Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 20, 1871, Image 3

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    iitibttijj American-
SUNUUKY, MAY 20, 1871,
Kallroad Time Table.
N. 0. It. W. East, f V. A E. R. R. Wimt,
BiJIalQ Ex l'vo 9:f B m Erie Mall, 1vq 4:55 a m
Trio " "10:20" lEImlrn" " 4:35 pm
KlmlnvMitU " 10:!0 " trio EX. " 0:50 "
Ero " 109 " I
. Acc'oiirrnodatioii Tritln leaves Suubury fur Bui
titnora ivt J:00 a. in.
'i'ho. Suubury Accomniodutlon leaves. Harris.
hnr at 8:00 a. in., aud arrive! at Bunbury at
iu:uu a. ui.
, c. n. w.
LF.4VB ,
Imryat 11:50 a m'At Bunbury
0:55 a in
" 4:40 p m
4:00 p m
D. It. A W. R. R.
Lcaro Snabiiry 8:55 a. Ui., 4:85 and 0:50 p. m.
Arr. at Bunbury 10:00 a m, 6:30 and 1 1 :05 p m.
focal fffahrs.
IIf.nrT Pixb has been appointed a Notary
Public, by Governor Geary, for Bclincgrovc.
Mus. Wim-iam Haas' death, wblcli occurred
on Tliorsdny morning last, Is a sovcro bcrcave
tneut, afflicting a large circle of attached friends.
Shamokis proposes to dedicate, on the 80th of
May, a monument for her falleu heros lu the
war ngainst lebcllion.
Boots and Shoes for tho community, at popu
lar prices, at tho Rcjfu'.nfbr.
Dedication. Augusta Lodge, No. 014, I. O.
of O. F., M ill be dedicated with the usual solemn
and Imposing services of that Order, on the 2?ta
1n?t. There will bo a public parade.
Edward Wbaver, nged about ulnc years, son
of Samuel Weaver, Esq., proprietor of the 8ns
quchauna House, had his collar-bone fractured
on Tuesday last, hy being thrown from n horse.
5,000 Rolls Vail Ta'pcr Jusl received at Llglit
ncrV, cheap far cash.
Kicked jit a nouou. On 8unduy last, a pro
prietor of a livery stable hired to a gentleman a
kicking horse. Result, carrlago upset, and Mrs.
Trowbridge, one of tho occupnuts thereof, had
her aukle sprained, from vhlch, and other In
juries, she Is confined to bed.
A tliofcc brnud of family flour nt Kirby'B.
Horkb Killed. On Thursday of last week,
tho team of Henry Winner, near Georgetown,
ran away, and one of tho horoes was killed, aud
the other badly injured. Mr. Witmcr had raid
tvo hundred and lift y dollars for the horse but
a ftw weeks ago.
Rafting h:s not been a success this spring.
The low wnter detains Immense quantities of
lumber above the Shamokin Dam. Lumbermen,
us well as dealers aud buyers, arc anxiously hop
ing for mure rain, and a rise In the river.
TiiV. cold nights and roornlugs, and dry-hot
mlil-diiy suns, had created fear that Intermittent
fever might become epidemic. Tho refreshing
rain on Tuesday night, and tho subsequent baluiy t
delightful atmosphere, have dispelled these uu
founded fears.
No. 1 and 2 shoro mackeral, pickled sulmou
tyjil white iisti at Kirby's, all lish warranted.
Miss Nam v Hagiiur has Intel v fitted un n
room on i niru sireci, ior wo purpose oi Kurinug i
tin lee cream saloon and confectionery store. Ice i
cream can bo had duVlug the day and evening;
and iv large assortment of confectlomu-ies ajo
constantly kept on h'id. Stic respectfully invites
ladies and gentlemen to give her a ajl.
A. N. Bkict, Esq., rcprefliitalive or Suiibifry 1
Lodge-, No. 203 ; S. B. Boyer, Esq., represent- j
the of Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 620, and Em'l
Wilvcrt, Representative of Stilne Vulluy Lodge,
No. 504, I. O. of O. F.,'vie absent from town
intending the aunnal scssidn of tjio GiMnd Ldge
of I. O. of O. F.,t irlii ribburg.
Tub anthracite coal trade is generally resum
ed. Most of the collieries In Northumberland
fc-cliuylkill nnd Luzerne counties are now in
operation. The dead lock upon trade Is opened,
nnd cheerful faces again illumine tire coal re
gions. Consumers aro thankful.
We learn that a little boy, three years old, son
of Mr. Johu 8tltzel,of McEwentvllle, was drown
e 1 lu one of the vats, of the tannery at that place,
on Tuesday afternoon last. --Viifoniuir.
We refer our readers to the eard of Messrs.
Byerly & Bower, proprietors of tho Union Hotel,
nt Lvk-nme nanrililn pnllttlv. 1'n. Tly ImiiM tins
lately undergone a general rcjiov.itlou, having
been fitted ip with new furniture of tho latest j
style. The gentlemen conducting It aro well
know.. !.. fiiis eou.itvi. flr.t.rh,s hotel err. I
und tho traveling community will And the Union
House one of the best iu the country.
St xnniv Lodge, So. 143, 1. O. of U. T., pro
pose giving a scries of entertainments, to com
mence on Moudny evening. May 20th, und con
tinue six nights. A body of the Suubury Ama
teur Dramatic Club ; amateurs possessing skill,
ability, und ovpenciico, will appear Id the popu
lar Military Donna and Allegory la Ave acts, en
titled, "Pride i or, the Fortunes and Misfortunes
of War." A treat may b expected.
Post Orrics CuamiR. The rwly jpnluted
Post Muxter, John Smith, filtered upai his du
ties on Wednesday. Ur. Smith will make uu
i llleieiit uud obliging officer. Himself, in every
veiqiect, worthy of the position perhaps no se
lection tuuld give more general satUfuctlon.
We euimol omit to y of the r-llrlug officer,
J. M. Italian, tliut during all tho years he held
the olllcv, he diclmrgi'4 his dutlr faithfully and
with geiitlt ii..iuly courtesy. Careful, eart, aud
ulKiiy, f.:ii,g to oblige, lio nevnr guve Just
laudi f ir eiimplulnt. With the aid of his ue
touiplUliiil d.iugliteis who clerked fr hilfi, the
olHiv .u ua vtell kept as w deilrubls.
As "lain Mi uneu in thr Coal RruioN. Ou
Wt dm-.Liy t veiilij uboul tx oVIut'k, or bolwaco
tin and ovcu u'liuk, Wm. I'luiuer, a uiinvri
KulUh, wu tK'lkve, .!. Kw tfuglUh minor,
named l.aiub. Tko (nets as wu huts leurusd
lliein, ore bill lly ltieu i fluiuer Lad bcuu wutk
luii uuloiilu nf lliv uiilou, aud turoKU'.Ard a the i. nl .u inla.r. rill a klui'kh. fixing
of the pilaeipal slroU ul Tco(iuu, ha
up ulic
at uiia.. Ly luiiiib ayi4 aiM4br uau, butti
l.ilub Slid tit llteud 'rcd fit bo UUdvr tits
luiu.ui u uf li quor. I'lutuur Mas struck aud fell
U-uu hl UkiiJs and k uw ou gulbsiiiij, kliu
salt up, Uo iv.ucucuicd a laliwl, km I.
w-l4 a blu Ucb uu4 hlia lu fait ul IW luilwl Mis. JU Ikl ciumc4 wr IH
ll 1, U.iJo a slsud, Sk4 latbia4ll U l
4iUiiii i iiujf ifltuislud biut, ait I rfeciL4
tUi stu.k, U Ji lafultsf u4 Si4
k'Ma, biMli Ukis tttitt U lb b4uwi ! Lauitt,
Jiuiiin imutitji uiia4M4 biiUMtlf. Laibl
m itwi jvt 4m4 atxHi tu Uwub tu
u j.u la tit '', t4 mimm4 mniH, i
b 4 . ii ,', MVW WiAitMa.
I. O. of O. F. The Right Worthy Grand En
campment of Pennsylvania) I. 6. of O. F., met
In tho hall of Dauphin Lodge, No. 100, at ITar
rlsbnrg, on Monday last. During their session,
the follow lug odrccrs wore Installed for the en
suing year i
M. W. Grand rulilarch James Bingham, Jr.,
of No. 23.
M. E. Grand High Trlest Augustus Pfnff, of
No. 65.
R. W. Grand Senior Wurdeu Juraes M'Gfthcy,
of No. 84.
R. W. Grand Junior Warden John Curtis, of
No. 17,
R. W. Grand Scribe James B. Niiholbon, of
No. 51.
R. W
Grand Treasurer Johu 8. Iluiss, of
No. 5C.
R. W. Grand Representative JohnW. Stokes,
of No. 17.
These officers were then duly Installed by P.
G. P. Francis M. Rca.
Tho election officers reported Em'l Wilvcrt had
been elected D. D. Deputy Grand Patriarch for
this county.
Tho mi mini session of the Grant Lodge of the
Right Worthy Grand Lodgo of Pennsylvania, I.
O. of O. F. met lu tho Court House, at Harris-
burg, on Tuesday last. Tho committee on elec
tions reported tho following officers to bo elected
for the ensuing year, who were duly Installed i
P. G., Alfred Slack, Most Worthy Grand Mas-
tori P. G., William Stedmnn, Right Worthy
Deputy Grand Master ; P. G., Jacob M. Camp
bell, Right Worthy Grand Warden) P. O. 8.,
James H. Nicholson, Right Worthy Grand Secre
tary i P. G. M., Richard Muckle, Right Worthy
Grand Treasurer P. G. M.,;J. Alexander Simp
son, Right Worthy Grand Representative.
They also reported that P. O., John M. Huff,
of Milton, had becu elected District Deputy Grand
Master for this county.
It appears that 8. B. Boyer, Esq., had a, ma
jority of the popular voto of Pust Grands It the
district, but owing to some Informality of the re
ports of several Lodges, which were refused by
the Grand Lodge, J. M. Huff was declared elect
ed. PRIDE.
Miss Florence McGee, alias Jenny Smith,
was before James Beard, Esq., on Weducsday,
charged with altering a forged check. Miss
Jenny boarded with Mrs. Kato Christ, whose
self and house are known to fame and the Courts.
It appears that on tho 11th Inst., an admirer of
Miss Jenny's generously presented that amiable
young lady with, what purjiorted to be, a check
drawn by Chamberlain, Frick & Co., au extensive
and well known Ann of Northumberland, dated
May 11th, 1S71, payable to Wm. K. CI at ham or
bearer, at the First National Bank of Sunbury,
for two hundred and sixty dollars. Ou tho 12th
inst., Jenuy presented it at the counter of the
First National Bank of Northumberland, where
It was paid, no suspicion being raised at the
time. Ou the 15th Inst., a man calling himself
J. Brown, called on Esquire Beard nnd demand
ed a warrant against Jenny, charging her with
pacing this forged cheek, nnd stating that he
supposed Chatham was in jail by that time. This
fellow It nppears called at Mrs. Chrisls with the
warraut, and succeeded in frightening Jennv out
of fifty dollars, all of the money left of the two
hundred and sixty dollars. Jenny and Mrs.
Christ wero discharged by tho magistrate, aud
weut thoir way rejoicing in their extra fortune.
Beef tongue at Kirby's.
Thk Propagation or Fish. Tho llarrisburg
State Juurtml, of a recent date, notices the arrival
In that city of au engine tank, coutalning 2'J8
black bass, taken otit of the Potomac river at
Sandy Hook, Md. These fish were caught with
hook and line, und are intended to stock the
i uipcuoeueu cretK, ul Kenning. w o do not see
why au effort should not bo made to lutroduce
the black bass In some of the numerous creeks,
or in the Susqucbaiiuu, at or nca Suubury.
They are said to be '.he most easily propagated
of nuy Of tho flnuy tribe, while the quality Is
ald to be llucr thau any other. We believe if
an clTort w,ero to be made, a sufficient amount
oulJ r;,Isci1 b' subscription, to place a mrgo
numbvr of this excellent iUU in our river nnd
Tut: penalty for corner loafing und using vul-
gar nnd profane language, lu Altoona, is six days
una nignts in me locu-ur. four boys recently
s u lie red this punishment. We heartily wish this
punishment cottd be inflicted on a large class of
tills gentry who crowd some of tho prominent
corners of Market street, every evening. The
uuisuncc has become o bad that It Is almost im
possible for a respcetablo lady to pass without
being insulted by hearing ulgar language or
being stared out of countenance. An example
should be made of somo of these blackguards.
Coai The Muncy Luminary, In noticing the
rumor of recent discoveries of anthracite coal lu
the Muucy hills, says i
Several of our citizens who have some nc-
HaIntauco with geological science paid a visit
lUo otl,ur ia ,0 11,0 s-crtUcd 001,1 bed iu tl,e
Munc' nuu- Tlu' bc8 luuvo 10 rc',ort tl",t 80
fur as coal U concerned, they saw nothing so
suggestive of an lmiortant dUeovery as tli con
dition of the fence for several rods along the
roDd uear the ojculug of tho said coal seam.
Tho rails uud po.U had becu guuwed nearly to
pieces by tho horses belonging to the hundreds
or perhaps thousands of visitors who had beeu
there to explore the premises. Beyond that, oui
geological friends say, they taw no Indications
of coal. Wheu that curtail t coal reteiLbllng slate
was deposited, tho remarkable flora Of the cur
boulfcrous era hud not yet been creuted. It was
probably several million yeura afterwards that
the ferns, slgillarlu, calamities and lepldileudrons
of the coal period flourished. An extensive fur
tnutlou of rocks still He belweeu the tuposcd
coal aud the true coal tysteiu. Hero our humble
geologists bowed profoundly f.ud retired.
Coul Is agaiu being thlpH:d rai.t ly the P. & K.
K. R. Ou Mouduy lut each of our operators re
ceived deuteU from llv) Prvaldeut of this
road, slitting that the. lolls would be reduced,
taking eJlect uu the l'llll, but that If retUliiplioit
wus uol gsuvrul throughout lbs whole reyUin,
they would be advanced agiilu. This Intelligence
gave great sutUfactlou to operator aud millers.
All the collieries lu Noilliuiiibi-rlund am uuw
at woik tscvpt Tretotlua, l.uke Fldler, uud
Laucukler No. S, aud the lu lul uauied of llic
i'tpuct lu resume shortly. Our shlpiueul fur
Muy will tie heuvjr. .S.-uiiH V.raiJ lAu
Tua woik ou lbs llailioad Hildas at Ihls plucu
U brliiK lulihlly iUUc4 ahead, a UiK uuuiher
1 ' bauds arw limily eiigaKcd uu lbs masuu aud
WuOl work, lb au4 enertjillg louliaiAur,
J. V. Citowell, :q., U dcUftuiiu-4 lu ba His
viuik cumpUi4 a rapidly a cueigj u4 utuias
(au aceuuiplUb U. Tb biUlgu pimuis a Hua
ai'pcatant'f aud iak ll lor lb patlk iua
ciu4 Ui it rotnUuilluu. inpLf i'wtly frt-
Ttt.a l)W ul L4iv' luls Uaulirul.
Tby rvwuibl a ta aiir aub a litu((, u4
ait tiult bsvwiulag.
Votati U4Us, iu Uiau.4 Ibis mi Utttlae
lb Wtmif lutaaid Iiumi lfc It, 14 b) fur
aStaltUtw I fiLj'id, Uim UtiLialk (
lbs b4 W rV
Wb copy the following items from the Danville
Anwt-U an of last week :
Preparing fob Wohx. The proprietors of
the Pennsylvania Iron Works are having their
furnaces cleaned out and put lu thorough order
preparatory to starting. This should not be un
derstood as nn evidence that tho furnaces will be
put in operation as oon as this work Is comple
ted. None IH t put In Mast uutll there Is a
permanent solution of tho difficulties In the coal
regions. It would bo madness to start when the
supply of coal cannot be depended -npon.' Tho
several companies In this place aro ready and
willing to go to work just as soon as the miners
go to work Jn earnest. We aro sarry that such
a coudltlon should exist, but our renders should
know tho exnet truth, and censure tho parties
who are to blame.
The Last Additiox. We have Just learned
tlfat Messrs. E. H. Baldy nnd David Clark have
bought 40 acres of the North Eastern )ortion of
Mr. Fuux's farm, adjoining Riverside, and In
due time will lay It out In conformity with qur
town plot. This nukes nn aggregate of over
three hundred and fifty acres uniformly land out
with wldo streets, crossing each other nt right
angles, ncd When planted with shade trees will
give us one of tho most attractive towns In tho
State ns a place of residence.
Telegraph Office at Riverside. Arrange
monts aro now being made for tho establishment
of a telegraph station In tho Post Office. Tho
Western Union Telegraph Co. have agreed to
extend their wires ns soon ns tho consent of tho
Bridge Company to the running of tho wires on
the bridge, can bo obtained. .Messages will bo
sent to nil parts of the world, Including Danville.
The D. H. & W. R. R. The passenger train
is now running regularly, "on time," between
Sunbnry nnd Cdtnwlssn. A coal train makes a
round trip every day, bringing down large quan
tities of coal, from Rothermcl's Roberts Run
colliery, nnd we have no doubt that in the course
of a few months, another train will be required
to meet tho demand for this superior coal.
I'rsmxn Forward. The officers of the D. H.
it W. R. R. are pushing forward tho extension
nnd repair of that road with the utmost Aipidity.
Its completion will bo announced nt au early
day. Wo hope that some arrangement will be
perfected to hnvc a bridge bnilt across the river,
so that a depot can be made in Dandle.
For dried 'and smoked meats, go to Kirby's.
Died in the Poor Hove. A man recently
died in the Schuylkill county Poor House, nnd
the administrators of his estate have thus fur
found two thousand dollars of his effects. One
thousand was in notes, due'bills, etc., all per
fectly secure, and another thousand was iu cusli,
deposited in one of the Pottsvlllc Bunks. The
man formerly resided In the vicinity of Trcmont,
nnd feigning poverty, was sent to the Poor House,
where he died nnd the papers were found upon
his person, which led to the discovery of his fi
nancial condition. Jtners Juurnal.
We fully endorse the following paragraph
from tho correspondent of tho MUlunian, of last
week :
The collector of the Internal Revenhc of this
District is Charles J. Bruncr, a clever, genial
gentleman. I have never heard any complaint
from any source since he has had the office. His
efficient clerk, Levi Scashollz, Is a number-ono
fellow, nnd Is a bcttcti officer thau he Is good
Narrow Escape. A young lady employed in
the family of Mr. F. J. Anspach fell down a well
on his premises on Tuesday afternoon by the
giving way of a trap door. Tho well Is 15 feet
deep and contained ubout 4 feet of water, but
ctrnngc to say tho girl escaped serious Injury.
AViaiuoAiu Herald ofthi vvek.
N. F. Lightuer's Rcgulntor. Boot
s, Shoes,
Trunks, Leather nnd Shoe Fiudlugs.
Editor's Tabic.
Tub Ladv's Friend for Ji ne, 1S71. This Is
a splendid number. The slecl-philc, represent
ing the meeting of Mary IJuceu of Scots and
Queen Elizabeth, in tho gnrden of Fotheringay
Cur-tle, is a picture of extraordinary interest anil
value. The beautiful Mary uud her stately nnd
powerful rival aro admirably contrasted. It Is
the couceplion of uo common artist. Iu tho
colored Fashion Plato we see a group of grace
ful ladies, uttlred In airy summer robes ; aud
there is a wood-cut of the Rhine, that most ro
maulic of European rivers. Music the "Rciter
Galop." Tho literary matter is delightfully
varied and entertaining. Madge Carroll has a
sprightly sketch. Miss Muzzey concludes her
powertut seiiat, "line woman s experience."
Daisy Vcntnor contributes 11 good story, ,fA Lit
tle Mutual Aversion ;" and there are jiocius by
11. . Carey, Miriam Karle, Klla heeler, etc..
etc. A quantity of illustrations of handsome
summer costumes, bathing dresses included,
must be very acceptable to the ladies, nnd the
fancy-work looks particularly captivating. Price
$2.50 a year (which also includes a large steel
engraving). Four copies, tti. Five enpic (and
one gratis), f 8. "The Lady's Friend aud the
''Saturday Evening Post" (and one eugravinit),
ft. Published by Deacon v Peterson, Philadel
phia. Niiijli tojrict for nalt by all Acie dealen,
25 tenti.
Braisard's Mi sical World The May num
ber of thiB fnvoritu Musical Monthly is nt hand
nud coutains the usual large amount of interest
ing .Musical Stories, Sketches, Editorials, News
Items, Vc. Two choice pieces of music are given
lu this number, a beautiful quartette by Wm. T.
Rogers, entitled "We aro not far from those wo
love," nud a brilliant new piano piece by Addi
son P. Wymnii, "Safe within thy Little Bed,"
with vuruaioim. This piece is alone worth a
year's subscription to the Musical World. The
author it well known as the composer of "Silvery
Waves," the most popular piece of music ever
published. Scud (1.00 to S. Bruiuurd At Sous,
Cleveland, (., and you will receive the Musical
World a year, containing over ti lly pieces of
music 1 or specimen copies will be seul to any
addess ou receipt of U u cents.
IIuhIuos KUcck
An rudlcthi variety of boot aud hoe are
constantly kept up for the wholeealo uud iMall
trade ut W, II. Miller' Excelsior tlore. Coun
try merchant can nuve inouey by purchmlna
at hU estahlUhuieut, uud will j;ct a better urtlcle
than lu the city.
' Till uprlui; trade ban now fairly open,! ut 8.
Fuuu'ii Hut uud Cup ktoro, ou Market Huie.
CouBlry mvrcbuiit Uud U a greut udvunt ue to
buy their kloek of Mr. 'aut, twluK cheaper aud
belter i)Uallly thuu lho.e brought from tho eilit.
( all uud viuuilue the ttprlni; xuilcly.
htl Ec T S iloou. Mi. Mamie J. Martin will
oku u elecl kehoul Ur yoiiuK ludic ut the r .l
deiie of her father, ou Uroadwuy, comineuc iug
uu Mouilay, the Mil of June. Term moderate.
The Uu piliiK null from the Merchant Tallji
Imp of J. E. Ikhitt ir, opptMiU the Central Ho
tel, uro routaiitly keeping up UU vkelluiueiil
Hliiuug luelt, mid U (ihlli Ului lal(o miiouut
uf eujloiu, i iluik of iud U i' lulled by all
Uu call lu ' hliii.
A VlkM iiHuitiueut of enuuid guudt, EuglUU
aud Aiueilvuu l'UkUud mucv. V'orilgu aud
liuutotUi drtMl ud kiiwu fruit, l'.
Ir )uu nt K turn uiliuul of plalu ud
fauey uriH-crU luxkit fioiu, no to kli !,)',
iilUt'i bulidlu, um Xaikct -Ul, ll
KuudiUIUi4 IkUlitit Ik bufoufb flwuf ibitl.
Alt Kul-Ur Wwi, l biuuiui.luii' pile,
I lh IUkuUIu.
f iMwlttd, m kuutlMr of wpuliti fiui.1 u4
fubik Mif kiuk, lu MtuUWf.
likkt' lu lutukCitlf, tu4 lux ttuui,UvU
4 butuut, t lb tUuUluf,
ttu4klM' HlkUlUl luf IMUIlfkAtltlli.4, kt
Ik K'tfvUiu.
SEWING MACHINES a to acknowledged su
perior to any other now manufactured. Miss
C. Dalius, Market street, this place, is the agent
for tli sale of them In this and adjoining coun
ties. Inst ructions In sewing Riven free of charge
to all purchasers. A tot always 011 hand. Call
and examine them.
The Croquet Shoe, A novelty, elegant and com
fortable, at tho Regulator.
Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk and Leather
Store consolidated with the Book Store. Call
one and all. New goods at low rates.
Closing: I'iiices or UeIIaven Ac rtiiu., 40 S.
Third Street, Puiladelpuia. 3 o'cIock, p. sl
May 17, 1871.
V. 8. 0's of 'SI IKPf 117
" " '3 IKPf 111
" " 'lit 1104 HI
" " V.5 'llflsj Ml
' " '115, new MI) ' ua",'
" " 7, " iu n:ii4
" " 'tis ii;p; nsji
" 5, io-40's inn4 lmi'i
U. 8. 30 Year 0 per cent. Cy t. n.Vj 115,'
Gold IIP, 111.
Silver 101. 108
Union Pncific R. R. 1st M. Bonds..! 92' .
Central Pacific R. It 1 102 i , lOS-"1
Union Pnclllo Land Grunt Bonds..! 8;i,; Hi
The ronfcNwioiin of an Invalid.
PUBLISHED ns a warning nnd for the benefit
of yonntj men and olhrrt, who sulfer from
Nervousness, General Debility, &c. suPDlvlmr
the means of self-cure.
Written bv one who enred hltnclf nnd sent
free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
Address, MIIIA.MMj maifaik,
May 20, lS71.-Cm. Brooklyn, N. Y.
For the Relief nnd Cure or tk.i Erring and
Unfortunate, on Principles of Chrlithin Philan
thropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the
Follies of Age. In relation to Mariiuie and So
cial E n, with sanitary aid for the ntllitec ,
Sent free. In sealed ciiveloic8. Address, HOW
ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia
Pa. my7,'70-ly.
At the resldenco of the bride's father, on the
15th Inst., bv Rev. F. Bower, of Iei, III.. Rev.
George Buessinger nnd Miss Ellen C. Bos
tian, all of this place.
The nbovc notice wus accompanied with n deli
cious cake, lor which the employees cf this office
return their thanks to the bride nnd groom, und
while they extend their congratulation to them,
they wish the happy couplo n joyous pilgrimage
over the matrimonial sea, nnd hopo that their
Journey III rough life may always be smooth, and
their happiness never be less than now.
'- - 1 " - 1 i
Suubury Grtiu iV Produce Market.
Grain Choice AVhltc Wheat
Best Amber, Wlutcr
Outs, (32 lbs.)
Best Amber, filter, per sack...
" " " barrel..
Corn Meal, per cwt.,
Pennsylvania Roll
Eggs Per dozen ,
Meats Dried Beef, per lb
Smoked Mutton
Lard per lh
Fisii Salt White Fish, per lb
" Trout "
Cod "
Fresh Shad 1
VkgetaulES Turnips, per bushel
Potatoes " " ,
Onions "
Beans, " quart
Hominy, " "
Dried Fruits Dried Apples, per lb
" Peaches, "
" Cherries,
" Bluckberrlcs
v " Raspberries
t 60 .
1 50
, W I
1 00 ;
50 1
2 00 !
h po ;
2 50 I
..-Nfit.30 I
,..ll(Ti.l2 ;
, 25 I
15 I
..4O0j no
75 1
1 10 !
1 00 I
, 20
'Jclu tJbcrtisfmciits
Mortheru CVufral lCuilwn'.
ON nnd after May 14, 1S71, trnin will run
as follow t
Buffalo Express leaves Suubury nt 4.50 a. m.,
arrive at Williamsport at 0.55, Eliuira at 10.55
a. m., Canandaiirua 2.15 p. in.
Mail leave Suubury nt 4. SO p. in., arrive ut
Willliimsport 0.25 nnd Eliuira lO.ii.5 p. m.
Fast l.linvleave Snnhury ut U.45 p. in., arrive
at Williamsport 8.40 p. m.
Leave Suubury at 3.25 a. in., arrive at Harris
burg 6.15 a. in.. Baltimore 0.45 a. in.
Leave Suubury, 10.20 u. in., nnive at Harris
burg 1.00 p. m. "
Leave Suubury nt 10.55 a. m., nrrivo nt llar
rlshurg 12.55 p. in., Baltimore 0.00 p. in.
Leave Suubury ut 11.50 p. in., urrlvo at llarris
burg 2.10 a. m.
Leave Suubury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shamo
kin 5.55 p. in., Mt. Cnrmel 0.40 p. in.
Lcuve bunbury (Accommoduliuu,) ut 11.50 a.
in., arrive ul Shamokin 1.00 p. m.
Leave Mt. Curniel at 8.05 n. m., arrive nt
Shamokin 8.50 a. in., Suubury 0.55 a. in.
Leave Sliamokin (Accommodation,) ul 2.45 p.
ui., arrive ut Suubury 4.00 p. m.
Exprces lcuve dally Leaving ou Sunday, runs
North only to Willlauiort.
All other trains leave dally, except Sundays.
A. H. Kit-KK. En. S. Vwmi,
Ueu'l. Sup't., lieu'l Puswu'r Air't.,
llarrisburg, Pa. llalunoie, Md.
I'lillwdrlithlu mu1 Krl ltwilruud.
On uud after Mondav, Mar 15th, 1S7I, tl o
Train, ou the Philadelphia .i. Erie ttiil Roud Mill
ruu us follow i
Mall Train leave Philadelphia,
" " " Suiibuiy,
" " arr ut ti ie.
T.11 1 Ml
'j.i a in
it. .VI . lit
1 ;.;m . m
li 'Hi l 111
7.40 u in a ui
. m
7. .VI ) in
I. .V. u HI
l.fu III
ii.' 0 III
I l.'.'O k HI
II I . i lit
li.l 4 III
M. I '. 4 IU
A. VI p ut
H.IMI I, 1
111. .VI k III
tt.'.k) iu
M ill 4 lu
II ; l 4 ut
Erlu Expre Ic.iTe. I'hiladelphla,
" " " Siiuliury,
" " an ul Erie,
Elmlia Mall have 1'hlludelpl.U,
" JlllilllV,
" " arr nl Luck tiaVcn,
Bull'ulu Ekpreu leuve. Suubury,
" urr nl Wllli.iiipnil,
Bold K.tla Mall leave William. ,rl,
" urr ul Li k Haven,
Mali Traill leave Kile,
" " Kuuliury,
" " nrrut Pl.lladelphU,
Eile Espio It'iiVe lite,
u t. Brr ! Philadelphia,
Eluiliit Mall Uae l.ok llaeu,
" KlllibUI),
' arr ul I'hiladelphla,
Hurt.ilu tl,rv Umc W llluiupuit,
" Hutiliury,
" rr ut I'lnla.l, l UU,
Bald Eaulv Mall Ui k llaktu.
kit ul U1UI4.1, l i to p ut
Mail Eaal t'uiiut.l ia.l kiid ul r iki w It U
L. M. A M. k. It. W. aud at Cii au I litiuttou
Ilk till I le.k ud AlhkUcbji It. It. M.
Mall VVml wllk el Luuud liaiii uu I., k. A
M m. K. VS. aul allunr al litiuuluu ilk ml
ll..k aud A,l.U.uj k. U VI.
VVancu A.vuuiiuudailuu at kkj l It ilk
lialu uu L. ud W. K. W ta.t aud
kt4 al I u. uk O. I . k4 4. U U. VV .
k. Ik AuiUUIUialWH kal al ku4 'l
kl I ai ku4 killt li. I. u4 4 14 H VV.
klutllk Viall i'4 liullalu . !.. Hiak
kutilMaltutt Wul.klual wuk N. I . k. VV.
taliakia bowu liaiutklil k lu
fluut W IHUU.vt bk kiw kt4, ku4 ! lu
VV l..lkMl,ll bk k llk Uaii.
M H. A. M41 Uvttivi,
livk'l kup't.
Krndiug ICnilroud.
Mm.lii, Ml'; 15'', 171.
G1RKAT TRUNK LINE from tho NiMlb nnd
I North-Wot lor Philadelphia, N. Y., Read
ing, l'ottsvillc, Tainaqiia, Ashland, Shiiiimkiii,
Lebanon, All, -mown, Easton, 1 pbmt.i, L;tu,
Lnnenster, Columbia, 4c, iVc.
Trains leave llurrisbiirg for New Yoik, ns fol
lows! At 2.40, S.I0, n. 111. nnd 2.0(1 p. hi., con
ncclinir willi similar trains 011 tin Pennsylvania
Railroad, nnd nrrlving nt New York nt 10.05 a.
in., 8.50, and 11.30 p 111. respectively; Sleeping
Cars accompany the 2.40 a. in., train niihout
lieturnini: 1 Leave New York nt (1.00 n. m.,
12.30 noon and tt.nn p. in., Philadelphia nt 7.30,
8.30 n. 111. nnd 3.30 p. ill. s Sleeping Curs accom
pany the 5.00 p. m. ir.iiu from New York with
out chauire.
Lcuve llnrrhlitirg for Rending, Pottsvlllc, T11
maiiin, Mliicrsvtlle, Ashland, Shamokin,
Allciitown nnd Philadelphia nt H. 10 a. in.,
2.00 and 4.05 p. 111., stopping at Lebanon and
principal way stations; t lie 4.05 p. m., train
connecting for I'hiiadclidila, Pottsville and Co
lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven
and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd SlK-'iuehnuiiii
Railroad, leave Ilarrisburi; at 3.40 p. m.
East Pennsylvania Railroad trains Jen ve Rend
ing for Allcut'owii, Elision ami New York ut4.:;2,
10.30 a. m., and 4.U5 p. m. Returning, leave
New York nt 0.00 a. in., 1'2.3'J uoon nnd 5.00
p. 111. mid A'lentiiwii at 7.20 a. 111. 12.25 uoon,
2.15, 4.25 nnd S.35 1, If.
Way Passenger Tialii leaves Philadelphia lit
7.30 a. m.. connect int: with similar train mi East
Pcnun. Railroad, returning from Peadiui: at 0.20
p. m., stopping nt nil stntions.
Leave I'ottsxille at f.00 11. in. mil 2.30 p.
m. Herndou at 10.00 a. 111., Shnmnklii ut 5.40 nud
11.15 n. 111. 1 Ashland at 7.05 a. 1,1., and 12.13
noon; Mnhaiioy City nt 7.51 a. in. nnd 1.20 p. m.
Tnmaqiia at 8.35 it. in. and 2. 1J p. in. for
'Philadelphia, New York, Rending, H.irristmrg,
Leave Pottsvlllc via Schuylkill mil Susque
hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. in. "for i lurrUhitrg, and
11.45 am., for Pine Grove and Trcmont.
Heading Accommodation Train leaves Potts
vlllc nt 5.40 a. m., pusses Heading nt 7.30 a. in.
arriving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. in., returning
leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. in., passing Head
ing nt 7.55p.m. arriving nt I'ottsvillc nt 0.10 p.m.
Pottstown Accomiiioiiatioii Train louves Potts
town nt 0.30 a. m., ret in ning leaves Philadelphia
at 4.30 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave- Rendh g nt
7.20 a. iu., and 0.15 p. m. ior I.phrata, Litiz,
Lancaster. Columbia, 4c.
Pcrkionicii Rail Hoad Trains leave IVrkiomaii
Junctional 7.17, 0.05a. in., at 3.00 uud 0. 00 p. in.
Keturniiii:,lcave Schwenksvillent 0.30.H.U) a. in.,
12.50 noon and 4.45 p. in. connecting with similar
trains ou Reading Hall Roud.
Colehrookdnle Hniironil Trains leave Potttnwn
at 0.40 a. in., 1 .1 5 a ml 0.45 p. in., letiiiiiiii!:' leave
Mt. Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.2 . n. m., and 3.IK) p.
m., coiu'citing with similar trains on Uca,liag
Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave tin,! re
port at,30u. m., 2.05aud 5.:i2 '. ir. let'.irniinf.
leave Downinu'ton ut 0.40 a. in., 12.45 noun ami
5.25 p. in. connecting with similar trains on il .ail
ing Kiiilnud.
On Sundays : Leave New York at 5.00 p. in.,
Philadelphia lit H.00 a. in. nnd 3.15 p. m., (:hc
S.lHI u. in. tram riluuliiLi only to I'eaotiiL".) leave
Pottsvillcnl S.UUn. in., leave' 1 liirii.-b.iii. 2.4 la.
m., and 2.00 p. m.; leave Allcutowu ul 4..5 und
$.35 p. ui. ; leave It, ailing at 7.15 a. m. and 1 . .'".-
p. in. lor Ilnni-burg, at 4.32 a. m. lor New
York, at 7.20 a. in. for Allcutowu uu.i at 0.1'J a.
in. and 4.15 p. m. for I'liilailcl'a.
CoitHiiiital ion, Mileairc, Season, School uud
Excursion Tickets, to and l':o:u nil points at re
duced rates.
Buinraire cheeked through : 100 lninds Bag
gagu allowed each Passenger.
Asst. Supt. it Eng. Macli'ry.
The Largest Stock
the Finest Goods ;
Work is
The Newest Styles;
of the very
1L. D A
WL workman-
rou mi it ao IVn A
,M,UB ,v 2.ship;the
prices, &o., 8entv,irie.
iree xo any pan oi JL4 ty.
America, and good fits.X (L
K Gents' Furnishing
Goods. Wrappers &
1 1 i II, n ii
Boys unuer- wear oi an
& II kinds for all sea-
iBiiurentx Cnn wkiiA
Wear at V
IvIownricesX Specialty
Shth Si Market St&
KH Jut-t .uliliKlir. hv Dr. I.K.WIS. .'.Mi
luiL'i-, Tlilr.l Kilitl.m. Til K M KIHt'AL I'OM
l'AMON A SI) til'IDE TO IIKAl.Tll, m Use
rudicul cure ol'tii'riiiHtorrliii'il,orS!iiiiii;il Weuk
nt'MH, Iiivuliilitury Seinliisl Looses, liiiilriu y,
MnilalilllU l'liysle:il luciipaeliy, liiiNiliiiu'iil lu
Mariiune, ele.,"uinl llic Venereiil iiml t)ihililiv
Miilacliti Willi I'l.iin tunl clear ilireetioiia l"i Uu'
Hvly eiire ol'Seeoiulary Syniiliuii, i,
Olei-ls, Hlrli'luu., uuil nil leaen of tin- kln,
kileli us tteurvy, berul'illa, I leers, Hulls, llluleli
f mill l'lniiles on the taee mi.t t.otly. (. ' tii uu 1 1 -lion.
Kili 'iiy, itml His, ImliieeJ by nelMu lul
geneu ur seel mil i'truui;aiiee.
Tlie rclulmileil uulbor lu tliis iiiluilralile Trea
tise, elearly ileiiioii'iratis, Irnl.i it folly e.ii'-
lleeesl'lil liriletleo, tliut I lie alurinllr.' eoliseiiilile.'.'
of eU'-uliil.e limy Ihj railie.illv eureil ; iliilii.L'
out u iiiimI.i or cure lit oueo simple, eellalii, una
ell.etual, by menu, of ntbleb every .ull.r.r. uo
mutter kluil III limy be, ran lis rllie-
liialU rurrd. ilual'lv, in ivalelt , an. I railleally
J '1'I.U IxM.k . iioilUI l.e lu 111.- Ii.uula of n. ry
y i 1 1 b , uiul t-teiy muu iu I he laii.l.
Ki ut limliT cul. III tt plain -iiilnie. frli.-, VI
rem. Ail tresk, Dll. LI. Wlh, So. 1 tieaeb kirtvl,
New Yolk.
Ho. UO'J ChOktnut btt vvt, Vhtludcliduu,
ki uo pr. miiI lu UU Oi.lus loi ll.u
- - -
uuJ'i ll.' lr ou guaiituu, lu illlirr
14 14 irM I CiMl 4tv I ctlii teltty Nkf ti,
( Vu ASr yuaJiius s44 y w. ) Wal'kes tsiwl 1.1 Ill's,
alLI ol sll, 4U.I 4" uula lino k. qp.i'ti 'U . I
in.. M lu i I' uur all.'U I . lbs lu
U kl Ll. It 4 Ivail) -uJ ksl U lua) Uu Ul
m4 ! m Im m Vtitm I.Ul.
lilU.IS ltaltwl I. out kll l-4uls.
W.-ua. kill I . O. It. Iu u si ln
I I k t il I I'll f . s k.lUk I" bk .U'1.1 buif
. kJsnlJ4. ss J b (!
JkUl K. t l DH MU t o ,
t4l t lo-slkkl MhsI, t biU
A I'll) ti, ll Jkk II l
f 5
liavu just ruccived
ami aro psqiarud to j;,;t upsuitsnt bhort notice tunl guar.nitccil to Dtor no sale
ULAC'K, llliOWN AND DLUKC'I.UTIIS, Donblu wiJtl., S3 aud upward
nil wool "oc, 011,1 uinvariis.
VKSTIXCSntaU prices.
KKNTUCKV J EANb 20c, and upwanlu.
TWHKDSC2C, and upwards
COTTONADES 18c, and upward
They Iiave ulso made arraTigonicnU with the
Celebrated. GIotMng Ilouso
Wanaraaker & Brown, Phil'a,
and are prepared to furnish suiU at tliuir price., only adding tho cotlof cxprcssagc.
If the goods do pot give satisfaction upon arrival wc will return llicni frca of charge,
A full line of samples fur curtomcra to sulcct from.
Specii'.l fittcntiun ntrcntion jiaid to
And the highest
lma now ou hund unJ is daily t'ccciviug llio luri-st ami best selected
ever oll'eied for Bale iu tliij town, cotisiMtitii,' ofitu tnurtuoiu itsooitiiictit of
which he hud made lu 1B ov. r. onlur, ii tho latent styles ul' futhiou aud best luiUine of
vvuiUinaiiahip, au iiimiuiico
Stockof Hats and Caps for
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
comprising all llxo novelties of tlie season.
' Wi&itc and SPamo Siiirts,
ScC, Sz.G.
V y c'lmni fti'il with somo of the largcfet houses iu the cities, and buying all his goodj
for tush, ho is enabled to ollcf
than tiny ol'h'ts t'oniiietiturs here r tlsewhcro.
(iivc Iiini a call, csatniiic I ' Ciods and heav hi nston'liiii:; low jirL'is.
ITntlei- the r.evv Hotel, on Thrd street. SUN BURY. PA.
I Is .urlliMtnl S..or.ol tro, 31 il Kl 111 01 II liOUl i bllOC blOI'C
Kit iikuhIiiu'iii of Im . Jrniin. vc r an I
; ii:1,,., aru i.iii-l.iiil.y uu I; ml.
l;, ... ,; , u,' u.n. i... u, .leue r, .n.iii l'y
,,Ul.llW ,, I A ill I, i".l-l.
Dokcryand Confectionery
111 tiu' I I A lull.. ItllU llllji'llilllh. Mil l'ol
I ii!lie,ii' o.ile uv K ,. ',
i NiMH uv, i ,
I Ju en in I a I iu- if..rtiii.-iil r all kliels of
tt.i) in... i.i.i,. I. um n. ..i In iiri'iu4
I K.I.I. !..) 1 -M ! I' ! I Ii J.I kll.ils
ul l.ilK n. I M'I, lil fK. I r.
1,1 V, .Ve., a" I .! Ii'l OU
ban. I a i I l.i.iiuil.i' I an 4
out nl I le Ik l 1'luua
el H "I.
a . . t s. ar vs.. . 1 . .
AH '
.. II. i . i. I. . I. Will. ....... 11. I
I) ou I. II. I .!'! I" inula- um I I . nl. LI
1... l.nuii.j i.t ui, r inii in I
4U li.lli. is k II.' noli' i.
A.I mans I'IIuIiil M'liu
t,j I ... !' a, a. al
In, ll .s. I . -at
Nlnl b.l..u ail " hJ, kl.l
m l kill. . I '.ui I I all' ill l"U.
luai klul loi l.l Ii.iIioihJi.IH t-J sli.'l la bu. n. ss, sa l la.ui.l.i' I'.w
!ou!!u lbs kau...
Ukvin mv.
Ua.lU Iklk. IS7I.
H tlllW4 HMklM.
AtH kllU'M i.l.ll4 Ua. k.".s .au ks
I..4 kl , k i CHk lo l.fcs.4i.. H
Hilll lifcO Wikv4 sin Pvl"'r' "i
it a
uu itntnciiRC Block of
cash price.1! paid for
aud a macniliftnt assortincut of
,,., ,.,. , , , , .!..,
In I. .""" ;"'. "
h rl ,u' 1 ""l ,,lll,',-i
mhi.'iil mr;.: .'..:. ckwa. l.:inii.i i:oi i, irn t" 1 1. l "
M.ih Mine. I lii v are oM, l.-l il at .
Vt I ii i. i li i .i.l li .i.l., (,o U LU Mian's, ua.y
if i la 1 1 1 i'i r-ni.
Km' H.i.'lv Mus an I li ill' . nl li'i-l I
I,',- i nr. l-.i ! VM M .li-l's, .a. Kl U' a Mi
. I.
I i.r nil I.!
I I. ' t'o'il, unit Miiio, tall kl
I l M..1. I ..
loi 1. I. iii .' I. am 'V. l.-ti.
,l IIUC UsSOll-
in iii .a i i M.H.
I,. I al! kin t. nl b Ul' " .- , 1,0 UU.I l
amine I.. I Mi:, i s lai' .....a I nn til .
Vr al illili' la Ha' I' " ' ' ,l'"u 'a'
au.l .a... nn.. r i Mi a i's .1." k I., tola ur. Ii.i.ii.
.l.iklt.i.' .1 ..-a Hl'U la k'l Hut ilas., kl U.k
I I I. r.
;'. i).
I J.I... .(
, .,, ...... . W
IUu) Ni
al l s'lk
llxllla I t.
itlilOV VII is.iti' oi ei snv il!ir
..loial.llull.s'.ll.. an, .l.illu.ii.s vt .U.
11.,. I. a, I.. i lot I.u.In.u4 I'.uUI Ui. Ua. is, ol .ok.
I. kl . I ....... k .:Slinii, .,i.Uui..l .UU I
I'. I . l I-. I S".l, li'U..4 l.
In-k ILIs .'4n' kl
bs 4
it la I'-J I ... to t ol lit lak.
(Ill Ik Mil II II k
ok.( kUbsU. H lt II -
VI. Hit. "! ! ') w l'"l' l l. U.i
lt !.'.! I k4 al. tl-.l' -l lb Mil of li I I 1.11 IsMl
(I bis I lilia ol kli I.
I Mavis m l'Lb t
Itill liltt ol kll kvyak, ob44kSl k.