SUNBURY, JUNE 84, 1871, RnilroMd Time Tables. N. C. R. W. East. I P. X. R. R.-Wbst. Bnffiilo Ex I've 4:10 ru Erie Mall, l'vt 8:10 a m Erlo ' 10:30 EkrdraMall H 10:53 Buffalo Ex, 4:60 " lElmlraMall' Erie Ex. ' 4:80 p m 6:45 Erie " " 1:10 " BltAMOKtN DIVISION M. 0. B. W. ' tXAVB . ARRIVlt Btinburj nt 11:50 a to At Snnbuiy 0:55 a m " 4:40 pm " 4:00 pm D. n. A TV. R. R. Leave Sunbury 6:55 a. m., 4:81 and 6:50 p. m. Arr. at Hunbury-a-lOiOO a m, :'Mnn& 8:40 p in. ffafrs. TnB Excursion to Wutklus hs been postponed until the lBthbf July. ' Shop Liftixo. Souio time daring Inst week, an expert shop lifter took a Japanese silk dross pattorn from the mammoth store of II. Y. Frl Hue, Esq.- Onr Storekeepers should keep a sharp lookout for the rascals, and when caught should havo thorn punished with the extreme flgorof the law. A Fiiie ocenrrofl ln'ticwlsburgr, on Tuesday last, by which four frame dwelling houses were do etroyoj. There was no lusurunce on tho proper ty destroyed. A. C. Simpson, Esq., of 8ollnsgro?A, offers to gl'v six acres of lund, locate! near that place, to ' ahy one. who 'Will erect upon it a hot blnst an thracite furnace. Ocn farmers are busily engaged in haymaking and harvesting. Tho bay crop will not be as good as is desired on account of the drouth. The grain crop is an ordinary one though not so thick it is well filled. ' Corn generally is looking much better eiuco tho recent showers, and will probably yet give more than an averuge yield. A. A. Suisixbh, Esq., and Mr. E. 'Wilvcrt, members of tlio Republican fctnlu Central Com mittee, attended a meeting of tho Committee at Altooua, on Wednesday last. The former is the member of the Republican delegation at Wash ington, D. U,, and tho latter is tho member for this couuty. IcsCiibam Fheezehs. A new lot just received uud for sale by II. 11. Masscr. Finn. On Saturday morning last, between 3 and 4 o'clock, a fire broke out lu the Phosphate manufactory of Messrs. Wolvcrton & Purdy, at tho east cud of Chestnut street, and beforo a general alarm was given, the Humes cuvelnpcd Hie whole buildiug, which was burned to the ground with all its contents. A lot of prepared Phos phate and stock was consumed, amounting to several thousand dollars. The loss is probably 5000, which was partly iusured. The lire is sup posed tohavcbcjn tho work of an Incendiary. B. OF L. E. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, uro luakiug cxtensivo urruugemcnts to celebrate the 4th of J uly, on Bird's Islund, be tween this place and Northumberland. The bro therhood is composed of excellent uud deserving men, and wo havo no doubt they will celebrate our natal holiday iu a becoming manner. Prof. Ulp's Quadrille Baud furiiibluk tho music, which w e know is txccllcut, and huvc no doubt it will please those who wish to "trip It on the light fan tastic toe." Vegetables of all kinds arc received three times u week at J. F. Kirby's. KoiSDUOUSE. Tho D. II. & W. R. R. Co., uro engaged iu erecting a Roundhouse at the junction of their road ut the northern lino of this borough. The foundation is already up, and the building will be completed in a lew weeks. The managers of this road aro active In huvlng ull the necessary buildings put up by the time the road is iiulthed. The nearer the approach of the completion of this road, it is becoming more evi dent that it will be one of the must important routes in the State for passenger and lrelght. Being one of the most picturcsquo routes in the State, it w ill soon become a popular line of tra vel to New York city uud tho Eastern States. 5,000 Rolls Wall Paper just received at Llght uer's, clieup for cash. New Beans, Peus, Potatoes, Lettuce, Straw berries, &c, at Kirby's. 1'ekcuant roB Watcueh. On Friday of lust week, a strnugcr named W. 11. Owreu, was 'brought before Esq. Beard, charged with picking the pocket of Thos. Ray, of a gold watch, valued ut ? 120, and abstracting a watch caso from tho store of T. B. Shannou, in Market Square. The evidence was couclutivc, uud the prisoner was committed to jail for trial ut the August term of court. Will Todd, Eso,., privute Secretury to Vico President Colfax, has commenced the practice of the law in this place, uud can be cousulted ut the law ofllce of Hon. Jno. B. Pucker. Wo welcome Mr. Todd to our town, for he is a most cxemplii ry young man, uud one who will gain the coutl deuce of the public. Tue Strawberry Festival held during last week by the ladies of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, closed on Saturday evening. Two hundred and thirty dollars were reulized, which amount is to be applied to the purchase of a church organ for their church. Fruit of every descriptions Is kept for sale at Kirby's. Tiui heut ou Tuesday luet was decidedly op pressive uud sultry, and humanity sweltered, perspired and fulrly groaned, so Intenso wero the rays of tho sua. Alioiit 3 o'clock lu the afternoon the sky became overcast with cloud, und a grateful, refrcshlug, copious ruiu fell, iiccouipuiilcd by vivid flashes of lightning uud heavy peuls of thunder. The air was ur- thurged with electricity, which frequently made Itself manifest. Tho Influence of the showers was moct benillceiit, and their appearance op portune. Relief wus experierced, the air purged of lis impurities, and Vegetal lou greatly aret-lo-r.ilc.l. Every shower at this teuton of the yeur is of untold wealth. To ut Kxihmcii. It U said taut those highly vlrtuout individuals w ho u ud money to the Now Voik "aw-dut swindlers" lu (he hope of re celvlug a return of oouulerfill utouey are likely lo come to j;u,-f. Their letters are to be relulued uud beiied ut the New York r.l-fllc, aud the uuum of Ihu writer forwarded lo the poat uiaslur atbero written, with lii.tiuakm lo poH U tuuualy lu lue:tcwubtliU:Bicutiif lb farts. riis Ulea U a mx one. - . - Tun Ksw lUtf-KOAD Uuakb. 4u lu Tiu lual. lite iu-ul air bi.ka was Introduced ou tUc pa. nger cars or the Noilberu t uulral Uuilauy for lb Vol lima. It U uul dulrubls luiprut. MH-M, a !! as addiliutiaj pfocauikmaf iut ae.ldcuu, FuHjMbica tK(tr, ba.'ga.'a aud Apiw car Lata Usui IUu4 lih tk ittry luaiata., an U U itt4 thai, 1m ft tkuri Hum, ail La luraUbMi ua U. Il Is wuadvi fully tttUwluiM, aa niu uf l ui U lu.(4 tjr Ms hiwm aklita aju u l4, UftiuuaU't; lb 'u uf ikui suites . .... I. . . - - f oral I Mt. Carmki- While at Mt. Carmel a few days since, we found business matters assuming quite a different shape from what It was a few months age.' The collieries art all la operation, and In stead of the labwers lounging around the corkers they are "busily cagagod In performing (he later which they wero there to perform. 1 " The bnslnoss men are looking much brighter, and Instead of a disheartened look we found them cheerfal and speculating upon the future trado. There have been quite a number of Improve ments made dnrlng this season, and many of the buildings erected aro Tcry creditable to the place. Mr. Jonathan Hoover has In course Of erection a fine brick building on the brow of the hill oppo site the Mt. Carmel Ilouse, which we learned he Intends to occupy as a private residence. 8. John & Sons are about completing a fine frame build ing on tho corner of Oak and Second strcetB, the basement story of which Is Intended to be occu pied as a ITard wore Store, and the upper story as a Hall. Wo also noticed several now business establishments opened since our Inst visit, among them we would bote that of Mrs. Bollg, a Milli nery store, On Oak street. ' Tho establishment, though not largo, contains a splendid Tariety of millinery goods of tho latest styles, which have been selected With taste and caro. Ladles In that place may well bo proud of such an establish ment from which they can procure the latest fashions, and avoid the inconvenience of travel ing to other towns to do their shopping. A Fwb Insurance Coitpaxt tn 8trinic!tT--A charter having been obtained, some time since, for tho "Northumberland County Fire Insurance Company," our citizens should make an effort to havo it organized without delay. Tho Chartor members are composed of some tf tho most re spectable and Influential citizen of our county, whose names would give the 'company charactor and standing,njiauclulty and otherwise. A large sum, we believe at least $50,000, is scut out of Nor thumberland connty every year, In the shape of premiums on fire Insurance, that might Just as well bo kept at home, which could easily be done through tho working und proper management of a well directed and well managed local insurance company. Having our own lusurance company, whose olllccrs and managers would be thoroughly known throughout tho county, It would afford an additional guarantee of safety to insurers lu knowing that tho officers of the company were perfectly reliable men, and would not counte nance reckless speculation lu the use of tho funds of the oompauy, which has caused the failure of scores of our largo city companies. Williams port, Wilkesbarrc, Duuvlllc, Miucrsvlllc, and a largo number of other towns lu our State, have prosperous and successful local insurance com panies, and we do not see why wo should not huvc ono In Sunbury. Wc believe at least uiuc tenths of the insurance policies of foreign com panies, on property in Northumberland county, would speedily bo cancelled, and tho Insurance taken iu our local company, lu less than one year from the date of its orguuuution. Wc hope to sec an Immediate effort made to put into organ ization nud successful working condition the "Northumberland Couuty Fire Iusuruuco Com pauy." Insurance Paid. On Monday last B. W. Thompson, Esq., Secretary of the Wllltamsport Firo Insurance Company, paid to Messrs. Wol vcrton & Purdy, of Sunbury, -whoso Phosplmto Manufactory wub destroyed by firo on tho previ ous Saturday, the sum of one thousand dollars, that sum being tho amount of iuBurauco on tho stock in the mill. This promptness BPeaks well for that company, and furnishes an additional argument that local insurance companies, if pro perly managed, are the best and safes! to lusuro Why not havo'our own company, the "Nor thumberland County Fire Iusnruucc Company," organized ut oucc, and go to work ? Lien Law Decision.--According to a late de cision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a persou furnishing supplies for a now building cannot Bccuro himself or obtain a lien ou the buildiug uuless he first has a distinct understund- ng with the builder and owner of the premises. Otherwise lie cannot collect ono cent for whatev er he may furnish for structure. It will be well for our material men and mechanics to make a uote of the above, anil govern, themselves accord ingly. No. 1 and 3 shore mackcrul, pickled salmon and white lish at Kirby's, all fish, warranted. Tub Republican County Convcutiou of Snyder county met at Middlcburg, on Monday lust, und nominated tho followlug ticket i President Judge Hon. 8. 8. Woods. Assembly Col. Wm. G. Hcrrold. County Commissioner Jacob Gross. Auditor S. A. Wetrol, A vote wustukcnou the Crawford Co. System, and It wus adopted by a majority of about 300. TnEold"Eaglo Hotel" has beeu torn down. This building was erected between eighty aud ninety years ugo, by Mr. Samuel Hcpburu, and ou tearing It down, ou some of the timbers were found scores in red chalk of "drinks" unpaid for ut a time when lath and plaster had never yet uced its walls. In this case the mason, like charity, "covered a multitude of sins I" It Is ex pected by Captain Huff, to have the new house lu ruuulng order lu ubout four months. MdtvuLm. New Bi'TCueh Shop. Mr. Abraham Broslous has lately commenced the butchering business lu Purdy's addition, aud is now serving the citizens of Suubury with the choicest of mutton, beef, &c. Those w ho wish to procure u ulce roast or slcuk will be accommodated by giving hiiu a cull. Tub Excelsior Boot & Shoe Storo Is huvlng a great rush. There U u constant golug In aud out of Mr. Miller's store, aud Invariably all golug lu come away satisfied that there U no superior slock of Boots aud Shoes any w here. Ills vuilo- ty U the lurge.l Iu thU suction of country, aud country mcrcbuuls vuu always buy as cheap us In the city. Tun caso of Samuel Cherry, who was brought before Et'iulre llilce, for not mulutatuiug hi fa mily, a few weeks ugo, we are Informed, wus doue through uiullcc, us the neighbors guuerully agrou tluil Mr. C hvrry It good provider, uud his futility hud been cared for. Boot aud Shoe for the community, at popu lar prices, at the Regulator. Horn weeks ago a young uiun by the uume of Kill Luudy, repre.cullug hltUMilf to be a tolU-ga gruduute, whce pafeut. he said lived neur Alin aiidrlu, Ylrgluiu, applied lo Geo. W. blruh, ou Bird's Island fur uii loyuieut us ft farut baud. Mr. s). hired hiiu, aud after he hud worked fur a few days he showed sutu slroug etldoue of iu sanity that hi employer fuuud It uvctuaary lo lodge hlut lu the Juki si this place until hi relu Vusauld U) eomuiunkultd lib. It was after. ard duHiorwl that be had fituud living bear Vluucjr, who IKik charge uf Mm. GWJ. Wa ai Uiloiiuod that the Ut rail ou IU uialu Hue uf lue U. U. A W. tt. H., wasluUtlur. lug the a4 week, lbs rw4 Ui t lead lor U4lu to run ovr the hula lla U.a ill Umi to llasluuu In the couim uf mouth. Wi ra luforiuoj by eunMpuudaSil lual lb cuulratl fur pUlilug U. tUupl's bew bslullKg bad .e.idvd lo W. Lugan of Ibis p!, lu Ua4 ut itm. OuiMl a ftutkt-4 1ft our but Uu. We Ittake Ibis 44ftluft bsjusikft U Mr. Ufti b b) um of nut Ut liaMkftuk. Th grass orop will be ft light one this swason. We observe that the Connty Commissioners have commonced cutting and harvesting the hay crop on the clover and timothy farm surrounding the Coufl House, We do not, however, think the 'Commissioners are entitled to mach credit for the manner in which they have cultivated tho soil on this little farm. We would advise them to read Horace Greeley's late work, entitled "What I know about Farming," unless they , can be In duced to convert the ground Into- ft handsome lawn, with evergreens, as was originally design ed. It Is true that the 'proceeds of the grass crop might be useful In reducing "them 194,000" which hang like an Incubus over the county finances. But they should not carry their Ideas of economy too far, and sacrifice a little to tasto, and after reading the above book make another attempt to restore and replace the dying and dilapidated trees and shrubbery that have been strnggllng for cxlstenco for tho last five years in the Court House yard. - Tub Managers of the Sunbury Lyceum propose furnishing a fine Dinner on July 4th, on Bird's Island. Tickets 50 cents each. Wo are Inform ed that every nrrangemcut will be mane to ac commodate any and every one wTao may attend. Some of ouriamatcur performers conlemplnte giving a Bcrlus of 'entertainments In Fry's Hall soon, for the benefit of tho Brass Band now form ing 4n this place.' Ice Is delivered to families at the rate of 80 cts. perhtindred lbs., at Willlamtport. A frlond asks' whether It would not pay to get It from that place. We think it would, but there is no point on the Susquehanna where It can bo harvested cheaper than at this place. Mr. W. H. Miller of tho Excelsior Boot nnd Shoe Store, Is relaying tho pavement In front of bis houses along Third Street. It is much needed. T. H. B. KaSe, was aaiiittcd toprtctlee at -tho Bar of the Northumberland couuty Courts on Monday of last Week. Mr Kaso stood a credita ble examination before the examining Cemmitte. The Northumberland County Democrat says that the llttlo "ulggcr" Is (helved. Poor Varkty I Since the Democratic Convention, a few weeks ago, when candidates wcie shelved by the whole sale, poor darky has had no rest until he too fell a victim of tho Court House Ring. Tub Farmers' nnd Ibrticujtural association met lu special meeting in the sheriff's office iu Sunbury. Oh motion tho President stated the object of tho mecXimr. Thos. Birr, Esq., mado a state ment on part of a committee from Turbutvllle, and made a proposition to effect a conjunction of tins association witu their association iu holding the coming fall fair. On motion the charter of Incorporation of this society was lead forluformatlon. A proposition was made by this association to meet nil the dis affected elements of the County Agricultural So ciety, and Jolu in under the chartor of this asso ciation in ono exhibition ef the wholo county. Speeches were inndo by Snvldge, Storncr, Ma lick, Horning, Enyder, Clark and Burr. On motion It was resolved to consider the pro position of tho Turbutvllle comruUc at our uext meeting. , On motion adjourned to meet on the first Sat urday lu July noxt, at Augustnville. J E. EMEKICK, Pres. Sol. Malick, foe. Jottings. Low neck dresses are In vogue. TnE fire cruckor nuisance has commenced. Strawberry festivals have drawn to a close. Camp meetings will commence in a few weeks. The only orgau without a stop a 'gossip's tongue. Lager beer landlords arc ucarly all portly nnd robust. The Commencement at Lcwisburg takes place on tbo 27th of Juno. WnoRTLEiiEitBT stalks nro ucnuuijj uuour tho weiglit of berries. The happiest ago for young womcn-Marrl-age j at least bo they thluk. Ciir.uitir.s In the country are a medium crop. They aro selling at G cts. per quart. W. R. F. Weimkii, will shortly open a dry goods store In Henry nadpt's building, ou Mar ket street, The brick work on the basement story of Drum holler's brick Hotel is completed. A. J. Stroll is erecting a two story brick build- log on tho site of his former residence ou East Market street. TnE Trcmaino Brothers nnd Mr. Picrson gavo two concerts ou Tuesday and Wednesday even ing lust, In Fry's Opera Ilouse. They liad full houses. Regulator Boot, Shoo, Trunk and Leather Storo consolidated Willi tho Book Btorc. Call ouo aud all. New goods at low rates. . A Patent for a Spring Adjuster has been grant ed to S. A. Alexander, Esq., of this place. Mr Alexander Is master Machinist at the N. C. Rail way Company's shop. 8. B. Bergstrcsser has removed his photograph gallery to Dewart's buildings, on Market square. A much better place to take photographs. 8. B. Boycr and P. -M. Shlndfl, Rsqrs., have been absent during the past week attending tho Uuited States Court, ns Jurors at Wllliumsport Tub season for green apples, hnlf-ripe cherries, together with garden sass, 1 upon us. Prepare your paregoric and peppermint. A Smart young lady of Northumcerland, says her Idea of a good home Is a place where "cob webs and kisses never go together. "I wish you had been Eve," said au urchin to an old maid proverbial for her meanness. "Why sot" "Because yon would havo eaten all tho apple instead of dividing It with Adam.,' KuitlucsMt iVotices. Tuc Croiuet Shoe, a novelty, elegaut aud com fortable, at the Regulutor. Diwino the coming hot season, ft hat Isn't ft bad thlug to have about the house. 8. Fauet, Market Siuare, has u tlue stock, Is constantly eularglug, aud will furulsh thuui to order, In any style, price or iiuulity. Sain 1 a practical "hat list," aud can lit any head that he gas ft slghl of. Ir you wuut fine assortment of plain and fancy groceries to select from, go to Kirby's, Bright urw building, on Market square, ull good delivered wlthlu the borough free of charge, All Rubber Wear, ut muuufucturcr' price, ut the Regulator. Ji'T received, number of popular frf-ut aud rem h calf .Wins, at lbs "Hegulalor. (iKNT.'du Fieueh Calf, liox-lou Boots, itlleb ed bottom, ul the Regulutor. Diiokmakku' utulvrlal fur manufacturing, at the Keguluior. Ibo ( OMrt-ftftloMM rN Invalid. 1)1 ULIttlltD a warulug aud for lh Uutfli uf vvtHU immi awi utturt. Lu ulti r ft lllll N art ou. KbliUy, Jn)., supnljlug IU lueaus of c-lf-i-ure. Wrlilvii by um who curej bluiwlf ud at-ul lion uu loeci uua a Jii uuJ dlitx ltii uvclniw. AddiM. KllllaSlklL MAVfAlU t4 i, 1TL Ou. lliooil)(M. Y. I UWillU ftAVITAUY AlDAftatM liTION ft ft rui IU IU Ik f aud t uie uf lb Criu.ii ui I ulurluuta. imi fiuiilplt uf IVUlUu frbiUa. Ibiupy. m, iu Kriur of Vuulb, au4 (be ruilu.uf A, Ui rvWIkm I J Mtaauuftaud ftu- iiAbatua, u Hbluii aid ur iba aUlu.w ft.-UI IMk IU SMllul Ulv:l. AddluM, ItiiW aku AMoct AXIOM, bu r, fbiuaai.bu. uj(,TViy In Sunbury ou the 15th lust., by Rev. O. W. rtcmpcrloy, Mr. F. II. Hkmpkrlet, to Miss Ma rt A. EnoBL, all of Sunbury. - . In Bunbnry, on tho 11th Inst., by thn snmn, Mr. John Mants, to Miss Catii. E. Siussler, all of Sunbury. In this plnre on the 15th Inst., MRS. ELIZA BETH JONES, aged IU years, 4 months aud 'i'l days. V The deceased was the widow of James Jones, conductor on tho P. & E. R. R., who was acci dentally killed at Hon ova about elevcu (uouths ago. Tho severe shock of tt.e loss of lr hus band, caused her to becomo heart-broken, nnd soon that monster disease ennsumptlon Vuade In roads upon her system, which, after the lapse of a few months, claimed Its victim. During her sickness she rendered no complaint; and boro her Illness with Christian fortitndrand when ilcalh came to her relief the passed jwny In full faith of her Redeemer's love. Sho llavcs a llttlo daughter soma six months of ago. finis a young family has passed away within the short space of eleven months, lcavintr an orphan to battle its way through this cold and,nnohnritnble world. fftnrtal Imparts. Sunbnry Oralis A I'rodaco Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY 1lY Uln ft GERINdER. Gratm Choice White Wheat.; fl 00 Best Amber, Winter.... 1 50 Corn w HO Rye ,n 1 00 Oats, (3'J lbs.) ; ; 50 Br.t Amber, Winter, per sack 2 00 " " " " barrel 8 90 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2 50 Pennsylvania Roll ;;5 Fxios Per -iozen .., 10 Meats Dried Beef, per lb USCiTiaO Smoked Mutton 1013 Lakh per lb 2T, Fish Salt Wbito Fish, per lb 15 " Trout " 15 Cod " 8 Fresh Shad 4000 Veoetadlks Turnips, per bimhel Ti Potatoes " " 1 10 Onions " " I 00 Beans, " qnart..... L5i8 Hominy, K " ' , 13 Dried FnflTSDried Apples, per lb 12CM4 Poaches, " SSOfiWW ' Cherries, " 10:i5 " Blackberries 12 " Raspberries ,....'-'0 s x J y pi-si x i Large Stock t Better Facilities)! Just opened a large, fine nnd substantial assort ment ot SPRING DItESS GOODS, . Domestics, White Goods, Fancy CJooas, Tnnimnigs, Clotbs, Casaimeres, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Housekeeping goods In great variety. FRESH GROCERIES, Quceusworc, Willow-Ware, Glassware, A.C., &c. A fine stock of substantial lleaily-Made Clothiug, for Men and Boys. Euch line full and complete. tiT Substantial floods a 8pcclatty. rrlcos to tiul't tlte limes. Call uud Mce our Stock. All kinds of oouutrv produce taken In ex change for goods. iv MOOKK S UISSINGEK, Haupt's Iron Buildiug, Market Street, Suubury. April x-j, i7i. MILLIXLKY. SriUNG Sxilm xuiilo, UONNETS. FLOWERS, FRAMES, ETC. Mourning and Bridal Huts aud Bonnets. Sash Itiniioxs, FEATiiEits,, Luces aud Trimmings of every variety. Full line of MOURNING VEILS AND CRAPE. Notions, a full assortment. Gentlemen's Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac. MILLINERY IS TI1E SPECIALTY". MISS L. NIIISSI.S'.IC, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. April 23, 1871. TONSORIAL. A LL who desire to go through an e.i6y process J. X. oi Pimvinu' sboum call ut the Barber Sa oon ol (.lias. Uurrows, adjoining the Clement House HAIR DRESSING, SHAMPOOING AND SHAVING Is accomplished in the best manner of the ai t Having procured two city jours, and furnished bis room In tho latest improved stylo and the most comtortable of any lu the place, bo dcsirci gentlemen to rive him a trial to becomo con v in ccd. Hair Oils, Tonics, Bay Kuin, ice, alwuys ou nauu aim lor saic. C1IA3. BUHKOW8. Sunbury, June 3, 1871. MAClll.XE NIIOl AM) IKO. I'Ol'SDKY. GEO. ItOIIRBACII & SONS, Mnnbur;-, I'onu'a, NFOUM the public that they aro preparer! to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and bavins added new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lulhi'ir, Planing aud Boring Muuhincs, with the lutl-st Improvements. With the uid of skillful mechanics, thev are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be glveu them, In a suthfuu.ory muu- Ut!'. U rut en to nuii uy Klove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build- ns, or all srnrai. BRASS CASTINGS, 4c. Ornamental Iron Fencing l-Olt GRAVE Y AKD I.OT8 VERANDAHS , l-Olt YARDS AT KES1DENCKH, AC, AC. The J'L(WS. already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, uud win always ut Kepi ou nana. Also, THKF.SniNtl MACHINES. Suubury, May 'M, lb71. Wus. II. IIEA.KN, PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTFR, llerudou, orth'd omuI, lu. nOl'HK, Sign aud Ornamental Puliillngs liruiiliiir aud Puix-r baiiKliiir done lu the workuiuiillke luuimer, and nt the shot let. untlie. Orders ollelied aud promptly Httiiidvd j. April 5, 1X71. 3m. IMC. J. '. IKI.OW, OllU-e sud lteali!u'.iv, Walnut Strict, bvlwctu iiiuu auu rouriu tirccl., MUNUUttY, I'KNN'A. All foruu of lWmains of tba Kyua will be lival. Kl or oraU4 upou.sucU s SliiiliUsiui, (li.i tyt;) I'uUract, (HUuduc,) mid all ulio-r Ut wms rvUiius; to uuiiy, 'l iim, (i tub ur I toil rl,) lUlr-l.ln, tk.l.toH of fiiiuora, Ae. iw ! euro 01 r.iit'y 114 ralllug U J Muubury, May 1-1, l7(. HUUrikU kllUb If iKll it'l l u. KM, JOSJAII UtLNRIE, Maikst Ituani, I Urea diis r. of b lullnMd, wt 'Na wuo, bautni,r. Will alUad lo Iba kiakurwtura ut Kuuls au ri liu to all U tr.uibk, KaJ all wmk Hatiau! to M aaiuiaitufi. U. 1 L . . . . A. . 1 . 1 . j 1. I Vuitbaiy, May ?, I7t. NEW JIKAT NII4M. rpiIE undersigned respectfully Informs tho cltl JL sons of Sunbury and vlcluity, that they have opened a MEAT SnOP, In Dcwatt's bulldlnir,nn the north side of Market Square, two doors from the railroad, were they will kop ft coivtnnt supply of the bebt of Beef, l'ork,"Vntton, Ac, nt w holesale or retail, at tho lowest prices and of tho flrt tjjiullty ,. A wagon will Ke rmi trl supply Amt.omers every morning, (ciKfeftitundars":) -Tp best of meat will found at their1-shftp, ivcjrtia mil nndsatl-fv vour sclvcs. n-J liEFFEW & BOWER. Oct. 10th 1S09. ti. JIIIXlJiEKV AND I'AM'Y iSTOltK. MISS L. AVEISEH, Market Street, ono door west of Gearhart's con fectionery store, SUNUUHV, TA., Has opened her Spring nnd Summer stock of milliner' nnd Fancy floods, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French nnd American Flowers, I.nees, Ribbons, Sack loops, Chignons, Collars, Cuflu, Jouvln Uloveu, and n largo variety of other articles. In connection with the Millinery businc's, she carries on tho - DIIESS MAKiXG AND FITTING, lu nil its branches. Bhc'ls also ngcitt for the snlo of Ramsey, Scott A Co.' Palterus. Tho ladles of 8unbury and vicinity are cor dially invited to cull aud cxuir.lno her spleudid stock. ' May 13, 1871. WM. MURRAY. J. SLATMAKEK. WM. U. BLAfK. Wholesale Dealers lu MACHINERY AND BURNING Olllce nnd School Stationery, OILS, Printing, Wrapping nnd .lZnuilln PAPERS, rrintors' CarJs, l'ltiior ISags, &c, &c. Tho Colobratcd Corry, Kerosene IJurning Oil alwavs on hand. COAL! COALU COAL!!! Having also opened a COAL YAED we aro rtow 'prepar"d to supply the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity with tho very best quality of Coal, carefully prepared for family use, nt rcnvmablc prices. Farmers and all others will. Und It to their advantage to give Us a call. EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT TEA, Always on V.and. Orders left at our office in Room No. 2, CLEMENT HOUSE BLOCK, Will be promptly attended to, Nontli Tliird Ktreet, Nunburj, In. MUlUtAV & CO. April 1, iSTO-Sin. MAN'lIOODi nOW LOST, HOW HKSTOR El). Just published by Dr. LEWIS. i-'r.O paires, Third Edition. TllK MEDICAL COM PANION AND UUDE TO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Loescc, Imnotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to MarriuKe, etc., and tho Venereal nud Syphilitic Maladies wLh plain nnd clear directions for tho speedy cure of Secondary SympJ 01113, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Strictures, and ull diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, scrofula, ulcers, Boils, Blotch es ajid l'jmplcs on the face nnd body. Consump tion, Epilepsy, nnd Kits, Induced by sclf-indul- .actual extravagance. Tho celebrated author in this admirable- Trea tise, clearly doinoustrute, from a forty yeur's sucecsful practice, that the alarming consequence of self-abuse may bo radically cured 1 poiutins out a mode of cure nt once simple, certain, and ciicciiuu, ny nmans 01 wmcn every suircrer, no matter what his condition may be, can bo ctl'ec- vuanv eurcu, cnenply, privately, and radically. te?T!iis book ehoiild bo In the hands of every j'iii.m, anil cu-ry man in 1110 iaua. Punt unrler teal. In a plum envelope. Prleo, 50 ccnis. Address, mt. LEWIS, No. 7 JJeuch street, New York. UAH1IVJI WATCHES. WQi JEWELERS. No. 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, arc now prepared to 1111 Orders for the GENUINE WALTHAM WATCH ES, under their own guarantee, In cither IS Kurat oll or Coin Silver C'hnoh, (.Vo ottur Qualitict told by wc) Thcso Watches greatly excel iu ilmi flulli, variety of style, aud accurate tlmo-keei'ing (iuili- tics. Wo tuvue parileular attention lo the low prieo at which a really good watch may now be mm. I'loune scud (o uh for it Price List. Orders received from all points. Goods sent C O. D. to anv addrcsi. FIXED PRICES, securing to the absent buver every advuulago possessed by a present pur- cuascr. JAMES E. CALDWELL & Co., 903 Chestnut Strdet, Plilia April S3, lS71-Jan 14-ly. CXADIXTEH VTEI. ri'UE vixeuau AT(tn:.Ts l'Ki; ' ll'AKT, Id now offered for sale by the undersigned nt bis Brewery or Restaurant. This viucjrur warranted not to contain any ut-lds not" rally c used to inuku It stronir. ami w hich is injurious. Warranted pure, U is the best article or (inmesiic usu 111 market. Sold ut wholesale nud retail. Applv to JOSEPH Sunbury, May n, 1871. r. U4KUI.V. 1:. 11. liuwi.u I XIOX HOI Hl" LI KENS, UALPU1N t'OL XTi', PENX'A UYERLY i BOWER, Proprietor. The table la supplied with the be.i the marki. affords. Good ktubliuir and attentive oilers. May SO, 171. rUMI'I'ttET .mOH CE.HE'IEHV I O.M PAW. This rompany Is now prepared lo tell lots lu Hie uew ( vuiulary, located ou uu ruilueui'i' ubcul uue-lourth of aiuiluvutt 01 buubuiy. 1 lie In vrvuse of tbo poiuUilou uf Suubury, uud con uueia udvuuc lu Ihu I4IU1 of moitality, us wel us the limited fut ilities kr li.c iuteriucul ol llmte who have loiih'hl lite battle, have augiii-atcd the orKitiiiaulUiii uf the ubove uuuicd comauy. I'luii of I'eiiiL-liiry may be hcu ut mo olllce uf J. A. Cuke, fc'j-, or l.loyd T. Ituhib.ic U. Prltu of lot flow ii to 113, accuidiug to luca tli. 11. iMxAt will bo e neeuled for lots sold. l.l.KVU T. W)llUUAt-U, May 13, l-.7l.-lf. M'JUXG AND Sl'MMKK. t I.OTII Wit 4 AMMUJtl.MI rilKNtU AND iHiMKVnc MKUrt of wiry (rude, Ju.l u u4 at Ibe MEUCHANT TAILOR Mini' or tiium. u. harv, Hueeau( to J. . tia, yuuitb lfitl, U-lo Uaik.l, l Mil KV, I KSN'i. touiuiuitat ttbu U.Uu.ul la ili4bli. DiUa tuutdvf, UI !! at Itui tUm Ui: i,4 Uauiloa ll avU.l.d iluit, aud ka tUt;i I ) 'ui by lu U UU.l l.l. t all a. I U ' ..U...I. ilU. 14. kill I'. Way, T. IS MI C. B. WEITZEL, k CO, lmvo Jiftt received an and arc pseparcd to get upfiuitsal short notice and guaranteed to fit or to sitlc. BLACK, DROWN AND BLUE CLOTHS, Double -width, $3 and upwards.! OASSIMERES, all wool 75c, and upward. VESTINGS at all prices. KENTUCKY JEANS 20c, and upwards. TWEEDS C2c, and upwavda COTTONADES ISc, nnd upwards. They havo also rnado arrnngomcnts with the or. Wanamaker & and arc prepared to furnish suits at their If the goods do not givo satisfaction upon A full lino of ervtnnles for customers lo select ALL WOOL UiT S$l3AKD LT-VAfrb." Special attention atrcntion paid to And the highest cash prices paid for OUMTEY PROBUGE. SARGAIIS! .A.T has received another mm iwiiii si o. Sprisig sm& Summer oods. and has now on hand, tho largest stock in He is Bargains in Linen Clothing for Men and Boys. Bargains in fine Dress Suits for Men & Boys. Bargains in Working MEIST and 330YS. Bargains in Straw, Cassimere Hats, Bargains in Fancy Gent's Summer Underwear. BARGAINS IX Gent's Furnishing Goods, Give him a call and eco for yourselves, that the Empire Clothing Store is tho cheapest. LARGER ASSORTMENT, BETTER GOODS, AND LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. G. HERZFELDER. Third Ttrect, near the Depot, SUNBUHY, PA. ISAAC U. NTAl I't'tK, WATCHES, JEWELltY, UN XorlU Kcm-omU Ht, Cor. or lurrj , 1'IIU.AUEU'IIIA. An nsHortmeut of Watehen, Jewelry, Silver und I'hilvd Wurc euiirt:iiitty oil letiiil. lli-'iiirlii! of Matches iui.1 Jewelry rouiHy utteiiiU'd to. Auil 1, lMl-ly. Cakcryand Confectionery lu thu urw biilldiatf a U iluiiii; the 1'iwt IMllee, oppiislx the l)uut, N V It I' It Y , I K A , Junl oiwui J a Ure u.ioi'tuictil 11 nil ),liids of CONFECTION ARIES ol enry deseiiitluu. FRESH BREAD It CAKES CM-ry iiior 11 1 11 1;. Vuimlu lll be iiliid dally (huii.l.iy. rVi-iK-li'd) with nil kind of UilK.VU, TM ISl', IU Mi, TtA Ul NS, Ae., uud ul.o kil ou baud and lu.tuutueluud out ul tli.- Ih-.i bluud4 uf i luur. All kinds of Taney Cakes Vt ui'"l by any t-lty bakuru. cou.uui. ly uu 'baud aud lu.iuul'uilurt-d lo uidir fur llulla, t-ivUUlj iMItita, t'.uiilu, and utiu r. al I bo .1 u.aini. All ui.t. i. U 11 ul ihu bioia j l-,.IU ll.c lk4,ul at bl Uukrrv, uu Hinuco kUrcct l4iu nl aiid Beeoud, a ill U1. .H a lib 110U11 aiUuliuu. lUaitklul bl lul lalruuaa. I k.. by .1 Ull i.lo bll'Ull.'U i l bualii.'., aud luibl.biu Iba b.l Luiilluuu llui aaluil. M.iis lul, lM. l lrM BHIWlMd MaMltlMl, AVKWuflioM cili(cd slaibia. ru Lm had l ll a''l)iua- l-i t.ktiUuK W, MltH 4 W(tU.,ut Maiavt Hli, aor1 fa. immcuse stods of Brown, Phil'a, prices, only adding the cO&t of csprcssage. arrival tvo will return them free of charge. from. BARGAINS!! THE choice assortment of his line, ever 'offered for Bale iu this place. offering and Business Suits for Felt, Wool, .Linen, and for Men and Boys. and White Shirts and ritKXs ni:i)i( i: AT Til 8 Mammoth Uoot & Shoe Store 1:1.1 mim.i:u, lu C. B. Hmltli'a Room, Queen Street, Olio doo Kiist of the I'ost Uillee, NOUIlIUMUnil.AM), l'EXS'A. For Kltiilr.i Ihx-ti, to t i I'll MlUt-r's Uix4 and blioc Mole. Ther uru kolil, Hi.-t fulfill tit. tor Kreneh fall llooi, t;u 10 li'.l MilKr'., ouly fDlofll lcr i air. - Vor Uooti, thots nnili:illrrs, nt l.m..t 1 -.!- bin rU-e, ui lu Kli Mill. r', uu IJimii Mn. t. Fur all kiuua of Ouiu lluuia ami Miuc., cull at Miller's. For I.adii-i' (iuiu Over.hoel, ieo Cua uxor! -aii'iit ut Kit Mllii'i. Fur all kind, of f t-.lldreii'a fhnea, 1(0 aud auiliio Fll Milb r'a Uio a.utuu-ul. Fur anythiiia' I" llo and Mine tine, mil ami ri4iuuu; til Wllb-r'a ilmi ut-lura iurebu.iiit; i-;l.iiu if yuU MiU lo fevl tr.t-iU.., at lUu luHl'al I'llwa. Jau. 7, il-P.'l' S.' '-U .ru-.' tiHk i f lloakry tk Nutluiia aOiiHn t'i. ai'Va. IHaaolMlloB. N iil U K la berrby aivcu, lUi ( hi Itluluiu UHallllK, uf lilld HUUIU l.f Will- I, liatklii. V l'., lu 1 1. a UiuautiJa bu.lmaa In Iba U-rii4b ul fcui-liury, bua lu U.IU by IiiuIimI (uiianut. 'Ilia It.a.k at.-ouut., ar., via kit tu Itu.- kaiula ul f. U. VttUavl, al ll.a ui.l Uud, bo a III satin uu lite ailui.lnji vuuula. VVtlTZkl., CABklS A (11. Tba Marraulila lu.lutaa uf ll.a abut liuu ai'l bai.'IUr ka toutluaad a Iba ull aiauJ, uauVf Iba kiut aaoat ul I. H.MUIULkiH VI. I la, ISM.-M.