7 ? ' THE SUNBUKY AMERICAN, IS T UBLISIIED EVERY HATURDAY BY EM'L WILVERT, Propriotor, tUtftsn'S BtnAr&G, HAnW SQ.UABB, ' At 1.50 la Advance. II no paid within 6 Month 93. SubtertptionM takm for I'll than lix Jfonlhi CownnCTr-P with this establishment U an etten- .iurur Tnil nVVXOtt. iwintn In In tr A .TArletV 01 plain and fancy type equal to any establishment in the Interior ot tne Diaie, ior wuiuu age of the public Is respectfully solicited. WW. J. WOlBBwa, iiiorjej a Law, oOlee, door No. 6, 2nd floor, Haupt's Block, near Miller's Bhoe Btore, Sunbnry, Pa. March 86th, 1871. ly. ' j b. DOVER! Attorney at Law. Nos. ; Oe 9 and 8, Second Floor Brlfrht's Building, 'Sunbury, Pa. Professional business attended to,ln theconrts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims oromptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In the German language. March 25th, 1871. ly. TEREJIUH SNYDER, Attorney at . tl Law, Bunbury, Pa. All professional bnsl--: ness lntnisted to his cnro will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining couutles. Can be consulted botfc ,lh English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Aug.30,1870.-ly. TNO. A. W1XSON, ; t) ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 Fourth Avbn", "-Notary Public, . " FlHeburg. Pa. Y O. MARKIiE CO, Market Street, nJ SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, blnss, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, -rocket Books, Dairies, &c. . 'CS P. WOIiVERTON , Attorney at Law. '(Os Market Square, SUNBURY.PA. Profession al TJusttiess In this and adjoining counties prompt ,r attended to. . DR. A. R. SAVIIMJE, respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon to tJio citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, having lo l cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Falrmount Hotel, where he can be consulted at all hours when not professionally engag 3d. ap!24-ly GW. ZIEGIiER, Attorney at law, north side of Public Square, one door east of ""'the old Bank building, SUNBURY, PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. scptl5-66 CA. REIMENSNYDER, Attorney at .. Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en ' trussed to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. opl37-C7 J NO. KAY CXEMENTVAttorncyat Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections nnd all pro fessional business promptly attended to. nic)i31-00 C. 1. BHUNEB. 1" B. KASE. B RUBIER KANE, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Olllco on iCf1 cstnut Btrect, west of the N. C. aud P. & E. Knilrond Depot, lu the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profess lgunl business promptly attonded to lu Northum berland aud adjoining counties. apU0-6S) Hit. MANSER, Attorney at law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to. in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. apllO-G9 WM. M. BOCKEFBLLEK. LLOYD T. B0HBBACH. TlOCHEFELLEB & ROIIRBACII, XX Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA Of tico in Huurit's new building, second floor. En trance on Market Square. jan4-68 AN. llftlCE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Masonic Uall Building. 'Collections of claims, writings, and oil kinds of legal business attended to carefully ond with dispatch. flAprU 8, J871. ly. jbnshuss jfarbs. ANTHRACITE COAL 1 VALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, tTPl'Ett WIIAKF, BUNBURY, PENN'A. ' All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and filled promptly. feb!8-71. W. B. ItUOADS. . PACKEB BAAS. WS. RIIOADS V CO., ItETAIL. DEALEKS OP ANTIIRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Office with Haas, Fabelt & Co., Orders left at Seasholtz & Bro's., office Market 8trcct, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COACIIMAKERS. TTTE are selling Rims, 8nokes, Hubs, Springs, TV Canvass, Bolts, Cllpo, AVes. Kc, very , A V;cS. c, yvi coNur & co. Large Stock at Sunbury, March 30, 1869, C' OALI COAE.I COAliI GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers lu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lower wuabf.) tST Sole Agents, westward, at the celebrated Henry Clay Coal. JanlO-66 EXCHANGE LIVERY. J. M. BARTHOLOMEW, Proprietor. 5-OTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Sunbury Pa. TnE best of riding and driving horses always on band to serve customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt attention. Nov. 5, 1870. DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, Jn Simpson's Building, JfarAet Square, Bunbubt, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds or work pertaining to Dentistry. Hs keeps constantly ou baud a large asuorlnicBt of Teeth, and other Dcutal material, from which he will be able to select, .n,i ,f,t ill a wunts of his customers. All work warranted to glvs satisfaction, or else the inoury rcfuuded. The very best Mouth Wash and TootU-Powders Iroiti Ml hAnil. ilia rat'urences are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the Uul twelve, years bunbury, April 21, 187IU NEW COAL YAHII. THE undersigned havlug connected the Coal lm.ineu with his exteualvs FLOUR &URAIN trade, is prepared to supply families, with the VERY UENT4r COAL, CHEAP FOK CAKH. V.nu. Btove sad Nut. cosutautly ou baud, tiralu Ukcii In exchange tor Coal. J. U. CAUWALLADER Buubury, Jan. 15, 1H70. tf. JACtia SUIfMAM. TIIOMrWOM UMK. lire, I.I At aud Aceltleat INSURANCE AGENCY or NIlll'MAW DEIllt. MARKET bTUEET, SUNUU11Y, PA. COMPANIES) KKfHUENTCt). N. Auurleau, PblUdolpliU, iwli, f j,7H3,MO r:ittrirUMS, " ' ii,ikiwuau, nm io4, i,ao,uui N. Auiorivau " " S"J,b7U l..)iiiurj, " " ,t:A,H Touki.JsN. York" " aM.lM) IUuuvr, " " 1fiU,uu iuiwrul, L"uduu, " s.uuu.urA .)uuttuif, Muuty, " 6,f)l,uj r4uUiu'PblUdU(iUk, " ,J-la U iu, Ms "ik, " ,!, js lUitioid, jU'iiwJ, ,u.ia fbuiuis, M " ,0j7,OIH Vaiutcit lus. Co., Yxk, WJW.IiW M. ttiUUIl sJiaUl t,teM4 I'wmiKiwi. Vuik, M IMJ.Iuu Ittftauli, NutroUli, M sui aj k. tUit4 Mml l.U; M 1,Um,Mi I it u Mmu Ueltfi' M Wt.iL tice VI llxlitlMMt. ( Establlehed In 184,0. ) PRICE fl SO IN ADVANCE. ) T A PIKRRG IIOIIKE. Broad and Chest- lU nnt sts., Philadelphia, J. B, BUTTER- WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, S.60. April 15, 1871. ly , . TTN,0!I1 HOTEL, TH0. FOtJLDS, Sr., U Proprietor, Bhamokla Street, Trevorton, Northnmberland county, Pa. The table Is sup plied with the best the market affords, flood stabling and attentive ostlers, Jan. SI, '71 HOOVER 1TO CHE, Third Street, at tho depot, BUNBURY, PA., Wi. Reebe, pro prietor. Warm meals served up nt all hours. Fish. Fowls and Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand and served In every style. The best of wines and liquors at the liar. E9Famllics will bo supplied with oysters done up In any Style, by leaving orders nt the Bar. Nov.5,'70-ly. NATIONAL LAGER BEER SALOON, OS THIKD STREET, ITHAR THE DEPOT, ' - "SUNBURY, PA... .; JOSEPH BACHER Informs the cittsens of Sun bnry and the public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, fcc., constantly serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, peorgetown North'd County, Pa., rit the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with tho best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY HOUSE. Col. CHAS. KLECKNER. Paoprletor, Nos. 813 and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, fa per day. Ho respectfully solicits your patronage. WASHINGTON HOI NE, C. NEFF, Proprietor. Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sonbury, Pa. May38,'70. HOTEL RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SUAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, nt short notice. The best of Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Putranuge solicited. Hl'JIJIEL'S RESTAURANT, LOUIS HU MMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just refitted the nbove Saloon 'for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to serve Ills friends with the best refreshments, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, aud all other malt quors. J. VALER'S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL Kot. 720, 733, 734 & 737 Fn PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEN HOTEL, (ON THE EUROPEAN TLAK) Centrally located, connecting with all the City I'aseengcr Kailwny (Jars, irom all the . Depots in the City. Excellent Accommodations Tor Tra veller. Grand Vocal and Itsftametrtal Concerts every evening in th Snmfnnr and Winter Garden. tJ3" Oretest rion Concert Evary Afternoon.&& rlNK LADIES' RESTAURANT TUB 11EST OP f REFRESHMENTS SERVE . Office of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewory. Jane 4, 1870.-ly. Boots and Shoes! ROSY DROFFNER, Third Street, above Market Street, 8unbnry, Pa., is prepared to manaiucture HOOTS AND SHOES of every description at tho shortest notice. All bis stock Is of the very best, which is made up in 'the latest city style at the most reasonable terms. Repairiug dono neatly and promptly. The DUblic are invitod to call aud examine his stock and workmanship before purchasing else where. RONY DROFFNER. April S3, 1871. LIQ.COR STOREI CITRIST1AN NEFF. Second Street, opposite tho Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully Invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on band, and will con stantly keep all kinds of Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniuc. Cherry, Ginger, Rochelleand Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Monnn gahela, Apple aud Ncctur. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR B1TTH.K!, And all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed ns represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always ou hand. 4T Orders promptly aiteuuco in, anu puyiie patronage respectfully solicited NF.FK Bunbury, July 8, 18C9. ly. Hardware store, J. II. Cooler, A Co. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA., HAS received a new assortment of all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, fcc., of all descriptions. Also Wugon Milker's Male rials, Hubs, Kims, Spokes. Also, all kind of Leather for Shoemaker's and Saddler's. Every, thlug lu the Hardware line eon be fouud which will be sold as low as oau be bought of any other eatabllshraeul in thecouulry. Call aud see their stock. Buubury, Dec. 11, 1800. FOB BALE. rilWO VALUABLE LOT8 on the comer of JL Beooud aud Chvstuut streets, in tho Bo rough or Buubury, on wuieb there are erected a la rue dwelling house, stable and outbuildings. Tut) hsuteslead, late of llugb Bellas, dvo'd. Also, a Lot on Market street, tu the Borough f Suuburv. on which there are a dwelling house. stable aud oulbulldlug. luulre at the ulllee of I, I'.WULVtKlu.i, Feb. 11, lan.-tf. AdmlnUlralo 'Wtb $10 per Day." ho eugage la our sw business uiake from 3 tu 10 r day la their own localities, full par ticulars aud luslrutlbu scut Ire f wall. Tho In ueod of rutaucut, piodlubls work, should eddrsw at oi-. Uk-OROE TINW)! A fwrtlaud, Ualu. ApiU IS, lMlw. A 1 Huutn kWMtd Btrso4,sbo CWtuutJ S. , , fUlLADKLrllU I R il.vUsf Just otMiad, with ft U't au4 wsll r ul tinWn aud Dutuwiui U I U Ml. I tuutk sWmJ ntiwt but, U IWmi Uf . JMt. , UTI.-sm. 1 s LAI si Al fAC A b( lha Ua .UalUy, UaH X aiws L'sw'. f.a. id wt Mam Wati' H UsutUul !' trilHM. W tju H r A Iw, Oil I lutltt, M al tlbs, VI ux sew, s -, aa ul ll r; t WP fJ . - ' 4 UuwM. SUNBURY, PA., J.IFE and FIRE AND Marine Insurance Agency . OF . Near the Court House, Sunbtjry, Pa. COMPANIES. REPRESENTED. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Office 819 Broadway. Assetts In proportion to Liabilities larger than any other Company. ' Examina the merits of this sterling Company. Its Seglstry System, and DrrMon of Profits. . 4 , L. M. YODEB, Special Agent, ' SUNutrRYf Pa. ANDES Insurance Company, . CINCIJNATTI, OHIO, , 118 West Fourth Street. FIRE AND MARINE. Cash Capital, (fl,000,090 00. J. B. BENNETT, Presldont. J. II. BEATTIE, Secretary. J. J. BERNE, Supt. of Agencies. Applications for Insurance promptly attended to. 1,. M. YODER, Agent, . Sunbury, Pa. Pottsville Fire Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. F. ALSTADT, President. yitEUICK HAESELEY, Secretary. L. M, YODER, Agent. Sunbury, Ta. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ERIE, PENN'A. Cash Capital, 820,000 00. HON. O. NOBLE, President. JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice President. M. RUSH WARNER, Secretary, IT. W. NOBLE, Treasurer. 8. S. SMITH, Special Agent. DIRECTORS. Hon. O. Noble, John W. Hammond, John Fertig, Hon. 8. Marvin, Wm. B. Sterrclt, Hon. J. P. Vincent, M. Hartlcr, dipt. J. S. Richards, .Tames H. Neil), F. II. Gibbf, If. W. Noble, Hiram Dagirctt, Richard O'Brien, Hon. G. B. IK'lamatcr, 11. S. Southard. Henry Rawle, G. T. Churchill, C. Englehart, C. M. Reed, Jr., Copt. D. P. Dobbins, L. M. YODER, Agcnl, Sunbuuy, Pa. WYOMING INSURANCE COM PANY, WILKES-BARRE, PENN'A. Atisels, Jan. 1m(, 1S71, 9210,608 42. CHAS. DORRAXCE, President. L. I). SHOEMAKER, Vice President. SMITH, Secretary. L. M. YODER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. R. C, 3TNA Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Asjsttls), 5,7M2,6S3 00. L. J. Hendee, President. J. Goodmow, Sec'y, Wm. B. Cturk, Ass't Bec'y. L. M. YODER, Agent, Sl'NUl'RY, PA. WILLIAMSPORT FIRE INSURANCU COMPANY, WILLl.VUSl'OUT, PENN'A. lucorporated 1W5-J. Cash CaplU , 1100,000. JOHN WHITE, Prcldiut. U. W. TlloMl ouN, skcr'y. Orlvluol I.liMaiMsj t'iuMy vt l'ruualaNt iia. Ever Puller Imui-4 bl Ibis Company usurrt skIu1 daumus by l.lfliluluij as wall as PUs. STAisiUkf o uiin, srait. tt, l7l. Cwh In Bank, t n Ut bauds of Agsuls, LlMUe UU r UaK Muilga, loiaus ua lik t'ullaUlalt, M It. Buuds, bills RM)ahla, risMial f iu(mity, 1.11 00 ttf.aoA kj sl.lwd 00 ,uui ou U.'Mii til MM 00 1110,0c I'.r.lul Wrtb. Eiilubts PulUUi, t-lr Ui, and f iuut4 f '', S' mi late(i. L. M. YODttlt, Agut, bVaiikkV, I'A. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1871. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL R. JOHNSTON, Phvstclan of this telebraled Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for all DISEASES OS IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotoncy, General Dnblli tv. Nervousness. Drspepsy, Languor. Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity,.' Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels -these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of 8yrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marringo, &c, Impos sible. X OUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary -Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps-o an untimely grave thousands of young mo of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thiwidcrs of eloquence or waked to cestacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. V MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Proercntive Power Impotency, Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as, a gentle man, aud confidently rely uxn his skill asal'bv siclan. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, Immediately Cored and full Vigor Restored... This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty paid by tho victims of Improper Indulgences. Young . persons are too apt to commit excesses from not teing aware of the dreadful conscqences that may cnBuo. Now, who that understands tho subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost Bonner by those falling Into improper babits thai by the prudent t Besides bciug deprived the p.easurcsof healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body and mind arist. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical afid Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Trocrcatlvo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsli, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, CougL, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. PersonB ruined in lealth by unlearned preten ders who keep them trifling month after month, taking poisonous aid Injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Roya. College of Burgeons, Lon don, Graduated from ono of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose ifu has been spent in the hospitals of London, Prls, yhiladelphla and elsewhere, has ctiected some of the most astonishing enres that were ever known many troubled with ring ing In lhe head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, bsing alarmed at sudden sounds, bushfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who havo Injured themselves by Improper Indulgence and solitary " habits, which ruin both body aud mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. These are somo of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Back and Jiend, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular I'owev, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, itc. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind nro much to be dreaded Loss oT Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodincs.' Aversion to Society, Bclf-Dlstrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, fcc, are some of the J evils proaucca. Thousands of persons of all aires can now jndgo whut Is tho cause of their declining hcultu, losing tneir vigor, becoming, wcnK, pale, nervous aud emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at .school, tho effects of which are nightly felt, "even when asleep, aud if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, aud destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. uul a pity mat a yonng man-, tue uopc oi uis country, the durliug of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects uud enjoyments of lite, by tho consequence ot deviutiug from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mi-kt, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body nro tho most necessary requisites to promote conmibiul happi ness, ludeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgiimngo the prospect hourly darkens to tho view s the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happiness of uuothcr becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided uud imprudent votary of pleasure tluds that be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, It too often happens that an ill-tiuied sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education aud respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ot this horrid disease make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoctural puius la the head aud limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shiu bones and arms, blotches on the head, race and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the nulute of the mouth or the bones of the nose full In, nnd the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid otijecl or commiseration, tut ueutn puis a vcrlod to lils dreadful sull'crluir. bv sendlnir him to ''that Undiscovered Couutry from wucucu uo traveller returns." It Is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Iguoraut or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol sou, Moreury, ifcc., destroy the constitution, and lncupablo of curlug, keep the unhappy sufferer raontu attar month taking their noxious or In jurious compounds, and Instead of bring restored lo a renewal or Lire vigor aim Happiness, in des pair leave him with ruiued Health to sigh over his gulling disappointment. To sucti, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him- sen lo preserve ino iHim luvioiauiv eocrccr, aim from bis exieuslve prurtice aud olucrvuilous lu the if real Hosniluls of Kuroim. aud tho drst In this country, via i England, Frauce, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is eimnlea lo oiler the most trr talu, seedy aud elleeluul remedy lu the world for all diseases or Itupruucui. Dlt. JOHNSTON, OFFICE, NO. T, s). rittUKKlCK BTRFET, BALTiMuua. M. D. Left baud side irolus: from Baltimore street, a lew duors from the eoruwr. FU not to observe uaine aud number. 141 Nu Istlrre received uulos polLl and eoutalulug n stamp to be naed ou the reply. Per sou films' should state age, aud seud a portion ul auvtiiueiuul acaerniiiw siaiMoiu. There are so uiauy lullry, Ifcwiguloir. nail Worthless liiipulra edvcrtuloa; tbcaisulvee as physklaus, lnrjlus; llli and ruiulug the Lsaltb of all vuo nMfortuuateiJf lall lulo lucir power, that Dr. JobuMutt damn U nMary lu say tiwUilly to tuua uuaiNiualutod with bis rtputa tun that at t'rwdeulUl IX Diplomas alwaye kaug Ul bis oiuve. kndohbkment or tux pukb. The suauy IbouseaiU rurod at tula tUWbllsn saowl, mi altur !', sad tj numerous tut . . 1 lk.i...i.u lllw.E.1 uinl im ttllA lnul lllf llf JobiwiiMi. wllusaaarf by tlui r imviUm of lbs we ami iaaa mlw J-'" nuiiwie ul wbUn bats tm$4 skou) aad m Ufuis lbs fatiU', Uwulu Lis 4i.i1iu4 as a mkWiimii u( ibaiaOr aud lufa.MuiiUi, to sUl.4 gaalafcU K KIM DUstAKU tflKUlLY ll'KKO. r.tmar i, tvli.lf. a mmm m BETSEY AND I ARE OUT. BT WILL K. CABI.BTOM. " " Draw up the papers, lawyer, and make 'em food and stout ) Things at home are cross-ways, and Betsey and I are out. We who have worked together so long as man and wife, 1 Must pull lo single harness, the rest of onr nat ural life. "What Is tbe matter t" fay you. I twan ! Its hard to tell I Most of the years behind W, we're passed by very well t 1 hare no other woman eh has no other man, Only we've lived together as long aa ever we can. So I hare talked with Betsey, and Botser has talked with me, ' .. , And we're agreed together tblrvhrn can't never agree. - . . Not that we've catc&ed each other In any terri ble crime We'vo b jon gatberiu' this 'for years, a little at a time. There was a stock of temper, we both had for a Btiirt Though we ne'er suspected 'twould take us two apart t I had my various fcollngs, bred lu both flesh and bone. Aud Betsey, like all . good woman, had a temper of her owu. The first thing I remember, whereon we disa greed, Was gomethln' concerning Hoavln a difference m our creea. We arg'ed the thing at breakfast we arg'cd the tlnuc at tea. And the more we arg'ed tbe question, the more we aiau i agree. And the next that I remember was when wa lost a cow i She had kicked the bucket for certain the ques tion was only Howl 1 held my own opiulon, and Betsey quite another had t And when we were done a talktn' we both of us was mad. , And the next that I remember, it started In a Joke i But for full a week It lasted, and we neither of us spoke. And the next was when I scolded, because she Drone a dowi i And she said I was mean aud stingy, and bad'nt any soul. And so that bowl kept pourln' dissentlons lu our cup : And so that blamed old cow, was always a com W no. And so that Heav'n we arg'ed afcout; no nearer to us cot t But it gave us a taste of somethin' a thousand . limes as hot. Aud so the thing kept workin', and always the self-same way i Always somethm' to arg'o' and somcthlu' Bharp to say. And dowu on us come the neighbors, couple of dozen stronir. Aud leut their kindest service for to help the tuing along. And thcro has been days together and many a weary weeit With both of us cross and spnnky, and both too proua to spcnK i And I've been lalnkln, nnd tblnkiu', the whole of theWiuterand Fall, If I can't live kind with a woman, why then 1 won t at. an. And so I have talked with Betsey and Betsey has talked with me, And we have agreed togefher, that wc can't nev er agree : And what Is hers shall be hcrSj and what is mine shall do mine. And I'll put it lu the agrcemcut, and take It to ncr to sign. Write on tbe paper, lawyer tho very first para graph Of all the furin and live-stock, thut she shall have ncr uaii ) . J For she has helped to earn It, through many a weary day. And Its nothiu more than Justice that Betsey has ner pay. Give her tbe house aud homestead a man can thrive and roam i But womeu are skecry critters, unless they have a nome. And I have always determined, and never fulled to say. That Betsey should never want a homo, If I was uiKeu away. There's a little hard cash, that's drawln' lol'ra- ulo pay ; Couple of hundred dollars that's laid up for a rainy day, Safe lu the hands of some good men, and easy to get at i Put in another clause right there, nnd give her halt ot that. Yes, I see that you Bmllo, sir, at my glvln' her so mucn. I know divorces are cheap, sir, bat I take no siock m sucn. True aud fuirl married her, when she was blithe and yountr. And Betsey was always good to ine excepting wuu ner tougue. Once, when I was young as you, and not so smart pernaps. For me she raittened a lawyer, aud several other chaps t And all of 'em was fluttered, and fairly taken down, And I for a time was counted, tho luckiest man lu town. ouco, when I had A fever I shall not forget It soon I was hot as a basted turkey, and as crazy as a loon Never an hour went by me, when she was out of slL'ht i She uursed mo true and tender, and stuck to me day aua nigui. And If ever a house was tidy, aud ever a kitchen clean, Her house and kitchen was tidy, as any I've ever seen. Aud 1 do not complalu of Betsey, or any of her acts, Exccptiu' when we've quarrelled, and told each other facts, Bo drew op tbe paper, lawyer, and I'll go home to night. Aud read the agreement to her, aud im If it's all right l Aud tbuu In the ntorulu' I'll sell, to tradlu' man I know. And kls the child that was left us, and out In the world I'll go. Aud oue thlug put la lbs paper, lh4 first to in iluiu'l uctur, That wtisn t aut dead at last, sua brlug w back to her, Aud lay uis under the maple I p)sul4 long years ago, . Whva sue aud I were happy, before we quarreUti And whan ska dka, I wish, that she would be laid by me, Aud !)'' l"'4ei la siUttos, tMhaps we would Aud if we bus lu llaca, I wouldn't Ibluk qua, If we Ud each other better, fur what w nave qaaiisltsd bar. ' iuiUtoliM ikyuUUi of tauiu.1 auaj, ut U twoet valuabU lUwtf ijUuu, Uwu kuu4 u Umi WiuUu4 W A Utah uu4 ou Uuj AWulevlu Islamic, wtUitu ft few; bmuhw4 ) Aids A AM wA4Ut! HIImX. JL 1 0 I New Rerlea, Vol. S, No. 14 I Old ftorieo. Vol. SI, No. 80. listsllaircotts. Protection sr Food Fishes. An Act for the protection of salmon, black bass and other food fishes newly introduced Into tbe rivers Delaware and Busnnehanna. aud their tributaries for the protection, also, of cioss agaiosi nniawim nsning ana to prevent the introduction of predatory fishes Into trout streams, ana ior ouwr purposes. Sectioh 1. Be U enacted, etc, That from and after the passaga or this act, it shall be unlawful for any : person or persons to catch or kill, by an; means or device what soever, any salmon, or salrao or salar, Grlstea aalmoid?, commonly ttiowa as bhvok basa of tho south, or southern bass, 1st the Dohvsfare or tbe Susquehanna river, where said etreanft are under the Jurisdic tion of this state, or in any of the Pennsyl vania tributaries, ntil tho first of August. Provided. nemrtheUu. That the incidental tstkintr or-walrnorj? or Gristea, salmoides, commonly called blaA bass of the goutbJ shall not be construed to bo a violation of this act if the same shall be immediately returned alive into said river and tributa ries. Section 2. That the fact of any perso. , or persons, having such salmon, salmo, sa- lar or urister salmontdes, commonly called black bass of the south, in their possession, in any or cither of the counties bordering: upon the Delaware or Susquehanna rivers or their tributaries, shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of their having been taken from the said rivers, or their tributa ries, in violation of the provisions of the first section of the act, Provided, that such fishes planted, and remained in private pond a shall be at the disposal of their own ers. ' . ! . v ., Sec. 3. That nothinff in tuis act. oY'anv of 'the sections of this act contained, shall be so construed as to prevent the commis sioner or commissioners of fisheries of state's riparian to the said streams from obtaining fishes aforesaid from the said streams for the purpose of stocking other waters within the said state. Sec. 4. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions contained in either of I ne nrst two sections ot tnis said act snail, upon conviction thereof before anv iustice of the peace, pay a fine of five dollars for each and every iisb. taken or had in posses sion without being able to prove that they were not taken lrow tno said rivers or streams : one half of the said fine to co to the prosecutor, and the other half to the school director's of the school district in which the offence shall have been commit ted, or presumed to have been committed by there being had in possession, for school purposes only, and in default of tho pay ment of the said fine, so undergo an impri sonment in tho jail of the county in which they shall have been convicted tor a space of ten days. Tho said lines to be sued for and recovered as debts of like araoot are by law recoverawo. Sec. 6. The species commonly known as Susquehanna salmon, pike, perch, jack sal mon, and by tho scientific name of Stigos tedium Aniericanuru, shall henceforth not be taken in any of tbw streams meant to be included in this act during their spawning time ; that is to say, between the first of February, and the first of June in any one year, and the mode of proof of such taking, and the penalty for the samo, shall bo the same as provided for tho case of the salmon and the black bass in this act. Sec. 6. And the said proofs and penal ties in tho preceding sections of this act shall apply equally to the taking of any newly introduced aud approved liab.es not previously . known as inhabiting tho said streams or any of their tributaries, includ ing tho Schuylkill river, for ft period of three years from the said introduction or planting. Provided. That citizens of this bJaic introducing or planting the said fish es alive in the said waters at their own ex pense, or planting such food llshes at the public expense, shall have given public no? nee oi trio lact, its day and date, wuu re ference to this act in one or more public journals of the county within the jurisdic tion or wnicn tne planting snail nave taken place, by advertisement or gratuitous no tice for the length of time ordinarily deem ed sufficient, aud in such notice the genus and species of the fish planted shall be in- tciiigiDiy dcscriocd so mat tnere can be no mistake as to its identity, its accepted sci entific name or names, its tbe technical as well as tue inslish lauuatre to be deemed and taken, however, as sufficient. And provided sucn planting bo approved in writing by the commission of iuland fishe ries of the state, or in case such commis sion shall not exist, thcu by any resident judge oi any ot tne said county. Sec. 7. No person shall placo in anv fresh water stream, lake or pond, without tue consent ot tue owner, or in. shore wa ters and estuaries with the rivers debouch ing Into them, any lime or other deleteri ous subslauce with the intent to in jure fish. or any drug or medicated bait with intent thereby to poison or catcu usb, nor place in a pond or lake stocked aud inhabited by trout or black bass any drug or other dele terious substances with iu lent to destroy such trout or bass, nor place in any fresh water pond or stream stocked witn Drook trout, any pike, pickerel, black bats br rock bass, or other piscaverous fish (sahnou ex cepted,) without the consent of the owner or owners of such lauds upon which such pond or stream is situated. Any person violating tue provisions or tins section snail be deemed cuiltv of a misdemeanor, and shall in addition thereto, aud in uddiliou to any damage ho may have done, bo lia ble to a penalty oi iw. Sec. 8. No person shall at any tiinej wiUi luU ut so to do, catch any speckled brook trout, or any speckled river trout, with anv device save ouly a hook aud line. aud no persou shall catch any such trout lu his or her posaeiuiion, save ouly duriug -i . .l... 1.M 11.... I...... ... I l I., VUU lUUUWia VI 4'iu, uuiiu nut uij aud the first tiueeu days of August, under a pcualiy of 3 for each trout so caught or p.; iu Uis puaaeaaiuu , out uiie sccwuu shall uot prevent auy persou or corporuliou trout CAlcrtlug trout tu water owueu oy them or upou their premises to stock om er waters lu any maimer or at any time. Hkc. 0. Auv neraou or pcraous or com' imiiy eutfatfed iu tha Increase of brook trout by artificial process, kuowu aa fish culture, may take from their owu ponds lu any way aud cause to be truusporusd and may null brook trout aud tint sjntwu of brook trout at auy time, aud coimuou tar rters uuiy trauapoi t Mieui aud doaleni way noli ttusitt oo couillti'Hi that the xu.kas tlivteol so irausporu! are aiCouipauied l'Y a MiUiluU of Justice) of Urn on trtl fylug lUt such trout are aunt by tho ow ncr ut owusis or aguul or paiUo o nugaKcd tu Usb culture, aud suaU -ioue t ouiupauy way take Ul auy way at any tiuui upou l!u prctuUwe of auy ru uudur twriuissiou of tin wwuer thervuf, brook truul tu Ut kepi awl w4 as Iwuvk trout Uh arUlkul p o MitaUiMt only aud (of no filter ourpuau. lu. VioUUout A my or tu yioyi- ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10Lfno,orabont 100 Words, make a Square) 8q' 8 8q 8 Bq! 4 .00 .00 8.5 8 Bq Jcol .00i 5.00 .00i 8.00 Mcol'l col 8.0015.00 11.0018.00 Ono week il Two weeks 1 .S0! S.OO 8.!W 4 Three 00' 8.501 4.50 5 .00! 0.00 .0010.00 .00 18.00 0018.00 ,0015.00 .ooao.oo' ooas.oo; ,00135.00 ,00 40.001 13.0020.00 ls.oo'sa.so 17.00:25.00 18.00,87.60 Four Five " Blx i Tro mo's Three " Six Nine One Tear .50! 4.60i 6.60, . 7. 5.00 6.50! 7, OOj .75j 7.50; 8. 25! 7.60; 8.5? 9. 50j 8.0-l: 0.50 10. 00: 9.001t.00'i3. 20.00:30.00 25.00 40.0C ;5.00.W.0O 45.00,75.00 00.00 1,00 0010.00J3.0015. oo,ia.eoi5.oo;ao. sions of this act contained, from and in cluding the sixth secliou to the end thereof, may be prosecuted by any citizen of the county in which said violation shall tako place, before any justice of the peace Or court of common pleas or quarter ses sions in and for said county, and funds paid as penalties t hall be equally divided between tho school directors of the proper district, for school purposes ouly, and the complainant or informant. , Skc. 11. Oil any of tho Streams ot parts of streams contemplated by this act, aud under the jurisdiction' of this common ;wcath, to which anadrotuous or migratory fishes shall now have access by the non-existence of dams or by openings lu dams, whether intended or not to facilitate audi access",- aad in whatever of the reaches or spaces below or between dams such plant ing of new species shall have taken plac, as is herein contemplated the sherifls of the counties hnving jurisdiction of streams, whenever they shall discover or be luform. cd of the existence of such contrivances for the catching of fish as are commonly known as fish baskets, eel wiers, kiddles, tirosJi fir. fascine nets, or any other perma nently set means of taking fish in the na ture of a seive, which -are known , to be wasteful and extravagant modes of fishing, t" said snerifls shall give ten days notico in two newspapers of thoir respective coun ties thfct the said contrivances are known to exist, nd aro declared common nui sances, orflering them to be disman tled by their owners and managers so as to render them no longer capable of taking dr injuring the fishes of the stream of whatev er kind, and if, at the expiration of said ten days, tue said dismantling snail not have taken place, then the suid sheriffs Shall, rrrqeced.. with.snch force, and good men of the county as may be necessary for the purpose, and destroy or dismantle the said fish basket, kiddles, eel wiers or such other devices contemplated by this section, so that they may bo no longer capable of taking or injuring fish, aud the accounting officers of tlie counties shall pmke good tho cost of the -said prqeedinga to the said she riff or sherifls in the settlement of their ac counts with tho said sherifls, and if upou beintr dulv informed bv a renutable 'citizen of the county that said nuisances arc in ex istence and require abatement, the said sheriffs shall not proceed as directed in thiB act, then he or they upou conviction in the county court of the said neglect of duty, shall be fined not loss, than 100 nor mora than $1,000 for every such neglect, the said fine to be collected as ordinary fines are collected, and the proceeds divided equally between the informer or complainant anil the school directors ot the proper district for school purposes only. This section itt not intended to supersedo any other law of this commonwealth, for the suppression of fish baskets, Sfcc, if tho same bo found effi cacious, to destroy or abolish them. Ssrc. 14. All acts or parts of acts incon sistent herewith are hereby repealed. " JASIKS II; WEBB, Speaker of the House ot Rep's. Wm. A. Wallace,, . , Speaker of the Senato. Approved the 24th day of May, 1871. J.NO. W. OEA11Y. XASIIY OX THE SITI'AIIOX. , Mr. Kasbyand Ills Friends Second the Movement of Yallundighani A Meeting lu which Mr. Jos. lliglcr Takes a l'a'rt Tho Uesnlt. From the Toledy Blade. Confediut X Roads (which i3 in tho State of Kentucky), May 24, 1871. A calm and comprenensivo survey uv mo pouuiue HaM snt.ififrl mi. mmfi mnnlhft ncft. thnfc without some shift in the position uv tho uiniocrisy our nope uv bucccss wua esceeu ingly thin. The resolooshens interdoost by Vallandygum into tho Convenshun of tho Democrisy uv Montgomery county, OhiOuWuz to be a new life. Troo. they hev the elite 'disadvantage uv abjobnn everything that is Democratic, and uv put tin the Democratic party on purely ltepub kin ground, but wat uv that r 1 kin stand even so siuidcn a change cz mat. at a want is the sooprenio happiness uV kickiu that nigger Lubbock Qtit.uv tho postofiis at the Coruers, aud uv . puttin myself in his place, aud Kernel Mc Feltor aud Elder rennibackcr, who hev biu languishin out aAn il.a ntttona uv A bsMinr hurt fYillpctnr are actooatid by the same high and holy s i .1 - u : ,,; t.n .,1 V... impulses. x.i tu uu ims idun mu pyin uv Rcpublikin ground, tho war cry uv us three is "okkepy." KeBtucky is shoor to go Democratic anyhow, and if we kin by so simple a process ez pasein rosoloor shens ludooso enuff dissatisfied Kcpublkins in tho close Northern States to vote witli us to elect a Democratic President who will give u these boons, we three are for pass ing these resolooshcus, no matter what they are. This beiu my understands uv Vallandygum's movement, 1 actid outo it to wunst. I got the lecdjn Dimocracy uv the Cor ners together oue nite at liascom's. That 1 mite get eu all at one time' I wailed till the rcgler eveuing for tho raid ou the rig gers and Northern settlers up towards Gar lettstown, know in that, on their return, they'd all stop at liascom's fora driuk, aud that ef they'd bin successful in their hungiu aud burniu they'd be in good humor, aud ready to adopt anything I shood suggest. It wuz a very short but a very satisluctry cousulUifcher). There wuJ somo objickshuns on the part of a few to what they called an abandonment uv Dimocratie ideas, bu); Buscotu settled their hash in very short metre, lie remarkt that It wuz necessary that tho olHces be in tho bauds uv his friends for obvlott reasons, lie wanted pay aud he knowed uv no other way to git IU lUs bcleeyed lu the fullest freedom uv thought and acksheu, aud that every ouo should expret himself untratuiuelcd, but he coodent abido a Idiot. If there wuz any oue In that assemblage so stoopid ez to dit ILr with him ou that questiou, kit him make himself kuowu. Nosichwau shood ever til a drop at his tar, never; such a ono wuz uot dcscrviuuv even the coiuiuoues, necessaries uv lit'". Several who had riz to their ut to object dropt as UiomjU they bod Uh!U shot, .... It wuz doU'riuinea to nom a puuuo pieci- iu the next iu t 1,40 l.Uu.rJ;Ul, Jak , public eudorseuiDut of Vallaudyc.uiu'a IlliH'JIe tz the prlusiiial obliet uv the iufctin wur. to couvuis Urn itepubukiusuv the douUiul butca that lb lVooim rasy uv the boutli rually accented the siluaatuu, aud luciit, lu ded earnest, lo rwooguixn l ho greal I" t"" ihiI uv tMtuah'.y, I arraoijod lu lie all tha uiutioi uv Uw Urur prenrut aud save. I M itillbsM J"? liijU;r aud I'oilock tuut uv toutae, hUU I iS'lk-1 "lee. by .uakiu a .horl siwcvli cz I lMk the fbuli. rrjuut lUl lU Uiua ua Hualljr nrrtvvd U bull .,J tU Uwb bad Uvod 4wu ljllir, au4 a tuiid wu tu. wJIm ' J. Jl wuu4 Kit I