liSftllitltCOUS. iauufaftnrs. Miscellaneous. v -o' 'fr' Tiik I fox est Deacon. Dencon M. was nn honi-nt old codger, a kind neighbor, find a good christian, believing in the orthodox creed to the fullest extent; but, lack-a-dny ! tlio Deacon would occasionally get execcd inplv "mellow," and almost every Sunday at dinner lie would indulge in his favorite cider brandy to such an extent that it was with difficulty that he reached his pew, in the brond islr, near the pulpit, and between the minister's ond village squire 'a. One Sunday morning tho minister told his flock that ho should preach a sermon touching many glaring sins so conspicuous among (hem, mid that he hoped they would listen attentively, nud not flinch if it hap pened to be severe. The Afternoon camo and tb.oh.ou60 was full. Everybody turned out to bear their neighbors " dressed down " by tho minis ter, who, after opening his sermon, com menced on transgressors in n lonu voico with the question: 'Where is tho drunkard?' A solemn pause succeeded tho Inquiry, when up rose Deacon 11., hisfuco rod with draughts of his favorite drink, find steady ing himself as well as ho could by tho pew rail, looked up to tho parson and replied in a trembling aud pipiug voice: "Hero 1 am." Of course it consternation iu tho congre gation was tho result of tho honest deacon's response. However tho parson went on with his remarks ns lie lina written them, commenting severely on tho drunkard, and clofod by warning him to forsake nt onco HiK'h evil habits iflio would seek Ealvation ond Men the coming wrath. Tho deacon thoninado a bow and seated himself again. "Anil now," asked tho preacher in his loudest tones," whore is tho hypocrite?" A pause but no ono responded. Eyes vcYc lurucd upon this and'ihat man, but tho most glances seemed directed to tho pquirc's pew, and tho parson seemed to 6quiut hard in that direction. Tho deacon saw whero tho ehaft was aimed, or whero it should bo aimed, and rising onco more, leaned over his now rail to the squire, whom ho tapped on tho plioulilc.-. and thus addressed him: "Come, squire, w hy don't you get up? I did when ho called mo up." His Head "Was Level. A New York wholesale grocer, who has becomo rich in Lis business, has lately made tho followiug revelation. Ho says his rulo always was when he sold a bill of goods on credit, to immediately subscribe for tho local paper of bis debtor. Ho long as his customer advertised liberally and vigorously, ho rest ed easy, but a9 soon ns ho began to con tract liis udvcrtisiug space, ho took the fact as ividenco that thsro was troublo ahead, and ho invariably went for his debt. "For, ''said ho"tho man who feels too poor to make his business known, is too poor to do business." Tho withdrawing of nn adver tisement is an cvidcuco of weakness that business men are not slow lo observe Advantages or Being a "Woman. A woman says that she chooses without be ing abused for it. She can tako a nap af ter dinner while her husband goes to work. .She can go out iu tho street without being nskul to stand treat at every saloon. She can stay at homo in time of war, and get married again if her husband gets killed, fehe cau wear corscto if too thick, aud other fixings if loo thin. She can get a divorco from her husbaud, if she sees one 6ho likes better. She can get her husband in debt, all over, until ho warns tho public not to trust her on his account, llut nil theso advantages are balanced by tho great facts that she enu not sing bass, wear a beard, go sparking, or climb a treo with propriety. Pie. A correspondent of tho Ocaman-. town Tck'jrrijih senu'3 tho followiug: I'li.u 1:1:11 he. To a common-sized tin, four crackers lo bo broken lino in half a pint of water, one toa-tpoonful of tartaric uci 1, one cup of Sjgat and epieo to suit the taste. Cr.E.v Nt. he. -Tako as much lliick sweet cream as will fill your pio dish, to which add the whites of two eggs beaten to a forth, ami sugar enough to 6uit your tasto. Fla vor with lemon. Lemon' HK.-Chop tho lemons fine, peel and use all except tlio seeds, then to each lemon tako one egg, ens-half cup sugar, one-half cup of molasses. And a cup of water to eviry lemons and stir iu ii few spoouiuls of tlour. Make a nieo paste and bake with two crusts. It is full as pood to ieave out tho molasses and put in ti full cup of sugar. Molasses rm. Tako mno lublcspoou fu'.ls of molasses, six. table-spoonfulls of vinegar, ono and ahall'tablcspoousoi'tlour, a small piece of butter, a few slices of lemon or grated lemon peel; cover with a rich paste. Act-Li: c cstakd tie. Grato four sweet apples, ndd a pint and a half of milk, two t'gijs, sugar, a little salt, season with luinou or nutmeg. J;ko like custard pics. Tomato he. (slice ripo tomatoes, sea eon with pepper, salt, plenty of sugar and turner, anu sprinkle alittlo Hour over it; duku vi nu two crusts, j ry it. CrsTARD nr. Jliat'tho yolks of four cgs aud I lie white of one with three spoou- tuil ul Migar and nu:k enough to Ml tho tin. Ileal tho whites of threo c?gs to n fottliand adinui'Rnijor.riillofsutjar, 6prcad viui me iiiu top wncn uono. S ' - - a. v i ie n mil j.l.p itosv. A euro lbr a-proi-y nus inn discovered in luilia. Ac i:. . i . .i i . . tuuiiii in mo j tniiur, nn.iiicui scunoo has l:u-t triumphed over ti ls terrible di i-as'j. Tlie civil curg. on of Jvhundwa lc imi ih itiu ease ot an old Jew Who c.imo to linn Innn lioinb.iy hi j;iv;;t grief, buyin Unit Ins luciirts had included liiiii i',,rni 1 heir society, and obliged him to livo iu u bill by himself, lie v.;is attliiH liuionlea. in;:ly niuitled niili roseejlor. Tlio doctor Lad I. nn at onco washed with ioap uui warm v;it -r, and thu old Jew showed signs of impuvi'iiuiit. JIo was tlitu unoiuled Withciubolic acid aud Oil With umli imml ll'eel Unit next day ho wroti) to hid wil'o loi xpcci tioiuu iu a week, luhhorl, vhai with washing with koap and water, and what wlh uuoiutiiiij with caibulio iieui uud oil. tlio old Jew Uus noon com lUctc.y i-uiej. iJiacxm.riiueulh:iil. over, uii inltrihl apuit lrmi tho l:tct that uu unci: nt sci-uro was buu'? i-ouituered it. .I i...... t . .1 . . ii "ivi v.ii.wiicieuu tariuiimni oi mo corjutt n'f under i i dincut. Thu Jew caiuo to Khiuidiva luae -color un l brown: in u. . ! or U.j he m.u goi.y bbek uiul brown; a Jiltl.i later In: beeaiui) kpickhd iiaj; llieu ii.. k:u -p..fHildy uuui-.y nt What inL- ll."'ll Im-XI-I.mI llll lalielKO Willi il o - Her, nn i iiej uw.-iy from him, le.ivln Him i. -t i.e toli.r a jov , u 4 n I"" 'I l lie In. I li'ii .- r. mi l hu Us ii m n.Vt.l iiiLithg sjcUty if hit fnuiily Uud 9 W U. Tut Itiiuiiii Iu I i till iiaui Ui Iru'y . .....ii. i i ... v i nine, .h -ii, him i n ii unit luutiuu ui u)ii vy inn i us ( i ii.'iilo i .U llili l.u' .itiuii, mel lo kui Ii ifui.l txliv.iiiaii i l'l ic tin: poor -J Id ll.ilct I 'Ml lUi .tlit U t;i.kui.liit;f u.. !i, tt ViU lubfiii yi .,4 I.'. i r jlinily j.. t. Ill I I .1-J Lie. , Vtl.ll l h ull I -u.iko ul! l.u-W ti-'iv n tin ir w.ini, ui i i.tiil uli.'ti i I f..l tU.aU itjw in f I mil nil l.u ul Uiw ,'.'.. 'I Urn f Hu i.. i ui III-- VI. I ll in llgl'u k . I y Inli. Hi Miiuiu Iir.XKY T. IIKLMHOLI.'N COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extrnrt Catawba Grape Juice. For Liver Complaint, Janndie, Billons Aflcc tlous, tilde or Nervous Headache, Costlveness, etc. Purely Voirctnble, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. Tlicso Pills are tlio most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, mnirne sia, etc. Thcro Is nothing moro acceptable to tho stomach. They givo tone, and cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They nrc composed of tho fine rt ' ingrtOienlB. After a few days' nso of them, such an lnvlgoration of the entlro sys tem takes place ns to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from hn prudeneo or disease II. T. llclmbold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Urnpo Pill are not sitrnr-contcd, from tho fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, bnt pass through tho sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce tho desired effect. Tho Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant In tasto and odor, do not necessitate their being sngnreoatcd. Price fifty cents per box. II EX It Y T. IIELMBOLir.S II If? TILT CONCENTRATED COMPOUND I luid Kxlract Niirsnpurllla Will radically cxtcrmlnnto from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Bores, Ulcers, Soro Eyes, Sore Legs, Soro Month, Soro Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Bait Kliuntn, Cankers, Runnings from tho Ear, Wbito Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Allfectioiis, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases that have becu established In the system lor years. IL Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints. Its blood-pm-fylnir. properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsnparilla. It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the Patient to a state of Health ond Purity. For Purifying tho Blood, removing all chronic coustitntioual diseases arising from nu Impure Btnte of tlio Blood, and the only reliable aud effect unl known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of tho Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, Erysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, fl.50 per lfottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTUATCD FLl'II KXTUACTBlCUl', THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes iu which It has been given. Irritation of the neck of tho Blad der and inllamation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of tho prostrate Gland, Stono in tho Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Briekdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with tho following symptoms ! Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Me mory, DilUculty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain hi tho Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, palid Countenance, Universal lassitude of tho Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from tho nges of eighteen to twenty-five, and from thirty-live to fifty-five or In tho decliue or chango of life j after confine ment or lubor pains j bedwettiug iu children. llclmbold's Estraet Bncliu is Diuretic nnd Blood-purifying, nnd cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, nnd excesses nnd 1m denecs m Life, impuiities of tho Blood, etc., superseding copaiba in nleci""ons foi -which u is used, and ByphilHlo all'ections in these dis eases used iu connection with Uclnibold's ltoec Wash. LADIES. In many nlfcctations peculiar to Ladies, the Extract Buehu is nuequuled by any other reme dy as In chlorosis or retention, irregularity, piiiufulncss or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or schirus btato of thu Uterus, LcucoriHa-a. or Whites, bterility, nnd for nil complaints Incident lo tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi cians and inidwives lor enfeebled and delieato constitutions, of both sexes uud nil ages (attend ed with niiy of tho above diseases or symptoms.) It. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTltACT BUCHU CUKES DISEASES AKI.SINK FKOM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS Ol' DISSIPATION, il'l'., n all their stages, at liltlo expeme, little or uo change in diet, no inconvenience, uud no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, nnd gives strength to Urinate, thereby renmviug Obst me lons. Preventing and Curing btricturos of the Urethra, Alluiug Pain und jullniiiatiuii, so fie- lucut in tuu elusi ct diseases, aud expelling an 'oisouous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of in competent persons, and who havo paid heavy lees to be cureil in u snort nine, nave lounn tuey have been deceived, nnd that tho '-1'oUou" has, vtho use ot "powcriul astriuguuts," been dried up in tho tystcui, lo break out in a more uggra- atca lorm, nun pernnps n:icr .-iarriage. Uso IlclmboldV Kxtract Ituchu for ull Affec- llons and Diseases of the I'ulary Organs, wheth- r existing In .Male or female, from whatever orlgiuuting, and no matter how long standing. Price, ouu dollar aud Ufty cents per bottle. Si HENRY T. IIEU:B0LD'S IMPROVED ROSE WAfcH cannot be suvpataed as u Face Wash, and will be oiinil tlie only specitle remedy m oery species of Ciiluiniius Allectlou. It i-peedlly eradicates l'iniies, fiiiols. Scorbutic Dryness. Indurations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispels Red lies nnd Inupici.t Jnllaiiialii'li, Hives, Rash, M v.ii rntches, Kryin ssol beam or bum, troi-x Biles, .ind all purposes for which Salves or Olnt liient-i arc mcd i restores ttiu bklu to a lato or purity nud toll nets, uud insures contiuued KallliV u.-tiuii to tho tUsuo lit its vcsouls. Oil which depends the agreeable cleariies and viva city of coiiiiilexluii so lunch sought and admired nut however vatuai-iu as n remedy fur existing delects of thu skin, 11. I . llelinhnld Roe Wusti has long iu laim d lis principlu claim to unbound' cd, by Kj. iug iimlltlvs which reie der il u '1 uiiel Appeiid.igu ul Uii) liiit BuiH-rl.i live uud I 'uiigemul cUai.u ler, I'oinl'liiliig hi nn llegaut lui iuula tlui.-r i I'niiiitieiil rciiilitUes, bill ty uud l'.llit aey llu: luvul lablo tieeiiiiuiiiiUeiil uflls Use as a 1'ie.ei v.iiive and lt.-lrelier of It U uii rsevlleiil Lotiuu for divu. of Siplillillc Nil are, mid ul uu In tiuii for i!lsc.ii of tho I liimry Organs, uruing lieiik habits of dl'ih'.aiuii, ueil in vuuiieetluu Willi the Buehu,, and lltwba (iruu 1 Ills, 111 such Ut.euae ua lee.illl- iiitiided, luuuot be surp.,M:.l. 1'inx), vua dollar pel' lulllu. Full uud tipiill dilution uevjuipuny Iho 111. 'Ik lues, l.udi ueu i.f Ihe mn.l iv.puiniMu und reliable i luilll.he-d nil It ileiillnu, Mllll bull, llu.ll Ul llnII..WIia nf living Wllni', HU.I Up .il4 n L'J,ll uil.ulu i. ullllU.iU.uhJ Keulu nun l.iluiy Un.L, iii4ii i. a In. Ultra I mm I lie liitLc.'-l luui'iii iiiiiu4!ug iiiiintiil i'litdiiuiia, I 1 1; "l.ell, tsl.m .liii li, i le. 'I liu L44 ll Vtl li.ill' J lo III. ir pillilirallnu Iu Uui uu p..,His l.oil ...i(,.i a 1 Hi:. In. m lliu l.iel ILal in. ull. eh Milk rjuii.l.u J 'iitialliis, uui U j uui u.cj tu U pioj l v4 up by KHIUS...U.. llmry T. llt-lutbulU'a Ctuuiu I'rv l'Mriiuu. I 'iiclwl Iu nny k Hun. tueUl fiuui tllwll. t.A ib:i.l.v. up. H lm uiy ttr. kkIJ by I'i .. . ,1.1. t l.l ) U. iu. A J Iiwm I. Una le. ll...(. IU il it, lU I'lUliI"! Ili IUl.l 'I. ll.ilulJ, in ... ... -1..1 1 I.... 1. In. t I'l 11- I' IL I in lull's ihi aii I I ' i'-'l 1 . L iiu. , Ni. Jk i.iM.la4ji. Ika) i.k.ui i i U i. It... l-.ia Mwll l UjO, , ,vt I'mIH I Ul', tWtl, I l.i..t. 1 1 U14, 4. j i...i l I ii.ui.iniik .1.4 lui ILuly 'f. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOU THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871 Nnmber of Policies. 713. Amount of Property Insured, Amount of Premium Notes hi force, CASH ASSETS. Amount loaned at Interest, Amount In Treasurer's hands, Amount due from Agents, Amount duo from other sources, Availublo Capital, 53,315,00 o4,313,00 $3000,00 $1000,00 300,05 T.'0,00 139,311,05 Initiirc yonr Cattle. INSURE with ft responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insure whero your losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE PANY. COM- ro sure Hence, tinliko other Companies, yon aro sure of being paid promptly lor all losses. If Insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, onr expenses are less, nnd onr Charter Is Perpetual. Wo pay losses by nil kinds of accidents bv death, (excepting hi cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac.. fcc. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain jour money iu ease of loss. Xenrly $3,000 iull on Cows alone Mince Orgnniznt ton. Look at tho list of Losses paid on Cows ulonc by this Company. M llennlnger, Sunbury, Pa f33, 1) llilgcrt, Northumberland BO, Oeorgo Eckert, " 40, 8 B Dodge, " 30, Chnrles Bollck, 5It Carmel 30, Esubeus Bipplc, " 4". Catharine Wngncr, Watsontowu 40, (ieorgc Heir, Northumberland Jacob Snvdcr, Sunbury 33,33 J W B.issler, " v r,0 Minor Cady, Dewart t', Catharine Marti!, Shnmokiu -10, Frnncls Biicher, Puubiiry o", Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh. i.- 60, Joseph Deppcn, Mt Uinnci w, Matthias Scholly, " 0, Francis McCarty, " Marin Kramer, Watsontowu 45, Jpscpli Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40, J & R C Quigglc, l'ine, Clinton co 40, R Itnninge, Shenandoah, Schuglkill co 40, J S Tharp, Shnmokiu 40, Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmel 45, N A Londcnslager, Iteration, Raelicl Craiuer, Fisher's terry 4i, (i L Ucngan, Bhcuaiidoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob Stoltz, " " 40, D II Bower, Ilcrndon, 30, Ceo B Lahr, Georgetown 40, John II Ossmaii, Sunbury w40. W B Wnllace, Nort humbciiand uo, 118 Graham, " f", Rebecca Koble, (icorgctown w, Philin Wlnterttein, Watsontowu 40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia eo 40, Lewis Osterliaut, l.aurei nun, luiiscruc cii...w, Marv J Ilhie, Northumberland 40, B F Kiohn, Snubury 40, Andrew Healy, Girardsville, 8cliulkiU co.. 40, Patrick Furgcson, Mt Carmel 40, Mnrtin Delunev, Shenandoah city 14, John Dune, Ashland, Schuylkill co to, Anthony McLuughlhi, Girardsville 41), Llaymau S Hay, .Munanoy riane ', R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Baueher, Berwick S", J D Focht, Pottsvillc -0, Ernstus Sober, roini iwp A Llppencott, Watsontown 40, Marin Kramer, watson-n.u loss yu uihuiu,iw, F P Lippcucott, Watsontowu 40, R 8 Ainmcrmnn. Snvdertown -, Niithnii Bloss. Berwick. Colinubia co 27, JiiCK Quigglc.Piue Sta'n Clinton c 2d los,40, Chnrles W llazzard, Kuiert, loiumuia co...i, John Foglemau, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmel 40, Thomas Met)!, Paxluos 30, R McClosky, Lock Havcu 134, 11U. A. duiui.., riesiueui. C. A. REJMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury. DIRECTORS : Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brnner, Solomon St rob. Win. Bi indlc, golonmn Milpe, John A. (ShUsler, Dr. D. T. Krtbs, Dr. David Wnldron. March 11, 1871. ly. TIMK IS JlOXliY ! I LL Wall Paper and Border, sold by mo wil .'all Paper nud Border, be trimmed ready lor use, WITHOUT ClIAltGli, YEOMAN'S !. -. . '.W '' 'I- hleh 1 hnvc the exclusive right to use iu anourv and vicinity. Save money, tlmo anil luuor, uy nuyiug 01 iv. FEintr.i: Lit:iiT.M'.K, Dealer In Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Muale, Vc, iVce., &e. Sunday School SUPPLIES inudo a sperlallly. Illuuli, Mt'iuoruuduia A Vuhh UouUh In endless vuiii-ty, Just received. BOOK BINDING done loonier. Persons will save. exiciisu by leuviug their orders for bliiUiiifi with mu. I'MTIItr. I'll A MEH of all ilzis, cut Innn the Moulillnir l very low rules. OVAL & fcil'AUE FUAMEb ulways on baud. A LRU MS, BRACKETS, GOLU l'ENs, c, &c, vVo. A large und well aelecled stink of Toys ul way nil baud. An V tiling unt nil bund pluluptly ol deled. Uaralus fur cash. Cull at N. FLRRF.E LKill'lNK.R'S Hunk hlurc, Sign nf Foley's Gold Pvu, Market Snuure, bun bury, Pit. buubury, Auu.t liih, lb7d. J. W. WAIUNtiTtlN'S c.itln liiititt it niioi. The old hi main ul liiip of thu luwu We deilliiu Iho buual, but ul tin) kalim time ntli.ider that Ilia lulalily Iruib lu.n'io av.i.ou.l lily spukeu williuUI uiaulli .Hug uu uuvouiloila blu uuiuuul ul vanliy uud inubiiinu. Ju l l Lilly )ill Hfl I II. iUl my bll.llir.a I Ul or III Una pluea lutlf Iu lllelilutf llila ilil, ba 1 aluud Uhju Ihe l!iMr ul' uur aUo day uiur du),uiid ulu lil uiur iilbl, mid upplk'ii lliu allarp hi UK uU.iliiltin .lnl.uul Wlllilu il.ia ul liluu iliibr.nid by lUu Uil.lily luld. nf Dial Willi I ul lii bug I .Uaivd uv.ul) ei. bo.l Iu lliu luuuliy (Iu tuuiiuuu paiijuie) uud In ubligll lliu public lulile.l b.l.lii nubile. y uliuuuiiea In uur puliuus uld uud ui u uiu lemly U Lis V u lUiiu itll u ilu IU101 liuu lu J llmuaullij Itlllta ur Miole. I uuiu lieu uu I Uuu, Jm. ! turn la Ilia uud Ill'-Sv lit ulu4 lvaj luol, foltuova) ut u I lei u. mu, tuaiuttii )ulli bull vul lull, .Uaiuj )ou, MliUkcr aa )uU, u p.lluue, KVU.Il u4 luiin tua bull WilU ailwlie akii'i lu luu "t.l l l ill''u ttultf itlaaj a4l luauil Ilia cu.lniuil. Itulk In Uii, Uu4 I'Ikumi In uii, n.p, ilvti't if -t uui sbuu lii nt tuaViJ uu lUu Ut.ia ul kbilll) - Uiiiu, 4u It as HtllM 4 tM in uaiuv u h cuuld U. A Uim U ll Ibal UiUl.H.4 lu ia tha 4 . 4wl buU Ul lnu4. A few 4.u4 bu U.4( bkaM UikH al'.kl- im I, a EXTUA 11V TUB WALL PAPER. TRIMMER, PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A N1IOKJ Mnnnfactarcd to order at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN WlLVEIt, Spruce Street, Banbury. I'cnn'ft, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises, the very best in market. His long exper ience In the business has won for him a reputation for making tirst . class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TEItMS STKICTXY CASH. Tho prices of rcpairlnff are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Mnrrh 4, 1871. TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo aro now prepared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment ut home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Bitsiuess new light nod pro lltablc. Persons of either sex easily earn from 6oc. to f 5 per evening, nnd a proportionnl sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That nil who see this notice may send their ad dress, nnd test the business, we make this un paralleled otter t To such ns arc not well sntis lled, wo will send tl to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a vnluablo sample which will do to commence work on, and u copy of 7'A 1'euplt'i Literary Cwwimiiii'oti one of the hipgest nnd best family newspapers published nil sent free by mail. Render, If you wnut per manent, protitiiDle work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. April IS, 1871. 3m. NTEKEONOri:S, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CnROMOS, FRAMES. K. A II. T. ANT1ION V A CO., 501 IlroiMlwny, New York, Invito the attention of tlio Trade to their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture aud importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES und GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 891 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMP-OUTERS AM) MANUPACTl llEn9 OF Photographic Materials. March 4th, 1871. ly. Nl'ItlXU I'AMIIO.XJ NOW HEAUV. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnl DcMsucr of fashions. The old eslablhed and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak niuk lug Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholcsalo and Rcttiil. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons nnd Sashes, Lacos, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Evening dresses uud suits, made iu tho most fashionable style at short notice. Perfect system of DressCutting taught. N. B. Orders by mail, promptly attended to, Feb. 20. 1871. Sin. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! 1 A XEW STOH12 AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland Conuty,. Pti. WILLIAM NEGELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store nt tho above place, will constantly keep on hand, n laiye aud select assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising nf Pnrlnr and Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cnuc-Scalcd C hairs of a I grudut, Rocking aud Kitchen Chairs, VYushKunds, Bedsteads, Japanese, C'ottngn ami Half Cottage, Looking-Glasses, Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to bo found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be had at this establishment. Hoping, by fair dealing und strict attention to business, to merit tho patronage of the public. An invitation Is extended to all desiring anything in the line of Furuilurc to cull aud examine uiy stock. I'udertuhiuK douo In all Its branches. IW Repairing douo ut short notice. fJ WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAUtES'S CAUFOUNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands TITET ARS KOT A VILE FANCY DRINK. y4oof Voor It uui, WUUkef, l'rool Hvlrltf uuil Ucluao l.luuurit Cuciurtil, Sliced u-W.eo tui-4 U vtuualb cs:icdH'luuica,,,MAppU in," lii alorcm , o-. tlitt lead tlio i:pplcr a tu Ci uuksuucis uid lula, tut aro true, siciheuio, nud from t:i Nstlvo l:ooigml llcibsef Csltrurulit, fno I mill nil Alcohvllo hilmuToni. lucysio tua tlUUAT 11I.OOU lailll'lult nud A LUI t:VlM. fit IM 111 Esiir.-ct Itcauvator il lavl-ormlor vt Hal tj.ltm, etrrjliij bit !l iiolaououi uialtcr uii rctlurln- ths llsoil lu liooltlijr csudltloa. l.'o ncrrua an liiLo tbeso liltlcni sceurwli'g w U.kc tloa and rcmata lung uuwull. bltlO wlllba (Ucuturut luraralle csss, rruTMi.J Ui Uiues tr dwstroycil It tulucral uUvt ur bluer sutsus, uj Uui vuUrtuj Vfcw4 tt7uudU.11 f uiul of roualr. l ar liillummi.lary nud brulo nkcuBin. (Im aud l.uul, Uaipaltt. ur ldleatlo, llllluua, llauilllaul u4 lultraulllaul Fnver l'lacHaiaul lltu llluutl, Klduia,auJ UluUUt r, l.aa liliivi lata lioaa vivat sumo lul. feuvb Dlatuwa ar tau.oj If Vtllulv4 LlluuU. vlilckugeurally i renl-ovJly Ci.lau,tuni.l vl tua UifalUw tlrauuu. )l."l l-fcl.l UU IMm.EHTIOX. l!a4 ua, 1'a.ii 1 1 tl kluiuldtiia,, 1lLlua. vl Ui V -l, H.-lliuaa, kuur l luclalUM VI fi, 1 ad 1.. I 1 11.4 HulliU, b'Uuua AllatU, I alllallull VI U :;.. I, ll-8 jnuialiuu l Ibtluuga, I'aUt lu Ui ii.Ijh v luu kulutya, a4 a kuilia4 vlUf (autlul lwi luuia.aia Uiavltiriaaa,4 I'l.ut'uala. lu i-iiui.i u ktt.u.avbaa4atuuuliit IU kur fUX l.ttr au4 tva lU, kl,U icu4.r tUaut ul uuaiulu4 Ju4t) tu tlaaaaiug u. litwnl vl all Uuuumuia, a4 u..aiilug uaw ui a4 tlavr lu U' wuvla .J.utu. ruUtlth UlaieAairBl.arurUuM.Tatlu.klt IXtuui.ui-Ufcva. b,wl.. I u. , la. I ualuka, UvUa. 4 1 VauvU4. Itlug Wulka, liMtl4 Uva4,ul I Jwa. Hifala. alaa, luk, kvuib, tvivuWialluBa vl llM kU, u4 Iimiuii vl ilia lki, vl kaiat tn'tn atvj, vt luvtuJij 4 vf au4vattk4 ut ul U..tuiU avail tiuta kjr Ik um ul lkM lliltaia. iM kvttui to .4.vm aU tvuiluM Ut kw.1 Uvllavlvua al UU maiiK avi. liit.w vu V. auu4 blM4 vkautfi fan a4u luywuiaa kiuaiUMj Uuvaab Um at la U I'lauyla. I iva Uva M ! i alaauaa u alua 4 uu4uvil a4 amaua lit tu tatuai taaaa U auaa Utol-vl, a4 vkl taaltac MI kn. Jaa Ua. k..auHu4 iaa4ikkaavkalV-aaaMa auitvuW, rial, VAraa4a lUHM. luia Va ta tataaa4 Sa tl) aia atu.lla aaur tl 4 uia4. v luM au.tvua, la4 aaavla IM aMaaval 4 Saaaj kvila. lukW 4 la Ka. laa aa 1 1-a ka-4 aai4ik i- lfcifc riaw. w - Mvi-uaa.14 iVI taaataat aa4 It. a. Aa-vkv laa Itaatatau. taa. . 1 iii..t.u'niUF. .P m ! sSij WHAT ARE THEY? f eg O ij ' c i'i w? III 152. A 1 -m hi O iV OT S TnET ARS VOT A VILE g UuC m a.. n n 1 tl 1 Eb FLOnEKCENEWISUMACHINE. THIS eclchratod Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krauao'a Tin aud Btove Store, Market Street, Snnbnry. Ia. The Florenco Scwlnf? Machine stands nnequal led for beauty and durability being the best Family Sewing Machine now offered to the pub lic. TIIE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It baa self-adjusting tcntlon In the Shuttle ; changes for tho various Stitches mado while the machine Is in motion. Its Stitches aro tho wonder of all for beauty and flulsh, being alike on both sides of the fubrlc. It sews light and heavy fabrics witli equal fa cility. The work will feed either right or loft. Runs quiotly and rapidly. No dHjwilty exper ienced in sewing across heavy sewtt?. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. The Henimer turns wido and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Family abonia Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all We claim for It. It is the only Machine In the world that Is ca pable oi making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and tho samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOB SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac., without basting. It makes a gather and sews it on a band at one operation perfectly. Each Machlno is furnished with a comnlcto set tof tools, without extra charge. i,vcry purenascr tuny instructed ana every Machine wnrrautcd and kept in order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. W. SMITH & BRO., Agents, ForNortVd, 8nyder, Union nnd Montour Couu's. October 15, 187a New Flour and Feed Storo ! It. XV. TIIIKSTOX, Corner of Fouttb and Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A, Has jiiBt opened a Flour nud Feed Store, where be will keep constantly on hand, a geueral assortment ol the beet brauds of FLO XT Ti., FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGOS, and VEGETABLES of nil kinds, nt the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, lS71.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER! FRYLIKG, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to tho Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steaxu Saw & Planing Mill, nnd Just fitted It up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, are now prepared to fill ull orders lor nil kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK, &C. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK. WHITE AND YELLOW FINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS. ULIXDS, K1ILTTEKM A UIUtttET.S at tho very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hand. Send for prices. Amplo facilities for shipping by Railroad or CaUU'' FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL. 8unbury, Pa., February ISth, 1871. m. Ll.-JUEK AM ri.AAIXO MILLS. Third Street, ndjolnlnn l'hlln. & Erie R. R., two . inures North of the Central Hotel . SUNBURY, FA. TEA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required bv tho demands of tho public. Haviug nil tho latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, be is now ready to tin or tiers af all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SA81I, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn. lug of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.A1K1E A8SOKTMENT Of BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and X'INE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe. Ac. Orders promptly tilled, und shipped by Railroad . -.1 .! ... lil t 'I' 1'll'Ml'VT or otherwise. Alt.. A. V . decltl-CHily NTOYE fc TIN ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, FA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOU TO BM1TII CE.NTUEll.J HAVING purchased tho above well known cs. tiiblUliuiciit. Mr. Krause would resiwctful ly inform the public that be uow has on bund a hirgc assonmeiit or COO KINO STOVES. Slicer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Tup, Combination, Biituciiauun ana outers, which lire so arranged us to be used for Coal or Wood, nnd are warranted to crform satisfactori ly or no sulo. HEATERS of all kinds put up to bent one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dlllcreut kinds ut very low prices. Tinware of Every liencrlptlon kept constantly on band. Rooting nnd Spouting with Ibn best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING intended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of Jlx.mhJ. Store opposlta Conli-y'. hardware store. Give uie a cull. A. ru.-iL ot. apf.'4-ly Nt .MIl KY MAH1ILE YAHU. rpiIE iiudcrxlgiicd having tiought the entire L slock ff Diaalnirer tfc Taylor, would Inform tho public that be la now ready to do ull kinds (( MAK1II.E WUUKi I lit lias on bunu, una uiunes 10 oruer at ill.r BliURT NOTICE. Uonauieut Ai Ileatl-Nlouea, ISiJjSUA e TYTl Y ST V I.B. It J . t n im v, I .i . tt I'll T u Alao.Cfinetery Foala tilth Galvanised pllH) aud UutUer feuelug uiiierully uaed uu 1 1 men i lea. Julia A.Tuylur ill eoiilinua lu thu riiipluyineiil, at Ihe old aland uu Market bl., buubury. wayJVI THE ONLY MTU YE UIT1IU1T A 'AILV IN THE till EAT UAI.1I UUUE rillEI'LAlE 1IE.1TEU. BlUU'S ILLUMINATED DIAMOND 1Mb lil'UXEU Hf WMU'U I'AULUU AND CHAM UK Hi AUC WAUiltD MX U.K riKK. I T la lliu uuly Flrvpliiu lUalur tbttl bus a per. X Iwe t I up k'vuter, uud fru Irow pulilujj ttf plualuua, ul citillllua Ka lulu Ilia u-.iiiiiuu. U U IU. uuly kireplaea UuaU Uai IU. Uul llututuuil Uavuaiita by (raaUl liluuiiual lug i-oaer la ulilaittvd, tit apuiluivul lha biuta la In, Uioia lUuvluully ttuutttd, uud lliu lual. llu- lltiv4 Ul lu Kivat g hi Vl tu vut m lltu Ivaei ulr. tl t Ilia uuly VUufliset. JUaUl Ikal U a I'el fttttKll favdtl aud bnaa tuiutr, uuly IvuUn iilu.i uuualit listiiiy Iimii It.iuta, itUlua uuly iitpUv liwtWI iatl fvat alltiu aud ttum lug gialu. UUIuauuls kuafUvs liuakf lll tatstltau utau, tui auukMiaut Iwutu iut aauva, au4 ma uui itudaitu4 lua niat kuti lu bum uttt. lu laui II la Ika ataat utwlual kaltutauta Vll' pUta U.aUl, UuHu'4 sad iuiu(.l 4 bluualil W pallvttl-Xt. Lib 11 ii iu.. aa uud 41 L1U1I r I kkKT, - - - - u , U1 NEW EIUM. Ilyerly A Ilemperly'a Excelsior Oal- leryofArt, Third Street, Hanbo ry, la. MR. BYERLY has lately added to his already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Ucmperly whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled in this part of the country, and hereafter they will carry on the photographic trade, at the old stand nndor the firm name of Byerly & Hemperly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, at whose establishment tho pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole lino of photography. For l'hdtograplis oi all styles and sizes rang ing from the small Gem to the lifo sizo portrait. Uo to Byerly & Hemporly. For the beautiful porcelain plcturo which for softness of finish, and dnrnbiiity cannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hemporly. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar in all oni large cities, aud showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, and tho favorite of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hemperly. If yon have an old picture yon want copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India ink or crayon, tako it to Bcycrly & Ucmperly. If you want ft frame of any size and at any price, or any style go to Byerly & Hemperly's, nnd take a look at their immense stock in that line. For Albums go to Byerly & Hompcrly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly & Ucmperly, in short, for anything lu the photo graphic line, go to Byerly & Hemporly, and you will be suited. Feb. 25, 1871. Via' ( FURNITURE, MATTRESS, FEATHER,' AND BEDDINU WAEEK00M8, ,44 NOKTH TENTH BT., CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Spring Muttrcsscl, Feathers, Festher Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Counterpanes, Comfortables, Blankets, Quilts. Hair do. Husk do. Straw do. CALL AND SEE TnE Woven Wire Mattres. The best bed ever offered for sale. N. B. Our intention is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, nnd orders will rcccivo tlio same attention, and persons can buy just ns cheap as If present ut tlio store. Murch 4th, 1871. 3m. JU. L. SLATEK & CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, o. 3 Month Tenth Street, below Market, riiiladelphln, whero they have opened a Bret-class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. Our block consists or n unn assortment or Foreign Cloth., Cnsslmercs ond Vestings, select ed from tho best Importing Houses of this City nnd New York, which we aro prepared to muko up in tho most Fashionnblo Styles, at Short No tice and Modernto Terms. Special Bargulus in Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER CO. Formerly with J. M. 2elslcr. Dec. 3-lth, 1870. Cm. Philadelphia and Eric Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nnd nfter Monday. Juno 5th, 1S71, tho Traiut on the Philadelphia & Eliu Rail Uoud will run as lollows i WESTWARD. Mall Train lenves Plillalclphla, 7.10 p in cuuuury, a.uo a in arr nt Erie, U.iiO p m Eric Express leaves Philadelphia, 13.30 p m unuury, ti.oy m 11 nn nt Eric, 7.40 a in Elrolra Mull leaves Philadelphia, 0.30 a m " " " eunbury, 4.aa p m " " arr nt Lock Haven, 7.50 p m Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury, 4.55 a m " " arr at Willlamsport, 0.55 a ut Bald Eaglo Mull leaves Willinuibport, 1.45 a in " " arr at Lock lUvcu, 3.00 p m EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Eric, 11.30am biiuiinry, I.W1IU " arr at PhlludelphU, 7.30 u m Erie Express leaves Eric, 0.00 p iu " " Sunbnrv, lU.i.iam 11 arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Elmlru Mull leaves Lock Haven, 8.00 a in " " sunbury, xu.ou a m nrr nt Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Bull'alo Express leave Williainsport, 2.05 a m Minunrv, 4.0.1 a m nrr nt lMiilmtt inlila, 11.05 am Bald Englo Mall leaves Lock Haven, 11.25 n in " nrr at vt iinamspori, is.w p m Mall East connects cast nnd west ut Erlo with L. 8. & M. 8. R. W. und nt Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound trains ou L. . x M. 8. R. W. nnd at Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Wtirreu Accomiuotinliou east una wesi ttuu trains ou L. 8. and M. S. R. W. east and west and at Corry with O. C. and A. R. R. l . Erie Accommodation East at Corry and west at Corry nnd Irulnetou with O.C. and A R R W. Elmirii Mail and Buffalo Express make close connection ut Willlainspoit with N. C. R. W. Cuttawissa passenger trains will be run cast from Willlauisport on Erlo Express, and west to Willkiuisport on Eltulra Mull. WM. A. BALDWIN, (iCIl'l Sup't. K1RI.U AM NIMMER MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MIS3 ELIZABETH LAZARUS, la Dvwart's Building, Market Biuaie, BUNBl RY, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, con sisting of Millinery and Vuiiry Goods, U.VTd AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TKIMMED. Also, CHILDREN'S 11 AT a., for gli'l ,lll boys. Flowers of the luteal and handsomest atyles. buab Kihbous, plain uud Uifttrvtl. Lu. lie's Spt-Ufi-rs, Lues t'ulitra, Linen l ulara uud Culls tor Ladies and Children, Cruehrl collur. Neekllea for ijtdlea aud Geul'a luteal atylva. bilk back Ixxipa, a suprrlor ortlele. ttlutua Including Kiila, and Ludiea' Uui L. kin Klutea. Ilaiulkerebiela. All kinds of TiUiiiuiii.-. Knibruidery Patteru. Ilualery fur lat.llea, Geul'a aud ChlKlreu. Nula, I'lipts and plipw triuiuiluua. TRIMMING SILKS, Chlguona, Zephyrs aud Varua, uud a k-e0erul irarlely of Nuliuua. TUaultful for pual mtltnaK, alio hnta thai Ilia nuitlrty of iter fl lil lueiii a f.iiiiliiii.iiui) ulluaaauia. fcLUAbXlU LAiAULS- A pi II M, ltTI. 1'aiala, OiU, . Art IL alotk uf Oils rouiprlalittf l.luauaj Oil, Coul Oil, I'l.U Oil, aud l.uliuallun Oil lor Kuifliu-a aud ilaebluerjf, V ailtUUua, Glaa, laaja uu Uaud, at lu I'iUv l tONLtrCO. TothuCommuuIty utLaih' i ! CHANUK AT 1Ut "REQULATOn," I baa this iil pUKbaatd H tmlm alutk, yuud a HI aud llttuiaa ul Ota UKUlalf '-. kltuo, 'tluuk, LmIIhi aud kutdiu Mu4u, i f J. . Aula, aud lll tsuMUtua llw buatut aa at Ita pi u.t luwalluli, iutuul luulu, ilau4'l IluN tluul, MiUHKr tiktiir, biatiiuv, 1'A. Mkva) Itatlu aUbllati4 aiiauKnuuiila Mk lUa taaJlu4 auauulualuiuia ul Ika twuulii, iu .aa au.plUiK lUa luatatt ailk alaaa ul a ui k ul kabllua4 lauulalkv lul ttuiuutltll and Sul.k, at pikvaa llaat Ittuat kiaUtt UufuUta). A a(. tU'ljl tit UU lbai U tbtl Nlt.l.kll- Ut bbtaa. tu-ktia 1- fc.auul-t.tkiU.. ItMtl alllMtaa U Mt I. ' N. f.l Mirier' kuuttrr, 4k. II, !" Reading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May Mlh, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North am" North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read ing, Pottsvillc, Tamaqna, Ashltnd, Shamnkin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephratn, Llu. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, (fee. Trains leave Uarrishurg for few York, ns fol lows i At 3.40, 8.10, a. m. am" 3.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Nov York at 10.05 a. m., 8.60, and 9.80 p m. resfcctlvely. Sleeping Cars accompany the 3.40 a. m., train without change. Returning t Leavo New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.30 noon and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 7.80, 8.30 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. j Uccp'mg Cnrs accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train frwn cw York with out ehanec. Leavo Harrlsbnrg for Readrig, Pottsville, Ta mnnua, Minersvillo, Aslluud, Shamoklu, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 3.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopplnr at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Patsville and Co lunibla only. For Pottsvillc. Srhnviuill 11 and Anburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna .M.uiuuii, luiiv xinrriourj at O.ftl p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend ing for AUontown, Easton and New York at 4.33, 10.30 a. m., uud 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 0.00 a. in., 13.30 noon and 5.00 p. m. and Allcutown t,t 7.S0 a. m. 13.85 noon, 3.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p.m. ' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with aimilui train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at O.'-O p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 0.00 a. m. nnd 3.30 p. m. Horndou nt 10.00 a. m., Shnmokin at 5.40 nnd 11.15 a. m. Ashland at 7.05 a. m., and 12.43 noon; Mnhanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. :n. Tnmnqua at 8.35 a. m. and 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York,Rcading, Ilnrrisburg.&o. leave PottBvllIo via Schuylkill and Husipio linmm Railroad nt 8.15 a. m. forllarrlsburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pino Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Potts villc at 5.40 a. ru., passes Reading nt 7.30 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read ing nt 7.D5 p.m. arriving at Poitsvlllo at 0.40 p.m . Pottstown Accommodation Train lenves Potts town nt 0.30 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rauroad Trains leavo Reading nt 7.20 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Llliz, Lancaster. Columbia, &c. Pcrkiomen Rnil Rond Trains leavo Perklomen Junction at 7.17, 0.05 a. m.,at 3.00 and 0.00 p. m. Returning,Ieave Sehwcnksvillc at 6.30,8.10 a.m., 12.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Colehrookdnle Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 0.40 a. m., 1.1 5 aud 0.45 p. m., returning lento Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., aud 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Rcuiting Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port nt 8.30 a. m., 2.05nnd 5.32 p. in. returning, leave Dowulngton at 6.40 a. m., 12.15 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains ou Read inir Railroad. (.)n Sundays I Leavo New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. in. nnd 3.15 p. m., (tho 8.00 n. m. train ruunlug only to Rending;) lcav Pottsvillc at B.00 a. in., leavo Harrisburg, 2.40 a. in., nud 2.00 p. m.; leave Allentowu at 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15 a. m. nnd 0.50 p. in. for Harrisburg, ot 4.32 a. in. for New York, nt 7.20 a. m. for Allentown and at 9A0 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. fur Philudel'u. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from ull points nt re duced rates. Baggage cheeked through I JO0 Pounds Bag gagu allowed each Passeugar. J. E. WOOTTF.N, Asst. Slip!. & Kug. Mach'ry. Northern Ccutral Jtullnuy. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd after Juno 17, 1871, trains will run us follows i NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 4.50 n. in., arrive nt Willlamsport ut 6.55, Elmira at 10.55 a. in., Caiiaiidnlgun 2.15 p. in. Mail leavo Siinbriry nt 4.30 p. m., arrive nt Wliliumsport C.25 and Elmira 10.:i5 p. in. Fast Lino leave Sunbury at 6.45 p. m., arrive at Willkiuisport 8.40 p. m. SOUTHWARD. Lcnvo Sunbury at 4.10 a. m., arrive nt Uarris btirg 7.05 a. m., Baltimore 10.40 a. in. Leave Suubury, 10.20 i. m., arrive nt Harris burg 1.00 p. in. Leave Sunbury nt 10. 55 n. m., nrrivo ut Tlur- riBDiirg la.on p. in., uaituuiro o.oDp. m. eave ounoury uv i.tun. w., nrnvc ut llnrrls burg 3.35 a. in. SIIAMOKIN DI-ISION. EASTWAKO. Leave Snnhury at 4.40 p. m.,lrrlve nt Slumio kin 5.55 p. in., Mt. Carmel 6.40 m. Leave Sunbury (Accominodatlo. ) t ll.f.J a. in., arrive at Sliamokiu 1.00 p. in. WESTWARD. Leavo Mt. Carmel nt 8.05 a. m., rilve nt Shninuktn 8.53 a. in., Snubury 0.55 u. In. Leave Shnmokiu (Accommodation,) ut i-43 p. in., arrive nt Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily Leaving on Sunday, rus North only to Wllliamspoit. All other trulus leave daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. V.n. S. Yui-No, Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Pussen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pn. Balimoie, Md . Laekawauuu aud lllooiusibure Uuil road. SPRING ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 1ST1. SOUTHWARD. Leavo. I A.M. P.M.' A.M. P.M. P.M. Scranton, Hcllevue, Tiiylorvillo, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mullby, Kinir.toii, & i st. W.-B.irre c'rs Plymouth Juuc, Plvinoulh, Niiulleuke, lianlot'k's, Sbickuhiuuy, Hick's Firry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Hrlnr Creek, I. line Kids'!',, lllnoiiii'burg, Kiitrl, Ctitatiaaa, iLiinllle, Cltulaaky, 45 50 57 i 05 1 14 10 o so; 0 35 V 42' 0 Ml 5 40 5 45 5 i:t o o;. 0 13 6 18 0 25 6 31 C 40 1 00 1 IH 1 15 1 27 1 35 I 43 1 55 50 10 Oil; 10 05 7 27 7 30 7 50 8 Iki 4 00 10 12! 10 1; 4 1510 3 !l0 47 4 24 10 55 10 0 .Vl 6 55 7 Hi 7 17 7 35 8 07 8 Z! 8 3d! 8 43' 8 50, 00! 0 10, V 2": 27 V 3 V V 40, 10 05 in i'i: 4 55 5 15 5 I uiiu riiu, Hi) Si NurtU'd, (arrive.) 10 40; 0 55 AKt). V.M. I KORTIIW Lcuyo. A.M., Northumberland, .10 45 I ullleroll, lliulaaky, Jl.lUtllltl, lalaa, Kuptrl, liluvluaburK, iy. I.iuta Kldi,-, Hilar I'rutk, lleialek. kt.aeb llitveu, lluk'a f.'ry, unkaliliiuy, lluulutk'a, NaUllttku, -)IUeiUlll, I'lyuioulk Juuc, It nit. tuu, t at, W.-lUil) ( u'la Ualtli), M ) win in a Hit fUt.taa,, laLkaaauua, 'lu)Ulillu, a. iuuu. tiaulou, (aliiic) D4VIII T. tol Mi, Mt, i. 4arltallara ItMaUaMS-ala, Ut. Giulu kakta, w I aud luu I .. I. . aUkaa, Imv aud U Mau4u i4. ., l. .. t.t, UaUuia au4 lla Imka, ln.a at.1 ' .U..., Itialtt l'i4n, t laJU lli.aal, 1'4.-uaau4 i i I' rat..u W ' L I A 10 5 2 11 IT S 40 II 41, O 15 II 4d 2ti 11 6.1 Ml 14 U) 3 14 10. 4 Mi 14 VV T 0V I t kJ T I'J A. M. It IH t ! I . 1 i5 is i 1 Ba T bo 1Wr.JI.fll. I t) i uu 1 lu I 4d 0i 1 .1 I J UU M 1 to I t t. 4 O.i ' w i w U 4 . 4 bj OTj It 47 14 V. 4 HI tl 11 I V 1 tl I '4 lm 4 ft H 111; t 44 It Vu t l i i 47 k uv I 15 ; la li Wt 4 & V OA. t I it a sj 8 I'i! J 1 4.' h i.i an' It ko 40 I ki k ;.i I. v l 1 ll.i .ll llw ..ij I "lllil.. 1 l.i w . 4 -4 w. Ml h lo. k av-f. 1 1 , u a t44i.H tu i.i,tis . tia.i.1 mnmvmm,ni MMMllVvaairiHiat,ll ai