THE SUNB URY AMERICAN, 18 PUBLI8I1ED EVERT SATTOtaVr BY EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, MASStfu's IUILDINU9, MARKET SIJUSHB, At Sl.ttO In Advance. II not pMl within 6 Month $4. 5u&K-H;f(on taken for Un than tit .Yontfts. Coirctm with thin estnbllshment li an cxten sIvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of filnln anil fancy typo equal to nny rstnhllshmcnt n tho Interior of the State, for -whirhthe patron age of the public U respectfully solicited. 1T:TVTTXV17 Fb Hi I 1 JLy -JL.f -H- ftrbfiesMomtl. SB. HOY Kit, 2 and 3, Second WSI. J. UOI-VERTOS, Attorney a Law. ofllco, door No. 5, 2nd floor, Haiipt s Block, nrar Miller's Bhoc Store, Sunbnry, Pa. Murcta, 1871. ly. Attorney nt Law. Nog. Floor Urlirht's Building, Stinbmy, l'a. I'roTessIonnl business nttendcu to,ln thcconrls of Northumberland and ndjolnlng counties. Claims nroinptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In tho German language. March 35th, 1S71. lj. . JKREMIAII MXYOKIt, Attorney nt Law, guiibury, Pa. All professional busi ness intrusted to bis earo will receive prompt at tention In this and adjoining counties. Can bo consulted both In English and (ierman. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Antr.20,1870.-iy. J NO. A. W1XROX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 144 Fovrtii Avenue, Notary Public, Pittsburg. Jan. 15, 1870. ly. T MABKI.E CO, Market Street, tj , oUNBUKY, 1 A. Dealers In Drug, Medicines, Paluts, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, &c. SI. WOIVERTOJT, Attorney at Law. . Market 8-iunre, 8UNBVRY.PA. Profession id business In this and adjoining counties prompt ly attended to. K. A. IS. NAYIDUKr respectfully an nounces himself as Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Sunbnry and vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite tho Fairmouut Hotel, whero ho cxin be consulted at all hours when not professionally cngag :d. np!34-ly GW. EIECsI.Elt. Attorney at Law, north sldo of Public Square, one door cast of ti,n ni.i n.mlt liiilldimr. SUNBL'BY. PA. Collec tions and all professional business promptly nt . i.. ..... ... nr Vr.i-tlnitiilt..rl-iufl nnd adjoiulug comities. eoptld-bb 71. KEIJIESSYI)EK. Attorney ut t.. RITXHL'HY. PA. All business cn- t runted to his cere attended to promptly nnd with .... i.iil'7J'i7 umgeucc. "i TXO. KAY IXESIEXT, Attorney nt Law, tii'vui;nv. PA Collections and nil pro- f essioenl business promptly attended to. jm-h.U-00 :C. J. BRVNKR. ' U- KAS' TVItrXEtt A. It ASK. Attorneys nnd Coun- !" b,.iim nt Liiw. Sl'NbTUY. PA. Olncc on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. nnd P. it I'.. Kallroad Depot, In the building lately occupied "ny V. Laz irus, Esq. Collections and nil profess ional business promptly attended to in Northum berland and adjoining countles. nB. JIASNEJS, Attorney at Law, SL'N- BURY, PA Colleelions attended to in t lie counties of Northumberland. Cnloii, Snyder, M ontour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. P1.1.1?. MX. M. KOCKBrEixKit. 1.I.OV1) T. noilUllACII. 10 KM ! " A KOIIRBAt'II, V Attoinevs ut Law, KUXBL'UY, PA. Of fice lu llaui't's new building, second lloor. Kn tniucc on Market Square. Jun-l-GS AX. ItitSlK, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, Pa. Olllce In Masonic Hull Building. Collections or claims, writings, and nil kinds of le"-al business attended to carefully and with dispatch. s jlApril H, lBTl.-ly. .viwtuc ListnfYw mTM:r.P KatatoUnhed. In 1N44. ) PRICE ftl 50 IX ADVANCE. ) SUNBURY,-PA SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1871. t Now Nerlrn, Vol. , Xo. 11 Ol.lNcrlca, Vol. 81, So. t7. potcls anb Pcatanrants. A 11 Kit BE lIOt'NE, Broad and Chest- lipids, J. B. HUTU Terms per day, 13.50. j nut its.. Philadelphia, 3. B. BUTTER- WORTH. Proprietor. April 15, 1871. ly UXIOX HOTEL, THOS. FOULD9, Sr., Proprietor, Shamokln Street, Trevorton, Northumberland county, Pa. The tablo Is sup plied with tho best tho market affords, flood stabling and attentlvo ostlers. Juu.21,'71 LIFE and FIRE AND Marine Insurance Agency OF Near the Court House, Sunuury, Pa. nOOYEB IIOI'SE, Third Street, at the depot, SUN BURY, PA., Wm. Refwe, pro prietor. Warm meals served np at all hours. Fish, Fowls and (iiuoe. Fresh Oysters con stantlv on band nnd served In every style. The c?t of wines and liquors at the Bar. t-iTFamlllcs will be supplied with oysters done up lu any style, by leaving orders nt the Bar. rNov.5,'70-ly. BENTAl'RAXT A EATIXG HOUSE. CHARLES ITZEL, Propkiktok. Chestnut Street, a row doors from tho Depot. SusnuRT, Pa., AS open a Restaurant nnd Eating House, COMPANIES REPRESENTED. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY" or NEW YORK. Offleo 819 Broadway. AsRCtts In proportion to Liabilities larger than any other Company. Examine tho merits of tills sterling Company. Its Registry System, and Division of Profits. L. M. YODER, Special Agent, , Suxisuky, Pa. IT far the noennimodatiOll Ofthe DUbllc, Warm mealt can bo had all hours. Allkindeof game, flsh, &c., served up at short Dotloe. His but is supplied with tho bestllauor in market. No palm spared to phsase, and tormsTnoderatc. Sunbury, September, 4th 1800 ly. XATIOXAL LAVER BEER SAEOOX, ON THIRD STREET, NEAR TUH DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH BACHER Informs the citlrcns of Sun bury nnd tho public Kcncrally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the above place. Tho best of Lager Beer, nnd Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, &c, constantly serv ed up to customers. ATIOX-AI. iFoTEiT AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown Noith'd County, Pa., ut the Station of the N. C. K. AV. Choice wines nnd cigars nt tho bar. The table U supplied with the best the market affords. Uood stabling and attentive ostlers. Assets, A EliECiiHEX Y HOUSE, Coi.. C1IAS. 1. KLECKNER, Paoprlutor, Nos. 813 nnd 814 Market Street, above eurhtb, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, -J per day. Ho respectfully solicits your patronage. AMIIIXUTOX HOUSE. C. NEFF, Proprietor, Ccuuer of Market & Secoua Streets, opposito the Court iiouso, uunuury p;. . Maj'28,'70. jnsiircss guilts. ANTHRACITE COAI VALEXTIXE BIET1E, Wholesale nnd Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PF.NN'A. Alt kinds of drain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and mice pioinpuy. leni-M W."s7rBOA1iS. I'AOKEK HAAS. WS. KIIOAliS V C O., RETAIL DEALER OV ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OrrtcE with Haas, Faoelv t Co., Orders left at SeasholtJi ft Bro's., ofllco Market Street, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1S71. tf. . TKITEL A K EST A U R AX T. X'-L THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunburv St.. west S1IAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, nt short notice. The best of Llqnors nt the Bar. The Table Is sup. Tilled with the best nnd latest In the markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Patrunage solicited. HUJIMEIS RESTAURAXT, LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor, Commareo St.. SHAMOKIN. PENN'A. Having just retllted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, Is now prepared to Serve ".lis friends with tho best icfrcshiuents, nnd fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quorft. j7v a l e r ' s W1XTER ARIEX AXD HOTEL Ao. 720, 72S, 724 & 727 Vine Si., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GaTdEX HOTEL (OS TUB EUROPEAN PLAft) Centrally located, connecting with nil the City l'usscnger l.auway tars, iroiuuu ma Depots in tho City. Exccllf ut AccoinmotlutiouM for Tra Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts evary evening lu the Summer and Winter Garden. H-Orchcstrlon Concert Enry Aflenwon.JgS TINE LADIES' RESTAVRANT TOE BEST Ot RUF11ESIIMKNT9 SERVED. Olllee of J. Valer's Fountain Park Brewery Juuo 4, lS70.-ly. OAt I1MAKEKS. -ITTE arc Fcllins Rims, FroVcs, Hubs. Springs, V Canvass, Bolts, Cllp, A -ej.c., veiy Law Stock nt COiI Lt). Sunbury, March SO, ISC'.L 7VoAE! C OAEJ " C-OAM-dRANT BROS., KJ Shippers and Wholesale and ictu!l Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (lower wharf.) ID Sole Agcuts, westward, at tne rc.c.iinuc-a Henry Clay Coal. "eXC1IAXE 1.1YERY. J. M. UARTIIOLOMEW, I'ltoi'itiETOit. FOTRTII STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nuuburjr Ia. rpiIE beet of riding and driving horses always 1 ou hand to servo customers. Orders left nt the Central Hotel, for Vehicles, will receive prompt nttention. Nov. ft. 1870. WEXT1STRY. GEORGE M. RENN, J.i Stnuwn'a JSuiliUntj, Muriel Sjumv, SlNBlKY, Pa., 1 prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining Jo Ih ntl.trT. llskpscon6tiiut!yon hand a'largu norlineut f Teeth, and other Dental unili iul, from which he will be utile to select, uud meet tho wants of bis customers. All win k warranted to give satisfaction, or else the iiiuiii-y refunded. Ths v. ry ll Mouth Wuh uudToolh-Powdeis kept on li.nnl. Uis ri l. icnee ale tho umuerous wlrons Tnr whom he has worked for lbs hist twclvu years. fciiiiluiry, April si, XEW OAI. Y ltl. rilllE uudrlgiieJ kavlng cornntlid the Coal 1 bu.iue. wilbhUtttou.ivs KLOL'lt & tilt Al N trad.-, i prepared to supply Umilies ailU lbs YEUY MI'.ST OK Oil.. 4 IIEAt- I OII t'AHII. rfj(, Mots aud Nul, enustuutly va baud, tirislu Uku lu..-l,.uB. MCual. t.Al)W ALLADKK. Siiniiy, Jan. 1'0 if- . jAtos sulfa!. mouisiiii psa. I lrv, I I I ! A tUJul INSURANCE AGENCY or Miiinv a 111:1111. MARKET blllEET, HL'NUL'UY, PA. I oUPANICa llkl'UUilCN I kli. N. Amuitesu, I'hiUdulpbU, AmIs, 4,TS,Vw Xmw inn. LIQUOR STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF. Second Street, opposite tho Court House, SUN BURY, PA., , i!,.sn.-i i fullv invites the attention of Retailer and others, that he has ou baud, aud will dm stantlv kecii nil klmlsot FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Puro Brandlus: Cogniuc, Cherry r:itwrr l!itflu11si:iiiil Oturd. Whiskies: Pure Rye CoppcrJMetillcd, Moi"u gahelu, Apple uud Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wines! Chainnatrue Wlue, Sherry, Port nit ft, i r..t. p;ib CMer. Champnsrue Cldur, N. E. Rum Biowu l-'tont and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, A in! it it nthcra Llnuors which can be found 1 1... ..Ii v markets, which will be sold at Wluilc !., I lti-t:iil. Everv urticle cuaranteed represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on nana. " Orders promptly attended o, and pub'.l J patroungo refpectruliy soiwueo Suubury, July 3, 18G9. ly. C KF.FF, ehi Abbtrli5cmcnts. Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. ?.5,7S3,635 CO. J. llcndee, PresidcrTt. J. Goodmow, See'y, Wui. B. Chirk, Asa't See'y. L. M. YODER, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. WYOMING INSURANCE COM PANY, WILKES-BARKE, PENN'A. Assets, Juu. 1st, 2i,C9S 13. CIIAS. DORRANCE, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Prcsldont. SMITH, Secretary. L. lil. YODER, Agcut, SUNUUKY, l'A. Pottsville Firo Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES l'liOMl'TLY rAIV. V. ALSTADT, President. PRE HI Civ HAEcELEY, Secretary. L. JL Y'ODEU, Agent. Sunhujiy, Ta. AI.1V) INSURANCE COMPANY, "P ERIE, PENN'A. CtiKia Capital, 835!,C00 00. HON. O. NOISLE, rr.i-aiDEX7 JOHN P. VINCENT, Vice Prwlieut. M. RUSH WARNER, Secretary, II. W. NOBLE, Treasurer. S. S. SMITH, Special Agent. limurroi!. lion. O. Noble, Joliii W. llauinionj, Johu Fertig, Hon. n. Marvin, Win. B. Merrett, Henry K.iwlc, i. T." Churchill, C. Kmilelmrt. V. M. Reed, Jr.. dipt. D. P. Dobblus, L. M, 1I..U. J. P. Vincent, M. Hartlcr, Cupt. J. S. Richards, James H. Nelll, V. 11. fllbh:, 11. W. Noble, Hiram Daggett, Richard O'Brien, Hon. II. II. Delumnter, II. S. Southard. YODER, A-nil, SL'Nl.l'UY, Pa. N. Aaiciu-ait l.oiiiii4, ' " IllipclUi, l.oujua, " Liwmiu(, VlauiK, "' fl.u.t. im, " li.iiun, S loill, " It.iiluil, lUilt-lJ, " l'lfi.l, " " 'llvll. " fi.uu.1. Iu IV, Xfk, " S. UutU A tUi. quills " t auitu.i.t, V tu'W, " S M ! U, Sut ! M, M 4Wiwl Liio, " tUMMutSt li.ut's A'- .i,O0t l,i-MI,l ,iwo,uii4 t, l ,usi ' .J--i,ViH S, .'il,- ,(.(, JIJ I ,u;.uij ,a.'ii.uul II si, hut, Ml f ,u,oui f Hi ukt I UiQ J1AROWARE NTOKE, J. II. t'ouley, & t o. MARKET KTREET, SUNUURY, PA., HAS received a nw assortuiuui of all kinds of Hardware, Cutlery, Mechanics TouU, Ac., of all Hrtcrlpllous. Also Wusuu Maker's Mate rials, Hubs, Rims, Spokes. Also, alt kind of I i.r ii.r i,.-iiik...i' and Sttddlr'. I.vrv- tbiiig lu ibo llaruwaro llnecsu be found which will be sold as lo as cau be bonis 111 oi tiny uini estiibliahuieut la the country. Call and cu their lliH'li, Suubury, Dec. II, IR.. FOR BALE. ri1T VALl'AIH.K LOTS oa me corurr in X Bcroiid aud t lulnut strvets, lu II.J 1!- ruUKh of suubury, ou wldeh there are ere in a l.iiKo dwellluK ItnUM), slnlils alii,.. 1 ho bsuiMlead, lalS OI liugu punas, u.v u. AUo, a Lot on Msrk't street, la the lloiunch nt sunburv. oa hleli I tiers sis adcinK i"u.. , Stable aud uutOutldiiiKS. luiUlr at lb-o a. r. sum mi" 'j Kib. U, lTI.lf. AduilnUtri.t.i WoMfN, t.lltl a ho utiuS la our new bullosas luaks " f i l.i IU pel day la ttwtr oa UMMiUtK". u" )'' tiiulur u4 uiStruetlous nut li" io.i'. 'IUimsIu Ud of luiusul, ploUtubls work, Uuuld sddi vss at oui s. UKOUOKStlKaOM JsCt., I'ullmud, H-il... A pi II lH.-m. i Tllon ItlflY, J ..... i 5 ST kuutU kc4u4 Miccl, abi l Lt.ii.ui, p ' flllLAUCLPUU P listing Ju.t ouJ, ua a Ui;s "d -il E C vUvtut 4vKk Ol ITiMSlKU o l !"' il- -M l nlu..s " ibuli4t st)U anil Hi Uls. If r ij,inti luii,kl4iUus,Di".-k. h'-f ", lll K-i, As., sll vl k ll M1 yl.Mll lul 1Mb V Ik.i. klVV4Ur V. U U.4 at '-. Ituuik swmJ fciiut tal, suk iwium tpu). Kb. J, i..i4. ANDES Insurance Company, CINClSN.Vni.OHlO, 111 West Fourth Street. EIRE AND MARINE. ItAIri.UOUE LOCK HOSPITAL. JR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy, plcaraut and clfectuul remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OF J.M PRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictnres, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involur tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspppsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion ol ideas, 1'alpltu.tfon or the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, DiseuBe of tho Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin, Affections of Liver, Luntrs, Stomach or Bowels theso terrible Disorders nrislng from the rtolKo'T Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices lnoro fatal to their lctims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners of UlyBses, blighting their moat brilliant hopes of anticipation, rcuderiiig marriage, &c, Impossible. iOUNG MEN especially, who kavo become tho victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive hublt which nnmuiliy sweeps 10 an untimely gravo thousands of young men of tho most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise buvo entranced Ibtciiinif Senates with tliu thunders of eloquence or waked to ccstucy the living lyre, may call with full coutidctucc. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Yonnir Jscn eoutcmplntlnit nmrrlnire. aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Proereutive Power linpotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disquulilieation, speedily relieved. lie who places niniseu unjer me care oi nr. J. may religiously conllde In his honor ns a gentlo tnah, and coutiOcutly rely uion hlssliiil as a Pbv. slcian. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Lots of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Dlstressinir All'ectlon which renders Li!e miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. loung persons aro too api 10 coiniini excesses from not bclngaware of the dreadful consoqenees that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject wi.l pretend to deny that the power of procreation U lost sooifbr by thoso falling into Improper habits than by tho prudent I Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy oil: priug, the most serious und destructive symptoms to both body n:id mind uripc. I lie system become de ranged, the Physical nnd Mental Fund ions Weakened, Loss of Proereutive Power, Nervous Irri'aVility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Cinislit'itional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep thoni trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious cituipouudH, should apply immediately. JHt. .JUll.AS lvl.. Member of the Roval Colli tie of Surgeons, Lon don, tiraduuleii Hum one t me ino.-i uiniiicin, Colleges i i the United f tates. and the greater part of whose Ife has been spent in the hospitals of London. Pris. Philadelphia ami elsewhere, has tllcctod some of the most ustouishing cures that were ever known : iiiauy troubled w.' bring big In tho head nud ars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soai.d baslil'ulness. with freuuent blutliing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediatelv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves bv improper Indulgence nnd solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unlitting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. These are. some of tho sad and melancholy effects tirodr.c-.a t'J trir lialilts ol youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Paius in the Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Vower, Palpitation ot the Heart, Pyspepsy Nervous Irritability. Derangement oi Wgcsuvo Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con s'.iiiii'tion. iMc. The fearful effects on tho mind arc much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression ot Spirits, fcvn Forebodings. Aversion to Society, Selt'-Distrust I.nvoof Solitude. Timidity, &.; are soino of Hie evils I'roiluced. Tnut sands of liersons of all ages can now luilee what U the cause ol their declining health losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, uervous and emaciated, having u singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms o! coLsuuip tiou. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when ulone, ii habit ireoiiently learned from evil companions, or ut school, the effects of which mo nightly felt, even when asleep, nnd if not cured, renders marriage iinpos bible, and destroys botli miiiJ and body, should apply immediately. W but a pity mat a young iiiiin.uic imieui m country, llie darling oi ins puicius, biiouiu oe snatcliei', from nil prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature ana indulging in a cerium secret habit, buih persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, relied that a sound mind and body lire the most necessury requisites to promote eouiiuUl il happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes u weary pilgrimage j the prospect hourly darkens to tho view i the mind becomes shaduwe I with despair uud tilled with the melan choly rellcetion, that the happlu'j of aucshcr becomes blighted Willi our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When ths misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure linds that he h is Imbibed the seeds of thin painful dteease, It too often happens that an ill-timed seue of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to tlioso who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, b laving till the consul uimuai symptoms ui this horrid disease iiuiku their iippe.uuiice, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, iioetuial palus ill tliu head uud limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tho shin holies and arms, blotches ou the head, lace and extremities, pro- ?tlcft" .poetry. THE RWUI.V. Bt JOIIS O. WH1TT1ER. My old Welsh neighbor over tho way Crept slowly out In ths sun of spring, Pushed from her ears the locks of gray, And listened to bear tho robiu sing. Her grandson, playing at marbles, stopped, And cruel lu sport, as boys will bo, Tossed a stone nt tho bird, who hopped From bough to bough in tho apple tree. "Nny 1" said the grandmother, "have you not hoard My poor bad boy 1 of tho flcry pit, And how, drop by drop, this merciful bird Carries the water thut quenches It t Ho brings cool dew In his llttlo bill, And lets It fall on the souls of bin ' You cau sec the marks on his red breast still Ol Arcs thut scorch as ho drops it iu. My poor Brom rhnddyn l my bresst-bnrncd bird Singing so sweetly from limb 'to limb, Very dear to the heart of our Lord Is ho who pities tho lost like Ului 1" "Anienl" I said to the beautiful myth j "Sing, bird of God, in my tt.-art u well j Each good though. Is deep wherewith To cool and lessen the tires of hell. Prayers of love like raindrops fall, Tears of pity ore cooling dew, And dear to the heart of our Lord are all Who snll'er like Him in the good they do. alc5 ltctccs. MAXAUIXU WIFE. Ezra Newton had just finished looking over Ins ypnrly ncuounta. 'well,' asked his wife, looking up, 'how do you cotno out' 'I find,1 Baid hcrhusbuhd, ' my ex penses dun ii'' the past .year have been thirly-seven eeuts overa thousand dollars.' 1 es. 1 manured pretty well, didn't l r ' JJo you think it niauaaed well to exceed your income V said tho wife. 'w lint's thirty-seven cents f' asked Mr. Newton, lightly. '.Not much, to bo sure, nut still some thing. It seems to mo wo ought to havo saved, instead of falling behind.' Hut how can we save on this salary. Elizabeth ? "We haven't lived extrava gantly. Still it seems lo have taken it all J'crhaps there is sometliiutt lnwlucli wo might retrench, suppose you mention some of your.items.' 'llio most inip irtant aro house rent, one hundred and llll y dollars, and articles of lood, live hundred dollars.' Just half.' 'Yes, and you'll admit that we can't retrench there, Elizabeth. I like to live well. 1 had enough ot poor board before 1 married. No, 1 mean to live us well as I can.' 'Still we ought to bo saving up something against a rainy any, Jizra.' Unit would bo something like carry in an umbrella when tho sun shines.' .Still it is well to have an umbrella in tho house.' '1 can't contradict your logic, Elizabeth, nut rm airaid we slum t Po able to save any thitii' this year. When I get my sala ry raised, it will be time enough to thiuk ot that. 'Let me make a proposition to vou ' said Mrs. Newton. 'Vou say one-half of your income lias been expended on nrticlea of lood. Aro you willing lo allow mo that sum lor that purpose V 1 ou guarantee to pay all bills out of it i" 'Vos.' 'Then I will Shift the responsibility upon you wttn pleasure. liut 1 can tell you bo forehand you won't bo able to save much out ot it.' 'lVrhapa not. At any rate I will engage not to exceed it.' 'That's well. I shouldn't relish havin any additional bills to pay. As 1 ntu paid every month, I will at each payment hand you nan tne money.' The dillerent characters of husband and wife may bo judged from tho conversation which has been recorded. Mr. Newton had but little prudence or foresight, lie lived chielly for the present, nnd seeuuil to fancy that whatever contingencies might arise iu tho future, ho would somehow be provided for. Now trust in Providence is u proper feeling, but tliero is a good deal of of truth in the old adage that Crod will help thoso who will help themselves. Mis. Newton, on tho contrary, had been brought up in a family which was compell ed to uc economical, aud although she was not disposed to deny herself comforts yet she felt that it was desirable to procure them at a fair price. Tliu time that this conversation took place was ut the commencement of tho second year of their married lite. Tho lii'st step which Mrs. Newton took, ou accepting the charge of tho household expenses, wus to iustttuto tho practice of ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or abont 100 Words malt a Sqitar 1 flq 8q' 8 Rq! 4 8q Jfcol lcol l col One week 1.00 .0O, 2.6o: 8.00, 5.00 8.001S.O0 Two weeks 1.60 S.00 8.50' 4.00 8.0O11.O018.OO Thrco " 2.00 8.50; 4.5(1 8.00 fl.OO 13.00 20.00 Four ' 2.50 4.60: 6.501 11.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 Flvo 2.7. 6.00: B.50. 7.00 12.0017.00 25.00 Blx 3.00: 6.7.-i 7.50! 8.00 1:1.0018.00 27.50 T wo mo a.2.Y 7.50l 8.50; 9.00 15.00 20.00: 80.00 1 hree ;a.80i 8.00; 9.6b 25.00 40.0C BIX " :5.00 U.O0 U.00 12.00 2S.00,Xi.(X) 50.00 Nine " :0.00 10.00 1 3.00 15.00 :5.00 45.e0 75.CO One Year :8.00.ia.OO;i5.oo 20.0V 40.00 Ou.OO 11.00 Brewing with n-luhtful rapidity, till at ho-i the juiy iug cash fur all articles that came under ( tih Capital, ctl.OOO.O0O :. J. ft. PFNVFTT, President. J. II. UK VI 'UK, bwrtilary. J. J. UKUNI., Biipl. of Ajieiieli-s. AiiUealloiM fur Insurance prou'i'lly utKudci; lo. 1 M. YOHKU, Agent, HiMiittv, Pa. 3 to10ierl)ay.Hr,?2 r WILLIAMUPOItT nuK isuuasci: company, WU.LUUal'OItT, ':SVA. Iueurul'ulc. 11'J. ta.U tal'lUl, 100,000. JOHN V III I K, -t.l,l. i.l. U. St. 'Iliotli BUN, cei'. Tkw OrUluwl I i uutyitut Ut VUUlMUlt4. Her I' Jus l'J if. HislVmiui ) Iikui.s Sg-ilu.t dUtugc; b) I I.Lli.ll., a 11 a I lie. luibitu uf lluniiiiutli or the bom b ot the none lull in, uud Ihu ictliu of thl awful diat'Ui.e bccoiius a luari 1 iilijci t uf coiiiiiiicraliiiu, till dculh 1'iitn a lu iii.d lo bib dreadful ullci'iyLf, by sending him lo " that I udi.icucrcd Country from u hence in. iiavdli r rvtiiru.." Il is u iiii-hincholy fact that lhouands DIE Vl li iub to 1 1 1 l .-. terrible disease, tlil.nill falling Into llm baud, of Ignorant or uiibUltllal I'llK TKNUKUS, h, by ihu u.o of that deadly i'wl .mi. Mercurv. Ae.. deolloy Ihu, and lucuiiMbio of ciiriiiL'. Weep Ihu uahul-y ulb rer moiilU uller in. 'nib taking their mikioiu or In jaiiiiUi iuiMiuud-i, und iiilcd of being reniuicd la a renewal of Lire V Igor und lluiiii-., In iles ii.ilr leato hi in with ruined lleullU lo sill over liib nailing ili..i'ldiiliiiciil. 'lo ll b, Iblleiure, 1I. JollSsluM id.d'.'ei hllll ill lo I'lieivu Ihu uufi lutiuldblu bcciccv, Slid liuiil bit ctiU'le (Mailiec uud ubscliuliuus lu Ibu liieal'iliiU uf Kiilu'c, uud Ih.i llr.l hi Hut uiuulry, vis I K.uglami, i lance, i'blladeli.hl.i uud t Ue li. le, 1. enabled lo I llie limnl ivr, He.l) sad KlucJy iu Hie aoild lur all UUia.e i.l inii'i unem e. lilt. JwllNslUN', OrHtF., SO. T, ! si kiwis 4 t. (1 il l Wuuts A llu4' M U.Ut I'im, 1 l k-4 Itttsukst o ltii ( ti lu Usk, l.waus ui iif Sloilu. .uuu "U Bilk I uilUil li U Ux'fU, lm.( uibU', ii ua Ut, itil. I.l S.Ml il I l; oo !U lk i U 4I I.-0 li ,1 Ui ou lilo.ikM 14 u,uiuU fuuias, Call tMtiB, i.nlul Wilt ii4, u4 ii-w-it Vfiiti, si ui li-im-. U M., A,ul, btblkl, 14. Apid 44. ITI 4 rUKDFKli K bTllFF.T, lUninuuii, M. l. 1.11 baud tide Kil(. doiii U.illiiiiule ilie. I. lr a.niia 1 1 "in I be ei.ii'U. kail uul iu ul'tlle uaiiio aud uiimber. (tf'So lillrl' licv J uules hI.iU su.l I..I.I..U.H.K a .laini lo It ued uu tlie lejdy. 1'ir ,u. Biilll.14 li.iulj l le nee, und eb l a HllkiU ul silUUU. iltl.l U elll'lnii till 4"lli. ILuu iy ..j B4U) I'uliiv, K.liilhl aud MulUU. lu.'ii'Ui adtvilloiof lUciu4.i its rii).l. un., iiiili; BilUuud I11110114 Hh Itallli i.l ail li'i aiiluimutfi' I) uil lot" H '-r l "n, lbl in. J.d.u.l'ii d eiaa li uc... .11) li ay i l.iali lu lUie uu4.Ualule4 BIlU bis Ie( ul4- ,o4 iU.l ItM lli.4.lL.H Ol lUllulU.. !) lu 1.1a uiU. c. IL. Hub) ll...u..ub vltU'l st Ibis S-M4I1I1 U- UUUl, ! Bl4 tUS BUHlnum i.uui.! Biku! (ii.idiu. tiwu.4 by li. JuillWt'lU. BUuw4 1 1 lb li l.i.l JllIC ut lbs tl... uj !. tl. l.4i'Kof UUl .h.ii4 4lM 4 luUI0 I'ublu, U.i4 if iuii4 t i Wsi4. x4 n.t-rf...ll.l, is MUb.44 bbU U IUi, sill.. i.4. , sal .ikl alHtPlLV tlKKU. ttblMI l, i.l.'lt- lier iliiiarlineul. N10 acH-'onlmgiy called ou tuu uuteiier ana nuiuireii : 'How often have you boon in tho hahit of prcbciiting your hills, Mr. William '1" 'Once in six mouths was the reply. 'And 1 buitoso you have Botntiiuus bad bills f 'Yea, onc-tliird of my prollts, on an av erage, are swept oil" by litem.' 'And you could alh'i'd, I suppose, to sell somewhat cheaper for ready money V 'Yes, uud 1 would bo glad il all my cits luinc ts would give me a elianco to do bo.' 'I will set Uu 111 uu example then,' said Mrs. N'ewluii. 'Hereafter whatever urllcles kliiill bo puivhawil of you will be paid for oil tliu, mm wo snail expect you to sen us I'eiihiuiiblu us you can.' This urfungctiiunt was kImi niado with the others, who. it ia scarcely needful t say Mere very glad lo euler lulo tho ar range iinul. Heady money ia tliefiiut sun pol l of the trade, and u cash ciixtoiuer Is worth iwo who putclia.o on credit. 1'iiriuimUly Mrs. Newton Inula stuall The result was bryond her anticipation. - " . jvl, ,ft. UAllllllUlll her bank book for ahe had regularly de posited whatever money sho had not oc casion to uho in one of theso institutions she found that she had ouo hundred and fifty dollars besides reimbursing herself for the money the liret mouth, and having enough to last another. 'YA i.ll Teliznliotii b.i.m ttnti l-nl .. -. - .....v. J fkVJI. iiuiii vour allowance V asked her husband at this time. "I guess you havo not found it so easy to save ns you thought for.' 1 nave saveu lometiiing, However,' saiu his wife. 'l!ut how is it w ith vou 'That's more than I can sav. However I have not exceeded my income, '.'.ait's one good thing. "We have lived full as well, aud I don't know but belter than last year, wnen wo Bpeni nve Hundred.' -, it's knack, JS3rft,'iud his wife gmiling. She was not inclined to mention how much she had saved. She wanted some time or other to svrpriao him with it when it would bo of sorao service. bha may possibly have saved up twenty five dollars ,' thought Mr. Newton, 'or sninn such trille,' and so dismissed the matter Irom his mind. At tho end of tho second vcor. Itri. New ton's savings, including the interest, amounted to three hundred nnd fil'tv dol lars, and bho begun to feel quito rich. iter nusoaiid uul not tinuk to luctuiro how she had succeeded, sunnositiii. as be fore, that it could ho but a very small sum. However he had a piece of good news to communicate. His salary had been raised from a thousand to twelve hundred dollars. Ho added : 'As I before allowed votiona half my income for household expenses, it is no more than fair I should do so now. That will pivo you a better chance to save partot it than be tore. Indeed, 1 dou't know how you succeeded in saving-anything thus far.' As before Mrs. Xewton merely said that sho had saved something, without specify ing tne nmount. Her allowance was increased to six hundred-dollars, blither expenses wero not proportionally increased at all ; so that her savings for third year swelled to the aggre gate sum in the oavings bank to six hun dred dollars. Mr. Xewton. on the contrary, in unite of his increased salary, was no better off at tho end of tho third year than before. His expenses had increased by a hundred dol lars, though lie would havo found it dilll cult to tell in what way his comfort or happiness had been increasod thereby. In spite of his carelessness in regard to his own affairs, Miv Xewton was au ex cellent man in regard to his business, aud his services wcro valuablo to his employer. They accordingly increased his salary, from time lo time, till it reached sixteen hundred dollars. Ho had steadily preserv ed tho custom of assigning ouc-half to his wife for tho same purpose as heretofore, aud this had become such a habit that he never thought to inquire whether shc.found it necessary to employ the whole or not. Thus ten yea re rolled away. During all this time Mr. Xewton lived in tho same lured House lor which, ho had paid an an nual rent of one hundred and lifty dollars latterly, however, he had becomo dissatis tied with it. It had passed into tho hands of a new landlord, who was not disposed to kcej it in the repair which he considered desirable. About this timo a block of excellent houses were erected by a capitalist, who designed to sell them or let them as ho might have an opportunity. They were moro modern and much better arranged than llio one m which Mr. Xewton now lived, and ho felt a strong desire to move in cue of them. Ho mcutioued it to his wife one morning. 'What is tho rent, "Ezra ?' inquired she, 'Two hundred and twenty-live dollars for the corner houso ; two hundred for either ofthe others.' 'The corner one would be preferable, on account ofthe side windows.' 'Yes, and they have a largo yard be sides. I think wo must hire one of them. I guess I'll engage one to-day ; you know our year is out next week.' 'Pleaso wait, Ezra, to-morrow before en gaging one.' 'For what reason ?' I, should examine tho house.' Soon after breakfast Mrs. Xewton called ou Squire lleut, the owner of the new block, and intimated her desire to bo shown the corner house. The request he readily com plied with ; Mrs. Xewton was quite de lighted with all tho arrangements, aud ex pressed her satisfaction. 'Are these hounes for salo or to let ?' sho inquired. F.ither,' said the owner. 'The rent is, I understand, two hundred and twenty-live dollars.' 'Yes, I consider tlw corner houso worth at least twenty-live dollars more than the rest.' 'And what do you charge for tho house to cash purchaser V asked Mrs. Xewton with subdued eagerness. 'Pour thousand dollars cash,' was the reply, and that is but a small advanced on the cost.' 'Very well, I will buy It of you,' added Mrs. Xewton, quietly. What dull understand you to say !' asked the 'Squire, scuicely believing his ears. '1 rencat that 1 will buy this house at your price, and pay the money within u week.' 'Then the house is yours. Hut your bus baud said nothing of l is iuuuliuii, and iu fact 1 did not know' That he had money to Invest, 1 supposu vou would say. Xeilher does ho know it, ous arrangements of tho house that he lad reason to bo grateful for tho prudenco of his managing w ife. fftietcHanfous. The Next -st Thing. Stratagems and practical Jokes between members of iho same family by way of re buke nro 'sometimes more effectual than words, in tho parties ore good uatured, but they are tqo dangerous agents to be safely used. Xot many men would havo put up with the loss of a dinner so quietly as tho slack husband mentioned below, or stopped to thiuk whether ho deserved it : "Mr. Moncton," said my grandmother. 'I have no wood to burn to-day. What shall I do 5" '(), send Louisa round to pick up some said my grandfather. 'Hut she has picked up all sho can find.' 'Then let her break up some old stuff.' 'Hut sho has broken up everything al ready.' 'O, well, then, do tho next best thing I must bo off,? said the faTtner ; and, no doubt, wondering in his heart what tho next best thing would turn out to be. Xoon came, and with it came my grSnd- latner ana ins lour hungry laborers. JSiy Krandmother stood iu the kitchen, spinning, on her great wheel, and singing little ditty, Louisa sat scouring tins In tho back room, aud the cat sat purring on tho hearth be fore a black ana Urcless chimney, while tho table sat iu tho middle of the room, spread for dinner, but With empty dishes. 'Well, wife, hero weure,' said my grand father, cheerily. o I tee,' replied sho, placidly. 'Have you had a pood morning in the corn-field V' 'Why, yes, so-so. Hut where is ther din ner?' 'In the pot on tho doorstep. Won't you see if it h dono V Anil on the doorstep, to be sure, sat tho great , iron pot, nicely covered, but not looking particularly steamy. My grand father raised the cover, and there lay all the ingredients for a nice boiled dinner. everything prepared in tho nicest manner, ana tne. pot idled with the clearest waten, and all tho vegetables nnd meat as raw aa they had ever been. My eranufather then stated, and my grandmother joined anoth er roil lo the yarn upon her distaff aud be gan another verso ot her song. -; 'Why, woman, what does this mean ? began my grandfather, indignantly. 'This uinner istrt cooked at oil.' .. . Hear me 1 is it not ? asked tho good wife iu pretended astonishment. 'Why, it has set in the sun this lour hotm.' 'Set in the sun I' 'Yes ; you told mo to try Iho next best thing to having a fire, and I thought set ting my dinner in tho sun was about that.' My grandfather stood doubtful for a mo ment ; but finally his sense of humor over camo his sense of injury, and ho laughed aloud. Then pickiug up his hat, ho said ; . 'Come, boys, we might ns well start for tho woods. We shall have no dinner till we've earned it, I preceive.' 'Won't you have some bread and cheese before you go V asked my grandmother, generous iu her victory, as women alwayo are. And so she won the day. uud 1 must ask you not lo tell him for the present.' ! The next tnoruing Mrs. Xewtmi invited her husband to tako a walk, but without specify ili( the direct ion, They boou stood hi liont of the house iu which he desired lo live. 'Wouldn't you like to go in V she asked. 'Yes. It's a pily wo haven't pjl ihu key,' with which she walked up llio Step supply of mousy of her uwu which Listed ! u,i procucded la opeti the door, nil llio lllsl liioiilhly IlisUllinuiil for hef I 'Wluu did yuUgi tlUu Wiyof'SquI husbaud bvcaiiio Uuu, I bus llio was ena bled lo cuny uul her iaU pluu fnau ihu hviuuiuii. AitolUvr pluu wliu h oi iuriodli) In r Is likely lu B4VH kpulmi, Was lo liUliliUM ui IU U.B IU Ui t!' I qiuulllUis. Mia Uud smU 4Ved unuli.h liolii llut money allowed lur lu do ihu. l ot Humph', iiieUud ol buy li.,i .uuar U ItW luuiiils at it Hiue, she pup iliuBuT Utui-l, "" BuveU iii( or bu'io W ptuJ. ' hapB. aiwuUlf Uil lo but U11U1 i Oms iHuru uf jear. but llu B4"to sysUM iitflita out 111 n yum lei ulla-r au luka U UW tull w LU It Was by u t lluaus a UUli). '1' wem tlW wsys lu whUb a tar. fui Luoikt'l u Lto U Uiuit 11UM VI.. NL.u llli UU OVUlb' - wild au t.bici lu tuiw sUi SM aUss uu ll.o U-a uul lo l'tl'l l lUut V naked Ihu huob.iud. Yi.U-nltv, when 1 bought thu house,' said his wtlu quietly. Mr. Nt-wluu iiascd ul Ids wife, lu pro found Ul"tllUUIOlll. What uu earth do you im-uu, F.IUaU ihV Uu IlieJUUeJ. Justwluitl Buy. Tim h-uso Is wins, uud lul is WtiMI Is thllio. rwlhu UoUsu is yours, t'ru.' .. . ( luro Iu llut liuiuo oriS"Jucsa did )u laisu mow V a-Wwl br husband, lu Still 4 Ijrvul US 4 VI f I b4liU'l laU u luulMaUtil tu U tittis lur uoiLiuB,'Ba4 Mis. Nmloii, sunt-Ui- wall boiuq diilWuiiy His. uioii BH-i- - A dricvouM Wrong Why is it that there is such a repug nance on the part of parents to putting their sons to a trade. ..At killed mechanic is an iu debendcut man. , Go where he will, his craft will bring hint support, lie need ask favors of noue, ho l.nd literally his for tune iu his own hands. Yet foolish par ents ambitious that their sons should "rise in tho world," as they say am more willing that they should study for a profession, with tho chances for even a. moderate success heavily against them, or t un the risk of spcudin their manhood in the inob'.e tank of retailing dry goods, or, of toiling at tho accountant's desk, lll.lll jetllll I. lliKIU , IIU.H nWUll. V.IUh them manly trength,heaHh aud independ ence. In point of fact, tho method they use is the one least likely to achieve the ad vancement aimed at, "lor tho supply of candidates for "errand boys, " dry gooda clerk, and kindred occupations, isuotorU ously overstocked; whily, on tho other hanil, tho demand for really skilled mechanics of every description is as notori ously beyond tho supply. Tho crying . need of this country to-day is for skilled labor ; and that father who neglects lo provide for his son a useful trade, aud to see tliat he thoroughly masters it, 'docs him a grievous wrong, and runs thu risk of helping by so much to inerear.o tho stock of idle and dependent, if not vicious, mem bers of society. It is stated in tho report ofthe 1'iisoti Association, lately issued, that of fourteen thousand tivo hundred and nine-six prisoners confined iu the thirty States in 1S07, seventy-seven jiercent., or over ten thousand of the number had never learned a trade. The fact conveys a lesson of profound interest to thoso w ho havo in charge the training of boys, and girls too, for the active duties of life. Abnn'uclurcv and lJvu (cr. Isror.MATKvx to SraWKits. To sol diers entitled to a quartet section of tho public lauds under the acts of Congress, and desirous of locating it aud tiyiug their fortunes lu the West, tho txptiienco of a pioneer may bo of advantage, A dis charged soldier who settled in Kausa w rites lo a Western paper t ome details of his c.TieUiv, which Will be of Interest U thiise who wish to eligao iu fariiiitig w heio laud is cheap. He located a hoiue.tea.l of 100 acres iu lhekiuson couniy, w ithin I'uUi Uell liuU s of Iho lkiusas l'ueillo rail road - as mI land, he says, us can ou toimd ! in Kansas or iu Kentucky. His home i sieud cusi dim eH.fsi; do has lo live ou U five yeuia, uud ul tho expirutioii or that pen I ud, ll ho cau prove ho Las mil l U tt.b4 Ut liotiiil ui'iio ibau si iiioiiihs al uuu lime-, he ciiu eel HU"l l"r it liiu ihu l.uurn I incut, uud it IS lb. ll his to dlala uf ti l l I thinks proper. " l" "'ly u.hiuiUgo tho 1 . ,11. .. I. ... .e. r llu L-iliZt'U iu this W4ltur btmuu.i i ... - - ---- - ,. , thai ho can uko under lh llolllesUiua law lmi u.iis ol land withiii iwmty mill ul a luili'Mid lo whii h laud uiuuts lava Ut il Uiade, Wbila Iho iltieu tail l ao on ly Ui utlis. Uul uulido ul iailroud huut if,, iu is no s.uli dul.iuUon. Waur U l..uiid ilu io by dttfglm al auaveraju di I'lli ul I..! I y li I 1 i.uU I ia ;. aud lumU-r laisu.iw. Horse ai ''. luJuu i-.ruVtu.iU buua'U allium K1 lach. 1 1- y UW Ls lOlug Wf I" ,o,u.u....h.u MitW'. lv,x;?.1" ."i U, biou.l.t, -uu ) r old. ul Ml lo IMI, u I ur.ulJ, l'tUjtl J,lrr yra.. "". ' 1 wluu ilu ) aiua lu lha laU., Uk W-4.lis I" .(.... ...HI-. l..lils us . .. m.m im ... a - . ZZ aUslsuu tl-o iu... l U ""Und U l it. . t ") u , , ,u..u U.IimI (i li w U tft U.i.,t lt Ihm u-4 I Sl ut tut H