Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 10, 1871, Image 4
jiscelhntons. (eMail. ftUsttUancotts. v usaUitnttftts. Ramrfitdttrtrs. Black Cake, One pound of butter, ono pound of flour, ono pound of augar, four pounds of raisins, ono pound ofcitron, ono pound of figs, cightegga, ono cup of molas ses, ono wine glass of wino, ono wine glass of brandy, throo nutmegs, one tablcspoon ful of cloves, two tablcspooufuls of cinna mon, nnd two of mace. If this should not bo black enough, please add an amendment in the form of mi ounce of pulverized char coal, which can bo procured of any drug gist, aud which will add greatly to tho hue of the cake, and is very healthy in its efl'ect on tho system. Tickled Tomatoes. To one peck of green tomatoes, add eight onions and six green peppers ; cut them in slices, and snriiiklo thorouchlv with salt : let them re- maiu over uigbt. In the morning drain off tho juico, cover witu vinegar, dou nvo minutes, again drain of tho liquid to pre vent fermentation, add one cup of sugar with mustard Bocd and spices, place in a stone jar, and cover with st rong vinegar. To keep Egos. Eggs wilt only keep a few days in salt ; and tho Bait in which they are kept should not be Used afterwards for the same purpose. To preserve them for two or three months grease them all over with melted mutton suet, and then 'wodgo them close together, small end down ward, in a box of bran, layer above layer. Tho box must boclosely covered. Char coal is better than brau. Keep them in tho coolest part oi'tho hoitsc. Oraham Floitr Mefflns. Ono niut of sour milk, and a small teaspoonful of soda ; one tablespoonlul 01 sugar ; braham Hour enough to make a thick batter. Bako in rings, or drop the ba,tlcr in spoonfuls on a square tin. A little rait should be added to tho batter before baking. Crumpets. Tal:e three lea-cupsful of raised dough and work into halt a tea-cupful of melted butter, three eggs, aud milk to make a thick batter. liake in a not, buttered pan, in half an hour. Good Rice Pudding without Egos. Ono cup of rice to nine cups of sweet milk ; set upon tho stove three bouts without noil iug, until tho rice swells so as to partially thicken tho milk, stir occasionally, then add one cup of raisins, sweeten to your tasto, bake ono hour and a bait. Ribbons Renewed. Wash in cool suds made of soap, and Iron when damp. Cover the ribbon with a clean cloth, and pass tho the iron over that. If you wish to stilleu the ribbon, dip it, while drying, into gum araDic water. To Whiten Straw Hats. Scrape stick sulphur with a knife, mix tho powder to a mush with water, plaster it thickly over tho straw, nnd place in the hot sun several hours ; brush off when dry. An easy and effectual plan. To Keep Kstives from Rusting. An excellent way to keep knives from rusting is to scour incm on a board, crosswise, with some dry brick, after having wiped tbcm periectly dry ; ana put tncui away without wiping oil the brick dust. llow to dry fruit. Tho general promise of a largo fruit crop this year, and the probability that the industry ot the lann lies of our country readers will bo turned to most profitable account in drying fruits lor market, a brauch ot commerce which supplies many families with comforts and necessities, at a comparatively small outlay of labor, makes the following directions for preparing fruits particularly worth of note: Apples. Pick before fully ripe, pare all over, slice from each sido to tho core the thinner the slices the quicker they will dry, and the higher price they will bring. All pared nnd sliced fruits should be dried iu tho shado aud out of the wiud, to preserve a light color, ou which yery much dspend uic pneo. Peaches should be picked before too ripe, sliced towards the centre, so thin that when dry the slices will notbethickorthan the blade of a tablo knife. Bo very par ticular and dry them a light color. Dark peaches are always dull salo at half prico or less than bright ones. Peaches, ii not peeled, should be cut in halves. Cherries. Tako out every seed nnd dry without; any admixture of sugar or syrup, and dry thoroughly. Tho damper they arc the less prico they sell for. Cher ries not seeded nro a little valuo uud dull of salo. Blackberries, Whortleberries and Rasp berries should not, iu p'ickiug and drying, lose any of their juice: tho pulp is ol no value. Damsons nnd. other blums should bo dried without seed. Pears and quinces should be sliced tho samo as Peaches, aud bo free from sores nud seeds. Remember, that neither peach uor cherry seeds, apple cores or peelings, sugar, syrup or water, will sell lor dried fruit. By care lessly or Intentionally leaving or putting them iu, you will in the luicu liavo to pay for sorting, where it euu uo done, and fuse the amount paid for freight ou the portion of uo value. Keep the fruit clean, nnd do not forget the fact that the better it is iirepurcd tho quicker it will sell, aud the higher prico it will bring. J-iistly, puck iu uiee, clean but ruin, boxes or bags. Cukam Cakk. Break two eggs in a cup, uud till ui) with trvnm. Ono cuit of nuiiiir. one uud 0110 hulf cups of Hour, oue-hulf hjHxmiui 01 soua. The Ct'iiK or Canc kk. Somo remark nblo cures of cancer, cllccU'd by Uio uhi of a tlucocliou of the coiumou red clover drank u a teii uuX as a wuhti, have lately culled I liu public attt'uiiou lit the uudieul propcrtiin of llii plaut. Thin, however, caimul bo kuid (o Ut u new remedy ; it htu U eu employed for some year rnst, nud Hii ro nro auniu uppunully wtill-utu toU i-uscs of iu eilieacy even utter tho dikuutu hud becoino duiicin6liy puiul'ul, aud nil hopu wujjlveu up. I. U K ON Al'I'LH TltKKri. TlIK Uurnl A'tui Yutltt Im tho fulloftiiiu; iu relation to tin lieu w hit Ii nro au tYe'imiilly found ou ftpplu lr: A corrckponJi ut auiula u a ktxlloit ot balk I'n 'HI Ull pplu tree. coViixd wan lieu, ami ukki if wo t.iu explain H Ik iU CilUau, ll bill ll ul In IliU llVi k ttlul I ho Ukl runtuUy, it ik llm Apl'lo llntk- loUMt (ClttVUl b,UlUll4 IllltUlHI, MolM.ll). ll U Uio I it'iuiuoiu ou uiiliialllilui Wilk in ok Dial nro uruwn 1m Kr.t Uud uio liioel liktly lu bu ml. Uil vkillt lltviu. ll l bull lullgirut: mid kliouU U IkUliillimUd. A tiol Uky lu tin ibu I ii,i 1 1, triwk lilii4ily Willi iiiitumu uud k.lwk. Aluk nluuu. If you IiiiYv Ui Uikiiuiu u kntiv, plauwl nUiUl llm rl- uoi iu dou. b-t WHllllui Wly-Mlll lulu iNfUplluj Iliu kiiia ftboul llm Uiu. 'I Lit kpitutf laku M lnm, nud Ltw llm Uiik fuck! Kfipini IlitiU mtU llui ru MUU klfulij kuip kml. '1 UlM kUuuld Ui 4ulM kl OlikM nu4 tl.u ! 14 rn-KUd uutm ui luitw Uiom lUk) Um tlokkou. lu 1 1. lull Ul ol .SgutU -tobiUk)4U thu Uul k hti4 ll4.r liuiU of llrfi libu, 'I'hik, with tu4um o( tuuik ! j.l.od lu lit tUl(iUi ut lUk ut4,WIII pl lUi lk. lu Uol X llt Hkb ywu nt ik) .Jlll. HENRY T. IIELKIBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE HPIILIjS- Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and rinid fcxiraoi waiawDa urnpe iute. Fnr Liver Comclntnt. Jaundice. Bilious Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Costlyeness, etc. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drags. M These Pills are the most dcllehtfully pleasant purgntlvc, superseding castor oil, salts, magne sia, etc. mere is miming morn ucccijwiujo the stomach. They glvo tone, and cause nolthcr nnusca nor gripping pains. They nro composed of tho finest ingredient. After a few days' nso of them, such nn lnvlgoratlon of the entiro sys tem takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak nnd enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. tl. T. llcimooms toiu pound Fluid Extract.Catawbn Grape Pill are not snar-coatcd, from tho fuct that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired effect. 1 ho Catawba Orapo Pills, being pleasant In taste and odor, do not necessitate tbelr being sugar-coated. Prico fifty cents per box. IE HF.MtV T. IIEHMBOlMVf HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND l'luid Extract NarMnpurllla WIU radically exterminate from the system Scro Tuln, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Soro Eyes, Soro Logs, Sore Mouth, Bore Hcnd, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Hhcum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular BweU Inirs. Nlcht Sweats. Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. I Being prepared expressly for tho above Com plaints. Its blood-purfying properties nro greater than any other preparation of 8a,rsaparilla. It gives tho complexion a clear nnd healthy color and restores the Paticut to a state, of Health aud Purity. For Purifying the Blood, rcmoviug all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure state of the Blood, aud the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimplos on tho Fnce, Ervshiclgs nnd all scaly eruptions of tho skm. nud beautifying the complexion. Price, $1.50 per Bottle. HEXRY T. HELMBOLD'8 CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT I11CI1C, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes iu which It has been irlvcu. irritation ot tuc neck of the Bind dcr aud Inflnmntion of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys nnd bladder, retention of Urine, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder. Calculus, Gravel. Brlckdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions or totn sexes, attended witn tiie following symptoms : indis position to exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Me mory. Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain lu tho buck I lot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, pal id Countenance, Universal lasritudo of the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from tho ages of eighteen to tweuty-llve, and from thlrty-llvo to fllty-llve or in the decline or change oi uio j niter conune. mcnt or labor pains s bcdwcttiirg In children. nelmbold's Extract Buchu Is Diuretic and Blood-purifying, nnd cures nil diseases arising from habits ol dissipation, nnd excesses and Ini deuces m Life, impurities of the Blood, etc. superseding copaiba in aUcctatious for which it is used, nud syphilitic auectlons in these (Us rases used iu connection with Helinbold's Rosa Wash. LADIES. In many nffectations peculiar to Ladles, tho Extract Buehu is uuequalcd by any other reme dy as lu chlorosis or retention, Irregularity, palnlnlncss pr suppression ol customnry cvacuii' tious. Ulcerated or cclilrua state of tho Uterus, Lcuoorrllica or Whites, sterility, nnd for nil complaints incident to tho, sex, whether arising indiscretion or nnuits oi dissipation, it is pre scribed extensively by tho most em'nent pliysl clans and midwlves for cufccblpd nud delicate constitutions, of both sexes and ull ages (attend ed with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) II. T. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCIUT CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in ull their stages, at little cxpeuse, llltlu or no change in diet, uo luconveuieuco, ana no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, nud gives strength to Urlnato, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Prcventiug and Curiug Strictures of tho Urethra, Allaying Pain nnd lunumntlon, so fro- qneut in this class of diseases, nud expelling all I'olsouous mutter. 'Jhousunds who have been the victims of in conicUf!t persons, and who have jmid heavy fees to be cured In a snort tune, nave lound they have been deceived, and thut the "Poison" hits, by the use of "powerful astringents," becu dried up in the system, to hrcak out In a more iiggra- vuieu lorm, and icriiitps aner .Marriage. Use Helinbold's Extract Buchu for all Affco tlons aud Diseases of the Unlitry Orguus, whi lh cr exUtlng iu Male or female, from whatever originating, and uo mutter how long standing. nice, one uonur una uity cents per cotno. 1L IIENRT T. IlELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed at a Fuce Wash, and will be found tho only uperiQe remedy lu every species of Cutaneous Allecllou. It upeedily erudicutes Pimples, hKit, Scorbutic Driit'6i, Iudurutlous of tut) t iitancou Membruiie, etc., dUiiels Red neis and Incipient lutlumution, Hives, Ruth Moth 1'utchcs, Dryness of Scalp or Sklu. Fro Bites, uud all purposes fur which bulves or Oiut menu ure used I rcatores the sklu to a state of purity HUil koftuuss, aud insures coulluuud lieiillhy aellou to thu of it Vessels, ou f. rtch deends the agreeuble clearness and viva city of cuuiiiluxluu so uiui h suuirhx and admired Bui however vuluublu us a remedy fur eiii-liu? defects o." the skin, 11. T. IU luibold's Rosa WuU hits loug u.lulnid Its priueiple clului to unbound' ed patruiiugu, by pokMsaing ijuulltiek which reu utr a louut ul ma uuwl buiKilu live huh voiiguniai euurui tir, coiuiiiiiiug In au i k guul furiuuU ll.u.0 proiiuiuuV ruulllu4. hulc ty uud t ltlcuiy tlio luvurlublu aeconuwuliuuuu ol lu uie-ai a l'ru..TVuuv aud RchtiaUer of His Luiuplekluil. 11 ik uu txoelluut Loliuu for tiMiitKs of a Byptiillili) Nitluro, uud as au luj lion for dltuoKk of thk I'riuury llrgaus, uruiiiK fiulU llitbllS of dll'.lllull, used iu I'oUUiM'ttou vi lilt llm fcHrurls Uutuu, 6arMivirllla, audi l.taoa uiuHi I lll, iu ueu UUouaek ut ruia uiciidtd, i'4uiiol bu turputtvd. t'iic, oua dullur pir buitia. I3D full kiij pitil aliMilubt aocuiuiauy lUk Ulwlli lllok. r wjium of llm luual reHMiilil aud icILiLU tltuiit.tor IuiuuIjmI ou 'i iu tlou, UU huu dittla ol iIiku.uuJ of I0I114 ilivuvk, aud Ut. Muid ol jO.uou unuluiivd MiliUikliwkii4 ivtuiu buu Ulmy Uttcia. lu.iuy oi kbu hkik In. in llui bibv.l kuui.vii ImluU.uf triiuuciil 'li .i. utm, I Uikuitu, MImiu.u, iu. 'Ilut iofiu,lur k luiuttil ii IUul ulilUuiiu, iu lui Mt:. I Itti U'Ak Uut du llil li.iiu iU Uti lliul is liu.ln lauk kk feluduid I'lvMiktluut, ktui ilt nut ut4 l tx yitu i4 uy b kniiUuti. llrMrjr T. Ilrltwttl4'a 4mm1m I'r. iaralii. Iwlluiwl tx u) k4aits. tvvuik fioMt bW,i. ka.l.luV-d kbOkiil til Ikktily Ifckik. Kuid l l,"JH'l ifUJlluL. A44IWM MiMk lo Ul. tt.u, u, bM.u4.b. 1st Ui T. iUikMI, i'uli Iw4i . T- IMutboU't lUud kt.4 iwtkMi n.uu ,a. tot plu,4,., k,, II. . ll.lU44, M.44 U4, ui a..! I, T l bni, ,u. L U, P t "i "'"" A.k M Uki J iil..,-J k. i4k. u, , till M.) I, ,g.-, Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR TIIE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871 Number of Policies, Amonnt of Property Insured, Amount of Premium Notes in force. 713. 52,815,00 134,813,00 3000,00 1000,00 300,95 720,00 CABn ASSETS. Amonnt loaned at Interest,. Amonnt In Treasurer' hands, Amount due from Agents, Amonnt dne from other tonrces, Available Capital, 139,2311,1)5 Insure your rattle. INSURE with a responsible and perfectly re liable Company. Insure where your losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. TTenon. nnllkn other Companies, von nro sure of being paid promptly for all losses, If lusurcd in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE Or ANf COMPANY. Being mutual, our expenses nro less, nnd or Clinrter Is Perpetual. We Day losses by all kinds of accidents by death, (excepting iu cases of epidemics,) by theft, Ac, &c. We pay prompt ly. No red tnpo proceedings 10 ouium jour money in case ot loss. Nearly fiS.OOO paid on Cows alone Since Organisation. Look at tho list of Losses puld on Cows alone by ihis company. M Hcnnlnger, Sunbury, Pa f 33, D Ililgcrt, Northumberland I0, George Eckert. " '.:. 0, 8 B Dodge, . " oli Charles Bollck, Mt Cnrmcl 30, Esubens 8lpplc, " 40, Catharine Wagner, Watsontown 4, George Heir, Northumberland - SO, Jacob Snyder, Sunbury 83,33 J W BAsslcr, " - BO, Minor Cady, Dewnrt 00, Catharine Marts. Shnmokln 40, Trancls Buchcr, Sunbury. T 30, Samuel B Price, Upper Lciiign w, Joseph Deppcn, Mt Carmcl 0, Matthias Bcholiy, " Francis McCarty, " ; 50, Maria Kramer, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dcwnrt ......40, J & R C Qulggle, Pine, Clinton co ;..40, R Rnmngc, Shenandoah, SchuglklU co 40, J S Tharp, Shnmokln 40, Thomas Wardrops, sn carmci , N A Loudonslagcr, norndon, ; 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, G L Reagan, Bhcnnndoau, Schuylkill co BO, Jacob Shine, V " 40, Jacob StolU, " " D II Bower. Herndon ; 30, Geo B Lahr, Georgetown 40, John H Ossman, Sunbury 40, W B Wallace, Korthumbcrluna u, nSCraham, " 50, Kebccca Koblo, Georgetown -to, Philip Wintcreteln, Watsontown .,.30, G 8 Low. Llmo Ridge. Columbia co ..40, Lewis Osterhnut, Laurel Run, Luzerne co... 40, Mary J lline, Northumberland to, B F Krohn, Snubury 40, Androw Healy, Girnrdsvillc, Schujlkill co.. 40, Patrick Fnrgeson, Mt Carmel 40, Martin Deluncy, Shenandoah city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Authony McLaughlin, uirurnsviiie to, Llnynmn 8 Iay, Malinnoy Plane 40, R Johnson, Raven Run 40, David Bauchcr, Berwick 87, J D Foclit, Pottsville v 30, Erastus Sober, Point twp K, A Lippcncott, Watsoutown 40, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,3d loss pd Inst suin,40, I P Lippcncott, Watsontown.. 40, R 8 Aminerman, Snydertown 20, Nathan Bloss, Berwick, Columbia co 27, J te C R Quiggle.Plno Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W Hazaird, Rupert, Columbia CO...40, John Fogloinan, WntBontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmcl 40, Thomas Mctz, Pnxinos 30, R McClcky, Lock Haven 134, noN. A. JORDAN, Presldeut. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS i Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C J. Brnncr, Solomon Stroh, Win. Brlndlc, Solomnu Shle, John A. Shlssler, Dr D. T. Krebs, Dr. Duvid Waldron. March 11, 1871. ly. TIME IN IIIOXEV I I A LL Wall Paper and Border, sold by mo wll C JL bo trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, UT TUB YEOMAN'S WALL FAPEtt TRIMMER, At wLlch I have the exclusive riirlit to use lu Suuburv aud vicinity. Suva money, time nnd labor, by buying 'of IV. t'EKKEE MUHTXEU, Dealer lu Books, Stationery, Wull I'uper, Muslo, vc, .Vc, Ac. Sunday School St'l'PLlKS made a ticelullty Ulauk, .Meuiorauduiu A 1'umm lloolut in tudlest variety, Just received BOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will save exiwnie by leaving their orders Tor bludini; Willi Ulti. riCTlRi: l'KAMEN of ull sizes, cut Irom the .MuuldiiiL' at vcrv low rules. OVAL A Kcjl'AKK 1 It AMES ulwujk ou nuuj. ALUUMS, llUAC'KETS, COLD l'EX?, tic, c, A lurge Slid well selected lim it of Toytulway ou lntuil. Aiivllilng uot ou huud promptly oi dered. Bargains lor tush, l ull at N. KEKKEE LKiHTSER'il liiHik rtiniw, Slb'n of Foley's (iold Pen, MurVel Stuure, Su bury, Pu. buiibury,'Augui4 6th, IH70. J. W. WAriUlNtJTO.N'S talliKU II.IHUEIC MIIOI. 'I Lk old IwrumucutT.lioli of I Ilk lowu Wk dut liiiu ins buu.i, but al Ihu kttuie limti i nii.lil. r ibul I bo mighty Iruih mu)iu) kwtxiuu. bly .pukru allkoul uiuull'i.lluK uu Uueouiluita. bis uiiiouiil of vuully uu I kiubltliiu. Ju.t twenty )uu kk" I U'tiKii my bu.luuM rurmr lu liiu plik half my lliutluik lliuk lar liil, tiuvk tiutftl uwu ibk vl our .li.ii. dty ulur d ty.kud fcliil slur uiglit, uud k'p"k4 tba .Uai. bluk Klvuuiiuy klaul, aud alllilu tbul tlupM of 1 1 ins tuibriticl by tkk iulubly loldk of I Uil svcullul (KiiioJ h4g (liuvwl uvrly aviy. b.Hiy lu Ibk tuuniiy (lu tuutiuutt wiUu) kud tu ol.llKK Ibk publu: lul.iu.4 bvltlu publuly kuuuuutk lu our wlrouk old ku4 u. liisi kik Itud to sbktk Unu all 4lu Ibrw liuudikd tlUUMu4 lliUV Of uJi. louik UoU )UM lt4l, tuti Ik ItMtt U Ibk kUkt U DID kl.) KJ,I l.kulk, luitUIMNt u4 klikiwuuu, lu.tMt )oukli4lr tut tva, sluuiiwu yuu, buk d)k you, liluutk, toiub aud ki- luUjik Ibk bklr ilb kltUiUl Skill, l Ibk "klu r.u ' or t.ut lauw ktylk Ixtull Ibk kualwtMkf. W auik lu Umi, kut I'Uukk lu kuik Hi, 4u t f yA wui titoi ft klks4 urn lltk Umui o sl.l ii - U..U. kik 44 14 k tttil a U (kit bk 4vut w ! tuul4 W. skaukk It all ikai 4ukk4 'fw ut Ibk titfof at I Iwk4, f. 4"vk atvMi Uiwt, ar alkikk mi.u. U.4. l, OILtLuili tu4 I, a iul I '-tv i -it .VA ' f ft PRICES REDUCED. BOOTS A SHOES Manufactured to order at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN W1XVER, Spruce Street, Snnbnry, Penn'a, It constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprise the very best In market. Hit long exper ience In the business hat won for him a reputation for making first class work etjual to any city manufacture. AH wbrX Warranted. TERHIS-STRICTI.Y CASH. The prlcct of repairing are also reduced. JOHN WILVER. 8unbury, Mnrch 4, 1871. TO THE WORKING CLA88.--W8 are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant em- ploymcnt nt home, the whole of the time or for ho spare moments. Business new light and pro fitable. Persons of either sex easily earn rrom BOc. to t5 per cvenine. and a proportional sura by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girlt earn nearly as much at men. That all woo see this notice may sen a ineir an dress, nnd test the business, we make this tin' paralleled offer i To such as aro not well satis lied, wo will send tl to pay for tho troublo of writing, t un pnrticuiart, a vaiuaoio sampio which will do to commence work on, nnd a copy of The iVople't Literary Companion one of the largest nnd best family newspapers published all sent tree ny mall. Kcancr, u you waui per mancnt, prolitable work, address i;. (V IAV., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871. am. STEKEOSCOPEt, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, FRAMES. E. sV II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Invito the nttention of the Trade to their extcn slvc assortment of the above coods, of their own publication, manufacture nnd importation. Also PHOTO 1ANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES, NEW VIEWS OF VOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 Broadway, Now York, Opposite Metropolitan ftotel, IMPOKTERS AND MANlTFACTCWSnS OF Photographic Materials. March 4th, 1871. ly. SritlXU FASHIONS NOW HEADY MRS. M. A. BINDER,, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer and Designer of Fashions. The old established and only rcllublo Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak nink inir Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Taper Patterns, Wholcsalo and Retail. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons and Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. Evening dresses and snlts, rnude In ho most fusblonublc style nt short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting tanght. N. B. Orders by mail, promptly attended to, Feb. 20, 1871. Sm. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! I A NEW STORE ,AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland Comity, Pa. WILLIAM NEGELY TTAVING opened a new Furniture Storo nt the li above place, win constantly keep on nana a large ana select assonmeui 01 FURNITURE, Comprising of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Couch' es, Lounges l ames, Bureaus, canc-pcaicd all grades, Rocking aud Kitchen Chuirs, Washstauds, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage aud Half Cottage, Looking-Glusscs, Window Shades, and iu short, everything usually to bo found In nny well-kept Furniture Store, may bo hnd at this establishment. noplng, by fair dealing anil strict nttonUon to htiBincss, 10 merit trio patronage 01 tno ptitmc. An invitation Is extended to all desiring anything lu the line of Furulture to call and examine niv stock. Vudertaklua; done In all its branches. t3f Repairing done at short notice. WM. NEGELY Georgetown, Jnne 11, 70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKER'S CiLXFORNIA VINEGAE BITTEES 4 Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their Wondor- o o iul Curative lifficn. ill gij WHAT ARE THEY? 0 a3 p r u -rnw a i vnT a vii II FANCY DRINK. I lUU.of Vr Hum, Wkl.krr, 1'rswi ktalrlia aaa Itetaao l.laavni duoitmd. siloed ssdswcit. vacd tu ileetlie tula, cllwl" loulc.."'App.LJ. era," " Uvsturcn,' e., thai kid tli t prltr va la amnk.socH and raU, but are a Irs Medicine, made from 0ie Nellva UuuU sad llerbe vf Ceilforala, frco Irani all Alrehdie btiuiklauie. T Ley we Ce Ci u it at iilooii rruiritt'it ai a live U1V1NU I'KIM Ifl.Kspcrnci Ihwuvulur aud luvlauralur ol llui ay.itui, carry i( ull ell puleunuus mailer sad rwturlua- llui blood lu a liealley keadlllua. Kapvnoa ceauke Ibeee Vlikirs lictiuiUluy ludiruo. tloe aud rvaiala iuua euwi.ll. slt wUltui clveafursa lureialle cei. pruvkbd the tMiaee an aul daelrujrtd by ailueriti uuiMa er liter ateeae, tad Ike vUslurciuu) wkil bcjubdlba aolal ut rvuur. t'ar Ulttaiaahlerr aad ('kraal Kktisis. ' aad best, Kreswaeia. er ladlaMlaa, UllluMa, Ueiutlival aad luiareeiilral fv.cre lieaeal lha UImhI, 1.1 r, tilauoie, aad llladaar, lUfwi Utlie Law U.a KmmI etuMaae. Kl. tiMill lllaraa.ei.iu iatutd ty lllltd Ulead, au ch letleaefallf ruductdl)r I Um UlacMlea (Iraaaa. Ueaal-BiA UU IMIKlCbTIUN. tltrevl twue, I ale U lau bkuuiUvia, I euake, 1 ulue el lit tbe., biia.iiu.ea, bwer Lraelelwue tf lb btuauab, (4 Hum. 4 llui aiueia, IbUuus AlUaae, I'elklaaib'a ul luu lKa.1, li.aauiu.aUve u lue bai aa, i'aiu u Uul tuu v( liw Mua,eu4beaitoM vital J-a "'ul tju.ibjuie,r lue vS.urieaeul l.ueia lu-1 Ui' f.hi tue buuu.k eud uututel ibu bur, kUbtefaud b-wiU, abkh readu Ikeutul eieeib, 1 Ukec) ut (iaual4 Ibe iluvd el Uuuyullu.e, a-4 bwueiilue ae lib aJ i(u u Ike auvle.iat.ui. tUUaklH liiakiaka, kiuuiwaa,1aibx,u kaeuaa. u.bic. tt. 1 lavka t uuhi, Vuiie. I , ai,aiHI ultue. eeM kn4, ). BUu. we. ilea, aeatai. f uw,be4ua ul la akia. Ueauut ad I'M ul baeuei. u eatel uaax w eeleiu) ie kull ea al.aiU4 ui ui luee.touiia auM Uaue kl Ik m ul tauee b.UMa. iue bvliie la aM U4 HtilaM Um luu UMMiulvue .( uu,K uMi sn i. laea Ue Vuuu4 kl4 abeaeix lud las Ukaaitetee buiatu taxuuak la akia la rnuubn. iei abk M Me I U abua Sua aad uaeUuab.4 aud etaaaMk la Ik immi, k.auM a uka u a Kul, a4 uai W bia aa , t.M,blv4 a.a au4 um kalta 4 ke tM. Ulk.ib.a. rt, V4rku4MuM HUHMa, laaktaataav WakMa ul aaf Hualk a.. .I..iua)i ana l 4 tad ! eV u tuai sVieakaiua, ua... IM keieetM Muad buaue, .uhd a, ki um- ilas,li.a,.e. .aeA Hak I wabtaa, ruubw. , j. uuu uu 4 tab, asanas aad m . baa bab, a4 aad buuuwaMae awa.t, k.a Iwa. "eb l a4 t-HlUiibila 4kM biba4 I Ut x7 7 ill o a. THIS celebrated Mncbltie Is now on exhibition next door to Kranse't Tin aud Stove Storo, market Street, Snnbnry, Fa. The Florence Sewing Machine stands nneonal led for beauty nnd durability being the best Family Sewing Machine now offered to the pub lic. TIIE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It baa self-adJustW tentlon In the Shuttle t changes for the various Stitches made while the machine is tn motion. Its Stitches are the wonder of all for beant and finish, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light ana neavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work will feed either right or left. Kuns qnictiy ana rnptaiy. no aitncuity exper ienced in sewing across heavy teams. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. 1 he Jiemmer turns wide nnd narrow, hem and fell beautifully. It is thoroughly practical ana win last a lire time. Every Family ahonltt Have One. Every Machine warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In the world that is ca pable ot making mora than one stitch aud having the reverse feed motion. Cnll and examino them, and the samples ol work. KO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Braids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac., without basting. .. It makes a gather and sews It ou a band nt ono operation perfectly. Eiteh Machine is lurnisnea With a complete set of t ools, without cstrn chance. Every purchaser mily Instructed nnd every Machine warranted and kept In order. Mnchine Ull and Thread kept on hnnd at nil times. GEO. W. SMITH & PRO., Agents, For North'd, Snyder, Uu Ion aud Montour Couu's. October 15, 1870. New Flour nnd Fccil Store ! R. W. THURSTON, Comer of Fourth nnd Mnrket Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A, " Has Just opened a Flour nnd Feed Storo, where no will Keep constantly on nana, a gencrui assortment ot tho best brands of FLOUR, FEED OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, . EGGS, aud VEGETABLES o"f all kin 3s, at the very lowest market prices Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER ! FRYLING, BOWEN & ENGEL, Successors to Uie Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED TIIE LARGE Steam Saw Sc. Planing Mill, and Just lifted it up with the latest Improved Ma chinery, are now prepnrra to nil an orders lor all kinds of BILL TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. fee: BOARDS. ROUUH AND SURTACED.. SIDING OF ALL KINDS: HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. 8ASH, DOOMS. MOULDINGS. BLINDS, NHUTTEUM A BRACKETS at the very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hnnd. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canul, . . FRYLING, BOWEN ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February 18th, 1871. Cm. LIMBER AND l'LAXIXU MILES Third Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two tenures north or tho Uentrul itctel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. VLtiirEXT, 1 S prepared to furnish every description of lum- JL ber required by tho demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, he Is now ready to UU or ders al all tluUs of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornnmeutal Scrowl Work. Turn' lug ol' every description promptly executed. Also, A laHOB AKgOItTMKNT Or BILL LUMUER. HEMLOCK nud TINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, I.sthe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEM ENT. declU-08:ly STOVE A TIN ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRaUsE, Proprietor. SICC'ESSOK TO SVIITU CKMTUKH. J HAVING purchased tho above well known cs tiihllidiiiicnt, Mr. Kriiuse would respectful ly in lorm tbo public that bo uow has ou baud a lurgc assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spocr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Siisitit'buunik and others, which are sourrauued as to bo uaed for Conl or Wood, and aro wurritutnj lo ik-i turni sutUfafloil ly or no sale. HKATKK3 of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING bl'OVKS of dilfereut kinds at very low prices. Tluware of Every Bearrlptlou kept constantly ou baud. Rooting and Spoutlug with the Imi material, dime ut abort notice. KEPA1KING attendud to with di.palcb. Coal Oil ut d ltuips eoii.lunlly on hand. Jituu aura of alU.nde. Store ttppoailg Cuitlcy'e rtaardauro store. Give me a rail. A. KK.Vl K. aplM-ly h i nii i it xn a it ti i e Tar n. rilllE uudcr.lgued having bought the eiillre L stock of Dl.aliigcr .V, Tuvlor, would liilorm tho public that ha U uow ready to do all Winds of MARBLE UOHH. '5lftit uu ''""' "" niukva to order al WtOUT aiOTlCK. ir'm Mftnaiueula a llead.Stoae, ; f.rr r ti.. DOOR AND W1MH.IW KILLS Al.o.l'eim tcry PoaW alth (lulvaulaed plp aud all other it'UfliiK gruvrully need ou t'eiui tcrke. Joltu A-laybtr a ill t outum.' lu lta Hipltijuieut al the old eUud ou Mattel ttt.ttiuubury. ltut)4't TIIE ULV MTUVK tlTIIOlT A f il LT IS THE 4.HEAT Bl.l. MOKE I IUEI'LAt E HEATER. 11 1 11 II M ILLUMINATCU IIUVIOND 11 la UtKNIIt. f WMH'M PAKLOU AND CIIAUUrM AHE WAItUsU HX tK nun. IT I lb uuly UnpUi- liuttar ikal kt a r I uu S'.cd.r. aad fitw I tutu bultluu uf i. piieiluaa, w tuiillua nee lulu la aistitut.ul. II U Ibe uulf Itivplava U.lf ana lite iui Dlaauatal Meeeslua by akl.b kieaier Uluiu ual- lag buaet U uUalueal, laa awluteu (be aau, ia lu, iuuie elaMltaallj! aaitattHl, aawl I Me liial Ka. IWted w4 lb ( W1U ad lite vuavl la Ik U. ulf. il te Ike ualy ritil-Uca HealM IImI la a rat. f. i twit ytwovr aal ! buiaw. valy iMaitta tlltaa wawt la taeuiy luui laia. It U Ike uuly Ullea Ueatof allk laMfeat I II lug aad duitfplusj atala. tl a laa iMtly Ua4aa IUate alisj lb daa lasaa, ti. alnudaai luuaa tut aekaa, aad aila aal laadattnej ll, aial Uabla W baia aat. IV levl a as la wlajlual sUultauM ua lta. li.i.t, bul-t tiled aad la laukiwltd aad llwvli lu fXltiuw, 'His KU , i aad II LIUUT IKIKr aid. f ! til 44. M. titklli.ll, I..V.H, ea a. a i. Ilia.- If NEW FIRM... Byerly ft Hemperly'a Excelsior Gal lery ofArt, Third Street Banbury, Pa, MR. BTERLT has lately added to his already well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Ilcmpcrly wbosa reputation as a'pho togrnphlc operator, stands unrivaled In this part of the country, and hereafter they Will carry on the photographic trade,, at' the old stand under the firm name of Byerly & Ilcmperly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, nt whoso establishment the pub lic will be cheerfully accommodated throughout the whole Una of photography. For Photographs of all styles and sties rang ing from the small Gem to the life size portrait. Go to Byerly & Hemperly. For tho beadtiful porcelain picture whlrti for softness of finish, and durability cannot bo ex celled, iro to Byerly S Hemperly. r or the Kcmurnnai pnotograpti, now so popu lar In all out large cities, and showiug the vecu- Hnr effect of light and shade, and the favorite of the old German Artist Kcmnrandt, go to Bycriy & Hemperly. it you nave an 01a picture you want copica and cnlunted to any slue, and colored oil, water color, India ink or crayon, take it to Ucycrly A ilcmpcrly. If you want a frame of any size nnd nt any prico, or any stylo go to Byerly Heinpcrly's, and take a look at their Immense stock In that line. For Albnms iro to Bvcrlv ncmncrly, For snnare Frames made to order go to Bycriy & Hempcrlyth short, for anything In the photo graphic line, go to Byerly & Hemperly, aud you win be sullen. Feb. 25, 1871 w,JW': CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Spring Muttrcsscs, I Feat hers, Fcsther Beds, 'Bolsters and Pillows, 'Counterpanes, j Com fort ublcs, I Blankets, iQullts. Hair do. Husk Straw do. do. CALL AND SEE TlfE., . Uotru Wire Mattress, The best bed e'vr offered for sale. N. B. Our Intention Is to treat all customers so thut they will become permanent dealers with ns, and orders will receive the same attention nnd persons can buy just ns cheap ns If present at the store. March 4th, 1871. Stn. JV. L. SLATER A CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE OF TIIE NEW YORK STORES, Ko. 8 South Truth Street, below Market, Philadelphia, where they have opened a flrst-clnss Mcrchnu'l Tailoring "Establishment. Our Stock consists of a lino assortment of Foreign Cloths, Casslmercs and Vestings, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this Cily nnd New York, which wc aro prepared to make up tn the most Fusbionnblc Styles, at Short No tice r.nd Moderate Terms. Special bargains in Scotch Chlvot Goods. . JNO. L. SLATER C. I Formerly with J. M. Zcfgler. Dec. 24th, 1870. Om. Philadelphia and Eric Railroad. SUMMER 31ME TABLE. On nnd nftcr Mondav, Mav 15th, 1871, tho Trniut on tho Philndelpbln & Erie Rail Road will ran as follows : . , WESTWARD. , Mall Trnlu leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr nt Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " u." Su,Hbury, " " nrj ntV.rle, Klmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Bulfaio Express leaves Sunbury, " . " . art at Willlaineport, Bald Eagle Mail leaves WifUairs.poi't, " " " nrr nt Lot k Haven, EASTWARD. Mali Tvnlu leaves Erie, " " " SunbiirV, " " arrut PblladclphU, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " Sunhurv, " ' arr at Pbiladelpbln, Elmlra Mall leaves I.ox-k Haven, " " " Suuburv, ' " arr at Philadelplila, Buffalo Express leaves Williamsport, " " " Sunhurv, " " arr ut Pbilad. iphla, Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " nrr at Willlamspori, 7.10 p in 2.15 a m 8.50 p m 13.30 p m tl.50 p m 7.40 ii m 0.30 n m 4.35 p 111 7.50 p m 4.S5 a m ti.o") a m 1.45 a in 3.00 p m 11.20 a m 11.45 p m 0.30 a m 0.00 p m 10.15 a in 5.50 p in H. 00 a in 10.50 a in 5.30 p m I. 25 a m 3.30 a m 0.40 a iu 11.25 a m 12.40 p m Mall East connects east nnd west nt Erie with L. S. .V M. S. R. W. uud nt Corry and Irvlueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K. H. W. Mail West with west bound trains on I., ft A M. S. R. W. nnd nt t'oriv and Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. WnTren Accommodation cast aud west with train ou L. S. and M. S. R. W. east aud a eat and at Corry with O. C. and A. R. R. W. Erie Aecoimttodiitlon East at Corry and west at Curry and Iruiueton wilb O.C. uud A K R W. Mmirii Mall and Utillalo Etpress make rloae coiineetioit at William. port l.b N. C. R. W. CattawUsu passenger trains all! be run east from Vllliituieoi t ou Erie Kprue, and weal to WilUnmsiHtrt on Kliiiim Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, tieu'l Sup't. Slltlt. Al SI MMER MILLINERY AND FAXCV GOODS. MISS E1.1ZA1IET11 LAZAKl'S, lu lKiwarl'e Building, Market Siiiturr, sVnbirv, PA., where will be found a new supply of koh1, vou. klating of Millinery aud Faucy Uouds, HATS AND BONXKTS, TRIMMED AND IN TiliMMlD. Alo, CllU.ltEN'8 HATS, fur girl aud Vo). . Flowers uf Hie luteal aud luinUouiiut elile. Siiah hlblHtiia, plain aud durid. l.ndli'' SfeMiecr, lane i'uliir, l.iueu Colur aud Cull fur aud I'bildrcu, Crta bcl eollitr. NiH-klle for Ladle aud liuul' luteal at It. Milk Muck Loop., a eiivrlor itrllrlo. tiloua btcludllig kida, aud ltillt'e' Buik.klll ylotia. ri'lilcl.. All kind ol Ttliiiiiilnk'. kmliroUiiv t'lttlcrus, lloat.ry lor ijt.lua, Gum' aud tblldrvu. Net, l'i-ua aud plua liluiiuluu. THIMMIMl m.k. Cliluoua, Zi )yra aud Yarue, aud a ui tl lurltiy ol SolUma. '1 uaukful for ual Isilr-uiugf, .be hoa Ihul Ibe 4U4luy ul bu nla ill uteiil a toiiiiini.tuie ol llieaauitf. M-U AUK 11 L Aa AKl . April u, UT1. I'aiMla Otia, at VH I I. alikk uf Oil muipiialtiK l.ltuawd I'll, Coal I'll, IT la b till, aud l.UblU atll'S I'll lur kuluv and Wat klueiy, Vatutebve, Ulaaa, alaal u baud, al lua l iu.a al toNLKV A t'O'a. To t liot'o m in u it 1 ly a ! !. rc I tlUSktiK At UU REGULATOR" I k Ibu dy phitlte4 Ik eullta slutk, 8aa fill aa4 a.lutva ul la ai,-uitoi a.., hua, litittk, lalb.i aad lludiua ., uf J. a. t.4'1, aud am eattaiiau lae imaiuaee at a l le ft.! taaaltu), eotu.1 luuw, IUmji liua liwal, Uiimiir XmunT, atuntitv, I'a. Waa aatias eal'iiukad !. aveai auk lb luadltul aaaualiaeiaiw ul la uxauliy, I H i ai i'liu. ike a.i ank a .'aa ol ,w ul e4liub.d l.f ulaiiua Uu 4i4iki.ii y ead Satab, al iImmi Int aaxat alataa inieiil,. A ,aUy ai4 ba laa Ut Ike lun.uku.4 ' " a.a.te m UilWH k4 aaekel.!). FURNITURE, (MATTRESS, FEATHER, Y s. BEDDIH0 WABER00MS, ' JJ Nv44 NORTEC TENTH BT. I "atai ratiuaaa a) aula n r iiuuimii akheiy, Jk, , tll Reading RallraaMI. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 15th, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Phlladolnhla. N. Y.. Rend ing, Pottsville, Tamaqna, Ashland, Shamokln, Loanon, Aiiemown, Xastnn, Epnrala, Litis, Lancaster, Colombia, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Harrlsburr for New York, as fol lows At 8.40, R.10, a. tn. and 9.00 p. an., con necting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.05 a. tn., 8.50, and 9.80 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany tho 3.40 a. m., train without change. Returning Leave New York at 9.00 n. m., 19.30 noon and 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.;to, 8.80 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 6.00 p. m. train from New York with out change. ivcnve llarriBbtirg tor Heading, fottsrllle, Ta- maipia, Minersville, Ashlaud, Shamokin, Allcntown nnd Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m., 9.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebauou nud prluclpal way stations t the 4.05 p. in., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville aud Ca- rumuia oniy. rot fottsville, tk-hnylkll! Havrn and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, leavo Harrlsburg at 8.40 p. ni. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Easton and New York at 4.SJ, iu.w a. iu., ana .uo p. in. Kcturulng, leave New York at 0.00 a. 13.30 noon aud 5.00 p. tn. nnd Allcntown at 7.! 3.15, 4.25 and 8.35 P. m. iO a. m. 13.25 noon, Way Passenger train leaves Philadelplila at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Pcnua. railroad, returning from Reading at C.2C p. tn., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 0.00 a. m. nnd 9.30 p. ni. Herndon nt 10.00 n. m., Shnmokln nt 5.40 nnf 11.15 n. in. 1 Ashland at 7.05 a. in., nnd 13.4C nooni Mahanoy City nt 7.61 n. m. and 1.30 p. av 'Tnmaqua at 'S.35 a. m. and 9.TQ p. rh. for Philadelphia, Kew York,Reai".lng, Harrisburg,dc. Leave rotinuie via BcnuyiKiil and tsttsijne hanua Railroad at 8.15 a. ni. fnr Harrir Imi', a'ue. 11.45 a.m., for Plna Grove and Trcmonl. Rending Accommodation Train leaves Potts Title at 5.40 a. m., passes Rending at 7.30 a. nu arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.30 a. m., returnlnc leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p.m., passing Read ing ni t.&o p.m. arriving at 1'ottsvuie at 0.40 p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at O.30 a. ni., returning leaves Philadelphia s.t 4.H0 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.20 a. m., nnd 0.15 p. m. for Ephratn, Lltlii, Lancaster. Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Pcrklomen Junction at 7.17, 9.05 a. m.,at 3.00 nnd 6.00 p. 111. Rctttrnlug,lenve Schweuksvllle at 6.30,8.10 a. m., 13.50 noon and 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Rending RaU Road. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstowu at 9.40 a. m., 1.15 and 6.45 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.35 a. m., and 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leavo Bridge port ut 8.30 a. in., 2.05 and 5.32 p. m. returning, 'Irtnve Dowuiugtou ut 0.40 a. m., 13.45 noon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Read ing Kaiiroau. On Sundays 1 Leave New York nt 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia nt 8.00 n. 111. nnd 3.15 p. m., (tto 8.00 a. m. tram running only to Reading;) leaa Pottsville nt 8.00a.m., leave Hurrisburg, 2.40a. m., nnd 3.00 p. m.; leave Allcntown at 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. 1 leave Rending nt 7.15 a. 111. uud 9.50 p. 111. for Hurrisburg, at 4.33 n. ni. for New York, nt 7.20 a. m. for Allcntown nud nt 0.40 a 111, and 4.15 p. iu. for Pbiludtd'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud from all poluts nt re duced rates. . Baggage checked through : 10P Pounds Bag Sag ullowcd each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Snpt. A Eng. Mach'ry. Northern Central Railway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON nnd niter May i, 1871, trains will run ns follows t NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury nt 4.50 n. m., avrf -0 at WUliauisiort at 0.55, Eliuim nt 10.55 n. 111., Cnnundnlstui 3.15 p. m. Mall leave Sunbury at 4.30 p. tn., arrive at Wiiliamspoi t 0.25 and Elmira 10.35 p. ill. , Fast Line leave Suubury at 0.45 p. 111., arrive at Williamsport 8.40 p. in. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunbury nt 3.25 a. m., arrive at ITurris burg 0.15 a. m., Baltimore 0.45 a. 111. Leave Sunbury, 10.20 a. ut., arrive nt Ilarrls burg 1.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury nt 10.55 a. m., nrrlve- at Har rlsbttrg 13.55 p. m., Baltimore 0.00 p. 111. Leave Sunbury nt 11.50 p. ui.,urrive at Hurris burg 2.10 a. 111. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAHD. Leave Simbury.nt 4.40 p. m., arrive at Sliuuio kl.n6.55 p. m., M.. Carmcl 0.40 p. 111. Leave Sunbury (Accommodation,) at 11.50 a. ui., arrive at Slmuioklu 1.00 p. e. W HSTyt Alll. Leavo Mt. Carmcl nt 8.05 a. m., arrive at Shnmokln 8.50 C. 111., Suubury 0.55 u. 111. Leave Shuuiokin t Aceommoliition,) ut 2.45 p. in., arrive at Sunbury 4.00 p. 111. Express leaves daily Leaving ou Sunday, runs North only to Wllliumspoit. Ail other trains leave dully, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. En. S. Ytil'su, Gen'l. Sup't., Geu'l Passeu'r Ag't., Harrislmrg, Pa. Balimore, Md. I.ut-kawauua aud lUoouiaburic Rail road. SPRING ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leavo. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Scrniiton, 0 45 3 2i 9 80 5 40 1 00 Believue, 50' I 9 85 5 45 1 08 Tttylorvllle, 1 5T 9 43 & 53 1 1.1 l.arktiaamui, i T 05 I 9 M 0 03 1 27 Pillslou, 7 14 3 50 10 00: 0 13 1 35 West Pltlston, 7 10 10 05 0 18 1 4.', Wyoming, 7 27; 4 00 10 13 0 25 1 55 Maltliy, iu lu 0 81 3 00, Kiinrsion, A st. . . , ' .,1 a 10 W.-llurra e'r 7 4 '"V0 8 8 40 I'lvmouili Juuc, I 10 47 6 50 I'Uinouib, 7 501 4 24 10 55 A 55 Ntililicokit, 8 On 1 7 101 lluulotk',- H 07 I 7 17! Slilck.blniiy, 8 23 4 55 7 35 Hick's Ferry, 8 Ml Beach lUvvu, M 43 5 15 Berk-k, 5 50 5 92 Itrlitr Creek, 9 00 I l ime liid.'e, 9 10 Eapy, yo 5 4U Hloutiiidiuig, 9 37 & 5o Khh iI, V 85 5 57 faiaaiaeit, U 40 It t'J Danville, 10 05 Silf t bulaaky, 10 15 I am. ton, 0 91 I Nuilb'd, (arrive.) 10 40 55 SOKTHWAKD. A.M. r.M.! Noiihuuibcrluad, t auiclou, I hulaaky, Iktutille, t aUaiaaa, Kuwil, HluuuiebuiK, k.'. tllll Kid-, lUltlul, Utiabk, , 10 45 U-e.k Haven, link' tell), itltkabiuuy, lluulutk'e, S.tuiu. ku, I'ltiuuulb, Pituiouik Juaa.. ktusatua, a I tl. M-aUoa i Vaill.y, M loiolu. He.t rutata. fltlaloa, t a. kaaauaa, 1 aua m., kviuiwi. IwiaaWa. (aiilte) 9 sal D4HII I MS au'. 4fftallv lesaaala, ntikauteia SUka, at.. I ead itua ti.iJ.a (Uka. t av4 0 M Hi4., a.i . Waaat aa4 li -a kutka, Ukm e4 ! a-jlke, t.aaUt llal4, t tadia tu-a i. t.a, 1 i-lw.i t t kali, titaal taki..f4 a.n. " ' aiaa a. J au.4. a tale Mr, i-1 1 ad SV-d Wawa) It a a-. a, Iful..-,), frV at.!', t e'lttal (. 11 I.. kl i U it'llll 4) ti 1 1 ' 5 Ii) I 1 5 83 H 17 49 II 41 li 11 4 , 11 5.1 aoi 14 111 im 14 10 4t I I II 51 11 95 1 Uo I i a3 T li A. M. t W I ii ! I I 14 1 4.1 45 ) 1 5u t uu P. U P kl I u ui 1 10 I ii 10 I a no 1 u. I I I al 11 ll 1 ill I 55 l lltl!"" ,W " ' W U 44 l I ll I 41 14 aa 4 ; , tit 15 I kJ 14 u 4 1 l ii uu I ft 4 kl 1 I 9 41 tM li t ll I 1 a It 1 s 4 . j I I ia I 11 i i I ul I 9 14 IM I 4 J 4 I J 9 tu i kl I XI