-.4vi -. $cMcnl. Ataccllancons. nt2tcIl;tnfon3. ailroabs. Ariii-:9 Af Mani-iM'.. Tl. M line lurnirr ursrs tin- m. of ivdi'd-ashi'sln n pnngrnpli vltit;t follows. (.'nmul.t is (in! smircn from which utortnf Iho nsho, used 1" '' w 1'"k' Irimrnre olilaitH'd. Will the '.ii'iiur ti ll lib nnd other" who rend him every week, how ho gets nshci in rjiiiiiility, nud nt whivt I have iiiod ashes (uito fivcly for I'm jinst 10 years, nml find them in bo the cheapest nnd most trustworthy maimer I run purchase. AVlint n pn at pm I of our land needs is potash, nnd this ashes supply to the soil. AVhiT.l. tirnss nnd fruit tivis Ri'i'in to derive tin' jiri'iitr.ui hem lit from the use of ashes: but vitiI'iL!i" of nil biolr, thrive nnd are less liable to he troniilc.l by worms thnn when other mamm s nre tine'. I have, usi d nulics nround my finil tri.s for ciht years rind h:i ve List no treis by borers or root worms in th:-.t tinr.'. I re move (Iv S'lil a O-v inciu a deep .Mfiniiil tli trunk and f:M too space with tts'it s and find th.it miee (bit;.; tin, re of iheir vr-.rni coats than of hulk, and it h ;i r.nv tl.'...j for mien to piaw tivi s Hum tiwitid. I iiave a yi)!V,i:r orch.'rd thfit has never been plowed situ".' the t","t were: set, 12 year :i;.:n. 1 have i.s d :;: !.i s and yard t...'i', niv lor a .top Uivf siiii: oi!i Tail, an.t mv Ir.'fi'. Ilii'ivo nnb.y and llio soil ia lijht, and in guuJ e(aiili!ion. Toiu' ATO Toinatoes , in eVel V lie .NllYlli'!' : Ci lia! . r: : VAT ION. i ' ivh rl 1.1' diet . :i o:ie rovf ii'ii tli in' e-eri o;: .L-'i-ed ; rn. n (p; ii:'v for Lis ov p'-'p;, nee lliO.' I'll' oinat'v s i. I i u bar. c il v. :i: " l,-.;: 1 t; '.'.re :.i t!i. pol'..-, nnd e d M'ii'.i a", olhx'f wavs, ryid 0 l'a-1'e is !! f: . fpii t.ti.-.!i to their nl.' ohtio f -npi ( Vei'V lvfiiieei, j'lie comr.i.ni Iii ' 1 'iiviii.i lilt to p.i'..'V as they li" ,.,.111 .Si'ef everi oi re over t i ;r.itii)tl, may ii'iK'U-'iroivcrr- mv il i-". I'm '.vav ia '.. 1 th" hen;- 5t wi L-ht'oHVii:! can ld piop'.i iie.n io the labor rv.r.t. ; but in ivav the fruit is num: ae-.l ihv.i under ill: V other y- ion. A tiviiia, so that it 1 '..t'.el' .t.i lan is t naiki! a !e. r.-.' n:i inv-'i'ted v, .ed up l.Mlh id.es ; hut !': it" in 1 ilia ivav .; '- yi!;i the plan'- tr.v t'ne y i'i at !ia !" lei I !e in. e( n,n waieh t,if m mid tin- mv, s t.hei.i when tiaiiv.'! tip to sial.es. Tltu li.-f-t w.iy to la-iev.-ed is' to do as hi done Willi Lima Ivans ; that i. s-.-t the Maiv' h, -i'.-.i-e the liltr-l, tv teat out. 'i'lii : ,' !!-. ncH'd not 1 e over t-ix let t out ol'iv' around, nml may be . t ali.ni! Ur.v; h el apart eaeh way. Af. the plan! ; ':r.'W. tie thetn up to thi s,: M;t::.:s : l.-a' that will not he ii"piirid over l.a'.l'.l d.i., n tilte (l'.niie; t!'.e s, e..,en. Twenty plant,; in this way will yield as many I: ml us d"iio!e the rjicinl ily't.n any oliier pl.m : :md in (piul.ry tlu'ro is i:o conipnriv.ii. fn pl,",n:i:i:; ih) m l out tiniil t!ie s-.il U warm, or thev will be hta:i tcd nnd ,..,;, ii!' ;:ai-a ,!. Vru it i:..i;:.i:.-A wr.'. v t;j tho A;c,-;. e.-!,i -!A,"( (, -.;;t: that tviic-r liiivili-r txperimented with ni.it'y Han dles, and in many ways to di troy the 1'. ieh-b,,re;-, ho finds that (V.rh.dii' snap ..;'vl:-.-i t'ej pr )i".e iKh'.-'.ial'ly. lb; takes a i.v.j pi.un.i c.Ul (it the soap. c...:!:n -Vi. ai d j.uts ji iiito si barrel one tl'ird tilled v, ii li warm water; to x-oii as the ".an ia ti;,..!v, d. i.h the barn 1 nnd it is lit f. a- li is i ... ,,,. j;ent to use on plaiilH, but will not hurl the hark or wood c.f trees. p:.!v wiiha paint b'fte h ai-oui'.il t!;e b:'.,e ( f 'l'ho lie lakin-' i . lie i i uavi; it i liter invariably desu-oys a yoiin- worm, that li eper than tin. lii-:;. ,il the. eieviees. It I iii-vet e ts, and any lave i:nt petit : ia;, 'd 'i'lie 1-...U.J ly i- j in,- d. A b i.'ixi of the at r.uinl.er oi" lives. iie :i ti.l i, liipllid wiU siiy I'bta1!,; do for a yj- I y t: ipliia . iixi: Voi. ourn.'il ol i:. Th inum.y l:a. lei avali.i.i i for ixl' ri I'b.i ine.: wii;,. nd known a I i inn; piov f is lik.'i', ti I'o'.ir pail 'o ha niiiV Slyccriiii'. '.C'li-y oi ii cnh-iatie,-; valtial ev.! ti" piill-l; i,y vei;l.l, 1 , Of ( i in a mofiar - p 11 ,-l i"- 'I'!, n v C' ,111'1- am n i.il is in He ' c"l: U: fa ov v.-h' 1 1, oi lii-'b.n: i .'ihi' iniali' i .lii'e. Vof-i d t , il l' ; i: i'nrii. a v; vet-.t.. tl . aeli ti. s i in!, r it of -ill bin, is, ;, Iiipi,'" . liiel a s"t ,-. ir for i i.Mi i ',,1 ! i' -ei vie. ; . Ilii:lll I i I i roe hie. 1 re- 1 :l! -' 1-: . i . I' ll hill l.lti S -a e! . : b!e furl liy . i)S .C'.i.llls, I'I Wili :i , l! 1 KL I'.ie I, llel I.',.', be.i! i . . b .-'-oi I oil. d n'U.ii m ov. r a'.i (-;.;;: aii'l t nl .!. 11. f' bono :i. 'S th.- , :. ' . ilii l':e ;. "i f'-Jt r i ' I' ,1 fie I' i , iii- ..i :. it. i 11, i I V on i o.'.iii. sin i: ' i,i fe el a i ul. )i i oi r. 1 pa.. i i :. ::'i.! ' r. el p i: :!d, Il ad ii, lie in i.i lo.l Ihei loi in V. I. .! nnd r.el t!, "oi it 'in lr: u i u ; . !'.-. tin I v. !,. ;i ),.',. 1 l. i .Ms ; -'.ili lil-l . 1:0," I. t'.l.il - -I : ', I .l.-lii a in :i:i I I,- He : ' ., r ..-Il rt's- :: .: a I, I v a- i r. :i M (II,. , l,' n I , I a-l-l 1 ' Il I or v. . ;li ii a n n l.l s .Yi i i i , , 1 I . o n oi b..le il b ,i..l I I V I' ll I . il'. I .,-!.n.: i'i ll, 1:1 lie', be : l I I . I. I nil lie V r.'i ii il 1. - Ih' t ' . I. In .11. i N i ,1 1', l.l I . I I lis 111 1 ' ' . .( Ill I., .1 lei, i I t I 1 ..ol 1 i. "i , l'r 1 . . ;,l, ., li 11 I ' " 1 1 1 . ,1 I 1.1.1 I . 1 in 1 1 1 , 1 , 11 r il I I ' I' I I I Jt .11 Is. .( 1 ; 1. 'i i i , l.-.t - ' ' i.,i t . .1 ,, , '.,...11. .1 , t 1. t ;.i .. 1 .. 1 , ,. , ' 1 ' I- i 1. 1 . , ,. ii n t .it, 1 it ,t iit. tt . I... I.. 'i I I I' I ll I t, .. . I i I I. tl, II 1 1 HKMiY T. tIEI.MKOI.n'N COMPOUND FLUID KXTHACT CATAWBA Component Tuts 1'luld V.xtrart Rhubarb and l'liiM Extract Ontnwbn drape Juice.. For Liver Complaint, J't'tndice. Dillons Affec tion, Sick or Nervous Headache, Coftlvciiess, ile. Purely Vegetable, containine; no Mercury, MlnrrsiU or Deleterious Drugs. II Thcs? Pills arc the most ib-light fully pleasant purgative, stipc'secling cn-lor nil, palls, mugne- I p,i. ele. There U nothing more acceptable m the. slt'innch. They give time, nnd cause neither ' mri?. a in r '.'lipping pains. They lire rompo-ed i of llw f.t:''t i:i-),;V:,iU. 'Al'ier a few days' use r-t" tli- a i, such an .ttvlgorvtioii of the entire sy t"'ii 1;.'. plceas In nfpr.".r mi.'i'.e'lio'is to the i iv -nl; iin-1 eaei v.ited, v.helh'r art-lug I'roai ini ! 'inti:ice or ,n: ve. II. T. 1 !i'leil',iU"s ColH ; pnnti-i F'li'.J Uxlinet Calav.l'.i (Jraj.e l'iil are not !.::-,:i--:'i:l: ', tuna tile f.:et i'."t hiiirar-eoi.tej 1 i.: .'1" ii"t .ii-'-elve. t.r.t i--- inoeiuli the eta : i'.i'i"h wit'mnt rtlsolvhiL. ceas,"iiarm!y i'o n.t !:''.. hiee I fills, t'.-lr nere-: ilai , .,. r p!i I in. ! I'lVevt. ,t )a lu The Cataivlu Cr.ipc te aii'l eiU'i. i!i liol .r-eoatc l. 7'rloe lll'ty r bean: Ins. "tin Jail KlflHl.V nivcKTTil AT'i'.l) COM fOt;" t'Jsiiil E'-strciv; HiSi.'iiJ-cwlJIrt Will la 'le.'l'v e.l nil iii ile fieal Hie svtn f V"i ".-:?. He.r lve ., ' lie. 'el. TVuai !'Ui , (.'' r.-, Kiim.iii'; T'ltaiorn, faneer . Ci'. i '.'hilar Sv.e!,-t'-r. it.itnor nl'iill iiyei nia. an I e.ll ! e '-, a I'i.e.r "i t .i' K . A: " . e el iCu-'en, While ba-el'ile,'. . Nf-les. lPel: -t ''. -'-. ii i-h, Ti e Iw.-.-nniM inia. iiiei.!-- lh.it In fer vi nm. : he, i eift.'biiblivil ill the hyju in TT Jj!. P'inc: rrepnr, A (e-M've.-slv fer tie nhnve C'oti plaints, il l M'li'il-piirfyhe; prepi rth-s are t!l ;n any lher 1 i".:. rati 'ii nt arsa'aiill.'.. i'I' i s i ne c-itnj K tlon n n:"t an 1 he i thy e .el .'le'is tie-. P.iti'.al tun rut e oi l! m'uH 1' u'.ly. J',.r ftti'liyinz the lile-i-l. re'iiovlnn '-!". : -.e e a-t't itiee.-il il:. ,M eii::er free iter It . '1- ii' at, 1 all en iaipare . t.it,' i,i 111 i 111, ,,.!, an 1 Hi? only nl.a'i.e mil eliietnal hniovii n innly I'cr t h" eme nl' pihn en.! v.v, lliiiir el" the linnet. I'le :re.t'.niis nl' Ihe Tlneet nml i.eu.-,. H'e.lelk's, Pimples on the l'aee. vl"el.-'.F j t'.'.ini r Uu'.t'.e, and u'.l s: .i'viia; the iny cm: In ns coiap'.exiaa. of I he Kliin. 1'iiee, 1..VJ HEN'f.Y T. llF.l.Mf.OLrS niMTVTHA i rrj r:.i"jrv Esra..tT Esrcm THE Clti'.A t' I'lURETIO, , or. red cverv ee-e i,l Di:.!i.'te. in sli'oli a e'lM-ii. I riil'it " , n of ti e le.-'i; n!' tie en 1 ii,;'. i:.:'!i,"i "!' tli" Ki'liiey i, t.';e ;'..e ii '.:'"".-. mi 1 lilad I.',', l , l,'iiti,,;i of I' I l ' 1 ie-t. ,fe (ii:, nl. Mime it has I'i ine, ill l.l'e V. ii!;", t.avei. Jir, elale .( lieposit, i,r .Mi.ky i ii-eh ii'i-s, it i,! for 1-u-'(iieate Coii.-til'.uiu'ih of I,, .th rexes, , th" lo'loaia r -vnintonis s ludis- .elale .( ai.ii Ve I lee'e.le 1 and f.e ! atua'ie.l liiili , po-itinii t, ee , I.e. IVoier. Loss nl' Me- ! iieay, l.!r.e:;!':; ,.f H.vetiihig, Wen . Trcihilti!', Horror of '.'.,-e. W: j iV,:a:-., -s nl' Vi. ie.l. t'ein in I he ltee'.i. ! Ftuvhhe; of the 1', ,;y. Ib-vm -.-.of the: IC I.TVl'.., lo'illlne. s, ! I 11 ui.l-, !;ai, Erup Uiiiveis:,) tie I i n Cie laec. !..:! tnei.l' i.a in ..uii.le nl the A; i-ea.iii' ,iieiii, it,. U.e t by pu.-.itu fro I a I lie a:?e. of eiuliteeii to twenty-live, .aid finia thirty-live to tlltv-llvo or in the e, i-iit or .lei ul.e; .11- eh i'tt'-as of life a fli r eonll'ie ia elaiilna. l,v, llil.-j 1 '-.I: lie -j., 1 1. e.n ti deliee-i nil sr il U.e nhi.hl'a V.i.ti-.iet rjiielm Is Lla'itlc and ptiiiiyinir. and cares nil ai.-.-nsi-s miring a'litf. nl ,iis. ip.ii ioa, and cxect '-c iinj ini l.. Lii'-, iuipii'ltii'ii of the ll'no-l, cte.. eda.g e,,p.-',! .i In aneetatlout tor which il 1, and piiii'.'.te '.ti.-..'t'i;,.i.. ;a tli-.-e ,li-'- l 1 -1 - rS i W.i.li. 1 ia ee.ai ji lei.i v.Uh 1! '.n.bulj'o Uoc I.AD1K: el.it loin IV! la n Ext :.!. uy ai. nv i'le in ( villi. ir to L'l.lie:, tl iiae.piiik I i .v a:iv oilier leaie- eli eiui.; or ri-leiitinn, hl'egillai'ity, s or supprc .-iva r ca-toai uy evaeu.i-r.it.-.l or s, '..'u .:. rt.it.- of ti.e I t,', u -. p.-.ie.l'iilai tinas, uli l.iae-t'.Ti Ivi.i.iy, ; ii, 1 4'..r a! v li- tin r in iim; ip-itlen, Jt Is pie-,io-t euii.ieat i!iyi f -b't I and delicate :. nd all v.es (nilenil-.-. ai e-i or iiipluai.-.) i,t I , 111, i 1-' . ribe i- l.al ivclv 1 ill. r 1- 1 1' tl.. -I . !! I.v Hie Ti iir.L'.'TiOLIf' LXTRAfT f.V A M-r.A.-i'.i AUflNli IlHiM it, li '.h is iiK mMsiivno:- fill' l.MI'fif. , ETC., tr 1:1 I! EN 1 1 t;, i i' - t . , lii-.t. , -as.-, little or no i-,'. e.i.'t iv) cs'po .1 a , an 1 tives .'ei.-.'. Gii-ti'ue. .M'ct -ires of the :! iii'.'.itioa. to ('le an.! i xpi iiin'; nil .lei.,. l lo: '. th in I L" riii i . I 1' I 'li-:- :l., .:. eap- 1 nt 1 , b. "ii :!. ; vielliiii ive j .ii.l l.a.v lou: -pois a tits," II-v i f lull,- ,vv I t'l' T " il:i-, Old Mle, 1 li Il-.l ', tie,:, ill -. , - i ii i la Ii : , 1 vl! VI lli,-,l in I vt i.e i :i . i lie- t.i 'oi . y Oi i a'l A oi v. ! t, in ii le. ; -i.iu.i .... I ..'ia ni i T. IL ' - i ti ::i' ::d ip . 1 "111 b, II- I- I I t- I i.f ' i --I i I I 1,1 I I- . .:.. I. l .'.l ..I. I 'I . il eh I' ' j.pi.,1 . I I. In ' ,1 le i.. I ll I I, Ol. i, a,. I I i ,11. I. lu. 'II f) I I 1 I t:. ur T, llt'L.tboLt'- I.e.iHiuti 'r pi.ruilj,i ,., I: 1,1 1 1, 1.1. I ' " I 1 11 II I II I. 1 1 . I I li 1. 1. . I . ll I I I i 1 1 ' I L. ,4. !. 1 IL..I. I I. lift 4 le '44. f 1. il - I ll) If Qunbury Cattle Insurance Company. TtllKT) AXSI JL BTATEMEST FOU THE YF.AU KNDIN'O JANUAIIY 1st, 1S71. N'timher of f olleles, 712. Amount offiopeity Insure'!, 653,81.1,00 Amount of f reiiilnin Notes In force, (t;4,'JlU,00 CAsn ASSETS. Amount loaned nt inflect, flWIO.OO Amount In Treasurer's liuiuls, tllWO.OO Aimmi'.t iluc frnm Aueuts, (:I0,U5 Aniniint da. from oilier sources, f VJfl.lH) Avaih.ble 1'npital, t:;n,'Ja'J,U5 IiiNiirc yonr "ttIo. INSrUK with i responslhlo nml perfeetly re liable Company. Insure, where your lffscs ill be pahl prnnipilv. Tills 13 A ML'TU AIj VROT1XT1VE COM f AN V. Hence, unlike other Conipanles, you nre sure oflulnu' p.ihl promptly for nil losses, If lusured in l!ii Cnnip inv. OUU HATKS OY INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER t'OMl'ANV. I, ,.i ' mulnnl. our expenses nre less, nnd our Chatter U l' i pi tual. Ve ) ay los.n-s by nil kind- , or neei 1 'i,t' hv death, (eeeptinif 111 rases of ; npi.lei.iic-!. hv then, Ve.. .Ve. We pay prompt- ly. No re.l'tiipe i'lneet (lull's to obtain your I moaev hi ease c.l'lo-s. . Xcnrilj $9,000 jiai;! en (owl nlonc j I.p; k lit the iU of I.e.-k'. paid en Uovs iilone by this ( ompiny. M Tlv,;iiair-r, tuubury, fn P llilireii, Niuthnniberlaud .riU, fi "or . E it, " 4 , S It Ue l' e. ,; ii'J, ( li.'.rUfi i:i,'.i '", '-'A Cariiul U, l-,.!.-a; tipple, " 41',. IV.l'iai'.ai! Warner, at'ontown -I'', rue iie'.r, N.irihamheriand M', .l ie, lj Savder, isniiliarv 'o,i,3 .t W t; i -sler, " 50, Mbw ' a,!v, D.-.vnrt..-. CO, ("it'i.iviee Mints'. SimnioUiii '10, KratK'U livelier, rte.utuiry '.'.D, :-unvil 1 fiic, 1'i'prr Lehigh '), .in , ph lieppi n. Ml Oirmel r0, M ,ti li'ie.i t-eli illv. " 40, I i.ua'is Met.'.itty; " .V), Maria Kr.inijr, Wnt.inlr.vn 4.T, tn cl'll Niee-V, Jr.. Dl'Wiut 40, .) It V, tjinirirle. f ine, Ciinten eo 40, II K-11'i.iBi'. S In iiiiniloah, Seliu;,'ll;ill co 4 1, .i 8 Tleo'p, t'leeiiekin ...40, Wanlrops, Ml Caraiel 45, N A Loiidciisliiger. Ilerndoa, 40, l-.'.rbel Cramer, Fi.-hcr's ferry 40, 11 1. Le.igm, Sihen.nnlnah, liclilivlkiil Co Rfl, Jaenb Shine, " " 40, .Tact. Stoitz. " " 40, I'll U,e,v r, Han.'.nn i Geo li L i'ir. Gcorgi'town 40, .t.i'im II .'. siiiiin, isiiiilmry 40, V li Wallace, Northumberland l!0, H S Gia'.iaai, " r0, Rt-ti.'cea Knli'e". (Scorgetown 40, J'hUip Winterstein. V.'atsoutown 10, (i S Low. Lime lthl';c, Columbia co 40, Lew is ( i.ti i haiit. Lionel Run, Luzerne Co.. .40, I M.iry .1 Illne. Ni.nliumiii'rland 40, 11 V Ri, hn. !;ai,'iiarv 40, Andrew llealy, (iir.irdsvilhs S.ehnjlkUl Co.. 40, l'atriel; I'uriresie.i, Mt (,'arniel 40, Mm tin Delanev, Shenandoah citv 14, John liane, A-hlan 1, Seiiuylklil eo 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Glrardsville 4 it, L'e.yiMaa S liny, Ma'nanoy flanu 4, lt-Jnlinson, It.iveu Run 4 ), I'.ivid Hineher, Berwick -7, 1 1) l'oi ht, f, It-ville :;o, Ein-lu- Se.bcr, Point twp L'J, A LippcnciHt, Wnli-oiilown 40, Maria Kraincr. W'ttson'n.liil loss pd last sum, -10, I I' Lipp. 'licit.. Wntsoi'.town 10, II r' AieiiieiT.ian, .iv.h rtoivn 'Jo, Nullum lllo-'s, f.erwiek, ('oliieihia co 27, I C I, (Juigu'ie.f ine t;tau Clinton c 2.1 oss,40, Charles W liiir.r.ai d, Rupert, Columbia co.,,40, John f eglem.in, Wi.tsiuitown 411, fatrhk Hester, Mt Cnriial 40, Tiiiiiu.is Met, faxinns SO, R MuLTusky, Lock Haven llH, HON. A. JORDAN, freoldvut. C. A. KEIViENSNYDr.r., Sec'y, Suubury. IMP.EC'TOl'.Hi i F.x-flov. James l'ollnck, Hou. C. J. Bruiier, Soli, in. m Mioh, Wm. liiindle, Holomnii bhipo, John A. Shisslcr, Dr. 1). T. Krebs, Ur. Uuvid Willi! run. March 11, 1S71. ly. TIME IS MOM.Y I I LL Wall f aper nnd Herder, sold by me wil J.X. be trimmed rea.lv 1 tor use. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, BV TIIS YEOMAN'S WALL PAPER TRIMMER, 5 ' s ( - l '-'i-n - -, , j whl. h I have ti e exc'.uiSve right to Use in Ruubr.rv 1 ! I 111 Vieiiill . I s I c Ii,i,i:ey, 1 1 i x. 'i;i: ! I '.-.il. t ia ll ,,.k.., n.e and labor, l y buying of hi:;: i,ii:ti r.M sj. Si.i'ioneiv. Wall P.. p r, Mil, I .-.,.. ."e.. ,ve. S'tii.h.y Sclii ol 1 I I l l.ii'ii ni-ide a speciillly. ! ;.!;.nli, Ki'iiioriiiiil mil A 1'ussi ISookH in c'i 11,'s- ve. i i, ty , J n l ri c ive 1. I i'.'K) I lUNIHN'i! .1 me I -i.-r. I', rsons will ' i ' e'.: e.n e bv !.avii:' tin r or.l. ri hn L'.a Ilai; t .1 l.i i-:. ri iv. r;: uiffi . i I'll., ll ll. .'l,ri I'l'.'nl V. 'IV low .M..V1 l;UAKi: tli.nitili ulw a; mi I. A!. HUM llilACKP.l (.OLD PEN, Ahu,:. O'l ll 111 I. '1,1.-1. 11 and wed M-l. -t- , .t-i.-k of Tevs alnv Ub1 o u Ii li. ( i id pi-nni lly ol lor f ll at Ublll.E l.li.UTNrU'8 ItooW More, I I'm, Mai Ut I S. pi. ire, bin ,.f F. i G i .a.ny, .u .-ii t il'.h, lsT.t. J. W. WA-'UINiiTONS l.lltMl HiiaiEU MKII', T t.i i-l.l J - I II, llli til .ll.-p of tl.il tilMU e .1. .',u. ill, I,, i, i, I, ii ill il . , ui,, tuna -ei'l II), ill!,, 111, .l lillill ll.lll ...i iini. - I,' I H .1 l.,t.t llellll ll r I, ,11 llli ..iOll. ill, la - ui.l-. I. I . ,u I, i,n I n i l,ui,.,,, ' I t4.l,l l...;. ii. -, i , 111 t. l-tni.4 V l i l,.i J 1 r 1 1 . t, 1. ' l ,. - -le I tl V ill, till,," tint. t..r 4 i 1,1 . 1 -in 1 , ;'.... 1 . 1 1, ,1 ,1 . 'I !'' I 11 IL .1 ,1 t, l it 0. ) ii ' , Ul. I m .-1.1 ue. r 111 ...l ,1 (J . Ii.l. .4 ...!, 1 i.i'.l .1 . I l.l l! e ii.l l-'l I u .11., I ll I 1.1 1 . ii 1 ,1 - .it '- II . I -il.lle I ,., ,,f I .'I. 1 1 I - il tl .1.11 1 II p .1 1 11 I ., i, 1 t. .j 1 I ui.tl. ,y I I" ! ' l-l t I II, I tie l ot k il, I t I l till I e. . 1 III. 1 ,1-1-1 I I l- I'.l I - ii . I . I .1 I I lie- lual. I It 1 -1 .1 I.f I I 1 kl. II,S4 ,t--...b rikl 41. ,, 1 1 II. . "-l. I lit, i.i'i-oatt. I.. U I 4 It 4 I t. I t. I, J I il kl l 4 I Ml, . ) " .. I . I' .1 I 1. I ..I I,. J-... A (I. . 4 .i , I, l.t 1 I 1 4....- I l. , I. u,i ll. . r tl, lul.jj - , - I ! I, I l.l. i l"i A, w..i )A .it,. 1 aiit.l 1 I 1 1 III ll 4 1 .1 iu, a-vxsi t lll-tM IHKl I' ,4 Miscellaneous. " jte; PRICES REDUCED. UUOTS A SUOtN Mnuitfucturcd to order nt f.REATLY REDUCED TBICES, JOIIX WILVER, ' Spruce tSlrcel, Nnnbnrj", . Ponn'o, li eonstniHly manufnctiirlnft Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt surprislunly low prices. His stock comprises the very bct In timrket. Illslonn exper ience In the business hits won for him ti reputation for ninking Hist class work eipinl to nny city ninnufiicture. All work warranted. TF.niWS NTKICTIY (MKII. The prices of repalrlni; nre nlso reduced. JOHN WILVER. Bunbury, March 4, 1871. , 'i j j 4j 4 TO THE WORKINO CLASS. We nre now prepared to fnrni-li nil classes Willi constant cm ployinent lit home, the whole of the time or for tho'sparo inoineuls. llusluets new lljjht and pro fitable. lVrsons of cither sex easily en in from CM. to i. P?r cveuhi!,', nu l il proportional sum by devotite; their whole time to the business. f nys nnd uir.s earn nearly as much ns men. That nil who fee this nntico may itvaid their nd ilrifs, nml te-it the busiuess, we make this uu- 1 paralleled oner : I a sneli ns nre lint well satis fied, we will send!! to pay for the trottHc of writing, l ull p.niieulnrs, n viilnalilo gninp.o hieh'wlll do lo roiniucncn work on, nnd a copy i of The yV,'i'V Literary Vumimnwit one of the j l.iPj-L'st nnd bet family tiewspupers liubiished nil sent free by mail. Reader, if you waut per manent, prolitaole won;, na.lress E. C. ALLK.N & CO. Augusta, Maine. 1 1 April 13, lf7L 3m. i &TF.K EOKC'( I'EH, j YILW3. ALBUMS, C11ROMOS, FR.VMES. J E. A II. T. A VI'IIOW A C O., I 501 CrdiHlwBy, Xew York, ) Invito the attention oi' the Trade to their exten sive iissnitini nt of the above gooili, of Iheir own publiration, Inauufueturc and importation. Also fllOTO LANTERN SLIDES an! GRArnoscorEs. NEW VIEWS 0? T0SEM1TE. Z. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitnu Hotel, iMi'OKTnit.) and MANt rAt'Ti iti'us or I'liotogrnitliic Jlutrluln. Marili 4ih, 1S71. ly. KU'IEI.'VtU FASIIIW. NOW KEABV. MRS. M. A. BINDER. 1101, i N. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT ; grs, PHILADELPHIA. ' Importer him! Detf,jtier of Fashions. I The md fstab.i-lud and only reliable Diess Tr'nnmiiig, l'ai'er f altera, Dress and Cloak mak- lug Emporium. Ei,' iniiy unnmeii raper j utterus, hoiesale mi 1 11, tail, Fans, Ginves. Ribbons and Sashes, Laces, Em broideries, Jet, Giit, nnd Pearl Jewelry. Evening dics-.es mi l suits, made lu the tuont fashion. ihie style at short notice. fcrftct system of DressCutting taught. N. B. Orders by mail, promptly attended to. Feb. SO, 1S7L Urn. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! 1 A NEW STOKE AT GEORGETOWN, LOWER MAIIANOY Township, Northumberland County, Pa. WILLIAM N EG ELY HAVING opened a new Furniture Store at the above pln"C, will ennstantiy keep on baud, a large and select assortment of FURNITURE, ; Comprising of Parlor mi l Chamber Suits, Conch 1 cs, Lounges Tables, Bureaus, Cane Seate J Chairs of all grades. Rocking and Kitchen, Cl.nirs, Wash-tainls, Bedsteads, Japanese, Cottage and Half Cottage, Looklng-Glasses,' Window Shades, and in short, everything usually to be found In any well-kept Furnlluie S'ore, may be bad at this c-tnbilshincut. Hoping, by fair dealing and strict intention to business, to merit the patronage of the pubilc. An Invitation is extended to all de-iirhig anything in the line of Furniture to call and examine mv stock. rutlertuhlng done hi all Its branches. Of Repairing done ut short notice. WM. NEGl'.LY. Georgetown, June II, '70.-1 y. A WeAT MiDlCAL DISCOVERT Dr. WALr.Ei'3 CA I-jrOHT.'IA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundrcd3 cf Thousands e3 Bear t 'silmnny toth.'fr Wonder 1 '.! I. Ul'ullli fc.'Jv'Clt. 3 0 5 WHAT AZ TJ.ZV?t't r- n Tnrr aix mt a vtis FANCY DRINK. l! U U .is ef Pone Ite.n:, WU-.i., :, i r; t :-1 t-i i . ll.il I.itnse t 1 ::ura teci, r. I. tpc I s:-ili.v. ..V tu..t ti I't.ar-.' tlu lisle, itll...l",.ii.:c'r1"".pMii.i. i:.," l.te.rvif," e., t!:t '.: 1 u e Ip.Iiriau (tri;:i..r'i-,j tLj i i;l:i, I t-.l l.'U j t. ....-'...j, e c- j f. mi t'.n '. t j I j ci: .1 l-.e er (.'.'ir.; ir.o Iriiai 1.1 Abet;', tie ts:liiiul.iiii. r:o t..j tiltHAi' f :..:;! 1 llli; nui A i.H'3 tilttMi I'ttlNt'll-l kl.pi tl l. .ua.r l.J i-i lfi. r i f l.. U, '..ief v.-.; . ;. li j ill' L lie. .i,!.e . V lt l -i '- -1' 1 t . -i L t . .1 1 J L 1 i.-l.! j i .-it..a. J i ,.u. . I-. I i.'.i, ll .c ll.., l ;i.o,. t j dai;. l.c.i k .1 ... . ; ! . - u: r. 11. t ii u v.n. . i . i 'ei mi tit , (. -l, . r t r.j Uu.i i.j i.-l il.,i-i: ,. 1 1 4.. . r,l j . l.i tr tt.i r i a: -. v-i. 1 1. '. ...Ut.-i. i ;.a I .. .. ... , f ':.! ... r.: fnf lull i. tut' l.l r-t 1 iti.l I in i.' ' I: ! -i r n. lUlll i.l.JI,l(.t, io'ti'Vel.i, t I' lull' tl.u, lii 1,1. 1 i . Ul.iit l.l II, tl lull I II O . , I l,t..., li l.l ,ml It.f I. lot.,', !. i r, ll .t 111 r, V I.J rlHll.lt . , I'.ij Linn 4 I - - t.. .i I . ., ,.,c tli. S-ll.ll tl.lu-i, l.J I.' 'tit I. t.lltiKj ltlua.t, I ll il.t.ii.i.i7 jrjfc.. 41 u. .. t II l-e 1, il-itltvUlVU!. ii is ; -i,;; i.::;.r.s'r.o, i .1 1 S't'.ls, I .:.i J, H'.., , I 1.. Ui.l 1 -1.1' I .-.iii .. 1 1 I ,. I . 11 .' ii .at, 1 . ,, ,ti. ilu-.i, 1 . .1 ,1 -liu. W....1 , . , I .1,, 1 '.' j l'. . 1 1 v , .1 , , 1 : i 1 . f I 'i 1 .. 1 - , I UK 1 I Ut : L.t.. .. . 1 . . 1 . , 1 I '. t. . . I . 1 1 u.l. t . . 1 1 tl . .1 . t an 1 ,, . .i 1 ,k.).:.. fc.. I I . k IO. -. ..I I I l.l I J . . 1 .1-. j ....l.i , it. . . .1 .4, a Ui 1, .u 1 1 tu 11 4 -1 1 1 1 r 1 . e ii ,:, in. I ,ln,ll.,i, ,Wi ,1 , 4. .1 I .. -, .11, . . .1 1 I - I... I ... 1 I .) I I f m a k. .1 . n .. . , 1 t 1 l..iti.i.,. , : 4, , . , 1 . ..., i 1 4l .. I 4 ,. I, I I V . II. 41 4 l l l-'i'.. ll I . -U- . ,. , I I.ll ,,,11,1, .-.. I 1 t -4 ' k H14II 4.1 ...... I I I 1, 1 It Ik 4-4 -1-4 I HU I. .. I t, - 4-.S 1 k' .4, It.. 44..... 444 . .... 4 . .4. 1 4. 1 . , i l. . .... t a.k ia i' kl k... 4k 4.1 .4 l.l I 14 1-. 44. -I k - -4-. i t, - 1 . . . t . I - im--' a-v .s,.., 4 mikl.., li.,,. w ,. , . i ., a 1 ; 11 1 1., t. .,,, .-4 . a,. - 4 1. , 1 1.1. 4.4 1 k-l an a4 t$ 1 ... 1 . a. , 4 . a r 41 i lrl.tllla ak lval(i-4 i a 5 H ii J fell ni tm O V 1 " -:f- I til v .-: 'trA' J -s r . S' ii a FI.OREXCKKEWIXU 1IA( IIIM". f Jims celebrated llnchlne Is now on exhibition X. next door to Kransc's Tin nnd Btove Store, Flarkot Street, S anbury, rs. The Florence Sewlmt Mnehlno stnnds unequal led for beauty nnd durnbilit; ( beliiK tho best Family Sewing Machine now oU'ered to the pub lic. THE ADVANTAGES CLAIMED : It hns self-ndtiistlnetent1on In tho Shuttle i rhnnccs for the various Stitches made while tho machine I In motion. Its Stitches uro tho wonder of nil for bennty nnd Union, being nlike on both sides of the fabric. It sews light nnd heavy fabrics with cqnnl fa cility. The work will feed either rlfrht or left. Runs quietly nnd rnpldly. No dilllcultv exper ienced in sewintr ncross heavy tennis, Its mo tions nro nil positive t no sprinirs or cot; wheels to cet out of order. The Ilemmer turns wide and narrow, hem and fell henutifiillv. It is thoroughly practical nud will Inst a life Utile. Every Family nIiouI1 Have Otic. Every Machluifcwsrnitilcd to substantiate all we claim for it. It is the only MncMno In the world thnt Is ca pable nl tmikim; more than ouc stitch nud having the reverse feed motion. Call and examine, them, nud the sntnples ol work. NO " CHARGE FOR SHOWING. It Hems, Fells. Cords, Rralds, Tucks, Quilts, Binds, Gathers, Ac., without bastinit. H nmkes a vr it tier nnd sews It on a band nt one operation perfectly. TC.i'.h Machine. Is furnished with a complete set of tools, without cxlni churifc. Every purchaser fully instructed nnd every Machine. warranV-d and kept. In orui r. Machine Oil nud Thread kept on hand at nil times. GEO. W. SMITH & IiRO., Aircnls, For Not th'-.l. Snyder, Union and Montour Couus Ortolx-r li', le'o- New Flour and Feed Stare ! R. XV. TJIJ'liWTO.V, Corner of Fourth nud Market Strett, SUNliURY, l'ENN'A, Has just opened a Flour nnd Feed Store, where he will keep constantly on baud, a general r.seortincnt ol the best braurts of FLOUR, FEED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POTATOES, I'KUiT, BTTTER, LGG3, ui;.l VEGETABLES of all kinds, at the very lowest market prices. Sunbnry, Feb. 11, 1871.-tf. 1871. i87(. LUMBER ! lTjvt Trn "nnTirpw o vvn III I Dill IT, UU11L11 a Successors to the Sunbury Lumber Co., HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE I Sicon Saw & Planing Jliil, and jut attcl it up w ith the latest Improved Mn chinerv, lire now prepared to 1111 all order tor alt kinds of HILL TI MB!" It. f INE, HEMLOCK, OAK. il:c. HOAIID6. ROUGH AND SURFACED. SIDING OF ALL. KSIJDS. HEMLOCK, WHITE AND YELLOW flNE FLOORING, SHINGLES, l'LASTERINQ AND SHINGLING LATH. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS. IJI.IMS,SJU TTLUSV UICACUCTS ! nt the very lowest prices. A hirjje stock uhvajs ! on bund. Send for p rices. ' Ample faciliti' S lor shipping by Railroad or canal, FRYI.ING. BO WEN & ENGEL. Sunbury, fa., February lsth, 1HH. Cm. i.i ni.it a.i ri..xixr"MiLiLs. Third Street, ud.iolninp Phila. fi Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA 1 "CLEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having ul! the latest unproved machiaerv for tnauul'uctu'ing Limber, heU uow readv to till or ders f all kiuda of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULIUNGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds or Ornamental FerowIWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A lAin.u AssontMiiST of RILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathf, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEM ENT. declO-liSMy fSTOVE A" TIX EST A U 1. 1 til I JI EX T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. bl(lCIJOU TO SMITH OliMllKll.J HAVING purchased the ubovewell known es tablishment, Mr. Kraiise would respectful ly ml,. nn the public that he uow has on hand a large assortment of COOK INC, STOVES, S peer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolvlni; Top. Combination, Sie-oueh iiina uud ntlu'r.-, wlii, ll nre so arrange I as to be used lor Co il or I Wood, and are warranted tup.i form -.atistuctoi i , ly or no .ale. IIEATI'.RS of all Uin s pat up to I heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES I of ,lill,.'.,it kin, I- -.1 i,.i i- I..,. Tiuwure of Eterj lesci i,liou kept constantly on b ind. Rooling and ispouting I with tlu b. -t iu.Uer..il. done at short notice. I REPAIRING attende.l to Willi di-iateh. Coal I Oil ai d Lumps eoiisiani Iv ou l.uiiil. Japan waru I 1 I u i x.llds. Stole nppnsitu t ollley'n llHI'dwnle I store. Give me a call. A .KRAUSE. I ni'lCI-ly HVS III It Y .H AltHI.E V Ai:i. Iflitir. ua.ier-lgncl liavlng bi.uubt the entire 1 k- stoi k of I ii-Mm-i r Tailor, would iulorni thai be 1 noi realty to do all kinda of MAItlll.E HOItK. U ou hau I, and 1 1 1 . V. to order at MttlltT NOTIt.'K llouuiuriilt 4' lleuii-StuuOM, ji - sivi r. 1 I'OOTt AND KINl'OW SM.I.S allothrr tench..! ec'.crallv u-. d on ( . m tiTri. ,. .1"", IIIHUM '"I,- "llli 1IIIH.IIIMI LIT'W ami 1 J..I01 A T iV .,r will ci.iiliinie iu 1 110 rinploi in. nl til I lie ou .lit ud on Mai kt I St.. Mt ilnir) . ln.it, .1 ns THE I.Y SUm: MITIKUT A j 1'Ui.r ISTIIEt.ltElTllll.il. .11 0 II E I llli 11.14 E lit 1 1 1 II, ! Hlllll'iS ILLUMINATtD lUAMOND OA BURVtlt. ur ii 1, ai PARLOR AND ( II Willi It ARE WARUI D UY ONK I 1 It K. 1 u 1 o, iv 1 .i. c 11. .it, r 1:1 .1 11 it 1,, r a lit I ., t,i 1,1, an I n. 11,1111 pi. ul 14 nl i I p.n.liiiiM, ul k-iii.ilii.i. -t tk Int. i tin. ap.iitut4.ul. ' ll U Hi. "IH) I ll- I' Oil) II il'H ll ll IV I ,,l (U4,n.il M i-.J iie I ) ia 1. 1 Ii ll ,1-1 l.lu.inii.,1 lwa 4,,a, r U itt-l.,lur.!, II141 ., p.411 ti -u lit.- tM.itr la 111, llllll.' till I i!4.lil) tkuiiit, I, uud U14: iu.,1, It,. I IU t, 4 U. ji' -ll 4 lj 111 til Ilk L,U 111 Ilia 1,4.1 .ar. ll U llir t,il. In. pU.a H.aUi thai lubl f- I tk. 1 1 I 4'. 4 f al.4 1441 tllll lit I, Illtlk l,.!!., H, . iii a ui.. 4. 111 1 41 , 1 t , ., 1 1 L "ti ., It l ma 411,11 lu.pi.n 11. a e a taitli 4 1, I at ii a I J 'i a 41, ll It ma ..i.il I ,,. ! j . II. .1 1 a iili l. ,1. p t.k, a 'i " , ..b io 1 . -i 1 44,,. 14 1 ,f a.i.,., .14 1 y.t it- Vl 11 .1 i. llli. 11.. n .tu 1, . 1, .4, 1 1... It ....I 1 -a I I ' l tl. a's-il "iik.ual ii!tt44 a Ilia tl... ll a-,, in pi 14.4 4,.a Ik 444.4 l-.t I aal Li4 . , I I . p. 1 it ItiUai 4 ti , ra .1.4 U Limll I Kk-b. I. i -.i.-i.. I44 tfMiaalat; (Ui. t. ta 4t H 1 11 i ti, ta.l.i, ISkua a i, n l Hit) piil.li 1 1. M iV NEW Flit JI. Itjcrly A Ilemperlj sj Excelntor Gal lery of Art, Third Ktrcct, Nunbnry, I'a. "TV TH. UTERLT has lately added to his already well established reputation, tho services of Mr. M. R. Ilcmperly whose reputation as a pho tographic operator, stnnds unrivaled In this part of the country, and hereafter they will carry on the photographic trade, nt the old Hand under the. firm Hume of Byerly & Ilenipcrly's Excelsior Gallery of Al t, nt whose establishment tho pub lic will bo cheerfully accommodated throughout tho whole line of tihntoifinphy. For f holographs of nil styles nnd slses rnni;- Intj rrntn the small Gem to the lite size portrnlt. Go to liverlyiV Hcmperlv. For the heuutifiil porcelain plcturo which for sortness or tinish, ami durability cannot be ex celled, bo to Uvcrly & Heiniierly. For the Rembrandt photography now so popu lar iu nil run lnme cities, and showlnif the pecu liar elleet of light and shade, and the luvorito ot the old Germua Artist Rcmbrundt, go to Byerly & Ilcmperly, If yon have an old picture you want copied nnd enlarged to any size, and colored oil, water color, India ink or t-ruyou, take it to Bcyerly & lleniperly. If you want a frame of any size nnd nt nny price, or tiny stylo go to Byerly & Ilenipcrly's, ii ml take n look nt their Immense stock lu Unit line. For Albums go to Byerly .t ITempcrly. For square Frames mnde to order go to Byerly & Ilcmperly, in short, lor anything lu the photo graphic line, go to lycrly Si iU'uip.-rly, uiul you w ill he suited. Feb. 85, 1871. fi " fUiSMIIUKt. ; MATTRESS, FUATTtET., H FEDDIHO V.' i";-i00lI8. ,41 NOftTlt Tr:Tn DT s.if' trrb, rV.'.tii'i- CHAMBER FURNITURE'. tlpring He Is, Spring Cot , Spring Mattreaart, 'Feathers, KeMher Pe ls. ! Holsters and Pillows, Counterpanes, Com foi tables, Blanket), Hair do. Husk Straw do. io. :Cj.ii:t?. CALL AND SEE THE XTovea IVire illiiltrcsn, The best LvJ ever ofTcrcd for tale. N. B. Oar Intention is to treat all customers so that they will become permanent dealers, with lis, nnd orders will receive the same attention, nnd persons can buy Just us cheap u if pretcut tit the store. March 4i.li, 1S7L Cm. J.0. I.. KI.ATE.II & CO., HAVE TAKEN ONE Of T-'IE NEW YORK STORES, Xo. 2 tioutli Ten lit street, loelovv MiirUel, I'Jilti.delphlu, where they have npenel a llrst-class Merchant Tailoring E-tubllshment. Oar block eoashts of a Ann assortment of Foreign Cloths, Cassimercs and Venting, select ed from the best Importing Douses of this City and New York, which we are prepared to make up In tho most Fashionable Styles, at Short No tice i lid Moderate Terms. Special Bargains in Scotch Clrvot Gnols. JNO. L. SLATER A CO. Formerly w ill) J. il. Zeigler. Doc.Sllh, 1970,-Cm. SEW .MEAT KHOP. rpilE undersigned respectfully Informs the cltl lens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have iptucd a MEAT SHOr, lu Dewa-t's building.on the north side of Market Sipaare, two doors fiom the railroad, were ttiev will keep a eonstaut supply of the bct.t of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ac, at wholesale or retail, at the lowe-t price, and of the first quality . A wagon will be ruu to supply customers, evrv morning, (except Sundays.) The best of meat will found at their shop. Give as a call and satisfv vour el ves. RE K V E W ABO W E R. Oct. 10th lRCit. tr. KiMSIXG D SS TIalEK MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, lu Dewurt's Building, Market S'laarc, SUNBURY, PA., where will be found a new supply of goods, cou- bisting of Millinery and Knuev Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Flowers of the latest and handsomest etvles. Sash Ribbon, plain end ihrnrrd. Ltnlie't Spencers, Lice Col.us, Linen Colars nud Cutis fur l.ailie- and Chililien, (.'rochet collars. Neckties for Ladies and Gent's latest styles. Silk Sack Loops, a superior article Gloves including Kids, aud Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchief. All kinU of Trl lings. Embroil!, TV "r'alterns. Hosiery for La. lies, G ait's and t lilidn u. N,4s, pi,pie au.l pi-jue triuiiiiings. TRIMMING SiLKS. Chignons. Zephyrs and Yarus, un l a pineral variety of Notions. T liaiikl'al for past patronagu, she hopes th.it the ,U:i:ity ol her goo Is will merit a continuance of the same. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. April '.".I. 1S7I. Wm. ri. Ri.t7.iis, PLAIN A OliXAMKNTAL PAINTFR. IleriIoii, XurdiM Cunnty, Iu. im; OUSI'., Isie.n nul Ornamental Pubilitii. iiaiinur ami r.n er li ii.l: i g done lu the t,-t win kinanaUi, manner, and it the I notice. Oulers su.iedej and piuujtly atteudij tJ. Apiil 15, 1S71. ":u. A;I AT THE OLD I'EAt'E. rilHH Mibseriber Hiiliolluet-. to Hie citiiein of X Siuibuiy III it, haling wg.iii, elected Lii It l I. AO 11 a il CAKE FtiTABLlsMENT, on the o! I place, here il was rta cully desiroyed by lire, he is again prepared to mpplv theiu Willi ull kinds of Bli nd and Cakes, such us Itf.OWN H It K D, MILL. nin:D, UL t Al BAKED t u the HEARTH, and a f ill Run of FANCY CAKES. Tea Bans, Rnll an t Tniil". Al.o, ail kin.U ol Cuuf, etiou : ie. ut hi. h..;i on 1 liinl n-, . H.tiliig tiiipli'ied u Hi t clas. bilker from the cil, lie l lie p.iriM la five eiiier.il . il i.l.ul I. m I,:, 1; , i. . . , , I '.""."- ""'""' "'.iii'.au ioKne mm u l. 1 11. Br.-...! tui I C.tke, di'!iUT4 l i'iit intis eie'y IllOllliliJ. H E (REAM. All be Clettui H., i 1 .mi let. li.-.-li open, t in ron neeituu wait ll,o u In. 1,1 lin-m -j, m, I ,4 l..,,ti. ' S tit mt lilti .1 up, In re tli. I r-t lee Oram wi.l Iw Mitr ii, Kill rv tui., ; itniinu 1 hi, ,i'.,.,,u. WM. II. II ttrt. fcuubai), Jane It, ti I. 1'mIuU. Oil.." sir. M I L sl'ieW of (Ills enllipi i.lhg lilnl 4& ('.:, l..,l (Hi, li.lt (HI, ., I I. l.,. ,tlHK till Pi I i-Oir. ill!. I M.n till.. I I, J I l.l l.i., I, .14., a... ttk on Lautl, M I, 1 ii il l Y ti ( 11 . To he i'o unit u it 1 1 y a t l.a i e oivM.i. tr hie ' l n rf l-i I I laain II 11 u u w mt 1 u 11 1 I I l.aa llila J I panli.itl Ilia kiitna alk. :.4ii lio.4. y...l mil jm! u.l ..ik ..I Hi. li ti, 4. , 1 1 uit, 1 . 11.1 41.1 I ..,-i. 1 a m.n,, J k. -I I. 4', 4l4 I'I 4 4 .44( 444 4.44 lit tu.ll. kk 4lMki,tl. .l I,- .I,..-., 1-till. I I-e.., Ill ,p k lie, I,,,,!, Mtuiski "lutn, M kin m, ' IS I. li4i .a 4 .1 . 1. ul.,, ai 41,4,1 mi. ul 1 a llU 111. ,1 . il... 141, I4kl44l4.a 4l ktc 44, .4411.1, kl44" i-vtl'll I e , IU. 11.4 , , t , 1 , 4 4 ,44 il . ,., k, . I l.l I. l.li.U I. I .1 4! ..U I. I 4 ., I 4I. II t . .4 1,"k , . I p...k4 it,. 1 4....-I a 41.44 1 a . t aia , Uli m i la u.a In tu Ik ' -4 '(- a d ul kt-- If. I'll t"4tv J 4k , I.-4 III- ll ..tt.k4 4lt4.kj. la.l p4i. ta kv.,,,44 I 'if 1 10 Ml la t,atai, 1, If I Heading Itailron-d. 8P1UNQ ARhANOEMKUt Mon&ty, April 3d, 1871. GREAT TRUNK LIIIE frem the North and N-orth-West for Philadelphia, N. Y., Read ing, Pottsvillc, Tanuiqua, AsUlund, tltimokin, Lubnnou, Allcutown, Kuston, Ephrnta, Litlt Lnncnster, Columbia, &c., &e. Trains leave Hnrrlsburg for New York, ns Al lows t At 3.10, 8.10, a. m. and 2.00 p. m., con necting with similar trains on the Pcmisvlvnnia Railroad, and nrrlvlng at New Ywrk nt In. 10 a. m., 8.50, and 10.00 p m. respectively SleepltiR Cars nccouipauy the 8.10 a. m., train without change.. Returning i Lenrc New York nt 9.03 a. m., 12.06 noon nud 6.00 p. in., Philadelphia nt 7.30, S.tiO a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Sleeping i-'ars nccoui pauy the 5.00 p. ui. train from New York with out chnuge. Leave Harrisbnrg for Reading. Potttv!l!e, Tu nlaiin, Mlncrsvillc, Ashlnnd, Shnmoklu, Allentown nnd Philadelphia nt S.lo a. in., ii.OO uml 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon nnd j'riuelpnl way stations i 1110 4.05 il m.. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsiille an,! Co lumbia only. For Potlsvllle, Sr huvlkill Haven and Aubiirn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Riiilroad, leuvc Harrlsb'urg nt ;!.40 p. m. Ea't f cnnsylvniiia Railroad trains leave Head ing for Allentown, East on and New York ulA.UO, 10.110 a. m., and 4.05 p. in. Returning, leave New York nt 0.00 a. m., 1 '3.00 noon nn I 5.00 p. m. nnd Allentown at 7.-.'0 a. m. lu'.'.'S uoon, a.1.1, 4 20 and S.45 p. m. Way Passenger Train lenves Pbllailelph'.a nt 7.1i0 a. m.. eounectiUK Willi similar train nn East l'eiiua. Railroad, returning lrom Rciuihig at b.i.1) p. m., stopping ut all stations. Leave Potlsvllle at 11.00 a. m. Itml S.SO p; m. Hcrudon at 10.00 a. in., Shnmoklu nt 5.4p nn(j 11.15 a. m. s A:-hland nt 7.05 n. m., nnd lu'.W noon; Mahunc.y City at 7.51 a. in. and 1.20 p. Tnmaqua at S.l5 a. in. nnd 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg oic. , Leave Potlsvllle via Schuvlkill and Suso-ic- ?-inna Uallrcad t 8.15 a. m. fir Harrb-lung', nin. 12.05 noon, for ?''r.s 'J-n-- rvd Tti non. Reading Accommodation i'niin lei.i; I vlllent 5. W a. in., passes fiend in" nt v.i.y ftriiving nt rhilndeli.hhi nt in M ? leave' f liiladolphia ut 5.15 p. in., pus'sin; R. ad" lug at 7.50 D.m. arrlvin,' nt Poosviu,. o an ,, . m., retail' fott'towu Accominoilatlon Train leaves p,.tts town at C.U0 . ui., leturuiug leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains lenvo Reading at 7.20 a. in., and 0.15 p. ui. lor Ephruta, Litiz, Lancaster. Cohmibin, fce. rerklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkkvmn Junction ai 7.15, 0.05 a. m., at 3.00 andO.nOp. m Returinng,!eaic Seliwcuksville at 0.S0,.10 a. m. 12.U uoon and 4.30 p. m. counectiug with similar triiius on Readiug Rail Road. Colebiookdiilc itnnroad Trains leave Pottstnwu nt 0.40 a. ui., Llfiand 0.45 p. in., returning leave Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 nud 11.25 a. m., and 3.U0 p. in., ccmr.cctlug wiih siuiilur trains on Reading Railroad. " Chester Valley Railroad Train leave irld'-'i port at 8.30 n. in., -.OSand 5.32 p. in. leturnii g, h ave Poiiin):ton at 0.40 a. in., 12.45 neon and 5.25 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Read ing Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt 5.0'J p. in., Pl.i,udelplii.i ut 8.00 a. lu. nud 3.15 p. in.. (.I.h S.OO a. tu. tram running only to Reading;; leave Pottnllleat M iiOa.m., leave Harriiburg, 3.10a. m., and 2.00 p. in.; leave Allcutown ut ti.15 p. in. leave Reading at 7.15 a. iu. and 10.15 p. in. for llftnlsl'lirg, ut 5.00 a. m. for New York, and ut 9.40 a. in. uud 4.15 p. m. for Phllmlel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School cud Excursion Tickets, to and from till peiati ut re duced rates. Baggage checked through i IOC Poundi Bag gage uilovrcd euck Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Snpt. A Eug. Mach'ry. Fbliudclpliiu and Eric Itullroutl. SPRING TIME TABLE. On on! after Mondav, April 9th, 1S7I, thu Traitu on the Philadelphia S. Eiie Rail I'.oaJ w ill ruu as follow i WESTWARD. Mail Tralu leaves Philadelphia, ' Sunbury, " " r.rr nt Erie, Eiie Express leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Sunbury, " " an at Erie, Elnitra Mail leaves PbiladclpLla, " " " Sunbury, " ' rr nt Lock Haven, EASTWARD. SM I p :n 4.55 a m T.-l'J p m 12. 'io p m c..'i ) p m 7.1 j a tu w.ll'.i a in 4.115 , in 7.50 ;i iu Mali Train leaves Frio, fl.co a m " " " Snnburv, fj.o.", u m " " nrr at Philadelphia, O.f.o a m Erie ExpresB leaves Erie, u.iio p ia " " " Sunhurv, 10.16 a in " " arr at Philadelphia, 5.:;a p m F.lmiru Mall leaves Lock Haven, S.3U a m " " " Sunhurv, !1.:; a ia " " arr at f bilaile'lpbia, 5.110 p m BinTalu Express leaves Will'umsport, 12.:.."i a m " " " Sunhurv, .'.,;,) ,t m " " arr at fhiladilplea, 0.4 J a i-.i Expre's, Mai! and Aecomino 'iitlnn, e i t and west, connect at Cory and all we I ho ia 1 trains, and .Vail and Aeeomod ition ca-t :,t li viietuu with Oil Creek and Allegheny River !!ei'i u i. WM.A. HAI.LW1N, Gell'l S'.lp't. I.iukaiiaunu uud Illooiusbtir ttalj roud. SlitlNG ARRANGEMENT OF PASSI'NGFR TRAINS. Monday, May 1, 171. SOUTHWARO. j Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. I Seiantou, . G 45 I! H.V ll l',l 5 o 1 pij Bel lev ue, i 6 50 i j -, j Taiinrville, , 57 li i : f, .',:, i r, I L.iekawaiiua, j 7 05 -,, ti ,,u , L.-. I fill-ton. ; 7 14 3 5J 1J in, i. l;: l,."i We-t Pittston, 1 7 1 10 n;, ti p-i 1 r, I Wyoming, 7 27 4 00 1(, j. ,; j I Mallby, , Id h ii a J LJ ; King-ton, & ) st. ! - ... . , . 2 10 ; W.-Barre c'rs i 7 85 4 lf 10 " ! fi nn, mil June, I 10 4. 0 ',o I f .Miioiilh, ! 7 50 4 14 lu i: e, 1 Nantieoke, I M 1X 7 1 1 , lIi!.loek', 8 il" . -( 1 ; j Shickiliiuiiy, S li'J 4 55 7 -uj , llli k's Ferry, j tl 00 ' I Beach ILiveu, 1 8 411 5 15 i Iter wick, 8 ,'hi 5 tit! j Hilar CnsU, V lu ! Lime Ridge, u lit j 1 J'spy, a do 5 43 I BioiMii. burif, 11 :7 5 50 I Unpen, 1 W t.5 5 57 i Cnt.iw isa, a 40 (j vj I Iauill,e, 10 v! 6 -e j Cliulasky, lu l"i I Cituieion, pi "I ' I Nmth'd, (arrlre.) ) 6 55 NORTHWARD. I LeT. A.M. P.M. ! N.alhiiiiiberlauJ, 10 iS 5 Id I t .tiiit i mi, 5 5.47 1 i'liul.isky, IS a--! I Daulllle, II 17 5-10 , C.itawikka, 11 41 ll . R il'til, U 40 U '.'0 j P t'uinabur-, 1 1 5a t Sn I I')'. 14 do 6 ;.s I i nk ItiJ.-a, 14 pi a 4, 11. i .i ( uilt, tJ ;,; Bt.aie., 1J St, 7 n., I h' " ti Ibticn, 14 '.' 7 I- A. M ! Hi V Kerry, 14 iv T II -- - 1 hiii.k.l.muy, i t I'i T t,., ti 4'. I lllill .4 k'., I in 1 ttt it, p. . . v Vitaie.,.., 1 k t 7 1 . ... ' in "".Hi, ' 1 IU k pi 7 .1 I .' 1 j ,.. ! I'll hum. tu June., T . j . , 1 ., I Ji ms'-l.iu, A i .1. i. 1 , , s, Mi ll.), 'J i? 7 1, 1.' .-, , , .-, ' W ou.i.-H, VI.' .15 T '.!..', 4 . Wm l',.t.(t,ai, II in il a , , It-, 1 1 , I'I. 4.4, u, Hit all k , . I I , 4, I 44 1. 4 a 4 41 ba, J 1 aii .i i I ... in) t il k, V 14. . , I , . ,, ,. 4 lit 1 k t ua, K 1 : 1 . I . . , 1 1 I l-uul-, (.nlk J I lu I ii, a 1 , I : , i .1 D IU I I 1 I ' I , 1 , iKrlrwIlural luiiili 111. in , I I i'i k (114I41 ll .. k-1 ko.l I I 1 14 111. li.U I I Uk.4, I. .4, a .u4 It II 1. 1 , 1 , 1 , at. 4,4, ( k-4 ll.. .44k.a, (.. . tlLl 4, I4I4IU t 4Jik, O. ll, I , . 1 Ill44 I, tt4.4,441 444 1 1- l'...4, ll. 1. 41 t,l. J W ill l. , , lai. a.k rakk a. 1 ,1 b. 1 u. .. 1 1 1 f, -alM, k Ma lh.i.1. t vi. lit. 1 .. I. . 1 a a" II. t O l.i 1 M k