SUNBURY, JULY 1,1871, Railroad Time Table. N. C. R. W. East. Buffalo Kxl'Te 4:10 uni Erie " "10:20 " EfcnlrftMnll 10:BS " Erie " " 1:10 " P. & K. R. R. "VVR9T. Erie Mail, I've 2:10 nm Buualo Ex. " 4:50 " ElmlraMall" 4:30 pm ErloEx. " 0:45 ' BBAMOKIN t)lV18IOH N c. n. w. 1.EA1H . AltniVB Banbury at 11:50 a tn At Snnbury 0:B5 a m 11 . m I 1 1 J.IUI n m I.EA1H D. II. & W. R. R. Lonve Bunbnrj 5:B5 . m., 4:35 and 0:50 p. m. Arr. at Banbury 10:00 a m, 0:20 and 8:40 p m. iffitirs. IceCbeam F.EF.mis. A new lot just received and for sale bj II. 13. Mnsscr. Pewino Macbikes.-MUk Caroline Pallus Is the agent for the sale of the three best Sewing Machines la existence, viz i "The Improved Singer," "Grovcr & Baker" and "Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. Call and see thorn. Office, on Market street, east of the railroad, i M To Let. Thro rooms and a kitchen, suitable for a small amlly, will be let on reasonable terms. Apply at this office. ' our markets aro abundantly supplied with cucumbers and green apples, the effect of an im moderate and indiscriminate use of which Is manifest In frequent cases of cholera morbus. Gents' fine French Calf, Box-too Boots, stitch Ci bottom, at tho Regulator. Oun farmers are busily engaged In cnttlng and harvesting their grain. It is the earliest har vest we have had for many years. Good Intent Fibe Company. Tho members of the Good Intent FIro Company are requested to meet at the cnglno house of the Suubury Fire Company, on Saturday evening, July 1, 1871, at 8 o'clock. Business of great importance will be brought before the company. The Amateur Troupe of this place, aro now encaged in rehearsing preparatory to giving a series of entertainments for the benefit of the Cornet Band about being started in this borough. As they have given some very entertaining exhi bitions on former occasions, a rich treat may soon bo expected, One of tho great features at the pic nlc of the B. of L. E., on the 4th, on tho Island, will be the sending up of a mammoth balloon, which is ubotit 12 feet in height, by Lieut. Reese, of the Recso House. m Thoit FisniNa. Dr. F. L. Huupt and Alex. Boyd, Esq., of this place, returned home from a piscatorial tour on Tuesday latt. They had pro ceeded as far ns Clarion creek, about 15 miles noriu of Et. Marys, where they Fpent two days, In whii-h time they captured some thirty-six dozen of tho speckled tribe. They report trout very plenty la that region. Vegetables of nil kinds are received three times a week at J. F. Kirby's. The "Reese House," at tho depot, this place, lias become, a great resort to the Inner man. Mine host and hostess appear to under stand how to cater for nil that calls, as every one appears satisfied it is tho place to procure the best refreshments. Turtle soup, clnm soup, fish, an J all kind of gamo in season, arc served up at nil hours. Hot meals only 40 cents. Ice cream every evening. Ladies room np stairs. Eutraucc on Third street. The B. of L. E. pic nlc on the Fourth of July promises to be ouo of the most pleasant of the season. Tho members lire busily engaged in making arrnngemeir.s for their r.irty, und wc nre satisfied that whatever tho members of that society undcrtako -Ul not be dono by halves. Those who are forP'iate enough to attend this pie nle may not J"ly expect to have a day of recreation, but w" nls0 commemorate that glori ous of itll dn- Lieut. Reese, of tho Reese House, and Fry, Esq., will furnish rcfrcsh 'ments on tl-9 occuoion, and as they are known to be Urst-'a8s caterers, nothing will be wanting on tlieirf'11 ' to make it a pleasant occasion. A train leave the depot at 10 o'clock to carry pasemgers unto the Island free. The public are ln'Ued to participate. Jrsx received, a number of popular f routs and French calfskins, at tho Regulator. The Patent Air Brake. Many of our citi zens, desirous of seeing tho patent air brake test ed, requested Mr. R. Carter, engineer on the P. & E. R. U., to give them a practical illustration when coming into town. On Sunday morning last, us his train was coming south he noticed tho track clear, when ho run hie train at the rate of about IS or 20 miles per hour, and when with in ubout 200 feet of the depot he applied the brakes and stopped tho train within that space. Ho Informs us that the larger the train the quicker it can be stopped, and that a train of six cars can be stopped by this brake within 250 feet when running ut the rate of SO miles an hour. By mean of this brake the engineer by a single motion can apply the brakes to every car by opening the valves of the air chambers, and stop a train by the lime nny ordinary brukuman could get ready to apply his brakes. A hatch game of base ball was played at Danville, on b.ilurday lust, between the Star cluli of Buubury, and club of Danville, re sulting iu favor of tho former by a score of C8 to 21. If their new steam fire engine docs uot perform teller than their Base BullUla, when ou trial with our engine, the Indications are thut Buu bury will be far ahead, and uo fcura need be en tertained of the "sijulrtlng capacity" of the Danville steamer musing a "ahower don u here." W. L. XtsiiiT, Kij., of Khuiiioklu township, employed two boys to work uu hi farm a few weeks ago who Jircteudod to hail from Lebauou. Ou Sunday lat, while Mr. X'eaMt aud lady bad gone to church the rascals ruusai ked the bouse and lin n dueumocd for parts unknowu. They oMaliud a kiuitll amount of uiuuiy and soma ('hulling. u Sunday nl.'lil liny stayed at a houMi iu Kivcraldu, Itu.h tuwitahlii, aud lu I lid liiuruinjj stole ! b I rum I lis panic, provided for lli. in. 'I l.ty wre pursued allblu a few inilr uf Buubury abcra thry cre.nd llio river, tsbeu all clue of Ihclr MuerrubuuU was luat. Tit (Id eat U about 15 )Caia of aud the other year or I no juuuj' r. n a no LAuurit liaiii V tave fit- qucully Utu simAcu to lit ribald lu all oi.'anlia. Hull of a ll.juk aud Ladder tuuipauy lu this i1omi Li lu A uur tit d pailuwut luur U i Ih. it it a luuiui of iiul luiHfWu lu uar cUucut lu kata to k a wgabUaiwu, abj lop lu at lu UUiaUl it), (Hull toad Its f ltt.1 B I'lujatl, w u4 thai u ai'ttaialu ut thai bind i uu U 'iKur4, hunt al kih auuditj iu lauttuUMUil dulUis, atiuk oui4 tuky la- US'tt U iHiwIt luur irSlt.ll tUa Uiui, ' Ul tfcUUtWl tol wuug uu luti J U uiuU Ui a u.(ui lu ik iki U U, aud ail lUal U rlu4 u lot iL t tit, U U ltd h w jcaiU, la ilut, A 11 twui-U4 lb 4eiji. "4 liu 4 A petitioh Was handed to ns last week by an enlightened youth of some twelve summers, son of one of onr tnost Influential citizens and a Democrat, for our signature to get the consent of tho County Commissioners to use tho Court Room for the purpose of holding a public ex amination by Prof. Brown, of the Academy, and frco lecture by Rev. Dr. Wllleltn, of Philadel phia. Ou Inquiry, we were informed that the Commissioners had refused to allow tho Court Room to bo used for any (such purpose On glancing over tho names on the petition we no ticed those of onr most wealthy and Influential citizens. VTo have since learned thru the pstuion was presented, and that the Commissioners re fused to pay any attention to It whatever. By this action wo Infer that tho oTlcers having In chargo the connty buildings nre adverse to every thing that may have a tendency to cnltivnle tho minds of the rising generation, mid that a lecture by such eminent men as Dr. Wlllctts, might di vert the public mind In a different direction than the example set by those who had that build ing in charge for some years past. Thoso func tionaries have, by this action, shown to tho world what regnrd they have for an enlightened public, and how far they are able to appreciate refined cultivation. In giving onr signature to tho peti tion we Imagined what a blessed thing it would be if the young man who approached us could have an opportunity to teach those officers, ns It would no doubt biing about a different state ot affairs within tho Court House buildings. Rev. Mr. Wellett'b Lectvbe. After the ex ercises of some of the scholars of Prof. Brown's Academy, in this place on Wednesday evening, Rev. Dr. Willctts of Philadelphia, delivered his admirable lecture entitled "Sunshine, or tho Phi losophy of a Happy Life." Wo but express tho almost unanimous opinion of all present, In say lug it was, tn all respects, tho best and most en tertaining lccmrc ever delivered iu this place. The Rev. Dr. is not only an orator and cloculloiiL-t, but can hardly be excelled as an actor and hu morist. His deliucntions of character were high ly interesting. His description of tho solemn, ca daverous nud wo-begono religionist, always in search of the dark side of things, ns contrasted with tho chccrfuil happy and contented christian, Was not only Instructive, but extremely amusing, and called forth roars of laughter. The exercises and lecture wcro bed In t'10 unfln Ished, but commodious audience room of the new Presbyterian Church. Tho Commissioners having conscientious scruples, refused to allow the court. house to bo used for such purposes. Fibe. On Monday night, between tho hourB of 11 and 13 o'clock, fire was discovered In tho merchant tnllor store of J. W. Zlcgler, on Third street below Market. An alarm was immediate ly given, but before the flro engine could bo brought to the spot, tho doors were forced open and tho Are extinguished with buckets. The lire had spread over the whole room, and tho goods were more or less damaged, while a largo amount were entirely destroyed. It is supposed that the lire originated by lire crackers having been thiown into the room lu the early part of the evening, and smoldering among the goods until a into hour. Fortunately the room was almost air, tight which suppressed tho dames to a great extent. Mr. Zicglcr's loss' will probably reach $1,500, which, wo aro Informed, was fully iu- surcd. No. 1 nud 2 shore mnckcral, pickled 6almon and white 11 bli at Kirby's, all lUil warranted. IIeavt Sentence. During the recent session of the U. 8. District Court, at Williamsport, Judge M'Ciindlce, sentenced nil individual on two indictments for passing $10 counterfeit Nn. tlounl banknotes, to a fine of $5,000, and 10ycarB: Imprisonment in each case. The Circuit Court, la an adjoining room, handsomely fitted up, was In Session at the same time, and presided over by Judgo McKcnnan. An interesting case was ar gued before tills court, on an application for an Injunction, charging Geddce, Marsh & Co., of Lcwisburg, with infringing on the patent reaper of Morgan & Co., of New York. The case was ably argued by Mr. Geo. Hardlnge, of I'hilndcl phia, and Mr. Baldwin for the complainant, and by Hon. J. W. Maynard, of Williamsport, for the defendant. Man Shot. An Irishman named Patrick Leo. nard was shot lu the face and back, about 12 o' clock on Thuisday night of lust week, nt Sha mokin, by, it is alleged, ouo Jesse Major. They had some difficulty at the circus ou thut evening, aud were prevented from coming to blows through the intervention of friends. They met after wards on Franklin street, where the shooting af fray took place. Thero arc contradictory reports as to who drew the first revolver. Lcounrd is ro covering. A New Store. R. F. Weiuicr, Esq., has open, ed a new store in Henry Ilaupt's new building on Market street, In this place, and displays a mag nificent nscortincut of Dry Goods of every de scription. His stock comprises everything usu ally kept lu a largo establishment, and every ar ticle Is entirely new. Being accommodating, and having purchased his stock at reduced rates, per" sous will Mud 11 to their udvaulagc to give him a call, aud examine his stock. Foot Smashed. Warren Wllkins. nn em ployee nt the steam saw mill of Messrs. Frylini;. Bowcn & Engle, had his foot smashed, on Satur day lust, by a log falllug upou It. Dr. . W. Moody was culled, who dressed the wound. John Woi.p, residing near Dcvrart, sent his team to tho Milton depot on Wednesday after uoou lu charge of a boy. The. team ruu otf up this road, overtukiug a wagon containing Mr. Suldwell aud child, and Mr. Selbert and slater. The wagon wus demolUhed.lhe ocenpnutt thrown out, and tho child, w hich is about 4 years old, seriously Injured. Mr. Caldwell received a slight contusion ou the head, but the remaining two occupants of I Uo wagon escaped comparatively unhurt. The child was taken to David Sheep's, a short diatuuee from the scene of the accident, and Dr. MeCleery being sent for, tho proper re medies were applied, aud ou Thursday uiorulng the fuse of the lliilo autl'erer was prououueed hopeful. The accident occurred about half way U'twecu this place aud Naglo it Eahbach's law mill. .JUIuniuH. Ciuahs An Touacco. As all who u.o the weed ara Inclined towards having the beat, uoue will be dlauppoluud by calilua; ou Mr. Trimble, Tulid Uriel, Uduw Market, wuersj every varU ty of tobacco aud cigar ara kept to suit hi cus tomers. Jiu keep uuly lha best, aud those v bo dcalru pure Havana will lift gu auilat nt Us DsUblUliiueul. Anil'SST. Ou Ws4ntday aftcruuuu Jure uiUb snluv, brake-uiau ou Ibat'ataaUt railroad, anil tuupllus; in, al lb r X K. depot, had lilies of lb t!u;tis ou bU li ft baud badly Uijur 4, hi aauit kavlug uau au-bl botru (lis cuuplli.jrs. 1r. U- Uavb) diwd ih aouud. it U U"Aw4 that'fs wtij uU UU aut I'UUllou, but aa optratlow usy y be rtuiis4, tJlwiii, All. wbu bat Ut aay fiotu this plot Uh a Urn un ti asluiiULrd ou Ibtlr 1(4 urn al lb mi.j iu.( lovnutuu u4ds alttlu ibal lliu. Aa tulli iUs(a i( piami.t.e bat Uk(U 1A lu lbl I1U.S. ttulltiui kavt Y'uul V In ' da'wliuu, aud lla oik ut lsw('lu(iuui UI (uu uu, j ,,t( 4i)bUW( r, uu 4Ullu luiun Uf, tutu u bUk i ut tt lutM Ua, u4 l; IUMki iut will U kuaay Uu( MeU4 4lU-j( I kl . Tna Danville, TIaileton and Wllkes-Dnrre rail road, running some fifty miles, as Its title Indi cates, through the coal regions of tho northern part of this State, we understand Is near comple tion. In a fow weeks at most a connection with tho Lehigh Volley Railroad It Is cxpccted'wlU be effected. The line of tho new road Is partly parallel with the Cntawlssa Railroad, and will compete to some extent with that old work for Western traffic. The company was chartered In 1859, and has struggled on under many diffi culties until It Is new, we are told, within one thousand feet of completion. Its officers have been most pcrslsteot in their efforts, and have about completed a work that not only opens a rich rcgiou of country along its line., but have a road that la already sought for by groat trunk lines of railway as ft link In perfecting their through routes. According to tho last published report, the company have expended in construc tion, coal lauds, rolling stock, etc., about a tl,- 800,000, and owes lu unfunded debt nbout a qjiarter of a million of dollars. This liability may, perhaps, facilitate tho negotiations which, wo understand, have already commenced for its control by lease. It connects directly with tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, and also with the Le high and Susquehanna Road, (now leased to tho Central Railroad of New Jersey), and would be a valuablo acquisition to cither. I htladcwMa Ledger. Fatal Accident. Tho Danville ItUeligenecr says i Oakley S. Hallmun, sou of Mr. Henry S. Hnllman, of this place, was killed at the Penn sylvania furnace siding on Tuesday morning by being crushed between tho cars. At tho concave portion of the siding tho cars, when going too rapidly, are liable to bo forced together by the bumper of one car being forced over the bumper of another car. Young Hallmun stepped over the platform of tho car to put down the brake, when the cars came suddenly together, crushing him luto a space of not over two aud a-half Inches. Strange to ray, he was not killed outright, but lived two hours, retaining possession of his fucul ties to tho last. Ho was a worthy, industrious young man. Ho was nged 23 years and 10 mouths. A singular thing In connection with tho acci dent that bcful young Hnllman, he had a dream some two weeks since warning him that he would bo killed. The dream impressed him so strongly that he continually nlludcd to it when conversing with his parents und friends. This presentiment was on his mind all the time during his waking hours, and ho seemed to bo ns firmly persuaded that It would come to pass as that ho was then living. And tho first exclamation al most after ho was hurt, was a reference to tho monition he had received in his dream and its final realization In his approaching death. It appears to be one of the mysterious operations of the mind which man cunuot comprehend. Accidents. On Sunday nfteruoou lust, ns a party of some six or eight persons, principally members of the family of Edwurd Brcnuan, of Lancaster Colliery, were descending tho Coal Run hill in a spring wagon, they were thrown violently to tho ground by tho upsetting of the vehicle, cuused by the breaking of a shaft. All were more or less Injured, but none seriously ex cept a child of Mrs. O'Kecfc, of this plncc, aged nbout six weeks, which received such injuries as to cause its death within a few hours. A similar accident befel Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Snyder and their two children, on Wednesday, west of town, but fortunately thoy all escaped serious injury. Shamokin Herald. The Montour Paint works will bo In operation on Thursday. Does this not speak well, for tho energy and activity of the enterprising firm of Drehcr and Reay, as it has not been two months since this extensive manufactory was a total wreck by Ctc.Illoomtbunj Republican. History of Tna Wah im Ernorn. Tho roeont war between Germany and France moused so uiucu interest on tho part or our people, that it was generally supposed ut tho time, that the earliest and best history of the great Btrugglc, would uc irom llio pen oi t lie American author. The National Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, nave jusi lusuca a very commcte nncl vuluanio history, bearing the above title. It is from the pen of Mr. James D. McC'abe, Jr., and is a hand somely bound volume of H00 octavo paces, Illus trated with 150 maps, portraits, battle scenes, views of prominent localities, etc. It it written in a bold,. vigorous style, and will, unquestiona bly, take rank ns tho standard history of the struggle by nu American writer. Mr. McCubc, has evidently Btudied his subject deeply, for ho writes as un historian, aud not as a politician, ns one who places facts on record for the verdict of future ages, and not as one who seeks to win tho favor of cither the Germntis or the French to-day. great charm of the work is its impartiality, its absolute lidelity to truth. His book fascinates while it instructs, for it tells in graphic and eloquent lnnguage, the most won derl'iilly story of modem times. Hetiuccstho causes of tho war from their origin down to the beginning of hostilities ; sets forth the diplomatic history of the prelude to the war, w ith clearness; nud slates forcibly, and in detail the causes of the triumph of Germany und tho failure of France. The narrative of ihc great battles which opened tho campaign, and hurled tho French back upou the interior of their own country j tho effect of theso reverses upon the Frcuch Na tion ; tho frantic efforts to rescue the benteu army, and the terrible disaster of Sedan ; the ea ln re of tho Emperor Naiioleon and nu entire nruiy ( the Revolution In Paris j the rise and for mation of the Republic i the flight of the Em press from Purls , the Siege nnd surrender of Slrusburg ami frontier fortresses of France the triumphal advance of the German armies to Paris ; the Sieges of Mets aud Paris In detail j a full diary of events In Paris during the Siege s tho cainpulgns ou the Loire and in the other parts of France ( the peace negotiation ; the surrender ot Paris aud the treaty the naval history of the war the history of the formation of tho great German Empire ; the proclaiming of King Wil liuin cmiieror, und the realisation of German unity ; the civil war aud second siege of Paris, Willi its terrible scenes of bloodshed aud vandal ism ; all these und other events of tho war are related with a graphieuess und brilliancy which render this a work of uuusual value The author goes deep luto tho philosophy of the war, and Impresses his reader profoundly with the great leasont of the conn id. The low price at which the book 1 Issued, brings it within the reach of all, and uo one wishing to keep abreast of tho limes should fail to read it. It Is published In both English and German, told by subscription only, aud ugcnls are wanted lu every cuuuty. Agrleult urul l-'ttlr. Si muuhi, Juue 84th, 1671. The F.iecullve Committee of the Northumber land C'ouuty Agricultural Society wet pursuuut to a resolullou passed al a staled uiecliiig held April 20, Ib71. Jos. lllrd, Esq., President, lu the lhalr. Min utes of last meet I u if read aud approved. Tba I'le.Uleiil called upon the different I'ouilulllrc to rcpoil the progress of their woik. loiuiiiilteu ou list of premiums reported progress. Coiiiuiil tea ou spctiucullou coiiiluucj, with aulburity to (reel proper bulldiugs, prepare track, &c., suita ble lu buMlug County r'alr. Ou uioUou, fssUsso', Ttul Henry K. Pugcly and Tuuiuut ti. ( oopvr, b added to Ikv I'uuiuiil lu uu rrpurUi giuuud, kc. O luutluu tf J. M. yollutur, aud Kdrd tiiady, tecoudcr, f,sUii, That Iks IWUciil appoiul a Com lull It lu eouler ilk lb Augusta. VaruiMs' liuiikuliural AsaueUllou tf huftuuiuUrluud I'vuuly, tu tarry OuA a icaolulluu, ps4 April W, lU. Itvutg Gaul, Dr. tWpk l)U u4 J. M. tUnb"iuia air tpputuicd taut rotumuu. MttUfJ, 1 bat lull tvusvllug adjuuiu l lust l at lb loud iiuttao, ua li Dial Mubday ut AwkimI aouit Ltti lb ie4U ut tut auuttC'uuf Utillsoa. A4jwMiitt4, jo, feiku, ftubi l am u fcautsua, kMify. Editor's Table. Tns Latit's FRtitNTu for Jtn.y, 1871. A very ensonnble picture Is the fine steel plate "Alpine Tourist." A breath or mountain coolness seems to greet ns from the Icy and snowy surroundings of tho two pretty young Indies who nre evidently enjoying a summer In romantic Switzerland. Tho Colored Fashions are graceful and stylish nsusn nl ; and there is a pleasant shore scene of tlirco mnldcns sitting on the rocks delightfully nt case, with tho sea for a back ground. The music is a bnllnd, "Come Love, to Me." Tho Illustrations of dress nnd fancy work nre profuse nml very In viting. But the stories ure especially welcome in hot weather, when above nil thlnirs one wants to bo entertained. Aincnda M. Dnuglns commences one of her populnJ serials "A Littlo Money " there Is an interesting Spanih sketch by Madame unlxot, and spirttea stonus oy Mom Perry, Ella Wheeler, nnd others and among tho poetical contributors wo sco thounmcs of Emma M. Cnss and Minim Earlo. Price $2.50 n year (which al so includes n lariro steel engraving.) Four co pies, $0. Flvo copies (and one gratis,) $8. The Lady's Friend" and, the "Saturday Evening Post" (nnd ono engraving,) $4. Published by Deacon & Peterson, Philadelphia. Single copies for salu by nil News dealers, und by the publish ers, prico 25 cents. Business Notices, It Is acknowledged that the clothing procured nt J, Y. Schaffer's merchant shop, opposite tho Central Hotel, are not surpassed by any city make, cither In style or quality. BehafTer hu9 a constant rush of work, and thoso wishing a stylish suit should give him timely notice. Evert style of tho newest furniture can bo purchased cheap at B. L. Raudenbush's Furni ture Store In the Masonic Hull buildings. Patent Metnlie Burial Cases and Shrouds always on hand. Special attention paid to undertaking In all Its branches by Mr. Roberts who has had a number of years experience In the city. Next to free schools, one of the greatest civil izing agencies In this country is Wnnnmaker A Brown's great Oak Hall Clothing Establishment. Another largo arrival of summer goods, muslins, sheeting, &c, has just been opened at Moore & Dlssluger's Store, on' Market street, which they aro now selling nt greatly reduced prices. Tho latest prints, ladles' white goods, &c, arc on exhibition at their store. Great bar gains arc made there. We notice Hint Wm. Miller, of tho Excelsior Boot nnd 8hoe storo Is unable to Eupply the de mand for his Canvas-legged, Lasting Boots, for summer wenr, in consequence of their rapid salo tho manufacturer being unable to supply them iu sufficient numbers. He Is receiving them as fast as made, and they go Just as readily. His other 6tock for summer Is constantly replenished which Is sold nt wholesale and retail. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received nt Llglit- ncr's, cheap for cash. New Beans, Pens, Potatoes, Lettuce, Straw, berries, Ac, at Kirby's. - Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk nnd Leather Store consolidated with tho Book Storo. Call one nud all. New goods at low prices. Fruit of every descriptions is kept, for sale nt Kirby's. To i)OK luto tho Hat Storo of 3. Faust, ono would suppose thero was a supply of Hats and Cups for ono generutiou to come, but as his ens tomcrs are coming from every direction they are soon disposed of and a new supply put In their place. Tue Croquet Shoe, a novelty, elegant and com fort.ible, at the Regulator. Dciiino tho coming hot season, a lint isn't a bad thing to have about the house. S. Faust, Matkct Square, has a fIu-3 stock, is constantly enlarging, nnd Will furnish them to order, In any style, prico or quality. Sam is a practical "hat. list," and can lit any head that he gets a sight of. If you want a fine assortment of plain and fancy groceries to select from, go to Kirby's, Blight's new buildiug, on Market Squnro, nil goods delivered wliUlu the borough free of charge Am. Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, ut the Regulator. Shoemakers' materials for manufacturing, at tho Regulator. txosijio Prices op DeIIaves & Bno., 40 S. Third Street, 1'uiladeu-uia. 3 o'clock, r. m. Juuo 28, 1871. New U. 8. !i's of 18S1 '112' 112 U. S. O's of '81 ln-lj 11S " " 'os iiavii:i;.; " " '0t 112 113 " " '05 1124 113 " " 'Ofi, new 115 1151,' " " 'C7, " ii5'.; nr,' 15s ir 115 10-40's llO'i'lNW 5's, V. 8. 30 Vcnr 0 per ccut.Cy 115 115' Gold 112' 113,' i Silver 107i 1MI' Union Pacific It. It. 1st M. Bonds..' 01 i tit j Central Pacific It. It 1U2' 1023 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds..! S4'i 84 Kola 3X13. Tho Confeiasion or an Invalid. PUBLISHED as a warning and for the benefit of young inert and ottert, who sutler from Nervous Debility, &e., supplying tho uicaus of self-cure. Written by ono who cured himself nnd seut free ou receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAtKAIK, May 20, 1871,-Ora. BrooMyu, N. V. HOWARD BANITARY AID ASSOCIATION For the Kellef and Cure of the Erring nud Unfortunate, ou Principles of Christian Philan thropy, Essays ou tho Errors of Youth, and llio Follies of Age, In relation to Makuiaok and So cial Evils, with sanitary kid for the itltliuci, Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOW AKD ASSOCIATION, Box I', Philadelphia, l'u. inay7,'70-ly. Kuubury Ciraiu tic l'roduce Mnrket. CORUECTIUI WEEKLY BT 1IILE4 0EU1NOER. Grain Choice White Wheat Beat Amber, Winter Com Kye Outs, (3J lbs.) Beat Amber, Winter, per sack... " " " " barrel.. Corn Meal, nr cut., IVnnajhunU ltoll Euo IVr loxou fit) 80 1 oo 50 2 00 8 DO 'J M) 35 10 ...2.i,:;o ...liitii 1J 25 15 15 .40( i till 75 I 10 1 0X1 ...15(IX IJ ...l-JHIt ....iim,:ui .0(U5 M -M Mkats Dried Beef, r lb Smoked Multou , I.AMU per lb , Flail bull While Flail, per lb Trout " Cod " , Frwh Sbiid Veustaulk Turnips, M-r liuaUel 1'otatiHS " Ouioii ' H.una, iiuurt Ilomluy, Dmeii F shits Diud AppUs, per R " IVu.h. a, " ( licrrus, " IlliaekbwvtuS Kiiai4M)rriia TONSORIAL. ALL llO dell to KU IhluU.'k twl pluvea ol Uing tkuuld eU k U. tt4iUr si.tlunu oi I lot, tlulfuta, Jjllili4(j U t Uiucu t Uuiiau, UAIU imrlNti, hllAMl'lHJlMi AM) hll.VVlNU U lA'ulupltaUcd it tUa tut ItUliUM of lk kit. iUtiug i iucuixl lait ujr juuis, tu-i til luuut lit lit Ul4 UkiioimI Hflm stud lk latuai cutuluitatLU ut f kai tin Ut4i, It Uualir to (! klui Wuat tu umHU w.uilu t4. lUif Oils, '1'kUa, V Ituut, 4., !) UU kak4 DU4 tul Mia, Ui. l ItliUWs). kuaburi, Jltu I, "ll atocfllaitcons. v NEW SI FAT NHOP. TnE undersigned respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, thnt they have opened a MEAT SHOr, In Dcwarl's buildlng,on the north side of Market Square, two doors from tho railroad, were they will kcf p n constant supply of the best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, nt wholesale or retnil, nt tho lowest prices nnd of the first quality . A wngon will be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) Tho best of meat will found nt their shop. Glvo us n cnll nnd satlsfv voiir sclv.s. RKFFEW & BOWEH. Oct. 10th 1809. tf. MILI.1XK11Y AX1 FANCY STtmi:. MISS L. AVE1SEH, Market Street, one door west of Gcnrhnrt's con fectionery store, suxuunv, pa., Has opened her Spring and Summer stock of Millinery nnd i'nncy (aoocln, HATS AJslJ HOXNETS. The latet styles of Dress Trlminintrs French nnd American Flowers, Lure", Ribbons, tack loop, Chignons, Collars, Cull's, Jouviu Gloves. nnd n large vaiicty of other articles. in eounccuou wan the Millinery business., she carries on tuo DllESS MAKING AXD FITTING, In all Its branches. She is also agent for the salo of Ramsey, Scott & k;o. b i .uterus, Tho ladies of Sunbury ami vicinity nre cor dially invited to call and examine her splendid stock. May 13, 1871. WM. MURRAY, 1. t-LAYMAKER. WM, II. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealers In MACHINERY' AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wrapping nnd Manilla PAPERS, Printers' Cards, Paper Bags, &c., &c. The Colcbrated Corry, Kerosene Burning Oil always on hand. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Having also opened a COAL YARD wo nre now prepared to supply tho citizens of Btiunnry nnd vicinity with tlio very best quality ot loai, caretully preparer! ror latnlly use, nt reasonable prices. Formers nnd all others will Und it to their advantage to give us a call. ECJG, STOVE, CHESTNUT aud PEA, Always on hand. Orders left nt our office iu Room No. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK, v ill be promptly attended to, So it ill Third Street, fJuuburr, Iu. MURRAY & CO. April 1, 1870-3m. TV fANIIOODi HOW LOST, HOW PF.STOU iTl. El). Just published by Dr. l.t.WIS. 2".t paues. Third Edition. THE MEDICAL COM PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Looses. Iinnotcncv. Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc., and tho Venereal nud Syphilitic Maladies with plain and clear directions for the speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, (ionorrheen, Gleets, Strictures, nnd nil diseases of the skin, sueli us Scurvy, Scrofnln, floors, Hull. Mloir.h cs nnrl I'lmploi on the face and body. Consump tion, r.piicpsy, nnci rus, induced oy scit-iuuut eeiicd or sect mil extravagance. Tho celebrated nntlior In this admirable Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from a fortv year's suecesful practice, that the olnrmlug Coneeiiuence of hclf-abusc may be radically cured j pointing our n in ouo oi euro at once simple, certain, ami ciieciuai, oy means oi which every sutlercr, no matter what bis condition may be, call be cil'ec tunny cured, ebenplv. private v. ami railie.illv. WThis book should bo in the hands of every youth, and every mnn In tho land. Sent under, seal, In a plain envelope. Price, 50 cuius. Aunrcss, un. is, o. 7 Bench street, V X A I I- LT E It AT E B. PIKE A IXEGAIt ATSC'EXTS 1E HAUT, Is now offered for sale by the undersigned nt his Brewery or Restaurant. This vinegar is warranted not to contain nny acids generally are used to make it stronir. nnd which is injurious. Warrauted pure, it is the best article lor (tomesiic use in market. Sold at wholcsalo und retail. Apply to JOSEPH BACHER Stlnhury, May 0, 1871. r. 11VERLV. E. O. IIOWER ITXIOX IIOISE," LYKENS, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A BYERLY &, Proprietor. The table is supplied with the best the market aflords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. I'O.MITKET MAXOIl (E.tlETEKY C'OMI'AXV. This company is now prepared to sell lots in tho new Cemetery, located on an cniincuce nbout one-fourth of a mile cat of Sunbury. Tl.o in crease of llio population of Sunbury, and couse qucut advance in tho ratio of mortality, us well u the limited facilities for the interment of those who have fought life's battle, have suggested the organization of the above uumed company. Plun of Cemetery may be seen nt the olllcc of J. A. Cake: Esq., or Lloyd T. Kohrbach. Prico of lot from (5 to 1 15, according to locv tlon. Deeds will be executed for lots sold. I.LOYD T. KOIIIlBACir, 8ec'y May 13, 1871,-tf. SPRING AND SUM M Kit. I.OTIIM AM 4 AKMMEItENt FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every grade, Jut opened at the MERCHANT TAILOR SIIOl or tiion. u. xorr, Successor to J. O. Beck, Fourth Street, below Market, BINill'llY, PENN'A. Gentlemen who de.lre faaliionable clolhiii Hindu to order, tll cull lit the alHiia place uu tuamlue the Mcll aeleeted ilmi, aud have tin-1 suits uiadu up In llio lute! tlylti. Call und bo convinced. TllOH. ti. NOT'!. Uy tf, 1871. " Wm. II. Hl.WKH, 1'I.AIX ,V ORNAMENTAL l'AINTl R llrruduu, Xurtlt'd uul, II HI 8K, M'ii and Orimmeutul Puhitiug tirai.lng and fuHT h4iik'iug done In lite b l woikm.tiillka manner, und ut llio tborltl liotlca. Orders aolkllcd uud plolnplly utloud to. April 15, 1171. Siu. NII.I.IMHV. KIMUNG hTVLES II ATS, RON NETS, l' LOWERS, r'RAMLS, ETC. Mourulu aud aul buuuelt. riASII RnilMiXa, k'tt TIIKIIS, Fl-KWkUS litctja u4 '1'ftiuiulii.s ut vry vru ty. Full bus ut MDl'RNING VEIIJ AND IRATE kuttuu. a fall aoiiuitul, Uot'tUuMtt't liloia, liaUdktitbUla, uii.1.1 Htdtf u nu rkt i HlSaSt E. IIMI.I U. MARK TT rM,L'AUE, bl'NUL'RV, J'A C. B. WI3TITII7 liavc just received an 1 rumen so stock of and aro pcoparcd to got up suits nt short notice and guaranteed to fit or no sale. BLACK, BUOWX AND 13LUE CLOTHS, Double width, S3 nnd upwards. all wool 75c, nnd upwnrdn. VESTINGS at all prices. KENTUCKY" JEANS 20o, and upwards. T WEEDS C2c, nnd upwards COTTON A DES 18c, and upwards. They have nlso made arrangements with the and nro prepared to furnish suits at their If the goods do not give satisfaction upon arrival we will return them free of charge. A full lino of samjiles for customers to select from. ALL WOOL. USTG Special ntteution And the highest SAEGA1I AT has received tinollicr S723i?Ea smtsl Summei? Goods. nrnl has uow on hanJ, the largest stock Ho is Bargains in Linen Clothing for Men and Boys. Bargains in fine Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working and Bushiess Suits for MEIST and B03TS. Bargains in Straw, Cassimere Hats, Bargains iu Fancy Gent s bummer Underwear. BARGAINS IX Gent's FurnisMns: Goods ScC.a Give him a call nnd see for yourselves, LARGER ASSORTMENT, BETTER GOODS, AXD LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. Third Ttroet, ncr.r tha Depot, CUK3UHY, PA. ISA li. NTAI Ti'Klt. WATCHES, .TEWKLUY, 1 IH .orllt Mrroutl Nl., Cur. of Qurrj , l'HILADKl.l'HIA. An nuKortinent of Watches, Jewelry, Silver nnd Vlalcd Ware coin-tantly on baud. ltepiiirinj of Watches und Jewrlrv )roni'tly atli-lided to. A'iil l,'l71-lv. Bakery and Confectionery In the new huildini; udioluliu the Tot tMllee, ouaile the 1i i1, N I' X II I' II Y , K i N ' A , Ju.t oK lied u lare uaaorlinenl of ull of CONFECTIONAril GO ol cery donlptioii. FRESH BREAD c CAIiLE3 every iiioinln. Kuinilii' iil lie iiilu.t daily (Miud.i). ex l led ) lllla'l kind. i ilia: w i, tvvIm', iuk, n: v 111 S, Xe., uud ulau a l l liAiid und nmuutui'luud uittul tli' Ih.I bland at Hour. All ltludi of Fancy CaLcs In4 SUII'Aand by uliy illy baknna 1 olKlilil ly ou baud and luaiiului lui J l i . for li-tlla, t.iilui j jllua, . .11. 1:1. a aud at Ibu a built al u.Hi. c. AH uldei I, Hull 1.0 . i.iu lur Ik 1 J, or at I. la U.iktr,uu 1 ru .0 Hii.l Uiau kiunt aud Ikcubd, l!l uu m..iuH aiuuliou. , tal.aU.l ..l aA ulnii(,lli"'ii a i l 1 uiui.liuu Id biaattMM. aud laiuuliiua tba U.i, u , Avuliuu. ,ba a.u. UUU)UV, Mieb fwU, U?. ltrM satmiwg NrlilMj. VlaWuflbaaa cab klaibiio a'i ' Ultllal, tlil'ilH.K W. M Mi Waskat !, aabwijs, 'a. k CO., milt rown, PMFa, 7 wav - prices, only nddin,i the cost or cspressngo. S(3 AND UPVARD. atrention paid to cash priceB paid for THE choice assortment of iu his line, ever offered for sale in this place. oflerins Felt, Wool, Linen, and for Men aim Boys. and White Shirts and ScC. that tho Empire Clothiu.i Store is tho cheapest. I'ltHLs ttf.Di t i:n AT TUB Mammoth Boot & fclioe Storo or .iiiM.i't:. tn C. U. Builtli I ' U vom, tu. en Street, one do let ol i he l'o-l I'lllee, N 0 11TH f M U KU 1. A N 0, I" E N X ' A . l'or r.linir.i lloota, u t I'll Ml'.lei's HK and Mnh M He. 'I In y aru told, lb l t'.ilf al t li. for IVni ti t n II' Uihus, ku to l'.ll MiKil'a, only Jj to rll i r iMir. l'or Hooi, Mnvs mid li.i'.n-rs et t -t o.-.!. Lie 'rli , n-i to Kll Villi r'r, 011 yin-i 11 M1. .1. l'or u,l k lima ol (.11111 lloola and Mw'. e.Jl nt 1 11 Mill.i V'or l.adl.V liiu.l uurnlioii, line uior. im. in at 1 11 Mill. . for all Win l ol 1 'lilMi. n'a : 1. , o und i- Ulllilio f i Miller's l.llije . a.. Hill. III. i'.ir uuMliI".' In 1 1..' I'""' and Mom' line, iu., .1 1, J 1 t.iniiiiu LU XI il ! r' alo-'la U-lma '.irt I u.i. 1 I... bei II )v4 ili to K-i Uut-elaan, at ll... I luteal ii 1. -f. Jan. 7, 'il !.!. U, ".d.-ly. alotV, of II. .Mi i) A. Soli .l a ut Ilia. in., 1'.. al ti .is DlkauliiliuM. a Wj I R N U I H Y. U hei.liy n -rit. Hi. a llio iarno 1.! i l.i.ltt.i.iu t al'illl, wl UIUI liuoti til tt. li st I, iiaak'.i.a Ov I i., Ill ll.t: M.l. butl lt 'a 111 llio Ib.iouijU of,ba U.u duaolttd lr t'uiiit i.l. i t. It.a'W atti.ui.U, it. , an bit lu lb. ol t . It. ttt ila. I, 1.1 ll.t 0.4 al-.i.J, aba ai.l s.iiIj a. ibu iiuii.L.ii at. Cuttula. V.I I 4t , I. tkS A 1 11 I Ut l . tuli: t ul Um al.uiti Him a i I.. i.ii. 1 bu .....i.u.1.4 at Ibt. t, J .lai-J, aJ. 1 la LlUa uim u( c. w Yturta t lsa II, sM.-