Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 08, 1871, Image 1

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is rrnnsnKD nrmtr Saturday by
EM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor,
massrh's Btti.nixos, maukkt sguAiiB,
At 81.50 In Advance
II not pnl.l within O Month
finbscriptwn,Jal,el for m than tlx Month.
IvoNhW JOBOFUChjcoiitnlnlniift variety of
pin i n and fit nc? type equal to any 'rs-ttilillshiiicnt
In the interior of the Stain, for w-i,,s ii,,.i
Ko of the ptilillc is respectfully solicited.
MOI,VI.IUO, Attorney n
nlllco, iloor No. ft. 2nd floor, Haunt's
j-hock, near miner s nine more, sunoury, l"a.
March 2ilh, 1S71. ly.
CJ It. Attorney nt I.nw. Nos.
KJ Siintl!!, S-roii.l I loor might's Uuildin
Futurity, l'.i. l"rotolonal business attended.
10,111 inccmirts ot .-soriiiiunicrl and nnd ndiomlng
comities. Claims nroniptly collected. Co'nsultu-
tici he had in the Ominiin laii"itnj;o.
WureU2.Mli, 1S71. ly.
JI:RCMIAII NWIM.I.. Attorney nt
Law, tJ'Milniry, l'.i.. All professional Imsi
ne. Intrusted to his care will rec-lvc prompt at
tention In this" nnd ndjnliiinir comities. Can ho
ronilleil holli In Kncllsli nnd Gr-rninn. Also,
PiMrk't Altornev of N'ortlinuiberlniid county.
r.o. A. XTII,SO,
No. 111 Foi-nin Aveni e,
Kotnrv PnMK
Jan. 15, ISiO. It.
riltshtinr, T.
iV CO. Market Blrcet,
8L N1U KY. PA.
.'lrrs In T)rw;v. Mcrtioinrs, I'alnw. Oils,
iIiifi, Vanibho?, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Books. Dairies, Ace.
Sr. WOMXRTOX. Attomcv r.l Lnw.
Matkct Square, SL'Xlil MY, PA. Profession
al business in this uud adjoining counties prompt
.v nttended to.
D. A. K. N.WlDCE, rospeetrnlly an
nounces himself ns Yhy-OHan nnd Surircon
f o ("no citizens of Simlinry nni vicinity, haviu lo
i itcd liliiiscll' permanently on x si rket street, irear
ly upposite tho Fainiioiint llotei, where lie can
lie consulted til nil hours when nut irofcssiouiilly
cngad. npl:.'4-l y
C1. W( ZU'.tililClt, Attorney nt l.nvi, j,ortli
X shio of I'nlilic Square, one door e.t of
the old Hank lmildinrr, SUXCl'HY, PA. Coj..c.
tions and nil professional business promptly i.
tended to in the courts of Northumberland nno
adjoining counties. sept 15-110
T1EI7IEXNXYIEK, Attorney at
Mtw, bL'.NUL KY, l' . All linsiness en
trusted to hisi care attended to promptly end with
ililineiice. n;l7-(si
TXO. ( AY Mli:T, Altornev nt Law,
ej SFNULliy, PA. Collections and' all pro
fessional biis-incss promptly at I mi t"d to. liu hill -lit!
c. J.
Attorneys and Coitn-
Kl M: .t K ANE.
sellors at I.:
.:iv, bl Mil IIY, PA. (lilicc on
chestnut 'tveet, west ol tl.e N.C. anl V. i:.
Ilallroail Depot, i.i tli" li'iil liiiir la!-ly oeeupied
liy F. I.aziu-us, l'.s.q. Collections mid all profess
ional linsiness promptly i.l tended to in Northum
berland and adjoining count i's. np'tlO-G'.l
HII. SJ.tKMEK. Attoraey at Law, SUN-
lU'KY, P.. Col lest ions :M tended to in
the counties ;(' Noi'i'munlierland, Union, Knyd 'r,
Jlontoer, Colmuliia and l.yi'oiiiiiir. . upllD-U'.)
int. m. uocKKPci.i.r.t!. i.i.ovo t. us'iiunii ti.
1Ttoi'5ci:&'Ei.ri:r: a- i:3:;;:. ji,
Attorneys at l,.iw. M'MH'l'.V. PA. Of.
liee in llaupt's new biiildiil'.:, second Iloor. En
trance on -Market Square. Cs
AX. ltltlC'E. Attorney nt L.-.iv. P'.ia'uiry,
Pa. Oniee iii Masoirc II. ill H.;'. d;n-.:.
Collci-tlons of claims, ui.lii.i, Mid a'! l,!.t.; or
lciral tnt'iuci tii, to r.t refill Sv and wits
ilispaieh. (Apiil S. ! ly.
A-VJ'II IlAOl'JMl (. UA1, .
Uctsi'.! dealer in evi r- i.irit-ty of
A..'ni::.' nr. com., in-:::; wixxr
All k'-vl it 'Grain I:. ken ii . - 'ir.:". -
. of G
I G.U-.l 1
IV. s. 1:I!V. Of. .1. I
I '.s.
WH. i;2IOAM V C .,
nrTAii. tit:At.i:it of
Oi F'.rK witm IIa. I'a'.i i.v i; Co.,
(ir.t.T.i left at S'':i: lioltz A: I!ro'-., Mark'-t
c'ln et, will r-c-ive prompt ntteiit -:i. Coi:iiliy
t-llstolll re-p'-clfullV solirit'.d.
l'etl. 4, 1 SI. If.
nt !5h.iii;:s:n.
TTK "re !.. 'ii.v' 111 ins. fr-i..--. Ititlis. f pr'.:iu-,
Canvas-, Uo'.:-, Llip-. A .Vi-., viiy
. .r:'i' ft- k at t U.Ni.iii' A. CO.
Moi'mry,'h P,;1,
- iAI.! ML! 'OAI.!-';ll ANT llllt'S.,
J !,., p -r- an I Wholesale aa.l ie tail Ih aui in
V.'IinT. AND Il'iD ASH COAl.,eUNUl liY,PA.
(i.'iv.Tit WHAi;:'. J
Z .'.' A .nits, westward, tit 111-? oelehratcj
ll.-i.ry Cl..y tMl. J inl'.M-.ii
J. M. HAi:TIH.Ml-:', PitorniKToii.
1'OlltTll fcTUF.F.T, AUOVH MAl'.KLT,
NuiiUur)' la.
riMH l ' -t f'f 1 1 -1 i i U nnd d Ww' horrcs alw.-ys I
L. on h iasl lo sc: e cu toni' is.
Orders l.-.t nt llf: Central Hotel, fjr Vehieie.
uiil nei ie roinj t t.lKMion. i
Nov. lslO. j
IHiNTlVl'KY. !
(;r.f)Jiii: m. uexx,
7ii Stmji')n'i JJuiLliixj, M'ldil .Spoilt, 1
r-iM.i i;t , P.,
I pi, qi.iri .1 lo do nil kinds of work p.-rlaliitii! 1
lo 1 1, mi-iry. IU k,-e1,' i on: I mil) on li.i id '
a !:ir:e o.-inn hi of '1 ev lb, wad t'.ier, Ml.e lihc will be able In weil,
iti',; IiIm t I Uo l .ilils of lii e.llomel s.
Ail v, mL uii' d lo n'nt lion, i r 1 1
111 I,. ,lll I. IUO Ii I.
'I he ,, i) l i Mi.iiih Wash and 1'ooih Poit.'t i
I., -pi mi b in I.
I., i t i, n riivtho nam, ion, itiriis fur
III., ;i MOll,.. loi lllUl.Hl IWtltll f.U.
,-,i,il,.ii , A, ill .1, l,l.
E'.V O A I.
' Il'lf. nil i -i iw I U:. in- t
A l.j.iil,- it ,1 1, lit. e I mi -1 1 ,s
I i.i If, i priy.ui I I i supply
iiiitlf.l l'ie
I I. Ol II ,V I. It MS
l.ililili, H n Ii I In-
tilt II INI' OV i OIL.
i'"t V.i.tu nnd Sill, t-oii.i.iiilly on h.nol, Gi.ii.i
t.,W ii in t t '..i nv l"t t
j. i. t ijv u lii i it.
i.i.vii-i, J.i, i, i -u.
l. i.l sill I U t.
I Ir-, I.IIV uud
iiii,vtio i.riiu.
HIIHMl l , UK,
iiMtKt.i miii i r, HiMu uv, r..
I ii'll'ISIM Itsj.lltl t M H.
lt. I i u,
U i...i '.(.;.
f J.I . 'it I
M . .1
Ill .,
In. I., ..a " .' -.. I
l.l, " I I. VI I .
I ..4X Yt.ll. " " .:.
, , r, " ' ' "i
II .1, I ". loll, " ' "I
,.i m , M in. , " ' - I --i
ai,o.i- l-u I.i 1. i l.ii, " i. al
, ik, i ''
. .,1 M ml- I, ' '! !'
,, ' ' I .!!
' I ..I i
,. i.i t. 1-ik, ' V I if
r.. ,. ,.u A M ! .ui. ,. ' 1 1 m, i .
...ui.ltv, sik I 1 "I W. " ol I -I
. . L, Nui k k, " A' I
r -,'ki. I kki tl I lbs, "
. I I k il4.ii I i f't
livxk kl il - Ik 4 In. .u.,. I ,
t !.!. I. 4,4
'' f-1
IV L4. Ii ...i,
U ... k 4) l.., ,l,ti
, .1 Ii.. 1.1
VJ 8 iJ 11 V
k ) 0 a d ft n &.
T A IMF.ltltl? IIOUSKjHrondnnit'ircV,:
ju nut pt., riiiindeipiiin, J. m. HUTTElt-
it vii j ii, rroprieior.
April 15, 1871 ly
Terms per day, f 3.50.
TP' hotel, Tnos. FOULDS, Sr.,
U Troprlctor, Shnmokln Street, Trcvorton,
Norlhnmherlnnd eonnty, Pn. The tnblo Is snp.
plied with the best the market Affords, fiood
eiainniK nnu niicniive ostlers. LJnn.31,'71
HOOVER IIOrSE, Third Street, at the
depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Reese, pro-
aim iiii-ii Bunco up ni an Hours.
Hsh, Fowls nnd Game. Freeh Oysters con-
(lanuy on nana nnu jei vcd In every stylo. Tho
wKMii wines nnu liquors nt tnc Bnr.
tiTTnniilies will be supplied with oysters
done tip la ony stylt, by leaving orders nt the
Xiar; ' Nov.5,'70-ly.
JOSEm BACnERlnrormstho citlxcns of Bnn
Imryandthe public pencrnlly, that ho lias
openea n Wioer BEER SALOON nt. the. nmv
place. Tho best of LnnorBuer, nnd Malt Liquors
w ill bu kept. Also Oysters, &c, constantly serv
ed up to customers.
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pa., at tho Station of the N. C. R. V.
Choice wines nnd clours at tho bar.
The table Is supplied with tho best tho market
affords. Good stabling nrd nttcntivo ostlers.
KLLCKNICU, PJojuirtor, Nos. 813 nnd S14
Market Street, nbovo eighth, P1IILADKLPHIA.
i erms, fa per Uuy. Uo respectfully solicits your
Proprietor, Corner of JIarket
& Second
opposito the Court
House, Siinbiiry,
THOMAS A. If ALL, Proprietor,
'bliry St., wct SItAMOKIN, l'KN'N'A.
MeaKseivcd r.t nil hours, at short notice. The
bes t of Lonors nt the Bar. Tho Table Is eup l w ith tLebcf t nnd latest In the markets. At
tentive scrvuir,,. Terms moderate. Putranao
I.OUS 1 1 U M M KL, Proprietor,
tomniereo St., Sn.UIOlvIN, PUNN'A.
!lavim,Miift related tin nboye Saloon for tho
accomodation or the public. Is ow prepared to
serve '.lis friends w ith the bet tclisbments, and
lrcsii Lacr Beer, Ale, Porter, uud u'J oilier malt
J. VALllll'S
-Vo. 7S0, 722, 724 727 Hif St.,
Centrally located, conncctln'; with nil tho City
Passenger Hallway Cars, from ull lliu
. Depots in tho City.
Eccrllcut Accommodations for Tra
veller. G ra ud Vocal nnd Inst mmoutnl Conce rla every
cve'i'inir in the Summer and
Winter Garden.
CZrOnhttlrlon Concert Evny Aftcrnoon.&
KiTnr.iiMi:sv3 Kcuvtir.
Olllee of J. Ynli i's Fountain Park Brewery,
.'une i, ISTO.-fy-
Boots and Shoes!
ltoxv ur.orFsi;tt,
TVo-d street, nbovo M.i.l:et 'Jtreet, Bmilinrj-, Vu.,
Is or. ; urc ti to ir. uiulaiture
r c--:ry 1 .-erlption pt the istiorlest notice. All
1 i- 'toe', h of ti e very be-t, which is made up
i i Gie late-t city Mj'lu nt tl:o lnoat reasonable
i r:a . Repalilii!? il'inc neatly nnd promptly.
The pubiie nio invited to tall and examine his
. mi k and woi ktnan-hip beforo purchasing else
v h re. KONY DllOFFNER.
April 22, 1S71.
L 1 l V O 11 ti T O It E !
S-eond ft reft, opposito tUc Court House, 6UN
Ul'ltY, PA.,
i:spfct!'iil'.y Invites tho attention of Retailers
and ot'ti'iis, lii .'t he has on baud, uud will con
stall' ! v Keep nil kl.nN of
CoiisiMin;;' of Pnrii Brandies! Coiiiac, Chtriy,
' tiiii'. r, Uo, le lie and (Hani.
I Wliiskles: Pure RyoCopMr-yiBtlllii,l, Monnu
I '.,-alit la, Apple and Nectar.
Wlmv: Champagne Wine, EUcrry, Poll utnl
! CI tret.
! Crab Cider, Cbanipa.tio Cider, N. Ii. Ruin,
, Rrowu Siovt end hcoteh Ale.
An I nil title is 1.1'iuoisi wlileli can be foiind In
I'.ie i ii y in.. rl:et-, V ba ll wi'.lbo sold lit Whole
.i!e uiel Ret ail, lively rrllelo euaraiitee I ns
iioiv-. ui. I. Also, n lar lelol of DE.MlJOlINd
an I llo'i I I.l-.!. ulw.ivs oil hand.
It?" On! r pioiiitly iitt.iiiUd M, WUiI public
p.uroii.i'.:v re-pteilully soliwltJ
San'iiiry, July 3, 1 &t. ly.
II All UU ARE riil OUT.,
J. II. t'uulcy, A 1 !.
MAuur.T sti:i:i:t, suNUunv, v.,
AS l.ii ite 1 n netf ns'oitiiicni i, fall of
ll.iiilu.iu-, I ml. i v, Mi'elwnlck' Tu"!1. V0.
ol all tl stiii'tloii-. MjVSaoil Malm Altilt
i;,S. tin... ttim. tsooki .. A I., I, ull l.lielt of
I... .1 it. r l"i Mi .iinakil' and t utdli r'. Etti v
llioi ' in i t 11 . i,. .v. uc hue i. in I e louiid ulikll
mil I..' -uM as lo ns tan bu Imn.'litot niiyotln.r
,-i 1 1 : i .mi nt '. j llic t ouuWy. t all uud kt u liu ir
MO' W.
Mm y, D. II, lii'.i.
rpVVil V VII- A lit K I.O'lrt HI IU lorticr uf
I fit, in, I mil III ilnlil ,lft. la, In Hie Ho.
lo..,h of hiu. toil , on Iti. Ii lli. r uiu ir.' l. U
luu ,l,'. io; . " e, .Ill-Id Kill lllthlllldil,n,
1 Uc Iwm. ,, i it t'i 11, i,; U II, IU, tluu'd.
. .., u l.l on I .lu.l, In Urn lloi.
! ,l I hi ii i , , on vt In, Ii ii, le urg n ilmil'ii'n Ifin. ,
1 it n t ..ui'Miii.lniL'.. Iiiqiitui nt Ho: . Hi u i.
. H. p. WoLV UtloS,
1 1 1.. II, Is, I. -If. A.Uiiii-i"Hil'
I I. i i li , .i 1,1 our lit blt-ntt;., Umktl lion
I . 10 I- I il i) In Hi' t.i I Ull pal-
ii. uur. sua l ..i iii, il.'i., . nt lit u.aiI.
j 1 I. ... I.i It . I of p. Iloulltl.l, J I. IiIjL.1." "lk,
I .11,111 I I 1 IMI ul UM,.'.
I l,t tilllil. h I NilM A to.,
' 'ultUu4, UaluD.
iplll I , I'll - .lot.
moult Vu'tVT i .
I, ;i.t'b .-i.u-l Utt-t, I Uttluul, A
run. u 1 1 nil w lC
it I ,. ,
pt ... i k 1 1. s i ., n.4 vi.:i r
k ul k k.,.t..k 7
j I . , i, t I i L. ,, (t I. .I, itn.ll.u 'A
v.. i. ..I, i ., II .n,,.,. Ii.t.,,, , li-.kt,, r
" it .i . 1 1 . , i. ,.., , a . ., k I i-l b. ii
It. bl I i I in ti.,. i i.ili
I t J I I VI 41, i t V, U k"4 kl 'iJ
t m h k. ...I t , 1,1 .1, kol, l..m., kw.
lit-. . t, l'l -.,
Ul n H
.1 M
tl f t . I IU Uklk-.Usj, !,
. . k l'.... i , k--tl
tl 4 U .
' A I'...
I I' ( ll.,. l'k
i t, . ' tl 11 J M tfCf -',.
jyn. JonNSTON,
Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias
fr.l"r",r4 tno niosl certain, speedy, pleasant and
.ctlectnnl rcnilv In the world Tor nil
Weakness of tlio Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Affections of Kidneys und Bladder, Involim
iary Oischnrijcs, Impotcney, Oeucrnl Dcliill
rT'i ,fCTla" Dyspcpsy, Lnntrnor, Low
splilts, Coufusldn of Ideas, Palpitation or
the Heart, Timidity, TremhUnirs, Dimness
or Bight or Giddiness, Diseaso or tho Head,
Throat, Nom or Skin, Affections of Liver, Luniks,
Stomnch or Bowels these terrible Disorders
arising from tho Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practlcos moro fatal to their
victims than tho somr of Svmis to tim tiii,.r.
of Ulysses, bllglitlnir their most brilliant hopes
sib" rcuuenug marriage, tSe., lmpos-
especially, who bnvo becomo tho victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually s weens tn n t,i,ii,i
thousands of young men of tlio most exalted
talents nnd brilliant intellect. Who lllltrlit ntlt,.-
wiso have entranced listcnlinr Senates with the
thunders of cloqitenco or waked to ecslncy tho
livlug lyro, mav cl1AYil!lX'(,Jk',"",,
Married Persons or Younir Men coiitcmnlnMno-
marriage, awaro of Physical Weakness-, fl.oss
of Procrentlvo Power Impotcney), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
Ho w ho places himself tinder tho enro of Dr. J.
mny religiously conlldo In his honor ns a e-entle-
tnan, nud couUdeutly rely uoon Uis skill us a Phy
Impoteney, Lofs of Power, Immediately Cured
und full Vigor Restored.
This Dlslresslnir Affection which renders T.lrV.
mlscrahlo and marriage linposslblu Is the peunlty
pnld by the victims of Improper Indulgences.
Young persons aro too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful consciences
that mny ensue. Now, who that understands
tho subject will pretend to deny that thu noiver
of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into
improper habits than by tho prudent I Besides
being deprived tho pleasures of healthy oilispriiiL',
the most serious aini destructive symptoms to both
body and mind arise. Tho system becomes do-
ranged, tho Physical nud Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Proerealivo Pow er, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wnstlmr
of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay uud
Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous nitd Injurious compounds,
should apply immediately.
JMt. dOIUB 1 Ol,
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from ouo of tho most eminent
Colleges in the United States, nnd tho greater
part of ifo has been spent in the hospitals
of London, Pris, Philadelphia aud elsewhere,
has effected some of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known ; many troubled with ring
ing in the head nnd cars when asleep, great
nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden sounds,
bashfulucss, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes witUderungemeutof mind, vvcrocured
Dr. J. addresses nil tlioeo who have Injured
themselves by improper Indulgence nnd solitary
Inibits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting
them lor cither business, study, society or mar-
TiiEsn uro eomo of tho sad aud melancholy
effects produced by early habits of youth, viz:
Weakness of the Back nud Limbs, Pains In tho
Back and Ileud, Dlmucus of Sight, Loss of Mus
CilllirJ.V4cr.i,Ull'ltatlon9t.1,f'..yr?rUli'l,Jel,,'' I unctions, General JJcllnty, fcympioius ut Con
sumption, tfce.
Mentau.y The fenrful effects on the mind
are much to ho dreaded Loss of Memory, Con-
nition or Mens, Depression ol ppii-iis, .vu
Forebodinus, Aversion to Society, bull-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, uro some of tho
evils produced.
Tiioi'sands of rersons of nil nges can now
judire what Is tho cause of their declining health,
losing their vigor, becoming, wcati, pale, nervous
nnd emaciated, having u singular appearance
nbout tho eyes, couirhiiiid fyuiplomttolcuubuiup
Who linvo Injured themselves by ft certain prac
tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently
learned I rom evil companions, or nt sellout, mo
elicits of which urc nightly felt, even when
asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage Impos
sible, uud destroy both lulnd uud body, uhould
apply Immediately.
What a pity that ft young man, the hope of Ids
country, the darling of his parents, should be
snatched from nil prospects and enjoyments of
lite, by tho consequence ot deviating lrom tlio
path of nature and Indulging In a certain secret
habit, tucu portions mi-st, iii'lorecoiileiiii'lallug
reflect that a sound mind uud body are tho most
necessary requisites to promote couuiiblitl happi
ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through
life becomes a weary pilgrimage t Hit) prospect
hourly darkens to tho view t tho mind becomes
shadowed w ith despair and tilled w ith the melan
choly rtlli'tilou, that tho bapplucsa of uuother
become biluulcil wall uiirovvn,
When the misguided and Imprudent votary of
pleasure finds that ho has imbibed tho seeds ol
ilils painful disease, It too olleu happens that uu
ill-liuicd seiisu of shame, or dread of discovery-,
deters lilin lioin uppling to those who, from
ed ileal Ion ami respectability, can alone befriend
him. delaying till tho coiisi iiiitlonul symptoms of
ihls horrid diseasu iiiitko llu lr uppcar.iiii-c, such
us ulcerated sore thrt'iil, diseased nose,
lulus lu the litau uiul lluilis, Uiuinons ot sight,
dealiicns, nodes on lliu (hill bones uud Ul ink,
blotelits uu the head, lace and txirc mutes, pro-
gitssiug Willi fiiulitlul rapidity, till lit lad Uu
palate of lue mouth or the bom s of lliu iioie tail
lu, and I bo liilliii lit this uvvlul disease beeuliiti
u horrid object of i'uliiinlcr.ilioii, till death pul
it p, Hod lo his dreadful kiilleiiug, by kcuding
liini to llial I iidiseovereUCuuiiliy from wheuec
no U.ivi lb r rnui iik."
Ii U u uu lam holy fact that thousand DIE
vii dims to this leinlilu tlu.j.e, I lining It falling
Ini.i I l.e binds uf Ignorant or uiicUllllul I'KK
'I l.M'KliS, wh.i, by lUu usu of that deadly l'. i
iiii, Meieiiiv, A.e., dtsairoy I be tiHiklituiluii, i.n.l
lu. ..stblo of curing, Itui'p Gin unhappy sull. in
iMt.uiii urttir uionili l ikiiiK tin It iioxltius or In
Jui ious compound, uud liikieud ol btiug ri "
I I a leueVl ul ul 1.11c V loriilld Hill pluuik, lu il
.alr leitvu blui vtllU ruiiml lluallU tit tlelt over
hit IMllillif llia.lpiilltlllelll.
'lu kUt h, llielt lolc, Dr. JitllkkTom plrdg'; Illlll-
i II lo i n., ii, r lliu iiol liivlolalilu but-ieey, uud
In, ni liu i vti-ii.iiti piat tlou uu4 otti vullt.iik in
llm unit lb ol l..iios, und I liu tli-l I,;
I I.i t ouiili v, no - o i nd, ( i, nice, I'lnlitd, Ipln4
Mild fliek Itele, t kit. iblt'd III oil, r lliu luu! tir
Iiiii, a... I ill ,l.i. . I ,l,i.Jlil ll.o i. ',,11
lot Ull lli.tS.tlt4 Ol llllpl ll'll in e.
lilt. JiUISnld.N,
Oll K i:, SO. 1, . HtLDl K milKi'l-,
II tl im.,uu, M. II.
Lift lulid .11.! ..llig fllll UaUlutme llit. kiia
ti -, 'i k 1 1 out tUi: toiubfi ktl uvH Iti ubl Vt uuiati
kn I It, unit, i .
t 7 N.i Uttit Itlvc4 KtiUkS ..ip.il4 uud j 4 kUUiU lu Uu Uktstl I'll ll.u llp.J. I'H-
i u it, (Ui'UiS kl4lu i;-, kit I kind 4 puili'iii
til kiiVIIII-l-iUtllt tltttli.illg UI4oUtk.
I I.i 1 1. klk kU 4..4..J I kltlJ, ih.lbll. ku l
MullUlw.k u. u.Ul 'liilllu lltHtikUHk k
I'L) alt Uu, lnUo. kiniu4 luiuiurf li tt4Uti
Ol ,. I k)liu UulvlluUaU' Ull lulu tbt.l (vir,
llial lh. Jot, u. it utiiik II t a4 t.
1. UOJ lw lUua LkkiqUloll-l klllt l.l. .wlf
i"u iimI l. i it4tutui n .pmua a.k
lmui lu tU vtlUk,
KM-iHi vikr ur iiik ruffs.
1kvii..t. Iki.u.4b4 iuiv4 l t L la .-ui. i.i,
Uliul, ).! .11.1 .kl ti4 llk 1,1.111 I'O lot
p.4l4bl vis! I'lll"tlk l,tU.i 1 l,
J, ltta,Mv4 t lUk ik'ivktk,l .It ik I H.4
till, kki SUkk) UtliAi bait!,, 14,' u tl Vul li
.1, llkkli4 kkaikl 4 kklkllMltMl lUs. 't.U,t,
iM.iitk L9 kl4kij'i.4 kk 4 4,li.iUii.4, il il.....,
..,i... ,U, kt kkb.t4.t kk'lt sW
lb. Utt4'
kkj pttlUII SrttDll ssJ ( I ii
f.bk4 It, U l'
'V- ..
snqcEL to ''mbt iro I Ana oct."
By Jtev. Petrotoim V. A'a?.
I've brought back tlo pipe, lawyer, nd fetcfi-
cd the parson hera,
To sco that things are regular, settled up fair
nnd clear
For I've been tnlkhg Tlth Caleb, aud Cakjb has
talked with Be,
And the 'mount of ( is we'ro minded to try ouco
moro to ngrc;.
So I came here on tie luslncss only a word to
(Caleb Is staking p Vines uud couldn't eomo
Just to tell you aril parson bow that we've
changed our mud
So I'll tear up the puper, lawyer, you sco R
wusu't signed,
Aud now if parson Is ready, I'll wa!U with him
toward home,
I want to thank bin for somo things ; 'twas
ir. V"'1 f blm to wip,
UC S sboweu mo chriatiau spirit, stood by us
firm and trim . '
We mightn't huvo changed our mind, 6qire, K
he'd been a lawyer too.
Tlicro I Row pooil the sun feds, an.'
ana oiowin' trees t . n r,i ci
Bonicthing about the." A .rye- -'a"4 n fccl Ct
I waslnofte"uua to s'" Purticuwa to that
unit). . . . '
But it's right that " "houiii isuow, parson,
about our tiip'sS"
We'd becu somo 'IS ' o-waverlu ft little, Caleb
And wlsifcd"! hateful parcr at tho bottom of
the sen I , , ,
1. guess 'tvvts the prayer ou said last evening,
' ani t,lC 'cw words jou said,
That thawed the ico betvecu us, and brought
thligs to a head.
You see, when wo canio to division, tlicro wu3
things wo couldn't iivlde ;
Thcro was our twelve-yea' old baby, she couldn't
be satlslled
To go with one or the oth;r, but Just kept whlm
pcrlu' low,
"I'll ttny with papa anc mautiuu, aud where
they go I'll go."
Thou there was GrnnJsire'i Bible ho died on our
wcddlug day
Wo couldn't balvo tho tld Bible, aud chould it
go or stay i
Tho sheets that were Caleb's mother's, her
samplar on tho wall,
With the sweet old uaniei worked in Tryyhcna,
aud Eunice, uud Piul.
It began to be hard then, parson, but it grew
harder still,
Talkln of Caleb cstablislcd down at McIIonrys-
Three dollars a week 'twould cost no tneudin'
uor sort of care.
And boi.rd at the widow Mcachnm's, a woman
that wears false huir!
Still wo went ou a-talkiu' j I agreed to knit cutuc
And uiuko a dozen striped shirts, and a pair of
wutuus liocks,
Aud ho was to cut a doorwuy from the kitclica
to tho tlied :
"Bavo you climbing 6teps wuelt lu frosty wea
ther," ho sal l.
Uo brought mo ll.o pcu at last l 1 felt ft sluklu',
and ua .
SixtV-tllKC. " -.., H,,vti-of
'Twas then you dropped In, parson : 'iwasu't
mucu iniii nai bant,
Little children, love one another," but tho
tluug was killed btouc deud.
I should like to rnnko confession net that I'm
going to say
Tho faint was all on my tide, that never was in
But It may be truo that women tho' bow 'tij
1 can t tee
Aro a tritlo moro ncgravalln' than mcu know
ItOW to be.
Then, pareon, the nelglibtrs meJdllu' it wasu't
pounir tlt t
And the church u-l.ibniui' wlt'i us, 'twas worse
than wasted toil ;
Aud I've thought, and o las Caleb, though may-
i o we arc iiomg wrjiur,
If they'd kept to their ou bUtlueiiS, wu bkould
have got along.
There was Dcacou Amos Purdy, a good man us
wo Kuovr,
But hadn't a gill of labtrin',csocpt with ft scythe
una Hoc i
Then u load cuino over In peach tlmo from the
v llbur ncightiorlootl.
"Season of prayer," thiy called it l didu't do uu
tin atom ol gooa.
I'll tell you ubout tho hilfer ouo of tho kindest
and uc-t
That Brother Fphralm tuvc me, the full wo WoV'
td out West :
I'm frco to own il rilsj iuo that Caleb should
tluuk uud say
fUe died of coiivuloioi'4 u vow that milked four
gallons u day.
But I be. dn'l have rpoko of turnips, in.eju'1
1 :lC lU'l U bll iTurS,
Aud said Laid li,,i-, and hinted us If 'iwak all
1,! looS 1
And 1 tl lake u ul bad., i .u sou I thai Iti'othau l
t i, r break ti,t ;
Tlioiii'li the cow was chokid Willi a tuiulj",
never had .1 tluubt.
'1 lull there air I'iuts of d.xiilue, nnd viea of a
I. .Uiu ..l ie.
I'm w i:ii,i ' 1 1 -t.p d!tu ,-sl.i : wo caii'l bolli uf-
loid lo Wiii,
'IHoni l liu.; itie lii'ln I'luui liny sooner, uia
paliu' aboil vvh. ii it o due,
.MllloU'i'll I feel HI iltkUl'.Uleil lllut mine's liiii 'it it.
But Hit) ble si'd. stti jtl.i uf tlio B.I !f, I've K..r:i
cd lu Hunk (ol, lie
In Hie IcaU we hail with il c.tioUe lo piuve ou
doetriiic b),
Bui Hit m I Uu I coiii.k Ij u iu iorro, uil vtUeu
u e'l e oil out kl,t. ,
8, If Cultti wou'i tiL'uu wu frco Mill, I'll Uuvc
ulout; liiti tltiCik.
One iiotluii of CuUt's, ptikou,kC4.'iuk ruiUcr uilsiy
uu I d:ni j
I kiLti, Il II i-oiuea ioieuUul, )ua'd it,:Ui;u
wold will, lilnl.
It doit I i .illis elaii.i lu (CukJt,, ub4 lur (okpi 11
lui I t It ti,
'iU.ll lovu I,. I '.if lu UeaVvU fof lit I'" i
q lallii. X lit IC.
1'vil l.u au. b Ull tieeUttoti Why, jr.oil, II
Glut U a,i,
Vul Ii' t du'l bjl il Mi! kul ku U.tblul lu litvueiits
lull. bitiuk.
I lu.i ituolbil fpliibu, 4 hold ll llwi.Ul ku4
k i ul...
If WU l ul l l c l.t-41 14 bltt kill, W WUU'I l JV4CC-
ub.w lUwiti.
But lUllk'k Hill Hqj.,1 ld Uial.U', )wU kbuW il,
4laollt kb. 4l
bum' lull: iu4vi l4i upu Ukt Ui i L. u !
k-t uul,
Au4 luk lu U I4l4 UkH Liui, Uu ln tlutu
tolutk 14 K't,
At If -4, II 4'u I Iklw4 u tut 'l4 lUkl uw
tiiwii ink kti,
4k4 Uf, tl.-l kvtoi njU, s ww tUlut, Itkvs
I-, ii I 'urn k .1 t t ,
t 4 Ii. , .l bi..4(i.l 14 4 kltalS .k IU44S kit
L. Il ! I. k ,
Mi, i t -). k.l tt'l I.Od ll.tU'ia.ltk
k.41 kt. I U. .
Vig'll k-t b kkt Ulvlt, tu4 I' I Vkl Uk tu
ItUtull It uul Ii 4 "44 iwliUttiii-lJ
it 'ft ll if J,' Iwbl
8, 1871.
A Hint to Life Agcnfn.
TJio Fate or It. ! nnn.
From the Clnclnntill Commercial.
5cnjfiuiin 1'. Guna wns tlio ogont of an
insurunco company., llocrtino uround to
my olMco eleven times a day to bco if bo
coulil not persuade nio to tuke out a lifo
policy in bis compntiy. Housed to way
lay nio ou tho Btreel, nt eburcli, in my own
buusc, and boro mo obout that policy. If
1 wont, to tlio oiierii. (iutin would buy tlio
next neat to me, and sit tlicro tho ivliolo
evcuina, talking nljoul sudticu death find
Mm nilvnntnrrp. oftho ten vear pkiu. 11 1
got into a street car, Gunu -would eo
rushiiiR in nt tlio next corner, au'ality
my siila nnd drag out n lot of 'i C0UiQ
tables nnd begiu to cxplaiu vJ;uc- lf j fat
beat bis coiiip-any out ol a,rnnt up would
down to diuuer in ft flj'g the cliair next to
conic Gunn, nnd,moa ci,CCrful nncctlotu
me, ho Tvoulii,bw insui-cd iu his company
about a JU ortly Inst week, and was buried
for S-tfay. If I intended tho fuueral of a
.Vbarted friend, nnd wept as they threw the
earth upon his coliiu, 1 would hear a whis
per, nud, turning around, tlicro would be
the imkiiuiUible lienjamiu 1'. Guun, burst
iug to say : "J'oor Smith ! Know him well.
Insured lor 10,OU0 itt our company.
Widow lull in comfortable circumsiMicea.
Let me take your 11:11110. Khali I "f "
110 lollowctl nio everywhere ; until at last
I cot so sick of Ci uuu's persecutions that I
left towu suddculy one eveuin'j; nnd hid
myseii 111 a secliuloil country village, hop
ing to get rid of him. At tho end of two
weeks 1 returned, reaching home nt ouo iu
the morning. 1 had hardly got into bed
beforo thcro was a ring at the door bell. 1
looked out, nud there was (J unit with nu
otlicr person I Ho naked if Max Adder
was at home. 1 said 1 was tho man. Mr.
Guau then observed that ho expected my
return, and thought ho would call around
about that insuranco policy, lie said he
had tho doctor with him, and if 1 would
eomo down ho would take my name nud
nave me examined, immediately. 1 was
too indignaut to reply. 1 6hut tho window
with a slam nnd went to bed ngaiu. Afler
breakfast iu the nioruiu I opened the front
door, and there was tiunu sitting on the
steps with his doctor, wailing lor me. Ho
had been thcro nil night. As I camo out,
they seized nic nnd tried to undress mo
tlicro on tho pavement in order to cxamino
me. 1 retreated nnd locked myself in tlio
garret, with ordei'3 to admit nobody to tho
House unlit 1 camo uowu siairs.
5ut Gunn wouldn't be balllcd. Uo ac
tually rented the houso next door, nnd sta
tioned himself iu the garret adjoining niiue.
Yv ncn nc got tixcil lie spout his time pound
ing on tho partition nud cryiug : "Hallo I
Atleler ! Adder 1 I say 1 How ubout that
policy r want mo to unco her out now r"
And tiicu he would tell mo somo mors
anecdotes nbout men who wcro cut oil im
mediately nfttr paying tlio lirst premium.
liuL 1 paid no ntluutiou to him aud mado
no noise. Then ho was silent for awhile.
Suddenly, one nioruinj;, tho trap door of
my parrct was wronciieu 011 ; mid, upon
lim-nlfUTWv'bh death'' rarj
coming down tlio ladder nt me. JL lltd
from tlio houso to the rrcsbytcriau church
close by, and paid tho bexton twenty dol-
'.it " i" ti-t, iuu euuiu up 10 vuo point, Ot tllO
steeple and sit astrido of the ball. 1 pro
mised him twenty moro if bo would exclude
everybody front that steeple for a week
Unco sakly ou the ball 1 mado myself com
fortable, with tho thought that 1 had Gunn
nt adisadvanluoc, and i dctcrmiucd to boat
hint linal!y, if 1 bad to stay there a month.
About an hour afterward, while I w.13
bukiug at the superb view tu tho west, .1
heard a rustling arouud 011 the oilier side
of the steeple. I looked uround and thcro
was Benjamin 1'. Guun creeping up the
side ot that .spire in a balloon, iu which
was tlio Doctor uud tho tabular estimates
oftho losses of his company from, the Ton-
1111c system 1 4s soon us Guuu reached
tno uuii 110 tnrow his grappling iru.n into
the shingles of tho steeple, and asked mo
at what age my lather bad died, and if uny
of my ttuuts ever had lue consumption or
liver complaint. Without wailing to reply,
I slid down tho steeple to tlio ground, uud
100K iuu urst 1 rain :ui- tlio .Mississippi al
ley. In twj weeks 1 was iu Mexico. 1
determined to go to the interior nnd seek
some wild spot 111 some elevated region,
where no Guun would ever dare to come.
1 got on a mule nnd paid a guide to had
mo to tho summit ol I'opocataiioti. AVo
arrived at Hie loot of tho mountain nt uoon,
Wo toiled upwards for about four h.iurs,
jusi ncioi'o lvaeiuiig mo lop 1 hoard a
hotuiil of voictM, and, upou rounding a point
of ruck, who should 1 boo but lloiijiuuiti l
Gunn, scaled 011 the very edge of thu crater,
explaining tlio tuiluvviiiiKiit plan to his
guitlii, and stupefying him with a mortali
ty table, while tlio doctor h id the uthcr
guide a lew yards olf examining him, to
see if he was healthy! Mr. Guun arusu
uud said he was gi.i l to sco me, because
now he could talk over that busitnss about
the policy without U-ar of interruption. Iu
11 paroxysm of rage 1 pushed him hack Into
ihe critter, nnd ho fell U thuUsnild feet be
low Willi a heavy thud. As lie struck tho
boiuiit, I h, iwd a voice screaming nit sonic
lluiig :tbt,ul "iiiin-fut fcitiire," but lhc;eva
a k lulu, 11 convulsion 11 iiiu i.iuuitiaiu, a
clotl'l ofhiuoke, and 1 heard iu limiv,
1 know Ii w.u wrung. I ku vv 1 lm.1 no
ilgbl In kill (iuiiii in liut milium ; l ui he
forced niu to dti it ill bell' dt ieliHti, uud 1
luipv lilk awful file will bo 11 warning tj
other illkillillteO Ugcul VtlliJ ielUUiU UlUouy
A Wutuwu'sj
fclHllutf JI-
li Uol imagine for a in that tho
vt i iu r ol ihu tiado ik 1 iiht r uu ngt ul or iu
thu iiitcivkt .,1'au uiul fur llm kttlu n Ihcko
Iii altli, ktiviis'ili uud iiui vo iltkiro) ilia in-
til Ullli lllk. No, ludeeil 1 1 haU), desplkt',
ttUiuiiiiiile, tleltkl, ul.lioi', tho wry ight
Hlld kouud ui u ketvin liiiiehiiu, uiul 1U11
v.U t'UilO lu Utili olio uf I In HI, l.ui-UJJ
l iiU me. Any ollu.r luitiliuill Mtult U-ut
1 iy .i up mm uu. I a 1 oiidueivu lo ht iiiili.
'1 In y uu 4 1 , 01.0 and nil, uud 1 d i
lli.l k. e uny 1 l.' l. e III ih. lll, tint, L .11.1 It
4 li44 Ut ull lU'i I -l. 1 bi ln tu l,.il tU
koitkUul mi. I i-fiitniil. il U-.J 1 1' a.i vWio4
U4UI III 114 W'.ll'.ll kill 111. IU W . '.It'll CUl ill U,
4 U.l bfvuk I '.nsl l.Hi II .'I ll.U It lit Ull
UM olio. Il ii ui II It I'. ' ', Vi 41.11 :
tll.ilu UlMiU Ihu U lV.t Itit. In. II
lima it 410 ihuiii un h r I. C' will
tiiitkj Woman t rot und I ul l.ef o II tuitii r, It Ik l-iiuii it tt wiii;
M.41 1. Iuu. SsA i"Uj u'i I It 11 I lady k.i,.
"AlUI I l'4'.u WotVc44l Ut In It liliu 4 kiW
li.tuik I nut vwapkuly (in oil, 4'id lu
Jual tint tUW t l 1 lukli4li 'ai (bkaiuoy nnl
tiktuUkily-ili I i.oiki r ir , t t'ltkk. I! nil y
irtry iiUatiil lb 1 1 Di.iU rust.! Uf"
( New Rrlct, Vol. S. No. 10.
( Old Series, Vol. 01, No. as.
lisrii of tears." And yet sho went on stitch
ing, rufliintz and embroidering, until the
nrliclps composing her own nnd her chil
dren's wnrdrobo wore miracles In tho "ay
of fino nnd bcnutirul noodlcwork.
Sewing machines nro now very common
indeed, nud two-thirds of tho posst'stors of
theso negative blessings will tell you that
for some renson or other, they aro not nenr
ly ns well os thtvr, cd to be ; tliey nave a
dreadful pai 1U llleir hack, their iunbs nrc
weak nni' trembling, they aro languid, the
joints oi their knees swell, their sides nnd
shoulders nchp, or they Iiavo a lameness
across Jheir chest. You surjgcU Hint tho
runchii" nmJ something to do with it,
nud k,ty aru al1 iu atuis nt ouce. " Ves, it
I ti es tariii, out tucv could Dol get otong
'without it ; they would n'.t part ith it for
nuy money if they shouldn't pet nnothcr.
Tlicy could not possibly dress like other
people if it was not for the mnehino. AnJ
you repeat mentally that convenient saying
nbout "tho fooLVniid odd, "dio t lien, if
you had rather bo out of the world than
out of tho fashion."
Justice constrains no tn admit tlmt sew
ing machines tiro well enough iu them
selves, nnd that their work is of exceeding
beauty nnd utility, but it is tho vsc of them
that does the mischief. If a bard-working
mother of a family would take a nico ma
chine in good order, nnd do her eewing
with it In the plain mnnnerehewns obliged
lo do beforo the advent of sewing mncbiiit'S.
nud tako tho time thus gained for rest and
recreation, it would prove a real blessing.
Jiut iu tho way they aro used, they nre fre
quently n, curse. 1 conscientiously believe
that tho most universal use of tho 6ewing
machine iu tho middle classou is the cause
of much of the physical degeneracy, and
lack of health nnd vigor, which is so com
moil nmoug a large class of girls and young
women. 1 am awaro that many people
will call this idea a bobby, nnd laugh it to
scoru, but I am euro nuy thoughtful and
reasouable person will ngroo with mo In a
measure. Those who laugh nt my theory
1 will first nsk if they ever saw a fat or even
respectable looking horBO iu the never-end-iug
wheel of a threshing machine or wood
Borrowtnjj TronMc.'
There is a class of people who arc, to Csc
a homely sayiug, always "borrowing trou
ble. They cultivate a frame of mind which
should not bo indulged in even by those
suffering bodily or mental affection, and
how much less, then, siiould wo excuse it
in persons surrounded with blessings, and
whoso lot, compared with tho average of
humauity, may bo deemed one of luxury
nnd case. Cnu tho great and bcnclicicnt
Creator, whoso eunshino irradiates tho
earth nnd shines aliko upou the high and
tho low, the just nnd the unjust ; whose
omnipotent nnd divine hand paints all
things that aro Dcauiuui in nature, iroiu
tho majestic clod to tho humblo llowcr ;
who numbers the very hairs of our heads,
aud is said to care even for the insignificant
sparrow can Ho forget our roes and sor
rows, and ceaso to bo pitiful to Ilia highest
Trust iu an overruling Trovidcnco is
everywhere inculcated fn Holy Writ ; de
spondency ana repining nowncra. w e are
told that faith, that confidence, may rc
movo muumWa ,n:na 0f grief and
sorrow, mountains of doubt; mountains
of error. If there be nught of trust in our
nature let it repose on Him, iu whom there
is "neither variableness nor the shadow
of turning." That miserablo mutability
which characterizes frail hutrnnity per
tains not to tho Deity. Thcro is no uecd
of argument hero. Let tho aillicted rather
contemplate tho boundless mercy aud bc-ne-licenco
of their Creator than their own suf
ferings. Why will people, in the enjoyment of
health and competency, let their thoughts
wander into gloomy channels ; strive to
fathom futurity, nnd robo coming time iu
dark nnd chilly garments, wrought out of
their own despondent fancy? Such people
we couaider mentally diseased, aud suiur
ing under a malady which clips tho wings
of faith and trust, nnd gives them over to
melancholy and despair. Despondcucy
belongs only to those doleful regions where
hope never comes. Wo were not pluood iu
this beautiful living world to brood and
dream of sorrows uud troubles that may
never come, nnd to see only horror iu every
cloud that crosses tho heavens.
Tncro is a better uso of the life which
God litis given us. Let us do our whole
duly, both to our fellow-beiugs und our
selves, with energy and cheerfulness, in
every condition iu which wo may be placed,
and trust tho Author of our beiug iu every
dispensation. "Trust iu God aud fear no
It is quite us easy to cultivate n hopeful
and cheerful temperament ; to look up-u
tho bright nide and pick out ihe brigiit Ryots
iu mutt oftho ccvurrcnct of life, as it ij
to despond over lliein. Lilo U loo tihni t,
uud our duties are tno nmny and t- i'.u
porlant for us to fritter mvay an valuable
lime, iu iTtKiktuj nud despouiletiey. L. t
us rather eouscientioutly ituprovo u.l our
111. tint, 'Kl prtv in "I , wo mav no ntiin
1.1 1-..H.I. i- ,1 t iiibl'i'il ni c.niiiL i.l- ll'tiH liiti nt
tlio aivliil eiisis ot inti.iiieo iiitii tho toys
tori. 111s;,loiii of tho heleatb r. - i'ii'a
id'jiAi t Ji'uorii.
KiMiAKKAin.n Ai riov or A lit i;u
Man.Iu Uoncjl iooW t.iwntliip, I'hiMt t
count v, lives it lo in 11.1moJ1.svj llikluiiiimu
liovv W ) ears oi l, w lo bv'eaiiiu blind ill ihe
ii"Oot'bciill yens, IVoui uu alt lc of li ver.
This 11111 11 hits lived in ili.t..'vlu.i..k till bin
life, sml ullUoUli bluul, h is) Veen Very U-" -lul.
Ho I..11 a Lteal love f r iitii ruvuneut
nildlllik luillt-Vlltli ht'llke.t.bilill'l, l U'.p.ll t
of tho w ood vvoik of which Wii e l Iii ciMi
t oiiklriletiipll. lie liovT oeeupii'soue i f the in,
Mliiutrd nil the south kldu of what l Lii'.n 11
ill Wt'Shh M uilltuiu, about Unto inili't
I'i'uiii V4y1u kburtf, uu thu roiid leading
Itt.iii S ujiual.urg tn 1 org u nt own, Ink
l-ott,Hru litultd linii'lig Hut Ueeki I liiwUll
I mi m ith it 1 unci road to it, yet l.u van
tin. I l it lioin ut uuy Itiuu wuUt.ut iln)
k iI.Ukt aid hoot any otic, liu iuu pa
Irt.iti one J l.iiu I'l iiiu llit r II I- a tlis lal'io t-f
tunr or llvo no U in iU.'.u 1.1 ighbnili.u.if ;
know a tlio il.:k it lit imi U net i ii lu lgliliois
Ut be lil'l'K Ai'tii liu in, knows I It J loiei
uf liui tilth rent prt n with uhuiu ho is
tti;iU.ttllUj, uud HI many IlittulaiS Hull
1 .1t.ikU.p4. Uu i'.u. ( 11 the iiitii lent kn-.U
of iii.iU r, i-'t'i link . u tli4kiu4 loik, U juiu
ertm liiittt'i. t un liuuj mi u', ib.n
VAimd, klld Mil. 11 duitt 111 diy'S W oik Will
lii'U l.lkSlo ui.,1 tctulU lJ ll.U W iks Ik Ut
loli.m mi,' tiity itd Mi l UiiU M wott J by
"iii.i one, liu tiiu bt.i. lt.i)i tud wl.tW
.11 I V.. tin t UUI 4 L'll,
1111 4 en,! l.aitj Ij blui siikio.
. r-1 in. I.'. 1 lib Ik k r sj hiJ I Slid bu 1411 Uf
11 i; "U14 4I0114 ii null iioni ,..i t -.i
I. J 1,4, L.4. Utkk. l4k) kUUl lU4y Vktlll l)tt'4.t .4,.,. 'M' - "--"-. .
II. ,,Vtl,l l-"Ui)ualP.lkl,tul.ll-Ulkkll1ol-,' -"..'.a, U- M.t It. ah.
..1 I ... . I .... I .11. .it.. ..a tin a.t 1 I 11 ...11 J I1414 t'al
ii. y 4i ir,
ll4 ai"l Xllll I
I I llial. till Ul "M W)lll 1.4
liuuktu h'lal llUlll
Ill U')ll'X"l .'! '
lOIiInesjOr iihout 100 WnHs, nmlp a Sonars .
1 8i 3 Pq: 3 8q 4 P,j i-feol Jcolll col
One week -l.tXi .!' 9.IHJ tl.O'l R.00 8.0015.00
Two wo ksl.W t.tKI O.M) 4.00; S.00 ll.OOilS.OO
Three " '-'.W 3,r,0; 4.60 6.0 turn 18.0o20.C0
l our " a.M! -o",! .W, t.f.' 10.00 lo.W2J.50
Fiva " 4.7.) B.tWj .fW 7.00 t''s.'t.QO
fix it. 00 0.75 S.lV'l Kl.tK) l.b027.C0
Ts-om.i'i !:jr,- 7.&0! tk&n! .w 15.00 'Jit.oo tio.oo
Three" -iJ.Oi)' B.ooi u.fti pj.OO -JO.OO-.'r.. 00 40.08
fcix " 10.0.)' V.OO'l 1 4W'iH.0O''lH.U0 K5.0trS0.00
M110 " iO.O'J 1 tl.W) 1 .0!!l 5.tK.;.ir..lW45.W 78.00
Out! Year iS.OOlil.iui.i.Qji.'
Iteiunrlinble UUcwerj.
A very singular nn.l striking cotifirma' ior
ol tho truth of certain aucietii, I lilikitcvoifls
lins lately been brought to lioht. The ! .n '.
of Monb, lying east or the Jordan aud Dead
fcien, beiug under Turkish ru e, nnd the
authorities being jealous of all tho inovr
liients of tiavcleis, 1ms been lcudol'u-ts-tcry,
nnd few nnd fir bctvt ecu tinvv Lien
exploratious of it. In IritlS, Jlcv. i". A.
Klein, a Prussian niissluuary at Jerttitv! j.u,
travrliug in Monb under Hie protcctiou of
an Arab Sheikh, discovered a remiirku' :?.
stone nniotig the ruins of the ancient city of
libon. The stone wns origiutiliy thr. e
feet nud live luetic iu height, nnd one foot
nine inches in width cud thickii'.'ss, with
an inscrii'tion of thirty-four lines. It is be
lieved that originally thcro were eleven hun
dred letters on the stcme, but ouly six hun
dred and jixty nino have been restored, r
it was partially broken In pieces nflor curi
osity concerning it luid led tho Arabs lo
suppose it valuable, nnd that money ceuld
Uo obtained for separate pieces, 'ihe in
scription wns in the ancient characters used
by the- inhabitants of Moah, nud lirvvir.
bteu dociphered by cdepls iu this fpeci-. j
of lore, it issatisltictoiily nsA'i iaiued tint
tho insciiptioti is older than most U tf "
(Jul J eslamcnt, nnd was, lieyond doubt,
made lu the year tlmt Elijah the prophet
was translated into heaven. It reaJs likj
ft chapter in the liiblc, and gives siren t
confirmation to the frets related iu the in
spired volume. It h.iaarnge of at lcat
twcnly-sevcn lutn,lrcd yenrs, being tl.e work
of a pel-son who dwelt iu immediate contact,
with the penple ol Israel during tho whol.i
period of their marvelous history. Tho in
scription narrates the achievements of
King Me&lia, the Moablto monnrch who
fought against Jchntam and Jchosnphnt,
nnd speaks oftho vessels of Jehovoh take
from tho captured kVebo and dedicated to
Chcmorc, the national deity of the conquer
or. 'This inscription not only depicts tlio
wars between Israel and Moab, so vividly
pictured in the Old Testament, but itlso
strikingly illustrates the historical, geo
graphical and religious relations of these
kingdoms. Thcro are few occurrences more
remarkable, even in this ngo of surprises,
than tho manner in which tho Moabitc
stone has been awakened from the sleep of
three thousand years, to unfold the secrets
of language, nnd of.history, nnd to confirm,
by its emphatic testimony, the essential
accuracy oftho Hook of Books.
Flowers nnd (Tellurcn.
In an article on the influence of toys in
educating and forming the tastes of child
ren, Blanchard Jcrrold writes charmingly
on tho subject of flowers. Ho says : I
would havo Uovrers crowded in the school
room windows of the very young. I would
build broad open balconies for tho baby
scholars; where, during every daylight
moment of fair weather, they might have
fresh air, and bits ot beauty, flowering un
der their inquiring eyes. 1 would havo the
Pouponnicro of Brussels copied ; making
elementary education begin not when n.
child has been already erected into a littl'j
monster by bad parents and evil surround
ing ; but in its protected cradle, in the first '
eliakmg 01 us rattle, and tlio Lirst pointing
of its Lingers to pictures nnd plants. Wu
should or our children would see tho
(,ood results of such cradle tenching ; of
tctbelics thrown into the alphabet, into the
toyshop, tho phy-grouud, nnd tho ndorn
ments of tho school-room. Tor tho child
that is alive to the simplest lessons nnd
beauties of tho field, that can delight in
striving to imitate if only with straw ot
paper a beautiful form placed before it, i
farther on tho way to a higher education,
even should subsequent cveuts prove unto
ward in its path, than tho crenture of dull,
uulormed eight in inlaucy, who may bo
kept well nt sehooi under good masters. 4V
feeling for tho beautiful, a delig'.lt in it,
which nt present is almost unknown iu
England, is that which wo shall strive
afler, not iu nrt acideraios, but iu infant
schools and nurseries. The roughest Dutch
doll is tho Venus do Medici to tho child
that nurses it. We givo tlio ugly ihiug to
the chiitl, and so mako for ourselves the
after-diiiieulty of provtug that dolly in ugly.
Tho remark appliis to nearly ail toys ; ter
tainly to all lUut are LugiibU.
Viilltiug toul liuut Cor Fuel.
A correspondent of tho Sticxt'h' U.uri
can writes :
It is 11 wtll-Liiowu fact that coal, cither
bituminous 01 nulhraeile, produces in min
ing, breaking, screeuing, uud handling, nil
amount ol duil, commonly kuown ns slack
coal, amounting on an average, to lifty per
cent, of the cntil production, thus causing a
considerable loss to the parties iive.iged in
minim;, ns but u small p,.; tioti of this dust
coal, and that only ot tun bituminous coal.
1 is ncfiit'd it-r 1..k1,s. 1:1111 purposes, while
I tho iit'.tl.raciio 'ack iscntireiy useless. Tho
1 iintiK-iw" quantity of refuao coal must
I tteei.saitrity 00 gut nut of iho way, whether
, Uuiupi tl iulo i stream, tu Ui can led oil', or
j heaped on crnuud which has t bo deiirly
; paid for. In tho uuthracito coal regions,
tins unmctitio umountot w.iktu in constantly
! being piled up lllOUUil the luilU'S ill vasl.
uiiMguny lU'iuuii, uurying 1110 iiuiiiiig yu, un. I siidly cucrn.tcb.ui on the limit
of many of the chief towns. Thu uiuouiit
i.fthts Wiist eaiinot bo k-s than litteeu 1111I
l niiHnl' t 'iih, nnd evirf iur adds pj tho
Itlpldiy iiici:iiii.dil'l hiitil;.
In l'laiiee, iu Ueruuiuy, in IU. Viutn, und
ill illl-lailit, tlio kUek ol Ihu btllUlllUotl.''
coal 1 .1 1 been Couvei ted int j lumps or ruke
ul'ilillon tit sien uud shiipt by mixuv; it
witti vuul .ir. Monsieur iKibuynin, lioin
l'.,iiH, kl uteJ ihe lin t iiu'iiifiicttiroof uitl
lii Ul Itiet in' iis-r,l"iiiei-.iled slack, ut Moil-liuy-m-
iaiubio ( ts.!,-,iu,ii) nbout tlevtii
Jiiiiait -o. jlo poktetat.4 tJ-Uuy tto inuilU
:icioi.t4 iu IW-fium uud lfk in r'raiiev.
Ho', t ud Iii I '.0 our l.'JOO.usi 1.1
j l n railroad eoiuji.uitea lined u.i1,(aKI
1 U II,ii" tmik ihu navy um.1 ui.ihm I..11,
bud other lu ia-irie u .tl Ions.
! ining Ihu ruUruid ti inpiuiti, ll.ul i i
I the i'urit, llvnns, Med.Uir'littall I'olikUnu
IpUbteJ Colli liellistlil), rcqlHini l.'.HKI
l'ii Kr day. Tho IVilhiiii Iv-iilitad
Coiiipauv, il tmutc. lurts,
Aniitik, lniiiVi.)iii mid iVa:, tl'K-k liol
lll,il pukki l 10.ll i'U'lUb.v .l)f, llllht.l.,;ll II
,'l,lly C,H.aUlll'l.'. kUlolllltt 111 U'aJ loin.
'i ki,.iii it) t f t ill t.U' :t the l iny 1I.1114
Whit II plWvlitS l KLt.lllll ll'.ill llvt I, i.i
l.ll I It I 'III Ulttl Itll ilikklllit lUtl lUtlllalU..
luivi t l 111 i rtkU.
I I,,. ,. I a. It,. I,.. In. A 11. Illll "1'lil
. a . , . - . - - - - - , f 1
4 I'Ul J nl lM)tl IM.'UUt, It.. W II 1 11 -
td'y, Wl"l It Hill "'l' ) t.lll atiivl-
Iii 11.14 rii.i iy I- U4 Un.dliv'1'au
y vllh 4.t.t."
...1 11-11
u i 1 1 w 1
..,1.1... I
U 1 I'm
. ., W.I mittl I". 11.J li'iti i "Mt
ti 4t. I Mlk4ti o 1 1.4 tl.4 U'lVUdU
tit S'Ulakkl k44llkj ti lb lit'.