Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 17, 1871, Image 2

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    H. B MASSER,
UN13URY,JTJXE 17,1871.
For Auditor General,
of beXver county.
For Snrvcyer General, .
Tub Btnto Central Committee of the Republican
rmrtv of Pennsylvania, will meet at tho Logan
House, Aitoono, ou Wednesday, June 21, at 13
M. A full attendance it requested, as business
of Importance will be transacted.
Editorial Excursion South. A
number of tho editorial fraternity from
1'ennsvlvania, mostly democratic, have
imrm nn nn excursion to Virginia and-
North Carolina. The Junior of tho Scran
ton Danoa utviho was among the number.
speaking of Yorktown, Va., containing
about five thousand inhabitants, the Bccno
of Cornwallis' suircnder, and operation
of McClollan during tho rebellion, says
that there are no schooh or churches in
tho place at present, and only one news
paper published in eighteen counties and
thut in a precarious condition. Tho Junior
mya the.V went, to oe for tbcnisclvcs, and
uirauw) to say they didn't see tho noton-
ens Ku Klux, and believe the stories about
them were mere inventions of tho radicals,
There is a true saying, that "none are so
' blind as thoso who won't see," and o
eotemporary will pud sonic trouble in re
conciling his statements with Souern
journals, who uot only nckuowleik'O tho
existence of these Kuklux, but jusfy their
outrages. But what can wo cecl from
a people who havo neithc churches,
schools or newspapers, whosronly worship
und devotion consists in voting the so-called
democratic ticket nrd wnllor'uig tho
Viien we were informed that our neigh
bor of the Gazette had been consulted in
regard to defending the King, wc expected
that tho Auditor's Report would bo fully
explained, and that tho taxes payers
would have tho f-gures presented to them
eo they could comprehend it. Eut thus far
the editor has neglected to do so, and no
tigurcs of tho amount of taxes in 1870 have
been given to base a calculation on, where
in tlio editor asserts that wo are wrong,
"Wo bhall decline a further reply uulcst
the editor can show that wo aro mistaken
in cur calculations. We consider the de
fense of the liingby the Gazette altogether
out of place, unless ho proves his assertion
by figures from tho report, as it is only
furnishing false arguments for tho opposi
tion parly when nouo of them have at
tempted a reply only through correspond
ents and articles copied from the Gazette.
If the editor of tho Gazette has any regard
for Republican principles, aud is unable to
1'umibh a hetter explanation than ho has
done of tho tho Auditors report, wo hopo
lie will ccuso making capital for the Riug
to bo used through the county as an elec
tioneering document, and allow the Demo
cratic papers to defend that corrupt organi
zation if they deem it necessary.
TnE fact of Jell' Davis preaching treason
iu the South, aud Vallaudigham urging au
acceptance of the situation iu tho North is
bignilicant. Can it bo possible that tho
giving out recently is true, that the Demo
cratic party would go before the people in
1872 without any platform whatever ? It
looks very much like it. Under diUercut
banners they will labor to catch votes,
preaching a variety of doctrines antagonis
tic to each other, but conformed to suit the
locality for which concocted. This would
indeed bo a novel method of conducting a
Presidential campaigu but, driven to des
peration, there is no telling what the oppo
feitiou may do to obtain power over tho laud.
That 801,000. It ilTvcry evident now
that the County Commissioners ore deter
mined to make tho best of it this year. Last
year they had over 03,000 to work on, aud
1 lie preseut year it will probably go a thou
sand or two higher. The amount reported
by the County Auditors fur 1S70, was un
collected taxes for ISCOand previous years,
taO.OJJ 00. The amount of tax levied for
1870 is SSj,019 43, making altogether 05,
t3 42. Of this amount they report 51,
Iml M expended and til, 131 21 iu the
bands of favorite collectors. After having
this larg amount on hand they tell us that
the couuty is indebted t27,37o 7d, ou which
interest in paid, while tho outstanding taxes
mow no interest. Tor 1871 wo learn that
u tax of 7 mills has botu levied, and as the
valuation on property is much higher than
pluvious years, it will run the tuxes up to
ubout 5U,(W0 00, which with tho 41,402
'21 outstanding will make tho isnug sum of
ovli 97,000. Will tho tax payers con
tinue to uphold the King and pay for the
vhiallo th s ; rati n.
TliKitE Is a reasonably fair procpevt that
n permanent French Republic may bo cblu
llibhcd on tho ruin of tho varied old (Joy
uiiinentul i-ybtcius of Fiance. A large
proportion of tlm shrewd politicians of tho
t f the uatiou aro ul heart ultuthed either
t ) tho Orleuulbts or the UouapartibU; but
lither set Would prefer U republic to the
sutblUhmciit of a monarchy Biitar;onitie
t lUHiH cial tauten; and It U pobsiUu that
thia iulUuI Jealousy may ciuuro tho per
manent t-xc!uii.ii of nil iii'-uurchiml pro
t. b.kra. M. Thiers in appanully dibpobed
1 array tU 11 oiiupaitibtk ami the Oilcan
iiU a0'.lu ,t neli other, for tho purpou of
n vtnUiiuiiUr Littiou from K4iiiiuj( uu
i'ldikpuublu Ukcendcuiy; mid h true ro-
uh!!. inuy lluully bo evolved out of tin ir
TlIK U...M-ruior Xrw Jlamp.l.lrebsvo
-cu,-.hI t!,t linn of tin ir tiiuuipli bi.l
Mar. h, m,.t Wit..ii, Hair tuu.lid.ita (,,r
Guy. iu i. Ml, ,r,il,.,J i t,.,, iv (i,jrjly
l ll.o p.ilU, bv, it thrttU ti ttiu H.k.
'' "' wliiih l.o ., mi uol:uiil ty llui
j ;i!ulmu. 'J,iU Mm iil m4u i llirul
i t puity iio in. i.itwrli.f Iu4ily
aoh ofar, mu4 u U U vu'su uuymt
The Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, good
Democratic authority , quotes tho comments
of lcadiug Republican journals on tho ninth
plank of tho platform, and says :
"We couli' fill a column with tins sort oi
ridicule if we had the room, but tho above
quotations will serve our purpose, incy
show how worse than useless it Is for the nnrtv to make anv verbal dec
laration on the subject of negro suffrage, In
so far as public credit of their sincerity Is
concerned, and how grossly tncy are losing
confidence and strength, even with.Dcmo-
crats by such supcrttuou anu menuacious
resolutions s luuv jjiiooeis isn aisiwo...
only a fortnight sinco. "We give Mr. Lewis
C. Cassidy and his comrades, In that mean,
lving, humiliating, dirty business, tho cits-
- : " i i - ..1 . . i : . . ... 1 1 , l.
credit oi Having passeu a resoiunuu nun...
will, in other States at least, prove a doublo
edged sword. It will cut two ways. It
will not only disgust and drive on many
immivriitA. hut Prevent thousands of hon-
-' s. ----- .! r
t n(i inrtnnenflent uonservaiives uom
,ting with a party that has forged a no 10
n an election."
Tho Coiuniblan, a Democratic pepor,
published at Bloomsburg, thus expresses
its opinion of the "new departure" resolu
Tho resolutions, excentinsr tho ninth,
embracothe usual platitudes, and do not
rr-nnire snccinl comment at this time. "We
aro not of thoso who havo respect for plat
forms sot up by conventions, unless me
principles tiny enunciate havo been pre
viously fully oiscusscd and decided by the
rnniiln in the lelnctiou of delegates. Other-
wise tncy are oniy tuo exiucsseu opuuuu oi
tho dapper gentlemen who vote for them.
Thcso words aro peculiarly applicable to
the ninth resolution adopted by the con
vention. It means, in plain terms, that
tho Democracy yield acquiescence in the
i'lttecnth Amendment, aud will not iu fu
ture oppose negro sudrage, or tho interfer
jnco iu State elections by tho Federal Gov
ernment 1 I This resolution, wc mcau to
say, iu no wiso binds or compromises the
Democratic party, aud is only the pretend
ed opinion of seventy six gentlemen who
happened to be able to find their way into
a Democratic Convention as delegates. But
the discussion of this platform may well bo
postponed to some future period, so far as
the Democracy aro concerned. It seems
to ailbrd a very largo fund of amusement
to tho Radical editors and orators, nnd may
effect some good in the way of keeping them
iu pleasant humor.
Two Couuty Commisssioncrs of Alleghe
ny county, McLcc aud Ilecly, who pleaded
guilty to tho chargo of receiving bribes for
granting licenses, were each sentenced on
Saturday last to a lino of if 2,000 aud impris
onincnt for one year. Tho pcoplo in the
western part of the State have evidently
grown tired of tame submission to official
rascality, aud two or their oflice-holdin
figure-heads have been very properly fined
and imprisoned.
It would bo well if tho citizens of other
counties would investigate wrougs com
plained off, and seek a similar remedy for
tho wrongs inflicted upon his citizens.
It is a singular fact that we seldom hear
of a well to do and intelligent Republican
( leaving tho ranks of tho party to join the
Uemocracy, unless for the purpose of get
ting into oClcc, or from some other Bellish
motive. On the other hand it is no un
common thing to see intelligent Democrats,
not influenced by selfish motives, leaving
the democratic party, as it is now constitu
ted, and under the lead of men who trim
their sails to catch every passing breeze,
who are willing to adopt any policy how
ever, absurd, or any measure however cor
rupt, that will aid them in getting into
power. "Wo havo yet to see tho first intcli
gent and an independent Democrat, that
does uot denounce the action of the late
Democratic Convention held iu this place.
Hon. Charles AVY I'itmax, Sheriff of
Schuylkill county, and at ono timo Con
gressman from that district, died on Thurs
day of last week. An obituary notice in
the daily Miners Jwrnal says of tho de
ceased :
Mr. Fitman was a gentleman of excelleut
moral worth, generous to a fault, and his
sudden demise will bo deeply mourned by
tho family, as well as a very largo circle of
friends which he leaves behind, uot only
in 1'otUville, but throughout tho county
aud State.
Gen. Sherman refuses to bo a candidate
for the Presidency. Having been favorably
spoken of by some of the Democrats, since
his post prandial speech at New Orleans,
ho sends this letter of unqualified declina
tion to tho N. V. Herald:
Fort Sill, Comanche Reservation, 1
May 25, 1871.
To Tin; Editor on the Herald:
1 havo bjeu skirting tho Texas frouticr
for tho past mouth, and hero for tho lirst
timo I meet lilcsof Ea6ern papers, by which
1 see quite an unnecessary muss has been
raised by a purported speech made bv me
nt a supper of the Union Lcaguo Club of
New Orleans the uight preceding my de
parture from that city. Whoever reported
that as a speech by me committed a breach
of propriety, for Governor W'urnioth presid
ed, aud before 1 consented to respond to a
call I was assured by tho president of the
society that uo reporters were present and
that whatever was said would bo sacivd
and conllned to the x!rdons present. Now
as to polities. 1 think ull my x rsonal
fiieuds knuw my deep-seated antipathy to
tlio tubject, yet us you seem not to under
stand me 1 hereby stale, and mean all that
I say, that I never have iieen and
hdunt; that ik nominated uy either
If you can liiul language stronger to con
vey this meaning you are at liberty to use
I am your obedii-nt servant.
T. fcl IK KMA .N Geiieral.
('oiri-.i!H:iiKit C.v i' it it eh. Wc ob-M-rve,
hy the I'iltsburg Itmtmrrial, that
Aaron Kooim.a notorious shover of counter
feit money, has bet a Uirtbted ill Ohio, and
brought Id 1'itUburg, where, it is thought,
hu had previously pu.d u largo quautily
of eoiuiU rli it money.
Kootw is aij iu be an old oireudor, ail, I
is ii member of ouo of the trm-it and
woi t nuz of cotiiitei fi iter Iu the couutry
lie Uu kull inlaw of John Meliyes, laving
mariU d H dauhu ror that tliaiinguuhed
Individual but t few month mice ; bl
iiu, 1 aU lujuit on tlmroof pu.
ini iouuierl'ii money. It was HirouijU
llio yi my o( this wonmn i but Kooii was
li4ek d t'itt nnd caotuitU. tu Ui huuday
the eaiij. I i h lileli Kooim b. looked , ro ul
In kid I'V lure o olther ou the Wub4.l1
river, und ino of lU ollU'trs Hero LiUnd sii
lltu despcradot all tcaa:i. Koou W14
Vtn ly injured in tlm alfiay. and was
Miod i-it ll.u lollowui.) 'iutsday in a httW
Inland Iumu, ht il appeart Imi Iia4 Uld
ui l-r repairs.- H'i((um"-f H 1
Iil!IlhIlR4lTlH a
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lunlmrv iE-w-'i 2S2' (551 200 107. 2or.
Sunbur, WiW 274 sl, .viS n8 8
Northumlicrlund, 'J 174' 2051 1U4; 212,
Milton j"' w- lr,S fi,) 150 r,' 15ii
Wntsontown, 100 12!1 ion! 1281 100
MeEwensvilie, 40 :t()l 83 1 Ssl 4il
Turbutville, 4'J 45j .l 02; 40
Tllibut, lilt 1.W 123 l.r0! 113
Delaware, 137 206 1 122 221 1 1311
Lewis, f7 171 1 40 lUSj ti3,
Clillliequaque, 111 143 130 llfi! 10G
Point, Ull 74 9? 70 1 801
Upper Augusta, 112! 134 10fl 140 107
Lowt-r Augusta, 4 7 348 ' 401 SiW 40
Hush, 7S ISa! 77! 1231 77!
ShamoUln, 173 22H 171; 2i!2l 103
Coal, 110 18l! 115; 185: 113
Mt. Cunnel twp., 50 228; 69' 217: S5,
Jackson, 84 74 72 80j 751
Canierou, E7 50 84 B3 E5;
Jordan, 50 74 40! 83! 40I
Upper Maliauov, 45 70 15 100 14
Washlnsrton, 17 120 15 121 15!
Lower MnUanoy, 255 35 224 01 24
Llttlo Malmuoy, 18 SO 20; SO 19'
Zerbe, 118 104 ' 123 US
Mt. Carmclbor., 1S1 20 1 82 ' 2s 175
Khamokin bor., 480 155J 409' 100j 400
Total, ;3002 32114 3325 3533' 3S00 !
,S291j j !8325 j!
.V.ijoriti't, ! 308; 208 ' I
123 i
Two characteristic lies no other term
is applicable concerning the President are
now circulating through tlio Democratic
press. First it is charged that ho has ap
pointed a son of Brigham Young to a ca
detship at West Point, and next that he
refused a similar appointment to a son of
the bravo aud gifted Meagher. Tho facts
are that the sou of Brigham was appointed
by Delegate Hooper, of Utah, and that'tho
President, having been requested to appoint
young Meagher, was on the eve of doing
so, when., Tammany becoming alarmed and
fearing that tho action might redound to
his favor with the Irish Aincricaus, secur
ed ior 1110 toy an appointment irom a
Democratic member of Congress of New
York city. These slanders, started in
tho first place by some irresponsible paia
graphist with no respect for his own or tlio
character, of others, have been copied by
nearly every Democratic paper in the coun
try. The President has" been accused of
sympathy with tho peculiar theories nnd
practices of Young and his followers, tho
Irish Incited against him, nnd tho Demo
cratic soul generally made happy. We
veuturo the assertion that uot one-teuth of
the journals that have published these twin
falsehoods will have the manliness to make
a retraction. l'rcs.i.
How Germany Disposes of the War
Indemnity. The German Federal Coun
cil proposes 10 ueni Willi tlio IrencU m-
demniiy iu the following maimer : 210,000,
000 thalers aro to bo appropriated to the
military pensions fund. The next 10,000,
000 are to found a war treasure out of which
to cover preliminary expenses in the event
of future wars. Tho next item provides a
fund for tho currant expenses of tho Im
perial Chancellery. Fourth tho owners of
captured vessels und cargoes will bo com
pensated according to rules specially laid
down by the Council. Cities aud villages
damaged by boiubardmeiit tire likewise to
receive compensation. Mrasbur will re
ceive 60,!)00,000 francs ; SchlettMadt. 2,
500,000 ; BreiMich, 1.3J0.O00, aud Titian
villo, 3,000,000 francs. Sixthly, there will
be the services rendered by tho Germans
uiul AUiito-I.uthai'iugiaus to tho German
tinny to reward, such us provisions deliver
ed, holies and wagons, impressed, tVc.
Tho uext item U tho repair and enlarge
ment of tho fortresses of AlxutO'Kothuriu
glu, which are to bo made almost impreg
nate. A sum of 7,000, 000 francs has Lx-eii
ulloited to the iHMihtauc3 of expelled Ger
man Nates, cac h Statu receiving iu the pro
portion of he iiumbi-r of meii uud horses
supplied lo the common army,
The lulermitrriago of two families in
Maine in remarkable. One, coluiktimx of
four anus uud 0110 daughter, ha inunied
ull ol a iieigbor'a childeru, lour daughter
uud u sou!
lIlllullAH Vul'KO veL-truM his 70ih
birthday ou llio 2d iut., by a royal resist,
iu tliu l.lou UouMi, at which Mem tiglily-
kuve-u liie-U, Women and tlulderu, ull
in ar reUiious or tonuot limi of Li. lamily.
Ilia pnvaUi kecrtiury lead au uddie,
hlth iIommI with tliu wuh: "May you
live (ill ihu rulera or every mttlou ou earth
hullacknotthiUxe luu wimIuui ol God iu
your, keek unto you fur
juuuael, aud rvaoniKi you, a ywu truly
ar. the liaud of God and iwau."
t ot'Mit v HicrthauU all over l La NU
alVfsr ;j ' 'i4 dl tlx hliHjaiUou pmeliovd
' ' '. lb;Ud Ipliia dfuwiueii.
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The AVaNhintou Treaty.
Tho Washington Treaty came np lor de
bate iu tho ihitish l'arliameut, Monday.
The tenor of the debate justifies the strong
est expectations that it' will bo approved.
Mr. Gladstone, iu the Commons, commend
ed the tone of tho United States pending
tho negotiations, and approved the results.
In the JiOnls, hiul Kusscll, by whoso nc"-
l .... l :n ...:n .. .." . :
XZZX "! ??, !
an auuress ue presented to the tueen, hos
. . . . I :
nj ? g
? n
! .im;,iu-j
iiu i.j me lai.i.eai.ou oiine treaty, uilj tZ, im,k came im nnd thev wcro ' late' of Jordan township, Northumberland coun
this motion tho merits of the diplomacy All persons indebted to said
seem to have been carefully aualyzod. Too ! t:,kt;I1 oll tfl 0 0r tlirCC at a l"UC' IU 11 mM estate are requested to make immediate payment,
reasons specified why ratification should!8'1!,'.1,1"'1"'.. i.i 1 n. ....i, i. ai"1 ,1,os0 '"aving claims to present them duly
a- .1 7:i ... t : . ty .... . .
the rat:iical:on of the treaty
uot be allowed were that tin terms of the !
favors this country ; that Britain observed
all of the neutral obligations during our
civil war, and that tlio treaty sacrifices her
prestige for the mere preservation of peace
These objections were answered by Kords
Derby, Granville, Cairns uud Farl do Grey,
wiin so mucii lorcc, ana tney were so wuony j
without support, that Iord Russell was 1
obliged to withdraw his motion. Ho ex- j
hibitod all of the animosity to this country
in his power during the war ; now h j s ioms i
forced to eat an appropriate slico of luiin-b!u-pie.
Although the debate is not closed,
the character of its conclusions is clearly
attested in thcso reports, and Knglioh rati
fication must almost certaiuly be given at
nn caily moment.
To this State nnd to the city of Pitts
w t J ..'lint, ttlltl iu luu v.l v U x iLta-
burs belouas the honor of a most wonderful
and important invention of tho air-brake.
It is bolti automatic aud self-adjusting, ap
plied to engine, tender, nnd car, but is di
rected by machinery at the engine. This
machinery consists of nn air pump and re
ceiver, which are worked by the movement
of a hand-lever at the firebox. Pipes con
nect tho brakes of the entire train, and
though these, by the movement of the lever
alluded to, the air is made to net upon each'
wheel iustaiilly. Tho superiority of the
brake lies iu the rapidity and cUieicncy of
its execution. At the ordinary ralo of cx
piess trains, au entire stop is cil'ecled in
about one-third of the timo demanded in
tho old system.
The expense of this new feature, consi
dering tho valuo of the improvement, is
certainly inconsiderable, being for the ten
der 25, for each car $100, and for tho en
gine t'300. As timo is tlio great item to be
gained iu railway travel, so it is preemi
nently the thing to be saved in 00 per cent,
of all railway accidents. Hence any fea
ture effecting a saving even of a lew seconds,
at such crises, will surely revolutionize tho
method of train stoppages. Tho inventions,
demanded indeed by the nineteenth century
in steam travel of all kinds, should havo a
single eye, not to rapidity, not to cheap
ness, but to security. l'i ess.
Unpatented Lands. Among the gen
eral laws passed by the last legislature
aud approved by tho Governor, is the fol
lowing, which is of importance to all own
ers of unpatented lands.
Wc understand that efforts were made
to modify its provisions, but without suc
cess, from which it is evident thut it is tho
policy of tho Slato to havo this long unset
tled business closed up us speedily as pos
sible, aud Ihis is commendable sinco uot
only the interest of the Stale, but the securi
ty of purchasers of real estate, whoso titles
may bo atl'ecled thereby, require it :
Le it inwttd, ite., That tho board of
property shall havo full nnd discretionary
power as to tho time of eutering suits, anil
the uutnber thereof, to bo brought for the
collection of lines agaiust unpatented lauds,
and tho Attorney General shall proceed
under the seventh section of tho said act,
to which this is a further supplement, when
authorized to do so by tliu Mid board :
I'mvidi d, That no interest shall be charged
on pateut or other fees.
Tim Peiiusylvauiit Iron company and
National iron works, of Danville, two roll
ing mills employin r a large Duniln r of
Lauds, Lave suspended. I'hn (i.rmer fens
i d uperalioiiB U eailso of ihu hif. ii i ieo ol
Iron, uud the latter because of liiu (pjitliug
of ihu puddlers, who ileclar.t that too many
liurdohips uro iuiponed 011 llieiti by tho use
of bituminous coal. In a card liny say
tho furnaces are nt I i rly coiistrueti d
for working bitumiuou toul uud leijuiro
moro ulteiitioii.
Tim Public debt statement for May,
show ude.ilvam)ol 1,1 IS.W Vercuu
of debt kiuuo March 1, Wl, t.'l.oi 1, 0 ,J 11
JVeleitwj of debt kiuco ilureh 1. IbOU.
.til,7il,41J OU.
TlIK ('omiulttee ppohitut) by ('.ugliss
il illVekli'alo ihu outiugea eoluiuilled Iu
the South by the KuUuvKUu, uiu teieiv
lu Uklimoiiy. Gov, Scott, of Soul h ('aro
Ilia, Dm Ul ug tho toimoilteu ou 'l'ut
duy last. Jlu aJiiiilUd ihu cxLl. iieo of
iult au or-auiaiioii iu KjuiU t arohim.
Th n rvlces of tlm u hull, lied and aiktet II
a istanl u -or uf tliu revenue
em Ui-nl nh kiueu January 1, la.l
aud a luillur i4ueliuu ol 01m hundred
anJf.lly U ciIiuwUhI during lU punut
Barntng oftbe Coolie Ship Don Jama
Five Hundred Coolies KORsled
Ran FnANCisco. Juno 13. Tho details
of tho total destruction by flro of the Peru
vian ship Uon Juan at sea nave nccn re
ceived. It is supposed that she was set on
firo by the coolies, who had been entrapped
on board at Macao, China. Tho crew
abandoned tho vessel, leaving fivo hundred
and fifty coolies fastened under tlio natcn
rs. Fivo hundred coolies wcro roasted
aivo the others escaped when tho hatches
burned oil. ino vessel was American
built, and was sold in San Francisco to tho
Companta iariiima uo rcru, ana rccnris-
tencd Do Ores Ugarte. bhe wai tittcd out
for tho coolie trade, and returned several
times for supplies whilo engaged in that
New Youk, Juno 13. ASan Francisco
special gives tho particulars of the burning
of the ship Don Juan, which left Macao
on May 4, with a cargo of coolies for Peru.
Tho Don Juan loaded at Macao, taking six
hundred and fifty coolies on board for
Peru, and on tho 0th was burned to tho
water's edge, not more than fifty miles
from Hong Kong. Tho coolies, who have
nrrived In Hone Kone. all aver that their
treatment was humane, and they had uoth-
ing whatever to complain ol cither as to
the allowance of food on the quality, or
quantity, and tho whole allair was simply
accidental. The other view in the question,
uamclv. that tho Vessel was set on tiro by
lesinins men amomr tho Chtncso, is not
impossible. Ouo of the men distinctly
nvers that ho heard an explosion of cun
powder aft, aud also smelt a strong smell
P !k m n!.. ttnwr ln,F A 1,1 , 1 f I ( l,noi
anv ronort: that thev were nearly over
powered by tho sickening smell of the ship's
material burning aft. It is to be regretted j
that tho European who had tho humanity
to open the hatches did not succeed iu sav
ing his own life, as ho was overtaken by
the coolies, who inado a rush at tho boat
waiting for hini, and a general scramble
occurred to get to it, the Europeans using
arras to prevent the coolies getting into it.
Iu this scramble several Chinese were
drowned. Tho boat, however,, ultimately
Hiienoedcd in cottincr clear of the shin, but
had not gone far when it upset in sight of
but not within reach of the coolies. The
coolies then seem to have had. a little lei
sure to look around, when they observed
tho other threo boats at a distance. Dur
ing this time all tho materials of the ship
were rapidlv burning, nnd a largo num
ber perished in the hold, some of whom,
no doubt, were' suffocated, but tho cries
from others were piteous. Many, however,
jumped iu the water and escaped by drown
ing tho moro horrible death by fire.
While the luckless men were on deck aud
on tho bowspit in this position ono of tho
masts fortunately civo way, and tho men
ill Once
nt once made a rush and scramble to reach
it? they clung on with desperation, calling
nu lniul
nu lnnrl n tliov COlllll to SaVC their liVCS. I
i 1 'V 1 IU UUL UlUU lUll IU llli: niuul
I Tim nincf wia liold nn i hf wrock hV Wlffl
. "lila "il3 '.l " ", ... "l.-k. ,,
wcro no less than fifty Europeans on tho
esscl. so it remains to be seen wnat be.
came of them. Some, no doubt, were lost j
in tho boat that was swamped. From ;
Macoa, it is reported that thirty-live of tho
crew have arrived there, and are unauim-1
otis in stating that tho Coolies mutinied I
and set fire to tho ship aft, in hopes of f rc- ;
ing nil to abandon her, and so take the ,
vessel. It seems they thought tho lire
could be extinguished afterward.
I'niuiuc iu Persia.
London. June 12. Late advices from
Teherah say fauiino in one district of Per
sia reached such a state that the starving
people had killed aud eaten fifty childeru. :
The Murderer of tub Democratic j
' 4 , . , ., , ,1....
I Party. As we prophesied tho other day,
the Democracy are now clamoring for tho
execution of Jeff Davis. They blame the ,
Republicans for uot hanging him live years '
ago, when they were doing all they could :
to prevent it. They even attack Mr. ;
Greeley for giving bail for Davis, although, j
at the time, they ''declared it to bo tho most I
meritorious act ofhislit'e, Tho Citizen, which j
is bv no means a bloodthirsty paper, now
dies out "for a sour apple tree, for a Stout
con! aud a slippery noose." It declares
Jeff, to lie a "murderer more foul than
Cole, more cruel thau Miss Harris, meaner
than McFarlaud, more cowardly than
Foster, more deceitful than Mrs. Fair; he
. , . .1 , ....
is murdering the Democratic party." Aye,
there's tho rub. It was qilltO excusable if
not praiseworthy, 111 Jell, to attempt the
destruction of his country, to assassinate
liberty and starve Union prisoners', but to
try and murder the Democratic party is a
crime for which there can bono palliation
ot forgiveness, in this world or tho next.
As a Western District Attorney said, iu
mining up aga'mt a crim'.ual charged with
hen stealing, "it is the greatest pice of
moral turpentine that was ever know since
tho Falls of Niagara." A'tio York Times.
If Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is half
as valuable as pcoplo say it is, no family
should bo without it. Certainly no person,
be he lawyer, doctor, minister, or of uny
other prolessiou, should start on a journey
without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woods
man shouid bo without it. In fact it is
needed wherever there is tin ache, sprain,
cut, bruise, cough or cold.
Farmers nnd , 'Horse Men" nro cotitin
ifilly iuquiring what we know of the utility
ol Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders,
and iu really, wo would say, through tho
columns of tho American that wo have
hoard from hi mired a who havo used them
with gratifying results: that is also our ex
perience. The grasshopper having becomo some
thing loo much of a burden in Utah, tho
ingenious Mormaus havo contrived a
machine to make it hoi for him. It is
drawn by two horses, cuts a swath through
tlio hopcrs a iod wide, aud makes hush of
all that lie iu its way.
The new discoveries of gold and silver
iu Arizona aie creating treat excitement.
Hon. Frederick Douglass has resigned
his scut iu the upper branch of tin Jnuw Ter
ritorial legislature at Washington.
Galveston, Texas, was, ou Tuesday, vis
ited by uuoiher terrihlu ktoriu which did
great damage to the city and shippiug iu
its harbor.
Not Pavsed. Tho Harrinburg 7iV
iii,t bays : The bill forbidding llio sale of
liquor on election days was not pasted by
the Senate and signed by the Governor, a.
reported, nml is not a law. ll npear
that the bill wits never out of llio hand of
li.o Snaio foiiiuiiiit'u, In whom it wa re
lel ied, aud heuco HU Hot luully lie lei!
A Maine Dcmocrutio pujur says Unit
tbo hl ol euudidalc. lor ll. pari) ' uomi
nation for Governor ho bee 11 "uarrouil
do mi" la eighteen, MhuaO UUIlle il (JIVis.
Till'. Usl Imilalioii ol renl Lair uw iu
Ihu iiuu ki t I. llial mitdu lioiu linen llueud.
A New Jelsi-y mau i Ihu kaleiilou and
only tuivr in Ihu cnuuity, uud hu
luuke black llltell IU hi . U lWeell Lit ll
Mild ihu eeliUillu ll U alltiu.1 iliiKMklblu to
tie I ee t a diih renew. '1 Im prion I to levem.
i llileu d'4Ul u puuild.
TUKt'oohu 1 1 Oilo UtweeU M.teao aud
Houth A intra au hh lililellylu Im
bauds oiha porluguikn.
New Grocery,
Confectionery and Kakcry.
STEELE A ERO. would rcupectfnlly Inform
tho pnbllc, that hmvlnir purchncd tlio Con
fectionery Store of Win. llaoK, on Third Street,
Bunbury, adjoining Henry FnRely's Butcher
Hhop, they lutve laid In an elegant aud fresh 08
Bortmcut of all kinds of
Thev havo also added a Grocery Department
to tho store. In addition to th regular line of
Groceries, we havo on hand J rcsh vegetables
and Canued ana urica i runs.
We have erected n Bakery In Pnrdytown and
will keep on hand at tho store, every day, Fresh
Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Buna, e. For the con
venience of customers we will commence to run
a wagon on Monday, Juue 12th, 1871, which will
visit ull who wish tt bo thus served early every
In connection with our store wc havo fitted up
nn Ice Cream Room for tho convenience of ladles
nnd gcutloruen. Wo nro prepared to furnish
parties and lamllies with Ico Cream by tho quart
or can on short notice, nt tho most reasonable
terms. A fair share of public patronage regret
fully solicited.
Sunbury, Juno 17, I871.-2w.
Clock & Watch Repairer.
In Dcwart's Block, three doors wctt of the Cen
tral Hotel, Market Square,
Respectfully Informs the citizens of Snnbury and
vicinity, thut ho is prepared to repair Clocks and
Watches in all branches, albo Gold and Silver
Ware of all description.
Having hud forty years experience In tho busi
ness in this country, ho flatters himself that ho
can give general satisiaciiou.
All work guaranteed Cublonijrcspeetfully so
llcited. June 17, lS71.-tf.
HAS lift opened a Urst class Bakery on Front
street near the Railroad depot at Northumber
land, nnd is prepared to furnish the citizens of
Northumberland and Bunbury with ull kinds of
Bread and Cnkcs, such as
and a full line of FANCY CAKES, Tea Buns,
Rolls nnd Twists.
Bread and Cakes delivered to customers every
Cakes tor Balls, Parties, Weddings, Fairs, Ac.,
furnished nt short notice.
Being a practical baker, and having worked
nt the busluces in Snnbury for several years past,
ho hopes to give satisfaction to his customers as
Orders nro respectfully solicited.
Northumberland, June 10, 1871. If
Instate oT JcorKC E'.i:iei-Uls, Men,,
Late of Jordan Township, dcceancd.
"VTOTICK is herebv irivon that letters teft.i-
innnl irv lv lin'ii i-ralit, ,1 tn thi-linH. r.
ounvii, vh itio w..nvu ..tuiiiv; i.tu, mil, n n.,
nu"c..ticated i..r sett lemen t.
Jordan townsliip, Junu is; I. i;t
rer chant Tailoring.
la the Tot Olllee Utiildinu, opposite llio Depot,
(up stairs,)
Informs his friends und tho public generally,
that he has just opened a large and arie.l as
sortment of
i'lotliN, C'Hssiuicrcs, Vesting. Ac,
which will bo made up to order in the late-t
styles, and warranted to lit.
Gentlemen in want of fashionable suits arc !u
vited to cult and examine his stock.
scicntilically und practically cut and ma le to
We furnish tho abovo styles of unproved joke
and Pack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve,
anil guarantee a perfect lilting shirt. It is the
best model ol a shirt ever ottered to the trade.
1 me ana fatiev thirts made to order.
June ISTl.-Cni.
ALL wl
of Sli
ho desire to '0 lhroii!;Ii nn easy process
ofChas. burrows, adjoining tlio Clement House.
lavlni; should call at I he liarber Saloon
is accompUrdicd in the bet maimer of the nit.
Having procured two city jours, and furnished
his room in tho latest improved style and the
1 103 1011111 111 1111; liiun, iiii'iu,e,i riie i
mot m(nvtix,W of any in the phuv, he
; t,vntlemen to eiv him a trial to become
1 cod. Hair Oiis, Tonics
li.iy iiuai, kc, always
011 haud uud for tale.
til AS. UUUUOW3.
Sunbury, June 15, 1ST1.
Will be sold at the Anirusta House, in the l!o- '
roii'ih of Suubury, Norlh'd county, IVnn'ii, on !
Tncstlay nud VrIiiOM3ay, Juno
20ih uud 2lMt, 1S7I, j
llio following property, to w it ;
Pofas, l'J Cancseatcd Chairs, Roekini; Chair, !
.Marble Top Table, Card Tables, Mirror, Vartor ,
Stoves, 0"i yards three ply Injjralti Carpet, (new.)
Reds nnd H ddinir. Bed Room Chairs. Wash
Stands, Howls aud Pitchers, 'fables. Minors, 1
btoveo, U0 yards ol Donietie Carpet, e.
Tables, Stove, Cook Stoves and Fixture-, Cup- 1
boards, bidrlnutrd, Stools, Lamps, Clock, und u .
geueral Variety of cooking lite nll. '
Bar Glasses, Bottles, Decanters, 1liii!JoIius, Bar- :
rele. Water Cooler, Bar Minor, Lamps, Stove, '
Stools, Table, itv.
Dc-k, Tables, Settee, Mirror, Cloek, Stove, Evans :
,; Wutaoii's Salamander Safe, (nearly lien.) uud
many oilier unifies.
Ono Pair of Counter Sfules, One Pair of;KI lb. '
rial form b -Kit's, aud many olUr unifies loo 1
uaiuerous 1.1 10, ul ion.
Also, til tin same tiliiii and iff, One t ow, Two
Bi eediui; Sows and Tiro pi e. il. i. of I he p'lr,'
tlit-ler Whiles, Two Voaux Sorts, Chifk.-in,
Geese, Ve. 1
Sal,, ii eoumenee nt U o'elm k, a. m., of sal 1
days, aheuihc coudilions will lie made kium 11
ly l.l.o. W. 1IINMX.
bunbury, i'u., May 'JTlh, 1 - 7 1 . ;
ITMGllTYuercs of Improved land In llio b.l
U Mflionof biiiilhfiu Mi, I, I,'. in, within 11 0 '
miles or I In-low u or "I linn Kiv.-is," iu M. Jo- j
u ph eounl t, 11 hilt loli,lli ol Ihu
M.ilioll, li'Hil ball liu.', oul lioilBt-a, larijO or- '
t hai, I, iiil.rleli aiidv I0.1111, bo.,1 liou-es uud I
i-hui, In alltlii sliil III!" ilile, leu I
ui l ale In I1f.1l, II1.1 rt'luaiudi r ill t int t-r bod, I
A 'pan ul U'r.cs, lallle, ho, ki.Oll and laitului;
lil., Alt., will l.u sold s 11 It tins pi,Kily.
I'llee f 10 pir ufff, ta.OOO III rush, th. bal.lliec iu
liuio pa) ul Vsl. App y In
S4. A. MAssLIt, lb ku Rlters, ill.U.
II. h. M BBr li, SuiiLui), 's.
Uuubury.Mnli Ii, li.
i.ihr nuim :.
VI fc Hods A'C.uui. ud Noli ..f J. W. Kit-
IlllM A SMI, HU I ll I . rilllllli, lldtll belli
let I In
d iu Uu Uju Is of A. N. IliUu, I .u., lor f"l
mu. Al kuowni:.' Uu Ulxllr. lii..bujiil
tll l kU Iu W.tilt llll, .u4 luak. !
liuiv-t!, w toiuu tiultiufy MHisikttiii. lor
pulutbl, kvl July Itl. u siiU III Im I i nt Ll
MUalltusi. i. W. Hill I vi SOX,
II 1. Mll-iS...
lauliuijr. Aju to, n .wi
has just received aud opened
which he ha
aud offers to tho Public nt the very
Having established a reputation for low
prices and
3? J. X JEl D a -A. Xj 1 37 O
to nil, will endeavor to maintain that position.
Thankful for the lrue;c nmouut of pat n mn ire
hcrftolore bestowed upon mc, I will endeaver I y
furnishing the best Iioods tit the lowest prices to
merit 11 conliuuaucv of the fame.
April 13, lSTl.
SpU'iiditl AsMcrt.ueut
AT Tin:
Third St., One Door Hklow Market
St., SfNinitY, Ta.,
J. .11. ZIi:;, Proprietor.
Every variety of
of tlm Illicit grades, embracing every quaiity
nnd styles that the New Yoik aud riiiindc'.phia,
Markets iiHord, which will be made up to oid.T
by the bes-t of workmen, warranted to lit an I
render entire satisiuetion.
embraeii:; evcrythiinr of Gentlemen's wear, all
new and of Hie l.ite.-l styles. A lare ili, k has
j i !l been opened, 10 w hich the eiliens are in
v ited to call and examine.
J. M. ZIKGLI li,
Third Street, one door below Market Siptare.
Sunbury, April li!, 171,
M l( lili: MIOl AMI IKON
tax), noiiiuucu & sons,
Nun bury, 1'onu'u,
INFORM tlio public that they nre prepared in
do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added
a lifts Machine Shop in eoniifetlou Willi Iheir
foundry, and have supplii d thfln-i h, s with , n
Lathes, I'hliiln'; and H 'riiiLT M.iehi;i,, tiith Ihf
l.ile-t impioie uiciils. With the aid of skillful
in, ehaiiie-, lin y are euabit d to execute ull ordus
that may be niveii them, In u tuti.-d'aclory man
lier. Grulea la uuit mny Nloyc.
IRON' I'OLt'MNS, lor churches or other build-
lllLIn, lit' all si.-ft.
Oriiaincntnl Ircn Fenciuc
I oil .U4E YARD I.oii
Hlt YAlllMi AT IthMUrM C, AC.
'l lio I'l.OWS ulre.dy eelt I11.1I1 d for Uutr s,i
H'rioiilv, h,it li.tu still liiiiu.t iiupiotid, uu I
alii Ua)i be kfpl uu band.
bunhui), May ','0, nil.
uuur am mioi: m txtrit nu.
Vlaiktl a.iusiv, Uu. u iIihii. tstsl o ll, rklliLM'l,
tu uoiiU side, l Mil UV, PA. r
Will sit-u l In Ihu UMiiufuflitlo of H.KilS Slid
kluif. Iii .11 IU biautb., .Nil ull aula sriuul4
Iu It. tltsl4i lot) .
Ui t4iilu liouv mI iliofl tttUlew,
kaubui, May 11, llil.
VI IKl.H su i l of H.ll fanan b u ll
Jwt iMotss4 aaj Im his I'--'. .1 iu
U, kto.v t. ii. . IUI1 4Mi.