wnwrits An Anxious Tuavelkh. A woll known Brooklyn politician, noto4 for his tvapgnrv, stopped the conductor of an Albany-bound train on which lie wns journey ing Inst winter, and nuked Innocently if tho next Btafion wns rotiglikcopsie f 'Ne, aaid tho conductor. On his next fare-collecting round, the conductor 'wns again nsked if tho train was nearing Foughkccpsio to which he ngo in replied, negatively. Again and again, as the oUicial made his raimds the same question was asked by the anxious passenger, until at last the man of checks replied with some little irritation in his ' tone : Xo, sir ; we nro not yet near your stop ping place. Pray trust to nio, and I will let you know when we shall get there.' The passenger thereupon relapsed into silence, mid tho otllcial, engrossed with other dutiV.s, forgot his case until tho train bad left Foughkecpsie about half a milo to tho rear, when, recollecting himself, bo hastily backed the cars to tho station, and rushing up to tho troublesomo passeuger, cried out: 'This is Poughkeepsio. Hurry tip and get off. Wo are behind time.' 'Oh, tbnuk you,' deliberately drawled 'tho quondam questioner, 'but I am goiug through. My daughter cautioned me par ticularly to take a pill at Poughkeepsio. That' nil.' The pill was takcu and so was thejoko by tho passengers. It Won't Do. "I've been thinking," said Frogby, nbsenlly spitting into our paste cup; "I've been thinking nbout this here woman suffrage business. fcS'posing," that a a now Olive Logan, for in titancc, shanld bo made President of this great and glorious country, bequeathed to lis by noble sires and all that, she'll bo Pre sident Logan, wouldn't she?" AVe bowed. "Well, now, s'posing she was to marry, say, a man by tho name of of Perkins, for -instance, would film be President Lo gan, or President Perkins?" It wns too many for us. "And then again," continu ed he, after a pause, "s'posing Mrs. John son was to die, and Olive married An drew, bow then? Just think of Johnson in the white House again! will you? No, fir ! Willi Kiivh a prospect, Paul Frogby 's down on woman sulVrage. It has long been a matter of fact well understood in tho legal profession, nnd it is now becoming apparent to the public iu a most painful manner that there is too much subserviency on the pnrt of judges to members of tho bar. Cookery for I lie Kit-It. Under the above head we find the follow ing receipts in J Ionic and Health : IJeveuaoe or Fios amp ArrT.Us.-IIa vc two quarts of water boiling ; split six figs, nnd cut two npples into six or eight slices each ; boil tho whole together twenty min utes ; pour tho liquor into a basin to cool, nnd pass through a sieve when it is ready for use. Tho figs and apples may bo drain ed for eating with a littlo boiled rice. Ccr.itAXT Drink. To a pint of fresh fathered currants (stripped) put a pint of water ; let them boil together ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, then strain and sweeten to taste, a few rasp-berries added give a pleasant flavor. The samo may bo produced in winter by simmering two tablcspoonfuls of currant jelly in half a pint, of .water. Mutton Rr.OTn. Tako ono pound of serag of mutton, put it into a saucepan with two pints of water nnd a little salt; let it simmer gently for two hours ; strain it through a sieve, nnd when cold carefully remove every particle of fat. it may bo thickened with a little arrowroot or grouud rice, as required. LiEmo's Beef Tea. Chop a pound of loan beef as lino as lor sausage meat ; mix wiih a pint rf cold water ; put it over a slow lire ; when it has boiled live minutes, Blmiu through a coarse cloth ; salt to taste. Arri.r, Water. Slice two large apples, put thi iu into a jar, and pour over them oiii! pint of boiling water. Cover closo for nn hour ; pour oli' the fluid, and sweeten if necessary. Arm-: Tea. Tioast eight line apples in the oven, or before tho lire ; put them in n j;ig with two spoonfuls of sugar, and pour "over toem a quart of boiling water Jjft it stand ono hour near tho lire. Bhax Tea. Invnhiablo for softening tho throat, nnd most nourishing for tho isick and aged. Tako two or three table- f poonl'ulsof middle-sixed bran (not coarsest, ns that it is greasy ; put it into a jus,', nnd pour on it onu,quart of boiling water; lot it Mand for about a quarter of an hour and then pour oil' the water from tho brain. Tho tea may lc sweetened with white sugar or line honey. AV hen wine is good for l ho paiieut it may be added, or a little Union juice. It is, however, not unpleasant with out either of these addition. A wine glassful of this tea may to taken many tiwiH in tho day. Several persons in Franco have been kept alive with no other nourishment for weeks. Meat Jixi.uv. T.il.n half.. pou.nl of mutton, bull a pound of beef, and half u pound of wr.l u; j.ork, wiih a small piece or hope of haeou ; put in enough water to kep it from buniing, ami com r it close ; let it sunnier for thrott or four hours till the juice of the meals is tutiivly out, thi n M.iiiu it oil', nnd 1,-t it Maud till cold. If I hero i" any fat, it can be nniowd. A .'i-i u n cowling limn an illnii.a must not jo li fl :.ll lilgld '-about food. SoiiH! of this jelly placed UVidu him, wlu-tv hee.iu reach it ra-ily, is a wry excellent thing. tlr vi uv rm Don 1ii t.u r;i. A handful of common suit thrown down tho tliro.il of ;i ilo nhic h has iiu thsu-mper, and the luoiilh Lip;,' ,, id imiil it dov. o, is an iulaliilile ii lordy. (loo dme is i liou.'h in (! i-ai ly hlagu ol' thu di Mu ; if fcivi ii lain-, it nmy lulvu to bo repealed. How 'i'ii jhi i i- Suiicr lWins, 'o Tniu ofli ii In aid l.ulii lApriuait ili itj In know by Mlittt pruc- Ibu lluu gl.,i-a I'll- vivid on new limns, alun U..ou,, iic., is prud.n id, iiinl hi niiliT lu gniiily tin in, . mi subjoin tin) folluu in;, ih ij o Ibr making Him uiubiu at m li: Tai.11 two oiiimis i, uiu mubic poWih 1- put it hit 1 a iiii In r, nd f air on it 11 pint i'l boding wui. r lm folding to 1 tin di uric of tiiii,'Mi jut tie. iu 1, ai.d Uu 11, h.i v in iiiun.l il, Ul in 4 1 till ii idii. In i,i inoiiiiu pour ll i;ilc luily Iioi.i U m ,,, , (lllJ tl ti, an bottle, k'i'lk II, ;n.. It, , j, ,1 .,ri,,., A l lbl, spoon- bd 1 I yutii w it. r, slu 1, i in u pim t, t.u, I, thai bi bun undo in tho iLu.,1 lumiii r, hiii unn to limu, (nib, r joiu or I'liuud) look of 11 II 114 at VI III II li..lb,iM ,1, , 4,l '..ion ib.t.i uiur na.l.,!. i i, w, K l lliil.ili UdilU lHoi llli HblUj liiusllll ud boliim i, Anill.olU lull iiluiS.- Ii u uui lli.il 4 l.to. 1, 114 milidob; for .i.1114 bj tU. pot. ...I ..4, y, ,i:,, U l. Uk Ultdlul lii-ink lum ilt. ,hc4 i n 4 l.f, kt II kl III ! I. ill 41 1. II. II.. ll, 1-W.olud p.n i 4 nit 11. luiwuiu l,ir bpplu uiioiis Mill I Hit I, .11 li ling ibv I.M-Jl ,((TI,ll I r.. . t .. 11 Ii.. 01 b.i, b M.iU, pi,lir bi" . 1 ! , , i,,U;y fcitv.ivi.J I u- Hi n I .HojI i,i, u( u-mmmi (Jit HlL....4U b .14, t,kil ii,U4 U bM lb bllWu tibi.jl. Icbinil. 1IKRT T. IIF.I.!inOMVN COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA a-ISi-A-FE PILLS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb nnd Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Julco. For Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Billons Affec tions, Sick or Nervous Headache, Cotlvencn, clc. Purely Vegetable, containing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. M These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding enstor oil, salts, magne sia, etc. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, nnd cause neither nausea nor gripping pains. They nre composed Of the Inert ingredient!. After a few days' use of tjieiii, such an lnvlgoratlon of the cntlro sys tem takes place as to nppenr miraculous to tho weak and enervated, whether arising from Im prudence or disease. II. T. Helmbold' Com pound Fluid Extract Catuwha Hrnpe Pill arc not sugar-eoa'ted, from the fact thnt sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the sto mach without dissolving, consequently do not produce tho desired effect. The t-ntawba Grape Pills, being pleasaut In taste and odor, do not necessitate thtir being sugar-coated. Price fifty cents per cos. IIEAfR'Y T. liEMnBOldO'N niGHLY CONCENTRATED CGMrOUN'D Fluid Extract Snr:iiiriII Will radically exterminate from the system Scro fula, Svphilis, Fever Sores, l-lccrs, Sore Hyes, Sore Legs, Sore Month, 6iro Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Khc'.tm, Cnnkcrs, Runnings from tlio Ear, Whito'Swellings, Tumors, Cancer ous Alt'eelioiiH, Noiles, Hiekets, Glandular (Swell ings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tel tor, Humors of nil kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases tiiat have been cstubllsbcd'lu the system for years. Bcln? prepared expressly for the ribovo Com plaints. Its blood-piirfylug'propcrlies are irrenter than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear nnd healthy color nnd restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purifying the Wood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an inipuicstatc of the Blood, nnd the only reliable and fllVrtunl known remedy for the cure of pains and swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat nnd Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, F.r.vsipclas nnd nil scaly eruptions of tho skin, and beautifying tho complexion. Price, $1.50 per Bottle. IlESRY T. HELMBOLD'S coNrESTitAir.n ri.i II EXTRACT ni X III', TI1E GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the neck of tho Blad der and Inllnmntlon of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys nnd Bladiler, retention of Urine, Diseases of ihe prostrate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Biiekdust Deposit, nnd Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled nnd Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, Loss of Power. Loss of Me mory, Difficulty of Brcathluir, Wenk Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing or the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the face, pal Id Countenance, Universal lassitude of the Muscular system, etc. Used by persons from the aes of eighteen to twenty-live, nnd from thirty-five to fifty-five or In the decline or change of life; after confine ment cr labor pains ; hcdwettlug in children. Uclmhold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic nnd Blood-purifying, nnd cures ull diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and Im deneCB 111 Life, impurities of llie Hluuil, etc., superseding copaiba in nH'ectations for which it is Tiscil, nnd syphilitic affections in these dis eases used in conucttlou with Helmbold's Roso Wash. LADIES. .In many affectations peculiar to Ladies, tho Extract Buchu Is uncqualed by any other reme dy as iu chlorosis or retention, irregularity, painfulness or suppression of customary evacua tions, ulcerated or schiru; state of tliu Uterus, Leucorrllrea or Whites, sterility, and for all complaints incident to tho sex, whether arising indiscretion or habits of dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi cians nnd midwives lor enfeebled and delicato constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attend ed with any of tho above diseases or symptoms.) IT. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, H ABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In nil their stages, at little expense, little or no change In diet, no inconvenience, nnd no expo sure. It eaur-os 11 fi'("ucut desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and luilainution. so fre quent in this elites of diseases, and expelling nl' Piil-nnous mailer. 1 hotisaii'ls who have been the victims of in competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in u short time, have found they have been deceived, pnd that tho "Poison" has, by the use of 'powerful asti lnirents," been dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggra vated form, 111.1I perhaps after Marriage. Use IU'lmbold's Extract Buchu for all Affec tions and Diseases of the Unlary Organs, w heth- I er existing in Male or female, from whatever orinhialing, and 110 matter bow long standing. Price, one durlar and tiliy cents per bottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cainint he surpas-ed as 11 Fu"n Wuhh, ami will o found the only peelllo remedy hi every spiclm of Cutaneoiii Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples Spots, Scorbutic Dryness Induration ; of the CiilaneoiH Meinbiaiic, etc., dispels Ucd I ne-4 and lui i ii 1 1 liitl.iiiiuliin, Hives, K;o.li, j Moth I'iileln s, Dryness of Sculp or HI. in, Fool I biles, and ull purpose for ubieh Siiles or Oint- i in. nli nr.- '-ed s iv lore the, i-Wiil lo a statu of 1 puiiiy mil soilness, riiJ Insures e. Milium-. I 1 Ii ullliy ueliull to Ih'l tin. ue of lis vculs 011 which ilepemU tlio agreeable, clearness nnd viva, cay of complexion u much sought mid udinirud. lint liuwi Ver valuable us a remedy for exl.tiiiif ' lb -feel. o llie fUll, II. . II, -111, I. (.!.!'. Kl-.e W.l-ll ! has long ni.-tiiliie.d iu principle claim to uiibouiid I 1 I palioinig", by pus.. Jning iu.ililU . which reii I ib-i il u I .nu t App. intun-o of lliu most (iuiit'i l.i livemi'l t iiugeiii.il 1 li.ir.nier, ion. Lining 111 hii I 1 K 1; oil f.n inula iliani. im, niin. -ul reiiiii.le. Sale- ly and l llii aey 1 1"-I1n.11 inl.lu u. eoinp.iuliueiil. I ul il u.j k. Pu.i'iv.ilivv mi l Ri triber of I . '111 t'utllileli.ill. It i. ull cxe.dlelll Lotioll for ill., nr. 1 o 4 Svplillllif S.il.lie, ami u. uu inj. e. liwii 'ur din .i.e. o Hi. 1 I iiu.iry liiiiuii., u 11.104 I 1 1 ..tit li.il.li. o di. -i..iii. n, u.id In inline. 1 1. hi with llie fcUi.o-U I'ih Imi, Saii-upuiill.i, uudla. jlili.i lm) fii;., In .mli dLi-iiM u reeom I in. mi I. I, c.iiiuol bu .uip i.i.. piUe, unu dollar l" b.,tlU BD Full uuj (tplcit tllrei thins eviu::iuytb 1.1 ii. im.. I.n.l. 1.. of ilm inii iu. ..n,.il,ld mi l te'.i.iblu iliiw.ler luibUliinl 1.11 . 1 lo, 01,111, villi bun .I11.I1 l lli.i.i.aud. ul iiiiu . .hi, .i.'i, i,,,. 1.,,. Hill ul I,IJ uu. u.ll .Ul 1. I III,, 4e , ,,. Incuilul.il ; UlUr., many of Ii.lU-i. Ii mu luo lilbvi.l uuiii.i iueiudlllir vlioilclit 'li).li Una, I .1 ij) Ui Slili.lMuli, ill'. Uu plopl 941,1 ha 1 i. 11 iwiiiit-i i't ii.ir iuiiiimiw4 14 lit. bi. i I M 1 i b 4 . kut Uu IM. In.iu Ibu U lit..) i In. ..111. 1., luui. u. sn.uUiJ I'i. 1.41..110.1., uu4 U 1. I Iu Im pio 14 ui Lf n.ii.u.ul, ., flrurf I. llfluskuM' CMMtM 'r IV i4.l4 lu uuj .lliui, tk.111 fiwui i,b..f. ul.U. t .l.lil.l.i 4 U l J l,f l..ul k.4l,. Hwlj by h'ii4iiiiil. ii 4.1 1 n... Uu. i I u iu.,i . bi-l.u, iu 1'ii.HI n. U H uij I, ll.oubjJJ, lo ..,,4.1 U4 I b. u.i I "17 '! U I IHmbj s 11114 J Uoi,..l .niw. ,t uu Jli.4.r lit.. j w y. u. r ufc.u4 y.4ii Ui, bl .H, f. ...1, tlll, '.. loi, Ii mi. i..,u,.j,. 4.( M llu.l 1 i. ui,...4tl l.k. i,u u4u.r w in - wt i, i i, tlsfcllitntotts. Sunbury Cattle Insurance Company. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1st, 1871. Number of Policies, 713. Amount of Property Insnrcd, 152,815,00 Amount of Premium Notes In force, 1 34,213,00 CA8II A88ET8. Amount loaned at Interest, 13000,00 Amount In Treasnror's bands, $1000,00 Amount due from Agents, $300,115 Amount due from other sources, tT'-.'B.OO Available Capital, 130,8311,05 Insure yonr Cat lie. INSURE with a responsible nnd perfectly rc liablo Company. Insure where your losses will be pnld promptly. TUI8 IS A MUTUAL PROTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, tinliko other Companies, you nre snre of being paid promptly for nil losses, If Insured in this Company. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LE88 THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. Being mnlnal, our expenses are less, nnd our Charter Is Perpetual'. We pay losses by nil kinds of accidents bv death, (excepting In eases of epidemics,) by theft, i&e.. Ac. Wo pay prompt ly. No red tape proceedings to obtain your liioncy iu ease of loss. Nearly $13,000 pnld oil Coirs alouo sillier Organization. Look at the list of Losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. ( M Hcnnlnger, Sunbury, Pn f 33, D Ililgcrt, Northumberland f)0, Oeorgo Eekert, " 40, 8 B Dodge, " 3 Charles Rollek, Mt Carmel 30, Esubcus Sipple, " 40, Catharine Wagner, Watsontown 4(3, George lloir, Northumberland, jo, Jafob Snvdcr, Sunbury "3,33 J W Basslcr, " Minor Cndy, Dewnrt 00, Catharine Mart?,, Stiamokiu 40, Francis Buchcr, Sunbury 30, Samuel B Price, Upper Lehigh f0, Joseph Deppen, Mt Curmel CO, Matthias Sehollv, " 40, Francis McCarty, " 50, Marin Krnmcr, Watsontown 45, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewart 40, J & R C Qniggle, Pine, Clinton co 40, R Rninngo, Bhcnnndouh, Bcliuglliill co 40, J 8 Tharp, Shamokin 40, Thomas Wardrops, Mt Carmel 45, N A Loudenslnger, Hcrndon, 40, Rachel Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, O L Reairnn, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " " 40, Jacob Stoltf., " " 40, D II Bower, Hcrndon ....W, Geo B Lnhr, Georgetown 40, John II Ossmnn, Sunbury 40, W B Wallace, Northumberland 30, H 8 Graham, " 50, Rebecca Koble. Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrstein, Watsontown 40, G 8 Low, Lime Ridge, Columbia co 40, Lewis Ostcrhnnt, Laurel Run, Luzerne CO...40, Marv J Iline, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Sunbury 40, Andrew llcaly, Gliurdsville, Schujlklll CO.. 40, Patrick Furgeson, Mt Carmel 10, Martin Delniiey, Shenandoah city. 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Girardsvillc 4l, Llaymnn 8 Hay, Mahnnoy Plane 40, It Johnson, Raven Run 1 40, David Baucher, Berwick 27, J I) Foeht, Pottsville .-AO, Erastus Sober, Point twp. 20, A Llppeneott, Watsontown 40, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,2d loss pd Inst sum,40, f V LippencoH, Watsontown , 40, R S Ammerinnn, Snydertown 20, Nathan Bioss. Berwick. Columbia C0. .........27, J-eiCRQulgglc,Pine Sta'n Clinton c 2d loss,40, Charles W llazr.ard. liupcrt, Columbia CO.. .40, John Foglcmnn, Watsontown 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmel o, Thomas Metz, Pnxinos - 30, R McClosky, Lock flaven.... 134, HON. A. JORDAN, President. C. A. REIMENSNYDER, Scc'y, Suubury. DIRECTORS 1 Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Bruner, Solomon Stroll, Win. Bilndie, Bolomnn Chlpc, .lolm A. Shissler, Dr. D. T. Krebs, Dr. David Waldron. March U, 1871. ly. . TPIEIS MOSEV1! Ai.L Wall Paper and Border, sold by me wil be trimmed ready for use, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, JIT THR YEOMAN'S WALL PATER TRIMMER. .-fv f(Wi'-.V,p!i f A-1'- --H :"'-;?-'iii--.V." i''-f h; -' V' jfev .:':4t Ly&: - ::..--VaW .- . I' - a- .1". t' s Af S : rv. .9 f ti -.'-, I' .4. ' ?.!J'i ' , - T - 'y wlileh I have, the exclusive right to use In Sunbur and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of x. n:itni:r, i.iiitm:k, Dealer lu Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Music, Ac., &e., Ac. Sunday School SUPPLIES mado a spcclullly. lliuuk, Meuioruuduiu A Van llookM in endless variety, Just received. BOOIC BINDING done to order. Persons will snve cxieuiKi fey leaving their orders for Lluding with me. ncTi nr. fiiamf.s of all slws, rut I ruin the Moulding at very low rates. OVAL & SO.UAKK FRAMES always on baud. ALliUMS, IJU.U'KETS, COLD I'EXi, &.c, Sic, &c. A large and well selected stock of Toys al way on baud. Anything not gn band prompily 01 deirj. Uui'iiuiu for e.i.li. l ull ul N. FEU It EE I.IGIITN'ER'8 Book More, Hlgn of Foley's Gold Pen, Market Square, ttue bury, I'a. buuhury, Aujiw.t tlih, 1 170. J. W, WASIMN'tiTON'.H .ll ll UAillil it nuwr. The old iriiniuilil ..Imp of Ilia town Wo decline Ibu bo.i.1, but Ml Ibu Siilua tlui eoii..er I I1.1t Ibu lulu lily tiulb ui.ilm cu.uin. bly tpoki it nUliuul lu.iuifisliiig an biiiuuiluilit. ble uuiouiit uf Vuiiily uud muliiliou. JuH In, nly )vui ufi 1 bitiitu luy bu.lne. laieir In 1 In. i.us buif Ii v lilitlmu thus lur ipiul. b.u I .IuimI upou Ibu door u iur simp ilu) uu. 1 ibiy,uin biiilil Miter nlbl, uu I uppiii.) .L.o(i l.luu KlemutuK .U.l.uul ttillilu Ibul i!.i .e 1,1 limu iiiilirui -4 by ibu mildly ful l. 0 Ib.il Itililllil -iliud tl.lle I .li.Ut, Ueully llii). 1..1.1) lu Di i-uuiiiiy (lu 411u1iu1.11 iMrluuee) uu, lu iibbifu tbu J ubilu lull luil M bill III I'Ul'lU iy uuu.-uu.u lu uui pullob old Ub4 be Ibul U .lie nutly lu .li .le lb. m ull ujjulil Ibluc buuJitd IlioUiuud limes HI U111IU. I iiiuu lu4i )uu 4'U.i.e, juti lu IUU4 U lbs lu. Im - uiu uiu ivudl lu. uil, ImcuuuH ul lltibuoii, tu Uui )iMt, lr ru4 lou, sbaiuiMui )nu, kbi.L.i J). ),iu, ul uui-, cuiub a u.l ul. l-.n.w Ibu b.ll Willi oillclW tilii, i Ibu "ul.r I .ll ' b ..Ul lUU Uljllu lU SUll lb tU.lulMf. n oik l-i biwtu, bU t.iauau lu lull, luf, 4"U t k'i -u'l tU"t lu g. .UuliJ imi lb ku.i of .Loil) - Im.uumi iu 4 is 1. 11 II u bo 4uuk bl ii 4u,J U. 4 4b.iu. U ull IL-4 ml. lu ,! Itvs lwo Lm!4 lu 11,1. 4 Urn 4 tbv, u4.4 tsi4 ti4, K I I, IS'li. 0 b tin I II (111 i l!s, 41k.., .HmiI ik mi t Mvii A (iscf Hancons. PRICES REDUCED. 60TS SIIOE8 Manufactured to order t GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, JOHN WILVER, Sprnce Nlreet, Nnnbary. renn'a, Is constantly manufacturing Boots, Shoes & Gaiters. at surprisingly low prices. His stock comprises tho very oest in market. His long exper ience In the business has won for him 11 reputation for making llrst chiss work equal to any city manufacture. All work wnrranted. TEHMS STKICTIiY CASH. Tue prices of repairing are nlBO reduced. , JOnN WILVER. Sunbury, March 4, 1871. TO TnE WORKING CLASS. We nre now prepared to furulsb all classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or for the spnre moments. Business new light nnd pro fitable. Persons of cither sex easily earn from 50c. to 15 per evening, nnd proportlonnl sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys nnd girls enrn nenrly as much ns men. That all who see this ndtlee may send their ad dress, nnd test the 'business, wo make this un paralleled offer 1 To such as are not well satis fied, we will send f 1 to pay for tho trouble of writing. Fnll particulars, a valuable Samplo which will do to commence work on, and n copy of The PeopU'i Literary Vom)anion one of the largest nnd best family newspapers published nil sent free by mall. Reader, If you want per manent, profltaDle work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. April 15, 1871. 3m. HT ER EOJfCO PES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, C1IROMOS, FRAMES. E. A II. T. AXTIIO.W A CO., 591 ltroixl w ny, New York, Invite the attention of tho Trade t their exten sive nssortmcnt or the above goods, of their own publication, innnufnctnrc and Importation. Also PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, IMrOIlTEUS AND MANUFACTUIIEKS OF Photographic Matcrlulst. March 4th, 1871. ly. SPlYlXOl FASIIIOXS NOW READY. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnd DeMtgncr oTFitshloiiH. Tho old established and only reliable Dress Trimming, Paper Pattern, Dress and Cloak mak ing Emporium. Elegantly trimmed Paper Patterns, Wholesale and Retail. Fans, Gloves, Ribbons nnd Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, (lilt, and Penrl Jewelry. Evening dresses nnd suits, made iu the most fashionable stylo at short notice. Perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. N. B. Orders bv mail, promptly attended to. Feb. 20. 1871. Bm. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! I A NEW STORE AT GEORGETOWN', LOWER MA1IANOY Township, Northumberland County, P. WILLIAM NEGELY TTAVING opened n new Furniture Store nt the JLJk. above place, will constantly keep on linna, a largo and select assortment of FURNITURE, PompvintniT of Parlor nnd Chamber Suits. Ponnh es, Lounges Tuhlcs, Bureaus, C'ane-Sented Chairs of oil grades, Rocking nnd Kitchen Chairs, Washstands, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage nnd naif Cottage, Looking-Ulasscs, Window Shades, nud iu 6liort, everything usunlly to be found in any well-kept Furniture Store, may ho had at this cxtablishmcnt. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict, attention to Duslnces, to merit tho patronage of the public Ail Invitation is extended to all desiring anything in tho line of t u in 11 u 10 to call and vxumiuc mv toek. Undertaking done in nil Its branches. J-S?" Repairing done nt short notice. WM. NEGELY. Georgetown, June 11, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKES'3 C. LIFOSXrA YINECtAR bitters s Hundreds of Thousands ? j Itcar tcf ttmnnv to HiHr Wonder ful C'urutive Lhlt.s. Trrar Ai:n not a vile FANCY DRINK lladoof poor Hum, Wliiskor, Vroul tiplriia unit Ktii'uso J.lquurfiUiciuriil.iilcoU anUnii-:it-cu.-J n iilauctho ia.ia, allol"'luiil,""Appil!z. tro," " l:c:ortn." e., lli:t ctl lie 1 piUr ca to CniBUcnurss cad ruin, btt aro a tmo MiUiclnc. n-.uo fiom 1:10 Sal. liootstud I'.crUef t'ailiorals, tree Iruni l.ll Aleabi'lia fUlttiwIiiuo. Vkej'aia 11.3 UUEAT ill.tltlll 11 Ull 1:1 and A 1.11 E t.lVlNtl ritlXt'll'I.alapirUct Kcuuvalir i:J lu Igoralor b( Uiu hj.U-m, carrylrj cSf all luiltouons inailtr inj re.'loi fflL' l'..c I lecU 10 1. lu alii y tnultli,n. iuprsua c&n tal.0 lluns l.liieu cciict.-y tac.rJC llon suit miKlulorg unwill. WIt'U w;ill.a trivuii A.rai Inrurolla c-r-, roTlwfd IU U-u.s t.-d not doi.tro;rd ly uiuer.l .ul:i or oUut uiem.1, s-iU l!w vluKr;'Uii viud bcidUa Mjlutufretal.-. l ur luliuuiiui.Urr uud t iiouln Lhru-m. I Um 11 ud .uul, ll)iin-..lu, or iuUisemiuu, Uillvur, lUuiltleul lulit uiiliim l i-cis llUiiiaiu 1.1 ibu lUukk', l lufi i;iJic, l.uj lllllllilir, 11.1111 UllliiU I b J il U ll:iUlU'l (i-l. tu.b MkiSHt in ciud lYlilnttd It I U.l. !l tl.lJliCHarr I rU.UClij ..tlL4.li..L lit lliu Dim !) UUKU. I'ln'll'M.l U MtMlir.KTIU, I'fa4 tzUi.i 1 1 1 ao 11 ei,:t-. -1, 1 uu u, 'i 1. ii if t! s till, III. 1. 1 11, l ,tt ln.culiun It ll.s (loniacU, lj !?.. I I l.. i ..uiU, ll lil-s AlltH, lJ..ltH. ' ' ! .1.111 kU.il ll lk I lll-ll. I'l l lu V-4 l'i"-i 1 Ul l-UJu. ) 1, :.u l 1 uUr. J nlj. 1 . i.ii.l . 1. , In. i.r.. Uii r.i i .f !i. a. yuu..ri,w tu auu.y ai.4u.uiul: t: l.s :ii.i U uil. sii.li ivu4riiMMuu(uru.iul!.J iU.v) U ilii. U4 1:.. tl'Wk kilivbki;v.i, ''vH'W u- -. Lluu. 4 n. 1 1. l . I.U lll.u. I OU tvl tllk4kL,l lui-U-avi. U.t r.faU I k. kk., tkl t, tnutt, 1 iu i.. 1 k. Ikin.U-l.a. 1 1 k-kekj. Ul, -Ik... uu i.kJ. tru I . b.k, vl, luu, 1.1.1:1, 1 aa.klwi.i.. 1 .1 a I -iu, llwuvkis Wui I a il u .l a, al :-l. vol uu.1,1 k.ij, HJ 1.1. IM. I kk If k ..U.l-4 n I vl U . 1 lu iu U Ji l.lk 1 U-4 kau kt ikk b luia, lu U-UU ti .lklllkkk.l,olL kkvkl tkkltOkk. k kl l'44. suikin .vl. t" it V.l t. 1 1.1. 4 ul 1..1.I ou 1. 4 Ik kJl.l... Wul.likj lkik.li tii .-u u I tu.,, 1 f. tl- kk k o kkvu II kk. ). bkkl kkUkkk 4 k I IIOSklMI U afc kOikt, kktkHl kl U Ukl ll, k4Mk tUkk tut u.i k4. j, w4 Lklk k.4 lk I.. all kl ly .k..ki ll. J..v. 'l, Vtltu.iu. W1114 SlV, liSu4Utu siH.utki a um lUkHula ii -Mklia Kiiki 1 .o l.kaklw. W 4 kku-!., Il4l..) au ku."- w. aw4 .. uukM. uikul U avks u-- ai.k.i, I ltw4i.lM. i 4ll4, i.rii ,. . ii.iiKi.4;j 4 t.i., l",ik m.4 li.a Stkkk. fikiuMk. tat, 4 MkkltilMkkkHi,,.!,!,) m, g !i ij WHAT ARE THEY ? gj' o a- o ss y s. ? 5 - H s v E a fc-o f&? hs is sSPS. f, S r -.VTV e 'A g a JT . s I ?i? 9 Is 3 s FI.ORENCEMEWIKU MACHINE. TIII3 colchrated Machine Is now on exhibition next door to Krnuse's Tin and Btove Store, - Market Street, Sonbnry, Pa. The Florence Bcwlng Machine stands tineanai led for beauty and durability being the best ramiiy Dewing mneuino now oucrea to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It has seir-ndlnstlng tentlon In the Shuttle! changes for tho various Batches made while the machine Is In motion. Its Stitches nre the wonder of nil for beauty and finish, being alike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light and heavy fabrics with equal fa cility. The work'Wlll feed either right or left. Kuns quietly ana rnpiuiy. xo tlilllculty exper ienced In sewing across heavy senms. Its mo tions are all positive no springs or cog wheels to get out of order. The Heinmer turns wide and narrow, hem nnd fell beautifully. It Is thoroughly practical and will last a life time. Every Family should Have One. Kvery Mnchlue warranted to substantiate all we claim for It. It Is the only Machine In the world thnt Is ca pable of making more than one stitch and having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine them, and the samples ol work. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells, Cords, Brnids, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Mathers, etc., without basting. It makes a gather and sews it on a band nt one operation perfectly. Each Machine Is furnished with a complete set of tools, without extra charge. Every purchaser fully instructed and every Miiehtne warranted nnd kept In order. Machine Oil and Thread kept on hand at all times. GEO. VT. SMITH A BRO., Agents, ForNorth'd, Snyder, Uulonnnd Montour Coun's. October 15, 1S70. New Flour and Feed Store ! It. YV. TIII'RSTOIV, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBCRT, r-ENN'A, Has Just opened a Flour and Feed Btore, where be will keep constantly on hand, a general assortment ot the best brands of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, and VEGETABLES of all kinds, nt the very lowest market prices. Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. 1871. LUMBER ! FRYLING, BOWEN & EEEL, Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE Steam Saw & Planing Mill, and Just lilted It up with the latest Improved Ma chincrv, nre now prepared to 1111 nil orders lor all kinds of ltI4.1i TIMBER. PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK. Ac. BOARDS. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL KINDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE ANT) TEl.tOW PINE FLOORING, SHINGLES, "PLASTERING AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, 1K04, MOULDINGS, it L.IX ON, KM I TT bit. S A BRACKETS at tho very lowest prices. A large stock always ou hand. Send for prices. Ample facilities for shipping by Railroad or Canal, FRYUNG, BOWEN A ENGEL. Sunbury, Pa., February ISth, 1871. (im. Ll'MUER AXO iI.AXIXU MII.L.. Third Street, adjoining Phlln. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. ttEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description oflum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunbcr, he is now ready to Ull or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIIMNG, POORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A L.4.1IOE ASSORTMENT OP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deelO-flSily STOVE A TIX ENTAltl.ISHJJEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KR AUSE, Proprietor. scccessoii to smith a ue.ntiiuii.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krauae would respectful ly iutorm tho public that he now has on hand a largo assortment of COOKIXG STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so arranged us to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to heat one or moro rooms. HEATING STOVES of dilferent kinds ut very low prices. Tinware or Every Icrrlftiou kept constantly ou hand. Rooting and Spouting with the bent material, diyie at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ur d Lumps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a JU.nds. Store npoito Couley'a Xurdware store. Give me a eall. A. KRAL'SE. ayl-4-ly Nl'.MIMtV JIARItl.E YAHI. rilllE iiudersigiH-d having bought the entire 1 stock of DikKingcr .ti Taylor, would inform the publie that lie is now reuciy to do all kinds of M A It II I.E WORK, frf3lr I'as on baud, aud makes to order at I'Vjl SHORT NOTICE- (4rfr Mooouseuls) C lleatl-Ntone. . r'i.-TTVI.8. DOOR AND WINDOW KILLS Alu, Cemetery Pouts with Galvanised pipe and all other fencing generally used ou I'eiuelurtns. John A. Taylor Kill ruuiiuu In the employ mi nt, at the old aliuid ou M.uket hi., tSuiiliury. umy'J'iid THE OVLY MOVEHITHOlT A FAI ET IH THE C.U EAT IIALTI 91UIIE rilCEI'I.At E 1IEATI H, uinu'S ILLUMINATED DIAMOND GAS DUUNClt. T U It'll PAItLoR AND ClIAVIBiKa ARC WARMED Hi" UNK 11 UK. IT is li s ouly Ktfeplai'a- lletr tbl has pur f l Top r I. r, aud fi fiuiu puillug or ploaluua, ur slullltuK gJk lulu lb. apulliurut. It I tU uuly k'llcpUkf lUalur ub tit iwlnul IllugnUdl Iklaallua by abba) giiutt.1 llluiulual iun pur la ui. Ulucd, His Hl.alliu.nl 111. t4nk. Is lu, inure tllu.SUally aklme.1, and IU Ural tt ll4 ul lite fvni H(U ul k aval la tits )( toll, It la His aaily Hrrlilae'4 Menial (lil is a Pl IV. t aW 1 1 lacier and twau tiuiucf, utily la.U!la HllHiii wua iu l.i.i (.. Ikuwia. It U Has kwly fli.j.Ui-a llota Us) yit-4 sillliig auj klumi'lu ziUt. Il la lUa uk.lt kii'Uv lliutvr la It ts lUa Jap Irfsa. MlkiuM l.kjki4kii luuati M aatava, alii liU bai IkboWlik-a' lika glaka lu uia lu bum but. Ik) la. I it IS U klMl Uklallual b.ll.E..M fll lik&i. , iM iur4 it4 i. uii4vka4 4 aiaai'alw niaiI'n. liisitt IM., 0i ak Lilill I I ll r. tt.iiiutw. Hi ruMis' tU4 $, bkaUUM, Ui, fana'a- ' I, . If iteetllatttoiis. NEW FIRM. Byerly A Tlemperly'a Excelsior Gal lery of Art, Third Street, Saabtwy, Fa. BYERLY has lately added to his already M; well established reputation, the services of Mr. M. R. Ilemperly whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, stands unrivaled In this part of the country, and hereafter they will carry on the photographic trade, at the old stand under the Arm name of Byerly & Hempcrly's Excelsior Gallery of Art, at whose establishment tho pub lic will be cnceriuiiy accommodated throughout the whole line of photography. For Photographs of all styles nnd sizes rang ing from the small Ocm to tho life size portrait. Oo to Byerly & Hemperly. For the beautiful porcelain picture which for softness of finish, and durability cannot be ex celled, go to Byerly & Hemperly. For the Rembrandt photograph, now so popu lar In nil oui large cities, and showing the pecu liar ctTect of light and shade, and the favorite of the old German Artist Rembrandt, go to Byerly & Hemperly. If yon have nn old picture you want copied and enlarged to any size, and colored oil. water color, India luk or crayon, take It to Beycrly & Hemperly. If vou want a frame of any size nnd at any price, or any style go to Byerly & Hempcrly's, and take a look at tnetr immense siock in tnat line. For Albums go to Byerly & nemperly. For square Frames made to order go to Byerly & Hemperly, In short, for anything In the photo graphic line, go to Byerly ct ilemperly, and you will be suited. Feb. 25, 1871. r FURNITURE, G. MATTRESS, FEATHER, BEDDING WAEER00M3, 44 NORTH TENTH BT.,V IrclijJUi; CHAMBER FURNITURE. Spring Beds, Spring Cots, Spring Multresses, Hair do. Husk do. Straw do. Feathers, Fcsther Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Counterpanes, Comfortables, Blankets, Quilts. CALL AND SEE TnE Wotcii Wire Mattress, The best bed ever oflered for sale. N. B. Our intention is to treat nil customers Bo'thnt they will become permanent dealera with ns, and orders will receive the same attention, and persons cun buy Just as cheap as If present at the store. March 4lh, 1371. Sm. J0. L. SLATER A CO., nAVE TAKEN ONE OF THE NEW YORK STORES, Xo. S South Tenth Street, belotv Market, FhiliuJcljihitt, where they have opened a first-class Merchant Tailoring "Establishment. Our Stock consists of a On assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cnssimeres nnd Vestings, select ed from the best Importing Houses of this City nnd New York, which we aro prepared to make np iu the most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice p.nd Moderate Terms. Special Bargains In Scotch Chlvot Goods. JNO. L. SLATER CO. Formerly tthhj. M. Zeigler. Dee. 2-tth, 1870. Cm. Philadelphia and Eric Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after 'Mhnflny, May 1.111), 1871, the Traint on t he Philadelphia A Erie Uu!l Uoad will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 7.10 p m " " " Sunbury, ii.lSam " " arr at Erie, 3 50 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 13.S0 p m " " " Sunburv, C.50 p m " " nn nt Eric, " 7.40 n m Elmha Mail leaves Plidadclpl.ln, 9.!!0 a m " " " Suubury, 4.115 p m " " nrr nt Loc k Haven, 7.S0 p m BufTalo Express leaves Sunburv, 4.55 a m " " nrr at Willlnnisport, t$.55 n m Bald Eaglo Mail leaves WlUiamsport, 1.45 a m " " " arr at Lock Huvcn, a.00 p ra EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Erie. 11.20 a ru " " " Snnhurv, 11.45 p m " " arr at Philadelphia, 6.80 a m Erie Express leaves Erie, U.00 p rn " " Sunburv, 10.13 am " " " arr at Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Elirilra Mail leaves 1oek Haven, 8.00 a m " " " Sunbury, 10.50 a m " " nrr at Philailrlphls, 5.o0 p m Buffalo Express leaves Williamsport, l.'J5 a m " " " Sunburv, 3.'0 a m " " nrr at Philadelphia, 0.40 a m Bald Englo Mall leaves Lock Haven, 11.25 n la " " ' nrr at Williainspoi t, 12.40 p m Mall East connects cust nnd west at Eric with L. S. .t M. 8. R. W. and irt Corry f.r.d Irvineton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Mall West with west bound trains on L. S. fc M. S. R. W. nnd at Cony and Irvineton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny K. R. W. Warren Accommodation cast nnd west with trains nn L. S. and M. S. R. W. east and west and nt Corry with O. C. nnd A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation East at Corry nnd west ut Corry nnd Iruineton with O. C. nnd ARR W. Elmlrn Mail and Biilluio Express make close connection ut Williamsport with N. C. R. W. Cattawiasa passenger trains will be run east from Williamsport ou Erie Express, aud west to Williamsport on Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, (icu'l Slip't. KritlJ AD Kl'MMER MILLIXEKY AND FAXCV GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, la Dewart 'a Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, con ai.riu.ki of Millinery und Fuucy uooda, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIM MED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest aud handsomest styles. Hiikh Ribbons, plulu nnd tlgured. Lmlia's Sa'iicera, Lace Col:ira, Linen Colura and Cutlt for loi.llea and t'lillJreu, CriH-hi l collars. Nueklies for Ladiea aud (irut'a luteat styles. Hilk ruiek L.m, a siiiuiiiir article. tiUncs lucllldilig Kids, Uud I-l.lie' Ulli Ukkill lovea. llainlkerehiefa. All kinds ul Tl limning. Embpiivtery Patterns. lloalery for Ladies, Geut's kii. Cliiidreu. Nuts, i'iqus and pi.iia trlmiuluga. TRIMMIXfl 811. KH, Chignons, Zephyrs and Varus, aud a geueral Vartrty of Nulliiiia. Thankful for pa.l p.ilrouugs, she hos Hint Hi quallly of lirr gond, mill mrilt a eonliuiiaiiev of lb. aanif . EI.IZABKTII LAZ AHl 8. Apiil 111, riula, NU.i(r AFt'U. aliMk of Oils eouiprlalng Lluawd Oil. t iukl Ull, riah Oil, aud l uliri. aiuitf till Ci Cuijiiiaa and kUeUlnai jr, Vtruialwa, Ulaaa, Ittal oa baud, al lo luleea nt uiM.tr cm. Tutho Community atl.arel (IIAVtiK AT THE 'REGULATOR." I Wat a Ibis Ur ikiiiba4 lb sullis stack, auu4 ill aud lllaiH ul IU U. ulalul sUiu, liiw, 1 luba, I.aual la.r au4 I luJiuv Slota, ul 4. m. M4a, sad lil tuaiiuwe Iks butliua al Ha i Mbt lua'ikliuM, SkMiwa Inula, lUt I I in flwut, Alaimitr kiHkvr, nikm'iir, I'a. Wtua bailuK aaULIUhad Si iahuitil milk tl. lawiilkig kjuuUaiuai ut I Us ..aui), .iu .a au IIU'C ll-a kua.SU Uk a klaaa il ui k bl Mib.iiik4 ik( ullk.a) l"i 4kii4Uni auj llk.i.1), at .llk llk.il tuut kialikl ' .palailly. 4 w nail ui Im mttitt la lk iuntl.liik.4 ul Uu U.tai aviakk kui lt.aMaiak4kk4(. luUI SwllkNl l Sv.k .la-. r iiiHiMti .akwn, t, tn iailrmii).' w. .'... .i k .k'. . .Si KA i.ii. w. .. . w. ..'.'. Rcsvdins RailrosMi. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ' Jtondag, May 15th, 1871. GRKAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Kaston, Ephrata, Lltia, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Hurrtsburg for New York, as fol lows I At 8.40, 8.10. a. m. and 8.00 p. m., con necting with slmllaTHralns on the. Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.05 a. m., 8.50, and 9.80 p m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompany the 8.40 a. rn., train without change. Returning i Leave Now York at 9.00 a. m., 18.30 noon and 6.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.80 a. m. nnd 8.30 p. m. j Sleeping Cars accom pany the 5.00 p. m. train from New York with out chanire. Leave Hnrrlsbnrit for Reading, Pottsville, Ta mnqua, Mlncrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia nt 8.10 m'm., 8.00 and 4.05 p. ro., stopping at Lebanou and principal way stations the 4.05 p. in., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia ouly. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg nt 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New York at 4.83, 10.30 n. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, lenv New York nt 9.00 a. m., 18.30 noon aud 5.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 18.20 noon, 8.15, 4.25 and 8.35 p. m. Way PuBscnger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East l'cnna. Railroad, returning from Reading nt 0.20 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 ft. m. and 2.30 p. m. Herndou at 10.00 a. m., Sharnoklu nt 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. ; Ashland at 7.05 a. m., nud 12.43 noon; Mnhanoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. ul. Tnmuqua at H.115 a. m. and 8.10 p. rr.. fot Philadelphia, New York,Reading, Harrisbiirg,iV.c. Leave Pottsville via Bchuyrkill and Su'siinol hamia Railroad at 8.15 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pino drove aud Treinont Rending Accommodation Train lrTe'4 Totts villeat 5.40 n. m., passes Rending nt 7.30 o. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m.. passing Read- lug at. 7.55 p.m. arriving at Pottsville nt 9.40 p.m. Fottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 0.80 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4-au p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.S0 a. ra., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. Pcrkionien Rail Road Trains leave Pcrklomea Junctional 7.17, 9.03a. m.,at 8.00 and 6.00 p. m. Returnlne:,lenve Schweuksvilleat 6.30,8.10 a.m., 12.50 noon nnd 4.45 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. i Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Potlstowa nt 9.40a. m., 1.15nnd 6.45 p. m., returning lenve Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 a. m., and 3.00 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port at 8.S0 a. m., 2.05 anil 6.32 p. m. returning, leave Downington at 6.40 a. in., 12.45 noon nnd 5.25 p. m. conuecting with siuiilur trulus ou Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York at 5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 3.15 p. rn.. (tha S.OO a. in. tram running only to Readiug;) leave Pottsville nt 8.00a. m., icave" Harrisburg, 2.40a. in., and 2.00 p. m.; lenve Allentown at 4.25 nnd 8.U5 p. m. ; leave Reading nt 7.15 a. m. and 9.50 p. in. for Harrisburg, nt 4.32 a. m. for New York, nt 7.20 a. m. for Allentown and at 9.40 a. m. nnd 4.15 p. in. for Philadel'a. Commutation, Milenge, Season, School pnd Excursion Tickets, to uud from all points at re duced rates. Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gngi allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. ife Eng. Mach'ry. .Northern Centrul Itailway. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ON and niter May 11, 1871, trains will run as follows t NORTHWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Sunbury at 4.50 a. m., arrive nt Williamsport at 0.55, Elmira at 10.55 u. in., Canandnigua 2.15 p. m. Mall leave Sunbury at 4.80 p. m., arrive at Wliliatnsport 6.25 and Elmira 10.55 p. m. Fast Line leave Sunbury at 6.45 p. m., arrive at Williamsport 8.40 p. in. SOUTHWARD. Leave Sunbury at 3.25 a. m., arrive at Harris burg 6.15 a. m., Baltimore 9.45 n. in. Leave Suubury, 10.20 a. in., arrive at Harris burg' 1.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 10.55 n. m., arrive at liar risburg 12.55 p. m., Baltimore 6.00 p. m. Leave Sunbury at 11.50 p. in., arrive at Harris burg 8.10 a.m. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. KASTWAKl). Leave Suubury nt 4.40 p. m., nrrlve nt Shame kin 5.55 p. m., Mt. Carmel 0.40 p. m". Leave Sunbury ( Aceommodnllou,) at 11.50 a. in., arrive ut Shamokin 1.00 p. in. WESTWARD. Leavo Mt. Carmel nt 8.05 a. rn., arrive at Shamokin 8.50 a. in., Sunbury 9.55 a. m. Leave Shamokin ( Aceonimodntiou,) at 8.40 p. m., arrive nt Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Express leaves daily Leaving on Sunday, runs North. only to Williainspoit. All other trains leave dully, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskk. Er. B. Yorxu, Gen'l. Slip't., Gcu'l Passen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Bulimorc. Md. Euckawutiuu uud itiooiUMburg Kail road. SPRINQ ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 1871. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M..P. M.'A.M.jP. M. P.M. Scrnnton, 0 45; 3 25' 0 30 5 40 I 00 Hellevue, 6 60i 9 M 5 45 1 OS Taylorvllle, 6 57 9 12' 5 53 1 15 Laekawitnua, 7 05! 9 51 ; 6 0:1 I 27 Hittston, 7 14 S 60 10 00 1 6 13 1 85 West Pittston, 7 191 10 05 6 1H 1 45 Wyoming, 7 117 4 00 10 la 6 25 1 65 Mttllby, 110 13! 6 81, 2 00 w"iK'.?i T 35 4 1V0 3O 04O.3" Plymouth June, i 10 4 6 50 Plymouth, 7 50 4 24 10 65 C 55! Nantlcoke, 8 00 ! 7 lo Hunloek'a, 8 07 7 17! Shieksbiunv, tl Vi 4 35, 7 55 lllek's I'errr, 8 iMI Beach Have'u, 8 43. k 15 tlerwlck, 8 50 5 S2; Briar Creek, V 00 Lime Ridge, 9 10. Espy, 80 5 43, lilooinnburg, 9 87 5 50! Rupert, 9 85 6 57 Cauwissa, 9 4i 6 02' Diiuvlllo, 10 05 6 ti, ( hulu.ky, 10 15; Cumeiun, 10 81 I Noitb'd, (arrive.) 10 40; t 5, NORTIlWAnC. Leave. Nortbumbrrland, Caumrou. Chuluaky, iMUvuie, Calaalaaa, ltuil, llloouikbuif , I'). Lima llldge, li Uu I reia, Hera lek. He.irh llav, Una's tarry, aui.k.liluuy, lluiilokk'a, Sauiieiika, Pi)aiuulh, 45 t I r. v. p m 1 in T I hi t al It II I 4 Ul iS I 4 i M 4 a' 4 V f ijiuuuia Ja., auik'kiuu, W..Uaria u, 4t I at. a Ii'ii a to T 40 o ' la Maiibr. IT 14 13 6 Ii Wi OU I 04 M kuuili.n, W fUlalua), Pl.l.luB, I aikaltalius, 1aluitut, balitsiis, ViablkHi, (till) 1 s I 1 n I l I a I u im I Ii a I i I a. I sa in I so 6 ISA IHU T avlM), u,i 4rUla)rai litsfUMVMt. UOk kAiala R.kaa, t4l at,J iu ll,i,a k.kk. Uifc sol U lUaJia J t. sin kK, Uaiui u4 a, tii'k aiki tualM Jlbaa, J.i.l. Ii.k , t lat a i'mns. i., ik4, ltifiusaul d I Lain, linn .l .c, lai.bit.it kl.ii feits yf 1 tn.t .al kn.41 ri1H. TwIm t4., li.Uii 4 f..ia l., I M luiimii) IV 01 t 441. H ll .ja.i Iff W SI la i