Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 27, 1871, Image 3

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    unbitrg; American,
SUNBURY, MAY 27, 1871,
P. & E. R. R. West.
Kris Mall, 1' 4:55 a m
Elmlra " .4:85 p ra
ErloEx. ' 0:60 "
Kntlrond Tlm Table
N. O. R. W.-EST.
MEalo Ex I've 3:35 a tn
Rrto " " 10:30
ElmiraMall " 10:55 "
Erl " " 12:05-
Accommodation Train leaves Bunbury for Bal
timore at 6:00 a. m.
The Sunbury Accommodation IcavM Harrte
burjc ut 8:00 a. m., Bud arrived at Bunbury at
10:50 a. m:
Sunbury at ' 11:50 a in At Bunbury 0:f5 a m
" 4:40 p mf " 4:00 p m
D. ir. & W. R. R.
Leave Snnbury- Sifi5 a. ui., 4:85 and 0:50 p. tn
Arr. at Sunbury 10:00 a m, 0:20 and 11:05 p m.
ftottxl Affairs.
Boots and fclioos for tho community, ut popu
lar prices, at the Regulator.
Tub Farmers' and Horticulturists' Associa
tion will hold their next monthly, mooting on
Saturday, Juno Sd, at 3 o'clock, r. m., at Ellas
Emerick's, Augiistavllle. A full attendance of
Hue membership Is requested.
E. Emerick, Frosldcut.
Messrs. 8. 1. Wolverton and BenJ. Hen
dricks, we are Informed, are about erecting coal
wharves nl . the rlvor, near tho Northumberland
bridge, for the shipping of coal. .
Jon J. Smith, the new Fest Master, took
charge of the Post Office at this placo Inst week.
Wo notice that ho has appointed Geo. Bloom as
clork. Both these gentlemen arc obliging, and
will make tflcicnt officers.
Miss L. Weiser, on Market street, is selling
lier lino nssortmcut of millinery goods rapidly.
They arc superb and just suit anybody that looks
nt them. Her stock s being replenished as
rapidly as sold out.
FREsn Oysters will be served up at Rcoso's
Kestaurunt this evening. Ico cream and soups
tire also some of tho luxuries at that house.
VALUAm.E Property for Sale. In nnother
part of this paper will bo found tho advertise
ment of Geo. W. Bluulx, Esq., who will ofTur nt
public sale, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 30th
and 21st of Juno next, all his valuable hotel fur
niture. The furniture being almost new, good
bargains m;ty be expected.
A choice brand of family flour nt Klrby's.
two Democratic Editors A Dead Lock ih a
Democratic Prihtino Omcs. The non-appearance
of the tforthmmbtrland County Demo
erat last week caused considerable peculation
until the real cause was made known. It ap
pears that tho editors of that sheet never had
much love or regard for each other, and conse
quently when certain subjects were discussed,
and particularly as to the Ring party, during the
past year, there was anything but harmony or
good feelings between the parties. From what
we can learn the senior editor, who Is disposed
to treat others in a manner becoming a
gontlcman, has repeatedly been annoyed
nnu Insulted by the unjust, to say nothing of tho
ungcntlcmanly conduct of his paitncr who Is a
firm disciple of tho Ring, until pntieuce became
exhausted and ceased to bo a virtue. Week be
fore last the senior editor, Mr. Elchholtz, being
out of town, tho Junior, Mr. Day, saw proper to
indulge his penchant mid talent for slander
and vituperation, by the publication of a com
munication assailing J. J. ltclmcnsnydcr, a res
pectable gentleman, and Democratic candidate
for Associate Judge, which tho senior, on his re
turn, did not approve. In last week's Issue, the
senior, as a matter of Justice, wrote an apology
to be Inserted In the Democrat, refuting the charge
In tho communication referred to. On Friday
morning when the paper was about being put to
press, Mr. Day objected to Its going Into tho
paper, and ns Mr. Elchholtz was In tho act of
placing the article lu type In the form, Mr. Pay
knocked It out of his hands, Bcnttcring- the typo
on the floor. Mr. Eichholta then said that tho
paper could not be Issued uulcss tho article was
Inserted. Mr. Day declared that ho would not
allow it to go In. Thus matters cantc to a dead
lock and all work in tho ofHoo censed. The
fiionds of both parties cfcmo forward but no re
conciliation Could be affected. On Monday
morning Mr. Elchholtz made another attempt to
issue the paper, when Day came up again and
knocked from his hands tho article referred to,
scattering tho typo on tho floor. A regular fisti
cuff then ensued, which resulted lu Mr. Day
coming out second best, mid having ills eyes
placed in mourning. As soon as the battle was
over Mr. Day made n bee lino for the Court
House to consult with his friends of the Ring,
but soon enmo back but made no further de
monstrations of battle. Mr. Eichholtz had him
brought before Esquire Brlco on a warrant charg
ing him with assault and battery. Mr. Day wus
bound over until next Monday when n hearing
will take place boforc Esquiro Brice, and tho
caso tried under tho late act of Assembly by em
panelling a Jury.
This collision camo rather sooner than was
anticipated, and will uo doubt result in a dissolu
tion of partnership, which will, if Mr. Day '.s
ejected from that olllcc, leave the Ring without
an orgau lu the county. Mr. Eiclilioltz, It is
well known, Is not disposed to encourage or
countenance any of the proceedings of the Ring
about the Court House.
' U. S. T.xrs. Collector C. J. Bruncr gives
notice by bills printed nt this ofllro, that ho will
be nt J. M. Hull's Hotel, Milton, on Tuesday,
Juno 20th, mid ut his office, In Bunbury, on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Juue, 33d, 33d
aud 24th, to receive special taxes which are now
due and payable. All who ueglcet to pay within
ten days after date, will be charged extra for
notices, mileage and interest.
Miss M. L. Gossleb has again been to the
city to replenish her stock of millinery goods.
Those who have not got their summer hats or
bonnets can rely ha procuring the latest Kyle ut
her establishment. No charge made for show
ing, so call In and take a look at tho late fancy
style now in vogue in tho city.
Injured on tub Raii.uo ah. On Saturday
lust, Mr. James M'C'omb, a brakemun on tho N.
C. R. R., in backlug a car Into a siding at George
town, was knocked under the curs and rooclved
serious injuries about his person. He was taken
to ths hotel of Mr. F. Surge, of that plane, and
medical uij summoned.
Tue Miniature Reuei.lion The Rebels
Again on the War Path. The appearance of
the Democrat on Wednesday lost, was a complete
surprise on tho Ring. On Friday of last week,
tho regular publication day, Mr. Elchholtz, tho
senior editor, took away a piece of the machinery
of the power press to prevent Its use la issuing
the paper clandestinely, nnd without his consent.
Next day, Day, tho Junior, took off a small cog
wheel for a similar purpose on ills part. Since
the fight on Monday lust, when Day was thrash
ed by ills partner and ejected from tho ofllco,
there was a dead lock in tho establishment.
Eichholtz, who maintains armed possession of
tho premises, on Wednesday last succeeded by
tho aid of one of our machinists to lit another
cogwheel in tho press, in the place of the one
akeii by Day, and the paper was unexpectedly
ssticd, containing the apologetic cuid which was
tho Immediate cause of the fight.
That $94,000. It lias been suggested, since
there Is a probability of a dissolution of partner
ship in tho Ring organ establishment, that tho
umpires who will necessarily have to be appoint
ed to settla tho difficulties, bo also directed to
Investigate that (04,000 arrangement, nnd wheth
er tho Riug has refused to couio down. There Is
no doubt but what tho Democrat could Blied much
light us to how the county affairs are managed,
nnd why it is that such high taxes are levied an
nually, when an amount sufficient to defray
eon nfy expenses Is allowed to remain lu the col
lectors hands, and the Interest ou (37,000 indebt
edness arc paid.
IT Is said that money is the root of all evil,
and .from observation, wo judgo thnt money is
tho cause of tho terrible upheaving of tho Riug
Just now. Since the county managers require of
tho tax payers $04,000 to defray expenses, most
pf which is still in tho hands of collectors, there
has been dissatisfaction nnd contention in the
Ring, which will sooner or inter cause It to ttim
blo over entirely. A few years ago all was har
mony lu thnt party, wiicro now wo sec nothing
bat contention and strife. Is moiwy t the root
of It or not t
A Good Wire. An exchange can always tell
what sort of a woman a man marries by tho way
ho treats tho printer. If ho gets a common wife
he forgets tho printer altogether. If lie gets a
tolerable good wife, ho will send in the notice of
his marriage. If ho gets a very good one, ho
will send the printer a slice of cako accompany
ing tho notice. If ho gets an extra good oue he
will send a greenback with tho notice. If lie gets
a glorloUB, angelic creature, nil smjlcs nnd affec
tion and goodness, li is sure to scud the printer
a gold or silver dollar with the notice of his hap
piness. No good wife will allow her husband to
owo for his paper, and If the worse-half docs not
attend to these things, It is it clear case of decep
tion, bccnUBC a man who wont pay for his paper
will deceive his wife, and we have our opinion of
inch. " :
5,000 Rolls Wall Paper Just rcootved at Light
ncr's, cheap for cash.
The man who fights nnd runs nwny,
May llvo to fight another Day.
Not exactly so, however, In the recent fight of
our neighbors, the senior of the Demotrat, when
he pumincled his partner, the Junior of the es
tablishment. The senior did not run away, but
like Grant, continued "lo fight It out on that
line," and tho result was similar the rebel was
handsomely licked.
"Pride, or the Fortunes and Misfortunes
op War." Tills thrilling drama will be render
eel In a superior style, lu Fry's Hull, Suubury,
commencing on Monday ovoning of next week,
and will bo repeated every evening during the
week. As the proceeds are to be given to tho
cause of temperance, wo bespeak for them a
crowded house.
No. 1 aud 3 shore mackeral, pickled salmon
jiuil white fish nt Klrby's, all fish warranted.
Fish Law. The Legislature has passed an
net for the presetvatiou of fish lu the Delaware
mid Susquchnniiu rivers and their tributaries.
It Is unlawful to put fish dams In any of these
jbtrtams, and U mado the duty of the Sheriffs to
ubnto the baskets nnd dams uuder a heavy penal
ty! Those who have been lu tho habit of placing
llioso obstrietious iu tho streams will take notice.
We have of lata had a number of compluluts
from towu subscribers that their papers wore uot
delivered regularly. We would be pleased if all
who do uot receive tho America regularly, to
give us immediate notice. The omissions are t aut.
.eit by our currier who is uot very well acquaint
cd. Iu several Instances we find that the paper
is taken away from doors of subscriber by par
ties not entitled to them. We will pay ten dol
lars lo uuy persou that will give Information that
will lead to the eouvktlou of these newspaper
It has been suggested that iu decorating tho
graves of deceased soldiers, It would bo much
more suitable to plant flowers with roots, so that
they would grow tad make the decorutlou per
luitiieut, and uot periahablu as wheu done with
tut Sowers. We consider the suggcbtlou well
worth a careful consideration. There is uo doubt
of its feasibility.
Beef tongue ut Klrby's.
Tun M mm u. this is the niiiue of n ucw
si-inl-weckly paper Just started at Ikiutlllu, by
1). . 0. Uiuwcr, the former editor of the JiW
tur X'-i. .. It U a tweuty-t'oluuiu shea,
iii-ally printed, and evinces last and ability.
We are happy to learu that our Me ml L. T.
Uulubucb, K.q., of lUe firm of Rockefeller A
Itolu bitch, bus received ths appiiiuluteiil of I', tt.
I'oiuuiU.louci- fur Northumberland t-uuiily, lu
take Uaiiuiuny lu lb I', S. I'Urull I'ourl uud
take bull lu alt rawi uudcr the laws ut lit
I mud Stale iu niiiiliiul cu i. Mr. UubrbacU
it uit tou4 lu)r aud a urlby gviilhsumu,
fully i-oiuprluut for the jHtallluii, aiul ui)'bl
Ju.Uy iMi-lrs k kr j-otltluiis ku-h Uv U fully
toiuim lu lill.
Wc Iijvs frequently Ima ouugftiulatwi by
W4Ut!is kuinj wuik 4u by our fellow clllsou
M. IUi.u, (of butliijf j tttslUitl lu
iu4uiu lu wuf luital. Mr. tUiuu U ai-kuuwUMlgml
by Ifti prulca-luu Ut bo the beat lUuilat lu central
t t.aua)l4uiu, ul4 happy to git 4 llutl Us
tuuliuuu W Uiu icpuuiiun Ukttll Mhu
a-t awik iiuu by biut. Ur. 1Ui bM always
iuk4 k'vU lu hu piufwwa Mltklt U turn
tujoxa bl 1U) tlUiiiy ul 4lujtili4iy uu
,UuUl gtbius. 1 'ilt Uetb lUt tU Ul
Ulw ttuM tiul nuuhul liaUtu, Mil u4
4, iii's buiMUtif , M4iW.t tai.
Ut u( Us fewWtl slutts Ui Ibis U U
lb w( ft- 14-11141, uw IbiH "-, W4w
t4ic4, Wbiut ttiyvUui U k4 4
tiu I U Im4w . t4 44b4 oissxlj,
i4 ''I U t' 4 '! U fell 4mU4
I tbt t4klkl.lafct. W U iMtkibg M
t'u4 II--' b Ivsbl W tuuii'UA a ttutl
I-. I .!4u, ,) Ml U btMt tyi
Pnovi'T Patment.-TIic following isa ccrtifleato
of tho payment of a life insurance policy to a
citizen who is well known in this place. It is
a pleasure to recommend a company like tho
TravclcrSjWhcn they enstntn a reputation second
to none, for prompt payment. Dr. E. U. Dodge,
formerly of this place, whoso death was noticed
a few weeks ago, was Insured for (3,000 in ISfiO,
and had made four payments nmountiug to
(133 34. The amount of Insurance was paid
over to tho widow last week by Mr. E. H. Kin
slow, special ugont. We would advise all who
have no Insurance to give this practical illustra
tion of life insurance some attention at once.
Mr. Shlpinnu, of Hits place, is the local ngcut
for tho Travelers' Insurance Company, where
nil necessary Information can bo ascertained how
to proceed to become insured. The following
curd published, shows how prompt the Travelers'
Insurance Company, of Hartford, is in 111 pay
meut of life policies i
Lewisiiuro, May 17, 1871.
This Is to certify that I have this day received
a dralt for (3,000, from the Travelers' Insurance
Co., or Hartford, Conn., being the full amount
of n life Insurance policy which my husband, the
into Dr. Edward R. Dodge, had taken ill that
Company. He had other insurance, hut to tho
Travelers' belongs tho credit of paying tho most
promptly, consequently lu this company 1 would
uuviec my irieuus to insure.
Drowned. We learn that a young man nam
ed Wuluwrlght, of Columbia, l'a., was drowned
In tho river opposite Northumberland, on Satur
day morning last, lfu wus examining rafts
along the river, aud ou going up along tho Uluu
Hill, in climbing a rock projecting out into the
river, ho fell bit' Into the water aud wus drowued
before lie could be rescued.
Til K first engine having tho patent nir-break
attached ou the P. k E. Railroad was-run over
that roud ou Wednesday liikt by John U. Irwin,
eugiiiuer. It Is connected with engine No. luuft,
attached to tho mall train-, and hen tho arrived
ult rat led a iiuiubcr of K-rtunt to wltnett its
win kings. W understand that it wurkt admlru-
Coi.. David Taooert of Northumberland, Pay
Master lu tho U. S. Army, and who lias been lo
cated for a yenr past in the State of Oregon, nr
rlvcdhomcon Wcduesday morning last. He ap
pears lu extraordinary good health, aud gives a
glowing account of the country through which
ho passed In tho fur west. We are informed thnt
he will ramnin here for several months, beforo
returning. Ills numerous friends will be glad to
once more embrace the opportunity to extend to
him a hearty welcome homo.
A man In Ashland, Pa., recently ordered (V
"flno gold wateh" from ono of the swludllng
agencies in New York. Paying ten dollars ex
press charges, he received, well boxed, a beauti
ful "glass marble" block, with a note attached,
reading thus :
"Dear Sir i The mystery lu regard to this is
to find the key-hole by which, to wind if" up.
Numerous pcrsous have been searching for it
during the past year, and have failed iu finding
It, but we hope you will bo successful.
"itespeetlully, V h.i.iams & CO.
'P. S. All fools will learn by experience."
UlUor'fi Table.
The Heathen Cumkb. We nre Indebted to
tho publishers, Jas. R. Osgood fc Co., UoBton,
for an illustrated copy of this humorous nnd
popular poem, by Bret Harte. I
The Atlantic Monthi.t for June, 1871, has
the following contents I Hotanlzlng, by Wilson
Flnggi Tho ShiftliiK of Power) Mehctnbel, by
liiiev l.nrenm I a. vimuiun m kcw laiirmna
Thirty-Five Years ago i The Capture of Fort
Fisher, II, by B. O. Lockwood From Genera
tion lo (feneration, I, by Caroline Chcsebro' )
The Robin, by John O. Whittler Mountaineering
in the Sierra Nevada, II, by Clarence King ,
American Lllo in France, IV, by M. L. P. ( Kate
Beaumont, VI, by J. W. Deforest ) Dnbhles from
an Ancient ripe I lie uew i.ngiiKiv Million oi
Iamb's Works, by J. K. Uahsoa A Summer1
Mood, by Hiram Rich I KneycllcnU of a Travel
er, I, by It. H. Our Whispering Gallery, VI.
( ctiurli t jncKrn,) uy uaincs i . ricnisi itecciii
Lite rat inc.
Business otitis.
An endless 'variety of boots and shoes nre
constantly kept up for the wholesale and retail
trade nt W. H. Miller's Excelsior store. Coun
try merchants can save money by purchasing
at ills establishment, nnd will get a better article
than In the city.
SEWING MACHINES nro acknowledged su
perior to nny other now manufactured. Miss
C. Dallas, Market street, this place, Is tho agent
for tho salo of them In this and adjoining coun
ties. Instructions lu sewing given free of charge
to all purchasers. A lot always on hand. .Call
ml examine them,.
T.nE Croquet Slioc, a novelty, elegant aud com
fortable, nt the Regulator.
Dunrxa the coming hot season, n hat Isn't a
bad thing to kayo about the house. S. Faust,
Market Square, has a fine stock, is constnntly
cnlurging, and will furnish them to order, lu any
style, price or quality. 8am Is a practical "hnt
tlst," aud can Ut any head that he gets a sight
Select School. Miss Maggie J. Martin will
open a select school for young ladies nt the reslT
denes of tier father, on Broadway, commencing
on Monday, the 5th of Juno. Terms moderate.
Tho fluo spring suits from tho Mcrchnnt Tailor
shop of J. E. Schacflcr, opposito the Central Ho
tel, nro constantly keeping up nn excitement
among men, and is giving him a large amount
of custom. His stock of goods is admired by all
who call to sec lilin.
Ie you want a flno assortment of plain And
fancy groceries to select from, go lo Klrby's,
Bright's new building, on Market square, all
goods delivered wlthlu the borough frceof charge,
All Rubber Wear, at. manufacturers' prices,
at tho Regulator.
Just reeclvcd, a number of popular fronts nnd
French call! skins, ut the Regulator.
Gents' flno French Calf, Box-toe Boots, stitch
cd bottom, nt the Regulator.
6nor.MAKr.iis' materials for manufacturing, at
tho Regulator.
Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk and Leather
Store consolidated with the Book Store. Call
one nnd all. New goods nt tow rates.
rTWE subscriber announces to the cttlxcns of
JL Snnbury that, having nirnln erected tils
' estAkltsment,
on the old place, where It was recently deMrovcd
bv fire, h Is again prepared to supply them with
All kinds of Bread and Cakes, such as
l'nvo just rcccivod an immense stock of
and are psppnred to gnt up suits at short notice anil guaranteed to fit no a!o.
bread BAKED nn the HEARTH, BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE CLOTHS. Double width S3 and ucwards
lino of FANCY CAKES, Tea Bnns, ' 1
nil wool 73c, and upwards.
TESTINGS ntall prices.
KENTUCKY JEANS 20c, nnd upwards.
TWEEDSo-2. and pwards
COTTONADES IB.-, and upwards.
They liavo also niado arrangements with the
elobrata &loiIiing House
and n full
Rolls and Twists. Also, all kinds of Confection
a: les nt his shop on I hlrd street.
Having employed a first-class baker from fhe
city, he is prepared to give general satisfaction
in his line of business, niul desires all to give hint
a trial.
Bread aud Cakci delivered to customers evorv
rn lee Cream Snlonn has been opened In con
nection with the above business, and a Ladies'
Silicon lilted tip, where the best li e Cream will
be en ved up every evening ilnrlmr the season.
N.M. 11. HAAS.
Bunhnrv, June It, 1870.
rpilF. nuderslgned rofpevt fully Informs the cltl
JL r.ens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have
opened a .
In Dewail's biiildiii'r,on the north side of Market
Square, two doors from tho railroad, were they
will keep a constnnt supply of the best of Bent',
Pork, Mutton, iVe., at wholesale or retail, nt the
lowest prices and of the first quality . A wagon
will be run to supply customers every morning,
(except Sundays.) The best of meat will found
at their shop, (jive us a rail nnd satisfy Your
selves. REFFEW & B.OVVEK.
Oct. Kith isfio. tr.
M1LLIN KKY AXu"i;cirNToitE".
Market Street, one door west of GearhurfJ con
fectionery store,
Has opened her Spring nnd Summer stock of
.TlilHiirry tnul l'linoy CiooU,
Tlje latent styles of Dress Trimmings, French
and American Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Sack
loops, Chignons, Collars, Cull's, Jouvin Gloves,
and a largo variety of other articles.
. In connection with tho Millinery business, she
curries on me
Iu all Its brunches.
She Is also agent for the sale of Ramsey, Ecott ifc
lo. 8 t'atterns.
Tho ladies of Sunlmrv nnd vicinity are cor
dially Invited to call nnd examine lier splendid
May 13, 1871,
Wanamaker & Brown, Phil'a.
and arc prepared to furnish suits at their pi-ices, only adding tho cost of expressage.
If the goods do not give satisfaction upon arrival wo will return them free of charge.
A full line of samples for customers to select from.
Special attention atrcnlion paid to
And tlic highest-cash prices paid for.
The block of buildings along tho railroad, on
Third street, occupied by Rccso's Hotel, Bachcr's
Restaurant, Fox's Tobacco Storo, Miss Nancy
Bachcr aud James Washington's barber shop,
have nil received a eoat of paint which makes
a divided Improvement, and has given those bu
siness places equally us flno nn appearance on
the outside as the inside.
Closing 1'kices of Li:11avkn As Hito., 40 S.
Timti) Stiieet, PuUADEi.riiiA. S o'clock, r. m.
May 21, 1871.
U. S. O's of '81 ,110? 117' i
" " '0'2 111 llln
" " '04 .; -nwi uva
" " '115 MVi.lUK
'05, new , ;llU'ijill3.f
'07, " UWJi,
'08 nix wz
10-to's jiuoii ;io;w
U. 8. SO YcarOper cent. Cy lUHVyAV,
(iold , 'lllj-illl?i
Silver , IW.jlimi'i
Union Pacific R. R. 1st M. Bonds.. Ol 'i K1
Central Pacific R. R 101 ?jM02;V
Union Puclllc Land rant Bonds..! 83 Tj,'; 80
Work is
of the very
besteharactcr.X "WT
Easy rules for
prfces, &.c, sent
free to any part of
America, and good fits.
ly, and will uo doubt ere long be adopted by all
euginvers ou the diffircnt roids.
A null ussoHiiieul of culiued goods, EuglUh
uit Aiiierli-uu I'iekU-s and suueus. Fort-lgu and
dummlu; dried aud green fruit, at Klrby's.
Fiuk at jKMnr Hiiouk. A Brs ocurr4 ul
Jersey bbora ou lul Tuesday evcnU'i,', destroy-
iiiK lbs prlvitl le.UU uis of Mr. It. B. M, the
I'imI OlUes building, the kJUt uel(aper utile
owuihI by Mr. James Juue K', iMtlul
utile aud building lu ths rear f Hut futultte.
Tit Org Is uppuM4 to Wj Uu I lis nuilt of au
luieudUiy. 'lbs lM U U4 klutml. tluut few
uiouiu ago lurvul M t ia4i lu buiu lh Iumu
through auuuyutuu lain iu souis ut Us piouil-
uuul tUiscus, but tU-y mvis IriuttJ Milk uu cuu-
wru, ulleviu lkui lu U b Iks rUk uf sutua
uu fujr IU purisuf g-lllug up a I in U wars
- - -
CitttUf if Lil TU ItutufluU II4 Kau
ur, alius I ImiIm) CitlMp, Wu t4o ltut fiutu
Wu. kijHi.i, u( fvuit Uiil,iu, u4 it buggy
mi 4 uf kl u4 fiutti 1'. It. B !', ul
llugltwtUUi, lM k g, s ni4 ucul
Ilur4i ( uli uuulj(,tu tbui4)l tks I Ilk
Ua. Ut k4 Um kiWMlf u4 b-utlu Ut
M, t4 ks iw4l la uUullug
U, iVS buggl ( k4Ki kl,4 iu4 lu
tul liuliMi b s-y ul HhmIi uwu4tiu.
A4 l 'tr-i't lwul, hi lsutH
HUHtOl'tSl IIIUtUMt, tu4 i Iiul
i ti 4og4 rit. wiigtu,j nt4 .
IM Us IVulMj.Hi mU k4 HU4-
Gheat preparations arc being mado for tho
observance of Decoration Day lu Shnmokin. The
monument will bo ready for dedication, nnd
every arrangement necessary for tho proper
celebration of the day has been made. The bank,
stores and places of business generally will bq
closed on thnt day.
DECoiiATiON.DAV.-Tha ceremonies of decora
ting he soldiers' graves will take place next
Tuesday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Tho procession
will form on Market square, nnd immediately
after the address, which will be short, will pro
ceed to the graveyard. A general luvitatlou Is
extended to all (Ua little girls iu towu to tako
pari iu tho strewlug of flowers, who will report
to Mrs. Norman 8. Kngle, Miss Kate Bolton,
Miss Llnu Welscr, and Miss Painter. The flow
ers and spruce will ho prepared on Tuesday
morning at the room of Geo. W. Smith, Esq.,ou
Market street. All the ladles nno respectfully
invited lo uslt tho committee In making nr
nrrungents. We extend a general Invitation to
all the Orders, Fire Companies, Borough Coun
cils, all soldiers and sailors and citizens, to as
sist lu honoring the (lend, who lie sleeping iu
liouored graves. The Willi of May has been
made a national holiday, uiul nil business will bo
suspended that uu opportunity may be giveu to
pay re-Hiet lu our departed heroes. All ure iu
vlivd, wllbuut UUliir.'liuu of uge or sex.
A. N. Bull K,
,1. K. TiiuiimuTciN,
Jaiikii I ii win,
C. I). Whakton,
Tiik cellar walls uf E. T. Iriiiliellcr' lurg
hotel are rapidly being completed.
T. G. Nott U, we are glad to hear, having any
quantity of work, euusvU by making up lmud
niiie suits uf dialling, aud keeping ou hand Hie
very best of oiateilal uf cloth aud euluuro,
Tim shuutlug uf utrUUlgi4 and all Insucllver
uus bird U fulblddeu by law fur two mors yuuis
Bou girl aro Ilka old niiukcls Uuy use
goixl dual uf puwdcr but ill Uu( gu ulf.
Fun drU-d aud siuukad meals, gu lu Klrby's.
Wg ar rwiue.Ud lu Uta that Ik IWsry hurm
uuliwxl lu uur lat Uu, dul nut beluutf It Mr.
Uuilbuluutew, has Uu iokiiuJ,
K sir uul of iluU, oul uf iium rl, uul uf dump
1-tulUe, uul uf rrut-h uf liquors, gud uul uf doors
II )uit eau lu guu4 w tml bur,
Tua fulluwtug npr.i iiulk-a U puslej uu
llw vlusl A'tut uf Uruuklyu cubbWr's sbuu i
"The Im-suUs Is Ujm4 fur lu ujm Ium
bus A iUui Uf 14 slk."
Tu talwt Mjl uf U4bw' but k-o iumIm
uui4 u Uk Ike tul4 kUki4 ual, 4 iiul.
Wiv4 urn Ik uu. Il itu 44U-
Uf, abUk I IU UU U U IU tiuui, u4
Uiutuv l , )UUK, ul4, Uum4 mmI
biuiulU slik.
1g iMUkilt UulUlU TUltllUUt ulMUUUf
UgtuuwM. H uul U tuuj usUi
i muiu) Ut kuubuiji.
Tug ruk wm.4iI,uu4 bT- U.Tiuus
UH A U-, U Mubtf, )M,UilU( 1 1 It;
aWlut4 bf ua) uk4f UMUuiu U4
uuul uu u'siwg. Ifc uiigiu uf lb U
uw. Uk Iiumi M.w W lw,tMt. u4
The C'oufeHHloiiM ol'an luvnlitl.
PUBLISHED ns a warning and for tho benefit
of young men ami cthert, who sull'cr from
Nervousness, General Debility, &c., supplying
the means of self-cure.
Vrlttcu by ono who cured himself nnd Bent
free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
May 20, lSTl.-Gm. Brooklyn, N. Y.
1'or the Relief and Cure of the Erring nnd
Unfortunate, on Principles pf Christian Philan
thropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, nnd tho
Follies of Age, In relation to Mahkiagk and So
cial Evils, with sanitary uid for tho allliuc ,
Sent free, in scaled envelopes. Address, HOW
ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia
Pa. may7,'70-ly.
The Largest Stock
Finest Goods;
The Newest Styles j
ino oesi
jS Gent' Furnithing
R Goods. Wrappers &
IS kinds for all sea
Wear at y
asionisning- v
ly low prioes.X
sons. White
Shirts a
Sixth & Market Sts.
has now on hand find is daily receiving tho largest nnd best selected'
ever offered for sale in this town, consisting of an enormous assortment of
which he had made to his own order, in the latest styli-s of fashion and best mauuor of
workmanship, au muncneo
Stock of Hats and Caps for
Nuubury (iruiu & Produce Murkct.
GlUlM Choice Whito Wheat $t 00
Beit Amber, Whiter 1 50
Corn ,.. SO
live I 00
Oala, (3J U.) SO
Bet Amher, inter, per buck uo
" " " barrel H 40
Corn Meal, per ewt.,.. '3 50
I'miiioylvaiila Koll t5
Eoos Per -lozeu Id
Meat Dried Beef, per lb 'MCySO
Binokcd Mutton ltl(u,l'J
I.Alil per Ih a.1
Fiau Ball White Flub, per lb 15
" Trout 5
Coil "
Freih Blind
YEGETAULKft-T-Turulpn, KT buuliel 7
fotlltOM " " .'. 1 10
Onion " ' 1 00
Beam, " l"nrt
Hominy, " 13
DltlKD Fill IT Hi led Allle, ir tb l'-it'i 14
" Kiitheii, " -Mi'M
" Clrrle, " lOOHIA
" Bla Wlairrh 1'J
" HanDlmrile.., -0
Ajl. EI) Jiiht published by Dr. LEWIS.
paires. Third Kditlon. THEMKDICAI.COM-
radical onre of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak
ness, Involuntary Bomin.U J.oobcs, impolency,
Mental nnd I'hyticul Iueapaeity, ImpmliiiU'iiln to
Marriaire, ete., and tho Venereal ami r-ypmutic
Mahuliea with plain and clear directions for the
epecdy euro otlsecoinlary symptoms, (iimoi rlnea,
(ileetn. Strictures, mid all diseabea of the i-kiii,
such as Scurvy, Scrofula, tlcers, lions, widen.
e ami l'implcs ou the laee anil nouy. i imsnm-
lion, I'.pllepey, and tils, induced by selt-iudiil-cenee
or svetual i-xtravayaneo.
'I he eelehrated author lu this ndmlr.ihle Trti
tlsc, clearly demonstrates, from a forty year'
sui-ceoHil practice, that tho alarmlni; cimM-tUciice
of lelf-nbiiso may be radically cured ; polntin
out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and
eit'ei tuiil, by means of which every sullVrcr. uo
matter uiiut his condition may be, can be cll'cc-
tuallv cured, cheaply, prlvatolv, and radically,
J This book thould be In the bauds of every
voulli. uud every mail lu the laud.
Sent under leal. In a plain enveloie. Ptli-p, 50
cents. Addre.s, DH. LLW IS, No. 7 Beach street,
New xurk.
irvcu-uiviivej .vtl.j tiii vxjiiy iatemt
and a magnificent assortment of
I'UMi'iitLT ti a on ( t:.nt:i t:uv
ThU iMjiiipany U now prciwred to sell lot In
the new lemi li ry, Itieulrd ou au eminence ab-mt
oue-fouilh of mile i al of Sunbury. The In
crease uf Hie iHipulallmi of Suubury, and cuo-
ti.ent u.liaiito iu the raflo ur mortallly, as mt-ll
us the limited facilitlu fur lUe tuluriuciil uf tluwe
bu have louiibl life battle, bavs sumiwlea tlie
uriiaulsutkui of ihu above uuuisd coiupauy.
I'laii of l eiueury tuay ue e'U at ins oiiica ui
J. A. Cake, F'., or l.l)d I. ll.jlilbacu.
I'lUe ul iult nout t-i to f ta, econii- ui lota.
Duut Will be r'Ulnl lor l4t tnul.
IXH D T. ItOllUttAl II, tkc'y.
May U, 1171. -If.
V TOT It It U hereby vu, llml ths pailMvnblp
. ttsrntufu uiuy, u i aiut mum ui nw
ilI, lia.klus A i n., lu liw Msn-aullls butuM la
U Iturutigli uf Kuubury, ba bms diaul4 by
luulul luuuwl. 'Ik llV'k awouuls, ,
loll lit lb It4ud uf 1'. It. WsUsul, at tn old
S4i4, lw UI ttMi Uf Hut lu.iUlp Sf
Tb MuictuliU bastuuM uf tlui aUu tim HI
UtMlUf U vuutlulMMt 4 lU uld s4at4, Bu4l
lbs ttiut usius ut
V, M. WK Klil.l U.
Mar .
MlM. II. Mt.tUW.
llr4ts, krlli'4 I lf i rt
il Ut av, u 4 ItttMmMUt fsu4lu
1 lifuht -4 l"t Uk4' 4mmi ut tut
Ut wk'aliks HuHf, au4 at tk UU t.
uw4u. U4n xiW4M j4 MMtly nM44
'"'AjiU , (III -iW
H 1.1' HAM W ATI 'I I KN.
No. 003 Chcatnut Strout, rUiladolpUio,
are now pn-pared to till Orders for the
under their uu KUaiautse, lu litlier
1 Karat ;oll ur olu Milt rr ,
( .Vu uthtf sufil bj) k. )
'Ibese SV a I eh is greatly iri-l hi Unit llni-li,
Variety of lU-, uud aeeuiulu lluiu kej. lut; U.tll.
Ilea. Wu luvliu p.tilieular ulteiilmu ti tho InM
pi lee ut Un U a Ivally giaxl wuleb muy u.-w bs
riv ku4 l h lur n l'rU-0 I.Ut,
Older Itaelkid f 1 : ull pnlllls.
(i.kkla x-l.l i . O. l. to U ad Ilea.
H lt I'KIl M, sct uiilnj li Ibv n'-M nl bluer
el uUSillaKl uasi-aej b) a pliaelll pur-rltaai.1'.
ita t:. cAiuvirii. v to.,
Wi l l.i.luul Miett, I'blU.
Apiil 'AJ. l:i Jua U ly.
Doots and Shoes I
iit imutiM it.
lblld Mlv4, 4l"i Mdlket Mint, -.ul.41), 14.,
I Upl4 l-l U4.uUv(ul
uf 4i4:il4l at lbs It.' MM, Al
kls t.ik l uf Iks ) Ut. a tu-lv bp
la Iks llat lUj Misj t lUs Uua iwa-i.jl.JI
tiuia. K I-li It-II Jf s ull i.ol l
1 1i Kubllv lti.- t-t tll so4 . annua kls
a4wk sua) wkutsuiklr '" -i k-..U.K aiau.
A iU J, 111
i toll h t.' Vli,wu, Au,
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
comprising all the novelties oi'tfce season.
Wliitc and. Fancy Shirts,
ScC, ScC.
llcliiii cotincctoil with some uf tho largest houses in the cities, atul buying all his gooda
for cash, ho is enabled to otli-r
than auy of h'u comin titors hero or elsewhere.
Giyo h'm a call, examine bis (iooils ami hear bin astou'iibing low prices.
Under the now Hotel, on Third street, SUNHURY, PA.
INA AC 14. MAinilt.
IIH Xorlh Ntx-oiitl Nt., t'ir.ulurr).
Au aaaiiitiiieiil of Watches, Jeaiilry, Silver and Urc ennl tnlly uu ban. I.
lU-palriuif uf Watches and Jewelry pniu'l!y
alluiided tn. lApul l, ly.
Bakery and Confectionery
lu tim ne buildiiitf uiljuliiiiitf I be. 1'uat
lull. .-, i. I I'. mlu Ilia lu.l,
N I S II I It . i i: !N ,
J Hit opvlli J 4 l lle aasullllielil i'f ull kinds uf
ul eel il, ail ipl lull.
iteiv luuiuini;. Stfkulli. i'l be a.l' piled
daily Ruu l.ils I . I . It.l ) lalib ail kinds
ui liiu.m, twist, HI K, Ir.A
Ul a, Xi., uu.l alau kipl uu
k.tu4 and uisuulwitaiv-l
WUtuI lUe beat blaltds
ul rb-ui.
AU ltluiU uf ranty Ckvii
ttui UI t.aU by uu UU ll"iu n.l.l
lyvu btu4si4 luaituUiluis-l U itidvt
(4 11..; la, k.teull.4 wllua, l4U.liM
BU-I .4U.I. .,1,1 Irt aku(l-at U.4U.
411 uldats 'bit si lbs Stum
lUi u. la a, m st
hia ibt.i 9 . iw
S.tia. Mil ul"u ItimuI au4 ,a4,
run i:s iir.m ri
ir inn
.Mammoth Koot iV. Shue Storo
1:1.1 3111.1.1:11.
In C. B. Jtiullh's Kixnii, l.iueui Kireil, on duo
l- i.l ul I III) I'ual tull. e,
MilttlU MUKi;l..Nl), I'KN KM.
V..i I' I mil. 1 IIimiis, i;ii . Y' Mlllei'a lliuil ami
Mi, M.iiv. 'I In V ur sulil. Ileal t ull' ill il.
I r I ii iu h t all IbMs, ko id I'll MilUi'a, only
lu 11 :r paii.
r'ur, Kbias ,in. l.ulleis, at l.-.l Kal
l.iu piuea, Kit lu t il Milt, r a, un Ijucu Miwl.
t'.-r ull kiuua ul liUiu liuuls uj Hi.., call at
t I Mllbr'a.
!', I s li.a' l.uia liui.huus, mi B asa.ul
uu nl at I U M' l 1.
'..l all 1. 1 I bIMisu'a b... J u4 il
4IUIIIS k II llllltl's lu I at 4ailliiiilil.
..f ai.ubli.u' la lb H ll,,rt r''
un .J sisuilua 1 .11 MUiet'a bvli.m iiiibualu4
iiab.-ig II )ou aiab lu 't Bisl iluss, at lbs pi I. a.
Jua.V 'II SH-.SW.-,.
.UIUU k uf HuaUlJI Jk Nulluu t Vl il
A lHa.l.-j's. i-i.
til u
III Ua4lu4.U
Oil Mil II ui I Blla, (SMSIul s.t u
Maat al M-4 Itna.vsV W
Ua. t .lu pti'lUI 4tutfcta).
Ibaklul lus pot aituf. I -.uti
Utluullaas) lu bM. u4 luiutakli'S
Mablluu ttM ttt
Wal.b 1Mb, li.
H S-4 ! I ,
a Ita a:iuw minrt-s Bl.utiaa
J l.I .1 ii It ii ..' iki.S
a U 1 lit Sk" M.k-4 .!".. S.
Ul uf WUI
.ia .a iM isul bll'l 1 . 4 U.4 I
i ul u. lu I ! ui IU4 sut l ul Ut'
ll'tU' ta i. 1. I kuaLai.4 ItuUI Wn kul, uf
Sl iluUulai'l lvU. .. N.'ilUU.UlWIlau i .-auul I
'u, 4.1 J iuwi Ivun4 il.-Ulit. Il ia ii.4..s abl
ka 4. t s nk lu II-- lull i ! t tui.i A lu l.t
I ul 1st Mi, II Ikl
MskalM't lf , ltU I u,
i.Aki.S a- i ul kk .11 I'.,,. .u4 lU Jn
)u t.,i(..4 4 tu ..... . -1 tk
lauau..b S4-t ul U l lblllSu
kit SkttS w .. I) a, 4.,
kl-t. 4 l' . t.-l
lU-l k'll l