Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 08, 1871, Image 2

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    t . WILVERT. j
SUNBURY, JULY 8, 1871.
For AortUor Oncral,
iavii sTAirroN,
For Surveyor General,
ItOIiritT It. DEATH,
It is ninusiDg to see tbo wire-pullers of
tba opposition, try to rcconcllo tlio tlisafTec
tion iu their ranks in this county. Every
plan is being adopted to quiet thoso candi
dates who havo been clearly cheated out of
their nominations. It places tho Demo
cracy la a bad situation, and many, wo
havo no doubt, would willingly recall tho
promises mado to tho Irish voters of tho
county, wero they now willing to submit.
But the matter has gouo too far. Tho
leaders of that party havo given promises
from year to year to keep that element with
them, aud occasionally given an office to
provo their sincerity, now tho tactics aro
being changed and that clement has con
cluded they had lived long enough on
promises, aud they take charge of tho offices
iiiid see whether their leaders aro willing
to live on promises for a while. Tiio de
frauded candidates and honest portion of
tho parly aro therefore earnestly appealed
to, to yield for Uft present, or until all would
corp& stent again. But ns somo aro not
willing to adhero to such propositions, wo
find correspondents, claiming to bo located
iu different parts of tho county, pretending
thnt all were satisfied in their locality, and
willing to submit to tho most glaring frauds
ever perpetrated upon any party. Ono of
theso correspondents from a disaffected
district says, "the political horizon seems to
lx cleared of thoso threatening clouds of
discontent, aud in tho lnnguago of a once
noted General, "all is quiet along tho lines"
at present." This is done to get other dis
tricts reconciled, for wo aro informed by tho
most prominent Democrats iu that Bamo
district, that nearly all tho members of tho
Democratic party aro opposed to tho whole
sale frauds by which tho candidates aro
nominated, aud will not submit to bo ruled
by the element in tho coal region. AVo
Btato those facts to show how well Borao of
tho leaders understand shutting tho eyes of
somo of tho ruoro honest portion of their
party, and as it is an old dodge, we have no
doubt that by tho time election comes off
they will have most of them convinced, that
everything is fair aud square, and all for
tho good of tho party.
Fiiom carefully prepared tables of tho
sugar production in Louisiana, says tho
Philadelphia Fms, it appears that tho lar
gest amount manufactured between tho
years 1S23 and 1870 was 459,410 hogsheads
in 1861. Tho amount produced in 1870 was
141,881, being au increaso of C7,791 hogs
heads over tho production for 18GC. This
is very gratifying, hb showing tho restora
tion oi tho industrial resources of tho Slates
that were so completely prostrated by tho
war, and also tho success of free labor.
In 1804 but 6,G08 hogsheads were produced.
Thu increaso has boeu steady sinco, but at
bo tiina so groat as during last year.
"Wheel about, and turn about,
And jump Jim Crow."
Below wo published two distinct planks
iu tho Democratic platforms in tho
question of negro lhalDcmocrats
may see and fully realize tho change that has
been mado in the avowed principles of their
parly during tho past two years :
Democratic Platform I J)mocralie Platform
lStilt. 1871.
Tttmliml, That tbc Jleiohvd, Tbut wo
Peuiocrnilc party of recognize tho binding
runusytvunh Isopposedjobligatlon of ull thepro
to conferring upon tb.u vlnlous of tlio Constitu-iK-sro
tho right to vote jjtlou of tbo Culled Slates
and wo do emphatically an they now exist,
deny tliul tlicro Is any :(wlileh includes tho light
l ight or power Iu Cou-lof negroes to vote,) and
gross or elsewhere to1 we deprecate the dUeus
iinpose ucgro snthagolon of tissues w b I c h
upon tho pcoplo of thik Imvo bean otttlutl oy tho
Ntule in opposition to authority constitutional
their will. ly appointed.
"Men change, but principle never."
lviuocrota, what do you thiuk of the
change ?
That fcW.OOO. It is very evident now
that tho County Commissioner are deter
mined to make tho best of it this year. Last
year they had over If 05,000 to work ou. uud
tho presuu t year it w ill probably go a thou
sand or two higher. Tlio amount reported
by tho County Auditors fur 1S70, was un
collected taxes for 1800 aud previous j tars,
$39,033 99. Tho amount of tax levied for
1H70 Is 2M.919 43, making altogether ifW,
.Vj3 4 J. Of this amount they report $01,.
HH W expeuded and f 11,151 '.'1 iu tho
imiulnof f.ivunUj colkxtoM, After having
this Unto amount ti hand tlu v tell us that
Hie county is iuJcLutl J7.575 70, on which
inlcivsl I j puiil, while the ouUtmnlini; luxe
show no Inti tiiBt, Tor 1S71 wo karu thai
u of 7 mill km bent levied, and u tho
valuation on projn r'y U intili higher thuu
ncunu jour, It will run I ho t.uus up to
uboul (riO.OiXJ 00, which W ith tlio t'll.lo.',
-I outstanding will iimko the snu sum it
ui tu7,tXKJ, Will thu tax navurnconiliiito
tu uphulJ lha Ring und pay for thu wlthlkt
m iiu h nuts r
N'ohaiu llutl Jtulo Wiikcr, wlio Was
i luati i out of tho recent i.uuiiiiaiiuii in
NortliumUilituil muniy, ly thu ii.iu.U lit
l iu toul re-luiis, Hill ul imistait lu Ui do
IWUcd nut uf his f'mtuvs of un ilucltuii
ly illegal volts, llal lit) been honestly Uul
ttt liu would to In duly bound to v.uui. but
ItO lima is ju. tilted iu submitting U mum.
nttituu Mtttitwl by lntuil.-.WuWii i'vt.
lb ubovu i tunul, Ju.ltj Wilkur,
Uto uuy uttior lnmoruLilo irtiitlt-itiuu. U m
i.4 lu uuy kind U irttmU livlUrlu
Kjlllli UI blUlllcs W4Ustlloil. ft lid I
liuulliat Hut aouuer ioirupUitt iu any
l"ij w suppict.i tiui Utter.
TIJ i'UUu, iLU tUU'iuiul Lit July 1st
lm ft l .ul, k 4 i ili Iu ll.u Tivury vi
4'JJ,IIH,HU, di4tv4i vl T,t03.JiJ
kiuiu Juno ( utli n (Ky 'I'uwuiy,
Ovif uUtivm o lanUi I..U.J ui Ulsl
WUiuUiU, bl IU.4-I.K4, lbMU4 lit-
LI Ull . .
The early movement in opening tho Prcsi
dontial campaign by tho citizens of Mary
lanu, is very significant, and the selection
ot ocn. Grant for President, and Gen.
Cameron for Vice President, is bdyond a
doubt, the best and most popular selection
that could havo been made at this time
Tho movement is proper, and is mado with
exceoding good judgment.
Gen. Grant, it has long been concoedod.
will receive a re-nomination for President.
Ilia administration has been ouo of unex
ampled and almost unexpected success.
Having successfully battled throujih tho
troubles, disordors and difficulties, which
pcrvailcd when inaugurated into office,
and ruled with a steady hand tho general
woilaro ana prosperity of tho country, tho
pcoplo havo gained confidence in him, and
awrovcu His course They havo tried him
and havo not found him wanting in cssen-
llrtl , 1 ! 1 ... ....
imruuuiux us io iirna oi tho govern
ment of this great growi diversified na
tion, and express thcmsclva, willing to
trust mm vttn tno management of our
national affairs for another terra.
In tho naming of Gen. Camcm for ii,ft
Vico Presidency, our sister Slato hu. mai0
a selection that is not only compumenw.w
to Pennsylvania, but is a high tributo to an
acknowledged statesman, who lias but few
compeers. Like Clay, wcustcr ana others
of years past, ho stands at tho head of our
national affairs where ho is constantly con
sulted as to tho best, aud safest plans of
guiding our national government. No
better candidato could bo selected, uor ono
that would bo more popular among tho
pcoplo of tlioso United Slates. His official
record during tho lato troubles in this
couutry, which is still fresh in tho memory
of all, is such that every good and loyal
citizen approves of. Wo do not know
whether Gen. Cameron would accept tho
nomination, but if ho should, wo predict
ho will not only bo a Btrong candidato iu
Pennsylvania, but throughout the Union,
having long been known as a truo and faith
ful representative of tho people, aud their
interests, and manfully defended tho inter
ests of labor, and tho poorer classes.
Since writing tho above Gen. Cameron,
has positively dccliucd being a candidato
for tho Vico Presidency. Tho Harrisburg
Telegraph of Wednesday last, publishes tho
following by authority :
The Vice Pesidkncy and something
"ISy tho authority of Senator Cameron,
and at his request, wo aro called on to an
nounco his opinion as to candidates in tho
coming Presidential contest ; and to fur
ther assure thoso who value his opinions in
political affairs that tho injudicious agita
tion of tho subject of candidates at this time
forces him to break a silcnco which should
havo continued until tho campaign now in
progress in Pennsylvania had been ended.
IIo is not, and will not bo a candidato for
tho Vico Presidency under auy circum
stances. Nor docs ho attach tho Blightcst
importance to that subject. Dut ou tho
Presidential nominee his convictions aro
matured and stroug.
IIo desires tho renoraination aud re-election
of President Grant for many weighty
reasons, believing him to bo tho very man,
of all men, to bring tho country out of its
financial and political complications. His
management of tho revenues lias been mag
nificent. Tho steady payment of tho na
tional debt has been tlio crowniug achieve
ment not alono of his administration, but
of practical fiuancii'-' tiuitctiura
adjustment of our foreign relations and
partiouUiiy tlio negotiation of tho Treaty
of Washington, gives evidences of the high
est order of statesmanship. Ilia devotion
to tho causo of American labor is sturdy
and sincere. The anxiety ho constantly
shows to iiud tho truo relations between
commcrco and manufactures, and his hon
est desire to forward tho highest interests
of both commend him alike, to the producers
and the exchangers of industrial wealth.
And his iullcxiblc determination to enforce
the laws makes him a perfect oilicer, iu all
Honest, capable, straightforward, indexi
ble, and brave, ho combines all tho elements
of power through which alono the South
cau bo restored to peace, order and pros
perity. That part ot our country requires
nothing so much at this tiiuo tia a clear
conviction that tho laws of tho laud nro to
bo cither loyally oboyod or mercilessly en
forced. Thoy must learn that the riglit of
u Morilicrn, Eastern or Western man is as
complete in the South ns any where clso ;
and that tho absolute freedom of political
discussion and action in every part of this
country is tlio dearest of all thoso rights
which tho war for tho Union settled. There
can bo no pcaco until the South yields this
point , and under Gritut they will lcaru it
soonest. Ho can neither bo wheedled nor
bullied. Aud for this miaou ho is the best
l'ri'Hidcut for that luibuleut section.
These, reasons, amongst others, control
tho judgment of Senator Cameron, uud he
is so anxious that Grant should bo re-elected
that ho looks with chagrin on auy and
all mailers which shall divert the attention
of tho iieoptu from that subject, Pennsyl
vania will do her duty in thu future as iu
tho past, aud will find her txeoiuin io iu
her devotion to civil liberty, and the Great
l 'it P tain under whom civil liberty la so well
ALKXAXDKU II. S'lKHIKNi ill Ids built-
talory, upon usstimiug couUol of the edi
torial columns of thu Atlanta Sim, boldly
declares his adhcrcuco to thu doctrine of
rHntiV rights, lie bpcuks of the ";;(t,"
not tho people uf tho United StuU s, and
lu order that theto may bo uo mlsuuder
btiindiuij oflils iiuanlug, ho declares that
bo w ill udvocalo tho due trine Iu tho vol
umiis of tho Sun, that thu uovcriiiitcut of
tho Culled Muu. is only u Coufedeiutu
Uepubtic, which limy bu dissolved ul pUu-
sure, Thi ic is uo "new denurliuu" iu tins
Tho tiacutluia Atyu4, I ho ornuuof tho
Ikiiuucrucy uf tsimouluud county, iu
pmlutes tliu platlurui nhpted Ml thu Me til
lK inoi-raliu M ilo Convention, It s.t:
"lU'VuIld thu liouiimiliull lit imiiluhiL .
lUy (il.u I'uiiuiiiiuii) hud bo ttuihwily to
iuiiut mu jail), -Jim m,uuM.i4Uc
f"fnis kii4cy from tU I4il.1t sol tin
IUulutl"lt I liu tollillllllliiu lnlul.l. J bv l!..
pcoplo Mithuul tUuid ul Uyuiictsur iuuio
uUlS. t llll'll' Kill limit (he Hinl ftwWu.
1I U't Ullli't. ( t-uruiil, ihli bMlUS"M
it'lii tyUiiit iiiiiiiii,tii(s ui mu.Ji (ml
UMllt'lMlty 4S l'l 111.44 tvi ploltcl thu
4 otistllull.iH 4li4 llw p.opl gat,il ull
II4IIIIII. Ill llll bl I lie tlliiUks lit 4) 14
u'nk 1.. ' ititxt'otiil, ttt ihuuM-iulu.
(' "" v't K l' m ft ut-' .-kit! u.n.U
lii U'i.1 1 .t hi (di ..U(i il j. "
'IU KuiviU bl I044 itltkl ba llm
'I .1. 4iUm" ba'tiuM, kisllU itsuli
H ttb bvbUbttu4t.
From tho c!R.KU KM X AG tlx
From tho vicl.8' c- Union, Juno 21.
reached this city T.tbo proceedings, who
tho following particuloixcmng, wo loam
doings of the KuKlux in NeVuoro of the
Mile Johnson, a colored labory county,
novcr hold any office or taken any c(ho has
ous part in politics, states that ho has'cu
at work as a laborer, and oeennlnd n. hmn.
upon tho placo of Leonidas Simms, fifteen
miles abovo tho villago of Newberry, and
that on Sunday night, tho 18th instant, a
party of men first visited the houso of Mr.
Simms, and called to him to put his head
out of tho window, which ho refused to do.
when, after a short parley, they proceeded
to tho plantatlan houso of our informant,
no, meanwhile, having heard them at tho
houso of Simms, which was only about
twenty yards from where ho (Johusou)
Johnson states that ho then imagined
that there was trouble, and upon his reach
ing their houso ho had stationed himself
upon a tablo that stood in tho room bo
twecn tho front and back door," and hur
riedly, in his nigliit garments. A simul
taneous assault was made upon both doors,
but they boing heavily barred, it was im
possible to push them in. Finally tho
Earty got an axo and broko down tho door.
Hiring this time Johnson stood upon tho
tablo with a hcavv navv revolver In linml.
but when tho front door camo down ho
d ropped under tho tablo. Somo of tho party
then threw a lighted match into tho room,
o. nuincuiaiciy iwo ot 1110 men enterea,
thcmV.0 P'ftccd his pistol closo to ono of
,,ftujon8'ufircd; tlio man fell, and his corn
to say, "Hdttfd him out, and were heard
Joimson thcnlil'.is head."
tho crowd, which hall'? sccoud shot into
tho front door, with w'hifP'uo around to
known. Tho party filed several it is not
tho houso of Johnson, and lodged ats into
in tho front door. Johnson states ho n3.V3
quick time out of tho back door, when the
parly at mat Uoor liau leit lor 1110 lront one,
where tho Ku Klux had been shot, and
took to tho woods, where ho stayed until
daylight, when ho returned to his houso
aud remained until Monday night, when
ho walked thirty-six miles and took tho
cars for Columbia, arriving hero last even
ing; as before stated.
Tho expenses of our lato Slato Senate,
wherein the Democrats had ono majority
were a fino illustration of that Democratic
oconomy of which wo have heard so much.
Tho figures show that its miscellaneous
expenses exceeded thoso of that body for
tho last twenty years. ono item will show
tho character of tho Democratic policy.
A private Secretary, at an oxpeuso of 1200
to tho State, was employed for Mr. Wallace,
tho present Chairman of tho Democratic
Stato Committee. Tho tax payers will
apprccialo such economy!
Says tho St. Louis ltqmbllcan (Demo
cratic :)
Ouo of tho resolutions adopted by tho
Iowa Democratic Stato Convention de
manded tho trial aud punishment of those
who havo stolen tho taxes paid by the peo
ple." So say wo all ; and for a place to begin,
wo would suggest the corporation of the
city of New York. Tho fifty-two mil
lions added to tho debt of that city, dur
ing tho past two years, by tho "Tammany
King," call aloud for tho enforcement of
tho abovo Democratic resolve. By all
means, men and brethren of Iowa, try and
punish these thieves. Hut wo very much
fear that you will have your labor for your
The indications aro that all tho stir
mado about the new cancer remedy, cun
drango, will prove to havo been part of an
SfJSPAteJiSPS-. piVi& ftMUOta-
by several of tho most promiuent physi
cians of this city and by medical officers
of tho army and navy a pure humbug. A
firm in New York yesterday obtained a
patent on a caucer cure, having this newly
discovered ingredient as a base, and it is
known that prominent parties have secured
a virtual monopoly of the trade in tho cuu
drago plaut.
A tourist thus describes the celebrated
Switch-back and the surrounding Bccncry.
At tho foot of Mount Pisgah you tako a
littlo car, which rapidly ascends to tho
summit at an elevation of more than two
thousand feet. At the top of the mountain
you havo a view of a large extent of terri
tory. Below runs tho Iehigh river. Tho
villages of Mauch Chunk aud East Muuch
Chunk aro so nearly under you that you
almost ituugiuu that you could jump down
into them. Ou a clear day Schoolcy's
Mountain, ono hundred miles away, in
New Jersey, is fully iu view. The descent
from tho mountains in these cars is mado
by gravitation, and thu sensation is novel.
We seo it stated that tickets aro for salo
in Loudon for a trip around tho world.
Thu prico for the round trip has decn fixed
at lu gold, which is equal to about
5rl,-5U in currency. As tho distanco of
J3,ot;j miles, the rato per mile will bo a
fraction over five ceuts. Tlio time required
to perform tlio journey is eighty-one days,
but touriitts will bo allowed tho privilege of
making detours up the couhI uf China, the
Gauge and the Mile. They may vihit
Greece, C ou.stutitinoplc, aud wherever clso
they choow.
AriouiMNO to tbut doughty warrior,
General Napoleon llouapartu Forrest, there
it to no Ku-kttlX-Klaus )U thu South that hu
knows of, but hu acknowledge that hu wu
it member of a secret body uf iuiiuiidator
culled thu White Caiuelias. Of coiirt, so
lUktidious a ccntlciiiau could not Ijo exec
led to belong to uuy ordinary association
whoiiu iurpuBU wus muidur, ussusMiuitiiou
anil outrage. But lluiia NVhitu t iuneliti
by auy other nuuiu Ku-Klux fur lusUucu
would smell us sweet.
CuMuu:i Militia. Thu New York
.Vint suys: Thu colored melt are making a
strung t'lloil to ralsu a regime lit iu lliis
city, Govi-ruor lloiliuait hu promised l
eltu tlx tit tlio sumo uid uud uport un bo
half of tho htatu us uruin u to uuy regular
ly oruituied rv-iiiieul. Tho city official
ttill build tliiiu an aruiory uud present
them Willi a bland of color.
Tllri Suvuiiiiuh (Git.) ICtjuiUicun now
UIl;i llutl tlio rviullii ru IViihhi.iIs klmuld
not ul at i til talk uboul iiiailus.
it couiimIs a coorso ol "niaolcily inai tivi
ly," uud usk, "Sliy ipntiitl ttiili thu
Nutllu in Is iiKmn y about itlislract llutiiii
uud paily'.riii.y Thu laiur may nl
suit tliu rviutli fci.l u Ik hum mini .l .ni.iu
iuu uitt, iiml (ml 14 u'ml uv un ujur,
Tuk t-anpt ror Wlliikiu, ht iou.M.iUi uio
bfllw UIKclil lUlUkly of thbt'luttU I'lllt-
h'm V ii ti'i ui. I..t dtlintiliml to uiquiiul
tho MiduH ul Hut bulilicis slam lu tho laic
War Multilist I'4UC0 lu ull 4cuUlU-s tu llul
public bbimu s.
I'hl'blt Uiu utl l4. ul (hu List titsiuu
uf ihu KnlsUlutu lor tho it'xjibliiu'bl u
buiUr iut.cii-r tr tl.s vuuxlit ul Kuiilt-
UlllUlluli.l, b.U)l ui.4 I'uluibdU, bl
I kitlL lM y tiutVIUuf li.iy 14 H'iubW4
4 f'IUI.iiss)il I't4l4ilbtiui.lili4ils, i.J
ttunl I., t in hi, 2l4uur A. M4UtMk uud
J.ii;.t . WtSU.
UlUnkiU lilsbuutll UJIy UlU4 hi
tiiib, in uik, thu btUr tlsy, bb4
tUu rat ud iuiu,4uU IU liivibud
atw)b4 blUiU.
A IHnn DI1M.1... litis Wits f
Itut-Klnr. mi.t rut He t Vimem
with n Uowlfc-iaiio.
A gentleman frorrthe neighborhood in
Grimes counly, sou five miles from Ra
vasota, where the sadcsi occurrence which,
wo believe, wo hao ever rcccrded, took
lace on last Satusay n)gui, gives u some.
nU'tpuiars auuitimu io m "
tho at boon pubhod. Wo qftjtfr jtfr?
Briffos CPtai " -;:, oand. as wo
learn, and arlch. a Kin"ri0U8 and respect
ed citizen. Nyind'
There were, it neveral robbers in
tho houso, and Urs.Goodiich, hearing
41mm l.nil n . . .. ,.- 1 . -1 . i .1 nr1 tin.
not bi ing ablo to Bid lis pistol, haa uikon
a bowio knife am w in pursuit of tho
thieves. He hrd strucV at ono of them,
and another lnU nassc liiui insido of tho
house, nml lm sti-iim ta have hastened out
side an-1 around to tha window of his own
bedroom, which ho know to bo hoisted,
with tho expcctitioi of intercepting tho
escape of somo of the burglars.
It is Baid that clo;oform had been used
by tho thieves, but nit sufficiently to pro
duce stupefaction, let it is likely that the
feeling of faintnese evuscd by tho inhala
tions of the chlorobrn induced Mrs. Good
rieh to riso from tlio bed where sho had
been left by her hnshtud and to go to tho
window for air. Tlero sho was found by
her excited husbanO, and, as tho night was
so dark that ho coull discern only tlio out
lines of tho figure, io naturally imagined
that ho saw one of -ho robbers about to
pass out through the window. Then camo
blows, bcarimi all lio human mind can
conceive of tho tcrrillo blows by which a
husband took tho lifo of his own wife with
vifoVn fhnt. 1m i distracted, and cau
not bo trusted alone, but is guarded con-
1 - . . 1 . . , I . nnlnnii(nfl net n
atnnt V fn nrdVnnt t 16 COlllIUlSSlOll III BUl-
voK Mrs. uoouiien iu uprasun.,,
it s sTTpmrilishcd and noble womau, and
nathv for lft BUC ull!U "'""T v J
painy ior nc. ..nto-innato husband unor
tier lips.
nt'o-tniKito husband unon
IO ilttnr K..BfrAM.,nf rr nnil
WlllCn C.llnwoA V,n tnrrU.ln
tragedy wo arc iufor1C(i timt the only child
of the marriage, wlno, j Btill almost an
mlant, was Been withit8 head pillowed
upon tho slain motherV hrcast, becing
her to awako auj grant it au evidence of
MnrccNS ofthe American Arms.
OlHclul fromi Admiral Rogers.
Wasiiinqtox, Juuo 28. Tho followin"
Cabinet dispatch, via Shanghai, was ro.cciv'
ed at tho Navy Department to-day :
Core A, Juno 2). To lite Secretary of the
Navy : Tho Corcans uot apologizing for
their treacherous alMck on the 10th inst.,
wo lauded at Kotg'Noc and took and de
stroyed tho towei, fort aud munitions.
On the 11th wi took nnothcr fort, and
then stormed and captured tho stronghold
of the enemy. Six forts in all wero taken.
The troops eportcd the enemy to bo fully
11,000 strong. J
Somo desperate hand to hand fighting
took place in tho c'tadol.
Tour hundred ond eighty-ono pieces of
orduauco belonging to tho enemy wero de
stroyed, being principally small brass pieces
A great quantity cf small arms was cap
tured. Pifty-thrco flags were also taken and two
hundred and forty-tlireo Coreans were kill
ed during the fight and their dead bodied
lio around the citancl.
Our killed were only three. The gallant
Lieutcnaut M'Kce, who was first to gain
tho insido of tho citadel, was killed by a
bullet and a spear, Marines Dennis, Hona
han and Landsman Seth Allen. Out
nine wouuded aro all out of danger and
doing well. .
,, i'iT"! fro at UicKory
Pottsville, July 1. Hickory shaft is
still idle on account of tho fire which has
been burning for a mouth or more. Eight
million gallons of water per day aro going
into the shaft, and tho quantity now iu the
mine is estimated lit ono hundred and fifty
million gallons; tilling it nearly or quite to
a point abovo which tho tire cannot extend.
It is thus certain cf being speedily extin
guished. This can bo pumped out agaiu
iu about a month. Work at tho neighbor
ing St. Clair shaft lias been stopped by the
mine inspector, who feared this great vol
ume of water would break through the pil
lar connecting tho two shafts, but of this
tho engineers have no apprehension.
What Will You Do V A cotempo
rary contains tho folbwing hit at a certain
club of beans and belles, who imagine mat
rimony to bo llicgrea , object of lifuaud cud
of all worldly trouble:
"Johnny, what do ;ou expect to do for a
living when you get t bo a man 1"' "Well,
1 reckon, I'll get married und board with
my wifu's inollicr."
Coin to thiuk it ovjr, what a vast num
ber of "Johuuies" thiro are in tho world.
What au army of idledwadlers and haug-crs-011
in society, who aro only looking out
to marry a boardiug lacc. Aud to make
it all riglit there is just as big an army of
foolish women who arj ready to marry tho
first Pitzdawdlo who cones along, if he can
talk soft nonsense, oylo woetly, has a soft
hand, and a "soul tibcvj" honest labor.
They have uo conscientious scruple about
aildiug another "boarder" to tho already
straightened household, "Irj's so nice, you
know 1 so distinquo" so dillerent from
that vulgar John, who works and ha such
"hideous rough hands and Lig feet."
llou. lloraco Caprou, Coruuissioncr of
Agriculture, ha resigned, lis resignation
to take elici t 011 August 1st. Hu accept a
similar position under thu Jatoiicsotiovcrn
uieiil, at a salary of f JO.ikio ;icr milium.
Judge Witttx, of Carlisle, till Htatu, hu
Ift-ii appointed Coiiiuibsiuit r uf Agricul
ture, by President lirauU Tho Judgu hu
been u lover uf lite scene of agricul
ture, and ha long bceu piiuinciit iu ttgri
cultural movement.
A htttil-iciiding railway itccldcut occur
red un thu Northwestern railroad, ut liar
pcth river, uboul luiu miln front thu city
of .Nashville, un Muiidty, th rough thu giv.
iiivl way ui u bridgu, r'iiWn pciou cru
killed uud twenty -iliics wounded.
A decision wus rendered at Willcsbaire
un Monday In thu cast uf thu ( 'oitiinoti
wcuhh of i'i niisylvaiii'; rel. Thoum M.
Williams, Iiucl jr uf i'ilie. v. Suiuuel
llutil.cU, Jr., lid litlicl Wlicie, lor thu
liil tiiuu siucu thu Miiu) ttitilitiioii law
Hit iiiaclcd, tirin.11 itioiit'i ao, that law
1)4 belli construed Uttd tliul ccd.
Tel riblu hi 1 ouul uru st U r ccivi d uf thu
f.iiniiio lu IVi.iu, At Vti suiitu liny thil
dicii i tvu Ucit killed a id vuluu by thu
slat yuu M'diuiMiucdau (H piUlioii. Su
tno i thu laiuiiui iu cila. n tu ihiti nut
only Itittu thu date uud tt igui' ul iiyus
U It U ed ud lulcu by ihu sUrll Uf
b Uu is ol ilUiief lliiiuh uliiehtlscy
p4ssd, but ll") lowk iuuk Wvi grwidilv
tluyuuiv4 ft Mill
AtfcMTi fcM k ildkr M M Uu4 U Volu
llm ik.sjtu.4tlct). kU Uluiu tlut r, but
is h i 1U t Uud 1I.4I ht vut urnst uily si ith
lit bulk t, klul U.'b VMIsvl lu d' M ftlUl
l.u iluniii .1 ilj 4iiny bluu biaiiiiuf tnu
"N'kW Ikp4ltUlti," ftsivd 4Jyi tU I'kU
Mbl. liiKJll, IvMslk uU ''lUftl i lb
-i. t4 ).ul, but IU Uwt U lU 4ib4 bl
used m tho Lehigh Vatlev every tw enty
fimr hours, makiua a total of 730,ttW ioub
a year. The royalty, a sum I
operators 10 um jhoih-ikj t,.,
tA cihout 285.000.
The Kansas City (Missouri) .Mtraa
. . i rm rim 1 nA nf pnt.tla Will
savs tnat aooui, ooo,ow u ----- , .
boyreceived in tlie Western marke to thta
season irom iw - :vy - ' . T0ifln
havo boon rccolvp" "j
A Maji In Danville has kent ono hotel
for fortv vcars. and has an old bachelor
boardor- wbo has been with him for over
tuirty-uvu j.-
Sixteen uunureu anu uaVo
navigated out ot HOUDanK, Olariou couuty
this year.
The new jail at Mauch Chunk ""18n"
ed, and is now occupied by tno prisoners of
Carbon county. Tho jail cost 123,000.
A live alligator, bovcu feet long, was
caught in tho streets of Bcllovillo, Ala., a
few days ago.
Tim itinnmshurff Bcmblican tells a sto
ry of a horso which was frightened to death
uurmg a severe ntumiei- owun
The Itcpublican party took tho tax off of
real cstato. What assuranco Havo wo it win
.,.,t l mlnv 1 if tlio Uomociacv were 10
get power, as that party is pledged to undo
all tho legislation enacted by Itcpubhcau
rriir-i!n. nro Kovnutnetl lodsrOS of Odd rel
lows in Berks county, with 2,800 contribut
in tr members.
Tho cathartics used and approved by
tbo physicians comprising tlio various
medical associations of tins tato aro now
compounded and sold under tho name oi
i'arsonsY Purgativo Pills.
Wo copy tho following from an exchange,
which is important if true: Chronic diar
rhoea of Jong standing, also dysentery, and
all similar complaints common at this sea
son of tho year, cau be cured by tho uso
(internally) of Johnson's Anodyuo Lini
ment. Wo kuow whereof wo affirm.
For County Commissioner.
At tlio solicitation of ninny friends I offer my-
self ns a enndidnto for County Commissioner,
subject to tho decision of tlio Republican County
Shook! I be nominated mid elected, I pledge
inyBcirto perform tlio duties of tno olllco ucono
iiiiciilly ond to tho udvniitniro of tho tnx-pnvcrs
Lower Augusta twp., July H, 1871.
For 'onuly Cominiasioncr.
At the solicitation of many friends In the lower
end of the county, I havo consented to uecomo n
rnndiduto for County Commissioner. Subject to
tho decision of tho Republican Countv Conven
tion. It. C. FiailEH.
Washington twp., July 1, 1871.
t'ouuty Trcn.Hurer.
At tho solicitation of many friends lu Milton
And surrounding townships, I am Induccdito an
nounce myself us n candidate for tho position of
Connty Treasurer. Subject to the decision of the
Republican Couuty Convention.
Milton, July 1, 1871.
IMsfrirt Attorney.
The undcrhlgncd nnnounccs to his fellow citi
zens of Northumberland county. Hint he is a
candidato for District Attorney, and respectfully
solicits their support at tho ensuing election.
Sunbury, Juno 24, 1871.
For Connty CoinutI.stonrr.
I respectfully nnuounco myself to tho Republi
can party of Northumberland county us n candi
dato for County Commissioner, subject to the
decision of tho Republican! Couuty Convention.
Should I bu nominated und elected, I will en
deavor to perform tho duties of tho olllcc to tho
advantage of the people of the county.
- Shamokin township, Juuo 24, 1871.
NOTICE Is hereby glveu thnt application will
bo mado nt the next session (lS7)i) of the
Legislature of the btste of reuiipylvania for tlio
incorporation of a bank, under tlio name, style
and title of "The bunbury Dime Savings Bank,"
to bo located at Sunbury, Northumberland coun
ty, l'a., with bucIi powers and privileilgon, nnd
for such objects ns aro usually granted to insti
tution of like character with a capital of 25,000,
and with tho power of Increasing the same, by a
vote of the stockholders, to 00,000.
Sunbury, July 10, 1871.
TITHE undersigned having it larger tract of land
-X. (over 200 acres) than can be procrlv culti
vated in 0110 farm, lurgely devoted to trucking,
otters for salo about 0110 100 acres, embracing the
whole of tlio old l'erslug farm, together with 11
part of the tiuldin farm.
Tlio uaturnl advantages of tho part ollercd for
sale, are in ull resiccls equal fur gardening pur.
poses, to those of the part reserved. My own gar
dening for the past two seasons has beeu cliu-lly
dono 11 1 -on it.
There aro many good farmers lu this county
barely muklug a living nt ordinary grain farming,
who might greutly advance their Interests by
giving some utteutimi to trucking tiionu farm so
w elt uilaplcd to tho business us the one now oller
cd, and so roiivciilmit to one ol tho very best mar
kets iu the State. Teriiia reasonable. For par
ticulars Inquire uf, or address
July 8-tf. l'"hJlL,NJL'rlu'11 '
KOTICF. is hereby given, by thu undersigned
stockholders of tlio Lehigh mid Eastern
Hallway Company, that there will be an election
held ut the Central Hotel, iu Sunbury, l'a., ou
Saturday, the 1'uli day uf July, I81I, for the elec
tion of u 'resident und swell directors for tlio
said Com any lu pursuaueo of tliu supplement to
the act oliucoi i.uraliou approved thu -Till day of
May, 1871.
B. H. K ASK,
h. I'. WOl.VEUTON',
11. W. Mi REY NOLDS,
J. II. K AhK,
Hun'juiy, July 1, lsl.--;U.
(All I.
Mo. 803 Chestnut Btroet, riiiludolphla,
IV.lic lu Invite Ihectpociiil lleiitlnu uf purrhit
vis uuJotUur iiiUK llmt'lt),tulUclr unusually
lurge uud tailed usaoitiuvut ul
Svw Jwrlry(
uf mutt reliable makers,
i.Ol.D 111 UN.
trlUli (ilrr Ur
lot biulal ud olUi r prvsttilullutis.
Tsl'l t ullcry, I ivxlro I'lnted lioud uf lb Unci
ivitlud diisvl fruiu l'll during lb piwmut
t'uuittuus sud .llls kllSUlluM I Saudv4 It)
l lm Us y h UiUuc4 bi sit. I CuldUi lull
Mtuti to lull tbtlt WsuUfui slion,
t'4 lllMUt Mriili
slwljf 1, lTt.
MOOr 41 kllUK M iHir4t II
jusiAii 11 111 r.,
Mslkvi ft 4'l tlllMI vltuls kmI u I U llllw4,
uw uvxlb st4, ftl fttl tel. '
Mill U"4 U tU v-4wlii ul tv4
U il Us bi-v.tU,s4 all uk Mlv4
la b ullell il
tUlM4 " ' ftv4
ftwitbui), M it, )l
f ShhtrtiSCmttrtS. I
'W.rt T at
Mt Vs. V ! I f tttn
l. ll..lJ.fL
July 1, 1871.
Clock & Watch Repairer.
Iu Dewart's Block, three doors west of tho Cen
tral novel, MarKcv oiiuttie,
D.ifnii lnrorms tha citizens of Sunbury and
Vicinity, tliu ne is jirei'-vrou " F'". "
Watches In all brandies, also Gold and Bllvcr
Witro of all dcscrlptlom. ...ft
Havlnff had forty yen is experience in tho busi
ness In this country, ho flatters himself that ho
enn ttivo irenornl satisfaction.
All work guaranteed Custotnireapcctruliy so
licited. t"Iuo IT,
11A8 lust oponed a first class Bakery on Front
!..... .,.,r ii,,, li .ilmnl I'pnnl, nt Northuinncr-
land, and Is prepared to turuisn inc citizens ui
x.-..,.i,.,,l nnrt Sinilmrv with nU l.lnJo or
nreiiu una CHKi;s, such as
and a full lino of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns,
Hoi Is and Twists.
Bread and C'aUe delivered to customers every
Cukes lor Balls, Turtles, Weddings, Fairs, ifeo
fiuuibhcd at short notice.
Being a practical baker, and having worked
at the buslucss In Sunbury for several years putt,
he hopes to give satisfaction to his customers us
Orders nr
ire rcspettfully solicited,
nbcrluiul, Juuo 10, 1871. tf
F.Biatc or Elizabeth Jones, lec'I.
NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testa
mentary have been grunted to the underslgn-
I edon thecstntuof ELIZABETH JONtS.Iateot ll
) Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland coiny.
l'a., deceased. All persons uuieuica are rei"--to
make Immedlato payment, and thoso wvlnir
claims to present them duly iiuthcutluic tor
ait tlnmrmt.
EM'L WILVERT, txecutor.
Sunbury, June S-t, 1871. Ct.
Estate or CJcorgo Ew-crlfli, Non,.
Late of Jordan ToxenMh deceased.
NOTICE la hereby glv-n that letters testa
mentary lmvi boeu granted to tho under
signed, on tho estate o.' Ucorgo Emcrlch, Sen.,
Into of Jordan totvusAip, Northumberland coun
ty, Pa., decoacd. All persons indebted to said
cstato are rcticstcd to make Immediate payment,
and thoso Having claims to present Uicm uuly
authenticated for settlement.
JorJan township, Juno 10, 1871. Ct
Merchant Tailoring.
in tho Post Olllco Building, opposite tlio Depot,
(up stairs,;
Informs his friends nnd tho public generally,
that ho has just opened a largo uuu aneu as
sortmcut of
Cloth. CasNliuercs, YcatingN, Ac,
which will bo mndo up to order lit the latest
Atvli.R. mul warranted to lit.
lienlleincn in want of fashlonablo suits aro in
vited to cull aud cvamiuo his stock.
..,......, uu iiiucviauiy cut aud mado to
Wo furnish tho ubovu stylos of Improved yoko
and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve,
nnd guaranteo a perfect lilting shirt. It is the
best model of a shu t ever ottered to the trade.
Fine and fancy shirts mado to order.
Juno U, lS7l.-Cm.
I)K. J. F. t ASKHV,
Olllco und Resldciee, Walnut Street, between
mini ami rourtu streets,
. All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat
e'd or operated upon, such us Strubismus, (Cross
Eyes,) Cataract, (blindness.) and ull other di
scuses relating to Surgery, us Talipes, (Club or
Reel Feet,) llalr-LIp, Excision of Tumors, i;c.
it iso 1110 euro ot fcpuopsy (or ralliug tits.)
Sunbury, May 1871.
Nuubury, 1'ruu'u,
XNFORM tho pulillc that they aro prcpnrerl to
OL. UO ull KlllllS Ot LA81 l.MiS, llllll having mlilcll
a new Muchlno Shop lu connection with their
Foundry, and havo supplied themselves with New
Lathes, Planing uud Boring .Machines, with the
latest Improvements. Willi tlio iiid ol Bkilltul
mecliuulcs, they uro enabled to execute all orders
that may bo giveu them, In u satisfactory man
(mien to Hiilt any Stove.
IRON COLUMNS, for chiiri lies or other build
ings, of ull sizes.
Ornamental Iron Fencing
Full tili.VVE YARD LOTS j
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su
H'iiorlly, havo been still further Improved, uud
will ulways be kept oil hand.
Snnbiiiy, May 20, 1S71.
Niiti(s ori:iii
l.uriro Ktovki llctlcr l utilllivisl
Jut opened a laige, II an and suhMuutlul lusort
un nt uf
Sl'ltlXli DULSS (ilHlDS,
loiiifrtt ifH, AV ltito llutuls, Fttiu-y
(KmmIh, Trim 11 lint;, C'loths,
CAKl'KTS AND Olh 1'I.OTll.
lluUM'kecplug goo-l lu great V41I1I).
ntlRll liUlHlltllS,
(jueeiiswuro, Wiliuw-Witr, (ilaaurc, Vc, Ac.
A Uud stuck of substantial
llf MJ)lld llulUlUK,
for Meu uud tlo. Eaelt line fuU u4 cuiupUls.
W bub.unlUI Uoud HH.cUlty. .it I
I't-ivrsi ftuit list ttutra. 4 nil stwU
our Moils.
All kluds ul vuuntiy pruUm tukcu tu cat.
vLaugn lu) ijoojs.
MtlOllK A )lBelNH,
lUupl's Iruu bulUlug, MaikJ ftHnv, ftviului j).
jkprtl tJ, ltl.
" ''liMlTJiriuOOltft).
Ul'lllNU AM bl'MMtll ttTYI.t.S,
k'i uu si
HUH It II Ii 111.41 14'HI klOUi:,
Udikci ft.,vMi, III Mil UV, t'nu'4.,
LAIlt' I'lUsis Uim4 A ft I' till LI.
)iks TilvuvuU'l!,t k-wbiwUviU, kutluo, Av
lefts' t ulUis, liMft Im, IUl ftus, lUuJkvt-
t'vilviuu.)), wll ftvw, IUU UiiUi,t uu.1,
An UtiUllusi U t4tx.4i4 l U In vl s4 K
At'U it, U't
lins Just received mid opened
which he lias
and otters t" tho Public nt tho very
Having established u reputation for low
prices and
JFJTTl ID E A- Xj 1 3ST G-
to all, will ondcavor to maintain that position.
Thankful for the lanrc aiiiouut of patronago
hcrctol'iire bestovied upon Inc, 1 will eudcaver by
furnishing the bct goods at the lowest prices to
merit it continuance of the same.
11. Y. FRILlNli.
April 13, 1871.
N(leulil Assortment
at Tin:
Third St., One Dooi! Rdi.ow Market
St., SiNiu KV, 1'a.,
J. 71. ZIKOLFIt, I'topriolor.
Every varhty of
French & English' cassimkrks,
of the lliict grades, embracing every quality
uud styles that the New York and rhiiadclphi i
Maikils ullord, vvhieli will be made up In onlrr
by the best uf workmen, warranted to lit uud
reudcr entire satisfaction.
embracing everything of Gentlemen's wear, all
new and of tho latest styles. A largo stock has
just been opened, to which tho ciliAlis are in
vited to call uud I'xuiuiuc.
J. M.,
Third Street, one door belotv Maiktl Square.
Sunbury, April l."J, IS71.
"IjIGIITY acres of Improved land lu the hot
section of houlhii u Mu IiI-mii, within lite
miles nl the tuw ii ul " t liicu Km u,"lu Si. Jo
seph county, within tnoluili ot the Railroad
Slution, goml buildings, tint Iioiim lar.'e oi
ehard, soil, rich sandy loam, school lioii and
cburctis within sliil title ludupulalile, l u
in ns uic lu wheat, thu n iiialiiilrr in tlnur n..d.
V k 1 1:1 II III' tlltl'Ml'M. .Villi.. Ill Ii ' k HIM I II II 1 1.1 1.1 I III ill I.
KlileuaiU, ,Ve., Will bit sold Willi I Ilia IIoihi I V.
I'liiv ro ir ucre, fJ.OcHJ In Hie Uilaiicu iu
tiiuo p.i)ini ills ul t.Vn.1. A..: til
VM. X. LVtU, 'lime Kit ei., Mull,
II. 11. M pi:it, Suiibui), l'a.
Buubury, March 11, l;t.
i. ihi mii u i:.
rpilE li'Hik AeciamU and Nol.s of J. V. 'n
1 ling A Bon, und II. V . I uiu.. , luivo Im ii
placid iu the h.mJt ol A, N, H' Lv, l'..., for cot,, t
citluu. All kuow in,' tin in. . lie. .1 ml
call ut Ids ulllcv in l.!oiiii Hall, ami make t '
lli-llieul, ur souie sali.l.iitol y ul ram i lm lit lot
pas nun t, litifur July l-i. in suit will I .a iii.u.,Ut
ut lint! 1 1 Uil). J. W. t III I.I Mi ik Bl'N, .
11. V. Hili.l.Si..
ftundury, Juuo 10, ',. -U ll I.UUIIHI.IM MILI.).
.tw iTiTiks or
HttttrMlua stuU llrttltsl
llMtft StUvl UUMMI.
t all liua tf Mwuu.iii ills 4i.4 1
MH I INI HV 11 llli; M il I II.IV.
Htll UitiUitiS, iii.4Uv.l, ri4lU n, l.loi,,
IUlt.U.1. ba It, A. t Ai.
lim I i.tttii'ft ti fcuiiiix
Uls M I . IH'I I It
ftoitlll foutlit 4., Ivvv Iks H.t.i i. ftfll41
4,.ii iii