildlTU'ftU UUIU.I llltlh tv.t.. UllUlioit, "Ai4vU--. ! IS, Ult ' l'vt, I4U ta I 'llui lU lolloll l.UMMiil kt pl kll-lil.l oudoWU KleShlll Ha)iu, lIlKlid Sil l - I.Uttdt-tl llulU ll) UoUks 411.1 kcl.l IliMil.tl fit.ill lhu kill Is, Ultlll t t UMlUmlU alltil il lIMIlUtl lO t III 'HI pt4l. WluiU II IK llpll-4! Wlllt'l'liU40- l'ul 4tlUlll hkiiHi (loin lh UoUl gtu al. wlig l lt4ul id kt.lt ltll of llu. I loUd bUUk, wl.iUi li.ld Inn II l uliu'il W1.11111J w rn:'.l t t oil- kli Ui lel klowk, ' this U llut In Iiiiiiiu ol 4 Lugo I141 ti kl of kin ll itisi'v" .lmrwh.ll tlktit-4lUi t kH tUiy Motlu Ik vi illt tl..: klrecl Willi bulk oil llull ImhiI fioiu I 4 1 mid ft ll.UI 1I tlm mttl a I14II lilt lit liilib, mul uot lii'.iu 1I14O uii Hu h hi di. 11111 it 1 , mid lluiir tl4ii;liUl l-.ll.. lliu k.11111 b l l mul tMiUtrmik piuilui'. In mm) i-ii Vi'f pi4lli ol tlui 4 ilk it k uiv nil. lid. llut ilu a-1 m-j it"l tlm woiki li or 1.1 iliii lii.U luil I 'liuiv. I lu 1-4 mu loii ! 4 lll.ti Ou- I OU -4ll 'J thu U- -I. 411. 1 'll UaiUI Id a4'.if bi,.ilMI il .'H-.i. i ll!ll) !4a- llu Z .W 4.IU4..J tlui-- 4' 'I I14 olio. I lhu gii.ilt-41 iaa. mull I llt-t I-4JI, llto Itlldxll, li4ltU.it IM tblt I ".ill -u, mi l Ltun-iuk 1 tniiii4iU.I, ! wliu li ilu 111 Ik tin 4t owl llui koilt- W lu d tl ll'J'" ) ii 4 a u l I-- il-it l"iitl ll suuiimi uilu Iltiti-IN Sf mm 1:11. rarni work diiriiiis the liiil kiuiiiiu-r iiitiutlis, ictiiiits only lh s llghleC Prrilis S ootlrn i t'll, 11-1 me llui" uv.-il wi'.'i great ti'liil'i.rt to tho hoiso. lu Ihe i tl y vl 'New York the harm as worn bv llu-slut I iiiilioiid hi. ies is 11.1 u nlit ii 1 t'lMisihlt-iil w lib thu w oik they I1.1t e to 1 1' 1 -Innn. No I. itt i lung i-i iiaetl, Hlnl hip kira mo ilispi iiKi-il with. 'I'liiiiis may nllt 11 bo si-en plot, ng ill lliu Iml iluya nl' July uud Aiwiiit, in the a. inn- Imnuai llu y moo ilui ing the wintt r. 'f la lu -111t1as.1i), pay so nit tiini k in aiutiuutk In pus live I Unity. lietlniVU IVel ) kllpil'illl inia kliiip, l;iko 11 it 11 y ll.e I1.11 k lli p 11 ' 1 1 i lilpl-tl' I. 111. 1 uud U l lho nir fin illl'tl. Inil 111 'Hiii, I tlm boitv. At liihl whit. Hulk ik ou r, :lll llu- an. Ml nn. I till Iii. 111 the k . uud thihk nl tl.ii In. .- ; i. il.l.ll nf 11 iti I 1.11 Ida ll.iukk 11 nil!. I U little -I'll Itl lill.l. 1 4 I Ilia fclat'lc l.lll ..I..1 lit II', Vti.lllllatl til l I. ,l a. 1, in. Kile I lu a a l-i tli.au at I Vlt 1 .lilii ,1.1 ili! la tint lliu I 111 In Int. Id !''.. a, ic Iti I b.llil W In II tlili II I! 1 k III .) HI id . l"Mh'i t.tulit; lhu k 11 ill--ii ii iiLiu l-i 1 lui tit 1 1 1 1 .1 li 011 11.. 1 lining ul . Is In ul 111 il. t. -II. A ' liallit' I1.111 t Mill) 'I a. 1- .1 lo 'i -' nil 4I111 j Ulult r .lU'' 'llt'l 4 I" II j ll.ll l.i ll .III' l. . lilia'i I1t.1l ol .1 all. lilt, I ' ill 1', I'l'ltii. ay ui4lli) und pd), li"l iml 11' li'ii.; I liat Willi Mil t'lat I 1 lii Ii ll, t , kll'.UIi., Hill Ilia k lui.la ) U.. ilthUu.w I )) ' -.IV 1411-1 l'. .ml til l.lln ' ll'J 1,1 I urns In. 111 i, 41. 1, ill li. 1 I I' i'Iii. I it , I nu 1 ii . 1. 1 t" 11 i 1 it' i. lit HI St'lv d.a ' -l lM. .al It-llibUj ! I lli.l.lt.11,4 . 1 1 l . .t 1 ...... , ..... 1 . . 1 1...1.. VI . ! ..1 S...14IU 4 l li,.iii a . U. ill I . 1 .... 1 1... ... ..i. . if I 1. 111 L.I I4l.uli4lllilllll I lui U"U4I-U fl I'UIUJ - la III l, l.l III. as, mil U4.U luli..li uulnUk. I'M u"' 'lo.wlii.M 4 U lld44Ul4 t'MOilkHlW, Ud 4 j K Uu'lll4ll tint! 1-4UUI. 'I'll V ' ' il il4l" M'IHIti-. 'lit' aniiiu 11.. Ii . tie -ill 1 I -1 j ii tu.-i -i b f rt ill Ik la .nl W l. 1. kl I ''.llnl I'.. I. Hi. I I..J UI I I 11.44 ft lill.il, W4al I -1 III III llut 41.U, 40 I nu i Iii 4 ' -l- i UlU I Wl'iU ".It ft hill tu. u I iila-r llia) III 1 Lllll W 4UI , fl K' J ll'kl W 4 14 I mm lilt I -.o l.aj -I I 'tuiy lliu ilioWMU I. ,11 I1.1. I'll lailif.i 1 Il4.ua salt I.kuI'U hi II v - 1 . ' I 4 ' .1