that our colored fellow-citizens hed bin desnitcfully yooaed, trad that duo respect had not bin ltnz paid to our fellow-citizens uv the North, but that time hed now pass ed, and I hoped forever. The Domoorisy uv the North, through Vallandyum, hed spoke, they hed accepted the situoshen, hallcloogy, ttndlrom this time henceforth aud forever there vuz nothin but peeco. I tlicn offered the following : "Itesolvcd, That tho IMinocrisy uv the Yoonitcd States rccognizo the legality uv all tho amendments made to theConstitoo slicn dooring and since the late onpleasant nis, and that they recognize and most hear tily acquicsco in all tho romilta uv the war; that they not only withdraw all their oppo sition to yoouivcrsal suffrage, but pledgo thcirselvcs to see that our Afrikin follow citizens hev not only this but all other rites heretofore enjoyed escloosivcly by the Cau cashcu." I put tho question cz to tho adosphen uv tho resolooshen, and it wuz carried yoon nnimously. It wood hev bin well lied I Btoppcd here, but I didn't. My provalin weekness is to slop over and I slopt on this okkasion fearfully. I called upon tho citi zens uv tho Corners to prove their faith by their works. "Thero are," I said In a spasm of dclito, "present at this mcctin twenty two uv our fellow-citizens uv Afrikin de scent. Let em step forrcrd on this plat form let Dcckin Pograni, Elder Pcnni backcr. Bascom, Issaker Gavitt and eigh teen other white citizens step forrerd, also. Let them clasp each other by tho hand while I wave over em tho flag uv our com mon kontry.' It wuz done. Tho twenty-two niggers stepped forred, tho whites designated ad vanced, the two lines grasped each other by tho hand, and J, was about to wave, when Joe. lJigler riz. Ho begged mo to wait a minit tul ho had made his remark. Tho silo beforo him almost moved him to ters. Ef ho hod ever harbored a suspishcu that there wuzn't any tiling generous in tho Kentucky breast ho took it all back, l'ho ncksliun uv to-nite wuz not OBly just tmt it was generous. "licucrous 1" sed I, "why generous ?" "llccoz," sed ho, "tho niters wood be in a dcvlish bad way ef yw nedn't decided on given cm their rites, uv yoor own ak koru, for there ain't no power now tuat kin compel voo'to do it. I .list cot a northern paper alas I tho Ilcpubliklu party is split iuw iiuiueuia ruiutuauuiy buiiui irug- nicnts. Uraut assaulted Sumner In tho Capital last Monday, Logan hes bin stoned by tho Itcpublikins uv l'hiladelfy on his way home, tho Central Committees uy Ohio, Injeany and lllinoy hev divided, and each frackshen hes called a convensliun, and tho Noo York IViboon throws un the Bpongo andscz that nothin under hcviukiu movent tuc success uv tho Democratic can ilidatc for tho Presidency, no matter who ho may be or wat platiorm ho is put onto. In view of the dissolooshen uv the Kc- publikin party, and tho fact that tho nig gers ain't now got no pcrtcctors, its really generous that yoo " "Tho licpublikin party is gono to pieces 'hcz it," gasped my twenty-two whito friends in korious. "It hcz." resnonded TJialpr. "Then," saiil Dcekin Pogram, Lis eyes flashin with unwontid Arc, "what we've done and sed don't count I Tako that you black cuss." And with a strength and activity wich I hedn't lookt for in one to agid, the Dee Liu fecht tho darkey whos baud ho hed bin graspin a most powerful blow atween tho eyes, which lusted him clean oil tho plat form. Tho others follercd suit, and in their zeal sprang off tho platform after cm, and waz a executin war dances uy tho most frantic derjcripshen unto their prostrate bodies. It wuz withdifliculty that Pollock and Biglcr restrained em from takin uv em out and hanging uv em. Ez matter uv course the resolooshen wuz reciuded, and others adopted allirmin our adhcrenco to the constitushun ez it yoost to bo, the illegality uv tho amendments, and tne natural soopremacy uv the whito man over 1110 u a nigger, alter winch wo adjourned to Bascom's, ez is our custom, aud there organized fresh raids onto our nateral enemies. Tho next mornin.' I notised a pccoolyer look on Bigler's &.&, likewise on Pollock's. They grinned at rhc as I passed, with a vruiuima inac x coiuun'i account lor. Lub bock, tho nigger postmaster, bust into a roor ez I walked into his oflis, and I an grily demanded tho reason for his hilarity. "Dat mistako ob Bigler's," returricd he, laughing louder than before. "What mistake ? I asked, turnin palo, for a suspishen wuz crecpin over me. "Why, hedidn'tgetnopaperat all, and" "And all thftl Estorv about tho sulit in tho Kcpublikiu party North wuz ouo uv his in ternal lies 1" "Dat's about do correct state ob de caso!" replied tho nigger, showiu all his ivories. "Biglcr wanted to see of yoor pentance wuz irenooiue dat's about all dali wuz ob it. Ho 'sorest a desire to assertano jist how peccable yood bo to do nigger aud do Northern people down hcah, ef dali wuzn't no 'I'ublikm party up North to hold yoo rial wins all." Aud tho nigger laded a feendish laff. "Dat wuz all 1" ho repeated. It wuz cnulf. I guess the euss found out an that no wanted to. Uv course this "outrage," as they will call it, will get into (icJNortncru papers, and uv courso Val laudyguni's assershuu will explodo with out uurung anyDMiy. joo liiglcr is my cvu genius, i snei never Do nolo to ruu thiugs cz 1 want to so long as ho lives. ' Petiioldcm V. Nauy, (wich wuz Postmaster.) a, i s i a "What Sleep will Cche. Tlo cry for rest has always been louder than the cry for food. Not that it is moro important, but it Tamer to gel. I tie best rent comes trom bound sleep. (Jt two men. or women. oth itu iso equal, tho ono who sloops tho best will bo theiuobtmoraUiealthvaudelneieut. Ntecp v ill do much to euro irritability of temper, in-cvisum-as, uneasiucss. it will euro insanity. It will rentoro to vigor ttu overwoikeu uraui. it wm uuitil up aud uiako strong a weary body. It will do much to euro dylli, puUleuluxly that variety knuwu us nervous dyspepsia. It will relievo tho luuguoriuid piobliation fell by ci:iHUiuptives. It will euro hypochon uriti. It Hill e'iro the blues, ll will euro llio In .ul.ielie. it will cum tho lieartai ho Jt will cure ueuritl'jlM. It will ciuo it bto- Ken spirit. It will euro sorrow. Indeed, wu illicit uiuuo a i ui' list oi ueivous iu.t la. Hes that alci-n will cure. Tho en ie ol Wploiii, however, U uut m easy, pii.iieumriy m uium wiiu curry trruvu n :HK.i5ibilitu-. Tlw habit uf in-; well 14 Olio WUlell, II Ulukiil up Mr any leiillt of time, is uui t-iu-ily revalued. Df t. u id sevmu HHum", tmitcil by poworlul ilru,;, i der;il,: tlio IR-rvoUS yUui Hint blep U never wtet ulUr it. I'r, tllmW, lulM tLiiliimcl wul 1.1'uhu.s produces llio sauio efU-Lt or Imid atmly, or lui liulo ex i rei.j oflhu muscular, or Un uud dii ikhw, uud toWno uliitf. To Li'-itk up lU ro nnuiKd ! 1. A i-leu II, g kl UU, 2. uMurlil t'lU:relt ti prudlUM Welti i l M, hint pltu4Ul uveuliuu. J. liuukl n r, uud uut uo wuriu ium, 4. I (tuiU t-0 tUUull t'ttiu. 5. A t Uau ntuii.a. b. U. i'lt r tOIIM tUllCU, 7. A vuiO.uu u ultiimuUuU ud iMrtulU . 1 ( U'im wurwoiUJ, Urf,?iiJ, aiivuu, mi l mI.u WpU.M uil.u, w eiiuuud llio itduiaior sueK Utiu iU Hvuffl l.j., ut utlwrwi UU Mill U ", ud U Uhiv i of Hm.Iw lu4i i HENRY T. IIEl,MnOI-' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA Component PbUb Fluid Extrnct Rhubarb and riuia Hairnet iavawui tlons, Sick or Nervous Hcndnelic, Cotlvcnes, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Morctiry, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. M Tlieso Pills are the most delightfully plensimt pnrgntlvo, miperseding castor oil, sails, mnRno eln, etc. There Is nothing moro aceeptablo to the storanch. They give tonn, and cause neither nausea nor gripping puins. They nrc composed oftholnoot ingredimti. After a few days' use oi them, sucii an invigoraiion oi me i-nvuo tem takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. Ilclmbold's Com pound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pill are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coated ruts do not dissolve, nut pass turougu wi -inaeh without diesolving, consequently do not produce tho desired effect. Tho Catawba Orapo Pills, being pleasant in tasto and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per uox. HENRY T. HELMBOLU'S niOHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND t'luld Extract SarsaparUlu Will radlcnlly exterminate from the system Scro fula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Soro Legs, Sore Month, Soro Head, Bronchitis, Pkln Diseases, Salt Klictim, Cankers, Runnings from tho Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Ittckeis, Glandular Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kiuds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established lu tho system for years. 1L Being prepared expressly for the above Com plaints, its uiooci-puriying properties are greater than nny other preparation of Snrsaparilla. It gives tho complexion a clear and healthy color nnd restores tho Patient to a state of Health aud Purity. For Purifying the Blood, removing nil chronic constitutional diseases arising from an lnipuro stnte of tho Blood, nnd tho only reliable nnd eirectunl known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, Erysipelas nnd all scaly eruptions of tho skin. and bcnutil'ying the complexion. Price, (1.50 per uoltlo. m HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLl'ID EXTRACT BVCIIU, TnE-GREAT DIURETIC, lias cured every case of Diabetes in which It has been given. Irritation or the neck of tho Bind dcr aud Inflamation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration nt tne Kidneys and madder, retention or Urine, Diseases of tho proe-trato Gland, Stone in the liladiler, Calculus, u ravel, Unckilust Deposit, aud Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Bexes, attended with tho following symptomB : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In tho Buck, Hot Hands, r lusmng oi mo uouy, uryncss oi tne SKin, fcrup tion on the face, palid Countenance, Universal lassitude ot tne Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from tho ages of eighteen to twcuty-llvc, and from thirty-five to fifty-five or lu tho decline or cnango oi lite ; alter confine ment or labor pains ; bedwetting lu children. IS nelmbold's Extract Buehu Is Diuretic nnd Blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, aud excesses nnd 1m- ueucus m x.iiu, iiiipuriui-a vi luc moou, cic, superseding copaiba in affectatious for which it Is used, nnd syphilitic affections in these dis eases nscd in connection with Ilclmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affectations peculiar to J.ttdlcs, tho Extract Buehu Is unequuled by any other reme dy as In chlorosis or retention, irregularity, palufulncss or suppression of customury evacua tions, ulcerated or schlrus state of thu Uterus, Lcueorrllcea or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or uamu or dissipation. Jt is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi cians and midwives for cufcebled and delicate constitutions, of Loth seres aud all ages (attend ed with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) IT. T. nELMBOLD'B EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING .FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION ETC., In nil their stages, at little expense, little or no change lu diet, no Inconvenience, nnd no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of tho Urethra, Allaying Pain and lullnmntion, so fre quent in this class of diseases, aud expelling all Poisonous mutter. Thousands who have been the victims oT In competent persons, anil who have paid heavy fees to bo cured in a short time, have found they huvo been deceived, and that the "Poison" has, by tho use of "powerful nstriugents," been dried up in the system, to break out in a moro aggra vated form, und perhaps after Murriugo. Use llelinhold's Extract Buehu for nil Affec tions mid Disi'UM-s of tho Uniury Organs, wheth er existing lu Mulo or female, from whatever originating, and no matter how long standing. 1'iice, oue dollar and tilt y cents per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only speellle remedy in every specks of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pluiplcs, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Induration of the Cutaneous .Membrane, etc., dispels Red ness und Incipient lutlumution, Hives, Rush, Moth Patches, Dryuess of Sculp or Sklu, Frost Bites, und all purposes for which Salvet or Olut uur.'.s are used i restore the skill to a state of purity and sonucss, aud Insure continued heultby a.ttcnotbe tissue of It vessels, oil whieb dcuoudt tho agreeable clearness and viva city of cumplexlou so much sought und ndmlred. But however vuliuible at u ruiiudy for int. ting defect of the kin, 11. T. HuluiboM' Rose Vali Inn long tiisluiucjit principle claim to unbound id patronage, lit- oaeln qnulittM which ri-u-tier It a 'iuilct A-K.inlavn of the null Superla tive and character, combining In an eleguut formula lhcu prominent rcqnl.iu-s, Kile. IT uud EUlcacy the liivurluble accompaii.RK'iH ol it use u a t'rcacrvullve and Uehclur of the Completion. It 1 uit excellent l.oti.ui ljr disvusv. of a Syphilitic Nature, ami a uu liijw lion for i!l-ue of llio Urinary Orguus, urUiiiK from habit of dissipation, used in rouuccitou Willi I lie, tktrucu Uiuuu, bartuluiillu, uud La luwlw (ii.ii Pills, b, ,ui-U Uisiasi us rveuiu. mended, ruuuut Ui turpiiMed. J'lke, uue dollar J-CI UUIItU, Full and ctplclt dliovllou cemupnuy the Uiedli llics. tviileu. of the mo! lii uud rulUbl ihuiuelcr lurulslud ou applli-ullou, sillli huu drtul of Ikuu.suda of lliiu miiucsks, hu4 um ld uf ao.UUO UUtolUUed tultllUuU'titud rvcoiu. un udal-iry Itiuit. uiduy of uliiibursi truiu lb bl'bui, touit-csi lueludluK nuiiucut J'bysl. bin, t U.,uiu, fcitu-suieu, rtu. ib propiivlor Uu uawr , K, oublU-MiUui lu lb un. .iwi bg dw lto dilbitfiou4 Uu Ut Ibol lit artklM luuk a HioUid PitMMlU., uud dvi uo luwd lu Im pioj.pwl uu by vviUUuilv. Ilvttrjr 't'i lUlMibUU'n tic-WHIM 'r. lianslttiMs), IVIlroivd U u ldi.. vui tium oUf. :.iuLlUL4 U.iJ uf bir Hul4 k IhU ,,jl,4s v) lwl. Ad-llt UU.M f.. Ujli-, I,, ,u..uivu. h lUuif 'f, IUiu.tuld. l'"'.sU4 u I b.o.Ul. ' Ikitti J. f. Muib..M' ii4 aud i tu.l..l V.(,U..t, Ma. ttr.4," ks U. t. Uiu.U44t M-ai -l Uom. io4 oil, Im.ii, 4,4( l-uM4,.t(,(,l4j u, r ' .ru.l.Utl 4sm,4,,, tfocclfaneons. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE TEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insured, 53,81 ,00 Amount of Premlam Notes in force, (34,313,00 CASH ASSETS. Amonnt loaned at Interest, 3000,00 Amount In Treasurer's hands, $1000,00 Amount due from Agents, fjuo.wa Amount due from other, 728,00 AvaUuble Capital, 139,839,95 Insure yonr Cattle. IN8UREwith a responsible and perfectly fo ltablo Company. Insure whero your losses will bo paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COMPANY.- Hence, unlike other Companies, you are euro of being paid promptly for all losses, If insured In this Company. OUR RATES OF IN8URANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses are less, and our Charter Is Perpetual. We ray losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting lu cases of epidemics,) by theft, &c.. &c. We pay prompt ly. No red tapo proceedings to obtain your money in ense of loss. Nearly $3,000 paid on Cows alone since Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows olono by this Company. M Hcunlnger, Sunbury, Pa 133, D Illlgcrt, Northumberland 50, George Eckert, " 40, 8 B Dodge, " 30, Charles Bollek, Mt Carmet 30, Esnbcus Sipple, " 40, Catharine Wagner, Watsontown 40, George Heir, Northumberland 50, Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 33,33 JWBassler, " .. -w......-50, Minor Cady, Dewnrt i ;G0, Catharine Mnrtx, Shamokln 40, Francis Bucher, Sunbury..... 80, Snmncl B Price, Uppor Lehigh 50, Joseph Deppen, Mt O.rmcl 50, Matthias Scliolly, " 40, Francis McCartv, " 50, Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40, J & R C Quiggle, Pino, Clinton co 40, R Ramngc, Shenandoah, Schnglkill co. 40, J S Thnrp, Shamokln 40, Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmel .4S, N A Londen8lnger, Herndon, 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Rcngnn, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, ' " 40, Jacob Stoltis, " " 40, 1) 11 Bower, Herndon, 80, Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John H Ossmnn, Sunbnry 40, W B Wallace, Nort humberland 80, II S Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koblo, Georgetown 40, Philip Winterstcin, Watsontown 40, G 8 Low, Llmo Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Ostcrhant, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO.. .40, Mary J lime, Nortbumberlaud 40, B FKrohn, Snnbury 40, Andrew Heuly, Girardsvillc, Schuylkill CO.. 40, Patrick Fnrgc8on, Mt Carmel 40, Martin Delaney, Shenandoah city 14, John Dune, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsville 40, Llnymna S Hay, Muhanoy Plauo 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David baueher, Berwick 27, 3 D Focht, Pottsvllle 30, Ernstus Sober, Point twp 20, . A Lippencolt, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Watsou'n,3d loss pd last sum,40, f 1 Llppcncott, Watsontown. , 40, R B Ammcrman, Snydortown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, JACK Quigglo.Plne Sta'n Clinton e 2d loss,40, Charles W llazzard, Rupert, Columbia CO.. .40, John Foglcman, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmel 40, Thomas Metz, Paxlnos SO, R MeClo6ky, Lock Haven 134, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMEN8NYDER, Scc'y, Sunbury. DIREQTORS t Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruner, Solomon Stroh, Wm. Brindlc, Solomnu Sliipe, John A. Bhlssler, Dr. D. T. Krcbs, Dr. David Wuldron. March 11, 1871 ly. TIME IS MOSEY 1 1 ALL Wall Paper nnd Border, Bold by tne wll bo trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHANGE, or THE YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, ' I J t. J tut,-WA '. S tj f.t w hich I have tho exclusive right to use m -uiburv and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of N. EEHUEE EIGI1TXEK, Dealer iu Books, Stationery, Wall Pupor, Music, Ve., Ac., Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES made a speciality, ninuk, Memoranduui I'mhsUooUs lu endless vailcty, Just received. BOOK BINDING dono to order. Persout will save excuse by leuvlng their order for bludhiB with me. IMCTl'HE ritAMEN of all sizes, c lit from the Moulding ul very low rule. OVAL A SQUARE FRAMES ulwuys ou hand. AL1JUMS, 1IHACKF.TS, GOLD l'EXi, tie, &e., Ve. A large and well selected stock of Toytulway on haua. Anvtblnu uot ou bund premplly ol ileted. Burguiu for cash. Cull at N. FKKRKE LIUIITNF.K'8 Book Store, Sign of Foley' Gold Pen, Market Siiuare, Bui bury, I'a. buubury, August 6th, 1870. J. W. WASHINGTON'S sUxu in u it tat niioi. The old wrniuneiil"bop of th4owu W dv.llu the boust, but at lb uiua lime roiiitder I but ihe uilKbly truib uuImi kuou. bly sHjkeu without uiaultV-slbig au uueoiufuiu bio amount of vuully aud auiblilou. Ju.t lat-uiy yi-ar aui I bc-uu luy busbitx rart-t-r lu ihu pluee bulf ui lilelliiid tbu far I Ml, but I tluod UKiu lb i.Miir ef our bop da y alter day, aud ullil alter bit; hi, aud appllvd lb b4ii blue ykuutlbg slucl, ud wuklu tbut uluwt of 1 1 UK sinbrucvd by III lultfhly folds of I bat vein till .i.k bate I b4 nearly eiy body lu lb t-ouiiiijf (lu vouiutuu miUui) aud to ohlltf tbe publlu luUival bvrciu publkiy suuouuos) a our palluu old aud Uc Ibal at rd lu sbat Ibeui all agalu brg ltuudi4 lbMisauJ ituu ur uioie. I uiu alwu ou oIvum, tsi (it iom U lb ttia. buaaai al leJ tuauia, Iukuuom or altcittiMi, u ,,i jou, hair tut utt, buuiuua )uu, itbuker ii 'iU, or Otifuiuu, numb aud ai. raiiit lb ! allb ailUlW skill, Ui IU "oaler f..u" or ttaur I sum si l ui tu4 lb uiuiMr. V tjuik to fWt, Hut oluas lu miMk. i i, iluu't f 4 our buo Ui .t skatsd uit luu kuw .4 ablU-UMUM Hssllu ovll m 14 tua b dull ul wr swuid b A rlwawf w all tb4 W4 t ( lb xww b4 Ut ka4- A hi 4u bo Uo-4, ksal alik4 Mfwl. IK I. t tt'u. . - h' ..a III slk e .... PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS A SHOES Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WILVER, Spruce Street, Sunbnry. Pcnn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots. Shoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly low prices. Ills stock comprises I bo very best In market, ins long exper ience In the business has won for him a reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. All work warranted. TERMSSTRICTLY CAS1T. Tho prices of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 187L 5 sj Sj TO TnE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment at home, tho wholo or tne time or tor the spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 60c. to 5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys nnd girls earn nearly as much as men. That nil who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this un paralleled offer i To such as arc not well satis fied, we will send (1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a Taiimoie sampio whictrwlll do to commence work on, and a copy of Tht Peoih't Literary Companion one of the lnrgcst and best family newspapers ptrtsMBhed all sent free by tnall. Reader, If you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871. 3m. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. II. T. ANTHONY A CO., S9I Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of the Trade t their exten sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES, NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & It. T. ANTOONY & CO., 691 Broadway, Now York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, INTrORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Photographic Materials. March 4th, 1871. ly. SPRINO FASHIONS NOW READY. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer and Oeaiguer of Fashions. The old established aud only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak Inir Emporium. Elegautly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale nnd Retail. Fans, Uloves, Itlbbons and Snsr-.cs, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, Utlt, and l'earl Jewelry. Evening dresses and suits, made lu the most fashionable style at short notice. Perfect B.vstem of Dress Cutting taught. N. B. Orders by mail, promptly attended to Feb. 20, 1871. 3m. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! 1 A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAHANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY TXAVING opened a new Furniture Store at the jJL above place, wilt constantly Keep on nana a large and select assortment of FURNITURE, Compnstng of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch es, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Canc-Scatcd Chairs of all grades. Rocking and Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looklng-GlnBscs, Window Shades, and iu short, evcrytuinir usually to be fouud in any well-kept Furniture Store, may be Had at tnls estabiisiiment. Hoping, by fair dealiug and strict at ton tion to business, to merit tho patronngo or tbe public. An Invitation ie extended to all desiring anything in the line of Furniture to cull and examine my stock. Untlertukina; dono lu all Its haunches. 1 57" Repairing done at short notice. r1 WM. NEGELY G corgctown, June 11, 'TO.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WAXKEK'3 CILTFOBXIA YINEG-AK BITTEES Hundreds of Thousands Boar testimony to their Wonder rut Curative tUecu. If! THEY ABE NOT A VILK FANCY DRINK. IbMlsof l'our Itu, Whiskey, l'rovl Bs-lrlt and Ueluse I.Uiuur doctored, iilcc4 tndiwcct cad to plouatu tutu, called T oulc,HM AppslU era," Itetlortr, e., ttiat lead tb tippler on to drankcBiw sod ruin, bat art s Ira Medlcla, wide fruu lh Nstlva Itootaand lltrbsof California, free from all Alrabvlls Httmafania. Ttcy si a lb illtKAT ULOUU 1'lltlMKlt and A LIFE 1.IV1NO ruifcClrl-Is perfect l:onot.ior aud liivlf orutur of tb Slciu, wrylng vir all pol&uuou lusllsr sad maturing tli llood to a tiialllijr caadllloa. Xo parsua caa lake Umm luiur acautdliHi ut dirt. ttu sad ruala Wag aawcll. ltltt wtllb fUcoArtl lurnralle taso. rruvldrd tti Uuim ara aui duairuycd lr aUci.1 poUca at Iter ineaas, and tb vital crcaiu tailed bjru.dtti ftuUil irrilr. 1'ar luSaminitisrr aad t'braals It hsait list aad (Jami, Drstx-smla, r ladle-staiUa. Hlliuaa, USMlllaul avd lamrsulllial t-'ovni lilacaat-a uf lbs) lliuad, l ll. Kldui't, aad liladtfor, llws Ulliaia la must suocus. rut. tisiih Mmshi ar (sujed t llllalad lllvail, Ulb la gvaavally ivduaad by duraus.aiaal V4 (bo iilumii., Uiu, lit b-klBl t tilt IXOIGCHTinX, I'ead actio, laiu lu last aliaaldai. tuaab. W lnwi l tbe lua-l, fls-usts, Kuu LraMaUub ul t&s atuaiacB, 14 Usu 1 1 sluaOi, V.Uuwi AkUuLs, l aluiiaiaa u( Um lUait, UttaiusvaUua l tu bans. ft U tisi kum. ul luti a ula, ami a ssartmd vtkM .ulut u 1 1 -.,"" tUa t uusla. t u f lut ujurau lu aiuiaauai aud siibmIis tu tur bu-il,sKa Hd.iMMWu(iUHMalk4 sjkucx I laaig ia liluud ut ailuauaiiUM, awt Uuhm Uu av a t.u ud low lu u a kui syrtuut. Wat BH I M Jkat.ra.lwa.T.iu.f.Bi I.Uuiu, BltltUs. I uuw. I U, US. I Uj4lalss, Hull. I aauvl.. bla h ksaid U.4,, ki,siy U, litk, , tlsuutwaWuM ul Us kkus, Uhwui aud lu.aua ul ik t kut, ul ahaMia aam a aaiwa, ai uuiai.s dus aa 4 aairKd u luu uMta la awl Um mi Ua aa ul Ikua lliluM. lu kullss k tisai aUltumutau Katwutl bKladiilussi ul Mtatl uaw advaa. 11mm Ik Vlluttad .u4 aMtl u t. 4 14 uaiiua kaiMu Uuuaa um a la fw.uts. k'ay tk. a au i tli salt 14 t lustaWdltutMlwntid a4 Hu.kk tu iu tauM l u tuw U la feat, S4 la tsuliaj aul 1.4 alawt. uaukk4 uuia aud ma k-auk u tka asssMs) aul Iwtua. rit V4ru4uk MIIKH, twhiaaj la th MWui 4 aa ksaaf Itaujaa. as tSiult Ji i sn-.s. 4 aud avatutad, a lull naiiiik Iuu4 aatlaiif Ik i ju4 aask kuHK t-.a-tv a, lu law ' kuatiaai.ltaiiu, u l l saiask. i a) kikiaV, r4k a U UhtMM ) to, lka.Hui a. I U.a- . ftaartwa, iai. 4 U su4 t imwh S.v I. bt I ul gEi WHAT AKt IMfcYTgc; t " S . if ? tit, 2. ol ill Rtauufatinrrrs. FLORENCE SEWInACDUNE. THIS celebrated Machlhe h now on exhibition next door to Krauie't Tin and Stove Store, Market Street. Snnbnry, Ttt. The Florence Sewlnir Machine stands unequal led for beauty and durability i bclnir the best Family Sewing Machino now offered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : Itbas aelf-adlnstlngtentlon In the Shuttle t changes for the various Stitches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of all for beauty and flnlsh.belng alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews llffbt ana neavy fabrics with eqnal fa cility. Tho work will feed either right or left. Runs quietly and rapidly. No difficulty exper ienced In sewing across heavy seams. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to got out of order. The Hemmer tarns wide and narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thorougmy practical and will last a lire time. Every Family should Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is tho only Machine In tbe wdrld that Is ca pable of making more than -one stitch and having tho reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and the samples ot work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers. Se.. without basting. It makes a eat her and sews It on a band at one operation perfectly. Eacn Aiacnine is mrnisnea witn a complete set of tools, without extra cnargo. Evory purchaser ruuy instructed ana every Machine warranted and kept In order. Macblne UU and rurcaa Kept on nana at an times. . GEO. W. SMITH BROr, Atrents. For North'd, Snyder, Union and Montour Coun's October 15, 1870. New Flour and Feed Store ! R. W. TIUJRSTOJr, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A, Has just opened a Tlour and Feed Store, where He will Keep constantly on nana, a general assortment t the best brands of FLOUE, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, aud VEGETABLES of all kinds, at the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBEE ! FRYLINS, BOM & ENGEL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and Just fitted It up with the lutest Improved Ma chinery, nro now prepared to fill all orders lor all kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK, Ac. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WniTE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SIIINGLIIfU LATH. SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. BL.IXDS, SIIUTTURS V BRACKETS at tho very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hand. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRYLING, BOWEN A ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February 18th, 1871. 0m. LUMHEU AXO ll,i Third Street, adjoining Phiut. & Erf R. R., two Squares Nortu or tbe Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IB A T. CLEMENT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber reuuired bv tbo domuuds of tbe public Having all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, be Is now ready to nil or ders el on kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUNTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly lllled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decllM58:ly STOVE Ot TIN ESTABI.ISII9IENT. MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. 8CCCESSOB TO SM1TU OEKTHEK. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inloriii the public tliut he now bus ou hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spcer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be, used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or uo sale. HEATERS of all Vlnds put np to beat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dim-rent klud at very low prttrs. a Tinware of Every DeMfriptron kept constantly on hand. Rioting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REl'AIKl.NU atteuded to with dispatch. Coal OU ar d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a 1). mis. Store oppotlld Couley's hardware store. Give we a call. A. KRAL'SE. apliU-ly M SBIRY MARBLE YAUI. THE undersigned having bought the eutlre stock of Diaslnger A Taylor, would In form thu pubilo that he la bow ready to da all kinds of MARBLE WORK. Has ou hand, and makes to order at ,1 flH SHORT NOT1CIC MMsmieata) aV Ilewd-Ntoae). A C WT STTLS. DOOn .OfD TTINIHJW SILLS AIo,t'eini-tery Post with Galvaulat-d pl aud all td bur feuelug neuerally used on I'euieteru-. John A.Taylor Mill continue In the employment, I the old ttaiid ou Market til., buubury. mays'oi THE OKLY STOVE WIT1IOIT A Al LT IS THE tillKAT 1I1LTI. MORE riHtlsVtE HEATER. UIUIP.S ILLV'MIMATKU DIAMOND UAH Ul'K.VEU. f which PAKl.OR AND lllAMbtKl AHC WAUMtD KV O.N It riKK. IT I lh ouly Ftieplao lleatar thai ha a pt-r. fat-l full V4r, aad fro frwui puiUug ut lualuu, uf aiuuilMd t laid IU alwrlutut. tl la lb utily ilrvpiau tlowUir Ub lU pulaut DUgouul klagaslua by bUb giaaltr Ulumluai. lug puar t oUaluud, tba ajwrlui.ul u Ma U) la, uiui adui-iiMlly ariwl, aud tttd liiata Haw llulvd Mltu great lt itl tlasecks) la tb rul ulr. It Is lb uiily klrcplaud Hualat that U fat. fa. I tWil fs4r au4 kuu butaar, ualy inUt iIIum wauau lauuit luai k.'Uia. Ill lit uuiy llalai liwatof ltBl rru'i tllttua aits) duu.) Iu giaia. Itlalk)' ILuta llk lb tut, glU( sbuuXtut Iumui tut atkua, aud anil, u-at iiuduJiua; tu glut tuui la bum iul. la lu. I H I Ik (lawi uilalaal aUiiliauit tU tU. Uustu, U-ii.4 mu4 buws4 au4 lxu''ll UlbttUk), Ciunuk,4ii4ii uutiTatKKkr. Kulnuwu, Mi. rabbf iUAS. M. wkaJlUAIa, Wy, a A .i aak a. t NEW FIRM. Byerly ft HeraperlyM ExceUlr al lery of Art, Third Street, , Snnbury, Pa. MR. ZYERLT Vas lately added to his already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Hemperly whose reputation as ft pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled in this part of the country, and hereafter they will carry on the photographic trade, at the old stand under the firm name of Byerly A Hemperly's Excelsior uaiiory oi An, at wnose establishment tbe pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs or all styles and sizes rang ing from the small Gem to the life size portrait. Uo to Byerly & Hemperly. For the beautiful porcelain picture which for softness of finish, and durability eannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hemperly. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar in all put large cities, and showing the pecu liar effect of light and shade, and the favorite of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hemperly. if yon bave an old picture yon want copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India ink or crayon, take It to Bcycrly ft Hemperly. If you want a frame of any elr.o and at any orlce. or any style eo to Byerly & Hemperly's, ivnd take a look at their Immense stock in that line. For Albums go to Byerly & Hemperly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly & Hemperly, In short, for anything In tho photo graphic line, go to Byerly & Hemperly, and you will be suited. Feb. 25, 1871. . CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, iFcnt, ers. Spring Cots, Fcsther Beds, Spring Muttreeses, Bolsters and Pillows, Hair do. Counterpanes, Husk do. Comfortables, Straw do. Blankets, IQullts. CALL AND SEE THE Woven Wire Mattress, The best bed ever offered for solo. N. B. Our Intention is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers with us, and orders will receive tbo same attention, and persons can buy Just as cheap as If present at the store. March 4th, 1871. 3m. JXO. I. SLATER A. CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, No. 3 Booth Tenth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, where they have opened a first-class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. , Our Stock consists of a :flno assortment of Foreign Cloths, Casslmcrcs and Vesting, select ed from the best Importiug Houses of tills City nnd New York, which we are prepared to make up In the most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice r.nd Moderate Terms. Special Bargalus In Scotch Chivot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER & CO. Formerly with J. M. SJelglcr. Dec. 24th, 1&70. Cm. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On nnd after Monday, June 6th, 1S71, the Truint ou tho Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will rnn as follows t WESTWARD. Mull Tram leaves Pblludelpbia, 7.10 p m " " " Sunbury, 3.00 a. m " nrrntErie, 8.30 pm Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 12,80 p in " " " Sunbury, 6.50 pm " " an at Eric, 7.40 a m Eimlra Mali leaves Philadelphia, 0.30 a m " " ' Banbury, 4.35 p m " u nrr at Lock Haven, 7.50 p m Buffalo Express leaves Snnbury, 4.55 a m " " nrr ut Wllliarbsport, tt.55 a m Bald Eaglo Mall leaves Wllllamsport, 1.45 a m " a rr at Lock Haven, 3.00 pm EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, 12.30 a m " " " Sunbury, 1.00 a m " " arrnt Philadelphia, 7.30 am Erie Express leaves Erie, 0.00 p m " " " Sunbury, 10.15 a m "... rr at Philadelphia, B.-fiOTim Eimlra Mail leaves Lock Haven, 8.00 a in " ' " Sunbury, 10.50 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Bndalo Express leaves Williamsport, l."5 a m " " " Sunburv, 4.05 am " " arr at Philadi lphla, 11.05 am Bald Eaglo Mall leaves Ijx-k Haven, 11. -'5 a m " " " nrr at Williamsport, 12.40 pm Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Mail West with west bound trains on L. 8. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. NU. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L. 8. and M.. R. W. cast and west aud at Corry with O. C. and A. R. R. W. . , Erie Accommodation East at Corry and west at Corry nnd Iruineton with O. C. and A R R W. Eimlra Mail aud Buffiilo Express make close connection at Wllllamiiort with N. C. R. W. Cattawissa passenger train will be run east from Wllllamsport on Erie Express, aud west to Williamsport on Eimlra Mull. WM. A. BALDWIN, tien'l Sup'U SI'RIXG AXD SIMMER MILLINERY AXD FANCY GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, la Dvwart's Building, Market Bquare, BUNBL'RY, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, eou- biatlug of Millinery and Fancy Good, IUT3 AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Alto, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest style. Saab Klbboua, plain aud Ugured. Ladle's 8ieueer, Lace Colnr, Linen t'olur and Cutis for Ladle aud Children, Crochet eoUur. Necktie for Ladies aud Gem' latest styles, bilk Hack Loop, a superior artU lo. Glove weludliiK KUIs, aud Ladle' Bueksklu glove. Ilaudkereklef. All kind of Trlmmliig. Embroidery Pattern. lluaiory fur Ladle, Gaul's aud Cbildreu. Nat, Plqu aud pique Iriuiimnif. TRIMMING SILKS, Chlgiion, Zrpbyr aad Varus, and a general vartt-iy of Nutiuu. for past palruuage, the hope "'ut the qualily uf bur goods will un-rll a wuiliuuam- of lb . LUZAUKTIl LAZAKl at. Aprll an, 171. ralal7 OiU, i. A F I'LL Holt of Oil tutuprialug Llnais4 Oil, I oal Oil, FUU Oil, aud l.ubl b aling Oil for kulue aud Macblaary, VaraUbia, Ulaas, al,.y. lai baud, allu, 4 TotJicComiiiuiilty fttLnrg ei ('II A Mil AT TUB "REGULATOR." I tbi daf artka4 lb talla Muik, Euu4 will Bad ttiuia ut IU BWaulatu Huul, Lm, 1 ritub, UatbSu4 I Indian kiutw, uf J. . A a la, aud UI iwulliias lu bttaluva al U pie Saul UMlkMI, cutltaf luuui, llu4' liu VluM, Miattltr HllKKT, blUbl'HV, t'A. s ba'Uf aalaWltltwd aimb(atil villi lb ksadtfcsj kuaaailaal'aiai ul lb tvuaki", I ( lu lsv nl l--)li'4 lb UMibtl 'lb i lata ul ui ut s4ablUbl iKpulattusi lt dulablllls k4 BMIasl, I mum lbl su4 aiaMs) til.mi. A H- aUU aiU a 4 Is, lb iikU Ibway IM.asi iil.i IW MtsaaaauHi.,. f FURNITURE, (MATTRESS, FEATHER, BEDDINd WARER00M3, JJ 44 NOBTH TENTH S .ailroabsr. . Reading Railroad. tUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1 Monday, May 15th, 1871. GREVT TRUNK LINE ftoih the North and Nuth-Weat for Philadelphia. N. T.. Read ing, PottivlUe, Tamarqua', Ashland, Shamokln, Lebanon, Allentown,' Eastern, Ephrata, Lltus, Atancaster,viumbla, Ac., c Tralns leave Harriabnra- for New York, as fol- lows t At 1.40, 8.10, a. m. and 9.00 p. m., con nectlng wlh similar trains on the Pennsylvania ttauroad, am arriving: at Mew York at 10.05 a. m., 8.50, and 9.80 p m. respectively. Blooplriff Cars accompiny the S.40 a. m., train without change. Kcturninct Leave Mew rorit at .00 a. to.. 18,90 noon ant 5.90 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8.30 a. m. niJ8.30 pi m. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 5.00 p. m. trabi from New York with out change. Jcave Harrlslinrg for Rending, Pottsvillo, Ta- maqna, Mintrevllle, Ashland, Shamokln, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. in., 2.00 and 4.05 n. m.. stotminir at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsvillo and Co lumbia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd SUBqnohanna Railroad, leavo Harrisburg at 8.40 p. m. juisi rennsyivanta itauroad trains leave Rend ing for Allentown, En b ton and New York at 4.82, 10.80 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 0.00 a. m., 13.30 noon and 5.00 p. m. and Allentown at 7.30 a. m. 13.25 noon, 3.15, 4.35 and 8.35 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Pcnna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Potlsvllld St.'.'j.OD ., rn. and 2.30 p m. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., Shanlckln at 6.40 and 11.15 a. m. i Ashland at 7.05 a., m., and 13.4& noon; Mnhunoy City at 7.51 a. in. and l.0 Tnmaqua at 8.35 a. m. nnd 3.10 p. in. fo Philadelphia, New York,Reading, Harrl8burg,4t. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque,. hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Harrisblirg, ant. 1L45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tremojit. . , Beading Acco"brtnbadflo-n Train leaves Potts vllle at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7.30 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.30 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsvllle at 9.40 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6.30 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.30 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Pcrkloinen Rail Road Trains leavo Perklomcn Junction at 7.17, 9.05 a. 8.00 and 6.00 p. m. Rcturning,leave Schwenkeville at 6.30,8.10 a. m., 13.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar traMns on Reading Rail Road. Colcbrookflare Railroad Trains leave Pottstown. at 9.40 a. m., 1.15 and 6.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant ai 7.00 and 11.35 a. m., and 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. m., 2.05and 5.32 p. m. returning, leave uownington at o.w a. m., noon ana 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on head ing Railroad. On Sundays t Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. aud 8.15 p. m., (the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvillo at 8.00a. m., leave Harrisburg, 2.40a. in., and 2.00 p. m.j leave Allentown at 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. leave Reading ut 7.15 a. in. and 0.50 p. m. for Harrisburg, nt 4.32 a. in. for New York, nt 7.30 a. m. for Allentown and at 9.40 u. m. and 4.15 p. m. for Phlladcl'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points nt re duced rates. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Bnf gage allowed each Passenger. , .- ! -J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Snpt. & Eng. Mach'ry. Northern Central Railway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON and after June 17, 1871, trains will ' r un as follows NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express IcaveB Snnbury nt 4.50 a. in., nrrive at Williamsport at 6.55, Eimlra at 10.55 a. m., Cunandnlgua 3.15 p. m. Mail leave Sunbury at 4.30 p. m., arrive nt Willhimsport 6.25 and Elmira 10.35 p. m. Fast Litis leave Sunbury at 0.45 p. m., arrive at Williuihsport 8.40 p. m. 60UTHWARD. Leave Sunbnry nt 4.10 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 7.05 a. in.. Baltimore 10.40 a. in. Leave Sunbury, 10. -0 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 1.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury nt 10.55 a. m., arrive at Iltir rlsbnrg 12.55 p. m., Baltimore 0.00 p. ra. Leave Sunbury nt 1.10 a. in., arrivo at Harris burg 3.35 a. m. BnAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shnoio U in 5.55 p. in., Mt. Carmel 0.40 p. m. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.6J a. . m., anivc at Shamokln 1.00 p. m. WESTWARD. Leave Mt. Curmcl nt 8.05 a. m., arrive at Shamokln 8.53 a. in., Buubury 9.55 a. m. Leave Shamokln (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily Leaving on Sunday, runs North only to Williamsport. All other trains leave daHy, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskf. Ed. 8., tien'l. Sup't., Gcu'l Passen'r Ag't., HurrUburg, Pa. Ballmore, Md. Lackawanna uud Blootukburg Ruilli road. BPR1NG ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. I A.M. P.M.! A.M. Scrauton, Bellevue, Taylorvillo, Laekawuumt, Plttston, Weat Plttston, Wyomlug, Multby, Kingston, & st. W.-Burre e'rs Plymouth Juuc., Plymouth, Nantlcoke-, Hunloek's, Sbiekshlnny, Hick's Ferry, Beach Hareu, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Kpy,' lllooinobarg, Rupert, Cutawissa. Dunvllle, Chuuuky, Camerou, North'd, (arriva.) NORTHWARD. Leave. (A.M. P.M. Northumberland, CaiueroH, ChuUisky, Dauvllle, (alawlaaa, Rupert, Hlouiusburff, -l'y, l.lin Hlda', tirUrltavk, Hem a, llwih llaveu, lin k's Isrry, bbUksbluuy, lluulwk's, NaulUuka, Pllluoulll, 10 45 11 17 It 41 11 4 It &a 14 UO 14 10 I U S5 T 06 I i T 14 A. M 14 9 T 11 J h 85 4M I Its f bo T bo p, M, l M I HA, I uo T 10 - I ,l 111. T 19 all 8 66 flyiuoulli Jua., I I M I 07 li I M - tu It 5 W 14 4t 47 14 6 J J U SB la I ua hluit.loa, 4 I at. 90 w.-iiarrvj I si I IS l 85 l in 41 Mallty. WyuiuiuJ, Ht ftttaUiSA, PUIaluti, i-ataaaauas, latlulllilv, balltiua, iHlattluai, (ant) Vtt li it I I 1 V I u 4 I tl 14 k U '1. I 44 fa IW' 4l I au 1 V III I . kwl alt, H i ArlllMtBv IsMBilakMraila, IfUa BUrBla) sUkt. kioal aad luu Uai-Lii 1 Utuf a4 U lUhdl si t.s, llaaui and ila kuiba, lna sad "l Bsltltta), UlalB I I.-I-U, I 141 I Utl, liat Pimm, !, a i. t aM, 4 Ld I I1111.4 a4.t. Haaalut tsH Bvlia kfail iaa 4 bu.4. ,U.4a. aa, hil Uia a-(LaM at si H r UMi 14, P.M. P.M. 6 45' 3 25 9 30 5 40' 1 00 6 501 0 35 5 451 1 08 6 57 9 43 5 53 1 15 7 05 9 51 0 0 1 27 1 14 3 50 10 00 0 18 1 85 7 ISC 10 05 6 18 1 45 7 27 4 00 10 12 6 25; 1 55 '10 IS 6 81 S 0O 7 35 4 15 10 3 6 40 8 10 10 41 6 50 7 50 4 24 10 55 6 55 00 7 10 8 07 7 17 8 33 4 55 7 35 8 86 8 43' 5 15 8 50 5 S3 9 001 V 10 9 30 5 43 9 37, 5 50 9 35 5 57 9 40' 6 03 10 0ft 6 S3 10 15! 10 11: 10 401 6 65 felt, lVisl -4 m, I- I i 0 tbt k l 4 v.st4s f. Uiy, Ja ll, r