American. SUN BURY, JUNE 3, 1871, Itallrond Time Tables. N. 0. R. W. East, f V. AS. R. R. West. Buflalo Ex I've 4:10 a ni Erie Mail, I've 3:10 m Km " " 10.SW " BnimioEx. " 4:50 KrhiiraMall " 10:55 " ElmlraMall " 4:80 pm r.rie j:iv " brie CX. " 0:40 8HAVOKIS DIVISION N. 0. R. W. LBAVB . . ARRIVS Buuburyat 11:50 a m At Banbury 9:55 a m " 4:40 p m " 4:00 pm d. n. w. n. r. . Leave Banbury 5:55a. in., 4:35 and 0:50p. m. Arr. at sunrjnry loiuuam, U:!H)ana 8:40p m IVitI Affairs. Ice Cream Frekzkhs. A new lot Just received nud for sale by II. B, Masscr. Dhoi-tu. Vegetation Is suflurlng for want of rain. The corn and oats crop will be short even If the coveted rain should come, and this, of course, will apply equally to the hay crop. Tits heat and drouth of May, the prcsont year, lias beon greater than any wo can call to our recollection. For several years past May has been unusually cold and unpleasant. Post Ofpice. Wu observo that our new Tost Master, Mr. J. J. Smith, has rcmodoled the In terior of the Post OOlce, nffordlug more room nnd In some degree avoiding tho confusion and pressure, as was the case when tho delivery was , so near the plnce of entrance. An Increased number of boxes Is al60 contemplated, a much needed improvement, as the business of the Tost Ofllco has doubled s.'neo theso boxes wore put In. A fins assortment of canned goods, English nnd American Pickles nnd sauces. Foreign and domestic dried nnd green fruit, at Kirby's. IIaso MAfiiiEn. Win, Oarlnger, of this plnce, had ono of his hands mashed, on Wednesday last, by a piece of Iron falling upon It at the Slmmoklii Valley Railroad Depot. Another 8i-rr:.T of Goods Miss L. Shlss- lor has just returned from Philadelphia with a fresh supply of millinery goods. They are of the latest styles and look beautiful. Ladles now Is nn opportunity oflcrod to procure your summer luilliuery goods. Boef tongue nt Klrhy's. STRAwnnunirs. Our markets nro now sup. piled by our own producers of this delicious fruit. Mr. Olienlorf brought to market, on Thursday hist, some very lino berries. Prico 25 cents por quart. On Tuesday last, a son of Mr. Gcorgo Cockly, on Walnut street, this place, aged about nine years, had the two front (lngers of his right hand smashed in the cog wheels of a sausago meat cultor In H. Neucr's butcher shop. Tub Bakery ofWm. Haas on Fourth street, has been sold to Mr. N. Booth, who will continue the business at the old stand, nnd serve tho citi zens regularly with fresh bread,' enkes, &c. Tiif. Diunilio'lcr Hotel Is'jirogrossing rapidly. The foundation Is almost completed, und we may soon sec the brick work under headway. It will be tiic largest nnd most commoJlous hotel In this place. No. 1 nnd 3 shore mackcral, pickled salmon oiul white floh at Kirby's, all fish warranted. J. K. Davis, Esq., G. B. Cadwalliuler and A. lioyd of this place, returned home on Monday last, from a plscotorlal excursion nt the head watjrs of tho I.oynl Sfk-k creek, In Sullivan county. They repmt trout scarce on account of the low stage of water In the trout streams. We refer our readers to the advertisement of J. M. Bostinn, merchant tailor, who has opened n splendid assortment of summer goods for gen tlemen's wear, lie is ulso making up to measure improved yoke and sack shirts. Those who have not got them will wear no other after a trial. Go and see tho styles abovo the Post Office, op posite the depot. The brick work of the building on tho corner of Third nnd Market streets, erected by Moore & Disslnger, and adjoining buildings of I. T. Cle ment and Miss Anna Painter, Is i ow completed nnd ready for the rooting. This block of build ings makes nn Imposing appearance, and w hen tinUhcd will make It tho most prominent busi ness coiner In this place. New Storb Room. Wo notice that Win. H. Miller, of the Excelsior Root and Shoo Store, Is ulxuit erecting a storo room on Third street, ad joining Jos. M. Zlegler's tailoring establish ment and James Washington's barber saloon, for u Book nnd Stationery sturn. The buildiiig 1 to be completed within two weeks, and will be occupied by a Mr. Temple. A cliolea bruud of family flour at Kirby's, A New Uoiku'oii. Wu notice that an act has passed the Legislature Incorporating the town of Itivcrtldc, this county, Into a Borough. Tonsoiual. By refcrcucc to an ailrr rtUoment in another column, It will ba seen thut Charles Burrows has completed his Barber Suloou, un Third street, an J will satisfy all hoileir to be operated upon In shaving, hair cuttlug, kliuin poolng, Ac., that his establishment Is not sur passed In the country. Ilulr Tonics, Buy Rum, iVc, (instantly on hand and for alu. (mm Ari'oMTitvr. W learn that Cupt. W. L. Cook, of Northumberland, has received the iippointiiieiit as clerk lu the 1'cu.hui Bureau for I Ml, ul Wiuhluiilou, under the act pusMil at third ehm of the forty-Ural i'uu This li un excellent uppolulmcRt, as the Cuplalu Is iml only an honorable ifeutleuiuii, but Hill uo iluiihl make a lul (ItUirul ultlir. ( IIIV.K IN TlUll Tiki.- A rlMKjfd III the limn .eheilule. ou the N. C. Slid I'. A K, It. K. w iii lulu clli el Muuttuy morula lul. Ths Uuilalu K v n. now leave bout li ward at 4. Ill a. ui. in. I a of !.M, uuil I lie Kile Mail at 1.10 iu. lea. I .if r.'.ul Lm1u NoilhwurJ, ttutfcilu r.M'in. I. Via. iu rlo Mall it I D ID a. Ul. HI lull a Mall I :sj n. M., trio fctiiri.. at ll.l.Y the n' I ruin ou I ho U. II. A W. It. It L 14 ulo I" vii i liaiitj. 'I It cttulug trail Mo tcinr. li.imUlu m aiiUt si Muubury mux. 'l ilt; a4ull n4 bulUiy C4M of KWIihullt . Ikty, (mi Inns In lb tiuhlltuinu, of lb .Swlkmn iht... t Vuly feuuwrui, at IbW uUi, MUM up Ulm kMiili Hika, ou Muuildj Uwt. Juiy ti4iui( Uu iuwuII4, I Us t uuuumI and I Us !lutw ssatuiMwI. Tb titk ubty dt.lu4a by Uxmi. kltitok, . ait 4 I'uily, imuumIIims fur uhtlblilf, u4 It, . tfcijet, I , wuauKilui u 4fu4at. 1 Us Jury, llx Ik t S-U lutut.llaj lii llu.S,IMl4e44 a I4M In utuf IM pidiuliH A aus ! II n4 Mi m lUn lit,M4 ll4Uu4ul. WUik Ual bill lu k U HU4 glbl Ul. S.UUulU, III Hkl.4 4W, wttM Ims Mlutt ul U wibi-e 4 U Usulite IU f,' ImHuh UIOI J-V4 Ml. M144 U tM l4 Us rl- luk.i. lbLt iUli. IU aiw Ual (tut mtt UtituutMtu ks WvMt mn 4 HitNt atf. k.uv U-U, at.4 k't-i Ul UM (44 k-fwo, L- lt4 rfls tl44. Decoration Dat. -Tuesday last was general ly observed as a holiday In this place. All the business places were closed np, and work sue pended at the workshops, Ac. As the day was excessively warm most the citizens kept wllhin doors. About nine o'clock the Sunbury Btcam Fire Engine Company brought out tholr steamer t exercise, and proceeded to the well at W. H. Miller's residence, from which they drew a stream of water for about half an hour, sprinkling the street for a long distance east of the railroad. Thoy thon .tried the woll on Market Square for the same length of time, and strange as It may appear, the water In neither of tho wells lowered any, although the water Is at a very low stage Just now. . About four o'clock, p. m., the citizens began to gather on tho green In Murkot Square, prepa ratory to decorating the graves of tho fallen heroes, In the cemetery at this place. The mem bers of Post No. 105, O. A. R., met In frout of the Masonic Hall, and proceeded to Market Square, accompanied by a drum corps, where ad dresses were delivered by Rev. 8. J. Mllllkcn and Gen. Jno. K. Clement. Both gentlemen deliver ed excellent speeches which were highly appre ciated by tho audience. Tho procession was then formed and marched to the cemetery, where the ceremonies of decorating the graves was appro priately performed. The Suubury Orchestra, who are always ready to dovoto their time to patriotic purposes, favored the participants with somo appropriate music. Wo are rejoiced to note Hint tho day was. perhaps, better observed than on any prevlons occnslon. There being no disturbance of any klud, nnd but ono or two druukcu men were noticed In tho town during the dny and evening, nnd they, It must be under stood, did not belong to this pliee. An effort Is bclug mirdo to organize a Comet Band in tills plnco, and several of its members nro soliciting subscriptions to procure the neces sary Instruments. Wo are happy to learn that their efforts thus far have been very successful, and nearly tho amount required has been sub scribed. The citizens no doubt soo tho propriety of a band, and we feel sure that but fow, If any, will object to giving liberally towards such worthy object. While nearly every town around us has n well organized band, every citizen should feel a pride In aiding to organize such nn Institution In this place. Tho sparsity of music on last Tuesday, when the members of tho G. A. R., nnd our citizens, were strewing flowers over tho griivcs of tho fallen heroes, who lie sleeping lu our cemetery, shows tho necessity of a good band, and wo do hopo our citizens will further aid the youug men in proeurlug Instruments. Tim Fittston Tiiaoeov. Another disaster similar to that of Avondale, nnd nlmoEt as fenr- ful In Its results, occurred nt West Plttstou on Saturday last. About 2 o'clock the shaft worked by Blake oi Co., was discovered to bo ou flro with about forty miners entombed. Every clforlVwag made to rescue men nnd quench the flumes. On Sunday, somo thirty fearfully Injured, dend and dying men were taken out of tho shaft. There appears to havo been gross negligence on the part of some one. It Is stated that the mlno Inspector had given official notification Hint only twenty men were allowed to work In ouo shaft, and yet wo find that some thirty-seven were rais ed out of this shaft. Tills matter should bo thoroughly investigated, and those who nro guil ty of the violation of tho luw should meet with the severest punishment. Boots nnd Shoos for tho community, at popu lar prices, nt the Regulator. W aro hnppy to learn that the farmers In different pans of the county nro waking up as to our county fair. There nppcars to bo the right spirit prevailing among those who havo heretofore had no ppportunity of bringing their products before tlie public, to try and excell any previous fairs held In tho county. The articles that will be exhibited will, no doubt, do honor to tho yioniuory of Northumberland county. We nro Informed that tho committee, have agreed to occupy the ground below town which Is ad mirably located for .that purpose. Thoso who profess to know, say that one of the best tracks for trotting In the State can be made there, which will no doubt have n tendency to bring somo of the best blooded stock hi the country here during tho fair. Awnings. Third street has put on quite a gny appearance with variagatcd awnings. Lieut. Reeso has spread a very neat ono In front of the Reese House, ucnr tho Depot, which gives that Institution a very pleasant aspect, Inviting customers to enter Into his liambonio Restau rant for a hot meal, or step Into tho haudsoinely furnished saloon and procure a saucer of tho re freshing lee cream which Is constantly kept on hand. Mr. David Fry's handsome coufectlouery storo room, next door to tho Post Ofllco, has ulso been treated to a handsomo awuiug which adds greatly to hU splendid establishment. 6,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just received nt Llght- uer's, rhcap for cash. We notice In tho proceedings of the Into Re publican State Convention, held ul Ilarrlsburg, that our friend A. A. StiUslcr, Esq., represented tho Peiiusylvunlii Republiuiu dulegutlou from Washington, l. C, as their chairman, w ho were, on luotlou of Col. G. Wagoiiseller, Representa tive delegate from this county, admitted Into the caucus when, Mr. Shlssler wus chosen to east the ballots for the delegation lu th convention. We are ulso happy to learu I lint Mr. hhl..ler bus bceu recommended by the 1'uiiiuylvsiuU Re- publican Aksoclullou of Waahiiiitou, ntu mem ber of the fjlutu Central t'ouiuilttee. A Nrw ILiTML at Mil to We aro Informed thai our tHeeliled IrieliJ Cupt. J. M. Hurt', of Milton, hit lately contracted lth Me.r. E. W. Chuplu and John llouls, to erect, during the pre suul sea .on, 4 uuw hold buildiug mi the situ of I bo ulil KukIo Hotel, on Front street, Mllloy. The Cii4ain U an excellent UudlurJ, uud U1, when ho git lulu LU Dew quarters, kv iuhii to muke hU gutiai lill iiiois coiufoiluble limn lu Ills pruwut quarters. Da turned Into uijlu after I ho remit of tho trial by Jury before K.ulro UiUo, uu M, .inlay lu.l. - - 1 Ult llM,UU.-Tlio dUeipUs oflho Ulu.' elo liaallly trilled together ou Thursday ll, to ud Jul twius of lb report t-ii mulu.l raudUuU of IU UIhaS a to that IU4,0iu. 1 ho hit allot lucul of tojulf bitdge swi aU UImumwI, lieu U 4 Uimviv4 lhl suut of Uu vua Iuw4ul to hum luoLiLLj! Il4 laws allUled, bail Uu (Saiulaad IU plan uuj ellli I lb Ublll ll lUo bill,- kxo Di4i.J (l them, ud ibi j uo Ulkt ibt lUj bwUi4 W ltoi4 U4 uy foi wk ib.t tWy tiki uui sltuklaiw, t'f uuuim Ibrit l,uuu , tit kilp U J u. - - - Tmi at wlUurUlan lb Mur.oM au4 louudl, f IU Isusuugli ut aubbuii, U up) u4 Uit4 ut4 au4 rouila Mit, 1 Uat il4. J. W. ViaiMuUiHaw Im wtli4U4 U siUikt UkH mm, M W tut IUili4, lu I 11 r u u ii4 i it, j.iwi4i kuOM iui4 11m Slkt. Ti m.ii u Jtii I (.-t4 ui-Ui, lluw U Is u k Umm! lt Ibt y M w ui,i II Ui L m4m UsIm Ml. k)tW U sutM kit,4 I If mhj k( 'Mit l,, M M IU Uwl 4 l kl H, Decoration day was probably better observed at Bhamokln than any other part of the county. business was suspended and all the military or ganlzatlons and olvlo societies of the place parti clpated In the ceremonies of decorating the graves or the departed heroes. Some six hundred men were In lino of the pnrado, and at the appointed hour proceeded tp the cemetery where a soldiers1 monument was dedicated, after which decorating or the graves was proceeded with. Everything passed otr satisfactorily. The Shamokln Mrald, penning or the monument, says i . . Tho monument It a handsome piece of work manshlp, and reflects crcStt npon the skill of Mr, Danghchy, of Sunbury, by whom It was designed and built. It Is 13 feet high, and stands 15 feet above the level of thegronnd, being surmounted on amonnd two feet high. The base Is a solid block of granite from the Gettysburg battle-field, 8 roct 0 Inches square, and weighs 8,200 pounds, Tho snb-base Is of American marble, as Is tho balance of the monument, 10 Inches thick and 2 feet 8 Inches square. The die, which rests on this, is a shapely piece 8 feet 0 Inches high by 3 feet sqnnre, and bears upon the frout panel the Inscription i. Erected Under tub ArspicF.s of Lincoln Post No." HO, G. A. R., Mat 30, 1871. Above tho die Is a six Inch moulding or cap, nnd surmonuting this a plain shaft 7 feet high, ornamented simply by a ralsod shield on the front, bearing nbovo It tho words 'to our fal- I.BN IIEROF.S." Whllo of Wriest proportions and not of a color o show to advantngo nt a distance, (bein clouded marblo but of a very fine quality closely resembling the Kalian) it makes a very fln6 np pearnnco and can bo seen plainly from nearly every part tf tho town. Give the PiiinteusFair Plat.- An exchange says t "We havo a piece of advice which we with to Impress firmly and Indcllibly upon tho public mind, nnd thnt Is to give tho printers fair play. Do not forget that It costs something to puff ns well as to advertise, nnd never spongo upon a printer In any way whatever. It Is printer's ink that makes nine tenths of our fortunes, It takes money to buy Ink, type and pnpor, and yet, after nil this, few aro tho thanks ho gets. Glvo tho printer fair play, and give up all expectations of gratuitous pulling, etc." NiHlTnt'MllERLAND COUSTT COAL TRADE. All tho collieries lu tho county nro at work except Trcvorton, but tho trade Is still limited on ac count of tho continued scarcity of black cars. About 400 cars per dny nro sent over tho N. C. R. W., whllo the balance and larger part of our shipments nt present, nro enft. ' The monthly conference of minors nnd operators was held nt Shamokln on Monday lnsf, but iio nverugo prlco wns established owing to some error or Infor mality In the statement of the Enterprise Coal Co. Tho Joint Committee will meet again on Saturday next, June Sd, for this purpose. Previous to adjourning a committee, consisting or Alex. Fulton nnd F. J. Anspach on tho part of the operators, and Jno. Wright and Mark Moran on the part of tho miners, was appointed nnd Instructed to endeavor to adjust the difficul ties existing between tbo operators and miners of tho Trcvortou colliery. Wo lenrn that this committee failed In its mission. fthnmokin lkr aUl of this week. rosT Opkice Dncisi'oN-. Tho following notice has been rondo public by tho Post Otllcc depart ment : . Publications borrowing the name and having the form nnd some characteristics of a newspa per, bnt depending on their advertisements for support, cannot bo classed with regular newspa pers In regard to postage, but must bo treated as miscellaneous printed matter, and bo prepared at tho mailing office. Capt. Ciias. W. Fohhksteu, of Danville, ha? received the appointment of Aid-dc-Cnmp on the stuff of tbo Cominiinder-ln-Chlef of tho Stale, Guard, with rank of Colonel for flieSth Division, composed of Northumberland, Union Moutour mid Snyder counties. ('ommiiiiicafed. Fob the A-meuicax. Elect ionrrriiig. .Seme .4 Country 'uem Jfowie in Loir?r Anijitttti Tomtrhip .'tr, llemoeratic OjUv Hunter. Ori-H'E IIi'ntrk. Why how do you, Mrs. B I I hope I Und you well, ilave'iit seen you for a long while. Faiimkk's Wife. O, I've no reason to com plain. We nro all well. We have still some thing to cat and drink i and a great plenty of work. Always plenty of bard work lo get along. O. II. Well, you've u very nice place, a very pleasant home, ma'am. Where's Mr. B. t Mus. II. lie's up on the hill Held after tho cows and the children's nit up.there too, plant ing the, luUsing hills. Did you want to see him in particular I O. 11. Yes, ma'am, I wish to ask hlin to at tend tho Democratic primary meeting, and voto for me for - if he thinks 1 am fit for the olllee. I should like to see him. Mils, li. Well, If half il inilo up to the field, and 1'vo no body lo send after liiui. Maybe you will stay for dinner. It's eleven now. He'll bo down in half uu hour, 1 guess, llu's so busy unit there's beeu candidate with him every day tills week. W but ollieo arc you running lor f O. II. I'm a candidate, for Mhs. B. Why, that' what Mr. XX Is after. He was here yesterday, and left some tickets, and he hung ou till my old in ui proiulsud to voto lor mm. nut ir you'll stay ror dinner, ami pui up your horse, you can talk lo the old man your- sen. we woineu a oil i uiiaeriiiiuu poiuicK. I). II. Thank you, inu'uiii, 1 am lu a hurry now, I'll .nr. u. aiioiuer lime. Mhs. U. Why don't you men have your tick et foi nu d alter harvest ami oat aro out of the way, uinl I lie hurry 1 over, ns they used to I It tho work of the "King" they talk about, who lay sui-U awrul lane on u I O. II. Well, I cue lt' lh fault of the King, They ought to kuow boiler. Good dny, ma'am. KXKl'KT t AMUUATt, liuslut'M Nolioe. Wu. II. Mil.l.KU, of tho Eneel. lor Boot nud 8huu storo U determined lo pleuso tho communi ty, uol only lu procuihig bo. nud bhoe, but make It a point lo.'i l up Miuielhliig sultublti fur all tho mmi.oii lu tho ytut so a lo niuk all eoiiiloilalite. Ill uuiiuer limits uinl (Jailer ar uol only a Hotel, but are Jul lb Ihlu fuout fort lu mu outlier, lull and teo hU u k. Tim tuiuuier suit uiado up by J. K. bvbjeiu.r, Men haul Tailor, opsnlla Ihu liiuml Hotel, mo a(alu utlruelluv ;imI allvuiUtit. Mr. H b4lhr U d. letliiiuej lo ko. p up ttilb Ihu tlyhj and iu cee.1 ailiulrably lu hi uuderlakluv. Tbo ull WriJo up U his MlublUliiueul at Jiuliid by all. Tun I.JIOS til A H tkl K uu4 lb ISlik.M tWIMI UMIli.Mla aw aekiiu. leded u pvilur Ik any ulker now iuuuUkiuu4. klu I', Ikillu, M4ik4 lrl, Ihu phtut, U tbo acut It lb l of tboui lit IUU au4 adjululut tuuu- lU.. (iwllUtbitlS III M1U( KlKOU flM Ul ibjIK lo all puioImmu. A U4 !) uu bu4i ll u4 iuilu lbl3. 1 u t iitU bu, tt.ity, (Uaul u4 tut lojlsbl, at lb K.(iillu. Uialkii lbs .4wu,k b4 aui, k.l kn k4 Ikiu Ui Ue kboMi lb Iwum, . ri, Uoikci t-,ii, k tu uk, U) SMM.Uul y tubiiKii., u4 Ul fuikUb lku in tMji,ut htf i)i, yum m nualus. ft. W ftiail b.l. iu," 4 mu It .. b4 ita k , a i,u Mfct Hi. ..!.. -MU Ullfrt, Mltl Ul kHi aOvkA w4 iw lMt-4 U4U4 4 lb iw 4vu W b folk, Mt) HlM4, kMAWUWUUt u) UUt, Iks W J. ImiM k4at. I r yon want nn assortment, of p'n'n .vid fancy groceries to scloct from, fro to Kiiby', Bright' new building, on Market . square, ail goods delivered wllhin the borough free of charge. All Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, at the Regulator. Just received, a number of popular fronts and French calf skins, at the Regulator. Gents' fine French Calf, Box-too Boots, stitch ed bottom, nt tho Regulator. SnoBMAKRRi' materials for manufacturing, at the Regulator. Regulator Boot, Shoo, Trunk nnd Leather Storo consolidated With the Book Store. Call ono and all. New goods at low rates. Closing Prices of JJeIIaven & Mro., 40 8. Third 8tiiebt, Philadelphia. 3 o'clock, r. . May 81, 1871. U. 8. O's of '81.. V..'..;. '117' 117jJ '03 lll'i 111? " f '04 '05 " " 5, new.... 07j " ' '08 " 5's, 10-40's IT. 8. 80 Year 0 per cent. Cy Gold Silver .'. Union PncilUi R. li. 1st M. Bonds.. Umlrul PiielflB R. R...-. Union Pacific Land Grunt Bonds.. 111 j II l?4 118 114 113,TH' 114; U5!115 HI"i!IIl 107 llOSi,- ioa-:ioni i;i m :.p.cdn! Sjrfixts. The i'oiifoNsionB ol'an Invullil. PUBLISHED as a warning and for tho' benefit of young mtn and otlicrt, who sutler from Nervousness, General Debility, &e.. supDhinir the means of self-cure. V rltten by one who cured himself nnd sent free on receiving n post-paid directed envelope. AlKircss, INATIIA.MKL MAIFAIU, May 20, 871.-Gin. Brooklyn, N. Y. HOWARD SANITARY All) ASSOCIATION. For tho Relief and Cure of the Erring ntul Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philan thropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, lu relation to Maiiuiaoe and So cial Evils, with sanitary uid for the nlllitic , Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Address, HOW AUL ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia Pn. Iii:iv7,'70-1v. On tho B2d nit., at the M. E. Parsonage In Northumberland, by B. F. Stevens, Daniel P., of Danville Pa., nnd Ellenok i Caim. of Northumberland, Pa. Tils. In Sunbury, on tho Ctlth nil., at the residence of .Mrs. Judge Donnel, Miss MARIA A. FISilEU, adopted daughter of tho late Francis Lewis, of Philadelphia, nged 01 years. In Jordan two., on tho 20th ult.. Mr. GEO. EMRICII, Sr., need 83 years, S months and 17 days. Near Lower Augusta. Mav 22. 1S7I. of con sumption, SUSAN MINERVA, daughter of Henry and MurU Bloom, uged 19 years nud 0 mouths. Asleep lu Josus. Sunbury Urniu A l'roduco IHurki't. CORRECTED WEEKLY IIY IIILE & CBitlNOElt. Guns Choice White Wheat ?1 00 Best Amber, Winter 1 50 Corn 80 Rvo , Oats, (ii lbs.) Best Ainher, Winter, per suck... " " " " barrel., Corn Meol, per cwt., Pennsylvania Roll 1 1)0 ro a oo H DO a no :ir 10 ...-SfTi.Jji) ...lllfelJ m: 15 15 s ...40C".fiO r 1 to 1 00 ,.15iS 12 ,..12dhl4 Fjic.s Per loz.en Meats Dried Bert', jier lb Dinolvcd Mutton Lako ler lb Finn Suit White Fish, per lb " Irout " Cod " , Fresh Shad Yr.ur.TAULi.s Turnips, per bushel Potatoes " ' Onions " " Beans, " quart Hominy, " " DitiEP Fiiiitu Dried Apples, per lb " Peaches, " " Cherries, " " Blacklicrries ,...'0('i ;it ...lofe:;.', 12 Raspberries 'JO ijctu lbbcrttscmcnts It AKUAIXM I 1I.1RUAI.N II Mers. LESIIER & MILLER, Iu Scott's Building on QUEEN' STREET, XOUTIIUMIJEItLAXn, PEXX'A, ure now otlerimr A LA11GE ASSOUTMEXT OF DRY tlOOON, Comprlslni all tho 8rln nnd Bummer Styles of Ladles' Dress Goods, White lioods Ac, Cloths, t'Hssimeres aril (lentlemeiis' liooiln ircucrnlly. which will all bo sold ut ifrcat Iwirtialns. GHOCEKIES AXD PUOVISIOXS. of all kluds nud of every description. 4 uvcuNwurl-, ClAMKwaro aud Vll low.Viire. HOOTS AXD 8IIOES for Men, Wouieu aud Children. Kl.Ol'R AN'l FEED of all kinds. Is eonstiiutly kept ou hand. They will ulso purchase, GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, ut the highest market price, and will exchange (oods for tirulu. The public are invited to call and examine our ussorllnenl ot IiimmI lietore pnu Ii.ihIiii; elsewhere, aud leoiiiu convinced that Good can be bought lower Ibuu ulsewhere ut our establish lueul. I.E81IF.R & MILLER. Noilh'd, April SO, 1S7I. Kr.u ort:.ijj l.isrito KIM-kl Iltlirr I'sk IIIIIi'mI Jut opeued u lai;i), Hue aud sulutaiitUl ..irl Uieiil ul SJ'UlMi JUIKSS (ilM)l.S, IkuuctitH'M, AV lii t (JomU, Faiuy (IimhU, TriiiiinitiK'! C'lolli, I'uaniliulri, I'Aurinv; and oil cloths. Iluusvkwpluv nisl lu i;rcul v ji U ly. rUtbll liKtH till Eli, tjuecusaarc, Willow Ware, lljMaie, kc., c. A turn lo k of suUUnlLiI UfMdl.nisUft lulblMtf, fur Mia and t. kb lin full u4 toiupb u. T aub.UutUI tlouj a Upet luliy. l'rlrs null lit liiuva, Mil m4 mr klrki All klud of ruuulry -h1ii Ukeit U ibag I of iiud. kllii.MK HlhfllM.tll, ly.' liou bulldiud, Wikit Miul, kuuhmy. A (Mil 44, ll. MUl ioai. bfltlSU ASt nt'MMfcU b-fYl.H, Uu upit at Ml Ml MMK III. M It' trout. klik.t iui, ftl abl MY, fvMnV, LAUIaJt' I'UkM ItiMilHt A iltllllll, ltM 1HU4U.U,, kwbiuldilv, ,4U.u, A. Usui' tulUi., buk l, lUil bu., tU4kn. iklvl 1.4 llu.. 'wluu.;, wiM--, lUli ktkiUt.l uuiU, 4. Am lbiuikMt U M44 I ail U il tal x Ml ti AiU V. ll. JtibfcIIa neons. 'x w NEW MEAT NIlOl'. rilHE undersigned respect fully Informs the eltl A r.ens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, that they havo uiieneu n, MEAT SHOP, In Dcwart's bnIldlni!,on the north sldo of Market LSqunre, two doors from the railroad, were they w m Keep n consiRin supply oi mo oesi or Meet, Pork, Mutton, A:c., nt w holesale or retail, at the lowest prices and of the first quality . A wagon win be run to supply customers every morning, (except Sundays.) The best of mcut will found at their shop. Olvo us a cnll nnd sutisfv your selves. . Kurun is IJUWEK. Oct. 10th I860. tf. . JIII.I.I5IKUV A!l FASOV STOKE, MISS h. WEISKU, Market Streot, ono door west of Gcaihart's con. leetioncry store, SUNBURY, PA., Hap opened her Spring nnd Summer stock of Millinery and Fancy Uooda, HATS AND BONNETS. " Tho latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French nna American t lowers, l.nees. millions, ba loops, Chignons, Collars, Cuffs, Jourln Gloves, and a large variety of other articles. In connection with tho Millinery business, she curries on mo DKESS MAKING AND FITTING, In all Its branches. She is also ngeut for the sale of Ramsey, 8eott & IO. s rattcros. Tho ladles of Sunbury and vicinity aro cor dinlly invited to call and examine lior splendid SWCK. . May 13, 1871. READY-MADE CLOTHING. The Laraest Stock 7f the Finest Goods; A The Newest Stvlcs: very .. tne tsest ksteliuracterA Workman Easy rules for M. J(1 shlp ; tho measurement, TIT Greatest prices, xc., sem Tnide. free to any pari of tj X W V America, and good fits rnishing Goods. Wrappers & Wear of all i for all sea s. White h I r t 8 a Specialty. 0AE HALL, Sixth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. -rANIIOOD! HOW LOST, HOW RESTOR- 111. KO. .Inst published by Dr. LEWIS. '-'50 paves. Third Kilition. THIS MKD1CA1, COM PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on tho radical cure of Spermatorrhrun, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Losses, Impotcncy, Mental and Hiysicnl Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, etc., and the Venereal nud Syphilitic Maladies with plain nnd clear directions for the speedy cure of Sccoudary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, strictures, nnd nil" diseases of the skin, such ns Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bolls, Blotch es nnd Pimples on the face and body. Consuinp tion.Tpllepsy, nnd Fits, Induced by self-iiidul-gence or seetttal extravagance. I lie ceiciir.itiM author iu tliU admirable Trea- l tise elearly demonstrate, from a fortv veur's siiecesful practice, thut the iibriumi' coiiscniicnee of scH' al.iise may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode of euro nt once simple, ceit iln, and ctreetilal, by means of which every siitl'erer. no matter what his condition may be, can ho cll'ec timlly cured, cheaply, privately, ami radically. 2 tJ'This book should bo in "the hands of every yontli, and every man In the laud. Sent under veal. In a plain envelope. Trice, r,0 cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach street, New York. WAL.TSI.V.1I MATCHES. JEWELERS, No. 002 Chcstntit Street, Philadelphia, nre now prepared to till Orders for tho (iEXL'IXE WALT1IAM WATCHES, under their own guarantee, In cither is IWirut Hold or Cuiu Nilwr Cmten, ( -'u uiur (pmlitis tM by ut. ) The40 Watche greatly excel 111 line finish, variety of style, nnd accurate tlme-kcepiii); o, unti tles. Wu invite particular uttentlou to the low price at which u really (rood wulch may now be hint. ri'UM seuil lo ui lor w I'rlro I.UI. Order received from all point. Goods sent I'. O. D. louuy uddrc. FIXED I'llll'ES, secitrlni; to ihu ubscnl buyer every iiilv.inugo potr.sed by a pvifcnt pur chaser. JAMES E. CALDWELL o; Co., tNI'i t besluut Street, 1'hiU. April IS7l-J.ui ll-ly. Ooots and Shoes! UOX DKOI'I'M.II, Third Sire. I, uhuvo Mai ki t Hlreet, Punbiiry, P.I., Is preparel to lnanul'.M'tnie aoirrs jtxn shoes of every description "t lb shortest notice. All bis tiu k l of llm very I "I, whh b l mu le up iu Hie lale.l oily slylu ul I ho lnit reaxumble I. urn. Iti p.iliin il'iiiti In. illy uinl poinill. 'Hie puhlii' ii in in v 1 1 . .1 in t all und t xuuiiue his un I,hip Ik-Ioiw pun el.e UO.SV liuMU. A ft ll 'J, is? t. I'I'ltE ,V il.GEIt beep Full, Kail. Ac. .j;i. roMi'iiu:r himiii ti:u:nuv Tlil, e..m jny I. u pi'putJ t i .,11 1. 1, lu I ho m I uml ty, IihuIkI uu an e utmul inie li.uilh ol amileia.l of B iiihiii). 'Ihu lu i n aw ul the. pupul illou of ."unliuiy, ami mu.e i,..iiil a.lvalietf In Ihu latin ot lili.ll.ilill, us Mill us lh lllnile.l llieiillles I"! tile Intel lucnl n lU.i.t Wh.l hats luntihl lite' balllt, I11K lU.oUd lh olalilsalloii "f Ui uIkiv Uaiuc I vului-iu. I'Uu ol It imleiy may bv i-ii Hi L wlUec ul J. .. I ake, ' , or I h')d ll'ihlhaib. I'm ul Uh lium 'i l" (I), svtoiviiug Iw lot.4- lloU. kcd Mill in H'oili I "l'l- I I n I'll i . ll"HUUAl II, Sh.v'): kljf U, lll U- m. II. Ul-tk. 1.IH ll( AMKNTAl. i'AIMHl, llr4Ni ftisrlli'4 1 wstNlii l'. Hut t, i a "4 HiualiinUl iiilii U,uLt 4 l'r buifcM W lu lb b .1 vlinl.lil U.aH, al l Iba U-li, IliHlvt I'I4I 4rt4 ! livH-t lUlJ4 T Gents Boy Und & Q kin Children'sV Wear at Vtf astonishingX .- ly low prices. J$ A piil i .- LA I. i.k mi-i J l )wA I .... i ul 1.4 .. 4 ki-i ul M.ll l'- U ! I II I I Ski ll. l.lwl ,.. i la lull Hsu. C. B, WEITZEL, & . CO., . havo Just rcceivod an imtuenso stock of QlatJis; Oa:imm:es Vast Lugs and are pgopai;e(l to got np suits at short uotico and guaranteed to fit or no sale. BLACK, JJRO VN AXD IJLUE CLOTHS, Donblo width, 83 and upwards. FlIOY CASSIMERESj , .all wool 75c, aud upwards. VESTIXGS at all prices. KEXTUCKY JEANS 20S, and uparda. TWEEDS C2C, and upwards COTTOXADES 18c, and upwards. They havo also mado Ge2ebrated Clot Mns Houss Wanamaker & Brown, Phil'a, and nro prepared to furnish suits at their If the goods do not giro satisfaction upon A full lino of samples for customers to solcct . ALL WOOL SUITS $13 AND UPWARDS. Special attention attention paid to And tho highest Mt 3a?&at street? gimlmt Fa? SPRM S MKH - wo rnmmm has riow oa hand and is daily receiving tho largest and best selected ever ofl'ercd for sale iu this town, consisting of an enormous assortment of EEADY - MADE CLOTHXrSTG FOB MEN, BOYS & CHILDREN, hich ho had mado to his own order, in tho latest styles of fashion and best manner of workmanship, an imiuenco Stock of Hats and Caps for INC3JX7TtXO Alili TIIB VERY LATEST HTYLE9. and a magnificent assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods, comprising all tho novelties of tho season. Wliifc and Fancy Snirts, sea., sco. IWn connected with somo of tho largest houses in the cities, and buying all his goods fur caPh, ho is cuabli-d to olli r OEEATER IISrDXJOEMIillSrTS than any of his competitors hero or elsewhere (iivo him a call, cxatniuo his tioods aud hear his astou'tehing low prices. S. HERZFELDER. Under the new Hotel, on Third street, SUNBURY. PA. isw u. nt.i rrt'.it. WATCllKS, JKWKLUY, I H Worth Nft-outl Ml., 'or.r lurr, I'lllLADIU'llIA. Aa u.snrlineui of Watebe. Jeli), Silior auJ I'lulml Want enn.l.inlly un ha ml. liiiiaiiiug uf WsleUti ami Jewelry .nin'tly alleimeil lu. I April I, llll-ly. Oakery and Confectionery lu lh uu buihlinit ailjoliiitn,' Ihu l'iut lillleti, n i...lle ihu mil, N I' II I It v . Ju.l u.i iii. a l.n-.i aouilineiil nl'uil kiinl. v( CONFECTIONARIES ul IUI) I IJ'lluu. rRESH DREAD Sc CAK1U v.iy lii'iiiiini;. )4iiii)ii Hill he iiti. llHy (Mm. I..), ek. ImI. J ) ttiih kluj uf IUI r. H, 'I Wli l', HI a. 1 1 -1 lit Nn, Ae., i-l ul.u kill uu liiiii ami man ulj. I ii li -I ukl ul the Uvl LlaUil u l luur. All kiiitU of Fancy Cakoi b.4 iii awl tiy any tiiy bakum ix-u.laul I, uu h .utn4 lu iiiul'u. lull. I In i i til ul l;..u, ki.ii.i wiik, ruillii U 1 KtU'l Ihu .tlUlU.l UuiU . All ui4i.i I'll l lh l.J ialU lh Ik 1I, ul l kit UjS' uu .iu kul tiiu linul u4 fcw-i-uj. Mill W"l Villi l'lutM4 llililli. . 'Ibi.kiui if inHii , I ku(i ty iu.t .11. I ku.Iu. k lKlU4kUi ll. lu wUllui. li WUt. flUUNV. kluiik l4k, lII twrww l4 Mitt klMvsx l.Vl wlluM ..ul U4 tla-b'fei. l . I -I 1 1 , in , Ij liLi'U'ili H 4 i I li (Jk'i lliii-i iiii, luiimi, I'. arrangements with tlie OP prices, only adding tho cost of esprcssagr. arrivnl wo will return them freo of charge. from. cash prices paid for HaiLtSR, I'lCICKS Itl'.DI t I.I . Ar ma ' Manimoth ltout & Shoe Store or :il Ml III: it, lilt1. II. Hiullli'i Kimni, Queen Ptreel, ono iln Ka.l ut llm 1'u.l tHIiif, M UT 1 1 1 M U E UL A M), I'K S ' . I'i Kluiii.i lluul, K 1ft LH l.lh r' limit ami KIiimi M ue. 'I hey hid kol.l, in I ult ul il. I'.ir I'reuih Cull Uiiul. go lu kliiler', only lU lu 111 le ..iir. V'ur Uiuit, hliiH-t .nut tiuller, ul k '"l fi"i hlu I'lln ., tin l.j I II Miller'., uu tjlli-ll Nre.l. I'nr .,11 kiliu. 1 1 1 1 1. in IluuU aiiil Muira, tall l I'.il Miller.. Km I.itilu.' (inui tht lull., tt flu auoil Ui'nl at r.H Mill. ii.. I ut all klu la il I I.::Jici.' tlhit-., uu ami t ( -sin i no r.n Mill, -r' Ure a.wriiurui. j uuMhllig Ihu II. Jill B hue liux, fail i v iiiiine I !l Mlliii'. 4.k U-tiuu i ,1mLik il uu uU lu tl nut lUo, at lbt !uwtl luli-r.. Jau. '11 ' '1U.-1) . .Imk ul ll.wUry Al IkiNiuu alkloora lltMUItftl', f-'4. HImmIuIIum. NI' I It V. U k.r.l kl.. Ihl I he -llu.M.IJi k.itiuli.1 KkUliurf, ul Ui w uaut. ul V.1I4 I, li.-klu. A I u , lu tb Wnulw buaiuuw lu lb U .i.u.hi l ui.t-..i. U..U iliM.ilJ by luulu.l . lu.iul. I mi I 'k miiiuul, i. .I" Ull lu lb b4i-4 l k IL iVi.l. I, t lb UJ kiu4, abu i.t.1 k-il-o i' Ibt iiluii.biji ac- -u..l WklUIL. l.Aaklka IU, tm klii..iiiiu bu. tkullil bw -mii.u. ul lb ! kiui kill 1 .1 Ik "4 (iutiJ, ku4. (. .u ku. k-l i l UMUUaHi M. II. Kit H SPRING