"-,-- TT T i THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 19 TCBLlsnED ETKBT BAttrttflstT BT !EM'L WILVEHT, Proprietor, nustiett's Btnttmros, marks suturs, . At $1.80 In Advunw. II not paid within 0 Months 93. StibtrriptUmt lattn ftT lent than ttt Month. r.nmtmn with thin establishment It an ton- JveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain ana fancy type equal to any eetnbllhincm in the interior oi mo suite, lor vrinciinicpiuruii' - srs of the ptiMlf ti reepectfallj solicited. - -m-w-rm uni.vi'RTItW. Attorney & V Law. oillce, rtoor No. 5, 2nd door, llnnpt' BUx-k. near Miller's Blioe Btore, Sunburv, Pn. March 85th, 1871. ly. SB. DOVER. Attorney at Law. No. 2 and 8, Secouil Floor Bright' Bnlldlnc, Bunbuty, Pn. Professional business attended to.in tlieconrls of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims oromptly collected.. Consulta tion can be had in the Ocrmau lnnguage. . March 25tli, 1871. ly. ' JEREMIAH WVYDER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. All professional busi ness lutrustcd to his care will receive prompt at tention In this and nrtjolnlnir counties. Can be consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attornev of Northumberland county. Auir.20,1870.-iy. r vn I.UII'VOV. J , ATTORNEY AT LAW, So. 144 FoCRTn AVCXCB. Notary Public, rittsbnrg. Pa. Jan. 15, 1S7U. ly . It O. JIARKLE CO. Market Btrcet, K SUNBURY, PA. Dealer In ' fcrufe'",' Medicines, Pnlnts, Oils, 'Olass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, .J'OCKei books, UMinra, ftv SP. WOLVEKTO Attorney at Law. Market Square, SUNBLttY.PA. Profession al business In this nud adj oiuiug counties prompt ,y tt"gded to. - . DU. A. It. SAVIIM.E. respect Mly an nounces himself as Tliyslcian nnd Surgeon to tile citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity, hoviua lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Fairmotint ITotel, where he can be consulted at all hours when not professionally enjagid. apl24-ly GW. Z1EGI.ER. Attorney at Law, north sido of Public Sqnure, one door east of the old Bank building, 8UNBURT, PA. Collec tions nnd all professional business promptly at tended to In the courts of Northumberland nnd adjoining couutics. septl5-60 CA. ItEIMEXSNYDER, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly nnd with diligence. opl'Ji-67 JXO. KAY CLEM EXT, Attorney nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Collections aud all pro fessional business promptly attended to. mch.31-00 C. J. BHVSF.n. i n. KASE. BRUXEK A KASE, -Attorneys and Coun sellors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Otlice on Chestnut street, west of the N. C. and P. & E. Railroad Depot, In the building lately occupied 4 by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections and all profoes ' lonnl business promptly attended to In Niirthum- berland nnd adjoiniuj; counties. apllO-UD 11. JIASSER, Attorney nt Law, SUN- BURY, PA Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lvcnmiug. ap!10-C9 Wl, M. ROCKEFELLKH. LLOVD T. ItOIIKBAdl. KOCKEFEEEER A ROIIRRACII, Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Of fice in Haupt's new building, second tloor. En trance on Market Square. Jan-t-CS ATI. UKICE, Attorney nt Law, Sunbury, Pa. OlUee in Masonic Hull Building. Collections of claims, writings, and all kinds of legal busiuess attended to carefully nnd with dispatch. (April 8, 1SU. ly. ANTIIHACLTE COAL t TAEF.XTIXE DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer In every variety of Al'TflKACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Al! kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solicited and fllleH promptly. felilS-71. W. S. RHOADS. I. TACSSH nAAS. Wn. Kiio.ins & co.", RRTAII. riBAI.KItS OP ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, TENN'A. Office wtTn ITaas, Faopxt Co., Orders left at SeasholU A Bro's., ofSce Market Street, will receive prompt attention. Country custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COAC1IMAKERN. WE are selling Rims, P"-kcs. Hubs. Springs, Canvass, Holts, Clip.., A?'s. .tc, very Lanre Stock nt CONi-fcY & CO. Sunbury, March 30, ISfiO. COAEI COAE! COIL!-GRANT BROS., Shippers nnd Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWER WllARr.) 137" Sole Agents, westward, nt the celebrated nenry Clay Coal. JanHMW EAt'HAXJE I1YEKY. J. M. BARTHOLOMEW, PRorniETOK. FOTRTII STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Sunbury I'm. TI1E beet of riding and driving bortet always on hand to serve customers. Orders left at the Central Hotel, for vehicles, will receive prompt attentiou. Nov. 5. 1870. UEXTISTRY. GEOKGE M. REXX, Jn Simpson's Jiuilding, Market Square, Pusncr.T, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertalulng to Dentistry. II keeps constantly on baud a large assortment of Twin, nnd other Dental material, from which h will be able to select, kLii meet lUo wants of his customers. All work warranted to givealUfuctlen,or else tint iiinnfiv refunded. Tbs very bet Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept ou hand. His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for tha la.t twclvs years Sunbury, AprllJ-'l, 'S7J ' XEW COAIi YARD. rilHE undersigned having connected the Coal J. business with bis extensivt FLOUR & GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply families with ths VERY REST OI' CO IE, tiiE.tr roR cash. Egg, Btovs nud Nut, constantly on hand. Grain Uki-u la exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADER. Banbury.jJan.J5. 187J. tf. 44COB Sllll-KAN. THOMPSO!! CH. Fire, l.ICa nl Acrldcut INSURANCE AGENCY or NIIII'H. A DEIIR. JAUK'ET STUKET, SUNBUUV, VA. COMPANIES K . PRESENTED. M. AmerUwa, PUIIadelpUla, AsmIs, S,7A3,5) CuloriHiM', M.tahti-ur, Nsw Torx, N. Amuricas " Ba.iio) 1-1,IIUI SxlJ.dTU J.tM.Utt 1t,lU TVi.utsj l.um.oii t.tUl.Ufti .kJA,7U L.MllUid. " " T.i.kcrsi!J.Tot" " IUu..r, " uimiU, Lnn.Joo, " .tvuiuiui, Mauuy, Yisukllu' PbiUd- lcbU, " II-. ii... Nsw mk, " II it lul l, lUftfMll, " turn. r " 41 IIIUIS I .. T" N. UuiKb vli'll " i uisiaaf s, fcw Yixk, h u, Suiii-u, .. k.mU,4 U(bal tifs, , " l.e.J.uiu ,a.M.uuf t.susi.uist A,plei.4.4 SMAituisut of viut S firUliiu ( (I 1 4 Mu( A ItMlsjiti i far n ku U.wJt t s ItlSSMt -?;. Tls.tnllls.lecl In 1A40. ) PRICE 1 50 IX ADVANCE. otcls nutr !c$iititntnts. L" A'IFVre" "iloTis ETBronrt nnd Chest nnt sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER WORTH, Proprietor. Terms per day, $3.60. April 15, 1871. ly T-rlf IOX HOTEL, TII09. FOTJLDS, Sr., J Proprietor-, Ubamokin Street, Trevorton, Northumberland oonnty. Pa. The tabic Is sup plied with the bost the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. Jan. 81, '71 HOOVER HOrSE, Third Street, nt tho depot, SUNBURY, PA., Wm. Rpbse, pro prietor, warm meals served np at an nours Fish, Fowls nnd Game. Fresh Oysters con stantly on hand Bnd served In every style. The best of wines and liquors at the Bar. EtfFnmilies will be supplied with oysters done op In any style, by leaving orders nt the Bar. Nov.!,'70-ly. RESTAURANT A EATING IIOl'SE. CIIARLES ITZEL, Proprietor. Chestnut Street, a few doors from tha Depot. Bckbtrt, Pa., HAffopsn (i Restaurant and Betlnst TteuM, for the accommodntlo ofthe public. . Wnrin nu-.nli nan be had all . ho nrs. All kinds of game, fish, &c., served np at short notice. His bat Is supplied with the bestllquor In market. No paluv spnred to please, and terms moderate. Sunbury, September, 4th 18C9. ly. NATIONAL EAGER REER SAEOON, m OR THIRD STREET, NEAR TUB DRPOT, SUNBURY, PAl JOSEPH BACHER Informs the citizens of Sun bury nnd tho public generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEE8 SALOON at the above place. The best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, &c, constantly serv od up to customers. ATIONAE HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wiues nnd cigars at the bar. . The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and nttentlve ostlers. AEEEVHENY IIOl'SE, Coi.. CIIAS. KLECKNEK, Proprietor, Nos, 812 and S14 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, ti per day. lie respectfully solicits your patronage. XTTASHINGTON IIOl'SE, C. NEFF, V Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunbury, Pa. May2S,'70. HOTEL A RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbury St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served nt all hours, ut short notice. The best or Liquors at the Bar. The Table is sup plied with the best and latest In tho markets. Attentive- servants. Terms moderate. Patratiuga solicited. HUM MEL'S RESTAURANT. LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just refitted tfco above Saloon for the accomodaiion of the public, Is new prcpnrcd t serve '.lis friends with the best icfreshmeuls, and fresh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quors. .7. VALER'S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL JS-o. 720, 722, 724 A 1S1 n St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEX TT.OTEL, (ON TDX BX-ROPEAX TLAK) Centrally located, connecting with all tho City Passenger Railway Cnrs, from all the Depots in tha City. Excellent Accommodations) for Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening in the Summer and , Winter Garden. $JT Orchestrion Concert Eviry Afternoon. JEJ PISE LADIES' RESTAURANT TIIE BEST OP HBFRESIIMFNTS SERVED. OfBcc of J. Valer's Fouutalu Park Brewery. June 4, 1870.-'ly. LIQUOR STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respcctfullv Invites the attention of Ret alien and others, that he has on hind, and will con' stantlv keep all kinds ot FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Rrumliess Cogniac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochcllc and Otard, Whinkies: Pure -Rye Coppcr-rsistilled, Mo""n gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! TYlnes: Champague Wine, Sherry, Tort and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cidor, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, ArM all others Liquors which can ba found In the city markets, which will be sold ut Whole sale nnd Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS aud BOTTLES, alwavs on hand. t-tf Orders promptlj attended o, and public patronage respectfully solicited kefF Snnbury, July 3, L'89. ly. IIARDtVARE STORE, J. II. Conley, A Co. MARKET STREET, SUXDURV, PA., HAS received a new assortment of nil Winds of nurdare, Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, Ac., if nil rteacriDtloiis. Also Wauon Maker's Mate rials. Hubs. Kims. Rnokes. Also, all kinds of Leather fur Shoemaker's and Buddlor's. Every. Ikln-r In lh. Ilnh.iir. till!.!, tlfnlllll tt'hll'h will be sold as lo as can bs bought of any other cslabiuumem :atacouniry. iu uu ira ium stock. Suubury.Dee. 11, 1RQ9. FOR SALE. TWO VALUABLE LOTS on ths eornsr of Seennd and Chestnut streets, In the to rough ol Kuiibury, on which there are erected large dwelling uouii, iuuis ami ouiuuuuini;. The hviMMteud, W'.S ut Hugh Bulla. , die'd. Also, a Lot on Market street, in the Borough of Huubury, on hU h there ars a dwelling hou,, stable aud outbuildings. la-inirs st t '"i' of Fsb. 11, ISTl.'tf. AdniiuMialo 5 to$10i)Cia)ny.H-rGS wlm engage lo our nsw bu !! urnks fiom ti a., till ..... In thitlr nK LijaI1 k'S. Full P.ir- ticulars aud ili.iruclltius seut fn bv mail. 1kosln nesil or peruuioeoi, piouiauis ..., should sddres l om .. OKORGBaTINSON rO., Portland, Wslus. April 15, llT1--n. I "riiontw wrriv, UT aoulB iscoad Btrsl, sbova (luul, 2 pliaADKLfHU F Having Just owaJ, ll lurys sud wall L C salwtvU ttmk ut f omlya aud iMnn-.ue 3 H CarpaliiiK, "f Uolc slyirs aud quj llu,. 4 7. AIki, Oli( toll., Vlstlluys, lll-lkl.'l'. hu,, i v Mt, Hlr Kts, alluf which ks HI sail Volt IjP lur roll V. J. l'kWAr Itrl T, U s4 st M tui bmu4 iit i but, UU 1 kuiua Iki uy. , lii.m. LAltt ALfACASaf lt lMlit4lil,stwi, J ) Sjt M'tut liii4i's- 1. . (1 O lu Mows 4 Duiw'i Kt Wastlul t tis sy SUNBURY, PA., $cto Jbbc rtistmtitts.1 tp v . LIFE and FIRE AND - . Marino Insurance Agency - OF Near tub Cocrt Uouse, Svkduby, Pa. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. OCIce 819 Broadway. Assctts In proportion to -Liabilities larger than any other company. Eiamlno the merits of Ibis stcrlinu Coinpnny. Its Registry System, auu Division of ProUtr. L. M. YODEB, Social Agent, ' Sunbcrt, Pa. iSTNA Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. ' . . $3,7S2,G33 09. AMCtH, L. J. ITendee, Presldeut. J. Goodmow, Seo'y. Wm. B. Clark, Ass't Sec'y. L. M. YODER, Agent, Suxbvrv, Pa. TTYOMINQ ' INSURANCE COM PANY, WILKES-BARRE, PENN'A. Asset, Jan. 1st, 1971, $319,699 42. CIIAS. DORRANCR. resident. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Prenldeut. B. C. SMITH, Secretary. L. M. YODER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Pottsville Fire Insurance COMPANY. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID, F. ALSTADT, President. FFERIOK. 11AESELEY, Secretary. L. M. YODER, Agent. SUXBUUY, TA. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ERIE, PENN'A. Cali Capital, 2.;o,ooo oo. IION. O. NOBLE, PREsrDENT. JOHN. VINCENT, Vice Pif si lent. M. RUSH WARNER, Secretary, H. W. NOBLE, Tr-afuror. h. 8. SMITH, Special Agent. DIRECTORS. Hon. O. Noble, John W. Hammond, John Fertig, Hon. S. Marvin, " Wm. B. Stcrrctt, Henry Rawle, O. T. Churchill, C. Englchnrt. C. M. Reed, Jr.. Cupt. D. P. DobMns, L. M. Hon. J. P. Vincent, M- Hartler, 'apt. J. S. Richards, James H. NeiH, F. H. Gibb.-, II. W. Noble, Hiram 0:itru'' tt, Richard O'Brien, Hon. (i. B. Dt-lamnter, 11. 8. Southard. YODER, Agent, SVNBL'RY, PA. ANDES Insuranco Company, CINCISNATTI, OHIO, US West Fourth Street. FIRE AND MARINE. Cash Cnpllnl, 11,000,000 00. T. B. BENNETT, President. J. 11. BEATTIK, HecretnrT. J. J. BERNE, L'upt. of Agencies. Applications for Insurance promptly attendej to. L. M. YODER, Agent, Su.NPi uy, Pa. WILLIA1MSP0RT FIUE I.VSURANCB COMPANY, WILLlAVIbPOUr, I'KNN'A. Incorporated 1S.IU. (u.h Capital, tlUU.UOO. JOIIS WIUTf, Pre.ld.i.l. U. W. TlloslfhON, kiir'y. Tn Origluasl Eiiilslsilug Cwuiiau) Ul MMsMMtS Fvcty Pidli'jr Issued by tbis Cumpauy liiur s.sis,t datu(i by l.ltliiuiiig as il a fin. STtTiMist f sTsT, srsit l.t, l7l. ( .b lu llauk, f.'l.&Ai !id Ca.U iu bands of ArUs, l.lJt Ut l-iuiil oh iul Milfa(u, M,ua H LMU4 wu Mitk l uilauials, 41, 1' i H H B-'ii-U, l,ou uu bias it.iubl, a.fki ij Kiul fiw'ty, oo oo EsullU. rNilk'Ua, Flr IWii, (airlul Witt bin, u4 f rvuft i'm)in4, - iiw r-uie. Li M. YODtM, Atfut, AB . un M .SATURDAY MORNING, MAY BALTIMORE LOCK liO.Sl'ITAI.. TR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy , "pleasant and ctloctunl rcmcdv In tne worm lor all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, AtTcetlons or Kidneys ana uiadcler, involun tare Dischnrces, Impotency, General Dcbili ty, Nervousness, Rynpepsy, Lanirnor, Low Spirits, ConAision of Idea, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinirs, Dimness of Sieht or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lmiir", Stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders jtrisinc from the 8olltory HabHs of Yonth those secret nnd solitary practices mare f ilal to their victims tbun the sonc at HyTons to the Mariners of Ulysses, blightins their ovpet brilljant hopes oi auucipations, rcuacriog marriace, dec, unpos siblc. 1 OtTNG MEN especially, who have become Uie victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and. 'destructive, habit which annually sweeps. to an untimely (rravo thousands of youiu: men of tfco most exiilted talents and brilliaut Intellect, who mlfht other wise have entranced rtMcoins eVnatcs with the thunders of eloquence ot wnked to ecstacy tbo living Ivrc, may can witn lull continence. . MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Touu? Mon contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreative Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or asy other Disqualification, t pcedlly relieved. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely unon his skill aea Pbv sician. ORGANIC WEAKXESS. Impotency, Lofs of Power, Immediately Cured nnd mil vieor Kcstoreit. This Dlstrcssine A Heel Inn which renders Life miserable nnd marriage Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of imprvpor Indulgences. l oung persons aro too apt to commit excuescs from not belnirnwarc of thedrcadfulconscqonccs that ninv ensue. Now, who that understands tho subject will preteud to dray that the power of procreation Is loet sooner by those falling Into Improper bauits man ny tne prudent i Besides being deprived the pleasures nf healthy offtprlusr, the most serious aud dest ructive symptoms to bot h body nud nimrt urisc. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Frocreotlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, palpitation of the Hcnrt, Indigestion, constuuiionnl Debility, a vtastini: of the Frame, Cough, Conumptiou, Decay and Dcatlu A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health hy unlcnrucd preten ders who keep thm trillinir mouth after month, tiikini; poiiionoui and injuiious conipoiuiJn, should apply immediately. Member of the Itovnl Collcire of Surgeon?, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent CoHeircs in the United States, and the ereater part of wlio?o Ife has been sprnt Ut the hospitals l.niuion, I'rls, rmiaaeipma nua cisewnere, has cllvctcd some of thi most astonisliiue cures that were ever known ; many troubled withrintr iug in tlio head nnd cars when asleep, great nervousness, htinir alarmed et sudden sounds, buslifuluess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all tlmcc who have Injured themselves by improper induli.ence and solitary tiauHs, wmcu ruuioioth body nud mind, uiiultiii thi-m for either business, study, society or nuir- rlurre. These nro some of the sad and melancholy ef.ccts produced by early habits of youth, viz: onkiicin i-l ihn Hack nnd Limns, rams in tun Back n .i'l Head. Dimnevs of Sizhi. I.o"s of Mus- culur Power, PalpiUitlon of thu Heart. Dyspcpsy, Nervous irritability, Ueiangcmcnl of Uttrwtivo i unctions, General Uubiuiy, byniptoms ot Con sumption, iC. Mentam.y Tlie fcnrrul ctTiets on tho mind are much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Foielioilings, Aversion to Societyf htlf-DUtrust, I.'ve of Solitude. Timidity. Kc, uro some of tho evils produced. Tnoi sANi'S ot persons oi nil nscs can now Juile what U the cause of their ducllnlni; lioullh, ottiiur tuclr vigor, necommg, wentt, pale, nervous und emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consump tion. TOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned lrom evil companions, or nt school, thu ellects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage- impos- si'.'lr, injK dcir.vs tii mi ikititi una uotiy, snouio apply immediately. t nut a pity i imi a young man, t no nope oi nis country, thu darling of his parents, should be siitttclii-i from all irospects and enjoyments of lile, by the consequence or deviating lrom the path of nature and indulging iu acertuin secret habit. Such persons vrsT, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body nro the most necessary rcqulxilea to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes u weary pilgrimage! the project hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed w ith dcpifir and tilled with the melan choly reflect ion, that the bapplnvsi of another becomes blighted with ourowu. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and nririidcnt votary of pleasure tlnds t bat he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too ollen happens that an Ill-timed sense of rhumc, or dread uf iliseuveiy, deters him from applying to those wlio, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ot this horrid disease make their uppcaraucV, suck as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nut-luiul pains lu the head and limbs, dimness of sight, denfuess, nodes on tt'JJ shin bones and arum, blotches on the head, l'ac and extremities, frn grossing with frightful rupi1itr, till ut lust tiie palate of the mouth or I tin bones of the nokcfull in, u ml J bt victim of this awful disease Ix-comcs a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suireriug, by sending him to " that Undiscovered Country from wlioncc un traveller returns." It Is u melunclioly fart that UiouhmuiIs DIE victims to this terrible Alscane, throui-li falling Into the hands' of Ignorant or uuskiillul 1'ltK TKNDKIiS, who, by the ue of that deadly Pol soil, Mercury, tVc., destroy the constitution, and Ineligible of curiug, kti the aubuppv sullerur luontli after moiilh taking their notion or in jurious compounds, and Instead of being rnstorcd to u n-uewul of Lite Vigor and Itapplurss, lu des Hiir leave biui with ruluc.l Health lo tlgb over his '.illing diappoiutmeiil. To such, therefore. Dr. JhUnxom Pledges him self lo prt.erve the most Invlnl-ihle Ki-ern v, and from hi estuiiaiva pruclicn and oh.ervuiion In Uie great Hospital ul Euriqv, and the nr.t In Ibis eouiilry, isi Euglaiid, rnuiee, PliiladelphU and idsrw hi re, U euahlrd to elWr ths moat cur tain, .'cdy and eltecliiitl reuirdy lu ths world lor ull diMMu ol Imprudeiira. I ill. Jl'IISBlDN, OFFICE, NO. 7H. FKEDFUlt K 8TKF.KT. rUlTIMOUK, M. ll. Left hand side goliif from Itultlniore .Ire. I, a lew iliain floiu thu coruvr. Full kut to olMrv S HIM ami niiiiiocr. is" .So litter iceulv-! Mali. u.tuM sui I lbs ri.l. !'. i mu-1 iM.rtu.tt eoulainUiy a stamp tu bv Uh1 iu t-iii. riiiug biul4 .l-iid uo, aud mu4 a p ut inltirllMsiUKUl dc.eill-liiil uiitoin. IUi-ib r s.1 Uiauy I'alliv, IM-Mgulmt aud W'uilbli tiupiistti adiuiliiln IbuoiMilirs a I'b) li Ian. iilliu4 UU aud nilulug III tvnllb nf all bu uiiloitiiiiutuiy lull lulu lu.lr uer, I bat Dr. J..hu..m iln un ll uvry li ,ar pr tally lu lbo uui'Ualiil4 UU bl, r ul liuu tbal bia I ivdiulUls (Nt Diptuiaa l4)s b4Ug lu bU mine, FMMjlisr.UKST 1F TMK mrM. The luau) IbuuuU'lS tui4 al Ibis F.Uhll.b lurui, )rai alur U4(, aud dm uuiutiou Ho. rMtaol "HU.I (llull-MI, .ltviu.4 bf tr. dilllrtt, MllUMSAl Ii) IU piMtulallM. I lb ini aa4 latMUf uilul i, ! ui tti-b Imi -iv4 rfalu nm U..M ibv I'Uiiiu, U..l-V in l4.4,a4 it ,ii.lii4S ibil'l ul i.-HMit.i l, U iIU-i.l (44latMi 14 b sillu lv4- bblM 1I ri t f if Dill I'I'KBP rUttsi S Jli 27, 1871. a:- TUB GIRL CRIPl'LKt or, bow st llream cstme True. "" r -1 BY MRS. MARY A.jDEKNlSON, 'I'm very tired,' sillied the minister, ns no pusuca tuo shutters impauentiy back. The ruovemcDt sent in a sbowur of rose leaves. 'I'itty, pitty,' cried lite eliildisli vtiice. Mrs. inlitlJ, tlio minister' wife, stood nt the tloor in a cool, white) wrnppcr, hold inj? buck it beautiful, engrr child, '8linll sho come in, titiorce, are you through?' ' 'Yes ; come here, ltossbud, and kiss away pitiia's headache' Tell papa he must walk out and let tho wind ktua it awav,' said the clergyman's wife, i i The littlo thinn repeated ber mother' words in baby langdage. ion snouid go out, lieorgo,' Airs, w in field rciterntud, 'co to tho run rains brooks and stones, or some of your poor pariah lon ers, nnd let them talk to you. 1 ou know that always does you good ; aud there's little Ucssie : 'Ob, littlo Bessie : I had almost forcrotlcn the child : !avent been there for a week : and the good little tailor ; ho will think we nnve ncjricctea him. tJno more ling, pet, and pick up tho rose leaves : eood-byc. wife ;' and leavins a kiss on two pairs of tips, nc put on ii;h nnt nnd went out. 1 1IOMAS t'LEAItY, TAILOB. That was what tho bit of a siirn said over the bit of n shop door. Evcrythint; was oti a small scale there Thomas, his cheery wife, nud the brown sbantv bv courtesv called a cottage. J. he ciergymau entered, net without stop ping. Well, lu itnes. Rlitclnncr n way vet ; I suppose you get tiled sometimes, tliis hot weather.' ' As he spoke, ho laid his hat upon the white pine table, and sat down near tho tailor w hoso lep;s were crossed under hitw. -The window was otierK for' It was a line day. From a wee pot of hcliotropo a fit in t sweet breath of perfumed air stole now and then into the room. Tho chop was charm ingly clean ; the walls, though cracked, wero neatly whitewashed. Heyond, in the parlor aud bed-room combined, could be seen a square rag carpet aud a few pine t bairn. Thomas looked up with a smile ; 'Vc8, ir ; I'm stitching yet ; a littlo wearisome, but it brings the bread and pays Uessie's doctor bill. It's not like the gar dening 1 did when a lad ; but then the .Lord makes me thankful. He gives me plenty to do.' V hat 1 your side aches ;' the tailor had made a sudden motion of pain. 'Well, there's a bit of an ache there, sometimes,' said Thomas, his litee clearing up, aud the happy smile beaming Stgniu. It's a sharp, uncanny stitch too, but it only stays tor a minute, and so I'd ought to bo thankful. 1 wouldn't like to feel it long nt a time though.' 'Xo, Thotuas, I don't like yon to feel ft ull ;' suiil the minister with a serious face. 'How is Hi-Bsio this morning V 'The dittliug is weuk, sir, very weak ; the doctor eaid yesterday 1 must get her a bottle of the best wine. That cods extra, so I woik ntodd times to getit. I did some whitewashing yeMrday, got up just nt daylight, nnd hatT the" work done, and money in my hand by the time I sat down to the coat. Threo morniugs' work like that will soou bring money enough tor tho wine. It mayn't be long we'll keep her, nnd she shall have what she needs please tiod, if I have to work my lingers to the bone.' 'Vou Ehan't do that, Thomas ; see here, one of your kind friends nnd mine, gave me money for just such a purpose; there is euough for the medicine; don't get p at daylight to-morrow, Thomas.' The liiau's lips quivered ns his pastor pat the money on his knee. 'I'm uot nuove4nking such helps as that he said, lilting his tear-tilled eyes from his pastor's gentle face to the heavens that smiled huuiguly down. 'Hod bless you.' 'Does the doctor give any -hope for lies so V askud the minister with a pause. 'Not while she stays in this close city air, sir, though it'8 a triecst sort of place compared with some. Ho says could wo take her iuto the country, Bir,"'t would save her. liut here's the work, sir, and here, 1 suppose, is the duty. Thai was what ho said yesterday ; nothiug but the country air. I telt bad over it last night, so 'did Slaty ; her heart is bound up iu tho child, 1 thought what a bit 'o country air aud suushiue- would do for lie r, and we so poor we couldn't atlord that iittlo. I don't com plain, sir ; it only come to me like. Wife und I prayed over it, and it seemed almost as if the tleat 1-iord answered us lu a dream.' 'In a dream, Thomas f 'Ah, Kir, the sweetest dream that mortal ever had. 1 think it made me a happier man ; 1 do, iudced, sir. There was llcfesie on the grass, and the (lowers growing all around her. .Some wero high over her pretty clucks t such a light in her blue eyes, ami such a ring in her voice as she cried out : 'Oh, father, God's Messed, beautiful country I' 'For there's where we were in our dream, sir ; nud then 1 heard wife's voice, and there she stood, sure enough, in the door way of a little cottage, 1 i-au see it now : lUo prettiest picture I with a bit of. white ; curiam blowing out ol tho open window, and all about wero trees, aud grass aud (lowers. Aud 1 thought lo myself, 'my woman won't have lo slave her lile out over the washtub.' It made mo so light u' heart that the wife suid she laid and listen- ed to me laughing in my sleep.' '1 wish vuiir dream mioht ponir) truo Thomas, havu you lailii tu believe that it ! will V liiKl is ublu,' said Thomas, softly, stitch Uitfuwuy, 'I'm tt'iUiii it would be just I'ko 11 an. And if lie don't sue lit, you buuw, i iuiiiit in feel iintiikfiii lor tne , drvnm ttstill', Wring that Msry t ried heii j ,oKi i, Wl4 mnyl ,i mcuirt 4,4l I L. ... ......I.I I ...1... Wi lWiii Mould soon bo put Uudor-tUu daisies. Tlirru's IWssiu's tup,' ho jtihhd, j tlio dour vhild Wist sue kuuw wheit Im j wskes i ilk you ku in r '1 lio indue kaitcil ovr and llftod up ths ! bitch uf a rudo uxor dial b d Iuto closet Ilka room. 'ilia ixlliug wits very low. I Inns ws uus lurijo window, nud cUmm) tu llutl ths vleiii luia UhI uf thu sick thlld MSB diMU. A tuilUj, kI sud glad, rnsiw'4 ths pate, mhu lave. II "t hsiid Ii-'s4. Wd i'oiiildiiiidy iu Ins. Will, IW..10,' U Sited, ' U MklU glllM) ' Vi-B, sir, ihatik jfoa,' lu ti'-UuJ, lu VoUo like soft, sMott Uiuiui, Aud iuu ihW hsniijf ; llutl tslls MM thsl ll.-....1 U 1.11 tHi, !! !!, bs4b ldiUbfir'BoihsiltMMrss 9 !Bf w Serle, Vol. 8, X. 10 Old Series, VoI. Sl.Ko. t. rapturous expression flashed over her sweet face. ' ".t : ?You hear the children at pl?y, eorre timcsV Yes; I love to bear them. Mother cries because I am lying hero so helpless, when tbey nrs running about, but I dou't tniud it so very much.' 'Uon't you feel as though vou would like to go out ana piny wau tiiem r Clever could he forget the look she gave him, half sad, half smiling, nor the answer thnt followed slowly t 'What good would It io to (eel so ?' Ilo said afterwards there was a sermon in that sentence. Just then a palo woman entered. She too greeted the min'mler with one of her cheering smiles, hbs had just run over, she paid, to get some dinner for her bus band, aud Mrs. Clark bad sent such a nice bowl of broth for the little one. 'How good they are,' laid Bessie grace fully. , 'All tired out V asked tho pastor, notic- I ingthnt sho sank so tne what wearily into I i do cnair. : - 'A littlo it's hard work, but it's It's neaitny.' 'You havo some blessings,' h ventured again. 'borne r oh, mv cun is running over." she replied. 'Look at my husband and child I There's Thomas, one of the kind est of men, working like a slave for me and her ; never giving himself any pleasure, while most of tho meu in this neighborhood squander their earuincs and drink and quarrel. O, sir, indeed I can't thank tiod enough for my blessings.' Well, well, it beats all,' murmured the clergymen to himself, as he left the bouso. 'Here nro two people working like slaves ; sickness nnd tho prospect of death staring them in the face and 3'et they are as hap py , aye, happier, than kings and quecas.' Ho had scarcely reached ids home when ho was mot by a gentleman whose broad cloth, and personal appearance and man ners denoted that ho was a man of wealth and leisure, 'Pleasant day,' said tho preacher. -xes lor a wonder,' wns tlio ungracious reply. We've hnd bad weather quite long enough, and I don't suppose this will last till to-morrow. - The minister thought ofthe poor, cheer ful Thomas who was sewing away in his close shop. I 'How is your.littlo daughter ?' he now asked.';.-. 'To bct'.er ; don't think she ever will be. I've taken her here nnd there, and every where, but Providence, I think, sometimes, seems to Like particular pleasure in thwart ing my plans.' 'Don't accuso Providence, mv friend. 'You have been blessed with large posses sions, ana unoounued opportunities tor doing good.' 'Hang tho opportunities; I beg your pardon ; I'm in a mood, and I could add 'plague take the possessions.' As to tfoing good, I invariably get cheated if I uuder tako to do a benevolent deed. The fact is, I'm in hot water all tho time about some mishap or oilier. My gardener died yes terday, an invaluable man, and whore 1 am to get another with a tithe of his qualifica tions, I cannot tell.' ' The miuister's face brightened. 'Perhaps I can,' he said. 'You i" 'Yes, I, mv friend : I think vou need a fesson. I Want vou to see a noor lnborino- man. Ilo has a little gitl who has been confined to her bed for months ; I think, together, they can read-you a sermon such ns you may not hnve listened to before better than from any pulpit.' 'Ah, I see, you've got another case of destitute honestv. but I'll co with vou. es pecially ns there is a sick child in the case.' That saute afternoon tho rich nnd portlv stranger netouished the poor journeyman tailor with his august presence. 'Thomas,' said the clergyman, who nc- 1 companied him, "I want you to tell this j gentleman your dream ;' nnd the poor mau, after a tittle hesitation, complied. Wbcn j he spoke of the pleasure of littlo Bessie nt ! tne great ami oeautilul change, the eyes ot the rich merchant tilled with tears. 'Where is this littlo child who loves tbo country so much 1" he asked. Tho tailor unlatched the littlo door. Bes sie was suffering from ono of her paroxysms of pain, but though great dtjps of anguish stood upon her forehead, tho' tho sweet eyes were languid with sullering, tho old smile, so full of beauty, came to her lips, when her pastor bent over her. Good heavens ! to bo sick hero !' ex claimed the merchant, his thoughts revert ing to the luxurious surroundings of his own child. 'There is something finer than common in the atmosphere of his place, with all its Ib'Verty,' he whispered to tho clergyman ; 'I wottder if' this- man knows anything about gnrtlcning V 'Ask bim stop ;' nnd he turned to the tailor, i. Vc, Thomas,' ho said, 'suppose tho Lord would bring your dream to pass what would you say r Thomas paused a moment and then look ing up with a smile : 'I should say it was Just liko Him ! 'Well, Thomas, dm you know auy thing about gardeuing V' asked tho merclmut. '1 was brought up to it, sir,' answered the tailor, rDodcsily.) , - 'Then throw do-vu your lap board, and put up your iieedits, lor your dream is coming true, I liavs just lost my gurdcu- er. On my estate is a nice little cottage. with flowers and vlucs grusuig all around i ii. nave uo iiouui you win give too greatest satisfaction.' Tho tailor looked around hint much be wildered. 'Vou must be iu eaiyeit, sir, ami yet my mind wou t luko it lu. ft it lor mo lo leave this close oi'y spot and go iuto tlto country r Is my sick child in breathe he m il's pure air r It it iudevd, alk.truer' 'A sihiu as you can gut ready, the place is ready lor you,' Mas tlio mtrcluul's quu k rvi-ly. Ills dreum was realised b. vt, patient, saint like lUssie I it Mat uot loun she my iu thu little room of thai coimo lnuuo, liH.kiug witli rapture upon the Uotisra lhl bloomed Mitlmul and wtlhln l Uix'U the glut lout bit id th uf blue sky. And mIioii stiviigth camu, aud ho found now beauties hi iho soft suiuuiir uuliins, she-bcvsiiis ths cmiiihiiIoii ( ths uicr t haul's tuikly dau4diur, snd taught ths stilUi such lessons uf lovs sud Wlllcllwo, Hist thai sick rMiu brtaiiM), stVr had U.u, a UttU bvatcii wu tarth. Tus t'W vslMud ldi vb rU iViuta. ils ul IMiio UiM.t ll.st lUsy wu draw mt Isiuiuauv Uf any smouut Innum. lit lUimiiinsusuf Ci.iiUMiwutiwKuUiu tlu.1 llsvWMlalljhlTiWuiUVUyAwskkltailsa uiti scut ul ssf t -Hi, f j sn'uxii ij, ADVERTISING SCHEDULE lOLInosoraboptlOO Words, make a Sqnars J 8q 8 8nj 8 8q! 4 Bq tfcol l.:coI'l rol OnewMk l.oo n.oo 8.50: s.oo, 5.00 8.001 s.oo Two week 1.6V; J.00 8.60! 4.00: 8.00 11.00 18.00 Three 8.00 8.50, 4.50' i.OO O.m 1R.no9n.isi Four Flv Sii Tiro mo's Three Six Nine " Oue Tear i.50 4.60! 6.60 0.00 10.00 1R.0022.60 8.75 6.00! S.5l) 7.00 18.00 17.0025.00 8.00; 8.75: 7.50; 8.0O13.0O18.0O87.6O ;8.86; 7.50 i.SOi 8.00 16.00 80.00 80.00 18.50 8.00: 8.5010.00 80.00 25.00 40.06 ,6.00 H.OO 11.00 18.00'88.00 85.00 50.00 0010.00 1 8.00 1 S.00 86.00 45.00 75.00 :8.O0,W.O0 15.00 ao.00j40.00 00.00 U.00 tacrllartttms. Toons; Anserle at tho ft'Ueel. T WS!1 known clergyman wm crossing Lake Erie, some years ago, upon one of the lake steamers, and seeiticr si small to.t at the wheel steerimr the vammI ha r.s.i . .1 I ! . ,. - " - -VVWO uu ii i iu hs iouows : 'My son, you appear to be a small boy to steer so large a boat.' 'Yes, sir,' was the reply ; 'but you see I can do it, though.' t 'Do you thiuk you understaad tbo busi ness, my eon 1" 'Yes, sir I think I'do. C'an you box the compass T' Yes, sir.' 'Ijet me hear you box it. Tls boy did as ho was requested, when the minister said : , . Well. reallv. -vou can "ttolt I Cun rmi 'box it backwards 1" 'Yes, sir,' . 'Let me near you. Tbo bov did as rea nested, when thm mtn. istor remarked : 'I declare, my son I 'You do seem to understand your business.' Tbe boy ttien.took his turn at question asking, beginning : ';''' 'Pray, sir, what might be your busi ness ?' 'I am a minister of the Gospel.' 'Do you understand your business ?' I think I do, my-Bon:'" '' 'Can you say tbe Lord's Prayer ?' 'Yes.' 'Say it. ' ' '; . The clergyman did bo, repeating tho words in a very fervent manner, as though trying to make an impression on the lad. 'WclL really,' said tho boy, upon it conclusion 'you do know it, don't you ? Xow say it backwards.'' Oh 1 1 can't do such a thing as that, of course.' ;.. 'You can't do it. eh ?" returned the boy. 'Well, then, you see I understand y busi ness a great deal better than you do yours.' "The clergyman acknowledged himself ber.ttu, and retired. Quality op Whiskt FR-thnr'anrl nn keep within a thousand miles of Hartford a shop where whisky and other decoctions of iiku cunracter aro sola by tbe glass. One morning recently the old man had got hia keg full at so early an hour that by nine o'clock ho was laid out in a choir as drunk ns a boiled owl. At this particular period of the old gchtlemau's existenco two chaps entered the place and called for whisky. The son stepped behind the bar, and put the bottle down. ,, 'Je this good whisky ?' asked one of the customers. 'I don't know myself,' replied tho son, 'but there's the old man, he's been drink ing it steady for two years past, and he ain't dead yet.' .... Ct'LTt'BE OF THE TAKSP AKD CAIt- SOT. We have long thought that net near ly so much attention was paid to the cul tivation of tbe parsnip as its value would seem to demand. It ie true the crop re quires carc-fat cultivation, -and in the first weeding requires considerable labor, but then no root crop is more abundant or pays better. The soil for this crop should be rich, deep and well pulverized. Subsoil plowing it operates very beneljcally. Tho seed should bo 6own in drills; and the drills some twenty-eight inches r.part, to admit of a small cultivator between them. The seed should be of last year's growth, and should be covered very slightly. It takes a considerable time for it to vegetato an4 appear above ground, and then care must be observed not to mistake tbe young plants for weeds. After reaching two inches. i& height the plants should be thinned out, leaving the strongest remain, to about four inches apart. We have known a thousand bushels to be raised to an acre; five hundred, bushels is a common crop. They are very nutritious food for horses, cattle andswino the latter fatten upon them hotter Ihea upou any other root, . sad are very fond of them, (seed may be planted up to tho 15tu or 20th of May. Some persons even plant later but it is not to be recommended. ' A to the culture of corrols, the same details may be pursued. There is scarcely a shads of difference. The variety called tho Orange is the best for field culture. Oer tHantown Telegraph. Tnn Democratic newspapers in Ken tucyk and other parts of the country some weeks since, published this puzzling pro position: "Pike, the radical enndidaie for Governor of .New Hampshire, is a preach er. What are men fit for who thus aban don their sacred calling and become can didates for ofllce on tho radical ticketr' The best resnoneo to this comes from tha Kentucky Democrats themselves. At their Into convention, they nominated the 1 (eve read II. A. ii. Ilenderjou for super intendent of public instruction, and tho Democratic papers print his narao among their cauditUUs with his clerical title pre fixed. A Washington correspondent says that, though tho marriage of his daughter Jessi) to Fremont was much against the wishes of Thomas II. Benton, he allowed the wed ding to take place at his own house, and alV-rward earned the notice to the office 'J'lit UUibe. The elder Jilair, readiug over the uoiicH remarked: "This is not ths usual form, Colonel. It reads that Miss llcnton married Mr. Fremont. Permit me to tiatispoM it. "Mo, sir," replied, Ik-nton, very cmiiliutioallv. "i.et it Unil. John cimrli i Prvemeut Uid not marry Jes me iieiituii, Mr ; Jessie lieutoa uarnta John Charles Premont, fcir." The City election took place in WilliBms port on Tuesday last, nnd resulted iu the) choice of Ma.. I'eikius, demociat, lor Mayor, by VH majority; Meredith, Itepuu liea'n, for City Iti corikr, by lt4 luajoniy; and Kibe, lti publican, for Treashrsr. Inn majority, iluie is also a Krpublieru majority in Councils, aud other otlUvs. Tho great light was m lo lor Illy lUcord rr, for Mhicb, bciUs ths tuliir Itunub lu an there mvio ld ulUt lUpuhllcan tauduUtr. Tnao nsus show l,'.Md,UO0,0dt lotsrs by rsbvliiuM in fit thu (viuth; Keuttukr, lot nullum i Mississippi, bu uiillli'us; 'IViiim'smm, Ou muh mi, t loiiiU, 90 iiuIIIoim; houlto I a roll U4, 3J0 iiiilaous; irifluiit, 1-sj Miilliou, all ivkixivd Uisu ItkAMu. 'las Ksiiluckf lost is xt ur ii., amt SMiciilt larohua iM-arly isio thuds uf all U of till srisv i.ii suuim nwimu. A Lkrrsit list bM-a imUivw! from orhtir oi th l uiud uus iiur tius. iur, at I rirdt, Uu4 April U, lTl, bu.h kuLi thai ll.s fetii uuf is us imi f uusasc jiiiiA, mIovU Km Um lui U ttvs UiWf ssr, t--muod.- lf "f.T4 i ' r-r- - t